function CameraShake_GetEffectPower(pos, radius_insight, radius_outofsight) |
local cam_pos, cam_look = GetCamera() |
local camera_orientation = CalcOrientation(cam_pos, cam_look) |
local shake_orientation = CalcOrientation(cam_pos, pos) |
local dist = DistSegmentToPt(cam_pos, cam_look, pos) |
if dist < 0 then |
assert(false) |
return 0 |
end |
local radius |
if abs(AngleDiff(shake_orientation, camera_orientation)) < const.CameraShakeFOV/2 then |
radius = radius_insight or const.ShakeRadiusInSight |
else |
radius = radius_outofsight or const.ShakeRadiusOutOfSight |
end |
return dist < radius and 100 * (radius - dist) / radius or 0 |
end |
function CameraShake(pos, power) |
power = power * CameraShake_GetEffectPower(pos) / 100 |
if power == 0 then return end |
local total_duration = const.MinShakeDuration + power*(const.MaxShakeDuration-const.MinShakeDuration)/const.MaxShakePower |
local shake_offset = power*const.MaxShakeOffset/const.MaxShakePower |
local shake_roll = power*const.MaxShakeRoll/const.MaxShakePower |
camera.Shake(total_duration, const.ShakeTick, shake_offset, shake_roll) |
end |
MapVar("camera_shake_thread", false) |
MapVar("camera_shake_max_offset", 0) |
local function DoShakeCamera(total_duration, shake_tick, max_offset, max_roll_offset) |
local time_left = total_duration |
while true do |
local LookAtOffset = RandPoint(1500, 500, 500) |
local EyePtOffset = RandPoint(1500, 500, 500) |
local len = Max(1, 2 * time_left * max_offset / total_duration) |
local angle = 60 * time_left * max_roll_offset / total_duration |
if LookAtOffset:Len2() > 0 then |
LookAtOffset = SetLen(LookAtOffset, len) |
end |
if EyePtOffset:Len2() > 0 then |
EyePtOffset = SetLen(EyePtOffset, len) |
end |
camera.SetLookAtOffset(LookAtOffset, shake_tick) |
camera.SetEyeOffset(EyePtOffset, shake_tick) |
camera.SetRollOffset(AsyncRand(2 * angle + 1) - angle, shake_tick) |
if total_duration > 0 then |
time_left = time_left - shake_tick |
if time_left <= shake_tick then |
Sleep(time_left) |
break |
end |
end |
Sleep(shake_tick) |
end |
camera.ShakeStop(shake_tick) |
end |
function camera.Shake(total_duration, shake_tick, shake_max_offset, shake_max_roll) |
local max_offset = Clamp(shake_max_offset, 0, 10 * guim) |
assert(max_offset == shake_max_offset, "camera.Shake() max_offset should be [0-10m]!") |
local max_roll = Clamp(shake_max_roll, 0, 180) |
assert(max_roll == shake_max_roll, "camera.Shake() max_roll should be [0-180]!") |
if total_duration == 0 or shake_tick <= 0 then |
return |
end |
if IsValidThread(camera_shake_thread) then |
if camera_shake_max_offset > shake_max_offset then |
return |
end |
DeleteThread(camera_shake_thread) |
end |
camera_shake_max_offset = max_offset |
camera_shake_thread = CreateRealTimeThread(DoShakeCamera, total_duration, shake_tick, max_offset, max_roll) |
MakeThreadPersistable(camera_shake_thread) |
end |
function camera.ShakeStop(shake_tick) |
camera.SetRollOffset(0, 0) |
camera.SetLookAtOffset(point30, shake_tick or 0) |
camera.SetEyeOffset(point30, shake_tick or 0) |
camera_shake_max_offset = 0 |
if IsValidThread(camera_shake_thread) and CurrentThread() ~= camera_shake_thread then |
DeleteThread(camera_shake_thread) |
end |
camera_shake_thread = false |
end |
function OnMsg.ChangeMap() |
camera.ShakeStop() |
