if not config.DisableLegacyModsUI then return end |
if FirstLoad then |
g_InitialMods = false |
g_ModsUIContextObj = false |
g_BrowseModsUIContextObj = false |
g_InstalledModsUIContextObj = false |
g_FavoritesModsUIContextObj = false |
g_DownloadModsQueue = false |
g_DownloadModsScreenshotsQueue = false |
g_RetrieveModDetailsThread = false |
g_ModUserActionThread = false |
g_EnableModThread = false |
g_DisableAllModsThread = false |
g_ModsUIAsyncOps = {} |
g_DownloadingMods = {} |
g_UninstallingMods = {} |
g_ModsUISearchPlatform = false |
if Platform.xbox_one then |
g_ModsUISearchPlatform = "xbox" |
elseif Platform.playstation then |
g_ModsUISearchPlatform = "playstation" |
elseif Platform.pc then |
g_ModsUISearchPlatform = "windows" |
end |
end |
local function case_insensitive_pattern(pattern) |
local p = pattern:gsub("(%%?)(.)", function(percent, letter) |
if percent ~= "" or not letter:match("%a") then |
return percent .. letter |
else |
return string.format("[%s%s]", letter:lower(), letter:upper()) |
end |
end) |
return p |
end |
function GetModsUIContextObj(mode) |
if mode == "browse" then |
return g_BrowseModsUIContextObj |
elseif mode == "installed" then |
return g_InstalledModsUIContextObj |
elseif mode == "favorites" then |
return g_FavoritesModsUIContextObj |
end |
end |
function TurnModOn(id) |
table.insert_unique(AccountStorage.LoadMods, id) |
end |
function TurnModOff(id) |
table.remove_entry(AccountStorage.LoadMods, id) |
end |
function AllModsOff() |
table.clear(AccountStorage.LoadMods) |
end |
function WaitModsQuestion(parent, caption, text, ok_text, cancel_text, context) |
return CreateQuestionBox(parent, caption, text, ok_text, cancel_text, context):Wait() |
end |
function ModsUIDialogStart() |
AccountStorage.LoadMods = AccountStorage.LoadMods or {} |
local initial_mods = AccountStorage.LoadMods |
for i = #initial_mods, 1, -1 do |
if not Mods[initial_mods[i]] then |
table.remove(initial_mods, i) |
end |
end |
g_InitialMods = table.copy(initial_mods) |
end |
local function ModsUIDialogClose(dialog) |
dialog:SetMode("") |
SaveAccountStorage(500) |
g_InitialMods = false |
end |
function ModsUIDialogEnd(dialog, callback) |
local new_mods = AccountStorage.LoadMods or empty_table |
ModsReloadDefs() |
if not table.iequal(new_mods, g_InitialMods or empty_table) then |
dialog:DeleteThread("warning") |
dialog:CreateThread("warning", function() |
local exit_choice = true |
if #new_mods > 0 then |
local choice = WaitModsQuestion(dialog, |
T(6899, "Warning"), |
T(4164, "Mods are player created software packages that modify your game experience. USE THEM AT YOUR OWN RISK! We do not examine, monitor, support or guarantee this user created content. Downloading and playing with Mods via the Steam Workshop is subject to the Steam Subscriber Agreement."), |
T(6900, "OK"), |
T(4165, "Back")) |
exit_choice = (choice == "ok") |
end |
if exit_choice then |
LoadingScreenOpen("idLoadingScreen", "reload mods") |
SaveAccountStorage(500) |
ModsReloadItems() |
ModsUIDialogClose(dialog) |
LoadingScreenClose("idLoadingScreen", "reload mods") |
if callback then |
callback() |
end |
end |
end) |
else |
ModsUIDialogClose(dialog) |
if callback then |
callback() |
end |
end |
end |
function ModsUIHasAsyncOps() |
return not not next(g_ModsUIAsyncOps) |
end |
function ModsUIAsyncOpStart(op_id, mod_ui_entry) |
g_ModsUIAsyncOps[op_id] = true |
ObjModified(mod_ui_entry) |
if g_ModsUIContextObj then |
ObjModified(g_ModsUIContextObj) |
end |
end |
function ModsUIAsyncOpEnd(op_id, mod_ui_entry) |
g_ModsUIAsyncOps[op_id] = nil |
ObjModified(mod_ui_entry) |
if g_ModsUIContextObj then |
ObjModified(g_ModsUIContextObj) |
end |
end |
function ClearInstalledModsCorruptedStatus() |
local installed_ui_obj = g_InstalledModsUIContextObj |
if installed_ui_obj then |
for _, installed_mod in pairs(installed_ui_obj.mod_ui_entries) do |
installed_mod:ClearCorruptedStatus() |
local browse_installed_mod = g_BrowseModsUIContextObj and g_BrowseModsUIContextObj.mod_ui_entries[mod.BackendID] |
if browse_installed_mod then |
browse_installed_mod:ClearCorruptedStatus() |
end |
end |
end |
end |
function ModsUIGetModCorruptedStatus(mod) |
local blacklist_reason = GetModBlacklistedReason(mod.id) |
if blacklist_reason and blacklist_reason == "deprecate" then |
return false, T(937060498868, "deprecated"), "deprecated" |
end |
local dependency_data = ModDependencyGraph[mod.id] |
if dependency_data then |
local incompatible, soft_missing, hard_missing |
for _, dep in ipairs(dependency_data.outgoing_failed or empty_table) do |
local dependency_mod = Mods[dep.id] |
local _, fail_reason = dep:ModFits(dependency_mod) |
if fail_reason == "no mod" or fail_reason == "different mod" then |
if dep.required then |
hard_missing = true |
else |
soft_missing = true |
end |
elseif fail_reason == "incompatible" then |
incompatible = true |
end |
end |
if hard_missing then |
return false, T(12446, "Missing dependency"), "hard_missing" |
elseif incompatible then |
return false, T(12606, "The required dependency is outdated"), "incompatible" |
elseif soft_missing then |
return false, T(12446, "Missing dependency"), "soft_missing" |
end |
for _, dep in ipairs(dependency_data.outgoing or empty_table) do |
if not table.find(AccountStorage.LoadMods, dep.id) then |
return false, T(12447, "Disabled dependencies"), "dependencies_disabled" |
end |
end |
end |
if mod:IsTooOld() then |
return true, T(10931, "Incompatible mod version."), "too_old" |
elseif mod:IsTooNew() then |
return false, T(10932, "Check for a game update!"), "too_new" |
end |
return false |
end |
function ModsUIIsModCompatible(mod) |
local version = tonumber(mod.RequiredVersion) |
return not version or (version >= ModMinLuaRevision and version <= LuaRevision) |
end |
local ModsUISortItems = false |
function GetModsUISortItems(mode) |
ModsUISortItems = ModsUISortItems or {} |
if ModsUISortItems[mode] then return ModsUISortItems[mode] end |
local items = {} |
