if FirstLoad then |
g_OpenMessageBoxes = {} |
end |
DefineClass.StdDialog = { |
__parents = { "XDialog", "XDarkModeAwareDialog" }, |
HAlign = "center", |
VAlign = "center", |
BorderWidth = 1, |
BorderColor = RGB(0, 0, 0), |
Background = RGBA(0, 0, 0, 255), |
MinWidth = 350, |
MinHeight = 150, |
Translate = true, |
} |
function StdDialog:Init(parent, context) |
context = context or empty_table |
if context.title then |
XLabel:new({ |
Id = "idTitle", |
Dock = "top", |
Margins = box(4, 4, 4, 0), |
TextStyle = "GedTitle", |
Translate = context.translate, |
}, self) |
self.idTitle:SetText(context.title) |
end |
XWindow:new({ |
Id = "idContainer", |
Background = RGB(240, 240, 240), |
BorderWidth = 1, |
BorderColor = RGB(160, 160, 160), |
Margins = box(6, 6, 6, 6), |
Padding = box(8, 8, 8, 8), |
MaxWidth = 900, |
}, self) |
XWindow:new({ |
Id = "idButtonContainer", |
Dock = "bottom", |
LayoutMethod = "HList", |
LayoutHSpacing = 4, |
HAlign = "center", |
Margins = box(0, 11, 0, 0), |
}, self.idContainer) |
self:SetModal() |
local dark_mode |
if context.dark_mode ~= nil then |
dark_mode = context.dark_mode |
else |
dark_mode = GetDarkModeSetting() |
end |
self:SetDarkMode(dark_mode) |
end |
function StdDialog:Open(...) |
RegisterMessageBox(self) |
XDialog.Open(self, ...) |
self:UpdateControlDarkMode(self) |
self:UpdateChildrenDarkMode(self) |
end |
function StdDialog:Close(...) |
UnregisterMessageBox(self) |
XDialog.Close(self, ...) |
end |
local list_bg = RGB(64, 64, 66) |
local list_focus = RGB(150, 150, 150) |
local l_list_bg = RGB(255, 255, 255) |
local l_list_focus = RGB(255, 255, 255) |
local item_selection = RGB(100, 100, 100) |
local l_item_selection = RGB(204, 232, 255) |
local btn_bg = RGB(100, 100, 100) |
local l_btn_bg = RGB(240, 240, 240) |
local btn_selected = RGB(150, 150, 150) |
local btn_rollover = RGB(120, 120, 120) |
local l_btn_selected = RGB(204, 232, 255) |
local l_btn_rollover = RGB(180, 180, 180) |
local scroll = RGB(128, 128, 128) |
local scroll_background = RGB(64, 64, 66) |
local l_scroll = RGB(169, 169, 169) |
local l_scroll_background = RGB(240, 240, 240) |
function StdDialog:UpdateChildrenDarkMode(win) |
if IsKindOf(win, "XSleekScroll") then |
return |
end |
XDarkModeAwareDialog.UpdateChildrenDarkMode(self, win) |
end |
function StdDialog:UpdateControlDarkMode(control) |
XDarkModeAwareDialog.UpdateControlDarkMode(self, control) |
local dark_mode = self.dark_mode |
if IsKindOf(control, "XList") then |
control:SetBackground(dark_mode and list_bg or l_list_bg) |
control:SetFocusedBackground(dark_mode and list_focus or l_list_focus) |
end |
if IsKindOf(control, "XListItem") then |
control:SetBackground(dark_mode and list_bg or l_list_bg) |
control:SetSelectionBackground(dark_mode and item_selection or l_item_selection) |
end |
if IsKindOf(control, "XTextButton") then |
if control:GetBackground() ~= RGBA(0,0,0,0) then |
control:SetBackground(dark_mode and btn_bg or l_btn_bg) |
control:SetRolloverBackground(dark_mode and btn_rollover or l_btn_rollover) |
control:SetPressedBackground(dark_mode and btn_selected or l_btn_selected) |
end |
end |
if IsKindOf(control, "XSleekScroll") then |
control.idThumb:SetBackground(dark_mode and scroll or l_scroll) |
control:SetBackground(dark_mode and scroll_background or l_scroll_background) |
end |
end |
DefineClass.StdStatusDialog = { |
__parents = { "StdDialog" }, |
HandleMouse = false, |
MinWidth = 200, |
MinHeight = 50, |
DrawOnTop = true, |
} |