end |
function SetCamera(ptCamera, ptCameraLookAt, camType, zoom, properties, fovX, time) |
if type(ptCamera) == "table" then |
return SetCamera(unpack_params(ptCamera)) |
end |
time = time or 0 |
if camType then |
if camType == "Max" or camType == "3p" or camType == "RTS" or camType == "Tac" then |
camType = "camera" .. camType |
end |
_G[camType].Activate(1) |
end |
if not ptCamera then |
return |
end |
if camera3p.IsActive() then |
camera3p.SetEye(ptCamera, time) |
camera3p.SetLookAt(ptCameraLookAt, time) |
elseif cameraRTS.IsActive() then |
if properties then |
cameraRTS.SetProperties(1, properties) |
end |
cameraRTS.SetCamera(ptCamera, ptCameraLookAt, time) |
if zoom then |
cameraRTS.SetZoom(zoom) |
end |
elseif cameraMax.IsActive() then |
local diff = ptCameraLookAt - ptCamera |
if diff:x() == 0 and diff:y() == 0 then |
ptCamera = ptCamera:SetX(ptCamera:x()-5) |
end |
cameraMax.SetCamera(ptCamera, ptCameraLookAt, time) |
elseif cameraTac.IsActive() then |
cameraTac.SetCamera(ptCamera, ptCameraLookAt, time) |
if properties then |
local floor = properties.floor |
local overview = properties.overview |
if floor then |
cameraTac.SetFloor(floor) |
end |
if overview ~= nil then |
cameraTac.SetOverview(overview, true) |
end |
end |
if zoom then |
cameraTac.SetZoom(zoom) |
end |
end |
SetCameraFov(fovX) |
end |
function SetCameraFov(fovX) |
camera.SetFovX(fovX or 70 * 60) |
end |
function SetRTSCameraFov(properties, duration, easing) |
local FovX = properties.FovX |
local minFovX = properties.FovXNarrow |
local minX, minY = 4, 3 |
local maxFovX = properties.FovXWide |
local maxX, maxY = 21, 9 |
if FovX and minFovX and maxFovX then |
assert(abs(minFovX * 5 / 9 + maxFovX * 4 / 9 - FovX) < 60) |
end |
FovX = FovX or 90 * 60 |
if not minFovX then |
minFovX = FovX |
minX, minY = 16, 9 |
end |
if not maxFovX then |
maxFovX = FovX |
maxX, maxY = 16, 9 |
end |
hr.CameraFovEasing = easing or "Linear" |
camera.SetAutoFovX(1, duration or 0, minFovX, minX, minY, maxFovX, maxX, maxY) |
end |
function SetDefaultCameraRTS() |
cameraRTS.Activate(1) |
cameraRTS.SetProperties(1, const.DefaultCameraRTS) |
if Libs.Sim then |
cameraRTS.SetProperties(1, GetRTSCamPropsFromAccountStorage()) |
end |
SetRTSCameraFov(const.DefaultCameraRTS) |
local lookat = cameraRTS.GetLookAt() |
if lookat:x() == 0 and lookat:y() == 0 then |
lookat = point(terrain.GetMapSize()) / 2 |
end |
ViewObjectRTS(lookat, 0) |
end |
function GetCameraTypesItems() |
return {"3p", "RTS", "Max", "Tac"} |
end |
function GetCamera() |
local ptCamera, ptCameraLookAt, camType, zoom, properties, fovX |
if camera3p.IsActive() then |
ptCamera, ptCameraLookAt = camera.GetEye(), camera3p.GetLookAt() |
camType = "3p" |
elseif cameraRTS.IsActive() then |
ptCamera, ptCameraLookAt = cameraRTS.GetPosLookAt() |
camType = "RTS" |
zoom = cameraRTS.GetZoom() |
properties = cameraRTS.GetProperties(1) |
elseif cameraMax.IsActive() then |
ptCamera, ptCameraLookAt = cameraMax.GetPosLookAt() |
camType = "Max" |
elseif cameraTac.IsActive() then |
ptCamera, ptCameraLookAt = cameraTac.GetPosLookAt() |
camType = "Tac" |
zoom = cameraTac.GetZoom() |
properties = {floor=cameraTac.GetFloor(), overview=cameraTac.GetIsInOverview()} |
else |
ptCamera, ptCameraLookAt = camera.GetEye(), camera.GetEye() + SetLen(camera.GetDirection(), 3 * guim) |