items[#items + 1] = {id = "displayName_asc", name = T(12402, "Alphabetically (A-Z)"), name_uppercase = T(12403, "ALPHABETICALLY (A-Z)")} |
items[#items + 1] = {id = "displayName_desc", name = T(12404, "Alphabetically (Z-A)"), name_uppercase = T(12405, "ALPHABETICALLY (Z-A)")} |
if mode == "installed" then |
items[#items + 1] = {id = "enabled_desc", name = T(10973, "Enabled first"), name_uppercase = T(10991, "ENABLED FIRST")} |
items[#items + 1] = {id = "enabled_asc", name = T(10974, "Disabled first"), name_uppercase = T(10992, "DISABLED FIRST")} |
end |
if IsUserCreatedContentAllowed() then |
items[#items + 1] = {id = "created_desc", name = T(10939, "Newest first"), name_uppercase = T(12300, "NEWEST FIRST")} |
items[#items + 1] = {id = "created_asc", name = T(10937, "Oldest first"), name_uppercase = T(10938, "OLDEST FIRST")} |
items[#items + 1] = {id = "rating_asc", name = T(10941, "Rating (ASC)"), name_uppercase = T(10942, "RATING (ASC)")} |
items[#items + 1] = {id = "rating_desc", name = T(10943, "Rating (DESC)"), name_uppercase = T(10944, "RATING (DESC)")} |
end |
ModsUISortItems[mode] = items |
return items |
end |
function ModsUIChooseSort(parent) |
local dlg = GetDialog(parent) |
local obj = dlg.context |
obj.popup_shown = "sort" |
local wnd = XTemplateSpawn("ModsUISortFilter", parent, obj) |
wnd:Open() |
wnd.idTitle:SetText(T(311325445444, "Sort")) |
return wnd |
end |
function ModsUIChooseFilter(parent) |
local dlg = GetDialog(parent) |
local obj = dlg.context |
obj.popup_shown = "filter" |
obj.temp_only_compatible = obj.only_compatible |
obj.temp_favorites = obj.favorites |
local wnd = XTemplateSpawn("ModsUISortFilter", parent, obj) |
wnd:Open() |
table.clear(obj.temp_tags) |
for k,v in pairs(obj.set_tags) do |
obj.temp_tags[k] = v |
end |
wnd.idTitle:SetText(T(10426, "Filter by")) |
end |
if FirstLoad then |
ModsUIGameCompatibleTagContext = {} |
ModsUIFavoritedOnlyTagContext = {} |
end |
function ModsUIClearFilter(mode) |
local obj = GetModsUIContextObj(mode) |
if not obj then return end |
local changed = next(obj.temp_tags) |
table.clear(obj.temp_tags) |
for _, item in ipairs(PredefinedModTags) do |
ObjModified(item) |
end |
if obj.temp_only_compatible then |
obj.temp_only_compatible = false |
changed = true |
ObjModified(ModsUIGameCompatibleTagContext) |
end |
if obj.temp_favorites then |
obj.temp_favorites = false |
changed = true |
ObjModified(ModsUIFavoritedOnlyTagContext) |
end |
return changed |
end |
function ModsUIToggleSortPC(parent, template) |
local dlg = GetDialog(parent) |
local label = dlg:ResolveId("idCtrlsSort") |
local obj = dlg.context |
if obj.popup_shown == "sort" then |
ModsUIClosePopup(dlg) |
else |
assert(template) |
obj.popup_shown = "sort" |
local wnd = XTemplateSpawn(template, parent, obj) |
wnd:Open() |
wnd:SetAnchor(label.box) |
return wnd |
end |
end |
function ModsUIChooseFlagReason(win) |
assert(IsModsBackendLoaded()) |
local dlg = GetDialog(win) |
local obj = dlg.context |
local context = dlg.mode_param |
obj.popup_shown = "flag" |
local wnd = XTemplateSpawn("ModsUIFlag", dlg, context) |
wnd:Open() |
wnd.idTitle:SetText(T{373956893786, "Flag the <u(name)> for review", name = context.DisplayName}) |
end |
function ModsUIFlagMod(win) |
assert(IsModsBackendLoaded()) |
g_ModUserActionThread = IsValidThread(g_ModUserActionThread) and g_ModUserActionThread or CreateRealTimeThread(function(win) |
local dlg = GetDialog(win) |
local obj = dlg.context |
local context = dlg.mode_param |
ModsUIAsyncOpStart("flag", context) |
local err = g_ModsBackendObj:Flag(context.BackendID, context.flag_reason, context.flag_description) |
ModsUIAsyncOpEnd("flag", context) |
context.flag_reason = nil |
context.flag_description = nil |
ModsUIClosePopup(win) |
CreateRealTimeThread(function(parent, mod) |
WaitMessage( |
parent, |
T(796336029093, "Mod Flagged"), |
T{148837971495, "The <u(name)> mod has been flagged for review.", name = mod.DisplayName}, |
T(1000136, "OK")) |
ModsUIClosePopup(parent) |
end, dlg, context) |
obj.popup_shown = "flagged" |
local host = GetActionsHost(dlg) |
host:UpdateActionViews(host) |
end, win) |
end |
function ModsUIChooseModRating(parent) |
assert(IsModsBackendLoaded()) |
CreateRealTimeThread(function(parent) |
local dlg = GetDialog(parent) |
local obj = dlg.context |
local context = dlg.mode_param |
context.rating = context.Rating |
obj.popup_shown = "rate" |
local wnd = XTemplateSpawn("ModsUIRate", parent, context) |
wnd:Open() |
wnd.idTitle:SetText(T{10385, "Rate <ModName>", ModName = Untranslated(context.DisplayName)}) |
end, parent) |
end |
function ModsUIRateMod(win, rating) |
assert(IsModsBackendLoaded()) |
g_ModUserActionThread = IsValidThread(g_ModUserActionThread) and g_ModUserActionThread or CreateRealTimeThread(function(win, rating) |
local dlg = GetDialog(win) |
local obj = dlg.context |
local context = dlg.mode_param |
ModsUIAsyncOpStart("rate", context) |
local err = g_ModsBackendObj:Rate(context.BackendID, rating) |
ModsUIAsyncOpEnd("rate", context) |
ModsUIClosePopup(win) |
CreateRealTimeThread(function(parent, mod) |
WaitMessage( |
parent, |
T(394157249585, "Rating submitted"), |
T{930222697893, "Your rating for the <u(name)> mod was submitted.", name = mod.DisplayName}, |
T(1000136, "OK")) |
ModsUIClosePopup(parent) |
end, dlg, context) |
obj.popup_shown = "rated" |
local host = GetActionsHost(dlg) |
host:UpdateActionViews(host) |
end, win, rating) |
end |
function ModsUIFavoriteMod(win, favorite) |
assert(IsModsBackendLoaded()) |
g_ModUserActionThread = IsValidThread(g_ModUserActionThread) and g_ModUserActionThread or CreateRealTimeThread(function(win, favorite) |
local dlg = GetDialog(win) |
local obj = dlg.context |
local context = dlg.mode_param |
ModsUIAsyncOpStart("favorite", context) |
local err = g_ModsBackendObj:SetFavorite(context.BackendID, favorite) |
ModsUIAsyncOpEnd("favorite", context) |
ModsUIClosePopup(win) |
if err then |
CreateRealTimeThread(function(parent, mod, favorite, err) |
