Zoom and rotate features from forked gradio_annotation package. Fixed csv/xlsx redaction. Updated guide on creating exe.
import re | |
import secrets | |
import base64 | |
import time | |
import pandas as pd | |
from faker import Faker | |
from gradio import Progress | |
from typing import List, Dict, Any | |
from presidio_analyzer import AnalyzerEngine, BatchAnalyzerEngine, DictAnalyzerResult, RecognizerResult | |
from presidio_anonymizer import AnonymizerEngine, BatchAnonymizerEngine | |
from presidio_anonymizer.entities import OperatorConfig, ConflictResolutionStrategy | |
from tools.helper_functions import output_folder, get_file_name_without_type, read_file, detect_file_type | |
from tools.load_spacy_model_custom_recognisers import nlp_analyser, score_threshold | |
# Use custom version of analyze_dict to be able to track progress | |
from tools.presidio_analyzer_custom import analyze_dict | |
fake = Faker("en_UK") | |
def fake_first_name(x): | |
return fake.first_name() | |
def initial_clean(text): | |
#### Some of my cleaning functions | |
html_pattern_regex = r'<.*?>|&([a-z0-9]+|#[0-9]{1,6}|#x[0-9a-f]{1,6});|\xa0| ' | |
html_start_pattern_end_dots_regex = r'<(.*?)\.\.' | |
non_ascii_pattern = r'[^\x00-\x7F]+' | |
multiple_spaces_regex = r'\s{2,}' | |
# Define a list of patterns and their replacements | |
patterns = [ | |
(html_pattern_regex, ' '), | |
(html_start_pattern_end_dots_regex, ' '), | |
(non_ascii_pattern, ' '), | |
(multiple_spaces_regex, ' ') | |
] | |
# Apply each regex replacement | |
for pattern, replacement in patterns: | |
text = re.sub(pattern, replacement, text) | |
return text | |
def process_recognizer_result(result, recognizer_result, data_row, dictionary_key, df_dict, keys_to_keep): | |
output = [] | |
if hasattr(result, 'value'): | |
text = result.value[data_row] | |
else: | |
text = "" | |
if isinstance(recognizer_result, list): | |
for sub_result in recognizer_result: | |
if isinstance(text, str): | |
found_text = text[sub_result.start:sub_result.end] | |
else: | |
found_text = '' | |
analysis_explanation = {key: sub_result.__dict__[key] for key in keys_to_keep} | |
analysis_explanation.update({ | |
'data_row': str(data_row), | |
'column': list(df_dict.keys())[dictionary_key], | |
'entity': found_text | |
}) | |
output.append(str(analysis_explanation)) | |
return output | |
# Writing decision making process to file | |
def generate_decision_process_output(analyzer_results: List[DictAnalyzerResult], df_dict: Dict[str, List[Any]]) -> str: | |
""" | |
Generate a detailed output of the decision process for entity recognition. | |
This function takes the results from the analyzer and the original data dictionary, | |
and produces a string output detailing the decision process for each recognized entity. | |
It includes information such as entity type, position, confidence score, and the context | |
in which the entity was found. | |
Args: | |
analyzer_results (List[DictAnalyzerResult]): The results from the entity analyzer. | |
df_dict (Dict[str, List[Any]]): The original data in dictionary format. | |
Returns: | |
str: A string containing the detailed decision process output. | |
""" | |
decision_process_output = [] | |
keys_to_keep = ['entity_type', 'start', 'end'] | |
# Run through each column to analyse for PII | |
for i, result in enumerate(analyzer_results): | |
# If a single result | |
if isinstance(result, RecognizerResult): | |
decision_process_output.extend(process_recognizer_result(result, result, 0, i, df_dict, keys_to_keep)) | |
# If a list of results | |
elif isinstance(result, list) or isinstance(result, DictAnalyzerResult): | |
for x, recognizer_result in enumerate(result.recognizer_results): | |
decision_process_output.extend(process_recognizer_result(result, recognizer_result, x, i, df_dict, keys_to_keep)) | |
else: | |
try: | |
