################################################################################ # Copyright (C) 2023 Jiayi Guo, Xingqian Xu, Manushree Vasu - All Rights Reserved # ################################################################################ import gradio as gr import os import os.path as osp import PIL from PIL import Image import numpy as np from collections import OrderedDict from easydict import EasyDict as edict from functools import partial import torch import torchvision.transforms as tvtrans import time import argparse import json import hashlib import copy from tqdm import tqdm from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline from diffusers import DDIMScheduler from app_utils import auto_dropdown from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download import spaces version = "Smooth Diffusion Demo v1.0" refresh_symbol = "\U0001f504" # 🔄 recycle_symbol = '\U0000267b' # ############## # model_book # ############## choices = edict() choices.diffuser = OrderedDict([ ['SD-v1-5' , "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5"], ['OJ-v4' , "prompthero/openjourney-v4"], ['RR-v2', "SG161222/Realistic_Vision_V2.0"], ]) choices.lora = OrderedDict([ ['empty', ""], ['Smooth-LoRA-v1', hf_hub_download('shi-labs/smooth-diffusion-lora', 'smooth_lora.safetensors')], ]) choices.scheduler = OrderedDict([ ['DDIM', DDIMScheduler], ]) choices.inversion = OrderedDict([ ['NTI', 'NTI'], ['DDIM w/o text', 'DDIM w/o text'], ['DDIM', 'DDIM'], ]) default = edict() default.diffuser = 'SD-v1-5' default.scheduler = 'DDIM' default.lora = 'Smooth-LoRA-v1' default.inversion = 'NTI' default.step = 50 default.cfg_scale = 7.5 default.framen = 24 default.fps = 16 default.nullinv_inner_step = 10 default.threshold = 0.8 default.variation = 0.8 ########## # helper # ########## def lerp(t, v0, v1): if isinstance(t, float): return v0*(1-t) + v1*t elif isinstance(t, (list, np.ndarray)): return [v0*(1-ti) + v1*ti for ti in t] def slerp(t, v0, v1, DOT_THRESHOLD=0.9995): # mostly copied from # https://gist.github.com/dvschultz/3af50c40df002da3b751efab1daddf2c v0_unit = v0 / np.linalg.norm(v0) v1_unit = v1 / np.linalg.norm(v1) dot = np.sum(v0_unit * v1_unit) if np.abs(dot) > DOT_THRESHOLD: return lerp(t, v0, v1) # Calculate initial angle between v0 and v1 theta_0 = np.arccos(dot) sin_theta_0 = np.sin(theta_0) # Angle at timestep t if isinstance(t, float): tlist = [t] elif isinstance(t, (list, np.ndarray)): tlist = t v2_list = [] for ti in tlist: theta_t = theta_0 * ti sin_theta_t = np.sin(theta_t) # Finish the slerp algorithm s0 = np.sin(theta_0 - theta_t) / sin_theta_0 s1 = sin_theta_t / sin_theta_0 v2 = s0 * v0 + s1 * v1 v2_list.append(v2) if isinstance(t, float): return v2_list[0] else: return v2_list def offset_resize(image, width=512, height=512, left=0, right=0, top=0, bottom=0): image = np.array(image)[:, :, :3] h, w, c = image.shape left = min(left, w-1) right = min(right, w - left - 1) top = min(top, h - left - 1) bottom = min(bottom, h - top - 1) image = image[top:h-bottom, left:w-right] h, w, c = image.shape if h < w: offset = (w - h) // 2 image = image[:, offset:offset + h] elif w < h: offset = (h - w) // 2 image = image[offset:offset + w] image = Image.fromarray(image).resize((width, height)) return image def auto_dtype_device_shape(tlist, v0, v1, func,): vshape = v0.shape assert v0.shape == v1.shape assert isinstance(tlist, (list, np.ndarray)) if isinstance(v0, torch.Tensor): is_torch = True dtype, device = v0.dtype, v0.device v0 = v0.to('cpu').numpy().astype(float).flatten() v1 = v1.to('cpu').numpy().astype(float).flatten() else: is_torch = False dtype = v0.dtype assert isinstance(v0, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(v1, np.ndarray) v0 = v0.astype(float).flatten() v1 = v1.astype(float).flatten() r = func(tlist, v0, v1) if is_torch: r = [torch.Tensor(ri).view(*vshape).to(dtype).to(device) for ri in r] else: r = [ri.astype(dtype) for ri in r] return r auto_lerp = partial(auto_dtype_device_shape, func=lerp) auto_slerp = partial(auto_dtype_device_shape, func=slerp) def frames2mp4(vpath, frames, fps): import moviepy.editor as mpy frames = [np.array(framei) for framei in frames] clip = mpy.ImageSequenceClip(frames, fps=fps) clip.write_videofile(vpath, fps=fps) def negseed_to_rndseed(seed): if seed < 0: seed = np.random.randint(0, np.iinfo(np.uint32).max-100) return seed def regulate_image(pilim): w, h = pilim.size w = int(round(w/64)) * 64 h = int(round(h/64)) * 64 return pilim.resize([w, h], resample=PIL.Image.BILINEAR) def txt_to_emb(model, prompt): text_input = model.tokenizer( prompt, padding="max_length", max_length=model.tokenizer.model_max_length, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt",) text_embeddings = model.text_encoder(text_input.input_ids.to(model.device))[0] return text_embeddings def hash_pilim(pilim): hasha = hashlib.md5(pilim.tobytes()).hexdigest() return hasha def hash_cfgdict(cfgdict): hashb = hashlib.md5(json.dumps(cfgdict, sort_keys=True).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() return hashb def remove_earliest_file(path, max_allowance=500, remove_ratio=0.1, ext=None): if len(os.listdir(path)) <= max_allowance: return def get_mtime(fname): return osp.getmtime(osp.join(path, fname)) if ext is None: flist = sorted(os.listdir(path), key=get_mtime) else: flist = [fi for fi in os.listdir(path) if fi.endswith(ext)] flist = sorted(flist, key=get_mtime) exceedn = max(len(flist)-max_allowance, 0) removen = int(max_allowance*remove_ratio) removen = max(1, removen) + exceedn for fi in flist[0:removen]: os.remove(osp.join(path, fi)) def remove_decoupled_file(path, exta='.mp4', extb='.json'): tag_a = [osp.splitext(fi)[0] for fi in os.listdir(path) if fi.endswith(exta)] tag_b = [osp.splitext(fi)[0] for fi in os.listdir(path) if fi.endswith(extb)] tag_a_extra = set(tag_a) - set(tag_b) tag_b_extra = set(tag_b) - set(tag_a) [os.remove(osp.join(path, tagi+exta)) for tagi in tag_a_extra] [os.remove(osp.join(path, tagi+extb)) for tagi in tag_b_extra] @spaces.GPU() @torch.no_grad() def t2i_core(model, xt, emb, nemb, step=30, cfg_scale=7.5, return_list=False): from nulltxtinv_wrapper import diffusion_step, latent2image model.scheduler.set_timesteps(step) xi = xt emb = txt_to_emb(model, "") if emb is None else emb nemb = txt_to_emb(model, "") if nemb is None else nemb if return_list: xi_list = [xi.clone()] for i, t in enumerate(tqdm(model.scheduler.timesteps)): embi = emb[i] if isinstance(emb, list) else emb nembi = nemb[i] if isinstance(nemb, list) else nemb context = torch.cat([nembi, embi]) xi = diffusion_step(model, xi, context, t, cfg_scale, low_resource=False) if return_list: xi_list.append(xi.clone()) x0 = xi im = latent2image(model.vae, x0, return_type='pil') if return_list: return im, xi_list else: return im ######## # main # ######## class wrapper(object): def __init__(self, fp16=False, tag_diffuser=None, tag_lora=None, tag_scheduler=None,): self.device = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" if fp16: self.torch_dtype = torch.float16 else: self.torch_dtype = torch.float32 self.load_all(tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler) self.image_latent_dim = 4 self.batchsize = 8 self.seed = {} self.cache_video_folder = "temp/video" self.cache_video_maxn = 500 self.cache_image_folder = "temp/image" self.cache_image_maxn = 500 self.cache_inverse_folder = "temp/inverse" self.cache_inverse_maxn = 500 def load_all(self, tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler): self.load_diffuser_lora(tag_diffuser, tag_lora) self.load_scheduler(tag_scheduler) return tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler def load_diffuser_lora(self, tag_diffuser, tag_lora): self.net = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained( choices.diffuser[tag_diffuser], torch_dtype=self.torch_dtype).to(self.device) self.net.safety_checker = None if tag_lora != 'empty': self.net.unet.load_attn_procs( choices.lora[tag_lora], use_safetensors=True,) self.tag_diffuser = tag_diffuser self.tag_lora = tag_lora return tag_diffuser, tag_lora def load_scheduler(self, tag_scheduler): self.net.scheduler = choices.scheduler[tag_scheduler].from_config(self.net.scheduler.config) self.tag_scheduler = tag_scheduler return tag_scheduler def reset_seed(self, which='ltintp'): return -1 def recycle_seed(self, which='ltintp'): if which not in self.seed: return self.reset_seed(which=which) else: return self.seed[which] ########## # helper # ########## def precheck_model(self, tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler): if (tag_diffuser != self.tag_diffuser) or (tag_lora != self.tag_lora): self.load_all(tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler) if tag_scheduler != self.tag_scheduler: self.load_scheduler(tag_scheduler) ######## # main # ######## @spaces.GPU() def ddiminv(self, img, cfgdict): txt, step, cfg_scale = cfgdict['txt'], cfgdict['step'], cfgdict['cfg_scale'] from nulltxtinv_wrapper import NullInversion null_inversion_model = NullInversion(self.net, step, cfg_scale) with torch.no_grad(): emb = txt_to_emb(self.net, txt) nemb = txt_to_emb(self.net, "") xt = null_inversion_model.ddim_invert(img, txt) data = { 'step' : step, 'cfg_scale' : cfg_scale, 'txt' : txt, 'diffuser' : self.tag_diffuser, 'lora' : self.tag_lora, 'xt': xt, 'emb': emb, 'nemb': nemb,} return data @spaces.GPU() def nullinv_or_loadcache(self, img, cfgdict, force_reinvert=False): hash = hash_pilim(img) + "--" + hash_cfgdict(cfgdict) cdir = self.cache_inverse_folder cfname = osp.join(cdir, hash+'.pth') if osp.isfile(cfname) and (not force_reinvert): cache_data = torch.load(cfname) dtype = next(self.net.unet.parameters()).dtype device = next(self.net.unet.parameters()).device cache_data['xt'] = cache_data['xt'].to(device=device, dtype=dtype) cache_data['emb'] = cache_data['emb'].to(device=device, dtype=dtype) cache_data['nemb'] = [ nembi.to(device=device, dtype=dtype) for nembi in cache_data['nemb']] return cache_data else: txt, step, cfg_scale = cfgdict['txt'], cfgdict['step'], cfgdict['cfg_scale'] inner_step = cfgdict['inner_step'] from nulltxtinv_wrapper import NullInversion null_inversion_model = NullInversion(self.net, step, cfg_scale) with torch.no_grad(): emb = txt_to_emb(self.net, txt) xt, nemb = null_inversion_model.null_invert(img, txt, num_inner_steps=inner_step) cache_data = { 'step' : step, 'cfg_scale' : cfg_scale, 'txt' : txt, 'inner_step' : inner_step, 'diffuser' : self.tag_diffuser, 'lora' : self.tag_lora, 'xt' : xt.to('cpu'), 'emb' : emb.to('cpu'), 'nemb' : [nembi.to('cpu') for nembi in nemb],} os.makedirs(cdir, exist_ok=True) remove_earliest_file(cdir, max_allowance=self.cache_inverse_maxn) torch.save(cache_data, cfname) data = { 'step' : step, 'cfg_scale' : cfg_scale, 'txt' : txt, 'inner_step' : inner_step, 'diffuser' : self.tag_diffuser, 'lora' : self.tag_lora, 'xt' : xt, 'emb' : emb, 'nemb' : nemb,} return data @spaces.GPU() def nullinvdual_or_loadcachedual(self, img0, img1, cfgdict, force_reinvert=False): hash = hash_pilim(img0) + "--" + hash_pilim(img1) + "--" + hash_cfgdict(cfgdict) cdir = self.cache_inverse_folder cfname = osp.join(cdir, hash+'.pth') if osp.isfile(cfname) and (not force_reinvert): cache_data = torch.load(cfname) dtype = next(self.net.unet.parameters()).dtype device = next(self.net.unet.parameters()).device