function StdStatusDialog:Init(parent, context) |
XText:new({ |
Id = "idText", |
TextHAlign = "center", |
TextVAlign = "center", |
Translate = context and context.translate, |
Margins = box(10, 7, 10, 7), |
}, self) |
self.idText:SetText(context and context.status or "") |
self:SetModal(false) |
end |
function StdStatusDialog:SetStatus(text) |
self.idText:SetText(text) |
WaitNextFrame(3) |
end |
DefineClass.StdMessageDialog = { |
__parents = { "StdDialog" }, |
HandleKeyboard = true, |
DrawOnTop = true, |
} |
function StdMessageDialog:Init(parent, context) |
context = context or empty_table |
XScrollArea:new({ |
Id = "idScrollArea", |
VAlign = "top", |
LayoutMethod = "VList", |
VScroll = "idScroll", |
IdNode = false, |
}, self.idContainer) |
XSleekScroll:new({ |
Dock = "right", |
Target = "idScrollArea", |
Id = "idScroll", |
AutoHide = true, |
}, self.idContainer) |
XText:new({ |
Id = "idText", |
TextVAlign = "center", |
Translate = context.translate, |
}, self.idScrollArea) |
self.idText:SetText(context.text or "") |
if context.choices then |
for i=1,#context.choices do |
XTextButton:new({ |
Id = "idChoice" .. i, |
MinWidth = 100, |
Translate = context.translate, |
Text = context.choices[i], |
LayoutMethod = "VList", |
OnPress = function() self:Close(i) end, |
}, self.idButtonContainer) |
end |
else |
XTextButton:new({ |
Id = "idOKText", |
MinWidth = 100, |
Translate = context.translate, |
Text = context.ok_text or context.translate and T(325411474155, "OK") or "OK", |
LayoutMethod = "VList", |
ActionShortcut = "Enter", |
ActionGamepad = "ButtonA", |
OnPress = function() self:Close("ok") end, |
}, self.idButtonContainer) |
if context.question then |
XTextButton:new({ |
Id = "idCancelText", |
MinWidth = 100, |
Translate = context.translate, |
Text = context.cancel_text or context.translate and T(967444875712, "Cancel") or "Cancel", |
LayoutMethod = "VList", |
ActionShortcut = "Escape", |
ActionGamepad = "ButtonB", |
OnPress = function() self:Close("cancel") end, |
}, self.idButtonContainer) |
end |
end |
self:SetFocus() |
end |
function StdMessageDialog:PreventClose() |
if self:HasMember("idOKText") then |
self.idOKText:SetVisible(false) |
elseif self:HasMember("idCancelText") then |
self.idCancelText:SetVisible(false) |
end |
self.OnShortcut = empty_func |
end |
function StdMessageDialog:OnShortcut(shortcut, ...) |
if self:HasMember("idOKText") and self.idOKText:IsVisible() and (shortcut == "Enter" or shortcut == "ButtonA") then |
self:Close("ok", ...) |
return "break" |
elseif self:HasMember("idCancelText") and self.idCancelText:IsVisible() and (shortcut == "Escape" or shortcut == "ButtonB") then |
self:Close("cancel", ...) |
return "break" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.StdInputDialog = { |
__parents = { "StdDialog" }, |
FocusOnOpen = "", |
} |
function StdInputDialog:Init(parent, context) |
if context.free_input then |
XWindow:new({ |
Id = "idSubContainer", |
Dock = "top", |
}, self.idContainer) |
XText:new({ |
Id = "idFreeLabel", |
Dock = "left", |
Translate = true, |
}, self.idSubContainer):SetText(T(998885500683, "Input: ")) |
XEdit:new({ |
Id = "idFreeInput", |
Dock = "top", |
Margins = box(0, 0, 0, 7), |
Background = RGB(255, 255, 255), |
FocusedBackground = RGB(255, 255, 255), |
AutoSelectAll = true, |
AllowEscape = false, |
MaxLen = context.max_len, |
}, self.idSubContainer) |
end |
XTextButton:new({ |
Id = "idOKText", |
MinWidth = 100, |
Translate = true, |
Text = T(325411474155, "OK"), |
