function GetUIScale(res) |
local screen_size = Platform.ged and UIL.GetOSScreenSize() or res or UIL.GetScreenSize() |
local xrez, yrez = screen_size:xy() |
local scale_x, scale_y = 1000 * xrez / 1920, 1000 * yrez / 1080 |
local scale = (scale_x + scale_y) / 2 |
scale = Min(scale, scale_x * 120 / 100) |
scale = Min(scale, scale_y * 120 / 100) |
if scale > 1000 then |
scale = 1000 + (scale - 1000) * 900 / 1000 |
end |
local controller_scale = table.get(AccountStorage, "Options", "Gamepad") and IsXInputControllerConnected() and const.ControllerUIScale or 100 |
return MulDivRound(scale, GetUserUIScale(scale) * controller_scale, 100 * 100) |
end |
function GetUserUIScale(scale) |
if Platform.ged then return 100 end |
local UIScale_meta = table.find_value(PropertyObject.GetProperties( OptionsObject ), "id", "UIScale") |
local storage = UIScale_meta.storage |
local storage_obj |
if storage == "account" and AccountStorage then |
storage_obj = AccountStorage.Options |
elseif storage == "local" then |
storage_obj = EngineOptions |
end |
local user_scale = storage_obj.UIScale or 100 |
if Platform.playstation then |
user_scale = Min(user_scale, MapRange(GetDisplayAreaMargin(), const.MinUserUIScale, const.MaxUserUIScaleHighRes, const.MaxDisplayAreaMargin, const.MinDisplayAreaMargin)) |
end |
if scale then |
local low = const.MaxUserUIScaleLowRes |
local high = const.MaxUserUIScaleHighRes |
user_scale = Min(user_scale, Clamp(low + (scale - 650) * (high - low) / 350, low, high)) |
end |
return user_scale |
end |