end |
fovX = camera.GetFovX() |
return ptCamera, ptCameraLookAt, camType, zoom, properties, fovX |
end |
if FirstLoad then |
ptLastCameraPos = false |
ptLastCameraLookAt = false |
cameraMax3DView = { |
toggle = false, |
old_pos = false, |
old_lookat = false, |
} |
end |
function cameraMax3DView:Clean() |
self.toggle = false |
self.old_pos = false |
self.old_lookat = false |
end |
local function cameraMax3DView_Rotate(view_direction) |
local sel = editor.GetSel() |
local cnt = #sel |
if cnt == 0 then |
print("You need to select object(s) for this operation") |
return |
end |
local center = point30 |
for i = 1, cnt do |
local bsc = sel[i]:GetBSphere() |
center = center + bsc |
end |
if cnt > 0 then |
center = point(center:x() / cnt, center:y() / cnt, center:z() / cnt) |
local selSize = 0 |
for i = 1, cnt do |
local bsc, bsr = sel[i]:GetBSphere() |
local dist = bsc:Dist(center) + bsr |
if selSize < dist then |
selSize = dist |
end |
end |
selSize = 2 * selSize |
local half_fovY = MulDivRound(camera.GetFovY(), 1, 2) |
local fov_sin, fov_cos = sin(half_fovY), cos(half_fovY) |
local dist_from_camera = (fov_sin > 0) and MulDivRound((selSize / 2), fov_cos, fov_sin) or (selSize / 2) |
view_direction = SetLen(view_direction, dist_from_camera * 130 / 100) |
local pos = center + view_direction |
cameraMax.SetCamera(pos, center, 0) |
end |
end |
function cameraMax3DView:SetViewUp() |
cameraMax3DView_Rotate(point(0, 0, 1)) |
end |
function cameraMax3DView:SetViewDown() |
cameraMax3DView_Rotate(point(0, 0, -1)) |
end |
function cameraMax3DView:SetViewOld() |
cameraMax.SetCamera(cameraMax3DView.old_pos, cameraMax3DView.old_lookat, 0) |
end |
function cameraMax3DView:RotateZ(dir) |
local pos, look_at = cameraMax.GetPosLookAt() |
local cam_angle = (camera.GetYaw() / 60) + 180 |
local cam_quadrant = (cam_angle / 90) % 4 + 1 |
local correction = 0 |
local z_axis = point(0, 0, 1) |
if cam_angle % 90 ~= 0 then |
if cam_angle - 90 * (cam_quadrant - 1) < 90 * cam_quadrant - cam_angle then |
correction = -(cam_angle - 90 * (cam_quadrant - 1)) |
else |
correction = 90 * cam_quadrant - cam_angle |
end |
cam_angle = cam_angle + correction |
end |
local view_dir = false |
if dir == "east" then |
view_dir = RotateAxis(pos, z_axis, (cam_angle - 90) * 60) |
else |
view_dir = RotateAxis(pos, z_axis, (cam_angle + 90) * 60) |
end |
if view_dir then |
cameraMax3DView_Rotate(Normalize(view_dir)) |
end |
end |
function ViewPos(pos, dist, cam_type) |
local ptCamera, ptCameraLookAt = GetCamera() |
if not ptCamera then |
return |
end |
if pos == InvalidPos() then |
pos = nil |
end |
if not pos then |
if ptLastCameraPos then |
SetCamera(ptLastCameraPos, ptLastCameraLookAt, cam_type) |
end |
return |
end |
ptLastCameraPos, ptLastCameraLookAt = ptCamera, ptCameraLookAt |
if not pos:z() then |
pos = pos:SetTerrainZ() |
end |
local cameraVector = ptCameraLookAt - ptCamera |
if dist then |
cameraVector = SetLen(cameraVector, dist) |
end |
ptCamera = pos - cameraVector |
ptCameraLookAt = pos |
SetCamera(ptCamera, ptCameraLookAt, cam_type) |
end |
ViewObject = function(obj, dist) |
if type(obj) == "number" and HandleToObject[obj] then |
obj = HandleToObject[obj] |
end |
local pos = IsValid(obj) and obj:GetPos() |
if not pos or pos == InvalidPos() then |