decision_process_output.extend(process_recognizer_result(result, result, 0, i, df_dict, keys_to_keep)) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(e) | |
decision_process_output_str = '\n'.join(decision_process_output) | |
print("decision_process_output_str:\n\n", decision_process_output_str) | |
return decision_process_output_str | |
def anon_consistent_names(df): | |
# ## Pick out common names and replace them with the same person value | |
df_dict = df.to_dict(orient="list") | |
analyzer = AnalyzerEngine() | |
batch_analyzer = BatchAnalyzerEngine(analyzer_engine=analyzer) | |
analyzer_results = batch_analyzer.analyze_dict(df_dict, language="en") | |
analyzer_results = list(analyzer_results) | |
# + tags=[] | |
text = analyzer_results[3].value | |
# + tags=[] | |
recognizer_result = str(analyzer_results[3].recognizer_results) | |
# + tags=[] | |
recognizer_result | |
# + tags=[] | |
data_str = recognizer_result # abbreviated for brevity | |
# Adjusting the parse_dict function to handle trailing ']' | |
# Splitting the main data string into individual list strings | |
list_strs = data_str[1:-1].split('], [') | |
def parse_dict(s): | |
s = s.strip('[]') # Removing any surrounding brackets | |
items = s.split(', ') | |
d = {} | |
for item in items: | |
key, value = item.split(': ') | |
if key == 'score': | |
d[key] = float(value) | |
elif key in ['start', 'end']: | |
d[key] = int(value) | |
else: | |
d[key] = value | |
return d | |
# Re-running the improved processing code | |
result = [] | |
for lst_str in list_strs: | |
# Splitting each list string into individual dictionary strings | |
dict_strs = lst_str.split(', type: ') | |
dict_strs = [dict_strs[0]] + ['type: ' + s for s in dict_strs[1:]] # Prepending "type: " back to the split strings | |
# Parsing each dictionary string | |
dicts = [parse_dict(d) for d in dict_strs] | |
result.append(dicts) | |
#result | |
# + tags=[] | |
names = [] | |
for idx, paragraph in enumerate(text): | |
paragraph_texts = [] | |
for dictionary in result[idx]: | |
if dictionary['type'] == 'PERSON': | |
paragraph_texts.append(paragraph[dictionary['start']:dictionary['end']]) | |
names.append(paragraph_texts) | |
# + tags=[] | |
# Flatten the list of lists and extract unique names | |
unique_names = list(set(name for sublist in names for name in sublist)) | |
# + tags=[] | |
fake_names = pd.Series(unique_names).apply(fake_first_name) | |
# + tags=[] | |
mapping_df = pd.DataFrame(data={"Unique names":unique_names, | |
"Fake names": fake_names}) | |
# + tags=[] | |
# Convert mapping dataframe to dictionary | |
# Convert mapping dataframe to dictionary, adding word boundaries for full-word match | |
name_map = {r'\b' + k + r'\b': v for k, v in zip(mapping_df['Unique names'], mapping_df['Fake names'])} | |
# + tags=[] | |
name_map | |
# + tags=[] | |
scrubbed_df_consistent_names = df.replace(name_map, regex = True) | |
# + tags=[] | |
scrubbed_df_consistent_names | |
return scrubbed_df_consistent_names | |
def anonymise_script(df, anon_strat, language:str, chosen_redact_entities:List[str], in_allow_list:List[str]=[], progress=Progress(track_tqdm=False)): | |
print("Identifying personal information") | |
analyse_tic = time.perf_counter() | |
key_string = "" | |
# DataFrame to dict | |
df_dict = df.to_dict(orient="list") | |
if in_allow_list: | |
in_allow_list_flat = in_allow_list #[item for sublist in in_allow_list for item in sublist] | |
else: | |
in_allow_list_flat = [] | |
#analyzer = nlp_analyser #AnalyzerEngine() | |
batch_analyzer = BatchAnalyzerEngine(analyzer_engine=nlp_analyser) | |
anonymizer = AnonymizerEngine()#conflict_resolution=ConflictResolutionStrategy.MERGE_SIMILAR_OR_CONTAINED) | |
batch_anonymizer = BatchAnonymizerEngine(anonymizer_engine = anonymizer) | |
#print("Allow list:", in_allow_list) | |
#print("Input data keys:", df_dict.keys()) | |