LayoutMethod = "VList", |
OnPress = function() self:SelectAndClose() end, |
}, self.idButtonContainer) |
XTextButton:new({ |
Id = "idCancelText", |
MinWidth = 100, |
Translate = true, |
Text = T(967444875712, "Cancel"), |
LayoutMethod = "VList", |
OnPress = function() self:Close() end, |
}, self.idButtonContainer) |
if context.items and context.combo then |
XCombo:new({ |
Id = "idInput", |
VAlign = "center", |
Background = RGB(255, 255, 255), |
FocusedBackground = RGB(255, 255, 255), |
Items = context.items, |
VirtualItems = true, |
}, self.idContainer) |
self.idInput:SetValue(context.items[context.default]) |
self.idInput:SetFocus() |
elseif context.items then |
if context.free_input then |
XWindow:new({ |
Id = "idSubContainer2", |
Dock = "top", |
}, self.idContainer) |
XText:new({ |
Id = "idFilterLabel", |
Dock = "left", |
Translate = true, |
}, self.idSubContainer2):SetText(T(173389874804, "Filter:")) |
end |
XEdit:new({ |
Id = "idFilter", |
Dock = "top", |
Margins = box(0, 0, 0, 7), |
AllowEscape = false, |
OnTextChanged = function(edit) |
self.idInput:Clear() |
local pattern = edit:GetText() |
local lower_pattern = string.lower(pattern) |
local sorted_items = {} |
for idx, item in ipairs(context.items) do |
local match, score, match_indices = string.fuzzy_match(pattern, item) |
if pattern == "" or match then |
local s, e = string.find(string.lower(item), lower_pattern, 1, true) |
if s then |
match_indices = {} |
for i = s, e do |
match_indices[#match_indices + 1] = i |
end |
sorted_items[#sorted_items + 1] = { |
idx = idx, |
text = HighlightFuzzyMatches(item, match_indices, "<style GedSearchHighlightPartial>", "</style>"), |
score = 1000000, |
} |
else |
sorted_items[#sorted_items + 1] = { |
idx = idx, |
text = match_indices and HighlightFuzzyMatches(item, match_indices, "<style GedSearchHighlight>", "</style>") or item, |
score = score, |
} |
end |
end |
end |
table.stable_sort(sorted_items, function(a, b) return a.score > b.score end) |
for k, v in ipairs(sorted_items) do |
local item = self.idInput:CreateTextItem(v.text, { selectable = true }) |
rawset(item, "choice_idx", v.idx) |
end |
self.idInput:SetSelection(1) |
Msg("XWindowRecreated", self.idInput) |
end, |
OnShortcut = function(edit, shortcut, ...) |
if shortcut == "Up" or shortcut == "Down" or shortcut == "Ctrl-Home" or shortcut == "Ctrl-End" or |
shortcut == "Pageup" or shortcut == "Pagedown" or shortcut == "DPadUp" or shortcut == "DPadDown" then |
return self.idInput:OnShortcut(shortcut, ...) |
end |
return XEdit.OnShortcut(edit, shortcut, ...) |
end, |
}, context.free_input and self.idSubContainer2 or self.idContainer) |
XWindow:new({ |
Id = "idListParent", |
BorderWidth = 1, |
}, self.idContainer) |
local list = XList:new({ |
Id = "idInput", |
VAlign = "center", |
WorkUnfocused = true, |
FocusedBackground = RGB(255, 255, 255), |
VScroll = "idScroll", |
MultipleSelection = context.multiple, |
BorderWidth = 0, |
OnDoubleClick = function(this, item_idx) |
local item = context.items[this[item_idx].choice_idx] |
self:Close(context.multiple and { item } or item) |
end, |
}, self.idListParent) |
XSleekScroll:new({ |
Id = "idScroll", |
Dock = "right", |
AutoHide = true, |
MinThumbSize = 30, |
FixedSizeThumb = false, |
Target = "idInput", |
}, self.idListParent) |
if context.multiple then |
XText:new({ Dock = "bottom", TextHAlign = "center" }, self.idContainer):SetText("(hold Ctrl or Shift to select multiple items)") |
end |
