Allowed for Textract and Comprehend API calls through AWS keys. File preparation function incorporated into main redaction function to avoid needing user to 'check in' during redaction process
import time | |
import re | |
import json | |
import io | |
import os | |
import boto3 | |
import copy | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
from PIL import Image, ImageChops, ImageFile, ImageDraw | |
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple | |
import pandas as pd | |
#from presidio_image_redactor.entities import ImageRecognizerResult | |
from pdfminer.high_level import extract_pages | |
from pdfminer.layout import LTTextContainer, LTChar, LTTextLine, LTTextLineHorizontal, LTAnno | |
from pikepdf import Pdf, Dictionary, Name | |
import pymupdf | |
from pymupdf import Rect | |
from fitz import Page | |
import gradio as gr | |
from gradio import Progress | |
from collections import defaultdict # For efficient grouping | |
from presidio_analyzer import RecognizerResult | |
from tools.aws_functions import RUN_AWS_FUNCTIONS, AWS_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_KEY | |
from tools.custom_image_analyser_engine import CustomImageAnalyzerEngine, OCRResult, combine_ocr_results, CustomImageRecognizerResult, run_page_text_redaction, merge_text_bounding_boxes | |
from tools.file_conversion import process_file, image_dpi, convert_review_json_to_pandas_df, redact_whole_pymupdf_page, redact_single_box, convert_pymupdf_to_image_coords | |
from tools.load_spacy_model_custom_recognisers import nlp_analyser, score_threshold, custom_entities, custom_recogniser, custom_word_list_recogniser, CustomWordFuzzyRecognizer | |
from tools.helper_functions import get_file_name_without_type, output_folder, clean_unicode_text, get_or_create_env_var, tesseract_ocr_option, text_ocr_option, textract_option, local_pii_detector, aws_pii_detector | |
from tools.file_conversion import process_file, is_pdf, is_pdf_or_image, prepare_image_or_pdf | |
from tools.aws_textract import analyse_page_with_textract, json_to_ocrresult | |
from tools.presidio_analyzer_custom import recognizer_result_from_dict | |
# Number of pages to loop through before breaking. Currently set very high, as functions are breaking on time metrics (e.g. every 105 seconds), rather than on number of pages redacted. | |
page_break_value = get_or_create_env_var('page_break_value', '50000') | |
print(f'The value of page_break_value is {page_break_value}') | |
max_time_value = get_or_create_env_var('max_time_value', '999999') | |
print(f'The value of max_time_value is {max_time_value}') | |
def bounding_boxes_overlap(box1, box2): | |
"""Check if two bounding boxes overlap.""" | |
return (box1[0] < box2[2] and box2[0] < box1[2] and | |
box1[1] < box2[3] and box2[1] < box1[3]) | |
def sum_numbers_before_seconds(string:str): | |
"""Extracts numbers that precede the word 'seconds' from a string and adds them up. | |
Args: | |
string: The input string. | |
Returns: | |
The sum of all numbers before 'seconds' in the string. | |
""" | |
# Extract numbers before 'seconds' using regular expression | |
numbers = re.findall(r'(\d+\.\d+)?\s*seconds', string) | |
# Extract the numbers from the matches | |
numbers = [float(num.split()[0]) for num in numbers] | |
# Sum up the extracted numbers | |
sum_of_numbers = round(sum(numbers),1) | |
return sum_of_numbers | |
def choose_and_run_redactor(file_paths:List[str], | |
prepared_pdf_file_paths:List[str], | |
prepared_pdf_image_paths:List[str], | |
language:str, | |
chosen_redact_entities:List[str], | |
chosen_redact_comprehend_entities:List[str], | |
in_redact_method:str, | |
in_allow_list:List[List[str]]=None, | |
custom_recogniser_word_list:List[str]=None, | |
redact_whole_page_list:List[str]=None, | |
latest_file_completed:int=0, | |
out_message:List=[], | |
out_file_paths:List=[], | |
log_files_output_paths:List=[], | |
first_loop_state:bool=False, | |
page_min:int=0, | |
page_max:int=999, | |
estimated_time_taken_state:float=0.0, | |
handwrite_signature_checkbox:List[str]=["Redact all identified handwriting", "Redact all identified signatures"], | |
all_request_metadata_str:str = "", | |
annotations_all_pages:dict={}, | |
all_line_level_ocr_results_df=[], | |
all_decision_process_table=[], | |
pymupdf_doc=[], | |
current_loop_page:int=0, | |
page_break_return:bool=False, | |
pii_identification_method:str="Local", | |
comprehend_query_number:int=0, | |
max_fuzzy_spelling_mistakes_num:int=1, | |
match_fuzzy_whole_phrase_bool:bool=True, | |
aws_access_key_textbox:str='', | |
aws_secret_key_textbox:str='', | |
annotate_max_pages:int=1, | |
review_file_state=[], | |
output_folder:str=output_folder, | |
progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True)): | |
''' | |
This function orchestrates the redaction process based on the specified method and parameters. It takes the following inputs: | |
- file_paths (List[str]): A list of paths to the files to be redacted. | |
- prepared_pdf_file_paths (List[str]): A list of paths to the PDF files prepared for redaction. | |
- prepared_pdf_image_paths (List[str]): A list of paths to the PDF files converted to images for redaction. | |
- language (str): The language of the text in the files. | |
- chosen_redact_entities (List[str]): A list of entity types to redact from the files using the local model (spacy) with Microsoft Presidio. | |
- chosen_redact_comprehend_entities (List[str]): A list of entity types to redact from files, chosen from the official list from AWS Comprehend service | |
- in_redact_method (str): The method to use for redaction. | |
- in_allow_list (List[List[str]], optional): A list of allowed terms for redaction. Defaults to None. | |
- custom_recogniser_word_list (List[List[str]], optional): A list of allowed terms for redaction. Defaults to None. | |
- redact_whole_page_list (List[List[str]], optional): A list of allowed terms for redaction. Defaults to None. | |
- latest_file_completed (int, optional): The index of the last completed file. Defaults to 0. | |
- out_message (list, optional): A list to store output messages. Defaults to an empty list. | |
- out_file_paths (list, optional): A list to store paths to the output files. Defaults to an empty list. | |
- log_files_output_paths (list, optional): A list to store paths to the log files. Defaults to an empty list. | |
- first_loop_state (bool, optional): A flag indicating if this is the first iteration. Defaults to False. | |
- page_min (int, optional): The minimum page number to start redaction from. Defaults to 0. | |
- page_max (int, optional): The maximum page number to end redaction at. Defaults to 999. | |
- estimated_time_taken_state (float, optional): The estimated time taken for the redaction process. Defaults to 0.0. | |
- handwrite_signature_checkbox (List[str], optional): A list of options for redacting handwriting and signatures. Defaults to ["Redact all identified handwriting", "Redact all identified signatures"]. | |
- all_request_metadata_str (str, optional): A string containing all request metadata. Defaults to an empty string. | |
- annotations_all_pages (dict, optional): A dictionary containing all image annotations. Defaults to an empty dictionary. | |
- all_line_level_ocr_results_df (optional): A DataFrame containing all line-level OCR results. Defaults to an empty DataFrame. | |
- all_decision_process_table (optional): A DataFrame containing all decision process tables. Defaults to an empty DataFrame. | |
- pymupdf_doc (optional): A list containing the PDF document object. Defaults to an empty list. | |
- current_loop_page (int, optional): The current page being processed in the loop. Defaults to 0. | |
- page_break_return (bool, optional): A flag indicating if the function should return after a page break. Defaults to False. | |
- pii_identification_method (str, optional): The method to redact personal information. Either 'Local' (spacy model), or 'AWS Comprehend' (AWS Comprehend API). | |
- comprehend_query_number (int, optional): A counter tracking the number of queries to AWS Comprehend. | |
- max_fuzzy_spelling_mistakes_num (int, optional): The maximum number of spelling mistakes allowed in a searched phrase for fuzzy matching. Can range from 0-9. | |
- match_fuzzy_whole_phrase_bool (bool, optional): A boolean where 'True' means that the whole phrase is fuzzy matched, and 'False' means that each word is fuzzy matched separately (excluding stop words). | |
- aws_access_key_textbox (str, optional): AWS access key for account with Textract and Comprehend permissions. | |
- aws_secret_key_textbox (str, optional): AWS secret key for account with Textract and Comprehend permissions. | |
- annotate_max_pages (int, optional): Maximum page value for the annotation object | |
- output_folder (str, optional): Output folder for results. | |
- progress (gr.Progress, optional): A progress tracker for the redaction process. Defaults to a Progress object with track_tqdm set to True. | |
The function returns a redacted document along with processing logs. | |
''' | |
combined_out_message = "" | |
tic = time.perf_counter() | |
all_request_metadata = all_request_metadata_str.split('\n') if all_request_metadata_str else [] | |
# If there are no prepared PDF file paths, it is most likely that the prepare_image_or_pdf function has not been run. So do it here to get the outputs you need | |
if not pymupdf_doc: | |
print("Prepared PDF file not found, running prepare_image_or_pdf function") | |
out_message, prepared_pdf_file_paths, prepared_pdf_image_paths, annotate_max_pages, annotate_max_pages, pymupdf_doc, annotations_all_pages, review_file_state = prepare_image_or_pdf(file_paths, in_redact_method, latest_file_completed, out_message, first_loop_state, annotate_max_pages, annotations_all_pages) | |
annotate_max_pages, annotate_max_pages, prepared_pdf_file_paths, prepared_pdf_image_paths, review_file_state | |
#print("prepared_pdf_file_paths:", prepared_pdf_file_paths[0]) | |
review_out_file_paths = [prepared_pdf_file_paths[0]] | |
if isinstance(custom_recogniser_word_list, pd.DataFrame): | |
if not custom_recogniser_word_list.empty: | |
custom_recogniser_word_list = custom_recogniser_word_list.iloc[:, 0].tolist() | |
else: | |
