from pdf2image import convert_from_path, pdfinfo_from_path
from tools.helper_functions import get_file_path_end, output_folder, tesseract_ocr_option, text_ocr_option, textract_option, read_file, get_or_create_env_var
from PIL import Image, ImageFile
import os
import re
import time
import json
import pymupdf
import pandas as pd
from pymupdf import Rect
from fitz import Page
from tqdm import tqdm
from gradio import Progress
from typing import List, Optional
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
image_dpi = 300.0
def is_pdf_or_image(filename):
Check if a file name is a PDF or an image file.
filename (str): The name of the file.
bool: True if the file name ends with ".pdf", ".jpg", or ".png", False otherwise.
if filename.lower().endswith(".pdf") or filename.lower().endswith(".jpg") or filename.lower().endswith(".jpeg") or filename.lower().endswith(".png"):
output = True
output = False
return output
def is_pdf(filename):
Check if a file name is a PDF.
filename (str): The name of the file.
bool: True if the file name ends with ".pdf", False otherwise.
return filename.lower().endswith(".pdf")
CUSTOM_BOX_COLOUR = get_or_create_env_var("CUSTOM_BOX_COLOUR", "")
print(f'The value of CUSTOM_BOX_COLOUR is {CUSTOM_BOX_COLOUR}')
import os
from pdf2image import convert_from_path
from PIL import Image
def process_single_page(pdf_path: str, page_num: int, image_dpi: float, output_dir: str = 'input') -> tuple[int, str]:
output_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), output_dir)
out_path = os.path.join(output_dir, f"{os.path.basename(pdf_path)}_{page_num}.png")
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(out_path), exist_ok=True)
if os.path.exists(out_path):
image = Image.open(out_path)
image_l = convert_from_path(pdf_path, first_page=page_num+1, last_page=page_num+1,
dpi=image_dpi, use_cropbox=True, use_pdftocairo=False)
image = image_l[0]
image = image.convert("L")
image.save(out_path, format="PNG")
max_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024
file_size = os.path.getsize(out_path)
if file_size > max_size:
width, height = image.size
print(f"Image size before {new_width}x{new_height}, original file_size: {file_size}")
while file_size > max_size:
new_width = int(width * 0.5)
new_height = int(height * 0.5)
image = image.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)
image.save(out_path, format="PNG", optimize=True)
file_size = os.path.getsize(out_path)
print(f"Resized to {new_width}x{new_height}, new file_size: {file_size}")
width, height = new_width, new_height
return page_num, out_path
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error processing page {page_num + 1}: {e}")
return page_num, None
def convert_pdf_to_images(pdf_path: str, prepare_for_review:bool=False, page_min: int = 0, image_dpi: float = 200, num_threads: int = 8, output_dir: str = '/input'):
if prepare_for_review == True:
page_count = pdfinfo_from_path(pdf_path)['Pages']
page_count = pdfinfo_from_path(pdf_path)['Pages']
print(f"Number of pages in PDF: {page_count}")
results = []
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads) as executor:
futures = []
for page_num in range(page_min, page_count):
futures.append(executor.submit(process_single_page, pdf_path, page_num, image_dpi))
for future in tqdm(as_completed(futures), total=len(futures), unit="pages", desc="Converting pages"):
page_num, result = future.result()
if result:
results.append((page_num, result))
print(f"Page {page_num + 1} failed to process.")
results.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
images = [result[1] for result in results]
print("PDF has been converted to images.")
return images
def process_file(file_path:str, prepare_for_review:bool=False):
file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1].lower()
if file_extension in ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png']:
print(f"{file_path} is an image file.")
img_object = [Image.open(file_path)]
elif file_extension == '.pdf':
print(f"{file_path} is a PDF file. Converting to image set")
img_object = convert_pdf_to_images(file_path, prepare_for_review)
print(f"{file_path} is not an image or PDF file.")
img_object = ['']
return img_object
def get_input_file_names(file_input:List[str]):
Get list of input files to report to logs.
