import gradio as gr | |
import pandas as pd | |
import numpy as np | |
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, tostring, parse | |
from xml.dom import minidom | |
import uuid | |
from typing import List | |
from gradio_image_annotation import image_annotator | |
from gradio_image_annotation.image_annotator import AnnotatedImageData | |
from tools.file_conversion import is_pdf, convert_review_json_to_pandas_df, CUSTOM_BOX_COLOUR | |
from tools.helper_functions import get_file_name_without_type, output_folder, detect_file_type | |
from tools.file_redaction import redact_page_with_pymupdf | |
import json | |
import os | |
import pymupdf | |
from fitz import Document | |
from PIL import ImageDraw, Image | |
from collections import defaultdict | |
Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = None | |
def decrease_page(number:int): | |
''' | |
Decrease page number for review redactions page. | |
''' | |
#print("number:", str(number)) | |
if number > 1: | |
return number - 1, number - 1 | |
else: | |
return 1, 1 | |
def increase_page(number:int, image_annotator_object:AnnotatedImageData): | |
''' | |
Increase page number for review redactions page. | |
''' | |
if not image_annotator_object: | |
return 1, 1 | |
max_pages = len(image_annotator_object) | |
if number < max_pages: | |
return number + 1, number + 1 | |
else: | |
return max_pages, max_pages | |
def update_zoom(current_zoom_level:int, annotate_current_page:int, decrease:bool=True): | |
if decrease == False: | |
if current_zoom_level >= 70: | |
current_zoom_level -= 10 | |
else: | |
if current_zoom_level < 110: | |
current_zoom_level += 10 | |
return current_zoom_level, annotate_current_page | |
def remove_duplicate_images_with_blank_boxes(data: List[dict]) -> List[dict]: | |
''' | |
Remove items from the annotator object where the same page exists twice. | |
''' | |
# Group items by 'image' | |
image_groups = defaultdict(list) | |
for item in data: | |
image_groups[item['image']].append(item) | |
# Process each group to prioritize items with non-empty boxes | |
result = [] | |
for image, items in image_groups.items(): | |
# Filter items with non-empty boxes | |
non_empty_boxes = [item for item in items if item.get('boxes')] | |
# Remove 'text' elements from boxes | |
for item in non_empty_boxes: | |
if 'boxes' in item: | |
item['boxes'] = [{k: v for k, v in box.items() if k != 'text'} for box in item['boxes']] | |
if non_empty_boxes: | |
# Keep the first entry with non-empty boxes | |
result.append(non_empty_boxes[0]) | |
else: | |
# If all items have empty or missing boxes, keep the first item | |
result.append(items[0]) | |
return result | |
def get_recogniser_dataframe_out(image_annotator_object, recogniser_dataframe_gr): | |
recogniser_entities_list = ["Redaction"] | |
recogniser_entities_drop = gr.Dropdown(value="", choices=[""], allow_custom_value=True, interactive=True) | |
recogniser_dataframe_out = recogniser_dataframe_gr | |
try: | |
review_dataframe = convert_review_json_to_pandas_df(image_annotator_object)[["page", "label"]] | |
recogniser_entities = review_dataframe["label"].unique().tolist() | |
recogniser_entities.append("ALL") | |
recogniser_entities_for_drop = sorted(recogniser_entities) | |
recogniser_dataframe_out = gr.Dataframe(review_dataframe) | |
recogniser_entities_drop = gr.Dropdown(value=recogniser_entities_for_drop[0], choices=recogniser_entities_for_drop, allow_custom_value=True, interactive=True) | |
recogniser_entities_list = [entity for entity in recogniser_entities_for_drop if entity != 'Redaction' and entity != 'ALL'] # Remove any existing 'Redaction' | |