# Handle the case where the DataFrame is empty | |
custom_recogniser_word_list = [] # or some default value | |
# Sort the strings in order from the longest string to the shortest | |
custom_recogniser_word_list = sorted(custom_recogniser_word_list, key=len, reverse=True) | |
if isinstance(redact_whole_page_list, pd.DataFrame): | |
if not redact_whole_page_list.empty: | |
redact_whole_page_list = redact_whole_page_list.iloc[:,0].tolist() | |
else: | |
# Handle the case where the DataFrame is empty | |
redact_whole_page_list = [] # or some default value | |
# If this is the first time around, set variables to 0/blank | |
if first_loop_state==True: | |
#print("First_loop_state is True") | |
latest_file_completed = 0 | |
current_loop_page = 0 | |
out_file_paths = [] | |
estimate_total_processing_time = 0 | |
estimated_time_taken_state = 0 | |
# If not the first time around, and the current page loop has been set to a huge number (been through all pages), reset current page to 0 | |
elif (first_loop_state == False) & (current_loop_page == 999): | |
current_loop_page = 0 | |
if not out_file_paths: | |
out_file_paths = [] | |
latest_file_completed = int(latest_file_completed) | |
number_of_pages = len(prepared_pdf_image_paths) | |
if isinstance(file_paths,str): | |
number_of_files = 1 | |
else: | |
number_of_files = len(file_paths) | |
# If we have already redacted the last file, return the input out_message and file list to the relevant components | |
if latest_file_completed >= number_of_files: | |
print("Completed last file") | |
# Set to a very high number so as not to mix up with subsequent file processing by the user | |
# latest_file_completed = 99 | |
current_loop_page = 0 | |
if isinstance(out_message, list): | |
combined_out_message = '\n'.join(out_message) | |
else: | |
combined_out_message = out_message | |
if len(review_out_file_paths) == 1: | |
out_review_file_path = [x for x in out_file_paths if "review_file" in x] | |
review_out_file_paths.extend(out_review_file_path) | |
estimate_total_processing_time = sum_numbers_before_seconds(combined_out_message) | |
print("Estimated total processing time:", str(estimate_total_processing_time)) | |
return combined_out_message, out_file_paths, out_file_paths, gr.Number(value=latest_file_completed, label="Number of documents redacted", interactive=False, visible=False), log_files_output_paths, log_files_output_paths, estimated_time_taken_state, all_request_metadata_str, pymupdf_doc, annotations_all_pages, gr.Number(value=current_loop_page,precision=0, interactive=False, label = "Last redacted page in document", visible=False), gr.Checkbox(value = True, label="Page break reached", visible=False), all_line_level_ocr_results_df, all_decision_process_table, comprehend_query_number, review_out_file_paths, annotate_max_pages, annotate_max_pages, prepared_pdf_file_paths, prepared_pdf_image_paths, review_file_state | |
# If we have reached the last page, return message | |
if current_loop_page >= number_of_pages: | |
print("Reached last page of document:", current_loop_page) | |
# Set to a very high number so as not to mix up with subsequent file processing by the user | |
current_loop_page = 999 | |
combined_out_message = out_message | |
if len(review_out_file_paths) == 1: | |
out_review_file_path = [x for x in out_file_paths if "review_file" in x] | |
review_out_file_paths.extend(out_review_file_path) | |
return combined_out_message, out_file_paths, out_file_paths, gr.Number(value=latest_file_completed, label="Number of documents redacted", interactive=False, visible=False), log_files_output_paths, log_files_output_paths, estimated_time_taken_state, all_request_metadata_str, pymupdf_doc, annotations_all_pages, gr.Number(value=current_loop_page,precision=0, interactive=False, label = "Last redacted page in document", visible=False), gr.Checkbox(value = False, label="Page break reached", visible=False), all_line_level_ocr_results_df, all_decision_process_table, comprehend_query_number, review_out_file_paths, annotate_max_pages, annotate_max_pages, prepared_pdf_file_paths, prepared_pdf_image_paths, review_file_state | |
# Create allow list | |
# If string, assume file path | |
if isinstance(in_allow_list, str): | |
in_allow_list = pd.read_csv(in_allow_list) | |
if not in_allow_list.empty: | |
in_allow_list_flat = in_allow_list.iloc[:,0].tolist() | |
#print("In allow list:", in_allow_list_flat) | |
else: | |
in_allow_list_flat = [] | |
# Try to connect to AWS services directly only if RUN_AWS_FUNCTIONS environmental variable is 1, otherwise an environment variable or direct textbox input is needed. | |
if pii_identification_method == "AWS Comprehend": | |
print("Trying to connect to AWS Comprehend service") | |
if aws_access_key_textbox and aws_secret_key_textbox: | |
print("Connecting to Comprehend using AWS access key and secret keys from textboxes.") | |
print("aws_access_key_textbox:", aws_access_key_textbox) | |
print("aws_secret_access_key:", aws_secret_key_textbox) | |
comprehend_client = boto3.client('comprehend', | |
aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_textbox, | |
aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_key_textbox) | |
elif RUN_AWS_FUNCTIONS == "1": | |
print("Connecting to Comprehend via existing SSO connection") | |
comprehend_client = boto3.client('comprehend') | |
print("Getting Comprehend credentials from environment variables") | |
comprehend_client = boto3.client('comprehend', | |
aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY, | |
aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_KEY) | |
else: | |
comprehend_client = "" | |
out_message = "Cannot connect to AWS Comprehend service. Please provide access keys under Textract settings on the Redaction settings tab, or choose another PII identification method." | |
print(out_message) | |
return out_message, out_file_paths, out_file_paths, gr.Number(value=latest_file_completed, label="Number of documents redacted", interactive=False, visible=False), log_files_output_paths, log_files_output_paths, estimated_time_taken_state, all_request_metadata_str, pymupdf_doc, annotations_all_pages, gr.Number(value=current_loop_page, precision=0, interactive=False, label = "Last redacted page in document", visible=False), gr.Checkbox(value = True, label="Page break reached", visible=False), all_line_level_ocr_results_df, all_decision_process_table, comprehend_query_number, review_out_file_paths, annotate_max_pages, annotate_max_pages, prepared_pdf_file_paths, prepared_pdf_image_paths, review_file_state | |
else: | |
comprehend_client = "" | |
if in_redact_method == textract_option: | |
print("Trying to connect to AWS Textract service") | |
if aws_access_key_textbox and aws_secret_key_textbox: | |
print("Connecting to Textract using AWS access key and secret keys from textboxes.") | |
textract_client = boto3.client('textract', | |
aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_textbox, | |
aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_key_textbox) | |
elif RUN_AWS_FUNCTIONS == "1": | |
print("Connecting to Textract via existing SSO connection") | |
textract_client = boto3.client('textract') | |
print("Getting Textract credentials from environment variables.") | |
textract_client = boto3.client('textract', | |
aws_access_key_id=AWS_ACCESS_KEY, | |
aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET_KEY) | |
else: | |
textract_client = "" | |
out_message = "Cannot connect to AWS Textract. Please provide access keys under Textract settings on the Redaction settings tab,choose another text extraction method." | |
print(out_message) | |
return out_message, out_file_paths, out_file_paths, gr.Number(value=latest_file_completed, label="Number of documents redacted", interactive=False, visible=False), log_files_output_paths, log_files_output_paths, estimated_time_taken_state, all_request_metadata_str, pymupdf_doc, annotations_all_pages, gr.Number(value=current_loop_page, precision=0, interactive=False, label = "Last redacted page in document", visible=False), gr.Checkbox(value = True, label="Page break reached", visible=False), all_line_level_ocr_results_df, all_decision_process_table, comprehend_query_number, review_out_file_paths, annotate_max_pages, annotate_max_pages, prepared_pdf_file_paths, prepared_pdf_image_paths, review_file_state | |
else: | |
textract_client = "" | |
# Check if output_folder exists, create it if it doesn't | |
if not os.path.exists(output_folder): | |
os.makedirs(output_folder) | |
progress(0.5, desc="Redacting file") | |
if isinstance(file_paths, str): | |
file_paths_list = [os.path.abspath(file_paths)] | |
file_paths_loop = file_paths_list | |
elif isinstance(file_paths, dict): | |
file_paths = file_paths["name"] | |
file_paths_list = [os.path.abspath(file_paths)] | |
file_paths_loop = file_paths_list | |
else: | |
file_paths_list = file_paths | |
file_paths_loop = [file_paths_list[int(latest_file_completed)]] | |
for file in file_paths_loop: | |
if isinstance(file, str): | |
file_path = file | |
else: | |
file_path = | |
if file_path: | |
pdf_file_name_without_ext = get_file_name_without_type(file_path) | |
pdf_file_name_with_ext = os.path.basename(file_path) | |
is_a_pdf = is_pdf(file_path) == True | |
if is_a_pdf == False and in_redact_method == text_ocr_option: | |
# If user has not submitted a pdf, assume it's an image | |
print("File is not a pdf, assuming that image analysis needs to be used.") | |
in_redact_method = tesseract_ocr_option | |
else: | |
out_message = "No file selected" | |
print(out_message) | |
return combined_out_message, out_file_paths, out_file_paths, gr.Number(value=latest_file_completed, label="Number of documents redacted", interactive=False, visible=False), log_files_output_paths, log_files_output_paths, estimated_time_taken_state, all_request_metadata_str, pymupdf_doc, annotations_all_pages, gr.Number(value=current_loop_page,precision=0, interactive=False, label = "Last redacted page in document", visible=False), gr.Checkbox(value = True, label="Page break reached", visible=False), all_line_level_ocr_results_df, all_decision_process_table, comprehend_query_number, review_out_file_paths, annotate_max_pages, annotate_max_pages, prepared_pdf_file_paths, prepared_pdf_image_paths, review_file_state, annotate_max_pages, annotate_max_pages, prepared_pdf_file_paths, prepared_pdf_image_paths, review_file_state | |
