function GetDevUIViewport() |
local ui = XShortcutsTarget |
return ui and rawget(ui, "idViewport") or terminal.desktop |
end |
DefineClass.DeveloperInterface = { |
__parents = { "XActionsHost" , "XDarkModeAwareDialog", "XDrawCache" }, |
terminal_target_priority = -100, |
ZOrder = 10000000, |
IdNode = true, |
FocusOnOpen = false, |
ui_visible = true, |
} |
function DeveloperInterface:Init() |
terminal.AddTarget(self) |
if (Platform.developer or Platform.editor) and not Platform.ged then |
self:CreateDevMenu() |
end |
XWindow:new({ |
Id = "idViewport", |
Dock = "box", |
}, self) |
if rawget(_G, "dlgConsole") then |
dlgConsole:SetParent(self.idViewport) |
end |
if rawget(_G, "dlgConsoleLog") then |
dlgConsoleLog:SetParent(self.idViewport) |
end |
XDarkModeAwareDialog:new({ IdNode = false, Id = "idStatusBox", Dock = "box", Margins = box(3, 0, 5, 1), VAlign = "bottom", FocusOnOpen = "" }, self.idViewport) |
XText:new({ |
Id = "idStatusTextLeft", |
VAlign = "bottom", |
TextHAlign = "left", |
TextStyle = "EditorTextBold", |
HandleMouse = false, |
}, self.idStatusBox) |
XText:new({ |
Id = "idStatusTextRight", |
VAlign = "bottom", |
TextHAlign = "right", |
TextStyle = "EditorTextBold", |
HandleMouse = false, |
}, self.idStatusBox) |
end |
function DeveloperInterface:CreateDevMenu() |
LocalStorage.ToolbarItems = LocalStorage.ToolbarItems or { ["DE_BugReport"] = true, ["DE_Screenshot"] = true } |
local bar = XMenuBar:new({ |
Id = "idMenubar", |
Dock = "top", |
MenuEntries = "DevMenu", |
ShowIcons = true, |
IconReservedSpace = 25, |
TextStyle = "DevMenuBar", |
AutoHide = false, |
}, self) |
local top_container = XWindow:new({ |
Dock = "top", |
BorderWidth = 1, |
BorderColor = RGB(160, 160, 160), |
Background = RGB(255, 255, 255), |
FoldWhenHidden = true, |
}, self) |
local menu_searchbox = XCombo:new({ |
Id = "idMenubarSearchbox", |
Dock = "right", |
TextStyle = "DevMenuBar", |
MinWidth = 200, |
MaxLines = 5, |
PopupBackground = RGB(54, 54, 54), |
ArbitraryValue = false, |
ListItemTemplate = GetDarkModeSetting() and "XComboXTextListItemDark" or "XComboXTextListItemLight", |
Hint = "Search...", |
MRUStorageId = "MenuSearch", |
MRUCount = 10, |
VirtualItems = true, |
SetValueOnLoseFocus = false, |
Items = function() return self:SearchBoxEntries() end, |
GetText = function(combo) return RemoveDiacritics(XCombo.GetText(combo)) end, |
OnValueChanged = function(combo, value) |
local host = GetActionsHost(combo.idEdit) |
local action = host:ActionById(value) |
if action and action.ActionName then |
local action_name = action.ActionTranslate and _InternalTranslate(action.ActionName) or action.ActionName |
print(string.format("Executing: %s", action_name)) |
host:OnAction(action, combo) |
if not IsEditorActive() then |
self:Toggle() |
end |
end |
combo:SetValueWithText(false, "", "dont_notify") |
combo:SetFocus(false, true) |
end, |
OnItemRightClicked = function(combo, value) |
local host = GetActionsHost(combo.idEdit) |
local action = host:ActionById(value) |
if action and action.ActionName then |
DeveloperInterface.AddRemoveFromToolbar(action, self) |
end |
end, |
just_focused = false, |
}, top_container) |
menu_searchbox.idEdit.OnKbdKeyUp = function(self, virtual_key, ...) |
if virtual_key == const.vkTilde and not menu_searchbox.just_focused and not IsEditorActive() then |
XShortcutsTarget:Toggle() |
end |
menu_searchbox.just_focused = false |
