import gradio as gr import random import os # If you want to run Stable Diffusion XL locally with diffusers: # from diffusers import StableDiffusionXLPipeline # import torch # ----------------------------- # 1) LOAD QUESTION BANK # ----------------------------- def load_question_bank(filepath="question_bank.txt"): """ Reads the question bank file. Each line should be in the format: question|answer Returns a list of (question, answer) tuples. """ questions = [] if os.path.exists(filepath): with open(filepath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = for line in lines: if "|" in line: q, a = line.split("|", 1) questions.append((q.strip(), a.strip())) return questions QUESTION_BANK = load_question_bank("question_bank.txt") # ----------------------------- # 2) GLOBAL OR SESSION STATE # ----------------------------- # Gradio does not allow normal Python global modifications in a multi-user setting, # but we can store user-specific data in a dictionary or use `gr.State`. # We'll keep track of points, current question index, etc. using gr.State. # For local stable diffusion usage, you could instantiate a pipeline: # pipe = StableDiffusionXLPipeline.from_pretrained( # "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0", # torch_dtype=torch.float16 # ).to("cuda") # For demonstration, we'll just simulate the image generation. def generate_image(prompt): """ Example function that, in a real environment, would run a Stable Diffusion XL pipeline. For demonstration, let's just return a placeholder or a mock image URL. """ # Uncomment if using a local pipeline # image = pipe(prompt).images[0] # return image # For now, we return a placeholder (a black image or mock). # You can use an online image or a local placeholder. # If you have an actual pipeline, return image instead. placeholder_url = "" return placeholder_url # ----------------------------- # 3) CORE LOGIC # ----------------------------- def get_new_question(state): """ Updates the state with a new random question from the question bank and resets the user answer display. """ if not QUESTION_BANK: state["current_question"] = "No questions available!" state["correct_answer"] = "" return "No questions available!", "" # Randomly pick a question from the bank question, answer = random.choice(QUESTION_BANK) state["current_question"] = question state["correct_answer"] = answer return question, "" def check_answer(user_answer, state): """ Checks the user's answer, updates points, and returns feedback. """ correct_answer = state["correct_answer"] if user_answer.strip().lower() == correct_answer.lower(): # Increase user points by 1000 state["points"] += 1000 feedback = f"Correct! You have earned 1000 points. Total points: {state['points']}" else: feedback = f"Wrong! The correct answer was '{correct_answer}'. Total points: {state['points']}" # Provide next question automatically or the user can press a button question, _ = get_new_question(state) return feedback, question, "" def on_generate_image(prompt, state): """ Generates an image if the user has at least 2000 points. Otherwise returns an error message. """ if state["points"] >= 2000: image_url = generate_image(prompt) return image_url else: return "You need at least 2000 points to generate an image!" # ----------------------------- # 4) BUILD THE GRADIO INTERFACE # ----------------------------- def quiz_app(): # We'll use gr.State to keep track of user state across function calls in one session. state = gr.State({ "points": 0, "current_question": "", "correct_answer": "" }) with gr.Blocks(theme='NoCrypt/miku') as demo: gr.Markdown("# Quiz Game with Image Generation (Stable Diffusion XL)") # Display current question question_display = gr.Markdown(value="Click 'Load Question' to start!", label="Question") # Button to load a new question load_button = gr.Button("Load Question") # Textbox for user to input answer answer_box = gr.Textbox(lines=1, label="Your Answer") # Button to submit answer submit_button = gr.Button("Submit Answer") # Feedback box feedback_display = gr.Markdown() # A text prompt to generate image image_prompt_box = gr.Textbox(lines=1, label="Image Prompt") # Button to generate image generate_button = gr.Button("Generate Image with SDXL") # Image output image_output = gr.Image(label="Generated Image", height=300, width=170) # Function bindings fn=get_new_question, inputs=state, outputs=[question_display, answer_box] ) fn=check_answer, inputs=[answer_box, state], outputs=[feedback_display, question_display, answer_box] ) fn=on_generate_image, inputs=[image_prompt_box, state], outputs=image_output ) return demo if __name__ == "__main__": demo_app = quiz_app() demo_app.launch(debug=True)