if in_redact_method == tesseract_ocr_option or in_redact_method == textract_option: | |
#Analyse and redact image-based pdf or image | |
if is_pdf_or_image(file_path) == False: | |
out_message = "Please upload a PDF file or image file (JPG, PNG) for image analysis." | |
return out_message, out_file_paths, out_file_paths, gr.Number(value=latest_file_completed, label="Number of documents redacted", interactive=False, visible=False), log_files_output_paths, log_files_output_paths, estimated_time_taken_state, all_request_metadata_str, pymupdf_doc, annotations_all_pages, gr.Number(value=current_loop_page, precision=0, interactive=False, label = "Last redacted page in document", visible=False), gr.Checkbox(value = True, label="Page break reached", visible=False), all_line_level_ocr_results_df, all_decision_process_table, comprehend_query_number, review_out_file_paths, annotate_max_pages, annotate_max_pages, prepared_pdf_file_paths, prepared_pdf_image_paths, review_file_state | |
print("Redacting file " + pdf_file_name_with_ext + " as an image-based file") | |
pymupdf_doc, all_decision_process_table, log_files_output_paths, new_request_metadata, annotations_all_pages, current_loop_page, page_break_return, all_line_level_ocr_results_df, comprehend_query_number = redact_image_pdf(file_path, | |
prepared_pdf_image_paths, | |
language, | |
chosen_redact_entities, | |
chosen_redact_comprehend_entities, | |
in_allow_list_flat, | |
is_a_pdf, | |
page_min, | |
page_max, | |
in_redact_method, | |
handwrite_signature_checkbox, | |
"", | |
current_loop_page, | |
page_break_return, | |
prepared_pdf_image_paths, | |
annotations_all_pages, | |
all_line_level_ocr_results_df, | |
all_decision_process_table, | |
pymupdf_doc, | |
pii_identification_method, | |
comprehend_query_number, | |
comprehend_client, | |
textract_client, | |
custom_recogniser_word_list, | |
redact_whole_page_list, | |
max_fuzzy_spelling_mistakes_num, | |
match_fuzzy_whole_phrase_bool, | |
log_files_output_paths=log_files_output_paths) | |
# Save Textract request metadata (if exists) | |
if new_request_metadata: | |
all_request_metadata.append(new_request_metadata) | |
elif in_redact_method == text_ocr_option: | |
#log_files_output_paths = [] | |
if is_pdf(file_path) == False: | |
out_message = "Please upload a PDF file for text analysis. If you have an image, select 'Image analysis'." | |
return out_message, out_file_paths, out_file_paths, gr.Number(value=latest_file_completed, label="Number of documents redacted", interactive=False, visible=False), log_files_output_paths, log_files_output_paths, estimated_time_taken_state, all_request_metadata_str, pymupdf_doc, annotations_all_pages, gr.Number(value=current_loop_page,precision=0, interactive=False, label = "Last redacted page in document", visible=False), gr.Checkbox(value = True, label="Page break reached", visible=False), all_line_level_ocr_results_df, all_decision_process_table, comprehend_query_number, review_out_file_paths, annotate_max_pages, annotate_max_pages, prepared_pdf_file_paths, prepared_pdf_image_paths, review_file_state | |
# Analyse text-based pdf | |
print('Redacting file as text-based PDF') | |
pymupdf_doc, all_decision_process_table, all_line_level_ocr_results_df, annotations_all_pages, current_loop_page, page_break_return, comprehend_query_number = redact_text_pdf(file_path, | |
prepared_pdf_image_paths,language, | |
chosen_redact_entities, | |
chosen_redact_comprehend_entities, | |
in_allow_list_flat, | |
page_min, | |
page_max, | |
text_ocr_option, | |
current_loop_page, | |
page_break_return, | |
annotations_all_pages, | |
all_line_level_ocr_results_df, | |
all_decision_process_table, | |
pymupdf_doc, | |
pii_identification_method, | |
comprehend_query_number, | |
comprehend_client, | |
custom_recogniser_word_list, | |
redact_whole_page_list, | |
max_fuzzy_spelling_mistakes_num, | |
match_fuzzy_whole_phrase_bool) | |
else: | |
out_message = "No redaction method selected" | |
print(out_message) | |
return out_message, out_file_paths, out_file_paths, gr.Number(value=latest_file_completed, label="Number of documents redacted", interactive=False, visible=False), log_files_output_paths, log_files_output_paths, estimated_time_taken_state, all_request_metadata_str, pymupdf_doc, annotations_all_pages, gr.Number(value=current_loop_page,precision=0, interactive=False, label = "Last redacted page in document", visible=False), gr.Checkbox(value = True, label="Page break reached", visible=False), all_line_level_ocr_results_df, all_decision_process_table, comprehend_query_number, review_out_file_paths, annotate_max_pages, annotate_max_pages, prepared_pdf_file_paths, prepared_pdf_image_paths, review_file_state | |
# If at last page, save to file | |
if current_loop_page >= number_of_pages: | |
print("Current page loop:", current_loop_page, "is the last page.") | |
latest_file_completed += 1 | |
current_loop_page = 999 | |
if latest_file_completed != len(file_paths_list): | |
print("Completed file number:", str(latest_file_completed), "there are more files to do") | |
# Save file | |
if is_pdf(file_path) == False: | |
out_redacted_pdf_file_path = output_folder + pdf_file_name_without_ext + "_redacted_as_pdf.pdf" | |
pymupdf_doc[-1].save(out_redacted_pdf_file_path, "PDF" ,resolution=image_dpi, save_all=False)#, append_images=pymupdf_doc[:1]) | |
out_review_file_path = output_folder + pdf_file_name_without_ext + '_review_file.csv' | |
else: | |
out_redacted_pdf_file_path = output_folder + pdf_file_name_without_ext + "_redacted.pdf" | | | |
out_file_paths.append(out_redacted_pdf_file_path) | |
out_orig_pdf_file_path = output_folder + pdf_file_name_with_ext | |
logs_output_file_name = out_orig_pdf_file_path + "_decision_process_output.csv" | |
all_decision_process_table.to_csv(logs_output_file_name, index = None, encoding="utf-8") | |
log_files_output_paths.append(logs_output_file_name) | |
all_text_output_file_name = out_orig_pdf_file_path + "_ocr_output.csv" | |
all_line_level_ocr_results_df.to_csv(all_text_output_file_name, index = None, encoding="utf-8") | |
out_file_paths.append(all_text_output_file_name) | |
# Save the gradio_annotation_boxes to a JSON file | |
try: | |
review_df = convert_review_json_to_pandas_df(annotations_all_pages, all_decision_process_table) | |
out_review_file_path = out_orig_pdf_file_path + '_review_file.csv' | |
review_df.to_csv(out_review_file_path, index=None) | |
out_file_paths.append(out_review_file_path) | |
#print("Saved review file to csv") | |
out_annotation_file_path = out_orig_pdf_file_path + '_review_file.json' | |
with open(out_annotation_file_path, 'w') as f: | |
json.dump(annotations_all_pages, f) | |
log_files_output_paths.append(out_annotation_file_path) | |
#print("Saving annotations to JSON") | |
except Exception as e: | |
print("Could not save annotations to json or csv file:", e) | |
# Make a combined message for the file | |
if isinstance(out_message, list): | |
combined_out_message = '\n'.join(out_message) # Ensure out_message is a list of strings | |
else: combined_out_message = out_message | |
toc = time.perf_counter() | |
time_taken = toc - tic | |
estimated_time_taken_state = estimated_time_taken_state + time_taken | |
out_time_message = f" Redacted in {estimated_time_taken_state:0.1f} seconds." | |
combined_out_message = combined_out_message + " " + out_time_message # Ensure this is a single string | |
estimate_total_processing_time = sum_numbers_before_seconds(combined_out_message) | |
else: | |
toc = time.perf_counter() | |
time_taken = toc - tic | |
estimated_time_taken_state = estimated_time_taken_state + time_taken | |
# If textract requests made, write to logging file | |
if all_request_metadata: | |
all_request_metadata_str = '\n'.join(all_request_metadata).strip() | |
all_request_metadata_file_path = output_folder + pdf_file_name_without_ext + "_textract_request_metadata.txt" | |
with open(all_request_metadata_file_path, "w") as f: | |
f.write(all_request_metadata_str) | |
# Add the request metadata to the log outputs if not there already | |
if all_request_metadata_file_path not in log_files_output_paths: | |
log_files_output_paths.append(all_request_metadata_file_path) | |
if combined_out_message: out_message = combined_out_message | |
# Ensure no duplicated output files | |
log_files_output_paths = list(set(log_files_output_paths)) | |
out_file_paths = list(set(out_file_paths)) | |
review_out_file_paths = [prepared_pdf_file_paths[0], out_review_file_path] | |
return out_message, out_file_paths, out_file_paths, gr.Number(value=latest_file_completed, label="Number of documents redacted", interactive=False, visible=False), log_files_output_paths, log_files_output_paths, estimated_time_taken_state, all_request_metadata_str, pymupdf_doc, annotations_all_pages, gr.Number(value=current_loop_page, precision=0, interactive=False, label = "Last redacted page in document", visible=False), gr.Checkbox(value = True, label="Page break reached", visible=False), all_line_level_ocr_results_df, all_decision_process_table, comprehend_query_number, review_out_file_paths, annotate_max_pages, annotate_max_pages, prepared_pdf_file_paths, prepared_pdf_image_paths, review_file_state | |
def convert_pikepdf_coords_to_pymupdf(pymupdf_page, pikepdf_bbox, type="pikepdf_annot"): | |
''' | |
Convert annotations from pikepdf to pymupdf format, handling the mediabox larger than rect. | |
''' | |
# Use cropbox if available, otherwise use mediabox | |
reference_box = pymupdf_page.rect | |
mediabox = pymupdf_page.mediabox | |
reference_box_height = reference_box.height | |
reference_box_width = reference_box.width | |
# Convert PyMuPDF coordinates back to PDF coordinates (bottom-left origin) | |
media_height = mediabox.height | |
media_width = mediabox.width | |
media_reference_y_diff = media_height - reference_box_height | |
media_reference_x_diff = media_width - reference_box_width | |
y_diff_ratio = media_reference_y_diff / reference_box_height | |
x_diff_ratio = media_reference_x_diff / reference_box_width | |
# Extract the annotation rectangle field | |
if type=="pikepdf_annot": | |