recogniser_entities_list.insert(0, 'Redaction') # Add 'Redaction' to the start of the list | |
except Exception as e: | |
print("Could not extract recogniser information:", e) | |
recogniser_dataframe_out = recogniser_dataframe_gr | |
recogniser_entities_drop = gr.Dropdown(value="", choices=[""], allow_custom_value=True, interactive=True) | |
recogniser_entities_list = ["Redaction"] | |
return recogniser_dataframe_out, recogniser_dataframe_out, recogniser_entities_drop, recogniser_entities_list | |
def update_annotator(image_annotator_object:AnnotatedImageData, page_num:int, recogniser_entities_drop=gr.Dropdown(value="ALL", allow_custom_value=True), recogniser_dataframe_gr=gr.Dataframe(pd.DataFrame(data={"page":[], "label":[]})), zoom:int=100): | |
''' | |
Update a gradio_image_annotation object with new annotation data | |
''' | |
recogniser_entities_list = ["Redaction"] | |
recogniser_dataframe_out = pd.DataFrame() | |
if recogniser_dataframe_gr.empty: | |
recogniser_dataframe_gr, recogniser_dataframe_out, recogniser_entities_drop, recogniser_entities_list = get_recogniser_dataframe_out(image_annotator_object, recogniser_dataframe_gr) | |
elif recogniser_dataframe_gr.iloc[0,0] == "": | |
recogniser_dataframe_gr, recogniser_dataframe_out, recogniser_entities_drop, recogniser_entities_list = get_recogniser_dataframe_out(image_annotator_object, recogniser_dataframe_gr) | |
else: | |
review_dataframe = update_entities_df(recogniser_entities_drop, recogniser_dataframe_gr) | |
recogniser_dataframe_out = gr.Dataframe(review_dataframe) | |
recogniser_entities_list = recogniser_dataframe_gr["label"].unique().tolist() | |
recogniser_entities_list = sorted(recogniser_entities_list) | |
recogniser_entities_list = [entity for entity in recogniser_entities_list if entity != 'Redaction'] # Remove any existing 'Redaction' | |
recogniser_entities_list.insert(0, 'Redaction') # Add 'Redaction' to the start of the list | |
zoom_str = str(zoom) + '%' | |
recogniser_colour_list = [(0, 0, 0) for _ in range(len(recogniser_entities_list))] | |
if not image_annotator_object: | |
page_num_reported = 1 | |
out_image_annotator = image_annotator( | |
None, | |
boxes_alpha=0.1, | |
box_thickness=1, | |
label_list=recogniser_entities_list, | |
label_colors=recogniser_colour_list, | |
show_label=False, | |
height=zoom_str, | |
width=zoom_str, | |
box_min_size=1, | |
box_selected_thickness=2, | |
handle_size=4, | |
sources=None,#["upload"], | |
show_clear_button=False, | |
show_share_button=False, | |
show_remove_button=False, | |
handles_cursor=True, | |
interactive=True | |
) | |
number_reported = gr.Number(label = "Page (press enter to change)", value=page_num_reported, precision=0) | |
return out_image_annotator, number_reported, number_reported, page_num_reported, recogniser_entities_drop, recogniser_dataframe_out, recogniser_dataframe_gr | |
#print("page_num at start of update_annotator function:", page_num) | |
if page_num is None: | |
page_num = 0 | |
# Check bounding values for current page and page max | |
if page_num > 0: | |
page_num_reported = page_num | |
elif page_num == 0: page_num_reported = 1 | |
else: | |
page_num = 0 | |
page_num_reported = 1 | |
page_max_reported = len(image_annotator_object) | |
if page_num_reported > page_max_reported: | |
page_num_reported = page_max_reported | |
image_annotator_object = remove_duplicate_images_with_blank_boxes(image_annotator_object) | |
out_image_annotator = image_annotator( | |
value = image_annotator_object[page_num_reported - 1], | |
boxes_alpha=0.1, | |
box_thickness=1, | |
label_list=recogniser_entities_list, | |
label_colors=recogniser_colour_list, | |
