if FirstLoad then |
LoadingScreenTipsRate = 10000 |
LoadingScreenLog = {} |
end |
LoadingScreenOrgSize = point(1920, 1080) |
local lsprintf = CreatePrint{ |
format = "printf", |
timestamp = true, |
} |
function LoadingScreenGetClassById(id) |
if id == "idSaveProfile" then |
return "BaseSavingScreen" |
elseif id == "idAutosaveScreen" then |
return "AutosaveScreen" |
elseif id == "idQuickSaveScreen" then |
return "QuickSaveScreen" |
end |
return "XLoadingScreen" |
end |
function GetLoadingScreenDialog(exceptAccountStorage) |
local dlg = GetDialog(LoadingScreenLog[#LoadingScreenLog]) |
if exceptAccountStorage and dlg then |
if not dlg.context or dlg.context.id ~= "idSaveProfile" then |
return dlg |
end |
else |
return dlg |
end |
end |
local function LoadingScreenCreate(class, id, reason, info_text, metadata) |
lsprintf("Creating: class = %s, id = %s, reason = %s", class, tostring(id), tostring(reason)) |
table.insert(LoadingScreenLog, class) |
local dlg = OpenDialog(class, nil, {id = id,reason = reason, info_text = info_text, metadata = metadata}, reason) |
if dlg.game_blocking then |
Pause(dlg) |
LockCamera(dlg) |
ChangeGameState("loading", true) |
if info_text and rawget(dlg, "idInfoText") then |
dlg.idInfoText:SetText(info_text) |
end |
local atTips = dlg.show_tips and (rawget(dlg, "idTips") or rawget(dlg, "idContainer") and rawget(dlg.idContainer, "idTips")) |
if atTips and tips.InitTips() then |
local last_tip_id = 0 |
local selected_tips = {} |
for i = 1, 5 do |
local tip, id |
repeat |
tip, id = tips.GetNextTip() |
until id ~= last_tip_id |
last_tip_id = id |
selected_tips[#selected_tips + 1] = _InternalTranslate(tip) |
end |
dlg:CreateThread(function() |
local idx = 1 |
while true do |
atTips:SetText(Untranslated(selected_tips[idx])) |
idx = (idx + 1) > #selected_tips and 1 or (idx + 1) |
Sleep(LoadingScreenTipsRate) |
end |
end) |
end |
end |
dlg.clock_opened = GetClock() |
return dlg |
end |
function LoadingScreenExecute(id, reason, func) |
LoadingScreenOpen(id, reason) |
local result = func() |
LoadingScreenClose(id, reason) |
return result |
end |
function LoadingScreenOpen(id, reason, first_tip, metadata) |
assert(IsRealTimeThread(), "The loading screen requires a real time thread") |
lsprintf("Opening %s, reason = %s", tostring(id), tostring(reason)) |
local class = LoadingScreenGetClassById(id) |
if not class then |
assert(false, "No loading screen class matches " .. tostring(id)) |
return |
end |
local dlg = GetDialog(class) |
if dlg and dlg.window_state == "closing" then |
local modifier = dlg:FindModifier("fade") |
if modifier then |
modifier.on_complete = function() end |
end |
dlg:delete() |
dlg = nil |
end |
dlg = dlg or LoadingScreenCreate(class, id, reason, first_tip, metadata) |
dlg:AddOpenReason(reason) |
lsprintf("Opened %s, reason = %s", tostring(id), tostring(reason)) |
if dlg.game_blocking then |
WaitNextFrame(5) |
end |
end |
function LoadingScreenClose(id, reason) |
lsprintf("Closing %s, reason = %s", tostring(id), tostring(reason)) |
local class = LoadingScreenGetClassById(id) |
local dlg = class and GetDialog(class) |
if not dlg then |
lsprintf("Closing %s cancelled, no dialog", tostring(id)) |
return |
end |
if not dlg:GetOpenReasons()[reason] then |
print("Trying to close a Loading/Saving screen with id/reason that aren't used for opening: " .. tostring(reason)) |
print("Active reasons:", table.concat(table.keys2(dlg:GetOpenReasons()), " ")) |
lsprintf("Closing %s cancelled, no reason", tostring(id)) |
return |
end |
if dlg:RemoveOpenReason(reason) then |
lsprintf("Closing %s, no reasons left", tostring(id)) |
dlg:AddOpenReason(reason) |
local parent_thread = CurrentThread() |
local game_blocking = dlg.game_blocking |
CreateRealTimeThread(function() |
while dlg.clock_opened == 0 do |
Sleep(17) |
end |
local clock_closed = dlg.clock_opened |
if dlg.saving then |
clock_closed = clock_closed + 3141 |
