DefineClass.XFloatingText = { |
__parents = { "XText" }, |
properties = { |
{ category = "Floating Text", id = "expire_time", name = "Expire time", editor = "number", default = 800 }, |
{ category = "Floating Text", id = "life_time", name = "Life time", editor = "number", default = 0, scale = "ms", |
help = "The life time of a floating text. If it is not shown in that period of time, it will never be shown. Set this to 0 for an endless life time.", }, |
{ category = "Floating Text", id = "fade_start", name = "Fade start time", editor = "number", default = 400 }, |
{ category = "Floating Text", id = "transparency_start", name = "Transparency start", editor = "number", default = 255, min = 0, max = 255 }, |
{ category = "Floating Text", id = "transparency_end", name = "Transparency end", editor = "number", default = 0, min = 0, max = 255 }, |
{ category = "Floating Text", id = "offset_start_time", name = "Offset start time", editor = "number", default = 0 }, |
{ category = "Floating Text", id = "offset_amount", name = "Offset amount", editor = "number", default = 100 }, |
{ category = "Floating Text", id = "z_offset", name = "Z offset", editor = "number", default = 30, scale = "m" }, |
{ category = "Floating Text", id = "randomize_x", name = "Randomize X", editor = "bool", default = true }, |
{ category = "Floating Text", id = "exclusive", name = "Exclusive", editor = "bool", default = false, |
help = "Only this floating text can be active on the target. Removes all previously spawned." }, |
{ category = "Floating Text", id = "same_exclusive", name = "Same Exclusive", editor = "choice", items = {"False", "Same Time", "All"}, default = "False", |
help = "The same floating texts cannot coexist. Removes the new one. Same Time - removes same floating texts if added at the same time, All - removes same floating texts." }, |
{ category = "Floating Text", id = "exclusive_discard", name = "Exclusive Discard", editor = "bool", default = false, |
help = "Like exclusive, but in reverse - prevents other texts from spawning, instead destroying them." }, |
{ category = "Floating Text", id = "exclusive_by_type", name = "Exclusive By Type", editor = "bool", default = false, |
help = "Like exclusive, but only removes previously spawned texts of the same type." }, |
{ category = "Floating Text", id = "interpolate_opacity", name = "Interpolate opacity", editor = "bool", default = false }, |
{ category = "Floating Text", id = "interpolate_pos", name = "Interpolate position", editor = "bool", default = true }, |
{ category = "Floating Text", id = "always_show_on_distance", name = "doe snot hide on distance", editor = "bool", default = false }, |
}, |
TextStyle = "EditorText", |
target = false, |
HandleMouse = false, |
ChildrenHandleMouse = false, |
UseClipBox = false, |
Clip = false, |
Translate = true, |
default_spot = false, |
prevent_overlap = true, |
stagger_spawn = true, |
spawn_stagger = false, |
dbg_removed_by = false |
} |
function XFloatingText:OnDelete() |
Msg(self) |
end |
MapVar("FloatingTexts", {}, weak_keys_meta) |
PersistableGlobals.FloatingTexts = false |
local function lFindTextPos(target, z_offset) |
local prev = FloatingTexts and FloatingTexts[target] |
prev = prev and prev[1] |
local tx, ty, tz = target:GetVisualPosXYZ() |
local z = tz + z_offset*guic |
return tx, ty, z |
end |
local function lIntersectionDepth(box1, box2) |
local halfWidthA = box1:sizex() / 2 |
local halfHeightA = box1:sizey() / 2 |
local halfWidthB = box2:sizex() / 2 |
local halfHeightB = box2:sizey() / 2 |
local centerA = box1:Center() |
local centerB = box2:Center() |
local distanceX = centerA:x() - centerB:x() |
local distanceY = centerA:y() - centerB:y() |
local minDistanceX = halfWidthA + halfWidthB |
local minDistanceY = halfHeightA + halfHeightB |
if abs(distanceX) >= minDistanceX or abs(distanceY) >= minDistanceY then return 0, 0 end |
local depthX |
if distanceX == 0 then |
depthX = 0 |
elseif distanceX > 0 then |
depthX = minDistanceX - distanceX |
else |
depthX = -minDistanceX - distanceX |
end |
local depthY |
if distanceY == 0 then |
depthY = 0 |
elseif distanceY > 0 then |
depthY = minDistanceY - distanceY |
else |
depthY = -minDistanceY - distanceY |
end |
return depthX, depthY |
end |
local ShowFloatingTextDist = const.Camera and const.Camera.ShowFloatingTextDist or 500 * guim |
local IsPoint = IsPoint |
local IsValid = IsValid |
local GameToScreenXY = GameToScreenXY |