for k, v in ipairs(context.items) do |
local text = v |
if type(v) == "table" and v.text then |
text = v.text |
end |
local item = list:CreateTextItem(text, { selectable = true }) |
rawset(item, "choice_idx", k) |
end |
local itemHeight = #list > 0 and list[1][1]:GetFontHeight() or 0 |
local lCnt = Clamp(context.lines or 18, 5, 18) |
list:SetMaxHeight(lCnt * itemHeight) |
list:SetMinHeight(Min(lCnt, #list) * itemHeight) |
if context.multiple then |
list:SetSelection(context.multiple and context.default) |
else |
list:SetSelection(table.find(context.items, context.default) or 1) |
end |
if context.free_input then |
self.idFreeInput:SetFocus() |
else |
self.idFilter:SetFocus() |
end |
else |
XText:new({ |
Id = "idError", |
Dock = "bottom", |
Translate = true, |
HideOnEmpty = true, |
FoldWhenHidden = true, |
}, self.idContainer) |
if context.description and context.description ~= "" then |
local desc = XText:new({ |
Dock = "top", |
Translate = context.translate, |
TextHAlign = "center", |
}, self.idContainer) |
desc:SetText(context.description .. "\n\n") |
end |
XEdit:new({ |
Id = "idInput", |
VAlign = "center", |
Background = RGB(255, 255, 255), |
FocusedBackground = RGB(255, 255, 255), |
AutoSelectAll = true, |
AllowEscape = false, |
MaxLen = context.max_len, |
OnTextChanged = function(ctrl) |
if (self.idError:GetText() or "") ~= "" then |
self:VerifyInputText() |
end |
XEdit.OnTextChanged(ctrl) |
end |
}, self.idContainer) |
self.idInput:SetText(context.default) |
self.idInput:SetFocus() |
end |
end |
function StdInputDialog:VerifyInputText() |
local free_text = self.idFreeInput and self.idFreeInput:GetText() or "" |
local closeParam = (free_text ~= "") and free_text or self.idInput:GetText() |
local error_text = self.context.verifier and self.context.verifier(closeParam) or "" |
self.idError:SetText(error_text) |
return (error_text or "") == "" |
end |
function StdInputDialog:OpenControllerTextInput(title, description) |
if not self:IsThreadRunning("keyboard") then |
self:CreateThread("keyboard", function() |
local current_text = self.idInput and self.idInput:GetText() or "" |
local text, err, shown = WaitControllerTextInput(current_text, title, |
description, 256) |
if not err and self.window_state ~= "destroying" then |
text = text:trim_spaces() |
if text ~= current_text then |
self:OnControllerTextInput(text) |
end |
end |
end) |
end |
end |
function StdInputDialog:OnControllerTextInput(text) |
self.idInput:SetText(text) |
end |
function StdInputDialog:SelectAndClose(...) |
local input = self.idInput |
local closeParam = false |
local closeCond = true |
local free_text = self.idFreeInput and self.idFreeInput:GetText() or "" |
if free_text ~= "" then |
closeParam = free_text |
elseif input:IsKindOf("XCombo") then |
closeParam = input:GetValue() |
elseif input:IsKindOf("XList") then |
local list = self.idInput |
local items = self.context.items |
if self.context.multiple then |
local selection = input:GetSelection() |
closeParam = selection and table.map(selection, function(sel_idx) return items[list[sel_idx].choice_idx] end) |
else |
closeParam = input:GetFocusedItem() and items[list[input:GetFocusedItem()].choice_idx] |
end |
else |
closeParam = input:GetText() |
closeCond = self:VerifyInputText() |
end |
if closeCond then |
self:Close(closeParam, ...) |
end |
end |
function StdInputDialog:OnShortcut(shortcut, ...) |
if shortcut == "ButtonY" then |
if HasControllerTextInput() then |
