diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3e08c3271ec05e02ab6862f80006d8335981adb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files +.venv +.env +.dnu.* +*.wav +*.mp4 +__pycache__/ +*.py[cod] +*$py.class +.DS_Store +# C extensions +*.so + +# Distribution / packaging +.Python +build/ +develop-eggs/ +dist/ +downloads/ +eggs/ +.eggs/ +lib/ +lib64/ +parts/ +sdist/ +var/ +wheels/ +share/python-wheels/ +*.egg-info/ +.installed.cfg +*.egg +MANIFEST + +# PyInstaller +# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template +# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it. +*.manifest +*.spec + +# Installer logs +pip-log.txt +pip-delete-this-directory.txt + +# Unit test / coverage reports +htmlcov/ +.tox/ +.nox/ +.coverage +.coverage.* +.cache +nosetests.xml +coverage.xml +*.cover +*.py,cover +.hypothesis/ +.pytest_cache/ +cover/ + +# Translations +*.mo +*.pot + +# Django stuff: +*.log +local_settings.py +db.sqlite3 +db.sqlite3-journal + +# Flask stuff: +instance/ +.webassets-cache + +# Scrapy stuff: +.scrapy + +# Sphinx documentation +docs/_build/ + +# PyBuilder +.pybuilder/ +target/ + +# Jupyter Notebook +.ipynb_checkpoints + +# IPython +profile_default/ +ipython_config.py + +# pyenv +# For a library or package, you might want to ignore these files since the code is +# intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in: +# .python-version + +# pipenv +# According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control. +# However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies +# having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not +# install all needed dependencies. +#Pipfile.lock + +# poetry +# Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include poetry.lock in version control. +# This is especially recommended for binary packages to ensure reproducibility, and is more +# commonly ignored for libraries. +# https://python-poetry.org/docs/basic-usage/#commit-your-poetrylock-file-to-version-control +#poetry.lock + +# pdm +# Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include pdm.lock in version control. +#pdm.lock +# pdm stores project-wide configurations in .pdm.toml, but it is recommended to not include it +# in version control. +# https://pdm.fming.dev/#use-with-ide +.pdm.toml + +# PEP 582; used by e.g. github.com/David-OConnor/pyflow and github.com/pdm-project/pdm +__pypackages__/ + +# Celery stuff +celerybeat-schedule +celerybeat.pid + +# SageMath parsed files +*.sage.py + +# Environments +.env +.venv +env/ +venv/ +ENV/ +env.bak/ +venv.bak/ + +# Spyder project settings +.spyderproject +.spyproject + +# Rope project settings +.ropeproject + +# mkdocs documentation +/site + +# mypy +.mypy_cache/ +.dmypy.json +dmypy.json + +# Pyre type checker +.pyre/ + +# pytype static type analyzer +.pytype/ + +# Cython debug symbols +cython_debug/ + +# PyCharm +# JetBrains specific template is maintained in a separate JetBrains.gitignore that can +# be found at https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/main/Global/JetBrains.gitignore +# and can be added to the global gitignore or merged into this file. For a more nuclear +# option (not recommended) you can uncomment the following to ignore the entire idea folder. +#.idea/ diff --git a/.streamlit/config.toml b/.streamlit/config.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d0db4490019baf6a0a2fa95de07ab41aa01df735 --- /dev/null +++ b/.streamlit/config.toml @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[server] +maxUploadSize = 1024 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6bbfc0d2ea4f43d4e98b2f638a426da98227210c --- /dev/null +++ b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct + +## Our Pledge + +We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our +community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body +size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender +identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, +nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity +and orientation. + +We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, +diverse, inclusive, and healthy community. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our +community include: + +* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people +* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences +* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback +* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes, + and learning from the experience +* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the + overall community + +Examples of unacceptable behavior include: + +* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or + advances of any kind +* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +* Public or private harassment +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email + address, without their explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a + professional setting + +## Enforcement Responsibilities + +Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of +acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in +response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, +or harmful. + +Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject +comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are +not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation +decisions when appropriate. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when +an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces. +Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address, +posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed +representative at an online or offline event. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be +reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at +sbhuvaji@seattleu.edu. +All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly. + +All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the +reporter of any incident. + +## Enforcement Guidelines + +Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining +the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct: + +### 1. Correction + +**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed +unprofessional or unwelcome in the community. + +**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing +clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the +behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested. + +### 2. Warning + +**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series +of actions. + +**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No +interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with +those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This +includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels +like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or +permanent ban. + +### 3. Temporary Ban + +**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including +sustained inappropriate behavior. + +**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public +communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or +private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction +with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period. +Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban. + +### 4. Permanent Ban + +**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community +standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an +individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals. + +**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within +the community. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], +version 2.0, available at +https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/0/code_of_conduct.html. + +Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by [Mozilla's code of conduct +enforcement ladder](https://github.com/mozilla/diversity). + +[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org + +For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at +https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq. Translations are available at +https://www.contributor-covenant.org/translations. diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8efb49088867d4ba63cdbaa012afb1203a85a92e --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2024 Sartaj Bhuvaji + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 174c7cd9edf0dda9d3b556f9d7a636dfce0e45c3..9f0b79d32bba1ae8f60d29bed148c9f0cae12846 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,13 +1,123 @@ --- title: Resonate -emoji: 📚 +emoji: ❤️ colorFrom: pink -colorTo: red +colorTo: green sdk: streamlit sdk_version: 1.32.2 app_file: app.py pinned: false -license: mit --- -Check out the configuration reference at https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-config-reference +
+ + logo + + +


+ + Data Science Capstone +

+ Sartaj Bhuvaji + · + Prachitee Chouhan + · + Madhuroopa Irukulla + · + Jay Singhvi +

+ + +# Resonate: A Retrieval Augmented Framework For Meeting Insight Extraction +In the fast-paced professional realm, meetings serve as vital platforms for collaboration and decision-making. Yet, among the vast exchange of information, recollecting essential details often proves challenging, hindering overall productivity. Imagine a scenario where past discussions on User Interface design are essential but cumbersome to retrieve. + +Our project aims to tackle this challenge by developing a solution to effortlessly extract pivotal insights from historical meetings. expeeLeveraging Retrieval Augmented Generation techniques, our proposed system enables users to seamlessly upload meeting records and pose queries for relevant information retrieval. One core component of the system is to group meetings based on their abstractive summaries. Several state-of-the-art clustering algorithms were extensively trained and evaluated. When users pose inquiries, our system will pinpoint the cluster most likely to contain relevant discussions. + +By utilizing the Pinecone vector store database, we retrieve pertinent conversations within a contextual window. The retrieved conversations and custom prompt are then processed through a Large Language Model (LLM) to generate precise responses. Our focus on system optimization involves exploring diverse encoders and LLM models, with fine-tuning to ensure rigorous evaluation and seamless integration. Through our approach, we transcend challenges in conversational meeting summarization, content discovery, and delivering a tailored, high-performance solution designed for user convenience. + +## Getting Started + +### Running on Github Codespace + +1. Create a Codespace with 4 cores. +2. Press Ctrl+C to cancel the automatic installation of requirements.txt, as it may not install the packages correctly. +3. Manually install required packages: + + ```bash + pip install -r requirements.txt + ``` +4. Setting environment variables + - Create a `/config/.env` file and fill in your environment variables. + - Learn more about config options: README + +5. Running the pre-requisits script: + + ```bash + python init_one_time_utils/pinecone_sample_dataloader.py + ``` + +6. Run the application: + + ```bash + streamlit run app.py + ``` + +### Running Locally + +1. Clone the repository: + + ```bash + git clone https://github.com/SartajBhuvaji/Resonate.git + ``` + +2. Set up a virtual environment: + + ```bash + python -m venv .venv + ``` + +3. Activate the virtual environment: + + - On Windows: + + ```powershell + .\.venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 + ``` + + - On Unix or MacOS: + + ```bash + source .venv/bin/activate + ``` + +4. Install dependencies: + + ```bash + pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade + ``` + +5. Setting environment variables: + + Create a `/config/.env` file and fill in your environment variables. + +6. Running the pre-requisite script: + + ```bash + python init_one_time_utils/pinecone_sample_dataloader.py + ``` + +7. Run the application: + + ```bash + streamlit run app.py + ``` + +## Demo + +https://github.com/SartajBhuvaji/Resonate/assets/31826483/b7f9ef2c-3839-47d5-94cf-c1d632c70f57 + +## Framework +![architecture_diagram](https://github.com/SartajBhuvaji/Resonate/assets/31826483/20140140-8c94-4952-9900-334bfe8b335a) diff --git a/app.py b/app.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..afe9fd0bc10a8ada91486c9cf34bd12785fd0e42 --- /dev/null +++ b/app.py @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ +# Description: This file contains the main Streamlit application for the Resonate project. +# Run command: streamlit run app.py + +import os +import pandas as pd +import streamlit as st +from dotenv import load_dotenv +from streamlit import session_state as ss +from streamlit_chat import message +from src.clustering.resonate_bert_summarizer import summarize_runner +from src.clustering.resonate_clustering import Clustering +from src.langchain.resonate_langchain_functions import LangChain +from src.utils.resonate_streamlitUtils import ( + aws_transcribe, + convert_video_to_audio, + pinecone_init_upsert, + transcript_text_editor_minutes_to_hhmmss, +) + +def initialize_session_state(): + # Initialize API keys in session state if not present + if "api_keys" not in ss: + ss.api_keys = {} + ss.api_keys["openai_api_key"] = None + ss.api_keys["pinecone_api_key"] = None + ss.api_keys["aws_access_key"] = None + ss.api_keys["aws_secret_access_key"] = None + + if "api_key_set" not in ss: + ss.api_key_set = False + if "add_meeting" not in ss: + ss.add_meeting = False + if "Clustering_obj" not in ss: + ss.Clustering_obj = Clustering() + # Initialize - Main Screen - Transcript Editor + if "transcript_speaker_editor" not in ss: + ss.transcript_speaker_editor = False + if "transcript_text_editor" not in ss: + ss.transcript_text_editor = False + if "meeting_name" not in ss: + ss.meeting_name = "" + if "df_transcript_speaker" not in ss: + ss.df_transcript_speaker = pd.DataFrame() + if "df_transcript_text" not in ss: + ss.df_transcript_text = pd.DataFrame() + if "updated_df" not in ss: + ss.updated_transcript_df_to_embed = pd.DataFrame() + if "chat_view" not in ss: + ss.chat_view = True + if "langchain_obj" not in ss and ss.api_key_set: + ss.langchain_obj = LangChain() + if "query" not in ss: + ss.query = "" + if "responses" not in ss: + ss["responses"] = ["How can I assist you?"] + if "requests" not in ss: + ss["requests"] = [] + + +def chat_view(): + st.header("Chat") + response_container = st.container() + textcontainer = st.container() + with textcontainer: + query = st.text_input( + "Chat Here", + placeholder="Message Resonate ... ", + value=ss.query, + key="query_input", + ) + # Clear button + if st.button("Clear"): + ss.langchain_obj.conversation_bufw.memory.clear() # Clear conversation buffer + ss.query = "" + ss.requests = [] + ss.responses = [] + ss["responses"] = ["How can I assist you?"] + st.rerun() + + elif query: + with st.spinner("typing..."): + uuid_list = ss.Clustering_obj.uuid_for_query(query=query) + print(f"Meeting Unique ID : {uuid_list}") + response = ss.langchain_obj.chat( + query=query, in_filter=uuid_list, complete_db_flag=False + ) + response = response["response"] + ss.requests.append(query) + ss.responses.append(response) + ss.query = "" + with response_container: + if ss["responses"]: + for i in range(len(ss["responses"])): + message(ss["responses"][i], key=str(i)) + if i < len(ss["requests"]): + message( + ss["requests"][i], + is_user=True, + key=str(i) + "_user", + ) + + +def api_keys_input(): + with st.form("keys_input_form"): + # Retrieve values from session state + openai_api_key = st.text_input( + "OpenAPI Key:", + type="password", + value=ss.api_keys.get( + "openai_api_key", "" + ), # Use default value if key is not present + ) + pinecone_api_key = st.text_input( + "Pinecone Key:", + type="password", + value=ss.api_keys.get( + "pinecone_api_key", "" + ), # Use default value if key is not present + ) + aws_access_key = st.text_input( + "AWS Access Key:", + type="password", + value=ss.api_keys.get( + "aws_access_key", "" + ), # Use default value if key is not present + ) + aws_secret_access_key = st.text_input( + "AWS Secret Access Key:", + type="password", + value=ss.api_keys.get( + "aws_secret_access_key", "" + ), # Use default value if key is not present + ) + # Add a button to save the keys + save_button = st.form_submit_button("Save API Keys") + if save_button: + # Update session state with provided keys + ss.api_keys["openai_api_key"] = openai_api_key + ss.api_keys["pinecone_api_key"] = pinecone_api_key + ss.api_keys["aws_access_key"] = aws_access_key + ss.api_keys["aws_secret_access_key"] = aws_secret_access_key + # Set environment variables only if the keys are not None + if openai_api_key: + os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = ss.api_keys["openai_api_key"] + if pinecone_api_key: + os.environ["PINECONE_API_KEY"] = ss.api_keys["pinecone_api_key"] + if aws_access_key: + os.environ["AWS_ACCESS_KEY"] = ss.api_keys["aws_access_key"] + if aws_secret_access_key: + os.environ["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"] = ss.api_keys[ + "aws_secret_access_key" + ] + + ss.api_key_set = True + print("API KEYS ARE: ", ss.api_keys) + st.rerun() + + +def add_meeting(): + with st.form("add_meeting_form"): + uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a file", type=["wav", "mp4"]) + # Get user input + meeting_name = st.text_input("Enter Meeting Name:") + save_meeting_button = st.form_submit_button("Save Meeting") + if save_meeting_button: + if not meeting_name: + st.warning("Please enter Meeting Name.") + elif uploaded_file is None: + st.warning("Please upload a meeting recording.") + elif meeting_name and uploaded_file: + with st.spinner("Processing..."): + file_name = uploaded_file.name.replace(" ", "_") + if file_name.endswith(".mp4") or file_name.endswith(".mpeg4"): + print("in video") + with open("data/videoFiles/" + file_name, "wb") as f: + f.write(uploaded_file.getbuffer()) + f.close() + # Convert video file to audio file + audio_path = "data/audioFiles/" + file_name[:-4] + ".wav" + convert_video_to_audio( + "data/videoFiles/" + file_name, audio_path + ) + file_name = file_name[:-4] + ".wav" + elif file_name.endswith(".wav"): + print("in audio") + with open("data/audioFiles/" + file_name, "wb") as f: + f.write(uploaded_file.getbuffer()) + f.close() + ss.df_transcript_speaker = aws_transcribe(file_name) + ss.meeting_name = meeting_name + ss.transcript_speaker_editor = True + + +def transcript_speaker_editor(): + ss.add_meeting = False + with st.form("transcript_speaker_editor_form"): + st.write("Transcript Speaker Editor:") + st.dataframe(ss.df_transcript_speaker) + df = ss.df_transcript_speaker.copy(deep=True) + # Create a list of unique speaker labels + speaker_labels = df["speaker_label"].unique() + # Create a dictionary to store the updated values + updated_speaker_names = {} + # Display text input boxes for each speaker label + for speaker_label in speaker_labels: + new_name = st.text_input( + f"Edit speaker label '{speaker_label}'", speaker_label + ) + updated_speaker_names[speaker_label] = new_name + # Update the DataFrame with the new speaker label names + for old_name, new_name in updated_speaker_names.items(): + df["speaker_label"] = df["speaker_label"].replace(old_name, new_name) + update_speaker_button = st.form_submit_button("Update Speakers") + if update_speaker_button and df is not None: + ss.df_transcript_speaker = pd.DataFrame() + ss.df_transcript_text = df.copy(deep=True) + del df + ss.transcript_text_editor = True + ss.transcript_speaker_editor = False + st.rerun() + + +# Function to update the text column +def transcript_text_editor_update_text(row_index, new_text): + ss.updated_transcript_df_to_embed.at[row_index, "text"] = new_text + + +def transcript_text_editor(): + ss.transcript_speaker_editor = False + st.write("Transcript Text Editor:") + st.write(ss.df_transcript_text) + df = ss.df_transcript_text.copy(deep=True) + ss.updated_transcript_df_to_embed = df.copy(deep=True) + # Convert start_time and end_time to HH:MM:SS format + df["start_time"] = df["start_time"].apply(transcript_text_editor_minutes_to_hhmmss) + df["end_time"] = df["end_time"].apply(transcript_text_editor_minutes_to_hhmmss) + row_index = st.number_input( + "Enter the row index:", + min_value=0, + max_value=len(df) - 1, + value=0, + step=1, + ) + new_text = st.text_area("Enter the new text:", df.at[row_index, "text"]) + update_text_button_inner = st.button("Update Text") + if update_text_button_inner: + transcript_text_editor_update_text(row_index, new_text) + st.success("Text updated successfully!") + # Display the updated dataframe + st.header("Updated Transcript") + st.table(ss.updated_transcript_df_to_embed) + update_text_button = st.button("Finish Transcript Editing") + if update_text_button: + with st.spinner("Uploading..."): + ss.df_transcript_text = pd.DataFrame() + meeting_summary, meeting_uuid = summarize_runner( + ss.updated_transcript_df_to_embed + ) + ss.Clustering_obj.create_Cluster() + pinecone_init_upsert( + ss.updated_transcript_df_to_embed, + meeting_title=ss.meeting_name, + meeting_summary=meeting_summary, + meeting_uuid=meeting_uuid, + ) + ss.meeting_name = "unnamed" + st.success("Pinecone upsert completed successfully!") + ss.transcript_text_editor = False + ss.updated_transcript_df_to_embed = pd.DataFrame() + ss.chat_view = True + st.rerun() + + +def init_streamlit(): + initialize_session_state() + if os.path.exists("./config/.env"): + load_dotenv("./config/.env") + + else: + print(".env file does not exist, API keys must be set manually.") + + # Set initial state of the sidebar + st.set_page_config( + initial_sidebar_state="collapsed", + layout="wide", + ) + st.title("RESONATE") + + # Initializing sidebar and its components + with st.sidebar: + api_keys_input() + if st.button("Upload Meeting / Chat"): + ss.add_meeting = not ss.add_meeting + ss.chat_view = not ss.chat_view + ss.transcript_speaker_editor = False + ss.transcript_text_editor = False + + if not ss.api_key_set: + st.header("Pre-requisites:") + st.write("Please set the API keys to enable the chat view.") + st.write("Please ensure that you have already run the 'pinecone_sample_dataloader.py'") + + if ss.add_meeting and ss.api_key_set: + add_meeting() + if ss.transcript_speaker_editor: + transcript_speaker_editor() + if ss.df_transcript_text is not None and ss.transcript_text_editor: + transcript_text_editor() + if ss.chat_view and ss.api_key_set: + chat_view() # Chat view + + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + # Please ensure you have data loaded in Pinecone before running the Streamlit app + # Please refer https://github.com/SartajBhuvaji/Resonate/blob/master/init_one_time_utils/PREREQUISITE.md + init_streamlit() + +# Test questions: +# What was discussed about cyberbullying? +# What is one new feature planned for GitLab's code search? +# What is the goal of defining maintainability for the new diffs architecture? \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/.dummy_env b/config/.dummy_env new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2129fabccaaa13505c84a4fae12eef5a366c42f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/.dummy_env @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +## Create a .env file and fill in the values for the following keys +OPENAI_API_KEY = "" +PINECONE_API_KEY = "" +AWS_ACCESS_KEY = "" +AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = "" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/README.md b/config/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..abaa890d54c6d83f2695b3b70a3b8b7502abe89e --- /dev/null +++ b/config/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +# Project Configuration + +## .env File + +This file contains the necessary API keys required for the application to function properly. Obtain the API keys from the following sources: + +- [OPENAI_API_KEY](https://platform.openai.com/api-keys) +- [PINECONE_API_KEY](https://app.pinecone.io/) +- [AWS_ACCESS_KEY](https://console.aws.amazon.com/) +- [AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY](https://console.aws.amazon.com/) + +## config.json + +This JSON file holds crucial configuration values for the entire application. Please refer to the documentation before modifying any configurations. + +### Pinecone Configuration + +- **PINECONE_INDEX_NAME**: The name of the index, the highest-level organizational unit of vector data in Pinecone. +- **PINECONE_VECTOR_DIMENSION**: Dimensionality of the embedding model's vectors. +- **PINECONE_UPSERT_BATCH_LIMIT**: Number of transcript rows inserted into Pinecone Serverless in parallel. +- **PINECONE_TOP_K_RESULTS**: Number of results fetched by Pinecone for a query. +- **PINECONE_DELTA_WINDOW**: Conversation window size fetched for TOP_K results. +- **PINECONE_CLOUD_PROVIDER**: Cloud provider for Pinecone DB. +- **PINECONE_REGION**: Region of the Pinecone Cloud provider. +- **PINECONE_METRIC**: Distance metric used by Pinecone to calculate similarity. +- **PINECONE_NAMESPACE**: Logical separation inside the Pinecone Index. + +### Embedding Provider Configuration + +- **EMBEDDING_PROVIDER**: Provider of the embedding model for text-to-vector conversion. +- **EMBEDDING_MODEL_NAME**: Name of the embedding model provided by the provider. + +### AWS Configuration + +- **AWS_INPUT_BUCKET**: Bucket for storing audio files for AWS Transcribe. +- **AWS_OUTPUT_BUCKET**: Bucket collecting transcribed files. +- **AWS_REGION**: AWS region in use. +- **AWS_TRANSCRIBE_JOB_NAME**: Default name for Transcribe job. + +### LangChain Configuration + +- **LC_LLM_TEMPERATURE**: Temperature value for the Large Language Model. +- **LC_CONV_BUFFER_MEMORY_WINDOW**: Conversation memory window limit. (Future Use) +- **LC_LLM_SUMMARY_MAX_TOKEN_LIMIT**: Maximum tokens allowed for summary in the memory buffer. +- **LC_LLM_MODEL**: Large Language Model used for inference. + + +The config/requirements.txt file was generated using pip freeze, if the primary ./requirements.txt fails, please use config/requirements.txt \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/config.json b/config/config.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2b9d70afe0e34b3f5c4add0122fcedc556d298fb --- /dev/null +++ b/config/config.json @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "PINECONE_INDEX_NAME": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "PINECONE_VECTOR_DIMENSION": 3072, + "PINECONE_UPSERT_BATCH_LIMIT": 90, + "PINECONE_TOP_K_RESULTS": 10, + "PINECONE_DELTA_WINDOW": 2, + "PINECONE_CLOUD_PROVIDER": "aws", + "PINECONE_REGION": "us-west-2", + "PINECONE_METRIC": "cosine", + "PINECONE_NAMESPACE": "default_namespace", + + "EMBEDDING_PROVIDER": "OpenAI", + "EMBEDDING_MODEL_NAME": "text-embedding-3-large", + + "MASTER_JSON_FILENAME": "master_meeting_details", + + "AWS_INPUT_BUCKET": "input-bucket", + "AWS_OUTPUT_BUCKET": "output-bucket", + "AWS_REGION": "us-east-2", + "AWS_TRANSCRIBE_JOB_NAME": "transcribe-job", + + "LC_LLM_TEMPERATURE": 0.01, + "LC_CONV_BUFFER_MEMORY_WINDOW": 1, + "LC_LLM_SUMMARY_MAX_TOKEN_LIMIT": 650, + "LC_LLM_MODEL": "gpt-3.5-turbo" +} diff --git a/config/requirements.txt b/config/requirements.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a10f01f8104a17ceec5a12e3109aff704ca782dc --- /dev/null +++ b/config/requirements.txt @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +aiohttp==3.9.3 +aiosignal==1.3.1 +altair==5.2.0 +annotated-types==0.6.0 +anyio==4.3.0 +argon2-cffi==23.1.0 +argon2-cffi-bindings==21.2.0 +arrow==1.3.0 +asttokens==2.4.1 +async-lru==2.0.4 +attrs==23.2.0 +Babel==2.14.0 +beautifulsoup4==4.12.3 +bleach==6.1.0 +blinker==1.7.0 +boto3==1.34.68 +botocore==1.34.68 +cachetools==5.3.3 +certifi==2024.2.2 +cffi==1.16.0 +charset-normalizer==3.3.2 +click==8.1.7 +comm==0.2.2 +dataclasses-json==0.6.4 +debugpy==1.8.1 +decorator==4.4.2 +defusedxml==0.7.1 +distro==1.9.0 +docopt==0.6.2 +executing==2.0.1 +faiss-cpu==1.8.0 +fastjsonschema==2.19.1 +filelock==3.13.1 +fqdn==1.5.1 +frozenlist==1.4.1 +fsspec==2024.3.1 +gitdb==4.0.11 +GitPython==3.1.42 +greenlet==3.0.3 +h11==0.14.0 +httpcore==1.0.4 +httpx==0.27.0 +huggingface-hub==0.21.4 +idna==3.6 +imageio==2.34.0 +imageio-ffmpeg==0.4.9 +ipykernel==6.29.3 +ipython==8.22.2 +ipywidgets==8.1.2 +isoduration==20.11.0 +jedi==0.19.1 +Jinja2==3.1.3 +jmespath==1.0.1 +joblib==1.3.2 +json5==0.9.24 +jsonpatch==1.33 +jsonpointer==2.4 +jsonschema==4.21.1 +jsonschema-specifications==2023.12.1 +jupyter==1.0.0 +jupyter-console==6.6.3 +jupyter-events==0.10.0 +jupyter-lsp==2.2.4 +jupyter_client==8.6.1 +jupyter_core==5.7.2 +jupyter_server==2.13.0 +jupyter_server_terminals==0.5.3 +jupyterlab==4.1.5 +jupyterlab_pygments==0.3.0 +jupyterlab_server==2.25.4 +jupyterlab_widgets==3.0.10 +langchain==0.1.13 +langchain-community==0.0.29 +langchain-core==0.1.33 +langchain-openai==0.1.0 +langchain-text-splitters==0.0.1 +langsmith==0.1.31 +markdown-it-py==3.0.0 +MarkupSafe==2.1.5 +marshmallow==3.21.1 +matplotlib-inline==0.1.6 +mdurl==0.1.2 +mistune==3.0.2 +moviepy== +mpmath==1.3.0 +multidict==6.0.5 +mypy-extensions==1.0.0 +nbclient==0.10.0 +nbconvert==7.16.3 +nbformat==5.10.3 +nest-asyncio==1.6.0 +networkx==3.2.1 +notebook==7.1.2 +notebook_shim==0.2.4 +numpy==1.26.4 +nvidia-cublas-cu12== +nvidia-cuda-cupti-cu12==12.1.105 +nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu12==12.1.105 +nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu12==12.1.105 +nvidia-cudnn-cu12== +nvidia-cufft-cu12== +nvidia-curand-cu12== +nvidia-cusolver-cu12== +nvidia-cusparse-cu12== +nvidia-nccl-cu12==2.19.3 +nvidia-nvjitlink-cu12==12.4.99 +nvidia-nvtx-cu12==12.1.105 +openai==1.14.2 +orjson==3.9.15 +overrides==7.7.0 +packaging==23.2 +pandas==2.2.1 +pandocfilters==1.5.1 +parso==0.8.3 +pexpect==4.9.0 +pillow==10.2.0 +pinecone-client==3.2.0 +platformdirs==4.2.0 +proglog==0.1.10 +prometheus_client==0.20.0 +prompt-toolkit==3.0.43 +protobuf==4.25.3 +psutil==5.9.8 +ptyprocess==0.7.0 +pure-eval==0.2.2 +pyarrow==15.0.2 +pycparser==2.21 +pydantic==2.6.4 +pydantic_core==2.16.3 +pydeck==0.8.1b0 +Pygments==2.17.2 +python-dateutil==2.9.0.post0 +python-dotenv==1.0.1 +python-json-logger==2.0.7 +pytz==2024.1 +PyYAML==6.0.1 +pyzmq==25.1.2 +qtconsole==5.5.1 +QtPy==2.4.1 +referencing==0.34.0 +regex==2023.12.25 +requests==2.31.0 +rfc3339-validator==0.1.4 +rfc3986-validator==0.1.1 +rich==13.7.1 +rpds-py==0.18.0 +s3transfer==0.10.1 +safetensors==0.4.2 +scikit-learn==1.4.1.post1 +scipy==1.12.0 +Send2Trash==1.8.2 +setuptools==69.1.1 +six==1.16.0 +smmap==5.0.1 +sniffio==1.3.1 +soupsieve==2.5 +SQLAlchemy==2.0.28 +stack-data==0.6.3 +streamlit==1.32.2 +streamlit-chat== +sympy==1.12 +tenacity==8.2.3 +terminado==0.18.1 +threadpoolctl==3.4.0 +tiktoken==0.6.0 +tinycss2==1.2.1 +tokenizers==0.15.2 +toml==0.10.2 +toolz==0.12.1 +torch==2.2.1 +tornado==6.4 +tqdm==4.66.2 +traitlets==5.14.2 +transformers==4.39.1 +types-python-dateutil== +typing-inspect==0.9.0 +typing_extensions==4.10.0 +tzdata==2024.1 +uri-template==1.3.0 +urllib3==2.2.1 +watchdog==4.0.0 +wcwidth==0.2.13 +webcolors==1.13 +webencodings==0.5.1 +websocket-client==1.7.0 +webvtt-py==0.4.6 +wheel==0.42.0 +widgetsnbextension==4.0.10 +yarl==1.9.4 diff --git a/data/clusteringFiles/cluster_data.csv b/data/clusteringFiles/cluster_data.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..90dd4a09448548075ca8eba0305a853792d72a66 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/clusteringFiles/cluster_data.csv @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +,uuid,text,cluster +0,ba94585e-b0df-4633-bef2-a4f94f644c11,"This meeting was about the future of social media. Firstly, the group discussed the current trends in the social media market, including the rise in the use of the internet and the trend-watching. Secondly, they talked about the current trend in the market for the internet, which was largely focused on the young and old people's different tastes. Thirdly, they discussed the role of the Internet in the current political climate, and the future directions of the society. Lastly, they agreed that the market should be more focused on young people and less on old people.",0 +1,906c7694-0e33-4c8e-8f51-0365155fbb81,"This is the second meeting about future of social media. First, the group discussed the role of social media as a useful platform and tool for young people. They also discussed the current trend in the market and future direction of young people's lives. Then, the discussion moved onto the topic of young trans kids and how they would like to make their lives better. They talked about how they could help their young trans friends to make sure they were on the right track. Finally, they talked about the future of their group and future plans.",0 +2,52d105f8-1c80-4056-8253-732b9e2bec63,"The group was moving to a new building across the street and were moving in three weeks. The group discussed the logistics of the new building. First, the group decided to organise their group into three groups: the phd students, the professor, and the graduate student. Next, they decided what kind of equipment they should have in their new building and how they should design it. Lastly, they discussed how they could make their group more efficient by making sure they had enough money for the cost control.",2 +3,9ed1fefa-db53-41fc-a21b-479b67e30073,"This meeting was about the design of the new building. First, the group decided to put two people room in the middle with only one window, so they would have to pay attention to the colour of the building. Next, they decided to place the first para meter, the first one was a para meter to choose people to put in their offices. Then, they agreed to put the second one as well as the third one. Lastly, they discussed how they would make the building more comfortable for all of them.",1 +4,e993da88-0e17-4a35-ba9a-c03decca607b,The meeting was about the new office space in the university building. The team first discussed how they would use the space they had been waiting for. The professor thought that they should make it better for the team to work on their next projects. The group also discussed how to make sure that the team would have enough room for all their work. The meeting ended with a group discussion about how they could make their new office better. The professor suggested that the group should make their next project better.,2 +5,61d453f1-2852-48d9-a25a-b6e04c3c4908,"This meeting was about the design of the new rooms in new building. First, the group discussed the logistics of putting four people in one of the 23 person rooms: one person, two person and three person rooms. Next, they discussed how to deal with the storage of the equipment. They agreed that they should keep the cost under twelve and a half Euros per room, but they would have to pay attention to the cost control. Lastly, they agreed that the room should be well-lit and that it should be easy to use.",1 +6,52d2dfe4-748b-4ecf-84fb-64be6ebcaeef,This is the first meeting of the new remote control project. Project Manager introduced the team members to the project and asked them to come up with a new design for the remote control. The team agreed to make the new product more user-friendly and to make it a remote control for all age groups. The meeting ended with a group discussion about the working design of the product. The group agreed that the product should be a working design with a wide range of functions and should be suitable for all ages groups.,1 +7,1be8e439-45b3-4c97-9e4a-5c78c1a15e78,"This meeting was about the working design of the new remote control. First, the group discussed the three presentations from the three team members: from the group's point of view, from the user interface's perspective, and from the industrial design's perspective. They agreed that they should make the product only for TV and that the corporate image should be the final thing to be added to the product. Then, the team discussed the project requirements: the design of components, system, and interface design. The group agreed that the product should be only for television and should be priced at twelve and a half Euros.",1 +8,a4b7b490-7b28-4744-85e5-d216f40ff52c,"This meeting was about the design of the new remote control product. Firstly, the group discussed the market requirements of the product: young people would like to have a high-tech design with fewer buttons than most of the controls on the market. Next, they talked about the working design of their product: it would be a remote control with LCD screen and voice recognition. Lastly, they discussed the product requirements: the remote control would be good-looking, easy to use, and would be priced at twelve fifty Euros.",1 +9,b3821662-03f1-4349-8781-ba5f64439693,"This meeting was about the conceptual design of the remote control. First, the group discussed the components design. They decided to have the, the logo, the company logo in its colour scheme in its own colour scheme. Next, they discussed the technical requirements. The group agreed that the product should be simple to use, but they wanted it to be more expensive. Lastly, they made some decisions about the product design, like the colour scheme, the material, the battery, and the buttons.",1 +10,d8054419-991c-42f8-b736-a9da4f55126f,This meeting was about technical issues that the team had to deal with within the backdrop project. First the team introduced the technical lead for the backdrop C MS project who was introducing the D two B migration model. Next the group discussed technical issues with the D-two B module which was responsible for migration to the database. Lastly the meeting ended with a group discussion about the future of the project including future ideas for future work. The group agreed that more work should be done on the background project.,0 +11,95efa3c5-9770-4160-9f28-35350efb9f73,This is the first time that the team has hosted a release kickoff at Git Lab. The meeting was about the Glab 16.7 monthly release kickoff for November. First the team discussed the current status of the core platforms group. Next the group discussed the future direction of the project including future directions and future work on data science. Lastly the meeting ended with a group discussion about the Deaf section of the web which was mainly about the improvements in the interface design.,0 +12,85430eae-d466-4d63-9015-5835bbe71b90,The group product manager introduced the product leaders for the SEC and data science sections. The team was working on a world-class Cops experience with a focus on first class usability and A I powered workflows. They were also working on an interface for the data science section. The meeting ended with a general discussion about the future direction of the project including future work on the Cops project and future directions of the C-zero project. The group also discussed the future of the team and their work on C-one and C-two.,0 +13,55d8afa8-a1bf-413c-a75c-b8c14da88d87,This meeting was about the logistics of the group meeting. The team was trying to figure out how they could make their group meeting more efficient. The professor suggested that they should make the meeting more interactive and asked the team members to share their knowledge about their work. The meeting ended with a general discussion about the future of the project. The group discussed how they would like to make their meeting more useful. They agreed to make it more interactive by making it more accessible to all members of the team.,2 +14,15b7549d-4b3f-43b5-9507-85de435f1b4a,"The meeting was about the architecture design of the GIT lab's new DSS project. The group first discussed the design of an architecture design document that would cover the future of the DSS. They discussed how they could further improve the current architecture. The meeting ended with a general discussion about future work on the project, including future directions for the project and future work in general. The final meeting was focused on future work, including a new project manager's role and the future direction of the project.",0 +15,875564dc-9954-41da-9084-ccf04ebffdb0,"The meeting was about the performance of the D-goal. The team was reminded that they had to be very careful about the quality of their work. The professor thought that they should make sure that their work was up to standard and that they were doing a good job of it. The group also discussed how they could make their work better. The final meeting ended with a group discussion about the future directions of the project, including the future direction of the team and future work on the project.",0 +16,72858a28-248d-4bef-af03-c62a3c285fbb,"The meeting was about the progress of their work on the Aurora project. The group discussed Aurora's progress and future directions. The professor thought that Aurora should create a shared document with some organization to share the work they had done. The team agreed that Aurora's performance should be measured against the criteria they had set for Aurora, but they were not sure how they could make their work better. The meeting ended with a general discussion about Aurora's future directions and future work on Aurora's project.",0 +17,4cbd0d4e-6cf9-4db4-bf15-f4f4e4d3d8d8,"The meeting was about the Weekly Sync for the New Diffs project. The team was working on an architecture workflow for the architecture. The professor thought that they should make the team more efficient by making sure that they would not only focus on the architecture, but also on the design of the interface and the interface design. The group also discussed how they could make the project more efficient. The meeting ended with a general discussion about the current status of the project, including the progress of the team's work and future directions.",0 +18,4badb5ba-ca92-4c3c-a7e9-0d49fc7a8137,"This is the second meeting of the group. First, the group discussed the logistics of the new time zone. They discussed how to deal with the different time zones of the time zones. Then, they discussed how they could make their work better by making it easier for people to share their work with the world. Lastly, they talked about how to make the new diffs architecture better for the group and how they would make it easier to share ideas about their work and future work with other groups.",0 +19,9c5aa3e4-b047-4f08-a838-9b665e251e4d,"This meeting was about the progress of the team's work on the DS project. The team first discussed the technical matters, then moved onto a discussion about how they would make their work more efficient. The final decision was made that the team should focus on the service side rendering, but the team was not sure what they should do to make it better. Finally, the meeting ended with a brief discussion about the future of the project, which was mainly about future work and future thoughts on the project.",0 +20,d7c8e3b8-c6e0-4845-8669-f2f4ed1b8549,"This was the second meeting of the new D-goal group. The meeting was about the architecture of the database. First, the group discussed the scroll issues that the team had to deal with. Next, they discussed the logistics of adding the blueprint to the documentation. The group also discussed how they could make their database more robust. Lastly, the meeting ended with a general discussion about the future of the project, including future work on the database and future thoughts about the team's work in general.",0 +21,876e67fa-314d-40e4-b942-21ca63e81995,"This was the final meeting of the interface project. The team first discussed the accessibility issue. The group also discussed the requirements for the interface, such as how to deal with different kinds of data and how to handle different types of data. The final meeting ended with a general discussion about the future of the project, including future work on the interface and future directions for the team's work. The group agreed that the interface should be up to standard and that it should be a good-looking and user-friendly interface.",0 +22,98a0b66c-2d0f-4025-b2dc-7a983768b385,"The meeting was about the new DS architecture design. The group first discussed the current status of the project. They then moved onto a general discussion about their work on the LSF files. They discussed the future direction of their work. The final meeting ended with a general update on the current progress of their project, including the progress of the current project. The group then discussed the design of the new LSF file. They agreed that it was time to make some improvements to the current design.",0 +23,996096bd-965b-45e0-8241-3c9f6d7219cf,"The meeting was about the new DS architecture design. The group first discussed the current status of the team's work on the LSF files. The final decision on LSF was made by the group, but they were not sure what kind of features they should include in their work. Finally, the meeting ended with a brief discussion on the future of the project, including the design of the DS architecture and future work on other computer systems. The group was reminded that they had to make some changes to their work to meet the new requirements.",0 diff --git a/data/clusteringFiles/dgc_model.joblib b/data/clusteringFiles/dgc_model.joblib new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..426b2c24f770aabea8fc019f139a43c7e21ebdff --- /dev/null +++ b/data/clusteringFiles/dgc_model.joblib @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 +oid sha256:46ac73b03dc95f3188078392bfcd8f7c2a41a406daba3e2aef7ad4c9ca378ee7 +size 74541 diff --git a/data/embeddingFiles/cluster-embedding.mat b/data/embeddingFiles/cluster-embedding.mat new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5c15ecfb0a581aed4dccae9146183bcb17c119fd Binary files /dev/null and b/data/embeddingFiles/cluster-embedding.mat differ diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/15b7549d-4b3f-43b5-9507-85de435f1b4a.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/15b7549d-4b3f-43b5-9507-85de435f1b4a.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b32c1a8c2ab6f6b0216082ecbb59ace71c506fcd --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/15b7549d-4b3f-43b5-9507-85de435f1b4a.json @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_1", + "meeting_uuid": "15b7549d-4b3f-43b5-9507-85de435f1b4a", + "meeting_date": "20240307110356", + "last_conversation_no": 16045, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_0", + "spk_1", + "spk_2", + "spk_3", + "spk_4", + "spk_5", + "spk_6", + "spk_7", + "spk_8" + ], + "meeting_summary": "The meeting was about the architecture design of the GIT lab's new DSS project. The group first discussed the design of an architecture design document that would cover the future of the DSS. They discussed how they could further improve the current architecture. The meeting ended with a general discussion about future work on the project, including future directions for the project and future work in general. The final meeting was focused on future work, including a new project manager's role and the future direction of the project." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/1be8e439-45b3-4c97-9e4a-5c78c1a15e78.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/1be8e439-45b3-4c97-9e4a-5c78c1a15e78.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..081a5df9833ed4605d1971095ada0aff5ba7eb01 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/1be8e439-45b3-4c97-9e4a-5c78c1a15e78.json @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "ES2014b.Mix-Headset_1", + "meeting_uuid": "1be8e439-45b3-4c97-9e4a-5c78c1a15e78", + "meeting_date": "20240307104645", + "last_conversation_no": 11668, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_0", + "spk_1", + "spk_2", + "spk_3" + ], + "meeting_summary": "This meeting was about the working design of the new remote control. First, the group discussed the three presentations from the three team members: from the group's point of view, from the user interface's perspective, and from the industrial design's perspective. They agreed that they should make the product only for TV and that the corporate image should be the final thing to be added to the product. Then, the team discussed the project requirements: the design of components, system, and interface design. The group agreed that the product should be only for television and should be priced at twelve and a half Euros." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/4badb5ba-ca92-4c3c-a7e9-0d49fc7a8137.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/4badb5ba-ca92-4c3c-a7e9-0d49fc7a8137.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b3ee9f7883a1ed3896ab9a27a8a4a965dc041dc --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/4badb5ba-ca92-4c3c-a7e9-0d49fc7a8137.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_1", + "meeting_uuid": "4badb5ba-ca92-4c3c-a7e9-0d49fc7a8137", + "meeting_date": "20240307111213", + "last_conversation_no": 18166, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_0", + "spk_1", + "spk_2", + "spk_3", + "spk_4" + ], + "meeting_summary": "This is the second meeting of the group. First, the group discussed the logistics of the new time zone. They discussed how to deal with the different time zones of the time zones. Then, they discussed how they could make their work better by making it easier for people to share their work with the world. Lastly, they talked about how to make the new diffs architecture better for the group and how they would make it easier to share ideas about their work and future work with other groups." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/4cbd0d4e-6cf9-4db4-bf15-f4f4e4d3d8d8.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/4cbd0d4e-6cf9-4db4-bf15-f4f4e4d3d8d8.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d9c934ac4b15c64fc1e8b2818094df6ed58001b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/4cbd0d4e-6cf9-4db4-bf15-f4f4e4d3d8d8.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "2023-10-03-New_diffs_Architecture_Workflow", + "meeting_uuid": "4cbd0d4e-6cf9-4db4-bf15-f4f4e4d3d8d8", + "meeting_date": "20240307110956", + "last_conversation_no": 17590, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_0", + "spk_1", + "spk_2", + "spk_3", + "spk_4" + ], + "meeting_summary": "The meeting was about the Weekly Sync for the New Diffs project. The team was working on an architecture workflow for the architecture. The professor thought that they should make the team more efficient by making sure that they would not only focus on the architecture, but also on the design of the interface and the interface design. The group also discussed how they could make the project more efficient. The meeting ended with a general discussion about the current status of the project, including the progress of the team's work and future directions." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/52d105f8-1c80-4056-8253-732b9e2bec63.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/52d105f8-1c80-4056-8253-732b9e2bec63.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3733a1ce1664058a80e33e4758795b31d8512574 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/52d105f8-1c80-4056-8253-732b9e2bec63.json @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "office_relocation_1", + "meeting_uuid": "52d105f8-1c80-4056-8253-732b9e2bec63", + "meeting_date": "20240307103947", + "last_conversation_no": 10020, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_0", + "spk_1", + "spk_2", + "spk_3" + ], + "meeting_summary": "The group was moving to a new building across the street and were moving in three weeks. The group discussed the logistics of the new building. First, the group decided to organise their group into three groups: the phd students, the professor, and the graduate student. Next, they decided what kind of equipment they should have in their new building and how they should design it. Lastly, they discussed how they could make their group more efficient by making sure they had enough money for the cost control." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/52d2dfe4-748b-4ecf-84fb-64be6ebcaeef.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/52d2dfe4-748b-4ecf-84fb-64be6ebcaeef.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..449fc796da1273f35c9f828e5fe59f36b22f782d --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/52d2dfe4-748b-4ecf-84fb-64be6ebcaeef.json @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "ES2014a.Mix-Headset", + "meeting_uuid": "52d2dfe4-748b-4ecf-84fb-64be6ebcaeef", + "meeting_date": "20240307104317", + "last_conversation_no": 10845, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_0", + "spk_1", + "spk_2", + "spk_3" + ], + "meeting_summary": "This is the first meeting of the new remote control project. Project Manager introduced the team members to the project and asked them to come up with a new design for the remote control. The team agreed to make the new product more user-friendly and to make it a remote control for all age groups. The meeting ended with a group discussion about the working design of the product. The group agreed that the product should be a working design with a wide range of functions and should be suitable for all ages groups." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/55d8afa8-a1bf-413c-a75c-b8c14da88d87.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/55d8afa8-a1bf-413c-a75c-b8c14da88d87.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3e9dcdee0d001f867a9fd5bc398bfe3fdba8e337 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/55d8afa8-a1bf-413c-a75c-b8c14da88d87.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "Gitlab_Monthly_Release_Kickoff_2", + "meeting_uuid": "55d8afa8-a1bf-413c-a75c-b8c14da88d87", + "meeting_date": "20240307105931", + "last_conversation_no": 14911, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_0", + "spk_1", + "spk_2", + "spk_3", + "spk_4", + "spk_5" + ], + "meeting_summary": "This meeting was about the logistics of the group meeting. The team was trying to figure out how they could make their group meeting more efficient. The professor suggested that they should make the meeting more interactive and asked the team members to share their knowledge about their work. The meeting ended with a general discussion about the future of the project. The group discussed how they would like to make their meeting more useful. They agreed to make it more interactive by making it more accessible to all members of the team." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/61d453f1-2852-48d9-a25a-b6e04c3c4908.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/61d453f1-2852-48d9-a25a-b6e04c3c4908.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bea0a44a9938383d6024c5383fe969173269d84e --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/61d453f1-2852-48d9-a25a-b6e04c3c4908.json @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "office_relocation_4", + "meeting_uuid": "61d453f1-2852-48d9-a25a-b6e04c3c4908", + "meeting_date": "20240307104153", + "last_conversation_no": 10462, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_0", + "spk_1", + "spk_2", + "spk_3" + ], + "meeting_summary": "This meeting was about the design of the new rooms in new building. First, the group discussed the logistics of putting four people in one of the 23 person rooms: one person, two person and three person rooms. Next, they discussed how to deal with the storage of the equipment. They agreed that they should keep the cost under twelve and a half Euros per room, but they would have to pay attention to the cost control. Lastly, they agreed that the room should be well-lit and that it should be easy to use." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/72858a28-248d-4bef-af03-c62a3c285fbb.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/72858a28-248d-4bef-af03-c62a3c285fbb.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c71473ff4206bfedabdca96ef575e71f56777570 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/72858a28-248d-4bef-af03-c62a3c285fbb.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_3", + "meeting_uuid": "72858a28-248d-4bef-af03-c62a3c285fbb", + "meeting_date": "20240307110626", + "last_conversation_no": 16718, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_0", + "spk_1", + "spk_2", + "spk_7", + "spk_8" + ], + "meeting_summary": "The meeting was about the progress of their work on the Aurora project. The group discussed Aurora's progress and future directions. The professor thought that Aurora should create a shared document with some organization to share the work they had done. The team agreed that Aurora's performance should be measured against the criteria they had set for Aurora, but they were not sure how they could make their work better. The meeting ended with a general discussion about Aurora's future directions and future work on Aurora's project." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/7817cc11-6cb5-46b6-88e4-8bfa340aec97.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/7817cc11-6cb5-46b6-88e4-8bfa340aec97.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5dda4cfa25a5a0861ee0964ae869c13413a03ce8 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/7817cc11-6cb5-46b6-88e4-8bfa340aec97.json @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "Climate Change meeting cop 26", + "meeting_uuid": "7817cc11-6cb5-46b6-88e4-8bfa340aec97", + "meeting_date": "20240304165314", + "last_conversation_no": 9666, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_0", + "spk_1", + "spk_2", + "spk_3", + "spk_4", + "spk_5", + "spk_6", + "spk_7", + "spk_8", + "spk_9" + ], + "meeting_summary": "This is the last day of the Cop 26 meeting. Firstly, the group discussed the current climate crisis, the environmental crisis, and the ecological crisis. Next, they talked about how to make sure that young people would not only have the energy source they wanted, but that they would also be able to feed their young children. Lastly, they discussed the future of the project and how they could make it better for the whole world. The meeting ended with a group discussion about the future project and future ideas." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/85430eae-d466-4d63-9015-5835bbe71b90.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/85430eae-d466-4d63-9015-5835bbe71b90.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..966d64484f9ad05bb419a6107038b90ebc108e67 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/85430eae-d466-4d63-9015-5835bbe71b90.json @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "product_marketing_meeting", + "meeting_uuid": "85430eae-d466-4d63-9015-5835bbe71b90", + "meeting_date": "20240307105735", + "last_conversation_no": 14373, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_0", + "spk_1", + "spk_2", + "spk_3", + "spk_4", + "spk_5", + "spk_6" + ], + "meeting_summary": "The group product manager introduced the product leaders for the SEC and data science sections. The team was working on a world-class Cops experience with a focus on first class usability and A I powered workflows. They were also working on an interface for the data science section. The meeting ended with a general discussion about the future direction of the project including future work on the Cops project and future directions of the C-zero project. The group also discussed the future of the team and their work on C-one and C-two." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/875564dc-9954-41da-9084-ccf04ebffdb0.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/875564dc-9954-41da-9084-ccf04ebffdb0.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b36527fbf28d0cd6a43d350cf7813201c11f76f --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/875564dc-9954-41da-9084-ccf04ebffdb0.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_2", + "meeting_uuid": "875564dc-9954-41da-9084-ccf04ebffdb0", + "meeting_date": "20240307110526", + "last_conversation_no": 16480, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_0", + "spk_5", + "spk_2", + "spk_1", + "spk_7", + "spk_8" + ], + "meeting_summary": "The meeting was about the performance of the D-goal. The team was reminded that they had to be very careful about the quality of their work. The professor thought that they should make sure that their work was up to standard and that they were doing a good job of it. The group also discussed how they could make their work better. The final meeting ended with a group discussion about the future directions of the project, including the future direction of the team and future work on the project." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/876e67fa-314d-40e4-b942-21ca63e81995.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/876e67fa-314d-40e4-b942-21ca63e81995.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00cd5655c1e6c986118cecc4d95a611bbd615ca3 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/876e67fa-314d-40e4-b942-21ca63e81995.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "2023-10-17_New_diffs_architecture_blueprint_2", + "meeting_uuid": "876e67fa-314d-40e4-b942-21ca63e81995", + "meeting_date": "20240303214251", + "last_conversation_no": 9655, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_0", + "spk_3", + "spk_5", + "spk_6", + "spk_2" + ], + "meeting_summary": "This was the final meeting of the interface project. The team first discussed the accessibility issue. The group also discussed the requirements for the interface, such as how to deal with different kinds of data and how to handle different types of data. The final meeting ended with a general discussion about the future of the project, including future work on the interface and future directions for the team's work. The group agreed that the interface should be up to standard and that it should be a good-looking and user-friendly interface." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/906c7694-0e33-4c8e-8f51-0365155fbb81.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/906c7694-0e33-4c8e-8f51-0365155fbb81.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..984fa9a4007f08635c66fe62ae81bba2f39de243 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/906c7694-0e33-4c8e-8f51-0365155fbb81.json @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "Social_Media_-_Ruins_your_life", + "meeting_uuid": "906c7694-0e33-4c8e-8f51-0365155fbb81", + "meeting_date": "20240307103910", + "last_conversation_no": 9858, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_0", + "spk_1" + ], + "meeting_summary": "This is the second meeting about future of social media. First, the group discussed the role of social media as a useful platform and tool for young people. They also discussed the current trend in the market and future direction of young people's lives. Then, the discussion moved onto the topic of young trans kids and how they would like to make their lives better. They talked about how they could help their young trans friends to make sure they were on the right track. Finally, they talked about the future of their group and future plans." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/95efa3c5-9770-4160-9f28-35350efb9f73.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/95efa3c5-9770-4160-9f28-35350efb9f73.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b1b52749602473dd0982a65b8189c8442cbb61a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/95efa3c5-9770-4160-9f28-35350efb9f73.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "Gitlab_Monthly_Release_Kickoff_1", + "meeting_uuid": "95efa3c5-9770-4160-9f28-35350efb9f73", + "meeting_date": "20240307105338", + "last_conversation_no": 13405, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_0", + "spk_1", + "spk_2", + "spk_3", + "spk_4", + "spk_5" + ], + "meeting_summary": "This is the first time that the team has hosted a release kickoff at Git Lab. The meeting was about the Glab 16.7 monthly release kickoff for November. First the team discussed the current status of the core platforms group. Next the group discussed the future direction of the project including future directions and future work on data science. Lastly the meeting ended with a group discussion about the Deaf section of the web which was mainly about the improvements in the interface design." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/98a0b66c-2d0f-4025-b2dc-7a983768b385.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/98a0b66c-2d0f-4025-b2dc-7a983768b385.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..636b88839a74b457c66a1f206122fe12f691e372 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/98a0b66c-2d0f-4025-b2dc-7a983768b385.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "EMEA Architecture meeting ", + "meeting_uuid": "98a0b66c-2d0f-4025-b2dc-7a983768b385", + "meeting_date": "20240308121728", + "last_conversation_no": 18397, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "Prachitee", + "Madhu", + "Wan Bae", + "Steve", + "Sartaj" + ], + "meeting_summary": "The meeting was about the new DS architecture design. The group first discussed the current status of the project. They then moved onto a general discussion about their work on the LSF files. They discussed the future direction of their work. The final meeting ended with a general update on the current progress of their project, including the progress of the current project. The group then discussed the design of the new LSF file. They agreed that it was time to make some improvements to the current design." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/996096bd-965b-45e0-8241-3c9f6d7219cf.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/996096bd-965b-45e0-8241-3c9f6d7219cf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..78c7c1e074d5bf49f675f5c93c6c6d1741b94fa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/996096bd-965b-45e0-8241-3c9f6d7219cf.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "Architecture Weekly EMEA", + "meeting_uuid": "996096bd-965b-45e0-8241-3c9f6d7219cf", + "meeting_date": "20240308165216", + "last_conversation_no": 18430, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "Jay", + "Sartaj", + "spk_2", + "spk_3", + "spk_4" + ], + "meeting_summary": "The meeting was about the new DS architecture design. The group first discussed the current status of the team's work on the LSF files. The final decision on LSF was made by the group, but they were not sure what kind of features they should include in their work. Finally, the meeting ended with a brief discussion on the future of the project, including the design of the DS architecture and future work on other computer systems. The group was reminded that they had to make some changes to their work to meet the new requirements." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/9c5aa3e4-b047-4f08-a838-9b665e251e4d.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/9c5aa3e4-b047-4f08-a838-9b665e251e4d.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d569396f872f5da4c715f2d90817d9d6fcd961af --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/9c5aa3e4-b047-4f08-a838-9b665e251e4d.json @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_2", + "meeting_uuid": "9c5aa3e4-b047-4f08-a838-9b665e251e4d", + "meeting_date": "20240307111248", + "last_conversation_no": 18318, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_0", + "spk_1", + "spk_2", + "spk_4" + ], + "meeting_summary": "This meeting was about the progress of the team's work on the DS project. The team first discussed the technical matters, then moved onto a discussion about how they would make their work more efficient. The final decision was made that the team should focus on the service side rendering, but the team was not sure what they should do to make it better. Finally, the meeting ended with a brief discussion about the future of the project, which was mainly about future work and future thoughts on the project." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/9ed1fefa-db53-41fc-a21b-479b67e30073.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/9ed1fefa-db53-41fc-a21b-479b67e30073.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a3969e30bdfe453ebaf486270ca908300c1116a --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/9ed1fefa-db53-41fc-a21b-479b67e30073.json @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "office_relocation_2", + "meeting_uuid": "9ed1fefa-db53-41fc-a21b-479b67e30073", + "meeting_date": "20240307104047", + "last_conversation_no": 10260, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_0", + "spk_1", + "spk_2", + "spk_3" + ], + "meeting_summary": "This meeting was about the design of the new building. First, the group decided to put two people room in the middle with only one window, so they would have to pay attention to the colour of the building. Next, they decided to place the first para meter, the first one was a para meter to choose people to put in their offices. Then, they agreed to put the second one as well as the third one. Lastly, they discussed how they would make the building more comfortable for all of them." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/9f845b2f-fae9-4179-90e1-18e757888716.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/9f845b2f-fae9-4179-90e1-18e757888716.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6cd7bb7ba47db28df9e996ef20c6d09ee241c5a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/9f845b2f-fae9-4179-90e1-18e757888716.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "Health Care meeting", + "meeting_uuid": "9f845b2f-fae9-4179-90e1-18e757888716", + "meeting_date": "20240305093837", + "last_conversation_no": 9689, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "Jay", + "Prachitee", + "Sartaj" + ], + "meeting_summary": "This is the third meeting of the group. The group first discussed the current trend in the market place and future directions of the market. Then, the group discussed the status of the project and its progress. The meeting ended with a general overview of the New York State and the future direction of the health care field. The final point of the meeting was that the group was very satisfied with the progress of their project and the team was looking forward to the next meeting. The team also discussed the future of the team and the project." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/a4b7b490-7b28-4744-85e5-d216f40ff52c.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/a4b7b490-7b28-4744-85e5-d216f40ff52c.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e7b3e716999db4e9f22b4ec1fc5ed84e381dfb07 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/a4b7b490-7b28-4744-85e5-d216f40ff52c.json @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "ES2014b.Mix-Headset_2", + "meeting_uuid": "a4b7b490-7b28-4744-85e5-d216f40ff52c", + "meeting_date": "20240307104836", + "last_conversation_no": 12105, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_3", + "spk_0", + "spk_1", + "spk_2" + ], + "meeting_summary": "This meeting was about the design of the new remote control product. Firstly, the group discussed the market requirements of the product: young people would like to have a high-tech design with fewer buttons than most of the controls on the market. Next, they talked about the working design of their product: it would be a remote control with LCD screen and voice recognition. Lastly, they discussed the product requirements: the remote control would be good-looking, easy to use, and would be priced at twelve fifty Euros." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/a5a4de39-568a-4847-905d-059384d5cc6e.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/a5a4de39-568a-4847-905d-059384d5cc6e.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e8ef8b6e16aa5082025356768aca24dd4dba6801 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/a5a4de39-568a-4847-905d-059384d5cc6e.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "Health Care Meeting of Newyork", + "meeting_uuid": "a5a4de39-568a-4847-905d-059384d5cc6e", + "meeting_date": "20240307204141", + "last_conversation_no": 18341, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "Jay", + "Prachitee", + "Sartaj" + ], + "meeting_summary": "This is the third meeting of the group. The group first discussed the current trend in the market place and future directions of the market. Then, the group discussed the status of the project and its progress. The meeting ended with a general overview of the New York State and the future direction of the health care field. The final point of the meeting was that the group was very satisfied with the progress of their project and the team was looking forward to the next meeting. The team also discussed the future of the team and the project." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/b3821662-03f1-4349-8781-ba5f64439693.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/b3821662-03f1-4349-8781-ba5f64439693.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..20a49014fefd187a679891fd860c473f0f2230df --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/b3821662-03f1-4349-8781-ba5f64439693.json @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "ES2014c.Mix-Headset", + "meeting_uuid": "b3821662-03f1-4349-8781-ba5f64439693", + "meeting_date": "20240307105146", + "last_conversation_no": 12942, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_0", + "spk_1", + "spk_2", + "spk_3" + ], + "meeting_summary": "This meeting was about the conceptual design of the remote control. First, the group discussed the components design. They decided to have the, the logo, the company logo in its colour scheme in its own colour scheme. Next, they discussed the technical requirements. The group agreed that the product should be simple to use, but they wanted it to be more expensive. Lastly, they made some decisions about the product design, like the colour scheme, the material, the battery, and the buttons." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/ba94585e-b0df-4633-bef2-a4f94f644c11.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/ba94585e-b0df-4633-bef2-a4f94f644c11.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cfb75eb9557b4555680f71cf4152ffaabfa434dd --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/ba94585e-b0df-4633-bef2-a4f94f644c11.json @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "Social_Media_-_Harmed_Teens", + "meeting_uuid": "ba94585e-b0df-4633-bef2-a4f94f644c11", + "meeting_date": "20240307103901", + "last_conversation_no": 9814, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_0", + "spk_1", + "spk_2", + "spk_3", + "spk_4", + "spk_5", + "spk_6", + "spk_7" + ], + "meeting_summary": "This meeting was about the future of social media. Firstly, the group discussed the current trends in the social media market, including the rise in the use of the internet and the trend-watching. Secondly, they talked about the current trend in the market for the internet, which was largely focused on the young and old people's different tastes. Thirdly, they discussed the role of the Internet in the current political climate, and the future directions of the society. Lastly, they agreed that the market should be more focused on young people and less on old people." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/d7c8e3b8-c6e0-4845-8669-f2f4ed1b8549.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/d7c8e3b8-c6e0-4845-8669-f2f4ed1b8549.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4ec4dc4f989ed9953c96044766d9fd3fc483ed3c --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/d7c8e3b8-c6e0-4845-8669-f2f4ed1b8549.json @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "2023-10-17_New_diffs_architecture_blueprint_1", + "meeting_uuid": "d7c8e3b8-c6e0-4845-8669-f2f4ed1b8549", + "meeting_date": "20240303214122", + "last_conversation_no": 9344, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_0", + "spk_1", + "spk_2", + "spk_3", + "spk_4", + "spk_5", + "spk_6" + ], + "meeting_summary": "This was the second meeting of the new D-goal group. The meeting was about the architecture of the database. First, the group discussed the scroll issues that the team had to deal with. Next, they discussed the logistics of adding the blueprint to the documentation. The group also discussed how they could make their database more robust. Lastly, the meeting ended with a general discussion about the future of the project, including future work on the database and future thoughts about the team's work in general." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/da390244-0d69-4a1b-9e2c-dbc88041a6e9.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/da390244-0d69-4a1b-9e2c-dbc88041a6e9.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a60f2234803be5dece91fdb693c0330120850fd --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/da390244-0d69-4a1b-9e2c-dbc88041a6e9.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "Health Care Meeting", + "meeting_uuid": "da390244-0d69-4a1b-9e2c-dbc88041a6e9", + "meeting_date": "20240306145911", + "last_conversation_no": 9712, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "Jay", + "Prachitee", + "Sartaj" + ], + "meeting_summary": "This is the third meeting of the group. The group first discussed the current trend in the market place and future directions of the market. Then, the group discussed the status of the project and its progress. The meeting ended with a general overview of the New York State and the future direction of the health care field. The final point of the meeting was that the group was very satisfied with the progress of their project and the team was looking forward to the next meeting. The team also discussed the future of the team and the project." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/e993da88-0e17-4a35-ba9a-c03decca607b.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/e993da88-0e17-4a35-ba9a-c03decca607b.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d77a0134254dd7a5febc5b571017bea3ae594a39 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/e993da88-0e17-4a35-ba9a-c03decca607b.json @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "office_relocation_3", + "meeting_uuid": "e993da88-0e17-4a35-ba9a-c03decca607b", + "meeting_date": "20240307104123", + "last_conversation_no": 10406, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "spk_0", + "spk_1", + "spk_2", + "spk_3" + ], + "meeting_summary": "The meeting was about the new office space in the university building. The team first discussed how they would use the space they had been waiting for. The professor thought that they should make it better for the team to work on their next projects. The group also discussed how to make sure that the team would have enough room for all their work. The meeting ended with a group discussion about how they could make their new office better. The professor suggested that the group should make their next project better." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/f4449933-143b-4e85-b075-5cc63a567942.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/f4449933-143b-4e85-b075-5cc63a567942.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bd88e0835750ec20702b997d10edb37d4f758a07 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/f4449933-143b-4e85-b075-5cc63a567942.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "meeting_title": "Newyork Health Care Meeting", + "meeting_uuid": "f4449933-143b-4e85-b075-5cc63a567942", + "meeting_date": "20240308110549", + "last_conversation_no": 18364, + "meeting_video_file": false, + "meeting_members": [ + "Jay", + "Prachitee", + "Sartaj" + ], + "meeting_summary": "This is the third meeting of the group. The group first discussed the current trend in the market place and future directions of the market. Then, the group discussed the status of the project and its progress. The meeting ended with a general overview of the New York State and the future direction of the health care field. The final point of the meeting was that the group was very satisfied with the progress of their project and the team was looking forward to the next meeting. The team also discussed the future of the team and the project." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/master_meeting_details.json b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/master_meeting_details.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4c75f80d9f4db8f43ecf25c5f0cbc0a729bd699e --- /dev/null +++ b/data/jsonMetaDataFiles/master_meeting_details.json @@ -0,0 +1,319 @@ +{ + "index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript", + "namespace": "default_namespace", + "last_conversation_no": 18430, + "meeting_uuids": [ + "4cbd0d4e-6cf9-4db4-bf15-f4f4e4d3d8d8", + "a5a4de39-568a-4847-905d-059384d5cc6e", + "b3821662-03f1-4349-8781-ba5f64439693", + "1be8e439-45b3-4c97-9e4a-5c78c1a15e78", + "15b7549d-4b3f-43b5-9507-85de435f1b4a", + "da390244-0d69-4a1b-9e2c-dbc88041a6e9", + "95efa3c5-9770-4160-9f28-35350efb9f73", + "9f845b2f-fae9-4179-90e1-18e757888716", + "a4b7b490-7b28-4744-85e5-d216f40ff52c", + "9c5aa3e4-b047-4f08-a838-9b665e251e4d", + "9ed1fefa-db53-41fc-a21b-479b67e30073", + "876e67fa-314d-40e4-b942-21ca63e81995", + "52d105f8-1c80-4056-8253-732b9e2bec63", + "72858a28-248d-4bef-af03-c62a3c285fbb", + "d7c8e3b8-c6e0-4845-8669-f2f4ed1b8549", + "4badb5ba-ca92-4c3c-a7e9-0d49fc7a8137", + "7817cc11-6cb5-46b6-88e4-8bfa340aec97", + "875564dc-9954-41da-9084-ccf04ebffdb0", + "98a0b66c-2d0f-4025-b2dc-7a983768b385", + "61d453f1-2852-48d9-a25a-b6e04c3c4908", + "996096bd-965b-45e0-8241-3c9f6d7219cf", + "f4449933-143b-4e85-b075-5cc63a567942", + "55d8afa8-a1bf-413c-a75c-b8c14da88d87", + "52d2dfe4-748b-4ecf-84fb-64be6ebcaeef", + "ba94585e-b0df-4633-bef2-a4f94f644c11", + "e993da88-0e17-4a35-ba9a-c03decca607b", + "85430eae-d466-4d63-9015-5835bbe71b90", + "906c7694-0e33-4c8e-8f51-0365155fbb81" + ], + "meetings": [ + { + "meeting_uuid": "ba94585e-b0df-4633-bef2-a4f94f644c11", + "meeting_title": "Social_Media_-_Harmed_Teens", + "meeting_date": "20240303210447", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "906c7694-0e33-4c8e-8f51-0365155fbb81", + "meeting_title": "Social_Media_-_Ruins_your_life", + "meeting_date": "20240303210500", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "52d105f8-1c80-4056-8253-732b9e2bec63", + "meeting_title": "office_relocation_1", + "meeting_date": "20240303210538", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "9ed1fefa-db53-41fc-a21b-479b67e30073", + "meeting_title": "office_relocation_2", + "meeting_date": "20240303210641", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "e993da88-0e17-4a35-ba9a-c03decca607b", + "meeting_title": "office_relocation_3", + "meeting_date": "20240303210720", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "61d453f1-2852-48d9-a25a-b6e04c3c4908", + "meeting_title": "office_relocation_4", + "meeting_date": "20240303210732", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "52d2dfe4-748b-4ecf-84fb-64be6ebcaeef", + "meeting_title": "ES2014a.Mix-Headset", + "meeting_date": "20240303210902", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "1be8e439-45b3-4c97-9e4a-5c78c1a15e78", + "meeting_title": "ES2014b.Mix-Headset_1", + "meeting_date": "20240303211228", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "a4b7b490-7b28-4744-85e5-d216f40ff52c", + "meeting_title": "ES2014b.Mix-Headset_2", + "meeting_date": "20240303211406", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "b3821662-03f1-4349-8781-ba5f64439693", + "meeting_title": "ES2014c.Mix-Headset", + "meeting_date": "20240303211725", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "95efa3c5-9770-4160-9f28-35350efb9f73", + "meeting_title": "Gitlab_Monthly_Release_Kickoff_1", + "meeting_date": "20240303211931", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "85430eae-d466-4d63-9015-5835bbe71b90", + "meeting_title": "product_marketing_meeting", + "meeting_date": "20240303212309", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "55d8afa8-a1bf-413c-a75c-b8c14da88d87", + "meeting_title": "Gitlab_Monthly_Release_Kickoff_2", + "meeting_date": "20240303212514", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "15b7549d-4b3f-43b5-9507-85de435f1b4a", + "meeting_title": "2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_1", + "meeting_date": "20240303212942", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "875564dc-9954-41da-9084-ccf04ebffdb0", + "meeting_title": "2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_2", + "meeting_date": "20240303213120", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "72858a28-248d-4bef-af03-c62a3c285fbb", + "meeting_title": "2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_3", + "meeting_date": "20240303213204", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "4cbd0d4e-6cf9-4db4-bf15-f4f4e4d3d8d8", + "meeting_title": "2023-10-03-New_diffs_Architecture_Workflow", + "meeting_date": "20240303213532", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "4badb5ba-ca92-4c3c-a7e9-0d49fc7a8137", + "meeting_title": "2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_1", + "meeting_date": "20240303213800", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "9c5aa3e4-b047-4f08-a838-9b665e251e4d", + "meeting_title": "2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_2", + "meeting_date": "20240303213838", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "d7c8e3b8-c6e0-4845-8669-f2f4ed1b8549", + "meeting_title": "2023-10-17_New_diffs_architecture_blueprint_1", + "meeting_date": "20240303214122", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "876e67fa-314d-40e4-b942-21ca63e81995", + "meeting_title": "2023-10-17_New_diffs_architecture_blueprint_2", + "meeting_date": "20240303214251", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "7817cc11-6cb5-46b6-88e4-8bfa340aec97", + "meeting_title": "Climate Change meeting cop 26", + "meeting_date": "20240304165314", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "9f845b2f-fae9-4179-90e1-18e757888716", + "meeting_title": "Health Care meeting", + "meeting_date": "20240305093837", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "da390244-0d69-4a1b-9e2c-dbc88041a6e9", + "meeting_title": "Health Care Meeting", + "meeting_date": "20240306145911", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "ba94585e-b0df-4633-bef2-a4f94f644c11", + "meeting_title": "Social_Media_-_Harmed_Teens", + "meeting_date": "20240307103901", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "906c7694-0e33-4c8e-8f51-0365155fbb81", + "meeting_title": "Social_Media_-_Ruins_your_life", + "meeting_date": "20240307103910", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "52d105f8-1c80-4056-8253-732b9e2bec63", + "meeting_title": "office_relocation_1", + "meeting_date": "20240307103947", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "9ed1fefa-db53-41fc-a21b-479b67e30073", + "meeting_title": "office_relocation_2", + "meeting_date": "20240307104047", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "e993da88-0e17-4a35-ba9a-c03decca607b", + "meeting_title": "office_relocation_3", + "meeting_date": "20240307104123", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "61d453f1-2852-48d9-a25a-b6e04c3c4908", + "meeting_title": "office_relocation_4", + "meeting_date": "20240307104153", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "52d2dfe4-748b-4ecf-84fb-64be6ebcaeef", + "meeting_title": "ES2014a.Mix-Headset", + "meeting_date": "20240307104317", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "1be8e439-45b3-4c97-9e4a-5c78c1a15e78", + "meeting_title": "ES2014b.Mix-Headset_1", + "meeting_date": "20240307104645", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "a4b7b490-7b28-4744-85e5-d216f40ff52c", + "meeting_title": "ES2014b.Mix-Headset_2", + "meeting_date": "20240307104836", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "b3821662-03f1-4349-8781-ba5f64439693", + "meeting_title": "ES2014c.Mix-Headset", + "meeting_date": "20240307105146", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "95efa3c5-9770-4160-9f28-35350efb9f73", + "meeting_title": "Gitlab_Monthly_Release_Kickoff_1", + "meeting_date": "20240307105338", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "85430eae-d466-4d63-9015-5835bbe71b90", + "meeting_title": "product_marketing_meeting", + "meeting_date": "20240307105735", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "55d8afa8-a1bf-413c-a75c-b8c14da88d87", + "meeting_title": "Gitlab_Monthly_Release_Kickoff_2", + "meeting_date": "20240307105931", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "15b7549d-4b3f-43b5-9507-85de435f1b4a", + "meeting_title": "2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_1", + "meeting_date": "20240307110356", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "875564dc-9954-41da-9084-ccf04ebffdb0", + "meeting_title": "2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_2", + "meeting_date": "20240307110526", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "72858a28-248d-4bef-af03-c62a3c285fbb", + "meeting_title": "2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_3", + "meeting_date": "20240307110626", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "4cbd0d4e-6cf9-4db4-bf15-f4f4e4d3d8d8", + "meeting_title": "2023-10-03-New_diffs_Architecture_Workflow", + "meeting_date": "20240307110956", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "4badb5ba-ca92-4c3c-a7e9-0d49fc7a8137", + "meeting_title": "2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_1", + "meeting_date": "20240307111213", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "9c5aa3e4-b047-4f08-a838-9b665e251e4d", + "meeting_title": "2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_2", + "meeting_date": "20240307111248", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "a5a4de39-568a-4847-905d-059384d5cc6e", + "meeting_title": "Health Care Meeting of Newyork", + "meeting_date": "20240307204141", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "f4449933-143b-4e85-b075-5cc63a567942", + "meeting_title": "Newyork Health Care Meeting", + "meeting_date": "20240308110549", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "98a0b66c-2d0f-4025-b2dc-7a983768b385", + "meeting_title": "EMEA Architecture meeting ", + "meeting_date": "20240308121728", + "meeting_video_file": false + }, + { + "meeting_uuid": "996096bd-965b-45e0-8241-3c9f6d7219cf", + "meeting_title": "Architecture Weekly EMEA", + "meeting_date": "20240308165216", + "meeting_video_file": false + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/summaryFiles/abstract_summary_data.csv b/data/summaryFiles/abstract_summary_data.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fdb6fb7d8adfd3502f66ef89d942c3d93f83d34f --- /dev/null +++ b/data/summaryFiles/abstract_summary_data.csv @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +uuid,text +ba94585e-b0df-4633-bef2-a4f94f644c11,"This meeting was about the future of social media. Firstly, the group discussed the current trends in the social media market, including the rise in the use of the internet and the trend-watching. Secondly, they talked about the current trend in the market for the internet, which was largely focused on the young and old people's different tastes. Thirdly, they discussed the role of the Internet in the current political climate, and the future directions of the society. Lastly, they agreed that the market should be more focused on young people and less on old people." +906c7694-0e33-4c8e-8f51-0365155fbb81,"This is the second meeting about future of social media. First, the group discussed the role of social media as a useful platform and tool for young people. They also discussed the current trend in the market and future direction of young people's lives. Then, the discussion moved onto the topic of young trans kids and how they would like to make their lives better. They talked about how they could help their young trans friends to make sure they were on the right track. Finally, they talked about the future of their group and future plans." +52d105f8-1c80-4056-8253-732b9e2bec63,"The group was moving to a new building across the street and were moving in three weeks. The group discussed the logistics of the new building. First, the group decided to organise their group into three groups: the phd students, the professor, and the graduate student. Next, they decided what kind of equipment they should have in their new building and how they should design it. Lastly, they discussed how they could make their group more efficient by making sure they had enough money for the cost control." +9ed1fefa-db53-41fc-a21b-479b67e30073,"This meeting was about the design of the new building. First, the group decided to put two people room in the middle with only one window, so they would have to pay attention to the colour of the building. Next, they decided to place the first para meter, the first one was a para meter to choose people to put in their offices. Then, they agreed to put the second one as well as the third one. Lastly, they discussed how they would make the building more comfortable for all of them." +e993da88-0e17-4a35-ba9a-c03decca607b,The meeting was about the new office space in the university building. The team first discussed how they would use the space they had been waiting for. The professor thought that they should make it better for the team to work on their next projects. The group also discussed how to make sure that the team would have enough room for all their work. The meeting ended with a group discussion about how they could make their new office better. The professor suggested that the group should make their next project better. +61d453f1-2852-48d9-a25a-b6e04c3c4908,"This meeting was about the design of the new rooms in new building. First, the group discussed the logistics of putting four people in one of the 23 person rooms: one person, two person and three person rooms. Next, they discussed how to deal with the storage of the equipment. They agreed that they should keep the cost under twelve and a half Euros per room, but they would have to pay attention to the cost control. Lastly, they agreed that the room should be well-lit and that it should be easy to use." +52d2dfe4-748b-4ecf-84fb-64be6ebcaeef,This is the first meeting of the new remote control project. Project Manager introduced the team members to the project and asked them to come up with a new design for the remote control. The team agreed to make the new product more user-friendly and to make it a remote control for all age groups. The meeting ended with a group discussion about the working design of the product. The group agreed that the product should be a working design with a wide range of functions and should be suitable for all ages groups. +1be8e439-45b3-4c97-9e4a-5c78c1a15e78,"This meeting was about the working design of the new remote control. First, the group discussed the three presentations from the three team members: from the group's point of view, from the user interface's perspective, and from the industrial design's perspective. They agreed that they should make the product only for TV and that the corporate image should be the final thing to be added to the product. Then, the team discussed the project requirements: the design of components, system, and interface design. The group agreed that the product should be only for television and should be priced at twelve and a half Euros." +a4b7b490-7b28-4744-85e5-d216f40ff52c,"This meeting was about the design of the new remote control product. Firstly, the group discussed the market requirements of the product: young people would like to have a high-tech design with fewer buttons than most of the controls on the market. Next, they talked about the working design of their product: it would be a remote control with LCD screen and voice recognition. Lastly, they discussed the product requirements: the remote control would be good-looking, easy to use, and would be priced at twelve fifty Euros." +b3821662-03f1-4349-8781-ba5f64439693,"This meeting was about the conceptual design of the remote control. First, the group discussed the components design. They decided to have the, the logo, the company logo in its colour scheme in its own colour scheme. Next, they discussed the technical requirements. The group agreed that the product should be simple to use, but they wanted it to be more expensive. Lastly, they made some decisions about the product design, like the colour scheme, the material, the battery, and the buttons." +d8054419-991c-42f8-b736-a9da4f55126f,This meeting was about technical issues that the team had to deal with within the backdrop project. First the team introduced the technical lead for the backdrop C MS project who was introducing the D two B migration model. Next the group discussed technical issues with the D-two B module which was responsible for migration to the database. Lastly the meeting ended with a group discussion about the future of the project including future ideas for future work. The group agreed that more work should be done on the background project. +95efa3c5-9770-4160-9f28-35350efb9f73,This is the first time that the team has hosted a release kickoff at Git Lab. The meeting was about the Glab 16.7 monthly release kickoff for November. First the team discussed the current status of the core platforms group. Next the group discussed the future direction of the project including future directions and future work on data science. Lastly the meeting ended with a group discussion about the Deaf section of the web which was mainly about the improvements in the interface design. +85430eae-d466-4d63-9015-5835bbe71b90,The group product manager introduced the product leaders for the SEC and data science sections. The team was working on a world-class Cops experience with a focus on first class usability and A I powered workflows. They were also working on an interface for the data science section. The meeting ended with a general discussion about the future direction of the project including future work on the Cops project and future directions of the C-zero project. The group also discussed the future of the team and their work on C-one and C-two. +55d8afa8-a1bf-413c-a75c-b8c14da88d87,This meeting was about the logistics of the group meeting. The team was trying to figure out how they could make their group meeting more efficient. The professor suggested that they should make the meeting more interactive and asked the team members to share their knowledge about their work. The meeting ended with a general discussion about the future of the project. The group discussed how they would like to make their meeting more useful. They agreed to make it more interactive by making it more accessible to all members of the team. +15b7549d-4b3f-43b5-9507-85de435f1b4a,"The meeting was about the architecture design of the GIT lab's new DSS project. The group first discussed the design of an architecture design document that would cover the future of the DSS. They discussed how they could further improve the current architecture. The meeting ended with a general discussion about future work on the project, including future directions for the project and future work in general. The final meeting was focused on future work, including a new project manager's role and the future direction of the project." +875564dc-9954-41da-9084-ccf04ebffdb0,"The meeting was about the performance of the D-goal. The team was reminded that they had to be very careful about the quality of their work. The professor thought that they should make sure that their work was up to standard and that they were doing a good job of it. The group also discussed how they could make their work better. The final meeting ended with a group discussion about the future directions of the project, including the future direction of the team and future work on the project." +72858a28-248d-4bef-af03-c62a3c285fbb,"The meeting was about the progress of their work on the Aurora project. The group discussed Aurora's progress and future directions. The professor thought that Aurora should create a shared document with some organization to share the work they had done. The team agreed that Aurora's performance should be measured against the criteria they had set for Aurora, but they were not sure how they could make their work better. The meeting ended with a general discussion about Aurora's future directions and future work on Aurora's project." +4cbd0d4e-6cf9-4db4-bf15-f4f4e4d3d8d8,"The meeting was about the Weekly Sync for the New Diffs project. The team was working on an architecture workflow for the architecture. The professor thought that they should make the team more efficient by making sure that they would not only focus on the architecture, but also on the design of the interface and the interface design. The group also discussed how they could make the project more efficient. The meeting ended with a general discussion about the current status of the project, including the progress of the team's work and future directions." +4badb5ba-ca92-4c3c-a7e9-0d49fc7a8137,"This is the second meeting of the group. First, the group discussed the logistics of the new time zone. They discussed how to deal with the different time zones of the time zones. Then, they discussed how they could make their work better by making it easier for people to share their work with the world. Lastly, they talked about how to make the new diffs architecture better for the group and how they would make it easier to share ideas about their work and future work with other groups." +9c5aa3e4-b047-4f08-a838-9b665e251e4d,"This meeting was about the progress of the team's work on the DS project. The team first discussed the technical matters, then moved onto a discussion about how they would make their work more efficient. The final decision was made that the team should focus on the service side rendering, but the team was not sure what they should do to make it better. Finally, the meeting ended with a brief discussion about the future of the project, which was mainly about future work and future thoughts on the project." +d7c8e3b8-c6e0-4845-8669-f2f4ed1b8549,"This was the second meeting of the new D-goal group. The meeting was about the architecture of the database. First, the group discussed the scroll issues that the team had to deal with. Next, they discussed the logistics of adding the blueprint to the documentation. The group also discussed how they could make their database more robust. Lastly, the meeting ended with a general discussion about the future of the project, including future work on the database and future thoughts about the team's work in general." +876e67fa-314d-40e4-b942-21ca63e81995,"This was the final meeting of the interface project. The team first discussed the accessibility issue. The group also discussed the requirements for the interface, such as how to deal with different kinds of data and how to handle different types of data. The final meeting ended with a general discussion about the future of the project, including future work on the interface and future directions for the team's work. The group agreed that the interface should be up to standard and that it should be a good-looking and user-friendly interface." +98a0b66c-2d0f-4025-b2dc-7a983768b385,"The meeting was about the new DS architecture design. The group first discussed the current status of the project. They then moved onto a general discussion about their work on the LSF files. They discussed the future direction of their work. The final meeting ended with a general update on the current progress of their project, including the progress of the current project. The group then discussed the design of the new LSF file. They agreed that it was time to make some improvements to the current design." +996096bd-965b-45e0-8241-3c9f6d7219cf,"The meeting was about the new DS architecture design. The group first discussed the current status of the team's work on the LSF files. The final decision on LSF was made by the group, but they were not sure what kind of features they should include in their work. Finally, the meeting ended with a brief discussion on the future of the project, including the design of the DS architecture and future work on other computer systems. The group was reminded that they had to make some changes to their work to meet the new requirements." diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_1.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_1.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a62f9fb4070de0dd3a1bc5ecd28f05821db75e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_1.csv @@ -0,0 +1,1148 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,0.066,0.0881499999999999,spk_0,Right. Welcome everybody. +1,0.09,0.1603166666666666,spk_0,Um This is the first call about the um +2,0.1703333333333333,0.2343333333333333,spk_0,um architecture design work for the effort that we're doing about +3,0.2468333333333333,0.26315,spk_0,the new diffs. +4,0.2663166666666666,0.3204833333333333,spk_0,"Uh If anybody has any better naming, please suggest" +5,0.3225,0.3545,spk_0,because uh we're really bad at this. +6,0.35815,0.3698333333333333,spk_0,But +7,0.3723333333333333,0.4491666666666666,spk_0,um let's uh let's start away uh with a little bit of an introduction. +8,0.4493166666666666,0.5143333333333333,spk_0,"Uh Phil, I'll uh I'll ramble and I'll speak. But uh if you" +9,0.5171666666666667,0.5616666666666668,spk_0,"feel like something's missing, please cut me off and uh" +10,0.5709833333333333,0.5863333333333334,spk_0,uh feeling. +11,0.5993166666666667,0.63615,spk_0,"So, why are we here? So," +12,0.6379833333333333,0.6983333333333334,spk_0,"uh in the past couple of years, we've been trying to um" +13,0.7093333333333334,0.7303166666666667,spk_0,trying to iterate +14,0.73715,0.7481500000000001,spk_0,with +15,0.7594833333333334,0.7778166666666666,spk_0,"somehow you write it, right?" +16,0.7853166666666667,0.8313333333333334,spk_0,Somebody can take notes. Uh It would be great. Uh Let me try +17,0.8351666666666666,0.8696666666666667,spk_0,it right on the current MRD +18,0.8748333333333334,0.92815,spk_0,"architecture. And we've been um we've been, I'm gonna stop" +19,0.9349833333333332,0.9709833333333332,spk_0,"and we've been uh hitting some," +20,0.9738333333333332,1.0488333333333333,spk_0,"some snags about how far along can build application, performance wise," +21,1.0489833333333334,1.0698333333333334,spk_0,maintainability wise. +22,1.0775,1.1418333333333333,spk_0,And we just keep having different kinds of DS in the application. +23,1.1478333333333333,1.1643333333333334,spk_0,We have +24,1.16765,1.1775,spk_0,the Merger +25,1.1798333333333333,1.1879833333333334,spk_0,Quest +26,1.1911666666666667,1.2508333333333337,spk_0,Diffs and we have the repository Ds and we have the compare +27,1.2509833333333331,1.30515,spk_0,view DS between branches and we have the new Merger Quest. +28,1.305316666666667,1.3238333333333334,spk_0,So there's a bunch of like +29,1.32715,1.3784833333333333,spk_0,"separate implementations of the DSS that live elsewhere," +30,1.38865,1.437,spk_0,"the more we talk about these things, it feels like" +31,1.4466666666666668,1.5216666666666667,spk_0,we're taking the current architecture as far as we can with +32,1.5305,1.5775,spk_0,"getting things from Italy cashing in the database," +33,1.5776666666666666,1.62615,spk_0,"pushing it to the front end in multiple bit batches," +34,1.6294833333333334,1.6813166666666666,spk_0,the front end rendered with a whole tree of view components +35,1.6858333333333333,1.7503166666666663,spk_0,"uh still with UX. But it, it feels like" +36,1.7593166666666666,1.799,spk_0,we have iterated a lot added virtual scrolling +37,1.8113333333333328,1.84565,spk_0,"knowing that it was a temporary solution," +38,1.8458333333333328,1.9096666666666664,spk_0,"introducing a couple of side effects that weren't desired," +39,1.9098166666666665,1.9539833333333332,spk_0,like user can search the whole this right. +40,1.975,2.0425,spk_0,The reason why we're here is we wanna try to build +41,2.0509833333333334,2.151483333333333,spk_0,an architecture design document that will envision the future of diffs at GIT lab. +42,2.162,2.2213166666666666,spk_0,"And we're explicitly avoiding calling this the merger quest because it's not," +43,2.221483333333333,2.23665,spk_0,it's diffs. +44,2.239983333333333,2.27565,spk_0,"One of them will be the merger quests," +45,2.281483333333333,2.3413166666666667,spk_0,"the other will be the repository compared page and anywhere where the diff comes up," +46,2.3513333333333333,2.3913166666666665,spk_0,we can have a tool built for that. +47,2.40465,2.468,spk_0,"So that's why we have source code code, review, giddily present" +48,2.47415,2.5101666666666667,spk_0,"and back and in front. And of those two teams," +49,2.515483333333333,2.5533166666666665,spk_0,we don't have any particular um +50,2.5781666666666667,2.60015,spk_0,done decision yet. +51,2.601833333333333,2.645833333333333,spk_0,"So there's a lot of discovery that is gonna be having to go through," +52,2.6591666666666667,2.6971666666666665,spk_0,but we count on everybody here. +53,2.6973166666666666,2.757483333333333,spk_0,"Uh And even those are watching the recording, we count on everybody to" +54,2.765483333333333,2.8254833333333336,spk_0,help steer the way and help author this design document. +55,2.8596666666666666,2.871316666666667,spk_0,That's +56,2.8756500000000003,2.936,spk_0,why we're here is that clear for everybody. Anybody has any questions? +57,2.953666666666667,2.9726666666666666,spk_0,Did I miss anything? Phil? +58,3.0454833333333333,3.052983333333333,spk_0,Awesome. +59,3.0673166666666667,3.0923166666666666,spk_0,So what are we trying to accomplish +60,3.10015,3.150333333333333,spk_0,a design document covering +61,3.156,3.176333333333333,spk_0,the architecture +62,3.1958333333333333,3.2055,spk_0,from +63,3.2129833333333333,3.2573333333333334,spk_0,"start to finish? Which would be, I don't know," +64,3.2636666666666665,3.27515,spk_0,get +65,3.2851666666666666,3.2988166666666667,spk_0,to +66,3.3041666666666667,3.3168166666666665,spk_0,browser +67,3.3303333333333334,3.3433333333333333,spk_0,um +68,3.36115,3.3846666666666665,spk_0,um to support +69,3.404,3.419483333333333,spk_0,a better +70,3.4266666666666667,3.4531666666666667,spk_0,way of um +71,3.45515,3.4848166666666667,spk_0,doing this. Let's keep it generic. +72,3.485,3.5288166666666667,spk_0,"At this point, we'll, we'll cover a little bit more detail down the bottom." +73,3.5428333333333333,3.58,spk_0,"So that's the goal of this effort. We don't," +74,3.58715,3.6401666666666666,spk_0,we don't intend to ship code for production as +75,3.640316666666666,3.688833333333333,spk_0,part of this effort is the design document is the +76,3.6985,3.7295,spk_0,um or the documentation +77,3.735,3.7725,spk_0,is the outcome of this effort. +78,3.7759833333333335,3.8485,spk_0,"Later, we'll definitely plan out the implementation of these um guidance." +79,3.84865,3.9175,spk_0,"But for now, all our focus should be on drafting a document that we can all attest." +80,3.9279833333333336,4.002316666666666,spk_0,"Uh that is covering all scenarios or needs that we have on our side of the," +81,4.002483333333333,4.020983333333334,spk_0,"of the equation," +82,4.04415,4.06315,spk_0,"-- right? Any questions +-- there?" +83,4.131333333333333,4.135816666666667,spk_1,Cool. +84,4.146316666666666,4.156,spk_1,OK. +85,4.165166666666667,4.21815,spk_0,Um Dris just covering that a little bit. +86,4.218333333333334,4.274666666666667,spk_0,"Um We have already identified the uh dris," +87,4.2748,4.316466666666667,spk_0,but I wanted to talk a little bit about the expectations for the dr I +88,4.33165,4.342333333333333,spk_0,um +89,4.346816666666666,4.37965,spk_0,everyone can contribute. +90,4.386,4.4126666666666665,spk_0,I'll remind everyone of this. +91,4.412816666666667,4.475983333333334,spk_0,"Oops, I'll remind everyone of this mantra that is definitely um" +92,4.483333333333333,4.499666666666666,spk_0,real here. +93,4.503333333333333,4.563983333333333,spk_0,It's not just the dris that will contribute. Everybody is welcome to contribute. +94,4.57065,4.6075,spk_0,The dris are essentially +95,4.610666666666667,4.683,spk_0,"in the case of we're having a discussion that we need further input from the team," +96,4.68315,4.733333333333333,spk_0,"but the team is not aware, the dris will make sure to loop them in." +97,4.740833333333334,4.8116666666666665,spk_0,They'll try to make every calls we're having or if not at least +98,4.811816666666667,4.8738166666666665,spk_0,watch the recording and bring up any potential other discussions to the relevant +99,4.878166666666667,4.922,spk_0,"people. Say, for example, just off the top of my head," +100,4.929166666666667,4.971316666666667,spk_0,I know that Robert May is really uh +101,4.973316666666666,4.99415,spk_0,um knowledgeable about +102,4.9965,5.0615,spk_0,"caching if we're discussing about the topic of caching, but Robert is not present." +103,5.0659833333333335,5.1531666666666665,spk_0,"I count on Igor to loop him in because he's in, he's in his team and, and that would be" +104,5.155483333333334,5.185,spk_0,"just a great, a great way to keep" +105,5.191483333333333,5.23115,spk_0,the topics directed to the right experts. +106,5.2428333333333335,5.29515,spk_0,"Um In case the Uddris can't make the call," +107,5.295333333333334,5.351816666666667,spk_0,"just make sure that somebody from your team makes it, that's, that's kind of it." +108,5.351983333333333,5.38215,spk_0,"Um And if you can't make it," +109,5.382333333333333,5.4031666666666665,spk_0,nobody can make it at least watch the +110,5.403333333333333,5.450483333333334,spk_0,"recording and participate as synchronously in the discussions," +111,5.475,5.500666666666667,spk_0,"right? Uh Is that," +112,5.5066500000000005,5.521,spk_0,is that clear +113,5.525,5.554833333333333,spk_0,"in terms of expectations, your eye," +114,5.605333333333333,5.630333333333334,spk_0,right? This is like the Andrea show. +115,5.634316666666667,5.645833333333333,spk_0,Um +116,5.664833333333333,5.678983333333333,spk_0,um +117,5.69315,5.72065,spk_0,"Right. So the eyes covered," +118,5.730833333333333,5.7445,spk_0,so +119,5.7491666666666665,5.7728166666666665,spk_0,goals um +120,5.788483333333334,5.827166666666667,spk_0,"I try, I, I give him some plot to this but um" +121,5.851983333333333,5.880333333333334,spk_0,"so again, create the document" +122,5.902666666666667,5.927666666666667,spk_0,for the architecture +123,5.976483333333333,6.0315,spk_0,and then we also need to uh we're brainstorming now. +124,6.03165,6.0955,spk_0,"So please uh if you can think of something that we're not covering, please speak up." +125,6.09565,6.151483333333333,spk_0,"And the other thing that we, that we know for sure is needs to cover" +126,6.154983333333333,6.223,spk_0,all scenarios where diffs are used around Gitla +127,6.242333333333334,6.2728166666666665,spk_0,"right now. We have identified a few," +128,6.2774833333333335,6.33115,spk_0,"uh, I don't think there's more but, um," +129,6.343483333333333,6.38465,spk_0,"so there's a lot of, a lot of reusability," +130,6.399816666666666,6.452833333333333,spk_0,"uh, will be part of this effort. So" +131,6.45915,6.491483333333333,spk_0,"we don't know exactly where it's going to be used," +132,6.49315,6.502166666666667,spk_0,but +133,6.5065,6.548816666666667,spk_0,"we need to prepare it for reusability every, anywhere it needs" +134,6.5695,6.602333333333333,spk_0,"to cover all scenarios. Um," +135,6.65715,6.6786666666666665,spk_0,"anybody has any," +136,6.69465,6.70565,spk_1,"what's the," +137,6.7085,6.746,spk_2,what's the scope of the word +138,6.747816666666667,6.780483333333334,spk_2,diffs in this context? Because +139,6.790483333333333,6.850666666666667,spk_2,"if we like, if it's, if it can be reused anywhere, that to me means like, oh," +140,6.850816666666667,6.884316666666667,spk_2,it's a component that can render a diff +141,6.889483333333334,6.899,spk_2,but +142,6.910316666666667,6.947816666666666,spk_2,we can also be talking about like the entire DS +143,6.952166666666667,6.965166666666667,spk_2,app. +144,6.97065,7.005983333333333,spk_2,"So what's, what are we kind of, what are we" +145,7.009,7.0495,spk_2,trying to scope out here that can be reused everywhere. +146,7.100666666666666,7.12015,spk_0,Anybody has any thoughts on that. +147,7.173666666666667,7.196,spk_3,I it probably makes sense +148,7.20615,7.219833333333334,spk_3,to go +149,7.235316666666667,7.252983333333333,spk_3,the side of +150,7.2595,7.264483333333334,spk_3,ad +151,7.266983333333333,7.286316666666667,spk_3,that can be used +152,7.290666666666667,7.329983333333334,spk_3,anywhere rather than being specific in the dry +153,7.341333333333333,7.34265,spk_3,or +154,7.3465,7.359,spk_3,commits whatever +155,7.374316666666667,7.390833333333333,spk_3,I can just take this comp +156,7.39515,7.415483333333333,spk_3,compare and give it ad +157,7.417833333333333,7.443833333333333,spk_3,and it could just render it essentially +158,7.463816666666666,7.477483333333334,spk_3,will be nice. +159,7.49715,7.522316666666667,spk_2,"So OK, so" +160,7.53015,7.579333333333333,spk_2,"just so we're on the same page, are we talking about? Basically" +161,7.599666666666667,7.648316666666666,spk_2,our goal here is to be able to render +162,7.65765,7.667983333333334,spk_2,uh +163,7.684,7.703666666666667,spk_2,any diff +164,7.7095,7.765983333333334,spk_2,"in, in a, in a component that we can share across the whole application" +165,7.772316666666667,7.840166666666667,spk_2,"is that sort of the, the idea of this like new diffs sort of thing," +166,7.90565,8.002483333333334,spk_2,"we wouldn't be, we wouldn't be reworking like any, any of the other parts of the Diffs" +167,8.0065,8.051316666666667,spk_2,"App. Uh, we wouldn't be re reworking." +168,8.0725,8.138816666666667,spk_2,"Uh, I don't know, it would just be a component that renders a diff is that, but better," +169,8.138983333333334,8.16015,spk_2,"-- better than for +-- everyone." +170,8.160316666666667,8.201983333333333,spk_0,"Let me, let me step in there. Um," +171,8.226166666666666,8.2695,spk_0,you're correct in part that the Diffs App has a +172,8.26965,8.3105,spk_0,lot of stuff that are not relevant for every diff. +173,8.3125,8.326666666666666,spk_0,"However, a" +174,8.3355,8.367333333333333,spk_0,collection of Diffs is a diff a +175,8.37165,8.431833333333334,spk_0,file tree to navigate the collection of Diffs. Because if you think about +176,8.439666666666668,8.505833333333333,spk_0,"it, if you give it, if you, if you think of ad D conceptually in git," +177,8.512,8.5795,spk_0,"you might have more than one file, you have a long patch with multiple files." +178,8.579666666666666,8.595316666666667,spk_0,That's part of the D +179,8.59765,8.61315,spk_0,that we want to render it. +180,8.613316666666666,8.675166666666666,spk_0,"And it's relevant for commits, it's relevant for comparing branches" +181,8.680333333333333,8.72,spk_0,"and we can lever, we can, we can keep it scoped on the" +182,8.724483333333334,8.77265,spk_0,Giff. What's a Giff? It's like all the information that's present in the +183,8.7755,8.825166666666666,spk_0,"Giff, everything around it. So for example," +184,8.8285,8.84,spk_0,um +185,8.861316666666667,8.920166666666667,spk_0,in the merger graph would be all the options um +186,8.927166666666666,8.941316666666667,spk_0,related to the Mer +187,8.943,8.996483333333334,spk_0,"gra itself, like the header and all that stuff. It's not present on the DS." +188,9.003166666666667,9.04665,spk_0,But the way it's presented in line or parallel +189,9.046816666666668,9.1085,spk_0,should be accounted for at least the presentational part. +190,9.131983333333332,9.144316666666668,spk_0,"However," +191,9.158333333333331,9.183983333333334,spk_0,"the way you worded it," +192,9.18415,9.266,spk_0,it's a very front end code review scope which is fair because that's where you live. +193,9.274333333333333,9.316,spk_0,But we behind this component. +194,9.31615,9.384666666666666,spk_0,We need to potentially change a few things on how the D gets to the browser +195,9.389,9.425983333333331,spk_0,"to make it performing, to make it fast." +196,9.429333333333334,9.491833333333334,spk_0,"Um So one of the, one of the things we had talked about already is" +197,9.495316666666668,9.533833333333334,spk_0,uh performance um +198,9.548,9.582333333333333,spk_0,not being degraded +199,9.588483333333333,9.645,spk_0,regardless of how big the Mr is. +200,9.664,9.674166666666666,spk_0,That's kind of like a +201,9.677166666666666,9.741316666666666,spk_0,"like overall thing. The, the number one complaint we hear from" +202,9.75,9.792,spk_0,product and customers. I talked to Kyle yesterday about this +203,9.804333333333334,9.846,spk_0,is the the speed of the diffs. +204,9.846166666666669,9.943483333333331,spk_0,"I can't review my 5000 changes, Mr or my 5000 files changed. Mr" +205,9.951166666666667,10.01315,spk_0,uh So we wanna make sure that whatever we build should +206,10.013316666666666,10.053983333333331,spk_0,"be built with performance in mind from the day one," +207,10.054166666666667,10.07565,spk_0,from the moment we get data from +208,10.079333333333333,10.084666666666667,spk_0,"Gy," +209,10.092316666666669,10.144833333333333,spk_0,we need to account for performance optimizations +210,10.14665,10.153983333333333,spk_0,our +211,10.159316666666667,10.179333333333334,spk_0,"so the user doesn't," +212,10.182333333333334,10.21215,spk_0,doesn't see the diff entirely +213,10.214316666666669,10.227983333333333,spk_0,right away. +214,10.228166666666668,10.281666666666666,spk_0,"The way we've been iterating on the past couple of years is we batch it," +215,10.281816666666666,10.30365,spk_0,we render the first +216,10.31615,10.356666666666667,spk_0,"batch first push that to the browser," +217,10.356816666666669,10.406816666666666,spk_0,render that and then continue to progressively render the rest. +218,10.415483333333333,10.423166666666669,spk_0,"But the," +219,10.423333333333334,10.45815,spk_0,the way we get the data from Gidley and the way +220,10.458333333333334,10.497483333333332,spk_0,"we started in rails might not be prepared for that," +221,10.49765,10.533833333333334,spk_0,not might not be optimized for that. +222,10.538,10.589316666666669,spk_0,Um We can probably have some clever ways of doing +223,10.589483333333334,10.637833333333331,spk_0,"it a little bit differently if not perfectly fine," +224,10.64015,10.648483333333331,spk_0,but +225,10.6525,10.682666666666666,spk_0,"we'll in this part of the effort," +226,10.682816666666668,10.744833333333334,spk_0,we'll reassess all of these parts to see is there any way that we can do it better? +227,10.745,10.788483333333334,spk_0,So the scope is rendering a diff +228,10.799,10.847,spk_0,allowing the user to customize the way it +229,10.847166666666666,10.899333333333333,spk_0,sees the diff uh because preferences are relevant. +230,10.908333333333331,10.960666666666668,spk_0,"Um But it's much more deeper than that," +231,10.960833333333332,11.029333333333334,spk_0,"it goes back to all the way down to Galli and the way we get the information from," +232,11.0295,11.064483333333332,spk_0,"from that side is that, is that clear?" +233,11.07265,11.107333333333331,spk_0,"Is that fair? Sorry? Might, you might disagree with me?" +234,11.12665,11.149,spk_1,Uh Does it mean that +235,11.161983333333334,11.195166666666667,spk_1,"we're going to increase that I," +236,11.198,11.21515,spk_1,that we currently have +237,11.222816666666668,11.242316666666667,spk_1,or we're going to remove them? +238,11.270833333333334,11.281816666666666,spk_1,Sorry. What was that? +239,11.28415,11.301983333333334,spk_0,What was that Patrick? +240,11.3035,11.322166666666666,spk_0,"-- Does it mean that we're +-- go," +241,11.322333333333331,11.381333333333334,spk_1,does it mean that we're going to increase the limits that we currently have +242,11.41515,11.427983333333334,spk_1,or +243,11.43815,11.445,spk_1,remove it? +244,11.451983333333333,11.45365,spk_1,T +245,11.471483333333332,11.47565,spk_1,is that a +246,11.48015,11.48415,spk_1,"good," +247,11.552333333333332,11.579666666666666,spk_0,"you're talking about the application limits, right." +248,11.588,11.59265,spk_1,Yep. +249,11.596,11.6125,spk_1,"Yeah, the different limits." +250,11.62265,11.633983333333331,spk_0,Um +251,11.668316666666666,11.694166666666666,spk_0,The application limits were +252,11.7015,11.723333333333333,spk_0,designed +253,11.730983333333333,11.77865,spk_0,to fit the current way we deliver gifts to the browser. +254,11.797333333333333,11.858333333333333,spk_0,I would say that we could think about it and potentially +255,11.8755,11.907816666666667,spk_0,"uh we don't, I think" +256,11.921166666666666,11.941,spk_0,"we're probably gonna need to," +257,11.942,11.986833333333331,spk_0,to think about a way to build this on the side of what we have. +258,11.986983333333333,12.038483333333334,spk_0,"So we're probably gonna be, you know, new end points," +259,12.038666666666666,12.113316666666666,spk_0,"new API S kind of thing and we might have different application limits there," +260,12.113483333333331,12.15065,spk_0,whatever makes sense to keep the stability of the platform. +261,12.150816666666667,12.167,spk_0,"So I, I would say" +262,12.180666666666667,12.198816666666668,spk_0,"I would say yes, but" +263,12.2075,12.22865,spk_0,I think it's up to us to +264,12.242166666666666,12.301816666666667,spk_0,"to test those limits. If they're working, we keep, we should keep it" +265,12.304816666666667,12.339833333333331,spk_0,"and if they're not working, we should revise them." +266,12.373,12.407333333333334,spk_4,I think part of this issue here is also really the +267,12.4075,12.464483333333334,spk_4,"giddily api that we provide from our side because currently," +268,12.464666666666666,12.5005,spk_4,"as you already said, um the api that giddily" +269,12.503816666666667,12.52665,spk_4,provides is +270,12.538833333333333,12.584983333333334,spk_4,not really ideal when it comes to rendering this because +271,12.58515,12.6335,spk_4,"we don't really provide an incremental way to give you," +272,12.633666666666668,12.685666666666666,spk_4,"for example, this for only parts of an Mr for example." +273,12.691666666666666,12.72665,spk_4,And this is something where I feel like we in the +274,12.729983333333331,12.799,spk_4,G team should really iterate on our current API design and make this better so +275,12.799166666666666,12.851983333333331,spk_4,that uh that so that we can support your needs in a better way. +276,12.91615,12.941483333333334,spk_0,"Yeah, I agree. Patrick, thank you." +277,12.94865,13.019166666666669,spk_0,"Uh I think it's important to, to, to be aware that at this moment" +278,13.023166666666668,13.0605,spk_0,we're not accounting for level of effort +279,13.064316666666668,13.079333333333333,spk_0,that comes later. +280,13.082816666666666,13.16515,spk_0,"OK? If we think about all the work that needs to get done for this, it's a lot of work." +281,13.171816666666668,13.184983333333332,spk_0,Um +282,13.194833333333332,13.25715,spk_0,But we're not gonna stop ourselves right away to just do the simplest things. +283,13.257333333333332,13.291833333333331,spk_0,We want something that gets to the goal and then +284,13.292,13.33115,spk_0,we'll plan the implementation around that as we go forward. +285,13.331333333333331,13.346816666666667,spk_0,"But for now," +286,13.35065,13.377166666666668,spk_0,everything is up for revision +287,13.380983333333331,13.464,spk_0,"and it's up to us later. Like that's a future problem, a future self problem. Um" +288,13.472483333333331,13.516,spk_0,"Thanks Patrick. I think that's, that's pretty, pretty spot on" +289,13.593833333333333,13.66415,spk_5,and uh just a quick question. Just for clarification. +290,13.665666666666668,13.709316666666666,spk_5,I had an impression that uh this new DS +291,13.71315,13.7295,spk_5,"initiative," +292,13.734316666666668,13.790833333333332,spk_5,"uh it's like uh we already have like magic requests," +293,13.79665,13.80365,spk_5,uh commit +294,13.8065,13.80715,spk_5,Ds +295,13.812833333333334,13.86115,spk_5,"and it's like it works, works perfectly," +296,13.861316666666667,13.946816666666669,spk_5,but it's not so performance and not so scalable you want and we want to have it like +297,13.948483333333334,13.986983333333333,spk_5,"to work, uh have it work faster." +298,13.989,14.073483333333334,spk_5,"Yeah, but after this discussion, I have an impression that uh it's not the case yet." +299,14.07365,14.142833333333334,spk_5,We just want to improve like the quality and it doesn't mean that uh +300,14.143,14.204816666666666,spk_5,we it's only performance and only scalability +301,14.204983333333333,14.269483333333334,spk_5,we like considering all the aspects of +302,14.27265,14.276166666666668,spk_5,this +303,14.2785,14.30615,spk_5,or correct me if I'm wrong. +304,14.364666666666666,14.378983333333334,spk_0,Um +305,14.384316666666669,14.443483333333331,spk_0,That's a really interesting question with a really vague +306,14.445833333333333,14.472166666666666,spk_0,answer in my part +307,14.48615,14.534316666666667,spk_0,"because it, it's really to be defined. And I'll give you an example" +308,14.544833333333331,14.5825,spk_0,what we like. The current implementation of +309,14.584316666666666,14.58915,spk_0,DS +310,14.6095,14.6545,spk_0,"satisfies the need, presenting the gift to the users," +311,14.6585,14.666833333333331,spk_0,right? +312,14.674333333333331,14.727166666666667,spk_0,"However, as we're iterating towards a new solution," +313,14.7295,14.793833333333334,spk_0,there might be opportunities to solve long running problems. +314,14.794,14.8125,spk_0,And I'll give you an example +315,14.822166666666666,14.879816666666668,spk_0,"right now. Every comment is attached to a, to a line" +316,14.88615,14.923816666666667,spk_0,and a line it exists on a revision +317,14.929166666666667,14.977166666666667,spk_0,of an uh a merger quest or a branch comparison with something +318,14.98515,14.995833333333334,spk_0,um +319,15.009833333333331,15.05915,spk_0,"which gets trickier because on the merger quests," +320,15.073816666666668,15.116833333333334,spk_0,"we're constantly comparing to the moving target," +321,15.117,15.16415,spk_0,"the the moving head of the target branch, right?" +322,15.164316666666666,15.213,spk_0,"Uh The patches might be the same, we have some patch ID where" +323,15.21615,15.229983333333331,spk_0,flight and everything. +324,15.25365,15.29865,spk_0,"But we're attaching it to the line, right?" +325,15.318483333333331,15.37,spk_0,We have a bunch of ideas and features that rely on +326,15.370166666666666,15.428816666666666,spk_0,being able to leave comments on things other than the line. +327,15.430983333333334,15.465483333333331,spk_0,"For example, commit message." +328,15.468483333333332,15.525333333333334,spk_0,Why shouldn't the reviewer be able to comment on the commit message? +329,15.541,15.598,spk_0,"There's other things like um instead of comedy on a line," +330,15.609666666666667,15.67,spk_0,"we should, why not be able to comment on a code object?" +331,15.670166666666669,15.727333333333334,spk_0,"And if you think about an if clause four loop," +332,15.72765,15.779333333333334,spk_0,"if you can attach the comment to that structure of code," +333,15.7795,15.82,spk_0,"if somebody adds lines at the top," +334,15.826333333333332,15.842833333333331,spk_0,the comment +335,15.84465,15.890666666666666,spk_0,should still apply to the structure if that's unchanged. +336,15.894,15.902816666666666,spk_0,"And you've seen some," +337,15.902983333333331,15.964,spk_0,we've seen some competitors doing this uh like code review specific tools. +338,15.975166666666668,16.03415,spk_0,"So here's, here's how I reframe it to this effort to answer your question." +339,16.04681666666667,16.08115,spk_0,We might think of a way to +340,16.084983333333334,16.097166666666666,spk_0,um +341,16.124333333333333,16.183833333333332,spk_0,rethink the address ability of comments on a diff. +342,16.185316666666665,16.25265,spk_0,Is it attached to a line or is attached to a vague object that has +343,16.252816666666668,16.316666666666666,spk_0,"some sort of ur I that allows us to resolve the location of it," +344,16.31865,16.325983333333333,spk_0,right? +345,16.329666666666668,16.363483333333335,spk_0,"If we do that work now, in this effort," +346,16.363666666666667,16.416483333333332,spk_0,design a way to like like an address format which +347,16.416666666666668,16.4605,spk_0,"is sort of like a URL for comments on diffs," +348,16.470316666666665,16.554816666666667,spk_0,we should be able to later on build these new features going beyond the D +349,16.557333333333332,16.562833333333334,spk_0,line. +350,16.571816666666667,16.581333333333333,spk_0,But +351,16.585833333333333,16.627333333333333,spk_0,"for now, we're just talking about the architecture" +352,16.6305,16.681816666666666,spk_0,for what we currently have to satisfy those needs. +353,16.685316666666665,16.727983333333334,spk_0,"It doesn't stop us from thinking about what, what," +354,16.728166666666667,16.75733333333333,spk_0,what doors we could open for the future. +355,16.7575,16.796166666666668,spk_0,That's why it's an architecture effort where +356,16.798816666666667,16.824,spk_0,we're thinking about the future. +357,16.829666666666668,16.89965,spk_0,"But we're targeting, if anything, if, if to answer a little bit more directly," +358,16.900333333333332,16.929333333333332,spk_0,"feature parody would be OK," +359,16.943316666666668,17.01315,spk_0,"like if we have a way to render Ds, that gets what we have today, I" +360,17.01515,17.0355,spk_0,think that's a success. +361,17.039483333333333,17.071166666666667,spk_0,"If we can go beyond that, that's amazing." +362,17.07133333333333,17.116833333333332,spk_0,"But we should always account for, for example," +363,17.117,17.176483333333334,spk_0,uh the common should be able to leave suggestions on the Ds uh +364,17.1853,17.222466666666666,spk_0,"Because that we have, we have that today. Now," +365,17.22465,17.2945,spk_0,does that apply to merger quests only or does that apply to the repository as well? +366,17.297466666666665,17.334483333333335,spk_0,That's part of the conversations we'll be having along the way +367,17.371,17.376483333333333,spk_0,long +368,17.378316666666667,17.39131666666667,spk_0,waited answer +369,17.393466666666665,17.4275,spk_0,"is that, is that, does that add any clarity?" +370,17.429666666666666,17.432983333333333,spk_0,Igor +371,17.440166666666666,17.478650000000002,spk_5,"uh Yeah, thanks. Thanks for the answer." +372,17.478816666666667,17.568483333333333,spk_5,So then I maybe I would suggest uh and one of the action items is uh +373,17.569333333333333,17.68515,spk_5,gathering all the existing issues and ideas that we have um already um in one place +374,17.690416666666668,17.774566666666665,spk_5,"in case uh unless you want like uh to start, have a fresh start. Yeah." +375,17.774733333333334,17.87375,spk_5,"And uh get the new ideas and then compare them to the, to the old ones. But maybe, yeah." +376,17.873916666666666,17.935066666666668,spk_5,Uh let's maybe let's have the old ideas so we could +377,17.939583333333335,18.00225,spk_5,uh like see the problems that we need to solve or +378,18.01415,18.05365,spk_5,"um yeah, by our new architecture." +379,18.06733333333333,18.079166666666666,spk_5,Yeah. Thank you. +380,18.0835,18.091316666666668,spk_0,That's fair. +381,18.091483333333333,18.140816666666662,spk_0,I added a note here to the immediate task that we'll talk about in just a second. +382,18.15115,18.165,spk_0,"Yes, I think you're right." +383,18.165166666666668,18.200166666666668,spk_0,"I think we, that is something that will be, for example," +384,18.200333333333333,18.251816666666667,spk_0,we know this because we've been working on this on the code review side of things. +385,18.25198333333333,18.27198333333333,spk_0,"But I don't expect, you know," +386,18.27215,18.315,spk_0,Patrick from Italy or you from source code to know about what +387,18.315166666666663,18.346833333333333,spk_0,we've been talking about on the product side of code review. +388,18.34698333333333,18.359483333333333,spk_0,For sure. +389,18.36565,18.397316666666665,spk_0,That's definitely gonna be part of +390,18.41015,18.455816666666667,spk_0,the uh the tasks I'm just checking. +391,18.45798333333333,18.5175,spk_0,OK. So it's a 50 minute call. So we have a bit more like 30 minutes. +392,18.532316666666667,18.622816666666665,spk_0,"OK? Um What else? That's the scope, the scope can move on." +393,18.623,18.657316666666667,spk_0,Can we move on from the scope? Is that clear for everybody? +394,18.72533333333333,18.7335,spk_0,Awesome. +395,18.753316666666667,18.7985,spk_0,So then in terms of objectives like performance not +396,18.798666666666666,18.83566666666667,spk_0,"being degraded regardless of how big the Mr is," +397,18.835833333333333,18.87848333333333,spk_0,I feel like that's clear for everybody having some +398,18.87865,18.92815,spk_0,"sort of progressive ways of getting data rendering," +399,18.928316666666667,18.968316666666663,spk_0,"data caching, all that stuff." +400,18.9715,18.996983333333333,spk_0,Um That's good. +401,19.00483333333333,19.05633333333333,spk_0,"And this again, this means different things for each one of us. For the front end." +402,19.0565,19.096833333333333,spk_0,It means that we'll have to find ways so that the +403,19.100166666666667,19.10815,spk_0,front end +404,19.111816666666662,19.18166666666667,spk_0,architecture is not compromised when the Mr starts to get large. +405,19.19098333333333,19.20148333333333,spk_0,Um +406,19.223666666666663,19.264666666666667,spk_0,"Anything, any other objectives that we should" +407,19.267333333333333,19.282,spk_0,keep in mind? +408,19.323666666666668,19.351316666666666,spk_5,I I have a quick question. +409,19.35148333333333,19.443316666666668,spk_5,"Yeah, but feel free to uh let me know that we should discuss it uh later at some point" +410,19.44765,19.51398333333333,spk_5,uh regarding the highlighting on the front end. +411,19.51565,19.52065,spk_5,Yeah. +412,19.524316666666667,19.5425,spk_5,"Uh I, I, sorry," +413,19.542666666666666,19.59365,spk_5,I haven't checked this initiative yet but I remember +414,19.593833333333333,19.64183333333333,spk_5,that we uh developed uh some part of it. +415,19.644,19.698166666666665,spk_5,Uh just wanted to know at which stage we are. +416,19.69833333333333,19.75398333333333,spk_5,Is it like fully rolled out or do we have any blockers? +417,19.823833333333333,19.825333333333333,spk_0,Z +418,19.82733333333333,19.842816666666668,spk_0,do you want to talk about