return XEdit.OnKbdKeyUp(self, virtual_key, ...) |
end |
menu_searchbox.idEdit.ShouldProcessChar = function(self, char, ...) |
return char ~= "`" and XTextEditor.ShouldProcessChar(self, char, ...) |
end |
menu_searchbox.OnKbdKeyDown = function(self, vkey, ...) |
if vkey == const.vkEsc then |
self:SetText("") |
self:SetFocus(false, true) |
return "break" |
elseif vkey == const.vkEnter then |
local popup = self.popup |
local container = popup and popup.idContainer |
local first_entry = container and container[1] |
if first_entry and first_entry.class == "XVirtualContent" then |
first_entry = first_entry[1] |
end |
if first_entry and first_entry:HasMember("OnPress") then |
first_entry:OnPress() |
return "break" |
end |
end |
end |
menu_searchbox.GetCurrentComboItems = function(self, mode) |
local pattern = self:GetText() |
if pattern == "" then |
self.mru_list = false |
return XCombo.GetCurrentComboItems(self, mode) |
end |
local item_scores = { } |
for i, item in ipairs(self:ResolveItems()) do |
local text = item.search_text |
local match, fuzzy_score, match_indices = string.fuzzy_match(pattern, text) |
if (match or fuzzy_score) and match_indices and next(match_indices) then |
local exact_score = string.find_lower(text, pattern) and 1 or 0 |
table.sort(match_indices) |
table.insert(item_scores, { |
text = text, |
item = item, |
fuzzy_score = fuzzy_score, |
exact_score = exact_score, |
match_indices = match_indices, |
}) |
end |
end |
table.sort(item_scores, function(a, b) |
if a.exact_score == b.exact_score then |
if a.fuzzy_score == b.fuzzy_score then |
return a.text < b.text |
end |
return a.fuzzy_score > b.fuzzy_score |
end |
return a.exact_score > b.exact_score |
end) |
for i = #item_scores, 30, -1 do |
if item_scores[i].exact_score ~= 0 then |
break |
end |
item_scores[i] = nil |
end |
local items = table.map(item_scores, function(item_score) |
local text = item_score.text |
text = HighlightFuzzyMatches(text, item_score.match_indices, "<color 32 196 32>", "</color>") |
return { |
name = text .. (item_score.item.extra_text or ""), |
value = item_score.item.value, |
} |
end) |
local selected_item |
if mode == "select" then |
selected_item = items[1] |
end |
return items, empty_table, selected_item |
end |
XToolBar:new({ |
Dock = "left", |
Padding = box(1, 1, 1, 1), |
Toolbar = "DevToolbar", |
Show = "icon", |
ButtonTemplate = "EditorToolbarButton", |
ToggleButtonTemplate = "EditorToolbarToggleButton", |
RolloverAnchor = "bottom", |
}, top_container) |
local text = XText:new({ |
Dock = "right", |
VAlign = "center", |
TextStyle = "EditorToolbar", |
Padding = box(0, 0, 25, 0), |
}, top_container) |
text:SetText("Right-click an item/submenu to add/remove it here...") |
end |
function DeveloperInterface:FocusSearch() |
if XEditorSettings:GetAutoFocusMenuSearch() then |
self.idMenubarSearchbox:SetFocus(true, false) |
end |
end |
function DeveloperInterface:OnShortcut(shortcut, source, controller_id, repeated, ...) |
if AreCheatsEnabled() and shortcut == "~" and source == "keyboard" and repeated then |
self:SetUIVisible(true) |
self.idMenubarSearchbox.just_focused = true |
self.idMenubarSearchbox:SetFocus(true, false) |
return "break" |
end |
return XDialog.OnShortcut(self, shortcut, source, controller_id, repeated, ...) |
end |
function OnMsg.XActionActivated(host, action, source) |
