Runtime error
Runtime error
import re | |
import numpy as np | |
channelmap = { | |
'Xrotation': 'x', | |
'Yrotation': 'y', | |
'Zrotation': 'z' | |
} | |
channelmap_inv = { | |
'x': 'Xrotation', | |
'y': 'Yrotation', | |
'z': 'Zrotation', | |
} | |
ordermap = { | |
'x': 0, | |
'y': 1, | |
'z': 2, | |
} | |
def load(filename:str, order:str=None) -> dict: | |
"""Loads a BVH file. | |
Args: | |
filename (str): Path to the BVH file. | |
order (str): The order of the rotation channels. (i.e."xyz") | |
Returns: | |
dict: A dictionary containing the following keys: | |
* names (list)(jnum): The names of the joints. | |
* parents (list)(jnum): The parent indices. | |
* offsets (np.ndarray)(jnum, 3): The offsets of the joints. | |
* rotations (np.ndarray)(fnum, jnum, 3) : The local coordinates of rotations of the joints. | |
* positions (np.ndarray)(fnum, jnum, 3) : The positions of the joints. | |
* order (str): The order of the channels. | |
* frametime (float): The time between two frames. | |
""" | |
f = open(filename, "r") | |
i = 0 | |
active = -1 | |
end_site = False | |
# Create empty lists for saving parameters | |
names = [] | |
offsets = np.array([]).reshape((0, 3)) | |
parents = np.array([], dtype=int) | |
# Parse the file, line by line | |
for line in f: | |
if "HIERARCHY" in line: continue | |
if "MOTION" in line: continue | |
rmatch = re.match(r"ROOT (\w+)", line) | |
if rmatch: | |
names.append( | |
offsets = np.append(offsets, np.array([[0, 0, 0]]), axis=0) | |
parents = np.append(parents, active) | |
active = (len(parents) - 1) | |
continue | |
if "{" in line: continue | |
if "}" in line: | |
if end_site: | |
end_site = False | |
else: | |
active = parents[active] | |
continue | |
offmatch = re.match(r"\s*OFFSET\s+([\-\d\.e]+)\s+([\-\d\.e]+)\s+([\-\d\.e]+)", line) | |
if offmatch: | |
if not end_site: | |
offsets[active] = np.array([list(map(float, offmatch.groups()))]) | |
continue | |
chanmatch = re.match(r"\s*CHANNELS\s+(\d+)", line) | |
if chanmatch: | |
channels = int( | |
if order is None: | |
channelis = 0 if channels == 3 else 3 | |
channelie = 3 if channels == 3 else 6 | |
parts = line.split()[2 + channelis:2 + channelie] | |
if any([p not in channelmap for p in parts]): | |
continue | |
order = "".join([channelmap[p] for p in parts]) | |
continue | |
jmatch = re.match("\s*JOINT\s+(\w+)", line) | |
if jmatch: | |
names.append( | |
offsets = np.append(offsets, np.array([[0, 0, 0]]), axis=0) | |
parents = np.append(parents, active) | |
active = (len(parents) - 1) | |
continue | |
if "End Site" in line: | |
end_site = True | |
continue | |
fmatch = re.match("\s*Frames:\s+(\d+)", line) | |
if fmatch: | |
fnum = int( | |
positions = offsets[None].repeat(fnum, axis=0) | |
rotations = np.zeros((fnum, len(offsets), 3)) | |
continue | |
fmatch = re.match("\s*Frame Time:\s+([\d\.]+)", line) | |
if fmatch: | |
frametime = float( | |
continue | |
dmatch = line.strip().split(' ') | |
if dmatch: | |
data_block = np.array(list(map(float, dmatch))) | |
N = len(parents) | |
fi = i | |
if channels == 3: | |
positions[fi, 0:1] = data_block[0:3] | |
rotations[fi, :] = data_block[3:].reshape(N, 3) | |
elif channels == 6: | |
data_block = data_block.reshape(N, 6) | |
positions[fi, :] = data_block[:, 0:3] | |