that? +419,19.934166666666663,19.995833333333334,spk_6,Uh Are you referring to the syntax highlighting of the blobs? +420,20.007816666666667,20.014666666666667,spk_6,Yeah. +421,20.0175,20.02265,spk_6,Yeah. +422,20.034166666666668,20.109166666666667,spk_6,Yeah. That would be a separate initiative. I think like um +423,20.11133333333333,20.14715,spk_6,the syntax highlighting of the blobs +424,20.167816666666667,20.24,spk_6,"like the holidays that we use there doesn't really do this as far as," +425,20.240166666666667,20.261,spk_6,as far as I'm aware. +426,20.278316666666665,20.287316666666666,spk_6,Um +427,20.304166666666667,20.376316666666668,spk_6,"And it's also separate separate screens as well. Like viewing a blob is not," +428,20.383666666666667,20.47665,spk_6,"is not related to viewing a, a specific commit or, or comparing it to a" +429,20.48465,20.526316666666663,spk_6,"-- different commit. It's a separate +-- page." +430,20.556833333333334,20.601,spk_0,"Yeah. Thanks Jack. I feel like that's, that's exactly right." +431,20.60115,20.6295,spk_0,We've been taking some lessons from that. +432,20.629666666666665,20.711483333333334,spk_0,It was a nice experiment but it rendering a blob is different than rendering a patch +433,20.715816666666665,20.78515,spk_0,and we've noticed that it can lead to incorrect uh highlighting. +434,20.7905,20.8045,spk_0,"However," +435,20.819666666666667,20.852666666666668,spk_0,I think it's important to keep in mind +436,20.858833333333333,20.88,spk_0,the lessons there +437,20.894816666666667,20.91848333333333,spk_0,"because if we're," +438,20.942666666666668,21.023,spk_0,"if we accept the imprecision of the highlight is an acceptable cost," +439,21.040166666666668,21.051483333333334,spk_0,we can try it. +440,21.0565,21.067816666666666,spk_0,So +441,21.07933333333333,21.125,spk_0,"that's again, at the moment, we don't think" +442,21.127666666666663,21.14183333333333,spk_0,that would be applicable. +443,21.142,21.17383333333333,spk_0,"But if anybody has any other thoughts on that," +444,21.17398333333333,21.227166666666665,spk_0,but we could defer the highlighting to the front end or we can pre +445,21.23,21.25483333333333,spk_0,render it in some ways +446,21.268833333333333,21.292816666666667,spk_0,all of that is +447,21.296983333333333,21.39515,spk_0,uh valid and a part of this um gathering existing issues and potential proposals. +448,21.395316666666663,21.4625,spk_0,Uh I know that carry um you had previously proposed something like +449,21.478,21.552333333333333,spk_0,do more of prec calculation of the data that we need to render the DS. +450,21.55615,21.591666666666665,spk_0,I think we wanna need to revisit that at some point. +451,21.59233333333333,21.6465,spk_0,Um So let's make sure that those issues are created +452,21.64666666666667,21.694333333333333,spk_0,and documented at least and highlighted here in this um +453,21.705816666666667,21.748,spk_0,"effort. Uh Well, well, I don't know, we'll have a," +454,21.759,21.78065,spk_0,let's create an Epic +455,21.803,21.817666666666668,spk_0,"and," +456,21.8195,21.8235,spk_0,or +457,21.8355,21.847316666666668,spk_0,"Epic," +458,21.8525,21.885316666666668,spk_0,we don't want to move them from the current Epics. +459,21.89816666666667,21.899316666666667,spk_0,It's +460,21.90198333333333,21.948833333333333,spk_0,an issue and document them all there. +461,21.95565,22.0085,spk_0,"OK? I'll, I'll assign that desk in just a bit to somebody." +462,22.029166666666665,22.061,spk_0,Does that make sense? Scary of like bringing that +463,22.06415,22.080166666666667,spk_0,thing back? +464,22.08948333333333,22.098,spk_0,OK. +465,22.106666666666666,22.11916666666667,spk_0,Um +466,22.13833333333333,22.19183333333333,spk_0,"Highlighting on the front end. OK. Does that satisfy your question, Igor" +467,22.218316666666663,22.2875,spk_5,"Yeah. Yeah. And if I have a half a minute, I can explain why I actually asked" +468,22.294,22.29433333333333,spk_5,you. +469,22.296166666666668,22.319816666666668,spk_5,"Uh uh Because yeah," +470,22.32248333333333,22.353316666666668,spk_5,when I think about performance of the +471,22.355,22.35565,spk_5,"DS," +472,22.3635,22.41815,spk_5,"I remember that we do something like, for example, we have ad" +473,22.41998333333333,22.49065,spk_5,for file and currently we fetch the old version of the D +474,22.49683333333333,22.564666666666668,spk_5,uh old version of the whole block and the new version of the whole block +475,22.571666666666665,22.61133333333333,spk_5,uh just to highlight the D +476,22.614833333333333,22.628816666666665,spk_5,correctly. +477,22.631666666666668,22.709333333333333,spk_5,"Uh why uh uh do, why do we do historically" +478,22.71283333333333,22.78783333333333,spk_5,uh just because we want the D to be correct because sometimes uh +479,22.791316666666667,22.82133333333333,spk_5,it's uh context +480,22.823166666666665,22.830816666666667,spk_5,related. +481,22.83098333333333,22.90883333333333,spk_5,"Yeah, for example, you have a stream opened like 10 lines somewhere higher." +482,22.91133333333333,22.934,spk_5,"Uh Yeah, behind the D" +483,22.941666666666663,23.00198333333333,spk_5,and uh we still want to highlight it correctly. +484,23.004666666666665,23.01398333333333,spk_5,"So," +485,23.017166666666668,23.024483333333333,spk_5,"yeah," +486,23.027166666666663,23.102666666666668,spk_5,"uh I believe if we start discussing performance improvements of the depths," +487,23.102833333333333,23.16865,spk_5,these are the questions that we probably will be uh +488,23.16883333333333,23.23333333333333,spk_5,often try to solve and find like the new tradeoffs. +489,23.234816666666667,23.2855,spk_5,"So yeah, it's something that we can" +490,23.289316666666668,23.37333333333333,spk_5,"uh discuss later. But yeah, a lot of tradeoffs will be involved." +491,23.379166666666663,23.392666666666667,spk_5,"So yeah," +492,23.396833333333333,23.416666666666668,spk_5,one of the examples +493,23.45381666666667,23.481666666666666,spk_2,I was doing um a +494,23.494333333333334,23.50815,spk_2,like for +495,23.511,23.52415,spk_2,highlighting +496,23.53,23.5405,spk_2,in the +497,23.546666666666667,23.586816666666667,spk_2,"little, it's like micro app that I wrote." +498,23.590333333333334,23.6335,spk_2,Um that was the exact problem that I ran into. +499,23.633666666666667,23.67333333333333,spk_2,I never actually saw incorrect highlighting +500,23.677666666666667,23.7695,spk_2,"but the flaw was there where if we didn't have the whole lab, um it," +501,23.769666666666662,23.80633333333333,spk_2,"it could have highlighted incorrectly because of what you said, you know," +502,23.8065,23.858833333333333,spk_2,"30 lines up, something happened that needed that changed the highlighting." +503,23.86615,23.8755,spk_2,Um +504,23.9,23.937316666666668,spk_2,If we have to fetch the whole blob anyway. +505,23.94565,23.994983333333334,spk_2,"Um in, in my opinion, uh" +506,24.017666666666667,24.02198333333333,spk_2,front +507,24.023983333333334,24.03865,spk_2,end highlighting +508,24.044166666666666,24.075333333333333,spk_2,allows us more flexibility +509,24.08031666666667,24.176,spk_2,um because we can wait until the user scrolls to near the file to highlight it. +510,24.18265,24.191316666666665,spk_2,But +511,24.194666666666667,24.226983333333333,spk_2,"there's a lot of, there's a lot, like you said," +512,24.227166666666665,24.256833333333333,spk_2,there's a lot of tradeoffs because now you've got +513,24.257,24.288166666666665,spk_2,to deliver the whole blog to the front end. +514,24.28833333333333,24.294,spk_2,"So," +515,24.3445,24.40348333333333,spk_0,"so what the way I envision this and if you have better ideas, this is like," +516,24.40365,24.438816666666668,spk_0,please propose is that as the +517,24.4445,24.46815,spk_0,"discussions evolve," +518,24.476983333333333,24.498666666666665,spk_0,we're probably gonna have +519,24.5045,24.592166666666667,spk_0,big topics in specific calls to be discussed and also be discussed as synchronously +520,24.605166666666666,24.666833333333333,spk_0,"as we go, we'll highlight, we'll pick these topics and we'll broadcast them all." +521,24.667,24.69633333333333,spk_0,"Like, let's have a discussion on the syntax highway." +522,24.69915,24.71565,spk_0,Let's have a discussion on +523,24.71815,24.72215,spk_0,caching. +524,24.722316666666668,24.75548333333333,spk_0,Let's have a discussion on those things because we're gonna +525,24.75565,24.79433333333333,spk_0,need some help in figuring out some of the possibilities +526,24.79948333333333,24.849316666666667,spk_0,because there's a bunch of possibilities on how do we wanna address this. +527,24.8625,24.885316666666668,spk_0,But we need to come with a +528,24.892,24.947316666666666,spk_0,choice or some choices for the architectural design. +529,24.94748333333333,24.990166666666667,spk_0,"So uh this will be one of them since that's how," +530,24.9905,25.02665,spk_0,since that's how I is gonna have to be part of it. +531,25.051316666666665,25.10165,spk_0,Ok. Thanks Igor. Thanks Thomas. Thanks Jack. Uh +532,25.1105,25.133333333333333,spk_0,and Carry. Um +533,25.156333333333333,25.167,spk_0,Moving on. +534,25.167166666666667,25.236,spk_0,One of the things that we have already talked and I talked to Paulina about this is +535,25.24948333333333,25.32881666666667,spk_0,we know that accessibility isn't the best today on the merging +536,25.330816666666667,25.35115,spk_0,best diffs or +537,25.353483333333333,25.39515,spk_0,Ds overall because we haven't paid too much attention to that. +538,25.40115,25.44633333333333,spk_0,Since we're rethinking a lot of this as a +539,25.4545,25.50365,spk_0,"quality usability improvement," +540,25.503816666666665,25.58566666666667,spk_0,it will be um really good if you start incorporating accessibility from the start. +541,25.591833333333334,25.612316666666665,spk_0,"So, um" +542,25.62398333333333,25.648333333333333,spk_0,how should we wear this Paulina? +543,25.65115,25.66015,spk_0,Um +544,25.68265,25.70233333333333,spk_0,"Is it accessible," +545,25.72665,25.733833333333333,spk_1,accessible? +546,25.7775,25.786816666666667,spk_1,Um +547,25.83783333333333,25.84565,spk_7,"Yeah," +548,25.8565,25.90815,spk_7,yeah. So uh I started the document already. I'll be +549,25.91215,25.92615,spk_7,doing the audit of +550,25.929166666666667,25.953316666666662,spk_7,this now and +551,25.961483333333334,25.9925,spk_7,analyzing what's missing right now. +552,25.99965,26.047316666666667,spk_7,But also the second part will be like looking at +553,26.04748333333333,26.10115,spk_7,the guidelines that we should actually follow for the authoring tool +554,26.107983333333333,26.119666666666667,spk_7,and +555,26.128316666666667,26.16165,spk_7,rethinking about how we want to +556,26.167666666666666,26.28265,spk_7,show of representatives uh to screen reader users. Um for all the other +557,26.2875,26.311333333333334,spk_7,parties like small twigs +558,26.317,26.36865,spk_7,"or tab navigation and things. But for the screen reader," +559,26.37465,26.437666666666665,spk_7,it's a bit tricky because what we show is very graphic right now +560,26.440816666666667,26.46448333333333,spk_7,and uh we need to +561,26.472316666666668,26.511333333333333,spk_7,be able to like for the screener to +562,26.519,26.534,spk_7,like read it +563,26.538166666666665,26.58115,spk_7,computed uh with the relations between +564,26.58515,26.63948333333333,spk_7,the number of lines and that code changed. Um +565,26.64498333333333,26.696,spk_7,And all the extra features that commenting. Um +566,26.7025,26.70348333333333,spk_7,"So," +567,26.715816666666665,26.732166666666668,spk_0,so in terms of +568,26.742166666666662,26.772816666666667,spk_0,like accessibility is such a wide +569,26.790333333333333,26.817666666666668,spk_0,concept and term +570,26.827166666666667,26.884816666666666,spk_0,when we're talking about spec um specific um +571,26.887833333333333,26.937666666666665,spk_0,making it a bit more specific. Um +572,26.94515,27.07465,spk_0,"we can, we can like narrow it down to uh screen reader users, keyboard navigation." +573,27.08915,27.101316666666666,spk_0,Um +574,27.123666666666665,27.130983333333333,spk_0,um +575,27.14883333333333,27.178,spk_0,And um I was +576,27.180316666666663,27.1875,spk_7,at +577,27.190166666666663,27.215333333333334,spk_7,um how to phrase it. +578,27.21865,27.247816666666665,spk_7,"It's like the visually, it's" +579,27.25198333333333,27.26365,spk_7,um +580,27.27415,27.327166666666667,spk_7,"it's as easy to read for, for everyone" +581,27.3335,27.35765,spk_0,visually comfortable is that +582,27.3735,27.37415,spk_7,sort +583,27.376316666666668,27.386,spk_7,of like +584,27.38983333333333,27.409,spk_7,contrast? +585,27.42333333333333,27.461816666666667,spk_7,"Um Yeah, if you, you study" +586,27.46365,27.488983333333334,spk_7,"like magnifiers," +587,27.501816666666667,27.60933333333333,spk_7,"-- uh So we, we don't lose context with +-- so contrast uh color blindness." +588,27.612666666666662,27.652166666666663,spk_0,So fits law is about um +589,27.66398333333333,27.727166666666665,spk_0,"in a nutshell is the larger the target, it is the easier it is to acquire." +590,27.72733333333333,27.76083333333333,spk_0,So make it comfortable for people with +591,27.761,27.802666666666667,spk_0,you'd like some motion disabilities and stuff. +592,27.807166666666667,27.816316666666665,spk_0,Um +593,27.8235,27.836816666666667,spk_0,"So again," +594,27.836983333333333,27.88648333333333,spk_0,if anything this will be leveraged by the designers that +595,27.88665,27.9155,spk_0,we will be bringing in at a later stage. +596,27.91565,27.96448333333333,spk_0,"Uh But as we're thinking about the front end architecture," +597,27.964666666666663,27.98281666666667,spk_0,we should account for that. +598,27.992816666666663,28.03698333333333,spk_7,"Yes, it's design is, but also for screen," +599,28.0405,28.085833333333333,spk_7,especially there's also a html structure +600,28.089316666666665,28.096666666666668,spk_7,um +601,28.098666666666663,28.109483333333333,spk_7,that is +602,28.11133333333333,28.13315,spk_7,needs to be very specific. +603,28.14965,28.16415,spk_0,Exactly. +604,28.164316666666668,28.221166666666665,spk_0,Uh I just wanted to remind that we're not going to be writing code right away. +605,28.22133333333333,28.246983333333333,spk_0,But when we're designing the document +606,28.24965,28.28098333333333,spk_0,"that should be there as a requirement," +607,28.28115,28.30516666666667,spk_0,it's something that we need to be accounting for. +608,28.305316666666663,28.358833333333333,spk_0,So that's the expectation level. Great. This is good. Thanks. +609,28.359,28.394,spk_0,Anybody has any other thoughts about accessibility? +610,28.477833333333333,28.48315,spk_0,Cool. +611,28.48333333333333,28.557,spk_0,I feel like it's positive that we're talking about it at this stage of the project. Um +612,28.562666666666665,28.5815,spk_0,"Thomas, you have a point here." +613,28.593316666666663,28.61015,spk_0,"Yeah, so" +614,28.61598333333333,28.626483333333333,spk_0,we can +615,28.62865,28.630983333333333,spk_2,"cut," +616,28.64816666666667,28.69233333333333,spk_2,we can kind of f accessibility into this. Um +617,28.70283333333333,28.73133333333333,spk_2,uh As part of my +618,28.733666666666668,28.769166666666667,spk_2,milestone stuff. I review all my assignments. +619,28.76933333333333,28.81215,spk_2,I was assigned a meta task for for new Ds. +620,28.813333333333333,28.853,spk_2,"So it's weird that I reviewed it because it's a meta task," +621,28.85315,28.87983333333333,spk_2,but I wrote some thoughts down +622,28.882166666666667,28.925666666666668,spk_2,and one of them is um +623,28.9355,28.978483333333333,spk_2,writing down documents about like budgets +624,28.982983333333333,29.0045,spk_2,and data flow. +625,29.0085,29.030483333333333,spk_2,And um +626,29.03898333333333,29.046983333333333,spk_2,"when," +627,29.04715,29.096,spk_2,when I talk about budgets in the implicit +628,29.096166666666665,29.13298333333333,spk_2,in that is our promises to users essentially. +629,29.13315,29.166666666666668,spk_2,And I think one of those things should be accessibility. +630,29.17015,29.179666666666662,spk_2,Um +631,29.185316666666665,29.20748333333333,spk_2,But other things are +632,29.223666666666663,29.23648333333333,spk_2,how +633,29.25283333333333,29.303816666666663,spk_2,heavy on the network is this new structure of +634,29.306833333333334,29.31148333333333,spk_2,DS. +635,29.3155,29.3985,spk_2,"Um How heavy on a user's browser, is this new application or," +636,29.398666666666667,29.425833333333333,spk_2,"or new component or whatever," +637,29.43915,29.45815,spk_2,how much code is executed? +638,29.45833333333333,29.495483333333333,spk_2,"How much, how much, how long does it take those kinds of things?" +639,29.504666666666665,29.54348333333333,spk_2,Setting those budgets early and saying +640,29.54948333333333,29.61148333333333,spk_2,uh whatever we do has to be fully accessible to +641,29.61798333333333,29.67615,spk_2,fully blind people or fully deaf people or whatever. Um +642,29.684483333333333,29.69548333333333,spk_2,um +643,29.702666666666666,29.754166666666663,spk_2,Those setting those early sets expectations for the whole +644,29.761166666666668,29.776816666666665,spk_2,work that we do. +645,29.780316666666668,29.826316666666667,spk_2,"Um So I think that that should be an early part of this documentation," +646,29.82648333333333,29.86215,spk_2,"not just the architecture, but what are our," +647,29.870316666666668,29.8815,spk_2,"what are," +648,29.881666666666668,29.956666666666667,spk_2,what are the difficult choices that we will accept for the benefit of our users? +649,30.01631666666667,30.069816666666668,spk_2,"And I linked the, my, my review um" +650,30.07733333333333,30.115166666666667,spk_2,that has a few of those things in there. But +651,30.15165,30.214666666666663,spk_0,great thanks Thomas. Um I particularly like the budget documents. +652,30.223,30.276316666666663,spk_0,"Um The data flow, we were already like, you'll be part of," +653,30.27698333333333,30.306666666666665,spk_0,"I think the documentation anyway," +654,30.306833333333334,30.34915,spk_0,but uh the budget document is something that we can easily forget. +655,30.35615,30.369333333333334,spk_0,And +656,30.37265,30.383333333333333,spk_0,um +657,30.38915,30.43133333333333,spk_0,"when we're deciding about adding a new thing," +658,30.4375,30.44748333333333,spk_0,"because you're right," +659,30.44765,30.47865,spk_0,like we don't want to build something that is performance +660,30.478816666666667,30.52533333333333,spk_0,on the day one and then on day 365. +661,30.5255,30.551316666666665,spk_0,"0 my God, it's slow again. Why?" +662,30.561,30.608666666666668,spk_0,"Yeah, definitely something to keep us in check. Um" +663,30.62183333333333,30.67065,spk_0,uh Potentially we can even talk about um +664,30.67848333333333,30.694166666666668,spk_0,linking +665,30.71215,30.725166666666667,spk_0,to like +666,30.73048333333333,30.74115,spk_0,adding +667,30.74965,30.841833333333334,spk_0,"linking tools C I checks, et cetera. Definitely makes sense to keep us in line." +668,30.867166666666662,30.878,spk_0,And I guess +669,30.884816666666666,30.948166666666665,spk_2,"we should probably, I should probably note somewhere. We should note that um" +670,30.95165,30.986166666666666,spk_2,the word budget is intentional because +671,30.990816666666667,31.06815,spk_2,"budgets are reviewed quarterly or yearly. And if you're not meeting them, you" +672,31.0735,31.084816666666665,spk_2,um +673,31.091666666666665,31.10683333333333,spk_2,you adjust +674,31.120483333333333,31.136816666666668,spk_2,to meet your budget. +675,31.136983333333333,31.175166666666662,spk_2,"So we should make sure that we're, we're continually doing this," +676,31.17533333333333,31.19748333333333,spk_2,not just as an initial target. +677,31.229666666666667,31.2485,spk_0,Got it. Thanks. +678,31.253316666666667,31.262316666666667,spk_0,Uh +679,31.28783333333333,31.307316666666665,spk_0,ok. So +680,31.319666666666667,31.33865,spk_0,there was one thing +681,31.3425,31.385316666666668,spk_0,that has been throughout all these discussions +682,31.38865,31.436,spk_0,"that we haven't talked yet, which is maintainability." +683,31.44033333333333,31.47733333333333,spk_0,One of the problems we faced with working with +684,31.4775,31.526,spk_0,this is that the application itself is so complex +685,31.529166666666665,31.553816666666663,spk_0,"that over time," +686,31.555,31.626483333333333,spk_0,the maintainability of the app just suffers and +687,31.62665,31.67248333333333,spk_0,"especially with a native approach or building things," +688,31.67898333333333,31.760316666666668,spk_0,the based of boring solutions. Um And then eventually we can just keep it at +689,31.762666666666668,31.794,spk_0,that stage for a really long time. +690,31.813983333333333,31.824316666666668,spk_0,Um +691,31.8385,31.86733333333333,spk_0,We have plenty of examples for sure. +692,31.8735,31.940816666666667,spk_0,Um But I think one of the things we have to keep in mind is um +693,31.945833333333333,31.988166666666668,spk_0,"an improved or released," +694,32.00266666666667,32.0275,spk_0,improve maintainability +695,32.04698333333333,32.102666666666664,spk_0,"uh than what we have today. And I think," +696,32.10815,32.14666666666667,spk_0,does anybody disagree with that being a goal? +697,32.159,32.17015,spk_0,Let's put it that way. +698,32.20548333333333,32.212833333333336,spk_2,"You wanna," +699,32.23531666666667,32.28366666666667,spk_2,you wanna spend the next 20 minutes defining maintainability? +700,32.32065,32.321,spk_0,I +701,32.32448333333333,32.38231666666667,spk_0,"thought you're gonna say uh do, do you wanna kick the person who says yet? No." +702,32.385666666666665,32.39833333333333,spk_0,Um +703,32.41316666666667,32.42281666666667,spk_0,"I mean," +704,32.425333333333334,32.45033333333333,spk_0,"sure. What, what do we" +705,32.4525,32.47533333333333,spk_0,like? I think we have a +706,32.48016666666667,32.52048333333333,spk_0,maybe I have an idea of what maintainability is but +707,32.52065,32.572316666666666,spk_0,uh should we take a stab at like defining that roughly +708,32.63315,32.67015,spk_0,"or do we just keep it right at the moment? And we," +709,32.70216666666666,32.70516666666666,spk_8,"I," +710,32.707816666666666,32.75731666666667,spk_8,"I think you have to, it has to be defined at some point." +711,32.75748333333333,32.79266666666667,spk_8,"I don't know if this is the point to do it, but we have to," +712,32.79281666666667,32.81648333333333,spk_8,we do have to have that conversation. +713,32.81933333333333,32.85981666666667,spk_8,"There has to be a metric where we're never gonna do it. It's just," +714,32.86848333333333,32.89915,spk_8,"yeah, if we can't measure it, what can we do?" +715,32.910833333333336,32.971833333333336,spk_0,All right. So let's uh let's open an issue to do that as synchronously +716,32.98383333333334,32.99816666666667,spk_0,move to an issue +717,33.000166666666665,33.05798333333333,spk_0,to iterate on a joint definition +718,33.06666666666667,33.08833333333333,spk_0,of maintainability. +719,33.103,33.196666666666665,spk_0,"It was like we're moving in a W three C standard where we have like what this must mean," +720,33.19683333333333,33.234,spk_0,what this should mean and that's good. +721,33.23416666666667,33.303,spk_0,"That's a positive thing, fellas and, and gals because I think that's the" +722,33.311166666666665,33.34466666666667,spk_0,how we get the standard to live on +723,33.34965,33.40266666666667,spk_0,"uh without misinterpretation along the way. So," +724,33.4065,33.44065,spk_0,"yeah, thanks for bringing it up. Let's move that to an issue." +725,33.45131666666666,33.462666666666664,spk_0,Um +726,33.46483333333333,33.535666666666664,spk_0,I put here then the bottom create issue to define maintainability. +727,33.557,33.57516666666667,spk_0,Um Cool. +728,33.58931666666667,33.60365,spk_0,Uh +729,33.62533333333333,33.6335,spk_0,All right. +730,33.6585,33.71815,spk_0,"Any other goals that we should keep in mind? So let's recap, let's recap." +731,33.71831666666667,33.7655,spk_0,"So, create a document for the architecture, which is the main goal." +732,33.76815,33.81516666666667,spk_0,We need to cover all scenarios where diffs are used around git lab. +733,33.830983333333336,33.872816666666665,spk_0,"We need performance," +734,33.87615,33.9105,spk_0,"we need to keep it perform. Oh, sorry." +735,33.91598333333334,33.94298333333333,spk_0,I should read the rest of the phrase +736,33.94416666666667,33.993833333333335,spk_0,performance not being degraded regardless of how big the +737,34.00131666666667,34.013333333333335,spk_0,depths +738,34.026983333333334,34.07431666666667,spk_0,"the diff is? See, it's gonna happen a lot of times" +739,34.07933333333333,34.08465,spk_0,it's not +740,34.08865,34.092666666666666,spk_0,"ear," +741,34.098333333333336,34.11516666666667,spk_0,it's notar it's diff +742,34.13613333333333,34.18245,spk_0,uh accessible app for the users. Um +743,34.213,34.239333333333335,spk_0,"uh We'll need to define," +744,34.24431666666667,34.2965,spk_0,define boundaries and user first promises uh which is +745,34.29881666666667,34.31648333333333,spk_0,"documents for budget," +746,34.31666666666667,34.3625,spk_0,documents for data flow and potentially like targets for lending +747,34.36898333333333,34.41931666666667,spk_0,and uh an improvement in ability that why we have today. +748,34.43646666666667,34.45081666666667,spk_0,Uh +749,34.47715,34.4935,spk_0,Anything missing +750,34.52263333333333,34.535466666666665,spk_0,objectives. +751,34.583333333333336,34.63965,spk_1,How about metrics like uh performance metrics +752,34.652483333333336,34.65763333333334,spk_1,use H +753,34.659333333333336,34.670316666666665,spk_1,metrics? +754,34.72083333333333,34.770316666666666,spk_0,"Um How should we, so what's the target there?" +755,34.8045,34.814816666666665,spk_1,"Yeah, I mean," +756,34.821,34.87448333333333,spk_1,"right now, I don't know. I mean, we have, we have very nice for performance" +757,34.87616666666667,34.89848333333333,spk_1,and mix because we have dark +758,34.906816666666664,34.9135,spk_1,for +759,34.93116666666667,34.95016666666667,spk_1,back end and fun and +760,34.9545,34.965316666666666,spk_1,fun times. +761,34.9755,34.98615,spk_1,That's one. +762,35.003483333333335,35.01531666666666,spk_1,"But for," +763,35.02183333333333,35.03333333333333,spk_1,"yeah, go ahead and get it." +764,35.038666666666664,35.04848333333333,spk_1,Go ahead. +765,35.05083333333334,35.07566666666666,spk_1,"But for usage usage metrics," +766,35.07748333333333,35.08165,spk_1,image for +767,35.085,35.08631666666667,spk_1,"you," +768,35.11266666666667,35.172333333333334,spk_0,"I think, I think I'm gonna channel my Stanislav" +769,35.17633333333333,35.193983333333335,spk_0,because he's sick. +770,35.19683333333333,35.214983333333336,spk_0,So I'm gonna pull him in +771,35.22015,35.251,spk_0,and I'm gonna be speaking as if I was him +772,35.26266666666667,35.274316666666664,spk_0,um +773,35.28581666666667,35.35231666666667,spk_0,because we've talked about this in the past and I think Thomas as well is um to not +774,35.36416666666667,35.4085,spk_0,do not pursue vanity metrics. What does this mean? +775,35.424483333333335,35.5095,spk_0,"If we, if we think about the usual metrics we have, which is time the first bite." +776,35.514,35.52815,spk_0,Um +777,35.533833333333334,35.57415,spk_0,I don't know. Uh LCP and +778,35.5805,35.63315,spk_0,uh T BT s and all that stuff. A lot of those metrics can have. +779,35.64565,35.674483333333335,spk_0,"It was you, Thomas. Yes," +780,35.67881666666667,35.70215,spk_0,that's blurry. So +781,35.713166666666666,35.7935,spk_0,"area. No, like a youtuber look at that, like look at, look at my, look at my thing." +782,35.79848333333333,35.86481666666667,spk_0,"Uh So yeah, the point of that is we should pursue meaningful metrics." +783,35.864983333333335,35.8795,spk_0,"I think that's," +784,35.8805,35.948483333333336,spk_0,"that's how we can word it and what's meaningful is meaningful for our project," +785,35.95248333333333,35.976166666666664,spk_0,which means we're probably gonna need to +786,35.97898333333333,36.004333333333335,spk_0,define those metrics +787,36.009166666666665,36.04481666666667,spk_0,and one of them falls into what Thomas was talking about. +788,36.04498333333333,36.11383333333333,spk_0,"The budget documents, right? Is things specifically built for us" +789,36.11816666666667,36.186816666666665,spk_0,because I can give you an example. We we had major improvement on TV T +790,36.197,36.21115,spk_0,"recently," +791,36.22815,36.27583333333333,spk_0,"but that came at a cost of some viability, right?" +792,36.28,36.34131666666666,spk_0,"And it wasn't, it was conscious, we knew what we were doing. But" +793,36.3505,36.3765,spk_0,what I think we need to +794,36.38483333333333,36.42381666666667,spk_0,think a little bit deeper about is +795,36.43715,36.51,spk_0,why do we want to move those metrics and what's the impact of that to the user? So +796,36.51198333333333,36.564166666666665,spk_0,which goes a little bit to my next point of order priorities. +797,36.56433333333333,36.59065,spk_0,We're gonna grab all these goals and we're going to +798,36.59081666666667,36.64683333333333,spk_0,put them in order and like what's the most important thing +799,36.649483333333336,36.70966666666666,spk_0,"first and then having, if we have to make a choice between some of those." +800,36.709833333333336,36.72481666666667,spk_0,"So for example," +801,36.73315,36.77415,spk_0,if we need to sacrifice um +802,36.7895,36.80781666666667,spk_0,accessibility +803,36.81065,36.835816666666666,spk_0,for performance +804,36.84381666666667,36.85833333333333,spk_0,should be +805,36.871,36.89031666666666,spk_0,right? Um +806,36.89565,36.906,spk_0,I think +807,36.9175,37.01181666666667,spk_0,having an order um of uh priorities definitely helps later on in the project. +808,37.01198333333333,37.079166666666666,spk_0,"Um W three C does this with uh V html five spec where it's," +809,37.07933333333333,37.13433333333333,spk_0,"it specifies exactly who comes first, like users comes first," +810,37.139,37.2045,spk_0,then comes authors then comes browser implementer implementer and then comes +811,37.20916666666667,37.24633333333333,spk_0,specter or whatever or theoretical purity. +812,37.24815,37.30166666666667,spk_0,So there has some priority order there. +813,37.30781666666667,37.35648333333334,spk_0,"Um So for us and a little bit more reasonable," +814,37.35665,37.38248333333333,spk_0,I don't want to sacrifice accessibility. +815,37.38265,37.40983333333333,spk_0,But if you think about more of +816,37.41565,37.47015,spk_0,"perceived performance or meaningful metrics, like we're talking about here," +817,37.47715,37.507983333333335,spk_0,um meaningful metrics +818,37.5135,37.55265,spk_0,"versus maintainability, I think we're," +819,37.56333333333333,37.619483333333335,spk_0,we should probably sacrifice maintainability a little bit if that comes with +820,37.61965,37.677483333333335,spk_0,some benefit to the perceived performance or to the meaningful metrics. +821,37.68598333333333,37.72731666666667,spk_0,"So if anything metrics to this point," +822,37.74216666666667,37.77166666666667,spk_0,I would just add meaningful metrics +823,37.785,37.828316666666666,spk_0,"and in parentheses, Thomas will put not vanity." +824,37.873983333333335,37.88916666666667,spk_0,"-- Does that make sense? +-- Bar Patrick." +825,37.905166666666666,37.943333333333335,spk_1,"Yeah, makes sense. Makes a lot of sense. I agree." +826,37.945483333333335,37.951,spk_1,OK. +827,37.96,37.990316666666665,spk_2,I think uh as part of our +828,37.99316666666667,38.01266666666667,spk_2,"documentation process," +829,38.01283333333333,38.068333333333335,spk_2,"we should define something like the W three C like who comes first or," +830,38.0685,38.1015,spk_2,"or what comes first, obviously" +831,38.10483333333333,38.141666666666666,spk_2,"users, right? And then like, what does that mean?" +832,38.14183333333333,38.212316666666666,spk_2,"So like formats accessibility, what, what's the order of how we sacrifice things?" +833,38.22331666666667,38.23165,spk_2,Um +834,38.25331666666667,38.30866666666667,spk_2,"I'll, I'll say it since it's, it's not popular in the front end." +835,38.30883333333333,38.3885,spk_2,"Industry developers should be last. Our, our experience should be last." +836,38.388666666666666,38.44266666666667,spk_2,"The DX should not be important. Um So," +837,38.47065,38.52065,spk_0,so I'm gonna grab this recording when later you're complaining about +838,38.520833333333336,38.54881666666667,spk_0,"a bug that is really hard to fix and like," +839,38.54898333333333,38.56115,spk_0,"hey, listen," +840,38.575833333333335,38.59783333333333,spk_0,"look at this old friend," +841,38.61165,38.63016666666667,spk_0,I agree with you. I agree with that. +842,38.63033333333333,38.66181666666667,spk_0,"I think, I think it's just, yeah, we," +843,38.66198333333333,38.7125,spk_0,"we've lived through many hard problems to solve, to know" +844,38.72331666666667,38.75281666666667,spk_0,"they come at a cost per Yeah," +845,38.78665,38.795316666666665,spk_0,cool. +846,38.801,38.84065,spk_0,So I wrote Meaningful Metrics. Thanks Patrick. +847,38.84081666666667,38.893,spk_0,"Uh Again, we're probably gonna need to need to be defined," +848,38.94448333333333,38.96816666666667,spk_0,"great issue, I guess." +849,38.98248333333333,39.0135,spk_0,Um create +850,39.01948333333333,39.05466666666667,spk_0,issues or meaningful +851,39.064816666666665,39.13565,spk_0,"metrics. Uh And we can use some things that we've used in the past, which is um" +852,39.14216666666667,39.16316666666667,spk_0,custom defined +853,39.16833333333334,39.18116666666667,spk_0,what we call it. +854,39.21965,39.23265,spk_0,Um +855,39.2375,39.24666666666667,spk_0,The clery +856,39.251,39.29065,spk_0,P I that we have on the browser that we can ma uh +857,39.30665,39.364983333333335,spk_0,a user markings. Uh You can have markings on the front end that like +858,39.368,39.406,spk_0,"define stages of the render of the application," +859,39.41065,39.47315,spk_0,which include the performance of the back end and the front end all at once. +860,39.47331666666667,39.53131666666667,spk_0,"And we can define those things and implement it at the front end in terms of that," +861,39.53265,39.58231666666666,spk_0,"which doesn't exclude having all the metrics for the backend exclusive," +862,39.582483333333336,39.60983333333333,spk_0,all the metrics for Galley and all that stuff. +863,39.61,39.64366666666667,spk_0,So that's why this is gonna be a joint effort because +864,39.64481666666666,39.67933333333333,spk_0,this might mean different things for each one of us. +865,39.6795,39.689,spk_0,So +866,39.70483333333333,39.7225,spk_1,we'll keep your eye in the loop. +867,39.74583333333333,39.756816666666666,spk_0,All right. +868,39.77133333333333,39.81548333333333,spk_0,Anything else in terms of objectives? +869,39.86898333333333,39.88,spk_0,Um +870,39.891666666666666,39.90798333333333,spk_0,So we have seven minutes +871,39.92083333333333,39.93265,spk_0,um +872,39.95248333333333,39.98148333333334,spk_0,"before I go to order priorities," +873,39.99366666666667,40.055,spk_0,"I'll ask, should we have also an issue to discuss the, I'll," +874,40.057316666666665,40.11931666666667,spk_0,I'll list all the goals of the things that we have defined above. +875,40.126666666666665,40.16465,spk_0,Should we have an issue to discuss this as synchrony +876,40.16683333333334,40.18315,spk_0,with all with everyone? +877,40.18333333333333,40.23333333333333,spk_0,Because I don't think we're gonna be making a consensus here on the call. +878,40.2375,40.25,spk_0,Um +879,40.25298333333333,40.29266666666667,spk_0,We can take a step of an example of what that would look like. +880,40.29283333333333,40.3515,spk_0,"But then everybody could go in that issue and then participate uh in," +881,40.35166666666667,40.382983333333335,spk_0,in defining that together. +882,40.38315,40.392,spk_0,Does that +883,40.3965,40.403983333333336,spk_0,sound good? +884,40.40416666666667,40.43333333333333,spk_0,We could have just an example of what it would look like +885,40.4335,40.48181666666667,spk_0,and then just discard that and we go at it and build our +886,40.48715,40.516666666666666,spk_0,"suggestions in the issue. Sounds good," +887,40.556983333333335,40.56515,spk_0,right? +888,40.57683333333333,40.59048333333333,spk_0,Show +889,40.605,40.617333333333335,spk_0,it's gonna go. +890,40.65016666666666,40.72966666666667,spk_0,"So OK, so create the document is not a priority because that's just the task, right?" +891,40.74015,40.78033333333333,spk_0,"So coverage, coverage" +892,40.78631666666666,40.79716666666667,spk_0,all +893,40.799483333333335,40.82183333333333,spk_0,these scenarios +894,40.83181666666667,40.88565,spk_0,and you can discard it later. Um If that doesn't make sense +895,40.8885,40.91716666666667,spk_0,and then it's performance +896,41.03131666666667,41.048316666666665,spk_0,that's +897,41.0505,41.06565,spk_0,"accessible," +898,41.092333333333336,41.10966666666667,spk_1,users +899,41.1225,41.14216666666667,spk_0,uh improved +900,41.16283333333333,41.21515,spk_0,can probably find better words for this later and maintain the ability. +901,41.24965,41.28731666666667,spk_0,"Uh What we talked about. Oh, we skipped one." +902,41.31316666666667,41.32683333333333,spk_0,Um +903,41.372166666666665,41.39148333333333,spk_0,How should we call your point? +904,41.391666666666666,41.439166666666665,spk_0,Thomas to find boundaries and user first promises early? +905,41.46565,41.542,spk_0,"Is that part of the relevant metrics, meaningful metrics? Can we keep it in there?" +906,41.55833333333333,41.59865,spk_2,"Yeah, it's part of it for sure." +907,41.61366666666667,41.6645,spk_2,"There are also, I think it's also just like define um" +908,41.680166666666665,41.70583333333333,spk_2,"it's like defining deliverables, right?" +909,41.706,41.78181666666666,spk_2,"Like like uh like something is not complete if we, if it's not accessible," +910,41.78565,41.84048333333333,spk_2,um it's not complete if it's um +911,41.85715,41.86716666666667,spk_2,if it +912,41.89915,41.91148333333334,spk_2,takes +913,41.91333333333333,42.0055,spk_2,a full second to get the code for it across the network or whatever. Um So it's like +914,42.017833333333336,42.03,spk_2,um +915,42.0395,42.088,spk_2,what are acceptable deliverable sort of +916,42.115316666666665,42.14098333333333,spk_2,"boundary. Yeah, I'm not sure." +917,42.15616666666666,42.189166666666665,spk_0,"Yeah, I think that's if we, if we frame it," +918,42.18933333333333,42.21881666666667,spk_0,"I think that's part of the meaningful metrics," +919,42.21898333333333,42.26181666666667,spk_0,we define the meaningful metrics and in there will +920,42.26198333333333,42.3125,spk_0,be compliance with the budget in there would be +921,42.316833333333335,42.37916666666667,spk_0,"time to get the data from Gidley or time to get the data from the rail side or," +922,42.379333333333335,42.39716666666666,spk_0,or anything like that. +923,42.409,42.45066666666666,spk_0,I think we can keep it for now covered with the meaningful metric. +924,42.450833333333335,42.492,spk_0,So we have so covers of all these scenarios +925,42.49733333333333,42.524816666666666,spk_0,"uh which, which goes" +926,42.52966666666666,42.57933333333333,spk_0,"we, we can put it at odds with some particular scenarios that don't make sense," +927,42.589,42.6475,spk_0,"performance regardless of this size, which is part of meaningful metrics." +928,42.647666666666666,42.66733333333333,spk_0,Should we erase that? +929,42.78766666666667,42.7975,spk_0,"Yeah, I" +930,42.802,42.81783333333333,spk_2,think so. +931,42.82715,42.83148333333333,spk_2,So we +932,42.833333333333336,42.8675,spk_2,have our performance budget should work no matter what +933,42.87715,42.93066666666667,spk_0,"coverage of these scenarios accessible improvement in ability," +934,42.93083333333333,42.94981666666666,spk_0,"meaningful metrics," +935,42.96366666666667,43.00866666666667,spk_0,"which is per performance, I guess as a whole." +936,43.0225,43.03715,spk_0,Um +937,43.0635,43.1185,spk_0,"Oh, we missed one. Can we create a shared documents followed with some organization" +938,43.13516666666666,43.15133333333333,spk_0,to start keeping artic +939,43.155166666666666,43.15983333333333,spk_0,one? But +940,43.17133333333334,43.18248333333333,spk_2,"this wasn't," +941,43.18516666666667,43.2435,spk_2,"I didn't, I didn't vocalize it because we, we this is very," +942,43.256483333333335,43.27865,spk_2,but like uh +943,43.28981666666667,43.32748333333333,spk_2,"we can't work exclusively in issues, right?" +944,43.32765,43.42881666666667,spk_2,"Because an issue is like something that eventually is closed um or resolved where," +945,43.428983333333335,43.45398333333333,spk_2,where are we going to keep things? +946,43.454166666666666,43.508833333333335,spk_2,"Should we, should we create a wiki? Should we use our wiki feature?" +947,43.5125,43.55815,spk_2,"-- What like what, how are we gonna do this or just Google +-- Docs?" +948,43.58766666666666,43.638,spk_0,"Uh I don't, I've never been involved in architecture design workflow." +949,43.63816666666666,43.695483333333335,spk_0,"If anybody has, please, maybe Patrick or Carry you were" +950,43.70133333333333,43.71181666666666,spk_0,um +951,43.7225,43.74465,spk_0,"I was thinking about just using the," +952,43.744816666666665,43.78366666666667,spk_0,we're gonna start to put things in +953,43.78383333333333,43.82266666666666,spk_0,the documentation itself of the architecture design. +954,43.82516666666667,43.8925,spk_0,"There's already a status for like proposed, accepted that sort of thing." +955,43.899816666666666,43.930166666666665,spk_0,So we should not re invent the wheel and just +956,43.93033333333333,43.98181666666667,spk_0,"use the documentation as a living spec as we go," +957,43.98198333333333,43.99798333333333,spk_0,we take it through the +958,44.005,44.04031666666667,spk_0,the stages. I think that's what makes more sense. +959,44.04583333333333,44.06465,spk_0,Anybody disagrees. +960,44.08833333333333,44.1,spk_0,Does that make sense? +961,44.138333333333335,44.13883333333333,spk_7,OK. +962,44.153983333333336,44.20715,spk_7,Uh How about the things that would not go into documents? +963,44.20731666666666,44.26833333333333,spk_7,"Like if I'm doing the audit, it's not gonna end up all there." +964,44.28181666666666,44.30033333333333,spk_7,Um +965,44.30433333333333,44.330333333333336,spk_7,So should I just keep that +966,44.34333333333333,44.36033333333334,spk_7,"-- Google +-- doc?" +967,44.39448333333333,44.42881666666667,spk_0,"Um I mean, we definitely can find a" +968,44.43165,44.485816666666665,spk_0,Google Drive boulder to keep things organized. +969,44.48783333333333,44.51931666666667,spk_0,I think that's OK. Like a +970,44.5305,44.57666666666667,spk_0,artifact of investigations. Sure. +971,44.584,44.61783333333333,spk_0,Uh Maybe that can cover what Thomas was saying. +972,44.618,44.63131666666666,spk_0,"But in terms of like," +973,44.631483333333335,44.66048333333333,spk_0,we should keep in mind that the effort should +974,44.66065,44.69415,spk_0,be to update the documentation that we're putting out. +975,44.70483333333333,44.75033333333333,spk_0,"And if like for example, if it makes sense to" +976,44.75331666666666,44.78248333333333,spk_0,"reference the artist that you did," +977,44.78783333333333,44.7975,spk_0,you can keep it in the +978,44.799483333333335,44.84481666666667,spk_0,doc but link it on the living spec living on the +979,44.84881666666666,44.88248333333333,spk_0,link it on the documentation that we're merging. +980,44.89431666666667,44.899483333333336,spk_0,Mhm +981,44.90231666666666,44.90983333333333,spk_0,OK. +982,44.91165,44.95798333333333,spk_0,"Still let's build a Google Drive just for," +983,44.97398333333334,45.03366666666667,spk_2,"yeah, I think we should have a Google Drive maybe for like drafts or like, hey," +984,45.03383333333333,45.064166666666665,spk_2,I'm doing this audit and here's a bunch of stuff. +985,45.06433333333333,45.122166666666665,spk_2,"But if we're gonna be linking like data or like report results," +986,45.13315,45.16481666666667,spk_2,we should probably be using kit lab. +987,45.177816666666665,45.1895,spk_2,So like +988,45.19415,45.20883333333333,spk_2,uh +989,45.21683333333333,45.24815,spk_2,"that's why I suggested wiki like that," +990,45.24831666666667,45.28866666666666,spk_2,that can maybe we can store larger artifacts over +991,45.288833333333336,45.32116666666667,spk_2,in wiki and then link it from the documentation. +992,45.321333333333335,45.33165,spk_2,I'm not sure. +993,45.33383333333333,45.342333333333336,spk_2,But +994,45.34583333333333,45.39481666666666,spk_2,"-- um +-- we can go, we can, we can check that as we go, I think" +995,45.39881666666667,45.434666666666665,spk_2,that Google Drive necessarily means it's like +996,45.44166666666667,45.47881666666667,spk_2,private and we're keeping it a secret. +997,45.481316666666665,45.53148333333333,spk_2,Um And maybe we should default to something more public. +998,45.54266666666667,45.589,spk_0,"Not necessarily, you can have Google Docs that are public" +999,45.59498333333333,45.6125,spk_0,"-- can have a public +-- version." +1000,45.61783333333333,45.62533333333333,spk_1,Yeah. +1001,45.631166666666665,45.63681666666667,spk_1,Yeah. +1002,45.649483333333336,45.652,spk_8,Yeah. +1003,45.6645,45.6675,spk_8,The +1004,45.66931666666667,45.73433333333333,spk_8,"it's the pattern of, of use though. It really is like Google Docs is like," +1005,45.75265,45.78715,spk_8,"yeah, it's kind of hidden enough to decide." +1006,45.81098333333333,45.8255,spk_1,"-- Shouldn't +-- we use skip?" +1007,45.8345,45.8505,spk_2,"We, we should use" +1008,45.85416666666666,45.86181666666667,spk_2,"Gab, right?" +1009,45.87533333333333,45.89216666666667,spk_1,"Hey, I have an idea." +1010,45.89398333333333,45.90116666666667,spk_1,Let's use +1011,45.90416666666667,45.90466666666666,spk_1,GI +1012,45.9085,45.91048333333333,spk_1,lab. +1013,45.9175,45.927816666666665,spk_1,OK. +1014,45.94733333333333,46.00533333333333,spk_0,"All right. Let's talk about it on Slack. I mean, whatever people are agreeing." +1015,46.0055,46.040816666666665,spk_0,II I would have a problem with. Um +1016,46.06433333333333,46.11416666666667,spk_0,"All right. So let's not take any actions, let's discuss, let's discuss this thing." +1017,46.17183333333333,46.207483333333336,spk_0,Almost you start the discussion on Slack +1018,46.212833333333336,46.25116666666667,spk_0,"um or on the Gila issue. Sorry," +1019,46.25566666666667,46.27283333333333,spk_0,because we need to talk for. +1020,46.27666666666666,46.28333333333333,spk_0,Um +1021,46.29716666666667,46.34798333333333,spk_0,"OK. So looking at the immediate task at hand," +1022,46.35265,46.36283333333333,spk_0,uh +1023,46.369483333333335,46.427483333333335,spk_0,"I'm sorry, looking at the other priorities which we need to move to an issue." +1024,46.44166666666667,46.4555,spk_0,Um +1025,46.50781666666666,46.5675,spk_0,"So what I think would, would do is like ordered." +1026,46.57083333333333,46.614,spk_0,An example example would be +1027,46.61931666666667,46.64481666666666,spk_0,"like meaningful metrics," +1028,46.692166666666665,46.701,spk_0,"comes," +1029,46.71181666666666,46.72166666666666,spk_0,comes +1030,46.726333333333336,46.760333333333335,spk_0,"before then maintain," +1031,46.76565,46.81498333333333,spk_0,maintain ability. That would be the first choice. +1032,46.82065,46.8475,spk_0,Uh accessibility +1033,46.87116666666667,46.909666666666666,spk_0,should also come before maintainability. +1034,46.91498333333333,46.926833333333335,spk_0,Um +1035,46.97048333333333,47.022666666666666,spk_0,coverage for all these scenarios. That's a tricky one. +1036,47.024483333333336,47.03766666666667,spk_0,But I +1037,47.04098333333334,47.088166666666666,spk_0,I'm just giving an example like you don't have to agree with that. Um +1038,47.10265,47.1515,spk_0,I I would say uh so we can +1039,47.15631666666667,47.16833333333334,spk_0,keep it +1040,47.17381666666667,47.18631666666667,spk_1,coverage +1041,47.20381666666667,47.23766666666667,spk_0,because it needs to be accessible. +1042,47.23783333333333,47.284666666666666,spk_0,"But he thought some things might not cover all scenarios," +1043,47.28816666666667,47.309666666666665,spk_0,maintainability. What's missing? +1044,47.313,47.327,spk_0,"234," +1045,47.34981666666667,47.41033333333333,spk_0,"that's it. 1234. Yeah, so that, that this would be an example of uh" +1046,47.4265,47.43998333333333,spk_0,to start off with. +1047,47.44015,47.471833333333336,spk_0,"We might have different things that we add in the as we go," +1048,47.472,47.50298333333333,spk_0,but at least we'll have a place to document it +1049,47.50698333333333,47.53598333333333,spk_0,and this will be part of the documentation. +1050,47.540816666666665,47.5845,spk_0,Just an example. Let's move the discussion to an issue. OK. +1051,47.69031666666667,47.69048333333333,spk_0,Uh +1052,47.698483333333336,47.73866666666667,spk_0,And that takes me over time. +1053,47.74048333333333,47.80583333333333,spk_0,Uh So I need people to claim these immediate tasks at hand. +1054,47.814,47.82765,spk_0,Um +1055,47.83715,47.895833333333336,spk_0,We need some people to start opening the MRS for the documentation +1056,47.89915,47.96683333333333,spk_0,just to get it started as a draft or whatever the status is. Um +1057,47.9755,48.0345,spk_0,And I need someone to claim that task. I need someone um +1058,48.046,48.115316666666665,spk_0,"to create the issue to gather all the existing issues and that's the point is OK," +1059,48.11548333333333,48.125,spk_0,"the issue," +1060,48.13033333333333,48.16433333333333,spk_0,but then you broadcast it to everybody to +1061,48.177483333333335,48.22715,spk_0,uh add comments to that issue or something or add to the description +1062,48.255833333333335,48.28548333333333,spk_0,"um and, and ask" +1063,48.301833333333335,48.31215,spk_0,"what happened," +1064,48.323483333333336,48.339,spk_0,something changed. +1065,48.34481666666667,48.35731666666667,spk_0,"Oh yeah, I did a comment." +1066,48.36266666666667,48.37381666666667,spk_0,Um +1067,48.392833333333336,48.43248333333333,spk_0,"the document current approach for multiple gifts," +1068,48.43265,48.45381666666667,spk_0,I'm probably gonna need multiple +1069,48.47865,48.4875,spk_0,my +1070,48.49065,48.50748333333333,spk_0,Google doc crashed. +1071,48.52966666666666,48.602,spk_0,Uh So the documents current approach for multiple dis implementations is that like +1072,48.60215,48.664,spk_0,we don't have a lot of visibility on how things happen between Gidley. +1073,48.66416666666667,48.70681666666667,spk_0,"Like we on the front end between Gidley and rails," +1074,48.713166666666666,48.738166666666665,spk_0,we don't have a lot of visibility on how things +1075,48.73833333333333,48.77848333333333,spk_0,on source code happen uh on back end and stuff. +1076,48.77865,48.84081666666667,spk_0,So it would be nice to get some sort of like Quick Sons shott +1077,48.8465,48.90315,spk_0,of how the dips are being generated and handled today. +1078,48.91033333333333,48.963166666666666,spk_0,Um I would keep it light ish +1079,48.96515,49.02583333333333,spk_0,because this is just to understand where we are. It's not the outcome. +1080,49.026,49.085816666666666,spk_0,"It's just a, a good effort of capturing what we have today." +1081,49.092333333333336,49.10681666666667,spk_0,"And for this," +1082,49.10698333333333,49.18248333333333,spk_0,what I would leverage is potentially grab all the dris and assign an issue to them. +1083,49.2,49.22031666666667,spk_0,Why is my Google doc +1084,49.24166666666667,49.263333333333335,spk_0,do look just crashed. +1085,49.27015,49.27966666666666,spk_0,Um +1086,49.29431666666667,49.313833333333335,spk_0,Which is why we should just get love. +1087,49.32781666666666,49.360166666666665,spk_0,So I'll take action on that. I'll create an issue +1088,49.37365,49.42015,spk_0,and I'll sign every Dr I uh there and +1089,49.420316666666665,49.45966666666666,spk_0,potentially I'll ping you to Patrick because of giddily. +1090,49.4675,49.56465,spk_0,"Um And the idea is just to share some notes or some diagrams of how," +1091,49.57031666666666,49.62331666666667,spk_0,how we're doing the DS today in your part of the organization. +1092,49.631166666666665,49.6935,spk_0,"Uh If that makes sense, is that sensible for everybody or am I missing something." +1093,49.77715,49.822,spk_0,OK. Sometimes I'm afraid that I'm making +1094,49.826166666666666,49.85681666666667,spk_0,no sense at all. It just too +1095,49.86165,49.888666666666666,spk_0,respectful to call me out. +1096,49.90433333333333,49.95183333333333,spk_0,Uh Let's assume it's not that uh right. I'll take that one +1097,49.95365,49.97133333333333,spk_0,document. +1098,49.97431666666667,50.0,spk_0,I think that is for me. +1099,50.00248333333333,50.06816666666667,spk_0,And then we need one. We already have one for uh the define maintainability. +1100,50.07315,50.13615,spk_0,Um This is then we need one to create issue for meaningful metrics +1101,50.14098333333333,50.18698333333333,spk_0,and then one to an issue to discuss order of priorities. +1102,50.191316666666665,50.21683333333333,spk_0,Um I can take that one too +1103,50.22448333333333,50.2675,spk_0,"so please take them on, um" +1104,50.2755,50.32731666666667,spk_0,assign yourself here like we're doing like me and Thomas. +1105,50.33916666666666,50.36915,spk_0,Uh And then we know exactly who's going to take +1106,50.36931666666667,50.41833333333334,spk_0,them and then broadcast them on the Slack channel. +1107,50.4185,50.4645,spk_0,I think that's the best way at the moment to +1108,50.46465,50.50765,spk_0,get everybody that it's involved or wants to be involved +1109,50.51148333333333,50.5225,spk_0,aware. +1110,50.53383333333333,50.546,spk_0,Um +1111,50.5555,50.59548333333333,spk_0,"That's it. Anybody has any other questions before we go," +1112,50.6385,50.68033333333333,spk_0,we'll talk about the thing called scheduling +1113,50.6805,50.72298333333333,spk_0,"on Slack or something because like it's," +1114,50.73165,50.74881666666667,spk_0,we don't have any time now. +1115,50.756816666666666,50.803983333333335,spk_2,"Do we have uh what, what's the, is there a specific Slack show" +1116,50.80631666666667,50.832816666666666,spk_2,for this? Am I in it? I don't know. +1117,50.84216666666666,50.85083333333333,spk_2,Uh +1118,50.857816666666665,50.89465,spk_0,"F New Ds, right. Phil." +1119,50.93383333333333,50.9375,spk_1,Yep. +1120,50.967333333333336,51.011316666666666,spk_0,"-- Please join. If you're not there. +-- Look at that, I'm not a member." +1121,51.01148333333333,51.02865,spk_2,"-- Go +-- ahead and join that." +1122,51.03548333333333,51.056,spk_0,"You are now. All right," +1123,51.075,51.09166666666667,spk_0,thanks everybody. +1124,51.09183333333333,51.16148333333334,spk_0,"There's gonna be a lot of discovery and a lot of crazy chaos through here, but I think" +1125,51.1635,51.20066666666666,spk_0,it's great that we're having this conversation that we see so +1126,51.200833333333335,51.264,spk_0,many different scopes represented so really appreciative all of your time. +1127,51.27398333333333,51.33565,spk_0,And if you by any chance uh need um +1128,51.335816666666666,51.38016666666667,spk_0,"some help prioritizing work to this with your managers," +1129,51.38033333333333,51.43131666666667,spk_0,feel free to reach out to me and I can try to put in a good word. +1130,51.459,51.46615,spk_0,OK. +1131,51.47298333333333,51.48198333333333,spk_0,That's it. +1132,51.48383333333334,51.55331666666667,spk_0,We'll uh discuss the synchronously and we see you on the ether or something. +1133,51.58648333333333,51.60748333333333,spk_0,Bye. Have a good week. diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_2.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_2.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d9f1048f039de0a65ef56fb66e84a0079568e16a --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_2.csv @@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,21.040166666666668,21.051483333333334,spk_0,we can try it. +1,21.0565,21.067816666666666,spk_0,So +2,21.07933333333333,21.125,spk_0,"that's again, at the moment, we don't think" +3,21.127666666666663,21.14183333333333,spk_0,that would be applicable. +4,21.142,21.17383333333333,spk_0,"But if anybody has any other thoughts on that," +5,21.17398333333333,21.227166666666665,spk_0,but we could defer the highlighting to the front end or we can pre +6,21.23,21.25483333333333,spk_0,render it in some ways +7,21.268833333333333,21.292816666666667,spk_0,all of that is +8,21.296983333333333,21.39515,spk_0,uh valid and a part of this um gathering existing issues and potential proposals. +9,21.395316666666663,21.4625,spk_0,Uh I know that carry um you had previously proposed something like +10,21.478,21.552333333333333,spk_0,do more of prec calculation of the data that we need to render the DS. +11,21.55615,21.591666666666665,spk_0,I think we wanna need to revisit that at some point. +12,21.59233333333333,21.6465,spk_0,Um So let's make sure that those issues are created +13,21.64666666666667,21.694333333333333,spk_0,and documented at least and highlighted here in this um +14,21.705816666666667,21.748,spk_0,"effort. Uh Well, well, I don't know, we'll have a," +15,21.759,21.78065,spk_0,let's create an Epic +16,21.803,21.817666666666668,spk_0,"and," +17,21.8195,21.8235,spk_0,or +18,21.8355,21.847316666666668,spk_0,"Epic," +19,21.8525,21.885316666666668,spk_0,we don't want to move them from the current Epics. +20,21.89816666666667,21.899316666666667,spk_0,It's +21,21.90198333333333,21.948833333333333,spk_0,an issue and document them all there. +22,21.95565,22.0085,spk_0,"OK? I'll, I'll assign that desk in just a bit to somebody." +23,22.029166666666665,22.061,spk_0,Does that make sense? Scary of like bringing that +24,22.06415,22.080166666666667,spk_0,thing back? +25,22.08948333333333,22.098,spk_0,OK. +26,22.106666666666666,22.11916666666667,spk_0,Um +27,22.13833333333333,22.19183333333333,spk_0,"Highlighting on the front end. OK. Does that satisfy your question, Igor" +28,22.218316666666663,22.2875,spk_5,"Yeah. Yeah. And if I have a half a minute, I can explain why I actually asked" +29,22.294,22.29433333333333,spk_5,you. +30,22.296166666666668,22.319816666666668,spk_5,"Uh uh Because yeah," +31,22.32248333333333,22.353316666666668,spk_5,when I think about performance of the +32,22.355,22.35565,spk_5,"DS," +33,22.3635,22.41815,spk_5,"I remember that we do something like, for example, we have ad" +34,22.41998333333333,22.49065,spk_5,for file and currently we fetch the old version of the D +35,22.49683333333333,22.564666666666668,spk_5,uh old version of the whole block and the new version of the whole block +36,22.571666666666665,22.61133333333333,spk_5,uh just to highlight the D +37,22.614833333333333,22.628816666666665,spk_5,correctly. +38,22.631666666666668,22.709333333333333,spk_5,"Uh why uh uh do, why do we do historically" +39,22.71283333333333,22.78783333333333,spk_5,uh just because we want the D to be correct because sometimes uh +40,22.791316666666667,22.82133333333333,spk_5,it's uh context +41,22.823166666666665,22.830816666666667,spk_5,related. +42,22.83098333333333,22.90883333333333,spk_5,"Yeah, for example, you have a stream opened like 10 lines somewhere higher." +43,22.91133333333333,22.934,spk_5,"Uh Yeah, behind the D" +44,22.941666666666663,23.00198333333333,spk_5,and uh we still want to highlight it correctly. +45,23.004666666666665,23.01398333333333,spk_5,"So," +46,23.017166666666668,23.024483333333333,spk_5,"yeah," +47,23.027166666666663,23.102666666666668,spk_5,"uh I believe if we start discussing performance improvements of the depths," +48,23.102833333333333,23.16865,spk_5,these are the questions that we probably will be uh +49,23.16883333333333,23.23333333333333,spk_5,often try to solve and find like the new tradeoffs. +50,23.234816666666667,23.2855,spk_5,"So yeah, it's something that we can" +51,23.289316666666668,23.37333333333333,spk_5,"uh discuss later. But yeah, a lot of tradeoffs will be involved." +52,23.379166666666663,23.392666666666667,spk_5,"So yeah," +53,23.396833333333333,23.416666666666668,spk_5,one of the examples +54,23.45381666666667,23.481666666666666,spk_2,I was doing um a +55,23.494333333333334,23.50815,spk_2,like for +56,23.511,23.52415,spk_2,highlighting +57,23.53,23.5405,spk_2,in the +58,23.546666666666667,23.586816666666667,spk_2,"little, it's like micro app that I wrote." +59,23.590333333333334,23.6335,spk_2,Um that was the exact problem that I ran into. +60,23.633666666666667,23.67333333333333,spk_2,I never actually saw incorrect highlighting +61,23.677666666666667,23.7695,spk_2,"but the flaw was there where if we didn't have the whole lab, um it," +62,23.769666666666662,23.80633333333333,spk_2,"it could have highlighted incorrectly because of what you said, you know," +63,23.8065,23.858833333333333,spk_2,"30 lines up, something happened that needed that changed the highlighting." +64,23.86615,23.8755,spk_2,Um +65,23.9,23.937316666666668,spk_2,If we have to fetch the whole blob anyway. +66,23.94565,23.994983333333334,spk_2,"Um in, in my opinion, uh" +67,24.017666666666667,24.02198333333333,spk_2,front +68,24.023983333333334,24.03865,spk_2,end highlighting +69,24.044166666666666,24.075333333333333,spk_2,allows us more flexibility +70,24.08031666666667,24.176,spk_2,um because we can wait until the user scrolls to near the file to highlight it. +71,24.18265,24.191316666666665,spk_2,But +72,24.194666666666667,24.226983333333333,spk_2,"there's a lot of, there's a lot, like you said," +73,24.227166666666665,24.256833333333333,spk_2,there's a lot of tradeoffs because now you've got +74,24.257,24.288166666666665,spk_2,to deliver the whole blog to the front end. +75,24.28833333333333,24.294,spk_2,"So," +76,24.3445,24.40348333333333,spk_0,"so what the way I envision this and if you have better ideas, this is like," +77,24.40365,24.438816666666668,spk_0,please propose is that as the +78,24.4445,24.46815,spk_0,"discussions evolve," +79,24.476983333333333,24.498666666666665,spk_0,we're probably gonna have +80,24.5045,24.592166666666667,spk_0,big topics in specific calls to be discussed and also be discussed as synchronously +81,24.605166666666666,24.666833333333333,spk_0,"as we go, we'll highlight, we'll pick these topics and we'll broadcast them all." +82,24.667,24.69633333333333,spk_0,"Like, let's have a discussion on the syntax highway." +83,24.69915,24.71565,spk_0,Let's have a discussion on +84,24.71815,24.72215,spk_0,caching. +85,24.722316666666668,24.75548333333333,spk_0,Let's have a discussion on those things because we're gonna +86,24.75565,24.79433333333333,spk_0,need some help in figuring out some of the possibilities +87,24.79948333333333,24.849316666666667,spk_0,because there's a bunch of possibilities on how do we wanna address this. +88,24.8625,24.885316666666668,spk_0,But we need to come with a +89,24.892,24.947316666666666,spk_0,choice or some choices for the architectural design. +90,24.94748333333333,24.990166666666667,spk_0,"So uh this will be one of them since that's how," +91,24.9905,25.02665,spk_0,since that's how I is gonna have to be part of it. +92,25.051316666666665,25.10165,spk_0,Ok. Thanks Igor. Thanks Thomas. Thanks Jack. Uh +93,25.1105,25.133333333333333,spk_0,and Carry. Um +94,25.156333333333333,25.167,spk_0,Moving on. +95,25.167166666666667,25.236,spk_0,One of the things that we have already talked and I talked to Paulina about this is +96,25.24948333333333,25.32881666666667,spk_0,we know that accessibility isn't the best today on the merging +97,25.330816666666667,25.35115,spk_0,best diffs or +98,25.353483333333333,25.39515,spk_0,Ds overall because we haven't paid too much attention to that. +99,25.40115,25.44633333333333,spk_0,Since we're rethinking a lot of this as a +100,25.4545,25.50365,spk_0,"quality usability improvement," +101,25.503816666666665,25.58566666666667,spk_0,it will be um really good if you start incorporating accessibility from the start. +102,25.591833333333334,25.612316666666665,spk_0,"So, um" +103,25.62398333333333,25.648333333333333,spk_0,how should we wear this Paulina? +104,25.65115,25.66015,spk_0,Um +105,25.68265,25.70233333333333,spk_0,"Is it accessible," +106,25.72665,25.733833333333333,spk_1,accessible? +107,25.7775,25.786816666666667,spk_1,Um +108,25.83783333333333,25.84565,spk_7,"Yeah," +109,25.8565,25.90815,spk_7,yeah. So uh I started the document already. I'll be +110,25.91215,25.92615,spk_7,doing the audit of +111,25.929166666666667,25.953316666666662,spk_7,this now and +112,25.961483333333334,25.9925,spk_7,analyzing what's missing right now. +113,25.99965,26.047316666666667,spk_7,But also the second part will be like looking at +114,26.04748333333333,26.10115,spk_7,the guidelines that we should actually follow for the authoring tool +115,26.107983333333333,26.119666666666667,spk_7,and +116,26.128316666666667,26.16165,spk_7,rethinking about how we want to +117,26.167666666666666,26.28265,spk_7,show of representatives uh to screen reader users. Um for all the other +118,26.2875,26.311333333333334,spk_7,parties like small twigs +119,26.317,26.36865,spk_7,"or tab navigation and things. But for the screen reader," +120,26.37465,26.437666666666665,spk_7,it's a bit tricky because what we show is very graphic right now +121,26.440816666666667,26.46448333333333,spk_7,and uh we need to +122,26.472316666666668,26.511333333333333,spk_7,be able to like for the screener to +123,26.519,26.534,spk_7,like read it +124,26.538166666666665,26.58115,spk_7,computed uh with the relations between +125,26.58515,26.63948333333333,spk_7,the number of lines and that code changed. Um +126,26.64498333333333,26.696,spk_7,And all the extra features that commenting. Um +127,26.7025,26.70348333333333,spk_7,"So," +128,26.715816666666665,26.732166666666668,spk_0,so in terms of +129,26.742166666666662,26.772816666666667,spk_0,like accessibility is such a wide +130,26.790333333333333,26.817666666666668,spk_0,concept and term +131,26.827166666666667,26.884816666666666,spk_0,when we're talking about spec um specific um +132,26.887833333333333,26.937666666666665,spk_0,making it a bit more specific. Um +133,26.94515,27.07465,spk_0,"we can, we can like narrow it down to uh screen reader users, keyboard navigation." +134,27.08915,27.101316666666666,spk_0,Um +135,27.123666666666665,27.130983333333333,spk_0,um +136,27.14883333333333,27.178,spk_0,And um I was +137,27.180316666666663,27.1875,spk_7,at +138,27.190166666666663,27.215333333333334,spk_7,um how to phrase it. +139,27.21865,27.247816666666665,spk_7,"It's like the visually, it's" +140,27.25198333333333,27.26365,spk_7,um +141,27.27415,27.327166666666667,spk_7,"it's as easy to read for, for everyone" +142,27.3335,27.35765,spk_0,visually comfortable is that +143,27.3735,27.37415,spk_7,sort +144,27.376316666666668,27.386,spk_7,of like +145,27.38983333333333,27.409,spk_7,contrast? +146,27.42333333333333,27.461816666666667,spk_7,"Um Yeah, if you, you study" +147,27.46365,27.488983333333334,spk_7,"like magnifiers," +148,27.501816666666667,27.60933333333333,spk_7,"-- uh So we, we don't lose context with +-- so contrast uh color blindness." +149,27.612666666666662,27.652166666666663,spk_0,So fits law is about um +150,27.66398333333333,27.727166666666665,spk_0,"in a nutshell is the larger the target, it is the easier it is to acquire." +151,27.72733333333333,27.76083333333333,spk_0,So make it comfortable for people with +152,27.761,27.802666666666667,spk_0,you'd like some motion disabilities and stuff. +153,27.807166666666667,27.816316666666665,spk_0,Um +154,27.8235,27.836816666666667,spk_0,"So again," +155,27.836983333333333,27.88648333333333,spk_0,if anything this will be leveraged by the designers that +156,27.88665,27.9155,spk_0,we will be bringing in at a later stage. +157,27.91565,27.96448333333333,spk_0,"Uh But as we're thinking about the front end architecture," +158,27.964666666666663,27.98281666666667,spk_0,we should account for that. +159,27.992816666666663,28.03698333333333,spk_7,"Yes, it's design is, but also for screen," +160,28.0405,28.085833333333333,spk_7,especially there's also a html structure +161,28.089316666666665,28.096666666666668,spk_7,um +162,28.098666666666663,28.109483333333333,spk_7,that is +163,28.11133333333333,28.13315,spk_7,needs to be very specific. +164,28.14965,28.16415,spk_0,Exactly. +165,28.164316666666668,28.221166666666665,spk_0,Uh I just wanted to remind that we're not going to be writing code right away. +166,28.22133333333333,28.246983333333333,spk_0,But when we're designing the document +167,28.24965,28.28098333333333,spk_0,"that should be there as a requirement," +168,28.28115,28.30516666666667,spk_0,it's something that we need to be accounting for. +169,28.305316666666663,28.358833333333333,spk_0,So that's the expectation level. Great. This is good. Thanks. +170,28.359,28.394,spk_0,Anybody has any other thoughts about accessibility? +171,28.477833333333333,28.48315,spk_0,Cool. +172,28.48333333333333,28.557,spk_0,I feel like it's positive that we're talking about it at this stage of the project. Um +173,28.562666666666665,28.5815,spk_0,"Thomas, you have a point here." +174,28.593316666666663,28.61015,spk_0,"Yeah, so" +175,28.61598333333333,28.626483333333333,spk_0,we can +176,28.62865,28.630983333333333,spk_2,"cut," +177,28.64816666666667,28.69233333333333,spk_2,we can kind of f accessibility into this. Um +178,28.70283333333333,28.73133333333333,spk_2,uh As part of my +179,28.733666666666668,28.769166666666667,spk_2,milestone stuff. I review all my assignments. +180,28.76933333333333,28.81215,spk_2,I was assigned a meta task for for new Ds. +181,28.813333333333333,28.853,spk_2,"So it's weird that I reviewed it because it's a meta task," +182,28.85315,28.87983333333333,spk_2,but I wrote some thoughts down +183,28.882166666666667,28.925666666666668,spk_2,and one of them is um +184,28.9355,28.978483333333333,spk_2,writing down documents about like budgets +185,28.982983333333333,29.0045,spk_2,and data flow. +186,29.0085,29.030483333333333,spk_2,And um +187,29.03898333333333,29.046983333333333,spk_2,"when," +188,29.04715,29.096,spk_2,when I talk about budgets in the implicit +189,29.096166666666665,29.13298333333333,spk_2,in that is our promises to users essentially. +190,29.13315,29.166666666666668,spk_2,And I think one of those things should be accessibility. +191,29.17015,29.179666666666662,spk_2,Um +192,29.185316666666665,29.20748333333333,spk_2,But other things are +193,29.223666666666663,29.23648333333333,spk_2,how +194,29.25283333333333,29.303816666666663,spk_2,heavy on the network is this new structure of +195,29.306833333333334,29.31148333333333,spk_2,DS. +196,29.3155,29.3985,spk_2,"Um How heavy on a user's browser, is this new application or," +197,29.398666666666667,29.425833333333333,spk_2,"or new component or whatever," +198,29.43915,29.45815,spk_2,how much code is executed? +199,29.45833333333333,29.495483333333333,spk_2,"How much, how much, how long does it take those kinds of things?" +200,29.504666666666665,29.54348333333333,spk_2,Setting those budgets early and saying +201,29.54948333333333,29.61148333333333,spk_2,uh whatever we do has to be fully accessible to +202,29.61798333333333,29.67615,spk_2,fully blind people or fully deaf people or whatever. Um +203,29.684483333333333,29.69548333333333,spk_2,um +204,29.702666666666666,29.754166666666663,spk_2,Those setting those early sets expectations for the whole +205,29.761166666666668,29.776816666666665,spk_2,work that we do. +206,29.780316666666668,29.826316666666667,spk_2,"Um So I think that that should be an early part of this documentation," +207,29.82648333333333,29.86215,spk_2,"not just the architecture, but what are our," +208,29.870316666666668,29.8815,spk_2,"what are," +209,29.881666666666668,29.956666666666667,spk_2,what are the difficult choices that we will accept for the benefit of our users? +210,30.01631666666667,30.069816666666668,spk_2,"And I linked the, my, my review um" +211,30.07733333333333,30.115166666666667,spk_2,that has a few of those things in there. But +212,30.15165,30.214666666666663,spk_0,great thanks Thomas. Um I particularly like the budget documents. +213,30.223,30.276316666666663,spk_0,"Um The data flow, we were already like, you'll be part of," +214,30.27698333333333,30.306666666666665,spk_0,"I think the documentation anyway," +215,30.306833333333334,30.34915,spk_0,but uh the budget document is something that we can easily forget. +216,30.35615,30.369333333333334,spk_0,And +217,30.37265,30.383333333333333,spk_0,um +218,30.38915,30.43133333333333,spk_0,"when we're deciding about adding a new thing," +219,30.4375,30.44748333333333,spk_0,"because you're right," +220,30.44765,30.47865,spk_0,like we don't want to build something that is performance +221,30.478816666666667,30.52533333333333,spk_0,on the day one and then on day 365. +222,30.5255,30.551316666666665,spk_0,"0 my God, it's slow again. Why?" +223,30.561,30.608666666666668,spk_0,"Yeah, definitely something to keep us in check. Um" +224,30.62183333333333,30.67065,spk_0,uh Potentially we can even talk about um +225,30.67848333333333,30.694166666666668,spk_0,linking +226,30.71215,30.725166666666667,spk_0,to like +227,30.73048333333333,30.74115,spk_0,adding +228,30.74965,30.841833333333334,spk_0,"linking tools C I checks, et cetera. Definitely makes sense to keep us in line." +229,30.867166666666662,30.878,spk_0,And I guess +230,30.884816666666666,30.948166666666665,spk_2,"we should probably, I should probably note somewhere. We should note that um" +231,30.95165,30.986166666666666,spk_2,the word budget is intentional because +232,30.990816666666667,31.06815,spk_2,"budgets are reviewed quarterly or yearly. And if you're not meeting them, you" +233,31.0735,31.084816666666665,spk_2,um +234,31.091666666666665,31.10683333333333,spk_2,you adjust +235,31.120483333333333,31.136816666666668,spk_2,to meet your budget. +236,31.136983333333333,31.175166666666662,spk_2,"So we should make sure that we're, we're continually doing this," +237,31.17533333333333,31.19748333333333,spk_2,not just as an initial target. +238,31.229666666666667,31.2485,spk_0,Got it. Thanks. +239,31.253316666666667,31.262316666666667,spk_0,Uh +240,31.28783333333333,31.307316666666665,spk_0,ok. So +241,31.319666666666667,31.33865,spk_0,there was one thing +242,31.3425,31.385316666666668,spk_0,that has been throughout all these discussions +243,31.38865,31.436,spk_0,"that we haven't talked yet, which is maintainability." +244,31.44033333333333,31.47733333333333,spk_0,One of the problems we faced with working with +245,31.4775,31.526,spk_0,this is that the application itself is so complex +246,31.529166666666665,31.553816666666663,spk_0,"that over time," +247,31.555,31.626483333333333,spk_0,the maintainability of the app just suffers and +248,31.62665,31.67248333333333,spk_0,"especially with a native approach or building things," +249,31.67898333333333,31.760316666666668,spk_0,the based of boring solutions. Um And then eventually we can just keep it at +250,31.762666666666668,31.794,spk_0,that stage for a really long time. +251,31.813983333333333,31.824316666666668,spk_0,Um +252,31.8385,31.86733333333333,spk_0,We have plenty of examples for sure. +253,31.8735,31.940816666666667,spk_0,Um But I think one of the things we have to keep in mind is um +254,31.945833333333333,31.988166666666668,spk_0,"an improved or released," +255,32.00266666666667,32.0275,spk_0,improve maintainability +256,32.04698333333333,32.102666666666664,spk_0,"uh than what we have today. And I think," +257,32.10815,32.14666666666667,spk_0,does anybody disagree with that being a goal? +258,32.159,32.17015,spk_0,Let's put it that way. +259,32.20548333333333,32.212833333333336,spk_2,"You wanna," +260,32.23531666666667,32.28366666666667,spk_2,you wanna spend the next 20 minutes defining maintainability? +261,32.32065,32.321,spk_0,I +262,32.32448333333333,32.38231666666667,spk_0,"thought you're gonna say uh do, do you wanna kick the person who says yet? No." +263,32.385666666666665,32.39833333333333,spk_0,Um +264,32.41316666666667,32.42281666666667,spk_0,"I mean," +265,32.425333333333334,32.45033333333333,spk_0,"sure. What, what do we" +266,32.4525,32.47533333333333,spk_0,like? I think we have a +267,32.48016666666667,32.52048333333333,spk_0,maybe I have an idea of what maintainability is but +268,32.52065,32.572316666666666,spk_0,uh should we take a stab at like defining that roughly +269,32.63315,32.67015,spk_0,"or do we just keep it right at the moment? And we," +270,32.70216666666666,32.70516666666666,spk_8,"I," +271,32.707816666666666,32.75731666666667,spk_8,"I think you have to, it has to be defined at some point." +272,32.75748333333333,32.79266666666667,spk_8,"I don't know if this is the point to do it, but we have to," +273,32.79281666666667,32.81648333333333,spk_8,we do have to have that conversation. +274,32.81933333333333,32.85981666666667,spk_8,"There has to be a metric where we're never gonna do it. It's just," +275,32.86848333333333,32.89915,spk_8,"yeah, if we can't measure it, what can we do?" +276,32.910833333333336,32.971833333333336,spk_0,All right. So let's uh let's open an issue to do that as synchronously +277,32.98383333333334,32.99816666666667,spk_0,move to an issue +278,33.000166666666665,33.05798333333333,spk_0,to iterate on a joint definition +279,33.06666666666667,33.08833333333333,spk_0,of maintainability. +280,33.103,33.196666666666665,spk_0,"It was like we're moving in a W three C standard where we have like what this must mean," +281,33.19683333333333,33.234,spk_0,what this should mean and that's good. +282,33.23416666666667,33.303,spk_0,"That's a positive thing, fellas and, and gals because I think that's the" +283,33.311166666666665,33.34466666666667,spk_0,how we get the standard to live on +284,33.34965,33.40266666666667,spk_0,"uh without misinterpretation along the way. So," +285,33.4065,33.44065,spk_0,"yeah, thanks for bringing it up. Let's move that to an issue." +286,33.45131666666666,33.462666666666664,spk_0,Um +287,33.46483333333333,33.535666666666664,spk_0,I put here then the bottom create issue to define maintainability. +288,33.557,33.57516666666667,spk_0,Um Cool. +289,33.58931666666667,33.60365,spk_0,Uh +290,33.62533333333333,33.6335,spk_0,All right. +291,33.6585,33.71815,spk_0,"Any other goals that we should keep in mind? So let's recap, let's recap." +292,33.71831666666667,33.7655,spk_0,"So, create a document for the architecture, which is the main goal." +293,33.76815,33.81516666666667,spk_0,We need to cover all scenarios where diffs are used around git lab. +294,33.830983333333336,33.872816666666665,spk_0,"We need performance," +295,33.87615,33.9105,spk_0,"we need to keep it perform. Oh, sorry." +296,33.91598333333334,33.94298333333333,spk_0,I should read the rest of the phrase +297,33.94416666666667,33.993833333333335,spk_0,performance not being degraded regardless of how big the +298,34.00131666666667,34.013333333333335,spk_0,depths +299,34.026983333333334,34.07431666666667,spk_0,"the diff is? See, it's gonna happen a lot of times" +300,34.07933333333333,34.08465,spk_0,it's not +301,34.08865,34.092666666666666,spk_0,"ear," +302,34.098333333333336,34.11516666666667,spk_0,it's notar it's diff +303,34.13613333333333,34.18245,spk_0,uh accessible app for the users. Um +304,34.213,34.239333333333335,spk_0,"uh We'll need to define," +305,34.24431666666667,34.2965,spk_0,define boundaries and user first promises uh which is +306,34.29881666666667,34.31648333333333,spk_0,"documents for budget," +307,34.31666666666667,34.3625,spk_0,documents for data flow and potentially like targets for lending +308,34.36898333333333,34.41931666666667,spk_0,and uh an improvement in ability that why we have today. +309,34.43646666666667,34.45081666666667,spk_0,Uh +310,34.47715,34.4935,spk_0,Anything missing +311,34.52263333333333,34.535466666666665,spk_0,objectives. +312,34.583333333333336,34.63965,spk_1,How about metrics like uh performance metrics +313,34.652483333333336,34.65763333333334,spk_1,use H +314,34.659333333333336,34.670316666666665,spk_1,metrics? +315,34.72083333333333,34.770316666666666,spk_0,"Um How should we, so what's the target there?" +316,34.8045,34.814816666666665,spk_1,"Yeah, I mean," +317,34.821,34.87448333333333,spk_1,"right now, I don't know. I mean, we have, we have very nice for performance" +318,34.87616666666667,34.89848333333333,spk_1,and mix because we have dark +319,34.906816666666664,34.9135,spk_1,for +320,34.93116666666667,34.95016666666667,spk_1,back end and fun and +321,34.9545,34.965316666666666,spk_1,fun times. +322,34.9755,34.98615,spk_1,That's one. +323,35.003483333333335,35.01531666666666,spk_1,"But for," +324,35.02183333333333,35.03333333333333,spk_1,"yeah, go ahead and get it." +325,35.038666666666664,35.04848333333333,spk_1,Go ahead. +326,35.05083333333334,35.07566666666666,spk_1,"But for usage usage metrics," +327,35.07748333333333,35.08165,spk_1,image for +328,35.085,35.08631666666667,spk_1,"you," +329,35.11266666666667,35.172333333333334,spk_0,"I think, I think I'm gonna channel my Stanislav" +330,35.17633333333333,35.193983333333335,spk_0,because he's sick. +331,35.19683333333333,35.214983333333336,spk_0,So I'm gonna pull him in +332,35.22015,35.251,spk_0,and I'm gonna be speaking as if I was him +333,35.26266666666667,35.274316666666664,spk_0,um +334,35.28581666666667,35.35231666666667,spk_0,because we've talked about this in the past and I think Thomas as well is um to not +335,35.36416666666667,35.4085,spk_0,do not pursue vanity metrics. What does this mean? +336,35.424483333333335,35.5095,spk_0,"If we, if we think about the usual metrics we have, which is time the first bite." +337,35.514,35.52815,spk_0,Um +338,35.533833333333334,35.57415,spk_0,I don't know. Uh LCP and +339,35.5805,35.63315,spk_0,uh T BT s and all that stuff. A lot of those metrics can have. +340,35.64565,35.674483333333335,spk_0,"It was you, Thomas. Yes," +341,35.67881666666667,35.70215,spk_0,that's blurry. So +342,35.713166666666666,35.7935,spk_0,"area. No, like a youtuber look at that, like look at, look at my, look at my thing." +343,35.79848333333333,35.86481666666667,spk_0,"Uh So yeah, the point of that is we should pursue meaningful metrics." +344,35.864983333333335,35.8795,spk_0,"I think that's," +345,35.8805,35.948483333333336,spk_0,"that's how we can word it and what's meaningful is meaningful for our project," +346,35.95248333333333,35.976166666666664,spk_0,which means we're probably gonna need to +347,35.97898333333333,36.004333333333335,spk_0,define those metrics +348,36.009166666666665,36.04481666666667,spk_0,and one of them falls into what Thomas was talking about. +349,36.04498333333333,36.11383333333333,spk_0,"The budget documents, right? Is things specifically built for us" +350,36.11816666666667,36.186816666666665,spk_0,because I can give you an example. We we had major improvement on TV T +351,36.197,36.21115,spk_0,"recently," +352,36.22815,36.27583333333333,spk_0,"but that came at a cost of some viability, right?" +353,36.28,36.34131666666666,spk_0,"And it wasn't, it was conscious, we knew what we were doing. But" +354,36.3505,36.3765,spk_0,what I think we need to +355,36.38483333333333,36.42381666666667,spk_0,think a little bit deeper about is +356,36.43715,36.51,spk_0,why do we want to move those metrics and what's the impact of that to the user? So +357,36.51198333333333,36.564166666666665,spk_0,which goes a little bit to my next point of order priorities. +358,36.56433333333333,36.59065,spk_0,We're gonna grab all these goals and we're going to +359,36.59081666666667,36.64683333333333,spk_0,put them in order and like what's the most important thing +360,36.649483333333336,36.70966666666666,spk_0,"first and then having, if we have to make a choice between some of those." +361,36.709833333333336,36.72481666666667,spk_0,"So for example," +362,36.73315,36.77415,spk_0,if we need to sacrifice um +363,36.7895,36.80781666666667,spk_0,accessibility +364,36.81065,36.835816666666666,spk_0,for performance +365,36.84381666666667,36.85833333333333,spk_0,should be +366,36.871,36.89031666666666,spk_0,right? Um +367,36.89565,36.906,spk_0,I think +368,36.9175,37.01181666666667,spk_0,having an order um of uh priorities definitely helps later on in the project. +369,37.01198333333333,37.079166666666666,spk_0,"Um W three C does this with uh V html five spec where it's," +370,37.07933333333333,37.13433333333333,spk_0,"it specifies exactly who comes first, like users comes first," +371,37.139,37.2045,spk_0,then comes authors then comes browser implementer implementer and then comes +372,37.20916666666667,37.24633333333333,spk_0,specter or whatever or theoretical purity. +373,37.24815,37.30166666666667,spk_0,So there has some priority order there. +374,37.30781666666667,37.35648333333334,spk_0,"Um So for us and a little bit more reasonable," +375,37.35665,37.38248333333333,spk_0,I don't want to sacrifice accessibility. +376,37.38265,37.40983333333333,spk_0,But if you think about more of +377,37.41565,37.47015,spk_0,"perceived performance or meaningful metrics, like we're talking about here," +378,37.47715,37.507983333333335,spk_0,um meaningful metrics +379,37.5135,37.55265,spk_0,"versus maintainability, I think we're," +380,37.56333333333333,37.619483333333335,spk_0,we should probably sacrifice maintainability a little bit if that comes with +381,37.61965,37.677483333333335,spk_0,some benefit to the perceived performance or to the meaningful metrics. +382,37.68598333333333,37.72731666666667,spk_0,"So if anything metrics to this point," +383,37.74216666666667,37.77166666666667,spk_0,I would just add meaningful metrics +384,37.785,37.828316666666666,spk_0,"and in parentheses, Thomas will put not vanity." +385,37.873983333333335,37.88916666666667,spk_0,#NAME? +386,37.905166666666666,37.943333333333335,spk_1,"Yeah, makes sense. Makes a lot of sense. I agree." +387,37.945483333333335,37.951,spk_1,OK. +388,37.96,37.990316666666665,spk_2,I think uh as part of our +389,37.99316666666667,38.01266666666667,spk_2,"documentation process," +390,38.01283333333333,38.068333333333335,spk_2,"we should define something like the W three C like who comes first or," +391,38.0685,38.1015,spk_2,"or what comes first, obviously" +392,38.10483333333333,38.141666666666666,spk_2,"users, right? And then like, what does that mean?" +393,38.14183333333333,38.212316666666666,spk_2,"So like formats accessibility, what, what's the order of how we sacrifice things?" +394,38.22331666666667,38.23165,spk_2,Um +395,38.25331666666667,38.30866666666667,spk_2,"I'll, I'll say it since it's, it's not popular in the front end." +396,38.30883333333333,38.3885,spk_2,"Industry developers should be last. Our, our experience should be last." +397,38.388666666666666,38.44266666666667,spk_2,"The DX should not be important. Um So," +398,38.47065,38.52065,spk_0,so I'm gonna grab this recording when later you're complaining about +399,38.520833333333336,38.54881666666667,spk_0,"a bug that is really hard to fix and like," +400,38.54898333333333,38.56115,spk_0,"hey, listen," +401,38.575833333333335,38.59783333333333,spk_0,"look at this old friend," +402,38.61165,38.63016666666667,spk_0,I agree with you. I agree with that. +403,38.63033333333333,38.66181666666667,spk_0,"I think, I think it's just, yeah, we," +404,38.66198333333333,38.7125,spk_0,"we've lived through many hard problems to solve, to know" +405,38.72331666666667,38.75281666666667,spk_0,"they come at a cost per Yeah," +406,38.78665,38.795316666666665,spk_0,cool. +407,38.801,38.84065,spk_0,So I wrote Meaningful Metrics. Thanks Patrick. +408,38.84081666666667,38.893,spk_0,"Uh Again, we're probably gonna need to need to be defined," +409,38.94448333333333,38.96816666666667,spk_0,"great issue, I guess." +410,38.98248333333333,39.0135,spk_0,Um create +411,39.01948333333333,39.05466666666667,spk_0,issues or meaningful +412,39.064816666666665,39.13565,spk_0,"metrics. Uh And we can use some things that we've used in the past, which is um" +413,39.14216666666667,39.16316666666667,spk_0,custom defined +414,39.16833333333334,39.18116666666667,spk_0,what we call it. +415,39.21965,39.23265,spk_0,Um +416,39.2375,39.24666666666667,spk_0,The clery +417,39.251,39.29065,spk_0,P I that we have on the browser that we can ma uh +418,39.30665,39.364983333333335,spk_0,a user markings. Uh You can have markings on the front end that like +419,39.368,39.406,spk_0,"define stages of the render of the application," +420,39.41065,39.47315,spk_0,which include the performance of the back end and the front end all at once. +421,39.47331666666667,39.53131666666667,spk_0,"And we can define those things and implement it at the front end in terms of that," +422,39.53265,39.58231666666666,spk_0,"which doesn't exclude having all the metrics for the backend exclusive," +423,39.582483333333336,39.60983333333333,spk_0,all the metrics for Galley and all that stuff. +424,39.61,39.64366666666667,spk_0,So that's why this is gonna be a joint effort because +425,39.64481666666666,39.67933333333333,spk_0,this might mean different things for each one of us. +426,39.6795,39.689,spk_0,So +427,39.70483333333333,39.7225,spk_1,we'll keep your eye in the loop. +428,39.74583333333333,39.756816666666666,spk_0,All right. +429,39.77133333333333,39.81548333333333,spk_0,Anything else in terms of objectives? +430,39.86898333333333,39.88,spk_0,Um +431,39.891666666666666,39.90798333333333,spk_0,So we have seven minutes +432,39.92083333333333,39.93265,spk_0,um +433,39.95248333333333,39.98148333333334,spk_0,"before I go to order priorities," +434,39.99366666666667,40.055,spk_0,"I'll ask, should we have also an issue to discuss the, I'll," diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_3.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_3.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..97532d10c26f6c5186b8a169fe0d40d8304a8b24 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_3.csv @@ -0,0 +1,241 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,41.03131666666667,41.048316666666665,spk_0,that's +1,41.0505,41.06565,spk_0,"accessible," +2,41.092333333333336,41.10966666666667,spk_1,users +3,41.1225,41.14216666666667,spk_0,uh improved +4,41.16283333333333,41.21515,spk_0,can probably find better words for this later and maintain the ability. +5,41.24965,41.28731666666667,spk_0,"Uh What we talked about. Oh, we skipped one." +6,41.31316666666667,41.32683333333333,spk_0,Um +7,41.372166666666665,41.39148333333333,spk_0,How should we call your point? +8,41.391666666666666,41.439166666666665,spk_0,Thomas to find boundaries and user first promises early? +9,41.46565,41.542,spk_0,"Is that part of the relevant metrics, meaningful metrics? Can we keep it in there?" +10,41.55833333333333,41.59865,spk_2,"Yeah, it's part of it for sure." +11,41.61366666666667,41.6645,spk_2,"There are also, I think it's also just like define um" +12,41.680166666666665,41.70583333333333,spk_2,"it's like defining deliverables, right?" +13,41.706,41.78181666666666,spk_2,"Like like uh like something is not complete if we, if it's not accessible," +14,41.78565,41.84048333333333,spk_2,um it's not complete if it's um +15,41.85715,41.86716666666667,spk_2,if it +16,41.89915,41.91148333333334,spk_2,takes +17,41.91333333333333,42.0055,spk_2,a full second to get the code for it across the network or whatever. Um So it's like +18,42.017833333333336,42.03,spk_2,um +19,42.0395,42.088,spk_2,what are acceptable deliverable sort of +20,42.115316666666665,42.14098333333333,spk_2,"boundary. Yeah, I'm not sure." +21,42.15616666666666,42.189166666666665,spk_0,"Yeah, I think that's if we, if we frame it," +22,42.18933333333333,42.21881666666667,spk_0,"I think that's part of the meaningful metrics," +23,42.21898333333333,42.26181666666667,spk_0,we define the meaningful metrics and in there will +24,42.26198333333333,42.3125,spk_0,be compliance with the budget in there would be +25,42.316833333333335,42.37916666666667,spk_0,"time to get the data from Gidley or time to get the data from the rail side or," +26,42.379333333333335,42.39716666666666,spk_0,or anything like that. +27,42.409,42.45066666666666,spk_0,I think we can keep it for now covered with the meaningful metric. +28,42.450833333333335,42.492,spk_0,So we have so covers of all these scenarios +29,42.49733333333333,42.524816666666666,spk_0,"uh which, which goes" +30,42.52966666666666,42.57933333333333,spk_0,"we, we can put it at odds with some particular scenarios that don't make sense," +31,42.589,42.6475,spk_0,"performance regardless of this size, which is part of meaningful metrics." +32,42.647666666666666,42.66733333333333,spk_0,Should we erase that? +33,42.78766666666667,42.7975,spk_0,"Yeah, I" +34,42.802,42.81783333333333,spk_2,think so. +35,42.82715,42.83148333333333,spk_2,So we +36,42.833333333333336,42.8675,spk_2,have our performance budget should work no matter what +37,42.87715,42.93066666666667,spk_0,"coverage of these scenarios accessible improvement in ability," +38,42.93083333333333,42.94981666666666,spk_0,"meaningful metrics," +39,42.96366666666667,43.00866666666667,spk_0,"which is per performance, I guess as a whole." +40,43.0225,43.03715,spk_0,Um +41,43.0635,43.1185,spk_0,"Oh, we missed one. Can we create a shared documents followed with some organization" +42,43.13516666666666,43.15133333333333,spk_0,to start keeping artic +43,43.155166666666666,43.15983333333333,spk_0,one? But +44,43.17133333333334,43.18248333333333,spk_2,"this wasn't," +45,43.18516666666667,43.2435,spk_2,"I didn't, I didn't vocalize it because we, we this is very," +46,43.256483333333335,43.27865,spk_2,but like uh +47,43.28981666666667,43.32748333333333,spk_2,"we can't work exclusively in issues, right?" +48,43.32765,43.42881666666667,spk_2,"Because an issue is like something that eventually is closed um or resolved where," +49,43.428983333333335,43.45398333333333,spk_2,where are we going to keep things? +50,43.454166666666666,43.508833333333335,spk_2,"Should we, should we create a wiki? Should we use our wiki feature?" +51,43.5125,43.55815,spk_2,#NAME? +52,43.58766666666666,43.638,spk_0,"Uh I don't, I've never been involved in architecture design workflow." +53,43.63816666666666,43.695483333333335,spk_0,"If anybody has, please, maybe Patrick or Carry you were" +54,43.70133333333333,43.71181666666666,spk_0,um +55,43.7225,43.74465,spk_0,"I was thinking about just using the," +56,43.744816666666665,43.78366666666667,spk_0,we're gonna start to put things in +57,43.78383333333333,43.82266666666666,spk_0,the documentation itself of the architecture design. +58,43.82516666666667,43.8925,spk_0,"There's already a status for like proposed, accepted that sort of thing." +59,43.899816666666666,43.930166666666665,spk_0,So we should not re invent the wheel and just +60,43.93033333333333,43.98181666666667,spk_0,"use the documentation as a living spec as we go," +61,43.98198333333333,43.99798333333333,spk_0,we take it through the +62,44.005,44.04031666666667,spk_0,the stages. I think that's what makes more sense. +63,44.04583333333333,44.06465,spk_0,Anybody disagrees. +64,44.08833333333333,44.1,spk_0,Does that make sense? +65,44.138333333333335,44.13883333333333,spk_7,OK. +66,44.153983333333336,44.20715,spk_7,Uh How about the things that would not go into documents? +67,44.20731666666666,44.26833333333333,spk_7,"Like if I'm doing the audit, it's not gonna end up all there." +68,44.28181666666666,44.30033333333333,spk_7,Um +69,44.30433333333333,44.330333333333336,spk_7,So should I just keep that +70,44.34333333333333,44.36033333333334,spk_7,#NAME? +71,44.39448333333333,44.42881666666667,spk_0,"Um I mean, we definitely can find a" +72,44.43165,44.485816666666665,spk_0,Google Drive boulder to keep things organized. +73,44.48783333333333,44.51931666666667,spk_0,I think that's OK. Like a +74,44.5305,44.57666666666667,spk_0,artifact of investigations. Sure. +75,44.584,44.61783333333333,spk_0,Uh Maybe that can cover what Thomas was saying. +76,44.618,44.63131666666666,spk_0,"But in terms of like," +77,44.631483333333335,44.66048333333333,spk_0,we should keep in mind that the effort should +78,44.66065,44.69415,spk_0,be to update the documentation that we're putting out. +79,44.70483333333333,44.75033333333333,spk_0,"And if like for example, if it makes sense to" +80,44.75331666666666,44.78248333333333,spk_0,"reference the artist that you did," +81,44.78783333333333,44.7975,spk_0,you can keep it in the +82,44.799483333333335,44.84481666666667,spk_0,doc but link it on the living spec living on the +83,44.84881666666666,44.88248333333333,spk_0,link it on the documentation that we're merging. +84,44.89431666666667,44.899483333333336,spk_0,Mhm +85,44.90231666666666,44.90983333333333,spk_0,OK. +86,44.91165,44.95798333333333,spk_0,"Still let's build a Google Drive just for," +87,44.97398333333334,45.03366666666667,spk_2,"yeah, I think we should have a Google Drive maybe for like drafts or like, hey," +88,45.03383333333333,45.064166666666665,spk_2,I'm doing this audit and here's a bunch of stuff. +89,45.06433333333333,45.122166666666665,spk_2,"But if we're gonna be linking like data or like report results," +90,45.13315,45.16481666666667,spk_2,we should probably be using kit lab. +91,45.177816666666665,45.1895,spk_2,So like +92,45.19415,45.20883333333333,spk_2,uh +93,45.21683333333333,45.24815,spk_2,"that's why I suggested wiki like that," +94,45.24831666666667,45.28866666666666,spk_2,that can maybe we can store larger artifacts over +95,45.288833333333336,45.32116666666667,spk_2,in wiki and then link it from the documentation. +96,45.321333333333335,45.33165,spk_2,I'm not sure. +97,45.33383333333333,45.342333333333336,spk_2,But +98,45.34583333333333,45.39481666666666,spk_2,#NAME? +99,45.39881666666667,45.434666666666665,spk_2,that Google Drive necessarily means it's like +100,45.44166666666667,45.47881666666667,spk_2,private and we're keeping it a secret. +101,45.481316666666665,45.53148333333333,spk_2,Um And maybe we should default to something more public. +102,45.54266666666667,45.589,spk_0,"Not necessarily, you can have Google Docs that are public" +103,45.59498333333333,45.6125,spk_0,#NAME? +104,45.61783333333333,45.62533333333333,spk_1,Yeah. +105,45.631166666666665,45.63681666666667,spk_1,Yeah. +106,45.649483333333336,45.652,spk_8,Yeah. +107,45.6645,45.6675,spk_8,The +108,45.66931666666667,45.73433333333333,spk_8,"it's the pattern of, of use though. It really is like Google Docs is like," +109,45.75265,45.78715,spk_8,"yeah, it's kind of hidden enough to decide." +110,45.81098333333333,45.8255,spk_1,"-- Shouldn't +-- we use skip?" +111,45.8345,45.8505,spk_2,"We, we should use" +112,45.85416666666666,45.86181666666667,spk_2,"Gab, right?" +113,45.87533333333333,45.89216666666667,spk_1,"Hey, I have an idea." +114,45.89398333333333,45.90116666666667,spk_1,Let's use +115,45.90416666666667,45.90466666666666,spk_1,GI +116,45.9085,45.91048333333333,spk_1,lab. +117,45.9175,45.927816666666665,spk_1,OK. +118,45.94733333333333,46.00533333333333,spk_0,"All right. Let's talk about it on Slack. I mean, whatever people are agreeing." +119,46.0055,46.040816666666665,spk_0,II I would have a problem with. Um +120,46.06433333333333,46.11416666666667,spk_0,"All right. So let's not take any actions, let's discuss, let's discuss this thing." +121,46.17183333333333,46.207483333333336,spk_0,Almost you start the discussion on Slack +122,46.212833333333336,46.25116666666667,spk_0,"um or on the Gila issue. Sorry," +123,46.25566666666667,46.27283333333333,spk_0,because we need to talk for. +124,46.27666666666666,46.28333333333333,spk_0,Um +125,46.29716666666667,46.34798333333333,spk_0,"OK. So looking at the immediate task at hand," +126,46.35265,46.36283333333333,spk_0,uh +127,46.369483333333335,46.427483333333335,spk_0,"I'm sorry, looking at the other priorities which we need to move to an issue." +128,46.44166666666667,46.4555,spk_0,Um +129,46.50781666666666,46.5675,spk_0,"So what I think would, would do is like ordered." +130,46.57083333333333,46.614,spk_0,An example example would be +131,46.61931666666667,46.64481666666666,spk_0,"like meaningful metrics," +132,46.692166666666665,46.701,spk_0,"comes," +133,46.71181666666666,46.72166666666666,spk_0,comes +134,46.726333333333336,46.760333333333335,spk_0,"before then maintain," +135,46.76565,46.81498333333333,spk_0,maintain ability. That would be the first choice. +136,46.82065,46.8475,spk_0,Uh accessibility +137,46.87116666666667,46.909666666666666,spk_0,should also come before maintainability. +138,46.91498333333333,46.926833333333335,spk_0,Um +139,46.97048333333333,47.022666666666666,spk_0,coverage for all these scenarios. That's a tricky one. +140,47.024483333333336,47.03766666666667,spk_0,But I +141,47.04098333333334,47.088166666666666,spk_0,I'm just giving an example like you don't have to agree with that. Um +142,47.10265,47.1515,spk_0,I I would say uh so we can +143,47.15631666666667,47.16833333333334,spk_0,keep it +144,47.17381666666667,47.18631666666667,spk_1,coverage +145,47.20381666666667,47.23766666666667,spk_0,because it needs to be accessible. +146,47.23783333333333,47.284666666666666,spk_0,"But he thought some things might not cover all scenarios," +147,47.28816666666667,47.309666666666665,spk_0,maintainability. What's missing? +148,47.313,47.327,spk_0,"234," +149,47.34981666666667,47.41033333333333,spk_0,"that's it. 1234. Yeah, so that, that this would be an example of uh" +150,47.4265,47.43998333333333,spk_0,to start off with. +151,47.44015,47.471833333333336,spk_0,"We might have different things that we add in the as we go," +152,47.472,47.50298333333333,spk_0,but at least we'll have a place to document it +153,47.50698333333333,47.53598333333333,spk_0,and this will be part of the documentation. +154,47.540816666666665,47.5845,spk_0,Just an example. Let's move the discussion to an issue. OK. +155,47.69031666666667,47.69048333333333,spk_0,Uh +156,47.698483333333336,47.73866666666667,spk_0,And that takes me over time. +157,47.74048333333333,47.80583333333333,spk_0,Uh So I need people to claim these immediate tasks at hand. +158,47.814,47.82765,spk_0,Um +159,47.83715,47.895833333333336,spk_0,We need some people to start opening the MRS for the documentation +160,47.89915,47.96683333333333,spk_0,just to get it started as a draft or whatever the status is. Um +161,47.9755,48.0345,spk_0,And I need someone to claim that task. I need someone um +162,48.046,48.115316666666665,spk_0,"to create the issue to gather all the existing issues and that's the point is OK," +163,48.11548333333333,48.125,spk_0,"the issue," +164,48.13033333333333,48.16433333333333,spk_0,but then you broadcast it to everybody to +165,48.177483333333335,48.22715,spk_0,uh add comments to that issue or something or add to the description +166,48.255833333333335,48.28548333333333,spk_0,"um and, and ask" +167,48.301833333333335,48.31215,spk_0,"what happened," +168,48.323483333333336,48.339,spk_0,something changed. +169,48.34481666666667,48.35731666666667,spk_0,"Oh yeah, I did a comment." +170,48.36266666666667,48.37381666666667,spk_0,Um +171,48.392833333333336,48.43248333333333,spk_0,"the document current approach for multiple gifts," +172,48.43265,48.45381666666667,spk_0,I'm probably gonna need multiple +173,48.47865,48.4875,spk_0,my +174,48.49065,48.50748333333333,spk_0,Google doc crashed. +175,48.52966666666666,48.602,spk_0,Uh So the documents current approach for multiple dis implementations is that like +176,48.60215,48.664,spk_0,we don't have a lot of visibility on how things happen between Gidley. +177,48.66416666666667,48.70681666666667,spk_0,"Like we on the front end between Gidley and rails," +178,48.713166666666666,48.738166666666665,spk_0,we don't have a lot of visibility on how things +179,48.73833333333333,48.77848333333333,spk_0,on source code happen uh on back end and stuff. +180,48.77865,48.84081666666667,spk_0,So it would be nice to get some sort of like Quick Sons shott +181,48.8465,48.90315,spk_0,of how the dips are being generated and handled today. +182,48.91033333333333,48.963166666666666,spk_0,Um I would keep it light ish +183,48.96515,49.02583333333333,spk_0,because this is just to understand where we are. It's not the outcome. +184,49.026,49.085816666666666,spk_0,"It's just a, a good effort of capturing what we have today." +185,49.092333333333336,49.10681666666667,spk_0,"And for this," +186,49.10698333333333,49.18248333333333,spk_0,what I would leverage is potentially grab all the dris and assign an issue to them. +187,49.2,49.22031666666667,spk_0,Why is my Google doc +188,49.24166666666667,49.263333333333335,spk_0,do look just crashed. +189,49.27015,49.27966666666666,spk_0,Um +190,49.29431666666667,49.313833333333335,spk_0,Which is why we should just get love. +191,49.32781666666666,49.360166666666665,spk_0,So I'll take action on that. I'll create an issue +192,49.37365,49.42015,spk_0,and I'll sign every Dr I uh there and +193,49.420316666666665,49.45966666666666,spk_0,potentially I'll ping you to Patrick because of giddily. +194,49.4675,49.56465,spk_0,"Um And the idea is just to share some notes or some diagrams of how," +195,49.57031666666666,49.62331666666667,spk_0,how we're doing the DS today in your part of the organization. +196,49.631166666666665,49.6935,spk_0,"Uh If that makes sense, is that sensible for everybody or am I missing something." +197,49.77715,49.822,spk_0,OK. Sometimes I'm afraid that I'm making +198,49.826166666666666,49.85681666666667,spk_0,no sense at all. It just too +199,49.86165,49.888666666666666,spk_0,respectful to call me out. +200,49.90433333333333,49.95183333333333,spk_0,Uh Let's assume it's not that uh right. I'll take that one +201,49.95365,49.97133333333333,spk_0,document. +202,49.97431666666667,50.0,spk_0,I think that is for me. +203,50.00248333333333,50.06816666666667,spk_0,And then we need one. We already have one for uh the define maintainability. +204,50.07315,50.13615,spk_0,Um This is then we need one to create issue for meaningful metrics +205,50.14098333333333,50.18698333333333,spk_0,and then one to an issue to discuss order of priorities. +206,50.191316666666665,50.21683333333333,spk_0,Um I can take that one too +207,50.22448333333333,50.2675,spk_0,"so please take them on, um" +208,50.2755,50.32731666666667,spk_0,assign yourself here like we're doing like me and Thomas. +209,50.33916666666666,50.36915,spk_0,Uh And then we know exactly who's going to take +210,50.36931666666667,50.41833333333334,spk_0,them and then broadcast them on the Slack channel. +211,50.4185,50.4645,spk_0,I think that's the best way at the moment to +212,50.46465,50.50765,spk_0,get everybody that it's involved or wants to be involved +213,50.51148333333333,50.5225,spk_0,aware. +214,50.53383333333333,50.546,spk_0,Um +215,50.5555,50.59548333333333,spk_0,"That's it. Anybody has any other questions before we go," +216,50.6385,50.68033333333333,spk_0,we'll talk about the thing called scheduling +217,50.6805,50.72298333333333,spk_0,"on Slack or something because like it's," +218,50.73165,50.74881666666667,spk_0,we don't have any time now. +219,50.756816666666666,50.803983333333335,spk_2,"Do we have uh what, what's the, is there a specific Slack show" +220,50.80631666666667,50.832816666666666,spk_2,for this? Am I in it? I don't know. +221,50.84216666666666,50.85083333333333,spk_2,Uh +222,50.857816666666665,50.89465,spk_0,"F New Ds, right. Phil." +223,50.93383333333333,50.9375,spk_1,Yep. +224,50.967333333333336,51.011316666666666,spk_0,"-- Please join. If you're not there. +-- Look at that, I'm not a member." +225,51.01148333333333,51.02865,spk_2,#NAME? +226,51.03548333333333,51.056,spk_0,"You are now. All right," +227,51.075,51.09166666666667,spk_0,thanks everybody. +228,51.09183333333333,51.16148333333334,spk_0,"There's gonna be a lot of discovery and a lot of crazy chaos through here, but I think" +229,51.1635,51.20066666666666,spk_0,it's great that we're having this conversation that we see so +230,51.200833333333335,51.264,spk_0,many different scopes represented so really appreciative all of your time. +231,51.27398333333333,51.33565,spk_0,And if you by any chance uh need um +232,51.335816666666666,51.38016666666667,spk_0,"some help prioritizing work to this with your managers," +233,51.38033333333333,51.43131666666667,spk_0,feel free to reach out to me and I can try to put in a good word. +234,51.459,51.46615,spk_0,OK. +235,51.47298333333333,51.48198333333333,spk_0,That's it. +236,51.48383333333334,51.55331666666667,spk_0,We'll uh discuss the synchronously and we see you on the ether or something. +237,51.58648333333333,51.60748333333333,spk_0,Bye. Have a good week. diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/2023-10-03-New_diffs_Architecture_Workflow.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/2023-10-03-New_diffs_Architecture_Workflow.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a4a7da42f0aad721f8344f6c4512c1f03726899b --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/2023-10-03-New_diffs_Architecture_Workflow.csv @@ -0,0 +1,890 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,0.0165,0.1046666666666666,spk_0,And we're live. Welcome to the Weekly Sync for the New Diffs +1,0.1191666666666666,0.1391666666666666,spk_0,Architecture workflow +2,0.1425,0.1541666666666666,spk_0,effort. +3,0.1683333333333333,0.1813333333333333,spk_0,Um +4,0.1966666666666666,0.275,spk_0,I added some notes to the agenda from things that happened from last week's call. +5,0.2804833333333333,0.2963333333333333,spk_0,Um +6,0.3086666666666666,0.3528333333333334,spk_0,"Inadvertently, we didn't" +7,0.357,0.3688166666666667,spk_0,pick +8,0.38015,0.4538166666666666,spk_0,uh someone to take care of the actual documentation +9,0.457,0.47315,spk_0,"of the blueprint," +10,0.484,0.49265,spk_0,"you know," +11,0.4928166666666666,0.5336666666666667,spk_0,the core of it and listing it on the +12,0.5338166666666667,0.58615,spk_0,published blueprints saying that it's being worked on. +13,0.5863333333333334,0.6286666666666666,spk_0,What's the topic? Who's the authors and all that stuff? +14,0.63415,0.6795000000000001,spk_0,Um So it would be nice to get that started even though we don't +15,0.6796500000000001,0.7543166666666666,spk_0,have a lot of stuff in there just having a placeholder that will then hold +16,0.764,0.789,spk_0,the conclusions and the +17,0.79365,0.8223333333333334,spk_0,documents that will be producing. +18,0.8298333333333333,0.843,spk_0,Um +19,0.8453333333333333,0.8504833333333334,spk_0,Nice. It +20,0.8524999999999999,0.8931666666666668,spk_0,would be nice to get that started. At least that's my understanding. +21,0.8933166666666666,0.9631666666666666,spk_0,"That would be nice to get that started early in the process so that we can, you know," +22,0.96365,1.0068166666666667,spk_0,make it evolve and everybody knows where to add stuff. +23,1.0183166666666668,1.057316666666667,spk_0,Does that make sense or is that blocked by anything +24,1.0818333333333334,1.1034833333333334,spk_0,that we currently have in? Fight +25,1.2221666666666666,1.2328333333333332,spk_1,"-- Make +-- it make sense?" +26,1.2591666666666668,1.2935,spk_0,Bill? I didn't hear you. I only heard Thomas. +27,1.3118166666666666,1.3353333333333333,spk_2,"Yeah, I think we can just make it" +28,1.368,1.374,spk_2,right. +29,1.377,1.3903166666666666,spk_2,"-- You want +-- to, you" +30,1.3936666666666666,1.418316666666667,spk_0,can take it. All right. Awesome. +31,1.43915,1.4588166666666669,spk_0,And he volunteered. +32,1.4713166666666666,1.4863333333333333,spk_0,Great. +33,1.50465,1.505,spk_0,Uh +34,1.5068333333333332,1.543,spk_0,"And then we have uh, some read only points." +35,1.54315,1.5978333333333334,spk_0,"Uh These are just for you to be aware of, to participate as synchronously." +36,1.597983333333333,1.625,spk_0,We don't have to cover them here on the call. +37,1.6408166666666666,1.6485,spk_0,Ok. +38,1.7194833333333333,1.7286666666666668,spk_0,All right. +39,1.7305,1.7585,spk_0,Which brings us to +40,1.7678166666666666,1.86115,spk_0,"uh the time. So, uh we had a rough discussion on Slack since last call." +41,1.865983333333333,1.89915,spk_0,"Um And it seemed like," +42,1.9034833333333332,1.9458333333333333,spk_0,"yeah, it would be pretty impossible to um" +43,1.95,1.9751666666666663,spk_0,accommodate all time zones. +44,1.981666666666667,1.99815,spk_0,Um +45,2.000166666666667,2.0781666666666667,spk_0,"So we were thinking about it and we were thinking about having a two times per week," +46,2.078483333333333,2.1145,spk_0,alternating time slots. +47,2.11465,2.1896666666666667,spk_0,"And the idea here is that we have one on a Tuesday, one on a Thursday." +48,2.1898166666666667,2.226983333333333,spk_0,"And if eventually some tasks come out of Tuesday," +49,2.2271666666666667,2.2891666666666666,spk_0,they could be presented the outcomes on a Thursday or vice versa. +50,2.289333333333333,2.31115,spk_0,"Something comes out on a Thursday," +51,2.3113166666666665,2.3706666666666667,spk_0,we might be able to present it on a Tuesday and keep the ball rolling much faster +52,2.37415,2.4348166666666664,spk_0,"because even though we don't have a deadline here in the document," +53,2.4423166666666667,2.473316666666667,spk_0,our kind of goal was to have something +54,2.478666666666667,2.5396666666666667,spk_0,"by the end of the quarter, which could be challenging, but" +55,2.545983333333333,2.59315,spk_0,uh we wanna move fast on this effort. So we don't +56,2.5976666666666666,2.66965,spk_0,linger too much on the documentation side of things for too long. +57,2.669833333333333,2.69965,spk_0,So the idea was these two +58,2.71215,2.728166666666666,spk_0,things. +59,2.7346666666666666,2.7629833333333336,spk_0,Uh and Patrick had a question here. +60,2.796316666666667,2.8326666666666664,spk_1,"Uh Yes, is that I was wondering like" +61,2.84815,2.8598166666666667,spk_1,it too +62,2.86265,2.8798166666666667,spk_1,hit too early for him +63,2.8954833333333334,2.9098166666666665,spk_1,and too late for. +64,2.916316666666667,2.9286666666666665,spk_1,So it's like +65,2.9345,2.94815,spk_1,it only for a a +66,3.003316666666666,3.025,spk_1,but that's what he was thinking +67,3.0425,3.0733166666666665,spk_0,that we were thinking and we're thinking about the +68,3.0735,3.108983333333333,spk_0,ones that are excluded on the other one. +69,3.13065,3.1886666666666668,spk_0,I didn't make a point here at the bottom that the times aren't final +70,3.1906666666666665,3.2783166666666665,spk_0,"so we can bring them forward or backwards or later or earlier depending on," +71,3.2855,3.3323333333333336,spk_0,"on specific cases because for example, um," +72,3.332483333333333,3.400333333333333,spk_0,"the one on Tuesday would be if I'm not mistaken, 630" +73,3.4035,3.424333333333333,spk_0,for Pacific time. +74,3.431983333333333,3.443,spk_0,Um +75,3.4448333333333334,3.5043166666666665,spk_0,"in case of carry, uh I think Thomas would be like 730 or something" +76,3.51265,3.5288166666666667,spk_0,um +77,3.5319833333333333,3.571483333333333,spk_0,with the current times of the daylight savings. +78,3.581,3.633333333333333,spk_0,So it feels like it's still a bit stretched at that point. +79,3.633483333333333,3.6688333333333336,spk_0,"And the one on Thursday would," +80,3.668983333333333,3.7201666666666666,spk_0,I don't think they would be able to make it uh in the pacific time. +81,3.7218166666666663,3.776666666666667,spk_0,"So, yeah, time zone, time zones are hard folks." +82,3.776833333333333,3.862,spk_0,"Um So I'm pleased if you have any feedback. Uh Like for example, Patrick," +83,3.868833333333333,3.890816666666667,spk_0,if you think that we make more. +84,3.891,3.932833333333333,spk_0,"So for example, with having these two calls," +85,3.933983333333333,3.997,spk_0,"it wouldn't be necessarily expectable that you would attend the Tuesday one," +86,3.9971666666666663,4.030833333333334,spk_0,but you could be participating in the synchronously +87,4.031,4.06865,spk_0,"by presenting some points and stuff for discussion," +88,4.070333333333333,4.094833333333334,spk_0,"watching the recording," +89,4.099333333333333,4.140316666666667,spk_0,"then eventually rediscussing that on a Thursday," +90,4.140483333333333,4.2011666666666665,spk_0,"if you need to uh could be beneficial the whole point of it," +91,4.205,4.245166666666667,spk_0,"even though you might not be able to attend both," +92,4.2475,4.2888166666666665,spk_0,you should at least watch the recording of the other one which +93,4.288983333333333,4.345,spk_0,will use the streaming methodology to make sure that it's always available +94,4.349466666666666,4.390633333333334,spk_0,um As soon as the call finishes. +95,4.3993166666666665,4.4183,spk_0,"So," +96,4.42065,4.48365,spk_0,"yeah, what do you think? Should we adjust the times here? Do you have a," +97,4.49615,4.523816666666667,spk_0,a specific suggestion? +98,4.55515,4.59465,spk_1,"Yeah, I'm just worried that it's going to join the thirsty." +99,4.629333333333333,4.65515,spk_0,You just joined the Thursday one. +100,4.65965,4.69315,spk_0,"-- I +-- mean, who, who would join the Thursday one? It" +101,4.69615,4.698316666666667,spk_1,just +102,4.71715,4.73215,spk_1,me or +103,4.739833333333333,4.8116666666666665,spk_0,"so that's a good question. We have some folks. So we, I know we have David" +104,4.82,4.841666666666667,spk_0,in Australia. +105,4.8465,4.85915,spk_0,Um +106,4.866483333333333,4.890666666666666,spk_0,We have some folks in source +107,4.898,4.906333333333333,spk_0,"code," +108,4.908816666666667,4.982,spk_0,"I think also in Australia, I'm not sure if they're developers though." +109,4.9965,5.002483333333333,spk_3,"Uh again," +110,5.008816666666666,5.052833333333333,spk_3,"source code, it's Ash in Australia," +111,5.066833333333333,5.095833333333333,spk_0,right? Ash Mackenzie. That's great. +112,5.1325,5.169833333333333,spk_0,"Um So yeah, we do have some folks." +113,5.174316666666667,5.274666666666667,spk_0,"The thing is um if I, if I remember correctly, like four AMI would not be able to" +114,5.276483333333333,5.342833333333333,spk_0,attend per se or like 5:05 a.m. wouldn't be able to attend. +115,5.349666666666667,5.367333333333334,spk_0,Um +116,5.374816666666667,5.411316666666667,spk_0,But the whole point of these calls is that +117,5.414316666666667,5.45715,spk_0,they would be pretty much driven as synchronous as well. +118,5.457333333333334,5.4995,spk_0,"So if I have something out putting from Tuesday," +119,5.502483333333333,5.557333333333333,spk_0,you can add it on the Thursday to be like awareness for everybody +120,5.5575,5.614166666666667,spk_0,because the whole point is that everybody would still follow both calls. +121,5.614316666666666,5.650816666666667,spk_0,"You don't have to be there, but you still follow" +122,5.660316666666667,5.728166666666667,spk_0,the agendas of both calls because it would be the same agenda essentially. Um +123,5.7495,5.807,spk_0,"So yeah, I don't know my old, the other theory that I have is" +124,5.820333333333333,5.892483333333333,spk_0,by starting as an effort to cover the most time zones possible. +125,5.9,5.971316666666667,spk_0,We start off with that for a couple of weeks and then we'll see if we notice that +126,5.976166666666667,6.011816666666666,spk_0,"David and Ash for some reason," +127,6.012,6.0616666666666665,spk_0,are busy with some other stuff or they don't know if they can't participate. +128,6.069,6.089316666666667,spk_0,There's no problem with that. +129,6.098316666666666,6.13065,spk_0,"But if the calls are empty all the time," +130,6.130833333333333,6.1786666666666665,spk_0,"we might as well just try to unify it again into one," +131,6.178833333333333,6.209816666666667,spk_0,but at least giving an effort of giving it a +132,6.22,6.290666666666667,spk_0,inclusive schedule would be nice to start off with. +133,6.301816666666666,6.360666666666667,spk_0,"Uh But again, the specific times we can adjust them. So," +134,6.377166666666667,6.391983333333333,spk_0,um +135,6.40765,6.437983333333333,spk_0,"unless anybody has any objections," +136,6.438166666666667,6.49415,spk_0,"we would go forward with the plan of having two calls," +137,6.500166666666667,6.552333333333333,spk_0,but the specific times still open for discussion and we +138,6.552483333333333,6.599316666666667,spk_0,can tweak them before the next iteration of those calls. +139,6.616666666666667,6.6370000000000005,spk_0,Anybody has any objections. +140,6.721316666666667,6.738316666666667,spk_0,I'll take that as enough. +141,6.75715,6.766483333333333,spk_0,Great. +142,6.775483333333334,6.799166666666666,spk_0,So I'll uh +143,6.811166666666667,6.829483333333333,spk_0,I'll have the events +144,6.8705,6.90765,spk_0,"or basically, basically, I'll just update the events" +145,6.913983333333333,6.952333333333334,spk_0,slash calendar to reflect this. +146,6.9575,6.975983333333334,spk_0,"And uh yeah," +147,6.983333333333333,7.02065,spk_0,that's all for that. Thank you for +148,7.033,7.071316666666666,spk_0,uh indulging next point. +149,7.083,7.096816666666666,spk_0,Um +150,7.111666666666666,7.1626666666666665,spk_0,Last week we started discussing about documenting the current implementation of +151,7.164483333333333,7.179833333333334,spk_0,DS across Git lab +152,7.191983333333333,7.233,spk_0,and Patrick just sort of like a status. +153,7.238483333333333,7.260666666666666,spk_0,You have uh an update here. +154,7.28315,7.33365,spk_0,"-- Uh Yes. +-- Uh So we started documenting" +155,7.339483333333333,7.35515,spk_1,flow +156,7.363666666666667,7.384316666666667,spk_1,of some endpoints +157,7.386666666666667,7.403166666666666,spk_1,used by the Merch +158,7.405333333333333,7.414983333333334,spk_1,"Press page," +159,7.424,7.428983333333333,spk_1,"the gift," +160,7.444,7.447,spk_1,the +161,7.45,7.450816666666666,spk_1,JSON +162,7.463316666666667,7.481333333333334,spk_1,"Endpoint and the DC," +163,7.485816666666667,7.504483333333333,spk_1,which is used for the new merch +164,7.5065,7.516833333333333,spk_1,press page. +165,7.53365,7.571316666666666,spk_1,So I open an Mr to add some +166,7.579983333333333,7.600666666666667,spk_1,basic flow charts +167,7.605483333333334,7.615666666666667,spk_1,and +168,7.6195,7.624,spk_1,they will be +169,7.64365,7.646,spk_1,C +170,7.649816666666666,7.664983333333334,spk_1,diagrams. So +171,7.691483333333333,7.703166666666666,spk_1,they are now +172,7.7085,7.712316666666666,spk_1,not +173,7.714983333333333,7.720499999999999,spk_1,all of them. +174,7.727666666666667,7.764483333333334,spk_1,Some of the diagrams can be found in the +175,7.786,7.815483333333333,spk_1,documentation or developer talk. +176,7.817983333333333,7.830333333333334,spk_1,So +177,7.8325,7.838316666666667,spk_1,"yeah," +178,7.845499999999999,7.864833333333333,spk_1,you be in there but the +179,7.86865,7.88065,spk_1,C diagrams are +180,7.883333333333333,7.885316666666666,spk_1,good +181,7.898166666666667,7.907833333333333,spk_1,too small. +182,7.937983333333333,7.948316666666667,spk_1,So I need to +183,7.953333333333333,7.953833333333334,spk_1,name +184,7.982833333333334,7.997149999999999,spk_1,on your browser. +185,8.011816666666666,8.01715,spk_1,Bye +186,8.053333333333333,8.07015,spk_0,but they're there. +187,8.074166666666667,8.086666666666666,spk_0,"-- So +-- yeah," +188,8.113816666666667,8.129983333333334,spk_1,it's feel if it +189,8.13165,8.13415,spk_1,with them. +190,8.157333333333334,8.190666666666667,spk_0,"Yeah, I think I know this is what you're talking about, right?" +191,8.190833333333334,8.238983333333334,spk_0,So this is the first one for dispatch. +192,8.2485,8.264983333333333,spk_0,"Um Do you wanna," +193,8.265166666666667,8.314316666666667,spk_0,do you wanna talk it through while we're here or we could keep the recording? +194,8.356833333333334,8.389166666666666,spk_1,Uh I think it's better to like +195,8.398166666666667,8.4,spk_1,put it +196,8.401983333333334,8.404333333333334,spk_1,"on your," +197,8.40965,8.475483333333333,spk_1,"-- on your own time. +-- Ok. Just let them just, just people dive in. Ok? Ok." +198,8.4835,8.548483333333333,spk_0,So this is dispatch and then the ones you're talking about is this particular +199,8.557333333333334,8.577166666666667,spk_0,uh thing. +200,8.589833333333333,8.6375,spk_0,"Um This is the viewing, the viewing head, latest" +201,8.646166666666666,8.6555,spk_0,version +202,8.667316666666666,8.688316666666667,spk_0,or in Mars. +203,8.703816666666667,8.7808,spk_0,It'd be interesting to compare this with um the ones for the repository. +204,8.786316666666666,8.81015,spk_0,I'm guessing they're different. +205,8.842483333333334,8.888833333333332,spk_0,"Uh At least it's a deal, a certain part." +206,8.899816666666666,8.920833333333333,spk_1,There are some differences that +207,8.92765,8.993316666666667,spk_1,"some will read from the database, some read from Italy." +208,9.01615,9.025816666666667,spk_1,Mhm. +209,9.039666666666667,9.044316666666669,spk_1,Yeah. +210,9.071166666666668,9.120166666666666,spk_0,"Yeah, I was going to try to make it larger, but it's tricky." +211,9.148483333333331,9.218833333333333,spk_0,"You should be able to open the like um a mermaid on a new window," +212,9.241833333333334,9.250816666666667,spk_0,right? +213,9.28515,9.296166666666666,spk_0,I cheat. +214,9.324816666666669,9.347,spk_1,"Yeah, I think I'm not sure" +215,9.368166666666667,9.423483333333332,spk_0,"No, would you get you enlarge the size? Ok. I think I found it." +216,9.450983333333332,9.459316666666666,spk_0,Mhm. +217,9.478333333333332,9.491833333333334,spk_0,Um +218,9.496,9.505983333333331,spk_0,OK. +219,9.514833333333334,9.533833333333334,spk_0,I won't be +220,9.53815,9.5785,spk_0,sharing the screen anymore but um +221,9.58615,9.601983333333331,spk_0,I broke the page +222,9.626983333333332,9.686666666666667,spk_0,and so the the status is that we have that already. +223,9.732816666666666,9.7845,spk_0,So you still have all the M Rs in review +224,9.7875,9.801166666666669,spk_0,um +225,9.829983333333333,9.8775,spk_0,"Igor from your side. Is this something that we could also," +226,9.882333333333332,9.916483333333334,spk_0,is it also achievable from the repository +227,9.945,9.977816666666667,spk_0,to have this sort of um +228,9.981983333333334,9.997816666666669,spk_0,flow charts? +229,10.029816666666669,10.066483333333334,spk_3,"-- Yeah. Yeah, it's gonna be done. It's gonna +-- be done." +230,10.066666666666666,10.11215,spk_0,"I know you, I know you're trying to squint to kind of see what's in there." +231,10.117833333333332,10.124166666666667,spk_0,But uh +232,10.148483333333331,10.15915,spk_0,it would be nice +233,10.164316666666666,10.21115,spk_0,because I think one of the only one interesting exercise would +234,10.211316666666669,10.270833333333334,spk_0,be to look at those flows and just try to see +235,10.278333333333332,10.361316666666667,spk_0,"um eventually things that one is doing that the other isn't and try to see what," +236,10.3615,10.37865,spk_0,what we could +237,10.380666666666666,10.403333333333332,spk_0,potentially unify +238,10.405666666666669,10.419316666666669,spk_0,um +239,10.426166666666669,10.457333333333333,spk_0,from the real side of things. +240,10.469316666666666,10.528983333333333,spk_3,"Uh That makes sense to me and yeah, I'll have a look," +241,10.529166666666669,10.56965,spk_3,I didn't have a chance to do it the previous week. +242,10.569833333333332,10.6355,spk_3,"But uh yeah, until the next call, uh we can discuss to" +243,10.648816666666669,10.670483333333332,spk_3,"-- feel +-- free to raise it as shaw" +244,10.673333333333334,10.69565,spk_0,and to delegate to someone else. +245,10.695833333333333,10.702983333333334,spk_0,"If you're," +246,10.703166666666666,10.732333333333331,spk_0,if you're busy with something like urgent +247,10.7325,10.758983333333331,spk_0,or something like there's probably a lot of +248,10.75915,10.822333333333331,spk_0,people in the team that could help you in just drafting the diagrams themselves. +249,10.83415,10.844483333333333,spk_3,Makes sense. +250,10.862316666666668,10.870316666666668,spk_0,Cool. +251,10.885666666666667,10.915666666666668,spk_0,"Um Patrick," +252,10.920316666666666,10.968316666666666,spk_0,"I see the the other Patrick is also here," +253,10.972,11.01865,spk_0,is this already taking into account the Gidley side of things? +254,11.080333333333334,11.090483333333331,spk_1,"It's, that's what I mean." +255,11.126983333333332,11.158833333333334,spk_0,Yes. So the Patrick on the call +256,11.163833333333333,11.221816666666667,spk_0,is I see that there was the other Patrick on the uh +257,11.222,11.277166666666666,spk_0,Mr that you linked to or the issue that you linked to. +258,11.277983333333331,11.298166666666669,spk_0,He's already chatting +259,11.300333333333333,11.318316666666666,spk_0,someone there. +260,11.32465,11.370833333333334,spk_0,My question is whether these things that have been published +261,11.371,11.43215,spk_0,already account for Galley or the giddily is a separate um +262,11.448166666666667,11.485833333333334,spk_1,"effort. Well, the, the dead girls mentioned" +263,11.491483333333331,11.491833333333334,spk_1,it +264,11.514316666666666,11.52365,spk_1,invokes +265,11.525816666666667,11.528166666666667,spk_1,"Italy," +266,11.536983333333334,11.537316666666667,spk_1,the +267,11.545,11.549333333333331,spk_1,because of +268,11.551816666666667,11.598,spk_1,"Italy just shows the, the RB that we call" +269,11.633833333333332,11.640316666666669,spk_1,"and that's," +270,11.642483333333333,11.647483333333334,spk_1,that's it. +271,11.653166666666667,11.685316666666669,spk_0,I see. Gidley client Tiff Stitcher. +272,11.703816666666668,11.709316666666666,spk_1,Yeah. +273,11.730666666666666,11.73815,spk_1,"Is a fine," +274,11.740666666666666,11.753333333333334,spk_1,fine commit +275,11.759983333333333,11.791833333333331,spk_1,R PC. This commits R PC. +276,11.836983333333333,11.84565,spk_0,Got it. +277,11.863833333333334,11.872816666666669,spk_0,Ok. +278,11.909316666666667,11.923483333333332,spk_0,Mm. +279,11.938833333333331,11.951983333333333,spk_0,It would be interesting. +280,11.998166666666666,12.01615,spk_0,Definitely interesting. +281,12.021,12.030816666666666,spk_0,Um +282,12.046333333333331,12.047483333333334,spk_0,mhm. +283,12.074483333333331,12.135666666666667,spk_0,I think at a certain point we're gonna need to have a specific call to discuss +284,12.138483333333332,12.209316666666666,spk_0,"these, but until we have the charts from SARS" +285,12.2125,12.218833333333333,spk_0,"code," +286,12.240666666666666,12.257983333333334,spk_0,at least that +287,12.261316666666668,12.289316666666666,spk_0,you'll be premature. So +288,12.308333333333334,12.325333333333331,spk_0,let's have that happen. +289,12.327983333333334,12.364,spk_0,"And then once we have it, we can have a call just," +290,12.36415,12.39365,spk_0,or we can have a topic on one of the calls +291,12.393833333333331,12.452816666666669,spk_0,to dissect these things and go together because I feel like +292,12.467,12.488666666666669,spk_0,it'd be interesting to get +293,12.498,12.513316666666666,spk_0,like a sort of a demo. +294,12.513483333333332,12.556816666666666,spk_0,"Be we should all read them like you suggested," +295,12.556983333333331,12.585983333333331,spk_0,"like you should all make sure that we understand them," +296,12.59965,12.65265,spk_0,"but there's gonna be things that are gonna be uh interesting to go and," +297,12.652816666666666,12.662316666666667,spk_0,and analyze them. +298,12.6625,12.674,spk_0,Together +299,12.677983333333334,12.719,spk_0,um and have some questions across the board. +300,12.745166666666666,12.752983333333331,spk_0,OK. +301,12.753166666666669,12.7625,spk_0,"So to do," +302,12.762666666666666,12.8305,spk_0,there is just to complete the ones in source code uh from the front end side fill. +303,12.830816666666667,12.84265,spk_0,Uh +304,12.90265,12.936833333333333,spk_0,Is there um I know that you ha +305,12.94015,12.96765,spk_0,you linked to the +306,12.992166666666666,13.027816666666666,spk_0,sketch that you did at a certain point +307,13.031816666666666,13.04565,spk_0,"-- in time. +-- Yeah," +308,13.067,13.06865,spk_1,we got +309,13.07065,13.071166666666668,spk_1,that +310,13.074816666666669,13.075333333333331,spk_1,one +311,13.07865,13.123333333333331,spk_1,for the components that use. I just need to go through +312,13.137316666666669,13.1615,spk_2,what actually happens when we get +313,13.175333333333333,13.217483333333334,spk_2,the response from the dispatch stuff because we do a lot of +314,13.219833333333334,13.227166666666667,spk_2,content. +315,13.253166666666669,13.267,spk_2,So I need to go for that +316,13.290833333333332,13.324,spk_2,right to all the extra stuff that we do on top of it. +317,13.339833333333331,13.348166666666666,spk_1,OK. +318,13.3855,13.394483333333334,spk_0,All right. +319,13.40065,13.438483333333334,spk_0,And we need to account for um +320,13.444166666666666,13.501166666666666,spk_0,Does it all? I can't remember if that already accounted for the +321,13.519833333333333,13.534833333333331,spk_0,file by file +322,13.607333333333331,13.621,spk_0,of A F mode +323,13.637316666666669,13.660833333333333,spk_2,"-- if well accounted +-- for it." +324,13.67065,13.724333333333334,spk_0,"If the chart that we already have created, if it covered" +325,13.739833333333332,13.756816666666667,spk_0,the logic +326,13.777816666666666,13.813666666666666,spk_0,"we have in the case a file by file," +327,13.81965,13.833983333333334,spk_0,I don't think so. +328,13.846483333333332,13.931666666666668,spk_0,"OK. We could keep uh we could give that to Thomas to cover that part of the, the flow." +329,13.940483333333331,13.952166666666669,spk_0,Um +330,13.961666666666666,14.023,spk_0,But is the target to also have a mermaid chart created out of that +331,14.0275,14.033983333333332,spk_0,ex college +332,14.039316666666666,14.060316666666669,spk_0,flow chart? +333,14.076816666666666,14.148816666666669,spk_2,I think Amy wanted me to make one but like I thought like me mermaid. So +334,14.157333333333334,14.173166666666669,spk_2,didn't fancy me. +335,14.18915,14.196,spk_2,"I can," +336,14.2015,14.208983333333334,spk_2,"I," +337,14.222483333333331,14.249,spk_4,I don't love mermaid but like dude. +338,14.285666666666666,14.349483333333334,spk_0,"All right, we can give you then so we can give you the task to kind of convert the, the," +339,14.34965,14.38815,spk_0,"the, the chart that, that Phil created" +340,14.399816666666666,14.448166666666667,spk_0,um and then collaborate through there to get the front end +341,14.448333333333334,14.484666666666667,spk_0,because I feel like it's gonna be a huge part of +342,14.488316666666666,14.54015,spk_0,looking at the whole logic of front end as well. +343,14.540316666666667,14.594,spk_0,"This is more for us on the front end side of things, but" +344,14.603816666666669,14.6275,spk_0,for Jack's benefit +345,14.631666666666666,14.7075,spk_0,"uh and for ours as well, it will be useful to get a glimpse of" +346,14.711833333333333,14.762666666666666,spk_0,what is all the logic we have and which ones +347,14.762833333333331,14.80815,spk_0,are specific to merger quests and which ones aren't? +348,14.815,14.828816666666668,spk_0,Um +349,14.833666666666666,14.878166666666669,spk_0,"from your side? Jack, I think right now," +350,14.880333333333333,14.897483333333334,spk_0,the logic +351,14.9005,14.955333333333334,spk_0,is pretty um just a hammel based +352,14.959666666666667,14.984316666666668,spk_0,"rendering the blog viewers," +353,14.9845,15.050166666666666,spk_0,but it could be useful to still have a sort of a short summary of what we do right now +354,15.056816666666666,15.075333333333331,spk_0,um +355,15.090483333333331,15.141316666666668,spk_0,because we don't want to miss anything that might be present there. +356,15.14665,15.2075,spk_0,"Um So it could be useful to have something, something on your side as well. Ok." +357,15.224483333333334,15.24,spk_0,Yeah. Sure. +358,15.2565,15.26765,spk_0,Awesome. +359,15.26965,15.33515,spk_0,"And if you could aim to have something ready by next week, maybe not Thursday," +360,15.344316666666666,15.383833333333332,spk_0,"the next call, but maybe next Tuesday" +361,15.39,15.413316666666669,spk_0,uh to give time for SARS +362,15.41765,15.428166666666666,spk_0,"and, and" +363,15.430983333333334,15.45365,spk_0,"in the front end to prepare," +364,15.45915,15.472816666666668,spk_0,um +365,15.478983333333334,15.542316666666666,spk_0,it would be nice to have something like a name or a goal to uh +366,15.54665,15.594833333333334,spk_0,start reviewing them together across groups +367,15.602816666666667,15.64865,spk_0,um on Tuesday. So +368,15.652983333333331,15.6755,spk_0,let's make that as a goal +369,15.688,15.697816666666666,spk_0,for everybody +370,15.702983333333334,15.72165,spk_0,just to clarify. +371,15.728166666666668,15.79465,spk_0,"-- What uh what, where is the chart that Phil has +-- already made" +372,15.798,15.808666666666667,spk_0,"and," +373,15.83615,15.87265,spk_0,"but I was sharing the screen," +374,15.893483333333334,15.920166666666669,spk_0,I am not sharing the screen. +375,15.924816666666668,15.975983333333334,spk_0,"So here on this comment, but I'll just put, I'll just put that" +376,15.9825,15.984316666666668,spk_0,here. +377,16.014666666666667,16.02765,spk_0,Um +378,16.045483333333333,16.058983333333334,spk_0,So +379,16.061316666666666,16.143833333333333,spk_0,"-- uh Thomas will pick this +-- up and create Mermaid" +380,16.16283333333333,16.169166666666666,spk_4,and +381,16.1855,16.198483333333332,spk_4,uh +382,16.210833333333333,16.259666666666668,spk_4,you had mentioned this is maybe just a subset +383,16.259833333333333,16.293,spk_4,of the things that the front end is doing. +384,16.293166666666668,16.3025,spk_4,Um +385,16.323166666666665,16.3285,spk_4,Right. +386,16.333833333333335,16.399816666666666,spk_4,Did you want just to convert this to Mermaid for +387,16.4,16.431816666666666,spk_4,"the next Tuesday meeting or do you want the," +388,16.431983333333335,16.478650000000002,spk_4,the whole front end Ds as a Mermaid? +389,16.48015,16.480816666666666,spk_4,Ch +390,16.494483333333335,16.512316666666667,spk_4,So +391,16.516,16.550816666666666,spk_4,"you're like, yeah, yeah, it'd be great to have a whole thing" +392,16.565483333333333,16.59648333333333,spk_0,if you're asking. +393,16.609983333333332,16.630333333333333,spk_0,I would like