local find = table.find |
local find_value = table.find_value |
local remove = table.remove |
if FirstLoad then |
ObjectUIAttachData = {} |
AttachedUIDisplayMode = "Gameplay" |
g_DesktopBox = false |
g_ObjectToAttachedWin = false |
g_ObjectToAttachedData = false |
end |
local function InitAttachedUITables() |
ObjectUIAttachData = {} |
g_ObjectToAttachedWin = {} |
g_ObjectToAttachedData = {} |
end |
OnMsg.ChangeMap = InitAttachedUITables |
OnMsg.LoadGame = InitAttachedUITables |
local function RecalcDesktopBox(pt) |
pt = pt or UIL.GetScreenSize() |
local offset = 200 |
g_DesktopBox = sizebox(-offset, -offset, pt:x() + 2 * offset, pt:y() + 2 * offset) |
end |
function OnMsg.SystemSize(pt) |
RecalcDesktopBox(pt) |
end |
DefineClass.ObjectsUIAttachDialog = { |
__parents = { "XDrawCacheDialog" }, |
FocusOnOpen = "", |
ZOrder = 0, |
UseClipBox = false, |
} |
function ObjectsUIAttachDialog:Init() |
local cursor_text = XText:new({ |
Id = "idCursorText", |
HAlign = "left", |
VAlign = "top", |
ZOrder = 10, |
Margins = box(30,30,0,0), |
Clip = false, |
TextStyle = "UIAttachCursorText", |
Translate = true, |
HideOnEmpty = true, |
UseClipBox = false, |
}, self) |
cursor_text:SetVisible(false) |
end |
function ObjectsUIAttachDialog:Open(...) |
XDrawCacheDialog.Open(self, ...) |
self:StartVisibilityThread() |
end |
local function IsVisibleInAttachedUIDisplayMode(data) |
if not data then return true end |
local current_mode = AttachedUIDisplayMode |
local mode = data.attach_ui_mode or "Gameplay" |
if type(mode) == "table" then |
return find(mode, current_mode) |
else |
return mode == current_mode |
end |
end |
function ObjectsUIAttachDialog:StartVisibilityThread() |
self:DeleteThread("visibility_thread") |
self:CreateThread("visibility_thread", function() |
while true do |
Sleep(100) |
local overview = GetInGameInterfaceMode() == config.InGameOverviewMode |
local cam_pos = camera.GetPos() |
local object_to_data = g_ObjectToAttachedData |
local presets = Presets.AttachedUIPreset.Default |
for obj, win in pairs(g_ObjectToAttachedWin) do |
local data = object_to_data[obj] |
local visible = data.visible and not overview and IsVisibleInAttachedUIDisplayMode(data) |
local valid = IsValidPos(obj) |
if visible and valid then |
if obj.hide_attached_ui_when_transparent then |
visible = obj:GetOpacity() ~= 0 |
end |
if visible then |
local spot = data and data.spot |
spot = spot and obj:HasSpot(spot) and spot or "Origin" |
local x, y, z = obj:GetSpotPosXYZ(obj:GetSpotBeginIndex(spot)) |
if z then |
local front, sx, sy = GameToScreenXY(x, y, z) |
visible = front and g_DesktopBox:Point2DInside(sx, sy) |
end |
if visible and cam_pos:IsValid() then |
local modifier = find_value(win.modifiers, "id", "attached_ui") |
local dist = modifier and modifier.max_cam_dist_m |
local cam_dist = cam_pos:Dist(x, y, z) |
visible = not dist or dist*guim >= cam_dist |
win.ZOrder = -cam_dist |
end |
end |
end |
win:SetVisible(visible) |
if visible and valid and PropObjHasMember(obj, "SetInViewUIInteractionBox") then |
local preset = presets[data.template] |
obj:SetInViewUIInteractionBox(win, data.spot, preset and preset.zoom) |
end |
end |
self:SortChildren() |
if overview then |
WaitMsg("CameraTransitionEnd") |
end |
end |
end) |
end |
function ObjectsUIAttachDialog:UpdateMeasure(max_width, max_height) |
self.last_max_width = max_width |
self.last_max_height = max_height |
if not self.measure_update then return end |
self.measure_update = false |
for _, win in ipairs(self) do |
win:UpdateMeasure(max_width, max_height) |
end |
self.measure_width = max_width |
self.measure_height = max_height |
end |
function SetAttachedUIDisplayMode(mode) |
AttachedUIDisplayMode = mode |
end |
local box0 = box(0, 0, 0, 0) |
local function AttachUIToObject(obj, params) |
if (not IsValid(obj) and obj ~= "mouse" and obj ~= "gamepad") or not params.template then return end |
local win_parent = params.win_parent or GetDialog("ObjectsUIAttachDialog") |
local spot = params.spot |
spot = spot and IsValid(obj) and obj:HasSpot(spot) and spot or "Origin" |