show_label=False, | |
height=zoom_str, | |
width=zoom_str, | |
box_min_size=1, | |
box_selected_thickness=2, | |
handle_size=4, | |
sources=None,#["upload"], | |
show_clear_button=False, | |
show_share_button=False, | |
show_remove_button=False, | |
handles_cursor=True, | |
interactive=True | |
) | |
number_reported = gr.Number(label = "Page (press enter to change)", value=page_num_reported, precision=0) | |
return out_image_annotator, number_reported, number_reported, page_num_reported, recogniser_entities_drop, recogniser_dataframe_out, recogniser_dataframe_gr | |
def modify_existing_page_redactions(image_annotated:AnnotatedImageData, current_page:int, previous_page:int, all_image_annotations:List[AnnotatedImageData], recogniser_entities_drop=gr.Dropdown(value="ALL", allow_custom_value=True),recogniser_dataframe=gr.Dataframe(pd.DataFrame(data={"page":[], "label":[]})), clear_all:bool=False): | |
''' | |
Overwrite current image annotations with modifications | |
''' | |
if not current_page: | |
current_page = 1 | |
#If no previous page or is 0, i.e. first time run, then rewrite current page | |
#if not previous_page: | |
# previous_page = current_page | |
#print("image_annotated:", image_annotated) | |
image_annotated['image'] = all_image_annotations[previous_page - 1]["image"] | |
if clear_all == False: | |
all_image_annotations[previous_page - 1] = image_annotated | |
else: | |
all_image_annotations[previous_page - 1]["boxes"] = [] | |
#print("all_image_annotations:", all_image_annotations) | |
# Rewrite all_image_annotations search dataframe with latest updates | |
try: | |
review_dataframe = convert_review_json_to_pandas_df(all_image_annotations)[["page", "label"]] | |
#print("review_dataframe['label']", review_dataframe["label"]) | |
recogniser_entities = review_dataframe["label"].unique().tolist() | |
recogniser_entities.append("ALL") | |
recogniser_entities = sorted(recogniser_entities) | |
recogniser_dataframe_out = gr.Dataframe(review_dataframe) | |
#recogniser_dataframe_gr = gr.Dataframe(review_dataframe) | |
recogniser_entities_drop = gr.Dropdown(value=recogniser_entities_drop, choices=recogniser_entities, allow_custom_value=True, interactive=True) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print("Could not extract recogniser information:", e) | |
recogniser_dataframe_out = recogniser_dataframe | |
return all_image_annotations, current_page, current_page, recogniser_entities_drop, recogniser_dataframe_out | |
def apply_redactions(image_annotated:AnnotatedImageData, file_paths:List[str], doc:Document, all_image_annotations:List[AnnotatedImageData], current_page:int, review_file_state, save_pdf:bool=True, progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True)): | |
''' | |
Apply modified redactions to a pymupdf and export review files | |
''' | |
#print("all_image_annotations:", all_image_annotations) | |
output_files = [] | |
output_log_files = [] | |
pdf_doc = [] | |
#print("File paths in apply_redactions:", file_paths) | |
image_annotated['image'] = all_image_annotations[current_page - 1]["image"] | |
all_image_annotations[current_page - 1] = image_annotated | |
if not image_annotated: | |
print("No image annotations found") | |
return doc, all_image_annotations | |
if isinstance(file_paths, str): | |
file_paths = [file_paths] | |
for file_path in file_paths: | |
#print("file_path:", file_path) | |
file_name_without_ext = get_file_name_without_type(file_path) | |
file_name_with_ext = os.path.basename(file_path) | |
file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1].lower() | |
if save_pdf == True: | |
