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--- Returns the camera eye position adjusted to be above the terrain.
-- @param EyePt point The camera eye position.
-- @param LookAtPt point The camera look at position.
-- @return point The adjusted camera eye position.
-- @return point The camera look at position.
function GetCameraEyeOverTerrain(EyePt, LookAtPt)
local height = GetWalkableZ(EyePt) + const.CameraMinTerrainDist
local EyePt = EyePt
if height > EyePt:z() then
EyePt = EyePt:SetZ(height)
return EyePt, LookAtPt
--- Moves camera look at and eye pos smoothly over the given period of time.
-- @cstyle int MoveCamera(function get_look_at, function get_eye, int time);
-- @param get_look_at function; a callback function that receives time as parameter and returns the camera look at position; the callback function is called every 33ms.
-- @param get_eye function; a callback function that receives time and look at position as parameter and returns the camera eye position; the callback function is called every 33ms.
-- @param time int.
-- @return int; orientation in minutes.
function MoveCamera(get_look_at, get_eye, time)
if not camera3p.IsActive() then
local sleep = 33
local time_from_start = 0
while true do
local time_to_end = time - time_from_start
local sleep_time = Min(sleep, time - time_from_start)
local target_time = Min(time_from_start+sleep_time, time)
local look_at = get_look_at(target_time)
local eye = get_eye (look_at, target_time)
eye = GetCameraEyeOverTerrain(eye, look_at)
camera3p.SetLookAt(look_at, sleep_time)
camera3p.SetEye (eye , sleep_time)
if sleep_time > 0 then
if not camera3p.IsActive() then
time_from_start = time_from_start + sleep_time
if time_from_start >= time then
--- Return a callback function that is to be used as get_look_at parameter of MoveCamera function.
-- The callback will move the current look at position from the camera current look at postion to the target_pos.
-- 'observing' the target object's movement - the farther the target moves from his start position, the farther.
-- the camera look at will move away from its initial position and will approach the target_pos.
-- @cstyle function LookAtFollowCharacter(object target, point target_pos, int total_time).
-- @param target object.
-- @param target_pos point.
-- @param total_time int.
-- @return function.
function LookAtFollowCharacter(target, target_pos, total_time)
if not camera3p.IsActive() then
local start_pt = camera3p.GetLookAt()
local last_dist = 0
local max_dist = start_pt:Dist(target_pos)
local pos_lerp = ValueLerp(start_pt, target_pos, max_dist)
local height_lerp = ValueLerp(start_pt:z(), target_pos:z(), total_time)
local last_pos
return function(time)
if IsValid(target) then
local pos = GetPosFromPosSpot(target)
local dist = Min(pos:Dist(start_pt), max_dist)
if dist > last_dist then
last_dist = dist
return pos_lerp(last_dist):SetZ(height_lerp(time))
--- Return a callback function that is to be used as get_eye parameter of MoveCamera function.
-- The callback will move smoothly the camera eye's z to the targetz, rotate the camera to the target_yaw, keeping the 2d distance from the eye to the look at to dist_eye_look_at.
-- @cstyle function RotateKeepDistEye(int target_eyez, int target_yaw, point dist_eye_look_at, int total_time).
-- @param target_eyez int.
-- @param target_yaw int.
-- @param dist_eye_look_at int.
-- @param total_time int.
-- @return function.
function RotateKeepDistEye(target_eyez, target_yaw, dist_eye_look_at, total_time)
local pt = point(-dist_eye_look_at, 0, 0)
local angle_lerp = AngleLerp(camera.GetYaw(), target_yaw, total_time)
local eye_height_lerp = ValueLerp(camera.GetEye():z(), target_eyez, total_time)
return function(look_at_pos, time)
local eye = look_at_pos + Rotate(pt, angle_lerp(time))
eye = eye:SetZ(eye_height_lerp(time))
return eye
--- This function will smoothly move/rotate the camera according the given parameters, mimicking the XCamera default behavior.
-- @cstyle void DefMoveCamera(point pos, int yaw, int pitch, int rot_speed, int move_speed, int move_time, int yaw_time, int pitch_time).
-- @param pos point; target camera look at position.
-- @param yaw int; targer camera yaw.
-- @param pitch int; target camera pitch.
-- @param rot_speed int; camera rotation speed in angular minutes per sec; can be omitted; used to calculate move_time in case move_time is omitted.
-- @param move_speed int; camera movement speed in angular minutes per sec; can be omitted; used to calculate yaw_time and pitch_time in case yaw_time or pitch_time are omitted.
-- @param move_time int; the time the camera should reach the target position; if omitted the time will be calculated from move_speed parameter.
-- @param yaw_time int; the time the camera should reach the target yaw; if omitted the time will be calculated from rot_speed parameter.
-- @param pitch_time int; the time the camera should reach the target position; if omitted the time will be calculated from rot_speed parameter.
-- @return void.
function DefMoveCamera(pos, yaw, dist_scale, pitch, rot_speed, move_speed, move_time, yaw_time, pitch_time)
if not camera3p.IsActive() then
if not pos:IsValidZ() then
pos = pos:SetTerrainZ()
local start_look_at, start_pitch, start_yaw = camera3p.GetLookAt(), camera3p.GetPitch(), camera3p.GetYaw()
local look_at_height_offset = (const.CameraScale*const.CameraVerticalOffset/100)*dist_scale/100
rot_speed = rot_speed or const.CameraRotationDegreePerSec
move_speed = move_speed or const.CameraResetMmPerSec
local pitch_time = pitch_time or abs(AngleDiff(start_pitch, pitch)/60)*1000/rot_speed
local yaw_time = yaw_time or abs(AngleDiff(start_yaw, yaw)/60)*1000/rot_speed
local move_time = move_time or pos:Dist(start_look_at)*1000/move_speed
local yaw_lerp = AngleLerp(start_yaw, yaw, yaw_time, true)
local pos_lerp = ValueLerp(start_look_at, pos:SetZ(look_at_height_offset + (pos:z() or terrain.GetHeight(pos))), move_time, true)
local start_l, start_h = GetCameraLH(start_pitch, camera3p.DistanceAtPitch(start_pitch) * dist_scale / 100)
local end_l , end_h = GetCameraLH( pitch, camera3p.DistanceAtPitch( pitch) * dist_scale / 100)
local l_lerp, h_lerp = ValueLerp(start_l, end_l, pitch_time, true), ValueLerp(start_h, end_h, pitch_time, true)
local function LookAt(t)
return pos_lerp(t)
local function EyePt(look_at, t)
local yaw = yaw_lerp(t)
local l, h = l_lerp(t), h_lerp(t)
local eye = (look_at+Rotate(point(-l, 0, 0), yaw)):SetZ(h+look_at:z())
return eye
MoveCamera(LookAt, EyePt, Max(pitch_time, yaw_time, move_time))