local function ItemId(item) |
if type(item) == "table" then |
return item.id or (item.value ~= nil and item.value) |
end |
return item |
end |
local function ItemText(item) |
if type(item) == "table" then |
return item.name or item.text or item.id |
end |
return tostring(item) |
end |
DefineClass.XCheckButtonCombo = { |
__parents = { "XFontControl", "XContextControl" }, |
properties = { |
{ category = "General", id = "Editable", editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "Items", editor = "expression", default = false, params = "self" }, |
{ category = "Interaction", id = "OnCheckButtonChanged", editor = "func", params = "self, id, value", default = empty_func }, |
{ category = "Interaction", id = "OnTextChanged", editor = "func", params = "self, value", default = empty_func }, |
{ category = "Interaction", id = "OnComboOpened", editor = "func", params = "self, popup", default = empty_func }, |
}, |
Padding = box(2, 1, 1, 1), |
BorderWidth = 1, |
BorderColor = RGB(128, 128, 128), |
DisabledBorderColor = RGBA(128, 128, 128, 128), |
Background = RGB(240, 240, 240), |
FocusedBackground = RGB(255, 255, 255), |
PopupBackground = RGB(255, 255, 255), |
last_text = false, |
} |
function XCheckButtonCombo:Init() |
XTextButton:new({ |
Id = "idButton", |
Dock = "right", |
Padding = box(2, 3, 2, 1), |
Margins = box(2, 0, 0, 0), |
Icon = "CommonAssets/UI/arrowdown-40.tga", |
IconScale = point(500, 500), |
Background = RGB(38, 146, 227), |
RolloverBackground = RGB(24, 123, 197), |
PressedBackground = RGB(13, 113, 187), |
DisabledBackground = RGB(128, 128, 128), |
OnPress = function(button) self:Toggle() end, |
}, self) |
local edit = XEdit:new({ |
Id = "idEdit", |
Dock = "box", |
VAlign = "center", |
BorderWidth = 0, |
AutoSelectAll = true, |
OnShortcut = function(edit, shortcut, source, ...) |
if shortcut == "Enter" then |
self:TextChanged() |
self:CloseCombo() |
return "break" |
end |
return XEdit.OnShortcut(edit, shortcut, source, ...) |
end, |
OnSetFocus = function(edit, ...) |
edit:SetEnabled(false) |
XEdit.OnSetFocus(edit, ...) |
end, |
OnKillFocus = function(edit, new_focus) |
edit:SetEnabled(self.Editable) |
local popup = self.popup |
if popup and new_focus and new_focus:IsWithin(popup) then |
return XEdit.OnKillFocus(edit) |
end |
self:TextChanged() |
return XEdit.OnKillFocus(edit) |
end, |
}, self) |
edit:SetFontProps(self) |
edit:SetEnabled(self.Editable) |
end |
function XCheckButtonCombo:SetEditable(value) |
self.idEdit:SetEnabled(value) |
end |
function XCheckButtonCombo:SetText(text) |
self.idEdit:SetText(text) |
end |
function XCheckButtonCombo:TextChanged() |
local text = self.idEdit:GetText() |
if text ~= self.last_text then |
self.last_text = text |
self:OnTextChanged(text) |
end |
end |
function XCheckButtonCombo:ResolveItems() |
local items = self.Items |
while type(items) == "function" do |
items = items(self) |
end |
return type(items) == "table" and items or empty_table |
end |
function XCheckButtonCombo:CloseCombo() |
local popup = rawget(self.desktop, "idCheckButtonComboPopup") |
if popup then |
popup:Close() |
return true |
end |
end |
function XCheckButtonCombo:Toggle() |
self:CloseCombo() |
local popup = XPopupList:new({ |
Id = "idCheckButtonComboPopup", |
LayoutMethod = "VList", |
DrawOnTop = true, |
OnMouseButtonUp = function(self, pt, button) |
if button == "L" then |
if not self:MouseInWindow(pt) then |
self:Close() |
end |
return "break" |
elseif button == "R" then |
self:Close() |
return "break" |
end |
end, |
}, self.desktop) |
for idx, item in ipairs(self:ResolveItems()) do |
local check = XCheckButton:new({ |
OnChange = function(checkbox, value) self:OnCheckButtonChanged(checkbox.Id, value) end, |
Icon = "CommonAssets/UI/check-threestate-40.tga", |
IconRows = 3, |
OnPress = function(self) |
local row = self.IconRow + 1 |
if row > 2 then |
row = 1 |
end |
self:SetIconRow(row) |
self:OnRowChange(row) |
end, |
OnRowChange = function(self, row) |
if row ~= 3 then |
XCheckButton.OnRowChange(self, row) |
end |
end, |
}, popup.idContainer) |
check:SetFontProps(self) |
check:SetId(ItemId(item)) |
check:SetText(ItemText(item)) |
check:SetEnabled(item.read_only ~= true) |
if item.value == Undefined() then |
check:SetIconRow(3) |
else |
check:SetCheck(item.value) |
end |
end |
self:OnComboOpened(popup) |
popup.idContainer:SetBackground(self.PopupBackground) |
popup:SetAnchor(self.box) |
popup:SetAnchorType("drop") |
popup:Open() |
popup:SetModal() |
popup:SetFocus() |
popup.popup_parent = self |
if Platform.ged then |
g_GedApp:UpdateChildrenDarkMode(popup) |
end |
Msg("XWindowRecreated", popup) |
end |