import gradio as gr import pandas as pd import numpy as np from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, tostring, parse from xml.dom import minidom import uuid from typing import List from gradio_image_annotation import image_annotator from gradio_image_annotation.image_annotator import AnnotatedImageData from tools.file_conversion import is_pdf, convert_review_json_to_pandas_df, CUSTOM_BOX_COLOUR from tools.helper_functions import get_file_name_without_type, output_folder, detect_file_type from tools.file_redaction import redact_page_with_pymupdf import json import os import pymupdf from fitz import Document from PIL import ImageDraw, Image from collections import defaultdict Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = None def decrease_page(number:int): ''' Decrease page number for review redactions page. ''' #print("number:", str(number)) if number > 1: return number - 1, number - 1 else: return 1, 1 def increase_page(number:int, image_annotator_object:AnnotatedImageData): ''' Increase page number for review redactions page. ''' if not image_annotator_object: return 1, 1 max_pages = len(image_annotator_object) if number < max_pages: return number + 1, number + 1 else: return max_pages, max_pages def update_zoom(current_zoom_level:int, annotate_current_page:int, decrease:bool=True): if decrease == False: if current_zoom_level >= 70: current_zoom_level -= 10 else: if current_zoom_level < 110: current_zoom_level += 10 return current_zoom_level, annotate_current_page def remove_duplicate_images_with_blank_boxes(data: List[dict]) -> List[dict]: ''' Remove items from the annotator object where the same page exists twice. ''' # Group items by 'image' image_groups = defaultdict(list) for item in data: image_groups[item['image']].append(item) # Process each group to prioritize items with non-empty boxes result = [] for image, items in image_groups.items(): # Filter items with non-empty boxes non_empty_boxes = [item for item in items if item.get('boxes')] # Remove 'text' elements from boxes for item in non_empty_boxes: if 'boxes' in item: item['boxes'] = [{k: v for k, v in box.items() if k != 'text'} for box in item['boxes']] if non_empty_boxes: # Keep the first entry with non-empty boxes result.append(non_empty_boxes[0]) else: # If all items have empty or missing boxes, keep the first item result.append(items[0]) return result def get_recogniser_dataframe_out(image_annotator_object, recogniser_dataframe_gr): recogniser_entities_list = ["Redaction"] recogniser_entities_drop = gr.Dropdown(value="", choices=[""], allow_custom_value=True, interactive=True) recogniser_dataframe_out = recogniser_dataframe_gr try: review_dataframe = convert_review_json_to_pandas_df(image_annotator_object)[["page", "label"]] recogniser_entities = review_dataframe["label"].unique().tolist() recogniser_entities.append("ALL") recogniser_entities_for_drop = sorted(recogniser_entities) recogniser_dataframe_out = gr.Dataframe(review_dataframe) recogniser_entities_drop = gr.Dropdown(value=recogniser_entities_for_drop[0], choices=recogniser_entities_for_drop, allow_custom_value=True, interactive=True) recogniser_entities_list = [entity for entity in recogniser_entities_for_drop if entity != 'Redaction' and entity != 'ALL'] # Remove any existing 'Redaction' recogniser_entities_list.insert(0, 'Redaction') # Add 'Redaction' to the start of the list except Exception as e: print("Could not extract recogniser information:", e) recogniser_dataframe_out = recogniser_dataframe_gr recogniser_entities_drop = gr.Dropdown(value="", choices=[""], allow_custom_value=True, interactive=True) recogniser_entities_list = ["Redaction"] return recogniser_dataframe_out, recogniser_dataframe_out, recogniser_entities_drop, recogniser_entities_list def