self:OpenControllerTextInput(IsT(self.context.title) and self.context.title or Untranslated(self.context.title), "") |
end |
return |
end |
if self.idOKText:IsVisible() and (shortcut == "Enter" or shortcut == "ButtonA") then |
self:SelectAndClose(...) |
return "break" |
elseif self.idCancelText:IsVisible() and (shortcut == "Escape" or shortcut == "ButtonB") then |
self:Close(nil, ...) |
return "break" |
end |
end |
DefineClass.StdChoiceDialog = { |
__parents = {"StdDialog"}, |
MaxWidth = 900, |
} |
function StdChoiceDialog:Init(parent, context) |
XCameraLockLayer:new({}, self) |
XPauseLayer:new({}, self) |
XScrollArea:new({ |
Id = "idScrollArea", |
VAlign = "top", |
LayoutMethod = "VList", |
VScroll = "idScroll", |
IdNode = false, |
}, self.idContainer) |
XSleekScroll:new({ |
Dock = "right", |
Target = "idScrollArea", |
Id = "idScroll", |
AutoHide = true, |
}, self.idContainer) |
XText:new({ |
Id = "idText", |
TextVAlign = "center", |
Translate = context.translate, |
}, self.idScrollArea) |
self.idText:SetText(context.text or "") |
local i = 1 |
local disabled = context.disabled |
local buttons = self.idButtonContainer |
buttons:SetLayoutMethod("VList") |
buttons:SetLayoutVSpacing(5) |
while true do |
local choice = context["choice" .. i] |
if not choice and i == 1 then |
choice = T(325411474155, "OK") |
end |
if not choice then break end |
local res = i |
local button = XTextButton:new({ |
OnPress = function(self, gamepad) |
GetDialog(self):Close(res) |
end, |
Background = RGB(175,175,175), |
}, buttons) |
local text = XText:new({ |
Translate = context.translate, |
}, button) |
text:SetText(T{choice, context.params, context}) |
if disabled and disabled[i] then |
button:SetEnabled(false) |
end |
i = i + 1 |
end |
end |
function WaitPopupChoice(parent, context, id) |
local dialog = StdChoiceDialog:new({Id = id}, parent or terminal.desktop, context) |
dialog:Open() |
return dialog:Wait() |
end |
function WaitInputText(parent, caption, text, max_len, verifier, id, description) |
if not caption or caption == "" then caption = "Enter text:" end |
if not text or text == "" then text = "Text..." end |
local dialog = StdInputDialog:new({Id = id}, parent or terminal.desktop, { title = caption, default = text, max_len = max_len, verifier = verifier, description = description }) |
dialog:Open() |
if HasControllerTextInput() and GetUIStyleGamepad() then |
dialog:OpenControllerTextInput(IsT(caption) and caption or Untranslated(caption), "") |
end |
return dialog:Wait() |
end |
function WaitListChoice(parent, items, caption, start_selection, lines, free_input, id) |
if not caption or caption == "" then caption = "Please select:" end |
if not items or type(items) ~= "table" or #items == 0 then items = {""} end |
if not start_selection then start_selection = items[1] end |
local dialog = StdInputDialog:new({Id = id}, parent or terminal.desktop, { |
title = caption, default = start_selection, items = items, lines = lines, free_input = free_input}) |
dialog:Open() |
return dialog:Wait() |
end |
function WaitListMultipleChoice(parent, items, caption, start_selection, lines, id) |
if not caption or caption == "" then caption = "Please select one or more:" end |
if not items or type(items) ~= "table" or #items == 0 then items = {""} end |
if not start_selection then start_selection = {1} end |
local dialog = StdInputDialog:new({Id = id}, parent or terminal.desktop, { multiple = true, title = caption, default = start_selection, items = items, lines = lines } ) |