all of it. +394,16.63315,16.639666666666667,spk_0,Right? +395,16.64365,16.645166666666668,spk_0,OK. +396,16.659316666666665,16.705333333333332,spk_0,"I'll give you, I'll give you a more reasonable thing." +397,16.7095,16.742166666666666,spk_0,It's important to have this +398,16.751333333333335,16.81215,spk_0,"in a way that it can be compared to source code, for example," +399,16.812316666666668,16.843833333333333,spk_0,but also it can evolve over time. +400,16.848816666666668,16.910983333333334,spk_0,"So if you only have this, you'll be great start because if you think about it," +401,16.91115,16.950333333333333,spk_0,"the file by file mode which is absent here," +402,16.955816666666667,16.991833333333332,spk_0,um It reduces a lot of the logic. +403,16.992,17.043166666666668,spk_0,"It just, it's the way that the files are loaded and, and stuff like that." +404,17.051333333333332,17.10815,spk_0,Um So it might just be a separate Mermaid chart altogether. +405,17.11165,17.127166666666668,spk_0,Um +406,17.131666666666668,17.171,spk_0,So this is a nice start to have. So +407,17.183483333333335,17.2678,spk_0,I seem to have this and then we'll iterate through there. Uh We iterate from there. +408,17.290166666666668,17.323833333333333,spk_4,I noticed this is mostly just components. +409,17.323983333333334,17.377333333333333,spk_4,"I would also like to see something maybe not the same chart," +410,17.3775,17.44515,spk_4,"but I would like to see one for like data flow too because that's," +411,17.453983333333333,17.482483333333334,spk_4,it's uh we have um +412,17.491666666666667,17.554166666666667,spk_4,"there's a lot of logic and we might be able to improve that as well," +413,17.554333333333332,17.6125,spk_4,but we get to that as some other time or I can work on my own. +414,17.625,17.634,spk_0,No. Sure. +415,17.634166666666665,17.677666666666667,spk_0,And I think that this was part of the effort trying to understand +416,17.677833333333332,17.72465,spk_0,the logic that we had throughout the whole tree of components and everything. +417,17.724816666666666,17.75,spk_0,So the context was slightly different. +418,17.75883333333333,17.768316666666667,spk_0,"I mean," +419,17.779166666666665,17.840166666666665,spk_0,"yeah, uh do whatever is more reasonable at this point," +420,17.840333333333334,17.899316666666667,spk_0,"if you think that this is a nice hint, but then you produce a separate mermaid chart," +421,17.899483333333333,17.91133333333333,spk_0,we won't be upset +422,17.926,17.95615,spk_0,it. We wanna understand exactly +423,17.961,17.996666666666666,spk_0,how things are flowing through the apps through the +424,17.996833333333335,18.037316666666666,spk_0,"front end app to kind of see where the," +425,18.03915,18.077666666666666,spk_0,the uh unifying parts +426,18.091483333333333,18.151316666666663,spk_0,so we can pull and then eventually you can have AAA tree component +427,18.17398333333333,18.17983333333333,spk_0,two. +428,18.194166666666668,18.20531666666667,spk_4,Uh +429,18.213,18.27048333333333,spk_4,"Hey, Phil, what is the, what is the reg component? There's only one," +430,18.32333333333333,18.344666666666665,spk_2,"there is a reason why it's for," +431,18.348666666666663,18.36798333333333,spk_2,I just don't remember the +432,18.39348333333333,18.395316666666663,spk_4,"cool," +433,18.4085,18.438166666666667,spk_4,it's the worst offender. +434,18.45815,18.47048333333333,spk_0,"All right. I," +435,18.478483333333333,18.503816666666665,spk_0,I think if you think about +436,18.507483333333333,18.511816666666668,spk_0,"it, the" +437,18.529333333333334,18.538166666666665,spk_0,"discussion," +438,18.53833333333333,18.5695,spk_2,I think maybe because it's the only functional +439,18.569666666666667,18.605166666666666,spk_2,comparing but like it's not a massive deal. +440,18.613983333333334,18.646166666666662,spk_4,"Ah, ok. That's interesting." +441,18.657316666666667,18.664483333333333,spk_0,Ok. +442,18.686,18.707,spk_0,"Yeah, nothing else is red." +443,18.748,18.773666666666667,spk_0,It's interesting. But yes. +444,18.77733333333333,18.80965,spk_0,"Um, cool." +445,18.827166666666667,18.872316666666663,spk_0,"That takes care of that. Let's, let's keep evolving. I think we're making" +446,18.87783333333333,18.9135,spk_0,good progress there. I know we know that this is +447,18.925833333333333,18.97415,spk_0,like grueling and it's very complex things +448,18.978,19.0235,spk_0,I also wanted to impress on all of us that +449,19.032816666666665,19.056833333333334,spk_0,this is not +450,19.061333333333334,19.084816666666665,spk_0,"the end goal, right?" +451,19.084983333333334,19.12665,spk_0,The current state of things is just so that we can +452,19.126816666666667,19.1675,spk_0,"all wrap our heads around and we can unify it," +453,19.175833333333333,19.2425,spk_0,"but it won't be part of the final architecture. Eventually bits of it will," +454,19.248,19.26415,spk_0,will survive. +455,19.277666666666665,19.33265,spk_0,"But this is just to get our. So what I'm saying is, don't be perfectionist," +456,19.346833333333333,19.3545,spk_0,right? +457,19.36015,19.42248333333333,spk_0,"Don't polish things into publishing into a medium article like it's," +458,19.433333333333334,19.49633333333333,spk_0,"it's just for internal consumption and, and potentially docks. But uh" +459,19.51415,19.54715,spk_0,it's not the end of all here on this effort. +460,19.56798333333333,19.58833333333333,spk_0,You have to cut quarters. +461,19.599816666666666,19.60965,spk_0,That's fine. +462,19.63465,19.66733333333333,spk_0,"If you have to use comic sense, please do." +463,19.669,19.68498333333333,spk_0,"I, that's what I'm saying." +464,19.698833333333333,19.74965,spk_4,I might have to use common sense. +465,19.759816666666666,19.825666666666667,spk_0,"Yeah, just don't just don't quote me on it. My reputation will go down the drain." +466,19.84565,19.92248333333333,spk_0,All right. That takes care of the um documentation of the current implementation +467,19.925666666666668,19.955816666666667,spk_0,of this across skit lab. +468,19.97733333333333,20.038816666666666,spk_0,Any anything else that we need to discuss synchronously? +469,20.03898333333333,20.09233333333333,spk_0,We have some open issues that we can take care of as synchronously. +470,20.0925,20.11283333333333,spk_0,But is there anything else +471,20.126483333333333,20.1605,spk_0,that anybody feels we need to discuss at this point? +472,20.28333333333333,20.31683333333333,spk_0,"Oh, Patrick had a bit of a tip here" +473,20.34883333333333,20.369166666666665,spk_0,those in my mid life. +474,20.37465,20.381833333333333,spk_1,"Yeah," +475,20.3855,20.411166666666663,spk_1,"just for that editing because it's," +476,20.419816666666662,20.43698333333333,spk_1,"it's right. If you don't have," +477,20.45148333333333,20.451816666666662,spk_1,you +478,20.45365,20.462666666666667,spk_1,don't have that +479,20.47898333333333,20.49515,spk_1,"-- the one +-- I use. Yeah." +480,20.52648333333333,20.537316666666666,spk_0,"Yeah, it's been nice." +481,20.572316666666666,20.58515,spk_0,Ok. +482,20.59348333333333,20.61733333333333,spk_0,Um Anything else? +483,20.69148333333333,20.692666666666668,spk_0,"Oh," +484,20.70748333333333,20.7525,spk_0,"-- go ahead May, +-- May. Is it worth" +485,20.75483333333333,20.76533333333333,spk_4,um +486,20.784983333333333,20.808666666666667,spk_4,brainstorming on +487,20.855816666666662,20.887666666666668,spk_4,the order of priorities? +488,20.90033333333333,20.927333333333333,spk_4,"Uh for two reasons? One," +489,20.9335,20.996166666666667,spk_4,the list that you created may not be the full list and two +490,21.00365,21.04948333333333,spk_4,as I think Patrick and I have both mentioned +491,21.05433333333333,21.06533333333333,spk_4,um +492,21.067816666666666,21.140816666666662,spk_4,"I think there is like, I think there are two classes of priorities. There's one" +493,21.14633333333333,21.21865,spk_4,I think there's like binaries like things that we either do or do not. +494,21.218833333333333,21.267,spk_4,"And we have to like, like accessibility, like I just don't," +495,21.267166666666668,21.30615,spk_4,I don't know why we would only do half accessibility. +496,21.31015,21.33715,spk_4,Um And then there's things that are like on +497,21.337316666666663,21.3885,spk_4,a scale like maintainability or performance or whatever. +498,21.39,21.43383333333333,spk_4,Um And I wonder if it might be a good idea to sort of +499,21.467166666666667,21.48865,spk_4,"separate, like" +500,21.494,21.500833333333333,spk_4,"when," +501,21.5065,21.528983333333333,spk_4,"when I wrote that down and I was like, I," +502,21.537316666666666,21.5655,spk_4,we should always have accessibility. +503,21.568316666666668,21.593833333333333,spk_4,"I don't know, it should just, that should just be like a," +504,21.594,21.632316666666668,spk_4,"a measure of completeness of, of a feature." +505,21.632483333333333,21.64433333333333,spk_4,Um +506,21.64633333333333,21.70683333333333,spk_4,And so I wonder if we should create a list of things that we can +507,21.707,21.7545,spk_4,put on a size scale and things that we either do or do not. +508,21.757483333333333,21.76615,spk_4,Um +509,21.77065,21.8385,spk_4,"Is that, is that worth, we can discuss it as think? But I wonder if that's worth like" +510,21.84348333333333,21.860666666666667,spk_4,documenting somewhere +511,21.86565,21.91933333333333,spk_0,if we have the time? I think it's important to clarify what we have there. +512,21.9195,21.992166666666662,spk_0,"Um Like we, like we talked about it, the list was haphazardly put together on a call." +513,21.995316666666668,22.057316666666665,spk_0,"It's bound to be complete, bound to be adjusted as we go." +514,22.057483333333334,22.0945,spk_0,"So yeah, that's a perfect time. Um" +515,22.10633333333333,22.165816666666668,spk_0,"So do you wanna, do you wanna present specifically what like share the screen" +516,22.18115,22.22083333333333,spk_0,and potentially propose something else? +517,22.226816666666668,22.26483333333333,spk_0,"-- I don't +-- have it open currently it" +518,22.265166666666666,22.272816666666667,spk_4,"up, up," +519,22.27583333333333,22.27733333333333,spk_0,up +520,22.2795,22.33,spk_0,up on the uh open issues. I'm gonna try to highlight it. +521,22.359166666666667,22.382816666666667,spk_4,What are my priorities? +522,22.42183333333333,22.436,spk_4,Um +523,22.4405,22.46066666666667,spk_4,Sure I can show my screen. +524,22.47583333333333,22.482166666666668,spk_4,Mhm. +525,22.50998333333333,22.520316666666663,spk_4,Um +526,22.534,22.59433333333333,spk_4,"Yeah. So reiterating what I, what I just said, um this may not be the whole list" +527,22.597483333333333,22.611,spk_4,and +528,22.61598333333333,22.630166666666668,spk_4,um +529,22.636333333333333,22.707166666666662,spk_4,there's I I sort of see these as two different classes of things. +530,22.707316666666667,22.744,spk_4,We have like an implementation type thing which we can +531,22.744166666666665,22.78898333333333,spk_4,put on a scale of what should we sacrifice versus +532,22.78915,22.85365,spk_4,other things versus product completeness or future completeness where like +533,22.853816666666667,22.90165,spk_4,"I don't think we should really ever sacrifice accessibility," +534,22.901816666666665,22.9405,spk_4,"for example, that's part of the feature." +535,22.942,22.950333333333333,spk_4,Um +536,22.965,22.985316666666662,spk_4,So like +537,22.995316666666668,23.01165,spk_4,"should we," +538,23.03183333333333,23.032316666666667,spk_4,I +539,23.04298333333333,23.044166666666666,spk_4,I'm +540,23.046983333333333,23.0965,spk_4,not logged in. Very cool. Um Should we +541,23.1105,23.19365,spk_4,create two lists here? 11 list of things that we either +542,23.19765,23.258666666666667,spk_4,do or do not bully in and one list of things that we can +543,23.2605,23.29565,spk_4,kind of pit against other things. +544,23.29915,23.323666666666668,spk_4,"That's kind of my, that's my idea." +545,23.38715,23.405483333333333,spk_0,"Yeah, I think you might," +546,23.407166666666665,23.4445,spk_0,you might want to stop sharing the screen for this. +547,23.44965,23.48281666666667,spk_0,"You, you're on the screen share, you're recording." +548,23.52166666666667,23.531333333333333,spk_0,There you go. +549,23.55565,23.584816666666665,spk_4,It doesn't matter. I don't know. +550,23.596833333333333,23.604166666666668,spk_0,"Yeah, it's fine." +551,23.61198333333333,23.654666666666667,spk_0,Um So you have a point here +552,23.66365,23.7335,spk_0,"um in terms of, in terms of accessibility, accessibility is still" +553,23.74,23.779333333333334,spk_0,technically a spectrum because you could have +554,23.7795,23.82248333333333,spk_0,"different levels of compliance depending on what," +555,23.83566666666667,23.86133333333333,spk_0,"what do you go for, right." +556,23.86798333333333,23.891666666666666,spk_0,"Um We have the," +557,23.897316666666665,23.967,spk_0,"well, if you're using the WWCAG, you have the three," +558,23.969166666666663,24.00815,spk_0,the AAA the AA the single A +559,24.015816666666662,24.092,spk_0,"depending on how much compliant and how much testing, manual testing," +560,24.092166666666667,24.125666666666667,spk_0,automated testing you have involved. +561,24.133333333333333,24.1885,spk_0,Um So accessibility itself is a spectrum. +562,24.19298333333333,24.286,spk_0,"You might have a point that we, we might not wanna sacrifice that. So I think it," +563,24.295483333333333,24.349816666666666,spk_0,if anything it comes to a point of +564,24.368316666666665,24.394166666666667,spk_0,like the goals we have +565,24.39965,24.439316666666667,spk_0,of like perceived performance accessible +566,24.461,24.52865,spk_0,"having opposites which is like developer, developer experience," +567,24.528816666666668,24.55033333333333,spk_0,"which is maintainability, I guess." +568,24.558666666666667,24.569666666666667,spk_0,Um +569,24.583666666666662,24.63115,spk_0,"Yeah, coverage coverage might just not be" +570,24.63983333333333,24.655316666666668,spk_0,"the best," +571,24.65833333333333,24.669166666666666,spk_0,I guess. +572,24.676,24.687833333333334,spk_0,Um +573,24.69148333333333,24.7025,spk_4,"I do," +574,24.71066666666667,24.757816666666667,spk_4,"I think that's actually, so that's actually kind of an interesting one." +575,24.77316666666667,24.790166666666668,spk_4,because +576,24.82415,24.863166666666668,spk_4,I think there are times when we could say +577,24.866316666666663,24.87848333333333,spk_4,um +578,24.90833333333333,25.011333333333333,spk_4,implementing this feature is going to be absolutely crucial to ex uh +579,25.01415,25.05998333333333,spk_4,widespread adoption of new gifts or whatever +580,25.075,25.161,spk_4,or we could say uh implementing this feature will add so much complexity to +581,25.16865,25.25,spk_4,"gift generation or whatever that it is, it will" +582,25.255983333333333,25.30398333333333,spk_4,"dramatically hurt our performance. And that's kind of," +583,25.31615,25.36083333333333,spk_4,it's the antithesis of what we're trying to do here. +584,25.363166666666668,25.37465,spk_4,Um +585,25.37815,25.3875,spk_4,"So, I mean," +586,25.387666666666668,25.41648333333333,spk_4,coverage I think is probably a good thing to +587,25.416666666666668,25.461166666666667,spk_4,bring in there because that's gonna be a question. +588,25.478483333333333,25.517666666666667,spk_0,Yeah. Especially because the repository and meg +589,25.52133333333333,25.538816666666666,spk_0,quest have different +590,25.555816666666665,25.56415,spk_0,back +591,25.57583333333333,25.605316666666667,spk_0,pinnings or whatever we want to call it. +592,25.619816666666665,25.6755,spk_0,"Uh If anything, it would be helpful to understand." +593,25.7005,25.743483333333334,spk_0,"So for example, if it's harder" +594,25.74683333333333,25.794816666666662,spk_0,"to implement on a certain scenario," +595,25.81448333333333,25.82665,spk_0,um +596,25.862666666666662,25.91015,spk_0,should that be enough to not implement it there? +597,25.92248333333333,25.936166666666665,spk_0,Or +598,25.94715,26.022816666666667,spk_0,"for example, as long as it doesn't hinder performance, we should still strive to" +599,26.0315,26.06565,spk_0,implement it there. It's like +600,26.0715,26.086816666666667,spk_0,"implement," +601,26.09715,26.130816666666668,spk_0,try to implement as much as we can +602,26.13948333333333,26.16998333333333,spk_0,everything on all scenarios. +603,26.214316666666665,26.22448333333333,spk_0,Um +604,26.2405,26.26083333333333,spk_0,Except when +605,26.27865,26.327666666666666,spk_0,"it hinders perceived performance, which would be at the top" +606,26.358666666666668,26.379666666666665,spk_0,that comes a priority +607,26.4155,26.440166666666663,spk_0,but not maintainability. +608,26.443483333333333,26.45433333333333,spk_0,"Well," +609,26.465333333333334,26.47415,spk_0,"me," +610,26.49098333333333,26.53115,spk_4,"so yeah, that actually raises an interesting point." +611,26.531333333333333,26.589316666666665,spk_4,"I would, I would, I would make the case and I, and I maybe I," +612,26.58948333333333,26.619,spk_4,"maybe I'm not the right advocate for this," +613,26.619166666666665,26.675666666666668,spk_4,but I would make the case that a lot of times um +614,26.69833333333333,26.76598333333333,spk_4,our performance problems eventually come from having +615,26.78515,26.844166666666663,spk_4,uh done something because we needed to ship it. +616,26.85633333333333,26.90683333333333,spk_4,"Like we've got to get this feature out, we have to complete this thing" +617,26.909333333333333,26.927666666666667,spk_4,and we just did it +618,26.93115,27.0025,spk_4,instead of focusing on OK. Is this going to hurt the application performance? +619,27.002666666666663,27.042166666666667,spk_4,Is this gonna have hurt the applications maintainability? +620,27.04515,27.105816666666662,spk_4,And eventually we get to a point where performance is a problem. +621,27.110666666666667,27.15165,spk_4,"Um And by the way back in people, I'm," +622,27.15348333333333,27.182816666666668,spk_4,I'm coming purely from a front end perspective. +623,27.182983333333333,27.215,spk_4,"I'm not talking about, I'm not talking about that." +624,27.238333333333333,27.263166666666667,spk_4,Um So +625,27.268316666666667,27.2775,spk_4,uh +626,27.28465,27.30365,spk_4,I think that like +627,27.306666666666665,27.317666666666668,spk_4,um +628,27.3385,27.36683333333333,spk_4,completeness and maintainability +629,27.373833333333334,27.4065,spk_4,actually has a +630,27.416666666666668,27.44683333333333,spk_4,long term effect on performance. +631,27.4945,27.50615,spk_4,And uh +632,27.507816666666667,27.51998333333333,spk_4,and so +633,27.53783333333333,27.591483333333333,spk_4,"uh the maintainability aspect of code," +634,27.591666666666665,27.630166666666668,spk_4,I think is actually more important than it seems +635,27.642666666666667,27.65483333333333,spk_4,like +636,27.65883333333333,27.70833333333333,spk_4,"like on surface, you might be like, oh, we'll just, we'll do," +637,27.7085,27.74098333333333,spk_4,we'll do performance first and then +638,27.74315,27.79433333333333,spk_4,"coverage and then we'll put maintain maintainability because me," +639,27.81015,27.83633333333333,spk_4,"but uh eventually," +640,27.8375,27.882316666666668,spk_4,I think sacrificing maintainability over those other +641,27.882483333333333,27.92215,spk_4,two things will eventually hurt performance. +642,27.922316666666667,27.94233333333333,spk_4,That's the case that I would make. +643,27.9855,28.03715,spk_0,I think you just give the order right there. Because +644,28.053816666666663,28.109166666666667,spk_0,"if so for example, if, if" +645,28.124816666666668,28.196,spk_0,we do care that the project is maintainable because we do care that things are +646,28.209333333333333,28.258333333333333,spk_0,"future proofing and you can work with it in the future," +647,28.2585,28.290333333333333,spk_0,"we can add more features in the future," +648,28.297816666666662,28.32415,spk_0,add more features in the future. +649,28.3425,28.38448333333333,spk_0,"But if something is not available everywhere," +650,28.392,28.43048333333333,spk_0,it doesn't seem like a deal breaker +651,28.43065,28.47015,spk_0,"mostly because if it's not available everywhere," +652,28.470316666666665,28.54315,spk_0,it's because of the cost of the perceived performance and the maintainability. +653,28.55633333333333,28.596666666666668,spk_0,"So if we leave accessibility out of the equation," +654,28.596833333333333,28.637316666666667,spk_0,the order becomes pretty apparent I would say. +655,28.688166666666667,28.76683333333333,spk_4,And uh and that would be what I just said uh performance +656,28.76998333333333,28.786483333333333,spk_4,"coverage," +657,28.792,28.807816666666668,spk_4,maintainability. +658,28.813983333333333,28.8505,spk_0,"No, it will be perceived performance at the top." +659,28.859816666666667,28.882316666666668,spk_0,That's the most important thing. +660,28.887833333333333,28.9125,spk_0,They overcome maintainability +661,28.91733333333333,28.93715,spk_0,and then it would come coverage. +662,28.937316666666668,29.005816666666668,spk_0,"So coverage, we would be we would be willing to sacrifice coverage" +663,29.015,29.059816666666663,spk_0,if it's for the sake of maintainability or +664,29.068483333333333,29.091833333333334,spk_0,perceived performance. +665,29.09915,29.11165,spk_0,Um +666,29.1275,29.19383333333333,spk_0,"And of course, this is not like black and white, this is not binary rules, right?" +667,29.194,29.266483333333333,spk_0,"We, we will still quantify whether it's worth" +668,29.30033333333333,29.351,spk_0,"implementing this across all, all, all scenarios" +669,29.357983333333333,29.38715,spk_0,and what's the impact of maintainability? +670,29.387316666666667,29.4375,spk_0,What like how much complexity do we have to introduce and and +671,29.437666666666665,29.4855,spk_0,can we isolate it in a way that it's safe enough? +672,29.485666666666667,29.51483333333333,spk_0,So there's still a composition around it but it +673,29.515,29.55115,spk_0,"was still gives us pause to kind of like," +674,29.554166666666667,29.59883333333333,spk_0,"OK, if we need to, that seems to be" +675,29.60765,29.62615,spk_0,"because here's the thing," +676,29.630166666666668,29.666833333333333,spk_0,I think there's gonna be scenarios where +677,29.66865,29.72133333333333,spk_0,"full coverage doesn't make sense from a usability perspective," +678,29.7215,29.76083333333333,spk_0,from a context perspective from +679,29.76815,29.794816666666662,spk_0,just the object we're talking about. +680,29.8025,29.814833333333333,spk_0,Um +681,29.82215,29.87215,spk_0,which essentially means that I don't know some certain feature +682,29.88,29.894816666666667,spk_0,"and we're talking about," +683,29.909,29.940166666666663,spk_0,"let's stick commenting, for example," +684,29.955483333333333,29.99115,spk_0,commenting does commenting +685,29.998166666666663,30.06083333333333,spk_0,have the same weight on the merger quest that it does on a repository commit +686,30.094666666666665,30.11766666666667,spk_0,feasibility perspective? +687,30.12898333333333,30.166666666666668,spk_0,I don't think so. I think they're different weights. +688,30.1835,30.188333333333333,spk_0,Yeah. +689,30.200166666666668,30.251816666666667,spk_0,"Right. Would you agree anybody would, would you all agree" +690,30.26083333333333,30.27698333333333,spk_0,if you think about it? +691,30.281333333333333,30.348166666666668,spk_0,The Merger Quest review is the moment where that code is being revised. +692,30.352666666666668,30.380316666666666,spk_0,"When it's repository," +693,30.38315,30.45565,spk_0,"it could be at rest, it could be at the default branch and who's gonna see it?" +694,30.455816666666667,30.482316666666662,spk_0,Who's gonna see that comment? +695,30.48633333333333,30.5135,spk_4,"So by weight, you mean" +696,30.51933333333333,30.538,spk_4,how important is +697,30.54315,30.58898333333333,spk_4,"to do to, to make sure we have? OK." +698,30.597816666666667,30.604666666666667,spk_4,"-- Got +-- you. Yeah." +699,30.611816666666662,30.667666666666666,spk_0,"So it, it doesn't mean that we're not gonna have comments, we might" +700,30.678316666666667,30.704666666666668,spk_0,"Uh I'm just saying that they carry," +701,30.704833333333333,30.76333333333333,spk_0,they carry different importances depending on the context. +702,30.77065,30.78115,spk_0,Um +703,30.79298333333333,30.823,spk_0,"And if, for example, if the, at the beginning," +704,30.823166666666665,30.91215,spk_0,the this component of this app doesn't support comments on every context. +705,30.914483333333333,30.966483333333333,spk_0,"And if you think about it, this is already true. Like when you're creating a new form," +706,30.97415,31.01448333333333,spk_0,"so when we're, when we're comparing branches" +707,31.01615,31.04,spk_0,"comments, that doesn't make sense," +708,31.050666666666668,31.05883333333333,spk_0,does it +709,31.074483333333333,31.143316666666667,spk_0,"when we're opening a new form, why would you comment when you're opening a new form?" +710,31.1545,31.154666666666667,spk_0,Uh +711,31.15798333333333,31.18048333333333,spk_0,"Sorry, were you opening an emer" +712,31.182166666666667,31.188816666666668,spk_0,quest? +713,31.201,31.24683333333333,spk_0,Uh So we already have this scenario where certain context +714,31.246983333333333,31.293316666666662,spk_0,will definitely not have full coverage of the features. +715,31.29348333333333,31.32933333333333,spk_0,"So that, that's a no brainer. So that's," +716,31.342816666666668,31.41848333333333,spk_0,"so let's, so if we remove accessibility, how do we guarantee the accessibility is" +717,31.444816666666668,31.45683333333333,spk_1,"I think," +718,31.461166666666667,31.479166666666668,spk_4,"I think as part," +719,31.479333333333333,31.53115,spk_4,"maybe as part of our meaningful metrics or maybe is a different thing," +720,31.531333333333333,31.5885,spk_4,"we just need to define the things that are like what, what is a feature?" +721,31.594,31.6335,spk_4,And I think a feature is like uh +722,31.63715,31.66015,spk_4,"it's accessible," +723,31.662666666666667,31.670483333333333,spk_4,it +724,31.67383333333333,31.707816666666663,spk_4,"has, it matches your style guide" +725,31.714316666666665,31.725166666666667,spk_4,and it's +726,31.732983333333333,31.795483333333333,spk_4,and it's com it's a complete functionality or whatever. +727,31.79565,31.821,spk_4,I think accessibility just has to be one of +728,31.821166666666667,31.861816666666662,spk_4,the things that defines how we know we're done. +729,31.898983333333334,31.93265,spk_4,I don't know if that's a meaningful metric or not. But +730,31.968833333333333,31.97983333333333,spk_0,um +731,32.00765,32.01598333333333,spk_0,"OK," +732,32.019666666666666,32.06933333333333,spk_0,I think I can take that. I think it definitely makes sense because I +733,32.07215,32.13665,spk_0,"it, I struggled to put accessibility here because it's like you said" +734,32.14915,32.16683333333334,spk_0,it's sort of like +735,32.169,32.16916666666667,spk_0,a +736,32.1735,32.22665,spk_0,principle of development that we definitely need to have it from the get go. +737,32.24548333333333,32.2565,spk_0,Um +738,32.277166666666666,32.28948333333334,spk_0,"And we could," +739,32.29331666666667,32.31733333333333,spk_0,would never sacrifice it. +740,32.335316666666664,32.39233333333333,spk_4,Yeah. And to your point about like there are different levels of accessibility. +741,32.3925,32.415,spk_4,I think Paulina +742,32.41683333333334,32.42815,spk_4,um +743,32.43416666666667,32.46981666666667,spk_4,in the meaningful metrics posted like +744,32.475,32.519,spk_4,all of the accessibility guidelines for +745,32.523983333333334,32.59883333333333,spk_4,"um content editors essentially, which is what, what we would have. Um" +746,32.609,32.66133333333333,spk_4,"And she recommended she's like, let's do AA not AAA." +747,32.66316666666667,32.71865,spk_4,"And like that could be something that we, that we like" +748,32.72116666666667,32.76733333333333,spk_4,the accepted feature is AA accessibility. +749,32.7675,32.7965,spk_4,We don't have to worry about AAA right now. +750,32.800333333333334,32.844,spk_4,But like that's the level that we get to or whatever. +751,32.8625,32.935833333333335,spk_0,"Yeah, I like putting that as accept as a acceptance metric as um um" +752,32.93816666666667,32.951483333333336,spk_0,what do we call it +753,32.96666666666667,32.98031666666667,spk_0,meaningful metric? +754,33.02415,33.033833333333334,spk_0,OK. +755,33.04915,33.0715,spk_0,So I'm putting here +756,33.078316666666666,33.09616666666667,spk_0,order list. +757,33.12766666666667,33.17265,spk_0,Does anybody here on the call object to that list? +758,33.189483333333335,33.211,spk_0,Removing disability? +759,33.22966666666667,33.28,spk_4,So I don't object to it. I will throw a wrench into it though. +760,33.28816666666667,33.37733333333333,spk_4,"We have essentially, we've essentially said um coverage is the last thing," +761,33.38816666666666,33.45666666666666,spk_4,"the lowest priority we will, we'll focus on performance maintainability first" +762,33.469,33.47665,spk_4,that +763,33.489666666666665,33.50131666666667,spk_4,uh +764,33.513,33.54331666666667,spk_4,that level coverage +765,33.54715,33.62665,spk_4,"is something where other stakeholders uh have much more interest, right?" +766,33.62681666666667,33.7,spk_4,"Like, like uh Kai will be much more interested in coverage than" +767,33.702333333333335,33.7235,spk_4,uh maintainability +768,33.727833333333336,33.746,spk_4,"um presumably," +769,33.7565,33.77015,spk_4,is that +770,33.785666666666664,33.79331666666667,spk_4,"how," +771,33.81283333333333,33.859,spk_4,how do we bring other stakeholders into this conversation without +772,33.85916666666667,33.9085,spk_4,sacrificing sort of the integrity of the architectural discussion? +773,33.92815,33.941316666666665,spk_4,Because like +774,33.9445,33.962833333333336,spk_4,"we, we could say, OK," +775,33.963,34.00483333333333,spk_4,"we're gonna have this architectural discussion outside of the," +776,34.005,34.030316666666664,spk_4,outside of like product +777,34.034333333333336,34.04765,spk_4,"and then when," +778,34.0625,34.10131666666667,spk_4,"but that's sort of sticking our head in the sand because at some point," +779,34.101483333333334,34.145466666666664,spk_4,we are going to run into product needs. +780,34.15265,34.181,spk_0,"That's a great, that's a great question." +781,34.18833333333333,34.2403,spk_0,"The way that I see this list is, um," +782,34.26165,34.27865,spk_0,"is um," +783,34.28263333333334,34.32298333333333,spk_0,"pre agreed upon, ordered" +784,34.34096666666667,34.40983333333333,spk_0,by default. Like it's something that we use to decide things on the go as we go. +785,34.42616666666667,34.46666666666667,spk_0,There are always gonna be cases where we get overridden. +786,34.48433333333333,34.54266666666667,spk_0,"And this will come from the perspective of sometimes user experience," +787,34.542833333333334,34.55696666666667,spk_0,sometimes product. +788,34.55715,34.56998333333333,spk_0,"Sometimes," +789,34.57731666666667,34.63665,spk_0,"for example, uh I can already think about one" +790,34.65265,34.66515,spk_0,um +791,34.7225,34.73965,spk_0,code quality. +792,34.74948333333333,34.760983333333336,spk_0,I was +793,34.763,34.78033333333333,spk_0,"wrapping my head," +794,34.784333333333336,34.802,spk_0,my brain around that +795,34.80616666666667,34.84513333333334,spk_0,"code quality. We have that in the merger quest," +796,34.84896666666667,34.857483333333334,spk_0,right? +797,34.871833333333335,34.891666666666666,spk_0,What this means +798,34.896,34.91898333333334,spk_0,"is for that to come in," +799,34.91915,34.97415,spk_0,it cannot come at the cost of maintainability and perceived performance. +800,34.99081666666667,35.00866666666667,spk_0,They can still come in +801,35.0305,35.086816666666664,spk_0,"not at the cost of maintainability and perceived performance," +802,35.09915,35.16981666666667,spk_0,which means that it will not be just spaghetti code thrown into the code base. +803,35.169983333333334,35.23215,spk_0,"It would have to be something accounted for with some potentially some you know," +804,35.23231666666667,35.256816666666666,spk_0,"clogging architecture," +805,35.2625,35.28483333333333,spk_0,"decorators," +806,35.28766666666667,35.32216666666667,spk_0,"options, use of preference, whatever it is," +807,35.335483333333336,35.3755,spk_0,"it is to come the perspective of maintainability," +808,35.37566666666667,35.41598333333334,spk_0,but also it could not hinder performance. +809,35.41615,35.42616666666667,spk_0,And I think +810,35.43116666666667,35.48016666666667,spk_0,it's already working. Look at that it's already working +811,35.489333333333335,35.53965,spk_0,in the way that we want to is that they can still come +812,35.54148333333333,35.58615,spk_0,coverage can still be achieved 100% of the time +813,35.59115,35.61615,spk_0,"you just cannot suffer," +814,35.62315,35.64431666666667,spk_0,it cannot become a cost of +815,35.652,35.66481666666667,spk_0,performance. +816,35.68033333333333,35.71783333333333,spk_0,"So, again, we're not closing the door on products" +817,35.72465,35.79398333333334,spk_0,just creating the framework by how this app will survive the beers. +818,35.84166666666667,35.876666666666665,spk_4,That's gonna be the hardest part is enforcing that +819,35.901,35.92133333333334,spk_4,"-- I'll, I'll, +-- I'll" +820,35.92315,35.92365,spk_0,have +821,35.92831666666667,35.96581666666667,spk_4,"it's a social thing, not a technical thing." +822,36.017833333333336,36.06948333333333,spk_0,"All right, that sounds good. Now, the question is, is this list complete?" +823,36.06965,36.10648333333334,spk_0,Is there anything else that we need to look out for +824,36.113166666666665,36.1465,spk_0,or is this good enough to start? +825,36.235166666666665,36.27415,spk_4,"I think, assuming that we" +826,36.29065,36.36481666666667,spk_4,uh have more discussions on the meaningful metrics and what +827,36.364983333333335,36.43631666666667,spk_4,"is maintainability issues and really nail down those two," +828,36.44166666666667,36.499316666666665,spk_4,"like what will get us performance, what will give us maintainability?" +829,36.5045,36.51598333333333,spk_4,Um +830,36.51766666666666,36.547666666666665,spk_4,"I think this is enough for now," +831,36.554833333333335,36.590316666666666,spk_4,but we really have to nail down those +832,36.60466666666667,36.61565,spk_1,concepts. +833,36.63766666666667,36.646166666666666,spk_0,OK. +834,36.66465,36.686816666666665,spk_0,"Anything else anybody," +835,36.71565,36.742,spk_0,you have any other thoughts on this? +836,36.80166666666667,36.83981666666666,spk_0,"Cool. So Thomas, can you post a comment" +837,36.8425,36.9185,spk_0,"in that issue? Just saying that we discussed this in the, in the weekly call" +838,36.92183333333333,36.960816666666666,spk_0,"and we arrived at this result," +839,36.96098333333333,37.01016666666667,spk_0,order list three points and the accessibility +840,37.010333333333335,37.051,spk_0,is taken part of uh meaningful metrics +841,37.05433333333333,37.083666666666666,spk_0,which will be defining that other issue. +842,37.09015,37.150666666666666,spk_0,"And uh we'll get ourselves a list and then we'll keep it open for, you know," +843,37.15083333333333,37.180166666666665,spk_0,a week and then if nobody complains +844,37.196666666666665,37.205666666666666,spk_0,"merge it," +845,37.2145,37.26565,spk_0,"just giving, giving time for people to contribute. That's, that's all we want." +846,37.290816666666665,37.32983333333333,spk_0,"You might be missing something obvious, but I really like the" +847,37.33298333333333,37.35083333333333,spk_0,discussion. So +848,37.37283333333333,37.39183333333333,spk_0,I feel like we're making progress. +849,37.42865,37.46631666666666,spk_0,Awesome. I'll put that up on you. +850,37.551833333333335,37.58416666666667,spk_0,Anything else to discuss? Folks? +851,37.65731666666667,37.71683333333333,spk_0,There will come a time. I think where we'll start gonna be starting to discuss. +852,37.73148333333334,37.744816666666665,spk_0,Uh +853,37.75033333333333,37.797983333333335,spk_0,what changes do we need to do to Italy to get data frag +854,37.80133333333333,37.831,spk_0,"fragmented, sorry," +855,37.86866666666667,37.89565,spk_0,getting the data fragmented +856,37.90133333333333,37.956316666666666,spk_0,"and how the front end should deal with that with, you know," +857,37.95648333333333,37.99565,spk_0,streaming information into the front end. +858,37.99583333333333,38.068333333333335,spk_0,"What kind of components, trees and view and web component that will come?" +859,38.08,38.11098333333333,spk_0,But I think for now we need to +860,38.117666666666665,38.18298333333333,spk_0,get a strong foundation and understanding of all the scenarios +861,38.18315,38.22798333333333,spk_0,here and uh it will get more exciting later on. +862,38.22815,38.238,spk_0,I expect +863,38.29583333333333,38.3135,spk_0,not a promise. +864,38.31733333333333,38.332816666666666,spk_0,It's a hope +865,38.3635,38.441833333333335,spk_4,jumping too early to implementation while uh always causes pain. So right. +866,38.44465,38.50116666666667,spk_0,"So I think we're, we're taking our good point, a good time with it." +867,38.51615,38.57266666666666,spk_0,"Thanks everybody. Uh If nobody has any other points, we can call it here." +868,38.572833333333335,38.59183333333333,spk_0,Have some free time back. +869,38.62583333333333,38.634,spk_0,All right. +870,38.63981666666667,38.65781666666667,spk_0,Thank you so much. Everybody +871,38.68066666666667,38.6895,spk_0,take care. diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_1.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_1.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0db405b0093b131d70b5f62139ef53181b200307 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_1.csv @@ -0,0 +1,587 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,0.0168,0.0368333333333333,spk_0,And we're live. +1,0.0405,0.11515,spk_0,Welcome to yet another weekly call um for +2,0.1213333333333333,0.1905,spk_0,em and America's time zones of the new diffs architecture +3,0.2035,0.2211666666666666,spk_0,workflow effort. +4,0.2294999999999999,0.2464833333333333,spk_0,That's a mouthful. +5,0.25,0.2784833333333333,spk_0,Uh I'll go straight to the agenda. +6,0.27865,0.3291666666666666,spk_0,We have um a point from Patrick who's not attending. +7,0.33865,0.4255,spk_0,"Um I'll be out starting this Thursday, October 12 and we'll be back on October 17th." +8,0.4256666666666666,0.47165,spk_0,So I won't be able to host slash attend the A P A call. +9,0.4718166666666666,0.5045,spk_0,We'll catch up on recording and issues. +10,0.5145000000000001,0.5791666666666667,spk_0,"He also says related to the A P A call, no one attended the last one." +11,0.5793166666666667,0.6588166666666667,spk_0,So I wonder if we should make it earlier in case someone from America can join. +12,0.6629833333333334,0.7075,spk_0,What do you think about 1 a.m. UTC? +13,0.7548333333333334,0.7638333333333333,spk_0,"That's," +14,0.8474833333333333,0.8784833333333334,spk_1,"is, would anyone here be affected by that?" +15,0.8908333333333334,0.9078333333333332,spk_1,"Like, I can't go to that?" +16,0.9079833333333334,0.9628333333333334,spk_1,"Well, I mean, I could go to that but that would be no, thank you." +17,0.9635,1.023,spk_1,"-- Um What +-- would be your time at that? If it was 1 a.m. one AM" +18,1.02315,1.0484833333333334,spk_1,UGC would be +19,1.094833333333333,1.1498166666666667,spk_1,"uh 6 p.m. I think," +20,1.1628166666666666,1.182483333333333,spk_1,"I think I minus seven," +21,1.22665,1.291483333333333,spk_1,"which I mean, I suppose I could go to that. It wouldn't be my most favorite time. But" +22,1.3548333333333331,1.3751666666666666,spk_0,"this is what it would look like," +23,1.3895,1.43665,spk_0,"uh, where are these locations are here on the right hand side?" +24,1.44565,1.47715,spk_0,So London would be two am +25,1.4883333333333333,1.5093166666666666,spk_0,sorry. What was his proposal? +26,1.522166666666667,1.5615,spk_0,"1 a.m. Yeah, 1 a.m. UTC. But with daily" +27,1.5648166666666667,1.6016499999999998,spk_0,daylight savings time is 2 a.m. London. +28,1.6131666666666666,1.64815,spk_0,"1 a.m. you just see, right. So this will be the times." +29,1.6483333333333334,1.6833333333333331,spk_0,"What's your central, it's your central mountain?" +30,1.7053166666666666,1.7405,spk_0,"Oh, yeah, it's already on the verge of being late." +31,1.770333333333333,1.79,spk_0,"Yeah, it's tough" +32,1.8256666666666668,1.8443333333333327,spk_0,"if you wanna make it," +33,1.85,1.8596666666666664,spk_0,"uh, to" +34,1.8691666666666664,1.8919833333333331,spk_0,include Singapore +35,1.9009833333333328,1.9178166666666667,spk_0,that area. +36,1.955,1.9651666666666667,spk_0,"Yeah. I mean," +37,1.978,2.03,spk_0,"since, since this is late, like later in my evening, I wouldn't," +38,2.03015,2.06115,spk_1,I don't have a ton of opinion about this. +39,2.061333333333333,2.0883333333333334,spk_1,"So I don't know if anybody else here does," +40,2.1048333333333336,2.121,spk_1,if that helps +41,2.1391333333333336,2.14795,spk_1,them. +42,2.178816666666666,2.21115,spk_1,That's good. If more people show up. +43,2.2278166666666666,2.2375,spk_0,"Yeah," +44,2.296666666666667,2.342,spk_0,"-- it would make it +-- so that it would make it so that these two meetings" +45,2.34215,2.401666666666667,spk_1,are exactly 12 hours apart and I could theoretically make either one of them. +46,2.4018333333333333,2.46865,spk_1,"Uh, which I suppose is good. I could come to both. But, uh," +47,2.47365,2.52415,spk_1,"-- so +-- since we haven't had a lot of experiment experience with that," +48,2.5243333333333333,2.63715,spk_0,"I would suggest just trying a new, a new time and broadcast it and let people know and" +49,2.639483333333333,2.6881500000000003,spk_0,go from there and we can tweak it every week as we go. +50,2.6958333333333333,2.774833333333333,spk_0,"Um, it seems like one am, would be still too late for Americas." +51,2.7845,2.830833333333333,spk_0,So I'm probably gonna be concert proposing +52,2.8355,2.8514833333333334,spk_0,midnight +53,2.8661666666666665,2.8971666666666667,spk_0,U to see which is like one hour less +54,2.9141666666666666,2.933666666666667,spk_0,and we'll see from there. +55,2.96115,2.984166666666667,spk_0,Why can't I change? +56,3.030333333333333,3.037983333333333,spk_0,Sorry. +57,3.081833333333333,3.1068333333333333,spk_0,Um Right. +58,3.1133333333333333,3.14415,spk_0,"When you, when you want me to see," +59,3.162983333333333,3.237833333333333,spk_0,seems like it would still be too late for America. +60,3.2408166666666665,3.25065,spk_0,But +61,3.267316666666667,3.2998333333333334,spk_0,"what is it? Zero AM," +62,3.302483333333333,3.31765,spk_0,is that how you write +63,3.327166666666667,3.37965,spk_0,"it? It's 0 12, no, 12:12 a.m." +64,3.4021666666666666,3.43115,spk_0,"-- 12 a.m. Right? 12 +-- AM or" +65,3.4353166666666666,3.4578333333333333,spk_1,00 hours +66,3.487983333333333,3.500983333333333,spk_0,midnight. +67,3.516,3.533666666666667,spk_0,Good to see. +68,3.5468166666666665,3.5574833333333333,spk_0,Good +69,3.5759833333333333,3.5805,spk_0,and +70,3.5925,3.5963166666666666,spk_0,work. +71,3.614333333333333,3.6605,spk_0,Uh I'll update the invite. +72,3.697666666666666,3.7548166666666662,spk_0,Um He also says we should likely market the A P A call +73,3.755,3.8151666666666655,spk_0,more as people may not know that it exists and they can join. +74,3.8153166666666665,3.842,spk_0,I can do this when I get back. +75,3.8665,3.895483333333333,spk_0,All broadcast +76,3.91215,3.9663166666666663,spk_0,the change of the events time +77,3.986833333333333,4.030833333333334,spk_0,in Slack channels +78,4.043,4.057483333333334,spk_0,people. +79,4.06715,4.06765,spk_0,Right? +80,4.079816666666667,4.1238166666666665,spk_0,"Yeah, I'll go through the uh it would be nice to go" +81,4.1258333333333335,4.139483333333334,spk_0,to the map. +82,4.179316666666667,4.218983333333333,spk_0,"Sorry, apologies. We don't have that anymore." +83,4.224,4.301666666666667,spk_0,"But I'll uh I know at least two people that are uh in Australia," +84,4.320633333333333,4.39715,spk_0,uh Ash Mackenzie and uh David Kim. Um +85,4.408,4.4215,spk_0,"So," +86,4.425816666666667,4.440333333333333,spk_0,um +87,4.4495,4.505983333333333,spk_0,so that would be the two people that I'll be pinging. Is there anyone else that +88,4.512666666666667,4.52965,spk_0,we should be pinging +89,4.5845,4.634316666666667,spk_0,on the top of my head? Those are it. So I'll uh I'll ping them. +90,4.637816666666667,4.650666666666667,spk_0,So that's that +91,4.65615,4.665483333333333,spk_0,um +92,4.690333333333333,4.715983333333334,spk_0,any more thoughts on the A PE C call? +93,4.762983333333334,4.7725,spk_0,All right. +94,4.780333333333333,4.825666666666667,spk_0,"Um Moving on to the next point, Patrick as well, not attending." +95,4.825816666666666,4.9105,spk_0,Um He left a comment about a random thought related to order of priorities. +96,4.915483333333333,4.96865,spk_0,"Then Igor, he also left a comment." +97,4.973816666666667,4.987316666666667,spk_0,Um +98,5.016166666666667,5.04365,spk_0,"Yeah, we had a bit of a discussion there?" +99,5.043833333333334,5.099816666666666,spk_0,Um Should we cover that now or should we keep it as synchronous? +100,5.131833333333334,5.1595,spk_0,You gonna do you wanna share your views +101,5.174166666666666,5.253833333333334,spk_2,"uh keeping it, the synchronous is fine with me? Yeah, I just mentioned that uh" +102,5.259816666666667,5.328333333333333,spk_2,probably we need to define our uh the priority. +103,5.328483333333334,5.4065,spk_2,"What, what do we mean uh regarding like behind the word priority? Yeah." +104,5.40665,5.427483333333333,spk_2,And uh whether +105,5.432333333333333,5.441166666666667,spk_2,uh +106,5.44715,5.507833333333333,spk_2,"whether we should be firm, firm about uh" +107,5.511816666666666,5.586316666666667,spk_2,like whether we want to sacrifice some performance or maintainability or coverage +108,5.589483333333334,5.636166666666667,spk_2,uh for the sake of other criteria +109,5.65515,5.751316666666667,spk_2,"or not. So, yeah, I suggested to two points either be firm about uh" +110,5.75765,5.798166666666667,spk_2,that we don't want to decrease +111,5.8014833333333335,5.8815,spk_2,any of the criteria of the metrics only improve them. +112,5.887166666666666,5.957333333333334,spk_2,"Or for example, uh we could define the uh flexibility," +113,5.9575,6.0259833333333335,spk_2,how flexible we are about uh sacrificing some of the metrics. +114,6.026166666666667,6.0355,spk_2,"For example," +115,6.035666666666667,6.089483333333333,spk_2,I can imagine a scenario of uh removing some +116,6.089666666666667,6.1611666666666665,spk_2,"feature for the sake of uh maintainability or performance," +117,6.161316666666667,6.167483333333333,spk_2,but +118,6.177983333333334,6.23215,spk_2,"-- it's uh sure it's uh like a product of +-- call." +119,6.257833333333333,6.28465,spk_0,"Got it. No, that's, that's great." +120,6.284816666666667,6.340983333333333,spk_0,And I definitely encourage everybody to read that thread because I feel like it's +121,6.350816666666667,6.4009833333333335,spk_0,the kind of things that we face in the future. +122,6.401166666666667,6.449666666666666,spk_0,So it's definitely worth giving it some thought. +123,6.456833333333333,6.472,spk_0,Um +124,6.4889833333333335,6.5085,spk_0,What I propose Igor +125,6.511,6.5659833333333335,spk_0,is for the sake of moving this along. +126,6.572316666666667,6.649816666666666,spk_0,I'll get an Mr started um for the documentation that's in the works. +127,6.65,6.704166666666667,spk_0,Um Phil already has an Mr Up um +128,6.709816666666667,6.743333333333333,spk_0,should be merged soon and +129,6.753333333333334,6.79215,spk_0,I'll add a little section of our priorities. +130,6.792333333333334,6.851666666666667,spk_0,"Um And we'll, we'll just collaborate there." +131,6.851816666666666,6.912816666666666,spk_0,"I'll, I'll grab some of your examples uh there." +132,6.912983333333333,6.967333333333333,spk_0,"But I think, I think we're leaning more towards the flexible part" +133,6.97115,7.0205,spk_0,"because remember, we're always gonna be here to make" +134,7.025666666666667,7.056333333333333,spk_0,"the best call for each scenario," +135,7.07,7.123666666666667,spk_0,"but we don't want it to be, we don't wanna be" +136,7.137983333333334,7.15765,spk_0,imprisoned +137,7.162,7.201666666666666,spk_0,by a theoretical +138,7.2095,7.246316666666667,spk_0,restriction that we created out of thin air. +139,7.249816666666667,7.304983333333333,spk_0,This is more like to guide us than to restrain +140,7.311166666666667,7.330333333333333,spk_0,us. So +141,7.342333333333333,7.404166666666667,spk_0,"we always have the ability to make, have a conversation around it." +142,7.404333333333334,7.439833333333333,spk_0,"And in a particular part of the coverage," +143,7.439983333333333,7.5,spk_0,accept less coverage if it means that it's more performance. +144,7.50715,7.58265,spk_0,But UX and product being OK with that will be part of the conversation for now. +145,7.587816666666667,7.617983333333333,spk_0,We just have to write something in the documentation. +146,7.61815,7.655333333333333,spk_0,We can iterate later if we feel like it's still not +147,7.669333333333333,7.677666666666667,spk_0,"good enough," +148,7.677833333333333,7.735666666666667,spk_0,but I feel like moving to an Mr is probably the best way to start talking about +149,7.740483333333334,7.762983333333334,spk_0,the actual wording. +150,7.7695,7.788166666666667,spk_0,Uh tweaking the tweaking +151,7.790166666666667,7.810666666666666,spk_0,the text that +152,7.840483333333333,7.85815,spk_2,sure makes sense. +153,7.938983333333333,7.987166666666667,spk_0,"Uh The cough came in as I was asking, does that make sense?" +154,7.987316666666667,8.009,spk_0,"And you answered said, thanks." +155,8.013666666666667,8.03365,spk_0,Um +156,8.039833333333334,8.053483333333334,spk_0,I'll move +157,8.069333333333333,8.10615,spk_0,on to create an Mr +158,8.151483333333333,8.168483333333333,spk_0,to start +159,8.186816666666667,8.19715,spk_0,putting +160,8.202833333333333,8.24415,spk_0,this to stone and iterating +161,8.249316666666667,8.266483333333333,spk_0,and collaborating. +162,8.2965,8.308816666666667,spk_0,"I think," +163,8.338983333333333,8.34215,spk_0,I think +164,8.353483333333333,8.355333333333334,spk_0,its +165,8.36015,8.3615,spk_0,people. +166,8.400483333333334,8.449666666666667,spk_0,"Oh Cool, cool, cool, cool. Um" +167,8.472316666666666,8.481333333333334,spk_0,All right. +168,8.486166666666668,8.5345,spk_0,"Let's keep on discussing, I guess, synchronously in the the issue." +169,8.534666666666666,8.5545,spk_0,"If you have more thoughts," +170,8.560983333333333,8.614,spk_0,"I'll in the meantime, should be moving on to the more in the next day or two" +171,8.639316666666666,8.660316666666667,spk_0,Igor you have your next point. +172,8.69,8.792316666666666,spk_2,"Yeah. Uh Unfortunately, it's some specific ex example uh rather than uh" +173,8.798166666666667,8.828333333333333,spk_2,"something related to them," +174,8.83315,8.880333333333333,spk_2,how we organize our initiative. +175,8.8805,8.8865,spk_2,"But yeah," +176,8.886666666666667,8.929166666666667,spk_2,it's about a specific example that we already +177,8.929333333333334,8.97565,spk_2,worked on the performance of this uh previously. +178,8.9775,9.035666666666666,spk_2,"And there's currently some functionality on the back end behind the future," +179,9.050983333333331,9.120483333333333,spk_2,"but at the same time, it's disabled uh for a while now," +180,9.12065,9.198333333333334,spk_2,just because we had uh issues with uh view Synex +181,9.199483333333331,9.246816666666666,spk_2,highlight uh maybe with some other formats as well. +182,9.250166666666669,9.324483333333331,spk_2,"So yeah, it's just an as an example of uh" +183,9.329816666666666,9.400816666666667,spk_2,"prioritizing courage and correctness or performance in this case," +184,9.4035,9.432816666666668,spk_2,but we will probably +185,9.440833333333334,9.50515,spk_2,come back to this example later and see what we can prove. +186,9.587316666666666,9.622333333333334,spk_0,Thanks for sharing that. I think this is +187,9.62465,9.697483333333333,spk_0,definitely useful to understand I given what we learned with the um +188,9.700983333333332,9.736666666666666,spk_0,"front end highlighting it definitely," +189,9.740666666666666,9.776816666666669,spk_0,definitely tracks because +190,9.782816666666667,9.83515,spk_0,partial highlighting is always gonna be challenging in certain contexts +191,9.840666666666667,9.854333333333331,spk_0,um +192,9.86015,9.87565,spk_0,which begs the question. +193,9.875816666666667,9.884316666666669,spk_0,"So this," +194,9.8845,9.949166666666668,spk_0,this came up in the previous discussion earlier today in my one on one with Phil +195,9.952166666666669,9.96965,spk_0,um +196,9.993166666666667,10.0095,spk_0,"is," +197,10.013483333333332,10.05,spk_0,have we ever looked into +198,10.062316666666666,10.075983333333332,spk_0,um +199,10.095316666666667,10.125,spk_0,not highlighting +200,10.127166666666668,10.168483333333333,spk_0,all of the files in the diff and just doing +201,10.16865,10.211666666666666,spk_0,that for a certain set of like the initial ones. +202,10.225,10.259983333333333,spk_0,Uh have you looked into that at all ever? +203,10.276816666666669,10.3025,spk_0,And to save the um +204,10.306816666666666,10.364483333333334,spk_0,the work of highlighting the file for when it's actually requested +205,10.402333333333331,10.422816666666666,spk_0,"-- we looked +-- at." +206,10.433833333333334,10.5345,spk_2,"-- So uh highlighting the part of the file instead of the whole file. +-- No, no." +207,10.534666666666666,10.610666666666669,spk_0,So the idea is that uh imagine we have a diff with 12 files changed. +208,10.624333333333333,10.63115,spk_0,"Sorry," +209,10.641483333333332,10.69365,spk_0,let's say that we change one line in 12 files. +210,10.697816666666666,10.736666666666666,spk_0,"The process as far as I understand right now," +211,10.736833333333331,10.79265,spk_0,we'll have to highlight all of the 12 files first +212,10.79965,10.857333333333331,spk_0,and then grab this chunk thing that we um +213,10.862666666666666,10.890666666666666,spk_0,that we need to put in the DS. +214,10.910833333333333,10.959316666666666,spk_0,What if we didn't do the highlighting for the whole 12 files? +215,10.9595,11.0025,spk_0,"We just did the highlight on three or four," +216,11.00265,11.028166666666667,spk_0,which will be the first ones that will be +217,11.028333333333334,11.074166666666668,spk_0,in the batch tips being thrown into the browser. +218,11.078983333333332,11.111833333333331,spk_0,"Uh And then from that moment on," +219,11.123816666666666,11.194483333333334,spk_0,we would only be highlighting on demand and cashing it. +220,11.195316666666669,11.2525,spk_0,Uh The idea there is to alleviate the work +221,11.263833333333332,11.31315,spk_0,that beckon has to do to start giving +222,11.315833333333334,11.32865,spk_0,the +223,11.348816666666666,11.366316666666666,spk_0,um +224,11.368,11.399816666666666,spk_0,"the results, I guess. So we" +225,11.413,11.425816666666666,spk_0,um +226,11.466666666666669,11.536316666666666,spk_0,not doing work up ahead until it's needed. That's the whole overall +227,11.556816666666666,11.597,spk_0,I think. Have you ever looked into that? Is that even +228,11.609666666666667,11.625166666666669,spk_0,meaningful? +229,11.645316666666666,11.646333333333333,spk_2,Uh +230,11.649333333333333,11.729983333333331,spk_2,"Probably probably we had a look at it but uh as it, so to me," +231,11.73015,11.802816666666669,spk_2,it sounds like more like front end dream because um +232,11.8065,11.815666666666669,spk_2,uh +233,11.823816666666668,11.89365,spk_2,it's uh uh everything comes down to fetching the files. +234,11.893833333333331,11.985666666666669,spk_2,"Yeah, we just fetch uh four files and display them. Yeah. If we scroll further" +235,11.987666666666666,12.076983333333333,spk_2,"uh further, we uh fetch more files uh regarding the back end. Uh" +236,12.09015,12.120316666666668,spk_2,"No, probably it's not" +237,12.122816666666669,12.157816666666667,spk_2,"feasible not to," +238,12.172483333333334,12.193316666666666,spk_2,"not to highlight," +239,12.207983333333331,12.214666666666666,spk_2,"uh," +240,12.224816666666667,12.270483333333331,spk_2,"I mean, yeah, so it all comes down to front end." +241,12.27065,12.314316666666668,spk_2,"Yeah, and fetching the smaller set of files." +242,12.314483333333332,12.366833333333334,spk_2,"I don't know whether we consider, consider it before." +243,12.367,12.432983333333333,spk_2,"But yeah, it's, it's possible. But uh to be honest, I would," +244,12.456816666666668,12.486983333333333,spk_2,I wouldn't look at them +245,12.49015,12.56315,spk_2,"currently. For example, if we're talking about 12 files, currently we fetch" +246,12.5755,12.682666666666666,spk_2,the whole content of those 12 files. Yeah. And maybe we should uh consider first +247,12.686316666666666,12.7285,spk_2,um avoid at least fetching +248,12.73215,12.780816666666666,spk_2,the whole content of 12 files but only fetching +249,12.780983333333332,12.82,spk_2,"some limited set of data because for example," +250,12.820166666666667,12.891,spk_2,"if those files are uh one megabyte or 10 megabyte each," +251,12.89115,12.9625,spk_2,so we will still fetch uh the whole file which is uh +252,12.96765,12.999333333333333,spk_2,"yeah, which is not so performant." +253,12.999816666666666,13.03515,spk_2,"But uh as we discussed before," +254,13.035316666666668,13.125983333333334,spk_2,"it's done in order to provide the context for the for the whole file, for example, uh" +255,13.128166666666669,13.218483333333332,spk_2,"as for the view files uh currently that we have an issue, um the script" +256,13.231333333333334,13.278333333333332,spk_2,is somewhere um higher +257,13.282666666666668,13.306983333333331,spk_2,in the beginning of the file. +258,13.309666666666669,13.405983333333332,spk_2,And uh so uh our highlighter doesn't understand whether it's html or +259,13.407666666666668,13.454666666666666,spk_2,javascript that it needs to highlight. +260,13.458983333333334,13.467833333333331,spk_2,So +261,13.479333333333331,13.560833333333331,spk_2,um something to have a look and definitely there's room for improvement. +262,13.560983333333333,13.585316666666667,spk_2,"But yeah, it should be discussed" +263,13.611983333333333,13.626983333333332,spk_2,and investigated. +264,13.635833333333334,13.645,spk_2,OK. +265,13.66315,13.739483333333334,spk_0,"So you, you're saying that a lot, all of this work is triggered by the front end call." +266,13.739666666666666,13.793483333333333,spk_0,So essentially we do the highlights and all that stuff. If it's not cached +267,13.79865,13.825816666666666,spk_0,when the front and ask for it. +268,13.8305,13.907983333333334,spk_2,"Uh Your, your suggestion is driven by a front end call. Uh" +269,13.919166666666667,14.010833333333334,spk_2,"Well, regarding my uh improvement, I mean regarding not fetching the blocks," +270,14.014483333333333,14.095316666666667,spk_2,"it's uh backend driven because everything happens on, on backend, on backend," +271,14.095483333333334,14.138316666666666,spk_2,we fetch the whole content of the files. +272,14.138483333333332,14.186833333333333,spk_2,"Uh because currently we highlight the files, the DS," +273,14.19,14.2045,spk_2,we highlight the des +274,14.2085,14.2355,spk_2,on backend and then +275,14.238,14.258833333333332,spk_2,return it to front +276,14.260666666666667,14.266316666666668,spk_2,end. +277,14.273333333333332,14.324816666666669,spk_2,"And yeah, uh like fetching the files is back" +278,14.3265,14.368483333333334,spk_2,driven. Uh Your idea is front +279,14.37065,14.381666666666666,spk_2,end driven. +280,14.42465,14.45365,spk_0,OK? We're probably gonna have +281,14.455666666666666,14.455816666666667,spk_0,"a," +282,14.459316666666666,14.544316666666669,spk_0,I know that we have some documentation already and I'm looking at it uh right now for +283,14.546,14.56615,spk_0,like the um +284,14.5785,14.60815,spk_0,I'm looking at the documentation that has been updated +285,14.608333333333333,14.655666666666669,spk_0,recently that has all all the details there. +286,14.664666666666667,14.6795,spk_0,So +287,14.683983333333334,14.722,spk_0,"front end call, dispatch, it pillows," +288,14.722166666666666,14.743483333333334,spk_0,the DS and all that stuff and that's where +289,14.74365,14.77765,spk_0,it does a lot of like calculating un foldable D +290,14.7795,14.831333333333331,spk_0,lines and all that stuff in specific here. +291,14.843483333333332,14.87465,spk_0,We see that +292,14.88115,14.893833333333331,spk_0,um +293,14.912833333333332,14.92,spk_0,you get +294,14.922,14.925333333333333,spk_0,up D +295,14.927333333333332,14.98715,spk_0,highlight cash kind of thing is over here once we're writing to the cash. +296,15.001333333333331,15.0105,spk_0,But +297,15.027166666666666,15.073816666666668,spk_0,part of part of this conversation is probably because +298,15.074,15.1355,spk_0,we would like to speed up the delivery of DS +299,15.147166666666667,15.2035,spk_0,and potentially postpone the the workload of +300,15.20365,15.248,spk_0,doing the highlight which could be done +301,15.273166666666668,15.308666666666667,spk_0,"um with the DS already on the page," +302,15.308833333333334,15.380816666666666,spk_0,we could first display them not highlighted and then highlight them at a later stage +303,15.38815,15.410316666666668,spk_0,when the user scrolls to it. +304,15.418,15.45815,spk_0,"Um So we're probably gonna be," +305,15.458333333333334,15.5355,spk_0,uh it's gonna be useful to have one particular discussion exclusively about +306,15.551166666666669,15.592483333333334,spk_0,watching as we could do about the highlighting. But +307,15.602816666666667,15.62,spk_0,um +308,15.631816666666667,15.656816666666666,spk_0,I'm not sure we're ready for it yet. +309,15.661833333333334,15.673166666666669,spk_0,Um +310,15.70815,15.717166666666667,spk_0,OK. +311,15.73915,15.78015,spk_0,Anybody has any more thoughts or questions about that. +312,15.88715,15.89665,spk_0,OK. +313,15.913833333333333,15.951333333333332,spk_0,Um Let's keep tracking that uh +314,15.956666666666669,16.00065,spk_0,Or at least keep discussing this because I feel like +315,16.0275,16.077166666666667,spk_0,while the line by line next highlighting might not be +316,16.080816666666667,16.097166666666666,spk_0,"the way to go," +317,16.1025,16.13315,spk_0,there might be some lessons there. Um +318,16.158833333333334,16.180983333333334,spk_0,"You were for your," +319,16.199,16.21965,spk_0,"for your context," +320,16.2265,16.282816666666665,spk_0,it's still not very clear how much of +321,16.282983333333334,16.332666666666668,spk_0,a service side rendered approach we'll be employing +322,16.352166666666665,16.376166666666666,spk_0,and that will change a lot of +323,16.394166666666667,16.467,spk_0,"these decisions, right? If we end up deciding to do the the service side rendering," +324,16.4775,16.493166666666667,spk_0,um +325,16.496333333333332,16.58315,spk_0,we'll definitely need to prioritize a lot of these um processes to be back and +326,16.598333333333333,16.656666666666666,spk_0,"uh run, run in the back and, and not leverage in the front end, but we'll," +327,16.656816666666668,16.67065,spk_0,we'll discuss that. +328,16.694316666666666,16.721816666666665,spk_0,Cool Thomas. Do you wanna take your point? +329,16.734833333333334,16.745166666666666,spk_0,I'll be right back. +330,16.755333333333333,16.78815,spk_1,"Yeah. Um I just wanted to," +331,16.8005,16.870316666666668,spk_1,I wasn't sure exactly what we needed to output from these meetings +332,16.870483333333333,16.932983333333333,spk_1,in this quarter or whatever in terms of the actual workflow document. +333,16.93315,16.950333333333333,spk_1,So I was just asking that +334,16.957983333333335,17.065,spk_1,"uh I see there that Phil has created an Mr for that, which I believe is" +335,17.07015,17.144333333333332,spk_1,"I think it's the full output that we need to do. So, I don't know, I don't know." +336,17.156666666666666,17.23966666666667,spk_1,"Like I said, in my note, I'm still trying to parse the, the workflow like page. Um" +337,17.243833333333335,17.289133333333332,spk_1,But I'm not sure what all we need to include in this +338,17.293466666666667,17.307166666666667,spk_1,because like +339,17.313,17.337833333333332,spk_1,"I'm focusing sort of," +340,17.338,17.377333333333333,spk_1,we actually a lot of our conversations are around technical stuff. +341,17.3775,17.415816666666668,spk_1,Like how are we gonna do this or what can we do? +342,17.417983333333332,17.442,spk_1,"And I don't know, like," +343,17.444,17.49266666666667,spk_1,"do we need to document this in that workflow document or is this," +344,17.492816666666666,17.513,spk_1,is this something that's higher level? +345,17.513166666666667,17.537666666666667,spk_1,I just don't really know exactly what +346,17.5485,17.57133333333333,spk_1,"the guidelines are here," +347,17.638,17.667,spk_0,right? So um +348,17.671166666666668,17.72615,spk_0,Phil has already started the the actual document which is +349,17.726316666666666,17.763983333333332,spk_0,a mark on file that will be put putting there. +350,17.770316666666666,17.82133333333333,spk_0,"Uh And then I guess everything that's useful to implement," +351,17.8215,17.854166666666668,spk_0,it needs to be linked there. +352,17.854333333333333,17.863,spk_0,At least +353,17.875333333333334,17.89565,spk_0,anybody has any other thoughts. +354,17.927833333333332,17.958833333333335,spk_3,"Yeah, I think that's right. So we decided on" +355,17.975666666666665,17.97615,spk_3,if +356,17.980816666666666,17.997816666666665,spk_3,I rent and we would +357,18.01565,18.05433333333333,spk_3,"talk about that in that document, I presume," +358,18.076316666666667,18.103316666666668,spk_3,"I guess I should have everything," +359,18.107316666666662,18.157316666666667,spk_3,"the whole implementing implementation details inside of it," +360,18.198166666666665,18.226983333333333,spk_3,whatever we link to issues or other than +361,18.2355,18.25,spk_3,whatever that's easier. +362,18.336816666666667,18.36683333333333,spk_3,"But yeah, there's a lot to read about the whole" +363,18.373666666666665,18.37665,spk_3,thing. +364,18.388,18.3945,spk_3,"Yeah, I," +365,18.394666666666662,18.467816666666668,spk_3,I kind of skipped most of it and had to call it done and hope that he could tell me all. +366,18.467983333333333,18.473166666666668,spk_1,OK? +367,18.49148333333333,18.551816666666667,spk_1,"That sounds good. The document is like it's not too long, it's just like" +368,18.55815,18.621166666666667,spk_1,it's hard for me to pull action items out of it. Like I understand the concept. +369,18.62133333333333,18.651816666666665,spk_1,I just don't really get like what it's trying to tell me. +370,18.66565,18.693316666666668,spk_1,"Um OK, that sounds good." +371,18.713816666666663,18.78665,spk_1,Um My other point is I created a new +372,18.788816666666666,18.807,spk_1,"issue, which is" +373,18.81165,18.82783333333333,spk_1,"one of those things where I'm like," +374,18.828,18.86798333333333,spk_1,"I don't know if this is gonna be part of the architecture, work flow or not." +375,18.869983333333334,18.87933333333333,spk_1,Um +376,18.8835,18.932166666666667,spk_1,But as we were talking about metrics and +377,18.932316666666665,18.972816666666667,spk_1,"uh like accessibility and that kind of stuff," +378,18.973,19.014316666666662,spk_1,it seemed like uh what our definition of done +379,19.01448333333333,19.062833333333334,spk_1,is is gonna be slightly different than like metrics. +380,19.063,19.09115,spk_1,"And so I created an issue for that for us to like," +381,19.091316666666668,19.125333333333334,spk_1,define what our definition of done is. +382,19.13,19.138816666666667,spk_1,Um +383,19.14515,19.17015,spk_1,"Because we have metrics, we can track," +384,19.17031666666667,19.217166666666667,spk_1,we have like the desire to do accessibility like +385,19.21733333333333,19.26565,spk_1,"as a guaranteed boolean like yes or no," +386,19.267166666666668,19.30883333333333,spk_1,"but then like, how do we define when work is done?" +387,19.309,19.40348333333333,spk_1,"It, does it meet metrics 100% of the time? Is it 70 p 75 or whatever, that kind of stuff?" +388,19.40365,19.408666666666665,spk_1,So +389,19.41215,19.447316666666666,spk_1,um uh feel free to contribute there. +390,19.45148333333333,19.48515,spk_1,"I put two things in the description. I think they're," +391,19.494333333333334,19.553316666666667,spk_1,they're uh guaranteed things and then we have to define what +392,19.55348333333333,19.60148333333333,spk_1,"they are because I said meets our technical uh metrics," +393,19.60165,19.62665,spk_1,but we haven't really defined those yet. +394,19.626816666666667,19.63133333333333,spk_1,So +395,19.638816666666667,19.648666666666667,spk_1,um feel +396,19.650666666666663,19.67215,spk_1,free to contribute wherever. +397,19.725166666666667,19.74383333333333,spk_0,Cool. Thanks Thomas. +398,19.744,19.78783333333333,spk_0,"Uh I added a note here just because the way I see it," +399,19.788,19.83183333333333,spk_0,"a lot of these discussions about the meaningful metrics," +400,19.832,19.85683333333333,spk_0,the defining maintainability. +401,19.85933333333333,19.916833333333333,spk_0,All of the outcome of those discussions will basically be +402,19.917,19.97815,spk_0,sections in that document that Phil is creating right now. +403,19.983666666666668,20.054166666666667,spk_0,"And in the end, what we'll have is exactly a guiding document for" +404,20.057816666666668,20.092816666666668,spk_0,this project. What will be the benchmark? +405,20.092983333333333,20.12815,spk_0,"Sorry, what will be the budgets that we have to apply?" +406,20.128316666666667,20.197816666666668,spk_0,Um abide to and all that stuff will be in the document there +407,20.20798333333333,20.233833333333333,spk_0,to guide the implementation. +408,20.234,20.290816666666668,spk_0,"and hopefully by the end of it, everything will be cleared up" +409,20.29383333333333,20.322816666666668,spk_0,and not be like a TBD. +410,20.33783333333333,20.34315,spk_0,Yeah. +411,20.363333333333333,20.37248333333333,spk_0,Hm +412,20.37933333333333,20.4105,spk_0,"Yeah, thanks for starting. This is definitely" +413,20.415816666666668,20.46215,spk_0,something that could be a little bit more specific to uh +414,20.462316666666663,20.496983333333333,spk_0,us as we want to be a little bit more strict +415,20.503816666666665,20.574316666666668,spk_0,um than the overall GITLA project. I feel like this is definitely gonna be useful +416,20.578316666666662,20.60565,spk_0,in the end. So thanks for that. +417,20.66133333333333,20.668316666666662,spk_0,"Cool," +418,20.699816666666667,20.7045,spk_0,you go. +419,20.74515,20.79748333333333,spk_2,"Uh Yeah, I have noticed that Patrick mentioned that uh" +420,20.79948333333333,20.8275,spk_2,"she won't be," +421,20.829666666666668,20.886816666666668,spk_2,"she won't attend uh any of the meeting uh some of the meetings," +422,20.886983333333333,20.94748333333333,spk_2,so I decided to mention as well that I will be off next next week. +423,20.951,21.02615,spk_2,"So yeah, nothing important. Just uh yeah, I'll be off for the next meeting." +424,21.14698333333333,21.2025,spk_0,"Cool. Thank you, Igor Enjoy the time off. Um" +425,21.20565,21.2885,spk_0,"I had a last point here uh last minute because I wanted like last time we spoke," +426,21.28865,21.327166666666667,spk_0,um we were targeting to have +427,21.338,21.354333333333333,spk_0,captured +428,21.360666666666667,21.423666666666666,spk_0,uh the way that the gifts are rendered calculated +429,21.438983333333333,21.45,spk_0,um +430,21.47465,21.49183333333333,spk_0,um +431,21.505,21.57133333333333,spk_0,"that we do today on, on all of the areas that we have this today." +432,21.575166666666668,21.63498333333333,spk_0,I want to do a quick check on where we are about +433,21.647316666666665,21.686166666666665,spk_0,that. So essentially +434,21.721,21.761983333333333,spk_0,these are the four categories I think. +435,21.77615,21.79315,spk_0,"I mean, there's still" +436,21.79515,21.84915,spk_0,"giddily somewhere in there, but I all include that as back end" +437,21.8655,21.873,spk_0,for now. So +438,21.88665,21.9,spk_0,I can say +439,21.90365,21.91165,spk_0,"I was," +440,21.919,21.975666666666665,spk_1,I was supposed to do that work to convert Phil's uh exra +441,21.98966666666667,22.057316666666665,spk_1,thing to Mermaid and I completely forgot. So that's not done. Sorry. +442,22.075166666666668,22.15748333333333,spk_0,"-- Uh All right. So today +-- will be my is like a big catch up day. So I'm trying to," +443,22.16733333333333,22.188816666666668,spk_1,I'll probably get to that today. +444,22.21933333333333,22.22648333333333,spk_0,Yes. +445,22.22665,22.278316666666665,spk_0,"And I have to remind you like we don't have to ha we don't," +446,22.27848333333333,22.32048333333333,spk_0,we don't want it to be perfect. +447,22.321,22.367166666666662,spk_0,You want it to be done essentially. So +448,22.37398333333333,22.419816666666662,spk_0,it's college draw migration and started. +449,22.443483333333333,22.44383333333333,spk_2,I +450,22.4505,22.4875,spk_2,"-- think +-- if I'm, if I'm recalling correct," +451,22.487666666666662,22.536483333333333,spk_1,"I think Amy had started converting this to Mermaid, hadn't she?" +452,22.55433333333333,22.56365,spk_0,You wanted +453,22.567666666666668,22.59915,spk_0,to have it converted? I saw +454,22.604166666666668,22.615816666666667,spk_1,"a," +455,22.619816666666665,22.686,spk_1,"I don't know where it is, but I gotta find it. I saw a collapse like a details collapse." +456,22.686166666666665,22.739316666666667,spk_1,And inside of that is a bunch of mermaid stuff. And +457,22.741666666666667,22.77733333333333,spk_1,uh I think it's related to this. +458,22.783666666666665,22.831333333333333,spk_1,"It's not done, but I I'm pretty sure it is this." +459,22.83715,22.91398333333333,spk_0,"Well, if it is good, that's good luck for you. But if it's not, you have to do it anyway." +460,22.91415,22.958666666666662,spk_0,"So, but yeah, please take a look at it soon. So we can" +461,22.9605,23.003816666666665,spk_0,"because what I want, what I want is to have as soon as we have." +462,23.00398333333333,23.041833333333333,spk_0,"I know uh we'll, we'll check the other sections" +463,23.04683333333333,23.09565,spk_0,as soon as we have these. We should all get +464,23.1045,23.115,spk_0,like +465,23.126816666666667,23.132483333333333,spk_0,a P +466,23.136,23.167816666666667,spk_0,"to say, listen, documentations is ready," +467,23.16798333333333,23.222483333333333,spk_0,go take a look and then we'll chat about it because +468,23.225666666666665,23.28,spk_0,we'll have to have a sync discussion about or a sync or a sync +469,23.282,23.2925,spk_0,discussion +470,23.305316666666663,23.355166666666666,spk_0,about how we extract the patterns that match +471,23.357,23.42716666666667,spk_0,"all, all things. But anyway, so that's the status of code view, front end Thomas." +472,23.427333333333333,23.471666666666668,spk_0,Thank you so much. Let's hope to have it done in the next couple of days. +473,23.482316666666662,23.51631666666667,spk_0,Uh Who else was to provide an update? +474,23.536166666666663,23.546333333333333,spk_4,Uh +475,23.5485,23.581666666666667,spk_4,"Yeah, I did start with the," +476,23.5905,23.65965,spk_4,the source code content. Um I added the um +477,23.66398333333333,23.723,spk_4,the diagrams for compare branches and repository commit. +478,23.742,23.75365,spk_4,Um +479,23.76148333333333,23.81365,spk_4,They're pretty simple because they both Hamel based. +480,23.813816666666668,23.90598333333333,spk_4,Um The only difference really is on the repository we requested um +481,23.910833333333333,23.935666666666663,spk_4,The diffs asynchronously. +482,23.957166666666662,24.00548333333333,spk_4,That's really the only notable difference uh +483,24.009816666666666,24.022816666666667,spk_4,"between them," +484,24.038,24.07198333333333,spk_4,"but it's in the, it's in that issue." +485,24.07865,24.094666666666665,spk_4,"If you wanted to," +486,24.102166666666665,24.12265,spk_4,anyone wants to take a look. +487,24.134,24.17698333333333,spk_0,I'm guessing that this is what you're talking about. Jack. +488,24.182316666666665,24.20115,spk_0,That's the one. Yeah. +489,24.22133333333333,24.23966666666667,spk_0,"All right, cool." +490,24.24748333333333,24.278983333333333,spk_0,"We'll definitely take a look at it and," +491,24.279166666666665,24.337666666666667,spk_0,"and if you have any questions or clarifications that we need," +492,24.340333333333334,24.40165,spk_0,feel free to ping Jack on this thread and um +493,24.40765,24.44233333333333,spk_0,we'll take it from there. Right? More updates. +494,24.582166666666662,24.671666666666667,spk_2,"Yeah, I saw that um uh Jack did it to them. Um Front end architecture." +495,24.6815,24.713816666666663,spk_2,"Uh And yeah, it looked" +496,24.716833333333334,24.719166666666663,spk_2,to uh +497,24.72265,24.77533333333333,spk_2,"um it seemed to me that uh it's, it's enough," +498,24.7755,24.85548333333333,spk_2,but probably I should add more details here if we're interested about um uh +499,24.85933333333333,24.86598333333333,spk_2,gli +500,24.87183333333333,24.926316666666665,spk_2,"involvement into this. Then uh Yeah," +501,24.93065,25.005983333333333,spk_2,I'll add details or maybe um either me +502,25.00815,25.02166666666667,spk_2,"or Sean," +503,25.025916666666667,25.06525,spk_2,we'll ask someone from the team to +504,25.067416666666663,25.10425,spk_2,read the diagram. Yeah. And +505,25.107566666666667,25.115583333333333,spk_2,so +506,25.120066666666663,25.18923333333333,spk_2,"-- I'll have the update yet today or +-- tomorrow. I think, I think it would still be useful," +507,25.194416666666665,25.25658333333333,spk_0,"especially as we're like, especially when we're talking about" +508,25.261416666666666,25.291566666666668,spk_0,front and architecture changes. +509,25.29175,25.35823333333333,spk_0,We're not really clear about what that means for you all in the back end for +510,25.3619,25.3679,spk_0,"gy," +511,25.373083333333334,25.408916666666663,spk_0,"like for example, this partial things," +512,25.418233333333333,25.492733333333334,spk_0,would that speed things up significantly or would still not make um +513,25.503316666666667,25.55115,spk_0,"that much of a difference. So we, we just want to" +514,25.558666666666667,25.597483333333333,spk_0,uh um understand and I'll just +515,25.61615,25.638816666666667,spk_0,to um +516,25.643316666666667,25.66865,spk_0,make that a little bit more specific +517,25.678,25.707,spk_0,"when we're requesting the DS," +518,25.7135,25.767,spk_0,we could distinguish between the gifts that are visible now to the +519,25.767166666666668,25.800833333333333,spk_0,user and the ones that are not visible to the user. +520,25.801,25.877333333333333,spk_0,"So we could cut some corners and render those much quicker because then later on," +521,25.8775,25.900166666666667,spk_0,we'll refresh them +522,25.902666666666665,25.93133333333333,spk_0,for the real thing later on. +523,25.937666666666665,25.998666666666665,spk_0,"Uh which means that the request to get, it could be much lighter" +524,26.005166666666668,26.03898333333333,spk_0,if we don't need all the information that we +525,26.043316666666662,26.067816666666666,spk_0,might need later. So +526,26.07248333333333,26.126483333333333,spk_0,"a lot of these decisions are like full stack, they go from the beginning to the end." +527,26.12665,26.146,spk_0,"So yeah, we're very useful." +528,26.1505,26.16398333333333,spk_0,Um +529,26.20615,26.26148333333333,spk_0,Thanks and uh the code review back. And +530,26.26333333333333,26.33416666666667,spk_0,um as far as I understand they have been being there's a couple of meg +531,26.336483333333334,26.355166666666666,spk_0,requests being merged +532,26.384816666666666,26.44148333333333,spk_0,"and there's the one in flight uh again, Patrick absence," +533,26.484,26.50965,spk_0,but from what I can see +534,26.54148333333333,26.6045,spk_0,several MRMRS are being +535,26.60683333333333,26.637833333333333,spk_0,merged slash reviewed +536,26.6485,26.67415,spk_0,into this page. +537,26.6885,26.696166666666667,spk_0,"Sorry," +538,26.7175,26.749816666666668,spk_0,I shouldn't put the hash there. +539,26.764316666666662,26.863983333333334,spk_0,Um And that's what I think is the latest update from the back end for code review. +540,26.86415,26.933333333333334,spk_0,"Um In this particular sense, the diagrams are the ones that are really tiny," +541,26.945833333333333,27.019,spk_0,"but we probably want to take a look at that, try to understand everything that, that" +542,27.03098333333333,27.11766666666667,spk_0,that is over there so we could potentially um understand that better. And um +543,27.145316666666663,27.18433333333333,spk_0,"yeah, I guess it was the flow section but" +544,27.19115,27.20965,spk_0,I put it to the whole page. +545,27.23915,27.248166666666663,spk_0,Cool. +546,27.24833333333333,27.33115,spk_0,Uh So let's uh it feels like we're getting to once we have Thomas's uh +547,27.331333333333333,27.415816666666668,spk_0,"migration of Bill's diagram and once we have the back end from source code," +548,27.415983333333333,27.47083333333333,spk_0,it feels like we have a good spot to just overview everything together +549,27.474816666666666,27.54065,spk_0,first synchronous and then have a synchronous discussion about it. So um +550,27.555,27.62933333333333,spk_0,"thanks everybody for, for that um update anybody has any other points." +551,27.77465,27.784983333333333,spk_0,Cool. +552,27.791316666666667,27.80433333333333,spk_0,Um +553,27.825,27.884,spk_0,"So I'll, I'm just taking a look about what we need. We need to get done." +554,27.884166666666665,27.952666666666666,spk_0,"I'll update the Thursday call, broadcast the change on Slack" +555,27.96283333333333,28.009166666666665,spk_0,"Thomas will fish off," +556,28.032816666666665,28.118316666666665,spk_0,"I'll, I'll start an Mr to document the priorities in the Mr uh in the markdown file" +557,28.1355,28.1505,spk_0,and +558,28.15883333333333,28.215333333333334,spk_0,Igor will com complete or find someone to complete the back end +559,28.22415,28.309166666666663,spk_0,"of um details. And yeah, Thomas will update the migration of that." +560,28.30933333333333,28.32848333333333,spk_0,So I feel like we have +561,28.330483333333333,28.33065,spk_0,a +562,28.346,28.369,spk_0,"cool list of things to," +563,28.369166666666665,28.4105,spk_0,to get done on and let's participate in the +564,28.410666666666668,28.454833333333333,spk_0,discussion of the definition of done everybody so we can +565,28.471,28.505983333333333,spk_0,get it in a place to get merged to. +566,28.525666666666663,28.534166666666668,spk_0,"All right," +567,28.536,28.536166666666663,spk_0,a +568,28.540816666666668,28.574316666666668,spk_0,"bit chaotic, but uh we got it through." +569,28.574483333333333,28.653316666666665,spk_0,"Thank, thank you so much for, for, for everybody's input and um" +570,28.657316666666667,28.69298333333333,spk_0,"yeah, I'll see you either Thursday or" +571,28.704666666666668,28.717,spk_0,"Tuesday," +572,28.720316666666665,28.73098333333333,spk_0,I guess. +573,28.76415,28.786,spk_0,All right. Take care everybody +574,28.7905,28.80365,spk_0,too. Thanks everybody. +575,28.8125,28.82248333333333,spk_0,Thank you. diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_2.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_2.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7076d3948ba1eea2d22d45d483d0b4dd5c4b040f --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_2.csv @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,21.14698333,21.2025,spk_0,"Cool. Thank you, Igor Enjoy the time off. Um" +1,21.20565,21.2885,spk_0,"I had a last point here uh last minute because I wanted like last time we spoke," +2,21.28865,21.32716667,spk_0,um we were targeting to have +3,21.338,21.35433333,spk_0,captured +4,21.36066667,21.42366667,spk_0,uh the way that the gifts are rendered calculated +5,21.43898333,21.45,spk_0,um +6,21.47465,21.49183333,spk_0,um +7,21.505,21.57133333,spk_0,"that we do today on, on all of the areas that we have this today." +8,21.57516667,21.63498333,spk_0,I want to do a quick check on where we are about +9,21.64731667,21.68616667,spk_0,that. So essentially +10,21.721,21.76198333,spk_0,these are the four categories I think. +11,21.77615,21.79315,spk_0,"I mean, there's still" +12,21.79515,21.84915,spk_0,"giddily somewhere in there, but I all include that as back end" +13,21.8655,21.873,spk_0,for now. So +14,21.88665,21.9,spk_0,I can say +15,21.90365,21.91165,spk_0,"I was," +16,21.919,21.97566667,spk_1,I was supposed to do that work to convert Phil's uh exra +17,21.98966667,22.05731667,spk_1,thing to Mermaid and I completely forgot. So that's not done. Sorry. +18,22.07516667,22.15748333,spk_0,"-- Uh All right. So today +-- will be my is like a big catch up day. So I'm trying to," +19,22.16733333,22.18881667,spk_1,I'll probably get to that today. +20,22.21933333,22.22648333,spk_0,Yes. +21,22.22665,22.27831667,spk_0,"And I have to remind you like we don't have to ha we don't," +22,22.27848333,22.32048333,spk_0,we don't want it to be perfect. +23,22.321,22.36716667,spk_0,You want it to be done essentially. So +24,22.37398333,22.41981667,spk_0,it's college draw migration and started. +25,22.44348333,22.44383333,spk_2,I +26,22.4505,22.4875,spk_2,"-- think +-- if I'm, if I'm recalling correct," +27,22.48766667,22.53648333,spk_1,"I think Amy had started converting this to Mermaid, hadn't she?" +28,22.55433333,22.56365,spk_0,You wanted +29,22.56766667,22.59915,spk_0,to have it converted? I saw +30,22.60416667,22.61581667,spk_1,"a," +31,22.61981667,22.686,spk_1,"I don't know where it is, but I gotta find it. I saw a collapse like a details collapse." +32,22.68616667,22.73931667,spk_1,And inside of that is a bunch of mermaid stuff. And +33,22.74166667,22.77733333,spk_1,uh I think it's related to this. +34,22.78366667,22.83133333,spk_1,"It's not done, but I I'm pretty sure it is this." +35,22.83715,22.91398333,spk_0,"Well, if it is good, that's good luck for you. But if it's not, you have to do it anyway." +36,22.91415,22.95866667,spk_0,"So, but yeah, please take a look at it soon. So we can" +37,22.9605,23.00381667,spk_0,"because what I want, what I want is to have as soon as we have." +38,23.00398333,23.04183333,spk_0,"I know uh we'll, we'll check the other sections" +39,23.04683333,23.09565,spk_0,as soon as we have these. We should all get +40,23.1045,23.115,spk_0,like +41,23.12681667,23.13248333,spk_0,a P +42,23.136,23.16781667,spk_0,"to say, listen, documentations is ready," +43,23.16798333,23.22248333,spk_0,go take a look and then we'll chat about it because +44,23.22566667,23.28,spk_0,we'll have to have a sync discussion about or a sync or a sync +45,23.282,23.2925,spk_0,discussion +46,23.30531667,23.35516667,spk_0,about how we extract the patterns that match +47,23.357,23.42716667,spk_0,"all, all things. But anyway, so that's the status of code view, front end Thomas." +48,23.42733333,23.47166667,spk_0,Thank you so much. Let's hope to have it done in the next couple of days. +49,23.48231667,23.51631667,spk_0,Uh Who else was to provide an update? +50,23.53616667,23.54633333,spk_4,Uh +51,23.5485,23.58166667,spk_4,"Yeah, I did start with the," +52,23.5905,23.65965,spk_4,the source code content. Um I added the um +53,23.66398333,23.723,spk_4,the diagrams for compare branches and repository commit. +54,23.742,23.75365,spk_4,Um +55,23.76148333,23.81365,spk_4,They're pretty simple because they both Hamel based. +56,23.81381667,23.90598333,spk_4,Um The only difference really is on the repository we requested um +57,23.91083333,23.93566667,spk_4,The diffs asynchronously. +58,23.95716667,24.00548333,spk_4,That's really the only notable difference uh +59,24.00981667,24.02281667,spk_4,"between them," +60,24.038,24.07198333,spk_4,"but it's in the, it's in that issue." +61,24.07865,24.09466667,spk_4,"If you wanted to," +62,24.10216667,24.12265,spk_4,anyone wants to take a look. +63,24.134,24.17698333,spk_0,I'm guessing that this is what you're talking about. Jack. +64,24.18231667,24.20115,spk_0,That's the one. Yeah. +65,24.22133333,24.23966667,spk_0,"All right, cool." +66,24.24748333,24.27898333,spk_0,"We'll definitely take a look at it and," +67,24.27916667,24.33766667,spk_0,"and if you have any questions or clarifications that we need," +68,24.34033333,24.40165,spk_0,feel free to ping Jack on this thread and um +69,24.40765,24.44233333,spk_0,we'll take it from there. Right? More updates. +70,24.58216667,24.67166667,spk_2,"Yeah, I saw that um uh Jack did it to them. Um Front end architecture." +71,24.6815,24.71381667,spk_2,"Uh And yeah, it looked" +72,24.71683333,24.71916667,spk_2,to uh +73,24.72265,24.77533333,spk_2,"um it seemed to me that uh it's, it's enough," +74,24.7755,24.85548333,spk_2,but probably I should add more details here if we're interested about um uh +75,24.85933333,24.86598333,spk_2,gli +76,24.87183333,24.92631667,spk_2,"involvement into this. Then uh Yeah," +77,24.93065,25.00598333,spk_2,I'll add details or maybe um either me +78,25.00815,25.02166667,spk_2,"or Sean," +79,25.02591667,25.06525,spk_2,we'll ask someone from the team to +80,25.06741667,25.10425,spk_2,read the diagram. Yeah. And +81,25.10756667,25.11558333,spk_2,so +82,25.12006667,25.18923333,spk_2,"-- I'll have the update yet today or +-- tomorrow. I think, I think it would still be useful," +83,25.19441667,25.25658333,spk_0,"especially as we're like, especially when we're talking about" +84,25.26141667,25.29156667,spk_0,front and architecture changes. +85,25.29175,25.35823333,spk_0,We're not really clear about what that means for you all in the back end for +86,25.3619,25.3679,spk_0,"gy," +87,25.37308333,25.40891667,spk_0,"like for example, this partial things," +88,25.41823333,25.49273333,spk_0,would that speed things up significantly or would still not make um +89,25.50331667,25.55115,spk_0,"that much of a difference. So we, we just want to" +90,25.55866667,25.59748333,spk_0,uh um understand and I'll just +91,25.61615,25.63881667,spk_0,to um +92,25.64331667,25.66865,spk_0,make that a little bit more specific +93,25.678,25.707,spk_0,"when we're requesting the DS," +94,25.7135,25.767,spk_0,we could distinguish between the gifts that are visible now to the +95,25.76716667,25.80083333,spk_0,user and the ones that are not visible to the user. +96,25.801,25.87733333,spk_0,"So we could cut some corners and render those much quicker because then later on," +97,25.8775,25.90016667,spk_0,we'll refresh them +98,25.90266667,25.93133333,spk_0,for the real thing later on. +99,25.93766667,25.99866667,spk_0,"Uh which means that the request to get, it could be much lighter" +100,26.00516667,26.03898333,spk_0,if we don't need all the information that we +101,26.04331667,26.06781667,spk_0,might need later. So +102,26.07248333,26.12648333,spk_0,"a lot of these decisions are like full stack, they go from the beginning to the end." +103,26.12665,26.146,spk_0,"So yeah, we're very useful." +104,26.1505,26.16398333,spk_0,Um +105,26.20615,26.26148333,spk_0,Thanks and uh the code review back. And +106,26.26333333,26.33416667,spk_0,um as far as I understand they have been being there's a couple of meg +107,26.33648333,26.35516667,spk_0,requests being merged +108,26.38481667,26.44148333,spk_0,"and there's the one in flight uh again, Patrick absence," +109,26.484,26.50965,spk_0,but from what I can see +110,26.54148333,26.6045,spk_0,several MRMRS are being +111,26.60683333,26.63783333,spk_0,merged slash reviewed +112,26.6485,26.67415,spk_0,into this page. +113,26.6885,26.69616667,spk_0,"Sorry," +114,26.7175,26.74981667,spk_0,I shouldn't put the hash there. +115,26.76431667,26.86398333,spk_0,Um And that's what I think is the latest update from the back end for code review. +116,26.86415,26.93333333,spk_0,"Um In this particular sense, the diagrams are the ones that are really tiny," +117,26.94583333,27.019,spk_0,"but we probably want to take a look at that, try to understand everything that, that" +118,27.03098333,27.11766667,spk_0,that is over there so we could potentially um understand that better. And um +119,27.14531667,27.18433333,spk_0,"yeah, I guess it was the flow section but" +120,27.19115,27.20965,spk_0,I put it to the whole page. +121,27.23915,27.24816667,spk_0,Cool. +122,27.24833333,27.33115,spk_0,Uh So let's uh it feels like we're getting to once we have Thomas's uh +123,27.33133333,27.41581667,spk_0,"migration of Bill's diagram and once we have the back end from source code," +124,27.41598333,27.47083333,spk_0,it feels like we have a good spot to just overview everything together +125,27.47481667,27.54065,spk_0,first synchronous and then have a synchronous discussion about it. So um +126,27.555,27.62933333,spk_0,"thanks everybody for, for that um update anybody has any other points." +127,27.77465,27.78498333,spk_0,Cool. +128,27.79131667,27.80433333,spk_0,Um +129,27.825,27.884,spk_0,"So I'll, I'm just taking a look about what we need. We need to get done." +130,27.88416667,27.95266667,spk_0,"I'll update the Thursday call, broadcast the change on Slack" +131,27.96283333,28.00916667,spk_0,"Thomas will fish off," +132,28.03281667,28.11831667,spk_0,"I'll, I'll start an Mr to document the priorities in the Mr uh in the markdown file" +133,28.1355,28.1505,spk_0,and +134,28.15883333,28.21533333,spk_0,Igor will com complete or find someone to complete the back end +135,28.22415,28.30916667,spk_0,"of um details. And yeah, Thomas will update the migration of that." +136,28.30933333,28.32848333,spk_0,So I feel like we have +137,28.33048333,28.33065,spk_0,a +138,28.346,28.369,spk_0,"cool list of things to," +139,28.36916667,28.4105,spk_0,to get done on and let's participate in the +140,28.41066667,28.45483333,spk_0,discussion of the definition of done everybody so we can +141,28.471,28.50598333,spk_0,get it in a place to get merged to. +142,28.52566667,28.53416667,spk_0,"All right," +143,28.536,28.53616667,spk_0,a +144,28.54081667,28.57431667,spk_0,"bit chaotic, but uh we got it through." +145,28.57448333,28.65331667,spk_0,"Thank, thank you so much for, for, for everybody's input and um" +146,28.65731667,28.69298333,spk_0,"yeah, I'll see you either Thursday or" +147,28.70466667,28.717,spk_0,"Tuesday," +148,28.72031667,28.73098333,spk_0,I guess. +149,28.76415,28.786,spk_0,All right. Take care everybody +150,28.7905,28.80365,spk_0,too. Thanks everybody. +151,28.8125,28.82248333,spk_0,Thank you. diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/2023-10-17_New_diffs_architecture_blueprint_1.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/2023-10-17_New_diffs_architecture_blueprint_1.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c223770178649d33386da1909d405e5299f95df1 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/2023-10-17_New_diffs_architecture_blueprint_1.csv @@ -0,0 +1,748 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,0.0293166666666666,0.0996666666666666,spk_0,"All right, we are live. Welcome to another weekly of the new D" +1,0.1076666666666666,0.185,spk_0,"architecture workflow meeting, synchronized meeting for Em" +2,0.1891666666666666,0.2085,spk_0,and America's. +3,0.2179833333333333,0.22965,spk_0,Um +4,0.23515,0.3005,spk_0,I'll start off with an uh I'll hijack the agenda just for a little bit. +5,0.30365,0.3395,spk_0,Just an fy I um +6,0.3469833333333333,0.36365,spk_0,Natalia +7,0.38565,0.4283333333333333,spk_0,in case you missed the update on on Slack +8,0.4383166666666666,0.4643333333333333,spk_0,Finna is now our coach. +9,0.4789833333333333,0.53265,spk_0,She will be helping us find a way throughout the whole process +10,0.53715,0.61865,spk_0,"of publishing this blueprint and, and giving some advice along the way. So" +11,0.6254833333333334,0.6313333333333334,spk_0,thanks for +12,0.6334833333333333,0.6484833333333333,spk_0,telling for the help. +13,0.64865,0.7226666666666667,spk_0,Um This came up in the review of the adding the blueprint to the documentation. So +14,0.7359833333333333,0.75765,spk_0,welcome. Do you wanna +15,0.7709833333333334,0.7849833333333333,spk_0,and s a few words? +16,0.8088166666666667,0.8885000000000001,spk_1,"Thank you. It's nice to be in create group again, at least temporarily." +17,0.893,0.9578333333333332,spk_0,"Yes. Like I always say, once, create, always create. So you never left." +18,0.9765,1.01715,spk_0,Uh All right. Thank you. Uh Let's move on to ST +19,1.0208333333333333,1.0239833333333332,spk_0,is like +20,1.0295,1.0468333333333333,spk_0,"-- you have a little point +-- there." +21,1.0738333333333334,1.1395,spk_2,"Yes, I, I've populated a list of issues with this." +22,1.1468166666666666,1.228,spk_2,"It's mostly front and focused, but I touched a little bit on the back side." +23,1.22965,1.2895,spk_2,So feel free to explore and maybe add something else. +24,1.3573333333333333,1.433,spk_3,"I was thinking about adding a separate section there with accessibility issues," +25,1.43315,1.45765,spk_3,"uh the front end, but" +26,1.46115,1.5044833333333334,spk_3,uh there might be quite a bit of them. So +27,1.5088166666666667,1.5091666666666668,spk_3,"yeah," +28,1.5218166666666666,1.5418333333333334,spk_3,extra list for that. +29,1.57365,1.624,spk_0,"Yeah, I think you already, you already did an audit, right?" +30,1.62415,1.6938166666666667,spk_0,"The document or at least started the audit of the current stiffs, right in the MRS." +31,1.7034833333333332,1.7173333333333334,spk_0,Um +32,1.72315,1.76065,spk_0,I think it would be definitely worth surfacing +33,1.7756666666666665,1.82065,spk_0,"the the problems there," +34,1.8384833333333328,1.89315,spk_0,but still linking to the full audits is useful. +35,1.895333333333333,1.9408166666666664,spk_0,Um The document to the to the document you're getting ready. +36,1.9495,2.012166666666667,spk_0,Um Because that would definitely be helpful for us to understand exactly +37,2.016983333333333,2.0615,spk_0,what are the big issues um there. +38,2.076483333333333,2.082483333333333,spk_0,"Yeah," +39,2.1388333333333334,2.1878333333333333,spk_0,cool. I was uh for the sake of everybody. Uh +40,2.20565,2.231333333333333,spk_0,I was just gonna be sharing the screen +41,2.244333333333333,2.259316666666667,spk_0,real quick. +42,2.270833333333333,2.3051500000000003,spk_0,"Sorry, my throat is killing me a little bit." +43,2.3175,2.3834833333333334,spk_0,So just as a like just so that we can all get a little synchronized here. +44,2.3836666666666666,2.419833333333333,spk_0,So you highlighted the virtual scrolling problems. +45,2.43715,2.482666666666667,spk_0,Do you wanna do you wanna walk us through that? Love. We have a short agenda. +46,2.482833333333333,2.501333333333333,spk_0,Do you wanna walk us through? +47,2.5213166666666664,2.532833333333333,spk_4,Um +48,2.5541666666666667,2.58565,spk_2,There's like a lot of a +49,2.587833333333333,2.6216666666666666,spk_2,lot of stuff to cover. Um +50,2.632983333333333,2.71715,spk_2,I can focus on scroll issues. Um And probably everyone here +51,2.7199833333333334,2.751333333333333,spk_2,have faced one of them +52,2.756,2.78815,spk_2,at least once. Uh Good luck. +53,2.790483333333333,2.799333333333333,spk_2,So +54,2.8055,2.88,spk_2,they're mostly about stuff when you click on sidebar items. +55,2.8939833333333334,2.9774833333333333,spk_2,"If the item is not loaded, usually it will do nothing or in the worst case" +56,2.9845,3.0141666666666667,spk_2,it can break the whole page. +57,3.0341666666666667,3.0456666666666665,spk_2,Um +58,3.056983333333333,3.0733166666666665,spk_2,Also +59,3.08,3.1213166666666665,spk_2,we've had some issues in the past when you +60,3.1228166666666666,3.177483333333333,spk_2,linked to a specific file or to a specific line +61,3.1841666666666666,3.2373333333333334,spk_2,and then use that link to go to a new page. +62,3.244333333333333,3.287333333333333,spk_2,Usually the file won't be scrolled +63,3.29365,3.3398166666666667,spk_2,to the place. So you will just see the first file +64,3.3468166666666668,3.430333333333333,spk_2,and nothing will happen. So we've tried to fix that a couple of times and I see +65,3.442833333333333,3.482833333333333,spk_2,uh people still having issues with that. +66,3.490166666666666,3.517316666666667,spk_2,Um Even though we have +67,3.5233166666666667,3.545983333333333,spk_2,"testing in place," +68,3.549,3.633333333333333,spk_2,it's still still not enough. There are some cases that we didn't cover. So +69,3.6398166666666665,3.6843166666666662,spk_2,there's a lot of stuff to be improved in the +70,3.6923166666666662,3.6978166666666663,spk_2,scoring +71,3.707483333333333,3.723,spk_2,uh area. +72,3.73665,3.783666666666667,spk_0,So I I would provide a bit of context here. +73,3.7875,3.800983333333333,spk_0,Um +74,3.81715,3.8745,spk_0,So the scrolling issues we saw coming up in the merger quests +75,3.8841666666666663,3.931983333333333,spk_0,came up from the progress +76,3.93615,3.9954833333333335,spk_0,through first loading the whole different ones and then +77,3.9956666666666663,4.061833333333333,spk_0,loading the different batches which some parts weren't loaded. +78,4.06915,4.102316666666667,spk_0,"Uh And then introducing fortress scrolling," +79,4.110816666666667,4.1725,spk_0,there was a bunch of changes in the dynamic on how things were loaded +80,4.181333333333333,4.225333333333333,spk_0,that were for the sake of performance. +81,4.225483333333333,4.285316666666667,spk_0,"But created this sort of like sometimes race conditions," +82,4.2855,4.3123,spk_0,whether things are loaded or not +83,4.316983333333333,4.3373,spk_0,without proper checks. +84,4.341333333333333,4.369,spk_0,So that's probably something that we need to +85,4.3715,4.412316666666666,spk_0,incorporate in the architecture is that +86,4.4125,4.480333333333333,spk_0,um being prepared for that synchronicity or +87,4.488166666666666,4.538316666666667,spk_0,"I don't know, event driven design, so to speak. But" +88,4.54365,4.620333333333333,spk_0,"definitely there's a lot of issues that come out of those decisions and just the," +89,4.6565,4.727333333333333,spk_0,"the evolution of the code base uh over time," +90,4.73165,4.786,spk_0,you do. Did you mention a bit of a back end uh bits here? +91,4.7861666666666665,4.8276666666666666,spk_0,The slow Synex highlighting this ha this has been +92,4.827833333333333,4.874,spk_0,fixed by now unable to fetch a specific file. +93,4.874816666666667,4.912316666666666,spk_0,"However, it uses a different end point" +94,4.923,4.96915,spk_0,that we were suspicious about the performance because it doesn't +95,4.969333333333333,5.02,spk_0,have all the optimizations that the the normal one has. +96,5.02015,5.060666666666667,spk_0,So we definitely should have that in mind +97,5.060816666666667,5.103483333333333,spk_0,when we're thinking about ways of fetching things. +98,5.1075,5.1355,spk_0,What's the best way and all that stuff? +99,5.150166666666666,5.199,spk_0,Uh The Leon E Tech has responses and overloading riders with +100,5.2011666666666665,5.2058333333333335,spk_0,caching +101,5.217833333333333,5.3065,spk_0,"that one, we need backend um Folks to come over and help us out" +102,5.315166666666666,5.348,spk_0,uh on that section. +103,5.36965,5.383,spk_0,Cool. All right. +104,5.38315,5.466983333333333,spk_0,"So we had a bit of a an overview and please feel free to engage there in the issue, um" +105,5.468833333333333,5.4943333333333335,spk_0,"synchronously and, and" +106,5.497316666666666,5.512983333333334,spk_0,"Pauline definitely," +107,5.513166666666667,5.5613166666666665,spk_0,the accessibility issues would definitely be useful to highlight there too +108,5.566166666666667,5.635816666666667,spk_0,"if you have issues. Just a summary like San Love did is useful as well," +109,5.68415,5.687666666666667,spk_0,right. +110,5.712166666666667,5.7566500000000005,spk_0,All right. Moving on to the next point. Uh I have it. +111,5.757333333333333,5.784316666666666,spk_0,I just want to let everybody know that the +112,5.7845,5.82065,spk_0,"blueprint page has been published like the draft," +113,5.820833333333333,5.8678333333333335,spk_0,the initial very empty placeholder kind of thing. +114,5.867983333333333,5.884816666666667,spk_0,Um +115,5.886666666666667,5.93215,spk_0,So the idea is not as the ongoing discussions +116,5.932333333333333,5.990483333333334,spk_0,come to a close that will move the conclusions and +117,6.000166666666667,6.03165,spk_0,the directions um +118,6.039833333333333,6.063166666666667,spk_0,over to the documentation. +119,6.072,6.1253166666666665,spk_0,So we already started doing that with the order of priorities. +120,6.125483333333333,6.1475,spk_0,Uh We're definitely going to be doing that +121,6.14765,6.18165,spk_0,"with the definition of done the meaningful metrics," +122,6.1818333333333335,6.237,spk_0,all of that will make its way to that page. +123,6.2465,6.288166666666666,spk_0,And I'd like to remind anybody can just open the merger quest to +124,6.288316666666667,6.342983333333334,spk_0,"add that as soon as the discussions come to a point of like," +125,6.34315,6.38315,spk_0,"yep, feels like we're having, we're in a good spot" +126,6.3901666666666666,6.4495,spk_0,"just to go ahead and open the merger quest and can all review and collaborate. So," +127,6.475316666666667,6.508333333333333,spk_0,uh questions about that +128,6.519333333333333,6.528333333333333,spk_0,of it. +129,6.544833333333333,6.552666666666667,spk_0,Oops. +130,6.605833333333333,6.6095,spk_0,Oh Yeah. +131,6.628833333333334,6.675816666666667,spk_0,Um I wanted to bring up the time of the meeting. Um +132,6.6965,6.733,spk_0,It's probably gonna be for the recording uh because +133,6.73315,6.756333333333333,spk_0,"there's not a lot of people outside here," +134,6.7636666666666665,6.837816666666667,spk_0,"but essentially uh A PAC had no attendance again uh this week," +135,6.837983333333334,6.858816666666667,spk_0,this past week on Thursday. +136,6.86765,6.952833333333333,spk_0,"The question is like, does anybody have any ideas on how we should deal with that?" +137,6.953333333333333,7.008816666666666,spk_0,Um I haven't chatted with David and Ash that are the +138,7.019833333333334,7.077166666666667,spk_0,immediate engineers that come to mind that are in that time zone. +139,7.084,7.113166666666666,spk_0,Um So +140,7.126816666666667,7.17015,spk_0,I live here. The question is open ended. +141,7.170333333333334,7.238166666666666,spk_0,If somebody has any ideas on how we can make the A pe call a little bit more useful +142,7.248316666666667,7.317483333333334,spk_0,"uh or give them a place to present proposals or discuss things," +143,7.33465,7.351983333333333,spk_0,whether we do need AAA +144,7.353983333333334,7.38165,spk_0,call is also a question. So +145,7.390983333333334,7.414316666666667,spk_0,uh keen to hear your feedback +146,7.426666666666667,7.457,spk_0,"on the, on this one." +147,7.471816666666666,7.50965,spk_0,It's currently clashing with the front end weekly meeting. +148,7.509816666666667,7.553666666666666,spk_0,"And the question is, should we move it to earlier or to later" +149,7.571816666666667,7.609816666666667,spk_0,and let's see what people think Stanislav. +150,7.653333333333333,7.667333333333334,spk_2,"Yeah, for me" +151,7.66965,7.714666666666667,spk_2,"e is, is better because we also have" +152,7.725816666666667,7.7345,spk_2,uh +153,7.74615,7.753166666666667,spk_2,front +154,7.754833333333333,7.773816666666667,spk_2,and vision group meeting +155,7.786666666666667,7.815483333333333,spk_2,"uh near that time. So," +156,7.81865,7.887,spk_2,"yeah, if you move it later, it will also collide with this meeting" +157,7.91765,7.959,spk_0,"and then after that it's too late for you. Yeah, I get it. Yeah." +158,7.96765,7.982333333333333,spk_0,Um +159,7.988483333333333,8.031333333333333,spk_0,"Thomas, what time is it over there? 730" +160,8.041983333333333,8.083,spk_5,it's 730 right now. 745. +161,8.099666666666666,8.101816666666666,spk_0,Ok. +162,8.1075,8.140833333333333,spk_0,That's the struggle. Um +163,8.19415,8.23215,spk_5,"I was, yeah, I was just gonna chime in and be like, well for me," +164,8.232333333333333,8.263166666666667,spk_5,it would be great if we moved it later +165,8.278166666666667,8.310666666666666,spk_0,"for you. And Carrie, that's the thing." +166,8.3225,8.355483333333334,spk_2,If we move it to like +167,8.35815,8.3865,spk_2,30 minutes later +168,8.39515,8.44315,spk_2,"-- or an hour later, I think it will be fine for +-- me." +169,8.490833333333333,8.515666666666666,spk_0,"Ok. So," +170,8.527333333333333,8.575966666666666,spk_0,so I'm gonna document here the tradeoffs that we're going to be taking this +171,8.577983333333334,8.609833333333333,spk_0,as uh asynchronously. So essentially +172,8.611666666666666,8.627816666666666,spk_0,earlier +173,8.675,8.710666666666667,spk_0,means uh Patrick +174,8.723166666666666,8.75065,spk_0,might make it more often +175,8.76115,8.778166666666667,spk_0,uh +176,8.7835,8.8055,spk_0,more convenient. +177,8.827333333333334,8.836983333333333,spk_0,All right. +178,8.852816666666667,8.861316666666667,spk_0,"Yeah," +179,8.902983333333333,8.928816666666666,spk_0,and slash front end +180,8.950166666666666,9.001166666666666,spk_0,"later. Oh, then that means that" +181,9.01315,9.048166666666669,spk_0,us folks can't attend +182,9.083833333333333,9.122816666666669,spk_0,later. Us folks can't attend. +183,9.13815,9.1505,spk_0,Patrick +184,9.185833333333331,9.2035,spk_0,can't make it +185,9.221483333333332,9.223333333333333,spk_0,good. +186,9.258833333333332,9.263833333333332,spk_6,Uh +187,9.279166666666669,9.347816666666668,spk_2,Maybe we can move the call um to another date like Monday +188,9.357983333333332,9.394483333333334,spk_2,because I don't see any meetings +189,9.396333333333333,9.41515,spk_2,"-- on Monday +-- happening." +190,9.446,9.521166666666666,spk_0,"So, yeah, what I'm struggling with is exactly the time itself. Um" +191,9.5275,9.585833333333332,spk_0,"The collision with the front end folks is just the front end weekly, just one of them," +192,9.594316666666666,9.621166666666667,spk_0,but I'm trying to understand +193,9.627816666666666,9.699816666666669,spk_0,"maybe instead of trying to stretch things into an A P A call," +194,9.720166666666668,9.802983333333334,spk_0,we can potentially have a little bit more tight oscillation of times. Um +195,9.826983333333333,9.87865,spk_0,"Yeah, I need to sit, I need to sit in front of a calendar of a time zone" +196,9.89265,9.915833333333332,spk_0,thing and just uh +197,9.91965,9.957983333333331,spk_0,shift things around and see where it lands. But +198,9.965483333333331,9.980983333333333,spk_0,"um," +199,10.040483333333333,10.105983333333333,spk_5,so I know the the time isn't great right now. Um +200,10.110666666666669,10.179166666666667,spk_5,But I will say that at this time of day is not like +201,10.1855,10.273483333333331,spk_5,"it's not undoable for me, right? So like 730 is OK, Carrie, I think maybe" +202,10.2795,10.344833333333334,spk_5,"she said the same thing. She's like 630 isn't the worst, but like," +203,10.35615,10.376983333333332,spk_5,"I mean, come on at 630" +204,10.397483333333334,10.426333333333334,spk_5,"-- that's the worst. +-- So" +205,10.44015,10.47,spk_0,to me that's literally the worst. But +206,10.483983333333333,10.543833333333334,spk_0,"um no, all right. So I didn't expect us to have an outcome here on the call." +207,10.544,10.599333333333334,spk_0,So I'll take these out and I'll think of something and come +208,10.599483333333334,10.649166666666666,spk_0,up with a proposal of synchronously and chat with you on Slack. +209,10.670833333333333,10.7325,spk_0,Cool. So which takes us to the current things. +210,10.732666666666669,10.806816666666666,spk_0,"Uh the current, ongoing effort to document the current state of deaths. Um" +211,10.812833333333334,10.86115,spk_0,"And if I remember correctly, we were" +212,10.8765,10.939483333333332,spk_0,"Oh yeah, because Igor said he'd be out of office. That's why Igor is not here too." +213,10.947333333333331,10.979983333333331,spk_0,Uh So we're waiting on SARS +214,10.981816666666669,11.038833333333333,spk_0,good back end. I haven't heard +215,11.05815,11.07265,spk_0,um +216,11.077816666666669,11.144483333333334,spk_0,"Jack, do you know if Igor has added anything for source code back end?" +217,11.166666666666666,11.217166666666667,spk_4,"Yeah. So I'm looking at the issue right now. It looks like he had a," +218,11.223166666666666,11.262833333333331,spk_4,"um, a diagram for the back end" +219,11.265666666666666,11.276166666666668,spk_4,um +220,11.293833333333334,11.328816666666668,spk_4,part of the source code pages. +221,11.344316666666666,11.40715,spk_4,"Um It looks like he wants some input from the," +222,11.41415,11.461316666666669,spk_4,from the other back end engineers as well just to +223,11.466666666666669,11.49,spk_4,check if he's missed anything. +224,11.50515,11.559983333333332,spk_0,"OK. That's, that's exactly right. That's exactly" +225,11.562316666666666,11.626983333333332,spk_0,what we need to do once we have all the diagrams in place. So +226,11.6355,11.660833333333333,spk_0,that's progress there. That's good. +227,11.664833333333334,11.682816666666668,spk_0,I'm trying to find +228,11.696816666666669,11.7005,spk_0,es +229,11.713483333333333,11.796483333333333,spk_0,"um Yep, found it, got the link there. I'm gonna put it here." +230,11.811316666666666,11.83615,spk_0,"So OK, we have that" +231,11.837833333333334,11.907666666666668,spk_0,front end source code. We already had that from last week. That's Jack. +232,11.921483333333333,11.9345,spk_0,Um +233,11.9625,11.9835,spk_0,Jack added. +234,11.995483333333333,12.04965,spk_0,"So it seems like source code, we have something to to base it off uh" +235,12.056666666666668,12.1045,spk_0,"code review back and we had," +236,12.124333333333333,12.147816666666667,spk_0,what were we waiting? +237,12.161316666666666,12.164483333333331,spk_0,Uh +238,12.219,12.261666666666668,spk_0,We have the document condition being updated itself. I +239,12.263666666666667,12.2865,spk_0,feel like that's +240,12.302166666666666,12.349,spk_0,what we've had from Patrick and the folks. +241,12.379333333333332,12.3855,spk_0,Uh +242,12.391,12.417166666666668,spk_0,"Yeah, in the front end" +243,12.422166666666667,12.423166666666669,spk_0,the +244,12.425,12.426816666666667,spk_0,se +245,12.429816666666667,12.450983333333332,spk_0,chart in the dogs now. +246,12.465,12.49765,spk_0,So we had uh we converted that to Mermaid. +247,12.547483333333334,12.549166666666666,spk_0,Oh +248,12.558833333333334,12.604666666666668,spk_0,"yes, we do. Right. Thomas, go ahead." +249,12.6365,12.71615,spk_5,"Wish we had more control over how um Merman renders. But yeah, it's, it's there. So" +250,12.73515,12.773333333333332,spk_0,"I mean, if anything can't we" +251,12.77565,12.823333333333334,spk_0,"inspect it and move it to. No," +252,12.85065,12.911666666666669,spk_0,"but we need to make it, we need to get the source code and then get it into an editor." +253,12.923166666666669,12.952983333333334,spk_0,"But yes, so at least we have them there." +254,12.955666666666668,12.970316666666667,spk_0,Um +255,12.973333333333333,12.998816666666666,spk_0,So it feels like we're in a good spot. +256,12.999,13.06965,spk_0,It feels like we're have a snapshot for all four contexts. +257,13.080983333333334,13.094483333333333,spk_0,Um +258,13.096333333333334,13.116,spk_0,So +259,13.134316666666669,13.176166666666669,spk_0,what I was thinking now that we have all four +260,13.177983333333334,13.248483333333333,spk_0,is to uh ask everybody to review them +261,13.25515,13.318,spk_0,in the next couple of days and potentially we could have +262,13.320316666666669,13.321483333333331,spk_0,"a, a" +263,13.3285,13.354983333333331,spk_0,discussion um +264,13.368833333333331,13.46415,spk_0,or just a call to answer questions. Maybe we can use the next week's call for it +265,13.471166666666669,13.5335,spk_0,to uh clarify any particular questions that we might +266,13.533666666666669,13.579166666666667,spk_0,have about the diagrams because the whole goal is to +267,13.582983333333331,13.676166666666669,spk_0,"align things both on the front end and on the back end, including Italy." +268,13.682816666666668,13.717483333333334,spk_0,"I'm particularly since the part that I don't know," +269,13.71765,13.749816666666666,spk_0,I'm particularly interested about the back end ones +270,13.767166666666666,13.79015,spk_0,and getting to know that a little bit. +271,13.795833333333333,13.813483333333334,spk_0,Um +272,13.816833333333332,13.854816666666666,spk_0,So I'll take a look at those and see what questions I have. +273,13.854983333333331,13.936666666666667,spk_0,"But the idea is then to try to see um things that work well, things that work," +274,13.936833333333333,13.948166666666667,spk_0,not so well. +275,13.948333333333334,13.963666666666668,spk_0,"And what can we," +276,13.969483333333333,14.01615,spk_0,how can we converge it into a single architecture? +277,14.021483333333334,14.0375,spk_0,But that will come +278,14.05265,14.087833333333334,spk_0,once we all review these things. +279,14.088,14.173483333333332,spk_0,"So I'll uh I'll take an action point to ping everybody," +280,14.191316666666667,14.227333333333334,spk_0,at least the dris um +281,14.230816666666666,14.321166666666668,spk_0,to review the documentation that has been published. Then this ones uh and +282,14.32365,14.38015,spk_0,"aim to have it discussed um or to have a," +283,14.380333333333333,14.46315,spk_0,an A ma or just some sort of like discussion about it in the next weekly call. +284,14.463316666666667,14.478816666666669,spk_0,If that sounds OK. +285,14.523483333333331,14.553983333333331,spk_0,Any other thoughts or questions +286,14.558333333333334,14.574483333333331,spk_0,or suggestions. +287,14.655816666666666,14.689,spk_0,Cool. I'll do that +288,14.69465,14.706816666666668,spk_0,action. +289,14.72565,14.747816666666669,spk_0,They will +290,14.756816666666667,14.762316666666669,spk_0,think +291,14.771816666666666,14.786666666666669,spk_0,everyone +292,14.81315,14.853983333333334,spk_0,take a look and discuss +293,14.863,14.889483333333333,spk_0,"in next weeks," +294,14.913316666666669,14.925166666666666,spk_0,"a, a mini style" +295,14.96315,15.008833333333332,spk_0,"and how you do. All right, cool. Uh Thomas, you have that explain." +296,15.034666666666666,15.0505,spk_5,Yeah. Um +297,15.061833333333333,15.115483333333334,spk_5,"So in talking about some like technical performance metrics," +298,15.115666666666666,15.15365,spk_5,"um I think it's really like, I" +299,15.1555,15.2295,spk_5,think it's really important that we define who we are trying to serve with this. +300,15.234833333333333,15.250166666666669,spk_5,Um Because +301,15.25715,15.302816666666669,spk_5,what I'm suggesting comes from a certain place which is +302,15.31115,15.358833333333331,spk_5,"like really low power devices on unreliable networks," +303,15.358983333333333,15.392166666666666,spk_5,developing country type stuff. +304,15.392316666666666,15.444166666666666,spk_5,"Um And we really need to nail down whether that's our target," +305,15.444316666666667,15.468166666666669,spk_5,whether we should be doing that. +306,15.47065,15.48215,spk_5,Um +307,15.491833333333334,15.562316666666666,spk_5,"Because if we're not targeting those users, we can adjust our budgets." +308,15.56865,15.630333333333333,spk_5,Um And that's like I'm me targeting those users +309,15.6305,15.664833333333334,spk_5,"might be making me talk past people about like," +310,15.675166666666666,15.708833333333333,spk_5,"like not, not being on the same page." +311,15.711316666666669,15.781666666666666,spk_5,So I would really like to hear people's ideas about who are like target should be. +312,15.795316666666666,15.854166666666666,spk_5,"I probably also has some ideas about this, but from my perspective," +313,15.854333333333331,15.8865,spk_5,the more users we serve the better for Kai. +314,15.886666666666668,15.896816666666666,spk_5,So +315,15.9,15.9085,spk_5,"that's," +316,15.910316666666668,15.94115,spk_5,that's where I'm kind of coming from. So +317,15.951166666666667,15.98415,spk_5,"um would like to get inputs here," +318,16.074,16.096333333333334,spk_0,"status level, you have a point." +319,16.12698333333333,16.15515,spk_2,"Yeah, I want to mention that" +320,16.163666666666668,16.203983333333333,spk_2,uh most of the reports I've seen +321,16.21015,16.242166666666666,spk_2,when people mention that measure +322,16.245166666666666,16.287316666666666,spk_2,quests are very slow and hard to work with. +323,16.293,16.324816666666667,spk_2,They are coming for people that are like +324,16.33015,16.35333333333333,spk_2,trying to +325,16.35715,16.378166666666665,spk_2,review a measure +326,16.380333333333333,16.387833333333333,spk_2,quest that +327,16.389833333333332,16.394,spk_2,has +328,16.406666666666666,16.466,spk_2,"100,000 clients changed some things like that." +329,16.474816666666666,16.48431666666667,spk_2,Um +330,16.495833333333334,16.54015,spk_2,"So yeah, if we focus on that, that's," +331,16.547483333333332,16.579983333333335,spk_2,that's one issue. If we focus on like +332,16.584983333333334,16.620166666666666,spk_2,"low power devices, that's another one." +333,16.624166666666667,16.66315,spk_2,But I haven't seen any issues with people coming +334,16.665316666666666,16.697483333333334,spk_2,"and saying, can I want to" +335,16.701983333333335,16.74465,spk_2,render this on my nokia 3310 +336,16.748333333333335,16.78415,spk_2,"and it doesn't render at all. So," +337,16.8015,16.870483333333333,spk_5,"um so I the theory in that, in that uh issue, I, I wrote it," +338,16.87065,16.894833333333334,spk_5,"I think my very first comment," +339,16.90165,16.9785,spk_5,"my, my theory is that um those people are already not using the lab," +340,16.9865,17.038666666666668,spk_5,"they're just, they've just been excluded by our product already." +341,17.041833333333333,17.0515,spk_5,Um +342,17.0535,17.108833333333333,spk_5,"Because people on low power devices probably not a nokia 3310 but," +343,17.111983333333335,17.189833333333333,spk_5,"but like on low on low ish power devices, um they just, they, they can't use," +344,17.19,17.2045,spk_5,"they can't use dips," +345,17.204666666666668,17.26215,spk_5,it's like 4.5 megabytes and it takes like takes me on +346,17.262316666666667,17.3125,spk_5,my gigabit internet like six seconds to load or something. +347,17.312666666666665,17.3255,spk_5,"So if they're on," +348,17.3385,17.394816666666667,spk_5,"if they're on 100 K or something, it would be in like an hour. Um" +349,17.401633333333333,17.411816666666667,spk_5,So +350,17.419166666666666,17.466833333333334,spk_5,they're already gone. So we're not gonna hear issues from them. +351,17.467,17.512666666666668,spk_5,"So that's why I'm, that's why I'm suspicious that like," +352,17.51631666666667,17.5815,spk_5,"just because we're not hearing from people who want to use it on like low power," +353,17.581666666666667,17.595483333333334,spk_5,"low bandwidth," +354,17.598983333333333,17.636166666666668,spk_5,um doesn't mean that they are not out there. +355,17.676316666666665,17.68915,spk_5,The um +356,17.6925,17.7335,spk_5,"uh this is, this goes back to, I think our last," +357,17.733666666666668,17.78465,spk_5,"I think it was the last meeting of this maybe or, or a front end meeting." +358,17.78865,17.799483333333335,spk_5,Um +359,17.802333333333333,17.82265,spk_5,"Andre mentioned the," +360,17.832,17.909,spk_5,the story of the youtube engineer who was trying to get youtube under 100 K +361,17.917816666666667,17.932,spk_5,and uh +362,17.938816666666668,18.007816666666667,spk_5,their metrics got worse when he did because suddenly people in like +363,18.007983333333332,18.07215,spk_5,parts of the world who could never even think about using youtube before +364,18.076816666666662,18.08915,spk_5,could. +365,18.089316666666665,18.12448333333333,spk_5,And so then like latency started getting really bad because they +366,18.12465,18.161483333333333,spk_5,were using it from places they'd never used it before. +367,18.16398333333333,18.171983333333333,spk_5,So +368,18.176316666666665,18.186,spk_5,"I think are," +369,18.186166666666665,18.23248333333333,spk_5,"I think those users are out there and we're just not able to serve them right now," +370,18.357,18.4135,spk_5,"but I want to hear comments in that issue. Um I, but it" +371,18.425166666666662,18.472816666666667,spk_5,"doesn't really matter where there's a thread on like technical limitation," +372,18.473,18.488816666666665,spk_5,"technical budgets," +373,18.490816666666667,18.532166666666665,spk_5,um which is kind of where this is coming from. +374,18.532316666666667,18.56533333333333,spk_5,"But if you just want to leave a comment, like here's the user," +375,18.5655,18.5835,spk_5,I think we should support. +376,18.584,18.624316666666665,spk_5,"Um That can be a totally different thread if you want," +377,18.681666666666665,18.71933333333333,spk_0,you wanna hear comments in that issue +378,18.723666666666663,18.75348333333333,spk_0,or do you wanna read comments in that issue +379,18.76148333333333,18.794166666666666,spk_0,"-- either +-- or if you want to leave an audio note? That's great." +380,18.80216666666667,18.86865,spk_0,Uh I'll share my thoughts here too. So um +381,18.8775,18.89131666666667,spk_0,"whenever we have," +382,18.891483333333333,18.95916666666667,spk_0,"we have this exercise about looking at who's our users and all that stuff," +383,18.959333333333333,19.021166666666662,spk_0,"there's always the thing about we should aim for where we want it to be," +384,19.02133333333333,19.05033333333333,spk_0,not where we are right now. +385,19.0505,19.069983333333333,spk_0,We might say +386,19.07933333333333,19.12415,spk_0,like we can look at the mobile users and say it's a very +387,19.124316666666665,19.1905,spk_0,tiny fraction of users and the justification might not even be about performance. +388,19.19065,19.2655,spk_0,"It might be that just the U I looks crunched, it looks very small and it, oh it's just," +389,19.26565,19.296983333333333,spk_0,it's a hard task to do. +390,19.29715,19.35615,spk_0,"And we've trained our users to don't do it on a mobile, for example," +391,19.360666666666667,19.39915,spk_0,which is not to say that this project could change that. +392,19.399316666666667,19.445833333333333,spk_0,So let's keep an open mind in that regard. Exactly. +393,19.446,19.48281666666667,spk_0,So we should keep strict in ourselves. +394,19.496666666666663,19.53715,spk_0,The other part of my answer or my thoughts is that +395,19.5405,19.578316666666662,spk_0,"the every conversation I have with Kai about this," +396,19.57848333333333,19.652666666666665,spk_0,it's very clear that performance is the feature for our users. +397,19.652833333333334,19.66165,spk_0,And +398,19.66798333333333,19.69233333333333,spk_0,"whenever they complain," +399,19.70565,19.745316666666668,spk_0,I I don't think the majority of the +400,19.745483333333333,19.79748333333333,spk_0,complaints like Stanislav was saying is not coming from +401,19.804666666666662,19.847316666666668,spk_0,problems loading the app. +402,19.847483333333333,19.9385,spk_0,"It's mostly about time processing the data that we need for the app to render," +403,19.94565,19.965333333333334,spk_0,which is a different +404,19.97533333333333,20.021166666666662,spk_0,"part of the budget, but it's still" +405,20.03183333333333,20.07015,spk_0,part of what we should be considering. So instead of +406,20.07881666666667,20.117166666666662,spk_0,instead of like being highly focused on +407,20.12215,20.189666666666668,spk_0,"extremely nimble bundles, which is a thing, but" +408,20.192816666666666,20.21415,spk_0,mostly for +409,20.22615,20.25198333333333,spk_0,processing +410,20.25548333333333,20.27133333333333,spk_0,T BT S +411,20.28333333333333,20.361166666666666,spk_0,"that sort of thing rather than time transferring bytes on the wire, right?" +412,20.363166666666668,20.373166666666663,spk_0,So +413,20.392666666666667,20.43915,spk_0,there should definitely be strictness in the bundle in the budgets. +414,20.439316666666667,20.478316666666668,spk_0,But uh I think what we should definitely keep +415,20.478483333333333,20.560316666666665,spk_0,an eye on is for optimizing low processing times +416,20.58115,20.609483333333333,spk_0,"when showing that when, when" +417,20.621666666666663,20.63,spk_0,"gosh," +418,20.630166666666668,20.68,spk_0,there's probably a better way to describe it from the moment the user acts +419,20.68016666666667,20.72898333333333,spk_0,and they get the data they want or they have the render they want. +420,20.73515,20.742,spk_0,Um +421,20.76448333333333,20.780483333333333,spk_0,So I think we definitely +422,20.78633333333333,20.800833333333333,spk_0,focus on +423,20.807983333333333,20.8505,spk_0,making sure that we pick meaningful metrics that +424,20.85748333333333,20.886166666666668,spk_0,forces into having +425,20.89583333333333,20.974816666666666,spk_0,"those restrictions into prioritizing the desired content first," +426,20.98281666666667,21.050833333333333,spk_0,"all the way back from giddily, all the way to the front end application. Um" +427,21.078983333333333,21.087316666666663,spk_0,um +428,21.109483333333333,21.11448333333333,spk_0,"Yeah," +429,21.12615,21.142333333333333,spk_0,I can see that coming. +430,21.145316666666663,21.157166666666665,spk_0,Um +431,21.178316666666667,21.215816666666665,spk_0,"So yeah, so that's my thoughts. Uh" +432,21.21865,21.29,spk_0,"But we should definitely discuss it in the, in the issue and uh try to advance that" +433,21.30033333333333,21.32133333333333,spk_0,uh a sequence. +434,21.3315,21.375333333333334,spk_0,"I'll, I'll share my thoughts there on that issue too." +435,21.39515,21.409333333333333,spk_0,Any more? +436,21.41415,21.45948333333333,spk_0,Anyone has any more thoughts here today? +437,21.5875,21.607166666666668,spk_0,"All right, let's try to make" +438,21.618483333333334,21.6695,spk_0,these issues come to a first version +439,21.674316666666662,21.684166666666663,spk_0,soon. +440,21.68583333333333,21.693316666666668,spk_0,Uh +441,21.70883333333333,21.757483333333333,spk_0,"Remember, we might still revise the actual numbers as we go," +442,21.75765,21.78915,spk_0,might still revise the actual things but +443,21.80198333333333,21.8375,spk_0,should definitely start to +444,21.842666666666663,21.950166666666668,spk_0,bring this up to a close because these are the framework on how everything else the +445,21.964316666666665,21.980316666666667,spk_0,um +446,21.982166666666668,21.989316666666667,spk_0,"for example," +447,21.98948333333333,22.05933333333333,spk_0,"when we start discussing service side rendering or we start discussing streaming," +448,22.059483333333333,22.108833333333333,spk_0,all of those things need to be looked at +449,22.11466666666667,22.15315,spk_0,in a framework of expectations and +450,22.159983333333333,22.20883333333333,spk_0,benchmarks are and budgets and we'll definitely +451,22.209,22.235666666666667,spk_0,need to have these already in place. +452,22.23583333333333,22.24315,spk_0,So +453,22.24948333333333,22.279333333333334,spk_0,"the quicker we can get a first version, the better" +454,22.306666666666665,22.326316666666667,spk_0,which +455,22.33248333333333,22.348333333333333,spk_0,brings me +456,22.37215,22.38515,spk_0,to +457,22.389316666666662,22.41333333333333,spk_0,the accessibility thing. +458,22.415166666666668,22.426483333333334,spk_0,Um +459,22.45,22.483666666666668,spk_0,"Paul. No, I oh, you already replied." +460,22.507816666666667,22.51615,spk_3,Uh +461,22.518833333333333,22.528983333333333,spk_3,yes +462,22.5315,22.56365,spk_3,to your uh fantastic list. +463,22.58098333333333,22.59698333333333,spk_3,I did. +464,22.62133333333333,22.64348333333333,spk_0,"Uh Yeah," +465,22.686,22.692816666666666,spk_0,yeah. +466,22.69698333333333,22.70348333333333,spk_0,"So I," +467,22.70365,22.771833333333333,spk_0,one of the things that came up in that in the accessibility for everybody to be aware +468,22.77533333333333,22.864316666666667,spk_0,is a lot of the guidelines come to the authoring of content. And in +469,22.86798333333333,22.874816666666668,spk_0,"DS," +470,22.882166666666667,22.93465,spk_0,"I mean, as far as we consider authoring content" +471,22.938,23.00998333333333,spk_0,"is leaving comments, you can leave a comment with a little suggestion." +472,23.0125,23.07583333333333,spk_0,But essentially the authoring of content typically happens in the editor +473,23.076,23.1315,spk_0,"in the markdown editor or the content editor or something," +474,23.138816666666667,23.172316666666667,spk_0,which means that we can +475,23.185666666666663,23.23498333333333,spk_0,"you can create some sort of guidelines for that tool," +476,23.23648333333333,23.305816666666665,spk_0,but it's probably not gonna be implemented by the create teams themselves or +477,23.32648333333333,23.353483333333333,spk_0,"gosh, where is content editor?" +478,23.3715,23.437316666666668,spk_0,Is that plan or is that editor plan plan? So it will be +479,23.45815,23.466833333333334,spk_0,got it. +480,23.4715,23.50315,spk_0,So it would be coming over to the plan side. +481,23.503316666666667,23.57848333333333,spk_0,"We have to, we have to cross borders present our case, explain why this is important." +482,23.585316666666667,23.5905,spk_0,"And it's," +483,23.59065,23.625833333333333,spk_0,it's fascinating the guidelines that Paulina presented +484,23.626,23.65115,spk_0,because a lot of the things is just +485,23.66415,23.7355,spk_0,helping the user realize that they're producing inaccessible content and +486,23.735666666666667,23.7945,spk_0,it's pretty much just highly focused on the editor experience. +487,23.801483333333334,23.858666666666668,spk_0,"Whereas other parts of the guidelines which I think makes more," +488,23.858833333333333,23.89131666666667,spk_0,much more sense for our effort here. +489,23.90315,23.955483333333333,spk_0,Uh or at least that we can execute on is the navigation +490,23.959983333333334,24.02083333333333,spk_0,like navigating complex application with a lot of data. +491,24.02383333333333,24.067816666666666,spk_0,How can I make it easier for users with assistive technology +492,24.06798333333333,24.1565,spk_0,to navigate those by establishing expectations and establishing these things. +493,24.156666666666663,24.16733333333333,spk_0,Um +494,24.192166666666665,24.214666666666663,spk_0,OK. Um +495,24.22465,24.2985,spk_0,So just so I understand Paulina is the ball on your court there to produce? +496,24.30615,24.319,spk_0,Yes. +497,24.32665,24.33183333333333,spk_0,OK. +498,24.340816666666665,24.405166666666663,spk_0,"And then once we have that, we can probably move that over to the documentation" +499,24.4125,24.475666666666665,spk_0,together with the performance uh budgets that we're discussing above +500,24.48433333333333,24.518316666666667,spk_0,"and they're dependent, we can make them" +501,24.52316666666667,24.56683333333333,spk_0,committed or merge whenever they're ready. So +502,24.57783333333333,24.60683333333333,spk_0,"yeah, it's exciting. Definitely." +503,24.611,24.620316666666668,spk_0,Um +504,24.6385,24.649483333333333,spk_0,All right +505,24.66398333333333,24.680316666666663,spk_0,"with that," +506,24.682483333333334,24.713,spk_0,he gets to the bottom of the agenda. +507,24.7155,24.73,spk_0,Um +508,24.75633333333333,24.83515,spk_0,Anybody has anything else they want to discuss uh things that might have been clear +509,24.854333333333333,24.869983333333334,spk_0,um +510,24.884166666666665,24.923,spk_0,that you wanna discuss or should we uh +511,24.926,24.955483333333333,spk_0,give some time back to people? +512,25.01533333333333,25.023983333333334,spk_5,Um +513,25.031666666666663,25.042,spk_5,"I," +514,25.058666666666667,25.077666666666666,spk_5,"having worked in," +515,25.079833333333333,25.098666666666663,spk_5,"yeah, having worked in the Diffs" +516,25.10148333333333,25.111,spk_5,App for +517,25.12248333333333,25.131666666666668,spk_5,um +518,25.138816666666667,25.165333333333333,spk_5,four plus years now. +519,25.173,25.275,spk_5,Um I'm not sure how complete that chart is that we added to the docs +520,25.279333333333334,25.324483333333333,spk_5,"and when I say I'm not sure. I mean, I literally don't know." +521,25.34548333333333,25.386333333333333,spk_5,It's not that I have concerns. I just don't know. +522,25.38915,25.45765,spk_5,"Um So yeah, Phil, I don't know if it, do, you know if it's like, is this everything," +523,25.462666666666667,25.49748333333333,spk_5,"-- did we completely document this +-- here?" +524,25.513,25.5135,spk_6,That +525,25.51615,25.52265,spk_6,from +526,25.54148333333333,25.57048333333333,spk_6,"probably not. No," +527,25.58465,25.64666666666667,spk_0,"I think we, I think we documented the the component tree, right?" +528,25.661816666666667,25.66283333333333,spk_0,But +529,25.67015,25.707166666666662,spk_0,"-- like +-- as close to" +530,25.71598333333333,25.75483333333333,spk_6,"what a normal dick would use to render," +531,25.769166666666667,25.83416666666667,spk_6,but there's like loads of weird different views they get rendered as well +532,25.840166666666665,25.874816666666668,spk_6,that might not be documented properly. +533,25.88465,25.90748333333333,spk_6,And yet we haven't documented +534,25.91015,25.93016666666667,spk_6,the data side of things. +535,25.9945,26.01148333333333,spk_5,Is it worth +536,26.03298333333333,26.06198333333333,spk_5,going back through it? +537,26.116666666666667,26.1465,spk_5,"So, having, having converted the X" +538,26.1485,26.14915,spk_5,Cora +539,26.152666666666665,26.19098333333333,spk_5,"to this mermaid chart, like I didn't," +540,26.207316666666667,26.215,spk_5,"I mean," +541,26.232166666666668,26.27648333333333,spk_5,"it didn't have a red flag go off like, oh, I know it's missing this." +542,26.27665,26.319166666666668,spk_5,"And so I don't know what, what I would do." +543,26.323166666666665,26.34348333333333,spk_5,I guess it would just to step through the +544,26.34365,26.396166666666662,spk_5,code and just see if there's any branches missing +545,26.39915,26.42848333333333,spk_5,"as we go through this chart, which" +546,26.4375,26.45115,spk_5,is doable. +547,26.49,26.555,spk_6,"That's why I did at the time of create it. But that was like a year ago, a year or so. So" +548,26.57048333333333,26.592166666666667,spk_6,there's probably a lot changed since then. +549,26.632166666666667,26.6545,spk_5,"I mean, maybe it's just worth," +550,26.6695,26.72065,spk_5,maybe I should just go in and edit the stock and say like +551,26.728816666666667,26.744666666666667,spk_5,this is +552,26.760316666666668,26.78333333333333,spk_5,this could be incomplete. +553,26.794816666666662,26.80365,spk_5,"Don't," +554,26.822316666666666,26.863333333333333,spk_5,don't like use this as the source of truth. +555,26.87448333333333,26.942666666666668,spk_0,"So this is a really good point because we, when we talked about this," +556,26.942816666666666,27.00798333333333,spk_0,the whole goal of document the current state is to guide us +557,27.011816666666668,27.03265,spk_0,uh in +558,27.046,27.10365,spk_0,identifying an ideal architecture. OK? It's not +559,27.10833333333333,27.125666666666667,spk_0,the architecture. +560,27.12983333333333,27.193316666666668,spk_0,"But for example, what we can already see like when we look at these," +561,27.19965,27.251483333333333,spk_0,like there's a lot of stuff here that are um +562,27.26815,27.30115,spk_0,also applicable in the repository. +563,27.301316666666665,27.373,spk_0,So we can probably abstract this in a way that is generalized to all contexts. +564,27.3795,27.3945,spk_0,Uh Like +565,27.39915,27.42083333333333,spk_0,"when you're looking at a commit," +566,27.43698333333333,27.47615,spk_0,"we're looking at at a commit in a repository," +567,27.476316666666666,27.52083333333333,spk_0,"there will be renamed files in those commits, right?" +568,27.52415,27.536166666666663,spk_0,Um +569,27.55365,27.5875,spk_0,"And we're looking at comparing the branches," +570,27.59065,27.6085,spk_0,it will be there +571,27.612316666666665,27.64131666666667,spk_0,that will be renamed too uh +572,27.67398333333333,27.740166666666667,spk_0,"bearing branches. We always also catch, yeah, I think it it would." +573,27.744983333333334,27.79565,spk_0,Um so we can start already starting to see that there's +574,27.79583333333333,27.84698333333333,spk_0,a bunch of things here that are common for every case of +575,27.85548333333333,27.89365,spk_0,the diff there's probably some areas here in this +576,27.893833333333333,27.94233333333333,spk_0,"tree that don't make sense for the repository," +577,27.9425,27.988333333333333,spk_0,which we could take notes and then we can help +578,27.997316666666663,28.03833333333333,spk_0,um that can help the conversation. +579,28.041316666666667,28.051483333333334,spk_0,"In," +580,28.064666666666668,28.11365,spk_0,"for example, one of the things that we've talked already is the" +581,28.12065,28.161816666666667,spk_0,that would be sort of part of the architecture is +582,28.176,28.188816666666668,spk_0,um +583,28.217666666666663,28.3025,spk_0,the viewers for the types of file um where we can have um +584,28.318316666666668,28.37398333333333,spk_0,"like if it's an image, if it's a text, if it's a binary, all that stuff." +585,28.38115,28.403983333333333,spk_0,"But more than that," +586,28.40615,28.415983333333333,spk_0,that +587,28.43,28.52316666666667,spk_0,Eduardo rec uh suggested is to also include a way that we can have +588,28.532,28.609,spk_0,a rendered version of the diff which would benefit some cases +589,28.609166666666667,28.68265,spk_0,"like the uh Jupiter notebooks and potentially others uh mark down," +590,28.682816666666668,28.69633333333333,spk_0,for example. +591,28.70381666666667,28.71565,spk_0,Um +592,28.73915,28.771166666666662,spk_0,And that's the kind of decisions we need to support +593,28.77133333333333,28.836816666666667,spk_0,here in that architecture is support different ways to render +594,28.84115,28.84915,spk_0,"sorry," +595,28.85483333333333,28.887316666666667,spk_0,support different ways to display the D +596,28.89065,28.9085,spk_0,to the user +597,28.91483333333333,28.986166666666666,spk_0,um which will extract out of this diagram. And this um +598,29.006833333333333,29.026816666666665,spk_0,"knowledge I would say," +599,29.09115,29.096833333333333,spk_0,"yeah," +600,29.126316666666668,29.13383333333333,spk_0,go ahead. +601,29.14883333333333,29.167816666666667,spk_5,"Oh I just said, OK." +602,29.17415,29.190166666666663,spk_0,OK. Cool. +603,29.23465,29.259816666666666,spk_0,Um Cook. +604,29.30815,29.3675,spk_0,What I would also say we don't have to have everything in one diagram. +605,29.36766666666667,29.387833333333333,spk_0,If we have another way of +606,29.389666666666667,29.405166666666663,spk_0,presenting +607,29.414666666666665,29.467666666666663,spk_0,"other parts, I know that the back end did several" +608,29.469666666666665,29.49633333333333,spk_0,charts when we go +609,29.50933333333333,29.574483333333333,spk_0,the flow and then this like different ways of communicating things +610,29.58465,29.64348333333333,spk_0,uh especially when we're talking about different components and different parts +611,29.64715,29.672816666666662,spk_0,like Italy and all that stuff. +612,29.6775,29.755,spk_0,Um So we can present parts of the application and data flows differently. +613,29.755166666666668,29.82215,spk_0,We don't have to be restricted to one particular diagram. OK. +614,29.83065,29.852666666666668,spk_0,"If it makes it harder," +615,29.86598333333333,29.9235,spk_0,"uh just split into multiple diagrams and we can have a different perspective," +616,29.923666666666666,29.973666666666663,spk_0,"a different view or different lens on the data flow, for example." +617,30.002333333333333,30.014316666666662,spk_0,Cool. +618,30.02015,30.02415,spk_0,Uh +619,30.02733333333333,30.04833333333333,spk_0,So +620,30.05516666666667,30.069816666666668,spk_0,anything +621,30.09498333333333,30.117816666666663,spk_0,anything else +622,30.152833333333334,30.196,spk_2,I just wanted to add that we probably need a +623,30.196166666666667,30.265816666666662,spk_2,chart of all the these features that we have because +624,30.275,30.365166666666667,spk_2,"the structure is one thing but also inside each of the components, it might contain" +625,30.3695,30.41998333333333,spk_2,five different features for a particular view. +626,30.42665,30.494816666666665,spk_2,And like an image preview can have a commenting functionality +627,30.49948333333333,30.5465,spk_2,"that you can click anywhere on the image and leave a comment," +628,30.555983333333334,30.59115,spk_2,uh text files have +629,30.602166666666665,30.658666666666665,spk_2,"side by side view in line view, no white space view." +630,30.663166666666665,30.707316666666667,spk_2,So stuff like that. And since we are +631,30.71165,30.7295,spk_2,moving to a new +632,30.734,30.755816666666668,spk_2,"des architecture," +633,30.759,30.78383333333333,spk_2,we probably should +634,30.79515,30.817816666666666,spk_2,uh satisfy +635,30.82215,30.863816666666665,spk_2,this uh feature parity +636,30.876,30.90315,spk_2,uh with what we have right now. +637,30.903316666666665,30.954166666666666,spk_2,So I think it makes sense to document everything that we have. +638,30.95433333333333,31.026316666666663,spk_2,"So once we move to a new architecture, we don't miss any of the features." +639,31.092816666666668,31.101983333333333,spk_0,"All right," +640,31.109166666666667,31.17065,spk_0,"you wanna start an issue with that Stanislav because I feel like that's a, a separate" +641,31.18065,31.19098333333333,spk_0,um +642,31.194333333333333,31.235316666666662,spk_0,effort and it's not necessarily a +643,31.23865,31.29715,spk_0,"front end thing. We might, we might involve product here as well" +644,31.302333333333333,31.33315,spk_0,to ensure that we um +645,31.342,31.3625,spk_0,that we're covered. +646,31.37333333333333,31.417,spk_0,"Of course, we can look at the code and that's definitely a way to get that." +647,31.4255,31.433666666666667,spk_0,But +648,31.4485,31.493316666666665,spk_0,what I want us to have is +649,31.507816666666667,31.52316666666667,spk_0,that definitely makes sense. +650,31.523333333333333,31.550166666666662,spk_0,"Like feature parody makes sense," +651,31.55033333333333,31.60598333333333,spk_0,but maybe not every feature needs to be available everywhere. +652,31.613333333333333,31.650166666666667,spk_0,Uh or there could be some +653,31.655,31.6775,spk_0,tiered approach. So +654,31.68583333333333,31.69965,spk_0,"-- I was just gonna +-- imagine that our," +655,31.699816666666667,31.790816666666668,spk_5,our uh our order of priorities puts future coverage actually as +656,31.797816666666662,31.85683333333333,spk_5,"-- a third on the list. So +-- by design," +657,31.863333333333333,31.87698333333333,spk_5,"yeah, and," +658,31.88115,31.92665,spk_5,and the um all those things you mentioned are correct. +659,31.926816666666667,31.98281666666667,spk_5,"They, they are sort of covered in that chart very abstractly like" +660,31.988983333333334,32.0485,spk_5,dro I think is what's handling parallel versus in line and like +661,32.04866666666667,32.10466666666667,spk_5,design pin is what's handling like being able to click anywhere. +662,32.10531666666667,32.16683333333334,spk_5,"So like they're, they're in there, it's just not like explicitly mentioned." +663,32.167,32.23231666666667,spk_5,So it probably is good to like list out the features that each component covers. +664,32.26381666666666,32.2795,spk_0,"I hate to say it," +665,32.28281666666667,32.33931666666667,spk_0,"but it feels like this is a spreadsheet. It should be a spreadsheet or," +666,32.341833333333334,32.389316666666666,spk_0,or a marked on table. I don't care. +667,32.39698333333333,32.402166666666666,spk_0,"But," +668,32.413983333333334,32.49531666666667,spk_0,but essentially it looks like we need to have like an array of like features and then +669,32.500166666666665,32.57083333333333,spk_0,try to make a decision about whether they're applicable to all the contexts of des +670,32.57465,32.63016666666667,spk_0,"or not. Like for now, we should definitely base it off" +671,32.644816666666664,32.68515,spk_0,the domains we currently have. +672,32.685316666666665,32.72431666666667,spk_0,I don't know if you have any features on +673,32.72448333333333,32.774316666666664,spk_0,"the repository commit that are not an emerging quest," +674,32.786,32.79233333333333,spk_0,but +675,32.805483333333335,32.86333333333333,spk_0,"maybe that's why we should go and take a look. So it feels like it's a, it's a" +676,32.87015,32.88115,spk_0,um +677,32.893316666666664,32.92698333333333,spk_0,"a feature, a feature table" +678,32.950833333333335,32.982483333333334,spk_0,for all the different contexts. +679,32.98265,33.07183333333333,spk_0,Uh and then just uh mark a cross or a check mark where they are available +680,33.07698333333333,33.11266666666667,spk_0,and potentially can have a discussion about whether +681,33.112833333333334,33.1465,spk_0,they should be available and everywhere or not. +682,33.14715,33.186483333333335,spk_0,"Uh And potentially, yeah, but that," +683,33.18665,33.23915,spk_0,that feature table will be useful uh later on when we're +684,33.23931666666667,33.29281666666667,spk_0,deciding exactly about where to cut and what are the implications. +685,33.29298333333333,33.29915,spk_0,Because +686,33.301,33.32983333333333,spk_0,"for example, um" +687,33.38231666666667,33.403483333333334,spk_0,this could be controversial. +688,33.4105,33.42333333333333,spk_0,"I warn you," +689,33.436483333333335,33.48265,spk_0,should we leave comments on a repository commit? +690,33.523833333333336,33.58265,spk_0,"That's a product decision. It's not a technical decision, it's a product decision." +691,33.582816666666666,33.592666666666666,spk_0,And +692,33.59866666666667,33.611983333333335,spk_0,"to be honest," +693,33.6335,33.69515,spk_0,"there is arguments, I'm just saying there are arguments." +694,33.69748333333333,33.70981666666667,spk_0,Uh +695,33.71581666666667,33.73515,spk_0,Maybe I agree with them +696,33.7385,33.759816666666666,spk_0,that um +697,33.763983333333336,33.79,spk_0,"if you leave a comedy in a commit," +698,33.796166666666664,33.86516666666667,spk_0,"there's nobody looking at that commit, maybe the author will get a notification," +699,33.873,33.883833333333335,spk_0,I guess. +700,33.89915,33.941316666666665,spk_0,But in emerging request is the moment that everybody is looking at that +701,33.94148333333333,33.98898333333333,spk_0,code or at least people are looking at that code to be reviewed. +702,33.98915,34.071983333333336,spk_0,"But when it's a repository, it's at, it's at rest. It's a, it's a it's a code at rest." +703,34.07881666666667,34.094166666666666,spk_0,"So," +704,34.098333333333336,34.135,spk_0,should we allow discussions to happen there? +705,34.147666666666666,34.18165,spk_0,That's a more of a product UX decision. +706,34.1835,34.25398333333333,spk_0,And I think that table will help us make those conversations easier. So +707,34.27633333333333,34.29848333333333,spk_0,ST has left an open an issue for that +708,34.30298333333333,34.32065,spk_0,and get the ball rolling. +709,34.335633333333334,34.35015,spk_0,"I already did it," +710,34.35565,34.377633333333335,spk_2,linking it right now in South. +711,34.41048333333333,34.4335,spk_0,Amazing. Amazing. +712,34.43581666666667,34.44798333333333,spk_0,Thank you. +713,34.451166666666666,34.46033333333333,spk_0,Awesome. +714,34.46596666666667,34.51266666666667,spk_0,I'll also take Kai on that to help us out. Uh +715,34.52415,34.607816666666665,spk_0,"And uh and then we can make um there so Jacques from, from source code side," +716,34.60796666666667,34.643166666666666,spk_0,it would be great for us to um +717,34.65313333333334,34.742666666666665,spk_0,pull in. Also if you uh wanna uh discover the product a little bit going on a journey +718,34.75796666666667,34.81946666666666,spk_0,"to also add the source code perspective on these because again," +719,34.8225,34.876666666666665,spk_0,there might be features in source code that we would like to have +720,34.88263333333333,34.9345,spk_0,on the merger quest. I can't remember anything but +721,34.93698333333333,34.955666666666666,spk_0,maybe I'm missing something. +722,34.967166666666664,34.976166666666664,spk_0,Um +723,34.989983333333335,35.03766666666667,spk_0,"So yeah, basically what I'm saying is let's crowdsource that issue" +724,35.04481666666667,35.12448333333333,spk_0,"uh and uh whatever way of doing it, the table a spreadsheet or, or something, just" +725,35.12916666666667,35.170833333333334,spk_0,let's all collaborating and making that evolve. OK. +726,35.2175,35.23615,spk_0,Sweet. +727,35.24815,35.275166666666664,spk_0,Thanks. Standard Life. That's useful. +728,35.301,35.30466666666667,spk_0,Mm +729,35.334833333333336,35.34498333333333,spk_0,What else +730,35.35698333333333,35.367333333333335,spk_0,are we good +731,35.38315,35.39148333333333,spk_0,for now? +732,35.491483333333335,35.49783333333333,spk_0,"All right," +733,35.49798333333333,35.52715,spk_0,we can use the rest of the time to go into +734,35.527316666666664,35.5935,spk_0,the issues and uh share our thoughts and make those discussions. +735,35.593666666666664,35.60183333333333,spk_0,Go ahead. +736,35.61215,35.63581666666666,spk_0,Uh Thanks everybody +737,35.64216666666667,35.7125,spk_0,and uh thanks for your time and I'll see you around and in another call perhaps diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/2023-10-17_New_diffs_architecture_blueprint_2.