rect_field = pikepdf_bbox["/Rect"] | |
else: | |
rect_field = pikepdf_bbox | |
rect_coordinates = [float(coord) for coord in rect_field] # Convert to floats | |
# Unpack coordinates | |
x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect_coordinates | |
new_x1 = x1 - (media_reference_x_diff * x_diff_ratio) | |
new_y1 = media_height - y2 - (media_reference_y_diff * y_diff_ratio) | |
new_x2 = x2 - (media_reference_x_diff * x_diff_ratio) | |
new_y2 = media_height - y1 - (media_reference_y_diff * y_diff_ratio) | |
return new_x1, new_y1, new_x2, new_y2 | |
def convert_pikepdf_to_image_coords(pymupdf_page, annot, image:Image, type="pikepdf_annot"): | |
''' | |
Convert annotations from pikepdf coordinates to image coordinates. | |
''' | |
# Get the dimensions of the page in points with pymupdf | |
rect_height = pymupdf_page.rect.height | |
rect_width = pymupdf_page.rect.width | |
# Get the dimensions of the image | |
image_page_width, image_page_height = image.size | |
# Calculate scaling factors between pymupdf and PIL image | |
scale_width = image_page_width / rect_width | |
scale_height = image_page_height / rect_height | |
# Extract the /Rect field | |
if type=="pikepdf_annot": | |
rect_field = annot["/Rect"] | |
else: | |
rect_field = annot | |
# Convert the extracted /Rect field to a list of floats | |
rect_coordinates = [float(coord) for coord in rect_field] | |
# Convert the Y-coordinates (flip using the image height) | |
x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect_coordinates | |
x1_image = x1 * scale_width | |
new_y1_image = image_page_height - (y2 * scale_height) # Flip Y0 (since it starts from bottom) | |
x2_image = x2 * scale_width | |
new_y2_image = image_page_height - (y1 * scale_height) # Flip Y1 | |
return x1_image, new_y1_image, x2_image, new_y2_image | |
def convert_pikepdf_decision_output_to_image_coords(pymupdf_page, pikepdf_decision_ouput_data:List, image): | |
if isinstance(image, str): | |
image_path = image | |
image = | |
# Loop through each item in the data | |
for item in pikepdf_decision_ouput_data: | |
# Extract the bounding box | |
bounding_box = item['boundingBox'] | |
# Create a pikepdf_bbox dictionary to match the expected input | |
pikepdf_bbox = {"/Rect": bounding_box} | |
# Call the conversion function | |
new_x1, new_y1, new_x2, new_y2 = convert_pikepdf_to_image_coords(pymupdf_page, pikepdf_bbox, image, type="pikepdf_annot") | |
# Update the original object with the new bounding box values | |
item['boundingBox'] = [new_x1, new_y1, new_x2, new_y2] | |
return pikepdf_decision_ouput_data | |
def convert_image_coords_to_pymupdf(pymupdf_page, annot, image:Image, type="image_recognizer"): | |
''' | |
Converts an image with redaction coordinates from a CustomImageRecognizerResult or pikepdf object with image coordinates to pymupdf coordinates. | |
''' | |
rect_height = pymupdf_page.rect.height | |
rect_width = pymupdf_page.rect.width | |
image_page_width, image_page_height = image.size | |
# Calculate scaling factors between PIL image and pymupdf | |
scale_width = rect_width / image_page_width | |
scale_height = rect_height / image_page_height | |
# Calculate scaled coordinates | |
if type == "image_recognizer": | |
x1 = (annot.left * scale_width)# + page_x_adjust | |
new_y1 = ( * scale_height)# - page_y_adjust # Flip Y0 (since it starts from bottom) | |
x2 = ((annot.left + annot.width) * scale_width)# + page_x_adjust # Calculate x1 | |
new_y2 = (( + annot.height) * scale_height)# - page_y_adjust # Calculate y1 correctly | |
# Else assume it is a pikepdf derived object | |
else: | |
rect_field = annot["/Rect"] | |
rect_coordinates = [float(coord) for coord in rect_field] # Convert to floats | |
# Unpack coordinates | |
x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect_coordinates | |
x1 = (x1* scale_width)# + page_x_adjust | |
new_y1 = ((y2 + (y1 - y2))* scale_height)# - page_y_adjust # Calculate y1 correctly | |
x2 = ((x1 + (x2 - x1)) * scale_width)# + page_x_adjust # Calculate x1 | |
new_y2 = (y2 * scale_height)# - page_y_adjust # Flip Y0 (since it starts from bottom) | |
return x1, new_y1, x2, new_y2 | |
def convert_gradio_annotation_coords_to_pymupdf(pymupdf_page:Page, annot:dict, image:Image): | |
''' | |
Converts an image with redaction coordinates from a gradio annotation component to pymupdf coordinates. | |
''' | |
rect_height = pymupdf_page.rect.height | |
rect_width = pymupdf_page.rect.width | |
image_page_width, image_page_height = image.size | |
# Calculate scaling factors between PIL image and pymupdf | |
scale_width = rect_width / image_page_width | |
scale_height = rect_height / image_page_height | |
# Calculate scaled coordinates | |
x1 = (annot["xmin"] * scale_width)# + page_x_adjust | |
new_y1 = (annot["ymin"] * scale_height)# - page_y_adjust # Flip Y0 (since it starts from bottom) | |
x2 = ((annot["xmax"]) * scale_width)# + page_x_adjust # Calculate x1 | |
new_y2 = ((annot["ymax"]) * scale_height)# - page_y_adjust # Calculate y1 correctly | |
return x1, new_y1, x2, new_y2 | |
def move_page_info(file_path: str) -> str: | |
# Split the string at '.png' | |
base, extension = file_path.rsplit('.pdf', 1) | |
# Extract the page info | |
page_info = base.split('page ')[1].split(' of')[0] # Get the page number | |
new_base = base.replace(f'page {page_info} of ', '') # Remove the page info from the original position | |
# Construct the new file path | |
new_file_path = f"{new_base}_page_{page_info}.png" | |
return new_file_path | |
def redact_page_with_pymupdf(page:Page, page_annotations:dict, image=None, custom_colours:bool=False, redact_whole_page:bool=False, convert_coords:bool=True): | |
mediabox_height = page.mediabox[3] - page.mediabox[1] | |
mediabox_width = page.mediabox[2] - page.mediabox[0] | |
rect_height = page.rect.height | |
rect_width = page.rect.width | |
pymupdf_x1 = None | |
pymupdf_x2 = None | |
out_annotation_boxes = {} | |
all_image_annotation_boxes = [] | |
image_path = "" | |
if isinstance(image, Image.Image): | |
image_path = move_page_info(str(page)) | | | |
elif isinstance(image, str): | |
image_path = image | |
image = | |
# Check if this is an object used in the Gradio Annotation component | |
if isinstance (page_annotations, dict): | |
page_annotations = page_annotations["boxes"] | |
for annot in page_annotations: | |
# Check if an Image recogniser result, or a Gradio annotation object | |
if (isinstance(annot, CustomImageRecognizerResult)) | isinstance(annot, dict): | |
img_annotation_box = {} | |
# Should already be in correct format if img_annotator_box is an input | |
if isinstance(annot, dict): | |
img_annotation_box = annot | |
pymupdf_x1, pymupdf_y1, pymupdf_x2, pymupdf_y2 = convert_gradio_annotation_coords_to_pymupdf(page, annot, image) | |
x1 = pymupdf_x1 | |
x2 = pymupdf_x2 | |
if hasattr(annot, 'text') and annot.text: | |
img_annotation_box["text"] = annot.text | |
else: | |
img_annotation_box["text"] = "" | |
# Else should be CustomImageRecognizerResult | |
else: | |
pymupdf_x1, pymupdf_y1, pymupdf_x2, pymupdf_y2 = convert_image_coords_to_pymupdf(page, annot, image) | |
x1 = pymupdf_x1 | |
x2 = pymupdf_x2 | |
img_annotation_box["xmin"] = annot.left | |
img_annotation_box["ymin"] = | |
img_annotation_box["xmax"] = annot.left + annot.width | |
img_annotation_box["ymax"] = + annot.height | |
img_annotation_box["color"] = (0,0,0) | |
try: | |
img_annotation_box["label"] = annot.entity_type | |
except: | |
img_annotation_box["label"] = "Redaction" | |
if hasattr(annot, 'text') and annot.text: | |
img_annotation_box["text"] = annot.text | |
else: | |
img_annotation_box["text"] = "" | |
rect = Rect(x1, pymupdf_y1, x2, pymupdf_y2) # Create the PyMuPDF Rect | |
# Else it should be a pikepdf annotation object | |
else: | |
if convert_coords == True: | |
pymupdf_x1, pymupdf_y1, pymupdf_x2, pymupdf_y2 = convert_pikepdf_coords_to_pymupdf(page, annot) | |
else: | |
pymupdf_x1, pymupdf_y1, pymupdf_x2, pymupdf_y2 = convert_image_coords_to_pymupdf(page, annot, image, type="pikepdf_image_coords") | |
x1 = pymupdf_x1 | |
x2 = pymupdf_x2 | |
rect = Rect(x1, pymupdf_y1, x2, pymupdf_y2) | |
img_annotation_box = {} | |
if image: | |
img_width, img_height = image.size | |
x1, image_y1, x2, image_y2 = convert_pymupdf_to_image_coords(page, x1, pymupdf_y1, x2, pymupdf_y2, image) | |
img_annotation_box["xmin"] = x1 #* (img_width / rect_width) # Use adjusted x1 | |
img_annotation_box["ymin"] = image_y1 #* (img_width / rect_width) # Use adjusted y1 | |
img_annotation_box["xmax"] = x2# * (img_height / rect_height) # Use adjusted x2 | |
img_annotation_box["ymax"] = image_y2 #* (img_height / rect_height) # Use adjusted y2 | |
img_annotation_box["color"] = (0, 0, 0) | |
if isinstance(annot, Dictionary): | |
img_annotation_box["label"] = str(annot["/T"]) | |
if hasattr(annot, 'Contents'): | |
img_annotation_box["text"] = annot.Contents | |
else: | |
img_annotation_box["text"] = "" | |
else: | |
img_annotation_box["label"] = "REDACTION" | |
img_annotation_box["text"] = "" | |
# Convert to a PyMuPDF Rect object | |
#rect = Rect(rect_coordinates) | |
all_image_annotation_boxes.append(img_annotation_box) | |
redact_single_box(page, rect, img_annotation_box, custom_colours) | |
# If whole page is to be redacted, do that here | |
if redact_whole_page == True: | |
whole_page_img_annotation_box = redact_whole_pymupdf_page(rect_height, rect_width, image, page, custom_colours, border = 5) | |
all_image_annotation_boxes.append(whole_page_img_annotation_box) | |
out_annotation_boxes = { | |
"image": image_path,, #image_path, | |
"boxes": all_image_annotation_boxes | |
} | |
page.apply_redactions(images=0, graphics=0) | |
page.clean_contents() | |
return page, out_annotation_boxes | |
### | |
### | |
def merge_img_bboxes(bboxes, combined_results: Dict, signature_recogniser_results=[], handwriting_recogniser_results=[], handwrite_signature_checkbox: List[str]=["Redact all identified handwriting", "Redact all identified signatures"], horizontal_threshold:int=50, vertical_threshold:int=12): | |
all_bboxes = [] | |
merged_bboxes = [] | |
grouped_bboxes = defaultdict(list) | |
# Deep copy original bounding boxes to retain them | |
original_bboxes = copy.deepcopy(bboxes) | |
