DefineClass.XMenuEntry = { |
__parents = { "XButton", "XEmbedIcon", "XEmbedLabel" }, |
properties = { |
{ category = "General", id = "IconReservedSpace", editor = "number", default = 0, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "IconMaxHeight", editor = "number", default = 26, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "Shortcut", editor = "shortcut", default = "", }, |
{ category = "General", id = "Toggled", editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "ToggledBackground", editor = "color", default = RGBA(40, 163, 255, 128), }, |
{ category = "General", id = "ToggledBorderColor", editor = "color", default = RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0), }, |
}, |
LayoutMethod = "HList", |
VAlign = "center", |
HAlign = "stretch", |
Padding = box(2, 2, 2, 2), |
Background = RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0), |
RolloverBackground = RGBA(40, 163, 255, 128), |
PressedBackground = RGBA(40, 163, 255, 140), |
AltPress = true, |
} |
function XMenuEntry:Init(parent, context) |
self.idIcon:SetMinWidth(self.IconReservedSpace) |
self.idIcon:SetMaxHeight(self.IconMaxHeight) |
self.idIcon:SetImageFit("scale-down") |
end |
LinkPropertyToChild(XMenuEntry, "IconReservedSpace", "idIcon", "MinWidth") |
LinkPropertyToChild(XMenuEntry, "IconMaxHeight", "idIcon", "MaxHeight") |
XMenuEntry.OnSetRollover = XButton.OnSetRollover |
function XMenuEntry:SetShortcut(shortcut_text) |
local shortcut = rawget(self, "idShortcut") or shortcut_text ~= "" and XLabel:new({ |
Dock = "right", |
VAlign = "center", |
Margins = box(10, 0, 0, 0), |
}, self) |
if shortcut then |
shortcut:SetEnabled(false) |
shortcut:SetFontProps(self) |
shortcut:SetText(shortcut_text) |
end |
end |
function XMenuEntry:GetShortcut() |
local shortcut = rawget(self, "idShortcut") |
return shortcut and shortcut:GetText() or "" |
end |
function XMenuEntry:SetToggled(toggled) |
toggled = toggled or false |
if self.Toggled ~= toggled then |
self.Toggled = toggled |
self:Invalidate() |
end |
end |
function XMenuEntry:CalcBackground() |
if not self.enabled then return self.DisabledBackground end |
if self.state == "pressed-in" or self.state == "pressed-out" then |
return self.PressedBackground |
end |
if self.state == "mouse-in" then |
return self.RolloverBackground |
end |
local FocusedBackground, Background = self.FocusedBackground, self.Toggled and self.ToggledBackground or self.Background |
if FocusedBackground == Background then return Background end |
return self:IsFocused() and FocusedBackground or Background |
end |
function XMenuEntry:CalcBorderColor() |
if not self.enabled then return self.DisabledBackground end |
if self.state == "pressed-in" or self.state == "pressed-out" then |
return self.PressedBackground |
end |
if self.state == "mouse-in" then |
return self.RolloverBackground |
end |
local FocusedBorderColor, BorderColor = self.FocusedBorderColor, self.Toggled and self.ToggledBorderColor or self.BorderColor |
if FocusedBorderColor == BorderColor then return BorderColor end |
return self:IsFocused() and FocusedBorderColor or BorderColor |
end |
DefineClass.XPopupMenu = { |
__parents = { "XPopupList", "XActionsView", "XFontControl" }, |
properties = { |
{ category = "Actions", id = "ActionContextEntries", editor = "text", default = "", }, |
{ category = "Actions", id = "MenuEntries", editor = "text", default = "", }, |
{ category = "Actions", id = "ShowIcons", editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "Actions", id = "IconReservedSpace", editor = "number", default = 0, }, |
{ category = "Actions", id = "ButtonTemplate", editor = "choice", default = "XMenuEntry", items = function() return XTemplateCombo("XMenuEntry") end, }, |
}, |
LayoutMethod = "VList", |
Background = RGB(248, 248, 248), |
FocusedBackground = RGB(248, 248, 248), |
DisabledBackground = RGB(192, 192, 192), |
BorderWidth = 1, |
} |
function XPopupMenu:Open(...) |
XPopupList.Open(self, ...) |
self:OnUpdateActions() |
end |
function XPopupMenu:ClosePopupMenus() |
local focus = terminal.desktop:GetKeyboardFocus() |
while GetParentOfKind(focus, "XPopupMenu") do |
focus:SetFocus(false) |
focus = terminal.desktop:GetKeyboardFocus() |
end |
end |
function XPopupMenu:PopupAction(action_id, host, source) |
local menu = XPopupMenu:new({ |
MenuEntries = action_id, |
Anchor = IsKindOf(source, "XWindow") and source.box, |
AnchorType = "right", |
popup_parent = self, |
