if FirstLoad then |
MapGridDefs = {} |
end |
function DefineMapGrid(name, bits, tile_size, patch_size, save_in_map) |
assert(type(bits) == "number" and type(tile_size) == "number" and tile_size >= 50*guic) |
MapGridDefs[name] = { |
bits = bits, |
tile_size = tile_size, |
patch_size = patch_size, |
save_in_map = save_in_map, |
} |
end |
function DefineMapHexGrid(name, bits, patch_size, save_in_map) |
assert(const.HexWidth) |
MapGridDefs[name] = { |
bits = bits, |
tile_size = const.HexWidth, |
patch_size = patch_size, |
save_in_map = save_in_map, |
hex_grid = true, |
} |
end |
function MapGridTileSize(name) |
return MapGridDefs[name] and MapGridDefs[name].tile_size |
end |
function MapGridSize(name, mapdata) |
mapdata = mapdata or _G.mapdata |
local map_size = point(mapdata.Width - 1, mapdata.Height - 1) * const.HeightTileSize |
local data = MapGridDefs[name] |
local tile_size = data.tile_size |
if data.hex_grid then |
local tile_x = tile_size |
local tile_y = MulDivRound(tile_size, const.HexGridVerticalSpacing, const.HexWidth) |
local width = (map_size:x() + tile_x - 1) / tile_x |
local height = (map_size:y() + tile_y - 1) / tile_y |
return point(width, height) |
end |
return map_size / tile_size |
end |
function MapGridWorldToStorageBox(name, bbox) |
if not bbox then |
return sizebox(point20, MapGridSize(name)) |
end |
local data = MapGridDefs[name] |
if data.hex_grid then |
return HexWorldToStore(bbox) |
end |
return bbox / data.tile_size |
end |
function OnMsg.MapFolderMounted(map, mapdata) |
for name, data in pairs(MapGridDefs) do |
if rawget(_G, name) then |
_G[name]:free() |
end |
local grid |
local filename = string.format("Maps/%s/%s", map, name:lower():gsub("grid", ".grid")) |
if data.save_in_map and io.exists(filename) then |
grid = GridReadFile(filename) |
else |
local width, height = MapGridSize(name, mapdata):xy() |
if data.patch_size then |
grid = NewHierarchicalGrid(width, height, data.patch_size, data.bits) |
else |
grid = NewGrid(width, height, data.bits) |
end |
end |
rawset(_G, name, grid) |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.SaveMap(folder) |
for name, data in pairs(MapGridDefs) do |
local filename = string.format("%s/%s", folder, name:lower():gsub("grid", ".grid")) |
if data.save_in_map and not _G[name]:equals(0) then |
GridWriteFile(_G[name], filename) |
SVNAddFile(filename) |
else |
SVNDeleteFile(filename) |
end |
end |
end |
if Platform.editor then |
local old_GetGridNames = editor.GetGridNames |
function editor.GetGridNames() |
local grids = old_GetGridNames() |
for name in sorted_pairs(MapGridDefs) do |
table.insert_unique(grids, name) |
end |
return grids |
end |
local old_GetGrid = editor.GetGrid |
function editor.GetGrid(name, bbox, source_grid, mask_grid, mask_grid_tile_size) |
local data = MapGridDefs[name] |
if data then |
local bxgrid = MapGridWorldToStorageBox(name, bbox) |
local new_grid = _G[name]:new_instance(bxgrid:sizex(), bxgrid:sizey()) |
new_grid:copyrect(_G[name], bxgrid, point20) |
return new_grid |
end |
return old_GetGrid(name, bbox, source_grid, mask_grid, mask_grid_tile_size) |
end |
local old_SetGrid = editor.SetGrid |
function editor.SetGrid(name, source_grid, bbox, mask_grid, mask_grid_tile_size) |
local data = MapGridDefs[name] |
if data then |
local bxgrid = MapGridWorldToStorageBox(name, bbox) |
_G[name]:copyrect(source_grid, bxgrid - bxgrid:min(), bxgrid:min()) |
DbgInvalidateTerrainOverlay(bbox) |
Msg("OnMapGridChanged", name, bbox) |
return |
end |
old_SetGrid(name, source_grid, bbox, mask_grid, mask_grid_tile_size) |
end |
local old_GetGridDifferenceBoxes = editor.GetGridDifferenceBoxes |
function editor.GetGridDifferenceBoxes(name, grid1, grid2, bbox) |
local data = MapGridDefs[name] |
return old_GetGridDifferenceBoxes(name, grid1, grid2, bbox or empty_box, data and data.tile_size or 0) |
end |
end |