rotations[fi, :] = data_block[:, 3:6] | |
elif channels == 9: | |
positions[fi, 0] = data_block[0:3] | |
data_block = data_block[3:].reshape(N - 1, 9) | |
rotations[fi, 1:] = data_block[:, 3:6] | |
positions[fi, 1:] += data_block[:, 0:3] * data_block[:, 6:9] | |
else: | |
raise Exception("Too many channels! %i" % channels) | |
i += 1 | |
f.close() | |
return { | |
'rotations': rotations, | |
'positions': positions, | |
'offsets': offsets, | |
'parents': parents, | |
'names': names, | |
'order': order, | |
'frametime': frametime | |
} | |
def save_joint(f, data, t, i, save_order, order='zyx', save_positions=False): | |
save_order.append(i) | |
f.write("%sJOINT %s\n" % (t, data['names'][i])) | |
f.write("%s{\n" % t) | |
t += '\t' | |
f.write("%sOFFSET %f %f %f\n" % (t, data['offsets'][i,0], data['offsets'][i,1], data['offsets'][i,2])) | |
if save_positions: | |
f.write("%sCHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition %s %s %s \n" % (t, | |
channelmap_inv[order[0]], channelmap_inv[order[1]], channelmap_inv[order[2]])) | |
else: | |
f.write("%sCHANNELS 3 %s %s %s\n" % (t, | |
channelmap_inv[order[0]], channelmap_inv[order[1]], channelmap_inv[order[2]])) | |
end_site = True | |
for j in range(len(data['parents'])): | |
if data['parents'][j] == i: | |
t = save_joint(f, data, t, j, save_order, order=order, save_positions=save_positions) | |
end_site = False | |
if end_site: | |
f.write("%sEnd Site\n" % t) | |
f.write("%s{\n" % t) | |
t += '\t' | |
f.write("%sOFFSET %f %f %f\n" % (t, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) | |
t = t[:-1] | |
f.write("%s}\n" % t) | |
t = t[:-1] | |
f.write("%s}\n" % t) | |
return t | |
def save(filename, data, save_positions=False): | |
""" Save a joint hierarchy to a file. | |
Args: | |
filename (str): The output will save on the bvh file. | |
data (dict): The data to save.(rotations, positions, offsets, parents, names, order, frametime) | |
save_positions (bool): Whether to save all of joint positions on MOTION. (False is recommended.) | |
""" | |
order = data['order'] | |
frametime = data['frametime'] | |
with open(filename, 'w') as f: | |
t = "" | |
f.write("%sHIERARCHY\n" % t) | |
f.write("%sROOT %s\n" % (t, data['names'][0])) | |
f.write("%s{\n" % t) | |
t += '\t' | |
f.write("%sOFFSET %f %f %f\n" % (t, data['offsets'][0,0], data['offsets'][0,1], data['offsets'][0,2]) ) | |
f.write("%sCHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition %s %s %s \n" % | |
(t, channelmap_inv[order[0]], channelmap_inv[order[1]], channelmap_inv[order[2]])) | |
save_order = [0] | |
for i in range(len(data['parents'])): | |
if data['parents'][i] == 0: | |
t = save_joint(f, data, t, i, save_order, order=order, save_positions=save_positions) | |
t = t[:-1] | |
f.write("%s}\n" % t) | |
rots, poss = data['rotations'], data['positions'] | |
f.write("MOTION\n") | |
f.write("Frames: %i\n" % len(rots)); | |
f.write("Frame Time: %f\n" % frametime); | |
for i in range(rots.shape[0]): | |
for j in save_order: | |
if save_positions or j == 0: | |
f.write("%f %f %f %f %f %f " % ( | |
poss[i,j,0], poss[i,j,1], poss[i,j,2], | |
rots[i,j,0], rots[i,j,1], rots[i,j,2])) | |
else: | |
f.write("%f %f %f " % ( | |
rots[i,j,0], rots[i,j,1], rots[i,j,2])) | |
f.write("\n") |