!pip install gradio pandas scikit-learn joblib import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_score, f1_score import gradio as gr import joblib # Load your dataset (assuming 'AIDA-PHQ-Updated.csv' is in the same directory as your script) df = pd.read_csv("AIDA-PHQ-Updated.csv") df.head() # Ordinal mappings (if not already applied) ordinal_mappings = { 'Not Applicable' : 0, 'Strongly disagree': 1, 'Disagree': 2, 'Neutral': 3, 'Agree': 4, 'Strongly agree': 5 } ordinal_columns = [ 'PoorAcademicPerformanceSelfPerception', 'AcademicCriticismSelfPerception', 'UnsatisfiedAcademicWorkloadSelfPerception', 'NonInterestSubjectOpinion', 'UnhappySubjectOpinion', 'NonInterestInstitutionOpinion', 'UnhappyInstitutionOpinion', 'ParentalStrictness', 'ParentalAcademicPressure', 'ParentalMarriagePressure', 'ParentalCareerPressure', 'ParentalStudyAbroadPressure', 'ParentalUnderstanding', 'SiblingBonding', 'ParentalRelationshipStability', 'PeerRelationship', 'TeacherSupport', 'PartnerRelationshipImpact', 'PhysicalViolenceExperience', 'SexualViolenceExperience', 'VerbalViolenceExperience', 'EmotionalViolenceExperience' ] for col in ordinal_columns: df[col] = df[col].map(ordinal_mappings) # Encode the Gender column from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder encoder = LabelEncoder() df['Gender'] = encoder.fit_transform(df['Gender']) df.head() # Split into X and y X = df.drop('DepressionLevel', axis=1) y = df['DepressionLevel'] X.columns X.head() # Split into train and test sets random_state = 2024 X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=random_state) # Standardize features scaler = StandardScaler() X_train_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(X_train) X_test_scaled = scaler.transform(X_test) # Train Logistic Regression model logreg = LogisticRegression(C=10.0, solver='newton-cg') logreg.fit(X_train_scaled, y_train) # Save the model as a .bin file with open('model.bin', 'wb') as file: joblib.dump(logreg, file) # Save the scaler as a .bin file with open('scaler.bin', 'wb') as file: joblib.dump(scaler, file) def predict_depression_level_logreg(age, gender, cgpa, poor_academic_performance, academic_criticism, unsatisfied_workload, non_interest_subject, unhappy_subject, non_interest_institution, unhappy_institution, parental_strictness, parental_academic_pressure, parental_marriage_pressure, parental_career_pressure, parental_study_abroad, parental_understanding, sibling_bonding, parental_relationship_stability, peer_relationship, teacher_support, partner_relationship_impact, physical_violence, sexual_violence, verbal_violence, emotional_violence, little_interest, feeling_down, sleeping_issue, feeling_tired, poor_appetite, feeling_bad, trouble_concentrating, slowness, self_harm): # Convert gender to numeric gender = 1 if gender == 'Female' else 0 # Define feature names matching those used during fitting feature_names = [ 'Age', 'Gender', 'CGPA', 'PoorAcademicPerformanceSelfPerception', 'AcademicCriticismSelfPerception', 'UnsatisfiedAcademicWorkloadSelfPerception', 'NonInterestSubjectOpinion', 'UnhappySubjectOpinion', 'NonInterestInstitutionOpinion', 'UnhappyInstitutionOpinion', 'ParentalStrictness', 'ParentalAcademicPressure', 'ParentalMarriagePressure', 'ParentalCareerPressure', 'ParentalStudyAbroadPressure', 'ParentalUnderstanding', 'SiblingBonding', 'ParentalRelationshipStability', 'PeerRelationship', 'TeacherSupport', 'PartnerRelationshipImpact', 'PhysicalViolenceExperience', 'SexualViolenceExperience', 'VerbalViolenceExperience', 'EmotionalViolenceExperience', 'little interest', 'feeling down', 'Sleeping issue', 'feeling tired', 'poor appetite', 'feeling bad', 'trouble concertrating', 'slowness', 'self harm' ] # Map ordinal columns to numerical values using ordinal_mappings input_data = pd.DataFrame([[age, gender, cgpa, ordinal_mappings[poor_academic_performance], ordinal_mappings[academic_criticism], ordinal_mappings[unsatisfied_workload], ordinal_mappings[non_interest_subject], ordinal_mappings[unhappy_subject], ordinal_mappings[non_interest_institution], ordinal_mappings[unhappy_institution], ordinal_mappings[parental_strictness], ordinal_mappings[parental_academic_pressure], ordinal_mappings[parental_marriage_pressure], ordinal_mappings[parental_career_pressure], ordinal_mappings[parental_study_abroad], ordinal_mappings[parental_understanding], ordinal_mappings[sibling_bonding], ordinal_mappings[parental_relationship_stability], ordinal_mappings[peer_relationship], ordinal_mappings[teacher_support], ordinal_mappings[partner_relationship_impact], ordinal_mappings[physical_violence], ordinal_mappings[sexual_violence], ordinal_mappings[verbal_violence], ordinal_mappings[emotional_violence], little_interest, feeling_down, sleeping_issue, feeling_tired, poor_appetite, feeling_bad, trouble_concentrating, slowness, self_harm]], columns=feature_names) input_data_scaled = scaler.transform(input_data) prediction = logreg.predict(input_data_scaled)[0] return str(prediction) # Define Gradio interface with proper input labels and output type inputs = [ gr.Slider(minimum=int(df['Age'].min()), maximum=int(df['Age'].max()), label="Age"), gr.Dropdown(choices=["Male", "Female"], label="Gender"), gr.Slider(minimum=float(df['CGPA'].min()), maximum=float(df['CGPA'].max()), label="CGPA") ] # Updated labels for ordinal columns ordinal_labels = { 'PoorAcademicPerformanceSelfPerception': 'Your Academic Performance is poor.', 'AcademicCriticismSelfPerception': 'You experience Academic Criticism.', 'UnsatisfiedAcademicWorkloadSelfPerception': 'You are unsatisfied with your academic workload.', 'NonInterestSubjectOpinion': 'The subject you are studying is of non-interest to you.', 'UnhappySubjectOpinion': 'You are unhappy with the subject you are studying.', 'NonInterestInstitutionOpinion': 'You study at an institution of your non-interest.', 'UnhappyInstitutionOpinion': 'You are Unhappy with your institution.', 'ParentalStrictness': 'Your parents are strict.', 'ParentalAcademicPressure': 'You experience academic pressure from your parents.', 'ParentalMarriagePressure': 'You experience pressure to get married from your parents.', 'ParentalCareerPressure': 'You experience career pressure from your parents.', 'ParentalStudyAbroadPressure': 'You experience pressure to study abroad from your parents.', 'ParentalUnderstanding': 'Your have poor understanding with your parents.', 'SiblingBonding': 'You have poor bonding with your siblings.', 'ParentalRelationshipStability': 'Your parents have unstable relationship.', 'PeerRelationship': 'You have poor relationship with your peers.', 'TeacherSupport': 'Teachers do not support you.', 'PartnerRelationshipImpact': 'You have poor relationship with your partner.', 'PhysicalViolenceExperience': 'You have experience physical violence.', 'SexualViolenceExperience': 'You have experience sexual violence.', 'VerbalViolenceExperience': 'You have experience verbal violence.', 'EmotionalViolenceExperience': 'You have experienced emotional violence.', } # Add radio buttons for ordinal columns with updated labels for col in ordinal_columns: inputs.append(gr.Radio(choices=list(ordinal_mappings.keys()), label=ordinal_labels[col])) # Add sliders for the remaining inputs additional_inputs = [ gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=5, step=1, label="How has your interest changed over work and activities? (0= No change)"), gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=5, step=1, label="How often do you feel down?"), gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=5, step=1, label="Do you struggle to sleep?"), gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=5, step=1, label="How often do you feel tired?"), gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=5, step=1, label="How has your appetite changed?"), gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=5, step=1, label="How often do you feel bad about yourself?"), gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=5, step=1, label="How has your concentration levels changed?"), gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=5, step=1, label="Do you feel slow?"), gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=5, step=1, label="Have