if host == XShortcutsTarget and source ~= "keyboard" then |
local name = action.ActionName |
local shortcut = action.ActionShortcut |
if action.ActionName ~= "" and action.OnActionEffect ~= "popup" then |
LocalStorage.XComboMRU = LocalStorage.XComboMRU or {} |
LocalStorage.XComboMRU.MenuSearch = LocalStorage.XComboMRU.MenuSearch or {} |
local id = action.ActionId |
local list = LocalStorage.XComboMRU.MenuSearch |
table.remove_value(list, id) |
table.insert(list, 1, id) |
if host.idMenubarSearchbox and #list > host.idMenubarSearchbox.MRUCount then |
table.remove(list) |
end |
SaveLocalStorageDelayed() |
end |
end |
end |
function get_action_name(action) |
local name = action.ActionName |
if action.ActionTranslate then |
name = _InternalTranslate(name, nil, false) |
end |
return name:strip_tags() |
end |
function DeveloperInterface:SearchBoxEntries() |
local actions_by_id = {} |
for _, action in ipairs(self:GetActions()) do |
if action.ActionId ~= "" then |
actions_by_id[action.ActionId] = action |
end |
end |
local menubar = self:ResolveId("idMenubar") |
local menu_entries = menubar.MenuEntries |
local result = {} |
for _, action in ipairs(self:GetActions()) do |
if self:FilterAction(action) and action.ActionName ~= "" and action.OnActionEffect ~= "popup" then |
local parent, path = action, {} |
while parent and parent.ActionMenubar ~= menu_entries do |
parent = actions_by_id[parent.ActionMenubar] |
if parent then |
table.insert(path, get_action_name(parent)) |
end |
end |
if parent then |
local name = get_action_name(action) |
if not string.find(name, "unused") then |
local shortcut = "" |
if action.ActionShortcut and action.ActionShortcut ~= "" then |
shortcut = string.format(" <alpha 156>(%s)<alpha 255>", action.ActionShortcut) |
end |
local path = table.concat(table.reverse(path), " / ") |
path = path:gsub("%.%.%.", ""):trim_spaces() |
local extra_text = string.format("%s<right><alpha 156>\t%s", shortcut, path) |
table.insert(result, { search_text = name, extra_text = extra_text, text = name .. extra_text, value = action.ActionId }) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
table.sortby_field(result, "search_text") |
return result |
end |
function DeveloperInterface.AddRemoveFromToolbar(action, self) |
CreateRealTimeThread(function() |
local toolbar_items = LocalStorage.ToolbarItems or empty_table |
if toolbar_items[action.ActionId] then |
if WaitQuestion(self, Untranslated("Confirm Action"), Untranslated("Remove this action from the toolbar?")) == "ok" then |
LocalStorage.ToolbarItems[action.ActionId] = nil |
SaveLocalStorage() |
self:UpdateToolbar() |
end |
else |
if WaitQuestion(self, Untranslated("Confirm Action"), Untranslated("Add this action to the toolbar?")) == "ok" then |
LocalStorage.ToolbarItems[action.ActionId] = true |
SaveLocalStorage() |
self:UpdateToolbar() |
end |
end |
end) |
end |
function DeveloperInterface:UpdateToolbar() |
local toolbar_items = LocalStorage.ToolbarItems or empty_table |
for _, action in ipairs(self:GetActions()) do |
if action.ActionMenubar ~= "" and (action.ActionToolbar == "" or action.ActionToolbar == "DevToolbar") then |
action.OnAltAction = DeveloperInterface.AddRemoveFromToolbar |
action:SetActionToolbar(toolbar_items[action.ActionId] and "DevToolbar") |
action.ActionIcon = action.ActionIcon ~= "" and action.ActionIcon or "CommonAssets/UI/Icons/circle close cross delete remove.tga" |
