import argparse | |
import os | |
from tools.helper_functions import ensure_output_folder_exists, get_or_create_env_var, tesseract_ocr_option, text_ocr_option, textract_option, local_pii_detector, aws_pii_detector | |
from tools.file_conversion import get_input_file_names, prepare_image_or_pdf | |
from tools.file_redaction import choose_and_run_redactor | |
import pandas as pd | |
from datetime import datetime | |
chosen_redact_entities = ["TITLES", "PERSON", "PHONE_NUMBER", "EMAIL_ADDRESS", | |
def main(first_loop_state=True, latest_file_completed=0, output_summary="", output_file_list=None, | |
log_files_list=None, estimated_time=0, textract_metadata="", comprehend_query_num=0, | |
current_loop_page=0, page_break=False, pdf_doc_state = [], all_image_annotations = [], all_line_level_ocr_results = pd.DataFrame(), all_decision_process_table = pd.DataFrame(),chosen_comprehend_entities = chosen_comprehend_entities, chosen_redact_entities = chosen_redact_entities, handwrite_signature_checkbox = ["Redact all identified handwriting", "Redact all identified signatures"]): | |
if output_file_list is None: | |
output_file_list = [] | |
if log_files_list is None: | |
log_files_list = [] | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Redact PII from documents via command line') | |
# Required arguments | |
parser.add_argument('--input_file', help='Path to input file (PDF, JPG, or PNG)') | |
# Optional arguments with defaults matching the GUI app | |
parser.add_argument('--ocr_method', choices=[text_ocr_option, tesseract_ocr_option, textract_option], | |
default='Quick image analysis', help='OCR method to use') | |
parser.add_argument('--pii_detector', choices=[local_pii_detector, aws_pii_detector], | |
default='Local', help='PII detection method') | |
parser.add_argument('--page_min', type=int, default=0, help='First page to redact') | |
parser.add_argument('--page_max', type=int, default=0, help='Last page to redact') | |
parser.add_argument('--allow_list', help='Path to allow list CSV file') | |
parser.add_argument('--output_dir', default='output/', help='Output directory') | |
args = parser.parse_args() | |
# Ensure output directory exists | |
ensure_output_folder_exists() | |
# Create file object similar to what Gradio provides | |
file_obj = {"name": args.input_file} | |
# Load allow list if provided | |
allow_list_df = pd.DataFrame() | |
if args.allow_list: | |
allow_list_df = pd.read_csv(args.allow_list) | |
# Get file names | |
file_name_no_ext, file_name_with_ext, full_file_name = get_input_file_names(file_obj) | |
# Initialize empty states for PDF processing | |
# Prepare PDF/image | |
output_summary, prepared_pdf, images_pdf, max_pages, annotate_max_pages_bottom, pdf_doc_state, all_image_annotations = prepare_image_or_pdf( | |
file_obj, args.ocr_method, allow_list_df, latest_file_completed, | |
output_summary, first_loop_state, args.page_max, current_loop_page, all_image_annotations | |
) | |
output_summary, output_files, output_file_list, latest_file_completed, log_files, \ | |
log_files_list, estimated_time, textract_metadata, pdf_doc_state, all_image_annotations, \ | |
current_loop_page, page_break, all_line_level_ocr_results, all_decision_process_table, \ | |
comprehend_query_num = choose_and_run_redactor( | |
file_obj, prepared_pdf, images_pdf, "en", chosen_redact_entities, | |
chosen_comprehend_entities, args.ocr_method, allow_list_df, | |
latest_file_completed, output_summary, output_file_list, log_files_list, | |
first_loop_state, args.page_min, args.page_max, estimated_time, | |
handwrite_signature_checkbox, textract_metadata, all_image_annotations, | |
all_line_level_ocr_results, all_decision_process_table, pdf_doc_state, | |
current_loop_page, page_break, args.pii_detector, comprehend_query_num, args.output_dir | |
) | |
print(f"\nRedaction complete. Output file_list:\n{output_file_list}") | |
print(f"\nOutput files saved to: {args.output_dir}") | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
main() |