seanpedrickcase's picture
Added logging, anonymising all Excel sheets, simple redaction tags, some Dockerfile optimisation
history blame
10.3 kB
import os
# By default TLDExtract will try to pull files from the internet. I have instead downloaded this file locally to avoid the requirement for an internet connection.
os.environ['TLDEXTRACT_CACHE'] = 'tld/.tld_set_snapshot'
from tools.helper_functions import ensure_output_folder_exists, add_folder_to_path, put_columns_in_df, get_connection_params, output_folder, get_or_create_env_var
from tools.file_redaction import choose_and_run_redactor
from tools.file_conversion import prepare_image_or_text_pdf
from tools.data_anonymise import anonymise_data_files
from tools.auth import authenticate_user
#from tools.aws_functions import load_data_from_aws
import gradio as gr
language = 'en'
# Create the gradio interface
app = gr.Blocks(theme = gr.themes.Base())
with app:
prepared_pdf_state = gr.State([])
output_image_files_state = gr.State([])
output_file_list_state = gr.State([])
text_output_file_list_state = gr.State([])
session_hash_state = gr.State()
s3_output_folder_state = gr.State()
# Document redaction
Redact personal information from documents, open text, or xlsx/csv tabular data. See the 'Redaction settings' to change various settings such as which types of information to redact (e.g. people, places), or terms to exclude from redaction.
WARNING: This is a beta product. It is not 100% accurate, and it will miss some personal information. It is essential that all outputs are checked **by a human** to ensure that all personal information has been removed.
Other redaction entities are possible to include in this app easily, especially country-specific entities. If you want to use these, clone the repo locally and add entity names from [this link]( to the 'full_entity_list' variable in
with gr.Tab("PDFs/images"):
with gr.Accordion("Redact document", open = True):
in_file = gr.File(label="Choose document/image files (PDF, JPG, PNG)", file_count= "multiple", file_types=['.pdf', '.jpg', '.png'])
redact_btn = gr.Button("Redact document(s)", variant="primary")
with gr.Row():
output_summary = gr.Textbox(label="Output summary")
output_file = gr.File(label="Output files")
text_documents_done = gr.Number(value=0, label="Number of documents redacted", interactive=False)
with gr.Row():
convert_text_pdf_to_img_btn = gr.Button(value="Convert pdf to image-based pdf to apply redactions", variant="secondary", visible=False)
with gr.Tab(label="Open text or Excel/csv files"):
### Choose open text or a tabular data file (xlsx or csv) to redact.
with gr.Accordion("Paste open text", open = False):
in_text = gr.Textbox(label="Enter open text", lines=10)
with gr.Accordion("Upload xlsx or csv files", open = True):
in_data_files = gr.File(label="Choose Excel or csv files", file_count= "multiple", file_types=['.xlsx', '.xls', '.csv', '.parquet', '.csv.gz'])
in_excel_sheets = gr.Dropdown(choices=["Choose Excel sheets to anonymise"], multiselect = True, label="Select Excel sheets that you want to anonymise (showing sheets present across all Excel files).", visible=False, allow_custom_value=True)
in_colnames = gr.Dropdown(choices=["Choose columns to anonymise"], multiselect = True, label="Select columns that you want to anonymise (showing columns present across all files).")
tabular_data_redact_btn = gr.Button("Anonymise text", variant="primary")
with gr.Row():
text_output_summary = gr.Textbox(label="Output result")
text_output_file = gr.File(label="Output files")
text_tabular_files_done = gr.Number(value=0, label="Number of tabular files redacted", interactive=False)
with gr.Tab(label="Redaction settings"):
Define redaction settings that affect both document and open text redaction.