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/2023-10-17_New_diffs_architecture_blueprint_2.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e282eb8c6fbc400e0aafe8c62d0b051b5f808f76 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/2023-10-17_New_diffs_architecture_blueprint_2.csv @@ -0,0 +1,314 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,21.07898333,21.08731667,spk_0,um +1,21.10948333,21.11448333,spk_0,"Yeah," +2,21.12615,21.14233333,spk_0,I can see that coming. +3,21.14531667,21.15716667,spk_0,Um +4,21.17831667,21.21581667,spk_0,"So yeah, so that's my thoughts. Uh" +5,21.21865,21.29,spk_0,"But we should definitely discuss it in the, in the issue and uh try to advance that" +6,21.30033333,21.32133333,spk_0,uh a sequence. +7,21.3315,21.37533333,spk_0,"I'll, I'll share my thoughts there on that issue too." +8,21.39515,21.40933333,spk_0,Any more? +9,21.41415,21.45948333,spk_0,Anyone has any more thoughts here today? +10,21.5875,21.60716667,spk_0,"All right, let's try to make" +11,21.61848333,21.6695,spk_0,these issues come to a first version +12,21.67431667,21.68416667,spk_0,soon. +13,21.68583333,21.69331667,spk_0,Uh +14,21.70883333,21.75748333,spk_0,"Remember, we might still revise the actual numbers as we go," +15,21.75765,21.78915,spk_0,might still revise the actual things but +16,21.80198333,21.8375,spk_0,should definitely start to +17,21.84266667,21.95016667,spk_0,bring this up to a close because these are the framework on how everything else the +18,21.96431667,21.98031667,spk_0,um +19,21.98216667,21.98931667,spk_0,"for example," +20,21.98948333,22.05933333,spk_0,"when we start discussing service side rendering or we start discussing streaming," +21,22.05948333,22.10883333,spk_0,all of those things need to be looked at +22,22.11466667,22.15315,spk_0,in a framework of expectations and +23,22.15998333,22.20883333,spk_0,benchmarks are and budgets and we'll definitely +24,22.209,22.23566667,spk_0,need to have these already in place. +25,22.23583333,22.24315,spk_0,So +26,22.24948333,22.27933333,spk_0,"the quicker we can get a first version, the better" +27,22.30666667,22.32631667,spk_0,which +28,22.33248333,22.34833333,spk_0,brings me +29,22.37215,22.38515,spk_0,to +30,22.38931667,22.41333333,spk_0,the accessibility thing. +31,22.41516667,22.42648333,spk_0,Um +32,22.45,22.48366667,spk_0,"Paul. No, I oh, you already replied." +33,22.50781667,22.51615,spk_3,Uh +34,22.51883333,22.52898333,spk_3,yes +35,22.5315,22.56365,spk_3,to your uh fantastic list. +36,22.58098333,22.59698333,spk_3,I did. +37,22.62133333,22.64348333,spk_0,"Uh Yeah," +38,22.686,22.69281667,spk_0,yeah. +39,22.69698333,22.70348333,spk_0,"So I," +40,22.70365,22.77183333,spk_0,one of the things that came up in that in the accessibility for everybody to be aware +41,22.77533333,22.86431667,spk_0,is a lot of the guidelines come to the authoring of content. And in +42,22.86798333,22.87481667,spk_0,"DS," +43,22.88216667,22.93465,spk_0,"I mean, as far as we consider authoring content" +44,22.938,23.00998333,spk_0,"is leaving comments, you can leave a comment with a little suggestion." +45,23.0125,23.07583333,spk_0,But essentially the authoring of content typically happens in the editor +46,23.076,23.1315,spk_0,"in the markdown editor or the content editor or something," +47,23.13881667,23.17231667,spk_0,which means that we can +48,23.18566667,23.23498333,spk_0,"you can create some sort of guidelines for that tool," +49,23.23648333,23.30581667,spk_0,but it's probably not gonna be implemented by the create teams themselves or +50,23.32648333,23.35348333,spk_0,"gosh, where is content editor?" +51,23.3715,23.43731667,spk_0,Is that plan or is that editor plan plan? So it will be +52,23.45815,23.46683333,spk_0,got it. +53,23.4715,23.50315,spk_0,So it would be coming over to the plan side. +54,23.50331667,23.57848333,spk_0,"We have to, we have to cross borders present our case, explain why this is important." +55,23.58531667,23.5905,spk_0,"And it's," +56,23.59065,23.62583333,spk_0,it's fascinating the guidelines that Paulina presented +57,23.626,23.65115,spk_0,because a lot of the things is just +58,23.66415,23.7355,spk_0,helping the user realize that they're producing inaccessible content and +59,23.73566667,23.7945,spk_0,it's pretty much just highly focused on the editor experience. +60,23.80148333,23.85866667,spk_0,"Whereas other parts of the guidelines which I think makes more," +61,23.85883333,23.89131667,spk_0,much more sense for our effort here. +62,23.90315,23.95548333,spk_0,Uh or at least that we can execute on is the navigation +63,23.95998333,24.02083333,spk_0,like navigating complex application with a lot of data. +64,24.02383333,24.06781667,spk_0,How can I make it easier for users with assistive technology +65,24.06798333,24.1565,spk_0,to navigate those by establishing expectations and establishing these things. +66,24.15666667,24.16733333,spk_0,Um +67,24.19216667,24.21466667,spk_0,OK. Um +68,24.22465,24.2985,spk_0,So just so I understand Paulina is the ball on your court there to produce? +69,24.30615,24.319,spk_0,Yes. +70,24.32665,24.33183333,spk_0,OK. +71,24.34081667,24.40516667,spk_0,"And then once we have that, we can probably move that over to the documentation" +72,24.4125,24.47566667,spk_0,together with the performance uh budgets that we're discussing above +73,24.48433333,24.51831667,spk_0,"and they're dependent, we can make them" +74,24.52316667,24.56683333,spk_0,committed or merge whenever they're ready. So +75,24.57783333,24.60683333,spk_0,"yeah, it's exciting. Definitely." +76,24.611,24.62031667,spk_0,Um +77,24.6385,24.64948333,spk_0,All right +78,24.66398333,24.68031667,spk_0,"with that," +79,24.68248333,24.713,spk_0,he gets to the bottom of the agenda. +80,24.7155,24.73,spk_0,Um +81,24.75633333,24.83515,spk_0,Anybody has anything else they want to discuss uh things that might have been clear +82,24.85433333,24.86998333,spk_0,um +83,24.88416667,24.923,spk_0,that you wanna discuss or should we uh +84,24.926,24.95548333,spk_0,give some time back to people? +85,25.01533333,25.02398333,spk_5,Um +86,25.03166667,25.042,spk_5,"I," +87,25.05866667,25.07766667,spk_5,"having worked in," +88,25.07983333,25.09866667,spk_5,"yeah, having worked in the Diffs" +89,25.10148333,25.111,spk_5,App for +90,25.12248333,25.13166667,spk_5,um +91,25.13881667,25.16533333,spk_5,four plus years now. +92,25.173,25.275,spk_5,Um I'm not sure how complete that chart is that we added to the docs +93,25.27933333,25.32448333,spk_5,"and when I say I'm not sure. I mean, I literally don't know." +94,25.34548333,25.38633333,spk_5,It's not that I have concerns. I just don't know. +95,25.38915,25.45765,spk_5,"Um So yeah, Phil, I don't know if it, do, you know if it's like, is this everything," +96,25.46266667,25.49748333,spk_5,#NAME? +97,25.513,25.5135,spk_6,That +98,25.51615,25.52265,spk_6,from +99,25.54148333,25.57048333,spk_6,"probably not. No," +100,25.58465,25.64666667,spk_0,"I think we, I think we documented the the component tree, right?" +101,25.66181667,25.66283333,spk_0,But +102,25.67015,25.70716667,spk_0,#NAME? +103,25.71598333,25.75483333,spk_6,"what a normal dick would use to render," +104,25.76916667,25.83416667,spk_6,but there's like loads of weird different views they get rendered as well +105,25.84016667,25.87481667,spk_6,that might not be documented properly. +106,25.88465,25.90748333,spk_6,And yet we haven't documented +107,25.91015,25.93016667,spk_6,the data side of things. +108,25.9945,26.01148333,spk_5,Is it worth +109,26.03298333,26.06198333,spk_5,going back through it? +110,26.11666667,26.1465,spk_5,"So, having, having converted the X" +111,26.1485,26.14915,spk_5,Cora +112,26.15266667,26.19098333,spk_5,"to this mermaid chart, like I didn't," +113,26.20731667,26.215,spk_5,"I mean," +114,26.23216667,26.27648333,spk_5,"it didn't have a red flag go off like, oh, I know it's missing this." +115,26.27665,26.31916667,spk_5,"And so I don't know what, what I would do." +116,26.32316667,26.34348333,spk_5,I guess it would just to step through the +117,26.34365,26.39616667,spk_5,code and just see if there's any branches missing +118,26.39915,26.42848333,spk_5,"as we go through this chart, which" +119,26.4375,26.45115,spk_5,is doable. +120,26.49,26.555,spk_6,"That's why I did at the time of create it. But that was like a year ago, a year or so. So" +121,26.57048333,26.59216667,spk_6,there's probably a lot changed since then. +122,26.63216667,26.6545,spk_5,"I mean, maybe it's just worth," +123,26.6695,26.72065,spk_5,maybe I should just go in and edit the stock and say like +124,26.72881667,26.74466667,spk_5,this is +125,26.76031667,26.78333333,spk_5,this could be incomplete. +126,26.79481667,26.80365,spk_5,"Don't," +127,26.82231667,26.86333333,spk_5,don't like use this as the source of truth. +128,26.87448333,26.94266667,spk_0,"So this is a really good point because we, when we talked about this," +129,26.94281667,27.00798333,spk_0,the whole goal of document the current state is to guide us +130,27.01181667,27.03265,spk_0,uh in +131,27.046,27.10365,spk_0,identifying an ideal architecture. OK? It's not +132,27.10833333,27.12566667,spk_0,the architecture. +133,27.12983333,27.19331667,spk_0,"But for example, what we can already see like when we look at these," +134,27.19965,27.25148333,spk_0,like there's a lot of stuff here that are um +135,27.26815,27.30115,spk_0,also applicable in the repository. +136,27.30131667,27.373,spk_0,So we can probably abstract this in a way that is generalized to all contexts. +137,27.3795,27.3945,spk_0,Uh Like +138,27.39915,27.42083333,spk_0,"when you're looking at a commit," +139,27.43698333,27.47615,spk_0,"we're looking at at a commit in a repository," +140,27.47631667,27.52083333,spk_0,"there will be renamed files in those commits, right?" +141,27.52415,27.53616667,spk_0,Um +142,27.55365,27.5875,spk_0,"And we're looking at comparing the branches," +143,27.59065,27.6085,spk_0,it will be there +144,27.61231667,27.64131667,spk_0,that will be renamed too uh +145,27.67398333,27.74016667,spk_0,"bearing branches. We always also catch, yeah, I think it it would." +146,27.74498333,27.79565,spk_0,Um so we can start already starting to see that there's +147,27.79583333,27.84698333,spk_0,a bunch of things here that are common for every case of +148,27.85548333,27.89365,spk_0,the diff there's probably some areas here in this +149,27.89383333,27.94233333,spk_0,"tree that don't make sense for the repository," +150,27.9425,27.98833333,spk_0,which we could take notes and then we can help +151,27.99731667,28.03833333,spk_0,um that can help the conversation. +152,28.04131667,28.05148333,spk_0,"In," +153,28.06466667,28.11365,spk_0,"for example, one of the things that we've talked already is the" +154,28.12065,28.16181667,spk_0,that would be sort of part of the architecture is +155,28.176,28.18881667,spk_0,um +156,28.21766667,28.3025,spk_0,the viewers for the types of file um where we can have um +157,28.31831667,28.37398333,spk_0,"like if it's an image, if it's a text, if it's a binary, all that stuff." +158,28.38115,28.40398333,spk_0,"But more than that," +159,28.40615,28.41598333,spk_0,that +160,28.43,28.52316667,spk_0,Eduardo rec uh suggested is to also include a way that we can have +161,28.532,28.609,spk_0,a rendered version of the diff which would benefit some cases +162,28.60916667,28.68265,spk_0,"like the uh Jupiter notebooks and potentially others uh mark down," +163,28.68281667,28.69633333,spk_0,for example. +164,28.70381667,28.71565,spk_0,Um +165,28.73915,28.77116667,spk_0,And that's the kind of decisions we need to support +166,28.77133333,28.83681667,spk_0,here in that architecture is support different ways to render +167,28.84115,28.84915,spk_0,"sorry," +168,28.85483333,28.88731667,spk_0,support different ways to display the D +169,28.89065,28.9085,spk_0,to the user +170,28.91483333,28.98616667,spk_0,um which will extract out of this diagram. And this um +171,29.00683333,29.02681667,spk_0,"knowledge I would say," +172,29.09115,29.09683333,spk_0,"yeah," +173,29.12631667,29.13383333,spk_0,go ahead. +174,29.14883333,29.16781667,spk_5,"Oh I just said, OK." +175,29.17415,29.19016667,spk_0,OK. Cool. +176,29.23465,29.25981667,spk_0,Um Cook. +177,29.30815,29.3675,spk_0,What I would also say we don't have to have everything in one diagram. +178,29.36766667,29.38783333,spk_0,If we have another way of +179,29.38966667,29.40516667,spk_0,presenting +180,29.41466667,29.46766667,spk_0,"other parts, I know that the back end did several" +181,29.46966667,29.49633333,spk_0,charts when we go +182,29.50933333,29.57448333,spk_0,the flow and then this like different ways of communicating things +183,29.58465,29.64348333,spk_0,uh especially when we're talking about different components and different parts +184,29.64715,29.67281667,spk_0,like Italy and all that stuff. +185,29.6775,29.755,spk_0,Um So we can present parts of the application and data flows differently. +186,29.75516667,29.82215,spk_0,We don't have to be restricted to one particular diagram. OK. +187,29.83065,29.85266667,spk_0,"If it makes it harder," +188,29.86598333,29.9235,spk_0,"uh just split into multiple diagrams and we can have a different perspective," +189,29.92366667,29.97366667,spk_0,"a different view or different lens on the data flow, for example." +190,30.00233333,30.01431667,spk_0,Cool. +191,30.02015,30.02415,spk_0,Uh +192,30.02733333,30.04833333,spk_0,So +193,30.05516667,30.06981667,spk_0,anything +194,30.09498333,30.11781667,spk_0,anything else +195,30.15283333,30.196,spk_2,I just wanted to add that we probably need a +196,30.19616667,30.26581667,spk_2,chart of all the these features that we have because +197,30.275,30.36516667,spk_2,"the structure is one thing but also inside each of the components, it might contain" +198,30.3695,30.41998333,spk_2,five different features for a particular view. +199,30.42665,30.49481667,spk_2,And like an image preview can have a commenting functionality +200,30.49948333,30.5465,spk_2,"that you can click anywhere on the image and leave a comment," +201,30.55598333,30.59115,spk_2,uh text files have +202,30.60216667,30.65866667,spk_2,"side by side view in line view, no white space view." +203,30.66316667,30.70731667,spk_2,So stuff like that. And since we are +204,30.71165,30.7295,spk_2,moving to a new +205,30.734,30.75581667,spk_2,"des architecture," +206,30.759,30.78383333,spk_2,we probably should +207,30.79515,30.81781667,spk_2,uh satisfy +208,30.82215,30.86381667,spk_2,this uh feature parity +209,30.876,30.90315,spk_2,uh with what we have right now. +210,30.90331667,30.95416667,spk_2,So I think it makes sense to document everything that we have. +211,30.95433333,31.02631667,spk_2,"So once we move to a new architecture, we don't miss any of the features." +212,31.09281667,31.10198333,spk_0,"All right," +213,31.10916667,31.17065,spk_0,"you wanna start an issue with that Stanislav because I feel like that's a, a separate" +214,31.18065,31.19098333,spk_0,um +215,31.19433333,31.23531667,spk_0,effort and it's not necessarily a +216,31.23865,31.29715,spk_0,"front end thing. We might, we might involve product here as well" +217,31.30233333,31.33315,spk_0,to ensure that we um +218,31.342,31.3625,spk_0,that we're covered. +219,31.37333333,31.417,spk_0,"Of course, we can look at the code and that's definitely a way to get that." +220,31.4255,31.43366667,spk_0,But +221,31.4485,31.49331667,spk_0,what I want us to have is +222,31.50781667,31.52316667,spk_0,that definitely makes sense. +223,31.52333333,31.55016667,spk_0,"Like feature parody makes sense," +224,31.55033333,31.60598333,spk_0,but maybe not every feature needs to be available everywhere. +225,31.61333333,31.65016667,spk_0,Uh or there could be some +226,31.655,31.6775,spk_0,tiered approach. So +227,31.68583333,31.69965,spk_0,"-- I was just gonna +-- imagine that our," +228,31.69981667,31.79081667,spk_5,our uh our order of priorities puts future coverage actually as +229,31.79781667,31.85683333,spk_5,"-- a third on the list. So +-- by design," +230,31.86333333,31.87698333,spk_5,"yeah, and," +231,31.88115,31.92665,spk_5,and the um all those things you mentioned are correct. +232,31.92681667,31.98281667,spk_5,"They, they are sort of covered in that chart very abstractly like" +233,31.98898333,32.0485,spk_5,dro I think is what's handling parallel versus in line and like +234,32.04866667,32.10466667,spk_5,design pin is what's handling like being able to click anywhere. +235,32.10531667,32.16683333,spk_5,"So like they're, they're in there, it's just not like explicitly mentioned." +236,32.167,32.23231667,spk_5,So it probably is good to like list out the features that each component covers. +237,32.26381667,32.2795,spk_0,"I hate to say it," +238,32.28281667,32.33931667,spk_0,"but it feels like this is a spreadsheet. It should be a spreadsheet or," +239,32.34183333,32.38931667,spk_0,or a marked on table. I don't care. +240,32.39698333,32.40216667,spk_0,"But," +241,32.41398333,32.49531667,spk_0,but essentially it looks like we need to have like an array of like features and then +242,32.50016667,32.57083333,spk_0,try to make a decision about whether they're applicable to all the contexts of des +243,32.57465,32.63016667,spk_0,"or not. Like for now, we should definitely base it off" +244,32.64481667,32.68515,spk_0,the domains we currently have. +245,32.68531667,32.72431667,spk_0,I don't know if you have any features on +246,32.72448333,32.77431667,spk_0,"the repository commit that are not an emerging quest," +247,32.786,32.79233333,spk_0,but +248,32.80548333,32.86333333,spk_0,"maybe that's why we should go and take a look. So it feels like it's a, it's a" +249,32.87015,32.88115,spk_0,um +250,32.89331667,32.92698333,spk_0,"a feature, a feature table" +251,32.95083333,32.98248333,spk_0,for all the different contexts. +252,32.98265,33.07183333,spk_0,Uh and then just uh mark a cross or a check mark where they are available +253,33.07698333,33.11266667,spk_0,and potentially can have a discussion about whether +254,33.11283333,33.1465,spk_0,they should be available and everywhere or not. +255,33.14715,33.18648333,spk_0,"Uh And potentially, yeah, but that," +256,33.18665,33.23915,spk_0,that feature table will be useful uh later on when we're +257,33.23931667,33.29281667,spk_0,deciding exactly about where to cut and what are the implications. +258,33.29298333,33.29915,spk_0,Because +259,33.301,33.32983333,spk_0,"for example, um" +260,33.38231667,33.40348333,spk_0,this could be controversial. +261,33.4105,33.42333333,spk_0,"I warn you," +262,33.43648333,33.48265,spk_0,should we leave comments on a repository commit? +263,33.52383333,33.58265,spk_0,"That's a product decision. It's not a technical decision, it's a product decision." +264,33.58281667,33.59266667,spk_0,And +265,33.59866667,33.61198333,spk_0,"to be honest," +266,33.6335,33.69515,spk_0,"there is arguments, I'm just saying there are arguments." +267,33.69748333,33.70981667,spk_0,Uh +268,33.71581667,33.73515,spk_0,Maybe I agree with them +269,33.7385,33.75981667,spk_0,that um +270,33.76398333,33.79,spk_0,"if you leave a comedy in a commit," +271,33.79616667,33.86516667,spk_0,"there's nobody looking at that commit, maybe the author will get a notification," +272,33.873,33.88383333,spk_0,I guess. +273,33.89915,33.94131667,spk_0,But in emerging request is the moment that everybody is looking at that +274,33.94148333,33.98898333,spk_0,code or at least people are looking at that code to be reviewed. +275,33.98915,34.07198333,spk_0,"But when it's a repository, it's at, it's at rest. It's a, it's a it's a code at rest." +276,34.07881667,34.09416667,spk_0,"So," +277,34.09833333,34.135,spk_0,should we allow discussions to happen there? +278,34.14766667,34.18165,spk_0,That's a more of a product UX decision. +279,34.1835,34.25398333,spk_0,And I think that table will help us make those conversations easier. So +280,34.27633333,34.29848333,spk_0,ST has left an open an issue for that +281,34.30298333,34.32065,spk_0,and get the ball rolling. +282,34.33563333,34.35015,spk_0,"I already did it," +283,34.35565,34.37763333,spk_2,linking it right now in South. +284,34.41048333,34.4335,spk_0,Amazing. Amazing. +285,34.43581667,34.44798333,spk_0,Thank you. +286,34.45116667,34.46033333,spk_0,Awesome. +287,34.46596667,34.51266667,spk_0,I'll also take Kai on that to help us out. Uh +288,34.52415,34.60781667,spk_0,"And uh and then we can make um there so Jacques from, from source code side," +289,34.60796667,34.64316667,spk_0,it would be great for us to um +290,34.65313333,34.74266667,spk_0,pull in. Also if you uh wanna uh discover the product a little bit going on a journey +291,34.75796667,34.81946667,spk_0,"to also add the source code perspective on these because again," +292,34.8225,34.87666667,spk_0,there might be features in source code that we would like to have +293,34.88263333,34.9345,spk_0,on the merger quest. I can't remember anything but +294,34.93698333,34.95566667,spk_0,maybe I'm missing something. +295,34.96716667,34.97616667,spk_0,Um +296,34.98998333,35.03766667,spk_0,"So yeah, basically what I'm saying is let's crowdsource that issue" +297,35.04481667,35.12448333,spk_0,"uh and uh whatever way of doing it, the table a spreadsheet or, or something, just" +298,35.12916667,35.17083333,spk_0,let's all collaborating and making that evolve. OK. +299,35.2175,35.23615,spk_0,Sweet. +300,35.24815,35.27516667,spk_0,Thanks. Standard Life. That's useful. +301,35.301,35.30466667,spk_0,Mm +302,35.33483333,35.34498333,spk_0,What else +303,35.35698333,35.36733333,spk_0,are we good +304,35.38315,35.39148333,spk_0,for now? +305,35.49148333,35.49783333,spk_0,"All right," +306,35.49798333,35.52715,spk_0,we can use the rest of the time to go into +307,35.52731667,35.5935,spk_0,the issues and uh share our thoughts and make those discussions. +308,35.59366667,35.60183333,spk_0,Go ahead. +309,35.61215,35.63581667,spk_0,Uh Thanks everybody +310,35.64216667,35.7125,spk_0,and uh thanks for your time and I'll see you around and in another call perhaps diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/ES2014a.Mix-Headset.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/ES2014a.Mix-Headset.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d2947b88043430861399ada6ee393d6ff31f4c38 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/ES2014a.Mix-Headset.csv @@ -0,0 +1,386 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,0.0028333333333333,0.0186666666666666,spk_0,Kick off the meeting. +1,0.0241666666666666,0.0368333333333333,spk_0,I just +2,0.0481666666666666,0.0625,spk_0,"no," +3,0.0866499999999999,0.0906666666666666,spk_0,let's +4,0.0925,0.0928333333333333,spk_0,see. +5,0.4594833333333333,0.471,spk_0,Sandwich. +6,0.6166666666666667,0.6265000000000001,spk_0,"Okay," +7,0.6319833333333332,0.63565,spk_0,thanks. +8,0.7096666666666667,0.7101666666666666,spk_0,Mm +9,0.7571666666666667,0.768,spk_0,ok. +10,0.8083333333333333,0.8219833333333334,spk_0,Is that ok? +11,0.8558166666666666,0.8655,spk_0,Mm. +12,0.9041666666666668,0.9105,spk_0,Come on. +13,1.0396666666666667,1.049316666666667,spk_0,Okay. +14,1.1276666666666666,1.1358333333333333,spk_0,Ok. +15,1.1883333333333337,1.2026666666666666,spk_0,Right. So +16,1.2371666666666667,1.2588166666666667,spk_0,start of the first meeting. +17,1.2843166666666668,1.2918333333333334,spk_0,Ok. +18,1.3563166666666666,1.3933166666666668,spk_0,Right. So agenda of the first meeting +19,1.4221666666666666,1.43915,spk_0,where we uh +20,1.5006666666666666,1.5289833333333334,spk_0,we have 25 minutes for this meeting +21,1.5408166666666667,1.5578333333333334,spk_0,we uh +22,1.5965,1.62315,spk_0,or to get acquainted. +23,1.65765,1.6693333333333331,spk_0,So +24,1.6715,1.7221666666666666,spk_0,does everyone want to say who they a re that's +25,1.7241499999999998,1.7379833333333334,spk_0,sensible. +26,1.7466666666666666,1.7811666666666666,spk_1,I'm Robin. I'm the marketing manager. +27,1.7919833333333333,1.8363333333333332,spk_2,I'm Louisa. I'm the user interface designer. +28,1.8395,1.8776666666666664,spk_2,"I'm Nick, I'm the industrial designer" +29,1.8879833333333331,1.8943333333333332,spk_0,and I'm +30,1.8969833333333332,1.9003166666666669,spk_0,Alister +31,1.9034833333333332,1.9348166666666664,spk_0,and I'm the project leader. +32,1.9621666666666664,2.011,spk_0,All right. Ok. So two training +33,2.0311666666666666,2.0425,spk_0,um +34,2.0936666666666666,2.1161666666666665,spk_0,project plan. +35,2.1226666666666665,2.174,spk_0,So does anyone have any uh thoughts +36,2.2078333333333333,2.257483333333333,spk_0,as to the tool training that uh is required? +37,2.2838166666666666,2.3225,spk_2,I'm not exactly sure what you mean by to +38,2.3293166666666667,2.3303333333333334,spk_0,training +39,2.343983333333333,2.3459833333333333,spk_0,neither. +40,2.3476666666666666,2.3478166666666667,spk_0,A +41,2.43115,2.458666666666667,spk_0,"Oh, I see. So we shouldn't really be" +42,2.6134833333333334,2.6384833333333333,spk_0,"alright. Okay. So," +43,2.643333333333333,2.6824833333333333,spk_0,so we have the project aim which is to um +44,2.69815,2.7485,spk_0,basically to come up with a new remote control device. +45,2.764333333333333,2.77465,spk_0,Uh +46,2.794483333333333,2.84865,spk_0,"we have uh starting base was the original," +47,2.8773166666666667,2.92565,spk_0,which has been in existence now for a period of time. +48,2.9458333333333333,2.962833333333333,spk_0,And uh +49,2.978816666666667,3.00615,spk_0,our idea is to uh +50,3.027483333333333,3.093983333333333,spk_0,to make the new remote control device uh more user friendly than the previous one +51,3.100833333333333,3.11815,spk_0,"and to," +52,3.14865,3.202166666666667,spk_0,to be trendy or to be with it and therefore to uh +53,3.22565,3.2649833333333333,spk_0,to get a bigger market share and bigger audience. +54,3.282983333333333,3.29265,spk_0,So +55,3.295983333333333,3.30465,spk_0,um +56,3.3358166666666667,3.390816666666667,spk_0,the method of doing this is uh split up +57,3.4023166666666667,3.4291666666666667,spk_0,as you can see into uh +58,3.4509833333333333,3.4753333333333334,spk_0,"the functional design," +59,3.482333333333333,3.539483333333333,spk_0,the conceptional design and the detailed design. +60,3.546483333333333,3.55665,spk_0,"So," +61,3.5603166666666666,3.56915,spk_0,um +62,3.6221666666666663,3.6596666666666655,spk_0,and each of these uh phases will uh +63,3.690816666666666,3.7543166666666665,spk_0,"basically be handing over to yourselves, the designers of this uh" +64,3.79465,3.8083333333333336,spk_0,this device +65,3.8188333333333335,3.8584833333333335,spk_0,and uh having uh meetings +66,3.8628333333333336,3.904166666666667,spk_0,so that we can uh during the course of today +67,3.9088166666666666,3.9415,spk_0,um come up with uh +68,3.9858166666666666,4.053816666666667,spk_0,"better, better ins implement than we had before and therefore," +69,4.054,4.096666666666667,spk_0,um have a successful uh conclusion +70,4.105333333333333,4.112333333333333,spk_0,to the day. +71,4.132483333333333,4.140316666666667,spk_0,Um +72,4.172316666666667,4.18065,spk_0,and +73,4.193333333333333,4.229316666666667,spk_0,you'll be doing uh various designs +74,4.23565,4.2555,spk_0,uh throughout the day +75,4.264333333333333,4.284316666666666,spk_0,to meet this end. +76,4.287816666666667,4.303166666666667,spk_0,So we've got +77,4.304833333333334,4.313166666666667,spk_0,"to, to" +78,4.321316666666666,4.3485,spk_0,try out white board. +79,4.421,4.43215,spk_0,So +80,4.43465,4.441333333333334,spk_0,"will I," +81,4.4656666666666665,4.531333333333333,spk_0,right. So basically everyone's to uh supposedly uh draw their favorite animal +82,4.54365,4.587316666666666,spk_0,over on the white board over there. I guess this is +83,4.588983333333333,4.589166666666666,spk_0,a +84,4.600816666666667,4.6245,spk_0,to make sure the white board works. +85,4.627983333333333,4.64415,spk_0,"So, uh I" +86,4.6478166666666665,4.677333333333333,spk_0,don't know who wishes to go first. +87,4.701483333333333,4.752666666666666,spk_0,Do you wish to go have a first bash a t uh whatever +88,4.76865,4.777983333333333,spk_0,um +89,4.800666666666666,4.807333333333333,spk_0,uh +90,4.836166666666667,4.8365,spk_2,we +91,4.84215,4.84415,spk_2,got +92,4.852166666666667,4.852833333333333,spk_0,"today," +93,4.865166666666667,4.920333333333334,spk_0,"but now you, you, yeah, you'll move out from the microphone" +94,4.925983333333333,4.941483333333333,spk_0,and the ca mera. +95,4.950166666666666,4.963166666666667,spk_0,I take it that +96,4.984,5.014483333333334,spk_0,"I would, I would guess. So" +97,5.025316666666667,5.030483333333334,spk_0,you've +98,5.03365,5.041333333333333,spk_3,lost +99,5.091483333333334,5.143483333333333,spk_0,"technical problems. I mean, new designers a re meant to come up with" +100,5.14515,5.145833333333333,spk_0,things. +101,5.2095,5.214316666666667,spk_0,Hm. +102,5.3753166666666665,5.379166666666666,spk_2,"Well," +103,5.398,5.428333333333334,spk_2,I think that I would have to say +104,5.434,5.45765,spk_2,that. My favourite animal +105,5.461166666666666,5.471316666666667,spk_2,is +106,5.475816666666667,5.487983333333333,spk_2,the cat. +107,5.6001666666666665,5.61915,spk_2,Little smile of cat me. +108,5.6578333333333335,5.688483333333333,spk_2,"Um, and this would be" +109,5.710666666666667,5.740666666666667,spk_2,because they're very independent. +110,5.751816666666667,5.786316666666667,spk_2,"Uh, they're very intelligent" +111,5.791833333333333,5.814316666666667,spk_2,compared to dogs. Maybe. +112,5.865483333333334,5.9125,spk_2,"Um, they can be very, very affectionate. Some people don't think so," +113,5.915666666666667,5.953833333333334,spk_2,"but I know very affectionate cats. Um," +114,5.99315,6.029483333333333,spk_2,"um, and they can look after themselves." +115,6.053483333333333,6.063816666666667,spk_0,Thanks +116,6.0875,6.0953333333333335,spk_0,next. +117,6.102983333333333,6.111,spk_0,"-- Shall +-- I" +118,6.112816666666666,6.126983333333333,spk_2,work that out? Actually? +119,6.142833333333333,6.196316666666666,spk_0,"Well, I don't see, is there's any need to, there's plenty of space." +120,6.202333333333334,6.211166666666666,spk_0,"I mean," +121,6.230333333333333,6.24215,spk_0,whatever +122,6.2443333333333335,6.258,spk_1,have a whole man. +123,6.268833333333333,6.28115,spk_0,Exactly. +124,6.299166666666666,6.333816666666666,spk_3,So I'll see if I can get the cost right? This tangling everything. +125,6.400816666666667,6.4363166666666665,spk_0,So we've had more time to prepare over this side. +126,6.4365,6.479333333333333,spk_0,So we've all stuck our bits and pieces in the pockets. +127,6.5605,6.563816666666667,spk_3,Um +128,6.576816666666667,6.59215,spk_0,The three pens a re +129,6.665483333333333,6.690166666666666,spk_3,okay. Um +130,6.734,6.75565,spk_3,If I'm gonna go +131,6.777166666666667,6.780483333333334,spk_3,uh +132,6.788166666666667,6.8065,spk_3,"the bear, which" +133,6.808333333333334,6.824816666666667,spk_3,"I'll be able to draw very well," +134,6.849666666666667,6.866666666666667,spk_3,I'll have a bash of it. +135,6.8815,6.913166666666667,spk_0,You get marks for artistic impression. +136,7.052483333333333,7.078666666666667,spk_3,00 kinda lost it there. +137,7.090983333333333,7.09665,spk_3,Catholics. +138,7.099666666666667,7.100816666666667,spk_3,Not +139,7.1044833333333335,7.105333333333333,spk_3,like +140,7.131833333333334,7.168333333333333,spk_0,um So you're just doing the face +141,7.19415,7.203333333333333,spk_3,for a +142,7.219833333333334,7.252483333333333,spk_3,"uh a s a small, small bare" +143,7.256333333333333,7.2575,spk_3,body. +144,7.373166666666667,7.385316666666666,spk_3,I am. +145,7.399,7.401666666666666,spk_3,I +146,7.41965,7.48065,spk_3,and I like my animal that looks nothing like a bear because um +147,7.502333333333333,7.5085,spk_3,"I don't know," +148,7.50865,7.557833333333333,spk_3,maybe cause there's so many cartoon characters made up after the +149,7.558,7.5945,spk_3,"be like the jungle book characters and stuff like that," +150,7.674316666666667,7.682333333333333,spk_3,right? +151,7.846316666666667,7.894333333333333,spk_1,Hello. Um I'm gonna go for the dog +152,7.899816666666666,7.929333333333333,spk_1,and I'm gonna draw one badly as well. +153,7.936166666666667,7.948,spk_1,Um +154,8.09615,8.113983333333334,spk_1,It looks like it's going to be a +155,8.12115,8.128483333333334,spk_1,dachshund or something +156,8.269333333333334,8.280983333333333,spk_1,that's quite good. +157,8.377833333333333,8.40815,spk_1,"Right. There's my dog. Um," +158,8.42065,8.454983333333333,spk_1,I like dogs because they're very loyal +159,8.465983333333334,8.523816666666667,spk_1,"and they're always happy. So, whenever, whenever you're feeling sort of a bit" +160,8.527483333333333,8.5555,spk_1,"bit down or tired," +161,8.5595,8.61015,spk_1,"they're always coming up and they're always, um, quite excited." +162,8.616833333333334,8.665666666666667,spk_1,"So, um, you can always have a lot of fun with the dog" +163,8.672816666666666,8.706983333333334,spk_1,and they're also good for exercise as well. +164,8.70715,8.752983333333333,spk_1,"You can sort of get out and they, they sort of never get tired and, and" +165,8.759833333333333,8.789666666666667,spk_1,"when they're tired they're quite cute as well. So," +166,8.810666666666666,8.842166666666667,spk_1,"mm. Okay, that's why I like dogs." +167,8.887316666666667,8.887833333333333,spk_1,Mm. +168,8.933983333333334,8.9565,spk_0,"Right. Um," +169,9.00365,9.067166666666669,spk_0,"well, I've not actually had too many pets, uh, over my, uh, time cause" +170,9.086316666666669,9.1105,spk_0,to be honest with you. Uh. +171,9.1525,9.171816666666668,spk_0,"Oh, right. Um," +172,9.1805,9.213666666666668,spk_0,not too keen on them anyway. Not to worry. +173,9.213833333333334,9.264,spk_0,"So, what my daughters have got a t the moment is they've got, uh," +174,9.26765,9.308333333333334,spk_0,"a few fish and so hopefully," +175,9.311316666666666,9.35,spk_0,"um, it won't prove too difficult to draw." +176,9.359316666666668,9.368166666666667,spk_0,Uh. +177,9.464483333333334,9.46865,spk_0,Mhm. +178,9.60365,9.674,spk_0,"As you can see that my artist, artistic work is useless as well" +179,9.681983333333331,9.70165,spk_0,"anyway. Um," +180,9.724333333333334,9.738483333333331,spk_0,"and, uh," +181,9.750816666666667,9.811666666666667,spk_0,"one of the best, uh, things about fish is that they don't really take, uh," +182,9.82565,9.838,spk_0,too much +183,9.84465,9.860983333333332,spk_0,looking after +184,9.866316666666666,9.93115,spk_0,"because, uh, with most of the animals, if you're going away on holiday or whatever," +185,9.9375,9.947333333333331,spk_0,you've got +186,9.96215,10.022816666666667,spk_0,spend money or get a friend or whatever to look after them for you. +187,10.023483333333331,10.044483333333334,spk_0,"Whereas if you got fish," +188,10.049333333333331,10.121166666666667,spk_0,"you just gotta put the food in AAA Dripper Feed, which feeds them over the, uh," +189,10.121333333333334,10.14965,spk_0,"couple of weeks that your way and, uh," +190,10.180816666666669,10.218316666666666,spk_0,to use the water every couple of months and +191,10.232333333333331,10.2605,spk_0,"buying a few plants. So," +192,10.264316666666666,10.29265,spk_0,"other than the fact they keep dying," +193,10.295483333333332,10.316316666666667,spk_0,"uh, fish a re," +194,10.319,10.319166666666666,spk_0,"uh," +195,10.352166666666667,10.423483333333332,spk_0,"are not, are, are, are reasonable pets in that. Uh, they're low maintenance." +196,10.492,10.5025,spk_0,Right? +197,10.55065,10.603816666666669,spk_0,"Okay. Uh, we're still all with us," +198,10.617833333333332,10.64765,spk_0,"right. Okay. So," +199,10.693316666666666,10.716316666666666,spk_0,"work has been done on, ah," +200,10.750983333333334,10.782666666666668,spk_0,"this, uh, project whereby, um," +201,10.830983333333334,10.892,spk_0,"€25 as, ah, the, ah, expected, ah," +202,10.9105,10.92365,spk_0,sound price +203,10.9345,10.97765,spk_0,information has come from our marketing manager here. +204,11.050333333333333,11.101333333333333,spk_0,"So we're looking to sell internationally, not just in Europe," +205,11.108983333333333,11.135316666666666,spk_0,"we're looking a T, um," +206,11.15615,11.251816666666668,spk_0,"having your production costs limited to uh, €12.5 per unit" +207,11.280816666666666,11.300333333333333,spk_0,and therefore making a +208,11.306983333333331,11.323816666666666,spk_0,profit margin +209,11.335983333333331,11.392833333333334,spk_0,"of, uh, well, not actually a profit margin. It's, uh," +210,11.41615,11.473166666666666,spk_0,"because obviously you're gonna have overheads and various other costs to, uh," +211,11.473333333333333,11.483833333333331,spk_0,"take," +212,11.49,11.508983333333331,spk_0,"uh, from, uh," +213,11.530983333333332,11.56865,spk_0,from that to give you your profit margin per unit. +214,11.614,11.680666666666667,spk_0,"And so, depending what the, uh, the overhead uh costs a re" +215,11.68515,11.708833333333333,spk_0,"will determine, um," +216,11.726983333333331,11.809983333333332,spk_0,"how many units we're, uh, looking to sell or projecting to sell a T this point in time." +217,11.83215,11.849816666666667,spk_0,"So, um," +218,11.938483333333334,11.980666666666666,spk_0,experience with remote control for study is +219,11.996333333333334,12.009983333333333,spk_0,your remote. +220,12.013483333333332,12.022,spk_0,"So," +221,12.032983333333334,12.053333333333333,spk_0,I guess we're +222,12.068483333333331,12.091316666666666,spk_0,"looking a t, um," +223,12.103333333333332,12.1375,spk_0,"having a discussion, a T this point in time to help" +224,12.15715,12.17565,spk_0,"you. Um," +225,12.193483333333331,12.2505,spk_0,"folks design our, our new model as it were." +226,12.2535,12.272333333333334,spk_0,"So, uh," +227,12.28515,12.3065,spk_0,"any, any thoughts," +228,12.323816666666666,12.332333333333333,spk_3,"um," +229,12.346333333333334,12.391666666666667,spk_3,"uh, maybe from some remote controls, the buttons, a re, a little small," +230,12.391833333333333,12.412316666666667,spk_3,they're quite hard to press. +231,12.417483333333331,12.439666666666668,spk_3,So maybe we can look something where +232,12.46215,12.482666666666669,spk_3,"easy to press, but" +233,12.487833333333333,12.507816666666669,spk_3,as that is the main function. +234,12.515483333333334,12.540483333333333,spk_0,"Okay. So," +235,12.552166666666666,12.619833333333334,spk_0,so basically we're looking for some um we're looking for a device +236,12.64565,12.677983333333334,spk_0,that is +237,12.681983333333331,12.694,spk_0,um +238,12.697483333333333,12.711983333333333,spk_0,robust +239,12.718,12.725983333333334,spk_0,"and," +240,12.761983333333331,12.786316666666666,spk_0,and therefore uh +241,12.793833333333334,12.818166666666666,spk_0,won't get da maged too easily. +242,12.8265,12.857816666666666,spk_0,Um We're looking for a +243,12.862666666666666,12.87765,spk_0,device +244,12.941,12.987833333333333,spk_0,there is uh what was the other things you said there +245,13.024483333333333,13.025,spk_0,easy +246,13.029333333333334,13.03115,spk_3,to +247,13.034666666666666,13.036983333333334,spk_3,use +248,13.10265,13.123816666666666,spk_3,that is easy to use an NC +249,13.137666666666666,13.152983333333331,spk_0,and see? +250,13.160316666666668,13.17065,spk_0,Ok. +251,13.196166666666668,13.203333333333331,spk_2,Uh +252,13.208666666666666,13.258983333333331,spk_2,"Can't just check, is this just a television remote" +253,13.26415,13.275333333333334,spk_2,because +254,13.2775,13.286833333333334,spk_2,a lot of uh +255,13.314483333333332,13.381816666666667,spk_2,"systems, a re kinda TV, video combined now or TV DVD combined." +256,13.3845,13.435833333333331,spk_2,And one of the most annoying things is having like five remotes in a house. +257,13.438666666666666,13.464833333333331,spk_2,"So if you've got a combined system," +258,13.469166666666666,13.49565,spk_2,it could be a combined remote +259,13.512666666666666,13.54765,spk_2,or is it just a television that we're supposed to be doing? +260,13.56865,13.575816666666666,spk_0,Well? +261,13.575983333333332,13.60815,spk_0,"Um At least I'll get back to you on that," +262,13.608333333333333,13.65915,spk_0,"but it seems to me sensible cause as you rightly said," +263,13.67565,13.7095,spk_0,there's nothing more annoying than having three +264,13.709666666666667,13.735316666666666,spk_0,"or four devices littered about the," +265,13.7355,13.772483333333334,spk_0,"uh, about the room and uh" +266,13.850333333333332,13.8775,spk_0,"so a device for," +267,13.907983333333334,13.9285,spk_0,for all remotes. +268,13.99,13.992,spk_3,So this +269,13.99565,13.996166666666667,spk_3,one +270,14.003333333333334,14.0085,spk_3,you go. +271,14.0115,14.01765,spk_3,Okay. +272,14.022166666666667,14.028333333333334,spk_1,Yeah. +273,14.032816666666667,14.092316666666669,spk_1,Um One of the things um we found from the market research is that +274,14.097,14.1335,spk_1,people have to get confused by the number of buttons +275,14.133666666666668,14.179816666666667,spk_1,on them as well cause there's quite often lots and lots +276,14.193483333333331,14.208666666666666,spk_1,and um +277,14.228166666666668,14.243,spk_1,sometimes +278,14.249333333333333,14.320483333333334,spk_1,"uh they'd sort of remote controls, defeat their own purpose because" +279,14.325816666666666,14.375166666666669,spk_1,you're sat in the chair and the remote is somewhere else in the room. +280,14.380666666666666,14.390833333333331,spk_1,"So," +281,14.398333333333332,14.41115,spk_1,"whereas in the past," +282,14.411316666666666,14.445833333333333,spk_1,you'd have to get up to change the channel now you +283,14.446,14.47665,spk_1,have to get up to sort of pick up the remote. +284,14.476816666666666,14.48515,spk_1,"So," +285,14.494,14.539,spk_1,"so I do, we need to sort of maybe think about how," +286,14.552166666666666,14.561983333333334,spk_1,"um," +287,14.5785,14.596166666666669,spk_1,"we could maybe, uh," +288,14.608833333333331,14.646483333333334,spk_1,develop a remote control which moves around through. +289,14.660316666666668,14.672816666666666,spk_1,I don't know. +290,14.70915,14.759983333333333,spk_1,"That's, that's maybe something for the future when you can talk to your television." +291,14.76015,14.762666666666666,spk_1,But +292,14.788833333333333,14.843833333333333,spk_0,"whereas in a sense, it's through um mutually exclusive," +293,14.844,14.906666666666666,spk_0,you can't have both the th the one device +294,14.91215,14.937833333333334,spk_0,and then have few +295,14.94265,14.9605,spk_0,buttons on it +296,14.965483333333331,15.01515,spk_0,"to cause you want, you want simplicity as well. You want" +297,15.02565,15.055333333333332,spk_0,any idiot to be able to use it +298,15.061316666666666,15.149333333333333,spk_0,"whilst A T the SA me time you want, as you rightly said, one remote for all." +299,15.166316666666669,15.252166666666668,spk_0,And so these a re probably mutually exclusive options +300,15.261316666666668,15.277983333333331,spk_0,that uh +301,15.307983333333333,15.35515,spk_0,hm you could argue that experience +302,15.358666666666666,15.4115,spk_0,of using devices and similar devices as people +303,15.411666666666669,15.44015,spk_0,get more and more used to using remotes. +304,15.440316666666666,15.453333333333331,spk_0,"Therefore, they're more OK" +305,15.455816666666667,15.514833333333334,spk_0,with handling them. Therefore you can make them more complicated as time goes on. +306,15.515666666666666,15.561316666666666,spk_0,"-- Maybe we could +-- um have better instructions with the remotes." +307,15.5615,15.589833333333331,spk_3,A re we just doing the design of the remote control +308,15.59,15.628333333333334,spk_3,"itself or so of the instructions that would come with it," +309,15.662666666666668,15.683666666666667,spk_0,better instructions. +310,15.695,15.701333333333332,spk_1,"Yeah," +311,15.72,15.728333333333332,spk_1,"I mean," +312,15.749483333333334,15.795833333333333,spk_1,we've done some research um +313,15.8005,15.865316666666669,spk_1,"about sort of, you know what the cutting edge sort of hand held devices. A re" +314,15.872,15.940666666666669,spk_1,"and a lot of them sort of use, you know, there's like, they're like mini laptops." +315,15.950333333333331,15.999816666666666,spk_1,"So it's possible that we could devise a system where," +316,16.005333333333333,16.034833333333335,spk_1,"where you're, you're basically sort of holding a," +317,16.034983333333333,16.075,spk_1,"a miniature computer which is controlling all your," +318,16.080333333333332,16.135833333333334,spk_1,"your, sort of, your television, your stereo" +319,16.140833333333333,16.18915,spk_1,"and where, you know, if you buy a new thing then it's sort of," +320,16.194483333333334,16.218833333333333,spk_1,"you can link it to that as well," +321,16.22165,16.23115,spk_1,maybe. +322,16.24,16.254983333333332,spk_0,Okay. +323,16.258983333333333,16.30815,spk_0,"Um Well, we've got five minutes before the end of the meeting." +324,16.310666666666666,16.32065,spk_0,"So," +325,16.323333333333334,16.36965,spk_0,uh we have to uh start winding up. +326,16.374816666666668,16.384316666666667,spk_0,Um +327,16.401816666666665,16.41283333333333,spk_0,Is there +328,16.435666666666666,16.464666666666666,spk_0,next meeting in 30 minutes? +329,16.494833333333332,16.505666666666666,spk_0,Okay. +330,16.51015,16.532983333333334,spk_0,"So, um," +331,16.581983333333334,16.624,spk_0,"right. So we've got ID, the," +332,16.645166666666668,16.664483333333333,spk_0,"come on, where's my," +333,16.670483333333333,16.7055,spk_1,you just click return. It should be okay +334,16.71765,16.737316666666665,spk_1,and get rid of the message +335,16.804166666666667,16.813833333333335,spk_3,or not. +336,16.856816666666667,16.9015,spk_1,"If you hit, just hit return and it should get rid of the message." +337,17.1065,17.106666666666666,spk_0,"Oh," +338,17.119666666666667,17.122316666666666,spk_0,"yeah," +339,17.134,17.157166666666665,spk_0,that's what we're looking for. +340,17.169666666666668,17.178983333333335,spk_0,Right. +341,17.186983333333334,17.1965,spk_0,So +342,17.211333333333332,17.232316666666666,spk_0,"we've got functional," +343,17.259966666666667,17.289133333333332,spk_0,"what happened to the," +344,17.336816666666667,17.3625,spk_2,if you grab the kind of L +345,17.415,17.421166666666668,spk_1,Yeah. +346,17.557316666666665,17.57015,spk_0,Right. +347,17.70965,17.717816666666668,spk_0,Right. +348,17.733666666666668,17.748333333333335,spk_0,Sorry about that. +349,17.759816666666666,17.806333333333335,spk_0,Okay. So we've got um the working design +350,17.8295,17.88383333333333,spk_0,"for ID, the U ID, the technical functions, design," +351,17.895833333333332,17.949316666666668,spk_0,"marketing, the user requirement, specification" +352,17.954666666666668,17.999316666666665,spk_0,specific instructions a re sent to you about your person +353,18.009483333333332,18.038166666666665,spk_0,by your personal coach. +354,18.06415,18.07465,spk_0,So +355,18.09233333333333,18.11798333333333,spk_0,we all clear what +356,18.121,18.165983333333333,spk_0,objectives we're looking to meet in the next 30 minutes. +357,18.17248333333333,18.23465,spk_0,And I guess I'll try and write up some minutes of uh this meeting +358,18.244816666666665,18.26565,spk_0,to uh +359,18.268833333333333,18.28915,spk_0,to give it to you for +360,18.305983333333334,18.307316666666665,spk_0,the +361,18.309,18.312833333333334,spk_0,next +362,18.317666666666668,18.318483333333333,spk_0,meeting. +363,18.335833333333333,18.389316666666662,spk_2,I'm not exactly clear on what we're designing the re remote for. +364,18.38948333333333,18.44148333333333,spk_2,Is this AM multi functional one or do we decide +365,18.441666666666663,18.46865,spk_2,that ourselves as we go away and work on it? +366,18.48333333333333,18.519,spk_3,I think you just said the style is a television remote. +367,18.52815,18.52848333333333,spk_3,We +368,18.532316666666667,18.572316666666666,spk_3,should just to that unless we get told otherwise. +369,18.583666666666662,18.592166666666667,spk_0,That's true. +370,18.59233333333333,18.6275,spk_0,"Cause it, during, during the course of our day," +371,18.627666666666663,18.71483333333333,spk_0,we might make decisions based on information or meetings that would change +372,18.73665,18.799816666666665,spk_0,"where we're going. But a t this point in time, I think you're right. That, uh," +373,18.81415,18.8375,spk_0,so they would make it just a TV. +374,18.85548333333333,18.865816666666667,spk_0,Ok. +375,18.87848333333333,18.8885,spk_0,So +376,18.892333333333333,18.91415,spk_0,"we'll depart," +377,18.92183333333333,18.94183333333333,spk_0,we will stay here +378,18.94383333333333,18.973166666666668,spk_0,"and, uh, and break off" +379,18.988983333333334,19.017333333333333,spk_0,"and I'll do minutes and," +380,19.02015,19.042,spk_0,and we'll see you in half an hour. +381,19.1065,19.11865,spk_0,Right. +382,19.14666666666667,19.14816666666667,spk_0,Mhm. diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/ES2014b.Mix-Headset_1.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/ES2014b.Mix-Headset_1.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dd888954e81d73e31b31ff8963f148e5f4a323c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/ES2014b.Mix-Headset_1.csv @@ -0,0 +1,841 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,0.954,0.9683166666666666,spk_0,Right. +1,1.04215,1.068,spk_0,"So, um," +2,1.1645,1.2004833333333331,spk_0,so where's the powerpoint +3,1.2023166666666667,1.2221666666666666,spk_0,"presentation," +4,1.277,1.284166666666667,spk_0,Sony +5,1.36065,1.3814833333333334,spk_0,Microsoft per point? Right. +6,1.4768333333333334,1.5044833333333334,spk_0,Right. OK. +7,1.5308166666666667,1.5384833333333332,spk_0,So. +8,1.6273166666666667,1.637,spk_0,Right. +9,1.69,1.7199833333333334,spk_0,"Okay. So we've got, uh," +10,1.8088166666666667,1.8469833333333332,spk_0,so we've got new project requirements. +11,1.8544833333333333,1.8655,spk_0,Um +12,1.9346666666666668,1.9594833333333332,spk_0,So basically we've got three things. +13,1.959666666666667,2.0323333333333333,spk_0,"We've got 40 minutes in which to uh for this meeting to uh, to discuss" +14,2.044666666666666,2.0713166666666667,spk_0,the various options. +15,2.078666666666667,2.088833333333333,spk_0,"Um," +16,2.11765,2.1454833333333334,spk_0,three presentations. +17,2.180833333333333,2.2288166666666664,spk_1,"We have a, I guess we have a presentation each cause I've got one." +18,2.2456666666666667,2.2935,spk_0,"I see. Right. That's nice to know one from each of you," +19,2.297816666666667,2.3074833333333333,spk_0,"um," +20,2.31165,2.336316666666667,spk_0,new project requirements. +21,2.3383333333333334,2.413483333333333,spk_0,"Um So do we want to do the presentation first or do we want to, um," +22,2.45665,2.4908166666666665,spk_0,wi I got um a +23,2.499,2.54465,spk_0,"few or, or three things basically, um" +24,2.5629833333333334,2.58065,spk_0,relating to +25,2.5826666666666664,2.6438333333333333,spk_0,"the remote being only for TV, we discussed that last time" +26,2.6536666666666666,2.70465,spk_0,"and in actual fact, that was pretty, pretty well" +27,2.708333333333333,2.7535,spk_0,"what we ca me up with anyway. So in fact, it actually f" +28,2.764666666666667,2.7896666666666667,spk_0,we may be forestalled +29,2.7976666666666667,2.8156666666666665,spk_0,in a sense. +30,2.8198333333333334,2.828666666666667,spk_0,Um +31,2.831983333333333,2.8706666666666667,spk_0,We've got uh teletext outdated. +32,2.873,2.88615,spk_0,Um +33,2.891166666666667,2.9286666666666665,spk_0,Did you get any information on that? +34,2.9605,2.9709833333333333,spk_0,Right. +35,2.973316666666667,3.02565,spk_0,And the corporate image was the uh final thing. +36,3.0345,3.0588166666666665,spk_0,So I +37,3.0853166666666665,3.118983333333333,spk_0,uh I got that in email form. +38,3.121166666666667,3.130333333333333,spk_0,Um +39,3.1598166666666665,3.183333333333333,spk_0,Right. OK. So +40,3.20515,3.248,spk_0,"I guess if we go ahead with the, uh," +41,3.26215,3.287983333333333,spk_0,with the three presentations. +42,3.294483333333333,3.3105,spk_0,So +43,3.313833333333333,3.3785,spk_0,"we'll start with yourself on the basis that, uh," +44,3.4043166666666664,3.4338166666666665,spk_1,"I'll just, um, I'll grab the," +45,3.4738166666666666,3.4908166666666665,spk_0,sorry. Yep. +46,3.741816666666667,3.74215,spk_1,Yeah. +47,3.835166666666667,3.84365,spk_0,"Oh," +48,3.921666666666667,3.93,spk_0,what the +49,3.9318333333333335,3.93215,spk_0,"f," +50,3.964816666666666,3.9661666666666666,spk_1,"is it," +51,4.013483333333333,4.016,spk_2,"um," +52,4.0245,4.0248333333333335,spk_2,you +53,4.028316666666667,4.029,spk_2,gotta +54,4.030833333333334,4.03115,spk_2,"do," +55,4.03565,4.05615,spk_2,"um, control F eight" +56,4.183166666666667,4.211833333333334,spk_1,doesn't seem to be quite working a t the moment. +57,4.2428333333333335,4.252483333333333,spk_1,Give that a go +58,4.2739666666666665,4.286466666666667,spk_1,whole function +59,4.34815,4.377316666666666,spk_1,again. Not doing anything. +60,4.38265,4.426633333333333,spk_3,"This, this is usually a little thing in the top, right? For the," +61,4.479333333333333,4.504833333333333,spk_1,if I passed about five times now. +62,4.6335,4.647316666666667,spk_1,Okay. That's me. +63,5.0965,5.115483333333334,spk_1,Okay. And +64,5.118483333333334,5.11865,spk_1,I +65,5.12065,5.1335,spk_1,have to go on again. +66,5.25515,5.264833333333334,spk_1,How's it going? +67,5.324316666666666,5.344,spk_1,Hope that should be a T this time? +68,5.484,5.4991666666666665,spk_1,Okay. I think we're that +69,5.650316666666667,5.68465,spk_1,okay. I'm gonna be looking a t the working design +70,5.700166666666666,5.707333333333334,spk_1,um +71,5.70915,5.714833333333333,spk_1,"of the," +72,5.7445,5.824316666666666,spk_1,of the remote control. Um I've just got three sections. First is the research I +73,5.8375,5.886316666666667,spk_1,"made on the, on the remote control itself. Um" +74,5.8918333333333335,5.937166666666666,spk_1,And then that involves the components required I +75,5.937316666666667,5.979166666666667,spk_1,"and the systems that design of the actual," +76,5.98465,5.9985,spk_1,the actual remote. +77,6.0183333333333335,6.029166666666667,spk_1,Um +78,6.03165,6.086666666666667,spk_1,"So having researched the existing models within the market," +79,6.093483333333333,6.121,spk_1,um I found my research off the internet. +80,6.13315,6.1745,spk_1,Um I've established what the components required +81,6.174666666666667,6.200983333333333,spk_1,for the remote control to function. +82,6.2011666666666665,6.213983333333333,spk_1,Actually a re +83,6.216333333333333,6.2705,spk_1,and then also the methods in which these components interact together +84,6.276666666666666,6.341833333333334,spk_1,for the remote to actually do what you want to do and how it +85,6.352666666666667,6.375,spk_1,connects with the television. +86,6.378333333333333,6.406333333333333,spk_1,"Um The basic components," +87,6.411316666666667,6.438316666666666,spk_1,"a re an energy source," +88,6.44215,6.512816666666667,spk_1,"which I guess um in most existing models will be a battery supply," +89,6.5183333333333335,6.578333333333333,spk_1,"whether that'll be sort of two batteries, four batteries. Um It may vary," +90,6.600666666666667,6.650316666666667,spk_1,we then have the user interface which is basically +91,6.650483333333334,6.689666666666667,spk_1,the like the the buttons on the actual remote. +92,6.6898333333333335,6.699166666666667,spk_1,Um +93,6.713316666666667,6.773666666666667,spk_1,"the various function do sort of changing channel, uh channel up and down volume," +94,6.773816666666667,6.783,spk_1,things like that. +95,6.798,6.8445,spk_1,Um There's also a chip inside the remote +96,6.849,6.886166666666667,spk_1,which does all the computer type things +97,6.896816666666666,6.926816666666666,spk_1,and then a sender which +98,6.9355,6.945833333333333,spk_1,um +99,6.978483333333333,7.034816666666667,spk_1,is usually I found an infrared +100,7.0375,7.0514833333333335,spk_1,device +101,7.060666666666667,7.108816666666667,spk_1,which sends a signal to the actual television. +102,7.113166666666666,7.15915,spk_1,"Um And the last part is receiver, which is important in the system," +103,7.159316666666666,7.178833333333333,spk_1,but it's not actually part of the remote +104,7.178983333333333,7.210816666666666,spk_1,itself cause that's obviously found in the television. +105,7.265833333333333,7.275816666666667,spk_1,Um +106,7.278666666666667,7.316333333333334,spk_1,I'm gonna have to actually draw on the board because it +107,7.316483333333333,7.351666666666667,spk_1,was a little tricky on powerpoint to get it working. +108,7.351816666666667,7.355983333333333,spk_1,So +109,7.37015,7.387816666666667,spk_1,"we'll just go through the," +110,7.436816666666667,7.475816666666667,spk_1,do we have a cloth to wipe this down with or +111,7.482833333333334,7.527166666666667,spk_1,"-- uh +-- there's the rubber on the right," +112,7.53065,7.541483333333334,spk_0,"I think," +113,7.567483333333334,7.57115,spk_0,"well," +114,7.574166666666667,7.596,spk_0,get rid of my magic. +115,7.76865,7.80515,spk_1,"Okay. So we start off with a," +116,7.818833333333333,7.877166666666667,spk_1,"um, battery suppl uh no, a power supply which we've probably go," +117,7.877333333333333,7.897816666666666,spk_1,it's probably gonna be the battery. +118,7.905483333333334,7.914483333333333,spk_1,"Um," +119,7.939483333333333,7.954483333333333,spk_1,we then have +120,7.978666666666666,8.016166666666667,spk_1,"a particular button which may be," +121,8.01965,8.0625,spk_1,"you know, that's obviously there's lots and lots of different buttons." +122,8.0695,8.09315,spk_1,"Um, but this is how the basic" +123,8.09565,8.112983333333334,spk_1,system works. +124,8.118483333333334,8.177666666666667,spk_1,"Um, that sends if, after you press that it sends a message to" +125,8.185316666666667,8.215666666666667,spk_1,"the chip which um," +126,8.23265,8.254333333333333,spk_1,then sends +127,8.277333333333333,8.300316666666667,spk_1,it sort of interprets which button you're +128,8.300483333333334,8.338316666666667,spk_1,best and then sends the appropriate message to +129,8.352983333333333,8.371316666666667,spk_1,the sender. +130,8.382833333333334,8.383333333333333,spk_1,Mhm. +131,8.57,8.580816666666667,spk_1,Um +132,8.598483333333334,8.612316666666667,spk_1,So that's so +133,8.614833333333333,8.63715,spk_1,"that's the remote in itself," +134,8.637316666666667,8.671,spk_1,that's the components of the remote and how they work together. +135,8.673483333333333,8.6875,spk_1,So this is the +136,8.698816666666668,8.714966666666667,spk_1,uh user +137,8.733333333333333,8.749483333333334,spk_1,interface. +138,8.806666666666667,8.821333333333333,spk_1,Um +139,8.825,8.850816666666667,spk_1,this is the chip itself which +140,8.864,8.909666666666666,spk_1,then sends the and that's the that's the infrared +141,8.937316666666666,8.946166666666667,spk_1,send that. +142,8.959833333333334,8.996,spk_1,And then on the separate thing we have on the +143,9.018483333333334,9.038833333333333,spk_1,"on the television," +144,9.074816666666669,9.088316666666667,spk_1,we have a +145,9.111316666666667,9.12365,spk_1,a receiver +146,9.157983333333334,9.199,spk_1,and the sender sends a message to the receiver. +147,9.2115,9.217166666666667,spk_1,Okay. +148,9.304983333333332,9.340316666666666,spk_0,"So the the top is the power source. Yes," +149,9.3505,9.3515,spk_0,the +150,9.35365,9.354166666666666,spk_0,power +151,9.359983333333334,9.361833333333331,spk_0,source. +152,9.371816666666668,9.375816666666667,spk_0,Okay. +153,9.392,9.40365,spk_1,Um +154,9.423,9.458333333333334,spk_1,"Just going on to personal preference, as I've said," +155,9.4585,9.52665,spk_1,the battery seems the best option for the actual remote just because of the size. +156,9.526816666666669,9.536983333333334,spk_1,"You want a, a" +157,9.544166666666667,9.6045,spk_1,"cable attached to the remote. Always it's not, it's not really remote." +158,9.615666666666666,9.679333333333334,spk_1,Um And then the sender and infra red um has been used quite successfully. +159,9.692,9.746,spk_1,"If the battery on reasonable power, they always seem to work fairly well." +160,9.746166666666667,9.782666666666668,spk_1,You have to be pointing directly a t the television itself. +161,9.78915,9.8275,spk_1,So the battery is the in the sender. +162,9.863483333333331,9.893833333333331,spk_1,Okay. And that's it for the moment. +163,9.897,9.9055,spk_3,Okay. +164,9.942166666666669,9.95815,spk_0,Okay. +165,9.966316666666666,9.977166666666667,spk_0,So +166,9.996166666666667,10.013833333333332,spk_0,no more design. +167,10.071166666666668,10.081333333333331,spk_2,Thank you. +168,10.150983333333333,10.188316666666667,spk_2,Mine's not quite as complicated as all that. +169,10.213,10.2305,spk_0,That's what we like to hear +170,10.333833333333333,10.35,spk_2,the press function. +171,10.5015,10.529666666666667,spk_0,What is it? Control function? 80. +172,10.54365,10.553166666666666,spk_2,Um +173,10.569833333333332,10.629983333333334,spk_2,Okay. So I'm gonna talk a bit about the technical functions design. +174,10.636983333333331,10.6795,spk_2,"Um Louisa, the user interface designer as you know." +175,10.702166666666669,10.717,spk_2,Um So +176,10.719483333333333,10.801983333333334,spk_2,the basic method of this is to send a signal from the remote to the television set +177,10.8055,10.84865,spk_2,so that a desired function is performed. +178,10.863,10.936316666666666,spk_2,Um An exa mples of the function could be to change the volume up or down. +179,10.941316666666667,10.981816666666669,spk_2,Uh So obviously you need two different buttons for that +180,10.98915,11.01515,spk_2,um to change the channel +181,11.017833333333334,11.045166666666669,spk_2,either by pressing the +182,11.051816666666667,11.090483333333331,spk_2,"number that you want or by channel up or down," +183,11.09965,11.15515,spk_2,"um to switch the television on or off, maybe a stand by button." +184,11.161316666666666,11.205666666666666,spk_2,Um Here a re two exa Mples remotes +185,11.220166666666668,11.31115,spk_2,"um by the look of it, they both have um kind of play and fast forward rewind functions." +186,11.314,11.364316666666667,spk_2,So I think they incorporate a kind of video function +187,11.366483333333331,11.39565,spk_2,which we won't have to worry about. +188,11.418,11.47365,spk_2,"Uh But as you can see, the left remote is quite um" +189,11.478816666666669,11.516833333333333,spk_2,"quite busy looking, quite complicated." +190,11.522,11.532333333333334,spk_2,Um +191,11.53615,11.567166666666669,spk_2,Whereas the right remote is +192,11.569833333333332,11.618316666666669,spk_2,"much simpler, it looks much more user friendly." +193,11.646483333333334,11.689666666666668,spk_2,Um So my personal preference would be +194,11.691666666666666,11.707983333333331,spk_2,the right remote. +195,11.710833333333332,11.772816666666667,spk_2,So it's got nice big buttons. It's got a very limited number of buttons. +196,11.7765,11.785983333333334,spk_2,Um +197,11.789666666666667,11.823816666666668,spk_2,"The nice, kinda clearly labeled." +198,11.831333333333331,11.842,spk_2,Um +199,11.847333333333331,11.875816666666667,spk_2,I like the use of the kind of um +200,11.888666666666667,11.945,spk_2,symbols like the triangles and the squares and the arrows +201,11.94765,12.00615,spk_2,as well as the words on the um kind of play functions and all that. +202,12.01415,12.04865,spk_2,"So it's very, very user friendly." +203,12.0505,12.074816666666669,spk_2,"Um It's got a little splashy colour," +204,12.076983333333333,12.102816666666667,spk_2,could maybe do a small colour. +205,12.11015,12.122816666666669,spk_2,Um +206,12.130333333333333,12.186833333333333,spk_2,"Well, there's a couple of things there. Um" +207,12.19765,12.281983333333333,spk_0,We have to remember that we have our own um logo +208,12.2845,12.304666666666666,spk_0,and colour scheme. +209,12.309666666666669,12.34965,spk_0,So basically we'd have to uh +210,12.356666666666667,12.393483333333334,spk_0,we'd have to be putting that on +211,12.410666666666666,12.4275,spk_0,"um the," +212,12.440833333333334,12.454816666666666,spk_0,the product +213,12.47565,12.475983333333334,spk_2,we +214,12.47765,12.492316666666667,spk_2,get to see that +215,12.507983333333334,12.5325,spk_0,"I haven't as yet," +216,12.567833333333333,12.642316666666666,spk_0,but uh I got uh I got an email uh that basically said to uh +217,12.644833333333333,12.694,spk_0,make sure that uh whatever device we come up with +218,12.694166666666666,12.733983333333333,spk_0,a t the end of the day had to incorporate +219,12.737666666666666,12.774483333333333,spk_0,um the corporate colour and slogan. +220,12.785833333333333,12.804816666666667,spk_0,So uh +221,12.808833333333334,12.83015,spk_0,I'm guessing that +222,12.842833333333331,12.853166666666668,spk_0,uh +223,12.871816666666666,12.915,spk_0,"I, I noticed on the bottom there it's got uh" +224,12.933983333333334,13.01765,spk_0,what's that? A pogee that might be +225,13.032816666666667,13.048483333333332,spk_0,the +226,13.05265,13.066,spk_0,corporate +227,13.067833333333333,13.1005,spk_0,colour scheme. Although +228,13.1055,13.14865,spk_0,"the only, the only colour I can see in that is the red." +229,13.172483333333334,13.20715,spk_1,"Would you be able to get rid of the, the X? But" +230,13.20915,13.268166666666666,spk_1,"here the, the sort of circular section cause that seems to be for a video as well." +231,13.273,13.316833333333332,spk_1,So we could dispense with that a little bit as well +232,13.31865,13.3515,spk_1,and just get it down to just the numbers and the volume. +233,13.362833333333333,13.374,spk_2,What do you mean by the +234,13.375983333333334,13.37765,spk_2,circular +235,13.380666666666666,13.38815,spk_2,section? Like +236,13.402816666666666,13.41115,spk_1,just a bit +237,13.413483333333334,13.448,spk_1,is that I think that's still um a video remote. +238,13.467833333333331,13.489316666666667,spk_1,So maybe we should get rid of that as well. +239,13.5025,13.510833333333334,spk_2,And I don't really +240,13.513316666666666,13.515483333333334,spk_2,think +241,13.527166666666666,13.58315,spk_2,"nine numbers. I mean, how often do you use? 78 and nine?" +242,13.585833333333332,13.645833333333334,spk_2,I think just 1 to 6 and then channel up and down should be enough. +243,13.656983333333333,13.681666666666668,spk_0,"Well, the, the o the," +244,13.686983333333334,13.742166666666666,spk_0,"well, for, for general television purposes," +245,13.742316666666667,13.790316666666667,spk_0,obviously you have channels 1 to 5 A t this +246,13.790483333333333,13.837316666666666,spk_0,point in time and we'd have to have some room for +247,13.853983333333334,13.893166666666668,spk_0,uh future such channels +248,13.903983333333333,13.905816666666666,spk_0,to see. +249,13.9625,14.020316666666666,spk_0,"Well, possibly. But the, the other thing is that with um," +250,14.023816666666669,14.102983333333333,spk_0,"the current expansion of uh channels, uh and the process of taking place," +251,14.125983333333334,14.222333333333331,spk_0,"turn the button up and down. But, uh, I mean, how many channels do we have to um" +252,14.224483333333334,14.277983333333331,spk_0,actual television channels? Do we have to uh +253,14.280816666666666,14.316666666666666,spk_0,"prepare for? I would have thought that, uh," +254,14.341316666666666,14.345483333333334,spk_0,I think +255,14.3515,14.406666666666666,spk_0,"it's forever expanding. And yat, the moment we've got," +256,14.40915,14.440483333333331,spk_0,"although you've, uh, you've got the five standard," +257,14.440666666666669,14.475,spk_0,you've got the BBC have come up with a further six. +258,14.475166666666668,14.499,spk_0,"And, uh, there's, um," +259,14.509983333333333,14.561666666666667,spk_0,"I don't know exactly how many channels there a re on, uh," +260,14.57665,14.639,spk_0,"when you take into account, uh, sky and various other," +261,14.65165,14.664,spk_0,"um," +262,14.668316666666666,14.685983333333333,spk_0,various others. +263,14.689666666666668,14.7305,spk_0,"So I would have thought that we wouldn't, you know," +264,14.735316666666666,14.74665,spk_0,rather than +265,14.7565,14.796483333333333,spk_0,"okay if the time a flicking from one to other," +266,14.79665,14.849166666666669,spk_0,but presumably it'll take a second cause you have to be able to stop it. +267,14.85,14.88515,spk_0,"Maybe you could have a fast forward on the," +268,14.89,14.944166666666666,spk_0,on the channels that w and then you could dispense with more. Otherwise +269,14.959983333333334,15.01765,spk_0,"y you want, you want to get fairly quickly to the channel that you wanted." +270,15.04565,15.089833333333331,spk_2,"Um, some remotes have kind of favourite options" +271,15.094166666666666,15.138483333333332,spk_2,"where if you always flick from channel one to channel six," +272,15.151333333333334,15.170833333333333,spk_2,"if that's your favourite, you just" +273,15.1755,15.196483333333331,spk_2,like bypass +274,15.204666666666666,15.218833333333333,spk_2,2 to 5. +275,15.229816666666666,15.275166666666667,spk_0,"Yeah, I, I suppose in a sense you could have, um," +276,15.2775,15.299816666666668,spk_0,"if you've got 100 channels," +277,15.315833333333334,15.352816666666667,spk_0,"then if you had sort of an easy way of getting," +278,15.352983333333333,15.395316666666666,spk_0,rather than having go 1 to 100 you could go one to +279,15.406816666666666,15.43515,spk_0,1 to 1010 to 20 +280,15.438833333333331,15.446483333333331,spk_0,then +281,15.45,15.465833333333332,spk_0,have a certain +282,15.469833333333334,15.525983333333333,spk_0,button to get you to the actual channel you want. Then that would +283,15.528983333333333,15.54965,spk_0,cut down your time. +284,15.5855,15.605333333333334,spk_2,"But I think a lot of, um," +285,15.6055,15.634666666666666,spk_2,like cable and sky and stuff that would be +286,15.634833333333331,15.66965,spk_2,tuned to one channel and then you'd have another remote +287,15.673816666666667,15.683666666666667,spk_2,for +288,15.687833333333334,15.708983333333334,spk_2,all of those channels +289,15.713,15.740316666666669,spk_2,like to get to 55 and +290,15.744166666666668,15.756816666666667,spk_2,"-- the higher +-- numbers." +291,15.791316666666669,15.799816666666668,spk_0,Ok. +292,15.817166666666669,15.866,spk_0,Okay. Limit the number of buttons user friendly. +293,15.87665,15.90065,spk_0,But I suppose nine's not really +294,15.910666666666666,15.912833333333332,spk_1,accessible. So +295,15.919483333333334,15.97865,spk_1,"you've got the, the like the last one which makes the 10th means you, it's like a" +296,15.980666666666666,16.01615,spk_1,multiple. So you put them together so you can make any number. +297,16.02065,16.0355,spk_1,So with that we can buy +298,16.04115,16.057333333333332,spk_1,any problems with. +299,16.066483333333334,16.116483333333335,spk_0,"Well, that's true. Yeah, you could get 50 by five and a zero or whatever." +300,16.116666666666667,16.131816666666666,spk_0,"That, that makes sense." +301,16.132666666666665,16.173483333333333,spk_0,"-- So +-- that facilitates having all the numbers you could ever need." +302,16.19465,16.19765,spk_1,Um +303,16.235983333333333,16.27665,spk_0,"So, so what was the circular thing that you were?" +304,16.283333333333335,16.313666666666666,spk_2,Um I think that's just for our video. +305,16.31765,16.347166666666666,spk_2,So we wouldn't need any of that A T all. +306,16.357666666666667,16.35815,spk_0,So +307,16.36466666666667,16.431983333333335,spk_0,"if it's just for TV, which is what it is. A t the moment" +308,16.455983333333332,16.544316666666667,spk_1,"should we get the honey? Buts that we got, we've got 1011, 12, we got 14 that we need" +309,16.54865,16.55815,spk_1,"I guess," +310,16.576983333333335,16.628816666666665,spk_1,"um, which isn't really too many. That'd be quite easy to make a user guide for a" +311,16.631666666666668,16.651816666666665,spk_1,14 but remote. +312,16.669483333333332,16.70381666666667,spk_0,"Well, we've, we've got, um," +313,16.71115,16.75815,spk_0,it's remote for TV. Only otherwise project +314,16.77465,16.861316666666667,spk_0,"would become too complex with, uh, which would endanger the time to market" +315,16.874333333333333,16.913483333333332,spk_0,"was one of the considerations. I'm, I don't know." +316,16.913666666666668,16.916150000000002,spk_0,"Did," +317,16.916316666666667,16.9535,spk_0,did you have that information being in the marketing +318,16.95515,16.9875,spk_0,or was I meant to give you that information? +319,17.0065,17.026983333333334,spk_3,"I had, I've had some" +320,17.03098333333333,17.04365,spk_3,information +321,17.055666666666667,17.071983333333332,spk_3,from the company. +322,17.080483333333333,17.146833333333333,spk_0,"Right. Okay. So basically times I market seems to be important, therefore," +323,17.1525,17.218833333333333,spk_0,"speed of delivery, we've only got about another four hours left." +324,17.276633333333333,17.294966666666667,spk_2,"Okay. So, is everyone" +325,17.2993,17.31298333333333,spk_2,happy with that? +326,17.353816666666667,17.39816666666667,spk_2,"Right. Well, that's the end of my presentation." +327,17.523833333333332,17.534166666666668,spk_2,"Pull this," +328,18.08915,18.11615,spk_1,I think you just give it a second to. +329,18.12465,18.1675,spk_0,"Yeah, I think she said 20 seconds to, um," +330,18.194983333333333,18.22065,spk_1,okay. I'm sure we'll have our ends today. +331,18.306666666666665,18.316666666666663,spk_3,Get another card. +332,18.48915,18.504166666666663,spk_3,Yeah. There we go. +333,18.599316666666667,18.6635,spk_3,Right. We've done some research into the functional requirements +334,18.669,18.702166666666667,spk_3,that people want out of their remote control. +335,18.71333333333333,18.727833333333333,spk_3,And +336,18.7315,18.75565,spk_3,"first off, we should state that" +337,18.763816666666667,18.803,spk_3,"the, the remote controls for control on the TV." +338,18.81865,18.85765,spk_3,"And, um, how do people use it?" +339,18.86198333333333,18.905,spk_3,We asked them sort of which buttons were useful for them. +340,18.911,18.965,spk_3,"Um, how d how does a remote control look and feel for them?" +341,18.965166666666665,19.035666666666668,spk_3,"And what improvements would, would they like to a remote control?" +342,19.042166666666667,19.08098333333333,spk_3,And we did that by sort of giving them a questionnaire +343,19.082816666666663,19.101,spk_3,that we prepared +344,19.104333333333333,19.13833333333333,spk_3,and asking them to fill in the answers. +345,19.170483333333333,19.228483333333333,spk_3,And three quarters of them found that remote controls a re ugly +346,19.233666666666668,19.246666666666663,spk_3,and that a +347,19.248666666666665,19.30815,spk_3,sort of even higher proportion would spend more for +348,19.31448333333333,19.314666666666668,spk_3,a +349,19.319,19.35398333333333,spk_3,sort of sa a fancier remote control. +350,19.38048333333333,19.401816666666665,spk_3,And that +351,19.40765,19.440816666666667,spk_3,"of all the buttons on the remote control," +352,19.44548333333333,19.4985,spk_3,"the sort of setting buttons for sort of the picture," +353,19.504166666666663,19.53698333333333,spk_3,picture and brightness +354,19.53983333333333,19.60548333333333,spk_3,"and the audio settings. Um, they weren't used very often a t all" +355,19.613333333333333,19.65233333333333,spk_3,people concentrated on the channel buttons +356,19.654666666666667,19.696166666666667,spk_3,and the volume buttons and the power buttons. +357,19.70748333333333,19.75315,spk_3,"Uh, we also asked them about speech recognition," +358,19.767,19.790333333333333,spk_3,"uh, for remote control" +359,19.792816666666667,19.83416666666667,spk_3,and young people were quite receptive to this. +360,19.83865,19.86883333333333,spk_3,But as soon as we got sort of over about +361,19.87415,19.949316666666668,spk_3,"into a 35 to 40 age, 45 age group and, and older" +362,19.95565,19.96283333333333,spk_3,people +363,19.96865,20.005816666666668,spk_3,wasn't quite so keen on speech recognition. +364,20.015,20.064666666666668,spk_3,"There was a lot more, there was a lot, lot more older people who didn't know" +365,20.069333333333333,20.1,spk_3,whether they wanted it or not as well. +366,20.113166666666668,20.17215,spk_3,"Um, we also asked what frustrated people about remote controls" +367,20.17815,20.212666666666667,spk_3,and the number one frustration was that +368,20.216666666666665,20.251,spk_3,the remote was lost somewhere else in the room. +369,20.27083333333333,20.29883333333333,spk_3,"Um, but they couldn't find it." +370,20.3085,20.321166666666667,spk_3,"And the second," +371,20.32133333333333,20.371166666666667,spk_3,"the second biggest frustration was that if they got a new remote control," +372,20.385666666666665,20.42265,spk_3,"it was difficult to learn. Um," +373,20.42481666666667,20.47665,spk_3,all the buttons and all the functions and to find your way around it. +374,20.509,20.520316666666663,spk_3,Okay. +375,20.52733333333333,20.541316666666667,spk_3,"So," +376,20.555983333333334,20.59965,spk_3,my personal preferences from the marketing +377,20.604666666666667,20.64365,spk_3,is that we need to come up with some sort of sleek +378,20.65083333333333,20.686333333333334,spk_3,"sort of good looking high, high tech" +379,20.69033333333333,20.71565,spk_3,a design which looks high tech +380,20.71933333333333,20.73098333333333,spk_3,basically. +381,20.74365,20.755166666666668,spk_3,Um +382,20.760666666666665,20.82183333333333,spk_3,And that we should come up with fewer buttons than most of the controls on the market. +383,20.826816666666662,20.911816666666667,spk_3,And we should sort of concentrate on the channels and sort of power and also +384,20.915816666666668,20.965,spk_3,"volume and that sort of thing as, as Louis has said," +385,20.97648333333333,20.986,spk_3,um +386,21.001316666666668,21.04,spk_3,"we could maybe come up with a menu, a sort of a," +387,21.042166666666667,21.080166666666667,spk_3,an L CD menu for other functions +388,21.09098333333333,21.132483333333333,spk_3,on the remote control that's worth thinking about. +389,21.13915,21.159333333333333,spk_3,Um And +390,21.165166666666668,21.21066666666667,spk_3,maybe we could think about speech recognition as well because +391,21.215816666666665,21.22465,spk_3,um +392,21.236816666666662,21.253816666666665,spk_3,so young people are +393,21.2695,21.33248333333333,spk_3,"perhaps the ones that a re gonna buy, buy our new product if we aim a tat sort of," +394,21.3335,21.363816666666665,spk_3,"you know, sort of a high tech design" +395,21.38515,21.426816666666667,spk_3,"that, that might be the market that we're, we're looking for." +396,21.45198333333333,21.50348333333333,spk_3,And we could maybe think about using speech recognition recognition as +397,21.50365,21.546333333333333,spk_3,a way to find remote control if it's lost in a room +398,21.557983333333333,21.585316666666667,spk_3,rather than sort of um +399,21.59098333333333,21.601983333333333,spk_3,having it +400,21.61615,21.6465,spk_3,speech recognition to change the channels. +401,21.659,21.699316666666668,spk_3,Cause there's a problem with that in that the television makes noise +402,21.699483333333333,21.753816666666665,spk_3,so it could end up talking to itself and changing its channels. +403,21.77198333333333,21.791833333333333,spk_3,Okay. Um +404,21.79383333333333,21.817166666666665,spk_3,And that's the end of the slide show. +405,21.82065,21.828983333333333,spk_3,That's it +406,21.83248333333333,21.840816666666665,spk_3,cool. +407,21.85748333333333,21.880166666666668,spk_0,And was that last wee bit there +408,21.89,21.899816666666663,spk_0,um +409,21.90965,21.933666666666667,spk_0,about speech recognition? +410,21.939666666666668,21.950666666666667,spk_0,Okay. But +411,21.952666666666666,22.0135,spk_0,"-- that was only for young people that prefer that older people did young +-- people pref" +412,22.01615,22.062666666666665,spk_3,"yeah, they s they said that they'd be interested in a remote control," +413,22.062833333333334,22.084983333333334,spk_3,which offered that possibility. +414,22.08515,22.14515,spk_3,"And as you go up through the age groups, people who got less and less interested" +415,22.150166666666667,22.18048333333333,spk_3,"in sort of a, a remote control that you can" +416,22.18315,22.1965,spk_3,"talk to. So," +417,22.224316666666667,22.224816666666666,spk_1,um +418,22.24765,22.27665,spk_1,it seems the technology would be quite advanced for that and +419,22.276816666666665,22.330166666666667,spk_1,they might end up costing more than a 1250 budget for +420,22.34315,22.343833333333333,spk_1,speech +421,22.35483333333333,22.359816666666667,spk_1,recognition. +422,22.379666666666665,22.38265,spk_1,Um +423,22.4005,22.45615,spk_1,"And possibly the thing about the by the remote being lost, we could have," +424,22.462666666666667,22.494816666666665,spk_1,"you know, with your mobile phone, you lose that, you can ring it." +425,22.494983333333334,22.536816666666667,spk_1,Maybe we can have some kind of sensor which is kept somewhere where you can +426,22.54115,22.56815,spk_1,just kind of buzzer system between the two. +427,22.568316666666668,22.6175,spk_1,"Yeah, so you can press a button which is always kept in one place and then it uh" +428,22.62015,22.622816666666665,spk_1,huh. +429,22.6255,22.640816666666662,spk_1,Maybe it buzzes to +430,22.646,22.682166666666667,spk_1,"Yeah, somewhere else, wherever the remote actually is." +431,22.685666666666663,22.744166666666665,spk_1,"Yeah, we'd have that, that would mean we'd have to put two products together as well," +432,22.744333333333334,22.748166666666663,spk_3,"which," +433,22.753816666666665,22.81615,spk_3,"-- which again would probably be a bit expensive but there's +-- key rings" +434,22.816316666666665,22.85233333333333,spk_2,um that you kind of whistle a T or clap a T. +435,22.85998333333333,22.864833333333333,spk_2,Yeah. +436,22.866666666666667,22.896,spk_2,"And then the whistle back or something like that," +437,22.921,22.930983333333334,spk_2,they're cheap. +438,22.933666666666667,22.93433333333333,spk_2,Mmhm +439,23.009,23.01015,spk_1,The +440,23.012666666666668,23.014666666666667,spk_1,sa me +441,23.024316666666667,23.0275,spk_1,technology +442,23.03,23.051,spk_1,"could be put inside the," +443,23.06015,23.06683333333333,spk_0,"well, if" +444,23.074483333333333,23.10965,spk_0,you're trying to avoid having a second product cause +445,23.109816666666667,23.13715,spk_0,obviously you could have a second product that gave +446,23.137316666666667,23.196166666666667,spk_0,"you the right pitch which would set the remote off to say here I am sort of thing," +447,23.205,23.219666666666665,spk_0,"you know, without" +448,23.228483333333333,23.252333333333333,spk_0,sound recognition. But +449,23.2565,23.272316666666665,spk_0,"if you," +450,23.303,23.325666666666667,spk_0,I know um +451,23.33,23.35148333333333,spk_0,"I was gonna say a sharp noise," +452,23.36415,23.389316666666662,spk_0,clapping of hand or whatever +453,23.435316666666665,23.48183333333333,spk_0,you'd want to try and just have the one product that +454,23.484,23.4965,spk_0,"if," +455,23.53715,23.603483333333333,spk_1,"yeah, if you, if we could have it in the actual remote, everything in 11." +456,23.620833333333334,23.65315,spk_0,Um I dunno um +457,23.66733333333333,23.723166666666668,spk_0,"talking about vo I mean, obviously if you've got voice recognition," +458,23.723333333333333,23.73915,spk_0,then you can do it +459,23.7545,23.810666666666663,spk_0,"in that way because it will recognise the voice and you can give it a command," +460,23.81083333333333,23.84583333333333,spk_0,"a set command, whatever that happened to be." +461,23.85833333333333,23.877666666666663,spk_0,But you've then got the point. +462,23.87783333333333,23.931666666666665,spk_0,"If you, if you're not going with the voice recognition, then" +463,23.995483333333333,24.00398333333333,spk_1,"perhaps," +464,24.01015,24.021166666666662,spk_1,"um," +465,24.03833333333333,24.06415,spk_1,"so that would solve the problems with the TV," +466,24.064316666666667,24.093316666666663,spk_1,kinda speaking to the remote and changing itself. +467,24.119983333333334,24.13865,spk_0,"So, uh" +468,24.17065,24.19098333333333,spk_0,"any su suggest, well," +469,24.19383333333333,24.238333333333333,spk_0,"-- any conclusions, +-- um would it take" +470,24.24148333333333,24.27615,spk_3,quite a while to sort of develop this +471,24.276316666666663,24.32733333333333,spk_3,speech recognition software in the remote control? +472,24.33715,24.369983333333334,spk_0,"So if it does, then we can't," +473,24.37415,24.430316666666663,spk_0,"it's that simple because we've got uh the, the three" +474,24.443483333333333,24.491666666666667,spk_0,primary um uh requisites +475,24.50115,24.518833333333333,spk_0,from uh +476,24.540166666666668,24.579833333333333,spk_0,"from an email, ah, that was sent to me" +477,24.596166666666665,24.6585,spk_0,whereby we had the design logo was one which we've already mentioned. +478,24.665333333333333,24.6885,spk_0,"We've got um," +479,24.69548333333333,24.735666666666667,spk_0,"the remote was only for the television and not for," +480,24.73583333333333,24.786816666666667,spk_0,because that would make it too complex and we have to get a market quickly. +481,24.79315,24.86215,spk_0,"And the uh third thing was that, um teletext," +482,24.86466666666667,24.94715,spk_0,"uh as far as uh the management is concerned, um, has become outdated" +483,24.951816666666662,24.98648333333333,spk_0,uh due to the popularity of the internet. +484,24.999816666666668,25.01083333333333,spk_0,So +485,25.0135,25.088816666666663,spk_0,that means that uh so these a re the sort of three +486,25.1045,25.161166666666663,spk_0,extra para meters that have been put on this uh project. +487,25.1775,25.1855,spk_0,So +488,25.19065,25.22015,spk_0,we're being focused effectively +489,25.238,25.2655,spk_0,directly A T A television. +490,25.267,25.342816666666668,spk_0,And it seems to me that the management is uh wanting us to go down a narrow path +491,25.354333333333333,25.37133333333333,spk_0,and not +492,25.373,25.410666666666668,spk_0,opening out. So anything that uh +493,25.41848333333333,25.47665,spk_0,"is to be added such as voice recognition, et cetera" +494,25.488166666666668,25.55198333333333,spk_0,has to be very simple and has to be very quick +495,25.559,25.591316666666668,spk_0,"because time to market is," +496,25.601316666666666,25.61533333333333,spk_0,is critical. +497,25.64131666666667,25.6835,spk_1,"If we could get something in which was quite quick and simple," +498,25.683666666666667,25.71598333333333,spk_1,"that would give us an advantage of o other remotes," +499,25.744166666666665,25.819816666666668,spk_0,but probably quick and simple is primary rather than +500,25.842816666666668,25.8905,spk_0,"added extras, added extras would be nice. But" +501,25.898333333333333,25.93498333333333,spk_0,the primary consideration is to get the project +502,25.93515,25.98966666666667,spk_0,"finished within uh a s short time window," +503,25.989833333333333,26.0,spk_0,which effectively +504,26.005983333333333,26.01448333333333,spk_0,now is +505,26.02648333333333,26.05348333333333,spk_0,"sort of four hours. So," +506,26.07698333333333,26.15148333333333,spk_0,"and if, and we gotta get to the end, I th I think, I think first and foremost," +507,26.15165,26.21733333333333,spk_0,"we gotta get to the end, then get to the end with some added extras if possible." +508,26.246666666666663,26.267166666666668,spk_0,Okay. Uh +509,26.272316666666665,26.295483333333333,spk_0,My screen just +510,26.325,26.353,spk_0,"bunker me, right? Okay." +511,26.36148333333333,26.3925,spk_0,"Uh So I need to," +512,26.44915,26.45798333333333,spk_0,right. +513,26.461166666666667,26.469,spk_0,So +514,26.47533333333333,26.52083333333333,spk_0,"I don't know how long we have left of uh time," +515,26.546,26.573833333333333,spk_0,but we have to make the decisions +516,26.577166666666667,26.595316666666665,spk_0,on uh +517,26.6175,26.64115,spk_0,the remote control functions +518,26.66798333333333,26.74033333333333,spk_0,and how we're planning to proceed so that A T the next uh +519,26.743483333333334,26.751,spk_0,meeting +520,26.78298333333333,26.89033333333333,spk_0,"each person that's got AAA task to do is clear from this meeting, what that task is." +521,26.928316666666667,26.99233333333333,spk_0,We'll also know when the next meeting is. I. Um +522,27.00798333333333,27.051,spk_0,So we'll know how long we've got to complete that task +523,27.056833333333334,27.1,spk_0,"and then we can report back A T the next meeting and say, right, okay." +524,27.100166666666667,27.13115,spk_0,"Yes, we've achieved this or we haven't achieved this." +525,27.13133333333333,27.16398333333333,spk_0,This is how far we've progressed. +526,27.17031666666667,27.198666666666668,spk_0,Does that make +527,27.20283333333333,27.223983333333333,spk_0,reasonable sense? +528,27.251,27.25998333333333,spk_0,So +529,27.28333333333333,27.29965,spk_0,we have to come +530,27.30516666666667,27.349316666666667,spk_0,effectively to the decision on the remote functions so +531,27.34948333333333,27.38298333333333,spk_0,that you can decide what you're gonna be doing? +532,27.396833333333333,27.451316666666667,spk_0,"And if due between the time of this meeting," +533,27.45148333333333,27.485666666666667,spk_0,"finishing and the next meeting starting," +534,27.48583333333333,27.54065,spk_0,if you get any additional information that uh +535,27.55633333333333,27.590166666666665,spk_0,"only you have at that point in time," +536,27.60115,27.63648333333333,spk_0,you think would be relevant to other people in +537,27.63665,27.683666666666667,spk_0,"terms of their de decision making um process," +538,27.68383333333333,27.7385,spk_0,then we should communicate that as quickly as possible and not +539,27.74148333333333,27.78448333333333,spk_0,"wait until the next meeting, do it via" +540,27.78783333333333,27.80283333333333,spk_0,the email. +541,27.811,27.8485,spk_0,"So that rather than coming, you know," +542,27.85483333333333,27.90083333333333,spk_0,"if you get the information just before the next meeting, that's fine." +543,27.901,27.93915,spk_0,"Come along with the next meeting, we can discuss it then and" +544,27.94233333333333,28.001483333333333,spk_0,"take whatever actions appropriate. But if you get it well, before the next meeting," +545,28.005166666666668,28.070833333333333,spk_0,let everybody else know cause that might have an impact on their uh +546,28.104166666666668,28.137316666666667,spk_0,what they come up with effectively +547,28.141666666666666,28.17265,spk_0,A t the next meeting. Okay. +548,28.199483333333333,28.21598333333333,spk_0,"All right. Is there," +549,28.23115,28.267666666666667,spk_3,"so do we need to decide on the functions? Now," +550,28.280816666666663,28.30033333333333,spk_0,I would +551,28.30483333333333,28.32048333333333,spk_0,guess so. +552,28.336983333333333,28.34065,spk_2,"Well," +553,28.340816666666665,28.371983333333333,spk_2,I think it would be really easy and it would be +554,28.37215,28.409,spk_2,"a big advantage if we did have some sort of," +555,28.409166666666668,28.414666666666665,spk_2,"um," +556,28.42383333333333,28.467983333333333,spk_2,kind of whistle back kind of function +557,28.4795,28.52465,spk_2,"-- cause that'll solve kind of the frustration of losing +-- it." +558,28.530316666666668,28.585316666666667,spk_3,"And that was, that was the number one sort of frustration that people said. So" +559,28.602833333333333,28.6485,spk_3,I don't think there's anything else on the market that does that. So +560,28.68133333333333,28.727666666666668,spk_2,I don't really know about the voice recognition thing. +561,28.75765,28.760316666666668,spk_0,W +562,28.76565,28.79148333333333,spk_0,"well, uh maybe" +563,28.804166666666667,28.826,spk_1,we should concentrate just on the +564,28.827666666666666,28.829166666666666,spk_1,whistle. +565,28.83898333333333,28.855816666666662,spk_0,Something simple. +566,28.85833333333333,28.915983333333333,spk_0,"If our primary consideration is to get it there in time," +567,28.919666666666668,28.935666666666663,spk_0,"time short," +568,28.942166666666665,28.99715,spk_0,you want something to meet the major concerns of the consumer +569,29.004666666666665,29.02083333333333,spk_0,so that we can +570,29.02648333333333,29.05216666666667,spk_0,have it as a selling point for the product. +571,29.0655,29.101983333333333,spk_0,Something that's quick and simple. +572,29.113166666666668,29.12465,spk_2,"So, and that" +573,29.13,29.180316666666663,spk_2,cut off the kind of older generation either cause everyone can whistle a +574,29.18048333333333,29.23115,spk_2,clap and they wouldn't have to be kinda scared of this new technology. +575,29.236816666666662,29.284,spk_0,"So maybe a clap rather than a whistle would be a," +576,29.297316666666667,29.335833333333333,spk_0,on the basis that +577,29.33983333333333,29.39515,spk_0,"if we've got, if we're catering to the whole age range," +578,29.40033333333333,29.4525,spk_0,"you want something that's easy to do now, something that like" +579,29.45683333333333,29.459,spk_0,wh uh +580,29.464316666666665,29.48915,spk_0,"Well, II, I don't know." +581,29.489316666666667,29.539316666666668,spk_0,"Well, if you think that more people can whistle than clap, then that's fine," +582,29.539483333333333,29.555316666666663,spk_0,then go for that option. +583,29.55548333333333,29.62848333333333,spk_0,But if I would have thought that more people could clap rather than whistle. So uh +584,29.632483333333333,29.65115,spk_0,so clap option. +585,29.664316666666668,29.669166666666666,spk_0,Yeah. +586,29.8275,29.8885,spk_2,"Okay. Okay. We've already decided that we don't need a Teletext button, haven't we?" +587,29.90148333333333,29.915333333333333,spk_0,"Uh, eff" +588,29.921333333333333,29.937316666666668,spk_0,effectively. +589,29.9375,29.97583333333333,spk_0,"That's what the, that's what they're saying that, uh, if," +590,29.976,30.02015,spk_0,if people a re now using the internet then you don't need teletext. +591,30.020316666666663,30.02415,spk_0,"So, so" +592,30.04148333333333,30.065166666666663,spk_0,"take out Teletext," +593,30.07583333333333,30.14633333333333,spk_1,"do we decide on having the 10, um, the 10 numbers" +594,30.148666666666667,30.16215,spk_1,and then the +595,30.188333333333333,30.224816666666666,spk_1,"next to it, which can enabled you to put them together?" +596,30.22648333333333,30.26148333333333,spk_3,"Well, I think nowadays you can just get ones where" +597,30.26333333333333,30.31883333333333,spk_3,it gives you a sort of a second or two to press another number +598,30.325166666666668,30.34883333333333,spk_3,so you can press any two +599,30.355816666666662,30.38448333333333,spk_3,and it will sort of put them together. +600,30.3885,30.43948333333333,spk_3,"-- Okay. +-- 10 numbers and then some kind of device to allow. Uh," +601,30.44548333333333,30.451316666666667,spk_1,"yeah," +602,30.46398333333333,30.484483333333333,spk_1,I put delay to a lab. +603,30.496,30.50283333333333,spk_1,"Yeah," +604,30.50948333333333,30.524816666666663,spk_1,multiple numbers +605,30.54683333333333,30.55565,spk_1,or multiple +606,30.55765,30.564666666666668,spk_1,teachers. +607,30.571,30.576316666666667,spk_1,Yeah. +608,30.628316666666667,30.64915,spk_1,Did we decide anything about +609,30.67398333333333,30.716316666666668,spk_1,the other functions as in setting the +610,30.71865,30.736166666666666,spk_1,audio and +611,30.744166666666665,30.803,spk_1,"s tuning it and stuff like that? You had an, an idea about the menu." +612,30.81165,30.85,spk_3,Uh We could possibly put an L A sort of +613,30.855316666666667,30.90765,spk_3,uh L CD menu in. But that again is probably +614,30.910316666666667,30.926316666666665,spk_3,"an expense that," +615,30.937316666666668,30.973983333333333,spk_1,"but just thinking, um, people probably, I mean," +616,30.97415,31.00348333333333,spk_1,"you don't ha you only have to probably tune the TV," +617,31.00365,31.04,spk_1,once but you have to be able to tune it that once. +618,31.0465,31.10365,spk_1,"So, and the, and the TV breaks to get a new one, you're gonna have to be able to tune it." +619,31.10565,31.12415,spk_1,You can't really avoid that +620,31.13048333333333,31.175,spk_1,except the new digital market. We should do it by themselves. +621,31.196,31.277833333333334,spk_1,"-- But th +-- but that's relying on the television market changing" +622,31.278,31.318483333333333,spk_0,"to an automatic and if it is a t," +623,31.31865,31.365,spk_0,"the moment, that's fine, but a t the moment it's not." +624,31.365166666666667,31.394666666666662,spk_0,So it seems to me that you have to have +625,31.394816666666667,31.439833333333333,spk_0,"a device that caters cause otherwise it would make it," +626,31.452666666666666,31.488333333333333,spk_0,uh your device would become +627,31.49115,31.529666666666667,spk_0,inoperable or only operable in certain +628,31.532316666666667,31.5565,spk_0,circumstances. And +629,31.561816666666665,31.602666666666668,spk_0,"the idea is to have an international market which is," +630,31.62183333333333,31.694983333333333,spk_0,"and it's also, it's the, the product we've got is something that's a t the," +631,31.69515,31.74683333333333,spk_0,I would have said the lower end of the s of the cost scale. +632,31.746983333333333,31.792166666666667,spk_0,So we're not really going for something that's uh +633,31.8085,31.832,spk_0,I si suppose high +634,31.83783333333333,31.841833333333334,spk_0,"tech," +635,31.85315,31.874816666666668,spk_0,"if people a re buying remotes," +636,31.875,31.9235,spk_3,"then they're probably buying it to replace another remote," +637,31.929666666666662,31.97265,spk_3,possibly most tellies come with remotes. So +638,31.978816666666667,31.980166666666666,spk_3,"I mean," +639,31.980316666666667,32.04233333333333,spk_3,we're maybe talking about replacing remotes for slightly older televisions. +640,32.0425,32.05083333333334,spk_3,So +641,32.0585,32.10581666666667,spk_3,"we maybe need to keep the, the tuning function in." +642,32.10933333333333,32.14281666666667,spk_1,Yeah. Okay. So how would this menu function work? +643,32.14298333333333,32.201,spk_1,"Would you maybe have like one menu button, then you'd use the other buttons," +644,32.20115,32.24765,spk_1,maybe the number buttons to actually do the separate functions? +645,32.249316666666665,32.274316666666664,spk_1,"-- Yeah, that would +-- be a good idea. Yeah." +646,32.305816666666665,32.36181666666667,spk_2,"Yeah, cause you do need um kind of brightness and contrast and everything as well." +647,32.363166666666665,32.409,spk_2,My dad was watching a film the other week and it was too dark. +648,32.409166666666664,32.45398333333333,spk_2,So I had to go through it and turn the brightness up. +649,32.45666666666666,32.48,spk_2,"So you just think we're gonna have the," +650,32.48016666666667,32.55283333333333,spk_1,the individual numbers and then a menu function and maybe sort of a slightly more +651,32.55765,32.612833333333334,spk_1,"advanced, um, instruction booklets come with it to guide." +652,32.613,32.63881666666666,spk_1,"Cause you, uh I think it'd be quite hard" +653,32.651,32.68315,spk_1,"just for people to grasp, um," +654,32.68665,32.721983333333334,spk_1,"just off like the menu but that you don't use different buttons," +655,32.72215,32.73931666666667,spk_1,maybe have to have like +656,32.74433333333333,32.763333333333335,spk_1,some better instructions +657,32.76716666666667,32.782983333333334,spk_1,of how that actually work. +658,32.78766666666667,32.815333333333335,spk_3,I'm not sure whether sort of having +659,32.82248333333333,32.85731666666667,spk_3,"people have a booklet cause one," +660,32.857483333333334,32.91466666666667,spk_3,the second most annoying thing that people found was having to learn the new one. +661,32.92415,32.942,spk_3,So maybe +662,32.94683333333333,32.976816666666664,spk_3,"next to each of the buttons, you know," +663,32.97698333333334,33.03665,spk_3,each of them could have a number and then also a function written next to it. +664,33.04065,33.057,spk_3,So you're basically +665,33.05916666666667,33.07183333333333,spk_3,pressing. +666,33.07898333333333,33.111333333333334,spk_1,But that also goes back to the original design +667,33.11148333333333,33.13498333333333,spk_1,when we saw those two and there was the one +668,33.13515,33.15866666666667,spk_1,on the left hand side which had all like the +669,33.158833333333334,33.201483333333336,spk_1,double functions and stuff which kinda looked too busy and +670,33.209,33.228,spk_1,"had too much on it. So," +671,33.24515,33.248983333333335,spk_1,okay. +672,33.29666666666667,33.298833333333334,spk_2,"Well," +673,33.325833333333335,33.32783333333333,spk_2,kind of +674,33.332483333333336,33.341483333333336,spk_2,the bottom bit +675,33.34481666666667,33.35381666666667,spk_2,down. +676,33.42516666666667,33.43731666666667,spk_0,That's a very good +677,33.441833333333335,33.4425,spk_1,idea. +678,33.50216666666667,33.5355,spk_1,"-- So +-- you keep um" +679,33.538,33.592166666666664,spk_0,"right, we've got five minutes before we wind up those meetings." +680,33.592333333333336,33.635666666666665,spk_0,"So I've been told, I don't know if you've got the sa me." +681,33.65365,33.66116666666667,spk_0,Okay. +682,33.66865,33.67698333333333,spk_0,"So," +683,33.6795,33.7025,spk_0,so keep um +684,33.73231666666667,33.75365,spk_0,keep detailed +685,33.773,33.790166666666664,spk_0,functions +686,33.80833333333333,33.81933333333333,spk_0,um +687,33.836,33.86148333333333,spk_0,hidden A T the back. +688,33.86815,33.87566666666667,spk_2,Hm. +689,33.878,33.92015,spk_2,"And that would be better for the older generation as well cause," +690,33.93281666666667,33.960316666666664,spk_2,"well, my dad doesn't like" +691,33.96666666666667,33.992,spk_2,that. You've gotta kind of flick through a menu +692,34.00033333333333,34.025333333333336,spk_2,but he can pretty much read a button. +693,34.03816666666667,34.040166666666664,spk_2,"So," +694,34.045316666666665,34.0605,spk_2,display it properly. +695,34.09515,34.151833333333336,spk_1,We're gonna have to have to work out what's gonna be on these other functions as well. +696,34.1595,34.18366666666667,spk_1,"So, we're gonna have like two separate," +697,34.18833333333333,34.206966666666666,spk_1,two separate lists. I guess +698,34.233333333333334,34.298316666666665,spk_0,your data functions hidden A T back can bring out when needed. +699,34.30916666666667,34.3375,spk_3,The detailed ones will be sort of +700,34.35466666666667,34.37031666666667,spk_3,brightness. +701,34.3975,34.40833333333333,spk_0,"Oh, that's right." +702,34.4085,34.42315,spk_0,"So, we're just," +703,34.423316666666665,34.45516666666666,spk_0,so you've got which ones a re gonna be on the front +704,34.455333333333336,34.479166666666664,spk_0,and which ones a re gonna be a in the back? +705,34.48916666666667,34.505833333333335,spk_0,We have to decide +706,34.523316666666666,34.52415,spk_1,next +707,34.5295,34.53215,spk_1,couple of +708,34.534,34.535333333333334,spk_1,minutes +709,34.53731666666667,34.540816666666665,spk_1,and then +710,34.54333333333334,34.5435,spk_1,I +711,34.5538,34.56465,spk_1,guess so. +712,34.577466666666666,34.592483333333334,spk_1,"So on the," +713,34.6073,34.618316666666665,spk_0,so +714,34.62565,34.64281666666667,spk_0,on front. +715,34.66963333333333,34.67013333333333,spk_0,Yes. +716,34.68613333333333,34.696983333333336,spk_0,Numbers +717,34.73883333333333,34.739333333333335,spk_2,and +718,34.74183333333333,34.74915,spk_2,the volume +719,34.7685,34.776666666666664,spk_1,volume. +720,34.79415,34.81998333333333,spk_1,"If you have a mute button as well," +721,34.83598333333333,34.85398333333333,spk_1,a mute button as well. +722,34.870466666666665,34.87831666666666,spk_1,Hm. +723,34.89183333333333,34.9028,spk_1,Oh. +724,34.91165,34.917833333333334,spk_2,Mm-hmm. +725,34.92166666666667,34.9505,spk_3,And it's probably a power one as well. +726,34.96816666666667,34.97431666666667,spk_3,I know. +727,35.04548333333334,35.06648333333333,spk_2,"I know. It's probably like, um," +728,35.093333333333334,35.119483333333335,spk_2,not an issue to raise. Yeah. +729,35.12315,35.16766666666667,spk_2,"But, um, the whole thing about not using a stand by," +730,35.173316666666665,35.197,spk_2,"uh, because of the," +731,35.20365,35.242333333333335,spk_2,like waste of electricity on that. Have you seen the adverts? +732,35.24831666666667,35.280166666666666,spk_2,Like if you boil the kettle that's full. It's a weird +733,35.282983333333334,35.331,spk_2,leave your telly on standby. It powers black people for a certain a mount of time. +734,35.34381666666667,35.38281666666666,spk_2,"-- We should maybe try to discourage people from stand +-- by," +735,35.385983333333336,35.414,spk_1,but then they might not buy it if they haven't got one. +736,35.498983333333335,35.5395,spk_0,"So, so a re you having the stand by on the front then" +737,35.55765,35.55781666666667,spk_1,a +738,35.57083333333333,35.584666666666664,spk_2,little bit smaller. +739,35.62815,35.639,spk_0,"Well," +740,35.656483333333334,35.697,spk_1,a re we gonna have the channel up and down as well as the number buttons. +741,35.7045,35.717,spk_3,Um +742,35.72031666666667,35.72731666666667,spk_3,cause +743,35.732816666666665,35.7625,spk_3,"yeah, the market research said there was" +744,35.76515,35.804833333333335,spk_3,quite a lot of people do just zap around +745,35.809333333333335,35.821,spk_3,"-- flick. +-- So," +746,35.87365,35.89233333333333,spk_1,so we've got 1000 +747,35.91716666666667,35.93033333333333,spk_1,and 60 +748,35.96131666666667,35.996,spk_0,channel I'm doing. What else have we got? +749,35.99881666666667,36.025666666666666,spk_0,"-- What was that? +-- 1610" +750,36.027483333333336,36.03215,spk_3,volume +751,36.03533333333333,36.0385,spk_3,is +752,36.068666666666665,36.07481666666666,spk_0,so +753,36.08598333333333,36.118,spk_0,volume button. How many volumes? +754,36.130833333333335,36.13131666666666,spk_3,One? +755,36.15133333333333,36.16316666666667,spk_0,Okay +756,36.1925,36.2,spk_2,on me +757,36.217,36.26465,spk_3,"and am. Yeah, that's 16, isn't it? Yeah. So anything else?" +758,36.31048333333333,36.32683333333333,spk_3,I don't think so. No +759,36.338,36.3425,spk_0,Parbo +760,36.34831666666667,36.36165,spk_0,and stand by +761,36.37415,36.397,spk_0,channel up and down. +762,36.40883333333333,36.42516666666667,spk_0,"So, is that it" +763,36.44565,36.45715,spk_0,okay? +764,36.461983333333336,36.49166666666667,spk_0,That's 16 buttons. You reckon +765,36.49915,36.52048333333333,spk_0,and then A t the back +766,36.54783333333334,36.55583333333333,spk_3,you've got +767,36.57266666666666,36.6015,spk_3,brightness and contrast. +768,36.63698333333333,36.659666666666666,spk_1,"Maybe if we're gonna run out of time," +769,36.65983333333333,36.72031666666667,spk_1,one of us should come up with a list of these and then get back a t the next meeting. +770,36.72048333333333,36.73433333333333,spk_1,Just a t the start and +771,36.74616666666667,36.75248333333333,spk_0,see. Ok. +772,36.76148333333333,36.77798333333333,spk_0,So on the back +773,36.79815,36.82865,spk_0,it'll have brightness contrast. +774,36.841483333333336,36.8545,spk_0,Anything else +775,36.8685,36.9,spk_0,you're also gonna have the channel tuna in +776,36.901833333333336,36.92015,spk_0,or as it were +777,36.99333333333333,37.022666666666666,spk_0,"tuner, would that have up and down?" +778,37.06981666666667,37.08315,spk_1,Okay. Yeah. +779,37.11165,37.11931666666667,spk_3,Ok. +780,37.14515,37.17616666666667,spk_3,And then maybe sort of an enter button for +781,37.2085,37.27283333333333,spk_3,"sort of s you know, saying that you want that particular" +782,37.27815,37.29481666666667,spk_3,thing tuned in +783,37.302483333333335,37.32398333333333,spk_3,so you go up and down and then it +784,37.3375,37.33916666666666,spk_3,finds +785,37.34366666666666,37.35166666666667,spk_3,it and then you wanna +786,37.36833333333333,37.37233333333333,spk_3,to +787,37.379666666666665,37.393,spk_3,"select it. Yeah," +788,37.47616666666666,37.521,spk_1,I guess we're keeping s it simple. We don't really need any other audio fun +789,37.52315,37.5465,spk_1,uh functions because it's just +790,37.55365,37.56065,spk_1,"-- volume, +-- volume," +791,37.5635,37.56465,spk_0,volume. +792,37.57848333333333,37.58665,spk_0,"Yeah, I would have thought" +793,37.58981666666666,37.5925,spk_0,so. +794,37.60083333333333,37.60566666666666,spk_2,Yeah. +795,37.62116666666667,37.64015,spk_2,"So, I think, um," +796,37.66766666666667,37.70433333333333,spk_2,"there's quite a lot of, like Dolby Surround, pseudo" +797,37.706316666666666,37.73483333333333,spk_2,surround sort of things. +798,37.77315,37.81081666666667,spk_1,Do they have their own controls on their actual products there +799,37.8125,37.84815,spk_1,or do you have to do it via the remote? +800,37.86065,37.86881666666667,spk_2,"Um," +801,37.874316666666665,37.927,spk_2,I think they've got their own controls in this kind of like hidden panel as +802,37.931983333333335,37.96816666666667,spk_1,"soon as we got the, if they've got their own controls then we can avoid it" +803,37.97398333333334,37.9875,spk_1,to keep it simple. +804,37.99381666666667,37.99415,spk_2,Yeah. +805,38.00715,38.05348333333333,spk_2,"Oh, no. I mean, um, like there's kind of individual buttons for them," +806,38.06648333333333,38.0935,spk_2,"like, on the TV, remote." +807,38.109,38.13715,spk_2,But I don't really know what they thought. I've never used them +808,38.15781666666667,38.16115,spk_2,something +809,38.16333333333333,38.16366666666666,spk_2,to +810,38.16548333333333,38.165816666666665,spk_2,do +811,38.1675,38.178983333333335,spk_2,"-- with maybe +-- unless" +812,38.1845,38.18565,spk_1,something +813,38.19148333333333,38.19448333333333,spk_1,"-- comes +-- up." +814,38.2045,38.23148333333334,spk_0,"Well, you might get some research on," +815,38.27666666666666,38.314166666666665,spk_1,"we, should we look into that and then just get back together." +816,38.32315,38.335,spk_0,Okay. +817,38.33916666666666,38.39098333333333,spk_0,"Right. So, I'll do the minutes of, uh, this meeting" +818,38.409333333333336,38.43833333333333,spk_0,and we'll meet back. +819,38.4465,38.46098333333333,spk_0,"Uh," +820,38.47065,38.547666666666665,spk_0,"I'm not sure. Um, 40 minutes I believe is the time." +821,38.581,38.59065,spk_0,Okay. +822,38.61215,38.61816666666667,spk_0,Come on. diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/ES2014b.Mix-Headset_2.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/ES2014b.Mix-Headset_2.