import gradio as gr import subprocess import os import spaces import sys import shutil import tempfile import uuid import re import time import copy from collections import Counter from tqdm import tqdm from einops import rearrange import numpy as np import json import torch import torchaudio from torchaudio.transforms import Resample import soundfile as sf # --- Install flash-attn (if needed) --- print("Installing flash-attn...") "pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation", env={"FLASH_ATTENTION_SKIP_CUDA_BUILD": "TRUE"}, shell=True ) # --- Download and set up stage1 files --- from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download folder_path = "./xcodec_mini_infer" if not os.path.exists(folder_path): os.mkdir(folder_path) print(f"Folder created at: {folder_path}") else: print(f"Folder already exists at: {folder_path}") snapshot_download( repo_id="m-a-p/xcodec_mini_infer", local_dir=folder_path ) # Change working directory to current folder inference_dir = "." try: os.chdir(inference_dir) print(f"Changed working directory to: {os.getcwd()}") except FileNotFoundError: print(f"Directory not found: {inference_dir}") exit(1) # --- Append required module paths --- base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) sys.path.append(os.path.join(base_path, "xcodec_mini_infer")) sys.path.append(os.path.join(base_path, "xcodec_mini_infer", "descriptaudiocodec")) # --- Additional imports (vocoder & post processing) --- from omegaconf import OmegaConf from codecmanipulator import CodecManipulator from mmtokenizer import _MMSentencePieceTokenizer from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, LogitsProcessor, LogitsProcessorList from models.soundstream_hubert_new import SoundStream # Import vocoder functions (ensure these modules exist) from vocoder import build_codec_model, process_audio from post_process_audio import replace_low_freq_with_energy_matched # ----------------------- Global Configuration ----------------------- # Stage1 and Stage2 model identifiers (change if needed) STAGE1_MODEL = "m-a-p/YuE-s1-7B-anneal-en-cot" STAGE2_MODEL = "m-a-p/YuE-s2-1B-general" # Vocoder model files (paths in the xcodec snapshot) BASIC_MODEL_CONFIG = os.path.join(folder_path, "final_ckpt/config.yaml") RESUME_PATH = os.path.join(folder_path, "final_ckpt/ckpt_00360000.pth") VOCAL_DECODER_PATH = os.path.join(folder_path, "decoders/decoder_131000.pth") INST_DECODER_PATH = os.path.join(folder_path, "decoders/decoder_151000.pth") VOCODER_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(folder_path, "decoders/config.yaml") # Misc settings MAX_NEW_TOKENS = 15 # Duration slider (in seconds, scaled internally) RUN_N_SEGMENTS = 2 # Number of segments to generate STAGE2_BATCH_SIZE = 4 # Batch size for stage2 inference # You may change these defaults via Gradio input (see below) # ----------------------- Device Setup ----------------------- device = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" print(f"Using device: {device}") # ----------------------- Load Stage1 Models and Tokenizer ----------------------- print("Loading Stage 1 model and tokenizer...") model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( STAGE1_MODEL, torch_dtype=torch.float16, attn_implementation="flash_attention_2", ).to(device) model.eval() model_stage2 = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( STAGE2_MODEL, torch_dtype=torch.float16, attn_implementation="flash_attention_2", ).to(device) model_stage2.eval() mmtokenizer = _MMSentencePieceTokenizer("./mm_tokenizer_v0.2_hf/tokenizer.model") # Two separate codec manipulators: one for Stage1 and one for Stage2 (with a higher number of quantizers) codectool = CodecManipulator("xcodec", 0, 1) codectool_stage2 = CodecManipulator("xcodec", 0, 8) # Load codec (xcodec) model for Stage1 & Stage2 decoding model_config = OmegaConf.load(BASIC_MODEL_CONFIG) codec_class = eval( codec_model = codec_class(**model_config.generator.config).to(device) parameter_dict = torch.load(RESUME_PATH, map_location="cpu") codec_model.load_state_dict(parameter_dict["codec_model"]) codec_model.eval() # Precompile regex for splitting lyrics LYRICS_PATTERN = re.compile(r"\[(\w+)\](.