# If working with image docs | |
if (is_pdf(file_path) == False) & (file_extension not in '.csv'): | |
image =[-1]) | |
#image = pdf_doc | |
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) | |
for img_annotation_box in image_annotated['boxes']: | |
coords = [img_annotation_box["xmin"], | |
img_annotation_box["ymin"], | |
img_annotation_box["xmax"], | |
img_annotation_box["ymax"]] | |
fill = img_annotation_box["color"] | |
draw.rectangle(coords, fill=fill) | |
output_image_path = output_folder + file_name_without_ext + "_redacted.png" | | + file_name_without_ext + "_redacted.png") | |
output_files.append(output_image_path) | |
print("Redactions saved to image file") | |
doc = [image] | |
elif file_extension in '.csv': | |
print("This is a csv") | |
pdf_doc = [] | |
# If working with pdfs | |
elif is_pdf(file_path) == True: | |
pdf_doc = | |
orig_pdf_file_path = file_path | |
output_files.append(orig_pdf_file_path) | |
number_of_pages = pdf_doc.page_count | |
print("Saving pages to file.") | |
for i in progress.tqdm(range(0, number_of_pages), desc="Saving redactions to file", unit = "pages"): | |
#print("Saving page", str(i)) | |
image_loc = all_image_annotations[i]['image'] | |
#print("Image location:", image_loc) | |
# Load in image object | |
if isinstance(image_loc, np.ndarray): | |
image = Image.fromarray(image_loc.astype('uint8')) | |
#all_image_annotations[i]['image'] = image_loc.tolist() | |
elif isinstance(image_loc, Image.Image): | |
image = image_loc | |
#image_out_folder = output_folder + file_name_without_ext + "_page_" + str(i) + ".png" | | | |
#all_image_annotations[i]['image'] = image_out_folder | |
elif isinstance(image_loc, str): | |
image = | |
pymupdf_page = pdf_doc.load_page(i) #doc.load_page(current_page -1) | |
pymupdf_page = redact_page_with_pymupdf(pymupdf_page, all_image_annotations[i], image) | |
else: | |
print("File type not recognised.") | |
#try: | |
if pdf_doc: | |
out_pdf_file_path = output_folder + file_name_without_ext + "_redacted.pdf" | | | |
output_files.append(out_pdf_file_path) | |
else: | |
print("PDF input not found. Outputs not saved to PDF.") | |
# If save_pdf is not true, then add the original pdf to the output files | |
else: | |
if is_pdf(file_path) == True: | |
orig_pdf_file_path = file_path | |
output_files.append(orig_pdf_file_path) | |
try: | |
#print("Saving annotations to JSON") | |
out_annotation_file_path = output_folder + file_name_with_ext + '_review_file.json' | |
with open(out_annotation_file_path, 'w') as f: | |
json.dump(all_image_annotations, f) | |
output_log_files.append(out_annotation_file_path) | |
#print("Saving annotations to CSV review file") | |
#print("review_file_state:", review_file_state) | |
# Convert json to csv and also save this | |
review_df = convert_review_json_to_pandas_df(all_image_annotations, review_file_state) | |
out_review_file_file_path = output_folder + file_name_with_ext + '_review_file.csv' | |
review_df.to_csv(out_review_file_file_path, index=None) | |
output_files.append(out_review_file_file_path) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print("Could not save annotations to json or csv file:", e) | |
return doc, all_image_annotations, output_files, output_log_files | |
def get_boxes_json(annotations:AnnotatedImageData): | |
return annotations["boxes"] | |
def update_entities_df(choice:str, df:pd.DataFrame): | |
if choice=="ALL": | |
return df | |
else: | |
return df.loc[df["label"]==choice,:] | |
def df_select_callback(df: pd.DataFrame, evt: gr.SelectData): | |
row_value_page = evt.row_value[0] # This is the page number value | |
return row_value_page | |
def convert_image_coords_to_adobe(pdf_page_width, pdf_page_height, image_width, image_height, x1, y1, x2, y2): | |