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b7df41339f7635404919dda5dd37b643ea278b13 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/ES2014b.Mix-Headset_2.csv @@ -0,0 +1,446 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,21.00131667,21.04,spk_3,"we could maybe come up with a menu, a sort of a," +1,21.04216667,21.08016667,spk_3,an L CD menu for other functions +2,21.09098333,21.13248333,spk_3,on the remote control that's worth thinking about. +3,21.13915,21.15933333,spk_3,Um And +4,21.16516667,21.21066667,spk_3,maybe we could think about speech recognition as well because +5,21.21581667,21.22465,spk_3,um +6,21.23681667,21.25381667,spk_3,so young people are +7,21.2695,21.33248333,spk_3,"perhaps the ones that a re gonna buy, buy our new product if we aim a tat sort of," +8,21.3335,21.36381667,spk_3,"you know, sort of a high tech design" +9,21.38515,21.42681667,spk_3,"that, that might be the market that we're, we're looking for." +10,21.45198333,21.50348333,spk_3,And we could maybe think about using speech recognition recognition as +11,21.50365,21.54633333,spk_3,a way to find remote control if it's lost in a room +12,21.55798333,21.58531667,spk_3,rather than sort of um +13,21.59098333,21.60198333,spk_3,having it +14,21.61615,21.6465,spk_3,speech recognition to change the channels. +15,21.659,21.69931667,spk_3,Cause there's a problem with that in that the television makes noise +16,21.69948333,21.75381667,spk_3,so it could end up talking to itself and changing its channels. +17,21.77198333,21.79183333,spk_3,Okay. Um +18,21.79383333,21.81716667,spk_3,And that's the end of the slide show. +19,21.82065,21.82898333,spk_3,That's it +20,21.83248333,21.84081667,spk_3,cool. +21,21.85748333,21.88016667,spk_0,And was that last wee bit there +22,21.89,21.89981667,spk_0,um +23,21.90965,21.93366667,spk_0,about speech recognition? +24,21.93966667,21.95066667,spk_0,Okay. But +25,21.95266667,22.0135,spk_0,#NAME? +26,22.01615,22.06266667,spk_3,"yeah, they s they said that they'd be interested in a remote control," +27,22.06283333,22.08498333,spk_3,which offered that possibility. +28,22.08515,22.14515,spk_3,"And as you go up through the age groups, people who got less and less interested" +29,22.15016667,22.18048333,spk_3,"in sort of a, a remote control that you can" +30,22.18315,22.1965,spk_3,"talk to. So," +31,22.22431667,22.22481667,spk_1,um +32,22.24765,22.27665,spk_1,it seems the technology would be quite advanced for that and +33,22.27681667,22.33016667,spk_1,they might end up costing more than a 1250 budget for +34,22.34315,22.34383333,spk_1,speech +35,22.35483333,22.35981667,spk_1,recognition. +36,22.37966667,22.38265,spk_1,Um +37,22.4005,22.45615,spk_1,"And possibly the thing about the by the remote being lost, we could have," +38,22.46266667,22.49481667,spk_1,"you know, with your mobile phone, you lose that, you can ring it." +39,22.49498333,22.53681667,spk_1,Maybe we can have some kind of sensor which is kept somewhere where you can +40,22.54115,22.56815,spk_1,just kind of buzzer system between the two. +41,22.56831667,22.6175,spk_1,"Yeah, so you can press a button which is always kept in one place and then it uh" +42,22.62015,22.62281667,spk_1,huh. +43,22.6255,22.64081667,spk_1,Maybe it buzzes to +44,22.646,22.68216667,spk_1,"Yeah, somewhere else, wherever the remote actually is." +45,22.68566667,22.74416667,spk_1,"Yeah, we'd have that, that would mean we'd have to put two products together as well," +46,22.74433333,22.74816667,spk_3,"which," +47,22.75381667,22.81615,spk_3,"-- which again would probably be a bit expensive but there's +-- key rings" +48,22.81631667,22.85233333,spk_2,um that you kind of whistle a T or clap a T. +49,22.85998333,22.86483333,spk_2,Yeah. +50,22.86666667,22.896,spk_2,"And then the whistle back or something like that," +51,22.921,22.93098333,spk_2,they're cheap. +52,22.93366667,22.93433333,spk_2,Mmhm +53,23.009,23.01015,spk_1,The +54,23.01266667,23.01466667,spk_1,sa me +55,23.02431667,23.0275,spk_1,technology +56,23.03,23.051,spk_1,"could be put inside the," +57,23.06015,23.06683333,spk_0,"well, if" +58,23.07448333,23.10965,spk_0,you're trying to avoid having a second product cause +59,23.10981667,23.13715,spk_0,obviously you could have a second product that gave +60,23.13731667,23.19616667,spk_0,"you the right pitch which would set the remote off to say here I am sort of thing," +61,23.205,23.21966667,spk_0,"you know, without" +62,23.22848333,23.25233333,spk_0,sound recognition. But +63,23.2565,23.27231667,spk_0,"if you," +64,23.303,23.32566667,spk_0,I know um +65,23.33,23.35148333,spk_0,"I was gonna say a sharp noise," +66,23.36415,23.38931667,spk_0,clapping of hand or whatever +67,23.43531667,23.48183333,spk_0,you'd want to try and just have the one product that +68,23.484,23.4965,spk_0,"if," +69,23.53715,23.60348333,spk_1,"yeah, if you, if we could have it in the actual remote, everything in 11." +70,23.62083333,23.65315,spk_0,Um I dunno um +71,23.66733333,23.72316667,spk_0,"talking about vo I mean, obviously if you've got voice recognition," +72,23.72333333,23.73915,spk_0,then you can do it +73,23.7545,23.81066667,spk_0,"in that way because it will recognise the voice and you can give it a command," +74,23.81083333,23.84583333,spk_0,"a set command, whatever that happened to be." +75,23.85833333,23.87766667,spk_0,But you've then got the point. +76,23.87783333,23.93166667,spk_0,"If you, if you're not going with the voice recognition, then" +77,23.99548333,24.00398333,spk_1,"perhaps," +78,24.01015,24.02116667,spk_1,"um," +79,24.03833333,24.06415,spk_1,"so that would solve the problems with the TV," +80,24.06431667,24.09331667,spk_1,kinda speaking to the remote and changing itself. +81,24.11998333,24.13865,spk_0,"So, uh" +82,24.17065,24.19098333,spk_0,"any su suggest, well," +83,24.19383333,24.23833333,spk_0,"-- any conclusions, +-- um would it take" +84,24.24148333,24.27615,spk_3,quite a while to sort of develop this +85,24.27631667,24.32733333,spk_3,speech recognition software in the remote control? +86,24.33715,24.36998333,spk_0,"So if it does, then we can't," +87,24.37415,24.43031667,spk_0,"it's that simple because we've got uh the, the three" +88,24.44348333,24.49166667,spk_0,primary um uh requisites +89,24.50115,24.51883333,spk_0,from uh +90,24.54016667,24.57983333,spk_0,"from an email, ah, that was sent to me" +91,24.59616667,24.6585,spk_0,whereby we had the design logo was one which we've already mentioned. +92,24.66533333,24.6885,spk_0,"We've got um," +93,24.69548333,24.73566667,spk_0,"the remote was only for the television and not for," +94,24.73583333,24.78681667,spk_0,because that would make it too complex and we have to get a market quickly. +95,24.79315,24.86215,spk_0,"And the uh third thing was that, um teletext," +96,24.86466667,24.94715,spk_0,"uh as far as uh the management is concerned, um, has become outdated" +97,24.95181667,24.98648333,spk_0,uh due to the popularity of the internet. +98,24.99981667,25.01083333,spk_0,So +99,25.0135,25.08881667,spk_0,that means that uh so these a re the sort of three +100,25.1045,25.16116667,spk_0,extra para meters that have been put on this uh project. +101,25.1775,25.1855,spk_0,So +102,25.19065,25.22015,spk_0,we're being focused effectively +103,25.238,25.2655,spk_0,directly A T A television. +104,25.267,25.34281667,spk_0,And it seems to me that the management is uh wanting us to go down a narrow path +105,25.35433333,25.37133333,spk_0,and not +106,25.373,25.41066667,spk_0,opening out. So anything that uh +107,25.41848333,25.47665,spk_0,"is to be added such as voice recognition, et cetera" +108,25.48816667,25.55198333,spk_0,has to be very simple and has to be very quick +109,25.559,25.59131667,spk_0,"because time to market is," +110,25.60131667,25.61533333,spk_0,is critical. +111,25.64131667,25.6835,spk_1,"If we could get something in which was quite quick and simple," +112,25.68366667,25.71598333,spk_1,"that would give us an advantage of o other remotes," +113,25.74416667,25.81981667,spk_0,but probably quick and simple is primary rather than +114,25.84281667,25.8905,spk_0,"added extras, added extras would be nice. But" +115,25.89833333,25.93498333,spk_0,the primary consideration is to get the project +116,25.93515,25.98966667,spk_0,"finished within uh a s short time window," +117,25.98983333,26.0,spk_0,which effectively +118,26.00598333,26.01448333,spk_0,now is +119,26.02648333,26.05348333,spk_0,"sort of four hours. So," +120,26.07698333,26.15148333,spk_0,"and if, and we gotta get to the end, I th I think, I think first and foremost," +121,26.15165,26.21733333,spk_0,"we gotta get to the end, then get to the end with some added extras if possible." +122,26.24666667,26.26716667,spk_0,Okay. Uh +123,26.27231667,26.29548333,spk_0,My screen just +124,26.325,26.353,spk_0,"bunker me, right? Okay." +125,26.36148333,26.3925,spk_0,"Uh So I need to," +126,26.44915,26.45798333,spk_0,right. +127,26.46116667,26.469,spk_0,So +128,26.47533333,26.52083333,spk_0,"I don't know how long we have left of uh time," +129,26.546,26.57383333,spk_0,but we have to make the decisions +130,26.57716667,26.59531667,spk_0,on uh +131,26.6175,26.64115,spk_0,the remote control functions +132,26.66798333,26.74033333,spk_0,and how we're planning to proceed so that A T the next uh +133,26.74348333,26.751,spk_0,meeting +134,26.78298333,26.89033333,spk_0,"each person that's got AAA task to do is clear from this meeting, what that task is." +135,26.92831667,26.99233333,spk_0,We'll also know when the next meeting is. I. Um +136,27.00798333,27.051,spk_0,So we'll know how long we've got to complete that task +137,27.05683333,27.1,spk_0,"and then we can report back A T the next meeting and say, right, okay." +138,27.10016667,27.13115,spk_0,"Yes, we've achieved this or we haven't achieved this." +139,27.13133333,27.16398333,spk_0,This is how far we've progressed. +140,27.17031667,27.19866667,spk_0,Does that make +141,27.20283333,27.22398333,spk_0,reasonable sense? +142,27.251,27.25998333,spk_0,So +143,27.28333333,27.29965,spk_0,we have to come +144,27.30516667,27.34931667,spk_0,effectively to the decision on the remote functions so +145,27.34948333,27.38298333,spk_0,that you can decide what you're gonna be doing? +146,27.39683333,27.45131667,spk_0,"And if due between the time of this meeting," +147,27.45148333,27.48566667,spk_0,"finishing and the next meeting starting," +148,27.48583333,27.54065,spk_0,if you get any additional information that uh +149,27.55633333,27.59016667,spk_0,"only you have at that point in time," +150,27.60115,27.63648333,spk_0,you think would be relevant to other people in +151,27.63665,27.68366667,spk_0,"terms of their de decision making um process," +152,27.68383333,27.7385,spk_0,then we should communicate that as quickly as possible and not +153,27.74148333,27.78448333,spk_0,"wait until the next meeting, do it via" +154,27.78783333,27.80283333,spk_0,the email. +155,27.811,27.8485,spk_0,"So that rather than coming, you know," +156,27.85483333,27.90083333,spk_0,"if you get the information just before the next meeting, that's fine." +157,27.901,27.93915,spk_0,"Come along with the next meeting, we can discuss it then and" +158,27.94233333,28.00148333,spk_0,"take whatever actions appropriate. But if you get it well, before the next meeting," +159,28.00516667,28.07083333,spk_0,let everybody else know cause that might have an impact on their uh +160,28.10416667,28.13731667,spk_0,what they come up with effectively +161,28.14166667,28.17265,spk_0,A t the next meeting. Okay. +162,28.19948333,28.21598333,spk_0,"All right. Is there," +163,28.23115,28.26766667,spk_3,"so do we need to decide on the functions? Now," +164,28.28081667,28.30033333,spk_0,I would +165,28.30483333,28.32048333,spk_0,guess so. +166,28.33698333,28.34065,spk_2,"Well," +167,28.34081667,28.37198333,spk_2,I think it would be really easy and it would be +168,28.37215,28.409,spk_2,"a big advantage if we did have some sort of," +169,28.40916667,28.41466667,spk_2,"um," +170,28.42383333,28.46798333,spk_2,kind of whistle back kind of function +171,28.4795,28.52465,spk_2,"-- cause that'll solve kind of the frustration of losing +-- it." +172,28.53031667,28.58531667,spk_3,"And that was, that was the number one sort of frustration that people said. So" +173,28.60283333,28.6485,spk_3,I don't think there's anything else on the market that does that. So +174,28.68133333,28.72766667,spk_2,I don't really know about the voice recognition thing. +175,28.75765,28.76031667,spk_0,W +176,28.76565,28.79148333,spk_0,"well, uh maybe" +177,28.80416667,28.826,spk_1,we should concentrate just on the +178,28.82766667,28.82916667,spk_1,whistle. +179,28.83898333,28.85581667,spk_0,Something simple. +180,28.85833333,28.91598333,spk_0,"If our primary consideration is to get it there in time," +181,28.91966667,28.93566667,spk_0,"time short," +182,28.94216667,28.99715,spk_0,you want something to meet the major concerns of the consumer +183,29.00466667,29.02083333,spk_0,so that we can +184,29.02648333,29.05216667,spk_0,have it as a selling point for the product. +185,29.0655,29.10198333,spk_0,Something that's quick and simple. +186,29.11316667,29.12465,spk_2,"So, and that" +187,29.13,29.18031667,spk_2,cut off the kind of older generation either cause everyone can whistle a +188,29.18048333,29.23115,spk_2,clap and they wouldn't have to be kinda scared of this new technology. +189,29.23681667,29.284,spk_0,"So maybe a clap rather than a whistle would be a," +190,29.29731667,29.33583333,spk_0,on the basis that +191,29.33983333,29.39515,spk_0,"if we've got, if we're catering to the whole age range," +192,29.40033333,29.4525,spk_0,"you want something that's easy to do now, something that like" +193,29.45683333,29.459,spk_0,wh uh +194,29.46431667,29.48915,spk_0,"Well, II, I don't know." +195,29.48931667,29.53931667,spk_0,"Well, if you think that more people can whistle than clap, then that's fine," +196,29.53948333,29.55531667,spk_0,then go for that option. +197,29.55548333,29.62848333,spk_0,But if I would have thought that more people could clap rather than whistle. So uh +198,29.63248333,29.65115,spk_0,so clap option. +199,29.66431667,29.66916667,spk_0,Yeah. +200,29.8275,29.8885,spk_2,"Okay. Okay. We've already decided that we don't need a Teletext button, haven't we?" +201,29.90148333,29.91533333,spk_0,"Uh, eff" +202,29.92133333,29.93731667,spk_0,effectively. +203,29.9375,29.97583333,spk_0,"That's what the, that's what they're saying that, uh, if," +204,29.976,30.02015,spk_0,if people a re now using the internet then you don't need teletext. +205,30.02031667,30.02415,spk_0,"So, so" +206,30.04148333,30.06516667,spk_0,"take out Teletext," +207,30.07583333,30.14633333,spk_1,"do we decide on having the 10, um, the 10 numbers" +208,30.14866667,30.16215,spk_1,and then the +209,30.18833333,30.22481667,spk_1,"next to it, which can enabled you to put them together?" +210,30.22648333,30.26148333,spk_3,"Well, I think nowadays you can just get ones where" +211,30.26333333,30.31883333,spk_3,it gives you a sort of a second or two to press another number +212,30.32516667,30.34883333,spk_3,so you can press any two +213,30.35581667,30.38448333,spk_3,and it will sort of put them together. +214,30.3885,30.43948333,spk_3,"-- Okay. +-- 10 numbers and then some kind of device to allow. Uh," +215,30.44548333,30.45131667,spk_1,"yeah," +216,30.46398333,30.48448333,spk_1,I put delay to a lab. +217,30.496,30.50283333,spk_1,"Yeah," +218,30.50948333,30.52481667,spk_1,multiple numbers +219,30.54683333,30.55565,spk_1,or multiple +220,30.55765,30.56466667,spk_1,teachers. +221,30.571,30.57631667,spk_1,Yeah. +222,30.62831667,30.64915,spk_1,Did we decide anything about +223,30.67398333,30.71631667,spk_1,the other functions as in setting the +224,30.71865,30.73616667,spk_1,audio and +225,30.74416667,30.803,spk_1,"s tuning it and stuff like that? You had an, an idea about the menu." +226,30.81165,30.85,spk_3,Uh We could possibly put an L A sort of +227,30.85531667,30.90765,spk_3,uh L CD menu in. But that again is probably +228,30.91031667,30.92631667,spk_3,"an expense that," +229,30.93731667,30.97398333,spk_1,"but just thinking, um, people probably, I mean," +230,30.97415,31.00348333,spk_1,"you don't ha you only have to probably tune the TV," +231,31.00365,31.04,spk_1,once but you have to be able to tune it that once. +232,31.0465,31.10365,spk_1,"So, and the, and the TV breaks to get a new one, you're gonna have to be able to tune it." +233,31.10565,31.12415,spk_1,You can't really avoid that +234,31.13048333,31.175,spk_1,except the new digital market. We should do it by themselves. +235,31.196,31.27783333,spk_1,"-- But th +-- but that's relying on the television market changing" +236,31.278,31.31848333,spk_0,"to an automatic and if it is a t," +237,31.31865,31.365,spk_0,"the moment, that's fine, but a t the moment it's not." +238,31.36516667,31.39466667,spk_0,So it seems to me that you have to have +239,31.39481667,31.43983333,spk_0,"a device that caters cause otherwise it would make it," +240,31.45266667,31.48833333,spk_0,uh your device would become +241,31.49115,31.52966667,spk_0,inoperable or only operable in certain +242,31.53231667,31.5565,spk_0,circumstances. And +243,31.56181667,31.60266667,spk_0,"the idea is to have an international market which is," +244,31.62183333,31.69498333,spk_0,"and it's also, it's the, the product we've got is something that's a t the," +245,31.69515,31.74683333,spk_0,I would have said the lower end of the s of the cost scale. +246,31.74698333,31.79216667,spk_0,So we're not really going for something that's uh +247,31.8085,31.832,spk_0,I si suppose high +248,31.83783333,31.84183333,spk_0,"tech," +249,31.85315,31.87481667,spk_0,"if people a re buying remotes," +250,31.875,31.9235,spk_3,"then they're probably buying it to replace another remote," +251,31.92966667,31.97265,spk_3,possibly most tellies come with remotes. So +252,31.97881667,31.98016667,spk_3,"I mean," +253,31.98031667,32.04233333,spk_3,we're maybe talking about replacing remotes for slightly older televisions. +254,32.0425,32.05083333,spk_3,So +255,32.0585,32.10581667,spk_3,"we maybe need to keep the, the tuning function in." +256,32.10933333,32.14281667,spk_1,Yeah. Okay. So how would this menu function work? +257,32.14298333,32.201,spk_1,"Would you maybe have like one menu button, then you'd use the other buttons," +258,32.20115,32.24765,spk_1,maybe the number buttons to actually do the separate functions? +259,32.24931667,32.27431667,spk_1,#NAME? +260,32.30581667,32.36181667,spk_2,"Yeah, cause you do need um kind of brightness and contrast and everything as well." +261,32.36316667,32.409,spk_2,My dad was watching a film the other week and it was too dark. +262,32.40916667,32.45398333,spk_2,So I had to go through it and turn the brightness up. +263,32.45666667,32.48,spk_2,"So you just think we're gonna have the," +264,32.48016667,32.55283333,spk_1,the individual numbers and then a menu function and maybe sort of a slightly more +265,32.55765,32.61283333,spk_1,"advanced, um, instruction booklets come with it to guide." +266,32.613,32.63881667,spk_1,"Cause you, uh I think it'd be quite hard" +267,32.651,32.68315,spk_1,"just for people to grasp, um," +268,32.68665,32.72198333,spk_1,"just off like the menu but that you don't use different buttons," +269,32.72215,32.73931667,spk_1,maybe have to have like +270,32.74433333,32.76333333,spk_1,some better instructions +271,32.76716667,32.78298333,spk_1,of how that actually work. +272,32.78766667,32.81533333,spk_3,I'm not sure whether sort of having +273,32.82248333,32.85731667,spk_3,"people have a booklet cause one," +274,32.85748333,32.91466667,spk_3,the second most annoying thing that people found was having to learn the new one. +275,32.92415,32.942,spk_3,So maybe +276,32.94683333,32.97681667,spk_3,"next to each of the buttons, you know," +277,32.97698333,33.03665,spk_3,each of them could have a number and then also a function written next to it. +278,33.04065,33.057,spk_3,So you're basically +279,33.05916667,33.07183333,spk_3,pressing. +280,33.07898333,33.11133333,spk_1,But that also goes back to the original design +281,33.11148333,33.13498333,spk_1,when we saw those two and there was the one +282,33.13515,33.15866667,spk_1,on the left hand side which had all like the +283,33.15883333,33.20148333,spk_1,double functions and stuff which kinda looked too busy and +284,33.209,33.228,spk_1,"had too much on it. So," +285,33.24515,33.24898333,spk_1,okay. +286,33.29666667,33.29883333,spk_2,"Well," +287,33.32583333,33.32783333,spk_2,kind of +288,33.33248333,33.34148333,spk_2,the bottom bit +289,33.34481667,33.35381667,spk_2,down. +290,33.42516667,33.43731667,spk_0,That's a very good +291,33.44183333,33.4425,spk_1,idea. +292,33.50216667,33.5355,spk_1,#NAME? +293,33.538,33.59216667,spk_0,"right, we've got five minutes before we wind up those meetings." +294,33.59233333,33.63566667,spk_0,"So I've been told, I don't know if you've got the sa me." +295,33.65365,33.66116667,spk_0,Okay. +296,33.66865,33.67698333,spk_0,"So," +297,33.6795,33.7025,spk_0,so keep um +298,33.73231667,33.75365,spk_0,keep detailed +299,33.773,33.79016667,spk_0,functions +300,33.80833333,33.81933333,spk_0,um +301,33.836,33.86148333,spk_0,hidden A T the back. +302,33.86815,33.87566667,spk_2,Hm. +303,33.878,33.92015,spk_2,"And that would be better for the older generation as well cause," +304,33.93281667,33.96031667,spk_2,"well, my dad doesn't like" +305,33.96666667,33.992,spk_2,that. You've gotta kind of flick through a menu +306,34.00033333,34.02533333,spk_2,but he can pretty much read a button. +307,34.03816667,34.04016667,spk_2,"So," +308,34.04531667,34.0605,spk_2,display it properly. +309,34.09515,34.15183333,spk_1,We're gonna have to have to work out what's gonna be on these other functions as well. +310,34.1595,34.18366667,spk_1,"So, we're gonna have like two separate," +311,34.18833333,34.20696667,spk_1,two separate lists. I guess +312,34.23333333,34.29831667,spk_0,your data functions hidden A T back can bring out when needed. +313,34.30916667,34.3375,spk_3,The detailed ones will be sort of +314,34.35466667,34.37031667,spk_3,brightness. +315,34.3975,34.40833333,spk_0,"Oh, that's right." +316,34.4085,34.42315,spk_0,"So, we're just," +317,34.42331667,34.45516667,spk_0,so you've got which ones a re gonna be on the front +318,34.45533333,34.47916667,spk_0,and which ones a re gonna be a in the back? +319,34.48916667,34.50583333,spk_0,We have to decide +320,34.52331667,34.52415,spk_1,next +321,34.5295,34.53215,spk_1,couple of +322,34.534,34.53533333,spk_1,minutes +323,34.53731667,34.54081667,spk_1,and then +324,34.54333333,34.5435,spk_1,I +325,34.5538,34.56465,spk_1,guess so. +326,34.57746667,34.59248333,spk_1,"So on the," +327,34.6073,34.61831667,spk_0,so +328,34.62565,34.64281667,spk_0,on front. +329,34.66963333,34.67013333,spk_0,Yes. +330,34.68613333,34.69698333,spk_0,Numbers +331,34.73883333,34.73933333,spk_2,and +332,34.74183333,34.74915,spk_2,the volume +333,34.7685,34.77666667,spk_1,volume. +334,34.79415,34.81998333,spk_1,"If you have a mute button as well," +335,34.83598333,34.85398333,spk_1,a mute button as well. +336,34.87046667,34.87831667,spk_1,Hm. +337,34.89183333,34.9028,spk_1,Oh. +338,34.91165,34.91783333,spk_2,Mm-hmm. +339,34.92166667,34.9505,spk_3,And it's probably a power one as well. +340,34.96816667,34.97431667,spk_3,I know. +341,35.04548333,35.06648333,spk_2,"I know. It's probably like, um," +342,35.09333333,35.11948333,spk_2,not an issue to raise. Yeah. +343,35.12315,35.16766667,spk_2,"But, um, the whole thing about not using a stand by," +344,35.17331667,35.197,spk_2,"uh, because of the," +345,35.20365,35.24233333,spk_2,like waste of electricity on that. Have you seen the adverts? +346,35.24831667,35.28016667,spk_2,Like if you boil the kettle that's full. It's a weird +347,35.28298333,35.331,spk_2,leave your telly on standby. It powers black people for a certain a mount of time. +348,35.34381667,35.38281667,spk_2,"-- We should maybe try to discourage people from stand +-- by," +349,35.38598333,35.414,spk_1,but then they might not buy it if they haven't got one. +350,35.49898333,35.5395,spk_0,"So, so a re you having the stand by on the front then" +351,35.55765,35.55781667,spk_1,a +352,35.57083333,35.58466667,spk_2,little bit smaller. +353,35.62815,35.639,spk_0,"Well," +354,35.65648333,35.697,spk_1,a re we gonna have the channel up and down as well as the number buttons. +355,35.7045,35.717,spk_3,Um +356,35.72031667,35.72731667,spk_3,cause +357,35.73281667,35.7625,spk_3,"yeah, the market research said there was" +358,35.76515,35.80483333,spk_3,quite a lot of people do just zap around +359,35.80933333,35.821,spk_3,"-- flick. +-- So," +360,35.87365,35.89233333,spk_1,so we've got 1000 +361,35.91716667,35.93033333,spk_1,and 60 +362,35.96131667,35.996,spk_0,channel I'm doing. What else have we got? +363,35.99881667,36.02566667,spk_0,#NAME? +364,36.02748333,36.03215,spk_3,volume +365,36.03533333,36.0385,spk_3,is +366,36.06866667,36.07481667,spk_0,so +367,36.08598333,36.118,spk_0,volume button. How many volumes? +368,36.13083333,36.13131667,spk_3,One? +369,36.15133333,36.16316667,spk_0,Okay +370,36.1925,36.2,spk_2,on me +371,36.217,36.26465,spk_3,"and am. Yeah, that's 16, isn't it? Yeah. So anything else?" +372,36.31048333,36.32683333,spk_3,I don't think so. No +373,36.338,36.3425,spk_0,Parbo +374,36.34831667,36.36165,spk_0,and stand by +375,36.37415,36.397,spk_0,channel up and down. +376,36.40883333,36.42516667,spk_0,"So, is that it" +377,36.44565,36.45715,spk_0,okay? +378,36.46198333,36.49166667,spk_0,That's 16 buttons. You reckon +379,36.49915,36.52048333,spk_0,and then A t the back +380,36.54783333,36.55583333,spk_3,you've got +381,36.57266667,36.6015,spk_3,brightness and contrast. +382,36.63698333,36.65966667,spk_1,"Maybe if we're gonna run out of time," +383,36.65983333,36.72031667,spk_1,one of us should come up with a list of these and then get back a t the next meeting. +384,36.72048333,36.73433333,spk_1,Just a t the start and +385,36.74616667,36.75248333,spk_0,see. Ok. +386,36.76148333,36.77798333,spk_0,So on the back +387,36.79815,36.82865,spk_0,it'll have brightness contrast. +388,36.84148333,36.8545,spk_0,Anything else +389,36.8685,36.9,spk_0,you're also gonna have the channel tuna in +390,36.90183333,36.92015,spk_0,or as it were +391,36.99333333,37.02266667,spk_0,"tuner, would that have up and down?" +392,37.06981667,37.08315,spk_1,Okay. Yeah. +393,37.11165,37.11931667,spk_3,Ok. +394,37.14515,37.17616667,spk_3,And then maybe sort of an enter button for +395,37.2085,37.27283333,spk_3,"sort of s you know, saying that you want that particular" +396,37.27815,37.29481667,spk_3,thing tuned in +397,37.30248333,37.32398333,spk_3,so you go up and down and then it +398,37.3375,37.33916667,spk_3,finds +399,37.34366667,37.35166667,spk_3,it and then you wanna +400,37.36833333,37.37233333,spk_3,to +401,37.37966667,37.393,spk_3,"select it. Yeah," +402,37.47616667,37.521,spk_1,I guess we're keeping s it simple. We don't really need any other audio fun +403,37.52315,37.5465,spk_1,uh functions because it's just +404,37.55365,37.56065,spk_1,"-- volume, +-- volume," +405,37.5635,37.56465,spk_0,volume. +406,37.57848333,37.58665,spk_0,"Yeah, I would have thought" +407,37.58981667,37.5925,spk_0,so. +408,37.60083333,37.60566667,spk_2,Yeah. +409,37.62116667,37.64015,spk_2,"So, I think, um," +410,37.66766667,37.70433333,spk_2,"there's quite a lot of, like Dolby Surround, pseudo" +411,37.70631667,37.73483333,spk_2,surround sort of things. +412,37.77315,37.81081667,spk_1,Do they have their own controls on their actual products there +413,37.8125,37.84815,spk_1,or do you have to do it via the remote? +414,37.86065,37.86881667,spk_2,"Um," +415,37.87431667,37.927,spk_2,I think they've got their own controls in this kind of like hidden panel as +416,37.93198333,37.96816667,spk_1,"soon as we got the, if they've got their own controls then we can avoid it" +417,37.97398333,37.9875,spk_1,to keep it simple. +418,37.99381667,37.99415,spk_2,Yeah. +419,38.00715,38.05348333,spk_2,"Oh, no. I mean, um, like there's kind of individual buttons for them," +420,38.06648333,38.0935,spk_2,"like, on the TV, remote." +421,38.109,38.13715,spk_2,But I don't really know what they thought. I've never used them +422,38.15781667,38.16115,spk_2,something +423,38.16333333,38.16366667,spk_2,to +424,38.16548333,38.16581667,spk_2,do +425,38.1675,38.17898333,spk_2,#NAME? +426,38.1845,38.18565,spk_1,something +427,38.19148333,38.19448333,spk_1,#NAME? +428,38.2045,38.23148333,spk_0,"Well, you might get some research on," +429,38.27666667,38.31416667,spk_1,"we, should we look into that and then just get back together." +430,38.32315,38.335,spk_0,Okay. +431,38.33916667,38.39098333,spk_0,"Right. So, I'll do the minutes of, uh, this meeting" +432,38.40933333,38.43833333,spk_0,and we'll meet back. +433,38.4465,38.46098333,spk_0,"Uh," +434,38.47065,38.54766667,spk_0,"I'm not sure. Um, 40 minutes I believe is the time." +435,38.581,38.59065,spk_0,Okay. +436,38.61215,38.61816667,spk_0,Come on. diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/ES2014c.Mix-Headset.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/ES2014c.Mix-Headset.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ab3cb2ccda2f13693bafbce54a017520131987d --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/ES2014c.Mix-Headset.csv @@ -0,0 +1,861 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,0.88765,0.9306666666666668,spk_0,"You know, if you're not sure if you signed off a page." +1,0.9441666666666666,0.95265,spk_0,Um +2,0.97965,1.0053166666666666,spk_0,So I'll just kind of press the box. +3,1.0155,1.02665,spk_0,What happens? +4,1.0798333333333334,1.08315,spk_0,"I that," +5,1.1938166666666667,1.2028166666666666,spk_0,right. +6,1.4974833333333333,1.5078333333333334,spk_1,Okay. +7,1.5156666666666667,1.5303166666666668,spk_1,Okay. +8,1.875,1.88865,spk_1,Right. +9,1.9645,1.9901666666666664,spk_1,"Conceptual design meeting," +10,2.0196666666666667,2.031833333333333,spk_1,right? +11,2.061816666666666,2.0781666666666667,spk_1,Ok. So. +12,2.150333333333333,2.166166666666667,spk_1,"Right. Well," +13,2.1704833333333333,2.2038166666666665,spk_1,"um from the last meeting," +14,2.2143333333333333,2.241816666666667,spk_1,I was trying to send you the +15,2.243983333333333,2.2558333333333334,spk_1,"minutes," +16,2.2615,2.29465,spk_1,but uh it didn't work out too well. +17,2.297816666666667,2.30715,spk_1,So +18,2.320333333333333,2.356,spk_1,maybe in sort of um +19,2.3873333333333333,2.445666666666667,spk_1,"quick summary of the last uh meeting, I can" +20,2.4661666666666666,2.4911666666666665,spk_1,quickly give you +21,2.5443333333333333,2.5725,spk_1,"what we, what we had." +22,2.5925,2.6028166666666666,spk_1,Um +23,2.6386666666666665,2.648816666666667,spk_1,Right. +24,2.6521666666666666,2.658983333333333,spk_1,So +25,2.758983333333333,2.7823333333333333,spk_1,"I shouldn't, I hadn't closed it down." +26,2.8,2.84215,spk_1,"Right. So we had the fact that we're gonna have the, the logo," +27,2.84815,2.89415,spk_1,uh the company logo in its uh colour scheme +28,2.9055,2.9269833333333333,spk_1,"incorporated onto the," +29,2.94215,2.9685,spk_1,"the device, the remote device" +30,2.975,2.9978166666666666,spk_1,we had uh +31,3.0011666666666668,3.03115,spk_1,made our decisions about uh +32,3.0761666666666665,3.1083333333333334,spk_1,we made our decisions about uh +33,3.164483333333333,3.206,spk_1,the device itself that it's gonna be simple to make it uh +34,3.2314833333333333,3.257833333333333,spk_1,enable us to complete the project in time. +35,3.26865,3.2863166666666666,spk_1,We're gonna have the +36,3.2988166666666667,3.3553333333333333,spk_1,"effectively two pages, a front page which had the uh" +37,3.3598166666666667,3.401483333333333,spk_1,features that the uh the customers most wanted +38,3.4101666666666666,3.456833333333333,spk_1,and then the uh the backup features on the second page +39,3.4766666666666666,3.4976666666666665,spk_1,so that it would uh +40,3.544983333333333,3.569983333333333,spk_1,meet the technical requirements +41,3.582333333333333,3.6555,spk_1,"and the customers wouldn't have to look a t them too often only as, and when required." +42,3.663483333333333,3.672,spk_1,"So," +43,3.7331666666666665,3.768833333333333,spk_1,"so basically, what decisions" +44,3.783333333333333,3.806983333333333,spk_1,"have we, ah, made?" +45,3.820333333333333,3.8596666666666666,spk_1,"Uh, have there been any, uh, changes?" +46,3.8978166666666665,3.9038166666666663,spk_2,Right. +47,3.9238166666666663,3.945983333333333,spk_1,Three presentations. Yeah. +48,3.954816666666667,3.963983333333333,spk_1,"So," +49,3.9846666666666666,3.9973166666666655,spk_1,"yep, fine." +50,4.1509833333333335,4.1785,spk_2,We'll see. You've made this a little more smoothly +51,4.181483333333333,4.194983333333333,spk_2,than the last one. +52,4.800316666666666,4.829983333333333,spk_2,"Okay. Right. Let's get started. Um," +53,4.886816666666666,4.940666666666667,spk_2,"basically the, uh, for the, um, let's click" +54,4.942833333333334,4.944,spk_2,"back, I" +55,4.946316666666666,4.946816666666667,spk_2,guess +56,4.972316666666667,5.009316666666667,spk_2,"for the components design. Um," +57,5.026483333333333,5.044833333333333,spk_2,next step is +58,5.049166666666666,5.0616666666666665,spk_2,"basically the," +59,5.061816666666667,5.093333333333334,spk_2,the way the remote's gonna work is still the sa +60,5.093483333333333,5.148166666666667,spk_2,"me idea as before we still have the user interface," +61,5.148316666666666,5.158333333333333,spk_2,which is +62,5.165333333333333,5.217833333333333,spk_2,"all the buttons we're gonna incorporate, then there is a" +63,5.226816666666666,5.2605,spk_2,chip and still the sender. +64,5.266983333333333,5.3335,spk_2,"So um yes, let's just list that there including the power S supply as well." +65,5.339483333333333,5.385666666666666,spk_2,Um I'll go onto my findings in each of +66,5.3901666666666666,5.404833333333333,spk_2,these areas. +67,5.417833333333333,5.500483333333333,spk_2,"Uh First in the power supply, we have the option of just the standard battery." +68,5.512816666666667,5.523166666666667,spk_2,Um +69,5.551816666666666,5.574816666666667,spk_2,"There's a dynamo," +70,5.588316666666667,5.6493166666666665,spk_2,"if you think of kinda like the, the old torches, which you wind up" +71,5.65515,5.67065,spk_2,like no idea. +72,5.672316666666667,5.683333333333334,spk_2,Um +73,5.6985,5.72015,spk_2,There's a kinetic +74,5.727333333333333,5.736816666666667,spk_2,option +75,5.739316666666666,5.7876666666666665,spk_2,"which is, I don't know if you've seen those new watches which you kind of," +76,5.787816666666666,5.816483333333333,spk_2,you power up by waving around. +77,5.816666666666666,5.84265,spk_2,Um It just requires a small a mount of movement +78,5.842833333333333,5.878166666666667,spk_2,which would mean the batteries wouldn't have to be replaced. +79,5.889666666666667,5.93515,spk_2,"Um That's one option, but I think that was gonna cost a little more" +80,5.939316666666667,5.963816666666666,spk_2,and then the solar cells +81,5.97215,5.9825,spk_2,um +82,5.988316666666667,6.003833333333334,spk_2,as a final option +83,6.020833333333333,6.113483333333333,spk_2,"for the buttons, we have um, an integrated push button which is," +84,6.115166666666667,6.177333333333333,spk_2,"oh, just to say, well, all these a re um supplied by real reaction." +85,6.1815,6.2445,spk_2,"So I guess for the ease of, for quickness and ease we should take them from" +86,6.250816666666666,6.273816666666667,spk_2,a t least like one of these options. +87,6.300983333333333,6.3384833333333335,spk_2,"So for the buttons, there's an integrated push button" +88,6.34665,6.404333333333334,spk_2,which I guess is just the sa me as the standard ones. It says it's uh +89,6.406333333333333,6.454483333333333,spk_2,similar to uh the button on the mouse +90,6.463316666666667,6.50915,spk_2,for a normal for like a like modern computer. +91,6.51965,6.548666666666667,spk_2,"Um, there's a scroll wheel" +92,6.562666666666667,6.585,spk_2,"which is, you know," +93,6.5851500000000005,6.638983333333333,spk_2,"the new mouse has got like the centre section which you can scroll up and down," +94,6.639166666666666,6.6625,spk_2,which may be for the volume and +95,6.6745,6.6863166666666665,spk_2,you could do +96,6.702166666666667,6.717833333333333,spk_2,do that. Um +97,6.733333333333333,6.791333333333333,spk_2,One issue for the buttons is depending on which material we use. +98,6.791483333333334,6.838316666666667,spk_2,"If we use rubber buttons, then it requires a rubber case." +99,6.84465,6.871,spk_2,So we have to take that into consideration. +100,6.884316666666667,6.8933333333333335,spk_2,Um +101,6.909816666666667,6.945833333333333,spk_2,"-- What would be +-- the cost? Do, do we know" +102,6.965483333333333,6.965983333333334,spk_2,that +103,6.982,6.982333333333333,spk_2,"the," +104,6.996816666666667,7.001983333333333,spk_2,I think +105,7.003983333333333,7.004333333333333,spk_2,the +106,7.0205,7.05765,spk_2,"there wasn't too much difference in the cost, but" +107,7.063483333333333,7.1115,spk_2,"it relates to the actual buttons, but it does affect the printed circuit board." +108,7.11765,7.144833333333334,spk_2,"Um, which is the next section" +109,7.150316666666667,7.201816666666667,spk_2,"basically for the circuit board, which is the middle." +110,7.201983333333334,7.278166666666666,spk_2,"Let's just see up there on the, the chips like the, like the workings of the actual um," +111,7.278333333333333,7.29265,spk_2,"of the remote," +112,7.30615,7.3735,spk_2,"the firm supplies a simple, a regular and an advanced" +113,7.382333333333333,7.398816666666667,spk_2,um circuit board +114,7.405333333333333,7.436316666666666,spk_2,and there's different prices according to each. +115,7.438483333333333,7.473816666666667,spk_2,So if we got the scroll wheel for one +116,7.474,7.525666666666667,spk_2,of the buttons that would require a slightly more advanced +117,7.528483333333333,7.572316666666667,spk_2,circuit board than if we just had a standard +118,7.58015,7.598316666666666,spk_2,um push button. +119,7.615833333333334,7.68165,spk_2,Um One final thing we ca me over for some information on the speech recognition. +120,7.686316666666666,7.741483333333333,spk_2,"There's a small unit available through the company," +121,7.748316666666667,7.790483333333333,spk_2,"um which obviously would be an extra cost," +122,7.790666666666667,7.832833333333333,spk_2,but it wouldn't affect the size of the remote too much. +123,7.835316666666666,7.84415,spk_2,Um +124,7.85465,7.905483333333334,spk_2,And I guess that would require a more advanced circuit board. +125,7.90565,7.934816666666666,spk_2,"So there is an extra price in that sense," +126,7.941983333333333,7.974316666666667,spk_2,"there is a sorry, an extra cost in that sense." +127,7.98315,8.011666666666667,spk_2,"Um going to my personal preferences," +128,8.01765,8.027483333333333,spk_2,um +129,8.042333333333334,8.0825,spk_2,I thought possibly for power we could use kinetic. +130,8.097,8.1475,spk_2,Um which is the idea of the watch is um +131,8.15565,8.198816666666668,spk_2,"that you move, you move the remote around to power it up" +132,8.209816666666667,8.249666666666666,spk_2,"and this would avoid the batteries running out," +133,8.249816666666666,8.284816666666666,spk_2,having to replace batteries in such like +134,8.2955,8.306833333333334,spk_2,um +135,8.32065,8.341666666666667,spk_2,"for the buttons," +136,8.345833333333333,8.386816666666666,spk_2,I thought we'd probably get away with just having the standard +137,8.392983333333333,8.434316666666668,spk_2,um push buttons rather than the scroll wheel. +138,8.452483333333333,8.493333333333334,spk_2,Um And for the circuit board +139,8.496816666666668,8.5593,spk_2,"again, depends on which features we want in the actual in the remote." +140,8.562833333333334,8.608666666666666,spk_2,"So if we wanted the scroll wheel and wanted the voice recognition," +141,8.614833333333333,8.647166666666667,spk_2,um then we'd have to get +142,8.649333333333333,8.671333333333333,spk_2,"a, a more costly circuit board." +143,8.85365,8.905816666666666,spk_1,Do you know with the printed circuit board you were going for the? +144,8.922816666666666,8.932983333333333,spk_2,Um +145,8.940483333333333,8.991666666666667,spk_2,"it, it kinda depends. Um If we're gonna have a speech recognition" +146,8.995833333333334,9.047166666666667,spk_2,"we'd have to probably get an advanced one, I'm guessing." +147,9.051816666666667,9.0825,spk_2,"Um, but I don't know. So that is something we have" +148,9.086983333333333,9.09,spk_2,"a re we," +149,9.109316666666668,9.1105,spk_2,"um," +150,9.113483333333331,9.137833333333331,spk_2,"that's the, that's the decision for all of us." +151,9.14565,9.155333333333331,spk_2,"Um," +152,9.174333333333331,9.231983333333334,spk_1,so a re we able to make that decision now in a sense that +153,9.23615,9.263833333333332,spk_1,this is the point A t which +154,9.266833333333333,9.32265,spk_1,"we're discussing that issue. So, would it not be best to," +155,9.339316666666669,9.364483333333334,spk_1,"rather than, I mean," +156,9.364666666666666,9.404983333333334,spk_1,one way is to do each of the presentations and then +157,9.40515,9.461666666666666,spk_1,"make decisions going back to the various presentations as they were," +158,9.469316666666666,9.509983333333333,spk_1,the other way would be to do the presentation and +159,9.51015,9.545,spk_1,then make the decision a t that point in time +160,9.583666666666666,9.59015,spk_0,to discuss +161,9.592,9.592316666666669,spk_0,it +162,9.596483333333332,9.599816666666667,spk_0,straight away. +163,9.61115,9.654333333333334,spk_1,"Cause a t that point in time, you've got the details up there." +164,9.6545,9.686316666666666,spk_1,"So if we wanted to know for instance, that" +165,9.7125,9.778983333333333,spk_1,"the scroll, if we required a regular or a what required advance," +166,9.779166666666669,9.837833333333334,spk_1,then if we were able to see that down and we could make the decision A +167,9.838,9.885983333333334,spk_1,T that point in time and then that would be the end of that issue. +168,9.888,9.896333333333333,spk_1,Does that +169,9.903983333333333,9.922166666666667,spk_1,make sense? +170,9.9355,9.939666666666668,spk_0,Um I have +171,9.942833333333333,9.943,spk_0,a +172,9.944833333333332,9.980816666666666,spk_0,lot of the information there. It might not be very clear +173,10.03515,10.065316666666666,spk_0,unless you want to plug it back into yours. +174,10.102333333333334,10.113833333333334,spk_2,We could do. Yeah. +175,10.14365,10.14765,spk_2,"Yeah, it was," +176,10.312316666666666,10.366666666666667,spk_2,"as I say, it only specified that we need a more advanced circuit," +177,10.366833333333334,10.388666666666667,spk_2,"but for the scroll wheel, didn't" +178,10.39115,10.440666666666669,spk_2,"the voice recognition ca me as a sort of piece of information," +179,10.454816666666666,10.45615,spk_1,the +180,10.463666666666668,10.508833333333332,spk_1,"-- wheel required the regular. So +-- yeah, if, if you let" +181,10.512666666666666,10.52365,spk_2,down um +182,10.54465,10.574,spk_2,"just this bit of the bottom, which I've highlighted," +183,10.574166666666668,10.635983333333334,spk_2,but the scroll requires a mini m minimally a regular chip +184,10.640833333333331,10.665833333333332,spk_2,which is in the higher price range. +185,10.676816666666667,10.68715,spk_1,Okay. +186,10.702816666666669,10.7845,spk_1,The display requires an advanced chip. The display requires an advanced chip which +187,10.789666666666667,10.826166666666667,spk_1,"-- in turn +-- is more expensive." +188,10.889316666666666,10.900333333333334,spk_2,Okay. +189,10.918316666666666,10.967833333333331,spk_2,"And the, that the push button just requires a simple chip." +190,10.968,10.985983333333332,spk_2,So that would keep the price +191,10.995166666666666,11.002333333333333,spk_2,down. +192,11.0105,11.074483333333331,spk_0,"Yeah. And if we're going for a slick and sexy, I think a scroll wheel is maybe a bit" +193,11.079816666666666,11.095316666666667,spk_0,kinda bulky. +194,11.102333333333334,11.125,spk_0,"I, I've got um, pictures." +195,11.125166666666669,11.165833333333332,spk_0,"Well, I've seen pictures where they're kinda sticking off the side of it" +196,11.170483333333332,11.188666666666666,spk_0,and they don't really look great. +197,11.205333333333334,11.217316666666669,spk_1,Okay. +198,11.290833333333332,11.303166666666666,spk_1,Ok. +199,11.324333333333334,11.332816666666666,spk_1,So +200,11.349333333333334,11.364666666666666,spk_1,Ward is +201,11.374,11.381983333333334,spk_1,um +202,11.503166666666669,11.516666666666667,spk_3,"a re we going for the," +203,11.523483333333331,11.549166666666666,spk_3,"well, a re we going for the simple one. A re we" +204,11.57665,11.589666666666666,spk_1,"-- simple push +-- button." +205,11.591666666666669,11.629666666666669,spk_2,When did everyone get this on the speech recognition? +206,11.642316666666666,11.70915,spk_2,"The um, it was basically what we said before, the idea that you record in a set" +207,11.717166666666667,11.764666666666669,spk_2,"message and then it picks up that message, um," +208,11.766483333333332,11.787666666666668,spk_2,and replies to you. +209,11.793166666666666,11.827333333333334,spk_2,So it is basically the concept we discussed before. +210,11.842833333333331,11.85265,spk_2,"Um," +211,11.861316666666667,11.905983333333332,spk_2,but then we don't know for sure whether +212,11.909983333333331,11.95065,spk_2,"it would require a more complicated circuit, but I'm guessing it would." +213,11.950816666666666,11.981333333333334,spk_2,"But unless we've got like the depth information," +214,11.985983333333332,12.017316666666666,spk_2,maybe we should go on what we're certain on rather than. +215,12.029816666666669,12.0615,spk_1,So we go for the simple push button. +216,12.061666666666667,12.10615,spk_1,So effectively we're going for the simple printed circuit board. +217,12.106333333333334,12.129983333333334,spk_1,A re we or a re we going for the regular +218,12.16415,12.21015,spk_2,"um if it's just the push button, then it just needs the simple circuit." +219,12.227983333333333,12.2325,spk_1,But +220,12.264483333333333,12.317316666666668,spk_1,"is there any other? I mean, okay, that's true for the," +221,12.322483333333333,12.377333333333333,spk_1,"for, for that element, but we have to take all E el" +222,12.380816666666666,12.420483333333332,spk_1,elements into consideration. +223,12.430666666666667,12.476983333333331,spk_1,And so if there is one element that requires +224,12.491,12.536983333333334,spk_1,the more expensive one or say the regular one +225,12.544166666666667,12.591316666666666,spk_1,"or the more advanced, then that would have to be the sa me for all of them." +226,12.6025,12.678333333333333,spk_3,"Si suppose we need, we need to find out what circuit board that requires." +227,12.682666666666666,12.719166666666666,spk_3,Maybe before we need to de we make a decision. +228,12.730816666666666,12.764483333333333,spk_0,But the way that I interpret that um +229,12.772333333333334,12.822816666666666,spk_0,"it doesn't seem to send out a signal to the telly. It just," +230,12.825166666666666,12.838666666666668,spk_0,it's like a power +231,12.840833333333334,12.863666666666669,spk_0,to just re reply +232,12.881816666666667,12.8855,spk_2,to your +233,12.889316666666666,12.890316666666669,spk_2,message. +234,12.911833333333334,12.91415,spk_2,I think +235,12.915833333333332,12.918,spk_0,it would +236,12.924483333333333,12.927816666666669,spk_0,affect +237,12.93115,12.9315,spk_2,our. +238,12.94265,12.943166666666666,spk_2,OK. +239,12.954816666666666,12.961666666666666,spk_2,So we'd have a +240,12.965,12.967316666666669,spk_2,"simple," +241,12.974483333333334,12.97565,spk_2,then +242,12.97765,12.978166666666668,spk_2,that +243,12.996333333333334,12.997333333333334,spk_2,would be +244,12.999,12.999333333333333,spk_2,an +245,13.004816666666668,13.005816666666666,spk_2,extra +246,13.017316666666666,13.070483333333334,spk_0,and I don't think you could really perform any of the remote functions with it. +247,13.07065,13.1255,spk_0,Cause the exa mples that they've given there is good morning coffee machine. Good. +248,13.12565,13.130666666666666,spk_0,More than +249,13.132983333333334,13.133333333333333,spk_0,J +250,13.143483333333334,13.199,spk_0,it might be useful to see like where a re your remote here. I am +251,13.204983333333333,13.205333333333334,spk_0,J +252,13.228333333333332,13.269833333333333,spk_0,but I think that's maybe as far as that one could go. +253,13.274,13.28515,spk_2,Okay. +254,13.289666666666667,13.295483333333332,spk_2,Yeah. +255,13.29765,13.3105,spk_2,"Yeah, that makes sense." +256,13.310666666666666,13.337316666666666,spk_2,So we'd stick with a simple circuit board +257,13.3375,13.373816666666666,spk_2,and then think of the speech recognition that next +258,13.376333333333331,13.3765,spk_2,uh +259,13.392833333333334,13.418,spk_0,"Yeah, just as a fun way to find it." +260,13.465483333333331,13.516483333333332,spk_1,Simple circuit board. Simple push button. +261,13.569,13.588316666666667,spk_1,Ok. +262,13.602816666666667,13.674,spk_1,"-- WW. Kinetic. You were, you were wanting to go for the kinetic power +-- supply?" +263,13.679983333333332,13.721333333333334,spk_2,"Um, yeah, I, I thought so just for," +264,13.725983333333334,13.758983333333331,spk_2,"just for using, having to replace the batteries" +265,13.790483333333333,13.82865,spk_1,"-- and how does it get, uh, charged +-- up?" +266,13.833666666666666,13.848166666666666,spk_2,"It's, um," +267,13.85715,13.9075,spk_2,I think it works on the basis to have some kind of ball bearings inside. +268,13.910666666666666,13.923166666666669,spk_2,"It's, um," +269,13.9295,13.988666666666669,spk_2,"it's some one watches which you, you kind of, you shake to power it up." +270,14.000166666666669,14.052166666666666,spk_2,"Somehow the mechanism inside powers up through movement," +271,14.065483333333331,14.067,spk_2,move +272,14.068833333333334,14.104666666666668,spk_2,the remote around a little bit and then that powers it up to use +273,14.108333333333333,14.108666666666666,spk_2,it. +274,14.11215,14.122483333333332,spk_2,Okay. +275,14.125333333333334,14.151166666666668,spk_1,So the speech recognition +276,14.1535,14.167483333333331,spk_1,was +277,14.171816666666668,14.233833333333331,spk_1,"a re we going for a speech recognition. No, cause that required the advanced" +278,14.238666666666669,14.29265,spk_0,"um I think it would be helpful to find it, but I don't think it," +279,14.397333333333334,14.441,spk_1,I had speech recognition requires advanced +280,14.446,14.447333333333331,spk_1,record. +281,14.509316666666669,14.513666666666667,spk_2,"Oh," +282,14.5325,14.544,spk_1,okay. +283,14.55715,14.59265,spk_1,Speech recognition you reckon then +284,14.597,14.60815,spk_1,is +285,14.632983333333334,14.645316666666666,spk_1,simple. +286,14.65915,14.724,spk_1,And so we would want it in as an extra but because it doesn't appear to cost too much. +287,14.729333333333331,14.743166666666667,spk_1,Would that be +288,14.8065,14.80715,spk_2,gino +289,14.871,14.9045,spk_1,if that it wouldn't really cost any more? Would it? +290,14.9105,14.916666666666666,spk_0,"I'll just," +291,14.923333333333334,14.939833333333333,spk_0,just check what it says. +292,15.01015,15.055983333333334,spk_0,"Actually, I don't think it really says anything about the cost," +293,15.05615,15.094833333333334,spk_0,but it says that it's already in the coffee machines. +294,15.107983333333332,15.11765,spk_0,So +295,15.13615,15.151333333333334,spk_0,"like it's already," +296,15.154166666666669,15.155666666666669,spk_2,I +297,15.158833333333334,15.18315,spk_2,"assume it would cost extra, but" +298,15.198483333333334,15.242,spk_2,"maybe we, maybe we'll find out how much that does cost then" +299,15.254333333333332,15.271816666666666,spk_1,"and then have to change," +300,15.288,15.317483333333334,spk_1,change on everything A T the last minute. +301,15.361316666666667,15.374333333333333,spk_1,Okay. +302,15.512316666666669,15.530666666666669,spk_0,"Oh, that was quick." +303,15.535316666666668,15.545316666666666,spk_0,"Um," +304,15.555666666666667,15.601983333333331,spk_0,"okay, so very brief presentation. Um," +305,15.635833333333334,15.663483333333334,spk_0,from looking a t the remotes a re out there. +306,15.663666666666666,15.722816666666668,spk_0,"A t the minute, none of them a re particularly, um, sleek and sexy." +307,15.7315,15.743483333333334,spk_0,"Um," +308,15.745483333333333,15.790833333333332,spk_0,I haven't actually got the exa mples of the scroll button there. +309,15.793316666666666,15.842833333333331,spk_0,"Um, but there's some curved cases that you can see," +310,15.848483333333334,15.91415,spk_0,"uh, a range of sizes. Uh, All of them have quite a lot of buttons there." +311,15.919166666666667,15.958666666666666,spk_0,"Um They seem to just have the rubber buttons," +312,15.978816666666669,15.992483333333332,spk_0,"some movies," +313,16.00733333333333,16.015316666666667,spk_0,"sorry," +314,16.02,16.034833333333335,spk_0,"-- it +-- just seems to be skipping" +315,16.038483333333332,16.063,spk_1,"on. Yeah, I phoned that and then you" +316,16.06765,16.086983333333333,spk_1,just try and get it back +317,16.095483333333334,16.1,spk_2,if you +318,16.101816666666668,16.1295,spk_2,right click and then go into a previous slide. +319,16.140316666666667,16.17565,spk_0,"Oh, it's alright. Um There wasn't much more to say about that." +320,16.179166666666667,16.185983333333333,spk_0,I was just ra m +321,16.2125,16.221816666666665,spk_0,um +322,16.230816666666666,16.272483333333334,spk_0,some of the uh remotes that I looked a t one of +323,16.27265,16.331333333333333,spk_0,the models that did actually have voice recognition where you could um +324,16.348,16.388,spk_0,where it was connected to the remote control functions. +325,16.393483333333332,16.42031666666667,spk_0,And uh it was quite a a +326,16.425816666666666,16.463,spk_0,swish model where it can control +327,16.467166666666667,16.547,spk_0,"uh four devices, TV, cable, satellite video DVD audio." +328,16.556333333333335,16.592316666666665,spk_0,Um So that's a bit of competition there. +329,16.60165,16.613666666666667,spk_0,"So," +330,16.629983333333332,16.67765,spk_0,"I mean, maybe it's better not to try and compete with that sort of thing" +331,16.68015,16.724816666666666,spk_0,and just to market it as a completely different um +332,16.740666666666666,16.8115,spk_0,like different viewpoint as the kind of finding you lost control rather than +333,16.816666666666666,16.845,spk_0,trying to compete with the functions. +334,16.85033333333333,16.8765,spk_0,"Um the scroll buttons," +335,16.880666666666666,16.906333333333333,spk_0,"as you've already mentioned, um" +336,16.935833333333335,17.0035,spk_0,there's exa mples of those but they don't look as sleek as other models +337,17.007983333333332,17.039483333333333,spk_0,and there's no real advantage and +338,17.04365,17.07881666666667,spk_0,"because it impacts on other," +339,17.081833333333332,17.120833333333334,spk_0,on the materials and the price it's not great. +340,17.131833333333333,17.164133333333332,spk_1,"So as you were saying, the scroll buttons," +341,17.171333333333333,17.178,spk_0,"yeah," +342,17.183833333333332,17.194983333333333,spk_0,there was +343,17.198666666666668,17.252166666666668,spk_0,a specialist type of remote that we could think about. Um +344,17.27615,17.34115,spk_0,there was children's remote where um they just had a very limited +345,17.344666666666665,17.393833333333333,spk_0,range of buttons and they were uh bright and colourful +346,17.39816666666667,17.422466666666665,spk_0,"and um, you," +347,17.430483333333335,17.477166666666665,spk_0,you could progra MME them so that they could only look a t certain channels. +348,17.49915,17.534483333333334,spk_0,"Um, but I don't know if that's really in our field" +349,17.573166666666665,17.57415,spk_0,and +350,17.57615,17.58265,spk_2,maybe not. +351,17.611333333333334,17.63865,spk_2,"Was it, was it specified that we went for the" +352,17.64131666666667,17.647483333333334,spk_2,biggest +353,17.651816666666665,17.707316666666667,spk_1,"or, or to go for the international market rather than a local market?" +354,17.707483333333332,17.751,spk_1,"But that, that wouldn't necessarily preclude" +355,17.754833333333334,17.833666666666666,spk_1,the one thing that you can often do with products is you can uh make +356,17.844666666666665,17.890983333333335,spk_1,"small modifications. You have your basic model," +357,17.894666666666666,17.926316666666665,spk_1,which you would sell a T whatever. +358,17.9315,17.995316666666668,spk_1,"And then you could have additional features in, you know, like, um" +359,18.004833333333334,18.019166666666667,spk_1,"you have model one," +360,18.01933333333333,18.078316666666662,spk_1,"model two and model three and therefore you can subdivide your market up," +361,18.080816666666667,18.099816666666666,spk_1,but that's really what your +362,18.103,18.107983333333333,spk_1,"views," +363,18.133333333333333,18.13715,spk_2,maybe the remotes +364,18.15198333333333,18.164666666666665,spk_2,be like. Uh +365,18.20198333333333,18.20381666666667,spk_1,Yeah. +366,18.203983333333333,18.255983333333333,spk_1,"Well, you could add on for an extra package, but on this basic one," +367,18.25615,18.300833333333333,spk_1,I'm reckoning that we're going for the basic model +368,18.305,18.378816666666665,spk_1,"to be discussed here and that uh you would have for future reference," +369,18.37898333333333,18.4355,spk_1,"the possibility of adding in extra features, a T extra cost" +370,18.450166666666668,18.477166666666665,spk_1,uh to take care of +371,18.48433333333333,18.52166666666667,spk_1,specialist market segments. +372,18.55398333333333,18.5545,spk_0,"So," +373,18.58115,18.61766666666667,spk_1,"so, so what a re we deciding to do" +374,18.630983333333333,18.64115,spk_1,"here," +375,18.655483333333333,18.7025,spk_0,I think because there's already a very good +376,18.70565,18.74515,spk_0,voice recognition technology out there +377,18.747316666666663,18.809816666666663,spk_0,because ours might not cover the SA me functions that the leading brands do. +378,18.815,18.848,spk_0,It might be a good idea to market it as a +379,18.894666666666662,18.901816666666665,spk_1,the f +380,18.904333333333334,18.9675,spk_1,"Yeah, finder function rather than as a speech function to find your remote" +381,18.9985,19.02048333333333,spk_2,going for the international +382,19.023983333333334,19.03448333333333,spk_2,market. Um +383,19.03983333333333,19.105,spk_2,that some so maybe older people might not like the speech recognition. +384,19.12398333333333,19.1355,spk_0,So +385,19.177333333333333,19.205,spk_2,it would make it quite complicated +386,19.21598333333333,19.261166666666668,spk_2,where um as these keeps a fairly simple and +387,19.279666666666667,19.28698333333333,spk_2,mhm +388,19.3005,19.32333333333333,spk_0,"Yeah, cause I think you progra MME" +389,19.33665,19.37615,spk_0,um this one yourself like to see +390,19.380983333333333,19.40948333333333,spk_0,like whatever you want to your question. +391,19.43498333333333,19.46598333333333,spk_3,Yeah. And ours is quite a cheap device. +392,19.46615,19.506833333333333,spk_3,So I don't know how much we'll be able to put into it. +393,19.528316666666665,19.563816666666668,spk_1,So you'd have a finder feature rather than a +394,19.576816666666662,19.606666666666666,spk_1,voice recognition feature +395,19.61766666666667,19.630983333333333,spk_1,and you were talking +396,19.65233333333333,19.691316666666665,spk_1,and you're talking about scroll buttons. +397,19.69515,19.702666666666666,spk_0,Um +398,19.70948333333333,19.73065,spk_0,"Yeah, I think um" +399,19.744816666666665,19.81165,spk_0,"I think we've decided that it's gonna increase the cost and give real, real" +400,19.817666666666668,19.819816666666668,spk_0,temperature +401,19.825,19.868483333333334,spk_0,benefit and it's gonna decrease from the slickness of it. +402,19.873,19.923,spk_0,"-- Alright. +-- So we're just gonna have the the rubber buttons. Is that right?" +403,19.94365,19.95165,spk_0,Um +404,19.954166666666666,19.975,spk_0,And just to be aware that there a +405,19.975166666666667,20.019166666666667,spk_0,"re kind of specialist functions and specialist remotes," +406,20.025666666666663,20.0565,spk_0,but we probably don't want to +407,20.06083333333333,20.0905,spk_0,focus on those like such as the +408,20.09515,20.0985,spk_1,"okay," +409,20.107316666666662,20.13983333333333,spk_1,so not to be focused on. +410,20.14633333333333,20.14666666666667,spk_0,Yeah. +411,20.15833333333333,20.16648333333333,spk_0,Um +412,20.169666666666668,20.20883333333333,spk_0,there was a mention just as kind of a warning +413,20.211,20.23583333333333,spk_0,about button design +414,20.252666666666663,20.294816666666662,spk_0,um just to avoid ambiguity. +415,20.32198333333333,20.350666666666665,spk_0,So I gave the exa mples of +416,20.352666666666668,20.39433333333333,spk_0,say your volume buttons for up and down +417,20.4,20.429666666666662,spk_0,that might both have a V on for volume. +418,20.450333333333333,20.47815,spk_0,Um Let's think how they did this +419,20.500666666666667,20.5945,spk_1,"could inin flip it round a T 90 degree, uh 100 and 80 degrees and have it up and down" +420,20.60815,20.62698333333333,spk_1,an upside down V. +421,20.646166666666662,20.678816666666663,spk_1,"So that would show that the volume was going up," +422,20.67898333333333,20.71848333333333,spk_1,whereas the one underneath would see the volume going down. +423,20.729666666666667,20.73315,spk_0,Um +424,20.738983333333334,20.7655,spk_0,I think the thing was that +425,20.777666666666665,20.832816666666663,spk_0,"if you decide to do this to have triangular buttons," +426,20.840333333333334,20.881666666666668,spk_0,"um somebody might look a t this one and say, oh, well," +427,20.881833333333333,20.916666666666668,spk_0,this triangular button is pointing up +428,20.92183333333333,20.94565,spk_0,and that's the first thing that they see. +429,20.976316666666666,20.97648333333333,spk_0,"Oh," +430,20.98865,21.013,spk_0,"well, no, they might see," +431,21.044,21.074316666666668,spk_0,"yeah, they might see this pointing down" +432,21.081666666666667,21.11565,spk_0,"and think, right, that's gonna turn the volume down" +433,21.12215,21.162316666666666,spk_0,whereas the actual button's pointing up. +434,21.167,21.191666666666663,spk_0,So the function is to turn the button up. +435,21.20798333333333,21.21865,spk_0,So +436,21.224816666666666,21.282316666666667,spk_0,be careful what you put on the buttons and be careful of the shape that you make them +437,21.28448333333333,21.313983333333333,spk_0,because they might be kind of too um +438,21.33298333333333,21.348,spk_0,contradict. And +439,21.36415,21.4235,spk_2,"so maybe we can have sort of volume written on the side and then up and down on the," +440,21.423666666666666,21.432316666666665,spk_2,on the button. +441,21.448833333333333,21.454666666666668,spk_1,Yeah. +442,21.457,21.4925,spk_1,"You could have volume up and volume," +443,21.51448333333333,21.525166666666667,spk_1,volume +444,21.52865,21.56015,spk_1,up down. Hm. +445,21.586483333333334,21.600166666666667,spk_1,"But that, and" +446,21.60233333333333,21.655483333333333,spk_1,"cause the idea was to have limited, um, it was to have" +447,21.66648333333333,21.7005,spk_1,"sizeable, a amount of information on it," +448,21.703,21.729666666666667,spk_1,limited number of buttons +449,21.7425,21.77698333333333,spk_1,"-- cause it was 16 buttons, wasn't it? That +-- were," +450,21.884,21.910833333333333,spk_0,that's all I had to say for that. +451,21.9965,22.04383333333333,spk_0,"Um So what was the decision on the, um, design of the volume button?" +452,22.123666666666665,22.155316666666668,spk_2,A re we a re we gonna go through the design of all the buttons. +453,22.155483333333333,22.17865,spk_2,"-- A t the moment or a re we +-- gonna," +454,22.178816666666663,22.2295,spk_3,"I've g I've got some things to say about possible design things," +455,22.5405,22.55815,spk_3,right? Um +456,22.57665,22.609,spk_3,I've been looking a t some trends +457,22.6255,22.65315,spk_3,inin sort of +458,22.65598333333333,22.68315,spk_3,basically fashion +459,22.686333333333334,22.74115,spk_3,on top of doing the um research into +460,22.75433333333333,22.778316666666665,spk_3,the remote control market. +461,22.78065,22.787316666666666,spk_3,"The," +462,22.7875,22.819333333333333,spk_3,the one that's the one I talked about last time that +463,22.8195,22.86215,spk_3,"we'd sort of asked people about remote controls and what," +464,22.86565,22.90483333333333,spk_3,"what was good about them, what was bad, what they used?" +465,22.911816666666667,22.95683333333333,spk_3,And we've also been looking att sort of fa +466,22.95948333333333,22.99898333333333,spk_3,sort of fashions and what people a re wanting out of +467,23.00283333333333,23.031333333333333,spk_3,consumer goods. A t the moment. +468,23.0315,23.0925,spk_3,So we've had people in Paris and Milan watching the uh fashion trends. +469,23.129166666666663,23.148666666666667,spk_1,You don't go there yourself. +470,23.197816666666668,23.22448333333333,spk_3,"So, just to summarise" +471,23.228816666666667,23.255316666666666,spk_3,the most important things which ca me +472,23.25548333333333,23.286816666666667,spk_3,"out of the remote control market investigation," +473,23.29898333333333,23.33265,spk_3,the most important thing was that the things sort +474,23.332816666666663,23.377333333333333,spk_3,of look and felt fancy rather than just functional. +475,23.389316666666662,23.41365,spk_3,"And second," +476,23.4175,23.45083333333333,spk_3,there should be some technological innovation. +477,23.45948333333333,23.517,spk_3,"And then third and l less important than the other two," +478,23.517166666666668,23.540983333333333,spk_3,that there should be an ease of use as well. +479,23.557816666666668,23.5715,spk_3,And +480,23.57398333333333,23.609,spk_3,"apparently the fashion trends," +481,23.623,23.657316666666667,spk_3,a re that people want sort of clothes and +482,23.65748333333333,23.72615,spk_3,shoes and things with a fruit and vegetables theme. +483,23.762316666666667,23.77166666666667,spk_3,But +484,23.775666666666663,23.8425,spk_3,"um the feel of the material should be spongy, which is contrary to last year," +485,23.842666666666663,23.90083333333333,spk_3,"apparently, I presume it must have been not s not spongy last year." +486,23.922816666666662,23.931833333333334,spk_3,So +487,23.971666666666668,24.00633333333333,spk_3,we need to emphasise the fancy design +488,24.02015,24.055983333333334,spk_3,"on, on our remote control" +489,24.069666666666667,24.086816666666667,spk_3,above all else. +490,24.086983333333333,24.141666666666666,spk_3,"And then also try and add in technological informa innovation," +491,24.14183333333333,24.161166666666663,spk_3,which could be our sort of +492,24.165333333333333,24.19548333333333,spk_3,finder thing with a hand clap. +493,24.205816666666667,24.2635,spk_3,"And then we need to make sort of make it easy to use that as a, a" +494,24.268833333333333,24.289483333333333,spk_3,third priority. +495,24.29365,24.313983333333333,spk_3,"So perhaps, um" +496,24.31565,24.382316666666668,spk_3,"fewer, fewer buttons and functions as we've, as we've discussed" +497,24.390816666666662,24.42698333333333,spk_3,and then maybe find a way to incorporate these +498,24.42716666666667,24.473,spk_3,trends so that we sort of capture people's imaginations. +499,24.47815,24.528816666666668,spk_3,So maybe we could make the buttons shaped like fruit and veg +500,24.53248333333333,24.54683333333333,spk_3,or +501,24.559,24.588,spk_3,"the, the buttons could be spongy." +502,24.601983333333333,24.65565,spk_3,"Uh somehow, maybe we can make them out of rubber rather than sort of" +503,24.65965,24.67898333333333,spk_3,hard plastic +504,24.689833333333333,24.72083333333333,spk_3,and then sort of even wackier than that. +505,24.721,24.79683333333333,spk_3,"We could maybe have a fruit or vegetable shaped remote, say in the shape of a banana or" +506,24.8,24.8175,spk_3,something like that or? +507,24.8375,24.853816666666667,spk_3,Right. So +508,24.867816666666663,24.878,spk_3,"that would be a," +509,24.885316666666668,24.91483333333333,spk_3,maybe a banana or courgette or something. +510,24.95381666666667,24.95948333333333,spk_3,Mhm. +511,24.99715,25.06148333333333,spk_3,"How, how far we actually want to go along? And sort of follow the trends." +512,25.071666666666665,25.140816666666662,spk_3,"Do you think the trends a re particularly important for this type of gadget or," +513,25.148333333333333,25.198666666666668,spk_3,"or do you know, do they not matter that much?" +514,25.20531666666667,25.246666666666663,spk_0,"I think if you start making the buttons fruit shaped," +515,25.24683333333333,25.28098333333333,spk_0,it might make it more complicated to use. +516,25.284816666666668,25.307166666666667,spk_1,"Well, you were just talking about," +517,25.307316666666665,25.35115,spk_1,you've gotta be careful about how you shape your buttons cause you're +518,25.351316666666666,25.40615,spk_1,gonna misdirect people and I would have thought the functionality cause the +519,25.418316666666662,25.48498333333333,spk_1,"people get cheesed off by things by having to read instructions, etc." +520,25.489316666666667,25.497316666666663,spk_1,So +521,25.522816666666667,25.56865,spk_0,"maybe just one button, say the stand by button" +522,25.57215,25.608666666666668,spk_0,is quite kinda separate from all the other functions. +523,25.608833333333333,25.62933333333333,spk_0,Maybe that could be a little apple. +524,25.64433333333333,25.653,spk_0,Okay. +525,25.6735,25.68048333333333,spk_0,No. +526,25.694983333333333,25.700666666666667,spk_0,Yeah. +527,25.703983333333333,25.723333333333333,spk_1,Stand by button. +528,25.73098333333333,25.7355,spk_1,No. +529,25.735666666666667,25.746,spk_1,"And that, that," +530,25.746166666666667,25.800166666666662,spk_1,that incorporates the trend whilst A T the sa me time not confusing people +531,25.812666666666665,25.822816666666668,spk_1,if you're +532,25.82648333333333,25.85,spk_1,looking for functionality. +533,25.923666666666666,25.948,spk_1,But what a re they gonna be next? Yeah. +534,25.949816666666667,25.97015,spk_1,What are they gonna be next year? +535,25.99365,26.02815,spk_1,"But, but the, but okay." +536,26.028316666666665,26.095316666666665,spk_1,"But you, you can incorporate the tr if, if you change all the buttons," +537,26.105166666666666,26.171166666666668,spk_1,then you've got the problem that this year's fruit and veg next year's. Uh +538,26.18383333333333,26.22533333333333,spk_1,"I was gonna say animals or elephants or, or whatever" +539,26.23648333333333,26.27848333333333,spk_1,that means you're constantly changing your production schedule +540,26.28065,26.317816666666666,spk_1,and you've gotta make different molds and everything else. +541,26.31798333333333,26.36283333333333,spk_1,"-- So that's not a good idea. I would, I would +-- suggest" +542,26.36598333333333,26.371166666666667,spk_3,the +543,26.376316666666668,26.384166666666665,spk_3,sort of +544,26.39033333333333,26.45315,spk_3,"time scale we're thinking of selling the product over is, I don't know, I mean," +545,26.4545,26.45833333333333,spk_2,it just +546,26.46066666666667,26.48966666666667,spk_2,seems realistic that the remote control market +547,26.489833333333333,26.513,spk_2,isn't the kind of thing which takes it +548,26.52316666666667,26.535316666666667,spk_2,those kinds of +549,26.561333333333334,26.57783333333333,spk_2,to something which is +550,26.58248333333333,26.603483333333333,spk_2,maybe more universal. +551,26.615,26.621983333333333,spk_2,"Mm. Well, I suppose" +552,26.62415,26.653983333333333,spk_0,as long as it's quite a subtle design. +553,26.66865,26.674816666666665,spk_0,"Um," +554,26.827666666666666,26.835833333333333,spk_1,"well," +555,26.8405,26.8465,spk_1,"yeah," +556,26.892,26.962316666666663,spk_1,"was that in the sort of fashion sense that this, or was the spongy feel?" +557,26.9625,27.007166666666667,spk_1,"Was that, uh, sort of fashion? It was, wasn't" +558,27.012316666666667,27.012666666666668,spk_1,it? +559,27.030166666666663,27.03633333333333,spk_1,So you +560,27.04065,27.060666666666663,spk_1,"-- have +-- rubber cases" +561,27.066316666666665,27.08465,spk_0,as well as buttons? +562,27.1125,27.1175,spk_3,Yeah. +563,27.12815,27.13948333333333,spk_0,Um +564,27.14498333333333,27.165983333333333,spk_0,And that you can make them +565,27.17415,27.206333333333333,spk_0,curved or double curved. And that would be +566,27.222816666666667,27.278983333333333,spk_2,one of the things that if you had rubber buttons and you had to have a rubber case +567,27.29765,27.3025,spk_2,and +568,27.30516666666667,27.33633333333333,spk_2,"Oh no, no, no, sorry. It's, if you use a," +569,27.34698333333333,27.393833333333333,spk_2,"a rubber, double curved case, then you must use rubber buttons." +570,27.398,27.409,spk_2,That's the way around. +571,27.409166666666668,27.457816666666663,spk_2,If you have the rubber case and you have to have the rubber buttons to go with it. +572,27.52415,27.569983333333333,spk_1,"-- Rubber buttons require rubber case +-- scroll," +573,27.588166666666663,27.63315,spk_0,wouldn't it for the spongy feel to have everything rubber? +574,27.64633333333333,27.651,spk_1,Yeah. +575,27.66215,27.727833333333333,spk_1,"The m the main problem is how, how frequently do the fashions change?" +576,27.728,27.759,spk_1,"Cause in essence, in the production," +577,27.76415,27.827166666666667,spk_1,"you want things to stay, you want to basically mint them out" +578,27.829666666666668,27.845316666666665,spk_1,cause if you've got +579,27.860666666666667,27.886983333333333,spk_1,fashion changes +580,27.892166666666668,27.9155,spk_1,"and that you're incorporating," +581,27.92065,27.978,spk_1,"then it means that your stock is, um," +582,27.97815,28.01683333333333,spk_1,is last year's stock and therefore you're selling it +583,28.017,28.051,spk_1,"or having to sell it att discounted rate," +584,28.054666666666662,28.103816666666667,spk_1,which you wouldn't want to do. Whereas if you kept the product +585,28.110666666666667,28.123,spk_1,the sa me. +586,28.126816666666667,28.164316666666668,spk_1,But you could have a difference from year to year +587,28.17015,28.211,spk_1,and it seems to me that you could incorporate a +588,28.214316666666665,28.27415,spk_1,"fashion statement if you like, rather than changing the whole" +589,28.285316666666667,28.294666666666668,spk_1,"kit and Caboodle," +590,28.303816666666663,28.32698333333333,spk_1,you're just changing +591,28.33665,28.356666666666666,spk_1,one aspect like +592,28.359166666666667,28.406666666666663,spk_1,like the stand by button or something like that. And especially +593,28.413816666666666,28.44315,spk_1,cause then you could make it something that +594,28.453,28.453316666666662,spk_2,we +595,28.455166666666667,28.45531666666667,spk_2,a +596,28.457816666666663,28.46133333333333,spk_2,re we still +597,28.478816666666667,28.479333333333333,spk_2,have +598,28.496,28.49715,spk_2,"the," +599,28.511333333333333,28.55965,spk_1,"well, you might be limited in space. that, that yes," +600,28.57048333333333,28.5755,spk_1,"well," +601,28.575666666666667,28.620316666666668,spk_1,you two a re obviously gonna find that out fairly quickly +602,28.620483333333333,28.671,spk_1,when you move over to your kit modelling stage as to uh +603,28.686166666666665,28.693483333333333,spk_1,"how much," +604,28.695316666666667,28.7375,spk_1,"how much, how much, how pliable is plasticine" +605,28.788816666666666,28.83833333333333,spk_2,the the cases like changing with the fashions like the nokia +606,28.8385,28.87815,spk_2,"phones where you could take the casing off the outside," +607,28.88383333333333,28.907816666666665,spk_2,whether that would be too much +608,28.911,28.931833333333334,spk_2,"to incorporate production," +609,28.94565,28.961166666666667,spk_2,whether that would just think about +610,28.968316666666663,28.99115,spk_2,make it more complicated. +611,29.012833333333333,29.061333333333334,spk_1,"So you're talking there about uh changing," +612,29.096833333333333,29.11215,spk_1,changing the key. +613,29.11815,29.158666666666665,spk_2,"Yeah, the a the actual sort of the look from the outside." +614,29.15883333333333,29.182816666666668,spk_2,So where the buttons would stay the sa me +615,29.186816666666665,29.21865,spk_2,and the general function of the +616,29.22065,29.27198333333333,spk_2,"remote would stay the sa me. But then you could change the, the way it looked." +617,29.27665,29.29383333333333,spk_2,"-- Yeah, +-- and then you could have," +618,29.297816666666662,29.352666666666668,spk_0,oh but you still would have to have the logo on every new case +619,29.35781666666667,29.398666666666667,spk_0,but you could have like pink cases for girls and +620,29.405483333333333,29.43948333333333,spk_1,"yeah, you, you could do a colour change." +621,29.439666666666668,29.505166666666668,spk_1,"So therefore you d yeah, I mean that's effectively what they did with the," +622,29.505316666666666,29.5525,spk_1,"with the mobile phones was to have some in blue, some in red, some in," +623,29.552666666666667,29.575166666666668,spk_1,rather than all in +624,29.57865,29.63315,spk_1,"black or, you know, which four do you want? As long as it's black?" +625,29.651,29.665166666666668,spk_1,"But, uh," +626,29.689666666666668,29.6945,spk_1,"so," +627,29.789483333333333,29.79498333333333,spk_0,yes. +628,29.798666666666666,29.8355,spk_0,"-- Oh, that's true. No, that might +-- not." +629,29.85633333333333,29.858666666666668,spk_0,It might +630,29.86215,29.863,spk_0,clash +631,29.864833333333333,29.8655,spk_0,"with," +632,29.8775,29.94715,spk_0,"-- well, +-- not necessarily because you could have your company." +633,29.94748333333333,29.97448333333333,spk_1,"Uh, we, we're meant to be finishing up," +634,29.984816666666667,30.023983333333334,spk_1,you could have your company badge and low. +635,30.02415,30.098,spk_1,"I mean, a lot of um computers, for instance, like, like on the one you've got there," +636,30.101816666666668,30.153816666666668,spk_1,it actually has a sort of um stick on badge. +637,30.157316666666667,30.19748333333333,spk_1,"So what you would all, all you would really need," +638,30.20531666666667,30.242,spk_1,"whether it, you know, whether the casing be w" +639,30.248,30.277166666666663,spk_1,"any colour could be any colour," +640,30.277666666666665,30.335833333333333,spk_1,but that badge would then have to stick out on top of it. +641,30.338,30.35565,spk_1,So that um +642,30.36466666666667,30.379166666666663,spk_1,in a sense +643,30.387316666666667,30.423,spk_1,"with a, with a logo like that" +644,30.43115,30.46365,spk_1,"because it's on a white background," +645,30.467666666666663,30.5385,spk_1,the only colour that it might not stick out so well on would be a white casing +646,30.546,30.586983333333333,spk_1,"cause you, you know, you sort of, you're badging it." +647,30.58715,30.59365,spk_1,"Uh In fact," +648,30.593833333333333,30.623666666666665,spk_1,a lot of companies get somebody else to make +649,30.623833333333334,30.669,spk_1,them and literally just badge them themselves with their own +650,30.6735,30.6985,spk_1,uh badge over the top. +651,30.70798333333333,30.756833333333333,spk_1,"And in fact, the way they've got that there, even if you had that on a white," +652,30.759,30.79965,spk_1,which is the predominant colour of the uh +653,30.803316666666667,30.8175,spk_1,the windows +654,30.828316666666662,30.83833333333333,spk_1,"a bad," +655,30.84565,30.91798333333333,spk_1,"you'd still be able to see it clearly from, uh, you know, white casing," +656,30.921166666666668,30.937666666666665,spk_1,"uh, product." +657,30.937833333333334,30.982316666666662,spk_1,"-- So +-- we'd have a big enough market to have" +658,30.98248333333333,31.02615,spk_2,this kinda like secondary market of selling the cases. +659,31.03465,31.042816666666667,spk_2,Might be +660,31.044816666666662,31.04748333333333,spk_2,something to +661,31.053,31.054166666666667,spk_2,consider +662,31.072816666666668,31.074483333333333,spk_0,if +663,31.076316666666667,31.093833333333333,spk_0,it's for young people. +664,31.10615,31.10965,spk_0,"Um," +665,31.121,31.144,spk_0,"like the phone generation," +666,31.148983333333334,31.15115,spk_0,that +667,31.153983333333333,31.166666666666668,spk_0,sort of thing would probably go down. +668,31.166833333333333,31.214316666666665,spk_0,"-- Well, and the market research has been on that side of things, hasn't +-- it?" +669,31.21848333333333,31.24148333333333,spk_3,"Yeah, I mean, it's, people" +670,31.243483333333334,31.27065,spk_3,"say that it's the look," +671,31.276816666666665,31.303316666666667,spk_3,"they don't want a fancy looking thing, but I'm," +672,31.3235,31.330483333333333,spk_3,"yeah," +673,31.33566666666667,31.375166666666665,spk_3,I'm not convinced on whether having changeable covers +674,31.375333333333334,31.40883333333333,spk_3,would be something that people would buy into. +675,31.409,31.409166666666668,spk_3,I +676,31.417666666666666,31.44065,spk_3,think with the mobiles +677,31.448833333333333,31.5105,spk_3,"-- it's the, you know, it's a communication device, people see you with it all about +-- and" +678,31.514316666666662,31.517983333333333,spk_2,I suppose +679,31.522483333333334,31.527833333333334,spk_2,where +680,31.541833333333333,31.54498333333333,spk_2,the remote +681,31.54833333333333,31.577666666666666,spk_2,"-- it's +-- inin the house, isn't" +682,31.579833333333333,31.591316666666668,spk_1,it? I suppose. +683,31.60748333333333,31.64633333333333,spk_0,"Ok. So if we just went for one colour," +684,31.663816666666666,31.73065,spk_1,"so don't change case change, case colour." +685,31.738333333333333,31.77465,spk_1,And we're sort of saying no +686,31.779333333333334,31.791316666666667,spk_1,to that. +687,31.79948333333333,31.82648333333333,spk_0,"Did we decide on the rubber case," +688,31.82665,31.886,spk_0,the spongy feel or did we think that that might go as a trend? +689,31.8945,31.90348333333333,spk_3,"Well," +690,31.90883333333333,31.94548333333333,spk_3,it was different last year. The trend was different last year. +691,31.94565,31.985316666666662,spk_3,"Apparently it was not, not spongy feel," +692,31.99115,32.00066666666667,spk_3,but +693,32.03315,32.05833333333333,spk_3,I don't know whether the trend will change. +694,32.0585,32.086816666666664,spk_3,I don't know whether it's one of those things that +695,32.107816666666665,32.13433333333333,spk_3,like sort of having all fruit +696,32.13665,32.20216666666666,spk_3,"shaped keys that, that probably would go out of fashion very quickly." +697,32.202333333333335,32.254666666666665,spk_3,"Whereas just the fact that it was a rubber case, it's probably less," +698,32.2605,32.268316666666664,spk_3,less of +699,32.2715,32.2755,spk_3,something +700,32.295833333333334,32.314483333333335,spk_3,you're gonna end up hating any. +701,32.36398333333333,32.36533333333333,spk_1,So +702,32.369,32.40266666666667,spk_1,"if you're going for fashion trends like that, they, they," +703,32.402833333333334,32.43816666666667,spk_1,you'd have to have interchangeable cases +704,32.447316666666666,32.465,spk_1,"so that you could, uh," +705,32.46516666666667,32.50216666666667,spk_1,or cause otherwise someone's gonna have to buy a +706,32.50233333333333,32.54331666666667,spk_1,complete new remote rather than just a case. +707,32.561,32.56231666666667,spk_2,It +708,32.56798333333333,32.56865,spk_2,seems +709,32.57116666666667,32.5735,spk_2,to make +710,32.57716666666666,32.60981666666667,spk_2,sense if we would just maybe stick with the standard rubber +711,32.60998333333333,32.649316666666664,spk_2,case and then have the standard rubber buttons as well. +712,32.659483333333334,32.66466666666667,spk_2,Okay. +713,32.67316666666667,32.69565,spk_0,Uh We haven't really talked about +714,32.69781666666667,32.7005,spk_0,uh +715,32.703,32.7315,spk_0,"the curvature of the case," +716,32.73465,32.777166666666666,spk_0,"there's flat, there's single curved and it's double curved." +717,32.78881666666667,32.796,spk_0,Um +718,32.81615,32.841316666666664,spk_0,"-- I'm not exactly +-- sure. Maybe" +719,32.84915,32.88498333333333,spk_2,give it like a slightly more aesthetic feel. +720,32.8925,32.94331666666667,spk_2,The double curve wouldn't require us to perform miracles with the plastic. +721,32.99698333333333,32.99731666666667,spk_2,Yeah. +722,33.0295,33.08465,spk_3,"-- When you say when you say double curved, what, what exactly does +-- that mean?" +723,33.0855,33.11066666666667,spk_0,I'm not exactly sure. +724,33.12615,33.140166666666666,spk_0,Um +725,33.14633333333333,33.16031666666667,spk_0,I'll show you +726,33.19715,33.22083333333333,spk_0,"the remotes that I've got," +727,33.226816666666664,33.237316666666665,spk_0,see how uh +728,33.259,33.276,spk_0,let's just get a lot bigger. +729,33.366483333333335,33.39233333333333,spk_1,11 thing to cons +730,33.411,33.477666666666664,spk_1,"one thing to consider is that in some ways you want, um," +731,33.488166666666665,33.518316666666664,spk_1,"by having a fairly standard case," +732,33.518483333333336,33.55433333333333,spk_1,it means they can all fit together on top of each other. +733,33.5545,33.591833333333334,spk_1,"Therefore, for storage purposes and shops and the like," +734,33.592,33.64098333333333,spk_1,"and it makes it easier that you can, if you can store them up on top of each other." +735,33.64115,33.65765,spk_1,Whereas if you do +736,33.66283333333333,33.708666666666666,spk_1,"um fancy things with it, you then gotta put it in a ca" +737,33.711333333333336,33.76231666666666,spk_1,"a a packaging box that, that does that" +738,33.780166666666666,33.804833333333335,spk_1,and the cost of packaging +739,33.807,33.869816666666665,spk_1,could be quite important. Vis a vis the total cost of the product. +740,33.895833333333336,33.901983333333334,spk_2,So we should go +741,33.903816666666664,33.908833333333334,spk_2,through quickly +742,33.91181666666667,33.95115,spk_2,and just work out what we've decided on. We have to. +743,33.965983333333334,33.9795,spk_1,"So, but" +744,34.009,34.0195,spk_0,it's not very +745,34.022816666666664,34.027833333333334,spk_0,"clear there," +746,34.030166666666666,34.03183333333333,spk_0,but +747,34.03633333333333,34.040333333333336,spk_0,some +748,34.04216666666667,34.0445,spk_0,of them +749,34.04666666666667,34.06766666666667,spk_0,have got kind of bulges +750,34.071333333333335,34.073,spk_0,and the +751,34.076816666666666,34.07933333333333,spk_0,second +752,34.082166666666666,34.086483333333334,spk_0,one and the +753,34.09466666666667,34.09515,spk_0,one +754,34.10731666666667,34.122483333333335,spk_0,"where a cur there," +755,34.1335,34.133833333333335,spk_0,I'm +756,34.13613333333333,34.13766666666667,spk_0,"not," +757,34.14233333333333,34.143166666666666,spk_0,I +758,34.144983333333336,34.177483333333335,spk_0,don't know if a double curve is maybe +759,34.18116666666667,34.1935,spk_0,it comes up +760,34.19546666666667,34.206,spk_0,slightly +761,34.2505,34.251,spk_0,but +762,34.25566666666667,34.29398333333334,spk_0,it is a kind of sleeker look if you've got curves. +763,34.31098333333333,34.35066666666667,spk_1,So do you wanna go for curves? More curves? +764,34.36515,34.447,spk_1,We're meant to be f we're meant to be finishing this meeting in about a minute or so. +765,34.50866666666667,34.56666666666667,spk_1,Okay. Curved or double curved. So it's single curved. +766,34.568666666666665,34.588,spk_2,Did we decide on the +767,34.593333333333334,34.61383333333333,spk_2,kinetic power supply +768,34.73565,34.75696666666666,spk_0,and the rubber push buttons +769,34.80715,34.828316666666666,spk_3,"-- of bonds in +-- case?" +770,34.8585,34.9045,spk_0,Um And we don't really know much about the +771,34.909166666666664,34.925,spk_0,scheme or logo yet. Do we +772,34.9288,34.9505,spk_0,possibly a sticker? +773,34.958666666666666,34.98016666666667,spk_2,"Yeah. Yeah, we'll still have the" +774,34.98631666666667,35.04183333333334,spk_2,A re we gonna give the simple circuit board just to keep the cost down I +775,35.043816666666665,35.09865,spk_2,"think, I think we can by, by not having anything too complicated with keeping." +776,35.121833333333335,35.18416666666667,spk_0,"Yeah. And, and the voice recognition we're gonna use that. Can't we just to find it" +777,35.23231666666667,35.271,spk_2,"so we could always decide against it if something comes up," +778,35.271166666666666,35.290816666666665,spk_2,"that's just something to," +779,35.29865,35.31316666666667,spk_2,that was something to leave out. +780,35.34915,35.3595,spk_3,Okay. +781,35.37798333333333,35.41766666666667,spk_3,And then a re we going for sort of one button +782,35.422,35.44233333333333,spk_3,which seems like a fruit. +783,35.462833333333336,35.480333333333334,spk_0,"Yeah, that sounds" +784,35.486983333333335,35.52133333333333,spk_0,like you wouldn't do too much harm in a couple of years. +785,35.524483333333336,35.554833333333335,spk_0,Uh What sort of shape do you want? +786,35.58965,35.634166666666665,spk_1,"So, we got spongy feel buttons as well. Have we" +787,35.63766666666667,35.67415,spk_1,"as well as, or a, or was that?" +788,35.69616666666667,35.7375,spk_1,"So, it's rubber buttons? So it's not really spongy feel buttons." +789,35.73766666666667,35.755833333333335,spk_1,It's just rubber buttons +790,35.76316666666666,35.784666666666666,spk_1,with a rubber case. Right. +791,35.81283333333333,35.851166666666664,spk_1,And the stand by button is gonna be different. +792,35.89131666666667,35.939,spk_0,"Um, I think an apple would be a good recognisable shape" +793,35.943666666666665,35.984,spk_0,if you start getting into kinda aubergines and things A R +794,35.98866666666667,35.98883333333333,spk_0,I? +795,36.01515,36.05781666666667,spk_1,"Okay. So what, what shape a re we making the stand by button?" +796,36.0885,36.10231666666667,spk_1,"Oh, sorry." +797,36.177816666666665,36.178983333333335,spk_2,Quite +798,36.18181666666667,36.185,spk_3,a big +799,36.1895,36.19031666666667,spk_3,one. +800,36.22616666666666,36.23783333333333,spk_3,"A big apple," +801,36.28816666666667,36.28998333333333,spk_3,red +802,36.292,36.29465,spk_3,"apple," +803,36.331,36.33116666666667,spk_3,a +804,36.3465,36.35966666666667,spk_1,red apple. +805,36.3625,36.3755,spk_0,"Yeah, cause" +806,36.380833333333335,36.41498333333333,spk_0,we wanna incorporate a bit of colour if we can +807,36.428983333333335,36.44283333333333,spk_0,once we find out. Okay. +808,36.443,36.507983333333335,spk_2,"And then we're gonna a re you gonna work on keeping the button design quite simple," +809,36.511316666666666,36.525333333333336,spk_2,"just like the," +810,36.547666666666665,36.57898333333333,spk_2,just working out what we're gonna do for the next time. +811,36.59783333333333,36.60315,spk_2,Mhm. +812,36.60748333333333,36.61581666666667,spk_2,Um +813,36.62916666666667,36.638333333333335,spk_0,Yeah. +814,36.66465,36.694316666666666,spk_0,"Yeah, that seems pretty straightforward" +815,36.70183333333333,36.727,spk_0,cause most of them will just be kind of +816,36.73883333333333,36.78116666666666,spk_0,merely circular or like very plain. +817,36.8295,36.838,spk_1,Okay. +818,36.88366666666667,36.91481666666667,spk_1,Sorry. What was that last thing again there? +819,36.923316666666665,36.96333333333333,spk_0,"Uh Just to keep the shape of the buttons simple," +820,36.98198333333333,37.00398333333333,spk_1,right? Do we have +821,37.00781666666666,37.053983333333335,spk_1,much option on that? I thought you were going for a single curve and +822,37.0675,37.1125,spk_0,uh just the uh shape of the buttons +823,37.14716666666666,37.189816666666665,spk_2,"and yeah, just keeping the sort of the labeling them," +824,37.18998333333333,37.22798333333333,spk_2,labeling of them fairly simple as well. +825,37.24166666666667,37.272983333333336,spk_2,Fairly sort of self explanatory. +826,37.28116666666666,37.319316666666666,spk_1,Alright. So shape of buttons simple. +827,37.47283333333333,37.4845,spk_1,"Ok," +828,37.48681666666667,37.497166666666665,spk_1,so +829,37.52065,37.53816666666667,spk_1,that's that I guess +830,37.54481666666667,37.58598333333333,spk_1,we should now go away and get these things sorted out. +831,37.58615,37.62315,spk_1,"I, I guess you two a re on plasticine duty" +832,37.627316666666665,37.64098333333333,spk_1,or whatever? +833,37.66433333333333,37.696666666666665,spk_1,Okay. So um +834,37.775333333333336,37.784333333333336,spk_2,it's a t the end +835,37.799483333333335,37.81366666666667,spk_3,looks like it. +836,37.8675,37.88916666666667,spk_3,Ok. diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/Gitlab_Monthly_Release_Kickoff_1.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/Gitlab_Monthly_Release_Kickoff_1.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d4055e46933d7ad08900a69c0db9829cdbaace15 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/Gitlab_Monthly_Release_Kickoff_1.csv @@ -0,0 +1,466 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,0.0535,0.0791666666666666,spk_0,"All right. Hi, everybody." +1,0.0794833333333333,0.1414833333333333,spk_0,Welcome to the Glab 16.7 monthly release kickoff for November. +2,0.1453333333333333,0.1745,spk_0,I'm Mike Float and I'm gonna be your host today. +3,0.1789833333333333,0.2146666666666666,spk_0,Uh This is my first time hosting a release kickoff at +4,0.2148333333333333,0.25065,spk_0,Git Lab and I couldn't be more excited to be here. +5,0.2536666666666666,0.3313166666666667,spk_0,Uh And uh I'm really excited to introduce the lineup of speakers that we have today. +6,0.3359833333333333,0.3838333333333333,spk_0,"So you're gonna hear from Vi Chetta, who's gonna talk about what's going on in Dev." +7,0.3859833333333333,0.4265,spk_0,"Uh Next, you're gonna hear from Sam White, who's gonna talk," +8,0.4266666666666667,0.4598333333333333,spk_0,talk about some of the improvements coming in sec. +9,0.46,0.5078166666666667,spk_0,Uh Tim Rizzi is gonna be speaking about what's going on in C I CD. +10,0.5131666666666667,0.5456666666666667,spk_0,Uh As usual Taylor mccaslin will give us some +11,0.5458333333333333,0.57815,spk_0,updates on what's going on in data science. +12,0.5783333333333334,0.5784833333333333,spk_0,Uh +13,0.5823166666666667,0.6234833333333333,spk_0,"Josh Lambert is gonna for the first time ever," +14,0.6236499999999999,0.6576500000000001,spk_0,give an update on the core platforms group. +15,0.6625,0.6968333333333334,spk_0,"Um Sorry, the stage uh" +16,0.6989833333333333,0.7515000000000001,spk_0,so uh be really exciting to hear from uh from Josh there. +17,0.7548333333333334,0.7905,spk_0,Um And then I will wrap things up. +18,0.7929999999999999,0.8385,spk_0,"Uh So as a reminder, we plan ambitiously here at Git Labs," +19,0.83865,0.8741666666666668,spk_0,"so the contents and timelines are subject to change," +20,0.8743166666666667,0.9148166666666668,spk_0,but we do our best uh to not let that happen. +21,0.9206666666666669,0.9801666666666669,spk_0,"Uh So without further ado, I'm gonna hand it over to vi to talk about Dev, take it away." +22,0.9844833333333334,0.9846666666666668,spk_0,I +23,1.0053166666666666,1.023,spk_1,"thank you, Mike." +24,1.0403166666666666,1.0735,spk_1,I'm gonna start sharing my screen. +25,1.227,1.2358333333333331,spk_1,"Ok," +26,1.24915,1.27715,spk_1,"so, hi everyone. My name is" +27,1.2788333333333333,1.2803166666666668,spk_1,Vita. +28,1.2873166666666669,1.3439833333333333,spk_1,I am excited to present the highlights for the deaf section today. +29,1.3474833333333334,1.3949833333333332,spk_1,Um There are two themes that I'll be covering here. +30,1.4044833333333333,1.4539833333333334,spk_1,So the first theme that I'm going to talk about is the world-class Deaf +31,1.4615,1.4746666666666668,spk_1,iops experience. +32,1.48865,1.5463166666666668,spk_1,We are continuing to make improvements in the web +33,1.5483333333333331,1.5579999999999998,spk_1,ID +34,1.56715,1.6303166666666669,spk_1,um category to bring it to complete maturity level. +35,1.63615,1.6685,spk_1,"Um Today, in web ID," +36,1.6716666666666666,1.7411666666666663,spk_1,users are not allowed to persist the user settings and browser extensions. +37,1.7413333333333334,1.7683166666666668,spk_1,Um This feature is not available +38,1.7786666666666666,1.8286666666666669,spk_1,as a result. The pain point that they experience is that +39,1.833,1.8876666666666664,spk_1,"if you have customized your user settings, like font size or" +40,1.8923333333333328,1.9189833333333333,spk_1,"wrap or keyboard language," +41,1.9213166666666668,1.9585,spk_1,you will lose them once the session expires. +42,1.9625,2.0469833333333334,spk_1,Um If there are any browser extensions across sessions that are also not preserved. +43,2.0471666666666666,2.0936666666666666,spk_1,"So with this release, we are enabling users to" +44,2.108,2.1758333333333333,spk_1,versus the user settings in the web ID across browsers and sessions. +45,2.1826666666666665,2.26265,spk_1,Um So that's uh a feature that is aligned to the lower class de +46,2.2689833333333334,2.28115,spk_1,Cops experience. +47,2.296316666666667,2.375983333333333,spk_1,"Next up, I want to discuss um get lab pages, multiple version support." +48,2.3901666666666666,2.4305,spk_1,So this feature is also aligned to the world class. They take +49,2.4351666666666665,2.448,spk_1,out experience +50,2.45465,2.4625,spk_1,today. +51,2.464983333333333,2.5223166666666668,spk_1,GLAB pages supports only a single version of a paid site +52,2.5254833333333333,2.5396666666666667,spk_1,"um As a result," +53,2.539816666666667,2.5711666666666666,spk_1,it becomes really hard for the customers to try +54,2.5713166666666667,2.6128333333333336,spk_1,out new ideas in a sandbox type of environment. +55,2.6153166666666667,2.6519833333333334,spk_1,"Um So with this ultimate feature," +56,2.6521666666666666,2.726166666666667,spk_1,uh you will be able to do that before you start deploying um changes into production. +57,2.76265,2.7823333333333333,spk_1,"Next up," +58,2.7824833333333334,2.851983333333333,spk_1,I want to discuss um the feature of drilling down from the +59,2.8521666666666667,2.9396666666666667,spk_1,charts um in the aligned to the theme observable analytics and feedback. +60,2.9589833333333333,2.998,spk_1,"Um When looking at the analytics charts," +61,2.99815,3.069333333333333,spk_1,it's often helpful to understand what data is contributing to the metrics change. +62,3.0748333333333333,3.0959833333333333,spk_1,"Um So with this feature," +63,3.0961666666666665,3.131833333333333,spk_1,you can actually easily drill down from the charts +64,3.1319833333333333,3.157983333333333,spk_1,to get a full picture of your metrics. +65,3.169983333333333,3.213833333333333,spk_1,"So as you can see in the screenshot that I'm sharing," +66,3.218833333333333,3.268333333333333,spk_1,um there's priority one to priority four and +67,3.2685,3.2976666666666667,spk_1,you cannot actually see what's in there. +68,3.297816666666667,3.340316666666667,spk_1,"So on the drill down, um screenshot," +69,3.340483333333333,3.400983333333333,spk_1,you can actually drill down further into that data and understand what's going on. +70,3.430833333333333,3.46,spk_1,Um Next. +71,3.467,3.526333333333333,spk_1,And the last feature on the depth section that I want to discuss is +72,3.5305,3.5795,spk_1,um overview panel for the executives. +73,3.5894833333333334,3.618333333333333,spk_1,The executors are really busy. +74,3.6185,3.680833333333333,spk_1,Um They want to get a good picture of what's going on in the platform +75,3.6833333333333336,3.696816666666667,spk_1,at a glance. +76,3.699,3.76265,spk_1,And so this makes it easier for them to understand the usage of get +77,3.7628333333333335,3.836833333333333,spk_1,lab platform and see where the opportunities may lie to kind of make improvements. +78,3.843833333333333,3.8725,spk_1,Um Some of the metrics that we show +79,3.8726666666666665,3.921666666666667,spk_1,"here are deployment frequency lead time for changes," +80,3.9218166666666665,3.953316666666667,spk_1,time to restore services +81,3.95615,3.9783166666666663,spk_1,and then change failure rate. +82,3.9971666666666663,4.0601666666666665,spk_1,"Um So yeah, these are all the exciting features that I want to highlight today." +83,4.063666666666666,4.125333333333334,spk_1,Uh Please note that this is not everything our teams are um building +84,4.125483333333333,4.171483333333334,spk_1,"a lot more and if you want to look at the complete list," +85,4.171666666666667,4.209816666666667,spk_1,um I encourage you to visit the planning issue. +86,4.216,4.2715,spk_1,"Um And next up, I will pass it on to Sam White." +87,4.301966666666667,4.33565,spk_2,Great. Thanks for that overview. +88,4.342316666666667,4.4353,spk_2,"Um in the SEC section, we also have way more than I can possibly show here today." +89,4.444483333333333,4.52565,spk_2,But excited to share that we are getting ready to launch a new A I experiment +90,4.531133333333333,4.56365,spk_2,or resolve this vulnerability. +91,4.5698,4.6521333333333335,spk_2,Um This will show up at the top of your vulnerability details page uh where you can +92,4.660466666666666,4.70965,spk_2,automatically generate a merge request through the +93,4.7098,4.751633333333333,spk_2,A I in order to resolve that vulnerability +94,4.764983333333333,4.80665,spk_2,um or at least to get a recommendation for it. +95,4.8195,4.841333333333333,spk_2,"Additionally, in our section," +96,4.841483333333334,4.897316666666667,spk_2,we plan on focusing on the advanced security and compliance theme +97,4.9024833333333335,4.952333333333334,spk_2,and we have a few key areas that we're focusing on. The. +98,4.952483333333333,5.01,spk_2,First of those is simplifying and improving our security scanning. +99,5.017483333333334,5.0605,spk_2,As part of this we've been talking about and working +100,5.060666666666667,5.116833333333333,spk_2,towards continuous vulnerability scanning for a really long time. +101,5.117983333333333,5.1638166666666665,spk_2,We released it not long ago as an experiment +102,5.16765,5.184,spk_2,"and this release," +103,5.18415,5.26,spk_2,we are getting ready to launch it as a full G A release and turn it on by default. +104,5.263166666666667,5.29715,spk_2,Um This is a really exciting improvement that +105,5.297316666666666,5.372816666666667,spk_2,allows users to continually get updates for new vulnerability +106,5.373,5.411816666666667,spk_2,advisories that are reported without having to run a +107,5.412,5.469833333333334,spk_2,new scan uh for their container independency scans. +108,5.487983333333333,5.5315,spk_2,"Additionally, for dynamic analysis," +109,5.5361666666666665,5.601166666666667,spk_2,we are improving our support for multi step authentication flows. +110,5.60465,5.6818333333333335,spk_2,And we're also adding five more new active checks to our browser based +111,5.685816666666667,5.699816666666667,spk_2,da analyzer. +112,5.7,5.77,spk_2,This is gonna get us one step closer to being able to replace our proxy based +113,5.774816666666666,5.805833333333333,spk_2,analyzer that was built on top of that. +114,5.826816666666667,5.837666666666666,spk_2,Um +115,5.850983333333334,5.88465,spk_2,Another key area that we're working on is +116,5.884816666666667,5.951483333333333,spk_2,improving management of granular role based access control. +117,5.952483333333333,6.027983333333333,spk_2,And we recently launched customizable roles and both +118,6.0281666666666665,6.064983333333333,spk_2,"through the API and through the U I," +119,6.06865,6.1161666666666665,spk_2,"we're working to add support for group sync," +120,6.116333333333333,6.177333333333333,spk_2,uh SAM L group sync for those customizable roles as well +121,6.177483333333333,6.23065,spk_2,as the ability to add a SAM L role by default. +122,6.2355,6.282333333333334,spk_2,Um We actually already support this today for the static +123,6.2825,6.313483333333333,spk_2,roles that come out of the box with GIT lab. +124,6.317333333333333,6.377666666666666,spk_2,So this would be extending that to also support custom roles so that +125,6.377833333333333,6.4365,spk_2,you can manage those programmatically instead of adding those one by one. +126,6.448,6.474166666666667,spk_2,"Um Additionally, in this area," +127,6.474316666666667,6.544333333333333,spk_2,we're working to also improve our auditing of changes made to customer roles. +128,6.587316666666666,6.603666666666666,spk_2,As part of this. +129,6.603833333333333,6.624316666666667,spk_2,"Um As I mentioned," +130,6.6245,6.6965,spk_2,we just recently launched A U I for managing these custom roles and permissions. +131,6.701983333333334,6.766483333333333,spk_2,This was released at the top group level for GIT lab.com. +132,6.768483333333333,6.830983333333333,spk_2,We're working to move this into the admin area for self +133,6.83115,6.89665,spk_2,managed users so that those users are able to manage those centrally +134,6.899666666666667,6.934316666666667,spk_2,"across all of their top level groups," +135,6.9345,7.009,spk_2,instead of having to manage those um one by one for each of their groups. +136,7.0228166666666665,7.040483333333333,spk_2,"And then lastly," +137,7.04665,7.118483333333334,spk_2,"um in terms of the merger quest, we're working to add a new approved with" +138,7.123666666666667,7.135816666666667,spk_2,sl option +139,7.139166666666666,7.164483333333333,spk_2,so that users can reate +140,7.173316666666667,7.203833333333334,spk_2,with their identity provider +141,7.2085,7.248666666666667,spk_2,"when they give approval for a merger quest," +142,7.248816666666666,7.28515,spk_2,so that you can verify and confirm the identity +143,7.285316666666667,7.315833333333333,spk_2,of the person who is giving that approval. +144,7.331833333333333,7.34665,spk_2,"Um Next up," +145,7.346816666666666,7.38115,spk_2,I want to talk about some of the improvements that we're +146,7.381333333333333,7.44265,spk_2,making to our top down management of security and compliance. +147,7.4495,7.501166666666666,spk_2,We've been working to add additional functionality +148,7.501316666666667,7.529483333333333,spk_2,"to our group level dependency list," +149,7.533333333333333,7.586166666666667,spk_2,"this iteration, we're working to add a new filter for project." +150,7.589483333333334,7.6195,spk_2,Um This is a futuristic mock. +151,7.61965,7.666333333333333,spk_2,So there's more in this than we're covering in this iteration. +152,7.666483333333334,7.7115,spk_2,But our next step is to add a project filter +153,7.717983333333334,7.763983333333333,spk_2,"and then also on the vulnerability report," +154,7.764166666666666,7.827666666666666,spk_2,we're working to add a new group by option to group by tool. +155,7.827833333333333,7.840983333333334,spk_2,"So this is an area," +156,7.841166666666666,7.8705,spk_2,another area that we've working been +157,7.870649999999999,7.90965,spk_2,working to incrementally add new functionality to +158,7.929983333333333,7.938666666666666,spk_2,um +159,7.948166666666666,7.97965,spk_2,for scan result policies. +160,7.98515,8.005333333333333,spk_2,"This milestone," +161,8.005483333333334,8.05865,spk_2,we're working to add a new setting for your scanners or policies +162,8.058816666666667,8.12965,spk_2,where you can actually block or prevent users from unprotecting branches. +163,8.129833333333334,8.174,spk_2,This is a common way for users to try to get around +164,8.175983333333333,8.207333333333333,spk_2,"some of the security policies, rules," +165,8.2075,8.249,spk_2,rules that are there is by unprotecting a branch +166,8.249166666666667,8.290833333333333,spk_2,merging in their changes and repro protecting it. +167,8.292483333333333,8.324316666666666,spk_2,This would prevent them from doing that +168,8.328983333333333,8.389666666666667,spk_2,so that you can be confident that your scanner result policies are being applied. +169,8.42,8.471316666666667,spk_2,"Um And then additionally, on the security policy front," +170,8.4715,8.527833333333334,spk_2,we're working to add a new option instead of just +171,8.53415,8.606333333333334,spk_2,being able to run one of our predefined scanners. We're working to add an option +172,8.610833333333334,8.668316666666666,spk_2,to run any arbitrary C I block of code. +173,8.673166666666667,8.726333333333333,spk_2,Um This support for custom YAML is going to pave the way +174,8.7265,8.792483333333333,spk_2,for us to be able to eventually deprecate and remove compliance pipelines +175,8.797816666666666,8.83415,spk_2,so that users can accomplish their jobs to +176,8.834316666666666,8.884983333333333,spk_2,be done there just with scan execution policies. +177,8.892,8.916316666666667,spk_2,"Also, as part of this work," +178,8.916483333333334,8.9805,spk_2,we're working to link security policies with compliance framework +179,8.980666666666666,9.037316666666667,spk_2,labels so that users can have a group level policy +180,9.04,9.079666666666666,spk_2,that only applies to some of their projects +181,9.086316666666669,9.132983333333334,spk_2,uh as defined by that compliance framework label. +182,9.14765,9.192,spk_2,"And then lastly, we are working to move" +183,9.199,9.27665,spk_2,our management of compliance frameworks themselves onto their own page right now. +184,9.276816666666669,9.303333333333333,spk_2,It's buried in the settings area. +185,9.307816666666668,9.348483333333334,spk_2,Um This will give more screen real estate and allow +186,9.34865,9.42,spk_2,"us to provide better management capabilities here including filtering and," +187,9.420166666666669,9.441316666666667,spk_2,and viewing details. +188,9.451333333333332,9.51765,spk_2,"And with that, I'm going to hand it over to Tim for the C I CD section." +189,9.53815,9.552983333333334,spk_3,"Thanks Sam," +190,9.557983333333333,9.611833333333331,spk_3,I go into share my screen. +191,9.685983333333333,9.70365,spk_3,"Hi, Ron, I'm Tim." +192,9.703816666666668,9.760316666666666,spk_3,I'm a principal product manager in the C I section and +193,9.7605,9.82365,spk_3,"I'm kicking off the C I CD sections for 16 7," +194,9.838316666666667,9.889316666666666,spk_3,these sections support developers and platform engineers to +195,9.889483333333333,9.9615,spk_3,effectively complete automation configuration and operations tasks. +196,9.968316666666666,9.998,spk_3,"After code has been submitted," +197,10.004333333333332,10.074333333333334,spk_3,the three stages within this section are verify package and deploy +198,10.08115,10.143166666666666,spk_3,and we have a few investments across all these stages planned for 16 7. +199,10.155333333333331,10.213316666666667,spk_3,The first theme we're working against is building a world class DEVS +200,10.220483333333334,10.222483333333331,spk_3,optic +201,10.229166666666666,10.235833333333334,spk_3,DEV +202,10.244483333333331,10.3015,spk_3,SEOP experience where we have several teams making some great contributions. +203,10.313316666666667,10.354333333333331,spk_3,The first is the pipeline execution group is +204,10.3545,10.399,spk_3,"focused on delivering quality of life improvements," +205,10.399166666666666,10.422333333333333,spk_3,including this small +206,10.429983333333332,10.460983333333331,spk_3,but nice improvement to add +207,10.465483333333331,10.512316666666669,spk_3,to the ability to show the job log full screen. +208,10.5125,10.527816666666666,spk_3,"And in addition," +209,10.527983333333331,10.5625,spk_3,we'll be adding a keyboard shortcut to make +210,10.562666666666669,10.604983333333331,spk_3,it even easier to to view this information. +211,10.641833333333333,10.723483333333334,spk_3,"Next, the pipeline authoring group is excited to introduce the global C I CD" +212,10.728333333333332,10.76015,spk_3,uh catalog beta. +213,10.766316666666668,10.797483333333334,spk_3,The key features that we're working on this +214,10.79765,10.8535,spk_3,milestone are adding a search bar and filtering +215,10.85615,10.909983333333331,spk_3,as well as adding a components tab to the catalog +216,10.91015,10.95,spk_3,which will be the new default view for this page. +217,10.99015,10.999,spk_3,"The next one," +218,10.999166666666667,11.049816666666668,spk_3,I'm very excited about the package group is working on completing the +219,11.05,11.125816666666667,spk_3,MVC of the maven dependency proxy which will help uh users of +220,11.127816666666666,11.143166666666666,spk_3,uh maven +221,11.14865,11.223816666666666,spk_3,"to have faster, more reliable pipelines and reduce their cost of data transfer." +222,11.2625,11.321816666666669,spk_3,The second theme we're working on is advanced security and compliance. +223,11.322,11.34365,spk_3,"And in this domain," +224,11.343833333333333,11.383666666666668,spk_3,the verify stage will be delivering some +225,11.383833333333332,11.4295,spk_3,key improvements to help meet compliance requirements. +226,11.438833333333331,11.502983333333331,spk_3,The first is beginning work on the GCP Secrets Manager +227,11.503166666666669,11.566316666666667,spk_3,native integration which will use the O I DC configuration. +228,11.573166666666667,11.625333333333334,spk_3,This is an investigation that will help inform how the F +229,11.62765,11.67565,spk_3,the feature is implemented in future milestones. +230,11.682333333333334,11.719316666666666,spk_3,This work is gonna be foundational for people +231,11.719483333333333,11.7535,spk_3,that are using GCP and get lab together. +232,11.79,11.799,spk_3,"Second," +233,11.799166666666666,11.837316666666666,spk_3,the pipeline security group continues to work on +234,11.8375,11.87765,spk_3,the front end for the Native Secrets Manager. +235,11.878333333333334,11.90165,spk_3,"Uh This milestone," +236,11.901816666666669,11.960666666666668,spk_3,we will be wrapping up some infrastructure components and building +237,11.960833333333332,12.006333333333334,spk_3,out the uh the front end for the index page. +238,12.0115,12.0835,spk_3,You can see here as well as a new create and edit action page. +239,12.1005,12.15,spk_3,"Like everyone else said, this is by no means comprehensive." +240,12.150166666666667,12.192483333333334,spk_3,Go check out all of the direction pages or +241,12.19265,12.226166666666666,spk_3,the kickoff videos if you'd like to learn more +242,12.231666666666667,12.26115,spk_3,and I'll pass it over to Taylor. +243,12.275816666666667,12.322816666666666,spk_3,"-- Awesome. Thanks Tim. +-- Hi everyone. My name is Taylor mccaslin" +244,12.327166666666669,12.372816666666669,spk_4,and I'm the group manager for the data science section +245,12.373,12.422333333333333,spk_4,which contains the A I powered and model up stages. +246,12.428816666666666,12.468833333333333,spk_4,The A I powered stage is focused on bringing +247,12.469,12.5105,spk_4,generative A I to get lab to drive productivity +248,12.510666666666667,12.545483333333332,spk_4,and velocity for anyone who uses get lab to +249,12.54565,12.578333333333331,spk_4,build software as part of our world class dese +250,12.586666666666666,12.606816666666669,spk_4,ops experience theme. +251,12.612833333333333,12.7285,spk_4,Let's start with A I framework and duo chat groups. Um Yesterday we released uh Duo +252,12.730333333333334,12.845,spk_4,Chat um in beta as part of 16.6. Um We hope you give it a try in 16.7. +253,12.847483333333331,12.938316666666667,spk_4,The team is focused on a post beta hardening of Duo Chat with a large +254,12.938483333333334,12.997816666666669,spk_4,focus on chat response evaluation to ensure +255,12.998,13.047083333333331,spk_4,"that as we continue building new features," +256,13.04725,13.124083333333331,spk_4,we either maintain or improve the quality of chat responses. +257,13.127583333333334,13.1444,spk_4,"Um Additionally," +258,13.144566666666666,13.2009,spk_4,we're working on implementing new slash commands +259,13.201083333333331,13.260583333333331,spk_4,and introducing code file context to chat +260,13.2624,13.338233333333331,spk_4,so that you can ask questions about code as you use chat in +261,13.340916666666669,13.393916666666666,spk_4,GIT lab uh vs code ID E. +262,13.4,13.465483333333331,spk_4,Um We're also uh beginning the development of bringing Duo +263,13.47065,13.5345,spk_4,Cha to self managed and dedicated instances. This will be a multi +264,13.536983333333334,13.600816666666669,spk_4,milestone project in partnership with the cloud Connect group. +265,13.600983333333334,13.655666666666669,spk_4,Um We expect this to land in early 2024. +266,13.66315,13.730816666666666,spk_4,"Next, let's move to model ops specifically ML OPS," +267,13.730983333333333,13.77065,spk_4,which is focused on building features to help +268,13.770833333333334,13.8345,spk_4,our customers build A IML technologies into their +269,13.834666666666667,13.9065,spk_4,software built with GIT lab is part of our GIT lab for data science theme. +270,13.906666666666666,13.946816666666669,spk_4,We remain focused on building the experimental +271,13.947,13.9815,spk_4,version of our model registry which will +272,13.981666666666667,14.07165,spk_4,allow customers um to version models um and track those within GIT lab. +273,14.075083333333334,14.123083333333334,spk_4,We're targeting an uh 16.8 +274,14.1249,14.175083333333331,spk_4,release for this experimental release that will provide +275,14.17525,14.227583333333332,spk_4,an API and extend the ML flow client to +276,14.227733333333331,14.319733333333334,spk_4,allow creating versions A I models which can be displayed in the get lab U I. +277,14.319916666666666,14.397566666666666,spk_4,You can follow our progress live on this issue and see how we're uh proceeding here. +278,14.39925,14.443566666666667,spk_4,Um And that's it for the data science section. +279,14.44375,14.485233333333332,spk_4,"-- Now, I'll hand it off to Josh to talk about +-- core platform." +280,14.525816666666667,14.590666666666667,spk_5,Thanks Taylor. Let me go ahead and get my screen share here. All right. +281,14.595,14.6285,spk_5,"Um So yeah, I to my core platform," +282,14.62865,14.700983333333332,spk_5,"uh this was the uh section that was previously referred to as enablement uh plus our," +283,14.701166666666667,14.72565,spk_5,our manage stage here. +284,14.727983333333333,14.772,spk_5,Um So let's jump into it and take a look at some of the highlights. +285,14.772166666666667,14.83015,spk_5,"Again, there's uh all of these groups have other important work that they are doing," +286,14.830333333333334,14.862833333333333,spk_5,but these are just some of the highlights to focus on. +287,14.866483333333331,14.903816666666666,spk_5,Uh But we can jump in first with the world +288,14.903983333333333,14.952816666666669,spk_5,class develops experience theme and also our search team. +289,14.957333333333333,14.996483333333334,spk_5,Uh So we are continuing to drive forward +290,14.99665,15.048333333333334,spk_5,on improving our code search across the product. +291,15.04865,15.087316666666666,spk_5,And we are doing that with a new code search engine. +292,15.089,15.178983333333331,spk_5,Uh We are working to uh continue to drive through our uh +293,15.182983333333333,15.204333333333333,spk_5,closed beta phase. +294,15.2045,15.22065,spk_5,"And in particular," +295,15.220833333333331,15.273816666666669,spk_5,we are working on improving our starting application so we can scale +296,15.274,15.339316666666669,spk_5,up the overall cluster that does the indexing on get lab.com. +297,15.339483333333334,15.344316666666666,spk_5,"This way," +298,15.344483333333333,15.396483333333334,spk_5,we can support more customers and have better automation for +299,15.39665,15.4325,spk_5,handling when we shift to open beta and then full +300,15.4355,15.444166666666666,spk_5,G A. +301,15.448816666666666,15.477333333333334,spk_5,Um But overall it's going really well and +302,15.4775,15.50615,spk_5,we're getting positive feedback and we're very excited +303,15.506333333333334,15.548483333333332,spk_5,about continuing to progress forward and enabling more +304,15.54865,15.58515,spk_5,customers to use the new code search service. +305,15.597333333333331,15.656983333333333,spk_5,Um We're also doing a number of quite a life improvements uh with advanced search. +306,15.65715,15.731333333333334,spk_5,So we are doing things like we plan to index all all projects with Google searches. +307,15.7315,15.764,spk_5,That way we can return searches more quickly. +308,15.764666666666669,15.814666666666668,spk_5,Uh Also a more complete set of responses. +309,15.814833333333333,15.878333333333334,spk_5,And we're also looking to improve some performance of some work flows like all +310,15.885416666666666,15.97125,spk_5,"auto loading, uh preloading some of the members search boxes. And that way the autos" +311,15.976566666666669,16.038066666666666,spk_5,are there for you ahead of time uh without having to have those load first. +312,16.038233333333334,16.075083333333332,spk_5,So that overall U I feel a bit snappier. +313,16.07925,16.110916666666668,spk_5,"So we're also doing a couple of those smaller items too," +314,16.111066666666666,16.1599,spk_5,which will hopefully improve the user experience for a number of our users. +315,16.17031666666667,16.249483333333334,spk_5,Uh shifting over towards our cloud connector group and our A I services. +316,16.24965,16.27665,spk_5,We are working towards bringing +317,16.27865,16.289316666666668,spk_5,"Glab Duo," +318,16.289483333333333,16.363483333333335,spk_5,which is our chat service uh towards self managed like we did with code suggestions. +319,16.36466666666667,16.41315,spk_5,And so we are working towards building out the uh further +320,16.413316666666667,16.463,spk_5,uh framework aspects that we need to support this traditional service. +321,16.46415,16.492316666666667,spk_5,You can see these steps here. +322,16.492483333333332,16.54965,spk_5,Um So we're working on some of the gateway uh functionality to help +323,16.549816666666665,16.592166666666667,spk_5,bridge that uh that service which is a bit different than the cos +324,16.595,16.62265,spk_5,suggestion service that we had previously. +325,16.646816666666666,16.69565,spk_5,We're also working to improve the overall telemetry we have +326,16.695833333333333,16.74015,spk_5,for cloud connector and unify that within a single framework. +327,16.740483333333334,16.796,spk_5,Uh This way we can get information from customers on +328,16.799816666666665,16.841666666666665,spk_5,uh how they are using our A I services. +329,16.841833333333334,16.901816666666665,spk_5,"And at what scale and also for customers who want to opt out of telemetry," +330,16.901983333333334,16.949166666666667,spk_5,we can do that in a single holistic way as well. +331,16.949333333333332,17.00715,spk_5,Um So looking forward to getting that in place as well for our overall +332,17.00883333333333,17.026816666666665,spk_5,country services. +333,17.03115,17.07215,spk_5,"Um and then moving over towards our GEO service," +334,17.072316666666666,17.12215,spk_5,we are working towards moving towards a single cli for +335,17.122316666666666,17.168633333333332,spk_5,all redeployment types that encompass all of our data types. +336,17.170483333333333,17.178983333333335,spk_5,"Uh This way," +337,17.179166666666667,17.24416666666667,spk_5,we have a single place for users to know and to backup and restore their services. +338,17.244666666666667,17.305316666666666,spk_5,And we can then build on top of that for our future enhancements that are coming +339,17.305483333333335,17.336816666666667,spk_5,for things like point in time restores that +340,17.336983333333333,17.368466666666666,spk_5,we're looking towards offering in the future. +341,17.386966666666666,17.395816666666665,spk_5,"Also," +342,17.395983333333334,17.4698,spk_5,our GEO team is working towards supporting uh or accelerating our our runners. +343,17.469966666666668,17.49565,spk_5,"Uh so oftentimes, right," +344,17.495816666666666,17.5323,spk_5,you can think about the load on your overall git +345,17.532466666666668,17.57731666666667,spk_5,"lab server where you might have a small commit," +346,17.577483333333333,17.636633333333332,spk_5,being pushed to a branch and then you might have 200 or more +347,17.6368,17.7008,spk_5,"C I jobs that then run that all clone from that same repository," +348,17.700966666666666,17.716816666666666,spk_5,that same commit. +349,17.71865,17.76065,spk_5,And so what we can do now with the acceleration of the runner is +350,17.760816666666667,17.826633333333334,spk_5,is that we are working towards running the option to offload the kind of +351,17.8284,17.891566666666666,spk_5,C I build farm clone operations away from the primary. +352,17.893233333333335,17.9454,spk_5,And that way the primary can uh stay focused on serving +353,17.945566666666668,17.993066666666667,spk_5,the right activity and the reactivity from your actual users. +354,17.993916666666667,18.04073333333333,spk_5,And the uh runners can get what they need. +355,18.0409,18.047916666666666,spk_5,"But again," +356,18.04808333333333,18.07273333333333,spk_5,kind of preserve that uh speed and +357,18.072916666666668,18.117733333333334,spk_5,responsiveness and offload that load to the secondaries +358,18.1184,18.2094,spk_5,uh uh to help improve scalability and reduce the uh size required in primaries. +359,18.209566666666667,18.21108333333333,spk_5,"So," +360,18.21125,18.268066666666662,spk_5,looking forward to that as well for customers who particularly have a lot of C I jobs. +361,18.29383333333333,18.35033333333333,spk_5,Uh moving over towards the last aspect of our world class D +362,18.35365,18.376816666666667,spk_5,experience is our uh +363,18.380816666666668,18.4385,spk_5,"tenant scale group who is working towards the NVC of organizations," +364,18.43865,18.473166666666668,spk_5,organizations will provide uh an +365,18.477833333333333,18.562316666666668,spk_5,"iso uh improved isolation between tenants on our uh glo services, both.com and" +366,18.56865,18.59715,spk_5,uh are itself managed. +367,18.597316666666668,18.665333333333333,spk_5,Um And so you can see this here where we're working on a number of areas around +368,18.66798333333333,18.729666666666667,spk_5,improving isolation as well as also uh some of the creation +369,18.72983333333333,18.78698333333333,spk_5,aspects and personal name space aspects of the organization itself. +370,18.78715,18.821,spk_5,"So since it's a pretty fundamental object," +371,18.822316666666666,18.852666666666668,spk_5,there's a number of things for us to do here. +372,18.85315,18.894166666666667,spk_5,Uh But we continue to make progress towards that first M +373,18.89433333333333,18.954666666666668,spk_5,BC of allowing customers to uh create an organization and then create +374,18.954833333333333,19.005316666666666,spk_5,gruesome projects within it and have that isolation boundary where it's +375,19.00548333333333,19.057983333333333,spk_5,"more clear what is theirs versus what else is on say," +376,19.05815,19.07465,spk_5,a SAS platform +377,19.0925,19.12698333333333,spk_5,"moving over towards some of the maintenance aspects," +378,19.127166666666668,19.19315,spk_5,we are continuing to work towards our cell solution which will allow for +379,19.193316666666668,19.271833333333333,spk_5,improved horizontal scalability of get lab.com and other large get lab instances. +380,19.273666666666667,19.343316666666663,spk_5,And we are working right now towards uh the routing layer and also supporting +381,19.34348333333333,19.421166666666668,spk_5,some other aspects of uh how users can create projects on the second cell. +382,19.422816666666662,19.49315,spk_5,Um and as a sort of a second scaled aspect of of our staff service. +383,19.493316666666665,19.51683333333333,spk_5,And so the routing layer provides support +384,19.51865,19.55815,spk_5,or uh routing request to the right cell. +385,19.558333333333334,19.59965,spk_5,And then that secondary uh project creation is +386,19.599816666666666,19.64065,spk_5,again uh including that within that second cell. +387,19.640816666666662,19.677333333333333,spk_5,So looking towards further progress there +388,19.680983333333334,19.726,spk_5,um last few items here for core platforms is we +389,19.72615,19.798166666666667,spk_5,are adding support for uh bubble uris for clone operations. +390,19.79833333333333,19.840166666666665,spk_5,"Uh So previously, when you have say, for example," +391,19.840333333333334,19.892333333333333,spk_5,"large clone operations or C I uh load traffic," +392,19.8925,19.94298333333333,spk_5,"um you in particular with ra repositories, it can take a lot of work" +393,19.944816666666668,19.98465,spk_5,to kind of pack up the overall repository and +394,19.984816666666667,20.032316666666667,spk_5,then deliver it uh or download to your users. +395,20.03248333333333,20.09715,spk_5,Uh We can actually now kind of prepackage those on what's called a bundle UR I. +396,20.1,20.14633333333333,spk_5,And then that way we can save ourselves the work of packaging it over +397,20.1465,20.17183333333333,spk_5,and over again for some of these +398,20.171983333333333,20.22015,spk_5,frequent clones in particular for large repositories. +399,20.22198333333333,20.288,spk_5,And so this will improve overall performance of our giddily uh service. +400,20.288166666666665,20.335833333333333,spk_5,"In particular for customers who have large repositories," +401,20.336,20.368483333333334,spk_5,we can get that CPU load down +402,20.38498333333333,20.4195,spk_5,uh moving over towards our database group. +403,20.419666666666668,20.48315,spk_5,Uh They continue to work on reducing the overall lightweight lock contention +404,20.485666666666667,20.517983333333333,spk_5,um that we see in some cases on our Git +405,20.52048333333333,20.5385,spk_5,lab.com service. +406,20.53865,20.57583333333333,spk_5,And so this will help to improve overall uh +407,20.576,20.637666666666668,spk_5,performance and reliability of GIT lab.com as we look +408,20.637833333333333,20.694,spk_5,to address this particular point of uh performance that +409,20.694166666666668,20.74033333333333,spk_5,we are seeing in some cases on our service. +410,20.744333333333334,20.753316666666667,spk_5,And the last one +411,20.755166666666668,20.80216666666667,spk_5,we have is our distribution team who +412,20.802333333333333,20.86883333333333,spk_5,is working towards converting two images over to +413,20.870833333333334,20.875,spk_5,atrial +414,20.877333333333333,20.888816666666667,spk_5,base image. +415,20.88898333333333,20.898333333333333,spk_5,"This way," +416,20.8985,20.93133333333333,spk_5,the images only contain the dependencies that +417,20.9315,20.966666666666665,spk_5,is required to actually operate the container. +418,20.966833333333334,21.0445,spk_5,"Um reducing the overall surface area of what's included uh uh to improve," +419,21.044666666666668,21.110316666666662,spk_5,produce the size as well as also reduce the potential number of um +420,21.113166666666668,21.122816666666665,spk_5,uh +421,21.12815,21.20381666666667,spk_5,"dependencies we have to maintain in that image to uh uh uh bump for, say," +422,21.203983333333333,21.232,spk_5,for example CV S that are published. +423,21.23498333333333,21.32015,spk_5,"So with that, I'll hand it back over to, I think Mike um to take us from here." +424,21.3215,21.351316666666666,spk_5,Um Let me just double check here. +425,21.36798333333333,21.368316666666665,spk_5,"Yeah," +426,21.396833333333333,21.39915,spk_5,we +427,21.407166666666665,21.428316666666667,spk_5,"had a schedule which is great," +428,21.432,21.447316666666666,spk_5,fantastic. +429,21.450333333333333,21.48633333333333,spk_0,Um Which is amazing because there's so much stuff that +430,21.48648333333333,21.517166666666668,spk_0,we talked about and there's so much goodness in here. +431,21.517333333333333,21.570316666666667,spk_0,Um We must have made record time going through an amazing list of things. +432,21.575666666666667,21.59765,spk_0,"Um So like everybody said," +433,21.597816666666667,21.6695,spk_0,there's uh this is even uh just a subset of all the great stuff that's going into 16.7. +434,21.669666666666668,21.69098333333333,spk_0,So I encourage you +435,21.69565,21.766483333333333,spk_0,um to check out the release uh kickoff issue which includes great links to +436,21.76848333333333,21.84065,spk_0,"issues and epics uh blueprints, mockups videos." +437,21.840816666666665,21.89033333333333,spk_0,Um Just a ton of information about everything that we've got going in here. +438,21.897483333333334,21.950666666666667,spk_0,"Like I said, there's so much great stuff. It's really hard to pick a few highlights." +439,21.95083333333333,21.97648333333333,spk_0,Um I'm excited about everything. +440,21.979166666666668,22.015816666666662,spk_0,"Uh But some of the things I'm particularly excited about," +441,22.01598333333333,22.05666666666667,spk_0,um it was great to hear about sync setting in the web ie +442,22.059166666666663,22.1005,spk_0,um security is near and dear to my heart. +443,22.100666666666665,22.143316666666667,spk_0,Um So I was really thrilled to hear about resolve this vulnerability +444,22.146166666666662,22.187583333333333,spk_0,uh in the G A continuous vulnerability scanning +445,22.19073333333333,22.26125,spk_0,uh and C I CD. It's just great to see the imminent beta the component catalog. +446,22.261416666666666,22.293566666666667,spk_0,"Um just really, really excited about that." +447,22.29723333333333,22.400583333333334,spk_0,Uh And um the uh dependency proxy work uh amongst everything else uh in data science. +448,22.40075,22.42708333333333,spk_0,Uh I'm so excited about Duo Chat. +449,22.42725,22.500416666666663,spk_0,"Uh just uh going to beta and, and the post beta improvements that will work on there" +450,22.503083333333333,22.51525,spk_0,"uh in," +451,22.515416666666667,22.569416666666665,spk_0,in the model ops um kind of area versioning ML models is +452,22.56958333333333,22.62108333333333,spk_0,super cool and just great to see us embracing new use cases and +453,22.626316666666668,22.667666666666666,spk_0,um uh adopters of technology. +454,22.671333333333333,22.731666666666666,spk_0,"Um code search, fantastic uh progress there." +455,22.73183333333333,22.767666666666667,spk_0,Uh Super excited about cloud connector improvements +456,22.76781666666667,22.813,spk_0,and um bringing uh capabilities to our +457,22.8155,22.89131666666667,spk_0,uh self managed install base. Um uh Just leveraging that that capability. +458,22.891483333333333,22.92933333333333,spk_0,So um so much great stuff. +459,22.9295,22.957316666666667,spk_0,"I know we, we may have said this before," +460,22.95748333333333,22.997316666666663,spk_0,but I can't help but think based on everything. +461,22.99748333333333,23.035316666666667,spk_0,Uh I've just heard this could be our best release ever. +462,23.0355,23.099316666666667,spk_0,Um So uh thanks everybody for joining. Uh And we'll see you next time. diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/Gitlab_Monthly_Release_Kickoff_2.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/Gitlab_Monthly_Release_Kickoff_2.