dialog:Open() |
return dialog:Wait() |
end |
function CreateMessageBox(parent, caption, text, ok_text, obj) |
if not caption or caption == "" then caption = Untranslated("Enter text:") end |
if not text then text = "" end |
ok_text = ok_text or T(325411474155, "OK") |
parent = parent or terminal.desktop |
local dialog = StdMessageDialog:new({}, parent, { title = caption, text = text, translate = true, obj = obj }) |
dialog.idOKText:SetText(ok_text) |
dialog:Open() |
return dialog |
end |
function WaitMessage(parent, caption, text, ok_text, obj) |
local dialog = CreateMessageBox(parent, caption, text, ok_text, obj) |
local result, dataset, controller_id = dialog:Wait() |
return result, dataset, controller_id |
end |
function CreateQuestionBox(parent, caption, text, ok_text, cancel_text, obj) |
local dialog = StdMessageDialog:new({}, parent or terminal.desktop, { |
title = caption or "", |
text = text or "", |
ok_text = ok_text or T(325411474155, "OK"), |
cancel_text = cancel_text or T(967444875712, "Cancel"), |
translate = true, |
question = true, |
obj = obj |
}) |
dialog:Open() |
return dialog |
end |
function WaitQuestion(parent, caption, text, ok_text, cancel_text, obj) |
parent = parent or terminal.desktop |
if type(caption) == "string" then caption = Untranslated(caption) end |
if type(text) == "string" then text = Untranslated(text) end |
assert(type(parent) == "table" and parent.IsKindOf and parent:IsKindOf("XWindow"), "The first argument must be a parent window. Don't just create 'global' messages, attach them to the correct parent so they'd share their lifetimes.", 1) |
local dialog |
if IsKindOf(caption, "XDialog") then |
dialog = caption |
else |
dialog = CreateQuestionBox(parent, caption, text, ok_text, cancel_text, obj) |
end |
local result, dataset, controller_id = dialog:Wait() |
return result, dataset, controller_id |
end |
function CreateMultiChoiceQuestionBox(parent, caption, text, obj, ...) |
local dialog = StdMessageDialog:new({}, parent or terminal.desktop, { |
title = caption or "", |
text = text or "", |
choices = { ... }, |
translate = true, |
obj = obj |
}) |
dialog:Open() |
return dialog |
end |
function WaitMultiChoiceQuestion(parent, caption, text, obj, ...) |
assert(type(parent) == "table" and parent.IsKindOf and parent:IsKindOf("XWindow"), "The first argument must be a parent window. Don't just create 'global' messages, attach them to the correct parent so they'd share their lifetimes.", 1) |
local dialog |
if IsKindOf(caption, "XDialog") then |
dialog = caption |
else |
dialog = CreateMultiChoiceQuestionBox(parent, caption, text, obj, ...) |
end |
local result, dataset, controller_id = dialog:Wait() |
return result, dataset, controller_id |
end |
function RegisterMessageBox(message_box) |
g_OpenMessageBoxes[message_box] = true |
Msg("MessageBoxRegister", message_box) |
end |
function UnregisterMessageBox(message_box) |
g_OpenMessageBoxes[message_box] = nil |
Msg("MessageBoxUnregister", message_box) |
end |
function CloseAllMessagesAndQuestions() |
for window,dummy in pairs(g_OpenMessageBoxes) do |
if window.window_state ~= "destroying" then |
window:Close() |
end |
end |
end |
function AreMessageBoxesOpen() |
return next(g_OpenMessageBoxes) |
end |
function IsMessageBoxOpen(id_or_dlg) |
if g_OpenMessageBoxes[id_or_dlg] then return true end |
for message_box in pairs(g_OpenMessageBoxes) do |
if message_box.Id == id_or_dlg then |
return true |
end |
end |
end |