return |
end |
if dist then |
ViewPos(pos, dist) |
else |
local center, radius = obj:GetBSphere() |
ViewPos(center, Max(guim, radius * 10)) |
end |
end |
local ViewNextObjectCache |
function OnMsg.ChangeMap() |
ViewNextObjectCache = nil |
end |
function ViewNextObject(name, objs, select_obj) |
name = name or "" |
local last |
if not objs then |
if name == "" then |
last = SelectedObj |
name = last and last.class |
select_obj = true |
end |
if not IsKindOf(g_Classes[name], "MapObject") then |
return |
end |
objs = MapGet("map", name) |
end |
ViewNextObjectCache = ViewNextObjectCache or setmetatable({}, weak_values_meta) |
last = last or ViewNextObjectCache[name] |
local idx = last and table.find(objs, last) or 0 |
last = objs[idx + 1] or objs[1] |
ViewNextObjectCache[name] = last |
ViewObject(last) |
SelectObj(last) |
end |
function ViewObjects(objects) |
objects = objects or {} |
local dgs = XEditorSelectSingleObjects |
XEditorSelectSingleObjects = 1 |
editor.ChangeSelWithUndoRedo(objects) |
XEditorSelectSingleObjects = dgs |
if #objects == 0 then |
return |
end |
local bbox = GetObjectsBBox(objects) |
local center, radius = bbox:GetBSphere() |
local cam_pos = camera.GetEye() |
local h = cam_pos:z() - terrain.GetSurfaceHeight(cam_pos) |
local eye = center:SetZ(0) + SetLen((cam_pos - center):SetZ(0), h) |
eye = eye:SetZ(terrain.GetSurfaceHeight(eye) + h) |
local dist = (eye - center):Len() |
local new_dist = Clamp(Max(dist, 2*radius), 10*guim, 100*guim) |
eye = center + MulDivRound(eye - center, new_dist, dist) |
local steps = 18 |
local angle = 360 * 60 / steps |
local max_radius = 2 * guim |
local success = true |
local objects_map = {} |
for i=1,#objects do |
objects_map[objects[i]] = true |
end |
while true do |
local objs = IntersectSegmentWithObjects(eye, center, const.efVisible) |
if not objs then |
break |
end |
local objects_too_big = false |
for i=1,#objs do |
local obj = objs[i] |
if not objects_map[obj] then |
local center, radius = obj:GetBSphere() |
if radius > max_radius then |
objects_too_big = true |
break |
end |
end |
end |
if not objects_too_big then |
break |
end |
steps = steps - 1 |
if steps <= 1 then |
success = false |
break |
end |
eye = RotateAroundCenter(center, eye, angle) |
eye = eye:SetZ(terrain.GetSurfaceHeight(eye) + h) |
end |
if success then |
SetCamera(eye, center) |
end |
end |
if FirstLoad then |
SplitScreenType = false |
SplitScreenEnabled = true |
SecondViewEnabled = false |
SecondViewViewport = false |
end |
function SetupViews(size) |
local w, h = 1000000, 1000000 |
if SecondViewEnabled and SecondViewViewport then |
camera.SetViewCount(2) |
camera.SetViewport(box(0, 0, w, h), 1) |
camera.SetViewport(SecondViewViewport, 2) |
elseif SplitScreenEnabled then |
if SplitScreenType == "horizontal" then |
camera.SetViewCount(2) |
camera.SetViewport(box(0, 0, w, h / 16 * 8), 1) |
camera.SetViewport(box(0, (h + 15) / 16 * 8, w, h), 2) |
elseif SplitScreenType == "vertical" then |
camera.SetViewCount(2) |
camera.SetViewport(box(0, 0, w / 16 * 8, h), 1) |
camera.SetViewport(box((w + 15) / 16 * 8, 0, w, h), 2) |
else |
camera.SetViewCount(1) |
camera.SetViewport(box(0, 0, w, h), 1) |
end |
else |
if not SplitScreenType then |
camera.SetViewCount(1) |
camera.SetViewport(box(0, 0, w, h), 1) |