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4e8f88ca464be6538cda6bdb404868ceb7a36110 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/Gitlab_Monthly_Release_Kickoff_2.csv @@ -0,0 +1,539 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,0.0913333333333333,0.1333333333333333,spk_0,"All right. Hi, everyone and welcome to our release" +1,0.1358,0.1675,spk_0,kickoff for milestone 16 8. +2,0.1699833333333333,0.18865,spk_0,My name is Hillary Benson. +3,0.1888166666666667,0.2545,spk_0,Uh I'm the product leader here at get lab for our SEC and data science sections +4,0.2588166666666666,0.2869833333333333,spk_0,and I'll be your host for today's live stream. +5,0.2996499999999999,0.3329833333333333,spk_0,I'm happy to introduce the other product leaders. +6,0.33315,0.37865,spk_0,"Joining me to talk about the, the 16 8 milestone today." +7,0.3788166666666666,0.4073333333333334,spk_0,Uh In the order they will be presenting. +8,0.4075,0.44015,spk_0,They are Derek Ferguson who's a group product +9,0.4403333333333333,0.48465,spk_0,manager who'll provide updates for the DEV section. +10,0.4933333333333333,0.54815,spk_0,Sarah Walter Group product manager will provide updates for the SEC section +11,0.5556666666666668,0.6263333333333333,spk_0,"timber, the principal PM uh will provide updates for the CIA and CD sections." +12,0.6288166666666667,0.6819833333333333,spk_0,Josh Lambert director PM will provide updates for a core platform. +13,0.6913166666666667,0.7278166666666667,spk_0,And Taylor mccaslin Group product product manager will +14,0.728,0.7583333333333333,spk_0,provide updates for the data science section. +15,0.7691666666666667,0.8311499999999999,spk_0,We are focused on delivering value iteratively with a focus on our fiscal +16,0.8313333333333334,0.9036666666666666,spk_0,24 product investment themes which are first to build a world class de +17,0.9083333333333332,0.9515,spk_0,"Cops experience that's focused on first class usability," +18,0.953,0.9988333333333334,spk_0,additional collaboration capabilities and A I powered workflows. +19,1.017,1.07415,spk_0,Second to provide advanced security and compliance to all of our customers. +20,1.078,1.1213166666666667,spk_0,Uh This means adding depth to our ultimate +21,1.1215,1.1668333333333334,spk_0,uh tier in bringing software supply chain security to +22,1.1689833333333333,1.1976666666666669,spk_0,the forefront of how software is delivered. +23,1.2113333333333334,1.2253166666666666,spk_0,Third to bring observe +24,1.228983333333333,1.2723166666666668,spk_0,observable analytics and feedback into DEV +25,1.2751666666666668,1.2835,spk_0,tech ops. +26,1.285483333333333,1.3378166666666669,spk_0,Uh that's all about empowering organizations to close the software +27,1.33965,1.3908166666666668,spk_0,uh delivery life cycle uh loop with data. +28,1.395333333333333,1.43965,spk_0,And lastly get lab for data science which enables +29,1.4398166666666667,1.4923333333333333,spk_0,data scientists and engineers and brings them into the DEV +30,1.4955,1.524,spk_0,OPS platform and gives them all the benefits that +31,1.52415,1.5851666666666666,spk_0,"their counterparts experience uh including collaboration and reproducibility," +32,1.587,1.621,spk_0,uh streamline deployment into into production +33,1.6371666666666669,1.7008333333333332,spk_0,really quick before handing over to Derek. Uh I do have to quickly preface +34,1.7026666666666666,1.7379833333333334,spk_0,today's call with our forward looking statement disclosure. +35,1.7381666666666666,1.76065,spk_0,So bear with me for a second +36,1.7623166666666663,1.7808166666666665,spk_0,on this live stream. +37,1.781,1.80215,spk_0,We'll be discussing our road map +38,1.8023166666666663,1.8354833333333331,spk_0,which includes upcoming features and functionality. +39,1.8363333333333332,1.86065,spk_0,It's important to note that the information +40,1.8608333333333331,1.8965,spk_0,provided is for informational purposes only. +41,1.899,1.9458333333333333,spk_0,Please do not rely on it for planning or purchasing decisions. +42,1.9488333333333332,1.9821666666666664,spk_0,We plan very ambitiously here at Get Lab and all +43,1.9823333333333333,2.0188166666666665,spk_0,the details on this live stream are subject to change. +44,2.0189833333333334,2.051833333333333,spk_0,The timing of product features and functionality remains +45,2.052,2.0735,spk_0,solely at the discretion of Get Lab. +46,2.0835,2.128483333333333,spk_0,"And with that, I will hand it over to Derek to kick us off." +47,2.148816666666667,2.1718166666666665,spk_1,"All right, thanks Hillary." +48,2.177483333333333,2.25015,spk_1,So I will be going through the DEV section and uh I'll +49,2.2503333333333333,2.322,spk_1,"start off with uh something that's adding to our observ ability," +50,2.3221666666666665,2.35015,spk_1,analytics and feedback theme. +51,2.353816666666667,2.4345,spk_1,Uh the uh door performers score panel on the value streams dashboard +52,2.437333333333333,2.5031666666666665,spk_1,is being released in 16 8. Uh We're finishing up the work on that. +53,2.508166666666667,2.54265,spk_1,"It's been hidden behind a feature flag so that," +54,2.5428333333333333,2.60615,spk_1,that flag will be defaulted to on in 16.8. +55,2.624,2.6495,spk_1,"All right, moving on to pages." +56,2.64965,2.7156666666666665,spk_1,Uh we've been working on a few things uh for pages being able +57,2.7158166666666665,2.7891666666666666,spk_1,to have multiple deployments uh for get lab pages so that you can +58,2.7973166666666667,2.8836666666666666,spk_1,easily make changes and see what those changes are without changing the +59,2.88765,2.901483333333333,spk_1,uh the the +60,2.912983333333333,2.937333333333333,spk_1,production deployment of +61,2.942,2.9598166666666668,spk_1,the pages site. +62,2.9675,3.0913166666666667,spk_1,"We'll also be adding a new way uh to uh add DNS to get lab pages uh without the," +63,3.0915,3.1225,spk_1,the DNS wild card. +64,3.1226666666666665,3.1769833333333333,spk_1,Uh So this should open up some more options for users that +65,3.18,3.231333333333333,spk_1,uh need a different way of uh of +66,3.238833333333333,3.3086666666666664,spk_1,"getting a, a name, a domain name onto their pages." +67,3.32515,3.401666666666667,spk_1,"All right, we've got a lot of updates for work items. Uh And uh" +68,3.408333333333333,3.507483333333333,spk_1,this one is and all the rest of these will be added back to our World class Dey +69,3.5151666666666666,3.5353166666666667,spk_1,ops experience theme. +70,3.542316666666667,3.5596666666666668,spk_1,Uh So +71,3.56165,3.6165,spk_1,"we're gonna be adding a couple of quick actions," +72,3.6166666666666663,3.686,spk_1,uh removing the child uh and removing the parent +73,3.689483333333333,3.7095,spk_1,for the work items. +74,3.71265,3.759316666666667,spk_1,Also be adding an edit button +75,3.763483333333333,3.8166666666666655,spk_1,"uh to bring this more in line with the way that git lab," +76,3.8168166666666665,3.8773166666666663,spk_1,uh the rest of the git lab features work uh so that you can +77,3.8795,3.948,spk_1,easily edit the attributes for your work items. +78,3.96315,4.035816666666666,spk_1,Gonna be working on moving the work items to a +79,4.040483333333333,4.1081666666666665,spk_1,new parent uh whenever an issue is moved rather than +80,4.11165,4.16,spk_1,closing and keeping those work items uh +81,4.169483333333333,4.2415,spk_1,"uh attributed to the, the original uh parent." +82,4.2723,4.289633333333334,spk_1,"And then finally," +83,4.289816666666667,4.37165,spk_1,uh we'll be working to add uh the participants widget in work items +84,4.3733,4.435966666666666,spk_1,uh so that it works the same way as your issues or epics do +85,4.4389666666666665,4.474966666666667,spk_1,uh so that you can add those participants there. +86,4.517483333333333,4.614983333333333,spk_1,Right. Moving on to remote development. Uh We have a big announcement for 16.8. +87,4.615166666666667,4.665483333333333,spk_1,Our uh work remote development workspaces +88,4.6690000000000005,4.7125,spk_1,will be G A in 16.8. +89,4.716833333333334,4.768483333333333,spk_1,It's been in beta for a while now. And uh +90,4.770333333333333,4.865166666666667,spk_1,"um January, we will be releasing this as uh fully G A." +91,4.918333333333333,4.999,spk_1,We're also working on enabling the web ID E extension marketplace +92,4.9991666666666665,5.0615,spk_1,uh for uh third party extensions within the web ID E. +93,5.0648333333333335,5.107,spk_1,Uh This will be enabled for GIT lab.com uh +94,5.10715,5.171,spk_1,SAS users only in January and we'll be working on +95,5.174166666666666,5.2263166666666665,spk_1,adding it for self manage users uh after that. Uh +96,5.23065,5.2975,spk_1,But so this will allow you to enable third party +97,5.29765,5.3475,spk_1,extensions within the web ID E so that you can +98,5.352666666666667,5.3615,spk_1,uh +99,5.377483333333333,5.398,spk_1,you can easily +100,5.401816666666667,5.49765,spk_1,uh work through uh the ways that you would like to uh within the extension uh +101,5.5,5.5605,spk_1,marketplace and uh enable different workflows. +102,5.588983333333333,5.683,spk_1,"All right. And then lastly, we'll also be enabling the setting sync for the web ID E." +103,5.6866666666666665,5.74765,spk_1,"Uh So right now, uh the web ID E doesn't persist" +104,5.750666666666667,5.816483333333333,spk_1,uh user preferences cross uh sessions uh +105,5.820833333333333,5.871,spk_1,"because of the way that it's, it's built right now." +106,5.873666666666667,5.927666666666667,spk_1,Uh And we will be adding this so that you can +107,5.9335,6.026483333333333,spk_1,"easily sync across the board, uh all of your settings within the web ID." +108,6.0388166666666665,6.1085,spk_1,All right. And that is it for me and I will pass it on +109,6.292483333333333,6.316333333333334,spk_0,Sarah. I think you're up next. +110,6.3929833333333335,6.40765,spk_2,"Thanks, Hillary." +111,6.4125,6.430983333333334,spk_2,"Hi, everybody." +112,6.43115,6.4495,spk_2,"I'm Sarah Waldner," +113,6.449666666666666,6.510666666666666,spk_2,group manager for the secure stage and I'll be walking us +114,6.510816666666667,6.58365,spk_2,through all of the milestone kickoff highlights for the sex section. +115,6.651666666666666,6.677666666666667,spk_2,All right. So +116,6.68215,6.699316666666666,spk_2,before I dive in +117,6.703666666666667,6.7485,spk_2,our section contributions for the secure and go +118,6.751483333333333,6.778483333333334,spk_2,"stage for this milestone," +119,6.778666666666666,6.836666666666667,spk_2,all fall under the advanced security and compliance control scheme. +120,6.848166666666667,6.9138166666666665,spk_2,So let's dive in starting with the threat insights team from the govern stage. +121,6.917333333333334,6.9945,spk_2,"So this milestone threat insights will be spending it in a bug bash," +122,6.99465,7.031833333333333,spk_2,making the best use of the time over holidays. +123,7.032,7.059816666666666,spk_2,We've got different people out +124,7.066483333333333,7.119833333333333,spk_2,uh spending time to set themselves up well for the next year. +125,7.12,7.20915,spk_2,So fixing some new exes showing up some performance items. I'm excited for it. +126,7.233333333333333,7.273166666666667,spk_2,"Moving on from the authentication group," +127,7.280833333333334,7.335316666666666,spk_2,"they'll be adding the ability for group owners to view their users," +128,7.3355,7.365666666666667,spk_2,email addresses in the U I. +129,7.366483333333333,7.391666666666667,spk_2,And via the API +130,7.39715,7.40965,spk_2,"previously," +131,7.409816666666667,7.449666666666666,spk_2,group owners could only retrieve email addresses through +132,7.449816666666667,7.4965,spk_2,the API and only for provisioned users. +133,7.501166666666666,7.575983333333333,spk_2,The definition of the enterprise user is now updated and based on domain. +134,7.576166666666666,7.60965,spk_2,So these changes will allow group owners to +135,7.609816666666667,7.652333333333333,spk_2,"confirm the primary email address for their users," +136,7.65615,7.695,spk_2,believe it or not. This did not exist before. +137,7.69515,7.722316666666667,spk_2,So we're really excited for this edition +138,7.742483333333333,7.786166666666666,spk_2,group authentication will also be adding web hook +139,7.786316666666667,7.837666666666666,spk_2,events for expiring group and project access tokens. +140,7.843833333333333,7.8995,spk_2,This will allow customers to stay ahead of the token. Expiration +141,7.901983333333334,7.953483333333334,spk_2,and avoid disruption and automation by revising +142,7.953666666666667,7.99465,spk_2,the expiration date or rotating the token +143,8.025816666666667,8.05815,spk_2,for the authorization group. +144,8.061666666666667,8.132,spk_2,They'll be adding four more permissions to the customizable roles framework. +145,8.13215,8.187816666666667,spk_2,Continuing the work towards closing the remaining delta +146,8.187983333333333,8.238816666666667,spk_2,that exists between the developer and maintainer jobs. +147,8.245833333333334,8.290666666666667,spk_2,"This month, we will be adding permissions to manage the Tiff" +148,8.292983333333334,8.337166666666667,spk_2,Foreign state manage group access tokens +149,8.340983333333334,8.3625,spk_2,and the ability to add +150,8.364666666666666,8.416166666666667,spk_2,client compliance frameworks to a project +151,8.4445,8.489316666666667,spk_2,on to the secure stage for composition analysis. +152,8.49265,8.530833333333334,spk_2,They'll be focused on releasing continuous +153,8.530983333333333,8.5845,spk_2,vulnerability scanning support for container scanning. +154,8.593,8.6275,spk_2,This will provide more timely information +155,8.62765,8.660833333333333,spk_2,for container scanning users so that they +156,8.660983333333334,8.742166666666666,spk_2,can understand open source risk and remediate it in a more rapid fashion. +157,8.75365,8.817833333333333,spk_2,This is the next iteration in the continuous vulnerability scanning +158,8.818,8.88815,spk_2,project that has we've been enabling for dependency in container scanning +159,8.891316666666667,8.953983333333333,spk_2,and this particular iteration will be initiated when the tri +160,8.95715,8.982666666666667,spk_2,db changes +161,9.014,9.048,spk_2,also from composition analysis. +162,9.0535,9.0815,spk_2,They'll be completing some follow up work. +163,9.081666666666669,9.12,spk_2,They identified to improve the recently released +164,9.120166666666666,9.17065,spk_2,continuous vulnerability scanning for dependencies feature. +165,9.173333333333334,9.219,spk_2,This will consist of mainly back and enhancement work. +166,9.241,9.2525,spk_2,All right +167,9.258983333333331,9.295,spk_2,"back to government for security policies," +168,9.300983333333331,9.37765,spk_2,"they'll be working on pipeline execution policies, actions. So" +169,9.383333333333333,9.424816666666668,spk_2,when creating scan execution policies. +170,9.427816666666669,9.481983333333334,spk_2,They'll be extending the current OO TB git lab scan +171,9.48215,9.55065,spk_2,options to allow users to define a new pipeline execution action +172,9.561316666666666,9.606333333333334,spk_2,section will allow the user to enforce custom +173,9.6065,9.656816666666666,spk_2,C I required for security and compliance form. +174,9.656983333333333,9.678983333333331,spk_2,It's very exciting. +175,9.7065,9.74865,spk_2,"Also coming to us from the security policy group," +176,9.755333333333333,9.8275,spk_2,we'll be working on linking security policies to compliance frameworks. +177,9.83015,9.903166666666667,spk_2,An improvement to both usability and flexibility of security policies. +178,9.9035,9.977166666666667,spk_2,User will be able to scope security policies to compliance frameworks so that +179,9.977333333333334,10.05715,spk_2,projects with a particular label will be enforced for a given policy. +180,10.063833333333331,10.096483333333332,spk_2,This will allow for a more atomic +181,10.09665,10.1515,spk_2,definition and granular enforcement of security policies. +182,10.190483333333331,10.198166666666667,spk_2,OK. +183,10.224816666666667,10.26415,spk_2,Coming at us from static analysis in +184,10.264316666666666,10.306666666666668,spk_2,"partnership with our vulnerability research group," +185,10.309316666666668,10.372,spk_2,they're working on updating our detection rules for SAS. +186,10.373333333333331,10.442166666666669,spk_2,So the primary focus is on reducing false positive results. +187,10.447166666666666,10.495483333333333,spk_2,So a number of updates will also help us reduce false +188,10.49565,10.572816666666666,spk_2,negative results by identifying more variants of existing code patterns. +189,10.577983333333334,10.658333333333331,spk_2,The languages we're currently focused on today include Java Python and go +190,10.6625,10.722,spk_2,though we'll be moving on to the other languages that some +191,10.72565,10.747483333333332,spk_2,group supports later. +192,10.795833333333333,10.834983333333334,spk_2,"Additionally, from the static analysis group," +193,10.836983333333333,10.91015,spk_2,they'll be continuing to work on building pre perceived secret scanning. +194,10.916666666666666,10.994316666666666,spk_2,Uh This capability blocks pushes that contain high confidence secrets. +195,10.996816666666666,11.05615,spk_2,Our intent is to release this as experimental in January +196,11.11865,11.153816666666666,spk_2,from our dynamic analysis group. +197,11.158333333333331,11.185983333333333,spk_2,They're continuing to focus work on +198,11.214483333333334,11.265,spk_2,work required to fully replace proxy based +199,11.265833333333331,11.31965,spk_2,task with our proprietary browser based DAS +200,11.322333333333331,11.33615,spk_2,solution. +201,11.340316666666666,11.42165,spk_2,This includes migrating on-demand scams to our browser based solution. +202,11.426333333333334,11.48515,spk_2,This would allow security professionals to configure the scanner in the +203,11.485316666666666,11.573483333333334,spk_2,U I versus using the C I file streamlining user experience. +204,11.57365,11.583333333333334,spk_2,For many +205,11.623816666666666,11.665833333333332,spk_2,also from dynamic analysis for browser +206,11.668,11.672333333333333,spk_2,based +207,11.674816666666668,11.675,spk_2,"A," +208,11.6855,11.757666666666667,spk_2,they'll be working to enable browser based dash scanner in our auto devs +209,11.762316666666669,11.782333333333334,spk_2,functionality +210,11.784833333333331,11.875333333333334,spk_2,replacing the proxy based solution. Further preparing us to deprecate it in 17.0 +211,11.946483333333331,11.991,spk_2,and finally onto our compliance group. +212,12.0015,12.046333333333331,spk_2,Uh they'll be making some improvements to the standards +213,12.046483333333333,12.1125,spk_2,adherence report to make reporting more robust and actionable. +214,12.11615,12.18615,spk_2,This includes grouping results by project grouping results +215,12.186316666666666,12.23215,spk_2,by standard starting with the gate lab standard. +216,12.23715,12.310316666666669,spk_2,The ability to filter by project compliance framework name and standard +217,12.31215,12.345483333333334,spk_2,ability to export to CS V +218,12.358666666666666,12.408333333333331,spk_2,"manual on demand adherence report, scanning" +219,12.4115,12.44015,spk_2,and improved pagination. +220,12.443,12.471,spk_2,Awesome. I'm excited about that one +221,12.482666666666669,12.53915,spk_2,"and finally, last but not least also from the compliance group," +222,12.543,12.574,spk_2,they'll be working on adding more exciting +223,12.574166666666668,12.623,spk_2,capabilities to the new compliance frameworks report. +224,12.627816666666666,12.673483333333332,spk_2,This will include the ability to view frameworks +225,12.67365,12.702166666666669,spk_2,and a list view within the frameworks tab +226,12.710833333333332,12.770316666666666,spk_2,search and filter capabilities to find specific frameworks +227,12.782666666666668,12.82565,spk_2,ability to use new compliance framework sidebar +228,12.825816666666666,12.86415,spk_2,"to explore more details for each framework," +229,12.868483333333334,12.894833333333333,spk_2,the ability to edit your framework to +230,12.895,12.947,spk_2,"view all settings including managing name description," +231,12.947166666666666,12.975983333333334,spk_2,"standards, adherence linking" +232,12.978983333333334,13.000983333333334,spk_2,"and link projects," +233,13.001166666666666,13.041666666666666,spk_2,as well as the ability to create a quick +234,13.041833333333331,13.101333333333333,spk_2,report of your frameworks with an export to CS V +235,13.120833333333334,13.194483333333334,spk_2,that wrap set up for the sex section for 16.8. Thank you so much. +236,13.19465,13.223166666666666,spk_2,"And Hillary, I'm gonna hand it back to you." +237,13.24565,13.292166666666668,spk_0,"All right. I think Tim, you're up next with the C I CD section." +238,13.304166666666667,13.313316666666667,spk_3,Thanks. +239,13.31515,13.328983333333332,spk_3,"Hi, I'm Tim is the" +240,13.330816666666667,13.394833333333333,spk_3,principal product manager in the C I section and I'm going to +241,13.395,13.457333333333333,spk_3,kick it off uh the C I CD sections for 68. +242,13.458833333333333,13.503333333333334,spk_3,These sections support developers and +243,13.5035,13.547333333333333,spk_3,platform engineers to effectively communicate. +244,13.558666666666667,13.565666666666669,spk_3,"I'm sorry," +245,13.565833333333334,13.631666666666666,spk_3,effectively complete their automation configuration and operations tasks and +246,13.631816666666667,13.671,spk_3,get lab after their code has been submitted. +247,13.6835,13.744166666666668,spk_3,The three stages within this section are verified package and deploy. +248,13.749816666666666,13.796333333333331,spk_3,We have a few investments planned in 1680. +249,13.815666666666669,13.86015,spk_3,"Our core theme, this release is building a world class STV" +250,13.869833333333334,13.929166666666667,spk_3,SES experience where we have several teams making great contributions. +251,13.942483333333334,14.019483333333334,spk_3,The first uh the pipeline execution group is focused on driving efficiency. +252,14.01965,14.04865,spk_3,A top concern. We've heard that +253,14.0505,14.102983333333333,spk_3,after script does not recognize canceling status in +254,14.1125,14.171166666666666,spk_3,"this release, we're adding a keyword to lay the foundation for adding," +255,14.171333333333331,14.211833333333333,spk_3,canceling statuses to after script. +256,14.216666666666669,14.2845,spk_3,"Now, if you're running tests on device farms or have blocked terra form scripts," +257,14.285316666666668,14.304166666666667,spk_3,there's a solution +258,14.307666666666666,14.3295,spk_3,right around the corner for you. +259,14.367,14.37665,spk_3,The next +260,14.3815,14.390666666666666,spk_3,uh +261,14.393316666666667,14.436666666666667,spk_3,the pipeline authoring team will focus on usability +262,14.436833333333333,14.47165,spk_3,improvements for the C I CD catalog. +263,14.471816666666667,14.51215,spk_3,"In this milestone, we have two improvements," +264,14.516833333333333,14.539316666666666,spk_3,one to add a new +265,14.542833333333334,14.56765,spk_3,your resources tab. +266,14.567833333333333,14.627166666666668,spk_3,So you can quickly find uh the components that you're looking for +267,14.629666666666669,14.710666666666668,spk_3,and also adding the ability to sort the component by uh verified author. +268,14.723,14.785983333333334,spk_3,The goal of these is to make finding and using the components more efficient. +269,14.821483333333331,14.889666666666669,spk_3,The package group will improve the terraform registry by adding a new group level +270,14.889833333333334,14.95515,spk_3,view to make it easier to find and validate a given terraform module. +271,14.955333333333334,15.01115,spk_3,Even if you have a complex group and pro project structure +272,15.057666666666666,15.113833333333334,spk_3,run. A core is focused on adding time stamps +273,15.11615,15.156983333333333,spk_3,to the C I build logs for each log line +274,15.15715,15.211316666666669,spk_3,to help debug long running scripts during C I jobs. +275,15.233666666666666,15.246483333333334,spk_3,"In addition," +276,15.24665,15.329816666666666,spk_3,we'll expand the runner fleet dashboard to add a CS V export of compute minutes +277,15.34565,15.361983333333333,spk_3,"used on instance," +278,15.36215,15.399333333333333,spk_3,runners to give operators an easy way of knowing +279,15.399483333333333,15.438666666666666,spk_3,which runners in their fleet have the most usage +280,15.47765,15.50915,spk_3,"in 16 8. We'll also add," +281,15.522333333333334,15.583333333333334,spk_3,we'll also add Windows 22 support so that when Windows +282,15.5835,15.63115,spk_3,"2019 reaches its end of life on January 9th," +283,15.637833333333331,15.70065,spk_3,users can still build tests and deploy applications on Windows. +284,15.730816666666666,15.758333333333333,spk_3,The second theme we're working or +285,15.7585,15.8045,spk_3,contributing towards is advanced security and compliance +286,15.806816666666666,15.807333333333334,spk_3,in +287,15.809833333333334,15.825816666666666,spk_3,this domain. +288,15.825983333333332,15.892316666666666,spk_3,The verify stage will deliver some improvements to meet compliance requirements. +289,15.9095,15.95615,spk_3,The pipeline security team has two issues planned. +290,15.957333333333333,16.00915,spk_3,Uh The first is delivering a GCP Secrets Manager +291,16.022,16.07165,spk_3,where we're working on the implementations piece for both runner +292,16.07765,16.099166666666665,spk_3,and for rails. +293,16.105666666666668,16.166316666666667,spk_3,Uh We're also continuing to build our own secrets manager. +294,16.168166666666668,16.169,spk_3,Oops +295,16.205816666666667,16.214,spk_3,uh +296,16.218,16.3255,spk_3,This milestone will be adding uh an index page as well as a secret creation page. +297,16.338316666666667,16.39665,spk_3,This is by no means a comprehensive list of everything we're shipping. +298,16.396816666666666,16.45815,spk_3,Please take a look at the direction pages or the kickoff videos for more +299,16.46515,16.5125,spk_3,and that wraps it up for me and I'll pass it over to Josh. +300,16.549,16.561316666666666,spk_4,"Thanks, Tim." +301,16.565666666666665,16.606333333333332,spk_4,Got some pretty exciting items coming out of C I CD. +302,16.6065,16.65365,spk_4,Let me go ahead and share my screen here +303,16.657983333333334,16.71066666666667,spk_4,so I can talk about what's coming from the core platform section. +304,16.7315,16.743166666666667,spk_4,Here we go. +305,16.747816666666665,16.825333333333333,spk_4,Um So we have two major themes that we're working on uh for this milestone. +306,16.8255,16.868483333333334,spk_4,Uh We have the World Class de experience which we talk through first +307,16.86865,16.927333333333333,spk_4,and then some general maintenance work that we're doing uh as well. +308,16.9275,16.955333333333332,spk_4,So let's jump into world Class DeVos +309,16.9595,17.0255,spk_4,with our search group first and we are continuing our work towards +310,17.02565,17.088,spk_4,rolling out uh improved code search for all of our customers. +311,17.090983333333334,17.105483333333332,spk_4,"Um And right now," +312,17.10565,17.182483333333334,spk_4,we are in closed beta and we're working towards having an open opt out beta. +313,17.186966666666667,17.230966666666667,spk_4,Um And the main at work we're working on right +314,17.231133333333332,17.27465,spk_4,now in this release is we're working towards replication. +315,17.279666666666667,17.31215,spk_4,Um This will allow us to accomplish two things. +316,17.312316666666668,17.359333333333332,spk_4,The first is that we can uh do rolling deployments +317,17.359483333333333,17.421,spk_4,of updates to our search infrastructure without causing any downtime. +318,17.4215,17.485833333333332,spk_4,And the other items that we can also uh have resilience in the event +319,17.486,17.542,spk_4,"of a failure with a search node um by being able to have," +320,17.542166666666667,17.596,spk_4,"you know, direct queries to the other uh, search nodes with the indexes." +321,17.600166666666667,17.64565,spk_4,"And it's also help us, uh, in both those use cases." +322,17.645833333333332,17.719333333333335,spk_4,"And, uh, we see that as a prerequisite to, uh, to make it defaulted on," +323,17.721166666666665,17.744,spk_4,"uh, for our customers." +324,17.755166666666668,17.823166666666665,spk_4,"We're also working on a number of improvements to the, uh, command palette." +325,17.823333333333334,17.848166666666668,spk_4,"If you haven't seen the command palette," +326,17.848333333333333,17.9135,spk_4,you can find that by topping on the slash icon or by clicking over in the +327,17.91365,17.95381666666667,spk_4,search or go to menu as well and +328,17.953983333333333,17.9945,spk_4,we're in general making some small improvements here. +329,17.994666666666667,18.0635,spk_4,"Uh You can see that we have um a, a list here of what we're working on." +330,18.067166666666665,18.12848333333333,spk_4,Um Actually I had the wrong link here. I apologize. I just noticed that now. +331,18.12865,18.17248333333333,spk_4,Um but uh you can go find the issue. +332,18.17265,18.22648333333333,spk_4,Uh And uh we're making some improvements to discover ability. +333,18.22665,18.272316666666665,spk_4,We're adding a option to uh tell you what +334,18.272483333333334,18.304666666666662,spk_4,command options are available here in the bottom right +335,18.30633333333333,18.37183333333333,spk_4,"hand corner, um and some general other UX improvements as well." +336,18.384166666666665,18.429166666666667,spk_4,"Moving on towards the cloud connector team," +337,18.42933333333333,18.49148333333333,spk_4,"we have uh the main focus being supporting, get lab duo" +338,18.493316666666665,18.53915,spk_4,chat for self managed and our dedicated offering. +339,18.544166666666666,18.644816666666667,spk_4,"Um This will allow us to bring the uh chat uh option here under if I was logged in," +340,18.64498333333333,18.657316666666667,spk_4,I could show you. +341,18.65748333333333,18.709,spk_4,Uh but it uh there's a little menu over here. We can actually add a chat +342,18.71333333333333,18.71815,spk_4,bot chatbot +343,18.72065,18.754166666666663,spk_4,to ask questions to our documentation. +344,18.75633333333333,18.807816666666668,spk_4,"And so as a question, like, how do I configure GIT lab C I" +345,18.81365,18.88715,spk_4,"and it will give you a response with uh links, documentation as well." +346,18.887316666666667,18.934483333333333,spk_4,This will help uh users on board more quickly as well as just +347,18.93465,18.9965,spk_4,some quick reference questions without having to leave the get lab interface. +348,18.996666666666663,19.022816666666667,spk_4,And so I'm looking forward to bringing that from +349,19.023,19.07248333333333,spk_4,our SASS offering over towards self managed and dedicated +350,19.09065,19.10165,spk_4,with GEO. +351,19.101816666666668,19.13465,spk_4,We continue our work towards unifying the +352,19.134816666666666,19.173666666666666,spk_4,backups into one single command interface. +353,19.17383333333333,19.215,spk_4,This will improve the overall usability and allow us +354,19.215166666666665,19.262666666666668,spk_4,to also offer some pretty compelling features in the future +355,19.265816666666662,19.30965,spk_4,as we implement and work towards things like point in time +356,19.309816666666663,19.366066666666665,spk_4,"recovery where you could issue one command to the cli," +357,19.366233333333334,19.41475,spk_4,ask for it to rewind to a certain point in time. +358,19.414916666666667,19.481416666666668,spk_4,And then the cli ideally would then rewind all the data sources +359,19.481583333333333,19.53558333333333,spk_4,back to that point in time and synchronously make sure that happens. +360,19.5389,19.56675,spk_4,Um So we're really looking forward to doing this +361,19.566916666666668,19.60875,spk_4,and improving the overall usability of our backups. +362,19.626,19.66283333333333,spk_4,"Also in the backup theme in the GEO group," +363,19.663,19.726316666666666,spk_4,we are improving our documentation for backing up larger architectures +364,19.72648333333333,19.788166666666665,spk_4,with the new server side backups uh for repositories. +365,19.78833333333333,19.80216666666667,spk_4,"So previously," +366,19.802333333333333,19.866316666666663,spk_4,"we would have one node which tried to reach out to all the giddily repositories," +367,19.867,19.921666666666667,spk_4,"pull down our contents, zip them up and then" +368,19.92333333333333,19.984166666666667,spk_4,"put them somewhere that took a long, long time. Now each Gido," +369,19.99315,19.99898333333333,spk_4,each +370,20.001,20.05165,spk_4,"GLY node can independently do its own backups to object storage," +371,20.05198333333333,20.116666666666667,spk_4,which greatly improves the overall process and makes it highly parallelized. +372,20.11766666666667,20.153983333333333,spk_4,And so that we're looking forward to making this documentation +373,20.154166666666665,20.218316666666663,spk_4,available for our customers and recommending it for large architectures +374,20.2465,20.26533333333333,spk_4,"or in the giddily group," +375,20.2655,20.34115,spk_4,we are working towards further improvements to supporting bundle uris for clones. +376,20.341316666666668,20.39131666666667,spk_4,Uh What this allows us to do is uh essentially skip a lot +377,20.391483333333333,20.45965,spk_4,of processing when you uh when the giddily node gets a clone request. +378,20.459816666666665,20.496983333333333,spk_4,"So when a user goes to clone their code," +379,20.50165,20.56415,spk_4,"um oftentimes you need to know what you have and then if nothing," +380,20.564316666666667,20.60965,spk_4,"it can give you the full repository or if you're a certain state," +381,20.609816666666667,20.631666666666668,spk_4,it can give you a portion of it. +382,20.6335,20.66615,spk_4,And what we can do is bundle Uris is give you +383,20.666316666666667,20.717166666666667,spk_4,a pre computed file for most of our users get most of +384,20.71733333333333,20.777833333333334,spk_4,the content down and then spend less time processing the exact delta +385,20.778,20.81865,spk_4,for you in particular to get you back up to speed. +386,20.82065,20.893316666666667,spk_4,"So this will overall improve the utilization of our gilliard nodes and improve how," +387,20.89348333333333,20.919816666666662,spk_4,how fast we can handle clones +388,20.938166666666667,20.946166666666667,spk_4,over. +389,20.94633333333333,20.975666666666665,spk_4,"In the uh the 10 scale group," +390,20.97583333333333,21.02815,spk_4,we are continuing our work towards organization isolation. +391,21.0295,21.04683333333333,spk_4,"And in this milestone," +392,21.046983333333333,21.103816666666667,spk_4,we are focused on adding the uh organization id +393,21.10398333333333,21.14115,spk_4,as the starting key to a number of tables. +394,21.14131666666667,21.17783333333333,spk_4,This will allow us to quickly determine what +395,21.178,21.23515,spk_4,content is uh for a particular organization. +396,21.237666666666662,21.29965,spk_4,And that will then allow us to really speed up a lot of queries across the product. +397,21.29981666666667,21.331666666666667,spk_4,And really implement that improved isolation. +398,21.33183333333333,21.367816666666663,spk_4,Since we have a very clear identifier on +399,21.36798333333333,21.425833333333333,spk_4,what content and uh as associated with which organization +400,21.4585,21.502166666666668,spk_4,"moving over towards our foundations team," +401,21.502333333333333,21.56565,spk_4,we are going to start looking at our kind of next spike of work +402,21.565816666666667,21.61533333333333,spk_4,"here is a larger theme and we want to go look at settings," +403,21.6155,21.638166666666667,spk_4,"usability consistency," +404,21.6405,21.67083333333333,spk_4,uh settings has a number of places in +405,21.671,21.70883333333333,spk_4,the group's projects and also the instance level. +406,21.710416666666667,21.72073333333333,spk_4,"And so we," +407,21.720916666666668,21.767416666666666,spk_4,we want to go and spend some time identifying what usability improvements +408,21.76758333333333,21.8249,spk_4,we want to try and make validating the proposed fixes with our customers +409,21.82508333333333,21.87108333333333,spk_4,and our users and making sure that we have a nice crisp list +410,21.87125,21.91075,spk_4,of things to go do to improve this part of our product. +411,21.910916666666665,21.9594,spk_4,So we're excited about this. Um And we're going to start that research now +412,21.98315,22.02015,spk_4,"with our import integrations team," +413,22.020316666666663,22.0875,spk_4,we are focused on improving the uh import speed from +414,22.0925,22.15683333333333,spk_4,github and we plan to improve this in two ways. The first is by having a github +415,22.159983333333333,22.18915,spk_4,app um that runs on +416,22.191666666666663,22.206333333333333,spk_4,github enterprise cloud. +417,22.2065,22.261,spk_4,This will allow us to have a higher number of uh +418,22.261166666666668,22.324816666666667,spk_4,requests per hour for our uh import jobs to run. +419,22.326,22.36198333333333,spk_4,And so this will improve the overall import speed +420,22.36215,22.415333333333333,spk_4,for customers who have their content on github.com. +421,22.426,22.44,spk_4,"Uh Also," +422,22.440166666666663,22.513,spk_4,we are working to switch how we uh uh pull content and we want to move this +423,22.513166666666667,22.548666666666666,spk_4,over towards the timeline API which is a +424,22.54883333333333,22.592983333333333,spk_4,more efficient way of tracking the changes in the +425,22.59915,22.61766666666667,spk_4,in a in a project. +426,22.617816666666663,22.69033333333333,spk_4,And this will also allow us to overall improve the migration time as you can +427,22.6905,22.760316666666668,spk_4,see here um as well by having a more efficient usage of the API. +428,22.7605,22.79565,spk_4,So looking forward to both those to improve +429,22.79583333333333,22.83633333333333,spk_4,the overall experience and importing for our customers +430,22.84498333333333,22.86648333333333,spk_4,over towards it scale. +431,22.866666666666667,22.871983333333333,spk_4,"Again," +432,22.87215,22.94065,spk_4,we are also working on our routing technology for cells cells is +433,22.940816666666667,22.98333333333333,spk_4,"the idea where we can stand up on the backhand side," +434,22.9835,23.061,spk_4,"transparent to users, multiple kind of additional infrastructure for to run" +435,23.06365,23.080166666666667,spk_4,glab.com +436,23.082816666666663,23.12865,spk_4,and be able to easily horizontally scale our service. +437,23.130816666666668,23.204166666666666,spk_4,"And so with kind of multiple small instances, we need some to route between them." +438,23.20531666666667,23.25998333333333,spk_4,And so we are doing a number of different routing PO CS to confirm +439,23.26015,23.334816666666665,spk_4,the best approach to handle this uh cloud flare sto and things like that. +440,23.336166666666667,23.37448333333333,spk_4,So looking forward to the results of that the concepts to +441,23.37465,23.41333333333333,spk_4,determine where we go in the future for the implementation. +442,23.42848333333333,23.49098333333333,spk_4,"Um So here is the command palette and so I apologize, I had the wrong link before." +443,23.49115,23.534,spk_4,Uh So you can see some examples I was showing you here as well. +444,23.534166666666668,23.582166666666662,spk_4,"So here is the commands uh to show you what command pallet," +445,23.582316666666667,23.609166666666667,spk_4,uh the search is going to work on improving. +446,23.60933333333333,23.640816666666662,spk_4,So you know what to do and what you can do within +447,23.64098333333333,23.697316666666666,spk_4,the search pallet and a number of other improvements here as well. +448,23.70965,23.73265,spk_4,"Finally, for our database group," +449,23.73281666666667,23.803816666666663,spk_4,we are continuing to work on reducing the overall lightweight lock contention. +450,23.804166666666667,23.84565,spk_4,This is an area where our database on github.com can +451,23.84583333333333,23.899316666666667,spk_4,sometimes uh uh not perform as well as we like. +452,23.899483333333333,23.959333333333333,spk_4,And so we want to improve the overall contention of these lightweight locks. +453,23.95948333333333,23.980816666666662,spk_4,And one way we can do this actually by +454,23.98098333333333,24.02665,spk_4,dropping indexes that are not frequently used on our +455,24.028316666666665,24.07215,spk_4,database and we've identified about 10 of these and +456,24.072316666666666,24.1125,spk_4,we are going through and dropping a few of these +457,24.11283333333333,24.156333333333333,spk_4,um to help improve that overall or reduce the overall +458,24.1565,24.199483333333333,spk_4,contention and improve performance for all of our users. +459,24.203,24.23465,spk_4,And that's it for the core platform section. +460,24.234816666666667,24.28983333333333,spk_4,I will hand things over to Taylor to take us home on +461,24.29,24.345316666666665,spk_4,all of the things A I and uh model gately related. +462,24.350666666666665,24.405483333333333,spk_5,"Awesome, thanks Josh. Hi, everyone. My name is Taylor mccaslin." +463,24.40565,24.4485,spk_5,I'm a group manager for our data science section. +464,24.455483333333333,24.50198333333333,spk_5,Um I'll start with our A I powered stage +465,24.502166666666668,24.5565,spk_5,focused on adding generative A I capabilities to create a +466,24.560316666666665,24.574483333333333,spk_5,world class DEV +467,24.57848333333333,24.588166666666663,spk_5,ops dese +468,24.596166666666665,24.677333333333333,spk_5,ops experience uh focused on transforming data into useful insights and actions. +469,24.6775,24.710316666666667,spk_5,We'll mostly talk about do get lab duo +470,24.712316666666663,24.727833333333333,spk_5,chat today. +471,24.72983333333333,24.772316666666665,spk_5,The team is focused on bringing uh GLAB Duo +472,24.774316666666667,24.819166666666668,spk_5,"chat to self managed and dedicated instances," +473,24.819333333333333,24.857,spk_5,which we expect to ship this milestone. +474,24.860666666666667,24.928316666666667,spk_5,This will also be focused on mirroring the experience for.com users. +475,24.92848333333333,24.938333333333333,spk_5,"However," +476,24.9385,24.978316666666668,spk_5,it will not include support for questions +477,24.978483333333333,25.02166666666667,spk_5,about GLAB documentation due to complexity. +478,25.025,25.08383333333333,spk_5,"Um With that implementation, we hope to add that in future releases." +479,25.086,25.18498333333333,spk_5,We're also working on uh introducing streaming into the GIT lab duo chat and ID E +480,25.18515,25.235316666666662,spk_5,to help receive responses faster and allow you +481,25.2355,25.27415,spk_5,to read those responses as they're streaming in. +482,25.277833333333334,25.35083333333333,spk_5,This will help chat feel more performant and faster at responding to questions. +483,25.351,25.40148333333333,spk_5,This will mirror how this works in the git lab +484,25.40483333333333,25.439833333333333,spk_5,"uh dot com U I. Today," +485,25.442,25.51848333333333,spk_5,we're also working on improving support for slash commands +486,25.52083333333333,25.564833333333333,spk_5,um And the quality of the responses for that. +487,25.565,25.618483333333334,spk_5,"Today, we support a few commands including generating tests," +488,25.619666666666667,25.68048333333333,spk_5,refactoring code and explaining the code within the ID E. +489,25.68515,25.732,spk_5,Um We're expanding the context that is sent with +490,25.732166666666668,25.786816666666667,spk_5,these commands to improve the quality of those results. +491,25.7925,25.805816666666665,spk_5,"And then finally," +492,25.805983333333334,25.8675,spk_5,we're impro uh continuing to work on improving the way that we evaluate the +493,25.86766666666667,25.905166666666663,spk_5,accuracy of chat responses to ensure that +494,25.905316666666668,25.95148333333333,spk_5,chat responses are both accurate and useful. +495,25.959983333333334,25.972316666666668,spk_5,"Um Next," +496,25.972483333333333,26.02665,spk_5,I'll move over to uh the model ops stage which +497,26.026816666666665,26.085833333333333,spk_5,is focused on helping enable and empower data science workloads. +498,26.086483333333334,26.125833333333333,spk_5,Our ML ops group is expecting to have +499,26.126,26.169,spk_5,the experimental release of the model registry. +500,26.169816666666662,26.23115,spk_5,This will allow data science teams to create models and model +501,26.2335,26.29148333333333,spk_5,"versions, track metadata and performance of models," +502,26.29233333333333,26.357166666666668,spk_5,upload files uh using the ML flow client. +503,26.357316666666662,26.42848333333333,spk_5,This will also include a simple U I to browse models and model +504,26.42865,26.506666666666668,spk_5,versions as well as download model files directly from the GAU I. +505,26.5125,26.55216666666667,spk_5,So that's what we're focused on for the data science section +506,26.552333333333333,26.579166666666666,spk_5,and I'll hand it back to Hillary to wrap us up. +507,26.5925,26.66283333333333,spk_0,"Awesome, thanks Taylor. So as per usual, there is a ton of great stuff going on." +508,26.666666666666668,26.6925,spk_0,Um I know there's a lot of content. +509,26.692666666666668,26.71283333333333,spk_0,"So just to wrap this up," +510,26.713,26.755,spk_0,uh I'll pull out a few highlights that the team just shared today. +511,26.755166666666668,26.78715,spk_0,So Derek spoke to us for the DEV section +512,26.790816666666668,26.806666666666665,spk_0,"uh about, you know," +513,26.806833333333334,26.865166666666667,spk_0,moving remote development workspaces to G A that is super exciting. +514,26.867,26.92898333333333,spk_0,Um Also talked about adding do performers score panel to to value stream +515,26.930983333333334,26.944666666666667,spk_0,metrics +516,26.94898333333333,27.0135,spk_0,uh enabling the web ID extension marketplace for get lab.com as well. +517,27.019,27.04148333333333,spk_0,"Uh In the SEC section," +518,27.041666666666668,27.092666666666663,spk_0,we talked about adding additional permissions for customizable roles. +519,27.092816666666668,27.12065,spk_0,Uh extending support for continuous +520,27.120833333333334,27.160666666666668,spk_0,vulnerability scanning to container scanning +521,27.164316666666668,27.20365,spk_0,uh and linking security policies to compliance frameworks that +522,27.20381666666667,27.244,spk_0,you can ensure projects are enforced for a given policy +523,27.261333333333333,27.284,spk_0,in the C I CD section. +524,27.284166666666668,27.313166666666667,spk_0,"Uh We got a bunch of usability improvements," +525,27.313333333333333,27.357316666666662,spk_0,the C I catalog to make finding and using components easier. +526,27.35748333333333,27.398,spk_0,Um and native support for GCP secret manager +527,27.410316666666667,27.470316666666665,spk_0,"for core core platform replication of code search across search nodes," +528,27.47048333333333,27.53115,spk_0,"improvements to the command pallet and support, forget lab duo chat on self managed" +529,27.536,27.575,spk_0,and for data science streaming for chat and ID E +530,27.575166666666668,27.63515,spk_0,improve slash command context for improved responses and model regis +531,27.636983333333333,27.66415,spk_0,registry experimental release. +532,27.667816666666667,27.70948333333333,spk_0,"This is just a, a sample of everything that we're working on." +533,27.70965,27.76333333333333,spk_0,So please check out the release kickoff page for a full list of items. +534,27.7635,27.80633333333333,spk_0,Uh also feel free to comment on our issues and engage with the team. +535,27.8065,27.85165,spk_0,We love to get interaction from customers and folks across the community. +536,27.851816666666668,27.87815,spk_0,So please don't hesitate to reach out +537,27.889316666666662,27.93865,spk_0,and with that. Thank you very much for watching the 69 8 release. diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/Social_Media_-_Harmed_Teens.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/Social_Media_-_Harmed_Teens.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..283282596582d8377ccd291c14262e25e02921d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/Social_Media_-_Harmed_Teens.csv @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,0.1356666666666666,0.3591499999999999,spk_0,"More recently, I did have a hate account on Instagram. They um like told me to kill myself and told me that I like was ugly and I looked like a clown. But then I realized theyre only making fun of me because Im giving them attention about it." +1,0.4594833333333333,0.609,spk_1,"Im a pro social media because I like to send memes to my grandma. I like to keep connected with my friends. But most importantly, I think its a useful platform and tool." +2,0.60915,0.734,spk_0,"I didnt know what a trans guy was before I was on Tik Tok. I just thought I was a, like a masculine, like girl" +3,0.7864833333333333,0.9075,spk_2,"have social media but like, I dont use them. I kind of just have enough posts that doesnt make me seem like a loser." +4,0.9513333333333333,1.099,spk_3,I find it really toxic because um everythings based off of numbers. I just wanna see how if pro social media has helped their life because it hasnt really helped me as a person. +5,1.1313166666666667,1.24615,spk_4,"Im a content creator on tiktok, Instagram, Snapchat. Id say that I would make like 30 to $40,000 a month." +6,1.246816666666667,1.5305,spk_5,"Im antisocial media because of the present algorithms in place windows. No, I think Tik Tok is because its manipulating their users and taking so much information from them and theyre showing that through the For you page and people dont care." +7,1.6788333333333334,1.7818333333333334,spk_4,"Hi, Im Alexa. Im 18 years old and Im pro social media and I love social media just because of the culture it + brings." +8,1.7971666666666666,1.8968166666666664,spk_1,"Hi, Im Phillips plural. I am on the pro side and I just like to spread awareness." +9,1.90865,2.094333333333333,spk_0,"Hi, Im Alex. Im 16. Im on Instagram, tiktok and a little bit of youtube and I am pro social media because it helped me meet a lot of other trans kids when I was struggling." +10,2.103833333333333,2.2213166666666666,spk_3,"Hi, Im Ella. Im 15 and Im antisocial media because I find it really toxic and competitive for myself." +11,2.221483333333333,2.3628333333333336,spk_5,"Hi, Im Emma. Im 18 and I am antisocial media and Im the CEO of a movement that works to kind of promote a healthier existence on + social media." +12,2.362983333333333,2.49915,spk_2,My name is Emmy. Im 16. Im antisocial media because of personal experience and like general anxiety. I want +13,2.5213166666666664,2.744333333333333,spk_6,"to go on that. Yeah, Im gonna read out a prompt if you agree, step forward and if you disagree, stay good. I spend more than three hours on social media daily." +14,2.833666666666667,2.946166666666667,spk_3,"I definitely find myself scrolling for hours when Im bored and I definitely get sucked in and I cant stop + for me." +15,2.9463166666666667,3.136,spk_1,"Um, a lot of my school stuff got pushed to social media, all the clubs and orgs. Another one thats more personal to me is that um keeps you in touch with your family. All my family is in Vietnam. So, yeah." +16,3.1396666666666664,3.26965,spk_0,"Yeah. And a lot of my friends are online and Im just like, on their account, you know, like hyping them up or just like texting them on Instagram because I dont, I dont like to use regular + tag." +17,3.269833333333333,3.4004833333333333,spk_3,"Its definitely my number one source of entertainment. I dont watch as much youtube or Netflix and I kind of just go through Tik Tok and like, thats what brings me joy. Sometimes" +18,3.4038166666666667,3.41315,spk_0,Tik Tok is +19,3.434166666666667,3.458333333333333,spk_3," short attention + spans." +20,3.4611500000000004,3.541,spk_4,"You get sucked in like you go on for like 30 minutes, youre just there forever. And that happens to me all + the time." +21,3.541166666666667,3.6393333333333335,spk_3,"But sometime I spend more time comparing myself to others. Oh, Im not getting that many likes and it kind of brings me + down." +22,3.639483333333333,3.832983333333333,spk_4,"But um if I went on Tik Tok and I kind of just analyzed everyone and just was like trying to compare myself, then it would definitely bring me down. But just as a content creator, I just have the mindset of like, oh, this is what you make and maybe I can make it differently" +23,3.919333333333333,4.411816666666667,spk_5,"prior to a movement. I started called log off. I spent about five hours on social media day and it was to talk with my sister who was in college, but I also got really bad um repercussions about my body and I felt really terrible after scrolling. But you know, after I rethought about how I wanted to spend my time on there, it became much more productive. So I still spend time on like Instagram. Its just to like, get a meme from my college sister or to like, talk with friends that really bring me up. I + have an Instagram, I have a tiktok but like, I never open the app. Like," +24,4.413583333333333,4.909916666666667,spk_2,"ever, Im clearly not the skinniest and like I have alopecia. So Im losing my hair and like, Ill look on social media and like, Ill see some like K pop star and theyre like a double zero with the longest hair on the planet and theyre like s like their skin is silk smooth. And when I take pictures, no matter what I do, you can see the whites of my scalp. So I dont take photos and because I dont take photos, I dont have anything to post and because I dont have anything to post, I dont see a point in opening the app. Plus Id rather spend my time reading." +25,4.9355,5.16,spk_1,"I used to be more um meek and mild. I was just like, oh no, theyre gonna call me, Im ugly and theyre gonna hate on me. But then um when tiktok started blowing up, one of my videos blew up and I was just like, hey, they dont hate me and I was just like, oh OK, the confidence its coming in" +26,5.1654833333333325,5.750483333333333,spk_5,"and I get 100 notifications a day from my best friend saying I found this new video you would love and Ill click on it occasionally and I love the video because its funny, its short and it like matches my personality, but it makes me really upset when like I facetime with my friend and shes scrolling through Tik Tok. Its really scary to see my friends kind of disconnect with me and just connect with these people theyve never met. What do you think is the + misconception pro social media people that were narcs and that we kind of hate social media. Like parents hate social media. I dont think they really know our stories and know why exactly we dont want to exist on the platforms in the way that they are." +27,5.750666666666667,5.90715,spk_3,"Ive had hurtful things posted about me and the thing about the internet, its, its there forever and its not like a word that was just said to me on the playground. Its something thats out there and other people can see" +28,5.92265,5.97165,spk_6,social media makes you antisocial. +29,6.1013166666666665,6.380483333333333,spk_5,"There can be communities found within social media, but my personal experience with it and from a lot of stories that Ive heard through log off is that a lot of kids have lost people because of social media. And I think that that constant mindless scrolling allows you to kind of go into this bubble and just hunker down and to not really talk with people." +30,6.38065,6.7019166666666665,spk_2,"I know a bunch of kids that like, dont know how to communicate outside of like an emoji or like outside of like a picture or like, only have a one picture face and like, we repeatedly take the same, like, well stop everyone in the friend group to pick a wall and just sit there and pose and take 100 photos and stand there and wait, theyre like, no, no, Ill take one more. I + definitely like would base like entire friend groups to" +31,6.7021,6.988866666666667,spk_3,"hang out and just take pictures like we wouldnt communicate. It would just be pictures just to post on Instagram. And then I would find myself that like we didnt even connect when we were hanging out. It was wasnt quality time because I feel like, oh, I have to get that perfect photo of all of that. All of us looking like were having fun even if were not, I just need to get that so I can + post it after a while." +32,6.989033333333333,7.1973666666666665,spk_1,You feel the pressure and everything. People start being people and theyre just empty profile pictures. People will come to me and they wont know my name. Theyll go by my screen name and then Im just like uh am I human? +33,7.228833333333333,7.630983333333333,spk_0,"I like to ask questions and comments and ask like, oh, where did you get that or you know like what hair dye did you use or something like that? Because I think its a lot more engaging or I like to sometimes Ill make my like my post, Ill make it a question. Like the the the caption, I like to interact with like a lot of my followers through comments because Im uncomfortable, you know, messaging them personally. Its good to like interact with the people that support + you." +34,7.631150000000001,7.7414,spk_5,"But what would you say to like bigger influence like Kylie Jenner, like Kim Kardash that cant have that interaction via the comments + and then Alex," +35,7.74155,7.813733333333333,spk_1,"some people just dont even reply to you. Those just double tap, like the message going + off." +36,7.8139,8.376966666666666,spk_4,"What you said about like making real human connection. Have you ever like looked into like social media accounts to like promote that because I dont know if you guys know were not really strangers. If you guys know them, they have a card game, you dont know. OK, so its ba basically a card game where you have perception analysis and then reflection and then you just have conversations like or how are you really or you know, if how is like, whats, what do you, what do you, what would you name the chapter of this in your life? And then boom, were in a 20 minute conversation that like she feels really low and shes trying to change. And the, and you know, and I would have never thought that if this social media account didnt push me or didnt encourage me to have deeper conversations." +37,8.377966666666667,8.6342,spk_5,"I agree. But I think the issue is with the algorithm in place like thats not popping up on my feed. Like Im not, I dont know that those exist and because its so expansive and because theres so much hollowness and mindless scrolling, like, Ive never found that if I found that I would have loved that with the + algorithm and the fact that you never see those things," +38,8.634366666666667,8.855033333333333,spk_4,"like I always feel like were on a whole different side of tiktok than you are and all it takes is just to look up like deep conversations on the internet. There would have been a vogue article about were not really friends and then you would have looked it up, you know. So in order to change your algorithm, you just have to change the things that youre looking for." +39,8.8552,9.089583333333334,spk_5,"But dont you think maybe like the algorithm in place is whats making it so dangerous because its like theyre pumping out these really terrible kind of like content videos. But also youve got like the attention economy where theyre like fighting to get your information to then give to people like to put ads in your feed that you wont + notice." +40,9.08975,9.2996,spk_0,"Even if youre not on social media, you know, its gonna do that anyway. Like if youre searching anything on, like if youre searching something up on safari and you go onto your computer onto Chrome, the ads will probably be the same, you know, its just, its just technology, + you know." +41,9.299766666666669,9.917,spk_1,"Um I sat down here saying that social media makes people antisocial. But hearing Alexa and Alex speak, it makes me remember that um social media isnt just, you know, the whole tiktok scene. Its also schools, theres clubs and stuff. Um Ive made a couple of new friends from social media because um they live in Ventura, I live in San Diego. So I dont think its necessarily just the whole big fame thing. Theres also the smaller group. Yeah. I, Id like to say social media changed my life. Im uh more confident. I actually think about what I wear. I used to just roll out bed, grab whats near. I do see how social media can be bad, but I, I like to think of it in a positive light." +42,9.93015,9.973,spk_6,I have been bullied on social media. +43,10.032666666666668,10.371,spk_4,"Mhm I know you guys remember like those musically days, I feel like that was my biggest bullying because its like when you, its just like entering a whole different society, its just like when youre going out, youre making videos, you dont really know what you wanna post or what you wanna do or what you wanna look like. So it is gonna be cringy at first and its not gonna be great. Musically + was definitely a dark time." +44,10.371166666666666,10.943483333333337,spk_0,"Um More recently, I did have a hate account on Instagram. They um like told me to kill myself and told me that like, because I was upset about my pet dying that I should kill myself. And that I like, was ugly and I looked like a clown and, yeah, I really, really, really let it get to me for a long time. But then I realized, you know, like, theyre only making fun of me because Im giving them attention about it. So I just had to, like, block them from all my accounts and block all the people they were following and block all the people that were following them and then I just had to stop looking. And if I dont look at it, then I dont know what theyre saying. + Right. And thats the thing." +45,10.94365,11.072566666666669,spk_4,"Its just like, once you stop looking into it, its, you just stop beating the fire and it will die eventually because you just dont even pay it. No mind. + I dont have a big following." +46,11.072733333333334,11.418566666666669,spk_3,"So its mostly, mostly people I know usually its Tik Toks and its not with my name in it, but you can tell that its implied towards me and I try not to comment but like, theres some points where theyre coming out and saying like, completely false things about me posting and hating on someone through the internet is completely different from in person because its there forever. You dont have control over that because its up to them to delete it." +47,11.465,11.833583333333332,spk_5,"So I have had rude comments been made about me, but Ive never been like, heavily cyberbullied because I dont really have a big following and because of the community that Im in, Ive just read hundreds of stories about kids who, like, felt like they wanted to kill themselves because of the rude comments they were getting. And I just remember like, there were nights when I, I would cry and Id be so upset because I couldnt really do anything about + it." +48,11.83375,12.998816666666666,spk_2,"My cyberbullying experience the first, like, big one I was in like this like dance team, right? And I was the shortest kid, the fattest kid and like one of like three Asians. So I clearly stuck out no matter what I did. And you know, like after practice, like all the girls would like do that like 2014 like ass out like like the duck face thing pose one day, like one of them like invited me to take the photo with them and I thought like this was the only way you could pose on Instagram. So like I did it and then they took the photo and they were all like laughing and they started uploading it. I didnt know why over like the next 2.5, 3 years, they would continuously like bring me into the photo. Like I would never just go up, theyd always ask me, hey, do you wanna be in the photo? Do you wanna be in the photo? So I felt like I was being included. But when I like got a phone and when I got on Instagram and when I started following like my fellow dance team members, I would look at their Instagrams and like from the beginning its photos of me. Theyll zoom in on me and theyll be like, look at that fat thing, that monster like, is it trying to pose? Like what is like, what does that thing think it is? Like, do they think theyre cute? I wasnt like elementary school. Like, I dont know how to deal with myself. Like I barely know how to open a peanut butter jar and you expect me to know how to deal with people calling me it and like a monster. You know what I mean?" +49,13.024483333333334,13.0815,spk_6," Social media can cause young people to hurt + themselves." +50,13.17865,13.479983333333331,spk_5,"Instagram, tiktok. Everything is the highlight reel. My Instagram, Im not gonna post the ugliest picture of me when I scroll to my friends, I in the back of my head, I should know that that, thats the same for them yet. Im like, they look so pretty. Why do I not look like that? And I think for younger generations its really scary that theyre gonna have to deal with + this." +51,13.48015,14.0625,spk_2,"I have this one photo thats so vivid in my memory and like Im at like an aquarium and Im leaning against like one of the fish tanks and my dad and my dad and my brother are next to me and Im like half my brothers height, my face sagging my body like my clothes dont fit on me. And Im like, at that time I didnt realize how depressed I was and how, how much these, like, these, like, dance photos were ruining me. Thats kind of when I knew like, social media is not something I like, Im not safe here, you know, and so an excuse I can make for not pleasing people online is that I dont use it and then Ill be ok." +52,14.0755,14.35915,spk_4,"The thing, the bad thing about social media is like, if you have a bad friend in real life and your moms like, avoid them, dont be next to them and stuff. But on social media, you almost cant avoid them. And I feel like thats where like a lot, a lot of kids can get hurt because they common root things on your things or they dont share the same opinions and those friends are horrible. You know, I dont + know how Tumblr is now because I dont go on it," +53,14.359316666666668,14.584833333333334,spk_0,"but there are a lot of like self harm pages and eating sort of pages with like ideas to make yourself lose weight. Theres so much of that on Tumblr that I had to get off of Tumblr. Um And I think that definitely will hurt kids now and in the future," +54,14.584983333333334,14.783333333333331,spk_4,"I just cant imagine being like 10 or 11 or 12 just being so young and looking through this and taking all these suggestions in, Im 18 now, like I go through it and I know better. But I feel like you could get seriously hurt when youre young because you really just dont know any + better." +55,14.786316666666666,15.166316666666669,spk_1,"Yeah. Ill just play back on what you said about how little kids dont know better. I saw a hack where it was like scoop ice cream and it said microwave the spoon. Most, most Children wouldnt know. Yeah. In cases like that it does hurt me to be pro social media. But social media, I, I think it was always more intended for more discretion. Like I, I have + this friend named Jessie Page and she is very," +56,15.166483333333334,15.585833333333332,spk_0,"very like pro body positivity and like pro like, like mental health, you know, like really, like I wanna get better. Thats why I keep all my posts up because I want people to be able to go back and look I wasnt on t for three years, you know, when I was out, you know, like I was fully out and like fighting for myself to start hormones. My friend Jessie too, she also puts before and after she always puts like this is the real me. Do you think" +57,15.59,15.602816666666666,spk_6,social media has changed your +58,15.605333333333334,15.769316666666668,spk_0,"life 100%? I dont think I would be the person I am if it wasnt for social media. I first came out on Tik Tok and my parents didnt even know thats how they found out. Actually," +59,15.7835,15.874483333333334,spk_6,Children under the age of 13 should not be allowed on social media. +60,15.973483333333332,16.421083333333332,spk_5,"Well, um its kind of funny because I talked to a lot of organizations with log off. And the main point that they try to get across is that theyre trying to advocate for kids to get cell phones and technology and social media at an older age. Um, and, you know, years ago I would have said thats really stupid. Thats like the drug talk, like, dont do drugs, dont be on social media. Im not gonna listen to that. But then after years of kind of self reflection, I wish someone would have said you dont need Instagram to have a social life + if I go back to like my 13 year old self and like," +61,16.42125,16.630983333333333,spk_2,"I didnt have all the experiences I had and I just kind of knew like, oh, its a good place I would be posting God knows what right. Kids are dumb and if you give kids a platform to do whatever they want, theyre gonna be dumb." +62,16.631666666666668,16.833983333333332,spk_5,"Theres no educational advocacy out there to actually allow for that to happen. And when they are there, its this older teacher who like has a completely different outlook on social media because they never existed in an age where it was your life." +63,16.852333333333334,17.120150000000002,spk_4,"You know, I just feel like its almost, its just unrealistic when I was 13, I was fully on social media making videos every single day. So I just feel like if anything, it helped me more when I was 13, like it really allowed me to just know what things were and not be so what is going on. Like, you know, not knowing a lot of things + because like, I was on social media," +64,17.120316666666668,17.35,spk_0,"like 11 years old, like I was a child and on social media and my, my dad told me he was like, you know, but youre also trans and youre also like LGBT, you know, you need to be able to meet people because your bubble that you would know of trans people would be zero." +65,17.351733333333335,17.50275,spk_1,"Heres the thing we, we, I think were underestimating Children. Theyre relentless. We put an age limit on Instagram or an age limit on like um an adult type website. Theyre still gonna get through." +66,17.50475,17.850083333333334,spk_3,I didnt have social media. I was probably like the last couple of people out of my like friends because my mom knew the restrictions and how the things that are on the internet is. You cant control what other people are posting and you cant control what your kids are seeing. But I believe that like other kids mature at different ages and we cant really rest like restrict certain people from going on this platform when its public. +67,17.86116666666667,18.184166666666663,spk_5,"Its difficult because I, I do think what you said is true where if I was 13 and someone said you have to be 13 to get on this app or you or like you have to be older, I would have lied about my, my age and I know there are millions of kids like that that are like, he, he, he break the system and be, like, put in a different age. See, + thats the thing with any problem." +68,18.18433333333333,18.35731666666667,spk_1,"You cant just take the problem and move it over here. Its all about the education. It should be a class, like how sex ed is, there should be like tech ed, like + computer lab days exist." +69,18.35748333333333,18.403650000000003,spk_2,"Like, was that just my school? Like, there were computer lab days or something?" +70,18.41215,18.42698333333333,spk_3,We just practice typing +71,18.428816666666663,19.03448333333333,spk_2,"when you practice typing, like, instead of just practicing typing, practice how to not be an idiot online and, like, how to, like, learn and understand, like, the harm of it because, like, if I had that education, I know that, like, I would have, like, at least braced myself for it once COVID kinda hit I realized like, I need social media or else I cant, like, find anyone. I know some people that kind of think, like, when I say that I dont use social media a lot, theyre like, oh, do you think youre cooler than us because you dont need, like, social media validation? But its more like Im afraid of if I search for that validation that Im not gonna get it." +72,19.048,19.113333333333333,spk_6,Social media more than my school heart. +73,19.176483333333334,19.482983333333333,spk_3,"Yes. I know all schools they dont talk about some deep topics that social media brings to light and it teaches you and it teaches you how to get through it and how to do it without talking to your family if you are uncomfortable and without talking to the school because sometimes schools dont have that education in place. My + teacher told everyone" +74,19.4855,19.8449,spk_0,"that Rupauls drag race was a good example of trans people. Of course, like I got in trouble for like, correcting him or whatever, but it was like, I could not let him spread fake information like that. Those are not trans people, those are drag queens. And that is a totally different topic. Im very far in my transition for 16 and it social media definitely helped me a lot." +75,19.851233333333333,19.97958333333333,spk_1,"And then the fact that you even got in trouble for that shows that school is that like, you know, theyre lacking, you + know, personal experience is how you learn the most, you know," +76,19.979750000000003,20.1309,spk_4,"you go on social media and theres someone talking about this eating disorder, this depression that they went to. Its just someone actually talking to a camera giving you real advice that a school really can never do." +77,20.1795,20.74858333333333,spk_5,"I wanna preface it with. I am kind of like, Im very lucky. Um The school that I go to Altamont is like a private school in Alabama and theyre very, very good with kind of integrating these conversations into the academic dialogue. I, I totally agree with everything yall have said. Ive learned how to Rainbow Loom and Ive done a bunch of different things on social media but Ive also looked up like election and theres been misinformation after misinformation and with COVID. So for yall that answered, how do you, how you kind of outweigh like the chance to learn a bunch of new things, but also the chance of seeing a lot of stuff that isnt necessarily true. I + think you just have to look for credible websites." +78,20.74875,20.9514,spk_4,"I mean, its just like when youre doing an essay, you wouldnt believe. I, I just feel like blogs, any of that kind of stuff. It is easy to get a lot of misinformation, but its also easy to see that this information is fake. Like, but + what about like a young kid that cant really discern that?" +79,20.95156666666667,20.9659,spk_5," Because I feel like + thats the," +80,20.966066666666663,21.14065,spk_0,"my dad actually um put the Washington Post and the New York Times on my phone so that I would look at it more. So I would get the notifications, you know, all I had to do was put it on my phone." +81,21.142166666666665,21.352666666666668,spk_5,"There have been times when Ive disagreed with what the teacher said and that that is true. But I also think that with social media, with the algorithm in place, its harder to harder like to discern, I disagree with you + just because I feel like as kids," +82,21.352833333333333,21.46933333333333,spk_3,"we look up to our teachers for the right answers and if they are like providing like a bias answer, were getting the wrong information. + If youve taken" +83,21.473666666666663,21.654066666666665,spk_1,"a science class there will be times where the teachers own political beliefs might make the learning bias so comparable to social media. Its about the same. Yeah. But I + think its more dangerous on social media because I," +84,21.65425,21.8534,spk_5,"I agree it is very dangerous in the classroom, especially when you look up to teachers with the algorithm. They dont have that humanity for to like to actually discern like, oh, this is an article about how masks arent important. So like, but Im gonna pump that out." +85,21.8599,22.15148333333333,spk_4,"But I would just, I would disagree with you for that exact reason because because its just one human, one way of life, one perspective, one thought, you know, but at least when you go on social media and you put up Trump, its gonna come up both sides of the story, you know, when its up to you to differentiate and read it and see, OK, this comes from this credible website and this is coming from a blog on + Wikipedia." +86,22.15165,22.32415,spk_1,"What if were talking about like, just a straightforward thing like math science or English? Sometimes you can get like a cruddy teacher and they wont really teach you that. Well, you just type that into social media. They ring it. Ive never" +87,22.32583333333333,22.56758333333333,spk_4,"like, Ive never been held by a math teacher. I mean, photo math was the only thing that helped me. I mean, and its not even like it only gave me the answers. I mean, you saw like you scrolled up and it literally shows you step by step what it does and you look for the reasoning, heres the reasoning. And sometimes + if I have a lot of trouble with like an assignment or something," +88,22.567733333333333,22.7679,spk_0,"Ill actually like post a picture of it and Ill be like, hey, like I am really bad in this subject. Every single time people do message me and help me out or like we comment and be like, hey, like actually this is what youre doing wrong and this is how you do it right?" +89,22.788816666666666,22.909983333333333,spk_6,Society would thrive without social. I dont know if we +90,22.96848333333333,23.307,spk_5,"for me on a macro scale, I think there are some really um troubling signs that social media is kind of unwinding society and humanity in the sense of like the democracy debate, governments can use social media to then kind of undermine elections. Um And I think those are bigger issues when you look at the macro scale. But again, on the micro scale, there are so many different people in the world that + would thrive with it." +91,23.307166666666667,23.54758333333333,spk_3,"I know other people that are like me, I think I would thrive more without social media because I kind of I compare myself and I look for those likes and look for those comments on my posts. And I feel like if I didnt have that concern my mental health and my self love and self image would be so much better if I didnt see all this stuff on the internet." +92,23.54775,24.330166666666667,spk_2,"But part of me wants to ask for like a def a definition for like thrive because like, are we talking about like us as like a human race or like people individually Instagram and things and like put like make you have poor body image and this that but also like in the case of like Alex, you know, it helps him, you know, meet other trans people and understand that like he isnt alone, right? And so it, its such a general question with so many variables that like you cant just like put one answer down. Yeah, you need so + case by case you need to know if its on the micro macro scale and you know, like Alex is a following that is a lot of other trans kids that are looking for other trans kids and if Alex just went mi a for a month, people would panic, you know, and like, you know, like I can totally like, sorry to like keep using you but like, like this is like the easiest like, like analogy, right? Im sorry, Alex, I love it. I was like, this is just like the + easiest example." +93,24.33333333333333,24.609483333333333,spk_0,"Um I have a question actually. Um so I, in the recent months, especially there have been a lot of protests and stuff that were like a lot of them were created online and I think that if we didnt have social media, a lot of them wouldnt have been possible because there wouldnt have been the word spread so fast." +94,24.60965,25.02615,spk_2,"I, I agree. Yes. These protests got really big and its really important. But I, the thing that Ive kind of been looking at is the people that go and take a picture and they like, oh my God, like, I, Im so supportive and like, they change their profile picture. They do the blackout Tuesday and then a week later it gets archived when people go with like professional grade cameras and like bring a hair and makeup team to like sit there and like pose in the middle of the street. Like its less of the movement and more of the social + media and yeah," +95,25.026316666666663,25.50933333333333,spk_4,"and I think thats also a perspective thing because I think there was maybe one or two major influencers who were dumb enough to take a production team out there to take a picture. And I think that was for people like you guys who are antisocial media to focus be like, wow, see, look at all these influencers. Its the whole entire community is just like them. And I was in New York for a couple of days and I was in like Washington Square or something. They were passing out flyers like, hey, share this on your Snapchat if you know anyone in New York and I wasnt only in New York for like two days, but I posted it and I got like, I dont know, like 40,000 people on Snapchat to watch it and be, and if they were in New York, they could + go by these like, performative parts." +96,25.50948333333333,25.7965,spk_2,"Im not talking, only influencers like, yes, that is a big part. And it is very troublesome when influencers do, like, kind of go out and like, pose for like the picture rather than for the protest. But when people kind of seeing like, oh, this is trendy and when people have that desire to like go viral, theyll go out and theyll do + it." +97,25.79715,26.1155,spk_1,"But heres like a scenario. What if um me, Alex, I mean, Alex, Alex and Alexa, we all just teamed up, we did like a charity stream and then donated to, lets say, lets, lets just throw back to like early 2020 whether it was like fires wouldnt California or Australia thrive from us donating." +98,26.12366666666667,26.288,spk_3,"I do agree that um social media does like, promote awareness and it helps change and definitely in our societies, everyones on social media. So if they see this and it gets spread, its gonna make change. Yeah." +99,26.288166666666665,26.54748333333333,spk_5,"And thats kind of why I made like the log off movement is because I saw that there was this multifaceted nature about social media and at least just wanted to discuss it with teens and to be like, lets figure out how to exist in a healthier way. And um even though social media, we can talk about the good and the bad all day, its just nice to be in one space and have one conversation." +100,26.54765,26.62983333333333,spk_2,"I mean, yeah, technically, social media did bring us here. So I guess thats a good thing. Like, hey, we dont have to talk about that." +101,26.73433333333333,27.055983333333334,spk_7,"Hi, everyone. Wish you a very happy New Year and hope you enjoyed this episode. I personally struggle a lot with my social media usage. So recently I bought an alarm clock so that the phone is not the first thing I look at in the morning and Im not tempted to go on social media if you have any suggestions as to how you control your social media usage, feel free to leave in the comments section below. And thanks for watching." diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/Social_Media_-_Ruins_your_life.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/Social_Media_-_Ruins_your_life.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6732f70cb8115a02c717a1ca575cf33f70eda1b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/Social_Media_-_Ruins_your_life.csv @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,0.00015,0.0785,spk_0,"Is there, is there a principal reason why I should delete my social media? And if so, what is it?" +1,0.11065,1.3358333333333334,spk_1,"There are 21 of them is for your own good and the other is for societys good for your own good. Its because youre being subtly manipulated by algorithms that are watching everything you do constantly and then sending you changes in your media feed in your diet that are calculated to adjust you slightly to the liking of some unseen advertiser. And so if you get off that you can have a chance to experience a clearer view of yourself and your life. Uh But then the, the reason for society might be even more important. Society has been gradually darkened by this scheme in which everyone is under surveillance all the time and everyone is under this mild version of behavior modification all the time. Its made people jittery and cranky. Its made uh teens especially depressed, which can be quite severe. But its made our politics kind of unreal and strange where were not sure if elections are real anymore. Were not sure how much the Russians affected Brexit. We do know that it was a crankier affair than it might have been. Otherwise" +2,1.3408166666666663,1.4338166666666663,spk_0,you say its bad for me as an individual. Is it bad for me because Im addicted? Have I become chemically hooked? +3,1.44915,2.41765,spk_1,"You have uh the founders of the Great Silicon Valley spying empires like Facebook have publicly declared that they intentionally included addictive schemes in, in their designs. Now, we have to say this is what I would call almost a stealthy addiction. Its, its a statistical addiction. What it says is we will get the broad population to use the services a lot. Well get them hooked through a scheme of rewards and punishment. Uh And the, the, the, the rewards are when youre retweeted, the punishment is when youre treated badly by others online. And then within that, well very gradually start to, to leverage that to change them. So its, its this, its this very kind of stealthy manipulation of the population. So its not as dramatic as a heroin addict or a gambling addict, but it is the same principle, but whos, + whos doing the manipulating?" +4,2.4178333333333333,2.4915000000000003,spk_0,"I mean, there isnt some m sort of wizard of all sitting behind the screen." +5,2.4916666666666667,3.0603166666666666,spk_1,"Well, this is the peculiarity of the situation. The people who run the tech companies like Google and Facebook are not doing the manipulating, theyre doing the addicting, but the manipulating which rides on the back of the addicting is the paying customer of, of, of such a company. So, uh and, and many of those customers are not at all bad influences. They might simply be trying to promote their cars or their perfumes or whatever. And indeed, I have sympathy for them because theyre concerned that if they dont put money into the system, nobody will know about them anymore. How + is it different to just television advertising," +6,3.064983333333333,3.09365,spk_0,billboard advertising or anything else? +7,3.099333333333333,3.7258333333333336,spk_1,"The difference is that the constant feedback loop? So when you watch the television, the television isnt watching you. When you see the billboard, the billboard isnt seeing you. And vast numbers of people see the same thing on television and see the same billboard. When you use these new designs, social media search uh youtube, when you see these things, youre being observed constantly and algorithms are taking that information and changing what you see next and theyre searching and searching and searching and, and theyre just blind robots. Theres no evil genius here until they find those patterns, those, those little tricks that get you and make you change your behavior" +8,3.73065,3.852816666666667,spk_0,"in terms of society. I mean, you, you, you threw in this, you know, its making people depressed. But is there any actual evidence for that?" +9,3.8615,4.4335,spk_1,"Yeah, unfortunately, theres a vast amount of evidence. There have been dozens of studies at this point, um including studies released by Facebook scientists. So this is, this is something we can call a consensus and, and when Facebook releases such things, they say, oh, but we do all these good things too that balance it. But theres, theres a general acknowledgment that uh depression correlates. Uh the scariest uh example is a correlation between rises in uh teen suicide and the, and the rise in use of social media. And so, yes, unfortunately, this is + real. But are you sure you can blame it on" +10,4.439316666666667,4.509816666666667,spk_0,"social media? Is it, is it not just those two things may have happened at the same time for other reasons?" +11,4.511,5.040066666666666,spk_1,"Well, heres a distinction we have to make its very similar to the problem of global climate change. We can say statistically over the whole population. Yes, the correlation is real and any particular person, of course, we cant, just as we cant blame any particular storm on global warming. Its causality, isnt it? It, yeah, I mean, uh it is causality and its, this is something thats very well demonstrated. Uh So, uh when the companys own scientists are publishing on, on this topic and come to the same agreement, I think its time to say this is real." +12,5.05915,5.1493166666666665,spk_0,Why have you sort of turned on your own kind? +13,5.162983333333333,5.843833333333333,spk_1,"I love Silicon Valley and I do not at all feel that Ive turned on my own kind. And just to be clear, Im very much a part of this. I, Ive sold the company to Google. Im not in any sense an outsider. I believe that what were doing is not in our own self interest. Uh business interests are a part of society. If they destroy society, they destroy themselves. I believe its very clear that we could offer all of the good things. And there are many, many good things in these services and social media in particular. Im convinced we can offer them without this manipulation engine in the background. Theres a world of other business plans and I think theyd be better for us. So III, I dont think were being evil so much as were being stupid" +14,5.886316666666667,6.01815,spk_0,"when it comes to Facebook has Facebook made itself safe yet in terms of data harvesting and scraping and all of + that." +15,6.0243166666666665,6.6076500000000005,spk_1,"Well, um Facebooks fundamental design is one that is uh its, its the business model is to addict you and then offer a channel to you, to third parties to take advantage of that to change you in some way without you realizing its happening. I mean, thats, thats what it does. So I dont think any amount of tweaking can uh fully heal it. I think it needs a different business plan you, I mean, its very hard to throw a barrage of rules at somebody whos following certain incentives and then expect them to really make a difference." +16,6.607833333333334,6.77115,spk_0,"So when Mark Zuckerberg says hes taking action and you know, he regrets whats happened and all the rest of it, youre saying he cant make his own product a safe and desirable product." +17,6.792833333333333,7.149166666666667,spk_1,"I believe that as long as his business incentives are contrary to the interests of the people who use it, who are different from the customers. Uh then no matter how sincere he is, and I believe hes, hes sincere and no matter how clever he is, he cant undo that problem. He has to go back to the basics and change the nature of the business plan." +18,7.157333333333333,7.482333333333333,spk_0,"And if he, if he doesnt agree with that and says, were just gonna carry on how much of an how mu how mu how important is security of that data uh and the inability to repeat what has happened with Cambridge Analytica and all that kind of sort of data harvesting that went on. I + dont believe that this is," +19,7.489166666666667,8.49415,spk_1,"I dont believe that what happened with Cambridge Analytica is the worst of it. Uh The whole system is designed for this, like lets suppose that Facebook reforms itself so that the next Cambridge Analytica cant get access to that data. They can still get access to the same results because the service Facebook offers is exactly what C analytics. Yeah, I mean, this is, you know, um there are uh bad actors are, are, are, are able to use Facebook in ways that Facebook cant understand because the way the service is designed is fundamentally to be manipulative. So I think the data protection idea is a sincere and good idea, but its certainly not adequate. It doesnt address the core problem, which is the manipulation engine. And as long as that, is there a bad actor can find a way to utilize it. So uh to me this, this concern about data protection while laudable doesnt address the core problem, do you think theyre + all as bad as each other?" +20,8.500483333333333,8.607333333333335,spk_0,"I mean, you know, why is something like youtube which is basically just a way of watching video bad for you" +21,8.62765,10.035983333333332,spk_1,"youtube, its not necessarily bad for you. Uh Remember this is a statistical distribution. So for some percentage of people, itll have an effect of making them uh crankier around election time and feeling needier around the time they might be making a purchase and so forth. And the way it works is that all the data Google can get on you much of which comes from um just your email or, or whatever else it might be is fed into an engine that compares you with other people who share some similar traits and youtubes ordering of videos that are presented to you is designed to on the one hand maximize your engagement. So you wont stop watching, but thats achieved not just by observing you, but by a multitude of people who are similar to you. And then when you do get an ad, its contextualized in a way that has been shown to be effective, not only for you but for this whole population. So its this giant statistical thing and its bad for you because it leaches your free will. It makes you cranky. It, it makes the world a little darker because youre not perceiving reality clearly anymore. Youre be, its being, uh, manipulated, its being, uh, tricked in a way. Uh, and, uh, it, uh, the, the people who are paying or maybe not paying just using the system to, uh, in a clever way to get at you are not necessarily, um, pleasant people. Theyre, theyre, theyre sort of the worst actors in some cases." +22,10.036316666666666,10.20915,spk_0,"But dont, dont some users think, look, I can handle advertising. You know, I know what Im doing here. Im getting a free service. Uh And, you know, they think theyre manipulating me, but I know what Im doing." +23,10.2305,11.1055,spk_1,"The problem is that behaviors, techniques are often invisible to the person whos being manipulated and, and this has a long history. This has been done for a long time. Uh It used to be that the only way to be subjected to continuous observation and modification was to either be in an experiment. Uh You could be in the basement of a psychology building and have students tweaking you for their projects or you could join a cult or you could be in an abusive relationship. I mean, this has been done before and often the people who are in these situations do not realize its happening to them. In fact, the whole point is that its, its sneaky. Its, its a, its a mechanical approach to manipulating people. And because its, its so algorithmic, it doesnt involve direct communication and people dont get the cues to understand whats happening with them. Why + do you think, um, social media has had the effects on politics that it has," +24,11.115666666666668,11.188483333333332,spk_0,"you know, is, is it because of the way people respond to things on social media?" +25,11.203983333333332,12.80525,spk_1,"Well, uh, Id like to give you a slightly detailed answer as quickly as I can. And that is that, uh, in traditional behaviorism, you would give an animal or a person a little treat like candy or maybe an electric shock and youd go back and forth between positive and negative feedback. And when researchers try to determine whether positivity or negativity is more powerful, theyre roughly at parody, theyre both important. But the difference with social media is that the algorithms that are are following, you respond very quickly. Theyre looking for the quick responses and the negative responses like getting startled or scared or irritated or angry tend to rise faster than the uh the positive responses like building trust or feeling good. Those things rise more slowly. So the algorithms naturally catch the negativity and amplify it and introduce negative people to each other. And all of this. And so what this does is it means that the algorithms discover theres more engagement possible uh say by promoting Isis and promoting the Arab Spring. And so ISIS gets more mileage or promoting uh the Ku Klux Klan than Black Lives Matter. Now, in the big picture, its not true that negativity is more powerful but if youre doing this very rapid measurement of human impulses instead of accumulated human behavior, then its the negativity that gets amplified. So you tend to have elections that are more driven by rancor and abuse and you tend to have outcomes that are kind of crazy. And so + the the effects on the media, we consume the news" +26,12.8114,13.052333333333332,spk_0,"as well as also alarming because then it will be the news that makes people angry. This is the news that gets seen in the future or now rather than, you know, a, a more balanced diet of whats really going on in the world." +27,13.0525,13.598,spk_1,"Well, I think what goes on on a show like this is that you have a bit of a longer time horizon in by which you measure success. So you, you have to um impress your viewership enough to tune in, but this is over a process of days and weeks and months and years and you build up a sense of rapport with your, your viewership, right? Um If youre an algorithm thats just looking at instant responses, you dont get that. Its just like how did I engage this person? And itll be, youll, youll find that engagement more often by irritating people than by educating them." +28,13.609666666666667,13.796483333333333,spk_0,"And so is that how you create Trump uh or Duterte or you know, any of the other populist leaders who are doing very well at the moment, partly from the internet. I, + I" +29,13.800983333333331,14.51215,spk_1,"have never known Trump, but I have met him a few times over a fairly long period, over 30 years, actually through different circumstances. And I will say that, um, well, I never would have voted for him as president and I always thought he was, um, somewhat untrustworthy and a bit of a, a showman and a bit of a scammer. He never lost himself and became so strangely insecure and so weirdly, um, um, irritable until he had his own addiction in this case to Twitter. And its, its really damaged him. I mean, I, I view Trump in a way as a victim. Uh Oh yeah, absolutely. His character has been really damaged by his Twitter addiction" +30,14.514666666666669,14.555983333333334,spk_0," because of the reaction he gets from each tweet. + Yeah." +31,14.556983333333331,15.363483333333331,spk_1,"So, you know what happens uh in addiction is the addict becomes hooked, not just on the good part of the addiction experience, but on the whole cycle. So a gambler is not just addicted to winning, but to this whole process where they mostly lose and in the same way, uh the Twitter addict or the social media addict becomes addicted to this engagement, which is often unpleasant where theyre engaged in these uh you know, really abusive exchanges with other human beings. And only once in a while is that, you know, you, you can watch Trump like every once in a while there will be this tweet where somebody likes him and thats when he gets his little uh we call it in the trade, the dopamine hit. Uh uh, thats what its called in Facebook, for instance, he gets this little dopamine hit and then he dives in for more negativity and things and he gets it again and you, you can see the addiction playing out." +32,15.370316666666668,15.460666666666668,spk_0,"Do you think its possible to create a do Gooding social network? + Yes," +33,15.465,16.960150000000002,spk_1,"Im absolutely positive. And the way to do it is to have a different business model where instead of so right now weve created this bizarre society thats unprecedented where if any two people wish to communicate over the internet, the only way that can happen, the only way its financed is through a third party who believes that those two can be manipulated in a sneaky way. Its, its a, its an insane way to structure civilization so we can keep all the good stuff and there is good stuff on social media. Of course, we can keep all that and just throw away the manipulation business model and substitute in a different business model. And, and there are many alternatives that would be better. They just have to be honest. Uh, it could be a paid service like a Netflix where youre paying for it, youre the genuine customer. It has to keep your interest. It could be like a public library. It could become a, a public thing that is, uh, that isnt commercial at all. Thats an option. Uh, but what we did in Silicon Valley is. We wanted it both ways. We wanted everything open and free, but we wanted hero entrepreneurs and hackers. And so the only way to get that was this advertising thing that, that gradually turned into the manipulation engine as the computers got faster and this, this weird business plan, it, once you can see that there are alternatives, you realize how strange it is and how unsustainable it is. This is the thing we must get rid of. We dont have to get rid of the smartphone. We dont have to get rid of the idea of social media. We just have to get rid of the manipulation machine thats in the background. Uh Just + one last thing as well. That is also obsessing parents at the moment. Um" +34,16.96215,17.054166666666667,spk_0,Screen time itself. Do you think that is a bad thing or is it just whats on the screen? +35,17.061666666666667,17.4393,spk_1,"Uh to be um frank with you? I struggle with this question because I have an 11 year old. And so I, I tend to think that manipulation time when the kids are, are being observed by algorithms and tweaked by them is vastly worse than just screen time by itself. So to include + video games and, and in the social media, you know," +36,17.439466666666664,17.492466666666665,spk_0,"the things that are manipulating them because they are similarly addictive, arent they?" +37,17.502149999999997,18.097816666666667,spk_1,"Theyre addictive but not manipulative typically. Now there I here, Im not sure how evil weve become lately because there might be some video games that are using behavior mod techniques for pay. Thats conceivable. I can see how that could happen if youre thinking about it out there. Dont do it. OK. Find something better to do. But the, the mainstream video games are not doing that, they are addictive. So there are plenty of things that are addictive that arent leveraging that for manipulation. So these are two different stages. What do you think of Fortnite? I have not played + it. You know, I havent played it because Fort Knox is exactly that." +38,18.098000000000003,18.15883333333333,spk_0,Its getting people to pay for things within the game. +39,18.16365,18.88,spk_1,"But see, the thing is getting them to pay is still not manipulating them for a third party thats getting them to buy stuff. I mean, Amazon does that to get you to buy stuff. Uh All kinds of people do that, that, that might be annoying. You might object to it, especially if you feel your kids are wasting money, you might object to it. You might feel its not an ideal um example of human behavior and character and maybe there could be a better business, whatever there, but its not directly manipulating, you say to influence an election. Its not trying to change your behavior out in the larger world. And, and thats the thing thats really tragic about designs like Facebook and Google, they are succeeding in doing that. But + your advice" +40,18.882,18.953,spk_0,tonight to everyone watching this is delete all your accounts. +41,18.968316666666663,20.079166666666666,spk_1,"I would like to make two very quick pitches on that account. One, if youre a young person and youve only lived with social media, your first duty is to yourself. You have to know yourself. You should experience travel, you should experience challenge to yourself. You need to know yourself and you cant know yourself without perspective. So at least give it six months without social media and really quit him. Dont like quit Facebook with keep another Facebook thing like whatsapp because then its, itll still be spying and manipulating, get rid of the whole thing for six months and know yourself. And then you can decide, I cant tell you whats right. You have to decide, but you cant until you know yourself. And then for the rest of society, Id say as long as we can have some small percentage of people who are off it, then the society can have voices to give perspective. If everybody is universally part of this thing, we cannot have perspective. We cannot have a real conversation and its too lonely right now. You know, we need more people who are just outside of that loop who are thinking without the manipulation. And I think well find it extraordinarily valuable to have them." +42,20.097816666666667,20.257483333333333,spk_0,"Are you just a new age hippie? I mean, have you just been through the mill and kind of worked out? I wanna check out of all this and lets just, lets just + stop." +43,20.2735,20.686333333333334,spk_1,"Um Do I seem new age to you. I dont know. I mean, you know, I mean, I, here, heres what Ill tell you the bind you put me in is that Id be happy to trash the new age. And, uh, and demonstrate that Im not part of that manner of thinking. Im certainly not. I think, I hope Ive come across as a non utopian. Um, but, uh, the problem is many of my friends in California are quite new age so I want to be kind to them." diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/hr/Conducting_a_disciplinary_investigation.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/hr/Conducting_a_disciplinary_investigation.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b22136ea8c2d5ca874fe0e43bbbc3431e4251ee7 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/hr/Conducting_a_disciplinary_investigation.csv @@ -0,0 +1,1100 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,0.06348333333333334,0.07916666666666666,spk_0,"Well, good afternoon," +1,0.07933333333333333,0.16715,spk_0,everyone and welcome to our webinar on conducting a disciplinary investigation. +2,0.17215,0.22116666666666665,spk_0,Uh We were delighted at the response to this actually. +3,0.22131666666666666,0.2791666666666667,spk_0,Um And it's interesting because so many people undertake training +4,0.2793333333333334,0.35965,spk_0,on disciplinary meetings and disciplinary hearings and the investigation. +5,0.3623166666666667,0.4125,spk_0,The first stage in the procedure is very often overlooked. +6,0.4126666666666667,0.44398333333333334,spk_0,So uh it was heartwarming to see how many +7,0.44415,0.4983166666666667,spk_0,people were interested in learning more about this topic. +8,0.4998166666666667,0.5063166666666666,spk_0,Um +9,0.5141666666666667,0.6018333333333333,spk_0,My name is Alison Blackhurst and I'm the HR Knowledge Manager +10,0.6019833333333333,0.6628333333333334,spk_0,at HR Solutions and I will be leading the seminar this afternoon +11,0.67015,0.756,spk_0,"and I'm joined by my colleague, Sue Watson, who is our hr operations manager." +12,0.7596666666666666,0.8188333333333334,spk_0,"-- Good afternoon, +-- Sue, good afternoon, Alison and" +13,0.8207333333333333,0.8397333333333333,spk_1,hello to everybody there. +14,0.8440833333333334,0.9297333333333333,spk_1,Um I'm here to make sure things keep running smoothly. Hopefully. +15,0.9299,1.0104166666666667,spk_1,"Um if you do have any technical problems or any questions relating to the webinar," +16,1.0132333333333334,1.0410833333333334,spk_1,then do send them through. +17,1.0412333333333332,1.09925,spk_1,Um You can use your side panel where there is a questions and a chat box +18,1.1009166666666668,1.1284166666666666,spk_1,and I will try and respond to them. +19,1.1321666666666665,1.17365,spk_1,"If we do have any time at the end of the webinar," +20,1.1738333333333333,1.2131666666666667,spk_1,we will try and answer one or two questions. +21,1.218,1.2631666666666668,spk_1,"Um But if we don't get a chance to answer yours," +22,1.2633333333333334,1.3441666666666667,spk_1,then please do send them through and we will respond to you directly afterwards. +23,1.349,1.40565,spk_1,"Um, and if you would like a copy of the slides," +24,1.4058166666666667,1.4638333333333333,spk_1,then just let us know and we can send them through to you as well. +25,1.4716666666666667,1.4995,spk_1,"Thank you ever to you, Alison." +26,1.5093166666666666,1.55115,spk_0,"Oh, Grace. Ok, fine. So," +27,1.5531666666666666,1.6016499999999998,spk_0,"conducting disciplinary investigations, what's it all" +28,1.6118166666666667,1.6268333333333334,spk_0,all about? +29,1.627,1.6404999999999998,spk_0,"Well, um," +30,1.6406666666666667,1.6648166666666668,spk_0,we normally start by looking at the legal +31,1.665,1.7121666666666666,spk_0,"background to the topics that we're dealing with," +32,1.7123166666666667,1.7906666666666666,spk_0,but there is no actual law that deals with disciplinary investigations. +33,1.7965,1.8254833333333333,spk_0,So what we turn to is the +34,1.8281666666666667,1.8528166666666666,spk_0,ACAS code of practice. +35,1.8548333333333333,1.88565,spk_0,"Um, this isn't law, as I said," +36,1.8858333333333333,1.9406666666666665,spk_0,but it is a useful benchmark for tribunals and employers and it +37,1.9408166666666666,2.0134833333333333,spk_0,does actually set out what is considered to be a fair procedure. +38,2.0245,2.0768333333333335,spk_0,"Now, the code itself is short, there are only 10 pages of it." +39,2.0803166666666666,2.08865,spk_0,"Um," +40,2.0908166666666665,2.1588166666666666,spk_0,"and what it says, um, in terms of investigations are just three," +41,2.1589666666666667,2.19915,spk_0,these three bullets that you can see on the slide. +42,2.2024833333333333,2.2648166666666665,spk_0,So first of all issues should be dealt with promptly. +43,2.2663166666666665,2.2891666666666666,spk_0,"Now notice it says promptly," +44,2.2893333333333334,2.351983333333333,spk_0,it doesn't say any deadlines or time scales or anything like that. +45,2.3521666666666667,2.4061500000000002,spk_0,"It just effectively says get on with it. Yeah," +46,2.4156666666666666,2.4714833333333335,spk_0,it also says that employers should act consistently. +47,2.4754833333333335,2.558666666666667,spk_0,"Um, so you do need to consider previous cases as well as the one in hand" +48,2.573,2.6305,spk_0,and it says that appropriate investigations should be made. +49,2.63065,2.6829833333333335,spk_0,"Well, what is appropriate, um," +50,2.6853166666666666,2.741,spk_0,"and effectively what they're meaning there is really, you know," +51,2.7411666666666665,2.782983333333333,spk_0,an investigation that is proportionate to the +52,2.783166666666667,2.836,spk_0,issue and the seriousness of the case. +53,2.8425,2.89965,spk_0,"Now, the code of practice is supplemented by guidance." +54,2.9038166666666667,2.9098166666666665,spk_0,And +55,2.91315,2.9603166666666665,spk_0,"what the guidance actually also says is that ideally," +56,2.9605,3.00565,spk_0,"you are looking at three people in this process," +57,3.0286666666666666,3.05,spk_0,the neutral person +58,3.0535,3.0949833333333334,spk_0,to undertake the investigations. +59,3.09865,3.15565,spk_0,"Um so somebody who will not be in charge of the disciplinary hearing," +60,3.1558333333333333,3.1826666666666665,spk_0,somebody else altogether. +61,3.1853166666666666,3.2266666666666666,spk_0,"So you have your disciplinary investigator," +62,3.2293166666666666,3.2836666666666665,spk_0,you have the person who will hold the disciplinary hearing. +63,3.2891666666666666,3.3663166666666666,spk_0,And then ideally appeals will be heard by a further different person +64,3.3685,3.387,spk_0,where possible. +65,3.392,3.413666666666667,spk_0,And I think we have to bear in mind that +66,3.4138333333333333,3.46765,spk_0,this is not always practical in a small organization. +67,3.470483333333333,3.4901666666666666,spk_0,"Um but for example," +68,3.4903166666666667,3.5443333333333333,spk_0,that's when people like us may well be invited to come in and actually +69,3.5444833333333334,3.5856500000000002,spk_0,do the investigations for you before handing +70,3.5858166666666667,3.6269833333333334,spk_0,the information over to your disciplining manager. +71,3.6519833333333334,3.7004833333333336,spk_0,"So disciplinary investigations," +72,3.703316666666667,3.79315,spk_0,"well, key things for this, first of all speed, um for misconduct offenses," +73,3.7933333333333334,3.8324833333333332,spk_0,an investigation should be done promptly. +74,3.8435,3.8533166666666667,spk_0,"First of all, be" +75,3.856,3.904166666666667,spk_0,before memories fade or get distorted. +76,3.90465,3.96265,spk_0,And also we don't want any witnesses or managers or staff +77,3.962833333333333,4.03215,spk_0,discussing the matter and being influenced or colluding with one another. +78,4.034666666666666,4.067316666666667,spk_0,"And then when you actually come to talk to them," +79,4.0675,4.121166666666666,spk_0,you find that their memory is actually very different from the version of +80,4.121316666666667,4.167833333333333,spk_0,events that they would have actually given to you at the time. +81,4.193333333333333,4.256983333333333,spk_0,We're also looking for comprehensive and professional notes. +82,4.25715,4.3453333333333335,spk_0,"And it is amazing how we still get um handed over pieces of paper torn from a," +83,4.3455,4.405833333333334,spk_0,a pad which are all rough with um handwrit notes where +84,4.405983333333333,4.47015,spk_0,first names are no known but no surnames or job titles. +85,4.4703333333333335,4.504983333333334,spk_0,And we don't have the dates on it and things like this. +86,4.509816666666667,4.574816666666667,spk_0,Um Notes of all meetings should be comprehensive and professional +87,4.578833333333334,4.618483333333334,spk_0,and they should clearly establish what's based on +88,4.61865,4.6725,spk_0,fact and what are the opinions of witnesses? +89,4.675316666666666,4.738816666666667,spk_0,Um Note that these notes may be used in the disciplinary hearing. +90,4.751666666666667,4.800483333333333,spk_0,"So again, they could be given to the employee as part of that," +91,4.803833333333333,4.8375,spk_0,they may be used at any appeal. +92,4.837666666666666,4.858,spk_0,"And certainly," +93,4.85815,4.9394833333333334,spk_0,"if an issue is so serious that you end up with a dismissal and it goes to tribunal," +94,4.939666666666667,5.0115,spk_0,"then if it goes that far, your notes actually may well be brought out in tribunals." +95,5.011666666666667,5.08415,spk_0,So they do need to be appropriately written and presented even at this stage. +96,5.089483333333333,5.1429833333333335,spk_0,So we're looking for no doodles and scribbled comments and +97,5.14315,5.177483333333333,spk_0,remarks that you wouldn't actually want the rest of the. +98,5.18115,5.19615,spk_0,See. +99,5.2085,5.21915,spk_0,Now +100,5.22265,5.2695,spk_0,the process also should be confidential. +101,5.26965,5.3053333333333335,spk_0,Um And I think we have to stress that the aim of +102,5.305483333333333,5.38215,spk_0,this is really to reduce the negative impact at a very early stage +103,5.386816666666666,5.438816666666667,spk_0,"because of course, once you start doing the investigation," +104,5.438983333333334,5.482,spk_0,it may turn out that your employees are totally +105,5.48215,5.51865,spk_0,innocent of what they are alleged to have done and +106,5.518833333333333,5.578333333333333,spk_0,that there's a completely plausible story for um as to +107,5.578483333333334,5.612666666666667,spk_0,why they didn't do what you thought they had done +108,5.6238166666666665,5.665666666666667,spk_0,or it could be that they're very naive and that actually +109,5.6658333333333335,5.735,spk_0,"the reason for any misconduct might not be deliberate wrongdoing," +110,5.73515,5.762666666666666,spk_0,but just that they actually weren't aware of +111,5.762816666666667,5.79565,spk_0,the rules or that they did things wrongly. +112,5.807833333333333,5.873666666666667,spk_0,So we don't want the rest of the world knowing about all of this because we +113,5.8738166666666665,5.9475,spk_0,want to keep the working relationships um sound and good for as long as possible. +114,5.95965,6.0075,spk_0,And we also want to minimize the risk of witnesses altering +115,6.00765,6.063816666666667,spk_0,their evidence on the basis of discussions with other colleagues. +116,6.065483333333333,6.12215,spk_0,Um So the existence or the nature of the complaint shouldn't +117,6.122316666666666,6.18415,spk_0,be communicated to anybody other than those who need to know. +118,6.209,6.28065,spk_0,"And finally, the investigator should always bear in mind what this is all about." +119,6.280833333333334,6.300316666666666,spk_0,What is the aim +120,6.3021666666666665,6.3533333333333335,spk_0,and the aim of the disciplinary procedure fundamentally +121,6.353483333333333,6.3985,spk_0,is to correct it's to put things right. +122,6.398666666666666,6.429983333333333,spk_0,It's not to punish people. +123,6.4355,6.49765,spk_0,So the idea is to get everyone working to acceptable standards. +124,6.50865,6.588666666666667,spk_0,So are the rules known? Are they applied fairly to everybody? +125,6.588816666666666,6.6195,spk_0,Does staff know about them? +126,6.6206499999999995,6.651166666666667,spk_0,Those are the sort of questions that you may +127,6.651316666666666,6.709816666666667,spk_0,well be asking as part of a disciplinary investigation. +128,6.75815,6.776166666666667,spk_0,"So step one," +129,6.778666666666666,6.8205,spk_0,first of all is to appoint an investigator. +130,6.825,6.8355,spk_0,And +131,6.841166666666666,6.912316666666666,spk_0,I really can't emphasize how important this role is. It's absolutely crucial. +132,6.9125,6.96715,spk_0,So it isn't something that you just give out to a junior member of +133,6.967333333333333,7.030833333333334,spk_0,staff who is thinking about possibly having a career in hr long term. +134,7.030983333333333,7.03515,spk_0,"Yeah," +135,7.042833333333333,7.053166666666667,spk_0,because +136,7.05565,7.105833333333333,spk_0,this person will actually lay the foundation for +137,7.1059833333333335,7.139166666666666,spk_0,the whole of what goes on after that. +138,7.143833333333333,7.212983333333334,spk_0,And also they will set the tone for the entire process. +139,7.2134833333333335,7.276666666666666,spk_0,So if they don't take it seriously or if they're not going to appear to have +140,7.276816666666667,7.357833333333334,spk_0,"the appropriate authority or if they do a bad job or if they destroy evidence," +141,7.36015,7.430483333333333,spk_0,then they're going to make it so much harder for the disciplining manager +142,7.43065,7.4825,spk_0,to deal with things properly and to get things back on track. +143,7.49365,7.548666666666667,spk_0,"Now, the role of the investigator is actually quite a simple one really." +144,7.548816666666667,7.583,spk_0,"Um, it's easier to say than do, of course," +145,7.586316666666667,7.6284833333333335,spk_0,but the role is just to establish the facts +146,7.63215,7.714666666666667,spk_0,prior to the employee attending a disciplinary hearing if there is a case to answer. +147,7.7309833333333335,7.793333333333333,spk_0,So somebody who is impartial and somebody who will be +148,7.7934833333333335,7.86765,spk_0,fair and who will ensure that the investigation is entirely neutral +149,7.87,7.89215,spk_0,"and the job is," +150,7.897316666666667,7.976666666666667,spk_0,"it's not a Sherlock Holmes job to look for, um, to, to find the criminal. Yeah," +151,7.98215,8.06865,spk_0,it's to look for evidence that either supports or contradicts the allegation. +152,8.068833333333334,8.1125,spk_0,"So it's both things. It's equally weighted. Yeah," +153,8.12015,8.201983333333333,spk_0,you're trying to establish the facts and to decide what did or did not happen +154,8.211166666666667,8.293483333333333,spk_0,and the investigator is not expected to prove that an employee was guilty. +155,8.294,8.384816666666667,spk_0,"All the person has to do is to determine whether or not there appears to be a case," +156,8.391166666666667,8.400166666666667,spk_0,"sir," +157,8.416333333333334,8.455333333333334,spk_0,"as I said, easier said, than done." +158,8.48015,8.5085,spk_0,So who should do this? +159,8.50865,8.580333333333334,spk_0,"Um Well, you're going to see this is a paradigm of virtue by the time we finish. But" +160,8.583983333333334,8.639316666666666,spk_0,um it has to be somebody who is mature +161,8.639483333333333,8.693166666666666,spk_0,enough and senior enough to set an appropriate tone +162,8.703333333333333,8.7515,spk_0,and who will make it clear that this is an important part +163,8.75165,8.815833333333334,spk_0,of the process and that the employee will actually be listened to +164,8.82865,8.882983333333334,spk_0,somebody who will stress the fairness of the process +165,8.8875,8.947,spk_0,and who will not allow a disciplinary investigation to +166,8.949333333333334,8.988483333333333,spk_0,turn into a disciplinary hearing +167,8.99265,9.03915,spk_0,"because the two should be kept entirely," +168,9.066666666666666,9.123,spk_0,we're looking for somebody who's going to be fair and objective +169,9.125166666666667,9.207666666666666,spk_0,and also who will handle the meetings in a reasonable and calm manner. +170,9.211983333333333,9.304983333333332,spk_0,"Um But who will have the confidence to stand their own ground and to, to ask questions" +171,9.31015,9.32565,spk_0,and to listen +172,9.337316666666666,9.37465,spk_0,and to wait to see if any more evidence +173,9.374816666666666,9.442,spk_0,appears and to probe and to be persistent and keep +174,9.442166666666667,9.505666666666666,spk_0,on asking questions until they're satisfied that they've actually +175,9.505816666666666,9.54765,spk_0,got as much information as they're likely to get. +176,9.561666666666667,9.572333333333333,spk_0,"Now," +177,9.579333333333333,9.659316666666667,spk_0,"the more complex the case, the more detailed the investigation will need to be." +178,9.667166666666667,9.743833333333333,spk_0,"So, um there's a whole range of investigations and we can't cover everything here." +179,9.744,9.775983333333333,spk_0,"But um at one end of the spectrum," +180,9.776166666666667,9.819316666666667,spk_0,you will have straightforward cases such as +181,9.819483333333332,9.877333333333333,spk_0,repeated lateness or high levels of absence. +182,9.8775,9.95365,spk_0,"Where to be honest, the investigation is going to be a very, very straightforward," +183,9.953816666666667,10.003816666666667,spk_0,simple job which will just involve collating and examining +184,10.0085,10.031983333333333,spk_0,"records or time sheets," +185,10.03215,10.100816666666667,spk_0,"particularly if everything is done electronically and therefore, you know," +186,10.10615,10.149483333333333,spk_0,the facts are likely to be accurate. Yeah. +187,10.157666666666668,10.179816666666667,spk_0,"Um in other cases," +188,10.179983333333332,10.225333333333333,spk_0,an investigation may require prior technical +189,10.2255,10.272166666666667,spk_0,knowledge of equipment or processes or +190,10.272333333333334,10.342833333333333,spk_0,procedures particularly where these are alleged not to have been followed. +191,10.355983333333333,10.37765,spk_0,We need somebody +192,10.381983333333334,10.425816666666666,spk_0,that will understand that and that will make good +193,10.430816666666667,10.496816666666668,spk_0,and accurate records because we want the records to be comprehensive +194,10.498,10.553816666666666,spk_0,"so that nothing comes out at a later stage that was," +195,10.553983333333333,10.614483333333334,spk_0,"um, said during the investigation, but not included in the reports." +196,10.618833333333333,10.653166666666667,spk_0,And we also want them to be accurate. +197,10.667316666666666,10.67765,spk_0,So +198,10.679816666666667,10.754816666666667,spk_0,somebody who's quite diligent and thorough and who won't just do half +199,10.754983333333334,10.791,spk_0,a job and hope that they can get away with that. +200,10.793833333333334,10.86965,spk_0,"Um, very often you'll find in these situations that your gut feeling is saying." +201,10.869833333333334,10.945916666666667,spk_0,"Hm, something's not quite right here. Um, I wonder if everybody does this" +202,10.949083333333334,11.008583333333334,spk_0,"now, the person that fails to follow up on things like that." +203,11.00875,11.043916666666666,spk_0,"Um, that's when things go wrong actually." +204,11.044083333333333,11.082583333333334,spk_0,So we don't want someone that will do half a job. +205,11.085066666666666,11.126566666666667,spk_0,We want someone that will listen to those warning +206,11.126733333333334,11.1559,spk_0,"bells in their head and that will think," +207,11.156066666666666,11.19375,spk_0,"yeah, maybe I ought to check this up as well." +208,11.219483333333333,11.25915,spk_0,We want to make sure that they will keep things +209,11.259316666666667,11.322816666666666,spk_0,confidential themselves and that they can be trusted to do so +210,11.3275,11.392483333333333,spk_0,because what they are tasked with investigating may +211,11.396,11.4855,spk_0,"turn out just to be a storm in a teacup, in which case, the fewer people know the better" +212,11.487316666666667,11.547166666666667,spk_0,because the employee may turn out to be entirely innocent of any wrongdoing. +213,11.552333333333333,11.619316666666666,spk_0,"Um Or it may well be that there are health or personal issues or," +214,11.619483333333333,11.690666666666667,spk_0,or other things that actually explain why they behaved the way they did. +215,11.69565,11.73315,spk_0,And we don't want the rest of the world to know about that. +216,11.742483333333332,11.762666666666666,spk_0,"And as I said earlier," +217,11.762833333333333,11.8365,spk_0,we also want to minimize the risk of witnesses altering their evidence because +218,11.836666666666666,11.873166666666666,spk_0,they've been discussing things with other colleagues +219,11.873333333333333,11.894316666666667,spk_0,"who have told them other things," +220,11.894483333333334,11.95265,spk_0,which puts a different slant on it and therefore changes their opinions. +221,11.979166666666666,11.996166666666667,spk_0,"And finally," +222,11.996333333333334,12.035833333333333,spk_0,we need someone who's going to keep the investigation to a +223,12.035983333333334,12.0875,spk_0,tight times scale and who will keep to a deadline. +224,12.089833333333333,12.094833333333334,spk_0,"Now," +225,12.095,12.157333333333334,spk_0,it is no good choosing somebody who's just about to go on holiday to do +226,12.1575,12.198483333333334,spk_0,a disciplinary investigation because be because the +227,12.19865,12.238,spk_0,idea is that it should be done promptly +228,12.244483333333333,12.309666666666667,spk_0,and it's also no good giving it to somebody who is so overworked already +229,12.309833333333334,12.376166666666666,spk_0,that they're going to start the job and then get diverted onto other tasks. +230,12.39465,12.450983333333333,spk_0,"So as I said, we're looking for the perfect person here." +231,12.45265,12.460316666666667,spk_0,Um +232,12.46315,12.472,spk_0,but +233,12.47565,12.524166666666666,spk_0,"this is an important job. It's just it, it" +234,12.525983333333333,12.564833333333333,spk_0,"is one that is so often overlooked," +235,12.565,12.610983333333333,spk_0,but actually it is key to the disciplinary hearing. +236,12.61115,12.662833333333333,spk_0,"And if an investigator does their job really well," +237,12.663,12.745833333333334,spk_0,then they are making the the job of the disciplining manager so much easier. +238,12.77065,12.80165,spk_0,Now who shouldn't do it +239,12.81615,12.829983333333333,spk_0,in that case? +240,12.834316666666666,12.870316666666668,spk_0,"Um Well, first of all, let's," +241,12.874166666666667,12.935316666666667,spk_0,"let's remember that the investigator should be fair and objective," +242,12.941483333333334,12.993833333333333,spk_0,"not only in reality and in the eyes of the managers," +243,12.994,13.035316666666667,spk_0,but also in the eyes of the employee +244,13.039483333333333,13.086666666666666,spk_0,and also in the eyes of other staff. +245,13.086833333333333,13.169316666666667,spk_0,"So if you are given the job of undertaking a disciplinary investigation," +246,13.169483333333334,13.246483333333334,spk_0,then could we suggest that you withdraw if any of the following bullets apply? +247,13.2615,13.276166666666667,spk_0,"Firstly," +248,13.278333333333332,13.337316666666666,spk_0,"if the employee has made a complaint against you personally," +249,13.337833333333334,13.387316666666667,spk_0,then it's going to be tantamount to be an impossible +250,13.3875,13.4265,spk_0,"for you to be fair and objective because of course," +251,13.42665,13.467316666666667,spk_0,you already feel defensive against that person. +252,13.48115,13.562666666666667,spk_0,If you're involved yourself with the allegation as a witness or somebody +253,13.562833333333334,13.63215,spk_0,"who's complained about the behavior or who has reported the behavior," +254,13.6365,13.672483333333334,spk_0,then you shouldn't be doing the investigation. +255,13.688316666666667,13.7325,spk_0,You also shouldn't be investigating if you are +256,13.732666666666667,13.763833333333332,spk_0,involved with the employee in any way. +257,13.764,13.81315,spk_0,Um Are you a close friend of theirs or you're a relative +258,13.825983333333333,13.88015,spk_0,and you shouldn't do it if you're going to get emotionally involved because +259,13.880333333333333,13.93215,spk_0,you're going to mess everything up for everybody that comes after you. +260,13.933833333333334,13.9875,spk_0,If you are too angry to be objective +261,13.989666666666666,14.026983333333334,spk_0,"or you're too emotionally involved," +262,14.027166666666666,14.10615,spk_0,"either in defending the employee or you get so upset about the nature of the," +263,14.106333333333334,14.149483333333333,spk_0,the misconduct that has happened. +264,14.14965,14.154816666666667,spk_0,Um +265,14.157666666666668,14.195833333333333,spk_0,"You may have particularly strong views," +266,14.196,14.243,spk_0,for example about um abuse of Children or +267,14.243166666666667,14.3095,spk_0,vulnerable adults or drug taking or whatever. +268,14.309666666666667,14.35715,spk_0,"Now, if you're going to get emotionally involved, then really," +269,14.357333333333333,14.382816666666667,spk_0,you shouldn't be doing the investigation. +270,14.398816666666667,14.417166666666667,spk_0,"And finally," +271,14.420316666666666,14.490666666666666,spk_0,you need to understand the investigate the issues being investigated. +272,14.491666666666667,14.543316666666666,spk_0,"Now, if it's a simple one, like timekeeping, then pretty well," +273,14.543483333333333,14.571333333333333,spk_0,anyone is going to be able to do that +274,14.571483333333333,14.609316666666667,spk_0,"because we all understand what late is providing," +275,14.6095,14.6585,spk_0,"we know what the starting time is and when the person turned up," +276,14.662666666666667,14.67065,spk_0,but +277,14.672333333333333,14.740316666666667,spk_0,"an investigation into allegations of fraudulent accounting procedures," +278,14.740483333333334,14.754666666666667,spk_0,"for example," +279,14.754816666666667,14.81965,spk_0,may require some prior technical knowledge of what should +280,14.819833333333333,14.84865,spk_0,be done and how it should be done. +281,14.863,14.9365,spk_0,So it's horses for courses effectively when you're appointing an investigator. +282,14.98215,15.0555,spk_0,"Now, step two really is to properly scope out the investigation." +283,15.055666666666667,15.094316666666666,spk_0,"So first of all, are we looking at performance," +284,15.094483333333333,15.13815,spk_0,poor performance or are we looking at misconduct? +285,15.138316666666666,15.147483333333334,spk_0,"Now," +286,15.153166666666667,15.222,spk_0,"the distinction will not necessarily alter what's investigated," +287,15.223816666666666,15.279816666666667,spk_0,but the label given to to those allegations will set the +288,15.279983333333334,15.329166666666667,spk_0,tone and inform the whole of the rest of the process. +289,15.329333333333333,15.3785,spk_0,So let's be clear what we are talking about here. +290,15.398816666666667,15.443833333333334,spk_0,"Secondly, how complex is the issue?" +291,15.44665,15.480333333333334,spk_0,"Um because the more complex the case," +292,15.4805,15.53215,spk_0,the more detailed the investigation will need to be um +293,15.536666666666667,15.594,spk_0,"as I said earlier, in cases like repeated lateness," +294,15.594166666666666,15.632983333333334,spk_0,it might just be a case of getting time sheets. +295,15.6335,15.6365,spk_0,Yeah. +296,15.643316666666667,15.673483333333333,spk_0,"Um when you get the time sheets," +297,15.67365,15.741833333333334,spk_0,it may well be that you want to have a brief discussion with the employee to establish +298,15.742,15.776816666666667,spk_0,the facts and to check out that actually +299,15.776983333333334,15.828816666666667,spk_0,those records are correct and they are accurate. +300,15.831333333333333,15.838483333333333,spk_0,Um +301,15.840666666666667,15.877166666666668,spk_0,But a more detailed investigation +302,15.879333333333333,15.89365,spk_0,could well in +303,15.899416666666667,15.9624,spk_0,"of talking to witnesses, getting lots and lots of different documents," +304,15.962583333333333,15.990566666666666,spk_0,possibly checking things out. +305,15.99075,16.058583333333335,spk_0,Um the involvement of external bodies such as the police. +306,16.0599,16.11175,spk_0,Um so a totally different ball game altogether and something +307,16.111916666666666,16.146566666666665,spk_0,that's going to take a lot more time to do +308,16.159666666666666,16.226166666666668,spk_0,and the objective in all of these is to establish the +309,16.226333333333333,16.308666666666667,spk_0,facts and to provide sound evidence for any subsequent disciplinary action. +310,16.318483333333333,16.368316666666665,spk_0,So how serious is this? +311,16.374816666666668,16.46215,spk_0,And if dismissal is likely to result or if the allegations +312,16.462316666666666,16.5335,spk_0,may prevent an employee from working in their role in the future +313,16.53915,16.578166666666668,spk_0,"or may relate to a criminal offense," +314,16.578333333333333,16.6375,spk_0,then you are going to be far more detailed and thorough. +315,16.6505,16.715483333333335,spk_0,"Now there's a case um Salford NHS Trust versus Rold," +316,16.7275,16.820316666666667,spk_0,"which gave us guidance that the more serious the consequences of a dismissal," +317,16.821,16.87698333333333,spk_0,the more careful the investigation should be. +318,16.877983333333333,16.905666666666665,spk_0,"Um And in that particular case," +319,16.905816666666666,16.959983333333334,spk_0,dismissal would have actually meant that the employee would be deported. +320,16.96015,16.9835,spk_0,So pretty serious +321,17.00883333333333,17.0285,spk_0,timescale. +322,17.02865,17.108333333333334,spk_0,"Well, that's going to depend on the seriousness and complexity, sorry," +323,17.1085,17.148666666666667,spk_0,complexity of the investigation. +324,17.151,17.1925,spk_0,But clearly it is a case of getting on with these. +325,17.208833333333335,17.241666666666667,spk_0,You can't just let them drift. Yeah. +326,17.248983333333335,17.348333333333333,spk_0,"Um So to whom, how and by when should the investigation report be delivered?" +327,17.35033333333333,17.3853,spk_0,"Um If you clarify all of that upfront," +328,17.3855,17.457,spk_0,then at least the parameters are set as to what the job is actually going to involve +329,17.514483333333335,17.540166666666668,spk_0,"now if we're looking at misconduct," +330,17.540333333333333,17.606833333333334,spk_0,"which tends to be the case for most disciplinary investigations, to be honest." +331,17.607,17.609483333333333,spk_0,Yeah. +332,17.614483333333332,17.692333333333334,spk_0,"Um, you have a whole spectrum here so it could range from lateness," +333,17.6925,17.75348333333333,spk_0,failure to follow a reasonable management instruction +334,17.756833333333333,17.803,spk_0,through to more complicated things like +335,17.80315,17.845316666666665,spk_0,abusing computer systems or internet access where +336,17.845483333333334,17.906333333333333,spk_0,you're having to do far more digging around what has actually been done +337,17.923000000000002,18.000833333333333,spk_0,through to really difficult cases like bullying and harassment where it may +338,18.001,18.050166666666666,spk_0,"well be one person's word against another and it is very," +339,18.050333333333334,18.092816666666668,spk_0,very difficult to work out what really happened +340,18.09715,18.10565,spk_0,um +341,18.109,18.195483333333332,spk_0,through to um issues such as theft fighting or criminal offenses. +342,18.20916666666667,18.244666666666667,spk_0,So we have a range of misconduct and +343,18.244816666666665,18.309166666666666,spk_0,the level of the investigation should actually reflect that +344,18.321166666666667,18.388983333333332,spk_0,it should cover the precise allegations and establish the details. +345,18.38915,18.466316666666668,spk_0,"First of all, what happened, where did it happen? And when did it happen?" +346,18.470483333333334,18.554833333333335,spk_0,Trying to get a full picture of that? Now who was involved in this incident? +347,18.555,18.62265,spk_0,Uh Was it just internal staff who you have easy access to +348,18.627333333333333,18.707,spk_0,"or also were clients there or customers, suppliers residents?" +349,18.707166666666666,18.754166666666666,spk_0,Was anybody else involved in this in any way? +350,18.767333333333333,18.857166666666668,spk_0,"Now, what are the rules were the correct procedures or rules followed here? Um" +351,18.863333333333333,18.896983333333335,spk_0,"And if not, why not," +352,18.91133333333333,18.940333333333335,spk_0,why did this happen? +353,18.946833333333334,19.01631666666667,spk_0,Were there any witnesses to what happened? And if so who were they +354,19.030816666666666,19.120316666666668,spk_0,were other employees doing the same thing or was it just this one? Individual +355,19.1315,19.180483333333335,spk_0,"because bear in mind, we will need consistency of treatment." +356,19.18065,19.252666666666666,spk_0,You can't treat two employees who did exactly the same misdemeanor in +357,19.252833333333335,19.319816666666668,spk_0,a different way unless you can justify why you should do that +358,19.338166666666666,19.409,spk_0,has anything similar happened in the past. If so what happened and why +359,19.41415,19.44115,spk_0,and what was done about it +360,19.45115,19.507166666666667,spk_0,and what was the risk to the business? What were the consequences? +361,19.507316666666668,19.595483333333334,spk_0,"Now, you don't have to have a serious accident, Um, before you take a health," +362,19.59565,19.6425,spk_0,a breach of your health and safety rules very seriously. +363,19.644333333333332,19.724483333333332,spk_0,"Um It is enough to say this could have led to something really, really serious." +364,19.73865,19.745483333333333,spk_0,Um +365,19.750333333333334,19.820483333333332,spk_0,"And finally, are there any personal issues that may have a bearing on this issue?" +366,19.833333333333332,19.905816666666666,spk_0,"And what we mean by that are things like health conditions or a disability, stress," +367,19.90598333333333,19.98315,spk_0,"personal problems, immaturity in very many cases." +368,19.983333333333334,20.067816666666666,spk_0,Um has the employee received any previous warnings for the same type of issue? +369,20.077166666666667,20.121166666666667,spk_0,"So generally speaking for misconduct," +370,20.121333333333332,20.175833333333333,spk_0,that's the sort of starting point for all of this +371,20.20815,20.23265,spk_0,poor performance. +372,20.2355,20.305983333333334,spk_0,Um is actually quite a difficult one to deal with because it can be very subjective. +373,20.311333333333334,20.328,spk_0,But um +374,20.33065,20.3815,spk_0,the timing might not be so much of an issue here because very +375,20.381666666666668,20.444,spk_0,often you're talking about poor performance that has built up over some time. +376,20.444166666666668,20.499316666666665,spk_0,So it's not crucial to deal with it immediately. +377,20.500666666666667,20.544983333333334,spk_0,Um It's just a case of you need to take action +378,20.54515,20.592666666666666,spk_0,before it gets worse in order to rectify the situation. +379,20.60565,20.655166666666666,spk_0,So an investigation into poor performance is +380,20.655316666666668,20.69565,spk_0,going to concentrate much more on establishing the +381,20.695833333333333,20.73865,spk_0,nature of the shortfalls in performance and to +382,20.738816666666665,20.781833333333335,spk_0,be looking for possible reasons for these. +383,20.782,20.789316666666668,spk_0,So +384,20.796166666666668,20.85,spk_0,does the employee know what is required and expected? +385,20.850166666666667,20.90565,spk_0,Do they have a clear job description? Do they have clear tasks? +386,20.90615,20.977333333333334,spk_0,Have they had proper training and instruction to do those roles? +387,20.985500000000002,21.05165,spk_0,Do they have the appropriate tools and equipment and do these work properly? +388,21.053983333333335,21.123333333333335,spk_0,Um And do other employees have problems with the tools and equipment? +389,21.1235,21.129166666666666,spk_0,"Is there," +390,21.129333333333335,21.17815,spk_0,is there a particular distinction between this employee +391,21.178316666666667,21.213166666666666,spk_0,and other people doing the same job? +392,21.2255,21.27065,spk_0,Are there any personal issues which might have led +393,21.270833333333332,21.342983333333333,spk_0,to um somebody who was performing perfectly adequately before um +394,21.357483333333334,21.39915,spk_0,their performance deteriorating in any way +395,21.413333333333334,21.421983333333333,spk_0,and +396,21.428816666666666,21.4445,spk_0,in terms of short +397,21.448833333333333,21.477166666666665,spk_0,"shortfall in performance," +398,21.477333333333334,21.54,spk_0,um it may well be that the employee is very aware of this or it +399,21.540166666666668,21.573666666666668,spk_0,might be performance that had actually gone +400,21.573833333333333,21.615816666666667,spk_0,downhill over quite some period of time. +401,21.617333333333335,21.62848333333333,spk_0,"And in which case," +402,21.62865,21.684483333333333,spk_0,you're going to have to persuade the employee that they are not +403,21.68465,21.73656666666667,spk_0,or no longer performing to the standards that they once were. +404,21.737916666666667,21.738416666666666,spk_0,In +405,21.7429,21.828233333333333,spk_0,which case examples of poor work or missed deadlines of errors? +406,21.8284,21.895566666666667,spk_0,"Um, customer complaints, lower productivity," +407,21.895733333333332,21.966233333333335,spk_0,um that sort of thing that that is going to be important evidence for that. +408,22.017,22.048983333333332,spk_0,"Now, before we go any further," +409,22.04915,22.096983333333334,spk_0,we need to consider very carefully whether +410,22.09715,22.158666666666665,spk_0,an employee should be suspended during an investigation +411,22.1695,22.247816666666665,spk_0,and where we are looking at potential gross misconduct +412,22.248,22.291316666666667,spk_0,"and where summary dismissal may be an outcome," +413,22.291483333333332,22.327833333333334,spk_0,then that's normally going to be appropriate. +414,22.330816666666667,22.342666666666666,spk_0,And +415,22.348666666666666,22.405166666666666,spk_0,employers who have insurance policies which cover them +416,22.405316666666668,22.43915,spk_0,against tribunal claims and things like that. +417,22.439316666666667,22.457816666666666,spk_0,You may well find that +418,22.46015,22.503566666666668,spk_0,it's absolutely essential that you suspend +419,22.503733333333333,22.539233333333332,spk_0,"in this particular instance because otherwise," +420,22.539916666666667,22.579416666666667,spk_0,"how can you possibly defend your stance," +421,22.579583333333332,22.649066666666666,spk_0,"that the person did something that was so bad that you absolutely couldn't," +422,22.649233333333335,22.699066666666667,spk_0,couldn't even conceive of carrying on with their employment. +423,22.703233333333333,22.71875,spk_0,"If in reality," +424,22.718916666666665,22.7804,spk_0,you've let it go for a few months and they've carried on working perfectly normally. +425,22.787233333333333,22.791066666666666,spk_0,"Um," +426,22.791233333333334,22.8514,spk_0,so do consider whether we're looking at suspension but do +427,22.851566666666667,22.904416666666666,spk_0,bear in mind that suspension does not imply guilt. +428,22.921166666666668,22.944,spk_0,"Now, if you're going to suspend" +429,22.94765,22.984816666666667,spk_0,the suspension should happen without delay +430,22.9875,23.053483333333332,spk_0,and the period of suspension should be kept as short as possible +431,23.059483333333333,23.097483333333333,spk_0,and the employee should be told that the outcome +432,23.09765,23.157983333333334,spk_0,of a disciplinary hearing is not a foregone conclusion. +433,23.1625,23.167666666666666,spk_0,Yeah. So +434,23.18,23.230316666666667,spk_0,suspension may well be appropriate if there's a +435,23.230483333333332,23.28633333333333,spk_0,threat to your business or to other employees +436,23.2965,23.359983333333332,spk_0,"or if the very fact of the employee being at work, um," +437,23.36015,23.437316666666668,spk_0,means that that could hinder your fair and impartial investigation. +438,23.442166666666665,23.45115,spk_0,So +439,23.45315,23.494666666666667,spk_0,the employee may well tamper with the evidence or +440,23.494816666666665,23.54,spk_0,may well try to destroy things and remove things off +441,23.540166666666668,23.610316666666666,spk_0,computers or may collude with witnesses and suggest that +442,23.610500000000002,23.64666666666667,spk_0,things didn't happen the way the witness thought it did +443,23.655483333333333,23.735833333333332,spk_0,or influence them or worse might even actually threaten your witnesses. +444,23.736,23.797816666666666,spk_0,"Um, so, you know, if you think that any of those things could happen," +445,23.798000000000002,23.851,spk_0,then suspension for a short period may be appropriate. +446,23.859,23.873833333333334,spk_0,"And finally," +447,23.873983333333335,23.95815,spk_0,"if you are concerned about the employee repeating the misconduct in question," +448,23.958333333333332,24.001816666666667,spk_0,then you may well feel that it's better to keep them out of the +449,24.00198333333333,24.078483333333335,spk_0,workforce and unable to do that until you've actually dealt with this instance. +450,24.130816666666668,24.167816666666667,spk_0,"So suspension should happen quickly," +451,24.167983333333332,24.22533333333333,spk_0,but it is a last resort and it shouldn't be a knee jerk reaction. +452,24.2255,24.289666666666665,spk_0,It's not an automatic thing that you do immediately or faced with a problem. +453,24.306333333333335,24.349816666666666,spk_0,"The question is, can you remove the risk?" +454,24.35,24.37015,spk_0,"Um for example," +455,24.370316666666668,24.43315,spk_0,by temporarily moving the employee onto other duties or +456,24.433333333333334,24.4925,spk_0,to other work or a different department or supervisor +457,24.500666666666667,24.576483333333332,spk_0,or by removing some of the key tasks until the outcome of the hearing is decided +458,24.58416666666667,24.653483333333334,spk_0,or even just increasing the amount of direct supervision may do the trick. +459,24.65365,24.70815,spk_0,"Now, any of these may be sufficient and" +460,24.71015,24.780483333333333,spk_0,"may 1st of all be more cost effective for you because of course," +461,24.78065,24.86215,spk_0,suspension is on full pay and benefits because it's not a disciplinary sanction. +462,24.870833333333334,24.89765,spk_0,"But more importantly," +463,24.897816666666667,24.995833333333334,spk_0,"um these may make it easier for the employee to return to work afterwards if in fact," +464,24.996,25.055,spk_0,the outcome is um no disciplinary hearing or +465,25.05516666666667,25.113983333333334,spk_0,a disciplinary warning um short of dismissal. +466,25.1255,25.174483333333335,spk_0,So do think very carefully before suspension. +467,25.184333333333335,25.207983333333335,spk_0,"If you do suspend," +468,25.20815,25.2835,spk_0,"then you would write to the employee to confirm that this isn't a prejudgment," +469,25.286166666666666,25.336816666666667,spk_0,um and to ensure that they do understand this +470,25.339483333333334,25.392666666666667,spk_0,and to give them the reasons for the suspension and +471,25.39281666666667,25.43265,spk_0,"an idea of how long this is likely to," +472,25.432816666666668,25.450666666666667,spk_0,to last for. +473,25.457166666666666,25.465166666666665,spk_0,Um +474,25.475,25.488816666666665,spk_0,And also +475,25.495483333333333,25.526816666666665,spk_0,it's a good idea to give the name of +476,25.526983333333334,25.582816666666666,spk_0,a specified contact person in case of any queries because +477,25.588816666666666,25.632816666666667,spk_0,"somebody who is sitting ok on full pay," +478,25.632983333333332,25.704833333333333,spk_0,but still sitting at home worrying about whether a potential disciplinary hearing +479,25.705,25.75815,spk_0,"is going to happen and whether they are likely to dismiss," +480,25.758333333333333,25.82215,spk_0,be dismissed is also likely to start doing a little bit themselves or +481,25.822316666666666,25.872816666666665,spk_0,to want to do a little bit themselves to prepare their defense. +482,25.88115,25.921166666666668,spk_0,So it may well be that they're also asking I need +483,25.921333333333333,25.966483333333333,spk_0,to talk to X to find out their stance on this. +484,25.968316666666666,26.0215,spk_0,Um I need to check whether employees do follow this procedure. +485,26.02166666666667,26.057983333333333,spk_0,I would need a copy of some of these policies. +486,26.05815,26.092166666666667,spk_0,"I would like a copy of my contract, please." +487,26.09498333333333,26.1255,spk_0,Um Those sort of questions. So +488,26.1315,26.185316666666665,spk_0,normally a nominated person such as an hr representative +489,26.1855,26.227333333333334,spk_0,or a line manager will be the contact point. +490,26.241833333333332,26.252833333333335,spk_0,"Now," +491,26.262833333333333,26.313333333333333,spk_0,an employee who is suspended on full pay um +492,26.3135,26.366316666666666,spk_0,"should be available to attend meetings during working hours," +493,26.366483333333335,26.413983333333334,spk_0,"obviously, because they should be at your disposal still." +494,26.42031666666667,26.4275,spk_0,Um +495,26.430483333333335,26.484816666666667,spk_0,But the period of suspension should be kept short. Um +496,26.48865,26.528316666666665,spk_0,And if the reason for it was simply to +497,26.528483333333334,26.57615,spk_0,"prevent the employee from tampering with any evidence," +498,26.577666666666666,26.60965,spk_0,"then once you have that evidence," +499,26.609816666666667,26.671,spk_0,you will have some view as to how serious the situation may be. +500,26.677666666666667,26.732316666666666,spk_0,And it may be appropriate to ask the employee +501,26.732483333333334,26.781333333333333,spk_0,"to return to work prior to any disciplinary hearing," +502,26.782166666666665,26.80565,spk_0,"particularly if you," +503,26.809816666666666,26.842666666666666,spk_0,"if you think it could well be, that" +504,26.855166666666666,26.917166666666667,spk_0,is not necessarily going to take place and that might be better +505,26.917333333333332,26.988,spk_0,than retaining the employee on suspension until you actually make a decision. +506,26.992983333333335,27.052666666666667,spk_0,Needs to be a balanced decision. Think very carefully about it. +507,27.127833333333335,27.152166666666666,spk_0,"So we," +508,27.1545,27.21165,spk_0,we have scoped out the investigation and what needs to be +509,27.211816666666667,27.263816666666667,spk_0,"looked at and we've decided whether to suspend or not," +510,27.268833333333333,27.297816666666666,spk_0,the next step normally +511,27.29981666666667,27.33265,spk_0,will be to start with the employee. +512,27.332816666666666,27.371833333333335,spk_0,"Um Because if you bear in mind from the employee's point of view," +513,27.371983333333333,27.427666666666667,spk_0,the last thing that they want to do is to hear from their colleagues that um +514,27.427833333333332,27.48115,spk_0,an investigation has been taken in place into +515,27.481333333333332,27.50965,spk_0,something that they are alleged to have