# Use custom analyzer to be able to track progress with Gradio | |
analyzer_results = analyze_dict(batch_analyzer, df_dict, language=language, | |
entities=chosen_redact_entities, | |
score_threshold=score_threshold, | |
return_decision_process=True, | |
allow_list=in_allow_list_flat) | |
analyzer_results = list(analyzer_results) | |
# Usage in the main function: | |
decision_process_output_str = generate_decision_process_output(analyzer_results, df_dict) | |
#print("decision_process_output_str:\n\n", decision_process_output_str) | |
analyse_toc = time.perf_counter() | |
analyse_time_out = f"Analysing the text took {analyse_toc - analyse_tic:0.1f} seconds." | |
print(analyse_time_out) | |
# Create faker function (note that it has to receive a value) | |
fake = Faker("en_UK") | |
def fake_first_name(x): | |
return fake.first_name() | |
# Set up the anonymization configuration WITHOUT DATE_TIME | |
simple_replace_config = eval('{"DEFAULT": OperatorConfig("replace", {"new_value": "REDACTED"})}') | |
replace_config = eval('{"DEFAULT": OperatorConfig("replace")}') | |
redact_config = eval('{"DEFAULT": OperatorConfig("redact")}') | |
hash_config = eval('{"DEFAULT": OperatorConfig("hash")}') | |
mask_config = eval('{"DEFAULT": OperatorConfig("mask", {"masking_char":"*", "chars_to_mask":100, "from_end":True})}') | |
people_encrypt_config = eval('{"PERSON": OperatorConfig("encrypt", {"key": key_string})}') # The encryption is using AES cypher in CBC mode and requires a cryptographic key as an input for both the encryption and the decryption. | |
fake_first_name_config = eval('{"PERSON": OperatorConfig("custom", {"lambda": fake_first_name})}') | |
if anon_strat == "replace with <REDACTED>": chosen_mask_config = simple_replace_config | |
if anon_strat == "replace with <ENTITY_NAME>": chosen_mask_config = replace_config | |
if anon_strat == "redact": chosen_mask_config = redact_config | |
if anon_strat == "hash": chosen_mask_config = hash_config | |
if anon_strat == "mask": chosen_mask_config = mask_config | |
if anon_strat == "encrypt": | |
chosen_mask_config = people_encrypt_config | |
# Generate a 128-bit AES key. Then encode the key using base64 to get a string representation | |
key = secrets.token_bytes(16) # 128 bits = 16 bytes | |
key_string = base64.b64encode(key).decode('utf-8') | |
elif anon_strat == "fake_first_name": chosen_mask_config = fake_first_name_config | |
# I think in general people will want to keep date / times | |
keep_date_config = eval('{"DATE_TIME": OperatorConfig("keep")}') | |
combined_config = {**chosen_mask_config, **keep_date_config} | |
combined_config | |
anonymizer_results = batch_anonymizer.anonymize_dict(analyzer_results, operators=combined_config) | |
scrubbed_df = pd.DataFrame(anonymizer_results) | |
return scrubbed_df, key_string, decision_process_output_str | |
def anon_wrapper_func(anon_file, anon_df, chosen_cols, out_file_paths, out_file_part, out_message, excel_sheet_name, anon_strat, language, chosen_redact_entities, in_allow_list, file_type, anon_xlsx_export_file_name, log_files_output_paths): | |
def check_lists(list1, list2): | |
return any(string in list2 for string in list1) | |
def get_common_strings(list1, list2): | |
""" | |
Finds the common strings between two lists. | |
Args: | |
list1: The first list of strings. | |
list2: The second list of strings. | |
Returns: | |
A list containing the common strings. | |
""" | |
common_strings = [] | |
for string in list1: | |
if string in list2: | |
common_strings.append(string) | |
return common_strings | |
# Check for chosen col, skip file if not found | |
all_cols_original_order = list(anon_df.columns) | |
any_cols_found = check_lists(chosen_cols, all_cols_original_order) | |
if any_cols_found == False: | |
out_message = "No chosen columns found in dataframe: " + out_file_part | |
print(out_message) | |
else: | |
chosen_cols_in_anon_df = get_common_strings(chosen_cols, all_cols_original_order) | |