all_relevant_files = []
file_name_with_extension = ""
full_file_name = ""
if isinstance(file_input, dict):
file_input = os.path.abspath(file_input["name"])
if isinstance(file_input, str):
file_input_list = [file_input]
file_input_list = file_input
for file in file_input_list:
if isinstance(file, str):
file_path = file
file_path = file.name
file_path_without_ext = get_file_path_end(file_path)
file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1].lower()
if (file_extension in ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.pdf', '.xlsx', '.csv', '.parquet']) & ("review_file" not in file_path_without_ext):
file_name_with_extension = file_path_without_ext + file_extension
full_file_name = file_path
all_relevant_files_str = ", ".join(all_relevant_files)
return all_relevant_files_str, file_name_with_extension, full_file_name, all_relevant_files
def convert_color_to_range_0_1(color):
return tuple(component / 255 for component in color)
def redact_single_box(pymupdf_page:Page, pymupdf_rect:Rect, img_annotation_box:dict, custom_colours:bool=False):
pymupdf_x1 = pymupdf_rect[0]
pymupdf_y1 = pymupdf_rect[1]
pymupdf_x2 = pymupdf_rect[2]
pymupdf_y2 = pymupdf_rect[3]
redact_bottom_y = pymupdf_y1 + 2
redact_top_y = pymupdf_y2 - 2
if (redact_top_y - redact_bottom_y) < 1:
middle_y = (pymupdf_y1 + pymupdf_y2) / 2
redact_bottom_y = middle_y - 1
redact_top_y = middle_y + 1
rect_small_pixel_height = Rect(pymupdf_x1, redact_bottom_y, pymupdf_x2, redact_top_y)
shape = pymupdf_page.new_shape()
if custom_colours == True:
if img_annotation_box["color"][0] > 1:
out_colour = convert_color_to_range_0_1(img_annotation_box["color"])
out_colour = img_annotation_box["color"]
if CUSTOM_BOX_COLOUR == "grey":
out_colour = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
out_colour = (0,0,0)
shape.finish(color=out_colour, fill=out_colour)
def convert_pymupdf_to_image_coords(pymupdf_page, x1, y1, x2, y2, image: Image):
Converts coordinates from pymupdf format to image coordinates,
accounting for mediabox dimensions.
rect_height = pymupdf_page.rect.height
rect_width = pymupdf_page.rect.width
mediabox = pymupdf_page.mediabox
mediabox_width = mediabox.width
mediabox_height = mediabox.height
image_page_width, image_page_height = image.size
scale_width = image_page_width / mediabox_width
scale_height = image_page_height / mediabox_height
rect_to_mediabox_x_scale = mediabox_width / rect_width
rect_to_mediabox_y_scale = mediabox_height / rect_height
x1_image = (x1 * scale_width) * rect_to_mediabox_x_scale
y1_image = (y1 * scale_height) * rect_to_mediabox_y_scale
x2_image = (x2 * scale_width) * rect_to_mediabox_x_scale
y2_image = (y2 * scale_height) * rect_to_mediabox_y_scale
return x1_image, y1_image, x2_image, y2_image
def redact_whole_pymupdf_page(rect_height, rect_width, image, page, custom_colours, border = 5):
border = 5
whole_page_x1, whole_page_y1 = 0 + border, 0 + border
whole_page_x2, whole_page_y2 = rect_width - border, rect_height - border
whole_page_image_x1, whole_page_image_y1, whole_page_image_x2, whole_page_image_y2 = convert_pymupdf_to_image_coords(page, whole_page_x1, whole_page_y1, whole_page_x2, whole_page_y2, image)
whole_page_rect = Rect(whole_page_x1, whole_page_y1, whole_page_x2, whole_page_y2)
whole_page_img_annotation_box = {}
whole_page_img_annotation_box["xmin"] = whole_page_image_x1
whole_page_img_annotation_box["ymin"] = whole_page_image_y1
whole_page_img_annotation_box["xmax"] = whole_page_image_x2
whole_page_img_annotation_box["ymax"] = whole_page_image_y2
whole_page_img_annotation_box["color"] = (0,0,0)
whole_page_img_annotation_box["label"] = "Whole page"
redact_single_box(page, whole_page_rect, whole_page_img_annotation_box, custom_colours)
return whole_page_img_annotation_box
def prepare_image_or_pdf(
file_paths: List[str],
in_redact_method: str,
in_allow_list: Optional[List[List[str]]] = None,
latest_file_completed: int = 0,
out_message: List[str] = [],
first_loop_state: bool = False,
number_of_pages:int = 1,
all_annotations_object:List = [],
prepare_for_review:bool = False,
progress: Progress = Progress(track_tqdm=True)
) -> tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
Prepare and process image or text PDF files for redaction.