done. +516,27.521333333333335,27.529333333333334,spk_0,So +517,27.53265,27.574483333333333,spk_0,tell the employee of the investigation and give +518,27.57465,27.620316666666668,spk_0,them a summary of the allegations against them and +519,27.62465,27.70531666666667,spk_0,it's usually to talk to them first unless the case is so complex that you really +520,27.705483333333333,27.778983333333333,spk_0,need to do a bit more digging beforehand in order to understand what it's all about. +521,27.799816666666665,27.826983333333335,spk_0,"Now, this is a formal meeting," +522,27.8295,27.8875,spk_0,but there are no rules in the sense of um +523,27.891666666666666,27.940816666666667,spk_0,right to be accompanied or a certain amount of +524,27.94098333333333,27.996666666666666,spk_0,time given um to prepare or anything like that. +525,27.996833333333335,28.000166666666665,spk_0,Yeah. +526,28.006666666666668,28.014833333333332,spk_0,Um +527,28.023666666666667,28.090166666666665,spk_0,So the first thing would be normally to ask for no interruptions. +528,28.091666666666665,28.1405,spk_0,And to actually outline what the meeting is about and +529,28.14065,28.18665,spk_0,to ask that mobiles are turned off during the meeting. +530,28.193833333333334,28.252833333333335,spk_0,Uh You might want to put a sign on your door which actually says no interruptions. +531,28.253,28.2565,spk_0,"Yeah," +532,28.271983333333335,28.332483333333332,spk_0,people sometimes will ask if they can record the meeting +533,28.33265,28.41015,spk_0,or sometimes the disciplinary investigator will actually want to allow a +534,28.410316666666667,28.467166666666667,spk_0,recording because it enables them then to concentrate on what +535,28.467333333333332,28.51215,spk_0,the person is saying and the questions that they're asking. +536,28.51781666666667,28.58115,spk_0,So this is very much personal choice at this stage. Um +537,28.58515,28.664316666666668,spk_0,"But clearly, if you are going to record a disciplinary investigation," +538,28.664483333333333,28.717166666666667,spk_0,then it should be with the permission of everyone concerned. +539,28.737316666666665,28.769,spk_0,"Now, this is a confidential meeting." +540,28.77465,28.78515,spk_0,So +541,28.78865,28.852333333333334,spk_0,it's sensible to stress this to the employee and to suggest +542,28.8525,28.892983333333333,spk_0,that it really isn't a good idea for them to go +543,28.89315,28.930983333333334,spk_0,and tell all and sundry about this as soon as they +544,28.93115,28.991666666666667,spk_0,"leave the room because it may well be um that," +545,28.99515,29.077666666666666,spk_0,"that, that the whole thing um is actually resolved fairly quickly," +546,29.083666666666666,29.150666666666666,spk_0,hold it in a private venue normally during working hours. +547,29.150833333333335,29.20815,spk_0,Um But if the employee prefers to hold it outside +548,29.208333333333332,29.247316666666666,spk_0,"of normal working hours or away from the workplace," +549,29.247483333333335,29.28465,spk_0,then do think about that because that's all about +550,29.284816666666668,29.348,spk_0,maintaining respect and dignity and saving face effectively. +551,29.361983333333335,29.371833333333335,spk_0,So +552,29.381833333333333,29.448,spk_0,"the employee needs to know that at this stage, it is purely an investigation." +553,29.448166666666665,29.48915,spk_0,It is not a disciplinary hearing and the +554,29.489316666666667,29.53715,spk_0,meeting is not part of your disciplinary procedure +555,29.559,29.61466666666667,spk_0,So do you allow that person to be accompanied +556,29.614833333333333,29.67065,spk_0,by a fellow worker or a trade union representative? +557,29.6715,29.698666666666668,spk_0,"Now, this is best practice," +558,29.698833333333333,29.742983333333335,spk_0,but actually the statutory right to be accompanied doesn't +559,29.74315,29.79515,spk_0,come into effect until the disciplinary hearing itself. +560,29.79531666666667,29.845316666666665,spk_0,So the employee is not entitled to bring somebody with them. +561,29.859166666666667,29.867,spk_0,So +562,29.869166666666665,29.9295,spk_0,it's a case of actually just stepping back again and being reasonable and thinking. +563,29.929666666666666,29.959983333333334,spk_0,"Well, is that sensible?" +564,29.962833333333332,29.972816666666667,spk_0,And +565,29.976316666666666,30.067166666666665,spk_0,"it might be if the employee is disabled and needs assistance, or for example," +566,30.067333333333334,30.107983333333333,spk_0,if you have foreign workers where English is not +567,30.10815,30.165166666666668,spk_0,their first language and um having somebody there who +568,30.165333333333333,30.231333333333332,spk_0,can help to interpret and to resolve any areas +569,30.2315,30.26781666666667,spk_0,"of confusion in the dialogue may well be very," +570,30.267983333333333,30.286,spk_0,very sensible. +571,30.286983333333332,30.36466666666667,spk_0,"So it's worth thinking about that if someone asks to be accompanied or you," +572,30.364833333333333,30.42465,spk_0,"of course, you can suggest it to them if you think that that's a sensible step to take." +573,30.48065,30.484333333333332,spk_0,"Now," +574,30.484483333333333,30.55365,spk_0,the first stage in the meeting would be to inform the employee of the allegations. +575,30.557983333333333,30.568316666666668,spk_0,And +576,30.57265,30.636,spk_0,it's usually a good idea simply to start by asking for the +577,30.636166666666668,30.696983333333332,spk_0,person's version of events and not leading them in any way. +578,30.705983333333332,30.714316666666665,spk_0,Uh That +579,30.722816666666667,30.739833333333333,spk_0,"gives you an opportunity," +580,30.74,30.780483333333333,spk_0,it gives them an opportunity to be open and honest +581,30.78065,30.8635,spk_0,and it doesn't indicate any prior knowledge on your part. +582,30.86365,30.942,spk_0,And it also prevents the employee from only describing aspects +583,30.942166666666665,30.98065,spk_0,of the event that you've already been told about. +584,30.980816666666666,31.018483333333332,spk_0,So you may well learn far more if you actually +585,31.01865,31.075,spk_0,just ask them to talk through what they think happened. +586,31.088816666666666,31.175166666666666,spk_0,"Now, this can also help to establish what is agreed and what's disputed," +587,31.186333333333334,31.219,spk_0,which then enables the disciplinary +588,31.221,31.28515,spk_0,investigator to actually concentrate on those areas. +589,31.2855,31.30365,spk_0,"So if for example," +590,31.303816666666666,31.362666666666666,spk_0,"the employee agrees that the allegations are all correct and that, yeah," +591,31.362833333333334,31.399816666666666,spk_0,"all of that did happen in this way," +592,31.400166666666667,31.44915,spk_0,then that may well assist in confidentiality +593,31.449316666666668,31.48865,spk_0,as the scope of the investigation can be +594,31.488816666666665,31.551983333333332,spk_0,reduced because you may not need to talk to witnesses if they're accepting that. +595,31.55216666666667,31.577166666666667,spk_0,That's actually correct. Yeah. +596,31.582983333333335,31.598,spk_0,Um and +597,31.601483333333334,31.651316666666666,spk_0,"the less people are involved at this stage, the better" +598,31.665983333333333,31.705816666666667,spk_0,"once you've heard what the employee has to say," +599,31.70815,31.775666666666666,spk_0,then it's sensible to go through a prepared list of questions +600,31.775833333333335,31.8155,spk_0,and I will say a little bit more about that shortly. +601,31.8175,31.825666666666667,spk_0,Um +602,31.828483333333335,31.860316666666666,spk_0,have your list of questions but don't hand them +603,31.860500000000002,31.904833333333332,spk_0,out in advance because that only gives the employee time +604,31.905,32.00365,spk_0,to prepare an answer um in line with what he or she thinks you actually want to hear. +605,32.0065,32.01165,spk_0,Yeah. +606,32.02316666666667,32.02831666666667,spk_0,"Um," +607,32.03183333333333,32.05531666666667,spk_0,probe were necessary +608,32.05948333333333,32.116483333333335,spk_0,particularly where there's likely to be any inconsistency +609,32.11666666666667,32.17048333333334,spk_0,between the witness statements and the employees version. +610,32.1875,32.26365,spk_0,"And if the employee denies the allegations either altogether or in part," +611,32.26381666666666,32.31666666666667,spk_0,then ask how the information could have been misconstrued. +612,32.32983333333333,32.401316666666666,spk_0,Um what actions or statements might have caused a misunderstanding. Um +613,32.4125,32.48298333333334,spk_0,And also is there any reason for anybody to make false accusations? +614,32.49,32.53531666666667,spk_0,Now it is easy to become flustered if +615,32.5355,32.583666666666666,spk_0,the employee doesn't reply quickly to these questions. +616,32.58515,32.63665,spk_0,Um But experience shows that it is normally best to sit +617,32.63681666666667,32.710316666666664,spk_0,out silence and wait for a response to see if one comes +618,32.74065,32.813,spk_0,"really listen at this point to the employee's side and show," +619,32.81316666666667,32.865,spk_0,demonstrate to the employee that you're doing this. +620,32.86516666666667,32.89565,spk_0,"Um Now a lot of people will," +621,32.895833333333336,32.961166666666664,spk_0,"will do this by repeating back some of what they're saying and saying," +622,32.96333333333333,33.026316666666666,spk_0,"so I understand that this is what you say, is that right?" +623,33.02648333333333,33.082166666666666,spk_0,"And then you are actually repeating back, showing your understanding," +624,33.082316666666664,33.13366666666667,spk_0,showing that you're listening and showing that you are hearing correctly. +625,33.16598333333334,33.17133333333334,spk_0,"Now," +626,33.1715,33.217983333333336,spk_0,the employee could be shown any documentary evidence +627,33.21815,33.251,spk_0,that you have available at this stage. +628,33.254333333333335,33.3155,spk_0,"And for example, things like sickness records or timekeeping records," +629,33.31565,33.38281666666666,spk_0,it is well worth showing them that documentary evidence at this point. +630,33.38531666666667,33.462833333333336,spk_0,"Um because it could be that your records actually aren't accurate and therefore," +631,33.46415,33.48383333333334,spk_0,um somebody may be +632,33.49041666666667,33.512233333333334,spk_0,"in a review, for example," +633,33.5124,33.556066666666666,spk_0,under a Bradford factor score which is based on +634,33.55625,33.59506666666667,spk_0,the wrong amount of illness or the wrong dates. +635,33.59523333333333,33.59706666666666,spk_0,Yeah. +636,33.6039,33.67223333333333,spk_0,Um or the timekeeping record may be wrong or they may not have done +637,33.6724,33.75625,spk_0,"and what they may not have signed things or completed documents in the," +638,33.75641666666667,33.77473333333333,spk_0,in the way that they should have done. +639,33.7749,33.809733333333334,spk_0,But there may be a reason for this +640,33.822316666666666,33.86598333333333,spk_0,"and above all, stay calm." +641,33.86615,33.913333333333334,spk_0,"Um These situations are quite stressful," +642,33.9135,33.96431666666667,spk_0,but the investigating officer should appear +643,33.964483333333334,34.01266666666667,spk_0,calm and neutral and reasonable throughout +644,34.029666666666664,34.092983333333336,spk_0,that person isn't required to make any prejudgment about behavior +645,34.09466666666667,34.18148333333333,spk_0,and no implied criticism of the employee. They are simply there to get the facts. +646,34.24981666666667,34.292,spk_0,Have a look at non verbal behavior. +647,34.29233333333333,34.39366666666667,spk_0,"If the interview is done face to face and if the employee becomes emotional or cries," +648,34.393816666666666,34.47415,spk_0,"shouts, walks out of the room, then the note should document this." +649,34.47666666666667,34.552483333333335,spk_0,Um And there is nothing to stop an investigating officer. +650,34.55265,34.613166666666665,spk_0,Um calling for an adjournment if an employee becomes angry or +651,34.61333333333333,34.67916666666667,spk_0,"distressed and giving everybody a few moments to just settle down," +652,34.67933333333333,34.73083333333334,spk_0,"calm down before then continuing with the interview," +653,34.75416666666667,34.79915,spk_0,"check with the employee, whether there were any witnesses," +654,34.7993,34.84166666666667,spk_0,"if we're talking about misconduct offense, um" +655,34.847166666666666,34.88981666666667,spk_0,and note any details and then you +656,34.88998333333333,34.93248333333333,spk_0,can make arrangements to interview these people later +657,34.94446666666666,34.98748333333333,spk_0,and ask the employee if he or she +658,34.98765,35.02696666666667,spk_0,feels that there's anyone else who should be interviewed +659,35.03113333333334,35.0988,spk_0,"and whether there is any other information which should be considered," +660,35.11998333333333,35.175,spk_0,don't give personal views or opinions. +661,35.17516666666667,35.25698333333333,spk_0,Um The role is to investigate and to gather facts. It's not to judge. +662,35.26115,35.279666666666664,spk_0,"And also," +663,35.281983333333336,35.33965,spk_0,"whilst there is a huge temptation to do so," +664,35.34115,35.38231666666667,spk_0,um the officers should not make promises or +665,35.38248333333333,35.42431666666667,spk_0,"hints about the outcome of the investigation," +666,35.43083333333333,35.50533333333333,spk_0,even if you feel desperately sorry for the individual and you want to reassure them. +667,35.5055,35.58,spk_0,"Um that isn't your role, the role is to actually get the facts." +668,35.584,35.61333333333333,spk_0,"Um, employers will very," +669,35.6135,35.68333333333333,spk_0,very commonly ask whether they're going to be disciplined or what will happen next. +670,35.68598333333333,35.75066666666667,spk_0,And really the answer is to confirm that the role is one of investigations +671,35.75298333333333,35.77348333333333,spk_0,after which a decision +672,35.784166666666664,35.82533333333333,spk_0,will be taken and you can tell them by whom +673,35.83665,35.88165,spk_0,as to what the next stage if any will be. +674,35.88366666666667,35.94565,spk_0,"And that as soon as the employee, as soon as the decision is made," +675,35.94583333333333,35.98598333333333,spk_0,that will be communicated to the employee. +676,35.990316666666665,36.05798333333333,spk_0,But an investigation meeting must never turn into a disciplinary hearing +677,36.06065,36.11165,spk_0,or a promise that there will not be a disciplinary hearing. +678,36.171166666666664,36.2505,spk_0,So I said earlier about making a list of prep prepared questions. And +679,36.25281666666667,36.28648333333334,spk_0,I do think that that's always a very sensible +680,36.28665,36.347166666666666,spk_0,"thing to do because these meetings are stressful," +681,36.34733333333333,36.378483333333335,spk_0,"not only for the employee usually," +682,36.37865,36.41915,spk_0,but also for the person who's asking the questions +683,36.42365,36.478316666666665,spk_0,and the better prepared you are the easier it's going to be. +684,36.482816666666665,36.564816666666665,spk_0,"So list your questions, um areas of particular concern gap," +685,36.57481666666666,36.6045,spk_0,"uh any inconsistencies," +686,36.60698333333333,36.64915,spk_0,things that don't appear quite right to you +687,36.66165,36.692,spk_0,and then look at your questions and ensure +688,36.692166666666665,36.74381666666667,spk_0,that they're actually couched in a neutral way. +689,36.744816666666665,36.7845,spk_0,Um so that they can be asked in a calm +690,36.784666666666666,36.85365,spk_0,way without showing any criticism or condemnation or or leading. +691,36.85381666666667,36.94381666666666,spk_0,"So you know, what did you do rather than why on earth? Did you do such a stupid thing?" +692,36.943983333333335,36.9465,spk_0,Yeah. +693,36.94965,36.97731666666667,spk_0,So neutral questions. +694,36.989983333333335,37.05166666666667,spk_0,Very few closed questions and people who are involved +695,37.051833333333335,37.10516666666667,spk_0,"in recruitment interviewing will be so um aware of," +696,37.105333333333334,37.1225,spk_0,"of this terminology," +697,37.12266666666667,37.177483333333335,spk_0,but closed questions are ones which would normally be answered yes or no. +698,37.1845,37.265816666666666,spk_0,Um So they should be used sparingly and just to clarify factual information. +699,37.26598333333333,37.32315,spk_0,"So, were you absent on the 16th of January?" +700,37.327983333333336,37.38998333333333,spk_0,Had you been advised of the no smoking rule? +701,37.39666666666667,37.4645,spk_0,"Open questions? However, will give you far more information" +702,37.46981666666667,37.528816666666664,spk_0,"and, and they require more detailed answers and their questions." +703,37.528983333333336,37.6095,spk_0,"How, what where why talk me through, tell me about, tell me what happened." +704,37.62533333333333,37.63516666666666,spk_0,"So really," +705,37.635333333333335,37.68833333333333,spk_0,you want to be having a lot of open questions and closed +706,37.6885,37.75116666666667,spk_0,questions for the absolute facts that you want to check out. +707,37.751333333333335,37.75516666666667,spk_0,"Yeah," +708,37.76965,37.79015,spk_0,hypothetical questions. +709,37.79031666666667,37.811483333333335,spk_0,"Now, those are the things you know," +710,37.81165,37.860166666666665,spk_0,"if this situation happened again or with hindsight," +711,37.86033333333334,37.901833333333336,spk_0,what would you do or have done differently? +712,37.906,37.99048333333333,spk_0,"Now, they are generally regarded as not very useful in a misconduct situation," +713,37.99065,38.05748333333333,spk_0,but they may actually indicate remorse or learning. +714,38.062666666666665,38.11131666666667,spk_0,"And if someone says, um oh yes, I did that." +715,38.11148333333333,38.1725,spk_0,But I realize now what a stupid thing to do and I should never +716,38.172666666666665,38.24965,spk_0,have done that because now I know that the the repercussions of that are this +717,38.252316666666665,38.31581666666667,spk_0,and I now know that this is what I should do instead then +718,38.31766666666667,38.36898333333333,spk_0,um that may well affect your thinking long term +719,38.36915,38.41283333333333,spk_0,as to whether disciplinary action is really warranted. +720,38.43066666666667,38.467166666666664,spk_0,"So if you have remorse or learning," +721,38.46965,38.51316666666666,spk_0,um they can be taken into consideration. +722,38.584833333333336,38.61215,spk_0,"Now, silence may be golden" +723,38.615316666666665,38.674483333333335,spk_0,and it's always worth waiting and seeing um +724,38.67465,38.71515,spk_0,whether the employee gives you more information. +725,38.715316666666666,38.75566666666667,spk_0,"Um If you just sit it out for a little while," +726,38.76833333333333,38.833333333333336,spk_0,it's also worth looking to see whether the verbal and +727,38.8335,38.90731666666667,spk_0,the written information and the behavior appears all consistent. +728,38.922983333333335,38.931983333333335,spk_0,"Now again," +729,38.93215,38.971,spk_0,recruiters are very aware of the halo effect or the +730,38.97116666666667,39.02133333333333,spk_0,horns effect and that applies in this instance as well. +731,39.02616666666667,39.079166666666666,spk_0,The halo effect is where you see somebody and you really like them. +732,39.07933333333333,39.12133333333333,spk_0,And therefore you actually listen to all of their answers +733,39.1215,39.17465,spk_0,and try and see them in the most positive glowing light +734,39.1765,39.205,spk_0,and the horns effect is the absolute +735,39.21098333333333,39.22865,spk_0,opposite where you +736,39.23258333333333,39.28158333333333,spk_0,like somebody and therefore you construe everything +737,39.28175,39.31158333333333,spk_0,they say in the worst possible way. +738,39.31175,39.384233333333334,spk_0,"Now, a disciplinary investigation should not have either of those. So" +739,39.39706666666667,39.456066666666665,spk_0,you shouldn't be attempting to make the information fit to your view. +740,39.45625,39.5014,spk_0,You should just be taking it at face value and trying +741,39.50156666666667,39.54173333333333,spk_0,to work out why they're saying what they are saying. +742,39.551233333333336,39.55825,spk_0,So +743,39.56316666666667,39.63681666666667,spk_0,are they afraid of retribution? Are they saying what they think you want to hear? +744,39.63698333333333,39.68631666666667,spk_0,Are they covering some for somebody or are +745,39.686483333333335,39.72481666666667,spk_0,they frightened of getting someone else into trouble? +746,39.72566666666667,39.777,spk_0,Um Are there any personality clashes here or are +747,39.77715,39.82898333333333,spk_0,the personality relationships that are being covered up? +748,39.829166666666666,39.89683333333333,spk_0,Um Why are they saying what they're saying? And why did they do what they did? +749,39.94316666666667,40.01215,spk_0,"Now, if your questions really don't give you an accurate view of what happened," +750,40.01231666666666,40.050333333333334,spk_0,then it's worth thinking about in +751,40.0595,40.13315,spk_0,"the person to show you what happened and even act out or demonstrate," +752,40.135983333333336,40.212833333333336,spk_0,"take a look at the location where an incident occurred, you know, how large was it?" +753,40.213,40.256816666666666,spk_0,"Um, how close were people to each other" +754,40.260983333333336,40.31948333333333,spk_0,"if it's a case of somebody and we often see this in statements, you know," +755,40.31965,40.34465,spk_0,he swore at me. +756,40.346833333333336,40.38516666666666,spk_0,"Well, in that case, what was said" +757,40.38715,40.48148333333334,spk_0,in what tone? How loud was his voice? What was the effect on you when they said that? +758,40.48165,40.527316666666664,spk_0,"Um, what was the implication of it? Um," +759,40.5295,40.57933333333333,spk_0,"again, we have things like she called me names." +760,40.58148333333333,40.58715,spk_0,"Well," +761,40.587316666666666,40.64158333333334,spk_0,that mean anything um and what some people +762,40.641733333333335,40.68975,spk_0,find offensive may well not be offensive to others +763,40.69541666666667,40.768233333333335,spk_0,and also the context in which the name calling happens. So what was the name? +764,40.7684,40.79575,spk_0,Why did they call you names? +765,40.79991666666667,40.8634,spk_0,What was the intention behind it now? That might not make it right? +766,40.864066666666666,40.92025,spk_0,But it is relevant if you understand why they did what they did. +767,40.93333333333333,40.943,spk_0,"Again," +768,40.946666666666665,40.968333333333334,spk_0,he hit me +769,40.971,41.01898333333333,spk_0,"where, how hard um" +770,41.0225,41.073816666666666,spk_0,"what, what are the relative sizes between these two people?" +771,41.07398333333333,41.093333333333334,spk_0,"Are we talking about one," +772,41.0965,41.17831666666667,spk_0,"very large, strong person and one much smaller, weak individual." +773,41.181983333333335,41.218333333333334,spk_0,How close were they together? +774,41.2185,41.28231666666667,spk_0,"Is there any evidence of being hit um, such as bruising?" +775,41.28816666666667,41.34498333333333,spk_0,"And if so, it may well be worth taking photographs, for example." +776,41.34515,41.415483333333334,spk_0,So it's not just a case of following a checklist when you're asking questions here. +777,41.41733333333333,41.462833333333336,spk_0,"Um We're not trying to turn you into police officers," +778,41.467333333333336,41.51081666666666,spk_0,but what we are trying to turn you into is +779,41.51465,41.5255,spk_0,"um," +780,41.52583333333333,41.57748333333333,spk_0,our investigators who will be thorough and who will really +781,41.57765,41.62315,spk_0,try to get a good picture of what happened. +782,41.624316666666665,41.67166666666667,spk_0,So ask whatever you you think is relevant to +783,41.67183333333333,41.72116666666667,spk_0,the situation in order to get a true picture. +784,41.74965,41.8045,spk_0,"Then at that point, it is a case of preparing the employees statement." +785,41.80466666666667,41.85315,spk_0,"Now, full notes should be written up as soon as possible after the interview." +786,41.853316666666665,41.89366666666667,spk_0,And if practical get them signed to confirm their +787,41.893816666666666,41.93,spk_0,an aurate and full record of what was said +788,41.93866666666667,41.983333333333334,spk_0,and always include start and finishing times who is +789,41.9835,42.046,spk_0,present what was said and how any refusals to +790,42.046166666666664,42.0885,spk_0,answer a question and any comments or views that +791,42.08866666666667,42.13198333333333,spk_0,are made by the employee in their defense. +792,42.13215,42.138666666666666,spk_0,So +793,42.14266666666666,42.19865,spk_0,cover the key points of the discussion and document the facts. +794,42.260983333333336,42.316316666666665,spk_0,"Once you've done that, the next stage is to think about interviewing any witnesses." +795,42.31648333333333,42.38215,spk_0,"So who else if anyone should be interviewed? And in what order," +796,42.38565,42.44981666666666,spk_0,now witnesses should be met with as soon as possible after the event. +797,42.45,42.499316666666665,spk_0,While they're still fresh in the minds of those involved. +798,42.49948333333333,42.57398333333333,spk_0,"And it is always sensible to talk to witnesses individually, not in groups." +799,42.587316666666666,42.63165,spk_0,"If there are a large number of witnesses," +800,42.631816666666666,42.66965,spk_0,then very often there's not going to be any +801,42.66981666666667,42.70665,spk_0,need to take statements from every single one. +802,42.71115,42.77616666666667,spk_0,and it will be enough just to speak to those who are most closely involved. So +803,42.778483333333334,42.82666666666667,spk_0,it's only if their statements are inconsistent that +804,42.82683333333333,42.85315,spk_0,there will be a need to interview other +805,42.853316666666665,42.901833333333336,spk_0,witnesses unless you genuinely believe that the other +806,42.902,42.955666666666666,spk_0,witnesses may have further or more relevant information +807,43.0095,43.07983333333333,spk_0,"with your witnesses, decide on the topics to cover and the order of these." +808,43.08083333333333,43.15665,spk_0,"Um but again, uh similar to when you're talking to the employee," +809,43.156816666666664,43.19898333333333,spk_0,it's always worth starting by asking them to recall +810,43.19915,43.2425,spk_0,their version of events in their own words. +811,43.246,43.28066666666667,spk_0,"So have your list of questions," +812,43.280833333333334,43.35066666666667,spk_0,"um Use your open ended questions and more probing ones if necessary," +813,43.35658333333333,43.440916666666666,spk_0,avoid leading questions or suggesting answers and ask the witnesses to describe +814,43.44108333333333,43.50523333333334,spk_0,how things were done or said and how they reacted to that. +815,43.513733333333334,43.52256666666667,spk_0,"Now," +816,43.52673333333333,43.61475,spk_0,the witnesses should not see statements made by the employee or by other witnesses +817,43.614916666666666,43.66023333333333,spk_0,unless absolutely necessary because that could well +818,43.66041666666667,43.69306666666667,spk_0,alter their recall of the situation. +819,43.70248333333333,43.73833333333333,spk_0,"But if facts do seem contradictory," +820,43.7385,43.802816666666665,spk_0,then it's worth challenging the witness on the points that seem to contradict each +821,43.80298333333333,43.878816666666665,spk_0,the uh somebody else's statement and making every effort to recheck these again. +822,43.89398333333333,43.93215,spk_0,"If a direct quote is noted as to what's said," +823,43.932316666666665,43.968333333333334,spk_0,"then that should be written down exactly as stated," +824,43.9685,44.0175,spk_0,repeat it back to the witness and confirmed to be correct +825,44.025166666666664,44.06033333333333,spk_0,and it's always worth asking witnesses. +826,44.06048333333333,44.11631666666667,spk_0,Do they have anything else to add at the end of the meeting? +827,44.116483333333335,44.149483333333336,spk_0,Because it could well be that they come out +828,44.14965,44.181,spk_0,with all sorts of things that you weren't expecting. +829,44.2,44.229166666666664,spk_0,"Finally with witnesses," +830,44.23148333333334,44.296166666666664,spk_0,we would suggest that you stress the need for confidentiality with them +831,44.29716666666667,44.358666666666664,spk_0,and ask them not to discuss their statement with any other witnesses. +832,44.35883333333334,44.414,spk_0,"Now, that could be a disciplinary offense if they are employees." +833,44.41416666666667,44.464333333333336,spk_0,"But if they're external people such as customers or clients," +834,44.4645,44.49633333333333,spk_0,then obviously you don't have any recourse over them. +835,44.4965,44.52831666666667,spk_0,"Other than to say, please, can you not discuss it?" +836,44.528483333333334,44.56948333333333,spk_0,We're aiming to do with this in a professional way +837,44.56965,44.61565,spk_0,and we will take whatever appropriate action is necessary. +838,44.62748333333333,44.63565,spk_0,Um +839,44.640483333333336,44.69733333333333,spk_0,And that also brings me on to another point which is that the witnesses don't +840,44.6975,44.76498333333333,spk_0,have the right to be told of the outcome of any subsequent disciplinary meeting. +841,44.76515,44.821333333333335,spk_0,"They may well think they've got a right to know, but in fact, they haven't," +842,44.8215,44.86333333333333,spk_0,that is confidential between you and the employee +843,44.92133333333334,44.95265,spk_0,when you're doing your witness statements. +844,44.95281666666666,44.961983333333336,spk_0,"Um again," +845,44.96215,45.0015,spk_0,full notes of all interviews with simple and +846,45.001666666666665,45.0545,spk_0,"clear language exactly as spoken by the witness," +847,45.05983333333333,45.1045,spk_0,um include the full names and job titles. +848,45.10466666666667,45.15298333333333,spk_0,If it's an employee of anybody who's referred to try +849,45.15315,45.20466666666667,spk_0,to avoid jargon or acronyms because the idea is that +850,45.20483333333333,45.24398333333333,spk_0,an outsider should be able to read and understand the +851,45.24415,45.285983333333334,spk_0,"statement and get a clear picture of what happened," +852,45.29716666666667,45.345483333333334,spk_0,invite the witnesses to read through the notes and +853,45.34565,45.38215,spk_0,agree and sign each page of the statement. +854,45.38231666666667,45.4435,spk_0,"Um Alternatively, you can send typed up notes for signature in return," +855,45.443666666666665,45.49548333333333,spk_0,but clearly that often will delay the process +856,45.504666666666665,45.5635,spk_0,"and you need to include the witnesses, full name and address or job title." +857,45.56366666666667,45.58083333333333,spk_0,If it's a colleague. +858,45.5935,45.62116666666667,spk_0,"Now the pages and paragraphs," +859,45.62133333333333,45.679833333333335,spk_0,um it's sensible to number those because then it's easier for the +860,45.68,45.721833333333336,spk_0,disciplinary manager to refer to particular +861,45.722,45.759166666666665,spk_0,paragraphs at any subsequent hearing. +862,45.76115,45.76565,spk_0,Yeah. +863,45.78,45.80231666666667,spk_0,"Um, but" +864,45.80916666666667,45.87683333333333,spk_0,"the other thing with witnesses very often is that they will, uh," +865,45.877,45.92048333333334,spk_0,"they will be quite happy to tell you things possibly," +866,45.92365,45.98648333333333,spk_0,but they do want to know that everything is going to be kept anonymous and +867,45.98665,46.048316666666665,spk_0,that the employee is not going to know who has given the witness statement. +868,46.05215,46.06033333333333,spk_0,"Now," +869,46.06048333333333,46.085483333333336,spk_0,this might be because they're frightened +870,46.08565,46.12898333333333,spk_0,about future intimidation or recriminations. +871,46.13315,46.143166666666666,spk_0,But +872,46.145833333333336,46.20381666666667,spk_0,the problem is that you can't guarantee this. Um So +873,46.221,46.26016666666666,spk_0,the best thing to do is to advise the witness that if +874,46.260333333333335,46.32233333333333,spk_0,"a case results in a disciplinary hearing or a tribunal hearing," +875,46.32266666666666,46.37266666666667,spk_0,then they may be asked to come and give evidence in person +876,46.37798333333333,46.426,spk_0,and their anonymity can't be guaranteed unless there's +877,46.42616666666667,46.475833333333334,spk_0,a genuine and reasonable fear of Reprisal. +878,46.47815,46.53265,spk_0,So don't give promises which you can't keep but +879,46.53281666666667,46.591316666666664,spk_0,do take whatever steps you can to protect the witness +880,46.593333333333334,46.63315,spk_0,and I'll talk a little bit more about that as well. Later on. +881,46.65631666666667,46.66565,spk_0,"Now," +882,46.66948333333333,46.76115,spk_0,"you may well think about recording the meeting with the employee," +883,46.763,46.827983333333336,spk_0,"but you may think differently about recording the, the meeting with the witnesses." +884,46.835816666666666,46.84531666666667,spk_0,"First of all," +885,46.845483333333334,46.90866666666667,spk_0,this can be intimidating for some witnesses and it can be time consuming because you +886,46.908833333333334,46.97533333333333,spk_0,end up having to type everything up in order to then highlight the key points. +887,46.9795,47.01165,spk_0,But a recording might be useful. +888,47.01181666666667,47.075,spk_0,Um If you have particularly complex issues or the the witness is +889,47.07516666666667,47.126666666666665,spk_0,"an external person that you can't speak to on a frequent basis," +890,47.12983333333333,47.16766666666667,spk_0,"um or they're geographically distanced," +891,47.17731666666667,47.184333333333335,spk_0,but +892,47.18833333333333,47.243,spk_0,you would only make a recording with person's permission. Yeah. +893,47.25665,47.26383333333333,spk_0,"Um," +894,47.27065,47.32633333333333,spk_0,witnesses may ask to record the meeting themselves. +895,47.3265,47.36816666666667,spk_0,"And if so, I would think very, very," +896,47.36833333333333,47.417833333333334,spk_0,"very carefully about that before agreeing to such a request," +897,47.418,47.46383333333333,spk_0,especially if the witness is an external person +898,47.470483333333334,47.517833333333336,spk_0,because it is important to take a consistent and fair approach. +899,47.518,47.5395,spk_0,"And at the end of the day," +900,47.53965,47.6015,spk_0,you don't want to find that your confidential issues are posted on to social +901,47.60166666666667,47.682316666666665,spk_0,media by the witness because you don't have any control over the external people. +902,47.68248333333333,47.68816666666667,spk_0,So +903,47.69115,47.73016666666667,spk_0,"do think carefully before you agree to that," +904,47.73533333333334,47.78483333333333,spk_0,there's no real reason why a witness should need to have +905,47.785,47.838,spk_0,an electronic copy of the statement that they're giving you. +906,47.87798333333333,47.91565,spk_0,So note your statements may be produced in court. +907,47.915816666666665,47.956316666666666,spk_0,So do ensure that they are professional. +908,47.99666666666667,48.00566666666667,spk_0,"No," +909,48.01683333333333,48.04881666666667,spk_0,the final step in terms of gathering evidence +910,48.04898333333333,48.091316666666664,spk_0,is to gather any other evidence or documentation +911,48.09465,48.149816666666666,spk_0,that might be relevant and to take any steps that um that +912,48.15,48.1965,spk_0,you need to take to prevent it being destroyed or removed. +913,48.196666666666665,48.277816666666666,spk_0,So particularly in things like um texts or emails or that sort of thing. So +914,48.28366666666667,48.29148333333333,spk_0,um +915,48.302816666666665,48.3645,spk_0,"any relevant policies, any emails, time sheets, time records," +916,48.36465,48.39448333333333,spk_0,"um photographic evidence," +917,48.39465,48.44381666666666,spk_0,including of any injury or of any damage that's been +918,48.443983333333335,48.491483333333335,spk_0,done to your property or to people or anything else. +919,48.49166666666667,48.497,spk_0,Um +920,48.50416666666667,48.51615,spk_0,"testing," +921,48.51631666666667,48.61465,spk_0,it might well be that you um want to do drugs or alcohol or substance misuse testing. +922,48.61481666666667,48.672666666666665,spk_0,"In which case, you should comply with your own policies on that." +923,48.677483333333335,48.754666666666665,spk_0,"And it may well be that you feel the need to search lockers or desks, for example," +924,48.76481666666667,48.8185,spk_0,"in which case always aim to have the employee present," +925,48.82266666666666,48.896166666666666,spk_0,"um, at the very least have an independent witness with you when you do that." +926,48.90133333333333,48.973816666666664,spk_0,"And also bear in mind if you're looking on to computers and computer usage," +927,48.97398333333334,49.01915,spk_0,then you do need to comply with the Data Protection Act. +928,49.02283333333333,49.07183333333333,spk_0,So you shouldn't be opening emails that are marked private or +929,49.072,49.1505,spk_0,personal unless this is actually required as relevant to the investigation. +930,49.21215,49.26733333333333,spk_0,"Now, I'm going to have to speed up a bit because I am a little aware, aware of the time," +931,49.2675,49.29683333333333,spk_0,"um, criminal offenses." +932,49.30298333333333,49.38816666666666,spk_0,"If it seems that you're investigating a criminal offense such as theft or arson," +933,49.388333333333335,49.41266666666667,spk_0,"drink, driving abuse," +934,49.41283333333333,49.46,spk_0,then you do have to ask whether the police or the health +935,49.460166666666666,49.52865,spk_0,and safety executive or any other regulatory body needs to be notified. +936,49.534333333333336,49.5885,spk_0,"And if so any statements or evidence that you may have used, um," +937,49.58866666666667,49.634,spk_0,could be used in a parallel criminal investigation. +938,49.64633333333333,49.6555,spk_0,If an +939,49.65765,49.696333333333335,spk_0,employee admits to a criminal offense during +940,49.6965,49.72715,spk_0,"the course of an internal investigation," +941,49.72731666666667,49.75698333333333,spk_0,"then make a note of it, um," +942,49.7595,49.834666666666664,spk_0,"and sign and date the, um, the statement by, uh, get" +943,49.836483333333334,49.88916666666667,spk_0,"it dated and signed by both yourself and the employee," +944,49.89666666666667,49.937666666666665,spk_0,any refusal to sign should be recorded. +945,49.93783333333333,49.968983333333334,spk_0,And if the employee disagrees with anything in +946,49.96915,49.99865,spk_0,the note that should be signed and noted. +947,50.01016666666667,50.06333333333333,spk_0,And at that point adjourn whilst you take advice +948,50.0635,50.136316666666666,spk_0,and consider whether to involve any appropriate investigatory body. +949,50.13816666666666,50.147166666666664,spk_0,"Now," +950,50.147333333333336,50.226,spk_0,employers are often really worried about um undertaking disciplinary hearings +951,50.226166666666664,50.296166666666664,spk_0,"or dismissals before the judicial system has run its course," +952,50.29633333333334,50.360483333333335,spk_0,but it could take a long time for criminal proceedings to finish. +953,50.364333333333335,50.369816666666665,spk_0,Um +954,50.37831666666667,50.42381666666667,spk_0,"during which time your employee sits there on full paid suspension," +955,50.42398333333333,50.47116666666667,spk_0,accruing annual leave and other service related benefits. +956,50.47933333333334,50.52381666666667,spk_0,So I won't go into that in detail here. +957,50.523983333333334,50.566316666666665,spk_0,"But if you believe it reasonable to do so," +958,50.56648333333333,50.60466666666667,spk_0,then an employer may decide to carry +959,50.60483333333333,50.660983333333334,spk_0,on with the disciplinary investigation and hearing independently +960,50.663,50.7295,spk_0,and make a decision before the outcome of a criminal investigation. +961,50.76766666666666,50.84381666666667,spk_0,"And at the end of the day, the decision will be based on reasonable belief. Yeah," +962,50.856316666666665,50.873983333333335,spk_0,we don't have to. +963,50.87415,50.90815,spk_0,"Unlike a excuse me, a criminal court," +964,50.90833333333333,50.965983333333334,spk_0,you don't have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the employee is guilty. +965,51.03933333333333,51.0805,spk_0,Now step eight involves finally bringing all your +966,51.080666666666666,51.14148333333333,spk_0,evidence together into a report with notes and evidence +967,51.14666666666667,51.2045,spk_0,"with a fair and comprehensive summary at the front. Yeah, um" +968,51.20681666666667,51.272333333333336,spk_0,"showing very clearly what is factually agreed," +969,51.27465,51.353316666666665,spk_0,what you haven't been able to check out or prove either way and what is disputed. +970,51.3585,51.38715,spk_0,"And at the end of the day," +971,51.390483333333336,51.462316666666666,spk_0,a statement as to whether formal action or informal action seems merited. +972,51.47765,51.52365,spk_0,So um sometimes a matrix is quite useful +973,51.52381666666667,51.58265,spk_0,for stating what's agreed unsubstantiated and disputed. +974,51.582816666666666,51.588,spk_0,"Yeah," +975,51.591316666666664,51.62748333333333,spk_0,but you need to decide as the investigating +976,51.6305,51.64131666666667,spk_0,"officer," +977,51.64148333333333,51.717,spk_0,which version of events you believe and also why and include your reasoning. +978,51.718983333333334,51.782983333333334,spk_0,"Now, when you read your own report, are you asking questions as you read it?" +979,51.78315,51.81465,spk_0,Do there appear to be gaps? +980,51.81733333333333,51.86131666666667,spk_0,"Um are there, is it ringing any warning bells?" +981,51.86148333333333,51.905833333333334,spk_0,Um If so you might need to do a little bit more work. +982,51.9125,51.969483333333336,spk_0,"And also when you look at your report, does it appear neutral?" +983,51.96965,52.02348333333333,spk_0,And does disciplinary action seem merited or not? +984,52.04931666666667,52.084833333333336,spk_0,"Now, what not to include in your report?" +985,52.085,52.13033333333333,spk_0,And this is very important is that your report should not +986,52.1305,52.20433333333333,spk_0,include any recommendation for disciplinary action or a level of penalties. +987,52.207316666666664,52.294983333333334,spk_0,"It should just be a recommendation for formal action, informal action or no action." +988,52.299816666666665,52.305,spk_0,Yeah. +989,52.316833333333335,52.42048333333334,spk_0,So and it also should not include recommendations for improvement for the future. +990,52.42065,52.4755,spk_0,Um Most people when they're investigating a misconduct +991,52.47566666666667,52.52765,spk_0,issue will find some flaws in the employer's +992,52.527816666666666,52.58433333333333,spk_0,procedures or rules or policies and things that +993,52.5845,52.6135,spk_0,could be tightened up for the future. +994,52.61565,52.68315,spk_0,"Now, they are very, very important and yet it is important to take action on those," +995,52.68483333333333,52.718,spk_0,but they should be sent as a separate report +996,52.71816666666667,52.77048333333333,spk_0,to the appropriate people because otherwise you are highlighting the +997,52.77065,52.816833333333335,spk_0,weaknesses in your case straight away to any lawyer +998,52.817,52.895833333333336,spk_0,or advisor that actually reads the disciplinary investigation report. +999,52.896,52.94481666666667,spk_0,Um and who is advising the employee. So +1000,52.946666666666665,52.9885,spk_0,"yes, there may well be things that need to be done for the future," +1001,52.98866666666667,53.051,spk_0,but you don't include that in an a disciplinary investigation report. +1002,53.07898333333333,53.12616666666667,spk_0,Now things can go wrong due to illness or absence if +1003,53.126333333333335,53.17865,spk_0,they do keep the manager and employee informed of what's happening. +1004,53.1795,53.22731666666667,spk_0,"Um For example, witnesses may, may not be available." +1005,53.2295,53.29398333333334,spk_0,Um explain the reason for any delay and a revised timescale. +1006,53.3265,53.402,spk_0,"And your final stage before handing the case over is to do is to say," +1007,53.40215,53.427483333333335,spk_0,is there a case to answer? +1008,53.42765,53.432316666666665,spk_0,"Yeah," +1009,53.44015,53.49065,spk_0,if your evidence is so conflicting that it's +1010,53.49081666666667,53.54065,spk_0,"absolutely impossible to prove what really really happened," +1011,53.540816666666665,53.58806666666667,spk_0,then it's going to be very hard to take disciplinary action on that. +1012,53.59158333333333,53.68175,spk_0,So it may well be that if there's no case to answer or if you absolutely can't um get +1013,53.681916666666666,53.72408333333333,spk_0,to the bottom of things that no further action +1014,53.72425,53.76108333333333,spk_0,"should be taken against the employee in which case," +1015,53.76125,53.82308333333334,spk_0,discuss with the disciplinary manager who is going to notify the employee. +1016,53.835,53.89115,spk_0,"If there is a case to answer, then you hand it all over." +1017,53.89131666666667,53.904833333333336,spk_0,"At that point," +1018,53.906483333333334,53.94798333333333,spk_0,the disciplining manager will then take over and +1019,53.94815,53.99398333333333,spk_0,invite the employee to a formal disciplinary hearing +1020,53.99798333333333,54.086816666666664,spk_0,and will send the employee all statements and documentary evidence that you +1021,54.086983333333336,54.159333333333336,spk_0,have supplied unless there are real reasons for withholding any of this. +1022,54.1595,54.16866666666667,spk_0,"Now," +1023,54.168816666666665,54.203316666666666,spk_0,the employee has the right to see all of the +1024,54.20348333333333,54.25298333333333,spk_0,evidence that will be relied on in the disciplinary hearing. +1025,54.25781666666666,54.32116666666667,spk_0,"But for example, if you did have witnesses who asked to be anonymous," +1026,54.3225,54.369483333333335,spk_0,"and if you then unearth other evidence," +1027,54.36965,54.409166666666664,spk_0,which is actually far more persuasive and far more +1028,54.409333333333336,54.457483333333336,spk_0,definite as to what happened than the witness statement. +1029,54.46033333333333,54.533833333333334,spk_0,It might well be a case that you actually don't need to use that witness statement. So +1030,54.53783333333333,54.577,spk_0,if your statement showed that somebody +1031,54.58658333333333,54.623916666666666,spk_0,"said they were at work when they weren't and they were somewhere else," +1032,54.62408333333333,54.6669,spk_0,but then you actually have CCTV footage proving +1033,54.66706666666666,54.7059,spk_0,that you actually don't need your witness statement. +1034,54.706066666666665,54.75573333333333,spk_0,That might have been a method for discovering what went on. +1035,54.75808333333333,54.82123333333333,spk_0,"But the further digging that you did actually gave you evidence," +1036,54.8214,54.905566666666665,spk_0,which is far more definitive and which actually is of no risk to the witness. +1037,54.90606666666667,54.915083333333335,spk_0,So +1038,54.92041666666667,54.98625,spk_0,"consider whether some of it needs to be excluded or not," +1039,55.01683333333333,55.043166666666664,spk_0,"keep your reports, keep your notes," +1040,55.04333333333334,55.076166666666666,spk_0,keep your records in a secure place and keep +1041,55.07633333333333,55.11716666666667,spk_0,your handwrit notes also in case they're needed. +1042,55.117333333333335,55.169983333333334,spk_0,And we're looking at at least three but preferably six months +1043,55.17015,55.22715,spk_0,following the date of a dismissal if it comes to that. +1044,55.22765,55.232483333333334,spk_0,Yeah. +1045,55.302816666666665,55.35798333333334,spk_0,"So in summary, key points, we're looking at proper planning," +1046,55.35815,55.395316666666666,spk_0,proper structuring of an investigation +1047,55.3975,55.43265,spk_0,"done by an independent person," +1048,55.43816666666667,55.48533333333334,spk_0,"possibly suspending the employee on full pay," +1049,55.485483333333335,55.54666666666667,spk_0,particularly if you're looking at potential gross misconduct and dismissal +1050,55.554833333333335,55.59733333333333,spk_0,an open mind when doing the investigation. +1051,55.60281666666667,55.61165,spk_0,And +1052,55.6135,55.68265,spk_0,"if the employee um is interviewed, then they shouldn't," +1053,55.68281666666667,55.70933333333333,spk_0,it should be made very clear to them +1054,55.7095,55.756,spk_0,that the investigation is not a disciplinary hearing. +1055,55.76181666666667,55.781816666666664,spk_0,"And finally," +1056,55.7835,55.860816666666665,spk_0,the investigating officer does not have to prove things beyond reasonable doubt. +1057,55.910333333333334,55.950833333333335,spk_0,So a final thought because I am aware of the time +1058,55.960483333333336,56.03615,spk_0,tribunals are often lost because of inadequate investigation. +1059,56.0425,56.106,spk_0,"So do ensure that yours are thorough, fair and properly documented" +1060,56.10916666666667,56.18816666666667,spk_0,and they'll then form the basis for a fair dismissal. Should it come to that? +1061,56.2265,56.30533333333333,spk_0,"So, sue, do we have any questions at all that I can answer in the next few minutes?" +1062,56.3055,56.30765,spk_0,"Um," +1063,56.30781666666667,56.35231666666667,spk_0,or is everybody stunned into silence by +1064,56.35248333333333,56.38433333333333,spk_0,the amount of information we've gone through? +1065,56.400333333333336,56.41498333333333,spk_1,"Um, there's a couple," +1066,56.41515,56.46131666666667,spk_1,I've already agreed we will deal with offline um because they +1067,56.461483333333334,56.504666666666665,spk_1,need a bit more information that we can probably give now. +1068,56.50866666666667,56.593333333333334,spk_1,"Um But just one other short, quick one I think is, um" +1069,56.60066666666667,56.635983333333336,spk_1,"perhaps to just reemphasize," +1070,56.63615,56.69448333333333,spk_1,does the employee have the right to be accompanied as an investigation meeting? +1071,56.69465,56.75731666666667,spk_1,"Because it's a question we're asked a lot, isn't it through our helpline? And um" +1072,56.765816666666666,56.812666666666665,spk_1,and clients are often not quite sure. +1073,56.82683333333333,56.922983333333335,spk_0,"Yes. No, they don't have the right to be accompanied unless, um and this is very rare." +1074,56.92315,56.97781666666667,spk_0,Uh But unless you have a disciplinary procedure which actually allows for +1075,56.977983333333334,57.02715,spk_0,this and it's a contractual procedure that you would have to follow. +1076,57.03033333333333,57.08315,spk_0,"Um But other than that, there is no right to be accompanied." +1077,57.083333333333336,57.145316666666666,spk_0,"Um Although you may decide it's sensible to do so as I, as I said before," +1078,57.147,57.18631666666667,spk_0,"um and also there's no right to be given a particular," +1079,57.187416666666664,57.2339,spk_0,particular amount of time or anything like that. +1080,57.23406666666666,57.23975,spk_0,"I mean," +1081,57.2419,57.2804,spk_0,"employers, um sometimes ring us up and say," +1082,57.280566666666665,57.348416666666665,spk_0,can we have letters inviting people to um an investigation meeting. +1083,57.34858333333333,57.38106666666667,spk_0,"Well, you don't actually have to do that." +1084,57.38125,57.433083333333336,spk_0,"All you actually have to do is say, um, could I have a word with you, please?" +1085,57.43325,57.45375,spk_0,"Um, can we meet in an R" +1086,57.45556666666667,57.46706666666667,spk_0,A time? +1087,57.46925,57.54575,spk_0,"Um And you, you don't need to give them time to, to prepare for that meeting?" +1088,57.57031666666666,57.58,spk_1,Ok. +1089,57.5925,57.608666666666664,spk_1,Sounds good. +1090,57.61115,57.63,spk_1,I think that's all we have. +1091,57.659666666666666,57.72398333333334,spk_0,"Well, we've had more people at this webinar than any of our other webinars." +1092,57.72415,57.770316666666666,spk_0,So obviously it's um it's a subject that um +1093,57.772166666666664,57.791666666666664,spk_0,that you're all interested in. +1094,57.79183333333334,57.846833333333336,spk_0,We hope we've given you some useful tips um and useful information. +1095,57.85016666666667,57.88965,spk_0,Thank you very much for joining us and we hope +1096,57.88981666666667,57.943666666666665,spk_0,you'll join us in the future at future webinars and um +1097,57.9475,57.99548333333333,spk_0,hope you enjoy the rest of your afternoon. Thanks a lot. Bye bye. diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/hr/HR_Meeting_2020_YouTube.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/hr/HR_Meeting_2020_YouTube.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..70271fb1d41896a48717a3d05aebc0624e732d92 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/hr/HR_Meeting_2020_YouTube.csv @@ -0,0 +1,958 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,0.3579833333333333,0.385,spk_0,"Good morning, everyone." +1,0.39033333333333337,0.45365,spk_0,"I'm Elena Campbell, President of the Rochester Regional Chamber of Commerce." +2,0.45381666666666665,0.49766666666666665,spk_0,Thank you so much for joining us today. +3,0.4983166666666667,0.5851666666666666,spk_0,Uh This is our Human Resources Peer Solution Group +4,0.5885,0.6328333333333334,spk_0,and I know a couple of you on the call are new. +5,0.6329833333333333,0.675,spk_0,So I wanted to give you a little bit of background +6,0.6778166666666666,0.73915,spk_0,about what our hr peer solution group is. +7,0.7433166666666666,0.8093333333333333,spk_0,Um We started Peer Solution Groups +8,0.8133166666666667,0.8719833333333333,spk_0,"a little over a year and a half, almost two years ago." +9,0.8765000000000001,0.9441666666666666,spk_0,And the idea came out of a member survey that we did. +10,0.95165,0.984,spk_0,One of the things that we heard loud and +11,0.98415,1.04865,spk_0,clear from our members was that they wanted the opportunity +12,1.0503333333333333,1.11065,spk_0,"to network and collaborate with their peers," +13,1.1108333333333333,1.1593166666666668,spk_0,with people that were in similar industries +14,1.1705,1.2153166666666666,spk_0,um so that they could help each other out um +15,1.2155,1.3213166666666667,spk_0,with resources and ideas um identify current trends and topics. +16,1.3223166666666666,1.4096666666666666,spk_0,"Uh bring in speakers that were related to their field or speakers to," +17,1.4129833333333333,1.48065,spk_0,to um share their expertise on different +18,1.4841666666666666,1.5441666666666667,spk_0,issues that they were all facing um together. +19,1.5553166666666667,1.5656666666666665,spk_0,Um +20,1.5685,1.6128166666666668,spk_0,The hr Peer Solution Group uh +21,1.6145,1.7583333333333333,spk_0,got started. The first meeting I believe was in November of 2019. +22,1.76715,1.8224833333333332,spk_0,Uh The group decided to meet quarterly +23,1.8273166666666667,1.8898166666666667,spk_0,and then we held another meeting at Blossom Ridge at Mo +24,1.8935,1.9063166666666667,spk_0,"Sherry," +25,1.9068333333333332,2.0221666666666667,spk_0,uh where we brought in a speaker to talk about uh multigenerational workforces. +26,2.0303166666666668,2.1064833333333333,spk_0,That was a topic that the group identified uh as something that +27,2.1066666666666665,2.16715,spk_0,they wanted uh some assistance with and wanted to learn more about. +28,2.16965,2.2331666666666665,spk_0,So we found an expert to come in and speak uh on that topic +29,2.23815,2.283166666666667,spk_0,and that was uh shortly before COVID hit. +30,2.29365,2.3115,spk_0,Uh Then +31,2.3154833333333333,2.379,spk_0,uh we found ourselves in the middle of a pandemic or +32,2.3889833333333335,2.4553333333333334,spk_0,"in the beginning of a pandemic in March. Now, I guess we're more in the middle of it." +33,2.461,2.4743333333333335,spk_0,Um +34,2.4774833333333333,2.5591666666666666,spk_0,And uh the hr group kind of didn't meet for a while because we were +35,2.5593166666666667,2.6543166666666664,spk_0,"all busy uh navigating the new waters as it were to say out there," +36,2.6545,2.674,spk_0,the new environment +37,2.6776666666666666,2.7053333333333334,spk_0,uh that we found ourselves in. +38,2.7106500000000002,2.735,spk_0,"Um So," +39,2.7384833333333334,2.7826666666666666,spk_0,but we wanted to get the group back together again. +40,2.7916666666666665,2.8813333333333335,spk_0,And I was so excited when um Scott Garrison reached out to me uh +41,2.8814833333333336,2.9768333333333334,spk_0,with clear to go uh a product that they have developed that can be +42,2.98015,3.085166666666667,spk_0,"and is extremely helpful um for many, many businesses as we navigate" +43,3.0875,3.1365,spk_0,um the health and safety of our community and our +44,3.13665,3.2175,spk_0,employees um moving forward uh with this uh pandemic. +45,3.2198333333333333,3.2665,spk_0,Uh and it can help with a lot of other things as well. +46,3.2709833333333336,3.27965,spk_0,So +47,3.2875,3.33815,spk_0,that's a little background about the hr group. +48,3.3415,3.443983333333333,spk_0,"Um At the end, I would like to take a little bit of time the last 10 minutes or so" +49,3.4458333333333333,3.5456666666666665,spk_0,to talk about uh the needs of the group and set up uh a next +50,3.5521666666666665,3.599833333333333,spk_0,time to get together via Zoom +51,3.6033166666666667,3.6453333333333333,spk_0,um uh as well. +52,3.6454833333333334,3.6638333333333333,spk_0,"So before we end," +53,3.6639833333333334,3.70715,spk_0,we'll have a little 10 minute discussion on where we want +54,3.707333333333333,3.7408166666666665,spk_0,"to go with this group where you want to go," +55,3.7411666666666665,3.76715,spk_0,I should say with this group +56,3.7706666666666666,3.8318333333333334,spk_0,and um set up our next meeting date. +57,3.84215,3.9363166666666665,spk_0,So I also wanted to start out with um a couple of uh announcements. +58,3.9365,3.98065,spk_0,"We are recording this, we will make it available." +59,3.982666666666667,4.059166666666667,spk_0,"Um If you have questions, just type in the chat box that you have a question," +60,4.059316666666667,4.122316666666666,spk_0,it's a small group so you can unmute yourself and I'll call +61,4.1225,4.1725,spk_0,on you and then you can unmute yourself and ask your question. +62,4.1805,4.2476666666666665,spk_0,Um We wanted to be very interactive and we can do that since it's a small group. +63,4.251666666666667,4.3065,spk_0,And then I wanted to make a couple of announcements +64,4.3091333333333335,4.390833333333333,spk_0,uh about some upcoming things that we have uh coming up this week. +65,4.400316666666667,4.4843166666666665,spk_0,"So today at noon, we did resume our member update calls." +66,4.4845,4.5485,spk_0,We were doing them weekly when the pandemic first started back +67,4.548666666666667,4.590983333333334,spk_0,in March and we were getting updates from all of our +68,4.59365,4.664316666666666,spk_0,"elected officials, uh all the way from our local level, all the way up to our" +69,4.666333333333333,4.684,spk_0,US senator +70,4.6945,4.734816666666667,spk_0,keeping us informed about resources and +71,4.737666666666667,4.813666666666666,spk_0,"um issues as they came down the pike, I guess I would, I would say." +72,4.816483333333333,4.8870000000000005,spk_0,"Um And so we've resumed those um they're not, every week," +73,4.887166666666666,4.949666666666666,spk_0,they're every other week or sometimes every third week due to a holiday. +74,4.950816666666666,4.9956499999999995,spk_0,But today at noon we're gonna hear from Christy +75,5.003666666666667,5.095766666666667,spk_0,"Toro, who is our, um, DD, a director for the city of Rochester." +76,5.097583333333334,5.167916666666667,spk_0,"And she's gonna give us an update on what's going on downtown as, you know, you know," +77,5.168083333333334,5.190766666666667,spk_0,many things have changed. +78,5.193583333333334,5.241916666666667,spk_0,"Uh, the way we do events has drastically changed." +79,5.243266666666667,5.317583333333333,spk_0,"Um, so she's gonna give us an update on what's going on downtown with events," +80,5.3177666666666665,5.355416666666667,spk_0,"what they are doing, what they can do," +81,5.358083333333333,5.4302,spk_0,"um the protocol and safety measures, you know, that they're following, of course." +82,5.4340166666666665,5.445016666666667,spk_0,Um +83,5.447516666666667,5.513366666666666,spk_0,And then we've got a couple of updates on some +84,5.513533333333333,5.57985,spk_0,programs that are available for businesses to take advantage of +85,5.5815166666666665,5.6312,spk_0,"and then an update on, of course," +86,5.63135,5.674683333333333,spk_0,some of the new rules that have come out from +87,5.6748666666666665,5.728183333333334,spk_0,MD HHS Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. +88,5.7297,5.7405333333333335,spk_0,Um +89,5.747366666666666,5.7758666666666665,spk_0,So that's today at noon +90,5.7797,5.856516666666667,spk_0,"and then I'm really excited on um Friday," +91,5.862816666666666,5.8816500000000005,spk_0,November 13th. +92,5.8870000000000005,5.98215,spk_0,Uh We have got Rob Scott who is the region five SB a administrator +93,5.98415,6.0595,spk_0,coming back. He did a call for us for all of the Oakland County chambers +94,6.062,6.116833333333333,spk_0,a couple of weeks ago where he gave an update on +95,6.116983333333334,6.2043333333333335,spk_0,the idle and PPP um loans and what was happening there. +96,6.204483333333333,6.290333333333334,spk_0,"And of course, as we all know, everything is pretty much stalled out right now" +97,6.29315,6.327833333333333,spk_0,"um due to the election," +98,6.339166666666666,6.350816666666667,spk_0,um +99,6.352833333333334,6.412316666666666,spk_0,but he has graciously agreed to join us on Friday +100,6.415166666666667,6.436166666666667,spk_0,and walk +101,6.441333333333334,6.497,spk_0,us through the PPP +102,6.498666666666667,6.612666666666667,spk_0,"E Forgiveness um loan form, the 3508 I think is what it's named." +103,6.616666666666667,6.676816666666666,spk_0,Um But he is personally gonna walk us through filling out that form. +104,6.680483333333333,6.7235,spk_0,Um So we're really excited about that +105,6.729833333333334,6.769,spk_0,and then just in case you missed it. +106,6.772316666666667,6.827166666666667,spk_0,Um Last Monday we held our first hour +107,6.827333333333334,6.8961500000000004,spk_0,live stream premiere of our Sunrise Pinnacle Awards. +108,6.903666666666666,6.948316666666667,spk_0,"Normally, you know, this event is 500" +109,6.950816666666666,7.0521666666666665,spk_0,"some people at the Royal Park Hotel and we honor a little over 20 individuals," +110,7.052333333333333,7.1193333333333335,spk_0,nonprofit organizations and businesses for what they +111,7.1195,7.163316666666667,spk_0,do to make our community so great. +112,7.164316666666666,7.228483333333333,spk_0,"Of course, we had pivot like everybody else has had to" +113,7.230483333333333,7.298,spk_0,um and switch this up and make it an online event. +114,7.3014833333333335,7.391333333333334,spk_0,We partnered with 148 South Street studio who's right here in Rochester +115,7.392833333333333,7.4634833333333335,spk_0,"and they filmed the event for us and produced it for us," +116,7.463666666666667,7.525816666666667,spk_0,us and we premiered it uh last Monday and +117,7.5259833333333335,7.580983333333333,spk_0,"we were really excited to honor 12 individuals," +118,7.58115,7.62265,spk_0,businesses and nonprofit organizations +119,7.628166666666667,7.728483333333333,spk_0,or some pretty amazing things um that they have done uh here in our community and +120,7.73065,7.817833333333334,spk_0,ways that they really stepped up um during this difficult time. +121,7.82065,7.914166666666667,spk_0,"So in case you missed it on our, this is our website um under the events uh tab," +122,7.917333333333334,7.996,spk_0,"there's the Sunrise Pinnacle Awards page and right there," +123,7.99615,8.073166666666667,spk_0,you can just click on that and take a look at who we recognized for that. +124,8.085816666666666,8.095,spk_0,Um +125,8.098316666666667,8.158816666666667,spk_0,So I am going to stop sharing my screen +126,8.165833333333333,8.1845,spk_0,"and I, we," +127,8.18465,8.25,spk_0,what we would love is for everybody to introduce themselves who's on the call. +128,8.251166666666666,8.325166666666666,spk_0,"So, and I'm just gonna start on my left and if you could tell us who you are," +129,8.325316666666666,8.375,spk_0,"what business you're with or what your role is there," +130,8.377333333333333,8.449316666666666,spk_0,"um, that would be great. And I'm gonna start with Erica because she's top." +131,8.454166666666667,8.485316666666666,spk_0,"-- I'm on your +-- left. Right?" +132,8.4875,8.503983333333334,spk_1,Ok. +133,8.50965,8.529166666666667,spk_1,My name is Erica Sklar. +134,8.53265,8.625166666666667,spk_1,I'm president of an owner of Bene Biz Plus employee benefits. +135,8.625333333333334,8.672166666666667,spk_1,I've been in uh agent for 27 years and I +136,8.672333333333333,8.715666666666667,spk_1,decided to go out on my own during this pandemic. +137,8.715833333333334,8.734666666666667,spk_1,"What a great time, right?" +138,8.744316666666666,8.828816666666667,spk_1,"Um My take from all of this is actually, I have a lot of believe it or not," +139,8.828983333333333,8.866483333333333,spk_1,"a lot of groups, employer groups" +140,8.868166666666667,8.913833333333333,spk_1,that ask me a ton of hr questions. +141,8.918483333333333,8.966,spk_1,"And I know, II I really don't give them a lot of advice," +142,8.96615,9.011316666666668,spk_1,but I kinda need to know what's going on +143,9.014833333333334,9.035983333333334,spk_1,"so I can, you know," +144,9.03615,9.0765,spk_1,dabble my toe in it and at least give them +145,9.07665,9.13215,spk_1,some advice on where to go and get the resources. +146,9.132333333333333,9.186833333333333,spk_1,"So, um that's my takeaway from this group." +147,9.20365,9.286983333333334,spk_0,"Thank you, Erica. And Erica is a long, long time member of the chamber," +148,9.291833333333333,9.32265,spk_0,one of our ambassadors. +149,9.322816666666666,9.385316666666666,spk_0,Um and we really appreciate everything that she does for the organization. +150,9.40265,9.428333333333333,spk_0,So next is Lee. +151,9.443316666666666,9.456333333333333,spk_2,Good morning. +152,9.460316666666667,9.473166666666666,spk_2,I'm Lee Suttle +153,9.475983333333334,9.53515,spk_2,Meyer Wick and I am currently the Assistant Dean of the School of Education. +154,9.535316666666667,9.570166666666667,spk_2,And human services at Oakland University. +155,9.572,9.619833333333334,spk_2,"And you might be thinking, ok, what does that have to do with hr" +156,9.622483333333333,9.670483333333333,spk_2,um assistant deans at Oakland University +157,9.67065,9.734833333333333,spk_2,actually serve as finance operations and hr +158,9.736833333333333,9.77065,spk_2,are uh in their role. +159,9.770833333333334,9.844,spk_2,Uh But uh I've been in human resources for uh just over +160,9.844166666666666,9.93115,spk_2,22 years starting in automotive and then working over to higher education. +161,9.931333333333333,9.942833333333333,spk_2,I was +162,9.945166666666667,10.029166666666667,spk_2,uh formerly the head of academic human resources for the university. +163,10.032983333333334,10.096333333333334,spk_2,"And uh I just, I just learned about this group uh there," +164,10.096483333333333,10.132666666666667,spk_2,I'm now part of a group that tells me what's +165,10.132816666666667,10.171,spk_2,going on with the chamber and a few other things. +166,10.171166666666666,10.231333333333334,spk_2,"And I, I wanted to sign up just so that I could know what's," +167,10.2315,10.27,spk_2,"what's going on in the community and," +168,10.270166666666666,10.313666666666666,spk_2,and some of the hr challenges they're facing too. +169,10.316,10.32465,spk_2,Um +170,10.3325,10.41765,spk_2,real quickly. I am a member of um uh the Higher Ed hr Group +171,10.419483333333334,10.462666666666667,spk_2,C A uh National Public Policy Committee. +172,10.465833333333332,10.517166666666666,spk_2,And so I work with them and if there's anything that I can do +173,10.517316666666666,10.592,spk_2,to be to be a resource within some labor stuff that's going on ahead of +174,10.59465,10.654816666666667,spk_2,"uh things that are getting to be more formal in the process, so to speak," +175,10.654983333333334,10.678166666666666,spk_2,I want to be able to help out that way. +176,10.678333333333333,10.6875,spk_2,Also. +177,10.7035,10.786666666666667,spk_0,Awesome and welcome Lee. We're excited that you've connected with us. +178,10.791316666666667,10.839316666666667,spk_0,"Uh John Young, who's the Vice president of Marketing" +179,10.849333333333334,10.89865,spk_0,at ou is our board chair this year. +180,10.902333333333333,10.92865,spk_0,"So ah yes, OK." +181,10.9335,10.97865,spk_0,"So very involved And of course, Oakland University." +182,10.982816666666666,11.029333333333334,spk_0,"Um you will see at the very, oh, I don't know if it's" +183,11.0315,11.039316666666666,spk_0,my +184,11.041316666666667,11.041833333333333,spk_0,la +185,11.045483333333333,11.069,spk_0,"maybe you're right," +186,11.08315,11.156333333333333,spk_0,is one of our partners um at the chamber. So we really appreciate that. +187,11.167316666666666,11.198333333333334,spk_0,Um Next is a now +188,11.243166666666667,11.273333333333333,spk_3,good morning. Um My name is +189,11.275,11.352816666666667,spk_3,Amal Brazelton and I'm the firm administrator uh with Matina Kent and Gibbons. +190,11.3535,11.4005,spk_3,We are a CPA firm and we have um +191,11.402166666666666,11.444166666666666,spk_3,office in Rochester as well as look here. +192,11.450333333333333,11.472,spk_3,And um +193,11.475166666666667,11.502166666666668,spk_3,"I my position," +194,11.502333333333333,11.58215,spk_3,I manage both the offices and that includes all of the hr responsibilities. +195,11.589833333333333,11.61615,spk_3,Um So I've been +196,11.627166666666668,11.66865,spk_3,continuously looking for groups um +197,11.6755,11.742483333333332,spk_3,such as this to kind of help and bounce ideas off and learn some things. Um +198,11.751333333333333,11.811666666666667,spk_3,There really doesn't seem to be anything local like a nationwide group +199,11.811833333333333,11.86215,spk_3,with the Michigan chapter that is convenient for me to attend. +200,11.867166666666666,11.904816666666667,spk_3,Um So I'm hoping to get a lot out of this. +201,11.927816666666667,11.942833333333333,spk_0,"Thank you. And now," +202,11.949,12.036833333333334,spk_0,"and, and like Anel said, she's with Matina Kent and Gibbons and you'll see their logo" +203,12.042316666666666,12.05615,spk_0,right here. +204,12.062316666666666,12.075166666666666,spk_0,Um Vince +205,12.081333333333333,12.140483333333334,spk_0,Vince Matina is our treasurer for the Rochester +206,12.140666666666666,12.206666666666667,spk_0,Regional Chamber and we really appreciate his service um +207,12.213316666666667,12.23415,spk_0,uh to the chamber. +208,12.236833333333333,12.305983333333334,spk_0,And last but not least uh is Lisa Ecker. +209,12.329816666666666,12.3575,spk_4,Good morning everyone. +210,12.359666666666667,12.369483333333333,spk_4,Um +211,12.386666666666667,12.424483333333333,spk_4,I am Lisa. I work for Mo +212,12.427166666666666,12.449816666666667,spk_4,"Sherry Companies, Mo" +213,12.45365,12.522,spk_4,Sheri um has been in the industry about 55 years now. +214,12.522166666666667,12.584316666666666,spk_4,"Um starting with construction homes, moving into" +215,12.591316666666666,12.663666666666666,spk_4,"luxury um custom builds multifamily housing," +216,12.663833333333333,12.714666666666666,spk_4,luxury apartments and most recently Senior +217,12.714833333333333,12.752983333333333,spk_4,Living with the launch of Blossom Collection +218,12.753166666666667,12.835666666666667,spk_4,last year and we're getting ready hopefully to open our second community tomorrow. +219,12.835833333333333,12.856983333333334,spk_4,So fingers crossed. +220,12.864483333333334,12.93415,spk_4,Um I've been in HR for it. It's crazy to say almost 20 years. +221,12.939,13.019833333333333,spk_4,"I started off in automotive, found my way into home health and hospice." +222,13.02,13.05915,spk_4,"And most recently, Senior Living," +223,13.061666666666667,13.14015,spk_4,"I had the opportunity to be a nursing home administrator as well for four years," +224,13.145,13.243483333333334,spk_4,which I say it makes me a better operator. Um and hr director for Senior Living. +225,13.24365,13.256816666666667,spk_4,"So it's," +226,13.259983333333333,13.307816666666668,spk_4,it's definitely been a wonderful ride in hr and I'm +227,13.307983333333333,13.347816666666667,spk_4,"excited to be part of this group because I," +228,13.348,13.364,spk_4,I just love it. +229,13.36415,13.40365,spk_4,"-- So, thank you for everybody being on the call +-- today." +230,13.422,13.46865,spk_0,"Thank you and thank you, Lisa for joining us." +231,13.468833333333333,13.525816666666667,spk_0,Lisa was kind of one of our founding members of the group. +232,13.529983333333334,13.633666666666667,spk_0,"Um She's been an absolute amazing resource um for myself as I, you know," +233,13.633833333333333,13.703983333333333,spk_0,"in a small nonprofit organization, I wear the hr hat there." +234,13.706816666666667,13.763316666666666,spk_0,Um So Lisa has been one of my go to people uh when +235,13.763483333333333,13.8265,spk_0,I have hr questions and I appreciate her and you'll see Mo Sherry +236,13.829166666666667,13.87465,spk_0,"right here. Well, one of our partners" +237,13.876333333333333,13.948166666666667,spk_0,uh in the Rochester Regional Chamber of Commerce. So we appreciate that. +238,13.9525,13.964,spk_0,Um +239,13.968483333333333,13.992483333333332,spk_0,"So with that," +240,13.99265,14.075816666666666,spk_0,it is my great pleasure at this point to introduce our speakers for today. +241,14.080333333333334,14.191483333333334,spk_0,"Um Scott uh Garretson with clear to go, I've known Scott." +242,14.191666666666666,14.248816666666666,spk_0,"I was trying to think this morning, Scott, how long I've known you? Maybe" +243,14.252816666666666,14.313316666666667,spk_0,"-- six, +-- seven years. That sounds about right. And it's been about that long," +244,14.31615,14.3295,spk_0,I think. +245,14.33215,14.42865,spk_0,"Um, so just someone who is extremely innovative," +246,14.432333333333334,14.470833333333333,spk_0,"um, I can't tell you" +247,14.473166666666666,14.539,spk_0,"innovative and techie, I guess is what I would say. It's probably the wrong word." +248,14.53915,14.544,spk_0,"But," +249,14.54765,14.559316666666666,spk_0,"um," +250,14.5595,14.604666666666667,spk_0,Scott is just an absolute innovator when +251,14.604816666666666,14.6535,spk_0,it comes to software development and app development +252,14.656983333333333,14.696,spk_0,"and, uh, when he sees a need," +253,14.698,14.738,spk_0,uh he jumps in and he creates something. +254,14.742833333333333,14.830666666666668,spk_0,"Um, he has another product I'm really interested in that helps you track your KPIS." +255,14.835833333333333,14.866666666666667,spk_0,"Um That's the next one I want," +256,14.873816666666666,14.877983333333333,spk_0,get a +257,14.879983333333334,14.8815,spk_0,lot +258,14.8835,14.924816666666667,spk_0,"of call to talk about because we all need," +259,14.9265,14.993833333333333,spk_0,we all have different KPIS right now that we're probably tracking or different +260,14.994,15.061666666666667,spk_0,priorities that we need to be looking at within our businesses and organizations. +261,15.06615,15.106816666666667,spk_0,"And uh, so look for that one coming up." +262,15.110666666666667,15.120166666666666,spk_0,So +263,15.1285,15.210833333333333,spk_0,"with that, it's my pleasure to introduce Clear to Go Scott." +264,15.210983333333333,15.27165,spk_0,"Oh, and I'm assuming Scott will introduce Marco." +265,15.286666666666667,15.330333333333334,spk_5,"Yeah. Well, thanks Elena. And we're excited to be here." +266,15.3305,15.383983333333333,spk_5,"I'll let you know Marco, give himself an introduction in his background," +267,15.38415,15.41615,spk_5,his role and I'll do mine as well. +268,15.416316666666667,15.442483333333334,spk_5,"I'll start, but I'm Scott" +269,15.446,15.513,spk_5,"Gerson, I'm the CEO uh founder of Clear to go clear to go." +270,15.51315,15.54565,spk_5,"We started, um, specifically," +271,15.545833333333333,15.617166666666666,spk_5,"as you'll see as we go through this of helping address how to come back to work safely," +272,15.617316666666667,15.661983333333334,spk_5,how to deal with illness in the workplace. +273,15.663833333333333,15.703983333333333,spk_5,And uh a lot of the challenges that face in the +274,15.704166666666667,15.772,spk_5,"workflow and what we're dealing with is ever-changing compliance and rules," +275,15.773,15.8345,spk_5,everything from OSHA to health and human services that we deal with. +276,15.839483333333334,15.85715,spk_5,"Uh my background," +277,15.857333333333333,15.90165,spk_5,I've been in tech for digital tech for over +278,15.901816666666667,15.965833333333334,spk_5,25 years uh prior to having my own organization. +279,15.966,16.010316666666668,spk_5,I was a cio at a large uh ad agency. +280,16.0115,16.041833333333333,spk_5,"It's a very diverse background experience," +281,16.042,16.064833333333333,spk_5,but we really are passionate and +282,16.065,16.1045,spk_5,love solving business challenges with technology. +283,16.1085,16.169483333333332,spk_5,"And we've been building products, Softwares of service type products" +284,16.174483333333335,16.243166666666667,spk_5,uh for start ups and enterprises in the Detroit area. We're located in Rochester. +285,16.246816666666668,16.273483333333335,spk_5,Um So we're a local company as well. +286,16.27365,16.291666666666668,spk_5,"So Marco, if you'd like," +287,16.291833333333333,16.339316666666665,spk_5,I'll give you a quick background and then we can dive right in. +288,16.349333333333334,16.364,spk_6,Yeah. Thanks Scott. +289,16.36415,16.410833333333333,spk_6,"Well, good morning, everybody and, and Elena and chamber members." +290,16.410983333333334,16.4355,spk_6,Thank you very much for having us today. +291,16.435666666666666,16.491483333333335,spk_6,"We're really excited to be able to meet everybody and, and share and" +292,16.494166666666665,16.520833333333332,spk_6,"um learn a little bit about you and," +293,16.521,16.562833333333334,spk_6,and also give a little bit about uh what we do as well. +294,16.563,16.570166666666665,spk_6,"So," +295,16.580666666666666,16.631666666666668,spk_6,"um I'm, I'm in charge of business development for clear to go." +296,16.631816666666666,16.692166666666665,spk_6,"And as you know, we're, we're kind of a newer company. So we've um" +297,16.698483333333332,16.765833333333333,spk_6,"we, uh I've, I've spent a lot of years in business development and," +298,16.766,16.825816666666668,spk_6,"and software is kind of a, a new thing for me, but nonetheless, we don't." +299,16.825983333333333,16.829816666666666,spk_6,Um +300,16.836983333333333,16.8865,spk_6,"uh I, I don't discriminate against any opportunity." +301,16.886666666666667,16.914316666666668,spk_6,And I think clear to go is a great one. +302,16.914483333333333,16.958666666666666,spk_6,"So, um we're, we're really, really happy to," +303,16.958833333333335,17.00915,spk_6,to be able to give you um some information here. +304,17.009316666666667,17.017833333333332,spk_6,"So," +305,17.020483333333335,17.041316666666667,spk_6,"um I, I guess to," +306,17.041483333333332,17.101316666666666,spk_6,"to give you a little background on what clear to go and kinda like the why," +307,17.101483333333334,17.118466666666666,spk_6,where and how +308,17.125666666666667,17.154333333333334,spk_6,uh we are a Rochester company. +309,17.155483333333333,17.193833333333334,spk_6,"So I'm assuming everybody knows that but clear to go," +310,17.194,17.257983333333332,spk_6,"it's a comprehensive solution to, to what we all face right now in managing illness," +311,17.25815,17.329166666666666,spk_6,"in, in the workplace, particularly COVID-19, which has challenged all of us and" +312,17.3315,17.409816666666668,spk_6,"uh to make a parallel just as um as 911 has changed the way we travel," +313,17.409966666666666,17.435666666666666,spk_6,travel regarding security. +314,17.438333333333333,17.5005,spk_6,"Um You know, COVID-19 is, is really changing the way we um" +315,17.504833333333334,17.573166666666665,spk_6,"you know, we, we operate in the workspace and, and also our daily lives." +316,17.573333333333334,17.650666666666666,spk_6,"So um being challenged, you know, Scott and his team of developers" +317,17.657983333333334,17.698666666666668,spk_6,"had the opportunity to develop a, a solution um" +318,17.70115,17.7565,spk_6,"back in March and piloted it for, for a few months and," +319,17.756666666666668,17.784483333333334,spk_6,and eventually launching in June +320,17.78783333333333,17.876483333333333,spk_6,"and, and since June, um we've done over 700,000 screenings um across the country." +321,17.87665,17.904666666666667,spk_6,"So we're very proud of that and," +322,17.904833333333332,17.947316666666666,spk_6,and that number is increasing exponentially by the day as +323,17.947483333333334,17.977833333333333,spk_6,we have more people that support what we do. +324,17.978,17.983666666666668,spk_6,So +325,17.9885,18.023333333333333,spk_6,"um we're, we're supported by education," +326,18.025166666666667,18.0835,spk_6,"which we feel is, is very important because if education," +327,18.083666666666666,18.138166666666667,spk_6,"primarily Oakland County schools is able to trust us with our," +328,18.138333333333332,18.174483333333335,spk_6,"our most valuable resource, our youth, then," +329,18.17465,18.222816666666667,spk_6,then we feel it's a good fit for almost every business in America. +330,18.226316666666666,18.283833333333334,spk_6,"Um And to give you a little background where we're supported by medical," +331,18.284,18.355483333333332,spk_6,"manufacturing, legal financial institutions, uh athletic facilities and," +332,18.35565,18.36615,spk_6,and many more. +333,18.366316666666666,18.371983333333333,spk_6,So +334,18.37865,18.427833333333332,spk_6,"at this point, you're, you're probably dying to, to see how this thing works." +335,18.428,18.48065,spk_6,"So I'll, I'll give it back to Scott and, and hopefully," +336,18.482166666666668,18.541316666666667,spk_6,um you'll have some questions and also some ideas for us at the end of this. +337,18.541483333333332,18.5855,spk_6,"So thank you again, everyone for, for having us and," +338,18.58566666666667,18.605983333333334,spk_6,and we're very excited to be here. +339,18.628316666666667,18.636,spk_5,Thanks. +340,18.636166666666668,18.639316666666666,spk_5,"So," +341,18.639483333333335,18.701316666666667,spk_5,what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna um walk this through a couple of slides just +342,18.701483333333332,18.749483333333334,spk_5,to give you a good overview of who we are and kind of what we're doing. +343,18.75198333333333,18.80165,spk_5,And I'll take you right into a live demo so you can see it in action +344,18.807316666666665,18.875833333333333,spk_5,"and what a goal is, is just to help um with some of the process we've discovered," +345,18.876,18.92815,spk_5,"as Marco said, with a large client base across the us," +346,18.928316666666667,18.988,spk_5,what we've learned with a lot of people trying to return to work or +347,18.988166666666668,19.057316666666665,spk_5,open up their schools and some of the processes and challenges that they face. +348,19.06598333333333,19.122316666666666,spk_5,Um Our main goal is we started off is trying to provide a +349,19.122483333333335,19.188166666666667,spk_5,"tool to manage communicable diseases in the workplace such as COVID flu," +350,19.18948333333333,19.265816666666666,spk_5,"anything that could cause harm to our students, to our employees, our workforce" +351,19.269166666666667,19.327333333333332,spk_5,"and you know, the bottom line is trying to keep everybody safe, stay compliant." +352,19.331333333333333,19.405816666666666,spk_5,Uh as we go through these challenging times. Um currently and in the future +353,19.428,19.491666666666667,spk_5,"with COVID, uh 19 is kind of forced us to ask a lot of questions," +354,19.491833333333332,19.552833333333332,spk_5,some new questions and some that we've dealt with in the past is +355,19.55315,19.61165,spk_5,how do I prevent sick or contagious people from coming into work? +356,19.611816666666666,19.66133333333333,spk_5,We're all aware of absenteeism and presenteeism present. +357,19.661483333333333,19.66365,spk_5,"You know," +358,19.663816666666666,19.715816666666665,spk_5,people coming into work sick was a common practice +359,19.715983333333334,19.757483333333333,spk_5,that is uh is always happened over the years. +360,19.7605,19.772483333333334,spk_5,"And you know," +361,19.77265,19.8295,spk_5,those are things that we have to start to rethink as organizations is +362,19.829666666666668,19.888983333333332,spk_5,how do we manage that to prevent uh causing harm to other people +363,19.895483333333335,19.9355,spk_5,"also who is in my building? And we," +364,19.939833333333333,19.96215,spk_5,that's an important factor as well. +365,19.962316666666666,19.986333333333334,spk_5,"Whether it's a visitor employees," +366,19.986483333333332,20.054833333333335,spk_5,it starts that process of contact tracing or an emergency situation. +367,20.055,20.090166666666665,spk_5,Just be having that accountability to know +368,20.09365,20.149816666666666,spk_5,that I could go back to see who is on site or who is on site. +369,20.163333333333334,20.208666666666666,spk_5,"Also when someone, you know, for whatever reason fails," +370,20.208833333333335,20.25815,spk_5,that compliance of they're sick or contagious and can't come in. +371,20.259816666666666,20.311166666666665,spk_5,How do I manage that process at scale of returning +372,20.311333333333334,20.353,spk_5,to work and when it's safe and work with that individual +373,20.365816666666667,20.435833333333335,spk_5,"and something that also comes from that is, can I cover the workload for absence?" +374,20.436,20.467666666666666,spk_5,"And this is something as we progressed," +375,20.46848333333333,20.519333333333332,spk_5,we were gonna ask more and more so as people are out +376,20.5215,20.581333333333333,spk_5,and they uh trend to be out and they're not able to work. +377,20.58315,20.648,spk_5,Do I have access to the information so I can make some operational decisions? +378,20.652166666666666,20.71066666666667,spk_5,And we kind of liken it to the how 911 changed +379,20.710833333333333,20.773333333333333,spk_5,the transportation security and the practices that were put in place. +380,20.7735,20.820483333333332,spk_5,COVID is doing that similar type thing for +381,20.82065,20.855816666666666,spk_5,"organization when it comes to manage illness," +382,20.855983333333334,20.886483333333334,spk_5,particularly things that are contagious. +383,20.902333333333335,20.946666666666665,spk_5,"So, what I'm gonna do is I just wanted to kind of give you the, the," +384,20.946833333333334,21.011983333333333,spk_5,"the general concept of the, the questions that were type of uh we're trying to answer" +385,21.017666666666667,21.071666666666665,spk_5,our solution covers four primary areas that +386,21.071833333333334,21.121,spk_5,workplace compliance from daily screening and on. +387,21.12415,21.13865,spk_5,"Um you know," +388,21.138816666666667,21.19315,spk_5,making sure people are educated and aware when you go through a daily +389,21.193316666666668,21.24315,spk_5,"screening is what are the reasons I shouldn't come into a building," +390,21.243316666666665,21.306333333333335,spk_5,"whether you're a visitor, a contractor, a student, an employee," +391,21.3065,21.354666666666667,spk_5,"those reasons change, it could be from travel related." +392,21.35565,21.382,spk_5,It could be symptomatic. +393,21.3835,21.414833333333334,spk_5,It's important that with these daily screening +394,21.415,21.455816666666667,spk_5,processes that you can adapt very rapidly. +395,21.455983333333332,21.499483333333334,spk_5,"So people understand that or if they're not coming in," +396,21.502666666666666,21.540983333333333,spk_5,understand why not to diagnose them. +397,21.541150000000002,21.575166666666668,spk_5,But just to understand as if I have to take +398,21.575333333333333,21.643316666666667,spk_5,additional action if it's COVID or something that is contagious +399,21.648983333333334,21.709816666666665,spk_5,"uh on site presence bombing, which we'll get into is that tracking on site," +400,21.71015,21.7255,spk_5,"a case management," +401,21.725666666666665,21.785833333333333,spk_5,a tool for hr to be able to track those cases where someone has +402,21.786,21.857483333333334,spk_5,failed a screening or has raised their hand and saying that they're not coming in +403,21.861983333333335,21.906333333333333,spk_5,"and then the workforce availability. So with that," +404,21.913166666666665,21.948983333333334,spk_5,uh I am going to +405,21.95765,21.994,spk_5,share my screen +406,22.057,22.096,spk_5,for the quick demo here. +407,22.131666666666668,22.178816666666666,spk_5,"So when it comes to clear to go, we have two interfaces." +408,22.178983333333335,22.217166666666667,spk_5,The first is what most people would go +409,22.217333333333332,22.257316666666668,spk_5,through is that daily screening process right now. +410,22.265816666666666,22.30315,spk_5,And we do that in one of three ways that could +411,22.303316666666667,22.342,spk_5,be done with a text message they get in the morning +412,22.34915,22.3695,spk_5,uh push notification. +413,22.369666666666667,22.434483333333333,spk_5,We have an I OS and Android app to make it very easy there as well as email. +414,22.43465,22.52465,spk_5,"So depending on how an organization or how a user uh wants to go through that process," +415,22.525,22.586333333333332,spk_5,this is an interface that's available uh that um +416,22.58915,22.61466666666667,spk_5,the end users primarily use. +417,22.616666666666667,22.675,spk_5,The second interface is more for uh back end users. +418,22.675166666666666,22.6945,spk_5,"So administrators," +419,22.69565,22.751483333333333,spk_5,people that would configure the self-service tool that we've created +420,22.753983333333334,22.8295,spk_5,uh as well as case managers that hr specific role of what we manage. +421,22.838166666666666,22.896833333333333,spk_5,So what I wanted to show is a few areas real quick +422,22.900166666666667,22.941316666666665,spk_5,um around how we're structured. +423,22.941483333333334,22.96998333333333,spk_5,"So we try to make this very simple," +424,22.97015,23.046833333333332,spk_5,very efficient and very self-service so that it could be used implemented rapidly +425,23.049316666666666,23.098,spk_5,uh and adapted as conditions and things change. +426,23.100666666666665,23.159983333333333,spk_5,"We have four default roles, administrator has access to everything," +427,23.1625,23.23065,spk_5,"uh case manager that hr specific or similar roles, some schools that we work with" +428,23.232316666666666,23.27815,spk_5,"it could be a principal, they break it by location." +429,23.28,23.320483333333332,spk_5,"Uh just to make it easier to manage it by them," +430,23.325166666666668,23.361816666666666,spk_5,"a manager, some of that has limited access," +431,23.361983333333335,23.397816666666667,spk_5,but wants to help with participation to make sure +432,23.398,23.454833333333333,spk_5,compliance is being met for people in the workforce +433,23.459983333333334,23.510833333333334,spk_5,as well as a basic user that goes through screening process. +434,23.51565,23.55365,spk_5,"Um Additionally, we can have custom roles." +435,23.553816666666666,23.602166666666665,spk_5,So if you have a unique workflow or you have different um +436,23.608833333333333,23.694666666666667,spk_5,"uh locations or roles within the locations, you can create uh various roles. There." +437,23.694816666666668,23.7545,spk_5,One example is that the schools would use this over the summer for summer athletics. +438,23.755983333333333,23.811333333333334,spk_5,They had a role for a coach to follow the MH SA A guidelines +439,23.813166666666667,23.849816666666666,spk_5,uh to be able to go through the processes there. +440,23.857983333333333,23.886816666666668,spk_5,I apologize. I uh +441,23.892983333333333,23.91815,spk_5,"hit the wrong button there and I," +442,23.918316666666666,23.961166666666667,spk_5,I stopped sharing my screen right in the middle of that. +443,23.967333333333332,23.975833333333334,spk_5,Um +444,24.00965,24.023983333333334,spk_5,I did it again. +445,24.119333333333334,24.174316666666666,spk_5,Let me move my toolbar. So I don't do that one more time. +446,24.18315,24.232983333333333,spk_5,Um The next setting in there is screening questions. +447,24.23665,24.297816666666666,spk_5,"So when it comes, there is the Public Health Authority CDC Michigan," +448,24.298,24.341833333333334,spk_5,"Oakland County, all have great questions and guidance" +449,24.344166666666666,24.39115,spk_5,of what you should screen and ask people as you go through. +450,24.395833333333332,24.421833333333332,spk_5,So what we did is we build a self-service +451,24.421983333333333,24.459,spk_5,question builder so you can change and adapt that. +452,24.461333333333332,24.532366666666668,spk_5,And some unique things that we did is we made it unique by location in type of user. +453,24.534366666666667,24.57455,spk_5,"So you can have a different set of questions for students," +454,24.576883333333335,24.640533333333334,spk_5,"uh for employees or staff members, for visitors or contractors." +455,24.64305,24.67505,spk_5,And it also supports multiple languages. +456,24.6752,24.686883333333334,spk_5,"So this way," +457,24.687216666666668,24.75155,spk_5,"if you have different levels of compliance or types of questions you wanna ask," +458,24.752533333333332,24.7737,spk_5,you can be able to do them. +459,24.773866666666667,24.835216666666668,spk_5,And the way that that works is we have different types of questions. So +460,24.838533333333334,24.85171666666667,spk_5,"single choice," +461,24.853583333333333,24.8556,spk_5,a +462,24.8576,24.9171,spk_5,"multiple choice, a numeric input tax or agreement," +463,24.917266666666666,24.957433333333334,spk_5,if you want someone to agree to some kind of terms +464,24.958933333333334,25.009433333333334,spk_5,"or anything like that before they go farther with that question," +465,25.014916666666668,25.034916666666668,spk_5,um as well as a video. +466,25.035083333333333,25.085083333333333,spk_5,"So if there's a training video, a P pe video or similar," +467,25.08525,25.14775,spk_5,you want them to watch before you clear them to come into the building. +468,25.150933333333334,25.186766666666667,spk_5,Uh That is another choice as well. +469,25.199816666666667,25.254333333333335,spk_5,"The way that is structured, you have a question, you have context" +470,25.257816666666667,25.29915,spk_5,um so that you people interpret what you're asking. +471,25.299316666666666,25.331833333333332,spk_5,So you get clear answers and choice +472,25.334983333333334,25.378316666666667,spk_5,um all the way down to what your answers are +473,25.382483333333333,25.433833333333332,spk_5,and then a simple tree to help. How do you guide them through? +474,25.434,25.494666666666667,spk_5,"So if they say yes to one, so you can get branches of questions" +475,25.496983333333333,25.516833333333334,spk_5,and take them down a path. +476,25.517,25.548166666666667,spk_5,"If they are um symptomatic," +477,25.548333333333332,25.610316666666666,spk_5,you may want additional details all the way down to end states. +478,25.610666666666667,25.6445,spk_5,"So when someone does fail a screening," +479,25.64965,25.713816666666666,spk_5,"uh what message do you want to present, please stay at home. Uh isolate yourself." +480,25.713983333333335,25.75615,spk_5,Someone will be in contact to discuss next steps. +481,25.759333333333334,25.790333333333333,spk_5,"Um all the way to on-site screening," +482,25.7905,25.839316666666665,spk_5,"if someone doesn't have access to certain things, say a thermometer," +483,25.839483333333334,25.865983333333332,spk_5,"you may ask if they have a temperature," +484,25.86766666666667,25.942,spk_5,you can provide those services and say here's where you go for on site um screening +485,25.9445,25.967983333333333,spk_5,uh to be able to assist in that. +486,25.984816666666667,25.99115,spk_5,Uh +487,25.99965,26.013,spk_5,"And additionally," +488,26.013166666666667,26.072483333333334,spk_5,"as I mentioned that there's multiple languages if required for support there," +489,26.080983333333332,26.121333333333332,spk_5,we also allow unlimited screening schedules. +490,26.1215,26.15365,spk_5,So what screening schedules will allow is if you +491,26.153816666666668,26.196666666666665,spk_5,want to notify all employees at a particular time +492,26.198666666666668,26.2625,spk_5,"in a particular day, they'll get that text message, push notification" +493,26.26865,26.353816666666667,spk_5,"um or an email to go through, you can get more granular if you have different shifts or" +494,26.355566666666668,26.409566666666667,spk_5,"different locations. So you could say by a particular location," +495,26.4119,26.429916666666667,spk_5,I could change that. +496,26.431916666666666,26.47325,spk_5,So screening schedules just helps with all of +497,26.473416666666665,26.517583333333334,spk_5,"the the reminders to go through the process," +498,26.517733333333332,26.555566666666667,spk_5,preferably before someone goes into the building. +499,26.555733333333333,26.606916666666667,spk_5,"That way you're they're compliant, you know, they should come in" +500,26.6094,26.6304,spk_5,and then when they come in +501,26.63775,26.693233333333332,spk_5,a few other areas and then I'll go through kind of a workflow for you real quick +502,26.696833333333334,26.763333333333332,spk_5,is first off is uh locations you can have as many locations you want. +503,26.767166666666668,26.805983333333334,spk_5,Um And this is how you can set up permissions +504,26.8085,26.877833333333335,spk_5,uh and put roles associated to lo locations as well. +505,26.880483333333334,26.915,spk_5,And we have some unique features that I'll go over here in +506,26.915166666666668,26.970833333333335,spk_5,a minute around locations that help with some of the other functions. +507,26.97533333333333,27.067,spk_5,"The types of users that we support. Um So we have contractors, some of our uh clients" +508,27.069816666666668,27.134333333333334,spk_5,"wanted uh to track contractors separately, not only for screening questions," +509,27.1375,27.182316666666665,spk_5,but maybe they're on site for a particular duration time. +510,27.182483333333334,27.242333333333335,spk_5,"So maybe it's a week, two months that they're gonna go through this process, uh," +511,27.2425,27.263983333333332,spk_5,that are there. +512,27.26415,27.290333333333333,spk_5,They're not like a permanent employee +513,27.30516666666667,27.332166666666666,spk_5,"when it comes to adding employees, we can do it." +514,27.332316666666667,27.378816666666665,spk_5,"One of three ways, we can simply add an individual." +515,27.378983333333334,27.441483333333334,spk_5,We have the ability to do a mass import or for larger environments. +516,27.441666666666666,27.475666666666665,spk_5,We offer a single sign on type solution. +517,27.475833333333334,27.55165,spk_5,"So integrated with things like an active directory, Google A G suite login" +518,27.557816666666668,27.565333333333335,spk_5,"Octa," +519,27.5655,27.605,spk_5,a lot of the popular single sign on solutions to +520,27.605166666666666,27.647816666666667,spk_5,"make it very easy to manage in large enterprises," +521,27.65565,27.67615,spk_5,um students. +522,27.68065,27.732483333333334,spk_5,"So for students, uh we've done some very unique things as well," +523,27.73265,27.755316666666666,spk_5,especially for K through 12. +524,27.755483333333334,27.808333333333334,spk_5,"As Marco mentioned, we're, we're doing a lot there to try to help them." +525,27.811983333333334,27.873666666666665,spk_5,We did a household level screening so that a parent can choose on behalf +526,27.873833333333334,27.929666666666666,spk_5,of the younger Children or get permission for their olden Children to screen. +527,27.934333333333335,27.971983333333334,spk_5,And this helps uh distribute that workload and +528,27.97215,28.00765,spk_5,make sure that there's compliance around there. +529,28.013333333333332,28.042816666666667,spk_5,Same thing we can bulk upload. +530,28.042983333333332,28.10165,spk_5,So a lot of schools that we work with locally uh are managed there. +531,28.11165,28.143833333333333,spk_5,"So what I'm gonna do now is just gonna give you a," +532,28.144,28.24965,spk_5,a quick walkthrough of a couple of examples of how the screening process works. +533,28.253,28.32881666666667,spk_5,"Um So that, as I mentioned, you can see there's a question of response and context." +534,28.33515,28.364316666666667,spk_5,"So in this one, in the 1st 14 days," +535,28.364483333333332,28.394983333333332,spk_5,have you been told by local government or public +536,28.39515,28.437833333333334,spk_5,health authority to isolate for any COVID related reason? +537,28.44065,28.455816666666667,spk_5,I'm gonna say no +538,28.46365,28.51615,spk_5,"during the last few days, if you had any of the following symptoms, again," +539,28.51631666666667,28.532166666666665,spk_5,you can call out +540,28.535833333333333,28.563983333333333,spk_5,and give you additional contact just to +541,28.56415,28.591833333333334,spk_5,make sure people are interpreting correctly. +542,28.592,28.596833333333333,spk_5,Again. +543,28.596983333333334,28.644816666666667,spk_5,"I'll say no daily temperature checks are required when you took," +544,28.644983333333332,28.678816666666666,spk_5,your temperature was at 100.4 or higher. +545,28.678983333333335,28.6945,spk_5,"I will say no," +546,28.695833333333333,28.750833333333333,spk_5,we added a confirmation stuff to help to uh reduce +547,28.751,28.807166666666667,spk_5,the false screenings and in cases that would be created +548,28.813983333333333,28.868483333333334,spk_5,"once submitted. What happens is we create a QR code," +549,28.873166666666666,28.93915,spk_5,this QR code is valid for 18 hours and it can be configured by +550,28.939316666666667,29.013,spk_5,12 or eight from this point that covers kind of that screening process. +551,29.013816666666667,29.088333333333335,spk_5,And what of our clients do now is they move on to presence. How do I track who's on site +552,29.090166666666665,29.118316666666665,spk_5,and make sure they're eligible to come into +553,29.118483333333334,29.15765,spk_5,their building based on that screening compliance. +554,29.160316666666667,29.204333333333334,spk_5,"We do that in one of four ways for large organizations," +555,29.2045,29.253,spk_5,"we integrate with key card systems, access control." +556,29.267,29.3545,spk_5,"Um for a lot of our clients, what they're starting to do is we enable geo fencing." +557,29.354666666666667,29.383666666666667,spk_5,"So if you're not familiar with geo fencing," +558,29.385666666666665,29.433333333333334,spk_5,you can put a radius around a location of a building. +559,29.435833333333335,29.486333333333334,spk_5,"And if you're using our mobile apps, when you enter that vicinity," +560,29.486483333333332,29.51215,spk_5,it will automatically check you in. +561,29.512316666666667,29.545833333333334,spk_5,"And when you leave, it will automatically check you out." +562,29.54765,29.59,spk_5,So then we logged that someone was on site +563,29.592666666666666,29.636166666666668,spk_5,"and if they didn't happen to screen it all," +564,29.636333333333333,29.674316666666666,spk_5,uh alert administrator that said that an individual +565,29.674483333333335,29.701316666666667,spk_5,is on site and they did not screen +566,29.708833333333335,29.764316666666666,spk_5,additionally tied into that. We allow capacity tracking. +567,29.767,29.82665,spk_5,"So that you can say if your office normally holds 100 people," +568,29.826816666666666,29.85315,spk_5,but you want to limit it to 50 +569,29.8565,29.87848333333333,spk_5,"is they check in," +570,29.87865,29.94715,spk_5,you can get the account and send alerts and thresholds uh to an administrator. +571,29.954166666666666,30.009166666666665,spk_5,Um So that's the second way that is more of a self-service way. +572,30.009333333333334,30.061816666666665,spk_5,Uh If you don't have a gatekeeper on site to check people in. +573,30.07065,30.13115,spk_5,Um Another way that we do it is we have a built in scanner +574,30.15,30.16815,spk_5,in the scanner. +575,30.169166666666666,30.209,spk_5,What this allows is we have some higher +576,30.20916666666667,30.2565,spk_5,"education clients and some people with multiple buildings," +577,30.259983333333334,30.28115,spk_5,they'll start the scanner +578,30.2835,30.34115,spk_5,and they'll leave it running on an ipad or an Android tablet. +579,30.348,30.4105,spk_5,"And then what happens is that somebody can uh when they walk in," +580,30.410666666666668,30.471166666666665,spk_5,they have their badge i in the morning and they go into the building +581,30.476483333333334,30.495833333333334,spk_5,and it's self +582,30.498166666666666,30.555983333333334,spk_5,"service, they would just hold it up and it would automatically check them in." +583,30.55765,30.58465,spk_5,So this is another way that we can +584,30.584816666666665,30.63065,spk_5,confirm that someone has gone through that compliance process +585,30.633333333333333,30.672816666666666,spk_5,as well as been checked in on location. +586,30.681833333333334,30.707316666666667,spk_5,In the fourth way that we have +587,30.712316666666666,30.795833333333334,spk_5,uh is around if someone wants a secondary temperature check or screening on site +588,30.79765,30.844666666666665,spk_5,as well as if there's uh on-site gatekeeper. +589,30.848666666666666,30.904666666666667,spk_5,And what we do here is we allow uh what we call a roll call feature. +590,30.904833333333332,30.952333333333332,spk_5,"So you can see that people screen before they come to site," +591,30.957483333333332,30.986983333333335,spk_5,"you could do a secondary temperature check," +592,30.98715,31.048166666666667,spk_5,mark them on site fell if they have a temperature or simply mark them present. +593,31.04965,31.098666666666666,spk_5,"Additionally, if someone doesn't have access to technology," +594,31.100666666666665,31.144,spk_5,you can screen on their behalf as they come in +595,31.154333333333334,31.192,spk_5,and then be able to answer those questions. +596,31.196,31.232,spk_5,"So this will give you that ability to," +597,31.232166666666668,31.284166666666668,spk_5,to check people in do the secondary temperature checks +598,31.287666666666667,31.349316666666667,spk_5,and make sure that everybody's following the process as they enter the building. +599,31.359483333333333,31.417166666666667,spk_5,Um The next thing I'll do is I'll just go through a failed scenario so I can show you +600,31.417333333333332,31.457483333333332,spk_5,the hr side of this when it comes to case +601,31.45765,31.48915,spk_5,management and some of the tools we built there. +602,31.494666666666667,31.5445,spk_5,"So in this case, I'm gonna say yes, I've been told to isolate" +603,31.559483333333333,31.615983333333332,spk_5,and you can see a branch of questions here. Have I completed the isolation period? +604,31.61615,31.631833333333333,spk_5,I'm gonna say no. +605,31.636816666666668,31.680816666666665,spk_5,What was the specific reason I was told to isolate? +606,31.680983333333334,31.716483333333333,spk_5,I'm gonna say that was confirmed or presumed case +607,31.71865,31.74065,spk_5,"again when I submit," +608,31.74266666666667,31.77215,spk_5,I get that custom message that was in the +609,31.772316666666665,31.827833333333334,spk_5,uh question builder please don't enter the building today. +610,31.828,31.881833333333333,spk_5,"Stay home, isolate, someone will be in contact with you." +611,31.89131666666667,31.93915,spk_5,What happens on the back end is that um +612,31.948666666666668,31.96815,spk_5,we have a case +613,31.97065,31.990983333333332,spk_5,that is automatically created. +614,31.99115,32.03881666666667,spk_5,So whoever is at hr or similar role will be +615,32.038983333333334,32.083666666666666,spk_5,automatically notified that a new case has been created. +616,32.092,32.12533333333333,spk_5,And we built this as a tracking tool +617,32.127833333333335,32.1855,spk_5,so that you can do things uh like the first thing is is you +618,32.1925,32.259166666666665,spk_5,um look at the screening questions to see where they fell to know. +619,32.25933333333333,32.29416666666667,spk_5,Is this something that we have to take COVID +620,32.294333333333334,32.33515,spk_5,"protocol or is it something I need more information," +621,32.335316666666664,32.38098333333333,spk_5,be able to uh make decisions on how we proceed. +622,32.38531666666667,32.45283333333333,spk_5,"And if I determine there's enough information here, I can make it active." +623,32.461333333333336,32.50866666666667,spk_5,"Uh at this point, I could set up a follow up reminder." +624,32.509,32.57481666666666,spk_5,"So if someone's gonna be in quarantine for 10 days, 14 days, I can track those dates" +625,32.57848333333333,32.61448333333333,spk_5,as you start to get into larger environments. +626,32.614666666666665,32.68216666666667,spk_5,"In more cases, it helps you prioritize which ones to follow up with." +627,32.684333333333335,32.74666666666667,spk_5,"As you talk to an individual, you can add notes. So you have a complete audit log" +628,32.75266666666667,32.8105,spk_5,"uh documents, any documents you want to attach to the file." +629,32.81066666666667,32.865,spk_5,"If someone says uh they were recovered, they tested negative." +630,32.86516666666667,32.93115,spk_5,"You could ask for a doctor's note or whatever your process for compliance is," +631,32.93383333333333,32.959983333333334,spk_5,attach it to the file +632,32.96165,32.99498333333333,spk_5,and you can change your sets to close so +633,32.99515,33.044983333333334,spk_5,they can start going through that um scanning process. +634,33.04515,33.053,spk_5,Again. +635,33.05965,33.11565,spk_5,"Additionally, we have contacts. If someone did um" +636,33.12116666666667,33.17698333333333,spk_5,"uh get positive, you could use our presence management tool," +637,33.177166666666665,33.211,spk_5,you could look at people that were potentially in the +638,33.211166666666664,33.246833333333335,spk_5,building with them at the same time or the area +639,33.25233333333333,33.280166666666666,spk_5,and you could add contacts. +640,33.280316666666664,33.341483333333336,spk_5,So this is the way to start then tracking people that are related to this case. +641,33.34331666666667,33.37615,spk_5,"And if you find that there's enough information," +642,33.37631666666667,33.40748333333333,spk_5,you could actually create a case from this +643,33.41223333333333,33.4764,spk_5,from a school level. Um We have house without household level screening. +644,33.47656666666666,33.53341666666667,spk_5,"If anyone fails in the house, we automatically add those contacts" +645,33.53625,33.558416666666666,spk_5,um for everybody. +646,33.56075,33.60725,spk_5,Um So that it becomes an easier process. +647,33.60875,33.64073333333333,spk_5,So this gives the hr a tool to be able to +648,33.6409,33.6954,spk_5,manage that uh process of when to bring people back safely. +649,33.70965,33.7375,spk_5,"A couple of other things. Additionally," +650,33.73931666666667,33.764316666666666,spk_5,uh visitor management. +651,33.76716666666667,33.8125,spk_5,"Uh since we talk about compliance in all areas," +652,33.812666666666665,33.876,spk_5,"we thought it was important to build a tool for, to track visitors as well." +653,33.87916666666667,33.92065,spk_5,"And you can track visitors in one of two ways," +654,33.920833333333334,33.952333333333335,spk_5,you can preauthorize them to come on site. +655,33.9525,34.00615,spk_5,"So you can catch their contact information when they're coming in," +656,34.00633333333333,34.02615,spk_5,who they're there to see. +657,34.029333333333334,34.07533333333333,spk_5,"They would get a text message, answer your questions" +658,34.07783333333333,34.094,spk_5,and show up in the visit +659,34.095733333333335,34.13471666666667,spk_5,log to be able to check them in and check them out. +660,34.13888333333333,34.18021666666667,spk_5,What a lot of our clients do as well is we +661,34.1804,34.2384,spk_5,"give the ability to print a sign based on a location," +662,34.23855,34.26091666666667,spk_5,say we screen for COVID. +663,34.26508333333334,34.28625,spk_5,"It is a very self-service," +664,34.28658333333333,34.34141666666667,spk_5,easy process where someone would hold their phone up their camera. +665,34.345416666666665,34.37188333333334,spk_5,It would take them to a link to be able to +666,34.37206666666667,34.4259,spk_5,answer those questions and then be able to check them in. +667,34.42791666666667,34.480066666666666,spk_5,And then you have a complete visitor log uh available to you +668,34.49333333333333,34.4935,spk_5,a +669,34.49531666666667,34.534333333333336,spk_5,"couple of things when it comes to data that's available," +670,34.5413,34.6045,spk_5,uh all activity log. So this is available to search to be able to +671,34.61065,34.631816666666666,spk_5,export as well. +672,34.63196666666666,34.6765,spk_5,So you have a complete history of who was on +673,34.67666666666667,34.717333333333336,spk_5,site where they passed when they entered the building. +674,34.7175,34.75665,spk_5,And how did they enter the building? Was it manual check in? +675,34.75933333333333,34.77166666666667,spk_5,Did they use a kiosk +676,34.77396666666667,34.837316666666666,spk_5,scanner? Uh Did they go through the key card? Any of those options? +677,34.8375,34.88165,spk_5,Geo fencing is tracked and the data is available to you. +678,34.88713333333333,34.9028,spk_5,"Uh Additionally," +679,34.90298333333333,34.96783333333333,spk_5,"all the screening data for compliance purposes to be able to store and keep," +680,34.968,35.00781666666666,spk_5,I believe the time frame right now is at least a year. +681,35.01433333333333,35.08615,spk_5,Um You'd be able to search through and all types of users and all the data +682,35.08631666666667,35.14098333333333,spk_5,"and be able to export this if you had to provide it to a third party," +683,35.143816666666666,35.14398333333333,spk_5,a +684,35.148316666666666,35.179833333333335,spk_5,couple of dashboards view as well +685,35.189,35.22881666666667,spk_5,that you have uh an executive dashboard. +686,35.22898333333333,35.29548333333334,spk_5,So you could see your cases and ongoing your participation rate of how +687,35.29565,35.36215,spk_5,many people are going through the screening process and broken out by location. +688,35.37133333333333,35.39965,spk_5,"Additionally, when I mentioned that manager role." +689,35.399816666666666,35.439166666666665,spk_5,"If you wanted to distribute some of that workload," +690,35.45,35.458333333333336,spk_5,"you'd be," +691,35.45933333333333,35.51648333333333,spk_5,they'd be able to have a view to make sure the people that they're responsible +692,35.522983333333336,35.55631666666667,spk_5,"for are going through this process," +693,35.55665,35.59565,spk_5,but they don't have access to sensitive information. +694,35.59898333333334,35.65715,spk_5,"So they can see who has gone through the process, who's in the building." +695,35.659666666666666,35.694316666666666,spk_5,"And if someone's in that they see that hasn't," +696,35.69448333333333,35.73198333333333,spk_5,they can send them a reminder to the screen right here. +697,35.733333333333334,35.781,spk_5,So this helps capture all of that information around there. +698,35.788666666666664,35.84898333333334,spk_5,Um So that's a good overview. I just want to walk through those areas. +699,35.84915,35.867666666666665,spk_5,"As Marco said," +700,35.86915,35.90765,spk_5,uh we have clients today across the us +701,35.90781666666667,35.94865,spk_5,"in every vertical from healthcare to education," +702,35.948816666666666,35.98615,spk_5,"manufacturing, hospitality," +703,35.989,36.010983333333336,spk_5,uh financial. +704,36.01383333333333,36.09015,spk_5,"Um We've done now over as of today, over 750,000 screenings, a" +705,36.091833333333334,36.135,spk_5,lot of volume and a lot of learning has gone into this and +706,36.13516666666666,36.205333333333336,spk_5,we've taken that feedback uh from our clients and incorporated into the product. +707,36.21165,36.26198333333333,spk_5,So that's uh uh overview there of the product. +708,36.26416666666667,36.30365,spk_5,So I will turn it over to the team here. +709,36.30381666666667,36.355666666666664,spk_5,"If they have any questions or they want to go through anything specific," +710,36.35583333333334,36.379333333333335,spk_5,I'd be happy to answer those +711,36.403816666666664,36.41615,spk_0,"Erica," +712,36.42431666666667,36.45483333333333,spk_1,"you know, I have questions." +713,36.473816666666664,36.538833333333336,spk_1,"So my number one question is, is this Hipaa compliant?" +714,36.55133333333333,36.63681666666667,spk_5,So this process when it comes to compliance around the data screening and COVID +715,36.63883333333333,36.7145,spk_5,"falls under the AD A EOC uh guidelines, our data is hosted in a hi" +716,36.71666666666667,36.779666666666664,spk_5,"a compliant facility. So all the data is encrypted, encrypted at rest." +717,36.781166666666664,36.83265,spk_5,"As far as an employer is concerned, it's ad a compliant." +718,36.832816666666666,36.879666666666665,spk_5,"You're allowed to ask the questions around," +719,36.88315,36.94683333333333,spk_5,"you know, the flu influenza. Um, anything that's uh," +720,36.9505,37.00966666666667,spk_5,"like COVID related, you're allowed to do that without being H" +721,37.01198333333333,37.03366666666667,spk_5,A compliant as an employer. +722,37.064,37.14565,spk_1,Ok. I get that. But who has access then to the info? +723,37.145833333333336,37.217333333333336,spk_1,Can you lock out access to certain people because I guess that's +724,37.221666666666664,37.22465,spk_1,the biggest +725,37.22781666666667,37.23766666666667,spk_5,concern. +726,37.24381666666667,37.28,spk_5,"Sure, especially in the case management, right?" +727,37.280166666666666,37.318983333333335,spk_5,"So from an hr perspective, you need a separate me" +728,37.326233333333334,37.3969,spk_5,file and a personnel file and that case management has that type of data in there. +729,37.39875,37.453916666666665,spk_5,"And that's early on when I was going through the demo, talked about roles." +730,37.45408333333334,37.509566666666665,spk_5,So you're in complete control as an organization to be able to +731,37.50973333333334,37.55291666666667,spk_5,"say who has that role to access the case level data," +732,37.55308333333333,37.58056666666667,spk_5,which is typically only hr +733,37.586083333333335,37.625566666666664,spk_5,"um and you can set up those role and permission," +734,37.62606666666667,37.6714,spk_5,it's secured and authenticated and it's control +735,37.67156666666666,37.703916666666665,spk_5,"of the organizations to make those decisions," +736,37.70408333333334,37.723083333333335,spk_5,"who, who has access to it." +737,37.747166666666665,37.84948333333333,spk_1,"Ok, then um with the changing restrictions with the federal government and then" +738,37.852983333333334,37.89216666666667,spk_1,"we, we think, and the state government" +739,37.90298333333333,37.93866666666667,spk_1,"does the software update for that," +740,37.95265,38.01081666666666,spk_5,what we've done and we try to make it very self service and flexible. +741,38.010983333333336,38.05765,spk_5,That's why we built a question builder and a lot of options +742,38.06131666666667,38.114983333333335,spk_5,"because every state, um sometimes every local," +743,38.11515,38.144983333333336,spk_5,even a county has different guidelines or +744,38.14515,38.19498333333333,spk_5,recommendations or orders or emergency rules. +745,38.196,38.25966666666667,spk_5,So we built it very flexible so organizations can go on themselves. +746,38.25983333333333,38.31,spk_5,"For example, just I think last week, there was another question" +747,38.312666666666665,38.34981666666667,spk_5,that was recommended for schools to ask. +748,38.35,38.38766666666667,spk_5,"So all the schools could go in, change it themselves." +749,38.38783333333333,38.42798333333333,spk_5,And instantly those are the questions that are being +750,38.42815,38.46,spk_5,asked to screen the people coming in the building. +751,38.464816666666664,38.47315,spk_5,Um +752,38.47715,38.53165,spk_5,"So over time, we've made this is as flexible, simple and self" +753,38.53333333333333,38.59733333333333,spk_5,service as possible to get those accommodate those changes that happen. +754,38.61465,38.64965,spk_1,How small of a business do you work with? +755,38.66565,38.722833333333334,spk_5,"We have clients that are five users all the way up to, you know," +756,38.72298333333333,38.76266666666667,spk_5,5000 users and everywhere in between. +757,38.767833333333336,38.84583333333333,spk_5,"Um So it's, it's, it's meant for large organizations when it comes to integrations," +758,38.846,38.872166666666665,spk_5,security and compliance. +759,38.87233333333333,38.90315,spk_5,"But for small businesses, we," +760,38.90331666666667,38.944316666666666,spk_5,we have clients that we've never talked to that signed up for our +761,38.94448333333333,38.99865,spk_5,service configure themselves and launch and started +762,38.99881666666667,39.034,spk_5,"screening their employees and you know," +763,39.03483333333333,39.05665,spk_5,start to follow guidelines. +764,39.085816666666666,39.168166666666664,spk_1,"So with this information, then what's the next step? You have all this information," +765,39.174483333333335,39.205666666666666,spk_1,it can print out reports. +766,39.213166666666666,39.22748333333333,spk_1,What +767,39.232483333333334,39.280166666666666,spk_1,"can you tell people to go get tested? What," +768,39.284333333333336,39.357483333333334,spk_1,what happens next after you get import all this information? +769,39.36833333333333,39.375,spk_5,Sure. +770,39.375166666666665,39.382983333333335,spk_5,"So you know," +771,39.38315,39.422666666666665,spk_5,screening is a good way to remind people +772,39.42283333333334,39.46915,spk_5,of reasons they maybe should quarantine or stay home +773,39.472166666666666,39.551,spk_5,when they fail those questions. And hr then starts to manage that process. +774,39.55315,39.57848333333333,spk_5,"That's where we built that," +775,39.57865,39.63333333333333,spk_5,that tool for hr to be able to log and track that data and go. +776,39.63483333333333,39.69233333333333,spk_5,So the first thing that happens is hr is alerted when someone goes through that +777,39.6925,39.77916666666667,spk_5,process and hr person or whoever that role is designated would get an alert that says +778,39.78131666666667,39.8145,spk_5,an individual has failed a screening. +779,39.81465,39.851333333333336,spk_5,You would then go in and look at our case management +780,39.86091666666667,39.90291666666667,spk_5,and start tracking data and sending reminders. +781,39.90506666666667,39.96306666666667,spk_5,"So for example, if they had to be quarantined for 10 days," +782,39.96458333333333,40.01558333333333,spk_5,you could set that follow up for 10 days and add notes. +783,40.01575,40.09323333333333,spk_5,"So when that time expires, you have prioritized cases in your view and our tool." +784,40.0934,40.157583333333335,spk_5,"So an hr professional then could say, OK, I'm going to reach out to this individual," +785,40.15775,40.252583333333334,spk_5,get an update and see if it's OK for them to go to come back into work or back on site. +786,40.25275,40.28625,spk_5,And I could close that case so that they +787,40.28641666666667,40.33558333333333,spk_5,can then start going through the screening process again. +788,40.34048333333333,40.38215,spk_5,Um So that's that workflow management tool. +789,40.382983333333335,40.422333333333334,spk_5,"Um We have clients that have, you know," +790,40.4225,40.525166666666664,spk_5,um thousands of employees that are managing 50 100 150 cases at a given time. +791,40.525333333333336,40.5475,spk_5,"That doesn't mean they're all COVID," +792,40.54931666666667,40.572833333333335,spk_5,but there could be other reasons they're +793,40.57298333333333,40.617066666666666,spk_5,in quarantine based on guidelines and restrictions. +794,40.621066666666664,40.681416666666664,spk_5,"So we try to make that process very easy to manage and keep up with volume," +795,40.681583333333336,40.739066666666666,spk_5,especially when we have flu seasons and COVID ramping up. +796,40.741416666666666,40.78958333333333,spk_5,Um getting around hr the tools to be able to manage +797,40.78975,40.84575,spk_5,that process is something that we've tried to make very simple. +798,40.858333333333334,40.90866666666667,spk_1,"I guess my follow up question is so you have this information," +799,40.91016666666667,40.99065,spk_1,can any government entity or anything ask for this information? +800,40.99531666666667,41.01181666666667,spk_1,And do you +801,41.018,41.103316666666665,spk_1,"have reports that go to them? I mean, what, what happens after all of this?" +802,41.10916666666667,41.173316666666665,spk_5,"So as you're matching all this, I think the, I think that the time frame is a year," +803,41.17348333333333,41.219316666666664,spk_5,you're supposed to retain this data as part of compliance. +804,41.2225,41.277483333333336,spk_5,Um And any of the data that is exportable out of our system. +805,41.27765,41.32233333333333,spk_5,So if you're uh coordinating with the Public Health Authority +806,41.3225,41.37415,spk_5,or any kind of government body that is requesting the information +807,41.37748333333333,41.442,spk_5,"that you're required to give to, you can export that data and share it with them." +808,41.443,41.47365,spk_5,"So you have all the data electronically," +809,41.473816666666664,41.53665,spk_5,"it's all available and secured and if you need to, you can share it with them." +810,41.549816666666665,41.56048333333333,spk_1,OK. +811,41.566833333333335,41.610483333333335,spk_1,"Uh One final question, believe it or not." +812,41.62315,41.628816666666665,spk_1,Uh +813,41.65866666666667,41.69448333333333,spk_1,"uh Do you have, do you," +814,41.70033333333333,41.76048333333333,spk_1,"is the software able to put in disclaimers like," +815,41.763,41.80566666666667,spk_1,"you know, because employees are very reluctant," +816,41.80866666666667,41.87031666666667,spk_1,I found out to divulge any type of information. +817,41.877316666666665,41.88766666666667,spk_1,Um +818,41.89233333333333,41.97898333333333,spk_1,Is there a legal disclaimer in there or any type of disclaimer for the employee? +819,42.000166666666665,42.03516666666667,spk_5,"Actually there is and that's why, you know," +820,42.035333333333334,42.06981666666667,spk_5,we went beyond just screening questions. +821,42.07331666666666,42.15731666666667,spk_5,"Um It could be visitors around compliance and disclosures or agreement of terms," +822,42.15748333333333,42.1755,spk_5,anything like that. +823,42.177483333333335,42.21131666666667,spk_5,Those are a type of question you can ask. +824,42.211483333333334,42.24515,spk_5,We have a type of questions that's called agreement. +825,42.24865,42.302483333333335,spk_5,"So you can put some kind of disclaimer that says, here's what we're," +826,42.30265,42.3214,spk_5,here's our policy. +827,42.32156666666667,42.37206666666667,spk_5,You have to be truthful. It's important we're trying to work together +828,42.37506666666667,42.41225,spk_5,to keep everybody safe in our environment. +829,42.41406666666666,42.45106666666667,spk_5,"They have to agree to that before they can go farther," +830,42.451233333333334,42.503416666666666,spk_5,to be able to get that badge to enter a workplace. +831,42.50358333333333,42.53906666666666,spk_5,So those are all choices organizations that have. +832,42.539233333333335,42.58456666666667,spk_5,And that's why we made that question though. They're very flexible +833,42.58625,42.622733333333336,spk_5,to be able to go through that process. +834,42.642,42.674816666666665,spk_1,OK. That's it. That's all I got. +835,42.68581666666667,42.705,spk_5,"Those are good questions," +836,42.717166666666664,42.72966666666667,spk_5,please. +837,42.73965,42.74881666666667,spk_2,Yes. +838,42.751666666666665,42.79633333333334,spk_2,"Um Scott, it looks like you, you," +839,42.80798333333333,42.837666666666664,spk_2,it might help if I had the mic. Uh +840,42.86366666666667,42.88131666666666,spk_2,"it looks like you," +841,42.881483333333335,42.95281666666666,spk_2,you built the system to really try to um counteract +842,42.952983333333336,43.0135,spk_2,"those false uh sets of uh cases that would," +843,43.013666666666666,43.028483333333334,spk_2,would come in. +844,43.03281666666667,43.0935,spk_2,"But as we all know, human humans working on a system, right?" +845,43.09733333333333,43.12348333333333,spk_2,"And so if, if," +846,43.125166666666665,43.1975,spk_2,"cause I, I had, I had this case with checking in with an employee where, you know," +847,43.19981666666666,43.25983333333333,spk_2,this stuff becomes wrote and started messing up the system. +848,43.26266666666667,43.36565,spk_2,"Is there a way, uh, after the submission piece where on the case management side," +849,43.36716666666667,43.43933333333333,spk_2,either through roll call or the case management specific that you can override. +850,43.4395,43.49216666666667,spk_2,"You know, I'm one of these people who loves clean data on my dashboard." +851,43.49783333333333,43.55348333333333,spk_2,"And so is there something where, you know, they just totally," +852,43.55365,43.57815,spk_2,they totally screwed it up +853,43.57983333333333,43.63548333333333,spk_2,and you can go do an override for what really happened. +854,43.643166666666666,43.6595,spk_5,Absolutely. +855,43.659666666666666,43.66948333333333,spk_5,"And, and," +856,43.66965,43.73181666666667,spk_5,and those are good questions because you obviously have gone through +857,43.73198333333333,43.769816666666664,spk_5,this and seen a lot of these use cases come up. +858,43.77183333333333,43.795316666666665,spk_5,"We have two things, right." +859,43.79815,43.84381666666667,spk_5,So the first thing is I can +860,43.84965,43.929833333333335,spk_5,change the status of a case to close invalid so that I know this wasn't an actual case. +861,43.93265,44.031983333333336,spk_5,And um early on we gave organizations uh choices and what they could do. +862,44.035,44.07266666666667,spk_5,Um we also have the ability +863,44.07566666666666,44.11615,spk_5,uh to be able to um +864,44.13816666666666,44.19981666666666,spk_5,"give the option to rescreening. So there could be a failed uh case," +865,44.20183333333333,44.24048333333333,spk_5,but you can allow somebody to rescreen +866,44.2425,44.279833333333336,spk_5,and then uh go through that process again. +867,44.284,44.32748333333333,spk_5,Um So that's the choice of an organizations early on. +868,44.32765,44.39398333333333,spk_5,Some organizations were doing that because they were getting a lot of false cases. +869,44.39415,44.441316666666665,spk_5,Um So they would do this especially in summer athletics um +870,44.44148333333333,44.49283333333333,spk_5,when they had all older students going through this process. +871,44.493,44.51915,spk_5,So between the ability to change it +872,44.51931666666667,44.57666666666667,spk_5,to an invalid case and those organizational settings +873,44.57933333333333,44.63275,spk_5,and also that confirmation of your answers. +874,44.63291666666667,44.65775,spk_5,"So instead of just hitting no," +875,44.657916666666665,44.72075,spk_5,no and then submit and then realize maybe they answered the question wrong. +876,44.72573333333333,44.752916666666664,spk_5,We wanted to make sure that we gave people a +877,44.753083333333336,44.80275,spk_5,verification to say you're going to fail the screening. +878,44.803916666666666,44.85973333333333,spk_5,"Is this true? Are, are your answers correct? Submit?" +879,44.8629,44.90208333333333,spk_5,Um So we've been a couple of areas in your +880,44.90225,44.95073333333333,spk_5,right that we've tried to prevent these false cases. +881,44.9509,45.02425,spk_5,"Being created because as hr is, I'm sure you're aware gets overloaded," +882,45.02441666666667,45.09673333333333,spk_5,especially at a university with a lot of students uh going through this process. +883,45.122166666666665,45.13715,spk_0,"Yes, thank you." +884,45.16283333333333,45.18998333333333,spk_0,Awesome. Thank you. +885,45.197,45.28333333333333,spk_0,"Um I have just a couple of uh an observation and questions, I guess." +886,45.28715,45.4015,spk_0,Um I think a uh uh this is something that can obviously help protect +887,45.40365,45.42765,spk_0,uh your business +888,45.430166666666665,45.47715,spk_0,"um to show that you're doing your due diligence, you know," +889,45.47731666666667,45.54465,spk_0,"to protect your employees and the community, um your customers." +890,45.54633333333334,45.608666666666664,spk_0,Um You've got an awesome tracking system +891,45.61098333333333,45.6515,spk_0,that can show um +892,45.653483333333334,45.71165,spk_0,that you are following all of the guidelines and the protocols. +893,45.711816666666664,45.7875,spk_0,"Um One of the things last week, at the end of last week, the Michigan Chamber I know," +894,45.78766666666667,45.81115,spk_0,put something out +895,45.81316666666667,45.89398333333333,spk_0,"that recommended that all of our businesses go back and review their PR P plan," +896,45.89815,45.9545,spk_0,their preparedness and response plan in light of +897,45.9595,46.01866666666667,spk_0,um some new things that have come out from +898,46.0215,46.031,spk_0,"OSHA, my" +899,46.03483333333333,46.04448333333333,spk_0,"OSHA," +900,46.047983333333335,46.125166666666665,spk_0,"um and uh Michigan, you know, Department of Health and Human Services." +901,46.12831666666667,46.19015,spk_0,Um So that's something we're actually gonna be putting out some information +902,46.19031666666667,46.25248333333333,spk_0,"today to our members um recommending that they go back and," +903,46.25265,46.29898333333333,spk_0,and review that PR P plan. +904,46.30331666666667,46.376666666666665,spk_0,"Um I know we've all heard, you know, they are starting to find" +905,46.38265,46.394983333333336,spk_0,um +906,46.40083333333333,46.43131666666667,spk_0,"businesses, you know, for non" +907,46.43383333333333,46.454166666666666,spk_0,compliance. So +908,46.45681666666667,46.463166666666666,spk_0,"it," +909,46.46333333333333,46.56283333333333,spk_0,it's more important than ever that uh we're able that our businesses are able to show +910,46.56531666666667,46.63981666666667,spk_0,um and prove that they are doing um their due diligence. +911,46.64398333333333,46.655,spk_0,"Um," +912,46.660983333333334,46.725,spk_0,"my question was in the event, then that's a" +913,46.73866666666667,46.76316666666666,spk_0,next step. +914,46.76598333333333,46.82516666666667,spk_0,"Um, in the event that someone fails, right?" +915,46.82881666666667,46.87048333333333,spk_0,"Uh, they have a temperature, they can't come in," +916,46.881816666666666,46.938833333333335,spk_0,"can that trigger or can you set it up to trigger," +917,46.939,47.00365,spk_0,then things that need to happen in your workplace. +918,47.010333333333335,47.064816666666665,spk_0,"Um, for example, cleaning," +919,47.0675,47.0805,spk_0,"you know," +920,47.087833333333336,47.20281666666666,spk_0,"in a situation where you share tools, um, or share desk space or whatever, where" +921,47.210483333333336,47.2475,spk_0,"you get alert, you know, you're alerted." +922,47.25116666666667,47.330333333333336,spk_0,"Um, and a whole process would follow on what you need to do internally," +923,47.333666666666666,47.346666666666664,spk_0,"um," +924,47.351,47.40265,spk_0,"as well to protect, you know, everyone else who's there." +925,47.42015,47.46783333333333,spk_5,"It's a good question and, and now you're looking at our road map, right?" +926,47.468,47.51115,spk_5,"So you, you can predict the future of what we're doing here. So it's," +927,47.515483333333336,47.589816666666664,spk_5,"it's, we're starting to put things in place where you can have default checklist," +928,47.589983333333336,47.5975,spk_5,right? +929,47.60265,47.68933333333333,spk_5,"And we look at it as there's, you know, a possible probable and confirmed cases." +930,47.6895,47.73181666666667,spk_5,"So when someone fails the screening, it doesn't mean it's COVID," +931,47.73383333333334,47.76648333333333,spk_5,"but it does mean as an organization," +932,47.766666666666666,47.82715,spk_5,"we have to start finding more information to decide, you know," +933,47.82731666666667,47.87983333333333,spk_5,do we have to isolate more people than what protocol? +934,47.88,47.902483333333336,spk_5,When do we interact that protocol? +935,47.9044,47.94558333333333,spk_5,And when we do what is our default checklist? +936,47.94606666666667,48.0129,spk_5,So one of our upcoming releases of enhancements to our case management tool +937,48.01806666666667,48.04756666666667,spk_5,is gonna have default checklist +938,48.04925,48.123416666666664,spk_5,that you can create to say here's our protocol for this type of thing. +939,48.125233333333334,48.165416666666665,spk_5,And then it gives everybody that reminder to go through. +940,48.16558333333333,48.2044,spk_5,So those are things we're absolutely working for. +941,48.21065,48.24515,spk_5,"Um, as you can see, and hopefully," +942,48.24531666666667,48.28248333333333,spk_5,you can see when I go through this demo is with +943,48.28265,48.33866666666667,spk_5,"all the usage we've had and all this ever changing situation," +944,48.34115,48.40215,spk_5,we've tried to help our clients adapt and add very flexible features +945,48.402316666666664,48.43965,spk_5,in there and that's a request that's starting to come up. +946,48.439816666666665,48.48466666666667,spk_5,So that's something we're taking very seriously to put into our product. +947,48.509166666666665,48.538833333333336,spk_0,Awesome. Thank you. +948,48.539,48.5395,spk_0,"I," +949,48.53965,48.576166666666666,spk_0,I could see where that would be something that +950,48.57633333333333,48.64398333333333,spk_0,"would be extremely helpful um for employers and businesses," +951,48.64415,48.64548333333333,spk_0,you know? +952,48.64565,48.69915,spk_0,"Ok. Now what, what do I have to do here" +953,48.70365,48.739333333333335,spk_0,"um, to make sure I'm protecting everyone." diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/hr/mapping.docx b/data/transcriptFiles/hr/mapping.docx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..474d3bc0c474cbf1b5e3316f87abb6cfc05cf845 Binary files /dev/null and b/data/transcriptFiles/hr/mapping.docx differ diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/office_relocation_1.