local text = favorite and |
T{117962260340, "The <u(name)> mod was not added to your favorites: <u(err)>.", name = mod.DisplayName, err = err} or |
T{566974433027, "The <u(name)> mod was not removed from your favorites: <u(err)>.", name = mod.DisplayName, err = err} |
CreateMessageBox(parent, T(271429158909, "Favorites have not been changed"), text, T(1000136, "OK")) |
ModsUIClosePopup(parent) |
end, win, context, favorite, err) |
else |
CreateRealTimeThread(function(parent, mod, favorite) |
local text = favorite and |
T{147827043986, "The <u(name)> mod has been added to your favorites.", name = mod.DisplayName} or |
T{356003532055, "The <u(name)> mod has been removed from your favorites.", name = mod.DisplayName} |
CreateMessageBox(parent, T(230712280583, "Favorites changed"), text, T(1000136, "OK")) |
ModsUIClosePopup(parent) |
mod.FavoriteRetrieved = true |
mod.Favorited = favorite |
ObjModified(mod) |
local dlg = GetDialog(win) |
local host = GetActionsHost(dlg) |
host:UpdateActionViews(host) |
if g_FavoritesModsUIContextObj then |
g_FavoritesModsUIContextObj:FetchMods() |
end |
end, win, context, favorite) |
end |
obj.popup_shown = "favorited" |
local host = GetActionsHost(dlg) |
host:UpdateActionViews(host) |
end, win, favorite) |
end |
function ModsUIOpenLoginPopup(parent) |
assert(IsModsBackendLoaded()) |
local dlg = GetDialog(parent) |
local obj = dlg.context |
obj.popup_shown = "login" |
OpenDialog("ModsUIAccount", parent) |
end |
function ModsUIClosePopup(win) |
local dlg = GetDialog(win) |
if not dlg then return end |
local obj = dlg.context |
obj.popup_shown = false |
local wnd = dlg:ResolveId("idPopUp") |
if wnd and wnd.window_state ~= "destroying" then |
wnd:Close() |
end |
if dlg.window_state ~= "destroying" then |
dlg:UpdateActionViews(dlg) |
end |
end |
function ModsUIDownloadScreenshots(mod) |
assert(IsModsBackendLoaded()) |
g_DownloadModsScreenshotsQueue:push(mod) |
end |
function ModsUIInstallMod(mod, quiet) |
assert(IsModsBackendLoaded()) |
mod = mod or g_BrowseModsUIContextObj and g_BrowseModsUIContextObj:GetSelectedMod() |
if mod and not g_DownloadingMods[mod.BackendID] then |
CreateRealTimeThread(function() |
if not quiet and not ModsUIIsModCompatible(mod) then |
local res = WaitModsQuestion( |
nil, |
T(6779, "Warning"), |
T{12428, "The mod <name> is not compatible with the current game version. Once installed, it might not be loaded or work correctly. Do you want to install it anyway?", name = Untranslated(mod.DisplayName)}, |
T(1138, "Yes"), |
T(1139, "No")) |
if res ~= "ok" then return end |
end |
g_DownloadingMods[mod.BackendID] = true |
g_DownloadModsQueue:push(mod) |
ObjModified(mod) |
end) |
end |
end |
function GetSanitizedModName(name) |
local new = CanonizeSaveGameName(name:gsub('[ .]', "")) |
local old = name:gsub('[/?<>\\:*|"]', "_") |
return new, old |
end |
function InformFailedInstall(err, mod) |
WaitMessage( |
GetLoadingScreenDialog(), |
T(824112417429, "Warning"), |
T{126982767717, "Mod <u(name)> could not be installed. Error: <u(err)>", name = mod.DisplayName, err = err}, |
T(325411474155, "OK")) |
end |
function ModsUIUninstallLocalMod(mod, quiet) |
if not quiet then |
local res = WaitModsQuestion( |
nil, |
T(6779, "Warning"), |
T{10945, "Do you want to uninstall the mod <ModName> and delete its files? This cannot be undone!", ModName = Untranslated(mod.DisplayName)}, |
T(1138, "Yes"), |
T(1139, "No")) |
if res ~= "ok" then return end |
end |
local mod_id = mod.ModID |
local mod_def = Mods[mod_id] |
assert(mod_def) |
TurnModOff(mod_def.id) |
mod_def:delete() |
DeleteMod(mod_def) |
if g_InstalledModsUIContextObj then |
g_InstalledModsUIContextObj.mod_defs[mod_id] = nil |
end |
ModsReloadDefs() |
if g_InstalledModsUIContextObj then |
g_InstalledModsUIContextObj.installed[mod_id] = nil |
g_InstalledModsUIContextObj.enabled[mod_id] = nil |
g_InstalledModsUIContextObj:FetchMods(mod) |
end |
ObjModified(mod) |
end |
function ModsUIUninstallMod(mod, win, obj_table, quiet, storage_path) |
CreateRealTimeThread(function(mod, win, obj_table) |
local mode = GetDialogMode(win) |
local ui_obj = GetModsUIContextObj(mode) |
mod = mod or ui_obj and ui_obj:GetSelectedMod(obj_table) |
if not mod then return end |
local backend_id = mod.BackendID |
if not backend_id then |
return ModsUIUninstallLocalMod(mod) |
end |
if g_UninstallingMods[backend_id] then return end |
if not quiet then |
local res = WaitModsQuestion( |
nil, |
T(6779, "Warning"), |
T{960709316227, "Do you want to uninstall the mod <ModName>?", ModName = Untranslated(mod.DisplayName)}, |
T(1138, "Yes"), |
T(1139, "No")) |
if res ~= "ok" then return end |
g_UninstallingMods[backend_id] = true |
end |
local err |
local logged_in = g_ModsBackendObj:IsLoggedIn() |
if logged_in then |
err = g_ModsBackendObj:Uninstall(backend_id) |
end |
if err then |
print(string.format("Error uninstalling mod %s: error message %s" , mod.DisplayName, err)) |
else |
mod.Installed = nil |
mod.Corrupted = nil |
mod.Warning = nil |
mod.Warning_id = nil |
mod.ModID = nil |
mod.Local = nil |
g_ModsBackendObj:OnUninstalled(backend_id) |
local mod_def = ui_obj and ui_obj.mod_defs[backend_id] |
if mod_def then |
ui_obj.mod_defs[backend_id] = nil |
mod_def:delete() |
TurnModOff(mod_def.id) |
end |
local sanitized, old = GetSanitizedModName(mod.DisplayName) |
local path = g_ModsBackendObj.download_path .. sanitized .. "/" |
if not io.exists(path) then |
path = g_ModsBackendObj.download_path .. old .. "/" |
end |
local file_err |
if io.exists(path) then |
file_err = AsyncDeletePath(string.gsub(path, "\\", "/")) |
end |
if file_err then |
print(string.format("Error deleting mod %s: error message %s" , mod.DisplayName, file_err)) |
end |
if g_BrowseModsUIContextObj then |
local browsed_mod = g_BrowseModsUIContextObj.mod_ui_entries[backend_id] |
if browsed_mod then |
browsed_mod.Installed = nil |
ObjModified(browsed_mod) |
end |
end |
ModsReloadDefs() |
if g_InstalledModsUIContextObj then |