GetActionsHost = function(self) return host end, |
DrawOnTop = true, |
}, terminal.desktop) |
menu:SetFontProps(self) |
menu:SetShowIcons(self.ShowIcons) |
menu:SetIconReservedSpace(self.IconReservedSpace) |
menu:Open() |
end |
function XPopupMenu:RebuildActions(host) |
local menu = self.MenuEntries |
local popup = self.ActionContextEntries |
local context = host.context |
local last_is_separator = false |
self.idContainer:DeleteChildren() |
for _, action in ipairs(host:GetActions()) do |
if (#popup == 0 and #menu ~= 0 and action.ActionMenubar == menu and host:FilterAction(action)) or (#popup ~= 0 and host:FilterAction(action, popup)) then |
local name = action.ActionName |
name = IsT(name) and _InternalTranslate(name, nil, false) or name |
if name:starts_with("---") then |
if not last_is_separator then |
local separator = XWindow:new({ |
Background = RGBA(128, 128, 128, 196), |
MinHeight = 1, |
MaxHeight = 1, |
Margins = box(5, 2, 5, 2), |
}, self.idContainer) |
separator:Open() |
last_is_separator = true |
end |
else |
last_is_separator = false |
local entry = XTemplateSpawn(self.ButtonTemplate, self.idContainer, context) |
entry.OnPress = function(this, gamepad) |
if action.OnActionEffect ~= "popup" and not terminal.IsKeyPressed(const.vkShift) then |
self:ClosePopupMenus() |
end |
host:OnAction(action, this) |
if action.ActionToggle and self.window_state ~= "destroying" then |
self:RebuildActions(host) |
end |
end |
entry.action = action |
entry.OnAltPress = function(this, gamepad) |
self:ClosePopupMenus() |
if action.OnAltAction then |
action:OnAltAction(host, this) |
end |
end |
entry:SetFontProps(self) |
entry:SetTranslate(action.ActionTranslate) |
entry:SetText(action.ActionName) |
entry:SetIconReservedSpace(self.IconReservedSpace) |
if action.ActionToggle then |
entry:SetToggled(action:ActionToggled(host)) |
end |
if self.ShowIcons then |
entry:SetIcon(action:ActionToggled(host) and action.ActionToggledIcon ~= "" and action.ActionToggledIcon or action.ActionIcon) |
end |
entry:SetShortcut(Platform.desktop and action.ActionShortcut or action.ActionGamepad) |
if action:ActionState(host) == "disabled" then |
entry:SetEnabled(false) |
end |
entry:Open() |
end |
end |
end |
if last_is_separator then |
self.idContainer[#self.idContainer]:Close() |
end |
if #self.idContainer == 0 then |
self:Close() |
end |
end |
DefineClass.XMenuBar = { |
__parents = { "XActionsView", "XFontControl" }, |
properties = { |
{ category = "Actions", id = "MenuEntries", editor = "text", default = "", }, |
{ category = "Actions", id = "ShowIcons", editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "Actions", id = "IconReservedSpace", editor = "number", default = 0, }, |
{ category = "Actions", id = "AutoHide", editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
}, |
LayoutMethod = "HList", |
HAlign = "stretch", |
VAlign = "top", |
Background = RGB(255, 255, 255), |
FocusedBackground = RGB(255, 255, 255), |
DisabledBackground = RGB(255, 255, 255), |
TextColor = RGB(48, 48, 48), |
DisabledTextColor = RGBA(48, 48, 48, 160), |
FoldWhenHidden = true, |
} |
function XMenuBar:PopupAction(action_id, host, source) |
local menu = XPopupMenu:new({ |
MenuEntries = action_id, |
Anchor = IsKindOf(source, "XWindow") and source.box, |
AnchorType = "drop", |
GetActionsHost = function(self) return host end, |
DrawOnTop = true, |
popup_parent = self, |
}, terminal.desktop) |
menu:SetFontProps(self) |
menu:SetShowIcons(self.ShowIcons) |
menu:SetIconReservedSpace(self.IconReservedSpace) |
menu:Open() |
end |
function XMenuBar:RebuildActions(host) |
local menu = self.MenuEntries |
local context = host.context |
self:DeleteChildren() |
for _, action in ipairs(host:GetMenubarActions(menu)) do |
if action.ActionName ~= "" and host:FilterAction(action) then |
local entry = XTextButton:new({ |
HAlign = "stretch", |
OnPress = function(self) |
host:OnAction(action, self) |
end, |
Background = RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0), |
RolloverBackground = RGBA(40, 163, 255, 128), |
PressedBackground = RGBA(40, 163, 255, 140), |
Translate = action.ActionTranslate, |
Text = action.ActionName, |
Image = "CommonAssets/UI/round-frame-20.tga", |
FrameBox = box(9, 9, 9, 9), |
ImageScale = point(500, 500), |
Padding = box(2, 2, 2, 2), |
}, self, context) |
entry:SetFontProps(self) |
entry:Open() |
end |
end |
if self.AutoHide then |
self:SetVisibleInstant(#self > 0) |
end |
end |