if FirstLoad then |
GedObjectEditor = false |
end |
function GedInvokedMapEditorUndo() XEditorUndo:UndoRedo("undo") end |
function GedInvokedMapEditorRedo() XEditorUndo:UndoRedo("redo") end |
local last_selection_idx = 1 |
function GedOpViewGameObject(socket, obj) |
local is_obj_starting_table = type(obj) == "table" and IsValid(obj[1]) |
if IsKindOf(obj, "GedMultiSelectAdapter") or is_obj_starting_table then |
local objs = is_obj_starting_table and obj or obj.__objects |
if #objs == 0 then return end |
if #objs < last_selection_idx then |
last_selection_idx = 1 |
end |
ViewObject(objs[last_selection_idx]) |
last_selection_idx = last_selection_idx + 1 |
else |
ViewObject(obj) |
end |
end |
local function GetSelectionTable(socket, obj, allow_root) |
if (type(obj) == "table" and obj[1] and IsValid(obj[1])) then |
return obj |
elseif IsKindOf(obj, "GedMultiSelectAdapter") then |
return obj.__objects |
elseif obj == socket:ResolveObj("root") then |
return allow_root and obj or {} |
else |
return {obj} |
end |
end |
function GedOpConvertToTemplate(socket, obj) |
local objs = GetSelectionTable(socket, obj) |
if #objs > 0 then |
Template.TurnObjectsIntoTemplates(objs) |
end |
end |
function GedOpConvertToObject(socket, obj) |
local objs = GetSelectionTable(socket, obj) |
if #objs > 0 then |
Template.TurnTemplatesIntoObjects(objs) |
end |
end |
local shown_spots = {} |
function GedOpToggleSpotVisiblity(socket, obj) |
local objs = GetSelectionTable(socket, obj) |
if #objs == 0 then return nil end |
return ToggleSpotVisibility(objs) |
end |
function ToggleSpotVisibility(objs) |
if not shown_spots[objs[1]] then |
for _, obj in ipairs(objs) do |
if IsValid(obj) then |
obj:ShowSpots() |
shown_spots[obj] = true |
end |
end |
else |
for _, obj in ipairs(objs) do |
if IsValid(obj) then |
obj:HideSpots() |
shown_spots[obj] = nil |
end |
end |
end |
end |
function ToggleSurfaceVisibility(objs) |
if not ObjToShownSurfaces[objs[1]] then |
for _, obj in ipairs(objs) do |
if IsValid(obj) then |
obj:ShowSurfaces() |
end |
end |
else |
for _, obj in ipairs(objs) do |
if IsValid(obj) then |
obj:HideSurfaces() |
end |
end |
end |
end |
function GedOpSetSingleSel(socket, obj) |
if IsEditorActive() then |
editor.SetSel{ obj } |
else |
SelectObj(obj) |
end |
end |
function GedOpDisplaySpotsWithFilter(socket, obj) |
if not obj then return end |
local spots = {} |
if obj["HasEntity"] and obj:HasEntity() then |
local start_id, end_id = obj:GetAllSpots(obj:GetState()) |
for i = start_id, end_id do |
local spot_name = GetSpotNameByType(obj:GetSpotsType(i)) |
local annotation = obj:GetSpotAnnotation(i) or "" |
local attach_class = annotation:match(".*,(.*),.*") |
spots[spot_name .. (attach_class and ":"..attach_class or "")] = true |
end |
end |
local items = table.keys(spots) |
if #items > 0 then |
table.sort(items) |
local spot_name = socket:WaitUserInput("Select Spots to Show", items[1], items) |
obj:HideSpots() |
if spot_name then |
obj:ShowSpots(unpack_params(spot_name:split(":"))) |
shown_spots[obj] = true |
end |
else |
socket:ShowMessage("Information", "No spots to show for this object.") |
end |
end |
function GedOpRemoveDuplicated(socket, obj) |
local obj_list = GetSelectionTable(socket, obj, "allow_root") |
local selection = editor.GetSel() |
editor.ClearSel() |
DeleteDuplicates(obj_list) |
table.validate(selection) |
editor.AddToSel(selection) |
end |
function GedOpDeleteObject(socket, obj) |
local selection = editor.GetSel() |
editor.ClearSel() |
DoneObjects(GetSelectionTable(socket, obj)) |
table.validate(selection) |
editor.AddToSel(selection) |
end |
function GedOpOpenEntityEditor(socket, obj) |
local objs = GetSelectionTable(socket, obj, "allow_root") |
if #objs > 0 then |
CreateEntityViewer(objs[1]) |
end |
end |
function GedOpenAutoattachEditorButton(root, obj, prop_id, ged) |