g_InstalledModsUIContextObj.installed[backend_id] = nil |
g_InstalledModsUIContextObj.enabled[backend_id] = nil |
g_InstalledModsUIContextObj:FetchMods(mod) |
end |
ObjModified(mod) |
end |
g_UninstallingMods[backend_id] = nil |
end, mod, win, obj_table) |
end |
function ModsUISetAllModsEnabledState(host, state) |
g_DisableAllModsThread = IsValidThread(g_EnableModThread) and g_EnableModThread or CreateRealTimeThread(function(host) |
local obj = g_InstalledModsUIContextObj |
if not obj then return end |
for _, mod in pairs(obj.mod_ui_entries) do |
local id = mod.ModID |
local enabled = obj.enabled[id] |
if enabled ~= state then |
if not g_DownloadingMods[mod.ModID] then |
if IsValidThread(g_EnableModThread) then |
WaitMsg("EnableModThreadEnd") |
end |
if not g_InstalledModsUIContextObj then return end |
ModsUIToggleEnabled(mod, host, nil, "silent", "dont_obj_modified") |
mod.Corrupted = nil |
mod.Warning = nil |
mod.Warning_id = nil |
end |
end |
end |
if IsValidThread(g_EnableModThread) then |
WaitMsg("EnableModThreadEnd") |
end |
ObjModified(g_InstalledModsUIContextObj) |
end, host) |
end |
function ModsUIToggleEnabled(mod, win, obj_table, silent, dont_obj_modified) |
g_EnableModThread = IsValidThread(g_EnableModThread) and g_EnableModThread or CreateRealTimeThread(function(mod, win, obj_table) |
local mode = GetDialogMode(win) |
local ui_obj = GetModsUIContextObj(mode) |
mod = mod or ui_obj and ui_obj:GetSelectedMod(obj_table) |
local id = mod and mod.ModID |
local old_enabled = ui_obj.enabled[id] |
local new_enabled = not old_enabled |
local choice, question |
local dependency_data |
local mod_def = ui_obj.mod_defs[id] |
if mod_def then |
dependency_data = ModDependencyGraph[mod_def.id] |
if not new_enabled and not silent then |
local hard, soft |
for _, dep in ipairs(dependency_data.incoming) do |
local own_mod = dep.own_mod |
if table.find(AccountStorage.LoadMods, own_mod.id) then |
if dep.required then |
hard = hard or {} |
hard[#hard + 1] = own_mod.title |
else |
soft = soft or {} |
soft[#soft + 1] = dep.own_mod.title |
end |
end |
end |
if #(hard or "") > 0 then |
hard = table.concat(hard, "\n") |
end |
if #(soft or "") > 0 then |
soft = table.concat(soft, "\n") |
end |
if (hard or "") ~= "" or (soft or "") ~= "" then |
question = T{12448, "<if(hard)>The following mods require <u(name)> and will not be loaded if you disable it:\n\n<hard>\n\n</if><if(soft)>The following mods might not work correctly if you disable <u(name)>:\n\n<soft>\n\n</if>Do you want to disable this mod anyway?", name = mod.DisplayName, hard = Untranslated(hard), soft = Untranslated(soft)} |
end |
end |
end |
if mod.Warning and new_enabled and not silent then |
if mod.Warning_id == "too_new" then |
question = T{12407, "The mod <u(name)> has been created with a newer version of the game and might not work correctly. Please, check for a game update. If a game update is currently not available, it might be forthcoming.\n\nDo you want to enable this mod anyway?", name = mod.DisplayName} |
elseif mod.Warning_id == "dependencies_disabled" then |
local dependencies = {} |
for _, dep in ipairs(dependency_data.outgoing or empty_table) do |
if not table.find(AccountStorage.LoadMods, dep.id) then |
dependencies[#dependencies + 1] = Mods[dep.id].title |
end |
end |
dependencies = table.concat(dependencies, "\n") |
question = T{12449, "The following dependencies have not been enabled:\n\n<dependencies>\n\nThe mod <u(name)> will not be loaded unless you enable all necessary mods.\n\nDo you want to enable this mod anyway?", name = mod.DisplayName, dependencies = Untranslated(dependencies)} |
elseif mod.Warning_id == "hard_missing" then |
local dependencies = {} |
for _, dep in ipairs(dependency_data.outgoing_failed or empty_table) do |
if dep.required then |
dependencies[#dependencies + 1] = dep.title |
end |
end |
dependencies = table.concat(dependencies, "\n") |
question = T{12450, "The following dependencies are missing:\n\n<dependencies>\n\nThe mod <u(name)> will not be loaded.\n\nDo you want to enable this mod anyway?", name = mod.DisplayName, dependencies = Untranslated(dependencies)} |
elseif mod.Warning_id == "soft_missing" then |
local dependencies = {} |
for _, dep in ipairs(dependency_data.outgoing_failed or empty_table) do |
if not dep.required then |
dependencies[#dependencies + 1] = dep.title |
end |
end |
dependencies = table.concat(dependencies, "\n") |
question = T{12451, "The following optional dependencies are missing:\n\n<dependencies>\n\nThe mod <u(name)> might not work correctly.\n\nDo you want to enable this mod anyway?", name = mod.DisplayName, dependencies = Untranslated(dependencies)} |
end |
end |
if question and not silent then |
choice = WaitModsQuestion( |
GetDialog(win), |
T(6899, "Warning"), |
question, |
T(1138, "Yes"), |
T(1139, "No")) |
if choice ~= "ok" then |
g_EnableModThread = false |
Msg("EnableModThreadEnd") |
return |
end |
end |
local err |
if IsModsBackendLoaded() then |
err = g_ModsBackendObj:OnSetEnabled(mod.ModID, new_enabled) |
end |
if err then |
print(string.format("Error enabling/disabling mod %s: error message %s" , mod.DisplayName, err)) |
else |
ClearInstalledModsCorruptedStatus() |
local stored_id = false |
if mod.Local then |
stored_id = id |
else |
assert(IsModsBackendLoaded()) |
for k, v in pairs(Mods) do |
if g_ModsBackendObj:CompareBackendID(v, mod.BackendID) then |
stored_id = v.id |
break |
end |
end |
end |
if new_enabled then |
TurnModOn(stored_id) |
else |
TurnModOff(stored_id) |
end |
if not ui_obj then |
g_EnableModThread = false |
Msg("EnableModThreadEnd") |
return |
end |
ui_obj.enabled[id] = new_enabled |
ObjModified(mod) |
if not dont_obj_modified then |
ObjModified(ui_obj) |
end |
if win and win.window_state ~= "destroying" then |
local dlg = GetDialog(win) |
dlg:UpdateActionViews(dlg) |
end |
end |
g_EnableModThread = false |
Msg("EnableModThreadEnd") |
end, mod, win, obj_table) |
end |
function ModsUIIsPopupShown(host) |