# Split dataframe to keep only selected columns | |
print("Remaining columns to redact:", chosen_cols_in_anon_df) | |
anon_df_part = anon_df[chosen_cols_in_anon_df] | |
anon_df_remain = anon_df.drop(chosen_cols_in_anon_df, axis = 1) | |
# Anonymise the selected columns | |
anon_df_part_out, key_string, decision_process_output_str = anonymise_script(anon_df_part, anon_strat, language, chosen_redact_entities, in_allow_list) | |
# Rejoin the dataframe together | |
anon_df_out = pd.concat([anon_df_part_out, anon_df_remain], axis = 1) | |
anon_df_out = anon_df_out[all_cols_original_order] | |
# Export file | |
# Rename anonymisation strategy for file path naming | |
if anon_strat == "replace with <REDACTED>": anon_strat_txt = "redact_simple" | |
elif anon_strat == "replace with <ENTITY_NAME>": anon_strat_txt = "redact_entity_type" | |
else: anon_strat_txt = anon_strat | |
# If the file is an xlsx, add a new sheet to the existing xlsx. Otherwise, write to csv | |
if file_type == 'xlsx': | |
anon_export_file_name = anon_xlsx_export_file_name | |
# Create a Pandas Excel writer using XlsxWriter as the engine. | |
with pd.ExcelWriter(anon_xlsx_export_file_name, engine='openpyxl', mode='a') as writer: | |
# Write each DataFrame to a different worksheet. | |
anon_df_out.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=excel_sheet_name, index=None) | |
decision_process_log_output_file = anon_xlsx_export_file_name + "_" + excel_sheet_name + "_decision_process_output.txt" | |
with open(decision_process_log_output_file, "w") as f: | |
f.write(decision_process_output_str) | |
else: | |
anon_export_file_name = output_folder + out_file_part + "_anon_" + anon_strat_txt + ".csv" | |
anon_df_out.to_csv(anon_export_file_name, index = None) | |
decision_process_log_output_file = anon_export_file_name + "_decision_process_output.txt" | |
with open(decision_process_log_output_file, "w") as f: | |
f.write(decision_process_output_str) | |
out_file_paths.append(anon_export_file_name) | |
log_files_output_paths.append(decision_process_log_output_file) | |
# As files are created in a loop, there is a risk of duplicate file names being output. Use set to keep uniques. | |
out_file_paths = list(set(out_file_paths)) | |
# Print result text to output text box if just anonymising open text | |
if anon_file=='open_text': | |
out_message = [anon_df_out['text'][0]] | |
return out_file_paths, out_message, key_string, log_files_output_paths | |
def anonymise_data_files(file_paths:List[str], in_text:str, anon_strat:str, chosen_cols:List[str], language:str, chosen_redact_entities:List[str], in_allow_list:List[str]=None, latest_file_completed:int=0, out_message:list=[], out_file_paths:list = [], log_files_output_paths:list = [], in_excel_sheets:list=[], first_loop_state:bool=False, progress=Progress(track_tqdm=True)): | |
tic = time.perf_counter() | |
# If this is the first time around, set variables to 0/blank | |
if first_loop_state==True: | |
latest_file_completed = 0 | |
out_message = [] | |
out_file_paths = [] | |
# Load file | |
# If out message or out_file_paths are blank, change to a list so it can be appended to | |
if isinstance(out_message, str): | |
out_message = [out_message] | |
print("log_files_output_paths:",log_files_output_paths) | |
if isinstance(log_files_output_paths, str): | |
log_files_output_paths = [] | |
if not out_file_paths: | |
out_file_paths = [] | |
if in_allow_list: | |
in_allow_list_flat = in_allow_list #[item for sublist in in_allow_list for item in sublist] | |
else: | |
in_allow_list_flat = [] | |
anon_df = pd.DataFrame() | |
#out_file_paths = [] | |
# Check if files and text exist | |
if not file_paths: | |
if in_text: | |
file_paths=['open_text'] | |
else: | |
out_message = "Please enter text or a file to redact." | |
return out_message, out_file_paths, out_file_paths, latest_file_completed, log_files_output_paths, log_files_output_paths | |