# Process signature and handwriting results | |
if signature_recogniser_results or handwriting_recogniser_results: | |
if "Redact all identified handwriting" in handwrite_signature_checkbox: | |
merged_bboxes.extend(copy.deepcopy(handwriting_recogniser_results)) | |
if "Redact all identified signatures" in handwrite_signature_checkbox: | |
merged_bboxes.extend(copy.deepcopy(signature_recogniser_results)) | |
# Reconstruct bounding boxes for substrings of interest | |
reconstructed_bboxes = [] | |
for bbox in bboxes: | |
bbox_box = (bbox.left,, bbox.left + bbox.width, + bbox.height) | |
for line_text, line_info in combined_results.items(): | |
line_box = line_info['bounding_box'] | |
if bounding_boxes_overlap(bbox_box, line_box): | |
if bbox.text in line_text: | |
start_char = line_text.index(bbox.text) | |
end_char = start_char + len(bbox.text) | |
relevant_words = [] | |
current_char = 0 | |
for word in line_info['words']: | |
word_end = current_char + len(word['text']) | |
if current_char <= start_char < word_end or current_char < end_char <= word_end or (start_char <= current_char and word_end <= end_char): | |
relevant_words.append(word) | |
if word_end >= end_char: | |
break | |
current_char = word_end | |
if not word['text'].endswith(' '): | |
current_char += 1 # +1 for space if the word doesn't already end with a space | |
if relevant_words: | |
left = min(word['bounding_box'][0] for word in relevant_words) | |
top = min(word['bounding_box'][1] for word in relevant_words) | |
right = max(word['bounding_box'][2] for word in relevant_words) | |
bottom = max(word['bounding_box'][3] for word in relevant_words) | |
combined_text = " ".join(word['text'] for word in relevant_words) | |
reconstructed_bbox = CustomImageRecognizerResult( | |
bbox.entity_type, | |
bbox.start, | |
bbox.end, | |
bbox.score, | |
left, | |
top, | |
right - left, # width | |
bottom - top, # height, | |
combined_text | |
) | |
#reconstructed_bboxes.append(bbox) # Add original bbox | |
reconstructed_bboxes.append(reconstructed_bbox) # Add merged bbox | |
break | |
else: | |
reconstructed_bboxes.append(bbox) | |
# Group reconstructed bboxes by approximate vertical proximity | |
for box in reconstructed_bboxes: | |
grouped_bboxes[round( / vertical_threshold)].append(box) | |
# Merge within each group | |
for _, group in grouped_bboxes.items(): | |
group.sort(key=lambda box: box.left) | |
merged_box = group[0] | |
for next_box in group[1:]: | |
if next_box.left - (merged_box.left + merged_box.width) <= horizontal_threshold: | |
new_text = merged_box.text + " " + next_box.text | |
if merged_box.entity_type != next_box.entity_type: | |
new_entity_type = merged_box.entity_type + " - " + next_box.entity_type | |
else: | |
new_entity_type = merged_box.entity_type | |
new_left = min(merged_box.left, next_box.left) | |
new_top = min(, | |
new_width = max(merged_box.left + merged_box.width, next_box.left + next_box.width) - new_left | |
new_height = max( + merged_box.height, + next_box.height) - new_top | |
merged_box = CustomImageRecognizerResult( | |
new_entity_type, merged_box.start, merged_box.end, merged_box.score, new_left, new_top, new_width, new_height, new_text | |
) | |
else: | |
merged_bboxes.append(merged_box) | |
merged_box = next_box | |
merged_bboxes.append(merged_box) | |
all_bboxes.extend(original_bboxes) | |
#all_bboxes.extend(reconstructed_bboxes) | |
all_bboxes.extend(merged_bboxes) | |
# Return the unique original and merged bounding boxes | |
unique_bboxes = list({(bbox.left,, bbox.width, bbox.height): bbox for bbox in all_bboxes}.values()) | |
return unique_bboxes | |
def redact_image_pdf(file_path:str, | |
prepared_pdf_file_paths:List[str], | |
language:str, | |
chosen_redact_entities:List[str], | |
chosen_redact_comprehend_entities:List[str], | |
allow_list:List[str]=None, | |
is_a_pdf:bool=True, | |
page_min:int=0, | |
page_max:int=999, | |
analysis_type:str=tesseract_ocr_option, | |
handwrite_signature_checkbox:List[str]=["Redact all identified handwriting", "Redact all identified signatures"], | |
request_metadata:str="", current_loop_page:int=0, | |
page_break_return:bool=False, | |
images=[], | |
annotations_all_pages:List=[], | |
all_line_level_ocr_results_df = pd.DataFrame(), | |
all_decision_process_table = pd.DataFrame(), | |
pymupdf_doc = [], | |
pii_identification_method:str="Local", | |
comprehend_query_number:int=0, | |
comprehend_client:str="", | |
textract_client:str="", | |
custom_recogniser_word_list:List[str]=[], | |
redact_whole_page_list:List[str]=[], | |
max_fuzzy_spelling_mistakes_num:int=1, | |
match_fuzzy_whole_phrase_bool:bool=True, | |
page_break_val:int=int(page_break_value), | |
log_files_output_paths:List=[], | |
max_time:int=int(max_time_value), | |
progress=Progress(track_tqdm=True)): | |
''' | |
This function redacts sensitive information from a PDF document. It takes the following parameters: | |
- file_path (str): The path to the PDF file to be redacted. | |
- prepared_pdf_file_paths (List[str]): A list of paths to the PDF file pages converted to images. | |
- language (str): The language of the text in the PDF. | |
- chosen_redact_entities (List[str]): A list of entity types to redact from the PDF. | |
- chosen_redact_comprehend_entities (List[str]): A list of entity types to redact from the list allowed by the AWS Comprehend service. | |
- allow_list (List[str], optional): A list of entity types to allow in the PDF. Defaults to None. | |
- is_a_pdf (bool, optional): Indicates if the input file is a PDF. Defaults to True. | |
- page_min (int, optional): The minimum page number to start redaction from. Defaults to 0. | |
- page_max (int, optional): The maximum page number to end redaction at. Defaults to 999. | |
- analysis_type (str, optional): The type of analysis to perform on the PDF. Defaults to tesseract_ocr_option. | |
- handwrite_signature_checkbox (List[str], optional): A list of options for redacting handwriting and signatures. Defaults to ["Redact all identified handwriting", "Redact all identified signatures"]. | |
- request_metadata (str, optional): Metadata related to the redaction request. Defaults to an empty string. | |
- page_break_return (bool, optional): Indicates if the function should return after a page break. Defaults to False. | |
- images (list, optional): List of image objects for each PDF page. | |
- annotations_all_pages (List, optional): List of annotations on all pages that is used by the gradio_image_annotation object. | |
- all_line_level_ocr_results_df (pd.DataFrame(), optional): All line level OCR results for the document as a Pandas dataframe, | |
- all_decision_process_table (pd.DataFrame(), optional): All redaction decisions for document as a Pandas dataframe. | |
- pymupdf_doc (List, optional): The document as a PyMupdf object. | |
- pii_identification_method (str, optional): The method to redact personal information. Either 'Local' (spacy model), or 'AWS Comprehend' (AWS Comprehend API). | |
- comprehend_query_number (int, optional): A counter tracking the number of queries to AWS Comprehend. | |
- comprehend_client (optional): A connection to the AWS Comprehend service via the boto3 package. | |
- textract_client (optional): A connection to the AWS Textract service via the boto3 package. | |
- custom_recogniser_word_list (optional): A list of custom words that the user has chosen specifically to redact. | |
- redact_whole_page_list (optional, List[str]): A list of pages to fully redact. | |
- max_fuzzy_spelling_mistakes_num (int, optional): The maximum number of spelling mistakes allowed in a searched phrase for fuzzy matching. Can range from 0-9. | |
- match_fuzzy_whole_phrase_bool (bool, optional): A boolean where 'True' means that the whole phrase is fuzzy matched, and 'False' means that each word is fuzzy matched separately (excluding stop words). | |
- page_break_val (int, optional): The value at which to trigger a page break. Defaults to 3. | |
- log_files_output_paths (List, optional): List of file paths used for saving redaction process logging results. | |
- max_time (int, optional): The maximum amount of time (s) that the function should be running before it breaks. To avoid timeout errors with some APIs. | |
- progress (Progress, optional): A progress tracker for the redaction process. Defaults to a Progress object with track_tqdm set to True. | |
The function returns a redacted PDF document along with processing output objects. | |
''' | |
file_name = get_file_name_without_type(file_path) | |
fill = (0, 0, 0) # Fill colour for redactions | |
comprehend_query_number_new = 0 | |
# Update custom word list analyser object with any new words that have been added to the custom deny list | |
#print("custom_recogniser_word_list:", custom_recogniser_word_list) | |
if custom_recogniser_word_list: | |
nlp_analyser.registry.remove_recognizer("CUSTOM") | |
new_custom_recogniser = custom_word_list_recogniser(custom_recogniser_word_list) | |
nlp_analyser.registry.add_recognizer(new_custom_recogniser) | |
nlp_analyser.registry.remove_recognizer("CustomWordFuzzyRecognizer") | |
new_custom_fuzzy_recogniser = CustomWordFuzzyRecognizer(supported_entities=["CUSTOM_FUZZY"], custom_list=custom_recogniser_word_list, spelling_mistakes_max=max_fuzzy_spelling_mistakes_num, search_whole_phrase=match_fuzzy_whole_phrase_bool) | |
nlp_analyser.registry.add_recognizer(new_custom_fuzzy_recogniser) | |
image_analyser = CustomImageAnalyzerEngine(nlp_analyser) | |
if pii_identification_method == "AWS Comprehend" and comprehend_client == "": | |
print("Connection to AWS Comprehend service unsuccessful.") | |
return pymupdf_doc, all_decision_process_table, log_files_output_paths, request_metadata, annotations_all_pages, current_loop_page, page_break_return, all_line_level_ocr_results_df, comprehend_query_number | |
if analysis_type == textract_option and textract_client == "": | |
print("Connection to AWS Textract service unsuccessful.") | |
return pymupdf_doc, all_decision_process_table, log_files_output_paths, request_metadata, annotations_all_pages, current_loop_page, page_break_return, all_line_level_ocr_results_df, comprehend_query_number | |
tic = time.perf_counter() | |
if not prepared_pdf_file_paths: | |
out_message = "PDF does not exist as images. Converting pages to image" | |