elseif game_blocking then |
clock_closed = clock_closed + (dlg.close_delay or 1200) |
end |
lsprintf("Closing %s, waiting clock", tostring(id)) |
while GetClock() - clock_closed < 0 do |
Sleep(30) |
end |
lsprintf("Closing %s, checking for reopen", tostring(id)) |
if dlg:RemoveOpenReason(reason) then |
lsprintf("Closing %s, final closing", tostring(id)) |
if game_blocking then |
local dlgs = ListDialogs() |
local unblock = true |
for i = 1, #dlgs do |
local d = GetDialog(dlgs[i]) |
if d ~= dlg and d:IsKindOf("BaseLoadingScreen") and d.game_blocking then |
unblock = false |
break |
end |
end |
if unblock and GetMap() ~= "" then |
if not dlg.saving then |
WaitNextFrame(3) |
SetupViews() |
end |
end |
ChangeGameState("loading", not unblock) |
UnlockCamera(dlg) |
Resume(dlg) |
end |
if not next(dlg:GetOpenReasons()) then |
Msg("LoadingScreenPreClose") |
WaitNextFrame() |
if not next(dlg:GetOpenReasons()) then |
if dlg.window_state ~= "destroying" then |
dlg:Close("final") |
table.remove_entry(LoadingScreenLog, class) |
end |
lsprintf("Closed %s, reason = %s", tostring(id), tostring(reason)) |
end |
end |
if next(dlg:GetOpenReasons()) then |
lsprintf("Cancelled closing, we have a new reason to live", next(dlg:GetOpenReasons())) |
end |
end |
if game_blocking then |
Wakeup(parent_thread) |
end |
end) |
if game_blocking then |
WaitWakeup() |
end |
end |
end |
DefineClass.BaseLoadingScreen = { |
__parents = { "XDialog" }, |
properties = { |
{ category = "LoadingScreen", id = "game_blocking", editor = "bool", default = true, }, |
}, |
clock_opened = 0, |
close_delay = false, |
saving = false, |
show_tips = true, |
ZOrder = 1000000000, |
MouseCursor = "CommonAssets/UI/waitcursor.tga", |
HandleMouse = true, |
image = "UI/SplashScreen.tga", |
transparent = false, |
FocusOnOpen = "", |
} |
function BaseLoadingScreen:Open(...) |
XDialog.Open(self, ...) |
ShowMouseCursor("Loading screen") |
if self.game_blocking then |
self:SetModal() |
self:SetFocus() |
end |
if self.transparent then |
self:SetMouseCursor(false) |
self.HandleMouse = false |
self.ChildrenHandleMouse = false |
end |
if rawget(self, "idImage") then |
self.idImage:SetImage(self.image) |
end |
end |
function BaseLoadingScreen:OnShortcut(shortcut, source, ...) |
if (Platform.publisher or Platform.developer) and shortcut == "Ctrl-F1" then |
return "continue" |
end |
if self.game_blocking and not AreMessageBoxesOpen() then |
return "break" |
end |
end |
function BaseLoadingScreen:Close(result) |
if result == "final" then |
HideMouseCursor("Loading screen") |
XWindow.Close(self) |
end |
end |
DefineClass.BaseSavingScreen = { |
__parents = { "BaseLoadingScreen" }, |
saving = true, |
game_blocking = false, |
image = false, |
transparent = true, |
} |
function GetOpenLoadingScreen(id) |
local class = LoadingScreenGetClassById(id) |
return class and GetDialog(class) and true or false |
end |
function DrawSplashScreen() |
local screen = UIL.GetScreenSize() |
local size = ScaleToFit(LoadingScreenOrgSize, screen, not "clip") |
local pos = (screen - size) / 2 |
local rc = box(pos, pos + size) |
UIL.DrawSolidRect(box(point20, screen), RGB(0,0,0)) |
UIL.DrawImage("UI/SplashScreen.tga", rc) |
end |
DefineClass.XLoadingScreenClass = |
{ |
__parents = { "BaseLoadingScreen" }, |
FadeOutTime = 300, |
Background = RGB(0, 0, 0), |
} |
g_LoadingScreens = { |
"UI/SplashScreen.tga", |
} |
if FirstLoad then |
g_FirstLoadingScreen = true |
end |
function XLoadingScreenClass:Open(...) |
self.image = g_FirstLoadingScreen and "UI/SplashScreen.tga" or table.rand(g_LoadingScreens) |
g_FirstLoadingScreen = false |
BaseLoadingScreen.Open(self, ...) |
end |
function GetGameBlockingLoadingScreen() |
for _, d in pairs(Dialogs) do |
if d and IsKindOf(d, "BaseLoadingScreen") and d.game_blocking then |
return d |
end |
end |
end |
function WaitLoadingScreenClose() |
while GetGameBlockingLoadingScreen() do |
WaitNextFrame() |
end |
end |