else |
camera.SetViewport(box(0, 0, w, h), 1) |
end |
end |
end |
if FirstLoad then |
SplitScreenDisableReasons = {} |
end |
function SetSplitScreenEnabled(on, reason) |
assert(reason) |
SplitScreenDisableReasons[reason] = (on == false) or nil |
on = not next(SplitScreenDisableReasons) |
if SplitScreenEnabled ~= on then |
SplitScreenEnabled = on |
SetupViews() |
Msg("SplitScreenChange", true) |
end |
end |
function EnableSecondView(viewport) |
SecondViewEnabled = true |
SecondViewViewport = viewport |
SetupViews() |
end |
function DisableSecondView() |
SecondViewEnabled = false |
SetupViews() |
end |
function SetSplitScreenType(type) |
if type == "" then |
type = false |
end |
local bChange = SplitScreenType ~= type |
SplitScreenType = type |
if not CameraControlScene then |
SetupViews() |
end |
if bChange then |
Msg("SplitScreenChange") |
end |
end |
function IsSplitScreenEnabled() |
return SplitScreenEnabled and SplitScreenType and true |
end |
function IsSplitScreenHorizontal() |
return SplitScreenEnabled and SplitScreenType == "horizontal" |
end |
function IsSplitScreenVertical() |
return SplitScreenEnabled and SplitScreenType == "vertical" |
end |
function DbgLoadLocation(map, cam_params, editor_mode, map_rand) |
if not MapData[map] then |
print("No such map:", map) |
return |
end |
CreateRealTimeThread(function() |
EditorDeactivate() |
if map ~= GetMapName() or map_rand and map_rand ~= MapLoadRandom then |
if map_rand then |
table.change(config, "DbgLoadLocation", {FixedMapLoadRandom=map_rand}) |
end |
ChangeMap(map) |
table.restore(config, "DbgLoadLocation", true) |
end |
if editor_mode then |
EditorActivate() |
end |
if cam_params then |
if cam_params[3] == "Fly" then |
cam_params[3] = "Max" |
SetCamera(table.unpack(cam_params)) |
cameraFly.Activate() |
else |
SetCamera(table.unpack(cam_params)) |
end |
end |
CloseMenuDialogs() |
Msg("OnDbgLoadLocation") |
end) |
end |
function GetCameraLocationString() |
local cam_params |
if cameraFly.IsActive() then |
cameraMax.Activate() |
cam_params = {GetCamera()} |
cam_params[3] = "Fly" |
cameraFly.Activate() |
else |
cam_params = {GetCamera()} |
end |
return string.format("DbgLoadLocation( \"%s\", %s, %s, %s)\n", GetMapName(), TableToLuaCode(cam_params, ' '), |
IsEditorActive() and "true" or "false", tostring(MapLoadRandom)) |
end |
function OnMsg.BugReportStart(print_func) |
print_func(string.format("\nLocation: (paste in the console)\n%s", GetCameraLocationString())) |
end |
if FirstLoad then |
g_ResetSceneCameraViewportThread = false |
end |
function OnMsg.SystemSize(pt) |
DeleteThread(g_ResetSceneCameraViewportThread) |
g_ResetSceneCameraViewportThread = CreateRealTimeThread(function() |
WaitNextFrame(1) |
SetupViews(pt) |
end) |
end |
local function IsValidCameraPos(pos) |
return pos and pos ~= point30 and pos ~= InvalidPos() |
end |
local function CanMoveCamBetween(pos0, pos1) |
local max_move_dist = const.MaxMoveCamDist or max_int |
if max_move_dist >= max_int or IsCloser(pos0, pos1, max_move_dist) then |
return true |
end |
return not terrain.IntersectSegment(pos0, pos1) |
end |
function ViewObjectRTS(obj, time, pos, zoom) |
if not obj then |
return |
end |
local la = IsPoint(obj) and obj or IsValid(obj) |
and (obj:HasMember("GetLogicalPos") and obj:GetLogicalPos() or obj:GetVisualPos()) |