*?)\n(?=\[|\Z)", re.DOTALL) # ----------------------- Utility Functions ----------------------- def load_audio_mono(filepath, sampling_rate=16000): audio, sr = torchaudio.load(filepath) audio = audio.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) # convert to mono if sr != sampling_rate: resampler = Resample(orig_freq=sr, new_freq=sampling_rate) audio = resampler(audio) return audio def split_lyrics(lyrics: str): segments = LYRICS_PATTERN.findall(lyrics) return [f"[{tag}]\n{text.strip()}\n\n" for tag, text in segments] class BlockTokenRangeProcessor(LogitsProcessor): def __init__(self, start_id, end_id): self.blocked_token_ids = list(range(start_id, end_id)) def __call__(self, input_ids, scores): scores[:, self.blocked_token_ids] = -float("inf") return scores def save_audio(wav: torch.Tensor, path, sample_rate: int, rescale: bool = False): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True) limit = 0.99 max_val = wav.abs().max().item() if rescale and max_val > 0: wav = wav * (limit / max_val) else: wav = wav.clamp(-limit, limit), wav, sample_rate=sample_rate, encoding="PCM_S", bits_per_sample=16) # ----------------------- Stage2 Functions ----------------------- def stage2_generate(model_stage2, prompt, batch_size=16): """ Given a prompt (a numpy array of raw codec ids), upsample using the Stage2 model. """ # Unflatten prompt: assume prompt shape (1, T) and then reformat. print(f"stage2_generate: received prompt with shape: {prompt.shape}") codec_ids = codectool.unflatten(prompt, n_quantizer=1) codec_ids = codectool.offset_tok_ids( codec_ids, global_offset=codectool.global_offset, codebook_size=codectool.codebook_size, num_codebooks=codectool.num_codebooks, ).astype(np.int32) # Build new prompt tokens for Stage2: if batch_size > 1: codec_list = [] for i in range(batch_size): idx_begin = i * 300 idx_end = (i + 1) * 300 codec_list.append(codec_ids[:, idx_begin:idx_end]) codec_ids_concat = np.concatenate(codec_list, axis=0) prompt_ids = np.concatenate( [ np.tile([mmtokenizer.soa, mmtokenizer.stage_1], (batch_size, 1)), codec_ids_concat, np.tile([mmtokenizer.stage_2], (batch_size, 1)), ], axis=1, ) else: prompt_ids = np.concatenate( [ np.array([mmtokenizer.soa, mmtokenizer.stage_1]), codec_ids.flatten(), np.array([mmtokenizer.stage_2]), ] ).astype(np.int32) prompt_ids = prompt_ids[np.newaxis, ...] codec_ids_tensor = torch.as_tensor(codec_ids).to(device) prompt_ids_tensor = torch.as_tensor(prompt_ids).to(device) len_prompt = prompt_ids_tensor.shape[-1] block_list = LogitsProcessorList([ BlockTokenRangeProcessor(0, 46358), BlockTokenRangeProcessor(53526, mmtokenizer.vocab_size) ]) # Teacher forcing generate loop: generate tokens in fixed 7-token steps per frame. for frames_idx in range(codec_ids_tensor.shape[1]): cb0 = codec_ids_tensor[:, frames_idx:frames_idx+1] prompt_ids_tensor =[prompt_ids_tensor, cb0], dim=1) with torch.inference_mode(), torch.cuda.amp.autocast(dtype=torch.float16): stage2_output = model_stage2.generate( input_ids=prompt_ids_tensor, min_new_tokens=7, max_new_tokens=7, eos_token_id=mmtokenizer.eoa, pad_token_id=mmtokenizer.eoa, logits_processor=block_list, use_cache=True ) # Ensure exactly 7 new tokens were added. assert stage2_output.shape[1] - prompt_ids_tensor.shape[1] == 7, ( f"output new tokens={stage2_output.shape[1]-prompt_ids_tensor.shape[1]}" ) prompt_ids_tensor = stage2_output # Return new tokens (excluding prompt) if batch_size > 1: output = prompt_ids_tensor.cpu().numpy()[:, len_prompt:] # If desired, reshape/split per batch element output_list = [output[i] for i in range(batch_size)] output = np.concatenate(output_list, axis=0) else: output = prompt_ids_tensor[0].cpu().numpy()[len_prompt:] return output def stage2_inference(model_stage2, stage1_output_set, stage2_output_dir, batch_size=4): stage2_result = [] for path in tqdm(stage1_output_set, desc="Stage2 Inference"): output_filename = os.path.join(stage2_output_dir, os.path.basename(path)) if os.path.exists(output_filename): print(f"{output_filename} already processed.") stage2_result.append(output_filename) continue prompt = np.load(path).astype(np.int32) # Ensure prompt is 2D. if prompt.ndim == 1: prompt = prompt[np.newaxis, :] print(f"Loaded prompt from {path} with shape: {prompt.shape}") # Compute total duration in seconds (assuming 50 tokens per second) total_duration_sec = prompt.shape[-1] // 50 if total_duration_sec < 6: # Not enough tokens for a full 6-sec segment; use the entire prompt. output_duration = total_duration_sec print(f"Prompt too short for 6-sec segmentation. Using full duration: {output_duration} seconds.") else: output_duration = (total_duration_sec // 6) * 6 # If after the above, output_duration is still zero, raise an error. if output_duration == 0: raise ValueError(f"Output duration computed as 0 for {path}. Prompt length: {prompt.shape[-1]} tokens") num_batch = output_duration // 6 # Process prompt in batches if num_batch <= batch_size: output = stage2_generate(model_stage2, prompt[:, :output_duration*50], batch_size=num_batch) else: segments = [] num_segments = (num_batch // batch_size) + (1 if num_batch % batch_size != 0 else 0) for seg in range(num_segments): start_idx = seg * batch_size * 300 end_idx = min((seg + 1) * batch_size * 300, output_duration * 50) current_batch = batch_size if (seg != num_segments - 1 or num_batch % batch_size == 0) else num_batch % batch_size segment_prompt = prompt[:, start_idx:end_idx] if segment_prompt.shape[-1] == 0: print(f"Warning: empty segment detected for seg {seg}, start {start_idx}, end {end_idx}. Skipping this segment.") continue segment = stage2_generate(model_stage2, segment_prompt, batch_size=current_batch) segments.append(segment) if len(segments) == 0: raise ValueError(f"No valid segments produced for {path}.") output = np.concatenate(segments, axis=0) # Process any remaining tokens if prompt length not fully used. if output_duration * 50 != prompt.shape[-1]: ending = stage2_generate(model_stage2, prompt[:, output_duration * 50:], batch_size=1) output = np.concatenate([output, ending], axis=0) # Convert Stage2 output tokens back to numpy using Stage2’s codec manipulator. output = codectool_stage2.ids2npy(output) # Fix any invalid codes (if needed) fixed_output = copy.deepcopy(output) for i, line in enumerate(output): for j, element in enumerate(line): if element < 0 or element > 1023: counter = Counter(line) most_common = sorted(counter.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[0][0] fixed_output[i, j] = most_common, fixed_output) stage2_result.append(output_filename) return stage2_result # ----------------------- Main Generation Function (Stage1 + Stage2) ----------------------- @spaces.GPU(duration=175) def generate_music( genre_txt="", lyrics_txt="", max_new_tokens=2, run_n_segments=1, use_audio_prompt=False, audio_prompt_path="", prompt_start_time=0.0, prompt_end_time=30.0, rescale=False, ): # Scale max_new_tokens (e.g. seconds * 50 tokens per second) max_new_tokens_scaled = max_new_tokens * 50 # Use a temporary directory to store intermediate stage outputs. with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: stage1_output_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "stage1") stage2_output_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "stage2") os.makedirs(stage1_output_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(stage2_output_dir, exist_ok=True) # ---------------- Stage 1: Text-to-Music Generation ---------------- genres = genre_txt.strip() lyrics_segments = split_lyrics(lyrics_txt + "\n") full_lyrics = "\n".join(lyrics_segments) prompt_texts = [f"Generate music from the given lyrics segment by segment.