cache_data['xt0'] = cache_data['xt0'].to(device=device, dtype=dtype) cache_data['xt1'] = cache_data['xt1'].to(device=device, dtype=dtype) cache_data['emb0'] = cache_data['emb0'].to(device=device, dtype=dtype) cache_data['emb1'] = cache_data['emb1'].to(device=device, dtype=dtype) cache_data['nemb'] = [ nembi.to(device=device, dtype=dtype) for nembi in cache_data['nemb']] cache_data_a = copy.deepcopy(cache_data) cache_data_a['xt'] = cache_data_a.pop('xt0') cache_data_a['emb'] = cache_data_a.pop('emb0') cache_data_a.pop('xt1'); cache_data_a.pop('emb1') cache_data_b = cache_data cache_data_b['xt'] = cache_data_b.pop('xt1') cache_data_b['emb'] = cache_data_b.pop('emb1') cache_data_b.pop('xt0'); cache_data_b.pop('emb0') return cache_data_a, cache_data_b else: txt0, txt1, step, cfg_scale, inner_step = \ cfgdict['txt0'], cfgdict['txt1'], cfgdict['step'], \ cfgdict['cfg_scale'], cfgdict['inner_step'] from nulltxtinv_wrapper import NullInversion null_inversion_model = NullInversion(self.net, step, cfg_scale) with torch.no_grad(): emb0 = txt_to_emb(self.net, txt0) emb1 = txt_to_emb(self.net, txt1) xt0, xt1, nemb = null_inversion_model.null_invert_dual( img0, img1, txt0, txt1, num_inner_steps=inner_step) cache_data = { 'step' : step, 'cfg_scale' : cfg_scale, 'txt0' : txt0, 'txt1' : txt1, 'inner_step' : inner_step, 'diffuser' : self.tag_diffuser, 'lora' : self.tag_lora, 'xt0' : xt0.to('cpu'), 'xt1' : xt1.to('cpu'), 'emb0' : emb0.to('cpu'), 'emb1' : emb1.to('cpu'), 'nemb' : [nembi.to('cpu') for nembi in nemb],} os.makedirs(cdir, exist_ok=True) remove_earliest_file(cdir, max_allowance=self.cache_inverse_maxn) torch.save(cache_data, cfname) data0 = { 'step' : step, 'cfg_scale' : cfg_scale, 'txt' : txt0, 'inner_step' : inner_step, 'diffuser' : self.tag_diffuser, 'lora' : self.tag_lora, 'xt' : xt0, 'emb' : emb0, 'nemb' : nemb,} data1 = { 'step' : step, 'cfg_scale' : cfg_scale, 'txt' : txt1, 'inner_step' : inner_step, 'diffuser' : self.tag_diffuser, 'lora' : self.tag_lora, 'xt' : xt1, 'emb' : emb1, 'nemb' : nemb,} return data0, data1 @spaces.GPU() def image_inversion( self, img, txt, cfg_scale, step, inversion, inner_step, force_reinvert): from nulltxtinv_wrapper import text2image_ldm if inversion == 'DDIM w/o text': txt = '' if not inversion == 'NTI': data = self.ddiminv(img, {'txt':txt, 'step':step, 'cfg_scale':cfg_scale,}) else: data = self.nullinv_or_loadcache( img, {'txt':txt, 'step':step, 'cfg_scale':cfg_scale, 'inner_step':inner_step, 'diffuser' : self.tag_diffuser, 'lora' : self.tag_lora,}, force_reinvert) if inversion == 'NTI': img_inv, _ = text2image_ldm( self.net, [txt], step, cfg_scale, latent=data['xt'], uncond_embeddings=data['nemb']) else: img_inv, _ = text2image_ldm( self.net, [txt], step, cfg_scale, latent=data['xt'], uncond_embeddings=None) return img_inv @spaces.GPU() def image_editing( self, img, txt_0, txt_1, cfg_scale, step, thresh, inversion, inner_step, force_reinvert): from nulltxtinv_wrapper import text2image_ldm_imedit if inversion == 'DDIM w/o text': txt_0 = '' if not inversion == 'NTI': data = self.ddiminv(img, {'txt':txt_0, 'step':step, 'cfg_scale':cfg_scale,}) img_edited, _ = text2image_ldm_imedit( self.net, thresh, [txt_0], [txt_1], step, cfg_scale, latent=data['xt'], uncond_embeddings=None) else: data = self.nullinv_or_loadcache( img, {'txt':txt_0, 'step':step, 'cfg_scale':cfg_scale, 'inner_step':inner_step, 'diffuser' : self.tag_diffuser, 'lora' : self.tag_lora,}, force_reinvert) img_edited, _ = text2image_ldm_imedit( self.net, thresh, [txt_0], [txt_1], step, cfg_scale, latent=data['xt'], uncond_embeddings=data['nemb']) return img_edited @spaces.GPU() def general_interpolation( self, xset0, xset1, cfg_scale, step, tlist,): xt0, emb0, nemb0 = xset0['xt'], xset0['emb'], xset0['nemb'] xt1, emb1, nemb1 = xset1['xt'], xset1['emb'], xset1['nemb'] framen = len(tlist) xt_list = auto_slerp(tlist, xt0, xt1) emb_list = auto_lerp(tlist, emb0, emb1) if isinstance(nemb0, list) and isinstance(nemb1, list): assert len(nemb0) == len(nemb1) nemb_list = [auto_lerp(tlist, e0, e1) for e0, e1 in zip(nemb0, nemb1)] nemb_islist = True else: nemb_list = auto_lerp(tlist, nemb0, nemb1) nemb_islist = False im_list = [] for frameidx in range(0, len(xt_list), self.batchsize): xt_batch = [xt_list[idx] for idx in range(frameidx, min(frameidx+self.batchsize, framen))] xt_batch = torch.cat(xt_batch, dim=0) emb_batch = [emb_list[idx] for idx in range(frameidx, min(frameidx+self.batchsize, framen))] emb_batch = torch.cat(emb_batch, dim=0) if nemb_islist: nemb_batch = [] for nembi in nemb_list: nembi_batch = [nembi[idx] for idx in range(frameidx, min(frameidx+self.batchsize, framen))] nembi_batch = torch.cat(nembi_batch, dim=0) nemb_batch.append(nembi_batch) else: nemb_batch = [nemb_list[idx] for idx in range(frameidx, min(frameidx+self.batchsize, framen))] nemb_batch = torch.cat(nemb_batch, dim=0) im = t2i_core( self.net, xt_batch, emb_batch, nemb_batch, step, cfg_scale) im_list += im if isinstance(im, list) else [im] return im_list @spaces.GPU() def run_iminvs( self, img, text, cfg_scale, step, force_resize, width, height, inversion, inner_step, force_reinvert, tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler, ): self.precheck_model(tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler) if force_resize: img = offset_resize(img, width, height) else: img = regulate_image(img) recon_output = self.image_inversion( img, text, cfg_scale, step, inversion, inner_step, force_reinvert) idir = self.cache_image_folder os.makedirs(idir, exist_ok=True) remove_earliest_file(idir, max_allowance=self.cache_image_maxn) sname = "time{}_iminvs_{}_{}".format( int(time.time()), self.tag_diffuser, self.tag_lora,) ipath = osp.join(idir, sname+'.png') recon_output.save(ipath) return [recon_output] @spaces.GPU() def run_imedit( self, img, txt_0,txt_1, threshold, cfg_scale, step, force_resize, width, height, inversion, inner_step, force_reinvert, tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler, ): self.precheck_model(tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler) if force_resize: img = offset_resize(img, width, height) else: img = regulate_image(img) edited_img= self.image_editing( img, txt_0,txt_1, cfg_scale, step, threshold, inversion, inner_step, force_reinvert) idir = self.cache_image_folder os.makedirs(idir, exist_ok=True) remove_earliest_file(idir, max_allowance=self.cache_image_maxn) sname = "time{}_imedit_{}_{}".format( int(time.time()), self.tag_diffuser, self.tag_lora,) ipath = osp.join(idir, sname+'.png') edited_img.save(ipath) return [edited_img] @spaces.GPU() def run_imintp( self, img0, img1, txt0, txt1, cfg_scale, step, framen, fps, force_resize, width, height, inversion, inner_step, force_reinvert, tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler,): self.precheck_model(tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler) if txt1 == '': txt1 = txt0 if force_resize: img0 = offset_resize(img0, width, height) img1 = offset_resize(img1, width, height) else: img0 = regulate_image(img0) img1 = regulate_image(img1) if inversion == 'DDIM': data0 = self.ddiminv(img0, {'txt':txt0, 'step':step, 'cfg_scale':cfg_scale,}) data1 = self.ddiminv(img1, {'txt':txt1, 'step':step, 'cfg_scale':cfg_scale,}) elif inversion == 'DDIM w/o text': data0 = self.ddiminv(img0, {'txt':"", 'step':step, 'cfg_scale':cfg_scale,}) data1 = self.ddiminv(img1, {'txt':"", 'step':step, 'cfg_scale':cfg_scale,}) else: data0, data1 = self.nullinvdual_or_loadcachedual( img0, img1, {'txt0':txt0, 'txt1':txt1, 'step':step, 'cfg_scale':cfg_scale, 