if not la or la == InvalidPos() then |
return |
end |
la = la:SetTerrainZ() |
local cur_pos, cur_la = cameraRTS.GetPosLookAt() |
if not pos then |
local cur_off = cur_pos - cur_la |
if not IsValidCameraPos(cur_pos) or cur_pos == cur_la then |
local lookatDist = const.DefaultCameraRTS.LookatDistZoomIn |
+ (const.DefaultCameraRTS.LookatDistZoomOut - const.DefaultCameraRTS.LookatDistZoomIn) |
* cameraRTS.GetZoom() |
cur_off = SetLen(point(1, 1, 0), lookatDist * guim) + point(0, 0, cameraRTS.GetHeight() * guim) |
zoom = zoom or 0.5 |
end |
pos = la + cur_off |
end |
pos, la = cameraRTS.Normalize(pos, la) |
if not IsValidCameraPos(cur_pos) or not CanMoveCamBetween(cur_pos, pos) then |
time = 0 |
elseif not time then |
local min_dist, max_dist = 200 * guim, 1000 * guim |
local min_time, max_time = 200, 500 |
local dist_factor = Clamp(pos:Dist2D(cur_pos) - min_dist, 0, max_dist) * 100 / (max_dist - min_dist) |
time = min_time + (max_time - min_time) * dist_factor / 100 |
end |
cameraRTS.SetCamera(pos, la, time or 0, "Sin in/out") |
if zoom then |
cameraRTS.SetZoom(zoom, time or 0) |
end |
end |
CameraInterpolationTypes = {linear=0, spherical=1, polar=2} |
CameraMovementTypes = {linear=0, harmonic=1, accelerated=2, decelerated=3} |
function SetCameraPosMaxLookAt(pos, lookat, base_offset, base_angle, camera_view) |
cameraMax.SetPositionLookatAndRoll(base_offset + Rotate(pos, base_angle), base_offset + Rotate(lookat, base_angle), |
0) |
end |
function InterpolateCameraMaxWakeup(camera1, camera2, duration, relative_to, interpolation, movement, camera_view) |
camera_view = camera_view or 1 |
local base_offset = IsValid(relative_to) and relative_to:GetVisualPosPrecise(1000) or point30 |
local base_angle = IsValid(relative_to) and relative_to:GetVisualAngle() or 0 |
local camera2_pos = Rotate(camera2.pos * 1000 - base_offset, 360 * 60 - base_angle) |
local camera2_lookat = Rotate(camera2.lookat * 1000 - base_offset, 360 * 60 - base_angle) |
if duration > 1 then |
local camera1_pos = Rotate(camera1.pos * 1000 - base_offset, 360 * 60 - base_angle) |
local camera1_lookat = Rotate(camera1.lookat * 1000 - base_offset, 360 * 60 - base_angle) |
SetCameraPosMaxLookAt(camera1_pos, camera1_lookat, base_offset, base_angle, camera_view) |
for t = 1, duration do |
if WaitWakeup(1) then |
break |
end |
base_offset = IsValid(relative_to) and relative_to:GetVisualPosPrecise(1000) or point30 |
base_angle = IsValid(relative_to) and relative_to:GetVisualAngle() or 0 |
local p, l = CameraLerp(camera1_pos, camera1_lookat, camera2_pos, camera2_lookat, t, duration, |
CameraInterpolationTypes[interpolation] or 0, CameraMovementTypes[movement] or 0) |
SetCameraPosMaxLookAt(p, l, base_offset, base_angle, camera_view) |
end |
end |
SetCameraPosMaxLookAt(camera2_pos, camera2_lookat, base_offset, base_angle, camera_view) |
end |
function CheatToggleFlyCamera() |
if cameraFly.IsActive() then |
SetMouseDeltaMode(false) |
if rawget(_G, "GetPlayerControlObj") and GetPlayerControlObj() then |
ApplyCameraAndControllers() |
else |
SetupInitialCamera() |
end |
else |
print("Camera Fly") |
cameraFly.Activate(1) |
if rawget(_G, "GetPlayerControlObj") and GetPlayerControlObj() then |
PlayerControl_RecalcActive(true) |
end |
SetMouseDeltaMode(true) |
end |
end |