print(out_message) | |
prepared_pdf_file_paths = process_file(file_path) | |
number_of_pages = len(prepared_pdf_file_paths) | |
print("Number of pages:", str(number_of_pages)) | |
# Check that page_min and page_max are within expected ranges | |
if page_max > number_of_pages or page_max == 0: | |
page_max = number_of_pages | |
if page_min <= 0: page_min = 0 | |
else: page_min = page_min - 1 | |
print("Page range:", str(page_min + 1), "to", str(page_max)) | |
# If running Textract, check if file already exists. If it does, load in existing data | |
if analysis_type == textract_option: | |
json_file_path = output_folder + file_name + "_textract.json" | |
if not os.path.exists(json_file_path): | |
print("No existing Textract results file found.") | |
textract_data = {} | |
else: | |
# Open the file and load the JSON data | |
no_textract_file = False | |
print("Found existing Textract json results file.") | |
if json_file_path not in log_files_output_paths: | |
log_files_output_paths.append(json_file_path) | |
with open(json_file_path, 'r') as json_file: | |
textract_data = json.load(json_file) | |
### | |
if current_loop_page == 0: page_loop_start = 0 | |
else: page_loop_start = current_loop_page | |
progress_bar = tqdm(range(page_loop_start, number_of_pages), unit="pages remaining", desc="Redacting pages") | |
for page_no in progress_bar: | |
handwriting_or_signature_boxes = [] | |
signature_recogniser_results = [] | |
handwriting_recogniser_results = [] | |
page_break_return = False | |
reported_page_number = str(page_no + 1) | |
# Assuming prepared_pdf_file_paths[page_no] is a PIL image object | |
try: | |
image = prepared_pdf_file_paths[page_no]#.copy() | |
#print("image:", image) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print("Could not redact page:", reported_page_number, "due to:", e) | |
continue | |
image_annotations = {"image": image, "boxes": []} | |
pymupdf_page = pymupdf_doc.load_page(page_no) | |
if page_no >= page_min and page_no < page_max: | |
#print("Image is in range of pages to redact") | |
if isinstance(image, str): | |
image = | |
# Need image size to convert textract OCR outputs to the correct sizes | |
page_width, page_height = image.size | |
# Possibility to use different languages | |
if language == 'en': ocr_lang = 'eng' | |
else: ocr_lang = language | |
# Step 1: Perform OCR. Either with Tesseract, or with AWS Textract | |
if analysis_type == tesseract_ocr_option: | |
word_level_ocr_results = image_analyser.perform_ocr(image) | |
line_level_ocr_results, line_level_ocr_results_with_children = combine_ocr_results(word_level_ocr_results) | |
# Import results from json and convert | |
if analysis_type == textract_option: | |
# Convert the image to bytes using an in-memory buffer | |
image_buffer = io.BytesIO() | |, format='PNG') # Save as PNG, or adjust format if needed | |
pdf_page_as_bytes = image_buffer.getvalue() | |
if not textract_data: | |
try: | |
text_blocks, new_request_metadata = analyse_page_with_textract(pdf_page_as_bytes, reported_page_number, textract_client, handwrite_signature_checkbox) # Analyse page with Textract | |
if json_file_path not in log_files_output_paths: | |
log_files_output_paths.append(json_file_path) | |
textract_data = {"pages":[text_blocks]} | |
except Exception as e: | |
print("Textract extraction for page", reported_page_number, "failed due to:", e) | |
textract_data = {"pages":[]} | |
new_request_metadata = "Failed Textract API call" | |
request_metadata = request_metadata + "\n" + new_request_metadata | |
else: | |
# Check if the current reported_page_number exists in the loaded JSON | |
page_exists = any(page['page_no'] == reported_page_number for page in textract_data.get("pages", [])) | |
if not page_exists: # If the page does not exist, analyze again | |
print(f"Page number {reported_page_number} not found in existing Textract data. Analysing.") | |
try: | |
text_blocks, new_request_metadata = analyse_page_with_textract(pdf_page_as_bytes, reported_page_number, textract_client, handwrite_signature_checkbox) # Analyse page with Textract | |
except Exception as e: | |
print("Textract extraction for page", reported_page_number, "failed due to:", e) | |
text_blocks = [] | |
new_request_metadata = "Failed Textract API call" | |
# Check if "pages" key exists, if not, initialize it as an empty list | |
if "pages" not in textract_data: | |
textract_data["pages"] = [] | |
# Append the new page data | |
textract_data["pages"].append(text_blocks) | |
request_metadata = request_metadata + "\n" + new_request_metadata | |
else: | |
# If the page exists, retrieve the data | |
text_blocks = next(page['data'] for page in textract_data["pages"] if page['page_no'] == reported_page_number) | |
line_level_ocr_results, handwriting_or_signature_boxes, signature_recogniser_results, handwriting_recogniser_results, line_level_ocr_results_with_children = json_to_ocrresult(text_blocks, page_width, page_height, reported_page_number) | |
# Step 2: Analyze text and identify PII | |
if chosen_redact_entities or chosen_redact_comprehend_entities: | |
redaction_bboxes, comprehend_query_number_new = image_analyser.analyze_text( | |
line_level_ocr_results, | |
line_level_ocr_results_with_children, | |
chosen_redact_comprehend_entities = chosen_redact_comprehend_entities, | |
pii_identification_method = pii_identification_method, | |
comprehend_client=comprehend_client, | |
language=language, | |
entities=chosen_redact_entities, | |
allow_list=allow_list, | |
score_threshold=score_threshold | |
) | |
comprehend_query_number = comprehend_query_number + comprehend_query_number_new | |
else: | |
redaction_bboxes = [] | |
# if analysis_type == tesseract_ocr_option: interim_results_file_path = output_folder + "interim_analyser_bboxes_" + file_name + "_pages_" + str(page_min + 1) + "_" + str(page_max) + ".txt" | |
# elif analysis_type == textract_option: interim_results_file_path = output_folder + "interim_analyser_bboxes_" + file_name + "_pages_" + str(page_min + 1) + "_" + str(page_max) + "_textract.txt" | |
# # Save decision making process | |
# bboxes_str = str(redaction_bboxes) | |
# with open(interim_results_file_path, "w") as f: | |
# f.write(bboxes_str) | |
# Merge close bounding boxes | |
merged_redaction_bboxes = merge_img_bboxes(redaction_bboxes, line_level_ocr_results_with_children, signature_recogniser_results, handwriting_recogniser_results, handwrite_signature_checkbox) | |
# 3. Draw the merged boxes | |
if is_pdf(file_path) == False: | |
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) | |
all_image_annotations_boxes = [] | |
for box in merged_redaction_bboxes: | |
x0 = box.left | |
y0 = | |
x1 = x0 + box.width | |
y1 = y0 + box.height | |
try: | |
label = box.entity_type | |
except: | |
label = "Redaction" | |
# Directly append the dictionary with the required keys | |
all_image_annotations_boxes.append({ | |
"xmin": x0, | |
"ymin": y0, | |
"xmax": x1, | |
"ymax": y1, | |
"label": label, | |
"color": (0, 0, 0) | |
}) | |
draw.rectangle([x0, y0, x1, y1], fill=fill) # Adjusted to use a list for rectangle | |
image_annotations = {"image": file_path, "boxes": all_image_annotations_boxes} | |
## Apply annotations with pymupdf | |
else: | |
if redact_whole_page_list: | |
int_reported_page_number = int(reported_page_number) | |
if int_reported_page_number in redact_whole_page_list: redact_whole_page = True | |
else: redact_whole_page = False | |
else: redact_whole_page = False | |
pymupdf_page, image_annotations = redact_page_with_pymupdf(pymupdf_page, merged_redaction_bboxes, image, redact_whole_page=redact_whole_page) | |
# Convert decision process to table | |
decision_process_table = pd.DataFrame([{ | |
'text': result.text, | |
'xmin': result.left, | |
'ymin':, | |
'xmax': result.left + result.width, | |
'ymax': + result.height, | |
'label': result.entity_type, | |
'start': result.start, | |
'end': result.end, | |
'score': result.score, | |
'page': reported_page_number | |
} for result in merged_redaction_bboxes]) #'left': result.left, | |
#'top':, | |
#'width': result.width, | |
#'height': result.height, | |
all_decision_process_table = pd.concat([all_decision_process_table, decision_process_table]) | |
# Convert to DataFrame and add to ongoing logging table | |
line_level_ocr_results_df = pd.DataFrame([{ | |
'page': reported_page_number, | |
'text': result.text, | |
'left': result.left, | |
'top':, | |
'width': result.width, | |
'height': result.height | |
} for result in line_level_ocr_results]) | |
all_line_level_ocr_results_df = pd.concat([all_line_level_ocr_results_df, line_level_ocr_results_df]) | |
toc = time.perf_counter() | |
time_taken = toc - tic | |
# Break if time taken is greater than max_time seconds | |
if time_taken > max_time: | |
print("Processing for", max_time, "seconds, breaking loop.") | |
page_break_return = True | |
progress.close(_tqdm=progress_bar) | |
tqdm._instances.clear() | |
if is_pdf(file_path) == False: | |
images.append(image) | |
pymupdf_doc = images | |
# Check if the image already exists in annotations_all_pages | |
existing_index = next((index for index, ann in enumerate(annotations_all_pages) if ann["image"] == image_annotations["image"]), None) | |
if existing_index is not None: | |
# Replace the existing annotation | |
annotations_all_pages[existing_index] = image_annotations | |
else: | |
# Append new annotation if it doesn't exist | |
annotations_all_pages.append(image_annotations) | |
if analysis_type == textract_option: | |
# Write the updated existing textract data back to the JSON file | |
with open(json_file_path, 'w') as json_file: | |
json.dump(textract_data, json_file, indent=4) # indent=4 makes the JSON file pretty-printed | |
if json_file_path not in log_files_output_paths: | |
log_files_output_paths.append(json_file_path) | |
print("At end of redact_image_pdf function where time over max.", json_file_path, "not found in log_files_output_paths, appended to list:", log_files_output_paths) | |
current_loop_page += 1 | |
return pymupdf_doc, all_decision_process_table, log_files_output_paths, request_metadata, annotations_all_pages, current_loop_page, page_break_return, all_line_level_ocr_results_df, comprehend_query_number | |
if is_pdf(file_path) == False: | |