local IsCloser2D = IsCloser2D |
function ShouldShowFloatingText(target, text, always_show_on_distance) |
if not text or text == "" or not target or not config.FloatingTextEnabled then return end |
if not IsValidPos(target) then |
return |
end |
if GameInitAfterLoading or GameTime() == 0 then return end |
if always_show_on_distance then |
return true |
end |
local front, sx, sy = GameToScreenXY(target) |
if not front or terminal.desktop.box:Dist2D2(sx, sy) > 200*200 then |
return |
end |
local cam_pos = camera.GetPos() |
return IsValidPos(cam_pos) and IsCloser2D(cam_pos, target, ShowFloatingTextDist) |
end |
function CreateCustomFloatingText(ftext, target, text, style, spot, stagger_spawn, params, game_time) |
if not ShouldShowFloatingText(target, text, ftext and ftext.always_show_on_distance) then |
if ftext then |
ftext:delete() |
end |
return |
end |
if not IsT(text) then |
text = Untranslated(text) |
end |
local timeNow = game_time and GameTime() or GetPreciseTicks() |
local target_key = IsPoint(target) and xxhash(target) or target |
local list = FloatingTexts and FloatingTexts[target_key] |
local prev = list and list[#list] |
if prev and prev.window_state ~= "destroying" then |
if prev.exclusive_discard then |
if ftext then |
ftext.dbg_removed_by = "exclusive discard ftext on target" |
ftext:delete() |
end |
return |
end |
local ttext = _InternalTranslate(text) |
for _, previ in ipairs(list) do |
if (previ.same_exclusive == "Same Time" and previ.timeNow == timeNow or previ.same_exclusive == "All") and previ.text == ttext then |
if ftext then |
ftext.dbg_removed_by = "exclusive same ftext on target" |
ftext:delete() |
end |
return |
end |
end |
end |
if config.RemoveSameFTextNearby then |
local ttext = _InternalTranslate(text) |
local _, sx, sy = GameToScreenXY(target) |
for ftarget, ftext_list in pairs(FloatingTexts) do |
if target.show_same_floating_texts_nearby or target == ftarget or not IsValid(ftarget) then goto skip end |
local _, t_sx, t_sy = GameToScreenXY(ftarget) |
if IsCloser2D(sx, sy , t_sx, t_sy, 30) then |
for _, prev_ftext in ipairs(ftext_list) do |
if prev_ftext.text == ttext then |
if ftext then |
ftext.dbg_removed_by = "exclusive same ftext on targets nearby" |
ftext:delete() |
end |
return |
end |
end |
end |
::skip:: |
end |
end |
if not ftext then |
ftext = XTemplateSpawn(config.FloatingTextClass or "XFloatingText", EnsureDialog("FloatingTextDialog"), false) |
table.overwrite(ftext, params or empty_table) |
end |
if ftext.window_state == "new" then ftext:Open() end |
spot = spot or ftext.default_spot |
stagger_spawn = stagger_spawn == nil and ftext.stagger_spawn or stagger_spawn |
if list then |
if (ftext.exclusive or ftext.exclusive_by_type) and prev then |
local byType = ftext.exclusive_by_type |
local myType = ftext.class |
for i, t in ipairs(list) do |
if t.window_state == "open" and (not byType or IsKindOf(t, myType)) then |
t.dbg_removed_by = "exclusive ftext, byType:" .. tostring(byType) .. " and of type " .. tostring(myType) |
t:Close() |
end |
end |
prev = false |
end |
list[#list + 1] = ftext |
else |
list = { ftext } |
FloatingTexts[target_key] = list |
end |
ftext.timeNow = timeNow |
ftext.target = target_key |
ftext:SetText(text) |
if type(style) == "number" then |
ftext:SetTextColor(style) |
elseif type(style) == "string" then |
ftext:SetTextStyle(style) |
end |
local backupPosition |
if IsValid(target) then |
local x, y, z = target:GetVisualPosXYZ() |
backupPosition = point(x, y, z + ftext.z_offset*guic) |
end |
CreateMapRealTimeThread(WaitStartFloatingText, ftext, prev, stagger_spawn, spot, target, backupPosition, game_time) |
return ftext |
end |
local function RemoveFloatingTextReason(ftext, reason) |
table.remove_entry(FloatingTexts[ftext.target], ftext) |
if #(FloatingTexts[ftext.target] or "") == 0 then |
FloatingTexts[ftext.target] = nil |
end |
if ftext.window_state == "open" then |
ftext.dbg_removed_by = reason |
ftext:Close() |
end |
end |
function WaitStartFloatingText(ftext, prev, stagger_spawn, spot, target, backupPosition, game_time) |
local width, height = ftext:Measure(ftext.MaxWidth, ftext.MaxHeight) |
local minx, miny, maxx, maxy = ftext:GetEffectiveMargins() |
local xLoc = -(width / 2) + minx |
local yLoc = -height + miny |
height = height + -yLoc |
if ftext.OffsetBox then |
xLoc, yLoc = ftext:OffsetBox(xLoc, yLoc) |
end |
if prev and ftext.prevent_overlap and prev.expire_time then |
