DefineClass.XFadeWordsText = { |
__parents = { "XTranslateText" }, |
properties = { |
{ category = "General", id = "DelayFromDlg", editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "DelayToDlg", editor = "bool", default = false, }, |
{ category = "General", id = "InitialDelay", editor = "number", default = 0, scale = "sec", }, |
{ category = "General", id = "WordFadeDuration", editor = "number", default = 600, scale = "sec", }, |
{ category = "General", id = "WordShowDelay", editor = "number", default = 300, scale = "sec", }, |
{ category = "General", id = "CommaDelay", editor = "number", default = 500, scale = "sec", }, |
{ category = "General", id = "ExtraDelay", editor = "number", default = 0, scale = "sec", }, |
}, |
LayoutMethod = "HWrap", |
} |
function XFadeWordsText:Open(...) |
local time = 0 |
if self.DelayFromDlg then |
time = rawget(GetDialog(self), "delay") or 0 |
end |
time = self:ShowTextWithDelay(self.text, time) |
if self.DelayToDlg then |
rawset(GetDialog(self), "delay", time) |
end |
XTranslateText.Open(self, ...) |
end |
local function ProcessHideTags(text) |
local hide_after |
repeat |
hide_after = text:find("<hide>") |
if hide_after then |
local hide_before = text:find("</hide>", hide_after) |
text = text:sub(1, hide_after - 1) .. text:sub(hide_before + 7) |
end |
until not hide_after |
text = text:gsub("</hide>", "") |
return text |
end |
local nbsp = string.char(194,160) |
function XFadeWordsText:ShowTextWithDelay(text, time) |
self.time = (time or 0) + self.InitialDelay |
if (text or "") ~= "" then |
text = ProcessHideTags(text) |
text = text:gsub(nbsp, " ") |
end |
local color_stack = {} |
XTextTokenize(text, function(self, ttype, args, text) |
if ttype == "text" and text ~= "" then |
local leading_spaces = text:match("^(%s*)") |
for word in string.gmatch(text, "[^%s]+%s*") do |
if leading_spaces and leading_spaces ~= "" then |
word = leading_spaces .. word |
leading_spaces = false |
end |
local control = XLabel:new(nil, self, self.context) |
control:SetPadding(empty_box) |
control:SetTextStyle(self.TextStyle) |
control:SetTranslate(false) |
if #color_stack > 0 then |
control:SetTextColor(color_stack[#color_stack]) |
end |
control:SetText(word) |
control:AddInterpolation{ |
id = "transparency", |
type = const.intAlpha, |
startValue = 0, |
endValue = 255, |
duration = self.WordFadeDuration, |
start = GetPreciseTicks() + self.time, |
} |
self.time = self.time + self.WordShowDelay |
if word:find(",") then |
self.time = self.time + self.CommaDelay |
end |
end |
elseif ttype == "color" then |
local color_style = TextStyles[args[1] or false] |
color_stack[#color_stack + 1] = color_style and color_style.TextColor or RGB(255,255,255) |
elseif ttype == "/color" then |
color_stack[#color_stack] = nil |
end |
end, self) |
return self.time + self.WordFadeDuration + self.ExtraDelay |
end |