'inner_step':inner_step, 'diffuser' : self.tag_diffuser, 'lora' : self.tag_lora,}, force_reinvert) tlist = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, framen) iminv0 = t2i_core(self.net, data0['xt'], data0['emb'], data0['nemb'], step, cfg_scale) iminv1 = t2i_core(self.net, data1['xt'], data1['emb'], data1['nemb'], step, cfg_scale) frames = self.general_interpolation(data0, data1, cfg_scale, step, tlist) vdir = self.cache_video_folder os.makedirs(vdir, exist_ok=True) remove_earliest_file(vdir, max_allowance=self.cache_video_maxn) sname = "time{}_imintp_{}_{}_framen{}_fps{}".format( int(time.time()), self.tag_diffuser, self.tag_lora, framen, fps) vpath = osp.join(vdir, sname+'.mp4') frames2mp4(vpath, frames, fps) jpath = osp.join(vdir, sname+'.json') cfgdict = { "method" : "image_interpolation", "txt0" : txt0, "txt1" : txt1, "cfg_scale" : cfg_scale, "step" : step, "framen" : framen, "fps" : fps, "force_resize" : force_resize, "width" : width, "height" : height, "inversion" : inversion, "inner_step" : inner_step, "force_reinvert" : force_reinvert, "tag_diffuser" : tag_diffuser, "tag_lora" : tag_lora, "tag_scheduler" : tag_scheduler,} with open(jpath, 'w') as f: json.dump(cfgdict, f, indent=4) return frames, vpath, [iminv0, iminv1] ################# # get examples # ################# cache_examples = False def get_imintp_example(): case = [ [ 'assets/images/interpolation/cityview1.png', 'assets/images/interpolation/cityview2.png', 'A city view',], [ 'assets/images/interpolation/woman1.png', 'assets/images/interpolation/woman2.png', 'A woman face',], [ 'assets/images/interpolation/land1.png', 'assets/images/interpolation/land2.png', 'A beautiful landscape',], [ 'assets/images/interpolation/dog1.png', 'assets/images/interpolation/dog2.png', 'A realistic dog',], [ 'assets/images/interpolation/church1.png', 'assets/images/interpolation/church2.png', 'A church',], [ 'assets/images/interpolation/rabbit1.png', 'assets/images/interpolation/rabbit2.png', 'A cute rabbit',], [ 'assets/images/interpolation/horse1.png', 'assets/images/interpolation/horse2.png', 'A robot horse',], ] return case def get_iminvs_example(): case = [ [ 'assets/images/inversion/000000560011.jpg', 'A mouse is next to a keyboard on a desk',], [ 'assets/images/inversion/000000029596.jpg', 'A room with a couch, table set with dinnerware and a television.',], ] return case def get_imedit_example(): case = [ [ 'assets/images/editing/rabbit.png', 'A rabbit is eating a watermelon on the table', 'A cat is eating a watermelon on the table', 0.7,], [ 'assets/images/editing/cake.png', 'A chocolate cake with cream on it', 'A chocolate cake with strawberries on it', 0.9,], [ 'assets/images/editing/banana.png', 'A banana on the table', 'A banana and an apple on the table', 0.8,], ] return case ################# # sub interface # ################# def interface_imintp(wrapper_obj): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): img0 = gr.Image(label="Image Input 0", type='pil', elem_id='customized_imbox') with gr.Column(): img1 = gr.Image(label="Image Input 1", type='pil', elem_id='customized_imbox') with gr.Column(): video_output = gr.Video(label="Video Result", format='mp4', elem_id='customized_imbox') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): txt0 = gr.Textbox(label='Text Input', lines=1, placeholder="Input prompt...", ) with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): inversion = auto_dropdown('Inversion', choices.inversion, default.inversion) inner_step = gr.Slider(label="Inner Step (NTI)", value=default.nullinv_inner_step, minimum=1, maximum=10, step=1) force_reinvert = gr.Checkbox(label="Force ReInvert (NTI)", value=False) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): framen = gr.Slider(label="Frame