local obj = GetDialog(host).context |
return obj and obj.popup_shown or false |
end |
function ModsUIShowItemAction(host, action, value, mod_id) |
if ModsUIIsPopupShown(host) then return false end |
local mode = GetDialogMode(host) |
local obj = GetModsUIContextObj(mode) |
local id = mod_id or obj.selected_mod_id |
if not id then return false end |
if not action then return true end |
if action == "enabled" then |
if obj[action][id] == value then |
if not table.find(obj.local_mods, id) then |
local installed = ModsUIShowItemAction(host, "installed", true, mod_id) |
if not installed then return false end |
end |
local corrupted = false |
local mod_def = obj.mod_defs[id] |
if mod_def then |
corrupted = ModsUIGetModCorruptedStatus(mod_def) |
end |
return not corrupted |
end |
return false |
elseif action == "installed" and value and mod_id then |
if not obj.installed[mod_id] then |
return |
end |
local mod = obj.mod_ui_entries[mod_id] |
return mod and IsModsBackendLoaded() and mod.Source == g_ModsBackendObj.source |
end |
if value then |
return obj[action][id] == value |
else |
return not obj[action][id] |
end |
end |
function ModsUIGetEnableAllButtonState() |
local obj = g_InstalledModsUIContextObj |
if not obj then return end |
local enabled = false |
for _, mod in pairs(obj.mod_ui_entries) do |
if mod and obj.enabled[mod.BackendID] then |
enabled = true |
break |
end |
end |
return enabled |
end |
function ModsUISetTags(mode) |
local obj = GetModsUIContextObj(mode) |
if not obj then return end |
table.clear(obj.set_tags) |
for k,v in pairs(obj.temp_tags) do |
obj.set_tags[k] = v |
end |
obj.only_compatible = obj.temp_only_compatible |
obj.favorites = obj.temp_favorites |
end |
function ModsUISetDialogMode(win, mode, mode_param) |
if mode == "details" and not next(mode_param or empty_table) then return end |
local dlg = GetDialog(win) |
local current_mode = dlg:GetMode() |
if current_mode ~= mode then |
local ui_obj = GetModsUIContextObj(current_mode) |
local list = win:ResolveId("idList") |
if ui_obj and list then |
ui_obj.last_browse_y = list.OffsetY |
ui_obj.last_browse_item = list.focused_item |
end |
dlg:SetMode(mode, mode_param) |
end |
end |
local MarkdownProperties = { |
TextColor = RGB(140,139,135), |
} |
local function ParseDescriptionAsHTML(text) |
text = string.gsub(text, "</?br%s*/?>", "<br/>") |
return ParseHTML(text, MarkdownProperties) |
end |
function ModsUIRetrieveModDetails(mod) |
DeleteThread(g_RetrieveModDetailsThread) |
g_RetrieveModDetailsThread = CreateRealTimeThread(function(mod) |
mod.details_retrieved = true |
if not mod.Local then |
assert(IsModsBackendLoaded()) |
local err, result = g_ModsBackendObj:GetDetails(mod.BackendID) |
if not err then |
table.set_defaults(mod, result) |
result.reassigned_to = mod |
if next(mod.ScreenshotUrls) then |
ModsUIDownloadScreenshots(mod) |
end |
end |
end |
ObjModified(mod) |
end, mod) |
end |
function ModsUIGetDependenciesMods(mod, ui_obj) |
local mod_def = ui_obj and ui_obj.mod_defs[mod.ModID] |
if mod_def then |
local required = table.copy(mod.RequiredMods) |
local mod_data = table.values(Mods) |
for _, dep in ipairs(required) do |
if not table.find(mod_data, "title", dep[1]) then |
dep[2] = "soft" |
end |
end |
local dependency_data = ModDependencyGraph[mod_def.id] |
for _, dep in ipairs(dependency_data.outgoing or empty_table) do |
local title = Mods[dep.id].title |
local idx = table.find(required, 1, title) |
if not idx then |
required[#required + 1] = {title} |
end |
end |
for _, dep in ipairs(dependency_data.outgoing_failed or empty_table) do |
local title = dep.title |
local idx = table.find(required, 1, title) |
local state = dep.required and "hard" or "soft" |
if idx then |
required[idx][2] = state |
else |
required[#required + 1] = {title, state} |
end |
end |
if #required > 0 then |
return required |
end |
else |
return mod.RequiredMods |
end |
end |
local ModsUIPageSize = 20 |
function ModsUILoadModInfo(list_item_id) |
local obj = g_BrowseModsUIContextObj |
if not obj then return end |
local page = ((list_item_id-1) / ModsUIPageSize) |
if not obj.retrieved_mod_pages[page] then |
obj.mods_info_queue:push(page) |
obj:GetModsInfo() |
end |
end |
function ModsUIPCGamepadSearch(parent) |
local dlg = GetDialog(parent) |
local obj = dlg.context |
obj.popup_shown = "search" |
local wnd = XTemplateSpawn("ModsUIPCGamepadSearch", parent, obj) |
wnd:Open() |
wnd.idTitle:SetText(T(226528152599, "Search")) |
local query = obj.query |
query = query ~= "" and query or _InternalTranslate(T(10485, "Search mods...")) |
wnd.idEdit:SetText(query) |
end |
function ModsUIConsoleSearch(parent) |
local mode = GetDialogMode(parent) |
local obj = GetModsUIContextObj(mode) |
if obj then |
if Platform.desktop and GetUIStyleGamepad() then |
ModsUIPCGamepadSearch(parent) |
return |
end |
CreateRealTimeThread(function(obj, mode) |
local current = obj.query |
local text, err = WaitControllerTextInput(current, T(10485, "Search mods..."), "", 255, false) |
if not err then |
text = text:trim_spaces() |
if current ~= text then |
obj.query = text |
obj:FetchMods(obj) |
end |
end |
end, obj, mode) |
end |
end |
DefineClass.ModsUIObject = { |
__parents = { "InitDone" }, |
mod_ui_entries = false, |
searched_mods = false, |
counted = false, |
offline = false, |
local_mods = false, |
enabled = false, |
installed = false, |
mod_defs = false, |
temp_tags = false, |
set_tags = false, |
only_compatible = false, |
temp_only_compatible = false, |
favorites = false, |
temp_favorites = false, |
set_sort = "created_desc", |
popup_shown = false, |
get_mods_thread = false, |
mods_info_thread = false, |
mods_info_queue = false, |
retrieved_mod_pages = false, |
retrieved_mod_infos = false, |
query = "", |
mod_query_count = 0, |
last_retrieved_index = 0, |
temp_query = "", |
selected_mod_id = false, |
last_browse_y = 0, |
last_browse_item = false, |
} |
function ModsUIObject:Init() |
self.mod_ui_entries = {} |
self.temp_tags = {} |
self.set_tags = {} |