images.append(image) | |
pymupdf_doc = images | |
# Check if the image already exists in annotations_all_pages | |
existing_index = next((index for index, ann in enumerate(annotations_all_pages) if ann["image"] == image_annotations["image"]), None) | |
if existing_index is not None: | |
# Replace the existing annotation | |
annotations_all_pages[existing_index] = image_annotations | |
else: | |
# Append new annotation if it doesn't exist | |
annotations_all_pages.append(image_annotations) | |
current_loop_page += 1 | |
# Break if new page is a multiple of chosen page_break_val | |
if current_loop_page % page_break_val == 0: | |
page_break_return = True | |
progress.close(_tqdm=progress_bar) | |
tqdm._instances.clear() | |
if analysis_type == textract_option: | |
# Write the updated existing textract data back to the JSON file | |
with open(json_file_path, 'w') as json_file: | |
json.dump(textract_data, json_file, indent=4) # indent=4 makes the JSON file pretty-printed | |
if json_file_path not in log_files_output_paths: | |
log_files_output_paths.append(json_file_path) | |
return pymupdf_doc, all_decision_process_table, log_files_output_paths, request_metadata, annotations_all_pages, current_loop_page, page_break_return, all_line_level_ocr_results_df, comprehend_query_number | |
if analysis_type == textract_option: | |
# Write the updated existing textract data back to the JSON file | |
with open(json_file_path, 'w') as json_file: | |
json.dump(textract_data, json_file, indent=4) # indent=4 makes the JSON file pretty-printed | |
if json_file_path not in log_files_output_paths: | |
log_files_output_paths.append(json_file_path) | |
return pymupdf_doc, all_decision_process_table, log_files_output_paths, request_metadata, annotations_all_pages, current_loop_page, page_break_return, all_line_level_ocr_results_df, comprehend_query_number | |
### | |
### | |
def get_text_container_characters(text_container:LTTextContainer): | |
if isinstance(text_container, LTTextContainer): | |
characters = [char | |
for line in text_container | |
if isinstance(line, LTTextLine) or isinstance(line, LTTextLineHorizontal) | |
for char in line] | |
#print("Initial characters:", characters) | |
return characters | |
return [] | |
def create_text_bounding_boxes_from_characters(char_objects:List[LTChar]) -> Tuple[List[OCRResult], List[LTChar]]: | |
''' | |
Create an OCRResult object based on a list of pdfminer LTChar objects. | |
''' | |
line_level_results_out = [] | |
line_level_characters_out = [] | |
#all_line_level_characters_out = [] | |
character_objects_out = [] # New list to store character objects | |
# character_text_objects_out = [] | |
# Initialize variables | |
full_text = "" | |
added_text = "" | |
overall_bbox = [float('inf'), float('inf'), float('-inf'), float('-inf')] # [x0, y0, x1, y1] | |
word_bboxes = [] | |
# Iterate through the character objects | |
current_word = "" | |
current_word_bbox = [float('inf'), float('inf'), float('-inf'), float('-inf')] # [x0, y0, x1, y1] | |
for char in char_objects: | |
character_objects_out.append(char) # Collect character objects | |
if not isinstance(char, LTAnno): | |
character_text = char.get_text() | |
# character_text_objects_out.append(character_text) | |
if isinstance(char, LTAnno): | |
added_text = char.get_text() | |
# Handle double quotes | |
#added_text = added_text.replace('"', '\\"') # Escape double quotes | |
# Handle space separately by finalizing the word | |
full_text += added_text # Adds space or newline | |
if current_word: # Only finalize if there is a current word | |
word_bboxes.append((current_word, current_word_bbox)) | |
current_word = "" | |
current_word_bbox = [float('inf'), float('inf'), float('-inf'), float('-inf')] # Reset for next word | |
# Check for line break (assuming a new line is indicated by a specific character) | |
if '\n' in added_text: | |
# Finalize the current line | |
if current_word: | |
word_bboxes.append((current_word, current_word_bbox)) | |
# Create an OCRResult for the current line | |
line_level_results_out.append(OCRResult(full_text.strip(), round(overall_bbox[0], 2), round(overall_bbox[1], 2), round(overall_bbox[2] - overall_bbox[0], 2), round(overall_bbox[3] - overall_bbox[1], 2))) | |
line_level_characters_out.append(character_objects_out) | |
# Reset for the next line | |
character_objects_out = [] | |
full_text = "" | |
overall_bbox = [float('inf'), float('inf'), float('-inf'), float('-inf')] | |
current_word = "" | |
current_word_bbox = [float('inf'), float('inf'), float('-inf'), float('-inf')] | |
continue | |
# Concatenate text for LTChar | |
#full_text += char.get_text() | |
#added_text = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', ' ', char.get_text()) | |
added_text = char.get_text() | |
if'[^\x00-\x7F]', added_text): # Matches any non-ASCII character | |
#added_text.encode('latin1', errors='replace').decode('utf-8') | |
added_text = clean_unicode_text(added_text) | |
full_text += added_text # Adds space or newline, removing | |
# Update overall bounding box | |
x0, y0, x1, y1 = char.bbox | |
overall_bbox[0] = min(overall_bbox[0], x0) # x0 | |
overall_bbox[1] = min(overall_bbox[1], y0) # y0 | |
overall_bbox[2] = max(overall_bbox[2], x1) # x1 | |
overall_bbox[3] = max(overall_bbox[3], y1) # y1 | |
# Update current word | |
#current_word += char.get_text() | |
current_word += added_text | |
# Update current word bounding box | |
current_word_bbox[0] = min(current_word_bbox[0], x0) # x0 | |
current_word_bbox[1] = min(current_word_bbox[1], y0) # y0 | |
current_word_bbox[2] = max(current_word_bbox[2], x1) # x1 | |
current_word_bbox[3] = max(current_word_bbox[3], y1) # y1 | |
# Finalize the last word if any | |
if current_word: | |
word_bboxes.append((current_word, current_word_bbox)) | |
if full_text: | |
if'[^\x00-\x7F]', full_text): # Matches any non-ASCII character | |
# Convert special characters to a human-readable format | |
full_text = clean_unicode_text(full_text) | |
full_text = full_text.strip() | |
line_level_results_out.append(OCRResult(full_text.strip(), round(overall_bbox[0],2), round(overall_bbox[1], 2), round(overall_bbox[2]-overall_bbox[0],2), round(overall_bbox[3]-overall_bbox[1],2))) | |
#line_level_characters_out = character_objects_out | |
return line_level_results_out, line_level_characters_out # Return both results and character objects | |
def create_text_redaction_process_results(analyser_results, analysed_bounding_boxes, page_num): | |
decision_process_table = pd.DataFrame() | |
if len(analyser_results) > 0: | |
# Create summary df of annotations to be made | |
analysed_bounding_boxes_df_new = pd.DataFrame(analysed_bounding_boxes) | |
# Remove brackets and split the string into four separate columns | |
# Split the boundingBox list into four separate columns | |
analysed_bounding_boxes_df_new[['xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax']] = analysed_bounding_boxes_df_new['boundingBox'].apply(pd.Series) | |
# Convert the new columns to integers (if needed) | |
analysed_bounding_boxes_df_new.loc[:, ['xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax']] = (analysed_bounding_boxes_df_new[['xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax']].astype(float) / 5).round() * 5 | |
analysed_bounding_boxes_df_text = analysed_bounding_boxes_df_new['result'].astype(str).str.split(",",expand=True).replace(".*: ", "", regex=True) | |
analysed_bounding_boxes_df_text.columns = ["label", "start", "end", "score"] | |
analysed_bounding_boxes_df_new = pd.concat([analysed_bounding_boxes_df_new, analysed_bounding_boxes_df_text], axis = 1) | |
analysed_bounding_boxes_df_new['page'] = page_num + 1 | |
decision_process_table = pd.concat([decision_process_table, analysed_bounding_boxes_df_new], axis = 0).drop('result', axis=1) | |
return decision_process_table | |
def create_pikepdf_annotations_for_bounding_boxes(analysed_bounding_boxes): | |
pikepdf_annotations_on_page = [] | |
for analysed_bounding_box in analysed_bounding_boxes: | |
#print("analysed_bounding_box:", analysed_bounding_boxes) | |
bounding_box = analysed_bounding_box["boundingBox"] | |
annotation = Dictionary( | |
Type=Name.Annot, | |
Subtype=Name.Square, #Name.Highlight, | |
QuadPoints=[bounding_box[0], bounding_box[3], bounding_box[2], bounding_box[3], | |
bounding_box[0], bounding_box[1], bounding_box[2], bounding_box[1]], | |
Rect=[bounding_box[0], bounding_box[1], bounding_box[2], bounding_box[3]], | |
C=[0, 0, 0], | |
IC=[0, 0, 0], | |
CA=1, # Transparency | |
T=analysed_bounding_box["result"].entity_type, | |
Contents=analysed_bounding_box["text"], | |
BS=Dictionary( | |
W=0, # Border width: 1 point | |
S=Name.S # Border style: solid | |
) | |
) | |
pikepdf_annotations_on_page.append(annotation) | |
return pikepdf_annotations_on_page | |
def redact_text_pdf( | |
filename: str, # Path to the PDF file to be redacted | |
prepared_pdf_image_path: str, # Path to the prepared PDF image for redaction | |
language: str, # Language of the PDF content | |
chosen_redact_entities: List[str], # List of entities to be redacted | |
chosen_redact_comprehend_entities: List[str], | |
allow_list: List[str] = None, # Optional list of allowed entities | |
page_min: int = 0, # Minimum page number to start redaction | |
page_max: int = 999, # Maximum page number to end redaction | |
analysis_type: str = text_ocr_option, # Type of analysis to perform | |
current_loop_page: int = 0, # Current page being processed in the loop | |
page_break_return: bool = False, # Flag to indicate if a page break should be returned | |
annotations_all_pages: List = [], # List of annotations across all pages | |
all_line_level_ocr_results_df: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame(), # DataFrame for OCR results | |
all_decision_process_table: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame(), # DataFrame for decision process table | |
pymupdf_doc: List = [], # List of PyMuPDF documents | |
pii_identification_method: str = "Local", | |
comprehend_query_number:int = 0, | |
comprehend_client="", | |
custom_recogniser_word_list:List[str]=[], | |
redact_whole_page_list:List[str]=[], | |
max_fuzzy_spelling_mistakes_num:int=1, | |
match_fuzzy_whole_phrase_bool:bool=True, | |