if ftext.randomize_x then |
xLoc = xLoc + AsyncRand(-100, 50) |
end |
if stagger_spawn then |
local timeNow = game_time and GameTime() or RealTime() |
if prev.spawn_stagger and (prev.spawn_stagger - timeNow > 0) then |
ftext.spawn_stagger = prev.spawn_stagger |
else |
ftext.spawn_stagger = timeNow |
end |
ftext:SetVisible(false) |
ftext.spawn_stagger = ftext.spawn_stagger + prev.offset_start_time + prev.expire_time / 3 |
while prev.window_state ~= "destroying" do |
local sleep_time = ftext.spawn_stagger - (game_time and GameTime() or RealTime()) |
if game_time then |
sleep_time = MulDivRound(sleep_time, 1000, Max(GetTimeFactor(), 1000)) |
end |
if sleep_time <= 1 then |
break |
end |
local textDeleted = WaitMsg(prev, sleep_time) |
if textDeleted then |
break |
end |
end |
if ftext.window_state == "destroying" then return end |
if ftext.life_time ~= 0 then |
timeNow = game_time and GameTime() or RealTime() |
if ftext.timeNow + ftext.life_time - timeNow < 0 then |
RemoveFloatingTextReason(ftext, "lifetime") |
return |
end |
end |
ftext:SetVisible(true) |
end |
end |
local x1, y1, x2, y2 = ScaleXY(ftext.scale, ftext.Padding:xyxy()) |
ftext:SetBox(xLoc - x1, yLoc - y1, width + maxx + x1 + x2, height + maxy + y1 + y2, false) |
ftext.Dock = "ignore" |
local max_cam_dist_m = config.FloatingTextMaxDist_m |
local targetIsPoint = IsPoint(target) |
if not targetIsPoint and not (IsValid(target) and target:IsValidPos()) then |
target = backupPosition |
targetIsPoint = true |
end |
if spot and not targetIsPoint then |
ftext:AddDynamicPosModifier{ |
id = "attached_ui", |
target = target, |
spot_type = EntitySpots[spot], |
max_cam_dist_m = max_cam_dist_m, |
} |
else |
if targetIsPoint then |
ftext:AddDynamicPosModifier{ |
id = "attached_ui", |
target = ValidateZ(target), |
max_cam_dist_m = max_cam_dist_m, |
} |
else |
local posx, posy, posz = lFindTextPos(target, ftext.z_offset) |
ftext:AddDynamicPosModifier{ |
id = "attached_ui", |
target = point(posx, posy, posz), |
max_cam_dist_m = max_cam_dist_m, |
} |
end |
end |
if ftext.expire_time then |
ftext:CreateThread("floating_text_interp", function() |
ftext:StartInterpolation(game_time) |
Sleep(ftext.expire_time) |
RemoveFloatingTextReason(ftext, "expired") |
end) |
end |
end |
function CreateFloatingText(target, text, style, spot, stagger_spawn, params, game_time) |
return CreateCustomFloatingText(nil, target, text, style, spot, stagger_spawn, params, game_time) |
end |
local b = box(0, 0, 1, 1) |
function XFloatingText:StartInterpolation(game_time) |
if self.interpolate_opacity then |
local transInter = { |
id = "transparency", |
type = const.intAlpha, |
startValue = self.transparency_start, |
endValue = self.transparency_end, |
start = (game_time and GameTime() or GetPreciseTicks()) + self.fade_start, |
duration = self.expire_time - self.fade_start, |
flags = game_time and const.intfGameTime or nil, |
} |
self:AddInterpolation(transInter) |
end |
if self.interpolate_pos then |
local _, offset_y = ScaleXY(self.scale, 0, self.offset_amount) |
local moveInterp = { |
id = "movement", |
type = const.intRect, |
originalRect = b, |
targetRect = box(b:minx(), b:miny() - offset_y, b:maxx(), b:maxy() - offset_y), |
start = (game_time and GameTime() or GetPreciseTicks()) + self.offset_start_time, |
duration = self.expire_time - self.offset_start_time, |
flags = game_time and const.intfGameTime or nil, |
} |
self:AddInterpolation(moveInterp) |
end |
end |
DefineClass.FloatingTextDialog = { |
__parents = { "XDialog" }, |
UseClipBox = false, |
ZOrder = 0, |
FocusOnOpen = false, |
} |
function FloatingTextDialog:Measure(max_width, max_height) |
return 0, 0 |
end |
function FloatingTextDialog:UpdateLayout() |
self.layout_update = false |
end |
function ShowFloatingTextNoExpire(actor, text, style) |
return CreateFloatingText(actor, text, style, nil, nil, { expire_time = false }) |
end |
function OnMsg.DoneMap() |
for _, texts in pairs(FloatingTexts or empty_table) do |
for _, text in ipairs(texts) do |
if text.window_state ~= "destroying" then |
text:delete() |
end |
end |
end |
end |
function RemoveFloatingTextsFrom(obj, except) |
local list = FloatingTexts[obj] |
if not list then return end |
for i = #list, 1, -1 do |
local text = list[i] |
if (not except or not IsKindOf(text, except)) and text.window_state ~= "destroying" then |
text:delete() |
text.dbg_removed_by = "call to RemoveFloatingTextsFrom" |
table.remove(list, i) |
end |
end |
end |