you had suicidal thoughts?") ] inputs.extend(additional_inputs) # # Sample input values (these should match the features and their order in your function) # sample_input = { # "Age": 25, # "Gender": "Female", # Assuming string value for Gender # "CGPA": 3.5, # "PoorAcademicPerformanceSelfPerception": "Disagree", # String value, needs mapping # "AcademicCriticismSelfPerception": "Neutral", # String value, needs mapping # "UnsatisfiedAcademicWorkloadSelfPerception": "Strongly disagree", # String value, needs mapping # "NonInterestSubjectOpinion": "Disagree", # String value, needs mapping # "UnhappySubjectOpinion": "Neutral", # String value, needs mapping # "NonInterestInstitutionOpinion": "Strongly disagree", # String value, needs mapping # "UnhappyInstitutionOpinion": "Disagree", # String value, needs mapping # "ParentalStrictness": "Strongly agree", # String value, needs mapping # "ParentalAcademicPressure": "Agree", # String value, needs mapping # "ParentalMarriagePressure": "Neutral", # String value, needs mapping # "ParentalCareerPressure": "Strongly disagree", # String value, needs mapping # "ParentalStudyAbroadPressure": "Neutral", # String value, needs mapping # "ParentalUnderstanding": "Strongly agree", # String value, needs mapping # "SiblingBonding": "Strongly agree", # String value, needs mapping # "ParentalRelationshipStability": "Neutral", # String value, needs mapping # "PeerRelationship": "Agree", # String value, needs mapping # "TeacherSupport": "Strongly agree", # String value, needs mapping # "PartnerRelationshipImpact": "Neutral", # String value, needs mapping # "PhysicalViolenceExperience": 0, # "SexualViolenceExperience": 1, # "VerbalViolenceExperience": 0, # "EmotionalViolenceExperience": 2, # "little interest": 1, # "feeling down": 3, # "Sleeping issue": 2, # "feeling tired": 4, # "poor appetite": 2, # "feeling bad": 3, # "trouble concertrating": 1, # "slowness": 2, # "self harm": 0 # } # # Convert the sample input dictionary to a DataFrame # sample_df = pd.DataFrame([sample_input]) # # Map ordinal columns to numerical values using ordinal_mappings # for col in ordinal_columns: # sample_df[col] = sample_df[col].map(ordinal_mappings) # # Convert gender to numeric # sample_df['Gender'] = 1 if sample_df['Gender'].iloc[0] == 'Female' else 0 # # Scale the input data using the scaler from your model # sample_df_scaled = scaler.transform(sample_df) # # Predict using your function # prediction = predict_depression_level_logreg(*sample_df_scaled[0]) # # Print or use the prediction as needed # print("Predicted Depression Level:", prediction) output = gr.Textbox(label="Predicted Depression Level") # Create Gradio interface iface = gr.Interface(fn=predict_depression_level_logreg, inputs=inputs, outputs=output, title="Understand your Depression Levels", description="A questionnaire to determine potential depression severity using the questions below - ") iface.launch(debug=True, share=True) # #importing libraries # import numpy as np # import lime # # import lime.lime_tabular # from lime import lime_tabular # # Training Logistic Regression classifier # model = LogisticRegression() # model.fit(X_train, y_train) # # Defining the lime explainer # explainer = lime_tabular.LimeTabularExplainer( # training_data=np.array(X_train), # feature_names=X_train.columns, # class_names=['MINIMAL','MILD','Moderate','ModeratelySevere','Severe'], # mode='classification' # ) # #importing libraries # import numpy as np # import lime # # import lime.lime_tabular # from lime import lime_tabular # # Training Logistic Regression classifier # model = LogisticRegression() # model.fit(X_train, y_train) # # Defining the lime explainer # explainer = lime_tabular.LimeTabularExplainer( # training_data=np.array(X_train), # feature_names=X_train.columns, # class_names=['MINIMAL','MILD','Moderate','ModeratelySevere','Severe'], # mode='classification' # ) # exp = explainer.explain_instance( # data_row=X_test.iloc[5], # predict_fn=model.predict_proba, num_features = 12 # ) # exp.show_in_notebook(show_table=True)