with gr.Accordion("Settings for documents", open = True):
in_redaction_method = gr.Radio(label="Default document redaction method - text analysis is faster is not useful for image-based PDFs. Imaged-based is slightly less accurate in general.", value = "Text analysis", choices=["Text analysis", "Image analysis"])
with gr.Accordion("Settings for open text or xlsx/csv files", open = True):
anon_strat = gr.Radio(choices=["replace with <REDACTED>", "replace with <ENTITY_NAME>", "redact", "hash", "mask", "encrypt", "fake_first_name"], label="Select an anonymisation method.", value = "replace with <REDACTED>")
with gr.Accordion("Settings for documents and open text/xlsx/csv files", open = True):
in_redact_entities = gr.Dropdown(value=chosen_redact_entities, choices=full_entity_list, multiselect=True, label="Entities to redact (click close to down arrow for full list)")
with gr.Row():
in_redact_language = gr.Dropdown(value = "en", choices = ["en"], label="Redaction language (only English currently supported)", multiselect=False)
in_allow_list = gr.Dataframe(label="Allow list - enter a new term to ignore for redaction on each row e.g. Lambeth -> add new row -> Lambeth 2030", headers=["Allow list"], row_count=1, col_count=(1, 'fixed'), value=[[""]], type="array", column_widths=["100px"], datatype='str')
# Invisible text box to hold the session hash/username just for logging purposes
session_hash_textbox = gr.Textbox(value="", visible=False)
# AWS options - not yet implemented
# with gr.Tab(label="Advanced options"):
# with gr.Accordion(label = "AWS data access", open = True):
# aws_password_box = gr.Textbox(label="Password for AWS data access (ask the Data team if you don't have this)")
# with gr.Row():
# in_aws_file = gr.Dropdown(label="Choose file to load from AWS (only valid for API Gateway app)", choices=["None", "Lambeth borough plan"])
# load_aws_data_button = gr.Button(value="Load data from AWS", variant="secondary")
# aws_log_box = gr.Textbox(label="AWS data load status")
# ### Loading AWS data ###
#, inputs=[in_aws_file, aws_password_box], outputs=[in_file, aws_log_box])
callback = gr.CSVLogger()
# Document redaction = prepare_image_or_text_pdf, inputs=[in_file, in_redaction_method, in_allow_list, text_documents_done, output_summary],
outputs=[output_summary, prepared_pdf_state], api_name="prepare").\
then(fn = choose_and_run_redactor, inputs=[in_file, prepared_pdf_state, in_redact_language, in_redact_entities, in_redaction_method, in_allow_list, text_documents_done, output_summary, output_file_list_state],
outputs=[output_summary, output_file, output_file_list_state, text_documents_done], api_name="redact_doc")
# If the output file count text box changes, keep going with redacting each document until done
text_documents_done.change(fn = prepare_image_or_text_pdf, inputs=[in_file, in_redaction_method, in_allow_list, text_documents_done, output_summary],
outputs=[output_summary, prepared_pdf_state]).\
then(fn = choose_and_run_redactor, inputs=[in_file, prepared_pdf_state, in_redact_language, in_redact_entities, in_redaction_method, in_allow_list, text_documents_done, output_summary, output_file_list_state],
outputs=[output_summary, output_file, output_file_list_state, text_documents_done])
# Tabular data redaction
in_data_files.upload(fn=put_columns_in_df, inputs=[in_data_files], outputs=[in_colnames, in_excel_sheets]), inputs=[in_data_files, in_text, anon_strat, in_colnames, in_redact_language, in_redact_entities, in_allow_list, text_tabular_files_done, text_output_summary, text_output_file_list_state, in_excel_sheets], outputs=[text_output_summary, text_output_file, text_output_file_list_state, text_tabular_files_done], api_name="redact_text")
# If the output file count text box changes, keep going with redacting each data file until done
text_tabular_files_done.change(fn=anonymise_data_files, inputs=[in_data_files, in_text, anon_strat, in_colnames, in_redact_language, in_redact_entities, in_allow_list, text_tabular_files_done, text_output_summary, text_output_file_list_state, in_excel_sheets], outputs=[text_output_summary, text_output_file, text_output_file_list_state, text_tabular_files_done])
app.load(get_connection_params, inputs=None, outputs=[session_hash_state, s3_output_folder_state, session_hash_textbox])
# This needs to be called at some point prior to the first call to callback.flag()
callback.setup([session_hash_textbox], "logs")
#app.load(lambda *args: callback.flag(list(args)), [session_hash_textbox], None, preprocess=False)
session_hash_textbox.change(lambda *args: callback.flag(list(args)), [session_hash_textbox], None, preprocess=False)
# Launch the Gradio app
COGNITO_AUTH = get_or_create_env_var('COGNITO_AUTH', '0')
print(f'The value of COGNITO_AUTH is {COGNITO_AUTH}')
if __name__ == "__main__":
if os.environ['COGNITO_AUTH'] == "1":
app.queue().launch(show_error=True, auth=authenticate_user)
app.queue().launch(show_error=True, inbrowser=True)