local win = XTemplateSpawn(params.template, win_parent, params.context) |
win:SetVisible(false) |
g_ObjectToAttachedWin[obj] = win |
g_ObjectToAttachedData[obj] = params |
local old_OnLayoutComplete = win.OnLayoutComplete |
win.OnLayoutComplete = function(self) |
old_OnLayoutComplete(self) |
if self.box ~= box0 then |
if (IsValid(obj) or obj == "mouse" or obj == "gamepad") and ObjectUIAttachData[obj] then |
self:SetMargins(box(0, MulDivRound(-self.content_box:sizey(), 1000, self.scale:y()), 0, 0)) |
elseif self.window_state ~= "destroying" then |
ObjectUIAttachData[obj] = nil |
g_ObjectToAttachedWin[obj] = nil |
g_ObjectToAttachedData[obj] = nil |
self:delete() |
end |
end |
end |
local preset = Presets.AttachedUIPreset.Default[params.template] |
win:AddDynamicPosModifier({ |
id = "attached_ui", |
target = obj, |
spot_type = IsValid(obj) and EntitySpots[spot], |
zoom = preset and preset.zoom, |
max_cam_dist_m = preset and preset.max_cam_dist_m, |
visible = ShouldAttachedUIToObjectBeVisible(obj, params.template), |
}) |
win:Open() |
return win |
end |
local function AttachUIResolvePriority(obj) |
local data = ObjectUIAttachData[obj] or empty_table |
local max_priority |
local params |
for _, row in ipairs(data) do |
if (row.priority or 0) > (max_priority or 0) then |
max_priority = row.priority |
params = row |
end |
end |
if g_ObjectToAttachedData[obj] ~= params then |
local win = g_ObjectToAttachedWin[obj] |
if win then |
if win.window_state ~= "destroying" then |
win:delete() |
end |
g_ObjectToAttachedWin[obj] = nil |
g_ObjectToAttachedData[obj] = nil |
end |
if params then |
AttachUIToObject(obj, params) |
end |
end |
end |
function GetAttachedUIToObject(obj) |
return g_ObjectToAttachedWin[obj] |
end |
ShouldAttachedUIToObjectBeVisible = return_true |
function AddAttachedUIToObject(obj, template, spot, context, win_parent) |
local preset = Presets.AttachedUIPreset.Default[template] |
local priority = preset and preset.SortKey |
assert(priority, string.format("Template %s has no corresponding entry with priority in AttachedUIPreset.Default", template)) |
local data = ObjectUIAttachData[obj] or {} |
if find(data, "template", template) then return end |
data[#data + 1] = { |
template = template, |
spot = spot, |
priority = priority, |
context = context, |
win_parent = win_parent, |
attach_ui_mode = preset and preset.attach_ui_modes, |
visible = ShouldAttachedUIToObjectBeVisible(obj, template), |
} |
ObjectUIAttachData[obj] = data |
AttachUIResolvePriority(obj) |
end |
function RemoveAttachedUIToObject(obj, template) |
local data = ObjectUIAttachData[obj] |
if not data then return end |
local idx = find(data, "template", template) |
if idx then |
remove(ObjectUIAttachData[obj], idx) |
if #ObjectUIAttachData[obj] == 0 then |
ObjectUIAttachData[obj] = nil |
end |
AttachUIResolvePriority(obj) |
end |
end |
function RemoveAllAttachedUIsToObject(obj) |
local win = g_ObjectToAttachedWin[obj] |
if win and win.window_state ~= "destroying" then |
win:delete() |
end |
g_ObjectToAttachedWin[obj] = nil |
g_ObjectToAttachedData[obj] = nil |
ObjectUIAttachData[obj] = nil |
end |
function SetAttachedUITemplatesVisible(visible, templates_set) |
for obj, wins in pairs(ObjectUIAttachData) do |
for _, win in ipairs(wins) do |
if templates_set[win.template] then |
win.visible = visible |
end |
end |
end |
for obj, data in pairs(g_ObjectToAttachedData) do |
if templates_set[data.template] then |
data.visible = visible |
end |
end |
end |
function InitObjectsUIAttachDialog() |
if not mapdata.GameLogic then return end |
OpenDialog("ObjectsUIAttachDialog", GetInGameInterface()) |
for obj, data in pairs(ObjectUIAttachData) do |
AttachUIResolvePriority(obj) |
end |
Msg("InitObjectsUIAttach") |
end |
if Platform.developer then |
function GetAttachedUIsFor(obj) |
local result |
for _, win in ipairs(GetDialog("ObjectsUIAttachDialog")) do |
if ResolvePropObj(win.context) == obj then |
result = table.create_add(result, win) |
end |
end |
return result, #(result or "") |
end |
end |