''' | |
Converts coordinates from image space to Adobe PDF space. | |
Parameters: | |
- pdf_page_width: Width of the PDF page | |
- pdf_page_height: Height of the PDF page | |
- image_width: Width of the source image | |
- image_height: Height of the source image | |
- x1, y1, x2, y2: Coordinates in image space | |
Returns: | |
- Tuple of converted coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2) in Adobe PDF space | |
''' | |
# Calculate scaling factors | |
scale_width = pdf_page_width / image_width | |
scale_height = pdf_page_height / image_height | |
# Convert coordinates | |
pdf_x1 = x1 * scale_width | |
pdf_x2 = x2 * scale_width | |
# Convert Y coordinates (flip vertical axis) | |
# Adobe coordinates start from bottom-left | |
pdf_y1 = pdf_page_height - (y1 * scale_height) | |
pdf_y2 = pdf_page_height - (y2 * scale_height) | |
# Make sure y1 is always less than y2 for Adobe's coordinate system | |
if pdf_y1 > pdf_y2: | |
pdf_y1, pdf_y2 = pdf_y2, pdf_y1 | |
return pdf_x1, pdf_y1, pdf_x2, pdf_y2 | |
def create_xfdf(df, pdf_path, pymupdf_doc, image_paths): | |
''' | |
Create an xfdf file from a review csv file and a pdf | |
''' | |
# Create root element | |
xfdf = Element('xfdf', xmlns="", xml_space="preserve") | |
# Add header | |
header = SubElement(xfdf, 'header') | |
header.set('pdf-filepath', pdf_path) | |
# Add annots | |
annots = SubElement(xfdf, 'annots') | |
for _, row in df.iterrows(): | |
page_python_format = int(row["page"])-1 | |
pymupdf_page = pymupdf_doc.load_page(page_python_format) | |
pdf_page_height = pymupdf_page.rect.height | |
pdf_page_width = pymupdf_page.rect.width | |
image = image_paths[page_python_format] | |
#print("image:", image) | |
if isinstance(image, str): | |
image = | |
image_page_width, image_page_height = image.size | |
# Create redaction annotation | |
redact_annot = SubElement(annots, 'redact') | |
# Generate unique ID | |
annot_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) | |
redact_annot.set('name', annot_id) | |
# Set page number (subtract 1 as PDF pages are 0-based) | |
redact_annot.set('page', str(int(row['page']) - 1)) | |
# Convert coordinates | |
x1, y1, x2, y2 = convert_image_coords_to_adobe( | |
pdf_page_width, | |
pdf_page_height, | |
image_page_width, | |
image_page_height, | |
row['xmin'], | |
row['ymin'], | |
row['xmax'], | |
row['ymax'] | |
) | |
if CUSTOM_BOX_COLOUR == "grey": | |
colour_str = "0.5,0.5,0.5" | |
else: | |
colour_str = row['color'].strip('()').replace(' ', '') | |
# Set coordinates | |
redact_annot.set('rect', f"{x1:.2f},{y1:.2f},{x2:.2f},{y2:.2f}") | |
# Set redaction properties | |
redact_annot.set('title', row['label']) # The type of redaction (e.g., "PERSON") | |
redact_annot.set('contents', row['text']) # The redacted text | |
redact_annot.set('subject', row['label']) # The redacted text | |
redact_annot.set('mimetype', "Form") | |
# Set appearance properties | |
redact_annot.set('border-color', colour_str) # Black border | |
redact_annot.set('repeat', 'false') | |
redact_annot.set('interior-color', colour_str) | |
#redact_annot.set('fill-color', colour_str) | |
#redact_annot.set('outline-color', colour_str) | |
#redact_annot.set('overlay-color', colour_str) | |
#redact_annot.set('overlay-text', row['label']) | |
redact_annot.set('opacity', "0.5") | |