This function takes a list of file paths, processes each file based on the specified redaction method,
and returns the output messages and processed file paths.
file_paths (List[str]): List of file paths to process.
in_redact_method (str): The redaction method to use.
in_allow_list (optional, Optional[List[List[str]]]): List of allowed terms for redaction.
latest_file_completed (optional, int): Index of the last completed file.
out_message (optional, List[str]): List to store output messages.
first_loop_state (optional, bool): Flag indicating if this is the first iteration.
number_of_pages (optional, int): integer indicating the number of pages in the document
current_loop_page_number (optional, int): Current number of loop
all_annotations_object(optional, List of annotation objects): All annotations for current document
prepare_for_review(optional, bool): Is this preparation step preparing pdfs and json files to review current redactions?
in_fully_redacted_list(optional, List of int): A list of pages to fully redact
progress (optional, Progress): Progress tracker for the operation.
tuple[List[str], List[str]]: A tuple containing the output messages and processed file paths.
tic = time.perf_counter()
json_from_csv = False
if isinstance(in_fully_redacted_list, pd.DataFrame):
in_fully_redacted_list = in_fully_redacted_list.iloc[:,0].tolist()
if first_loop_state==True:
print("first_loop_state is True")
latest_file_completed = 0
out_message = []
all_annotations_object = []
print("Now attempting file:", str(latest_file_completed))
if isinstance(out_message, str):
out_message = [out_message]
converted_file_paths = []
image_file_paths = []
pymupdf_doc = []
review_file_csv = pd.DataFrame()
if not file_paths:
file_paths = []
if isinstance(file_paths, dict):
file_paths = os.path.abspath(file_paths["name"])
if isinstance(file_paths, str):
file_path_number = 1
file_path_number = len(file_paths)
print("Number of file paths:", file_path_number)
print("Latest_file_completed:", latest_file_completed)
latest_file_completed = int(latest_file_completed)
if latest_file_completed >= file_path_number:
print("Last file reached, returning files:", str(latest_file_completed))
if isinstance(out_message, list):
final_out_message = '\n'.join(out_message)
final_out_message = out_message
return final_out_message, converted_file_paths, image_file_paths, number_of_pages, number_of_pages, pymupdf_doc, all_annotations_object, review_file_csv
progress(0.1, desc='Preparing file')
if isinstance(file_paths, str):
file_paths_list = [file_paths]
file_paths_loop = file_paths_list
if prepare_for_review == False:
file_paths_list = file_paths
file_paths_loop = [file_paths_list[int(latest_file_completed)]]
file_paths_list = file_paths
file_paths_loop = file_paths
file_paths_loop = sorted(file_paths_loop, key=lambda x: (os.path.splitext(x)[1] != '.pdf', os.path.splitext(x)[1] != '.json'))
for file in file_paths_loop:
converted_file_path = []
image_file_path = []
if isinstance(file, str):
file_path = file
file_path = file.name
file_path_without_ext = get_file_path_end(file_path)
if not file_path:
out_message = "Please select a file."