\n[Genre] {genres}\n{full_lyrics}"] prompt_texts += lyrics_segments random_id = uuid.uuid4() raw_output = None # Decoding config top_p = 0.93 temperature = 1.0 repetition_penalty = 1.2 # Pre-tokenize special tokens start_of_segment = mmtokenizer.tokenize("[start_of_segment]") end_of_segment = mmtokenizer.tokenize("[end_of_segment]") soa_token = mmtokenizer.soa eoa_token = mmtokenizer.eoa global_prompt_ids = mmtokenizer.tokenize(prompt_texts[0]) run_n = min(run_n_segments + 1, len(prompt_texts)) for i, p in enumerate(tqdm(prompt_texts[:run_n], desc="Stage1 Generation")): section_text = p.replace("[start_of_segment]", "").replace("[end_of_segment]", "") guidance_scale = 1.5 if i <= 1 else 1.2 if i == 0: continue if i == 1: if use_audio_prompt: audio_prompt = load_audio_mono(audio_prompt_path) audio_prompt = audio_prompt.unsqueeze(0) with torch.inference_mode(), torch.cuda.amp.autocast(dtype=torch.float16): raw_codes = codec_model.encode(, target_bw=0.5) raw_codes = raw_codes.transpose(0, 1).cpu().numpy().astype(np.int16) code_ids = codectool.npy2ids(raw_codes[0]) audio_prompt_codec = code_ids[int(prompt_start_time * 50): int(prompt_end_time * 50)] audio_prompt_codec_ids = [soa_token] + codectool.sep_ids + audio_prompt_codec + [eoa_token] sentence_ids = mmtokenizer.tokenize("[start_of_reference]") + audio_prompt_codec_ids + mmtokenizer.tokenize("[end_of_reference]") head_id = global_prompt_ids + sentence_ids else: head_id = global_prompt_ids prompt_ids = head_id + start_of_segment + mmtokenizer.tokenize(section_text) + [soa_token] + codectool.sep_ids else: prompt_ids = end_of_segment + start_of_segment + mmtokenizer.tokenize(section_text) + [soa_token] + codectool.sep_ids prompt_ids_tensor = torch.as_tensor(prompt_ids, device=device).unsqueeze(0) if raw_output is not None: input_ids =[raw_output, prompt_ids_tensor], dim=1) else: input_ids = prompt_ids_tensor max_context = 16384 - max_new_tokens_scaled - 1 if input_ids.shape[-1] > max_context: input_ids = input_ids[:, -max_context:] with torch.inference_mode(), torch.cuda.amp.autocast(dtype=torch.float16): output_seq = model.generate( input_ids=input_ids, max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens_scaled, min_new_tokens=100, do_sample=True, top_p=top_p, temperature=temperature, repetition_penalty=repetition_penalty, eos_token_id=eoa_token, pad_token_id=eoa_token, logits_processor=LogitsProcessorList([ BlockTokenRangeProcessor(0, 32002), BlockTokenRangeProcessor(32016, 32016) ]), guidance_scale=guidance_scale, use_cache=True, ) if output_seq[0, -1].item() != eoa_token: tensor_eoa = torch.as_tensor([[eoa_token]], device=device) output_seq =, tensor_eoa), dim=1) if raw_output is not None: new_tokens = output_seq[:, input_ids.shape[-1]:] raw_output =[raw_output, prompt_ids_tensor, new_tokens], dim=1) else: raw_output = output_seq # Save Stage1 outputs (vocal & instrumental) as npy files. ids = raw_output[0].cpu().numpy() soa_idx = np.where(ids == soa_token)[0] eoa_idx = np.where(ids == eoa_token)[0] if len(soa_idx) != len(eoa_idx): raise ValueError(f"invalid pairs of soa and eoa: {len(soa_idx)} vs {len(eoa_idx)}") vocals_list = [] instrumentals_list = [] range_begin = 1 if use_audio_prompt else 0 for i in range(range_begin, len(soa_idx)): codec_ids = ids[soa_idx[i]+1:eoa_idx[i]] if codec_ids[0] == 32016: codec_ids = codec_ids[1:] codec_ids = codec_ids[:2 * (len(codec_ids) // 2)] reshaped = rearrange(codec_ids, "(n b) -> b n", b=2) vocals_list.append(codectool.ids2npy(reshaped[0])) instrumentals_list.append(codectool.ids2npy(reshaped[1])) vocals = np.concatenate(vocals_list, axis=1) instrumentals = np.concatenate(instrumentals_list, axis=1) vocal_save_path = os.path.join(stage1_output_dir, f"vocal_{str(random_id).replace('.', '@')}.npy") inst_save_path = os.path.join(stage1_output_dir, f"instrumental_{str(random_id).replace('.', '@')}.npy"), vocals), instrumentals) stage1_output_set = [vocal_save_path, inst_save_path] # (Optional) Offload Stage1 model from GPU to free memory. model.cpu() torch.cuda.empty_cache() # ---------------- Stage 2: Refinement/Upsampling ---------------- print("Stage 2 inference...") stage2_result = stage2_inference(model_stage2, stage1_output_set, stage2_output_dir, batch_size=STAGE2_BATCH_SIZE) print("Stage 2 inference completed.") # ---------------- Reconstruct Audio from Stage2 Tokens ---------------- recons_output_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "recons") recons_mix_dir = os.path.join(recons_output_dir, "mix") os.makedirs(recons_mix_dir, exist_ok=True) tracks = [] for npy in stage2_result: codec_result = np.load(npy) with torch.inference_mode(): input_tensor = torch.as_tensor(codec_result.astype(np.int16), dtype=torch.long).unsqueeze(0).permute(1, 0, 2).to(device) decoded_waveform = codec_model.decode(input_tensor) decoded_waveform = decoded_waveform.cpu().squeeze(0) save_path = os.path.join(recons_output_dir, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(npy))[0] + ".mp3") tracks.append(save_path) save_audio(decoded_waveform, save_path, 16000, rescale) # Mix vocal and instrumental tracks: mix_audio = None vocal_audio = None instrumental_audio = None for inst_path in tracks: try: if (inst_path.endswith(".wav") or inst_path.endswith(".mp3")) and "instrumental" in inst_path: vocal_path = inst_path.replace("instrumental", "vocal") if not os.path.exists(vocal_path): continue vocal_data, sr = instrumental_data, _ = mix_data = (vocal_data + instrumental_data) / 1.0 recons_mix = os.path.join(recons_mix_dir, os.path.basename(inst_path).replace("instrumental", "mixed")) sf.write(recons_mix, mix_data, sr) mix_audio = (sr, (mix_data * 32767).astype(np.int16)) vocal_audio = (sr, (vocal_data * 32767).astype(np.int16)) instrumental_audio = (sr, (instrumental_data * 32767).astype(np.int16)) except Exception as e: print("Mixing error:", e) return None, None, None # ---------------- Vocoder Upsampling and Post Processing ---------------- print("Vocoder upsampling...") vocal_decoder, inst_decoder = build_codec_model(VOCODER_CONFIG_PATH, VOCAL_DECODER_PATH, INST_DECODER_PATH) vocoder_output_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "vocoder") vocoder_stems_dir = os.path.join(vocoder_output_dir, "stems") vocoder_mix_dir = os.path.join(vocoder_output_dir, "mix") os.makedirs(vocoder_stems_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(vocoder_mix_dir, exist_ok=True) # Process each track with the vocoder (here we process vocal and instrumental separately) if vocal_audio is not None and instrumental_audio is not None: vocal_output = process_audio( stage2_result[0], os.path.join(vocoder_stems_dir, "vocal.mp3"), rescale, None, vocal_decoder, codec_model, ) instrumental_output = process_audio( stage2_result[1], os.path.join(vocoder_stems_dir, "instrumental.mp3"), rescale, None, inst_decoder, codec_model, ) try: mix_output = instrumental_output + vocal_output vocoder_mix = os.path.join(vocoder_mix_dir, os.path.basename(recons_mix)) save_audio(mix_output, vocoder_mix, 44100, rescale) print(f"Created vocoder