if action.ActionSortKey == "" then |
local sort_key = action.ActionTranslate and _InternalTranslate(action.ActionName) or action.ActionName |
action:SetActionSortKey((action.ActionIcon == "CommonAssets/UI/Menu/folder.tga" and " " or "") .. sort_key) |
end |
end |
end |
self:ActionsUpdated() |
self:SetDarkMode(GetDarkModeSetting()) |
end |
function DeveloperInterface:MouseEvent(event, ...) |
if event == "OnMouseButtonDown" then |
XPopupMenu.ClosePopupMenus() |
end |
return TerminalTarget.MouseEvent(self, event, ...) |
end |
function DeveloperInterface:Toggle() |
self:SetUIVisible(not self.ui_visible) |
end |
function DeveloperInterface:SetUIVisible(visible) |
if self.ui_visible == visible then return end |
self.ui_visible = visible |
for _, win in ipairs(self) do |
if win ~= self.idViewport then |
win:SetVisible(visible) |
end |
end |
if self.idMenubarSearchbox then |
if visible and XEditorSettings:GetAutoFocusMenuSearch() then |
self.idMenubarSearchbox:SetFocus(true, false) |
else |
self.idMenubarSearchbox:SetText("") |
XPopupMenu.ClosePopupMenus() |
end |
Msg("DevMenuVisible", visible) |
end |
end |
function DeveloperInterface:SetStatusTextLeft(text) |
self.idStatusTextLeft:SetText(text) |
end |
function DeveloperInterface:SetStatusTextRight(text) |
self.idStatusTextRight:SetText(text) |
end |
function HighlightFuzzyMatches(str, indices, tag_open, tag_close) |
local result_n = 1 |
local result = { } |
local i, n = 1, #indices |
local last_idx = 1 |
while i <= n do |
local from_i = i |
local from_idx = indices[i] |
while i < n and from_idx + (i - from_i) + 1 == indices[i + 1] do |
i = i + 1 |
end |
local to_idx = indices[i] |
local before = string.sub(str, last_idx, from_idx - 1) |
local at = string.sub(str, from_idx, to_idx) |
last_idx = to_idx + 1 |
result[result_n] = Literal(before) |
result[result_n+1] = tag_open |
result[result_n+2] = Literal(at) |
result[result_n+3] = tag_close |
result_n = result_n + 4 |
i = i + 1 |
end |
if last_idx <= #str then |
result[result_n] = Literal(string.sub(str, last_idx)) |
result_n = result_n + 1 |
end |
return table.concat(result) |
end |
local menubar = RGB(41, 41, 41) |
local background = RGB(64, 64, 64) |
local section_background = RGB(41, 41, 41) |
local border = RGB(28, 28, 28) |
local rollover = RGB(117, 117, 117) |
local toggle = RGB(171, 171, 171) |
local pressed = RGB(171, 171, 171) |
local text = "XEditorToolbarDark" |
local button_pressed_background = RGB(191, 191, 191) |
local button_rollover = RGB(100, 100, 100) |
local edit_box = RGB(54, 54, 54) |
local edit_box_border = RGB(130, 130, 130) |
local edit_box_focused = RGB(42, 41, 41) |
local menu_entry_icons_background = RGB(96, 96, 96) |
local l_background = RGB(255, 255, 255) |
local l_section_background = RGB(228, 228, 228) |
local l_border = RGB(160, 160, 160) |
local l_rollover = RGB(211, 208, 208) |
local l_toggle = RGB(180, 180, 180) |
local l_pressed = RGB(201, 197, 197) |
local l_text = "XEditorToolbarLight" |
local l_menubar = RGB(255, 255, 255) |
local l_button_pressed_background = RGB(121, 189, 241) |
local l_button_rollover = RGB(204, 232, 255) |
local l_edit_box = RGB(240, 240, 240) |
local l_edit_box_border = RGB(128, 128, 128) |
local l_edit_box_focused = RGB(255, 255, 255) |
local checkbox_color = RGB(128, 128, 128) |
local checkbox_disabled_color = RGBA(128, 128, 128, 128) |
DefineClass.XDarkModeAwareDialog = { |