return out_message, converted_file_paths, image_file_paths, number_of_pages, number_of_pages, pymupdf_doc, all_annotations_object, review_file_csv
file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1].lower()
if is_pdf(file_path):
pymupdf_doc = pymupdf.open(file_path)
converted_file_path = file_path
image_file_paths = process_file(file_path, prepare_for_review)
if (not all_annotations_object) & (prepare_for_review == True):
all_annotations_object = []
for image_path in image_file_paths:
annotation = {}
annotation["image"] = image_path
elif is_pdf_or_image(file_path):
if file_extension in ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png'] and in_redact_method == text_ocr_option:
in_redact_method = tesseract_ocr_option
pymupdf_doc = pymupdf.open()
img = Image.open(file_path)
rect = pymupdf.Rect(0, 0, img.width, img.height)
page = pymupdf_doc.new_page(width=img.width, height=img.height)
page.insert_image(rect, filename=file_path)
file_path_str = str(file_path)
image_file_paths = process_file(file_path_str, prepare_for_review)
print("Inserted image into PDF file")
elif file_extension in ['.csv']:
review_file_csv = read_file(file)
all_annotations_object = convert_pandas_df_to_review_json(review_file_csv, image_file_paths)
json_from_csv = True
print("Converted CSV review file to json")
if (file_extension in ['.json']) | (json_from_csv == True):
if (file_extension in ['.json']) & (prepare_for_review == True):
print("Preparing file for review")
if isinstance(file_path, str):
with open(file_path, 'r') as json_file:
all_annotations_object = json.load(json_file)
all_annotations_object = json.loads(file_path)
elif (file_extension in ['.json']) & (prepare_for_review != True):
json_contents = json.load(file_path)
out_folder = output_folder + file_path_without_ext + ".json"
with open(out_folder, 'w') as json_file:
json.dump(json_contents, json_file, indent=4)
if all_annotations_object:
image_file_paths_pages = [
int(re.search(r'_(\d+)\.png$', os.path.basename(s)).group(1))
for s in image_file_paths
if re.search(r'_(\d+)\.png$', os.path.basename(s))
image_file_paths_pages = [int(i) for i in image_file_paths_pages]
if image_file_paths:
for i, image_file_path in enumerate(image_file_paths):
if i < len(all_annotations_object):
annotation = all_annotations_object[i]
annotation = {}
if not annotation:
annotation = {"image":"", "boxes": []}
annotation_page_number = int(re.search(r'_(\d+)\.png$', image_file_path).group(1))
annotation_page_number = int(re.search(r'_(\d+)\.png$', annotation["image"]).group(1))
if annotation_page_number in image_file_paths_pages:
correct_image_page = annotation_page_number
annotation["image"] = image_file_paths[correct_image_page]
print("Page", annotation_page_number, "image file not found.")
all_annotations_object[i] = annotation
if in_fully_redacted_list:
print("Redacting whole pages")
for i, image in enumerate(image_file_paths):
page = pymupdf_doc.load_page(i)
rect_height = page.rect.height
rect_width = page.rect.width
whole_page_img_annotation_box = redact_whole_pymupdf_page(rect_height, rect_width, image, page, custom_colours = False, border = 5)
out_folder = output_folder + file_path_without_ext + ".json"
with open(out_folder, 'w') as json_file:
json.dump(all_annotations_object, json_file, indent=4)
if in_redact_method == tesseract_ocr_option or in_redact_method == textract_option:
if is_pdf_or_image(file_path) == False:
out_message = "Please upload a PDF file or image file (JPG, PNG) for image analysis."
return out_message, converted_file_paths, image_file_paths, number_of_pages, number_of_pages, pymupdf_doc, all_annotations_object, review_file_csv
elif in_redact_method == text_ocr_option:
if is_pdf(file_path) == False:
out_message = "Please upload a PDF file for text analysis."
return out_message, converted_file_paths, image_file_paths, number_of_pages, number_of_pages, pymupdf_doc, all_annotations_object, review_file_csv
toc = time.perf_counter()
out_time = f"File '{file_path_without_ext}' prepared in {toc - tic:0.1f} seconds."
out_message_out = '\n'.join(out_message)
number_of_pages = len(image_file_paths)
return out_message_out, converted_file_paths, image_file_paths, number_of_pages, number_of_pages, pymupdf_doc, all_annotations_object, review_file_csv
def convert_text_pdf_to_img_pdf(in_file_path:str, out_text_file_path:List[str], image_dpi:float=image_dpi):
file_path_without_ext = get_file_path_end(in_file_path)
out_file_paths = out_text_file_path
print("Creating image version of redacted PDF to embed redactions.")
pdf_text_image_paths = process_file(out_text_file_path[0])
out_text_image_file_path = output_folder + file_path_without_ext + "_text_redacted_as_img.pdf"
pdf_text_image_paths[0].save(out_text_image_file_path, "PDF" ,resolution=image_dpi, save_all=True, append_images=pdf_text_image_paths[1:])
out_file_paths = [out_text_image_file_path]
out_message = "PDF " + file_path_without_ext + " converted to image-based file."