page_break_val: int = int(page_break_value), # Value for page break | |
max_time: int = int(max_time_value), | |
progress: Progress = Progress(track_tqdm=True) # Progress tracking object | |
): | |
''' | |
Redact chosen entities from a PDF that is made up of multiple pages that are not images. | |
Input Variables: | |
- filename: Path to the PDF file to be redacted | |
- prepared_pdf_image_path: Path to the prepared PDF image for redaction | |
- language: Language of the PDF content | |
- chosen_redact_entities: List of entities to be redacted | |
- chosen_redact_comprehend_entities: List of entities to be redacted for AWS Comprehend | |
- allow_list: Optional list of allowed entities | |
- page_min: Minimum page number to start redaction | |
- page_max: Maximum page number to end redaction | |
- analysis_type: Type of analysis to perform | |
- current_loop_page: Current page being processed in the loop | |
- page_break_return: Flag to indicate if a page break should be returned | |
- annotations_all_pages: List of annotations across all pages | |
- all_line_level_ocr_results_df: DataFrame for OCR results | |
- all_decision_process_table: DataFrame for decision process table | |
- pymupdf_doc: List of PyMuPDF documents | |
- pii_identification_method (str, optional): The method to redact personal information. Either 'Local' (spacy model), or 'AWS Comprehend' (AWS Comprehend API). | |
- comprehend_query_number (int, optional): A counter tracking the number of queries to AWS Comprehend. | |
- comprehend_client (optional): A connection to the AWS Comprehend service via the boto3 package. | |
- custom_recogniser_word_list (optional, List[str]): A list of custom words that the user has chosen specifically to redact. | |
- redact_whole_page_list (optional, List[str]): A list of pages to fully redact. | |
- max_fuzzy_spelling_mistakes_num (int, optional): The maximum number of spelling mistakes allowed in a searched phrase for fuzzy matching. Can range from 0-9. | |
- match_fuzzy_whole_phrase_bool (bool, optional): A boolean where 'True' means that the whole phrase is fuzzy matched, and 'False' means that each word is fuzzy matched separately (excluding stop words). | |
- page_break_val: Value for page break | |
- max_time (int, optional): The maximum amount of time (s) that the function should be running before it breaks. To avoid timeout errors with some APIs. | |
- progress: Progress tracking object | |
''' | |
if pii_identification_method == "AWS Comprehend" and comprehend_client == "": | |
print("Connection to AWS Comprehend service not found.") | |
return pymupdf_doc, all_decision_process_table, all_line_level_ocr_results_df, annotations_all_pages, current_loop_page, page_break_return, comprehend_query_number | |
# Update custom word list analyser object with any new words that have been added to the custom deny list | |
if custom_recogniser_word_list: | |
nlp_analyser.registry.remove_recognizer("CUSTOM") | |
new_custom_recogniser = custom_word_list_recogniser(custom_recogniser_word_list) | |
nlp_analyser.registry.add_recognizer(new_custom_recogniser) | |
nlp_analyser.registry.remove_recognizer("CustomWordFuzzyRecognizer") | |
new_custom_fuzzy_recogniser = CustomWordFuzzyRecognizer(supported_entities=["CUSTOM_FUZZY"], custom_list=custom_recogniser_word_list, spelling_mistakes_max=max_fuzzy_spelling_mistakes_num, search_whole_phrase=match_fuzzy_whole_phrase_bool) | |
nlp_analyser.registry.add_recognizer(new_custom_fuzzy_recogniser) | |
tic = time.perf_counter() | |
# Open with Pikepdf to get text lines | |
pikepdf_pdf = | |
number_of_pages = len(pikepdf_pdf.pages) | |
# Check that page_min and page_max are within expected ranges | |
if page_max > number_of_pages or page_max == 0: | |
page_max = number_of_pages | |
if page_min <= 0: page_min = 0 | |
else: page_min = page_min - 1 | |
print("Page range is",str(page_min + 1), "to", str(page_max)) | |
if current_loop_page == 0: page_loop_start = 0 | |
else: page_loop_start = current_loop_page | |
progress_bar = tqdm(range(current_loop_page, number_of_pages), unit="pages remaining", desc="Redacting pages") | |
#for page_no in range(0, number_of_pages): | |
for page_no in progress_bar: | |
reported_page_number = str(page_no + 1) | |
#print("Redacting page:", reported_page_number) | |
# Assuming prepared_pdf_file_paths[page_no] is a PIL image object | |
try: | |
image = prepared_pdf_image_path[page_no]#.copy() | |
#print("image:", image) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print("Could not redact page:", reported_page_number, "due to:", e) | |
continue | |
image_annotations = {"image": image, "boxes": []} | |
pymupdf_page = pymupdf_doc.load_page(page_no) | |
if page_min <= page_no < page_max: | |
if isinstance(image, str): | |
image_path = image | |
image = | |
for page_layout in extract_pages(filename, page_numbers = [page_no], maxpages=1): | |
all_line_characters = [] | |
all_line_level_text_results_list = [] | |
page_analyser_results = [] | |
page_analysed_bounding_boxes = [] | |
characters = [] | |
pikepdf_annotations_on_page = [] | |
decision_process_table_on_page = pd.DataFrame() | |
page_text_ocr_outputs = pd.DataFrame() | |
if analysis_type == text_ocr_option: | |
for n, text_container in enumerate(page_layout): | |
characters = [] | |
#print("text container:", text_container) | |
if isinstance(text_container, LTTextContainer) or isinstance(text_container, LTAnno): | |
characters = get_text_container_characters(text_container) | |
# Create dataframe for all the text on the page | |
line_level_text_results_list, line_characters = create_text_bounding_boxes_from_characters(characters) | |
### Create page_text_ocr_outputs (OCR format outputs) | |
if line_level_text_results_list: | |
# Convert to DataFrame and add to ongoing logging table | |
line_level_text_results_df = pd.DataFrame([{ | |
'page': page_no + 1, | |
'text': (result.text).strip(), | |
'left': result.left, | |
'top':, | |
'width': result.width, | |
'height': result.height | |
} for result in line_level_text_results_list]) | |
page_text_ocr_outputs = pd.concat([page_text_ocr_outputs, line_level_text_results_df]) | |
all_line_level_text_results_list.extend(line_level_text_results_list) | |
all_line_characters.extend(line_characters) | |
if chosen_redact_entities or chosen_redact_comprehend_entities: | |
page_analysed_bounding_boxes = run_page_text_redaction( | |
language, | |
chosen_redact_entities, | |
chosen_redact_comprehend_entities, | |
all_line_level_text_results_list, | |
all_line_characters, | |
page_analyser_results, | |
page_analysed_bounding_boxes, | |
comprehend_client, | |
allow_list, | |
pii_identification_method, | |
nlp_analyser, | |
score_threshold, | |
custom_entities, | |
comprehend_query_number | |
) | |
else: | |
page_analysed_bounding_boxes = [] | |
page_analysed_bounding_boxes = convert_pikepdf_decision_output_to_image_coords(pymupdf_page, page_analysed_bounding_boxes, image) | |
# Annotate redactions on page | |
pikepdf_annotations_on_page = create_pikepdf_annotations_for_bounding_boxes(page_analysed_bounding_boxes) | |
# Make pymupdf page redactions | |
if redact_whole_page_list: | |
int_reported_page_number = int(reported_page_number) | |
if int_reported_page_number in redact_whole_page_list: redact_whole_page = True | |
else: redact_whole_page = False | |
else: redact_whole_page = False | |
pymupdf_page, image_annotations = redact_page_with_pymupdf(pymupdf_page, pikepdf_annotations_on_page, image, redact_whole_page=redact_whole_page, convert_coords=False) | |
reported_page_no = page_no + 1 | |
print("For page number:", reported_page_no, "there are", len(image_annotations["boxes"]), "annotations") | |
# Join extracted text outputs for all lines together | |
if not page_text_ocr_outputs.empty: | |
page_text_ocr_outputs = page_text_ocr_outputs.sort_values(["top", "left"], ascending=[False, False]).reset_index(drop=True) | |
all_line_level_ocr_results_df = pd.concat([all_line_level_ocr_results_df, page_text_ocr_outputs]) | |
# Write logs | |
# Create decision process table | |
decision_process_table_on_page = create_text_redaction_process_results(page_analyser_results, page_analysed_bounding_boxes, current_loop_page) | |
if not decision_process_table_on_page.empty: | |
all_decision_process_table = pd.concat([all_decision_process_table, decision_process_table_on_page]) | |
toc = time.perf_counter() | |
time_taken = toc - tic | |
# Break if time taken is greater than max_time seconds | |
if time_taken > max_time: | |
print("Processing for", max_time, "seconds, breaking.") | |
page_break_return = True | |
progress.close(_tqdm=progress_bar) | |
tqdm._instances.clear() | |
# Check if the image already exists in annotations_all_pages | |
existing_index = next((index for index, ann in enumerate(annotations_all_pages) if ann["image"] == image_annotations["image"]), None) | |
if existing_index is not None: | |
# Replace the existing annotation | |
annotations_all_pages[existing_index] = image_annotations | |
else: | |
# Append new annotation if it doesn't exist | |
annotations_all_pages.append(image_annotations) | |
current_loop_page += 1 | |
return pymupdf_doc, all_decision_process_table, all_line_level_ocr_results_df, annotations_all_pages, current_loop_page, page_break_return, comprehend_query_number | |
# Check if the image already exists in annotations_all_pages | |
existing_index = next((index for index, ann in enumerate(annotations_all_pages) if ann["image"] == image_annotations["image"]), None) | |
if existing_index is not None: | |
# Replace the existing annotation | |
annotations_all_pages[existing_index] = image_annotations | |
else: | |
# Append new annotation if it doesn't exist | |
annotations_all_pages.append(image_annotations) | |
current_loop_page += 1 | |
# Break if new page is a multiple of 10 | |
if current_loop_page % page_break_val == 0: | |
page_break_return = True | |
progress.close(_tqdm=progress_bar) | |
return pymupdf_doc, all_decision_process_table, all_line_level_ocr_results_df, annotations_all_pages, current_loop_page, page_break_return, comprehend_query_number | |
return pymupdf_doc, all_decision_process_table, all_line_level_ocr_results_df, annotations_all_pages, current_loop_page, page_break_return, comprehend_query_number |