self.installed = {} |
self.enabled = {} |
self.mod_defs = {} |
self.mods_info_queue = ModsQueue:new{push_message = "ModGetInfoPush"} |
self.retrieved_mod_pages = {} |
self.retrieved_mod_infos = {} |
if LocalStorage then |
self.set_sort = LocalStorage.ModsUISortMethod or nil |
end |
if not IsUserCreatedContentAllowed() then |
local sort_items = GetModsUISortItems() |
if not table.find_value(sort_items, "id", self.set_sort) then |
self.set_sort = "displayName_asc" |
end |
end |
self:FetchMods() |
end |
function ModsUIObject:RegisterModUIEntry(mod_ui_entry) |
local original = self.mod_ui_entries[mod_ui_entry.ModID] or self.mod_ui_entries[mod_ui_entry.BackendID] |
if original then |
table.set_defaults(original, mod_ui_entry) |
mod_ui_entry.reassigned_to = original |
else |
original = mod_ui_entry |
end |
if original.ModID then |
self.mod_ui_entries[original.ModID] = original |
end |
if original.BackendID then |
self.mod_ui_entries[original.BackendID] = original |
end |
return original |
end |
function ModsUIObject:CleanupModUIEntries(table_name) |
if table_name then |
self[table_name] = {} |
end |
for id, mod in pairs(self.mod_ui_entries) do |
assert(not mod.reassigned_to) |
local referenced |
if not referenced and mod.BackendID then |
referenced = |
table.find(self.searched_mod, mod.BackendID) or |
table.find(self.backend_installed, mod.BackendID) |
end |
if not referenced and mod.ModID then |
referenced = table.find(self.local_mods, mod.ModID) |
end |
if not referenced then |
self.mod_ui_entries[id] = nil |
end |
end |
end |
function ModsUIObject:GetSelectedMod(obj_table) |
obj_table = obj_table or "searched_mods" |
for i, mod_id in ipairs(self[obj_table]) do |
local mod = self.mod_ui_entries[mod_id] |
if mod.ModID == self.selected_mod_id or mod.BackendID == self.selected_mod_id then |
return mod, i |
end |
end |
end |
function ModsUIObject:SetSelectedMod(id) |
if self.selected_mod_id == id then |
return false |
end |
self.selected_mod_id = id |
return true |
end |
function ModsUIObject:GetModsCount() |
return #(self.searched_mods or "") |
end |
function ModsUIObject:GetFilterCount() |
local count = 0 |
local tags = self.temp_tags |
if next(tags or empty_table) then |
count = count + #(table.keys(tags)) |
end |
if self.temp_only_compatible then |
count = count + 1 |
end |
if self.temp_favorites then |
count = count + 1 |
end |
return count |
end |
function ModsUIObject:SetupQuery(query) |
query.Platform = g_ModsUISearchPlatform |
query.Favorites = self.favorites |
end |
function ModsUIObject:FetchMods(installed, modify_obj) |
assert(IsModsBackendLoaded()) |
if not IsUserCreatedContentAllowed() then |
return |
end |
DeleteThread(self.get_mods_thread) |
self.get_mods_thread = CreateRealTimeThread(function(self) |
self.last_browse_y = false |
self.last_browse_item = false |
if not installed then |
self:CleanupModUIEntries("searched_mods") |
self.selected_mod_id = false |
self.counted = false |
ObjModified(self) |
DeleteThread(self.mods_info_thread) |
table.iclear(self.mods_info_queue) |
table.clear(self.retrieved_mod_pages) |
table.clear(self.retrieved_mod_infos) |
self.mod_query_count = 0 |
self.last_retrieved_index = 0 |
local searched_mods = self.searched_mods |
local sortby, orderby = string.match(self.set_sort, "^([^_]*)_(.*)$") |
local err = "not impl" |
local query_params = ModsSearchQuery:new({ |
Query = self.query, |
Author = self.query, |
Tags = table.keys(self.set_tags), |
SortBy = sortby, |
OrderBy = orderby, |
}) |
self:SetupQuery(query_params) |
local err, count = g_ModsBackendObj:GetModsCount(query_params) |
self.mod_query_count = count |
if err then |
self.offline = true |
else |
self.offline = false |
for i = 1, count do |
local mock_id = string.format("__%d", i) |
local mod_ui_entry = ModUIEntry:new({ |
dbg_source = "get mods", |
Source = g_ModsBackendObj.source, |
BackendID = mock_id, |
ModPosition = i, |
}) |
self.mod_ui_entries[mock_id] = mod_ui_entry |
searched_mods[i] = mock_id |
end |
end |
self.counted = true |
else |
self.backend_installed = {} |
self.local_mods = {} |
if not modify_obj then |
self.installed_retrieved = false |
ObjModified(self) |
end |
local mod_def_id_to_backend_id = {} |
local seen = { } |
if IsModsBackendLoaded() then |
for backend_id, installing in pairs(g_DownloadingMods) do |
local err, mod = g_ModsBackendObj:GetDetails(backend_id) |
if not err and not seen[mod.ModID] then |
ModsUIDownloadScreenshots(mod) |
mod.Source = g_ModsBackendObj.source |
self:RegisterModUIEntry(mod) |
seen[mod.ModID] = true |
end |
end |
if g_ModsBackendObj:IsLoggedIn() and IsUserCreatedContentAllowed() then |
local err, backend_installed = g_ModsBackendObj:GetInstalled() |
backend_installed = backend_installed or empty_table |
for _, mod in ipairs(backend_installed) do |
table.insert(self.backend_installed, mod.BackendID) |
ModsUIDownloadScreenshots(mod) |
local mod_def |
for k, v in pairs(Mods) do |
if g_ModsBackendObj:CompareBackendID(v, mod.BackendID) then |
mod_def = v |
break |
end |
end |
self.installed[mod.BackendID] = true |
if mod_def then |
local is_enabled = AccountStorage.LoadMods[mod_def.id] |
if is_enabled then |
self.enabled[mod_def.id] = true |
TurnModOn(mod_def.id) |
end |
self.mod_defs[mod.BackendID] = mod_def |
g_DownloadingMods[mod.BackendID] = nil |
mod_def_id_to_backend_id[mod_def.id] = mod.BackendID |
mod.ModID = mod_def.id |
mod.Corrupted, mod.Warning = ModsUIGetModCorruptedStatus(mod_def) |
end |
self:RegisterModUIEntry(mod) |
end |
end |
end |
local tags = table.keys(self.set_tags) |
local pattern = self.query ~= "" and case_insensitive_pattern(self.query) |
for k, v in sorted_pairs(Mods) do |
local backend_id = mod_def_id_to_backend_id[k] |
local mod_tags = v:GetTags() |
if seen[k] then goto skip end |
if not table.array_isubset(tags, mod_tags) then goto skip end |
if pattern then |
local title_match = string.match(v.title, pattern) |
local author_match = string.match(v.author, pattern) |