# If we have already redacted the last file, return the input out_message and file list to the relevant components | |
if latest_file_completed >= len(file_paths): | |
print("Last file reached, returning files:", str(latest_file_completed)) | |
# Set to a very high number so as not to mess with subsequent file processing by the user | |
latest_file_completed = 99 | |
final_out_message = '\n'.join(out_message) | |
return final_out_message, out_file_paths, out_file_paths, latest_file_completed, log_files_output_paths, log_files_output_paths | |
file_path_loop = [file_paths[int(latest_file_completed)]] | |
for anon_file in progress.tqdm(file_path_loop, desc="Anonymising files", unit = "file"): | |
if anon_file=='open_text': | |
anon_df = pd.DataFrame(data={'text':[in_text]}) | |
chosen_cols=['text'] | |
sheet_name = "" | |
file_type = "" | |
out_file_part = anon_file | |
out_file_paths, out_message, key_string, log_files_output_paths = anon_wrapper_func(anon_file, anon_df, chosen_cols, out_file_paths, out_file_part, out_message, sheet_name, anon_strat, language, chosen_redact_entities, in_allow_list, file_type, "", log_files_output_paths) | |
else: | |
# If file is an xlsx, we are going to run through all the Excel sheets to anonymise them separately. | |
file_type = detect_file_type(anon_file) | |
print("File type is:", file_type) | |
out_file_part = get_file_name_without_type( | |
if file_type == 'xlsx': | |
print("Running through all xlsx sheets") | |
#anon_xlsx = pd.ExcelFile(anon_file) | |
if not in_excel_sheets: | |
out_message.append("No Excel sheets selected. Please select at least one to anonymise.") | |
continue | |
anon_xlsx = pd.ExcelFile(anon_file) | |
# Create xlsx file: | |
anon_xlsx_export_file_name = output_folder + out_file_part + "_redacted.xlsx" | |
from openpyxl import Workbook | |
wb = Workbook() | | | |
# Iterate through the sheet names | |
for sheet_name in in_excel_sheets: | |
# Read each sheet into a DataFrame | |
if sheet_name not in anon_xlsx.sheet_names: | |
continue | |
anon_df = pd.read_excel(anon_file, sheet_name=sheet_name) | |
# Process the DataFrame (e.g., print its contents) | |
print(f"Sheet Name: {sheet_name}") | |
print(anon_df.head()) # Print the first few rows | |
out_file_paths, out_message, key_string, log_files_output_paths = anon_wrapper_func(anon_file, anon_df, chosen_cols, out_file_paths, out_file_part, out_message, sheet_name, anon_strat, language, chosen_redact_entities, in_allow_list, file_type, anon_xlsx_export_file_name, log_files_output_paths) | |
else: | |
sheet_name = "" | |
anon_df = read_file(anon_file) | |
out_file_part = get_file_name_without_type( | |
out_file_paths, out_message, key_string, log_files_output_paths = anon_wrapper_func(anon_file, anon_df, chosen_cols, out_file_paths, out_file_part, out_message, sheet_name, anon_strat, language, chosen_redact_entities, in_allow_list, file_type, "", log_files_output_paths) | |
# Increase latest file completed count unless we are at the last file | |
if latest_file_completed != len(file_paths): | |
print("Completed file number:", str(latest_file_completed)) | |
latest_file_completed += 1 | |
toc = time.perf_counter() | |
out_time = f"in {toc - tic:0.1f} seconds." | |
print(out_time) | |
if anon_strat == "encrypt": | |
out_message.append(". Your decryption key is " + key_string + ".") | |
out_message.append("Anonymisation of file '" + out_file_part + "' successfully completed in") | |
out_message_out = '\n'.join(out_message) | |
out_message_out = out_message_out + " " + out_time | |
out_message_out = out_message_out + "\n\nGo to to the Redaction settings tab to see redaction logs. Please give feedback on the results below to help improve this app." | |
return out_message_out, out_file_paths, out_file_paths, latest_file_completed, log_files_output_paths, log_files_output_paths | |