__parents = { "XDialog" }, |
Translate = false, |
dark_mode = false, |
} |
function XDarkModeAwareDialog:Open(...) |
XDialog.Open(self, ...) |
self:SetDarkMode(GetDarkModeSetting()) |
end |
function XDarkModeAwareDialog:UpdateEditControlDarkMode(control, dark_mode) |
control:SetBackground(dark_mode and edit_box or l_edit_box) |
control:SetBorderColor(dark_mode and edit_box_border or l_edit_box_border) |
control:SetFocusedBorderColor(dark_mode and edit_box_border or l_edit_box_border) |
control:SetFocusedBackground(dark_mode and edit_box_focused or l_edit_box_focused) |
end |
function XDarkModeAwareDialog:UpdateChildrenDarkMode(win) |
for _, child in ipairs(win) do |
if child:IsKindOf("XDarkModeAwareDialog") then |
child:SetDarkMode(self.dark_mode) |
elseif not child:IsKindOf("XDialog") and child ~= dlgConsoleLog then |
self:UpdateControlDarkMode(child) |
self:UpdateChildrenDarkMode(child) |
end |
end |
end |
TextStyle_ToLightMode = false |
TextStyle_ToDarkMode = false |
function OnMsg.DataLoaded() |
TextStyle_ToLightMode = false |
TextStyle_ToDarkMode = false |
end |
function GetTextStyleInMode(style, dark_mode) |
if not style then |
return |
end |
if not TextStyle_ToLightMode then |
TextStyle_ToLightMode = {} |
TextStyle_ToDarkMode = {} |
for style, preset in pairs(TextStyles or empty_table) do |
local dark_mode = preset.DarkMode or (TextStyles[style.."DarkMode"] and style.."DarkMode") |
if dark_mode then |
TextStyle_ToDarkMode[style] = dark_mode |
TextStyle_ToDarkMode[dark_mode] = dark_mode |
TextStyle_ToLightMode[dark_mode] = style |
TextStyle_ToLightMode[style] = style |
end |
end |
end |
if dark_mode then |
return TextStyle_ToDarkMode[style] |
else |
return TextStyle_ToLightMode[style] |
end |
end |
function XDarkModeAwareDialog:UpdateControlDarkMode(control) |
local not_set = RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0) |
local dark_mode = self.dark_mode |
local new_style = GetTextStyleInMode(rawget(control, "TextStyle"), dark_mode) |
if IsKindOf(control, "XTextButton") and control:GetColumnsUse() ~= "aaaaa" then |
return |
end |
if control.Id == "idSection" then |
control:SetBackground(dark_mode and section_background or l_section_background) |
elseif IsKindOf(control.parent, "XSleekScroll") then |
control:SetBackground(dark_mode and rollover or l_rollover) |
elseif control:GetBackground() ~= not_set and not IsKindOf(control, "XImage") and control.MinHeight ~= 1 then |
local is_combo = GetParentOfKind(control, "XCombo") or GetParentOfKind(control, "XCheckButtonCombo") |
control:SetBackground(dark_mode and background or is_combo and XComboButton.Background or l_background) |
end |
if control:GetBorderColor() ~= not_set then |
control:SetBorderColor(dark_mode and border or l_border) |
end |
if IsKindOf(control, "XCheckButton") then |
control:SetIconColor(dark_mode and checkbox_color or RGB(0, 0, 0)) |
control:SetDisabledIconColor(dark_mode and checkbox_disabled_color or RGBA(0, 0, 0, 128)) |
else |
if IsKindOf(control, "XComboButton") then |
if dark_mode then |
control:SetBackground(background) |
control:SetRolloverBackground(rollover) |
control:SetPressedBackground(pressed) |
else |
control:SetBackground(nil) |
control:SetRolloverBackground(nil) |
control:SetPressedBackground(nil) |
end |
elseif IsKindOf(control, "XButton") then |
if control:GetRolloverBackground() ~= not_set then |