local descr_match = string.match(v.description, pattern) |
if not title_match and not author_match and not descr_match then |
goto skip |
end |
end |
local author = v.author ~= "" and v.author or "Unknown" |
local corrupted, warning, warning_id = ModsUIGetModCorruptedStatus(v) |
local compatible = not v:IsTooOld() and not v:IsTooNew() |
if not self.only_compatible or compatible then |
local screenshot_paths = { } |
if (v.screenshot1 or "") ~= "" then table.insert(screenshot_paths, v.screenshot1) end |
if (v.screenshot2 or "") ~= "" then table.insert(screenshot_paths, v.screenshot2) end |
if (v.screenshot3 or "") ~= "" then table.insert(screenshot_paths, v.screenshot3) end |
if (v.screenshot4 or "") ~= "" then table.insert(screenshot_paths, v.screenshot4) end |
if (v.screenshot5 or "") ~= "" then table.insert(screenshot_paths, v.screenshot5) end |
local mod_ui_entry = self:RegisterModUIEntry(ModUIEntry:new({ |
dbg_source = "get installed mods", |
ModID = k, |
BackendID = backend_id, |
DisplayName = v.title, |
Author = author, |
Thumbnail = v.image ~= "" and v.image or "UI/Mods/mod_image_placeholder.tga", |
ScreenshotPaths = screenshot_paths, |
ModVersion = v:GetVersionString(), |
Local = true, |
Source = v.source, |
LongDescription = ParseDescriptionAsHTML(v.description), |
Corrupted = corrupted, |
Warning = warning, |
Warning_id = warning_id, |
Tags = mod_tags, |
CreateTimestamp = v.saved, |
})) |
end |
self.mod_defs[k] = v |
self.enabled[k] = not not table.find(AccountStorage.LoadMods, v.id) |
self.installed[k] = true |
table.insert(self.local_mods, k) |
::skip:: |
end |
self.installed_retrieved = true |
if modify_obj then |
ObjModified(modify_obj) |
end |
end |
self.last_browse_y = 0 |
ObjModified(self) |
end, self) |
end |
function ModsUIObject:GetModsInfo() |
assert(IsModsBackendLoaded()) |
self.mods_info_thread = IsValidThread(self.mods_info_thread) and self.mods_info_thread or CreateRealTimeThread(function() |
while #self.mods_info_queue > 0 do |
local page = self.mods_info_queue:pop() |
if not self.retrieved_mod_pages[page] then |
local sortby, orderby = string.match(self.set_sort, "^([^_]*)_(.*)$") |
local query_params = ModsSearchQuery:new({ |
Query = self.query, |
Tags = table.keys(self.set_tags), |
SortBy = sortby or "", |
OrderBy = orderby or "", |
Page = page, |
PageSize = g_ModsBackendObj.page_size, |
}) |
self:SetupQuery(query_params) |
local modify_obj = false |
local err, results = false, {} |
local searched_mods = self.searched_mods |
if self.mod_query_count > page * g_ModsBackendObj.page_size then |
err, results = g_ModsBackendObj:FetchMods(query_params) |
if not err then |
self.last_retrieved_index = self.last_retrieved_index + #results |
local seen = self.retrieved_mod_infos |
for _, res in ipairs(results) do |
seen[res.ModID] = true |
end |
end |
end |
local function RetrieveAdditionalModInfos() |
local additional |
query_params.Page = self.last_retrieved_index / g_ModsBackendObj.page_size |
err, additional = g_ModsBackendObj:FetchMods(query_params) |
if not err then |
local seen = self.retrieved_mod_infos |
local count = 0 |
for i = (self.last_retrieved_index % g_ModsBackendObj.page_size) + 1, #additional do |
local res = additional[i] |
if not seen[res.ModID] then |
results[#results + 1] = res |
seen[res.ModID] = true |
else |
searched_mods[#searched_mods] = nil |
modify_obj = true |
end |
count = count + 1 |
if #results >= g_ModsBackendObj.page_size then |
break |
end |
end |
self.last_retrieved_index = self.last_retrieved_index + count |
end |
end |
while not err and self.query ~= "" and #results < g_ModsBackendObj.page_size and self.mod_query_count > self.last_retrieved_index do |
RetrieveAdditionalModInfos() |
end |
if err then |
print("Error searching mods: "..err) |
else |
self.retrieved_mod_pages[page] = true |
for i = 1, #results do |
local result = results[i] |
local mod_position = page * ModsUIPageSize + i |
local idx, mock_id |
for i, backend_id in ipairs(searched_mods) do |
local mod_ui_entry = self.mod_ui_entries[backend_id] |
if mod_ui_entry.ModPosition == mod_position then |
idx, mock_id = i, mod_ui_entry.BackendID |
break |
end |
end |
local compatible = not self.only_compatible or ModsUIIsModCompatible(result) |
if not compatible then |
self.mod_ui_entries[mock_id] = nil |
table.remove(searched_mods, idx) |
modify_obj = true |
else |
local mod = self.mod_ui_entries[mock_id] |
mod.BackendID = nil |
self.mod_ui_entries[mock_id] = nil |
table.set_defaults(mod, result, not "deep") |
result.reassigned_to = mod |
searched_mods[idx] = mod.BackendID |
self.mod_ui_entries[mod.BackendID] = mod |
local mod_def = self.mod_defs[mod.BackendID] |
if mod_def then |
mod.ModID = mod_def.id |
end |
mod.InfoRetrieved = true |
ModsUIDownloadScreenshots(mod) |
ObjModified(mod) |
end |
end |
end |
if modify_obj then |
ObjModified(self) |
end |
end |
end |
end) |
end |
function ModsUIObject:GetEnabledModsCount() |
local count = 0 |
for id,enabled in pairs(self.enabled) do |
if enabled then |
count = count + 1 |
end |
end |
return count |
end |
function ModsUIObject:SortMods(mod_ids, sort_str) |
local sortby, orderby = string.match(sort_str, "^([^_]*)_(.*)$") |
local backend_source = IsModsBackendLoaded() and g_ModsBackendObj.source |
local sort_func |
local sort_func_asc |
if sortby == "displayName" then |
sort_func_asc = function(aid, bid) |
local a, b = self.mod_ui_entries[aid], self.mod_ui_entries[bid] |
return a.DisplayName < b.DisplayName |
end |
elseif sortby == "enabled" then |
sort_func_asc = function(aid, bid) |
local a, b = self.mod_ui_entries[aid], self.mod_ui_entries[bid] |
local a_enabled, b_enabled = self.enabled[a.ModID], self.enabled[b.ModID] |
if a_enabled ~= b_enabled then return b_enabled end |
return a.DisplayName < b.DisplayName |
end |
elseif sortby == "created" then |
sort_func_asc = function(aid, bid) |
local a, b = self.mod_ui_entries[aid], self.mod_ui_entries[bid] |
if a.CreateTimestamp and b.CreateTimestamp and a.CreateTimestamp ~= b.CreateTimestamp then |