update_annotator(image_annotator_object:AnnotatedImageData, page_num:int, recogniser_entities_drop=gr.Dropdown(value="ALL", allow_custom_value=True), recogniser_dataframe_gr=gr.Dataframe(pd.DataFrame(data={"page":[], "label":[]})), zoom:int=100): ''' Update a gradio_image_annotation object with new annotation data ''' recogniser_entities_list = ["Redaction"] recogniser_dataframe_out = pd.DataFrame() if recogniser_dataframe_gr.empty: recogniser_dataframe_gr, recogniser_dataframe_out, recogniser_entities_drop, recogniser_entities_list = get_recogniser_dataframe_out(image_annotator_object, recogniser_dataframe_gr) elif recogniser_dataframe_gr.iloc[0,0] == "": recogniser_dataframe_gr, recogniser_dataframe_out, recogniser_entities_drop, recogniser_entities_list = get_recogniser_dataframe_out(image_annotator_object, recogniser_dataframe_gr) else: review_dataframe = update_entities_df(recogniser_entities_drop, recogniser_dataframe_gr) recogniser_dataframe_out = gr.Dataframe(review_dataframe) recogniser_entities_list = recogniser_dataframe_gr["label"].unique().tolist() recogniser_entities_list = sorted(recogniser_entities_list) recogniser_entities_list = [entity for entity in recogniser_entities_list if entity != 'Redaction'] # Remove any existing 'Redaction' recogniser_entities_list.insert(0, 'Redaction') # Add 'Redaction' to the start of the list zoom_str = str(zoom) + '%' recogniser_colour_list = [(0, 0, 0) for _ in range(len(recogniser_entities_list))] if not image_annotator_object: page_num_reported = 1 out_image_annotator = image_annotator( None, boxes_alpha=0.1, box_thickness=1, label_list=recogniser_entities_list, label_colors=recogniser_colour_list, show_label=False, height=zoom_str, width=zoom_str, box_min_size=1, box_selected_thickness=2, handle_size=4, sources=None,#["upload"], show_clear_button=False, show_share_button=False, show_remove_button=False, handles_cursor=True, interactive=True ) number_reported = gr.Number(label = "Page (press enter to change)", value=page_num_reported, precision=0) return out_image_annotator, number_reported, number_reported, page_num_reported, recogniser_entities_drop, recogniser_dataframe_out, recogniser_dataframe_gr #print("page_num at start of update_annotator function:", page_num) if page_num is None: page_num = 0 # Check bounding values for current page and page max if page_num > 0: page_num_reported = page_num elif page_num == 0: page_num_reported = 1 else: page_num = 0 page_num_reported = 1 page_max_reported = len(image_annotator_object) if page_num_reported > page_max_reported: page_num_reported = page_max_reported image_annotator_object = remove_duplicate_images_with_blank_boxes(image_annotator_object) out_image_annotator = image_annotator( value = image_annotator_object[page_num_reported - 1], boxes_alpha=0.1, box_thickness=1, label_list=recogniser_entities_list, label_colors=recogniser_colour_list, show_label=False, height=zoom_str, width=zoom_str, box_min_size=1, box_selected_thickness=2, handle_size=4, sources=None,#["upload"], show_clear_button=False, show_share_button=False, show_remove_button=False, handles_cursor=True, interactive=True ) number_reported = gr.Number(label = "Page (press enter to change)", value=page_num_reported, precision=0) return out_image_annotator, number_reported, number_reported, page_num_reported, recogniser_entities_drop, recogniser_dataframe_out, recogniser_dataframe_gr def modify_existing_page_redactions(image_annotated:AnnotatedImageData, current_page:int, previous_page:int, all_image_annotations:List[AnnotatedImageData], recogniser_entities_drop=gr.Dropdown(value="ALL", allow_custom_value=True),recogniser_dataframe=gr.Dataframe(pd.DataFrame(data={"page":[], "label":[]})), clear_all:bool=False): ''' Overwrite current image annotations with modifications ''' if not current_page: current_page = 1 #If no previous page or is 0, i.e. first time run, then rewrite current page #if not previous_page: # previous_page = current_page #print("image_annotated:", image_annotated) image_annotated['image'] = all_image_annotations[previous_page - 1]["image"] if clear_all == False: all_image_annotations[previous_page - 1] = image_annotated else: all_image_annotations[previous_page - 1]["boxes"] = [] #print("all_image_annotations:", all_image_annotations) # Rewrite all_image_annotations search dataframe with latest updates try: review_dataframe = convert_review_json_to_pandas_df(all_image_annotations)[["page", "label"]] #print("review_dataframe['label']", review_dataframe["label"]) recogniser_entities = review_dataframe["label"].unique().tolist() recogniser_entities.append("ALL") recogniser_entities = sorted(recogniser_entities) recogniser_dataframe_out = gr.Dataframe(review_dataframe) #recogniser_dataframe_gr = gr.Dataframe(review_dataframe) recogniser_entities_drop = gr.Dropdown(value=recogniser_entities_drop, choices=recogniser_entities, allow_custom_value=True, interactive=True) except Exception as e: print("Could not extract recogniser information:", e) recogniser_dataframe_out = recogniser_dataframe return all_image_annotations, current_page, current_page, recogniser_entities_drop, recogniser_dataframe_out def apply_redactions(image_annotated:AnnotatedImageData, file_paths:List[str], doc:Document, all_image_annotations:List[AnnotatedImageData], current_page:int, review_file_state, save_pdf:bool=True, progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True)): ''' Apply modified redactions to a pymupdf and export review files ''' #print("all_image_annotations:", all_image_annotations) output_files = [] output_log_files = [] pdf_doc = [] #print("File paths in apply_redactions:", file_paths) image_annotated['image'] = all_image_annotations[current_page - 1]["image"] all_image_annotations[current_page - 1] = image_annotated if not image_annotated: print("No image annotations found") return doc, all_image_annotations if isinstance(file_paths, str): file_paths = [file_paths] for file_path in file_paths: #print("file_path:", file_path) file_name_without_ext = get_file_name_without_type(file_path) file_name_with_ext = os.path.basename(file_path) file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1].lower() if save_pdf == True: # If working with image docs if (is_pdf(file_path) == False) & (file_extension not in '.csv'): image =[-1]) #image = pdf_doc draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) for img_annotation_box in image_annotated['boxes']: coords = [img_annotation_box["xmin"], img_annotation_box["ymin"], img_annotation_box["xmax"], img_annotation_box["ymax"]] fill = img_annotation_box["color"] draw.rectangle(coords, fill=fill) output_image_path = output_folder + file_name_without_ext + "_redacted.png" + file_name_without_ext + "_redacted.png") output_files.append(output_image_path) print("Redactions saved to image file") doc = [image] elif file_extension in '.csv': print("This is a csv") pdf_doc = [] # If working with pdfs elif is_pdf(file_path) == True: pdf_doc = orig_pdf_file_path = file_path output_files.append(orig_pdf_file_path) number_of_pages = pdf_doc.page_count print("Saving pages to file.") for i in progress.tqdm(range(0, number_of_pages), desc="Saving redactions to file", unit = "pages"): #print("Saving page", str(i)) image_loc = all_image_annotations[i]['image'] #print("Image location:", image_loc) # Load in image object if isinstance(image_loc, np.ndarray): image = Image.fromarray(image_loc.astype('uint8')) #all_image_annotations[i]['image'] = image_loc.tolist() elif isinstance(image_loc, Image.Image): image = image_loc #image_out_folder = output_folder + file_name_without_ext + "_page_" + str(i) + ".png" #all_image_annotations[i]['image'] = image_out_folder elif isinstance(image_loc, str): image = pymupdf_page = pdf_doc.load_page(i) #doc.load_page(current_page -1) pymupdf_page = redact_page_with_pymupdf(pymupdf_page, all_image_annotations[i], image) else: print("File type not recognised.") #try: if pdf_doc: out_pdf_file_path = output_folder + file_name_without_ext + "_redacted.pdf" output_files.append(out_pdf_file_path) else: print("PDF input not found. Outputs not saved to PDF.") # If save_pdf is not true, then add the original pdf to the output files else: if is_pdf(file_path) == True: orig_pdf_file_path = file_path output_files.append(orig_pdf_file_path) try: #print("Saving annotations to JSON") out_annotation_file_path = output_folder + file_name_with_ext + '_review_file.json' with open(out_annotation_file_path, 'w') as f: json.dump(all_image_annotations, f) output_log_files.append(out_annotation_file_path) #print("Saving annotations to CSV review file") #print("review_file_state:", review_file_state) # Convert json to csv and also save this review_df = convert_review_json_to_pandas_df(all_image_annotations, review_file_state) out_review_file_file_path = output_folder + file_name_with_ext + '_review_file.csv' review_df.to_csv(out_review_file_file_path, index=None) output_files.append(out_review_file_file_path) except Exception as e: print("Could not save annotations to json or csv file:", e) return doc, all_image_annotations, output_files, output_log_files def get_boxes_json(annotations:AnnotatedImageData): return annotations["boxes"] def update_entities_df(choice:str, df:pd.DataFrame): if choice=="ALL": return df else: return df.loc[df["label"]==choice,:] def df_select_callback(df: pd.DataFrame, evt: gr.SelectData): row_value_page = evt.row_value[0] # This is the page number value return row_value_page def convert_image_coords_to_adobe(pdf_page_width:float, pdf_page_height:float, image_width:float, image_height:float, x1:float, y1:float, x2:float, y2:float): ''' Converts coordinates from image space to Adobe PDF space. Parameters: - pdf_page_width: Width of the PDF page - pdf_page_height: Height of the PDF page - image_width: Width of the source image - image_height: Height of the source image - x1, y1, x2, y2: Coordinates in image space Returns: - Tuple of converted coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2) in Adobe PDF space ''' # Calculate scaling factors scale_width = pdf_page_width / image_width scale_height = pdf_page_height / image_height # Convert coordinates pdf_x1 = x1 * scale_width pdf_x2 = x2 * scale_width # Convert Y coordinates (flip vertical axis) # Adobe coordinates start from bottom-left pdf_y1 = pdf_page_height - (y1 * scale_height) pdf_y2 = pdf_page_height - (y2 * scale_height) # Make sure y1 is always less than y2 for Adobe's coordinate system if pdf_y1 > pdf_y2: pdf_y1, pdf_y2 = pdf_y2, pdf_y1 return pdf_x1, pdf_y1, pdf_x2, pdf_y2 def create_xfdf(df:pd.DataFrame, pdf_path:str, pymupdf_doc, image_paths:List[str]): ''' Create an xfdf file from a review csv file and a pdf ''' # Create root element xfdf = Element('xfdf', xmlns="", xml_space="preserve") # Add header header = SubElement(xfdf, 'header') header.set('pdf-filepath', pdf_path) # Add annots annots = SubElement(xfdf, 'annots') for _, row in df.iterrows(): page_python_format = int(row["page"])-1 pymupdf_page = pymupdf_doc.load_page(page_python_format) pdf_page_height = pymupdf_page.rect.height pdf_page_width = pymupdf_page.rect.width image = image_paths[page_python_format] #print("image:", image) if isinstance(image, str): image = image_page_width, image_page_height = image.size # Create redaction annotation redact_annot = SubElement(annots, 'redact') # Generate unique ID annot_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) redact_annot.set('name', annot_id) # Set page number (subtract 1 as PDF pages are 0-based) redact_annot.set('page', str(int(row['page']) - 1)) # Convert coordinates x1, y1, x2, y2 = convert_image_coords_to_adobe( pdf_page_width, pdf_page_height, image_page_width, image_page_height, row['xmin'], row['ymin'], row['xmax'], row['ymax'] ) if