control:SetRolloverBackground(dark_mode and rollover or l_rollover) |
end |
if control:GetPressedBackground() ~= not_set then |
control:SetPressedBackground(dark_mode and pressed or l_pressed) |
end |
end |
if IsKindOf(control, "XToggleButton") and control:GetToggledBackground() ~= not_set then |
control:SetToggledBackground(dark_mode and toggle or l_toggle) |
end |
if IsKindOf(control, "XMenuEntry") then |
control.idIcon:SetImageColor(dark_mode and RGB(230, 230, 230) or RGB(230, 230, 230)) |
control.idIcon:SetBackground(dark_mode and menu_entry_icons_background or 0) |
control.idIcon:SetBorderColor(dark_mode and menu_entry_icons_background or 0) |
control:SetRolloverBackground(dark_mode and button_rollover or l_button_rollover) |
control:SetFocusedBackground(dark_mode and button_rollover or l_button_rollover) |
control:SetPressedBackground(dark_mode and button_pressed_background or l_button_pressed_background) |
control:SetToggledBackground(dark_mode and RGB(80, 80, 80) or RGB(224, 224, 224)) |
end |
if IsKindOf(control, "XTextButton") and (control:GetIcon() or ""):starts_with("CommonAssets/UI/Editor/Tools/") then |
local image_name = control:GetIcon():match(".*/(.*)$") |
control:SetIcon((dark_mode and "CommonAssets/UI/Editor/Tools/" or "CommonAssets/UI/Editor/Tools/Light/") .. image_name) |
end |
end |
if IsKindOf(control, "XCombo") then |
self:UpdateEditControlDarkMode(control, dark_mode) |
self:UpdateControlDarkMode(control.idButton, dark_mode) |
if control:GetListItemTemplate() == "XComboListItemDark" or control:GetListItemTemplate() == "XComboListItemLight" then |
control:SetListItemTemplate(dark_mode and "XComboListItemDark" or "XComboListItemLight") |
end |
control.PopupBackground = dark_mode and background or l_background |
end |
if IsKindOf(control, "XCheckButtonCombo") then |
self:UpdateEditControlDarkMode(control, dark_mode) |
self:UpdateControlDarkMode(control.idButton, dark_mode) |
control.PopupBackground = dark_mode and background or l_background |
end |
if IsKindOf(control, "XPopup") then |
control:SetFocusedBackground(dark_mode and background or l_background) |
end |
if IsKindOf(control, "XFontControl") and not IsKindOfClasses(control, "XCombo", "XCheckButtonCombo") then |
control:SetTextStyle(new_style or dark_mode and text or l_text) |
end |
if IsKindOf(control, "XTextEditor") then |
self:UpdateEditControlDarkMode(control, dark_mode) |
control:SetHintColor(dark_mode and RGBA(210, 210, 210, 128) or nil) |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.XWindowRecreated(win) |
if not win or win.window_state == "destroying" then return end |
local parent = win == RolloverWin and RolloverControl or win |
local popup = GetParentOfKind(parent, "XPopup") |
if popup then |
while popup and IsKindOf(popup, "XPopup") do |
popup = popup.popup_parent |
end |
local dark_parent = IsKindOf(popup, "XDarkModeAwareDialog") and popup or GetParentOfKind(popup, "XDarkModeAwareDialog") |
if dark_parent then |
dark_parent:UpdateControlDarkMode(win) |
dark_parent:UpdateChildrenDarkMode(win) |
return |
end |
end |
parent = GetParentOfKind(parent, "XDarkModeAwareDialog") |
if parent then |
parent:UpdateControlDarkMode(win) |
parent:UpdateChildrenDarkMode(win) |
end |
end |
function XDarkModeAwareDialog:SetDarkMode(mode) |
self.dark_mode = mode |
self:UpdateControlDarkMode(self) |
self:UpdateChildrenDarkMode(self) |
end |