return a.CreateTimestamp < b.CreateTimestamp |
end |
return a.DisplayName < b.DisplayName |
end |
elseif sortby == "rating" then |
sort_func_asc = function(aid, bid) |
local a, b = self.mod_ui_entries[aid], self.mod_ui_entries[bid] |
if a.Rating and b.Rating and a.Rating ~= b.Rating then |
return a.Rating < b.Rating |
end |
return a.DisplayName < b.DisplayName |
end |
end |
if orderby == "desc" then |
sort_func = function(aid, bid) |
return sort_func_asc(bid, aid) |
end |
else |
sort_func = sort_func_asc |
end |
table.stable_sort(mod_ids, sort_func) |
end |
function ModsUIObject:SetSortMethod(id) |
if self.set_sort ~= id then |
self.set_sort = id |
if LocalStorage then |
LocalStorage.ModsUISortMethod = id |
SaveLocalStorageDelayed() |
end |
self:FetchMods() |
end |
end |
function ModsUIObject:GetSortTextUppercase(mode) |
local item = table.find_value(GetModsUISortItems(mode), "id", self.set_sort) |
if item then |
return item.name_uppercase |
end |
return "" |
end |
function ModsUIObjectCreateAndLoad(mode) |
ModsBackendObjectCreateAndLoad(mode) |
if mode == "browse" then |
g_BrowseModsUIContextObj = g_BrowseModsUIContextObj or BrowseModsUIObject:new() |
return g_BrowseModsUIContextObj |
elseif mode == "installed" then |
g_InstalledModsUIContextObj = g_InstalledModsUIContextObj or InstalledModsUIObject:new() |
return g_InstalledModsUIContextObj |
elseif mode == "favorites" then |
g_FavoritesModsUIContextObj = g_FavoritesModsUIContextObj or FavoritesModsUIObject:new() |
return g_FavoritesModsUIContextObj |
end |
end |
function OpenBackendModsUI() |
OpenPreGameMainMenu("ModManager") |
local backend_class = GetModsBackendClass() |
if backend_class then |
local dlg = GetPreGameMainMenu() |
if dlg.Mode ~= "ModManager" then |
dlg:SetMode("ModManager") |
end |
dlg:SetMode("browse") |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.ChangeMap(map) |
local ui_obj = g_BrowseModsUIContextObj or g_InstalledModsUIContextObj or g_FavoritesModsUIContextObj |
if ui_obj and map ~= "" and map ~= "PreGame" then |
g_BrowseModsUIContextObj = false |
g_InstalledModsUIContextObj = false |
g_FavoritesModsUIContextObj = false |
end |
end |
function StartModsDownloadThread() |
assert(IsModsBackendLoaded()) |
if g_DownloadModsQueue then return end |
if not IsUserCreatedContentAllowed() then return end |
CreateRealTimeThread(function() |
g_DownloadModsQueue = ModsQueue:new{push_message = "DownloadModPush"} |
while true do |
WaitMsg("DownloadModPush") |
while #g_DownloadModsQueue > 0 do |
local entry = g_DownloadModsQueue:pop() |
if g_BrowseModsUIContextObj then g_BrowseModsUIContextObj:FetchMods(entry, "skip_install") end |
if g_InstalledModsUIContextObj then g_InstalledModsUIContextObj:FetchMods(entry, "skip_install") end |
WaitInstallMod(entry) |
if g_BrowseModsUIContextObj then g_BrowseModsUIContextObj:FetchMods(entry, "skip_install") end |
if g_InstalledModsUIContextObj then g_InstalledModsUIContextObj:FetchMods(entry, "skip_install") end |
end |
end |
end) |
end |
function StartModsScreenshotDownloadThread() |
assert(IsModsBackendLoaded()) |
if g_DownloadModsScreenshotsQueue then return end |
g_DownloadModsScreenshotsQueue = ModsQueue:new{push_message = "DownloadModScreenshotsPush"} |
CreateRealTimeThread(function() |
AsyncCreatePath(g_ModsBackendObj.screenshots_path) |
while true do |
WaitMsg("DownloadModScreenshotsPush") |
while #g_DownloadModsScreenshotsQueue > 0 do |
WaitDownloadModScreenshots(g_DownloadModsScreenshotsQueue:pop()) |
end |
end |
end) |
end |
function OnMsg.ModsThumbnailDownloaded(mod) |
ObjModified(mod) |
end |
function OnMsg.ModsScreenshotsDownloaded(mod) |
ObjModified(mod) |
end |
DefineClass.ModUIEntry = { |
__parents = { "InitDone" }, |
reassigned_to = false, |
dbg_source = false, |
ModID = false, |
BackendID = false, |
Source = false, |
DisplayName = false, |
Author = false, |
ModVersion = false, |
Thumbnail = false, |
ThumbnailUrl = false, |
ChangeLog = false, |
LongDescription = false, |
ShortDescription = false, |
RequiredVersion = false, |
RequiredDlcs = false, |
RequiredMods = false, |
ScreenshotPaths = false, |
Tags = false, |
CreateTimestamp = false, |
Local = false, |
Enabled = false, |
Rating = 0, |
RatingsCount = 0, |
FavoriteRetrieved = false, |
Favorited = false, |
FileSize = 0, |
Installed = false, |
ModPosition = false, |
Corrupted = false, |
Warning = false, |
Warning_id = false, |
ScreenshotUrls = false, |
details_retrieved = false, |
InfoRetrieved = false, |
rating = false, |
flag_reason = false, |
} |
function ModUIEntry:ClearCorruptedStatus() |
self.Corrupted = nil |
self.Warning = nil |
self.Warning_id = nil |
end |
DefineClass.ModsQueue = { |
__parents = { "PropertyObject" }, |
push_message = "", |
} |
function ModsQueue:push(obj) |
if not obj or table.find(self, obj) then return end |
table.insert(self, 1, obj) |
Msg(self.push_message) |
end |
function ModsQueue:pop() |
local val = self[#self] |
self[#self] = nil |
return val |
end |
function ModsQueue:peek() |
return self[#self] |
end |
PredefinedModTags = {} |
DefineClass.BrowseModsUIObject = { |
__parents = { "ModsUIObject" }, |
} |
DefineClass.InstalledModsUIObject = { |
__parents = { "ModsUIObject" }, |
installed_retrieved = false, |
backend_installed = false, |
} |
function InstalledModsUIObject:Init() |
if LocalStorage then |
self.set_sort = LocalStorage.ModsUIInstalledSortMethod or nil |
end |
end |
function InstalledModsUIObject:FetchMods(modify_obj) |
ModsUIObject.FetchMods(self, "installed", modify_obj) |
end |
function InstalledModsUIObject:GetInstalledModsCount() |
return table.count(self.mod_ui_entries) |
end |
function InstalledModsUIObject:SetSortMethod(id) |
if self.set_sort ~= id then |
self.set_sort = id |
if LocalStorage then |
LocalStorage.ModsUIInstalledSortMethod = id |
SaveLocalStorageDelayed() |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.FavoritesModsUIObject = { |
__parents = { "ModsUIObject" }, |
favorites = true, |
} |