if not root or not obj then return end |
OpenAutoattachEditor(root, true) |
end |
function GedOpRemoveUnselected(socket, obj) |
local objs = GetSelectionTable(socket, obj) |
editor.ClearSel() |
editor.AddToSel(objs) |
end |
local function UpdateAnimationTimeFlags(oldsel, newsel) |
if IsEditorActive() then |
if oldsel then |
for _, o in ipairs(oldsel) do |
if IsValid(o) then |
if IsKindOf(o, "ParSystem") then |
if o:ShouldBeGameTime() then |
ObjectAnimToGameTime(o) |
end |
elseif GetClassGameFlags(o.class, const.gofRealTimeAnim) == 0 then |
ObjectAnimToGameTime(o) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
if newsel then |
for _, o in ipairs(newsel) do |
o:SetRealtimeAnim(true) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
local function UpdateForcedLODs(oldsel, newsel) |
if IsEditorActive() then |
if oldsel then |
for _, o in ipairs(oldsel) do |
if IsValid(o) then |
o:RestoreForcedLODState() |
ObjModified(o) |
end |
end |
end |
if newsel then |
for _, o in ipairs(newsel) do |
o:CacheForcedLODState() |
if o:GetForcedLODMin() then |
o:SetForcedLOD(Max(o:GetLODsCount(), 1) - 1) |
end |
ObjModified(o) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
local function EditorFilterObjList(objects) |
if not EditorSettings:GetLimitObjectEditorItems() then |
return objects |
end |
local i, n, ret = 1, 1, {} |
while i <= #objects and n <= 500 do |
local obj = objects[i] |
if IsValid(obj) and not IsKindOf(obj, "PropertyHelper") then |
ret[n] = obj |
n = n + 1 |
end |
i = i + 1 |
end |
return ret |
end |
local obj_modified_list = {} |
local obj_modified_thread = false |
local obj_rebind_thread = false |
local function mark_modified(obj) |
obj_modified_list[obj] = true |
for _, attach in ipairs(obj:GetAttaches() or empty_table) do |
mark_modified(attach) |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.EditorObjectOperation(op_finished, obj_list) |
if GedObjectEditor and op_finished then |
for _, obj in ipairs(obj_list) do |
mark_modified(obj) |
end |
obj_modified_thread = obj_modified_thread or CreateRealTimeThread(function() |
Sleep(250) |
obj_modified_thread = false |
for obj in pairs(obj_modified_list) do |
ObjModified(obj) |
end |
obj_modified_list = {} |
end) |
end |
end |
function OnMsg.EditorSelectionChanged(objects) |
if GedObjectEditor and not GedObjectEditor.objects_locked then |
DeleteThread(obj_modified_thread) |
obj_modified_thread = false |
obj_modified_list = {} |
DeleteThread(obj_rebind_thread) |
obj_rebind_thread = CreateRealTimeThread(function() |
Sleep(100) |
if GedObjectEditor then |
local root = GedObjectEditor:ResolveObj("root") |
if objects and #objects == 1 and IsKindOf(objects[1], "PropertyHelper") then |
objects = root |
end |
objects = EditorFilterObjList(objects) |
UpdateAnimationTimeFlags(root, objects) |
UpdateForcedLODs(root, objects) |
GedObjectEditor:UnbindObjs("root") |
GedObjectEditor:BindObj("root", objects) |
GedObjectEditor:SelectAll("root") |
end |
end) |
end |
end |
function OpenGedGameObjectEditor(objects, locked_objs) |
CreateRealTimeThread(function(objects) |
if not GedObjectEditor then |
objects = EditorFilterObjList(objects) |
UpdateAnimationTimeFlags(nil, objects) |
UpdateForcedLODs(nil, objects) |
GedObjectEditor = OpenGedApp("GedObjectEditor", objects, { WarningsUpdateRoot = "root" }) or false |
GedObjectEditor:SelectAll("root") |
else |
GedObjectEditor:Call("rfnApp", "Activate") |
end |
rawset(GedObjectEditor, "objects_locked", locked_objs or false) |
end, objects) |
end |
function OnMsg.GedClosing(ged_id) |
if GedObjectEditor and GedObjectEditor.ged_id == ged_id then |
local objects = GedObjectEditor:ResolveObj("root") |
table.validate(objects) |
UpdateAnimationTimeFlags(objects, nil) |
UpdateForcedLODs(objects, nil) |
GedObjectEditor = false |
end |
end |