Runtime error
Runtime error
import numpy as np | |
from scipy.fft import fftn, ifftn, fftshift, fftfreq | |
import streamlit as st | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import subprocess | |
image_seed = st.sidebar.slider("Image Seed", 0, 10000, 0) | |
transform_seed = st.sidebar.slider("Transform Seed", 0, 10000, 0) | |
transform_level = st.sidebar.slider("Transform Level", 0.0, 100.0, 0.0) | |
def random_channel(n, rand, fpower=2.0): | |
freq = fftn(rand.rand(n, n)) | |
fx = fftfreq(n)[:, None] | |
fy = fftfreq(n)[None, :] | |
# combine as l2 norm of freq | |
f = (fx**2 + fy**2) ** 0.5 | |
i = f > 0 | |
freq[i] /= f[i] ** fpower | |
freq[0, 0] = 0.0 | |
data = np.real(ifftn(freq)) | |
data -= data.min() | |
data /= data.max() | |
return data | |
def random_gray(n, seed, fpower=2.0): | |
rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) | |
return random_channel(n, rand, fpower) | |
def random_color(n, seed): | |
rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) | |
return np.stack([random_channel(n, rand) for _ in range(3)], 2) | |
def rotate_image(img, i, j, a): | |
c = np.cos(a) | |
s = np.sin(a) | |
img = 2.0 * img - 1.0 | |
x, y = img[:, :, i], img[:, :, j] | |
img[:, :, i], img[:, :, j] = c * x + s * y, -s * x + c * y | |
img -= img.min() | |
img /= img.max() | |
return img | |
n = 512 | |
img = random_color(n, image_seed) | |
a = random_color(n, transform_seed) * transform_level | |
img = rotate_image(img, 0, 1, a[:, :, 0]) | |
img = rotate_image(img, 0, 2, a[:, :, 1]) | |
img = rotate_image(img, 1, 2, a[:, :, 2]) | |
""" | |
# Output | |
Play around with the parameters on the left to change the image. | |
""" | |
st.image(img, width=600) | |
""" | |
The image is generated as follows: | |
1. Generate 6D cube of "brownian noise". We'll name these coordinates (R, G, B, A1, A2, A3). | |
2. Apply a rotation of angle A1*Level to (R, G) plane. | |
3. Apply a rotation of angle A2*Level to (R, B) plane. | |
4. Apply a rotation of angle A3*Level to (G, B) plane. | |
5. The resulting (R, G, B) data is the image. | |
# Background | |
I was inspired to write this after seeing some neat examples from the [accidental noise library]( | |
My approach to doing this was: | |
1. Generate nice looking 2D noise. I found that a 2D analog of [brownian noise]( looked pretty good. | |
2. Stack 6 independent channels to form the 6D cube. | |
3. Apply the rotations outlined above. | |
Out of these steps, I found the most interesting bit to be generating the 2D noise. | |
There seem to be many approaches for doing this, including classic approaches like [Perlin]( and [Simplex]( noise. Since I had access to good numeric libraries, I ended up going straight to the following FFT based approach. | |
First, we generate a 2D image of uniformly sampled random noise. It pretty much looks like the static on your TV a.k.a. white noise. | |
""" | |
st.image(random_gray(512, 32, 0.0)) | |
""" | |
White noise looks pretty harsh, so we want to smooth it out to get brownian noise. | |
To do this, we take the 2D FFT to get to the frequency domain and then rescale things so they fall off like 1/f^2. To be nitpicky, I only found a general definition of brownian noise in 1D. Still... we're doing something very similar by rescaling by "one over the Euclidean norm squared". | |
Finally, we take the inverse 2D FFT to get our image back. | |
""" | |
st.image(random_gray(512, 32)) | |
""" | |
Noice! | |
""" | |