Number", minimum=8, maximum=default.framen, value=default.framen, step=1) fps = gr.Slider(label="Video FPS", minimum=4, maximum=default.fps, value=default.fps, step=4) with gr.Row(): button_run = gr.Button("Run") with gr.Column(): with gr.Accordion('Frame Results', open=False): frame_output = gr.Gallery(label="Frames", elem_id='customized_imbox') with gr.Accordion("Inversion Results", open=False): inv_output = gr.Gallery(label="Inversion Results", elem_id='customized_imbox') with gr.Accordion('Advanced Settings', open=False): with gr.Row(): tag_diffuser = auto_dropdown('Diffuser', choices.diffuser, default.diffuser) tag_lora = auto_dropdown('Use LoRA', choices.lora, default.lora) tag_scheduler = auto_dropdown('Scheduler', choices.scheduler, default.scheduler) with gr.Row(): cfg_scale = gr.Number(label="Scale", minimum=1, maximum=10, value=default.cfg_scale, step=0.5) step = gr.Number(default.step, label="Step", precision=0) with gr.Row(): force_resize = gr.Checkbox(label="Force Resize", value=True) inp_width = gr.Slider(label="Width", minimum=256, maximum=1024, value=512, step=64) inp_height = gr.Slider(label="Height", minimum=256, maximum=1024, value=512, step=64) with gr.Row(): txt1 = gr.Textbox(label='Optional Different Text Input for Image Input 1', lines=1, placeholder="Input prompt...", ) tag_diffuser.change( wrapper_obj.load_all, inputs = [tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler], outputs = [tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler],) tag_lora.change( wrapper_obj.load_all, inputs = [tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler], outputs = [tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler],) tag_scheduler.change( wrapper_obj.load_scheduler, inputs = [tag_scheduler], outputs = [tag_scheduler],) button_run.click( wrapper_obj.run_imintp, inputs=[img0, img1, txt0, txt1, cfg_scale, step, framen, fps, force_resize, inp_width, inp_height, inversion, inner_step, force_reinvert, tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler,], outputs=[frame_output, video_output, inv_output]) gr.Examples( label='Examples', examples=get_imintp_example(), fn=wrapper_obj.run_imintp, inputs=[img0, img1, txt0,], outputs=[frame_output, video_output, inv_output], cache_examples=cache_examples,) def interface_iminvs(wrapper_obj): with gr.Row(): image_input = gr.Image(label="Image input", type='pil', elem_id='customized_imbox') recon_output = gr.Gallery(label="Reconstruction output", elem_id='customized_imbox') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): prompt = gr.Textbox(label='Text Input', lines=1, placeholder="Input prompt...", ) with gr.Row(): button_run = gr.Button("Run") with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): inversion = auto_dropdown('Inversion', choices.inversion, default.inversion) inner_step = gr.Slider(label="Inner Step (NTI)", value=default.nullinv_inner_step, minimum=1, maximum=10, step=1) force_reinvert = gr.Checkbox(label="Force ReInvert (NTI)", value=False) with gr.Accordion('Advanced Settings', open=False): with gr.Row(): tag_diffuser = auto_dropdown('Diffuser', choices.diffuser, default.diffuser) tag_lora = auto_dropdown('Use LoRA', choices.lora, default.lora) tag_scheduler = auto_dropdown('Scheduler', choices.scheduler, default.scheduler) with gr.Row(): cfg_scale = gr.Number(label="Scale", minimum=1, maximum=10, value=default.cfg_scale, step=0.5) step = gr.Number(default.step, label="Step", precision=0) with gr.Row(): force_resize = gr.Checkbox(label="Force Resize", value=True) inp_width = gr.Slider(label="Width", minimum=256, maximum=1024, value=512, step=64) inp_height = gr.Slider(label="Height", minimum=256, maximum=1024, value=512, step=64) tag_diffuser.change( wrapper_obj.load_all, inputs = [tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler], outputs = [tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler],) tag_lora.change( wrapper_obj.load_all, inputs = [tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler], outputs = [tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler],) tag_scheduler.change( wrapper_obj.load_scheduler, inputs = [tag_scheduler], outputs = [tag_scheduler],) button_run.click( wrapper_obj.run_iminvs, inputs=[image_input, prompt, cfg_scale, step, force_resize, inp_width, inp_height, inversion, inner_step, force_reinvert, tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler,], outputs=[recon_output]) gr.Examples( label='Examples', examples=get_iminvs_example(), fn=wrapper_obj.run_iminvs, inputs=[image_input, prompt,], outputs=[recon_output], cache_examples=cache_examples,) def interface_imedit(wrapper_obj): with gr.Row(): image_input = gr.Image(label="Image input", type='pil', elem_id='customized_imbox') edited_output = gr.Gallery(label="Edited output", elem_id='customized_imbox') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): prompt_0 = gr.Textbox(label='Source Text', lines=1, placeholder="Source prompt...", ) prompt_1 = gr.Textbox(label='Target Text', lines=1, placeholder="Target prompt...", ) with gr.Row(): button_run = gr.Button("Run") with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): inversion = auto_dropdown('Inversion', choices.inversion, default.inversion) inner_step = gr.Slider(label="Inner Step (NTI)", value=default.nullinv_inner_step, minimum=1, maximum=10, step=1) force_reinvert = gr.Checkbox(label="Force ReInvert (NTI)", value=False) threshold = gr.Slider(label="Threshold", minimum=0, maximum=1, value=default.threshold, step=0.1) with gr.Accordion('Advanced Settings', open=False): with gr.Row(): tag_diffuser = auto_dropdown('Diffuser', choices.diffuser, default.diffuser) tag_lora = auto_dropdown('Use LoRA', choices.lora, default.lora) tag_scheduler = auto_dropdown('Scheduler', choices.scheduler, default.scheduler) with gr.Row(): cfg_scale = gr.Number(label="Scale", minimum=1, maximum=10, value=default.cfg_scale, step=0.5) step = gr.Number(default.step, label="Step", precision=0) with gr.Row(): force_resize = gr.Checkbox(label="Force Resize", value=True) inp_width = gr.Slider(label="Width", minimum=256, maximum=1024, value=512, step=64) inp_height = gr.Slider(label="Height", minimum=256, maximum=1024, value=512, step=64) tag_diffuser.change( wrapper_obj.load_all, inputs = [tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler], outputs = [tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler],) tag_lora.change( wrapper_obj.load_all, inputs = [tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler], outputs = [tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler],) tag_scheduler.change( wrapper_obj.load_scheduler, inputs = [tag_scheduler], outputs = [tag_scheduler],) button_run.click( wrapper_obj.run_imedit, inputs=[image_input, prompt_0, prompt_1, threshold, cfg_scale, step, force_resize, inp_width, inp_height, inversion, inner_step, force_reinvert, tag_diffuser, tag_lora, tag_scheduler,], outputs=[edited_output]) gr.Examples( label='Examples', examples=get_imedit_example(), fn=wrapper_obj.run_imedit, inputs=[image_input, prompt_0, prompt_1, threshold,], outputs=[edited_output], cache_examples=cache_examples,) ############# # Interface # ############# if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', type=int, default=None) args = parser.parse_args() from app_utils import css_empty, css_version_4_11_0 # css = css_empty css = css_version_4_11_0 wrapper_obj = wrapper( fp16=False, tag_diffuser=default.diffuser, tag_lora=default.lora, tag_scheduler=default.scheduler) if True: with gr.Blocks(css=css) as demo: gr.HTML( """