CUSTOM_BOX_COLOUR == "grey": colour_str = "0.5,0.5,0.5" else: colour_str = row['color'].strip('()').replace(' ', '') # Set coordinates redact_annot.set('rect', f"{x1:.2f},{y1:.2f},{x2:.2f},{y2:.2f}") # Set redaction properties redact_annot.set('title', row['label']) # The type of redaction (e.g., "PERSON") redact_annot.set('contents', row['text']) # The redacted text redact_annot.set('subject', row['label']) # The redacted text redact_annot.set('mimetype', "Form") # Set appearance properties redact_annot.set('border-color', colour_str) # Black border redact_annot.set('repeat', 'false') redact_annot.set('interior-color', colour_str) #redact_annot.set('fill-color', colour_str) #redact_annot.set('outline-color', colour_str) #redact_annot.set('overlay-color', colour_str) #redact_annot.set('overlay-text', row['label']) redact_annot.set('opacity', "0.5") # Add appearance dictionary # appearanceDict = SubElement(redact_annot, 'appearancedict') # # Normal appearance # normal = SubElement(appearanceDict, 'normal') # #normal.set('appearance', 'redact') # # Color settings for the mark (before applying redaction) # markAppearance = SubElement(redact_annot, 'markappearance') # markAppearance.set('stroke-color', colour_str) # Red outline # markAppearance.set('fill-color', colour_str) # Light red fill # markAppearance.set('opacity', '0.5') # 50% opacity # # Final redaction appearance (after applying) # redactAppearance = SubElement(redact_annot, 'redactAppearance') # redactAppearance.set('fillColor', colour_str) # Black fill # redactAppearance.set('fontName', 'Helvetica') # redactAppearance.set('fontSize', '12') # redactAppearance.set('textAlignment', 'left') # redactAppearance.set('textColor', colour_str) # White text # Convert to pretty XML string xml_str = minidom.parseString(tostring(xfdf)).toprettyxml(indent=" ") return xml_str def convert_df_to_xfdf(input_files:List[str], pdf_doc, image_paths): ''' Load in files to convert a review file into an Adobe comment file format ''' output_paths = [] pdf_name = "" if isinstance(input_files, str): file_paths_list = [input_files] else: file_paths_list = input_files # Sort the file paths so that the pdfs come first file_paths_list = sorted(file_paths_list, key=lambda x: (os.path.splitext(x)[1] != '.pdf', os.path.splitext(x)[1] != '.json')) for file in file_paths_list: if isinstance(file, str): file_path = file else: file_path = file_path_name = get_file_name_without_type(file_path) file_path_end = detect_file_type(file_path) if file_path_end == "pdf": pdf_name = os.path.basename(file_path) if file_path_end == "csv": # If no pdf name, just get the name of the file path if not pdf_name: pdf_name = file_path_name # Read CSV file df = pd.read_csv(file_path) df.fillna('', inplace=True) # Replace NaN with an empty string xfdf_content = create_xfdf(df, pdf_name, pdf_doc, image_paths) output_path = output_folder + file_path_name + "_adobe.xfdf" with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(xfdf_content) output_paths.append(output_path) return output_paths ### Convert xfdf coordinates back to image for app def convert_adobe_coords_to_image(pdf_page_width, pdf_page_height, image_width, image_height, x1, y1, x2, y2): ''' Converts coordinates from Adobe PDF space to image space. Parameters: - pdf_page_width: Width of the PDF page - pdf_page_height: Height of the PDF page - image_width: Width of the source image - image_height: Height of the source image - x1, y1, x2, y2: Coordinates in Adobe PDF space Returns: - Tuple of converted coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2) in image space ''' # Calculate scaling factors scale_width = image_width / pdf_page_width scale_height = image_height / pdf_page_height # Convert coordinates image_x1 = x1 * scale_width image_x2 = x2 * scale_width # Convert Y coordinates (flip vertical axis) # Adobe