# Add appearance dictionary | |
# appearanceDict = SubElement(redact_annot, 'appearancedict') | |
# # Normal appearance | |
# normal = SubElement(appearanceDict, 'normal') | |
# #normal.set('appearance', 'redact') | |
# # Color settings for the mark (before applying redaction) | |
# markAppearance = SubElement(redact_annot, 'markappearance') | |
# markAppearance.set('stroke-color', colour_str) # Red outline | |
# markAppearance.set('fill-color', colour_str) # Light red fill | |
# markAppearance.set('opacity', '0.5') # 50% opacity | |
# # Final redaction appearance (after applying) | |
# redactAppearance = SubElement(redact_annot, 'redactAppearance') | |
# redactAppearance.set('fillColor', colour_str) # Black fill | |
# redactAppearance.set('fontName', 'Helvetica') | |
# redactAppearance.set('fontSize', '12') | |
# redactAppearance.set('textAlignment', 'left') | |
# redactAppearance.set('textColor', colour_str) # White text | |
# Convert to pretty XML string | |
xml_str = minidom.parseString(tostring(xfdf)).toprettyxml(indent=" ") | |
return xml_str | |
def convert_df_to_xfdf(input_files:List[str], pdf_doc, image_paths): | |
''' | |
Load in files to convert a review file into an Adobe comment file format | |
''' | |
output_paths = [] | |
pdf_name = "" | |
if isinstance(input_files, str): | |
file_paths_list = [input_files] | |
else: | |
file_paths_list = input_files | |
# Sort the file paths so that the pdfs come first | |
file_paths_list = sorted(file_paths_list, key=lambda x: (os.path.splitext(x)[1] != '.pdf', os.path.splitext(x)[1] != '.json')) | |
for file in file_paths_list: | |
if isinstance(file, str): | |
file_path = file | |
else: | |
file_path = | |
file_path_name = get_file_name_without_type(file_path) | |
file_path_end = detect_file_type(file_path) | |
if file_path_end == "pdf": | |
pdf_name = os.path.basename(file_path) | |
if file_path_end == "csv": | |
# If no pdf name, just get the name of the file path | |
if not pdf_name: | |
pdf_name = file_path_name | |
# Read CSV file | |
df = pd.read_csv(file_path) | |
df.fillna('', inplace=True) # Replace NaN with an empty string | |
xfdf_content = create_xfdf(df, pdf_name, pdf_doc, image_paths) | |
output_path = output_folder + file_path_name + "_adobe.xfdf" | |
with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: | |
f.write(xfdf_content) | |
output_paths.append(output_path) | |
return output_paths | |
### Convert xfdf coordinates back to image for app | |
def convert_adobe_coords_to_image(pdf_page_width, pdf_page_height, image_width, image_height, x1, y1, x2, y2): | |
''' | |
Converts coordinates from Adobe PDF space to image space. | |
Parameters: | |
- pdf_page_width: Width of the PDF page | |
- pdf_page_height: Height of the PDF page | |
- image_width: Width of the source image | |
- image_height: Height of the source image | |
- x1, y1, x2, y2: Coordinates in Adobe PDF space | |
Returns: | |
- Tuple of converted coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2) in image space | |
''' | |
# Calculate scaling factors | |
scale_width = image_width / pdf_page_width | |
scale_height = image_height / pdf_page_height | |
# Convert coordinates | |
image_x1 = x1 * scale_width | |
image_x2 = x2 * scale_width | |
# Convert Y coordinates (flip vertical axis) | |
# Adobe coordinates start from bottom-left | |
image_y1 = (pdf_page_height - y1) * scale_height | |
image_y2 = (pdf_page_height - y2) * scale_height | |
# Make sure y1 is always less than y2 for image's coordinate system | |
if image_y1 > image_y2: | |
image_y1, image_y2 = image_y2, image_y1 | |
return image_x1, image_y1, image_x2, image_y2 | |
def parse_xfdf(xfdf_path): | |
''' | |
Parse the XFDF file and extract redaction annotations. | |
Parameters: | |
- xfdf_path: Path to the XFDF file | |
Returns: | |
- List of dictionaries containing redaction information | |
''' | |
tree = parse(xfdf_path) | |
root = tree.getroot() | |