return out_message, out_file_paths
def join_values_within_threshold(df1, df2):
threshold = 5
df1['key'] = 1
df2['key'] = 1
merged = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='key').drop(columns=['key'])
conditions = (
(abs(merged['xmin_x'] - merged['xmin_y']) <= threshold) &
(abs(merged['xmax_x'] - merged['xmax_y']) <= threshold) &
(abs(merged['ymin_x'] - merged['ymin_y']) <= threshold) &
(abs(merged['ymax_x'] - merged['ymax_y']) <= threshold)
filtered = merged[conditions]
result = filtered.drop_duplicates(subset=['xmin_x', 'xmax_x', 'ymin_x', 'ymax_x'])
final_df = pd.merge(df1, result, left_on=['xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax'], right_on=['xmin_x', 'xmax_x', 'ymin_x', 'ymax_x'], how='left')
final_df = final_df.drop(columns=['key'])
def convert_review_json_to_pandas_df(all_annotations:List[dict], redaction_decision_output:pd.DataFrame=pd.DataFrame()) -> pd.DataFrame:
Convert the annotation json data to a dataframe format. Add on any text from the initial review_file dataframe by joining on pages/co-ordinates (doesn't work very well currently).
flattened_annotation_data = []
if not isinstance(redaction_decision_output, pd.DataFrame):
redaction_decision_output = pd.DataFrame()
for annotation in all_annotations:
image_path = annotation["image"]
match = re.search(r'_(\d+)\.png$', image_path)
if match:
number = match.group(1)
reported_number = int(number) + 1
print("No number found before .png")
if 'boxes' not in annotation:
annotation['boxes'] = []
for box in annotation["boxes"]:
if 'text' not in box:
data_to_add = {"image": image_path, "page": reported_number, **box}
data_to_add = {"image": image_path, "page": reported_number, "text": annotation['text'], **box}
annotation_data_as_df = pd.DataFrame(flattened_annotation_data)
if not redaction_decision_output.empty:
redaction_decision_output['page'] = redaction_decision_output['page'].astype(str)
annotation_data_as_df['page'] = annotation_data_as_df['page'].astype(str)
redaction_decision_output = redaction_decision_output[['xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax', 'label', 'page', 'text']]
redaction_decision_output.loc[:, ['xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax']] = (redaction_decision_output[['xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax']].astype(float) / 5).round() * 5
redaction_decision_output = redaction_decision_output.drop_duplicates(['xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax', 'label', 'page'])
annotation_data_as_df.loc[:, ['xmin1', 'ymin1', 'xmax1', 'ymax1']] = (annotation_data_as_df[['xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax']].astype(float) / 5).round() * 5
annotation_data_as_df = annotation_data_as_df.merge(redaction_decision_output, left_on = ['xmin1', 'ymin1', 'xmax1', 'ymax1', 'label', 'page'], right_on = ['xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax', 'label', 'page'], how = "left", suffixes=("", "_y"))
annotation_data_as_df = annotation_data_as_df.drop(['xmin1', 'ymin1', 'xmax1', 'ymax1', 'xmin_y', 'ymin_y', 'xmax_y', 'ymax_y'], axis=1, errors="ignore")
annotation_data_as_df = annotation_data_as_df[["image", "page", "label", "color", "xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax", "text"]]
for col in ["image", "page", "label", "color", "xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax", "text"]:
if col not in annotation_data_as_df.columns:
annotation_data_as_df[col] = ''
annotation_data_as_df = annotation_data_as_df.sort_values(['page', 'ymin', 'xmin', 'label'])
return annotation_data_as_df
def convert_pandas_df_to_review_json(review_file_df: pd.DataFrame, image_paths: List[Image.Image]) -> List[dict]:
Convert a review csv to a json file for use by the Gradio Annotation object
review_file_df = review_file_df[["image", "page", "xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax", "color", "label"]]
grouped_csv_pages = review_file_df.groupby('page')
json_data = []
for n, pdf_image_path in enumerate(image_paths):
reported_page_number = int(n + 1)
if reported_page_number in review_file_df["page"].values:
selected_csv_pages = grouped_csv_pages.get_group(reported_page_number)
annotation_boxes = selected_csv_pages.drop(columns=['image', 'page']).to_dict(orient='records')
annotation = {
"image": pdf_image_path,
"boxes": annotation_boxes
annotation = {}
annotation["image"] = pdf_image_path
return json_data |