coordinates start from bottom-left image_y1 = (pdf_page_height - y1) * scale_height image_y2 = (pdf_page_height - y2) * scale_height # Make sure y1 is always less than y2 for image's coordinate system if image_y1 > image_y2: image_y1, image_y2 = image_y2, image_y1 return image_x1, image_y1, image_x2, image_y2 def parse_xfdf(xfdf_path): ''' Parse the XFDF file and extract redaction annotations. Parameters: - xfdf_path: Path to the XFDF file Returns: - List of dictionaries containing redaction information ''' tree = parse(xfdf_path) root = tree.getroot() # Define the namespace namespace = {'xfdf': ''} redactions = [] # Find all redact elements using the namespace for redact in root.findall('.//xfdf:redact', namespaces=namespace): #print("redact:", redact) redaction_info = { 'image': '', # Image will be filled in later 'page': int(redact.get('page')) + 1, # Convert to 1-based index 'xmin': float(redact.get('rect').split(',')[0]), 'ymin': float(redact.get('rect').split(',')[1]), 'xmax': float(redact.get('rect').split(',')[2]), 'ymax': float(redact.get('rect').split(',')[3]), 'label': redact.get('title'), 'text': redact.get('contents'), 'color': redact.get('border-color', '(0, 0, 0)') # Default to black if not specified } redactions.append(redaction_info) print("redactions:", redactions) return redactions def convert_xfdf_to_dataframe(file_paths_list, pymupdf_doc, image_paths): ''' Convert redaction annotations from XFDF and associated images into a DataFrame. Parameters: - xfdf_path: Path to the XFDF file - pdf_doc: PyMuPDF document object - image_paths: List of PIL Image objects corresponding to PDF pages Returns: - DataFrame containing redaction information ''' output_paths = [] xfdf_paths = [] df = pd.DataFrame() #print("Image paths:", image_paths) # Sort the file paths so that the pdfs come first file_paths_list = sorted(file_paths_list, key=lambda x: (os.path.splitext(x)[1] != '.pdf', os.path.splitext(x)[1] != '.json')) for file in file_paths_list: if isinstance(file, str): file_path = file else: file_path = file_path_name = get_file_name_without_type(file_path) file_path_end = detect_file_type(file_path) if file_path_end == "pdf": pdf_name = os.path.basename(file_path) #print("pymupdf_doc:", pymupdf_doc) # Add pdf to outputs output_paths.append(file_path) if file_path_end == "xfdf": if not pdf_name: message = "Original PDF needed to convert from .xfdf format" print(message) raise ValueError(message) xfdf_path = file # if isinstance(xfdf_paths, str): # xfdf_path = # else: # xfdf_path = xfdf_paths[0].name file_path_name = get_file_name_without_type(xfdf_path) #print("file_path_name:", file_path_name) # Parse the XFDF file redactions = parse_xfdf(xfdf_path) # Create a DataFrame from the redaction information df = pd.DataFrame(redactions) df.fillna('', inplace=True) # Replace NaN with an empty string for _, row in df.iterrows(): page_python_format = int(row["page"])-1 pymupdf_page = pymupdf_doc.load_page(page_python_format) pdf_page_height = pymupdf_page.rect.height pdf_page_width = pymupdf_page.rect.width image_path = image_paths[page_python_format] #print("image_path:", image_path) if isinstance(image_path, str): image = image_page_width, image_page_height = image.size # Convert to image coordinates image_x1, image_y1, image_x2, image_y2 = convert_adobe_coords_to_image(pdf_page_width, pdf_page_height, image_page_width, image_page_height, row['xmin'], row['ymin'], row['xmax'], row['ymax']) df.loc[_, ['xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax']] = [image_x1, image_y1, image_x2, image_y2] # Optionally, you can add the image path or other relevant information #print("Image path:", image_path) df.loc[_, 'image'] = image_path #print('row:', row) out_file_path = output_folder + file_path_name + "_review_file.csv" df.to_csv(out_file_path, index=None) output_paths.append(out_file_path) return output_paths