# Define the namespace | |
namespace = {'xfdf': ''} | |
redactions = [] | |
# Find all redact elements using the namespace | |
for redact in root.findall('.//xfdf:redact', namespaces=namespace): | |
#print("redact:", redact) | |
redaction_info = { | |
'image': '', # Image will be filled in later | |
'page': int(redact.get('page')) + 1, # Convert to 1-based index | |
'xmin': float(redact.get('rect').split(',')[0]), | |
'ymin': float(redact.get('rect').split(',')[1]), | |
'xmax': float(redact.get('rect').split(',')[2]), | |
'ymax': float(redact.get('rect').split(',')[3]), | |
'label': redact.get('title'), | |
'text': redact.get('contents'), | |
'color': redact.get('border-color', '(0, 0, 0)') # Default to black if not specified | |
} | |
redactions.append(redaction_info) | |
print("redactions:", redactions) | |
return redactions | |
def convert_xfdf_to_dataframe(file_paths_list, pymupdf_doc, image_paths): | |
''' | |
Convert redaction annotations from XFDF and associated images into a DataFrame. | |
Parameters: | |
- xfdf_path: Path to the XFDF file | |
- pdf_doc: PyMuPDF document object | |
- image_paths: List of PIL Image objects corresponding to PDF pages | |
Returns: | |
- DataFrame containing redaction information | |
''' | |
output_paths = [] | |
xfdf_paths = [] | |
df = pd.DataFrame() | |
#print("Image paths:", image_paths) | |
# Sort the file paths so that the pdfs come first | |
file_paths_list = sorted(file_paths_list, key=lambda x: (os.path.splitext(x)[1] != '.pdf', os.path.splitext(x)[1] != '.json')) | |
for file in file_paths_list: | |
if isinstance(file, str): | |
file_path = file | |
else: | |
file_path = | |
file_path_name = get_file_name_without_type(file_path) | |
file_path_end = detect_file_type(file_path) | |
if file_path_end == "pdf": | |
pdf_name = os.path.basename(file_path) | |
#print("pymupdf_doc:", pymupdf_doc) | |
# Add pdf to outputs | |
output_paths.append(file_path) | |
if file_path_end == "xfdf": | |
if not pdf_name: | |
message = "Original PDF needed to convert from .xfdf format" | |
print(message) | |
raise ValueError(message) | |
xfdf_path = file | |
# if isinstance(xfdf_paths, str): | |
# xfdf_path = | |
# else: | |
# xfdf_path = xfdf_paths[0].name | |
file_path_name = get_file_name_without_type(xfdf_path) | |
#print("file_path_name:", file_path_name) | |
# Parse the XFDF file | |
redactions = parse_xfdf(xfdf_path) | |
# Create a DataFrame from the redaction information | |
df = pd.DataFrame(redactions) | |
df.fillna('', inplace=True) # Replace NaN with an empty string | |
for _, row in df.iterrows(): | |
page_python_format = int(row["page"])-1 | |
pymupdf_page = pymupdf_doc.load_page(page_python_format) | |
pdf_page_height = pymupdf_page.rect.height | |
pdf_page_width = pymupdf_page.rect.width | |
image_path = image_paths[page_python_format] | |
#print("image_path:", image_path) | |
if isinstance(image_path, str): | |
image = | |
image_page_width, image_page_height = image.size | |
# Convert to image coordinates | |
image_x1, image_y1, image_x2, image_y2 = convert_adobe_coords_to_image(pdf_page_width, pdf_page_height, image_page_width, image_page_height, row['xmin'], row['ymin'], row['xmax'], row['ymax']) | |
df.loc[_, ['xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax']] = [image_x1, image_y1, image_x2, image_y2] | |
# Optionally, you can add the image path or other relevant information | |
#print("Image path:", image_path) | |
df.loc[_, 'image'] = image_path | |
#print('row:', row) | |
out_file_path = output_folder + file_path_name + "_review_file.csv" | |
df.to_csv(out_file_path, index=None) | |
output_paths.append(out_file_path) | |
return output_paths |