mix: {vocoder_mix}") except RuntimeError as e: print(e) print("Mixing vocoder outputs failed!") else: print("Missing vocal/instrumental outputs for vocoder stage.") # Post-process: Replace low frequency of Stage1 reconstruction with energy-matched vocoder mix. final_mix_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "final_mix.mp3") try: replace_low_freq_with_energy_matched( a_file=recons_mix, # Stage1 mix at 16kHz b_file=vocoder_mix, # Vocoder mix at 48kHz c_file=final_mix_path, cutoff_freq=5500.0 ) except Exception as e: print("Post processing error:", e) final_mix_path = recons_mix # Fall back to Stage1 mix # Return final outputs as tuples: (sample_rate, np.int16 audio) final_audio, vocal_audio, instrumental_audio = None, None, None try: final_audio_data, sr = final_audio = (sr, (final_audio_data * 32767).astype(np.int16)) except Exception as e: print("Final mix read error:", e) return final_audio, vocal_audio, instrumental_audio # ----------------------- Gradio Interface ----------------------- with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown("# YuE: Full-Song Generation (Stage1 + Stage2)") gr.HTML( """
""" ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): genre_txt = gr.Textbox(label="Genre", placeholder="e.g. Bass Metalcore Thrash Metal Furious bright vocal male") lyrics_txt = gr.Textbox(label="Lyrics", placeholder="Paste lyrics with segments such as [verse], [chorus], etc.") with gr.Column(): num_segments = gr.Number(label="Number of Segments", value=2, interactive=True) max_new_tokens = gr.Slider(label="Duration of song (sec)", minimum=1, maximum=30, step=1, value=15, interactive=True) use_audio_prompt = gr.Checkbox(label="Use Audio Prompt", value=False) audio_prompt_path = gr.Textbox(label="Audio Prompt Filepath (if used)", placeholder="Path to audio file") submit_btn = gr.Button("Submit") music_out = gr.Audio(label="Mixed Audio Result") with gr.Accordion(label="Vocal and Instrumental Results", open=False): vocal_out = gr.Audio(label="Vocal Audio") instrumental_out = gr.Audio(label="Instrumental Audio") gr.Examples( examples=[ [ "Bass Metalcore Thrash Metal Furious bright vocal male Angry aggressive vocal Guitar", """[verse] Step back cause I'll ignite Won't quit without a fight No escape, gear up, it's a fierce fight Brace up, raise your hands up and light Fear the might. Step back cause I'll ignite Won't back down without a fight It keeps going and going, the heat is on. [chorus] Hot flame. Hot flame. Still here, still holding aim I don't care if I'm bright or dim: nah. I've made it clear, I'll make it again All I want is my crew and my gain. I'm feeling wild, got a bit of rebel style. Locked inside my mind, hot flame. """ ], [ "rap piano street tough piercing vocal hip-hop synthesizer clear vocal male", """[verse] Woke up in the morning, sun is shining bright Chasing all my dreams, gotta get my mind right City lights are fading, but my vision's clear Got my team beside me, no room for fear Walking through the streets, beats inside my head Every step I take, closer to the bread People passing by, they don't understand Building up my future with my own two hands [chorus] This is my life, and I'mma keep it real Never gonna quit, no, I'm never gonna stop Through the highs and lows, I'mma keep it real Living out my dreams with this mic and a deal """ ] ], inputs=[genre_txt, lyrics_txt], outputs=[music_out, vocal_out, instrumental_out], cache_examples=True, cache_mode="eager", fn=generate_music ) fn=generate_music, inputs=[genre_txt, lyrics_txt, max_new_tokens, num_segments, use_audio_prompt, audio_prompt_path], outputs=[music_out, vocal_out, instrumental_out] ) gr.Markdown("## Contributions Welcome\nFeel free to contribute improvements or fixes.") demo.queue().launch(show_error=True)