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/office_relocation_1.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7585f416612e963fa43a31d17675f49e815039c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/office_relocation_1.csv @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,0.1078166666666666,0.1179833333333333,spk_0,Mm mm. Mm. +1,0.1294833333333333,3.555833333333333,spk_1,"Ok. So as you guys know is o is too small. Well, the building is too small for our group. So were moving to a new building. Uh its gonna be the building across the street and were actually moving in three weeks. But the problem is that the administration wants to know whos going to be in what office in the new building and where were gon were gonna put things like the printer, the fax machine, all the big equip ment and the catch is that they have the final approval of where we put people in equip ment and they want to know where were going to do all of this by November 2nd. So that means basically next Tuesday. And since we dont really have any other time, we have to make these decisions today, what were getting is nine rooms for a maximum of 18 people, which is okay cause theres only 15 of us and all the rooms have windows luckily. So theres no fights about who gets a window and who doesnt. Um theres two views either of the old town or the mountains and the rooms of various sizes theres 23 people rooms, 52 person rooms, which a re on the corners of the building. So you actually get windows on two walls and 21 person rooms. Thats pretty much what the building looks like. Um, and then you have the number of people per room, the courtyard, because were on the sixth floor, you can actually go out to it, but just means that the windows look out onto open space. Um You can see the bathrooms, the elevators, a re sort of further down the hall, the purple bar, a t the bottom sort of on the right is the mail boxes, all of the windows open. You can get out onto the terrace just like we can in our normal building. And the equipment that we have to put somewhere a re like I said, the photocopier, which is really big, a fax machine which is not so big and the printer, which is relatively big. Each office has a white board, a bulletin board and a coat rack, no cupboards like we have in the current offices and each person gets their own chair, their own corner desk. So like the, the ones that we have now, um, a small filing cabinet with three drawers and by small, I mean, theyre about that tall and one sort of hanging shelf. So we dont get the bookcases like we have now, but just one shelf thats attached to the wall and the people that we have to place. Uh you can see the list there along with their position and the project that they work on. And I guess the question, the first question is how we want to organise people, whether we want to do it by rank or by project or, I dont know, put all the phd students together, all the professors together, that sort of thing. So the idea is that we come up with a plan, theres another group whos gonna be working on the same plan later this week. And then Andre and I have to do presentations for the university administrators on the second. So I have to come up with a plan possibly if we have time, a presentation, a quick presentation with arguments for why we think our plan works best. OK. All right. So anyone have any ideas or I guess," +2,3.5673166666666667,3.802483333333333,spk_0,"uh do we know if there will be a lot of people coming across the hole in terms of security stuff if we can? I mean, my idea is to put the photocopier and the fax in the hole. + Yeah. Um" +3,3.819833333333333,4.121816666666667,spk_1,"I think its, the security is sort of the sa me as it is in the current building. So as long as the things a re physically attached to the wall so they cant be removed, then it should be OK to leave them in the hall. Its just a question of whether youre printing sensitive documents or whatever." +4,4.155,4.195833333333334,spk_2,So we only get one printer for 15 people. +5,4.20715,5.276316666666666,spk_1,"Um, well, we get one sort of networked printer and then I think some of us have personal printers. I think Susan has a personal printer. Gisella has one. Maybe I cant remember who else. Yeah. But no one else gets their own printer in terms of equip ment. Its sort of the sa me thing as we have now. Um, so what Id propose is that we sort of discuss various concepts without getting into specifics and then go off and think about it over lunch and then come back later in the day with sort of more specific proposals as to exactly where to put people. Does that work? Oh, and on the map, the little half circular, well, quarter circles or doors, which Im assuming you figured out. But just in case and theres just the one room that actually has two doors going into it. The, the three person room on the right. Yeah." +6,5.2825,5.325,spk_0,And do we need a room? Like a reading room? +7,5.328333333333333,5.904833333333333,spk_1,"Yes. Yeah. A lot of people were saying that they wanted to have a reading room so we should leave a space for that and we cant because like I said, maximum 18 people in those rooms and theres only 15 of us and I dont know if you noticed, but two of usa re only here half the time. So Martin and David, um a re half the time A T the EPFL and half the time in Geneva. So, I sort of keep that in mind, I guess when youre doing the actual planning." +8,6.02215,6.269833333333334,spk_0,"Mhm. The first split we can do is between administration and researcher. Yeah, I know. Its completely different work so we can deal with administration and decide something for administration. And then," +9,6.304983333333333,6.366983333333334,spk_1,"yeah, but Gisela is really the only" +10,6.377833333333333,6.83065,spk_0,"administrator, a t least deal with that particular situation and then see with the other because I was thinking uh Gisela is quite, I mean, Gil Gisela s work is quite noisy because its secretary. So you get lots of phone call and stuff like that and shes always moving around. So you wont share an office with Gisela unless you a re 50% and not the 50% Gisela is working. Yeah, which is another condition which + I dont know if we can assume that" +11,6.8308333333333335,6.8705,spk_1," there isnt going to be any overlap between + them." +12,7.023316666666667,7.1595,spk_0,"So I dont know, maybe we can decide that Jesus is having one of the one person room. Yeah. + Iw, I would suggest that too. Yeah," +13,7.169,7.17265,spk_2,maybe. +14,7.19615,7.38465,spk_1,"Yeah. Either that or maybe put her in a two person room with the equip ment or like with the, the photocopier or maybe not the photocopier but the printer." +15,7.43515,7.534816666666667,spk_0,Yeah. But a t least the thing we know that is gonna be alone or with equip ment but +16,7.541833333333333,7.5975,spk_1,"not with 100% staff, staff worker." +17,7.615166666666667,7.77165,spk_2,"Okay. So th its a one person room but we dont know how, how big they a re, or its hard to tell. I mean, Gisela has this funny, uh, typing." +18,7.790983333333333,7.867483333333333,spk_1,"Yeah, the rooms arent tiny if you look at the," +19,7.898816666666667,7.940483333333333,spk_2,so probably sh she should get the facts. Right. +20,7.964316666666667,8.126983333333333,spk_1,"Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense to put the facts in there. So," +21,8.525666666666666,8.7338,spk_0,"and then I think the main discussion we should have is, um, if we want to make group of, amongst the SA ME project or among the Sa Me title." +22,8.750816666666667,8.794483333333334,spk_3,Yeah. Yeah. Professor assistant or uh +23,8.807816666666668,9.023166666666668,spk_0,"yeah, couple of professors and assistant or, or yeah, thats more a conceptual question than a practical question." +24,9.04465,9.360316666666666,spk_1,"Well, the third option is just completely mix everyone up which some people say is better sort of for group environment so that youre not stuck only with the people who working on your project, right? So if you share an office with someone whos on a completely different project, you find out about that project, but you also sort of interact with other people on a more regular basis." +25,9.382816666666669,9.701983333333333,spk_3,"But still I find its quite easy if you a re with people who work in the SA Me project in the SA Me room because you have the meetings or people come and ask you discuss things, maybe I dont know if its uh for other people who start working in the SA Me project. Yeah, + but we will have this reading room" +26,9.733666666666666,9.8335,spk_2,which will it be dedicated for reading and for studying or can we have meetings there? Can we reserve it for meetings? That I +27,9.842,10.096916666666669,spk_1,"think its not a question of reserving it because theres other rooms at the university that you can reserve for a meeting. But if its empty then sure you can use it for a meeting. Theres nothing wrong with that. But I think if someones already reading in there, its not fair to go and kick them out just because you want to have a meeting because," +28,10.1029,10.314666666666668,spk_2,"well, the problem is if you have to go across the building and it adds some overhead every time you want to have some short meeting and discuss some issues or maybe we shouldnt call + it." +29,10.317316666666668,10.580666666666668,spk_1,"But if youre having a short meeting, you dont really make an appointment for it. You just kind of go to someones office and go down for a coffee or whatever cause theyre still the cafeterias that you can use for informal." +30,10.601333333333333,10.897166666666667,spk_0,"The other thing we should take into account is if you receive student or not because yeah, Marian and I interact a lot with student and we have reception hours and stuff like that. So it means you get time where a lot of people come along and talk and" +31,10.905983333333332,10.9325,spk_1,so its the other Marianne does too. +32,10.934316666666666,11.063833333333331,spk_0,Yeah. So maybe its not really nice to have to share an office with somebody like us having a lot of social life and +33,11.07065,11.902166666666666,spk_1,"well, but then you either share offices with each other which doesnt really solve the problem because chances are youre not going to have office hours at the exact same time. So, youre still going to have, like, unless you get individual offices, I dont know if theres an easy way to find a solution for that because even if each of you share with the professor, then its the same thing for the professor. Yeah. But it is something to keep in mind unless you end up sharing an office with someone where your schedules completely dont overlap and then you can schedule office hours when the other person isnt there, some people come in around 11 and some people come in around eight." +34,11.914666666666667,12.020166666666666,spk_0,But thats something we cant reasonably assume like that make plans with that because +35,12.02565,12.2795,spk_1,"no, but you sort of see peoples patterns. I mean, even if its not always like that, I mean, if its like that, you know, 80% of the time then, but youre right, we cant make assumptions too much." +36,12.406333333333333,12.541316666666669,spk_2,"So people would like to see, um, the office organised by, uh, by, by rank like professors and students. And" +37,12.548,12.559316666666666,spk_0,"I dont know," +38,12.5855,12.767166666666666,spk_1,"I think, well, its up to us how we do it. I can see benefits of both. But" +39,12.775166666666667,12.951816666666666,spk_0,one point I can say by experience its really hard to share an office with three people because it makes much more noise than only being two in an office. +40,12.964316666666669,13.062833333333334,spk_1,"Yeah. Plus the computers, the + computers. So, and we all know what its like to have five computers in your office. + Yeah." +41,13.0835,13.3805,spk_0,"So we might be, it might be a good idea to first exclude one of the three person room to be the reading room and not to be necessary a room with three people. Yeah. + But if there a re people coming in, I mean," +42,13.384316666666669,13.585666666666668,spk_3,we have these people working for two months who comes in the summer time or something. I th think we should reserve a little bit space for them too. So um +43,13.592316666666669,13.961833333333333,spk_1,"yeah, thats a good point because if we take the three person room out as a reading room, its quite, then everyone has an office, right? Cause its maximum 18. So take away three spaces and youre down to your 15 and youre right. If we do have a stagger or whoever comes in, then we have nowhere. Well, we can put them in the reading room but that kind of defeats the purpose." +44,13.991833333333334,14.3595,spk_0,"So the other solution is to say, OK, we use a three person room but only with two person each time and leave a spare space for. But avoiding having three person full time in the SA me room could be a good idea, I think" +45,14.365316666666669,14.493833333333331,spk_1,"or again, find people who dont work the SA me hours. Yeah, it doesnt completely solve the problem. But" +46,14.568,14.62765,spk_0,"so for the reading room, we will have a two person room." +47,14.6315,14.731666666666667,spk_1,"Yeah, I think everybody agrees on that. One person will be too small. Anyways. How about, how about this room?" +48,14.748,14.886833333333334,spk_2,"The bottom? Yeah, a t the bottom in the middle with, due to the mountains? Yeah, it has three windows. So I think its, uh, + 22. Well, which" +49,14.892166666666666,14.922166666666667,spk_1,"w theres 32 person rooms," +50,14.932333333333334,14.986666666666666,spk_2,"the, the middle one that + has two windows. Yeah," +51,14.99665,15.081333333333331,spk_1,"its, which is fine. Its still a + big room. Big black stripe is the windows." +52,15.113483333333331,15.144483333333334,spk_0,"One between the big, ok," +53,15.154666666666667,15.172166666666667,spk_1,I should have explained that. +54,15.188833333333331,15.2775,spk_0,"But what about the, the other one which has only one windows, but in the courtyard it may be more quiet." +55,15.300983333333331,15.361833333333331,spk_1,Yeah. But then you dont get a lot of light for reading. +56,15.377333333333333,15.544316666666669,spk_0,"We have electricity. So I hope. Really. No, its a question. I mean, it, its quite noisy outside with the streets and," +57,15.577983333333334,15.60815,spk_3,"yeah, on the sixth floor. I dont know." +58,15.629166666666666,15.6295,spk_0,"Yeah," +59,15.6505,15.68515,spk_1,I know. I like the idea of looking out over. +60,15.746333333333334,15.79765,spk_0," So its a relaxing + room. Well, I mean, that, thats the whole point. Right." +61,15.797816666666666,15.921483333333333,spk_1,"Its just somewhere to get out of your office and go and do something else for a while, whether youre reading or just kind of staring off into space." +62,15.9305,16.000816666666665,spk_2,"You can look outside of the window if you have a quick meeting there. So, what" +63,16.005666666666666,16.077983333333332,spk_0,about one of the room in the car? So you have three windows. Its even better. +64,16.0825,16.10515,spk_1," Yeah, we could do that. Why + not?" +65,16.111316666666667,16.27465,spk_0,"But you have less wool to put shelves and stuff like that if you intend the reading room, being more a library or" +66,16.31983333333333,16.87165,spk_1,"we have some shelves, like cabinet type shelves for the reading room, but its not really intended to be a library. I mean, we have an T library but the other idea is to take because right now we all have bookshelves. So one idea might be to take sort of the books that arent frequently used by people, put them all into that room. So it becomes sort of mini library but not like a library system library, just go and borrow your colleagues books." +67,16.991833333333332,17.13865,spk_0,"So we all agree about this too. This in rooms. Which one? I? No or not? No," +68,17.153816666666668,17.175666666666668,spk_1," I think the middle + one," +69,17.17865,17.202833333333334,spk_0," the middle + one. Yeah. Yeah," +70,17.206333333333333,17.386,spk_1,its also sort of m central to the layout so everyone sort of has more or less the sa me distance to its not that it makes that much of a difference but why not? +71,17.445816666666666,17.488633333333333,spk_0,So we can exclude this one to make an office. +72,17.528483333333334,17.55565,spk_1,So what I can do is +73,17.58915,17.62215,spk_0,or maybe right on the board. I dunno. +74,17.624816666666668,17.682816666666668,spk_1,Um actually thats a good idea. Just put it up. +75,17.697816666666668,17.7235,spk_0,So we have the map and +76,17.822483333333334,18.5405,spk_1,"so this really isnt to scale but oh well um thats really not to scale. Alright, good + enough. Um so weve got an office there, theres two and 13. Yeah. Is that? Yeah. Yeah. Oh" +77,18.564666666666668,18.60083333333333,spk_0," so ok, + so this is" +78,18.64816666666667,18.6885,spk_1,"that and this becomes the reading room, right?" +79,18.695316666666667,18.946,spk_0,Ok. Is that a? Yes. Okay. +80,18.98583333333333,18.98948333333333,spk_3,"And then," +81,19.04433333333333,19.198833333333333,spk_0,"yeah, should we decide also the administration stuff? And so we exclude the, the thing we a re quite sure. And then we discuss + there," +82,19.20115,19.480816666666662,spk_2,"I was thinking of maybe we should assign Gisela into this three person office because we, we will probably place the printer next to the mailboxes. Then we could have Gisela and the 2 50% people sharing the three personal" +83,19.488166666666668,19.555,spk_0,"thats really noisy to be in the sa me office as the administration. + But if" +84,19.561333333333334,19.59965,spk_1," Gisela works 50% and they work 50%. + Yeah." +85,19.599816666666666,19.984,spk_0,"That just imply you expect people to come when Gisela is not working and thats not really fair if you, well, I mean, so we can put Gisela in the two people room which is near the mailbox. Yeah. Yeah, we + could, I dont know." +86,19.99898333333333,20.06815,spk_2,"Ok, we could, I mean, I dont know how noisy she is. Its" +87,20.070316666666667,20.131666666666668,spk_0,"just a, you always have the phone ringing even if they have, even when shes not" +88,20.13648333333333,20.197816666666668,spk_1,have her own printer. Yeah. +89,20.198,20.315166666666663,spk_0,"But thats, thats a good point from Nichols to say that she needs to be near the mailbox and the printer. And," +90,20.32398333333333,20.46365,spk_1,"well, if you put her inin the room here, its relatively close + except the door is not really" +91,20.47383333333333,20.981666666666666,spk_0," convenient for + her. Convenient. True. Yeah. But I think if, if the main, um, how can I put that? The, um, if the main reason to put to, to choose g, the place is the proximity of the mailbox. It should be a two P people room and not a three people room." +92,21.0125,21.08715,spk_2,"Ok. Its fine with me. + Otherwise we have one people room and" +93,21.09915,21.272816666666667,spk_1,"I dont know how much the proximity to the mailbox matters because usually when shes here and she picks up the mail, she actually brings it to your office. Its more the A T administration that uses our + mailbox and" +94,21.302666666666667,21.346833333333333,spk_3,the place where we all pass. Kind of. +95,21.381666666666668,21.580483333333333,spk_0,Thats true because if we put the photography near the mailbox and it seems to be the only place where there is room for that. +96,21.593833333333333,21.715816666666665,spk_1,"Yeah, unless you put it into an office which is just an annoying, I think cause even if you put it into Giselles office, its gonna be, its" +97,21.71815,21.742,spk_0,too big and yeah. +98,21.83448333333333,21.940816666666667,spk_2,"Okay. Maybe we should write this down. Do we agree that the, that the photocopier and the network printer goes next to the mailboxes?" +99,21.953983333333333,22.295483333333333,spk_0,Okay. And then we can for the moment put Gisela in this corner room if you agree. I dunno +100,22.326816666666662,22.39315,spk_1," A t the beginning, we said that we were gonna give her one of the one person + rooms." +101,22.393316666666667,22.47533333333333,spk_0,"Yeah, but there were this option of putting the line near the photography." +102,22.502666666666663,22.50883333333333,spk_1,"Yeah," +103,22.627333333333333,22.739316666666667,spk_2,I mean shes sharing an office right now and uh has anybody heard of any complaints that shes too loud or +104,22.753816666666665,22.92898333333333,spk_0,"I mean shes not sharing an office. I mean sh we put some ining office because there is a spare + room and" +105,22.929166666666667,22.95683333333333,spk_1,theyre not really in a position to complain. +106,22.97083333333333,23.1965,spk_0,"Thats quite, uh, I mean, thats quite important to keep a spare room in Gs Office if we need more stuff. But I wouldnt work in this office." +107,23.24683333333333,23.246983333333333,spk_2,I +108,23.262666666666668,23.405166666666663,spk_1,"think its just a question of work conditions. Like if youre stagger and youre c only coming in for two months, then you can put up with it. But if youre there, you know, for exa M the whole" +109,23.410666666666668,23.594816666666667,spk_0,"year for EXA MP. And there is no room in the cupboards for any people except Gisela because you got lots of papers and files and stuff like that. So its really, she needs," +110,23.600166666666667,23.635666666666665,spk_2," she needs space, space, + okay." +111,23.6485,23.786166666666663,spk_3,"But we can uh reserve. So if you reserve a two people room, we can put the trainees." +112,23.807166666666667,23.851983333333333,spk_1,"Yeah. And then they need to be + a rein the sa me room." +113,23.86565,23.87933333333333,spk_3,"Okay. So," +114,23.884166666666665,23.91398333333333,spk_2,Gisela A T the South West office. Yeah. +115,23.92465,23.93433333333333,spk_1,Yeah. The cor +116,24.046333333333333,24.192,spk_0,"its South West. I dont know if this, if this map is, well, South west, if thats north. Okay. The map is South West for us." +117,24.21015,24.285666666666668,spk_1,"No. Well, Im assuming thats what you meant, right. That, yeah, that," +118,24.289483333333333,24.30933333333333,spk_2,"that, yeah, that South" +119,24.312833333333334,24.324816666666667,spk_1,East anyways +120,24.377166666666668,24.385666666666665,spk_0,anyways +121,24.39183333333333,24.41215,spk_1,"this office, right?" +122,24.444166666666668,24.50883333333333,spk_0,"You know, because with mountain mountains and old town its not. No, sorry. But" +123,24.534166666666668,24.70565,spk_1,"Im very bad at orienting. Whereas North in Geneva, I always get it wrong. But I just assumed Nicos was talking with orientation here. Sunrise and sunshine is quite" +124,24.70815,24.84233333333333,spk_0,"sunshine. Sunrise and sunset is quite a good. Um, so wait, do" +125,24.87248333333333,24.927666666666667,spk_1,we face the old town now? And were facing +126,24.937316666666668,24.955,spk_0,"north east," +127,24.957316666666667,24.960833333333333,spk_1,north +128,24.971,25.00933333333333,spk_0,east sunrise? +129,25.01148333333333,25.10965,spk_1,Okay. So this is +130,25.11733333333333,25.215816666666665,spk_0,"east, north east. We, we have sun in the morning only." +131,25.250166666666665,25.256666666666668,spk_1,"Yeah," +132,25.286816666666667,25.49298333333333,spk_0,"we have. So it does mean that the three piece room which is in the opposite of the north east is the more sunny one. This one, lets say that" +133,25.50398333333333,25.56083333333333,spk_2,"three people. Its + the one you have now you both." +134,25.61565,25.630316666666666,spk_3," Well, theres a quite + a lot" +135,25.635666666666665,25.722483333333333,spk_0,"of the sunset and no, and its really warm" +136,25.72415,25.773,spk_2,and you get lots of sun during summer. Yeah. +137,25.7885,25.859,spk_0,"Um by the way, is it 1/6 floor building or is there more?" +138,25.86283333333333,25.892983333333333,spk_1," Yeah, were the top + floor. Okay." +139,25.89883333333333,25.913,spk_0,So its warm. +140,25.943316666666668,26.103816666666667,spk_1,Uh The building design is pretty much the same as the one we have. Now were just getting more space this way because we couldnt move in the other building because it was occupied by the other departments. +141,26.2195,26.250833333333333,spk_3,"Ok, good. So," +142,26.326816666666662,26.461,spk_0,"so how many rooms and how many places do we + have? So we have reserved now to" +143,26.46398333333333,26.50398333333333,spk_3," why dont I + change it on here as well?" +144,26.55615,26.584,spk_1,So thats Gisela +145,26.593316666666663,26.714316666666665,spk_0,plus one place but really the last place to be used. +146,26.719816666666667,27.144816666666667,spk_1,Plus fax. Yeah. Mmhm. And then this is the waiting room. Ok. Oops. Um so that leaves us with what 14 places which is +147,27.16398333333333,27.18265,spk_2,14 people. +148,27.207316666666667,27.2125,spk_0,"No, for" +149,27.238166666666668,27.29115,spk_1,14 because Giselles already got a room. +150,27.330483333333333,27.34583333333333,spk_2,So we a re Good. +151,27.401,27.42015,spk_0,Bless you. Excuse me? +152,27.47898333333333,27.70916666666667,spk_1,"Ok. Um, so, so Im going to take Gisela off of that list as well. Ill put her in gray, I guess." +153,27.803316666666667,27.942,spk_0,Can we group people by their name? So its gonna be Mariannes. +154,27.95565,28.13433333333333,spk_2,"Is, is any, is there anybody whos not happy with the current situation so we could try to just keep the sa me arrangement just on the new building? Yeah, thats, thats," +155,28.15083333333333,28.294166666666666,spk_0,"thats, that can be a good idea. But do do we can we do that? Because there is no, we cant because we cant," +156,28.312833333333334,28.657166666666665,spk_1,"we have one extra, one person office and, and 2323 person offices. Yeah. Plus we have the two people who arent there now. Yeah. No, we have to put it somewhere. You can keep some of the people together, that a re together now but not everyone. Definitely." +157,28.681833333333334,28.86598333333333,spk_2,"OK. So lets start then top to bottom Maggie. Well, why + dont we take a break and go off and think about it" +158,28.878,29.08115,spk_1,"and then once we have more concrete ideas, okay, we can come back and finish it cause if we just sit here and discuss its gonna take a long time and were gonna start arguing and get cranky and" +159,29.092816666666668,29.305,spk_0,"OK, so lets have a break. Save your fag. You have XB. Thats nice." +160,29.319333333333333,29.32048333333333,spk_1,Mm +161,29.35148333333333,29.57881666666667,spk_2,OK. So how long its gonna? Mhm. diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/office_relocation_2.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/office_relocation_2.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2fd471ab009a4862f4ed218ad950ca698a6dcaa1 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/office_relocation_2.csv @@ -0,0 +1,291 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,0.0263333333333333,0.2586666666666666,spk_0,"OK, so now that weve all had a bit of time to think about it. Um Does anyone have any concrete proposals or do we want to just go through people and start placing them and kind of discuss as we go along?" +1,0.3621499999999999,0.402,spk_1,I dont think there a re concrete proposals +2,0.4304833333333333,1.0823333333333334,spk_2,"but no, its kind of we should maybe find a method to do stuff like I dont know, choose one para meter, the first para meter to choose people to choose where to put people like I dunno, maybe permanent staff and non permanent stuff. We know that professor will stay for a long time. We a re we dont know for the other. Yeah, thats true. Maybe that could be the first para meter to take into account. Not just to, yeah, give them like the + most comfortable offices and" +3,1.0851666666666666,1.1221666666666668,spk_0," yeah + and have this discussion every two years." +4,1.1413333333333333,1.4238333333333333,spk_2,"Yeah, because its do you know? Yeah, this makes sense. That makes sense for everyone. So we can choose where to put. Uh I would say the the the three first one of the + list. Yeah, cause Martins a professor but hes only here half time." +5,1.424,1.5358333333333332,spk_0,"So its sort of a different situation. Hes a professor at the PFL, but not in Geneva. He just does research in Geneva" +6,1.5471666666666666,1.6393333333333333,spk_2,"and maybe the two other senior Andre and Nancy. Okay. So, lets" +7,1.657333333333333,1.684483333333333,spk_0,go through that first. +8,1.7041666666666666,1.9311666666666665,spk_3,"Um, so what do you think for, uh, Susan and Maggie, for example, the, the rooms for one person?" +9,1.9561666666666664,2.05165,spk_2,"Yeah, for + Susan probably acting. She prefers to have her own office." +10,2.069333333333333,2.1159833333333333,spk_0,"Um, okay. Any preference as to which one?" +11,2.131,2.1439833333333334,spk_3,Not really. +12,2.2041666666666666,2.2805,spk_0,"Well put Susan here for now. They can switch and then Maggie and the other one. Yeah. Yeah," +13,2.283166666666667,2.4058333333333333,spk_1,"its up to them, I guess. Yeah. No, its up to, up to u si mean, they, they can switch, they can switch later." +14,2.4353166666666666,2.570333333333333,spk_0,"Um, ok. And then" +15,2.583666666666667,2.6026666666666665,spk_1,play right next. +16,2.6256500000000003,2.8545,spk_2,"So we need to put Pierre Andre and Nancy. Do we want to, the, the question is now, is, do we want to put the three together or the three completely separate with other people?" +17,2.875983333333333,2.937333333333333,spk_3,"Um, I would say not together. Inp" +18,2.9458333333333333,3.01765,spk_0,"has students and Andre and Nancy dont, well, does Andre." +19,3.06165,3.18115,spk_2,"Yeah, but few less than pure. So we have" +20,3.2245,3.320483333333333,spk_0,because also if were going to put people together by projects and theres no sense to put them together because they all work on different projects. +21,3.35065,3.61115,spk_2,"I know. Um, I just realised something, the two people room in the middle which has only one windows, its gonna be pretty hard to put two people inside that room" +22,3.624833333333333,3.646166666666667,spk_0,because theyll fight for the window. +23,3.66765,3.68665,spk_3,Its quite dark. +24,3.6975,3.8451666666666666,spk_0,"What about moving Gisela in there? If shes in there half the time she can have her desk near the window and, ok, shes not near the mailbox but," +25,3.85665,3.87965,spk_2,"and near the photocopy," +26,3.883166666666667,3.97565,spk_0,but it may be more sort of practical in terms of working environments for people. Yeah. +27,3.9858166666666666,4.00565,spk_3,"Yeah, it would be nicer." +28,4.04315,4.06815,spk_2,And what about the reading room? +29,4.118333333333333,4.153816666666667,spk_0," But again, one of the reasons for putting the reading or more, + I, I" +30,4.171666666666667,4.706833333333333,spk_2,"you, I mean uh I think everybody is supposed to spend more time in the office than in the reading room. So we might think that its better to have a more comfortable office than a more comfortable reading room. I dont know, it changed the plan of the morning. Im sorry, but I just realise that stupid architect put on the one windows who built this building. Do we know that? I dont know. I dunno, do you think? I + dunno, we spent" +31,4.7125,4.765666666666666,spk_1,quite some time a t the last meeting and to decide this +32,4.791666666666667,4.892833333333334,spk_2,"just took attention a t this one windows problem and I think it is one problem," +33,4.897,4.971316666666667,spk_1,"of course, but everybody had the documents before so you could have studied them. I" +34,4.985666666666667,5.0825,spk_2,say the sa me to you. What if we put the two people that a re 50% in that room +35,5.089483333333333,5.1178333333333335,spk_0," in the, + the two A PFL people" +36,5.13165,5.202483333333333,spk_2,"thats really welcoming and warming, but theyre + only here 50%." +37,5.20865,5.26815,spk_3,"Well, lets uh how we can uh fill the three person rooms." +38,5.310816666666667,5.328166666666666,spk_2,"What, what, what, uh," +39,5.341483333333334,5.491983333333334,spk_3,"how we can, who we gonna put in the three person rooms. I mean, we have now, uh, 23 person rooms left. And, um," +40,5.539666666666667,5.762166666666666,spk_2,"no, no, but the main problem, we have the sa me number of places and the sa me number of people now. So everyone has to go somewhere. Yeah. And, uh, I just noticed that we have these two people room, we" +41,5.768483333333333,5.8353166666666665,spk_0,"have one room with two windows. I + dont mind going into this office" +42,5.844833333333334,6.2125,spk_2,"you dont mind to have. Okay. So Nikos and you have to sign. Yeah, you have to find somebody agree to come with you and its not a question of you. Its a question of windows. Who would you put with you? Lets put a 50%. So," +43,6.21815,6.2375,spk_1,"oh, why not?" +44,6.2585,6.290666666666667,spk_2,Okay? From the? +45,6.300166666666667,6.319333333333334,spk_0,OK. So thats in there. +46,6.34465,6.405983333333333,spk_2,"Yeah. Do you not have it? No, you will learn to know + it. Youll meet him." +47,6.442483333333334,6.6684833333333335,spk_0,OK. So Im just gonna make a list on here of who we have and keep talking. +48,6.674316666666667,6.834316666666666,spk_2,So David and Nichols its done. And so where were we? Uh and Nancy Andre and Nancy +49,6.918833333333334,6.996,spk_1,maybe we can put pet and her T 22 phd students into one room. +50,7.03215,7.0465,spk_3,Yeah. Why not? +51,7.063316666666666,7.098816666666667,spk_2,How many phd students did you have +52,7.111666666666666,7.135666666666666,spk_3,all two Marians or? +53,7.164166666666667,7.377833333333333,spk_2,"And me? And you can say, OK, so Im doing a phd officially. Um" +54,7.450816666666666,7.6625,spk_0,"OK, so David Nikos, Gisela Maggie and Susan are done. Ok." +55,7.677333333333333,7.953833333333334,spk_2,"So, and could you put the, the map again? So we, so what happened? Um, thats, that might be a good idea to put your head with two phd students. Okay. Whoever they A R + E, should we be nice and give them three windows." +56,7.953983333333333,8.108333333333333,spk_1,"Um, yeah, may, maybe the other one would be more convenient if we a re all working on the SA ME project. So were close by. Okay." +57,8.118333333333334,8.229483333333333,spk_2,"Ok. Oops, Supply it. And the two Mariannes" +58,8.236316666666667,8.263983333333334,spk_0,that wont get confusing. +59,8.29315,8.348,spk_3,"Yeah, Id like to have a view to the mountains, but, well," +60,8.363816666666667,8.64465,spk_2,"it would be with Marian and Janette. Its alright. And we put Marian in front if you want to be where here. No, on the room and the opposite. Oh, here. Oh no, thats a old town view. Well, + thats, that would have to be here or the other three person room." +61,8.697133333333333,8.7073,spk_0,"Yeah. Well," +62,8.743816666666667,8.810633333333334,spk_3,"yeah, all times as well as well. Yeah, thats alright." +63,8.8318,8.914316666666666,spk_0," Shes not that far if shes li like in this one + here. And thats good because there a re" +64,8.927633333333333,9.00615,spk_3,"Marian and Nicholas they a re on the other side of the. So its, yeah." +65,9.025,9.073483333333334,spk_2,"Ok. So Marianne and who do you want to work with," +66,9.117483333333332,9.1505,spk_3,whos left? Um +67,9.18415,9.313316666666667,spk_2,"Let me see, Martin. No, pier is done. Andre Yalina and Agnes" +68,9.325166666666666,9.416483333333334,spk_3,would be good and actually is working for the Sa Me project as well. Okay. So put +69,9.423333333333334,9.438316666666667,spk_2,Yalina with um +70,9.452166666666669,9.479166666666666,spk_3,with a beautiful laughter. +71,9.523333333333332,9.815833333333334,spk_2,Ok. And we have right No. Do you think its a good idea to put Martin and Andre together since theyre working on the Sa Me project? +72,9.81865,9.837833333333334,spk_0," Yeah, that + could work." +73,9.864316666666667,9.913666666666666,spk_3,"And Martin is just, uh, 50% in." +74,9.94765,10.127333333333333,spk_2,"Yeah. And we might put Martin and Andre and someone else in the three person room since its a 50%. Its a good, yeah." +75,10.13915,10.440316666666666,spk_0,Ok. I guess I can go in there because Martin and I are working on sort of the same thing and that leaves +76,10.445,10.477816666666667,spk_2,Maria and Nancy. +77,10.567166666666669,10.620833333333334,spk_0,"Yeah, thats a weird combination." +78,10.639,10.651983333333334,spk_1,Why? +79,10.7775,10.854983333333331,spk_2," So, what do we think about that? Okay. W + why dont we move Maria to this," +80,10.871816666666666,10.9335,spk_1,"to where, to the office? Im supposed to be and I can go with Nancy." +81,10.958983333333334,11.409666666666666,spk_0,"No, its not that its just, youve almost got a project split except that you dont because Nancy and Maggie and I work on the Parmenides and then Andre Martin, Maria and I also work on, I am too. And so does Susan. Although the Susan" +82,11.43215,11.549816666666668,spk_2,"is not a good thing, this project splitting, I mean, no splitting by project," +83,11.576816666666666,11.63115,spk_0," but then we should split the little, mm DS LT party + up." +84,11.648166666666668,11.729816666666666,spk_2,"Yeah. No. But if you, I, if you split by project you put me in one person room" +85,11.751816666666668,11.77165,spk_0,all on your own. +86,11.90715,12.189316666666668,spk_2,Hm. Thats hard. +87,12.219,12.366483333333331,spk_0,"I would put it the other way. I would put the room with Martin in it in the two window room because hes 50%. So then at least the other two people get," +88,12.387666666666666,12.492833333333332,spk_2,could you say that again? Put Martin in the three person room with two windows +89,12.5115,12.541833333333331,spk_0,since hes 50%? +90,12.57565,12.69765,spk_2,"So, you just, you just move him or the two groups, you just" +91,12.7,12.743316666666669,spk_0,"either way. Well, I dont know if were splitting up," +92,12.77165,12.880666666666666,spk_1,"what is this about windows or is it about it? It, it must be functional if you and Martin work on the SA Me project then?" +93,12.898333333333332,13.144,spk_3,"Yeah, I mean, uh, with whom, with whom youd like to work in the Sa Me office? I mean, is it important to have someone, uh, from the SA Me project or? Um, I dont + think its necessarily so important to be in the Sa Me office with someone." +94,13.154983333333334,13.2045,spk_0," If youre working on the Sa Me project, + we can Skype each other." +95,13.206666666666669,13.2085,spk_1,Yeah. Yeah. +96,13.230333333333334,13.24115,spk_3,But you all to +97,13.266,13.26765,spk_0,get +98,13.298,13.346333333333334,spk_3,and all the people by skyping all the time. +99,13.3625,13.446,spk_0,"I dont know, like, right now I share an office with Bruno. We dont work on any projects together" +100,13.44965,13.570166666666667,spk_2,"except coffee time and thats important project and stuff like that. Thats + fine." +101,13.582333333333333,13.755333333333333,spk_0,"Like, I dont need to be in the same office as someone who works on IM two or someone who works on par. Its not like, and its + quite funny to, to, to hear" +102,13.763,13.937666666666669,spk_2,"other activities around you and not always the SA ME stuff. + Yeah, thats for sure. Especially when its activity that you dont understand or" +103,13.95,13.979816666666666,spk_0,you hear things out of context. Yeah. Right. +104,13.99465,14.195483333333334,spk_1,"I agree. But the set up is pretty good now. So Bruno is not on MS LT and hes sharing, um, MS LT office. Uh, Im not sharing somebody with, I work on the Sa Me project. Um," +105,14.198816666666668,14.204983333333333,spk_2,"yeah, I," +106,14.213833333333334,14.358983333333333,spk_3,"yeah, I dont know. You a re saying that, uh, Maria and Nancy doesnt fit. I just together + in the SA Me, you cant really see them sharing an office." +107,14.360983333333332,14.40715,spk_0," So, what you say + if you change the office, uh," +108,14.420483333333332,14.566,spk_3,"I dont know. And do you work with Nancy or, uh, what do you" +109,14.57565,14.825,spk_0,"put Andre and Nancy Nancy together because theyre starting that new project? Oh, yeah, for exa MP. And then put Maria with me and Martin. I could see that working a bit better. Yeah. + Okay. Why not" +110,14.927166666666666,14.968166666666669,spk_2,"would you, um, hm." +111,15.001983333333332,15.008833333333332,spk_0,"What, you know," +112,15.0755,15.403983333333333,spk_2,"dont, Im not totally convinced. Sorry, Im not convinced about whats bothering you. I dont know." +113,15.517483333333333,15.53515,spk_1,Yeah. What is it? Now? +114,15.556983333333331,15.623333333333331,spk_0,I thought you were saying you didnt wanna be in a three person room. First +115,15.627333333333333,15.677983333333334,spk_3,"of all, youre changing your mind. All this" +116,15.687666666666669,15.767,spk_2,"from the beginning. I said the three person room, its quite, I mean, its a disadvantage" +117,15.7795,15.82465,spk_3,"but if you work with the people, like, and" +118,15.834316666666666,16.090483333333335,spk_2,"Marian and, um, to change a little bit this disadvantage, we put somebody 50% in a 3% room so we could do the SA me in the 3% rooms. But there is," +119,16.102333333333334,16.33566666666667,spk_0,"and he does have the window problem, which is why I still think we should put Gisela in that room because its, she gets the window, the Stasia, whatever hes there for two months, its their + problem." +120,16.337833333333332,16.373166666666666,spk_2,And Stasia its here for working +121,16.397166666666667,16.416,spk_0,for enjoying the beer. +122,16.421,16.517166666666668,spk_2,"Exactly. Well, anyway, its always fucking Geneva. So there is no view" +123,16.545833333333334,16.729816666666668,spk_3,this having quite a un avant situation because there a re Marian and Bruno who a re having reception hours. But thats so if you can +124,16.740666666666666,16.764833333333332,spk_2,"as well, we all have." +125,16.773,16.84665,spk_3,Yeah. So its quite a traffic there. I would say. +126,16.855983333333334,16.919,spk_0,"So what if we switch? No," +127,16.936316666666666,17.20365,spk_1,"w will there be wireless in the building? I mean, if there a re reception hours so somebody could move to the reading room and have people, you + have to have a computer with wireless. Well, isnt this the case? Doesnt everybody have one? + Well, most of us, first of all have desktop computers." +128,17.26631666666667,17.33315,spk_2," Plus + you cant assume that you can just use the reading room for reception hours." +129,17.360666666666667,17.399483333333333,spk_0,"Right? Like people are actually using it as a reading," +130,17.406833333333335,17.465333333333334,spk_3,having a room room for reading or +131,17.496,17.72015,spk_0,"so, what can we say? Were gonna move Gisela here? Yeah. Okay. And then I think that gives usa little bit more flexibility to play with moving people + around. Can we say that David" +132,17.726483333333334,17.766666666666666,spk_2,goes here instead of +133,17.786983333333332,17.838333333333335,spk_0,you were the first one on the list? But if you wanna remove someone else? +134,17.8385,18.319333333333333,spk_2,"No, because I was thinking of we can um, having these two office, which a re near to the lift. Keep this office for reception people. We a re pierre the two Marian and Iare receiving and Maggie and Susan, a re receiving a lot of students with, with the finish for exa MP if you want. Well, you," +135,18.32183333333333,18.332,spk_0,"well, you have" +136,18.334333333333333,18.405316666666668,spk_3,already speak quite well finished. So. Yeah. Yeah. +137,18.40798333333333,18.41933333333333,spk_2,Yeah. Okay. +138,18.476,18.49633333333333,spk_3,"Yes, I will." +139,18.51148333333333,18.609166666666667,spk_0,"Im just putting it in it, but + thats nice to have a corner, a student, I mean, a student area." +140,18.632316666666668,18.876483333333333,spk_2,"You know what I mean? Yeah. Its easy + for them to, yeah, to find us. And its also quite noisy when you have this kind of parade of student before the exa MS. So, if you work with me and you have this," +141,18.98315,18.997316666666663,spk_3,"so, Nico and Allina" +142,19.0355,19.091833333333334,spk_0," or do you want to go somewhere else? I have + no problem with that." +143,19.114316666666667,19.125166666666665,spk_1,"Um," +144,19.171,19.21733333333333,spk_2,so in the photography is still here. +145,19.222483333333333,19.271,spk_3,"Yeah, we have to prune or run from the other side of the," +146,19.287316666666666,19.3215,spk_0,"but, well, you just dont photocopy." +147,19.36365,19.382,spk_1,Yeah. Who does anyway? +148,19.40965,19.437666666666665,spk_3,Yeah. The people having students. +149,19.450166666666668,19.531333333333333,spk_1,Yeah. So maybe you and Bruno should take this office. +150,19.55516666666667,19.586816666666667,spk_2,"No, but its too far from," +151,19.59233333333333,19.69383333333333,spk_0,"well, you have the other. Yeah. Left. Ok." +152,19.7315,19.90798333333333,spk_3,"Yeah. If we change the switch, three people, Marian David. David with here, with here. And, uh," +153,19.93698333333333,19.977166666666665,spk_1,"oh, yeah. Yeah. Thats a good idea." +154,20.037666666666667,20.057316666666665,spk_0," Thats like that. + And then" +155,20.063333333333333,20.16998333333333,spk_2,you too. So we have a three windows with you everywhere. +156,20.20531666666667,20.24233333333333,spk_0,Thats what the plan was from the +157,20.24765,20.297816666666662,spk_3,beginning. You get the photocopying noise. +158,20.298,20.361,spk_0,"Now were all gonna come photocopy just to annoy you. Its not + very healthy there." +159,20.36415,20.364833333333333,spk_1,Yeah. +160,20.392166666666668,20.42383333333333,spk_3,And bathrooms a re nearby. Yeah. +161,20.43715,20.62848333333333,spk_2,"Yeah. And OK, I think thats quite nice." +162,20.665983333333333,20.976316666666666,spk_0,"Or did was the I should start start making full sentences. What about I was thinking about moving Pierrette and Marianne into a two person office rather than a three person office. And then, and" +163,20.98265,21.00615,spk_2,put David +164,21.017166666666668,21.04433333333333,spk_0,with Andre and Nancy for exa m +165,21.06083333333333,21.114833333333333,spk_2,"in a two person office. No, a three person office. And why?" +166,21.12848333333333,21.389316666666662,spk_0,"Because if they have reception, I know, I thought you were saying that you should have a smaller office or be in a smaller office because of reception or something or did I just completely misunderstand?" +167,21.402666666666665,22.346,spk_2,"No, no. The reason to put Pierrette and Marianne and to put Marian and I together is because of the noise we make by receiving student. And then the reason to put David in this office, its because its 50% industry. Okay place office. Um, that sounds nice. No. Yeah, + it looks good. Mhm. And I think we do have the best office. + Yeah, I think too. Im quite happy to kind of dictatorship. We a re here to make a decision. So, and Agnes, youre gonna sell this to the administrator." +168,22.35233333333333,22.39548333333333,spk_0,"Yeah, Im going to try. Yes. Yeah." +169,22.39816666666667,22.407316666666667,spk_2,"So," +170,22.421666666666667,22.601316666666666,spk_0,"ok, what arguments do I need? Well, we have the, + the argument of the group and students here, although you still have Susan and Maggie over here." +171,22.607166666666668,22.67031666666667,spk_2,"Yeah. Yeah. + But its quite logical to have the, for the professors." +172,22.675833333333333,22.72065,spk_3,"Yeah. One person rooms, I, I think." +173,22.948,22.95765,spk_2,Mm. +174,22.976816666666668,23.284983333333333,spk_0,"So it is sort of a, well, no, its not a project split. Its weird because it kind of, isnt, it kind of, isnt because Maria Martin and I all work on the SA ME project and then Andre and Nancy work on the SA ME project. Yeah. But + we all work on different projects so we cant." +175,23.36766666666667,23.657316666666667,spk_2,"But it is a little squared you put, oh, its a printer and the photography. Okay. Thats quite fine." +176,23.66415,23.726,spk_0,Okay. Let me just write down the arguments for why. Um +177,23.740816666666667,24.009,spk_1,"reception. One suggestion. If possible, we could move me and Yalena to the office where Andre and Nancy A re now you just want a bigger window. No, I, I just, its just more convenient if Im closer with my, you the partners on my project. Okay." +178,24.021166666666662,24.042666666666666,spk_3,"We can Skype, as you said." +179,24.16815,24.4155,spk_2,"No. Yeah, thats fine. Happy. So the arguments a re uh student reception in one corner." +180,24.62265,24.652833333333334,spk_0,So thats noise reduction. +181,24.686816666666665,24.80883333333333,spk_2,"The 50% stuff, industry person rooms." +182,25.000166666666665,25.06448333333333,spk_3,"Okay. And the projects they, they a re quite well grouped actually. Now," +183,25.06798333333333,25.09498333333333,spk_0,now they a re Yeah. Yeah. +184,25.11533333333333,25.216666666666665,spk_2,"And um except for David, but we cant do anything about + that. And the two professor is one single" +185,25.316316666666665,25.39548333333333,spk_3,"and while Jesus is kind of in the middle," +186,25.398666666666667,25.40483333333333,spk_2,yeah. +187,25.429666666666662,25.44698333333333,spk_1,Is the heart of the +188,25.457,25.46815,spk_3,"heart of the," +189,25.49633333333333,25.61215,spk_2,and since you n you will meet the administrator. Can we ask for a coffee machine somewhere +190,25.6215,25.65,spk_3," in the reading room? That would be + good." +191,25.65683333333333,25.71283333333333,spk_2,"Yeah. Or in that hall? I mean the sixth floor, theres no coffee machine." +192,25.746166666666667,25.814316666666667,spk_0,"Its, you mean like a little machine + or a vending" +193,25.819666666666667,25.83948333333333,spk_2,a vending machine? +194,25.8585,25.939666666666668,spk_0,"The little machine I think would be harder to sell but ask for," +195,25.95165,25.96565,spk_2,have a try +196,25.98698333333333,26.003316666666667,spk_3,the good coffee +197,26.019816666666667,26.24748333333333,spk_2,"with good coffee. Italian one, please. Strong, strong, good coffee. Yeah. And hope t good afternoon." +198,26.27583333333333,26.310316666666665,spk_0,"What did you say? Hot tea, tea" +199,26.328,26.386,spk_2,"for the afternoon? Yeah, because with strong coffee, I dont sleep" +200,26.419666666666668,26.50283333333333,spk_3,"if youre late. Uh, if you work late. Yeah. And you drink, uh, coffee. + Yeah." +201,26.5715,26.615816666666667,spk_2,And do we know if there will be air conditioning? +202,26.655316666666668,26.726,spk_3,"Is there actually a smoking area somewhere? No, not + for" +203,26.728,26.74298333333333,spk_0," non smoking + building." +204,26.763816666666667,26.82665,spk_3,"Yeah, but we, okay. We have the terrace still on the" +205,26.8335,26.880983333333333,spk_2,floor. There is no terrace on that building. +206,26.8855,26.941316666666665,spk_0,"No, no, no, theyll have to go + down. They have to go down. Yeah." +207,26.96365,27.0945,spk_2,"So, no, were not gonna change the plane only for the smoke. Well, its, + its ideal for Nancy. Shes just very close to the lifts and" +208,27.099316666666667,27.1065,spk_3,"Susan and Maggie," +209,27.217166666666667,27.2675,spk_2,I think its fine. Ok. +210,27.435666666666663,27.450666666666667,spk_1,Excellent. Yeah. +211,27.46165,27.5025,spk_3,"Yeah, I think its okay. Lets see + what the" +212,27.511166666666668,27.53465,spk_2,is gonna help you with that. +213,27.57065,27.702666666666666,spk_0,"Uh Yeah, I think so. Just checking if they actually have everyone but I think we do." +214,27.71998333333333,27.75165,spk_1,So when exactly a re we supposed to move +215,27.77133333333333,27.82248333333333,spk_0,"in, what was it? What did I say? Three weeks," +216,27.82783333333333,27.95165,spk_1,"three weeks. So, theyve set up everything wiring, uh, internet or whats the step?" +217,27.95433333333333,28.5295,spk_0,"As far as I know? Yeah. As far as I know, basically we pack up one day, the movers come take all our stuff, put it into the right boxes. So, when you get there the next day, all your stuff is already in your office and all the IP S and everything is set up. Theyre trying. So well see, make sure you label your boxes properly. Um, especially the mer hands. Yeah, they dont confuse it with the other Marian. But can + we think of putting a white board somewhere" +218,28.536166666666663,28.591833333333334,spk_2,"in the hole for general information? Uh," +219,28.59433333333333,28.6445,spk_0,"we can try, I can ask though." +220,28.70283333333333,28.774483333333333,spk_3,"Well, ma mailing lists, of course you can mail em." +221,28.77848333333333,28.784816666666668,spk_0,Yeah. +222,28.803,28.932983333333333,spk_2,"Yeah. But I mean, you have a nice poster of the next conference. You dont put it a b, a big board with," +223,28.9795,29.040816666666668,spk_0,"um, where, like along" +224,29.042816666666667,29.063,spk_2,along one of the walls +225,29.11083333333333,29.14965,spk_3,or in front of a reading room or? +226,29.17215,29.247316666666663,spk_1,"Yeah. Well, there a re, lots of walls we can po posters on." +227,29.252166666666668,29.6795,spk_0,"Okay. So, along that bottom hallway somewhere. Ok. Anything else I need to ask them? No," +228,29.69765,29.75565,spk_3,no more special. Who is this? +229,29.829833333333333,29.892983333333333,spk_0,"And I dont, actually we may need to sort out." +230,29.93065,29.94098333333333,spk_2,Mhm. +231,29.961816666666667,30.17783333333333,spk_0,"Thats not healthy. Um, who, I dont know if we need to sort out who sits where, because if theyre going to plug everything and set everything up. I + think its," +232,30.180316666666663,30.36598333333333,spk_2,"everybodys responsibility to find if they prefer to be in front of, back to a window or whatever. I mean, if we start doing that and then not happy" +233,30.370316666666668,30.417166666666667,spk_1,we dont want to. So I +234,30.419,30.42333333333333,spk_2,think we +235,30.425166666666662,30.693316666666668,spk_0,"can, yeah, I, I just cant remember whether theyre actually gonna set everything up for us or not, but we can change it, I guess. Ok. Thats it. Then Ill save this." +236,30.793316666666662,30.82933333333333,spk_1,Can you mail a copy of that to everybody? +237,30.8585,30.89348333333333,spk_0,Not right now because Im not connected to the internet. +238,30.905316666666668,30.998166666666663,spk_2,"No, but I will. Ok." +239,31.018316666666667,31.05348333333333,spk_0,Ok. Good. Were done then. diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/office_relocation_3.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/office_relocation_3.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e8ed0ab9212d6f24eb0b71f614bd086a336b1d72 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/office_relocation_3.csv @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,0.0681666666666666,0.08915,spk_0,But you wanna be attentive. +1,0.1,0.1173166666666666,spk_1,"Uh Yeah, thank you." +2,0.1353166666666666,0.2175,spk_2,"Any specific position, Ill just sit your way up there. Well, Andre is just," +3,0.2355,0.28265,spk_1,"um, Ill show some slides." +4,0.5378333333333334,0.5584833333333333,spk_0,Its all very natural. +5,0.60765,0.67465,spk_2,"Yeah, its a bit strange. Yeah." +6,0.7233333333333333,0.7573166666666666,spk_1,"Yeah, I think its no bad like + this" +7,0.8101666666666667,0.8275,spk_0," and dont forget + the," +8,0.9118166666666668,2.933666666666667,spk_1,"um, so hi, everyone. Thanks for coming to this meeting. Um, well, as you all know, the topic of this mornings meeting is, uh, the fact that were moving and were going to get more space. So thats a very good piece of news. Uh, but we also have to find out how we use this space. So, um, if you want, Ill just give a brief overview of whats happening and then we can, uh, talk about well, arranging these new, uh, the new office space. So, um, in case you havent seen the, the document, uh, let me just, uh, show you very briefly the, the configuration of the, the space. So, um, well, there is nothing much to say. Well, you know how many of usa reare present and you know that we a re, um, a bit tight actually in our present location. Uh Thats why actually, the university finally um allocated us this uh this part of uh the uni building. So its a t the sixth floor and its a set of contiguous rooms as you, you can all see from uh from here. Um So the, the, the one P, two P three P means the, the number of persons as you can see we have. So a corridor um with a number of uh of uh of rooms of one person rooms, two person room and, and three person rooms. Um Actually, I think Agnes did this nice drawing. So she even put the, the views. So we have the old town on one side and the mountains on the other two sides. Uh We have some bathrooms for us. Uh and the courtyard, which actually means a sort of uh shaft because uh the court is uh down a t the, the first floor + and just uh just a clarification question, a re the" +9,2.93615,3.1863166666666665,spk_2,"number of people per room indicated strict or can we play around with? I mean, if there a ree two people, is it really that you cant put three or uh 2.5 or uh how, how was it? Well, + its a bit difficult to say because um in fact," +10,3.1865,4.741333333333333,spk_1,"we have some constraints in terms of furniture. Uh theyre here. So, um well, your, your person, your, your question actually is answered maybe by the third item. So each person should get. Um Well, its a sort of desk, its made of two pieces and it looks like a corner with, of course, a chair, uh, a filing cabinet that goes under the desk. Uh, and, well, we can put hanging shelves over the, the desks. So Im not really sure. Its possible to get 33 desks in a two person office. But, um, we could try whats, what should be said here. I dont know if, well, you, I, I will maybe distribute now documents if you dont have them, maybe its easier. Do you need something, Martin? We can keep this for you. Uh So its, its, yeah, you have a copy, Susan, you to David. I think so. In fact, there a re more places than people. So we wont be that constrained uh as you know, some of us and some of you here actually Martin David a re part time. So it, its for the moment, quite comfortable. Normally we should even get an extra uh an extra place for, you know, temporary people coming to work on uh on projects. Uh Yeah, I uh yeah, I counted so we have um 15 pers physical persons and about uh 16, I think uh persons or actually 18 persons in the offices," +11,4.74515,4.7726500000000005,spk_2,"counting the re the, the reading room." +12,4.781333333333333,5.271,spk_1,"Exactly. So one of the issues uh here, its probably not on the slides is that we would like to have uh unlike what we had until now a lounge or reading room. Um, I, one of the, the offices. So in one of the rooms do we really need to? Um, I think quite a lot of people express the need for that. So if we could do it, I think it would be much nicer. Um, let me also, uh, s say something. Dont forget + the time we spend" +13,5.281833333333333,5.85665,spk_2,"to, for discussions about that room to be able to authorize this if possible. Yeah, I I still with you that the the we a re not so we a re not so large as far as space is concerned uh because 15 people to put in their 18 positions. So uh to the best uh if you take uh two people room for the reading room, then you have well, 1616 + play slots for 15 people. So it still should be feasible. That also means that the growth will be zero." +14,5.872316666666666,6.004166666666666,spk_1,"Yeah, I think thats quite important to manage some space. Maybe we can think of. Yeah, some two or three for visiting people." +15,6.051166666666667,6.0521666666666665,spk_2,Mmhmm. +16,6.063983333333334,7.54415,spk_1,"Okay. So let me finish with the the constraints which a re almost done. So we also need to, to find a, a spot for the photocopier, the fax machine and the printer, the fax you know, is very small but um the photocopier is quite huge and the printer is uh well this size um okay, the offices come with white boards, not very uh very important. Uh The furniture that each, each person has and, uh, you have a list of people. So, the thing, uh, you, you ought to know is that were not the only ones that we a re think that, that a re thinking about, uh, far, well, about putting people inin these rooms. Um, there is another group that is also having discussions. So the idea is that today well just sort of start seeing the main constraints and then you have time to, to go and think about it. Uh ask the people, you know, your assistants for instance, and A t the next meeting, well try to, to come with one solution. Uh The other group will also propose a solution and then there will be another negotiation. So, and + if we dont get this space, then what happens? Uh if you, if we dont get these, um, well, basically they a re promised to us. So, uh do, do you think there a re chances that they take from us, one of the rooms or? Uh okay. Yeah. II, I think its uh" +17,7.556833333333333,7.618833333333333,spk_2,"no, the, the, the chance it might be that there a re more people to put in that space? Yeah." +18,7.6245,8.299816666666667,spk_1,"Yeah, thats one of the, the problems I think maybe we should take this into account and maybe think of some of the bigger rooms with four people, one being temporary or, or part time. Um ok. So maybe we could try to, to see now what would be the main options, say the general uh well, arrangement options. Do you think that we should put people say according to projects, for instance, inin the table that um that we have, uh we also have the uh uh the, the main projects on which the people a re working. So how + Andre sorry for interrupting." +19,8.3,8.725966666666666,spk_2,"But uh one again, clarification question, what is the real margin of maneuver that we have for these discussions? Because uh a t least we a re a half percent, 50% of from EPFL. And uh sometimes you have meetings where the, the, the decision is already taken. So, uh and uh you can spend quite a lot of time discussing things. So what, what will be the impact of what we will come out? Oh, + actually," +20,8.726133333333333,9.118133333333333,spk_1,"what is fixed is the n the number of rooms this week cannot really change? I mean, a T least not us. It would be much more difficult to get another, another room for instance. But what is absolutely not fixed is the arrangement of the people in the rooms? So basically, we a re all the permutations, a re possible. That other way of + asking the question, is there any other group already working on the," +21,9.1183,9.266,spk_2,"on the, how this should be uh should be allocated or a re we, the, the one that is supposed to do the, the, the position? Well," +22,9.26615,9.531666666666666,spk_1,"what we a re looking for is a solution that suits everyone and that makes the maximum of people happy. So, uh the other group is, I, I dont think we have to see them as competitors but they a re just trying to, to find another local optimum or why, why + dont they have any representative here?" +23,9.543166666666666,9.567483333333334,spk_2,Yeah. Why didnt we have a meeting together and +24,9.596166666666669,9.718316666666666,spk_3,"then, uh, uh Andrea and, and will discuss about it with a, you a re, the rep representative of this group." +25,9.720483333333334,10.203333333333331,spk_1,"Yeah. Uh, we, yeah, I think thats, yeah, there is no real competition between the two, but well just try to find a t least two solutions and see how, how close they a re actually, its, its, I think, well, the, the people who, who decided this thought it was the best solution to, well, you know, find 22 kinds of opinions. Yeah. Well, we could have been eight sitting around here and, and talking but I think its, its more difficult. Yeah. + But, you know, that, thats the standard thing." +26,10.2035,10.464316666666669,spk_2,"Its suppose that somebody, for some strange reasons want to be in the corner and we dont know about that. Well put them, put her or him somewhere else, then we will do plenty of work for nothing because well not have this constraint. We aware of this constraint." +27,10.470833333333331,10.75715,spk_1,"Exactly. I think so. So today, the goal is not to, to find a solution today, but set some constraints and then go and see the people and find out if they have any preferences. Obviously we wont be able to accommodate all the, the preferences, but a t least well find the most, uh, the most important + ones." +28,10.758666666666668,10.9305,spk_0,"Well, certainly we have to ask, uh, and, uh, and Maggie since theyre not here because they also have a lot of students that they have to see as we do. And so thats another consideration too." +29,10.940833333333334,12.09015,spk_1,"Yeah, I think so. Thats one of the things I think we know that they have students. We dont know exactly if they prefer for instance to be alone or to, well to be with their assistant or even with another person working on the project. So that would have been maybe another solution is to ask everyone to provide a, an arrangement. But uh I think thats a bit uh a bit hard then to, to work out. Um So since all of you have a copy of the uh well of the drawing, I think for the next time, maybe you could come with a concrete proposal with uh na mes on it. But let us try to see today whether we prefer to organise people say by projects or just professor and assistant. So what would be say first, your preferences since lets, lets start with us. Maybe today. Um What do you think about it? Would you prefer to be alone? Would you prefer to be with your assistant? You who a re part time? Do you think you can come here on a very well regular schedule or is it part time but variable during the week?" +30,12.115316666666669,12.390316666666669,spk_3,"Yeah. Uh, ok. Uh, me personally, I would like to, to, to share the, the p, the room with the assistants as when you have problems of normal life. Like, uh, the printer doesnt work. I dont want to ask this to my supervisor. So its better to, to be with, uh, with an assistant to share the room." +31,12.408333333333331,12.6085,spk_1,"Uh huh. And since youre coming on, um, half time, do you think you will be able to group your presence here? Say Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning, or is it going to be m much more random?" +32,12.608666666666666,12.744166666666668,spk_3,"I dont think its a good idea to share a, to, to share the SA me desk. Okay. Uh, I still would like to have my drawers and these things." +33,12.761666666666668,13.050166666666666,spk_1,"Yeah, I think so too. Um, so Martin you a re also, um, half time and, well, the third person is Gisela. I think its quite clear that each person should have their own desk and its no, no way. We, we could put two persons a t the sa me + desk." +34,13.056983333333331,13.950166666666666,spk_2,"WW, where part time is important is that its no, no low load on the room. So, for sure if you have a part time person that reduces the, the ranges of time where too many people a rin the room. Yeah, I think I probably might be able to have a kind of a regular presence here. Um The uh, the thing that fin my case has to be taken into account is that I will have a lot of phone calls. So Ill be talking o over the phone all the time. So thats not necessarily, well, it depends on, I, I have nothing against sharing a, a, an office with somebody I already did it before. So, and it was perfectly fine. It just has to be somebody who can work while somebody else is having phone calls in the in the room, which is very much dependent on people. Some people a re not disturbed a t all by this, some people just cant work" +35,13.965833333333334,14.042166666666668,spk_1,"a re you disturbed by the phone calls of other people. Im not. But + uh" +36,14.045166666666669,14.532333333333334,spk_2,"and uh what might happen but it uh it will not be so heavy here, uh a tio as visitors so that I will have more a TEPFL uh typically students coming in or asking for things as Im not teaching here. Im teaching a TEPFL. This should, shouldnt be a such a big load. So for me, it, it will be essentially, I will not be, I will not be able to be silent in the room because I will be communicating also through vocal means. So" +37,14.546,15.165833333333332,spk_0,"before um talking more about individual preferences, is there any possibility what they have done in the uh Faculty of Law for exa MP that they actually split rooms? And so we would take uh one of the two people rooms and split it and you would see that you would have the sa me size office, but that would give the privacy um in so far as in just about every other faculty in the building, every professor has their own office. And its, its really uh goes a bit far that we have to have this uh all the sharing. Uh so one option and that, but that we would need to ask about if we could uh split one of the rooms" +38,15.18015,15.274,spk_2,"for boxes, for instance, in the, in the bigger rooms where you like cubicles" +39,15.289483333333331,15.483983333333333,spk_0,"that doesnt really solve it. I mean, theres, theres really a difference in having to have your own. Yeah. And sometimes you have, uh you need to have private discussions with somebody or whatever. So," +40,15.498,16.336833333333335,spk_1,"yeah, II I will try to find out whether we can separate, I think for the moment, the answer a t least is no because, um, its not only well making a wall but also making a new door. So its quite a lot of uh, of work. But um, I will try to find this out for the next time. Um So a t least for the moment as you can see there a re uh I can show them here on the screen. So there a re these two rooms on the left that uh accommodate one person. So a t least some of the professors since you a re four, could, could go, well, could take these, uh, these rooms and quite a lot of rooms with two persons. Uh, how do you feel Susan about the professor sharing the room with her assistant? So, the one which is the most involved in, in the teaching? Well, I, I + think its really a matter of personal preference as, you know, um," +41,16.336983333333333,16.776333333333334,spk_0,"I prefer to have my own office. Um, I also have a lot of phone calls and, you know, have to see people and with the other work that Im doing with the rhetoric, uh that is really confidential information that Im treating. So I, that I have to be really careful about too, but its a personal preference uh in so far as what weve had up until now, both Maggie and Pierrette have been happy to share with others. So, I mean, I think that we should still check with them. I" +42,16.78015,16.883333333333333,spk_2,"fully agree with that. Thats uh its much easier to me to uh to foresee having two people of the same position, sharing a room" +43,16.897483333333334,16.94265,spk_0,"but not sharing with each other. They + sharing with their" +44,16.95615,17.253316666666667,spk_2,"students because that, thats, its, its tricky because of confidentiality reasons. As you said, you, you a re discussing a budget on the, on the project, you over the phone. Typically you dont necessarily want to have somebody who will be dependent on the budget being part of the discussion. So" +45,17.2905,17.53715,spk_1,"yeah, thats um thats true. Um, okay. Um, maybe we could look a bit a t the projects. Do you think its a good idea to put together in the SA Me Room as much as possible? People from the SA ME projects, since they talk quite a lot of the" +46,17.539833333333334,17.692166666666665,spk_2,"project doesnt last in time. They will change. Its the only thing that will not, uh, that will change only progressively in time is the status of the people." +47,17.71998333333333,17.807483333333334,spk_1,"Well, yeah, and some of the phd students will hopefully they will finish their phd A T some point." +48,17.849816666666666,17.85165,spk_2,Mmhm +49,17.866666666666667,18.261333333333333,spk_0,"Yeah. And also some of our the people mentioned here a re working on more than one project too. So for example, Marianne the fin shes also working with me on the virtual campus project. So she that one wasnt mentioned. Im not saying that I necessarily want to be with her in the office. But uh its just to say people are working on uh sometimes more than one project. If + it, if it, if projects are what you have in mind," +50,18.26148333333333,18.4829,spk_2,"I think that the meeting room is the the tool for that you need to have people in the project talking together, they just have a meeting room. If its not too far away, then then its a very good well actu so the lounge could serve as some kind of meeting room." +51,18.483066666666662,18.647066666666667,spk_1,"But there a re also more formal meeting rooms available inin the building as why I was + quite receptive to uh Susans remark. A t the beginning is" +52,18.655483333333333,18.969666666666665,spk_2,"I wouldnt formulate it in uh such uh an extreme way as do we really need a lounge? But uh I would probably formulate it in a way that uh do we want to have only a lounge or something that can be used only as a reading room? Because, because meeting rooms to me, a re very important tools to do uh collaborative work." +53,18.989316666666667,19.14965,spk_1,"But I think we need to have to relax. So thats, and I think also we need a separate discussion on the furnishing of the lounge, which is a + whole other topic." +54,19.1625,19.340333333333334,spk_0,"No, I um the lounge. Okay. But I think we need to also see it as a overflow place when we have um uh visitors for any length of time. So they actually have a place to work + cause thats really my," +55,19.3405,19.557,spk_2,"one of my worries with the plan that we have here is that its, it pro provides no possible possibilities of expansion and this will happen. I mean, you cant, you cant prevent having visitors and you + should." +56,19.565166666666663,19.666833333333333,spk_1,"Yeah. Yeah. For the moment, actually, I think only one slot would be fully free. Uh That is for" +57,19.669666666666668,19.6885,spk_2," people. Its not + enough." +58,19.69065,19.7525,spk_1,"Yeah, that means one visitor a T A time or one intern. Yeah, that" +59,19.76615,19.80998333333333,spk_2,"professors here and, and, and its funny" +60,19.8135,19.88833333333333,spk_3,that we building because we run out of space and we will have the sa me problem. +61,19.905483333333333,19.980166666666666,spk_0,"Yes. But we have more space here than what we currently have. Yeah, its + already a progress" +62,19.98515,20.15598333333333,spk_1,"and youre, youre working. Uh, I think, yeah. W okay. So, one of the things I have to do for the next time is find, find out about the separations between rooms + because this" +63,20.15615,20.23583333333333,spk_2,"is really related with security regulation as well. I mean, you cant just put walls inin rooms." +64,20.24315,20.323,spk_1,"Yeah, I think its quite a heavy transformation of the building, not + necessarily heavy in terms of work." +65,20.323666666666668,20.368483333333334,spk_2,Its heavy in terms of administrative authorisation +66,20.384,20.57015,spk_1,"and okay, Ill try to find out. And the other question is, can we squeeze maybe four people in the A or a t least four places in the 33 p + room?" +67,20.570316666666667,20.647816666666667,spk_2,"I think. So if you organise the desks in a, in a intelligent way," +68,20.661483333333333,20.96615,spk_1,"yeah, hopefully visitors dont need as much say, filing space or uh yeah, they dont have that many papers. Uh Okay. So thats uh I have to, to ask. So you dont really feel um very strongly attached to this uh grouping by project idea. Mmhmm." +69,20.978,21.06798333333333,spk_0,"No, because they can share their ideas across the project and its uh coffee + machines that they made for them." +70,21.086983333333333,21.251816666666667,spk_3,"Yeah. Usually when, when newer assistants come, they would like to share the room with someone that knows uh uh its related with the project. So you can" +71,21.25565,21.652833333333334,spk_2,"see thats proximity doesnt play a big role there. You can discuss with people and the space is very small. I mean, all together its, and uh you dont, you, you dont need to discuss about the projects. You f more need about the, to discuss about where is the printer? How do I get furniture? Im, I dont have a, a pencil. Where is the, the box with the pencils and so on? This is not project related." +72,21.699816666666667,21.886,spk_0,"You know, if you look now at the, at the, the current division of the offices, for example, uh Bruno and Agnes are sharing an office and theyre working on totally different projects and then theyre, theyre just fine with that." +73,21.90615,22.16933333333333,spk_1,"Yeah, I think thats, thats going to be one of the, the main things well have to ask is whether people have strong preferences, either in staying with someone or in, uh not staying, um, a re you aware of any strong constraints right now?" +74,22.17183333333333,22.36865,spk_0,"Well, there, there were, but they sort of disappeared as of October when, you know, smoking because before we were smokers and now that theres no smoking, I guess thats not very important option though." +75,22.3755,22.45198333333333,spk_1,"Ok. Yeah, thats true. So, smoking is now no longer a constrain." +76,22.45365,22.51448333333333,spk_0,"Well, except for maybe you dont want anybody smoking on your balcony. So," +77,22.54433333333333,22.623,spk_3,"is it allowed to smoke inside an office if its one person? Not anymore? No, its" +78,22.63665,22.761166666666668,spk_0,"in principle, its a, its a no smoking building, you can smoke outside so you can go outside onto the, not even" +79,22.797316666666667,22.84098333333333,spk_1," regulation for + all of the 6000 students on" +80,22.842816666666668,22.846666666666668,spk_2,"the roof," +81,22.87333333333333,22.9425,spk_1,"uh, on the balcony. Actual, normally + theres the, theres that terrace" +82,22.947316666666666,22.947816666666668,spk_0,but +83,22.95531666666667,23.071,spk_3,"just, theres no place inside the building, its a no smoking campus but there a re some places" +84,23.080816666666667,23.7005,spk_2,"still, some places where can see but, and just about, about your, your previous uh request. I, I don think that anyone will provide you information such as who doesnt want to be with whom thats a typical uh output of ex uh research and expert systems. These a re the rules that youll never get, but uh you can get them through a proposal. So you propose a set up where people a re with other peoples and they will find politically correct ways to tell you that uh they dont want to have a view on the mountains, but they prefer to have view on the old town. So they + on the toilets, they would prefer to be in another." +85,23.710316666666667,24.005316666666666,spk_0,"We, we do have one constraint thats difficult, which is um Gisela because when shes there, shes very noisy. Part of the nature of her work that uh yes, Martin said also for him and yeah, especially for her." +86,24.00815,24.059,spk_1,"Yeah, the I shes the interface. And + so thats a problem." +87,24.059166666666663,24.564833333333333,spk_2,"Youre right because, because we dont have a one person, we d we dont have enough one person rooms for accommodating the uh the admin place. And if you put two person persons or three persons for the admin space, who who, who else will you put in there? Because we dont have any uh system manager or we dont have, we have only one half, part, half time, uh admin and no other non researcher positions if Im not mistaken. And this is really a piece of a problem. Maybe you could put some visitors. But, um," +88,24.584,24.823666666666668,spk_1,"yeah, I, uh realistic. Inainain, I think putting Gisela with the other admin of the school is not an option because we werent offered. Yeah, it would be nice. But uh okay, Ill try to find out but uh the research + there," +89,24.82783333333333,24.909983333333333,spk_2,lets just either you lose one position or you find another admin or assistant manager. +90,24.9295,24.994,spk_1,"Yeah, I mean, + there is certainly enough space uh down the hall" +91,24.998833333333334,25.1485,spk_0,"with all of those uh uh offices that a re where half of them a re also half time and theyre very under used. So, um + okay, well try but all these, yeah, a re" +92,25.152166666666663,25.50965,spk_1,"say sort of difficult questions because they involve changing also the offices of the school and, you know, people just dont wanna change in general. Um Lets see, maybe we can find some temporary, well, a t least a proposal for Gisela. So since the one person rooms a re quite well sort of um desired by a lot of people, she should + probably" +93,25.52083333333333,26.17716666666667,spk_2,"there a re to me there, a re two options possible is either we can take one of the one person rooms for the admin because some of typically the professors have good reasons for sharing, sharing either with a colleague or sharing uh with some of their uh one of their phd students. In that case, its, its realistic, then we could very, very simply uh allocate the one pers one of the one person rooms for the admin. And that would solve the problem. The other thing is to take a two person room for the admin. That could be the one, close to the, close to the, um, here in the centre. So, uh, the, the, + the middle one here" +94,26.18,26.228,spk_1," but + the no, no, no, the other one, the, the one up. Yeah, this" +95,26.23,26.59115,spk_2,"one. Ok. But then uh that the, the question of what do we do with the second position there remains fully open. So I would be, I would be more of the opinion to, to see whether its, its so evident that lets say the A t least the two full, full time professors that a re here on the list, we have one here. But uh Maggie is, is not present if they really," +96,26.61415,26.630316666666666,spk_1,"yeah, if," +97,26.632166666666667,26.871666666666663,spk_2,"if, because of personal preferences, they would be happy with a two person room which might or might not be the case. I mean, its, its certainly not uh, something that we should impose, but we can ask. Yeah, + because in this case, yeah," +98,26.875833333333333,26.9905,spk_1,"Gisela could take one of the, the two person rooms and the other place would be for some kind of visitor, but its not + realistic neither." +99,26.99065,27.08783333333333,spk_2,"I mean, you have, you have a for foreign researcher coming visiting you and you will put, put him in the admin office." +100,27.09583333333333,27.188,spk_1,"Okay. Uh, youll not + do that. I mean, uh, maybe you can do that with an exchange student." +101,27.188166666666667,27.33065,spk_2,"Thats ann but you cant take a senior visitor and, uh, to sit him in the, in the secretary + we, we invite" +102,27.343316666666663,27.359816666666667,spk_0,"and then we say, OK, you can." +103,27.396166666666662,27.744816666666665,spk_1,"Yeah, OK. Okay. So this sets a bit the stage for uh for Gisela then uh yeah, well try to, to find out. Um Actually, yeah, maybe we should remind that quite a lot of professors A T the A T the school actually share their office with their assistant. So it looks like sort of an implicit tradition, maybe not to be + for" +104,27.74683333333333,27.777666666666665,spk_0,every other faculty. +105,27.78515,27.79531666666667,spk_1,OK. +106,27.813983333333333,28.15833333333333,spk_0,"Yes, it is. So every other faculty as far as I have seen their offices and the people that I know and thats in um in law, socio economics. Uh OK. Its uh they all have their own office, I mean, and, and the, and the law faculty, they a best they have + done," +107,28.160316666666667,28.24266666666667,spk_2,"as we said, its, its really a matter of personal preference. It cannot be something else it can be imposed for sure." +108,28.273,28.569666666666667,spk_1,"Um Okay, so I think, well, this sets a bit the, the stage. Uh could we try? So could you try please to uh do you want an extra uh piece of paper, maybe try to, well, think on your own and then talk a little bit just to the people around you + again." +109,28.570833333333333,28.90748333333333,spk_2,"Uh uh Andre, I think that the only realistic way we can do is to speak for our, for ourselves. I can tell you according to what I know now where I would like or would be ready to be, but I really dont see how I could decide for, uh, Maggie or Pierre or whoever + else on the list" +110,28.913166666666665,29.038,spk_1,"was to try to, well, just talk to them like we do + it like for, for the, the set up of meetings. You, you," +111,29.04298333333333,29.2195,spk_2,"everyone received that and, uh, should provide. Yeah, I would like to be here and then you will have this multi constrained problem and, uh, you work during two hours and" +112,29.241316666666663,29.301,spk_1,"you ask people just for their place or also for the other peoples places," +113,29.324483333333333,29.3525,spk_2,the thing you want to know. +114,29.367166666666662,29.409333333333333,spk_1," But what + about the, the, the cafeteria? I mean, we a re going to pay" +115,29.411816666666667,29.50483333333333,spk_3,us a cafeteria with a projector and all this all together or living its all together. +116,29.538166666666665,30.20115,spk_2,"But thats an open question. Whether its a, its a, its a, it, a t the origin, it was supposed to be a pure reading room for relaxing, uh, reading the newspapers, t cetera, et cetera. Uh, there has been a very long discussion about that. I think sh uh, this discussion is still vivid that some of the people I bel belong to these people would like to have a mixed room where you can have a reading room for sure. But also a meeting room if necessary. Or as uh Susan said, a room, an emergency room where you can put uh some visitors in a decent environment for, for, for, for work because you dont have any other place to do it. But thats, thats really an open discussion that, that I think no decision, no final." +117,30.214316666666665,30.460833333333333,spk_1,"Okay, then taken about that. Okay, then for the next time uh trying to come up either with your own preferences, thats quite easy probably to state now that, you know, the constraints or if you can poll a little bit the people around you, that would be, I mean, the" +118,30.462666666666667,30.496,spk_2,one that I dont want you have in the next room. +119,30.49948333333333,30.905816666666663,spk_1,"Well, just discuss it. Yeah, for instance, I mean, no, no, I was thinking just ask people around you what they think about this. And I think, yeah, it would be nice to, to come with maybe a sketch of, of these. If you can do slides, its even better. But uh dont be that formal and uh well try to a t least build up one coherent proposal and well merge it with the other one when the other one is available." +120,30.916666666666668,30.94098333333333,spk_0,Ill ask um uh +121,30.9795,30.98,spk_1,"that," +122,31.01815,31.12398333333333,spk_2,"that, that of course, is one of the main, well, not main, but one of the important features + that we need to. Yeah," +123,31.128316666666667,31.155166666666663,spk_0,"theyre not a t the meeting. I think its, uh," +124,31.16815,31.184166666666663,spk_1,and Ill try to +125,31.20115,31.27015,spk_3,"just before finishing. Uh, I mean, we have a cafeteria or we dont need a t + all," +126,31.286,31.31883333333333,spk_1,what do you mean by cafeteria? Exactly. +127,31.321166666666667,31.367816666666663,spk_3,"What, uh, we can take a coffee also." +128,31.382816666666667,31.40683333333333,spk_2,There is no coffee in the reading room. +129,31.41998333333333,31.46165,spk_1," We can bring your coffee in the reading + room and" +130,31.474316666666667,31.49065,spk_2,buying the coffee machine. +131,31.494333333333334,31.80258333333333,spk_1,"So, so since maybe youre part time here and part time, part time. A tepfl there a reat least two coffee machines in the building. One A T the third floor, one A T the first floor and we can close our coffee, no uh automatic uh coffee machine. Ok. So uh yeah, no, theres + the cafeterias downstairs" +132,31.806066666666663,31.936733333333333,spk_0,"but they close A T five. The main problem. Yeah, but theres the two machines and theyre uh the vending machines where you just put the" +133,31.941233333333333,31.975416666666668,spk_2,"machine and you can bring your coffee in the," +134,31.9949,32.19591666666667,spk_1,"yeah, maybe this is not a very bad timing. Could we try to meet um next um, next Tuesday, maybe a T th maybe a bit later, maybe a T 11 oclock." +135,32.218066666666665,32.220733333333335,spk_0,"Um," +136,32.24115,32.430166666666665,spk_1,"come on, try, try to be nice. Give me a reason. Um We have, dont forget we have the other meeting, the MD M meeting in the morning." +137,32.43031666666667,32.4925,spk_0,So it would have to be in the afternoon. We have a meeting +138,32.503483333333335,32.63216666666667,spk_2,"that might be where is the meeting. Its Yeah. Okay. So yeah, yeah, then it could be + 930 but we could do," +139,32.63231666666667,32.68383333333333,spk_0,"we could have this meeting and in the afternoon. Okay, + great because that would" +140,32.695483333333335,32.72265,spk_2,"allow us not to move + very" +141,32.72615,33.019983333333336,spk_1,"well. So about two oclock, would that be okay after lunch after its not a very demanding meeting? So, uh okay, perfect. Um then let me close this and uh good luck for your arrangement. Ga Mes" +142,33.2335,33.249316666666665,spk_2,two CD MC. +143,33.326,33.471333333333334,spk_3,"You are not using the the the time that you know that they can track, the time could take but you were not using it." +144,33.48616666666667,33.49081666666667,spk_0,No. +145,33.50165,33.53248333333333,spk_1,"Uh yeah, I I will tell you why. Ok." diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/office_relocation_4.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/office_relocation_4.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d36f06a5a37f20458c32d0e729b86ec47ad5a863 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/office_relocation_4.csv @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,0.00015,0.0845,spk_0,"Hello, these a re sexist microphones. They uh they a re made for womens shirts." +1,0.132333333,0.155483333,spk_1,"No, mines the opposite." +2,0.164166667,1.29565,spk_0,"Um Okay. So um lets start. Um Thanks for coming again to this meeting. I hope it wont be too long and especially that will make some progress on uh this uh this small task that is putting people in our new rooms. Uh I hope you had fun in uh well, designing something or uh asking the people about their preferences and uh things like this. So yeah, thats what I was talking about. Its for womens shirts. Um So um well, I think you remember all the constraints and the new settings. I think youll be more and more used to it as, as soon as we move. So we have these one person, two person and three person rooms. Um And so that makes I think 18 places and we had about 15 people and some uh spare uh spare, well working places to to put um may I first uh provide the answers to the, the questions from the last time? And I also + checked with uh Maggie and" +3,1.307166667,1.320333333,spk_1,"Oh, great." +4,1.3215,2.6745,spk_0,"Yeah, so that will be part of the, your uh your solution or suggestions, the solution. But regarding the constraints, um there is no immediate plan to, to make separations between the rooms. So that means basically what we have to do with this setting. And uh its, its quite difficult to make new doors and new walls. So I think we shouldnt count on them in the next uh four years maybe. And they dont want us to sh, I mean, they dont want to provide an extra working space for Gisela with the other a, the admins which we could understand because its sort of full over there. But uh a t least thats what they said. So it seems we, uh, yeah, they, well, we cannot change the habits of the whole school just for us though. It wouldnt be a bad thing maybe. But, um, well see so regarding the possibility to put four people in one of the 23 person rooms. Um, well, its not very easy. Well have to play uh quite uh quite wisely with the furnishing it. It looks like its not impossible. A t least on the one that is a bit uh longer on, on the right. So, uh the one here, it should be possible to put four persons. If we could avoid it, it would much simplify things. But uh my" +5,2.682333333,2.7625,spk_2,"question is, is it, is it against the regulation, security regulation? + No," +6,2.770983333,2.78115,spk_0," no, + no." +7,2.789816667,2.861316667,spk_1,"And I, and I went over and I looked a t that room too. Theres plenty of space for four people." +8,2.870833333,3.15665,spk_0,"Yeah, I think, yeah, its more a matter of how to arrange the furniture. But uh, since we a re experts, a t this task, uh okay. So maybe we could count on, on four places, but the final decision is not really ours. So, um, well see actually that would be + fine if this one of the person is 50%." +9,3.159816667,3.169333333,spk_3,So for exa +10,3.171166667,3.48815,spk_0,"m exactly or one of the intern positions, the people who might come something like that. Um Okay, so these were the um the answers. So actually I, I did my uh my proposal as a slide. Would you like me to start or would you like me to end it?" +11,3.516666667,3.91865,spk_1,"Complete? Uh I talked both with Maggie and Pierre and both of them were happy to share offices. They have no problem with some. Uh theyre, theyre easy but uh could be uh as Pierre has right now that she could, shes happy to continue to share with Marian and Maggie for example, to share with uh it could be with Bruno because they work on the Swiss together and they like to gossip together. So, + yeah." +12,3.949,5.819333333,spk_0,"Okay. Then let me um explain very briefly, the, the rationale for, for this. So its the sa me uh schema that, you know, in red you have the uh uh oh excuse me. Thats quite uh annoying. Excuse me. Um Hello. Oh, yeah. Um Can, can I call you a bit later in about half an hour? Im just in the middle of a meeting and Im talking. Oh, okay. Thank you. Bye bye. Um Sorry for this. Fortunately we were just uh the four of us. Um Okay, so let me get back to, to the proposal after a brief interruption. Um So the NA Mes A rein red now. Um well, one of the reasons a t least for me for doing this was to more or less group people uh with within projects because I, I think that sometimes they, they just discuss together and uh its easier if theyre in the SA ME office and um which is quite happy. Actually, I, I also thought that some professors might enjoy or a t least uh dont, dont say anything about being with their assistant. So I was happy to hear Susan um saying that Maggie and Bruno could go on well together and Pierrette and uh Marian Inin the Sa Me office. Um So what I can say is uh that I also understood that Susan would be rather in favour of uh well having her own office. So uh its, its, its working like this. I put the lounge in the middle. Its also one of the rooms with the fewer uh the fewest uh windows. So I think thats not a problem because youre not going to just stay there and stare outside. Uh But its, its nicer to have a nicer view from your office. I guess" +13,5.823816667,5.866666667,spk_2,putting the printer in the lounge is just killing the lounge. +14,5.880333333,5.95865,spk_0,"I dont know. Yeah. Maybe I thought in an angle but thats obviously not very," +15,5.96865,6.018833333,spk_2,"you a re printing all the time. Yeah. Why + not put the printer out in the" +16,6.020833333,6.098166667,spk_1," hallway? Okay. + And so next to the photocopy, maybe it wouldnt be a bad place here." +17,6.102483333,7.346316667,spk_0," Is there + any space there for photocopy and printer? Yeah, well have to check the, yeah, but the printer is quite small. If we find, find just a small table for it. M maybe, maybe one day well have a photocopy that is also a printer. So okay. But I, I wouldnt s well insist on this, I think. Okay. So the printer will, will remove it if we work from this uh this solution. So um im two is more or less in the upper left side. Um I said more or less um uh upper uh lower left side uh you have Swiss and Parmenides. So the two projects from the list and then me SLT on the on the right side, maybe not a ve a very good solution for G if you can suggest something uh better because shes with two people who uh well, two phd students and its true that she has, yeah, a lot of phone calls to make. But um its some way to, to solve some constraints. I think this is a very open thing. Uh If you want, we can use this document or we could just say first listen to your suggestions and see if we erase everything or just do some modifications using" +18,7.358816667,7.437166667,spk_1,question. Whats the justification for giving Nancy her own office? +19,7.453483333,7.800483333,spk_0,"Um Yeah, maybe not a very strong one. And I, maybe you a re you have better suggestions. Um It was, I think, sort of one of the uh places they re that remain. And I, I think, yeah, there is no strong constraint and uh well, shes a smoker but the policy is that we dont smoke. So its even better if shes uh with a second person, I" +20,7.80465,7.865483333,spk_2,have a suggestion to put Gisela to switch Nancy and Gisela. +21,7.879833333,7.944,spk_0,"Uh huh. Ok. A the facts on the printing machine," +22,7.957333333,7.99315,spk_2,"the printer in the one person room," +23,8.018833333,8.131333333,spk_1,Gisela will not be very happy about that. Uh We tried that and Gisela really didnt like to have the printer and people in and out. +24,8.19665,8.243483333,spk_0,"Yeah, that was the case. And uh she was a bit, uh" +25,8.289483333,8.365833333,spk_2,an admin room clearly identified as an admin room and only an admin room. +26,8.373666667,8.42,spk_0,We could store files there where you can close +27,8.422316667,8.499316667,spk_2,"it. You have the personal files of the, of the people of the, of the, of the unit, et cetera, + et cetera." +28,8.504483333,8.599333333,spk_0,"Okay. So if you want, I can already do this change + here against the fact that my personal files," +29,8.599483333,8.6585,spk_2,a reinafinain a room that is not specifically dedicated for that. +30,8.7015,8.702166667,spk_0,The +31,8.712833333,8.940483333,spk_3,"professors, uh, you have, theres no printer or theres only one printer. Um, because if not the person, the printer can go in a room of three people. Thats typical case where theres the lab and theres, the printer is there." +32,8.95615,9.04565,spk_2,"Yeah. But the printer can be in the, in the, yeah, + the, yeah, when the printer is, yeah, its, its the main one." +33,9.045833333,9.52165,spk_0,"We have a secondary one which we could try to accommodate in another room. But its basically, yeah, the pe the, the printer where everybody prints. Um, so I changed this. So maybe I would suggest let me le c can I hear also? Let, let us hear from you and then if we can work out the solu common solution from this one, then we go back to, to this slide and if not, um, well just, Ill start from scratch" +34,9.537666667,9.592833333,spk_2,"right to share the room with you is a view on the old town, lets say." +35,9.618166667,9.621483333,spk_0,Mmhmm. +36,9.63615,9.776983333,spk_2,Okay. You have to be aware of what I was saying last time that you will have to suffer some calls suffer from p from phone calls. +37,9.781816667,9.94865,spk_0,"Yeah, Ill try, Ill bring my walk. And uh, David, you had also. Uh" +38,9.958833333,10.42865,spk_3,"Yeah. Okay for me as, uh, I dont know, uh, the people a lot. Uh I, I just suggested that uh theres a la a lack of men, so I would certainly put, uh, not two men in the sa me office. I would try to share them with the woman. So uh for exa Mples, I would uh in your slide, I would uh switch either you or Martin with uh uh the other room. This one" +39,10.44283333,10.58631667,spk_0,"uh huh oh Let me put the plan. Sorry, I will display um Yeah, this is the empty one. I dont want to influence you. So, so you would put," +40,10.59031667,10.64231667,spk_1,you have to show us which one you were talking about? David? We didnt know. +41,10.65615,10.69565,spk_3," Yeah. Yeah, I was wanting to change this. + Uh" +42,10.72065,10.75998333,spk_1," You c you can even stand and just show us + there." +43,10.772,10.84331667,spk_3," Yeah, but I need your uh your slide because I was talking about your + slide." +44,10.84531667,11.02116667,spk_0,"Okay. So you would prefer the na Mes, okay? I I dont want to influence you too much but uh Im perfectly happy to start with this as a basis and then change things." +45,11.06931667,11.268,spk_3,"Yeah. So here you can see that the men is, I mean they a re always sharing the room with a, with a woman. I mean, theres Bruno Me uh be and Nico is" +46,11.274,11.366,spk_2,"also. Yeah, but for Pierrette and, and Maggie its uh its will, its a wish or its" +47,11.36916667,11.47616667,spk_0,uh oh actually is a woman too. Sorry. Its the feminine of Pierre. Mmhmm. +48,11.48766667,11.58848333,spk_3,So I mean this is perfectly fine and we just changed Martin and Andre for Maria or Yalena or Nancy. Maybe +49,11.61115,11.65715,spk_2,you didnt get your solution. What was it again? +50,11.66098333,11.8825,spk_3,"Yeah. Here there a re two men. So, so, I mean, its a mix sexes. Yeah, its nice. I dont think so. I mean, theres a lack of men here ininin this Inin, this lab. So I would change one, each one." +51,11.90298333,12.35198333,spk_2,"But its not so much a question of men or women. Its more the question of, as I said that uh um here you have only p, you have phd students that a re regroup there, you have s senior researchers that a re regrouped, which is to me more unless it corresponds to some specific demand. Like it is in the case, in Maggie, in Maggies case, in Pierres case, I think thats a very efficient way of doing things." +52,12.37116667,12.82216667,spk_0,"Yeah. And for me, its also, I, I would prefer maybe not to be in a three person office just to be. So Im very happy with you propose this, but I could also be happy with most of the other people. So even in a three person room, its, its fine. Okay. So lets keep in mind maybe this uh constraint of balancing the, the genders. Uh Well see if we can uh do something for it." +53,12.84183333,12.88766667,spk_1,"Andre, did you ask these people if this was okay with them?" +54,12.89316667,13.76848333,spk_0,"Uh Ive asked some of them and Ive also used a little bit uh what Ive, well, I mean, the, the present arrangement just not to, to shock people too much. And its also people that I know um, get on well, quite, quite well together and also work on the SA me project, like, for instance, Marian, uh, uh, the Finnish Marianne and, uh, Nikos who interact quite a lot on, uh, on me. SLT. Um, yeah, Maria and Yalena seem to go on one quite, quite well. Uh, Nancy had no strong preference, especially since shes no longer allowed to smoke in, in her office. Um, yeah. So I, I think, well, a t least as far as I, I asked, there was no major objection but + isnt there just a, uh, a question of proximities you put David" +55,13.77116667,14.00181667,spk_2,"with and yes. Um, but isnt ANAs working, um, in a, in a more substantial way in, uh, with people, like, uh, either Maria or Yalina?" diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/product_marketing_meeting.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/product_marketing_meeting.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aed5ce1954aeb9bc42245a0e948d593757c732f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/product_marketing_meeting.csv @@ -0,0 +1,1005 @@ +,start_time,end_time,speaker_label,text +0,0.00015,0.0258166666666666,spk_0,I can record +1,0.0469833333333333,0.0839833333333333,spk_0,and we don't have a ton +2,0.0963333333333333,0.1256499999999999,spk_0,"of items to get to," +3,0.1323333333333333,0.142,spk_0,uh +4,0.15465,0.2089833333333333,spk_0,and I might be able to do one that might be fun +5,0.2208333333333333,0.2483166666666666,spk_0,if we have a little bit of time. +6,0.2553166666666667,0.2681666666666666,spk_0,Um +7,0.2726666666666666,0.3018333333333333,spk_0,"So corporate events," +8,0.3148166666666666,0.3258166666666666,spk_0,uh +9,0.3496499999999999,0.3696666666666666,spk_0,"they," +10,0.3733166666666667,0.3734833333333333,spk_0,I +11,0.3788166666666666,0.4145,spk_0,"think I saw a little, I put this in," +12,0.41465,0.4729833333333333,spk_0,"in slack and I saw a little bit of uh kind of noise around it," +13,0.47865,0.4931666666666666,spk_0,which was good. +14,0.50815,0.5185,spk_0,Um +15,0.5356500000000001,0.5491666666666667,spk_0,"You know, the," +16,0.5603166666666667,0.6084833333333334,spk_0,the nutshell here is as we've kind of restructured and +17,0.6108333333333333,0.6418166666666667,spk_0,tried different things. Um +18,0.6533333333333334,0.7278166666666667,spk_0,The event support that we need isn't as nailed down as it needs to be. +19,0.7346666666666667,0.7569833333333332,spk_0,Uh So +20,0.7618166666666667,0.8528166666666667,spk_0,the current tactic that we're going with is go to market team +21,0.8566666666666667,0.8959833333333334,spk_0,signs up and kind of s +22,0.8978166666666667,0.9256666666666666,spk_0,sponsors that event. +23,0.9258166666666666,1.0051666666666668,spk_0,"So you support as a PM M, your campaign manager does the campaigns for that event, et" +24,1.0079833333333332,1.0298333333333334,spk_0,"cetera, et cetera, et cetera." +25,1.039,1.0609833333333334,spk_0,Uh I don't +26,1.06365,1.09815,spk_0,see anyone in the uh +27,1.1126666666666667,1.16465,spk_0,"maybe there are comments in the issue. I don't see the," +28,1.171,1.1903166666666667,spk_0,the header updated yet. +29,1.2034833333333332,1.2651666666666666,spk_1,I thought we had in Slack sort of farmed each one of them out. +30,1.2776666666666667,1.286333333333333,spk_0,That's +31,1.2919833333333333,1.33865,spk_0,"so I guess that the next, so it looks like" +32,1.3666666666666667,1.383,spk_0,Thai +33,1.3918333333333337,1.4063166666666669,spk_0,put in +34,1.422316666666667,1.458,spk_0,some folks it looks like +35,1.47015,1.4878166666666666,spk_0,this looks good. +36,1.5061666666666669,1.5164833333333334,spk_0,"So that," +37,1.5569833333333332,1.5941666666666667,spk_0,"let's see, need support from GTM teams." +38,1.5968166666666668,1.6398166666666667,spk_0,"So I guess the ask would be," +39,1.6555,1.6661666666666668,spk_0,"um," +40,1.6854833333333334,1.7571666666666663,spk_0,"to work with your GTM team. So, so did, let me ask it," +41,1.7601666666666669,1.80165,spk_0,"I saw some slack, I think in our Slack." +42,1.80815,1.8441666666666667,spk_0,"But did, did you all, uh," +43,1.8485,1.9018333333333333,spk_0,"were you all able to connect with like your GTM teams," +44,1.9473166666666664,2.00765,spk_2,"uh, on Slack only and on the issue actually?" +45,2.014333333333333,2.076833333333333,spk_3,"Yeah, same, not in, not in real time, but, you know, source feedback." +46,2.077,2.109,spk_3,I got one person to respond so far. +47,2.11465,2.156333333333333,spk_3,So it may end up Cindy being you and I just picking the +48,2.156483333333333,2.196816666666667,spk_3,one that we want to do and then they can back and set up +49,2.22415,2.2331666666666665,spk_3,um +50,2.24415,2.2703333333333333,spk_3,If we don't get any more feedback. +51,2.3095,2.331,spk_0,Yeah. Do you all um +52,2.3425,2.40065,spk_0,"Does anybody have like a, a regular sink still?" +53,2.4008333333333334,2.4448333333333334,spk_0,Are those all been canceled or is there +54,2.48,2.4805,spk_4,in +55,2.482833333333333,2.503816666666667,spk_4,case you still have a regular +56,2.506333333333333,2.5098166666666666,spk_4,sick? +57,2.5225,2.5605,spk_5,"-- Yeah, we're on like a two week +-- cadence." +58,2.5646666666666667,2.57315,spk_0,Ok. +59,2.5829833333333334,2.6615,spk_2,"Yeah, GS has been canceled um after the enablement." +60,2.70465,2.7194833333333333,spk_0,Cool. So +61,2.74215,2.7743333333333333,spk_0,I'm just trying to catch up with the thread. +62,2.7761666666666667,2.785816666666667,spk_0,Um +63,2.833666666666667,2.905333333333333,spk_0,So it looks like maybe a platform on re invent +64,2.9225,2.9258333333333333,spk_0,C +65,2.9278166666666667,2.9576666666666664,spk_0,I CD on Google next and +66,2.9653166666666664,2.973316666666667,spk_0,gets on coupon. +67,2.9791666666666665,2.9983166666666667,spk_0,Does that sound right? +68,3.0254833333333333,3.05065,spk_3,That's where we were last I heard. +69,3.0668166666666665,3.100483333333333,spk_0,"Cool. So then I think," +70,3.103166666666666,3.1125,spk_0,um +71,3.1495,3.1971666666666665,spk_0,"I think we can, we can help the Corp events team." +72,3.1973166666666666,3.25515,spk_0,"They do, they do a lot of like a cat herding and," +73,3.2625,3.2958333333333334,spk_0,"you know, keep on tracking people down." +74,3.3008333333333333,3.3605,spk_0,"So I think if, if this team can take the mission to," +75,3.3665,3.3938333333333333,spk_0,"like, try to help" +76,3.4021666666666666,3.4418166666666665,spk_0,"track that down. So, if you, you know," +77,3.461316666666667,3.5156666666666667,spk_0,"get the commitment specifically from your campaign managers, hey, like we're," +78,3.515816666666667,3.54365,spk_0,"we're signing up for a coupon," +79,3.55515,3.6153166666666663,spk_0,"you know, can you comment on the issue that yes, I can commit to this, et" +80,3.621483333333333,3.6459833333333336,spk_0,"cetera, et cetera, et cetera," +81,3.657983333333333,3.666316666666667,spk_0,you know. +82,3.669483333333333,3.6783166666666665,spk_0,Um +83,3.6918166666666665,3.7225,spk_0,"So that just so that they can get that," +84,3.7245,3.777983333333333,spk_0,"that event support, but that looks good. And I appreciate" +85,3.7971666666666666,3.8401666666666663,spk_0,"uh thanks for the link too, Sonia on the roles" +86,3.8563333333333336,3.8658166666666665,spk_0,ah +87,3.8786666666666663,3.901983333333333,spk_0,product announcements. +88,3.924,4.012833333333333,spk_0,"So I appreciate you Brian for adding this. I uh I probably should have added it, but" +89,4.039483333333333,4.137333333333333,spk_1,I had two questions about that. 11 is over. What time frame are we looking at? +90,4.159816666666667,4.172,spk_0,"So," +91,4.17465,4.184816666666666,spk_0,uh +92,4.198316666666667,4.259316666666667,spk_0,"so in theory, this is this could be the same as the" +93,4.262333333333333,4.321,spk_0,Gab 14 launch where we're saying basically since 13.0 +94,4.330966666666667,4.390666666666666,spk_0,"what has, you know, what kind of big improvements have we made?" +95,4.4075,4.419833333333333,spk_0,Um +96,4.452833333333333,4.504333333333333,spk_0,"Candidly, this is always a little bit tough and I'm and I'm," +97,4.516983333333333,4.57015,spk_0,I am not totally sure of all of the +98,4.593833333333333,4.618483333333334,spk_0,"kind of the interplay here," +99,4.620333333333333,4.637166666666666,spk_0,but I think +100,4.646,4.703166666666666,spk_0,I think this is kind of the general gist of this assignment +101,4.707833333333333,4.740166666666667,spk_0,"is OK, we have commit coming up." +102,4.748,4.807333333333333,spk_0,"We have some amount of like we have a stage of," +103,4.80965,4.81965,spk_0,"you know, a" +104,4.822,4.84615,spk_0,metaphorical stage +105,4.849166666666667,4.896316666666666,spk_0,to say something to the world and we'll get some +106,4.8965,4.94215,spk_0,"amount of press attention because we're having an event," +107,4.948666666666667,4.9575,spk_0,right? +108,4.9634833333333335,4.99365,spk_0,What kind of announcements do we make? +109,4.9988166666666665,5.008816666666666,spk_0,Um +110,5.015483333333333,5.033333333333333,spk_0,"at git lab, it's really," +111,5.0335,5.074816666666667,spk_0,really tough to make product announcements because +112,5.075,5.112816666666666,spk_0,"our entire roadmap is completely public," +113,5.1253166666666665,5.135666666666666,spk_0,yada yada yada. +114,5.137983333333334,5.148816666666667,spk_0,So +115,5.151666666666666,5.189666666666667,spk_0,"the thought here is to," +116,5.2075,5.253166666666667,spk_0,but also because our entire road map is completely +117,5.253333333333333,5.294833333333333,spk_0,public and because we ship these tiny little NBC S +118,5.29765,5.34215,spk_0,"and a new feature will come out, but it'll be" +119,5.346816666666666,5.366483333333333,spk_0,"not really usable," +120,5.374666666666666,5.43465,spk_0,right? So it takes a while. So if you look back over the past year +121,5.437983333333333,5.480333333333333,spk_0,"and say, OK, like what started in the last year," +122,5.480483333333333,5.5328333333333335,spk_0,but now is really like a full fledged feature. +123,5.533,5.56715,spk_0,"What would, what would be coming out of beta," +124,5.574666666666666,5.581833333333333,spk_0,right? +125,5.584316666666666,5.613816666666667,spk_0,"Like if we were any other company," +126,5.617983333333333,5.6955,spk_0,"when we started a beta program in this last year, what would we be announcing is G A" +127,5.698816666666667,5.705333333333334,spk_0,at +128,5.7095,5.721,spk_0,commit? +129,5.724166666666667,5.7636666666666665,spk_0,"That's kind of, that's kind of my thought on it." +130,5.76965,5.810316666666667,spk_0,"I see a couple of head. Nos. What do you think, Sydney?" +131,5.837816666666667,5.8615,spk_1,"Yeah, I think I" +132,5.864166666666667,5.917333333333334,spk_1,was inclined to group some things to say like +133,5.929333333333333,5.996316666666667,spk_1,vulnerability management because there were tiny little MV CS all the way along. +134,5.9965,6.037983333333333,spk_1,"But if you look at over the course of the year," +135,6.0445,6.073666666666667,spk_1,"we went from this to this," +136,6.088816666666666,6.15515,spk_1,it makes more sense to me to highlight that than in any individual +137,6.15715,6.179166666666666,spk_1,little thing. And then +138,6.184816666666666,6.2118166666666665,spk_1,the other point was +139,6.2283333333333335,6.326483333333333,spk_1,"we just had 14.0 can we just, can we reuse some of those things and plug them in here." +140,6.32965,6.349816666666666,spk_0,Absolutely. Yeah. +141,6.362666666666667,6.407,spk_0,"Yeah. And vulnerability management was, was one of the," +142,6.416333333333333,6.4751666666666665,spk_0,"you know, the features out of we, we looked at 14.0. So I think," +143,6.4783333333333335,6.51965,spk_0,"yeah, this is like, let's take the stuff from 14.0" +144,6.525,6.573166666666666,spk_0,and then maybe add a few more so that we +145,6.573316666666667,6.6235,spk_0,"can hit kind of different areas of press or give," +146,6.623666666666667,6.6418333333333335,spk_0,give our pr team. +147,6.641983333333333,6.708816666666666,spk_0,This is kind of like input into our pr team to give them fodder to go out with. +148,6.7149833333333335,6.754983333333334,spk_1,And are we trying to hit three per stage? +149,6.766483333333333,6.772,spk_0,"I," +150,6.773816666666667,6.8355,spk_0,"yeah, ideally, there's just, you know, three, you know, uh" +151,6.847316666666667,6.871,spk_0,three items per stage. +152,6.876816666666667,6.939666666666667,spk_0,"And then I think y'all made some good notes that OK, we need to add manage." +153,6.9398333333333335,6.97,spk_0,So I see manage in here. That's excellent. +154,6.980833333333333,6.9911666666666665,spk_0,Um +155,7.00465,7.014983333333333,spk_0,And +156,7.016666666666667,7.047,spk_0,"uh integrations we don't," +157,7.064483333333333,7.118333333333333,spk_0,"well, actually we have some pretty exciting integration. So we have the," +158,7.121,7.143483333333333,spk_0,"-- the Jira stuff +-- is pretty good." +159,7.14365,7.200166666666667,spk_5,There's a couple of things in uh integrations with VS code +160,7.20465,7.234816666666667,spk_5,"that could be notable, but" +161,7.279983333333333,7.3615,spk_5,I can I show what I did for SCM just to get some general feedback on it. And +162,7.363166666666666,7.401666666666666,spk_5,"if someone hasn't done it, maybe that'll also" +163,7.408333333333333,7.430833333333333,spk_5,kick I was going +164,7.43465,7.45765,spk_5,"Cindy's direction here," +165,7.464483333333333,7.487,spk_5,"which was uh thinking," +166,7.498166666666667,7.567833333333334,spk_5,"you know, a lot of, and then I call them key iterations, the sort of specific things." +167,7.573166666666666,7.652166666666667,spk_5,"So I listed a few specific things like three or four per each as key iterations," +168,7.652333333333333,7.6865,spk_5,but I called them something overall. +169,7.686666666666666,7.71715,spk_5,So we would have like one thing to call them. +170,7.736316666666667,7.7475,spk_5,Uh +171,7.749816666666667,7.809316666666667,spk_5,"There's several key iterations aligned with uh giddily cluster," +172,7.822,7.917983333333334,spk_5,uh several that roll up to a research based user experience. And I was thinking like +173,7.928983333333333,8.015666666666666,spk_5,"I, I was shy and calling out UX as, as a bucket except that actually that's," +174,8.015833333333333,8.038166666666667,spk_5,"that's super typical, right?" +175,8.038316666666667,8.079483333333334,spk_5,"Like Windows 11 or anybody who's rolling stuff out," +176,8.07965,8.13415,spk_5,they almost always have UX as one of their three things and +177,8.134316666666667,8.18165,spk_5,then they mentioned a laundry list of stuff that aligns to that. +178,8.191666666666666,8.210666666666667,spk_5,"Um So I, I," +179,8.215333333333334,8.251483333333333,spk_5,"you know, forgave myself, uh for doing something." +180,8.251666666666667,8.2985,spk_5,"At first, I was kind of like shy about calling out UX and," +181,8.298666666666668,8.321316666666666,spk_5,and bucketing some things there. +182,8.3215,8.367983333333333,spk_5,"But actually, when I looked around, that's pretty much how everybody does," +183,8.375816666666667,8.398,spk_5,"um, a big launch" +184,8.40465,8.440333333333333,spk_5,"and in terms of the excitement level that also," +185,8.440483333333333,8.482833333333334,spk_5,"like I went in thinking this is just a two," +186,8.488666666666667,8.548333333333334,spk_5,"I guess part of it is like, I feel like we're almost fixing something that's broken" +187,8.550966666666667,8.611983333333333,spk_5,"and that's not something you want to shout from the rooftops about, but" +188,8.614,8.660666666666666,spk_5,actually some of that stuff is really cool. So I gave it a three +189,8.667633333333333,8.735983333333333,spk_5,excitement level. I wasn't sure exactly where to place things. Um But +190,8.750983333333334,8.769316666666667,spk_5,"I figured I wouldn't," +191,8.769483333333334,8.81865,spk_5,uh like the Cindy's comment have something that's one here anyway. +192,8.825333333333333,8.906666666666666,spk_5,"But I, the only way I could make sense of like the iterations was to," +193,8.906816666666666,8.930666666666667,spk_5,to bucket them with something. +194,8.938833333333333,8.983983333333333,spk_5,"And, uh, so that's kind of how I came down on it." +195,8.98415,9.009833333333331,spk_5,I don't know what everyone thinks about that. +196,9.073483333333334,9.097816666666668,spk_4,"Yeah. II, I like that." +197,9.130666666666666,9.130816666666666,spk_2,I +198,9.133666666666668,9.133983333333331,spk_2,know +199,9.167483333333331,9.245483333333333,spk_2,"I've done a similar, I've taken a similar approach for monitor." +200,9.24565,9.316,spk_2,"Um, with incident management, there were a bunch of things that we released." +201,9.324,9.39365,spk_2,"Um, although the core of incident management was part of 12" +202,9.39665,9.422,spk_2,dot X. I think so. +203,9.426166666666669,9.438,spk_2,Um +204,9.441833333333332,9.4805,spk_2,"I did the same over there as well. Yeah," +205,9.490666666666666,9.511666666666668,spk_2,"-- I think that makes +-- sense." +206,9.516483333333332,9.522,spk_4,Yeah. +207,9.522166666666667,9.52765,spk_4,"And that," +208,9.527816666666666,9.58715,spk_4,that would help me with the planned stuff as well because there are some +209,9.587316666666666,9.660316666666668,spk_4,things like epic boards that people have been asking for for years now and they +210,9.661983333333334,9.695,spk_4,finally have and that's great. But +211,9.70515,9.72765,spk_4,"um I think, you know, like the" +212,9.730983333333333,9.758983333333331,spk_4,the milestone burn up charts +213,9.776816666666669,9.80065,spk_4,"that that was a two and that's," +214,9.800816666666666,9.84865,spk_4,"that's helpful and I was looking through features and you know," +215,9.848816666666666,9.91515,spk_4,a actual monthly features that were released in a given month. +216,9.915316666666667,9.965483333333331,spk_4,"I mean, that was one of the more important ones, but it's not very exciting," +217,9.965666666666667,10.006983333333332,spk_4,"but we can bundle that with some other things and," +218,10.014,10.067316666666668,spk_4,"and, and up level it so that that would be helpful there." +219,10.067483333333334,10.100816666666669,spk_4,And also Brian about the VS code thing. +220,10.104983333333331,10.177166666666666,spk_4,One other cool thing about that is both of those VS code integrations that hit +221,10.179816666666667,10.23715,spk_4,"the same month were um community contributions," +222,10.242,10.264316666666666,spk_4,which is also kind of cool +223,10.29765,10.306816666666666,spk_0,"is," +224,10.317316666666668,10.367,spk_0,"is that, is, do we have VS code listed on here?" +225,10.397,10.440666666666669,spk_5,"I didn't add it but I can, I can add that in." +226,10.445316666666669,10.46615,spk_5,I've got good notes on that. +227,10.473816666666666,10.511316666666666,spk_5,The extension that had been around for a while +228,10.5115,10.549333333333331,spk_5,"became official was kind of one of the things," +229,10.549483333333333,10.5865,spk_5,"-- but there's some other stuff that's a little juicier +-- than that" +230,10.636833333333334,10.646333333333333,spk_0,"and that," +231,10.66115,10.69015,spk_0,"I think that's a, that's a pretty" +232,10.694316666666667,10.728166666666668,spk_0,good note as well. Um +233,10.740316666666669,10.79465,spk_0,"We did that with like our, our terraform module right." +234,10.794833333333331,10.82265,spk_0,There was like a community module +235,10.825,10.861316666666667,spk_0,but now it's officially supported. +236,10.864483333333334,10.896483333333334,spk_0,"So that's, that's the," +237,10.903333333333334,10.911316666666666,spk_0,"you know," +238,10.919833333333331,10.960666666666668,spk_0,"that can be the line, yes or no, whether you can use the thing" +239,10.98015,11.028983333333333,spk_0,uh for a lot of businesses. So I think that's a good one too. +240,11.037316666666667,11.115,spk_2,How are we measuring excitement levels? 12 and three is there? +241,11.14665,11.173816666666667,spk_2,"I was, I was looking at" +242,11.178333333333333,11.19265,spk_2,um +243,11.196816666666669,11.304333333333334,spk_2,maybe MA U as a metric to perhaps measure whether customers have started using that +244,11.308333333333334,11.34965,spk_2,are interested in using that or not. +245,11.3535,11.394166666666669,spk_2,"Uh We probably may not have it for everything," +246,11.394316666666668,11.474333333333334,spk_2,"but at least some of it wherever we have it is it, it's probably something we can," +247,11.48715,11.507983333333334,spk_2,"we can use. Yeah," +248,11.510316666666666,11.607333333333331,spk_2,"but we, of course, we need a benchmark level of what MA U we wanna call. 12 or three." +249,11.625,11.6315,spk_0,"I, I" +250,11.633983333333331,11.70265,spk_0,"think it's a little, it's a little bit of a judgment call like um" +251,11.727816666666667,11.771333333333333,spk_0,"you know, for example, Cormac was saying, uh" +252,11.775333333333334,11.830816666666667,spk_0,like Epic boards is something that was asked for for a long time. +253,11.835316666666667,11.848816666666666,spk_0,"Now," +254,11.865,11.930333333333332,spk_0,"depending on how it's asked for, maybe that means it's exciting or it's not, right?" +255,11.9365,11.94665,spk_0,Um +256,11.954666666666666,12.01315,spk_0,But uh usually when something gets a lot of upvotes +257,12.013316666666666,12.04865,spk_0,"or when there's a lot of demand for it," +258,12.048816666666667,12.096816666666667,spk_0,"then I would, I would bump the excitement level on something like that." +259,12.110316666666666,12.124,spk_0,"Um," +260,12.126333333333331,12.179816666666667,spk_0,"certainly if something shipped and a lot of people are using it," +261,12.188316666666667,12.246483333333334,spk_0,"the MA U, that's a, that's another good measure. I don't know that any" +262,12.2555,12.285316666666668,spk_0,one of those needs to kind of be exclusive. +263,12.2855,12.340483333333331,spk_0,"I think it's a bit of a, it's a bit of an individual judgment column just like what is," +264,12.344166666666666,12.383833333333332,spk_0,"what is your feeling based on, you know," +265,12.406983333333333,12.439666666666668,spk_0,could be anecdotal like you talk to customers +266,12.439833333333333,12.475983333333334,spk_0,and they're like really hyper excited about this +267,12.574,12.584983333333334,spk_0,"or," +268,12.588316666666667,12.634983333333333,spk_0,"you know, maybe not, which is, which is OK. I think it's OK." +269,12.644833333333333,12.654983333333334,spk_0,Um +270,12.66765,12.71765,spk_1,Harsh responded to my comment about why we +271,12.720316666666667,12.769,spk_1,have the low excitement ones and just said something +272,12.769166666666669,12.814666666666668,spk_1,about ha having him sort of stack ranked. +273,12.840483333333331,12.863,spk_0,"Yeah, I might," +274,12.90515,12.9605,spk_0,"I might even constrain this is we're not going to highlight lo segments," +275,12.960666666666668,12.98815,spk_0,"but we want to see the full spectrum," +276,13.000816666666667,13.04865,spk_0,especially in the case we have slim pickings alternately +277,13.057333333333334,13.113833333333334,spk_0,"uh if they are double digit entries, then we can stack rank." +278,13.132333333333332,13.140483333333334,spk_0,Um +279,13.1795,13.192483333333334,spk_0,"So that's," +280,13.196333333333332,13.235833333333334,spk_0,that's kind of also helpful there. So +281,13.241316666666666,13.3125,spk_0,"if we have three for all of these that, I mean, it looks like we're gonna get there" +282,13.319833333333332,13.3585,spk_0,and that's gonna be quite a lot of features. +283,13.3775,13.396483333333334,spk_0,So um +284,13.410983333333334,13.441316666666667,spk_0,I might constrain it like this. +285,13.4545,13.470833333333331,spk_0,Maybe +286,13.474483333333334,13.524166666666666,spk_0,you can only give out 112 or three +287,13.543,13.621166666666667,spk_0,"and, and, and treated as a stack rank rather than just like a raw excitement level." +288,13.625166666666669,13.64665,spk_0,That doesn't necessarily +289,13.651983333333334,13.67,spk_1,hard to +290,13.677983333333334,13.768,spk_1,somebody's one or somebody's 3 may be more important than somebody else's one +291,13.777816666666666,13.789,spk_1,depending on the +292,13.80065,13.817166666666669,spk_5,and I had um +293,13.82165,13.854816666666666,spk_5,I started by just looking at what was considered +294,13.854983333333331,13.901816666666669,spk_5,"a key feature over the past year uh from," +295,13.901983333333334,13.917166666666668,spk_5,from create +296,13.92365,13.9365,spk_5,"and," +297,13.939483333333332,13.989316666666667,spk_5,"you know, there are at least a dozen things that I'm not mentioning." +298,13.994483333333331,14.023333333333332,spk_5,Uh that could be on the list. +299,14.027983333333331,14.07,spk_5,"Like I could give you 10 things instead of three," +300,14.078816666666668,14.146,spk_0,"give it, give this just like the rough like pass" +301,14.150166666666667,14.17065,spk_0,and um +302,14.183333333333334,14.214316666666669,spk_0,"like a lot of things recently," +303,14.214483333333334,14.27,spk_0,I've been moving between docs and spreadsheets and the spreadsheet to docs. +304,14.277166666666666,14.306816666666666,spk_0,"Uh This, you know, this might," +305,14.306983333333331,14.34565,spk_0,this might end up or some iteration of this might end up in +306,14.345833333333331,14.393316666666667,spk_0,"a spreadsheet where we then try to stack rank in pr is like," +307,14.393483333333334,14.422333333333333,spk_0,"OK, out of all of like the," +308,14.431333333333331,14.440316666666666,spk_0,"you know," +309,14.443166666666666,14.523,spk_0,there's maybe 10 boxes here and three each out of the 30 items which are the top five. +310,14.535983333333334,14.54365,spk_0,Um +311,14.559833333333334,14.640833333333331,spk_0,"Actually, let's just, let's actually just do that, let's just do this like top," +312,14.641,14.668833333333334,spk_0,top five overall. +313,14.67565,14.7355,spk_0,"-- We, so this +-- one is apr driven to some degree." +314,14.735666666666669,14.798333333333334,spk_5,What about like a New and Christie's uh product keynote at commit? +315,14.798483333333332,14.833333333333334,spk_5,"-- Are we that tailing this with +-- that?" +316,14.837316666666666,14.902816666666666,spk_0,"So, so this is exactly where this is headed to um" +317,14.908833333333334,14.973483333333334,spk_0,is the idea that um during the product keynote +318,14.97365,15.025,spk_0,and then ideally during Kid Sid's keynote as well +319,15.028333333333334,15.088483333333333,spk_0,that there's some level of like an announcement that we make +320,15.093316666666666,15.137833333333331,spk_0,that. Then the press cares about that announcement. +321,15.146,15.23315,spk_0,"Um Again, really tough to do at cl because it's all been around for a while. So this is" +322,15.239316666666667,15.28215,spk_0,this is our attempt to head to that area is +323,15.282333333333334,15.318483333333331,spk_0,to say like these are the announcements of the event +324,15.328983333333332,15.338666666666668,spk_0,and +325,15.343483333333332,15.405666666666669,spk_0,"yeah, maybe it's some things that have been around for a while, but like now they're" +326,15.4095,15.459316666666666,spk_0,"at a level of maturity now, you know, there's," +327,15.4595,15.49265,spk_0,there's a reason to be excited about this. +328,15.50265,15.541316666666669,spk_0,So that's kind of where it's coming from. +329,15.559316666666666,15.5825,spk_0,So I put +330,15.587833333333334,15.601816666666666,spk_0,uh a +331,15.60615,15.6355,spk_0,top five overall. +332,15.66765,15.697333333333331,spk_0,"Maybe we can just, uh" +333,15.723483333333334,15.731816666666669,spk_0,"you know," +334,15.819833333333332,15.848333333333333,spk_4,"we should reserve a spot for plan," +335,15.848483333333334,15.91515,spk_4,but I'm gonna have to go through and do some aggregating after this. +336,15.915316666666667,15.959983333333334,spk_4,Just go through the list of what shift in the last 12 months and +337,15.962316666666666,15.983983333333333,spk_4,re bucket that. +338,16.025,16.035983333333334,spk_0,"So," +339,16.039483333333333,16.04981666666667,spk_0,uh +340,16.111833333333333,16.174166666666668,spk_0,maybe we can do like a five minutes kind of like um +341,16.186666666666667,16.247,spk_0,"just, just time box and uh kind of look at these here." +342,16.247166666666665,16.320316666666667,spk_0,"What do you, what do you all think is a top would be a top five" +343,16.330666666666666,16.354166666666668,spk_0,"out of the list of, you know," +344,16.3845,16.402333333333335,spk_0,20 or 30. +345,16.448,16.518,spk_5,"I would say if UX does end up being a, a flag that we fly," +346,16.518166666666666,16.567316666666667,spk_5,that's an easy one because there's more than just maps +347,16.567483333333332,16.6275,spk_5,to the created stage that would be considered UX improvement. +348,16.633333333333333,16.641,spk_5,OK. +349,16.779983333333334,16.796166666666668,spk_1,What else +350,16.804983333333332,16.834983333333334,spk_1,we need to have a security one in there. +351,16.83515,16.89365,spk_1,"We could have either vulnerability management or, um," +352,16.9095,16.971166666666665,spk_1,"I was, what I've been struggling with a little bit is I'd like to kind of group" +353,16.989316666666667,17.012316666666667,spk_1,"the, um," +354,17.024166666666666,17.038,spk_1,"some of this," +355,17.044483333333332,17.071166666666667,spk_1,"the proprietary scanning," +356,17.090983333333334,17.102166666666665,spk_1,"um," +357,17.1385,17.192816666666666,spk_1,without making it sound like they're scanning improvements +358,17.192983333333334,17.238166666666668,spk_1,because that sounds like they weren't good before. +359,17.250166666666665,17.25815,spk_0,"Yeah," +360,17.292666666666666,17.336483333333334,spk_0,"I, let's, let's go with vulnerability management for now." +361,17.33665,17.392166666666668,spk_0,"II, I would agree on that one and I would say that um" +362,17.407,17.41565,spk_0,"some of these," +363,17.415816666666668,17.498666666666665,spk_0,we did do some press around and the the fuzzing acquisitions was one thing. +364,17.498833333333334,17.507816666666667,spk_0,So we might not get +365,17.52065,17.522316666666665,spk_0,that +366,17.529333333333334,17.533333333333335,spk_1,old. +367,17.563166666666667,17.572816666666668,spk_1,"I was," +368,17.5775,17.642666666666667,spk_1,"I mean, we did the fuzzing acquisitions a long time ago." +369,17.667666666666666,17.69065,spk_0,Was it within the past year +370,17.702666666666666,17.7135,spk_0,for longer? +371,17.74115,17.75348333333333,spk_0,I thought it was +372,17.756833333333333,17.803816666666666,spk_0,"-- within the past year. I +-- think it was in the last" +373,17.808833333333332,17.839666666666666,spk_2,"six, little over six months or" +374,17.841483333333333,17.84348333333333,spk_3,so. +375,17.848983333333333,17.853,spk_3,"It was," +376,17.886983333333333,17.924483333333335,spk_3,"-- it was +-- like last spring or summer and then we" +377,17.92465,17.994983333333334,spk_1,did another set of press around the integration of it because +378,17.999816666666668,18.07215,spk_1,"the pr team liked all the, I mean, we got a lot of attention on the acquisition." +379,18.072316666666666,18.10683333333333,spk_1,So they had me do a follow up +380,18.121166666666667,18.15748333333333,spk_1,um on the integration. +381,18.169,18.211983333333333,spk_1,"-- I just feel like it's kind of worn out +-- now, but" +382,18.219816666666667,18.282,spk_0,"right, that's what I was saying is that the, the fuzzing we already did press on" +383,18.287666666666667,18.32248333333333,spk_0,so probably will not get another chomp at that. +384,18.32265,18.357316666666662,spk_0,So I think let's go with Vulnerability management +385,18.37265,18.37415,spk_3,UN +386,18.37665,18.38065,spk_3,"review," +387,18.384816666666666,18.385316666666668,spk_3,but +388,18.388166666666667,18.40683333333333,spk_3,we also have +389,18.416666666666668,18.459983333333334,spk_1,"in terms of proprietary stuff. We've also got," +390,18.46998333333333,18.516483333333333,spk_1,we replaced one of our scanners with SEM +391,18.520316666666663,18.526816666666665,spk_1,group +392,18.540333333333333,18.590333333333334,spk_1,and we did um we have our own proprietary DAS +393,18.594816666666667,18.62933333333333,spk_1,"scanner now that's in," +394,18.645316666666663,18.66615,spk_1,it's in beta +395,18.671,18.691666666666663,spk_1,uh called browser. +396,18.707,18.757816666666667,spk_1,So it's our answer to scanning single +397,18.75798333333333,18.81733333333333,spk_1,page applications which represent a unique challenge. +398,18.82265,18.83333333333333,spk_1,I think. +399,18.8675,18.887833333333333,spk_1,"I mean, if I could have to," +400,18.888,18.93583333333333,spk_1,it would be vulnerability management and berserker probably. +401,18.94715,18.955,spk_0,OK. +402,18.964666666666663,18.967166666666667,spk_0,Sere +403,18.973333333333333,19.04498333333333,spk_5,"did get picked up as a line item and a couple of the pieces about get back 14," +404,19.136983333333333,19.17865,spk_0,"which uh between between the," +405,19.186,19.222316666666668,spk_0,"the proprietary shifts of the vulnerability management," +406,19.222483333333333,19.254666666666665,spk_0,which would you pick as the number one out of those two? +407,19.286,19.314833333333333,spk_1,Probably vulnerability management? +408,19.322816666666668,19.33031666666667,spk_0,OK. +409,19.3635,19.398983333333334,spk_0,I'm just kind of scanning the list. +410,19.405166666666663,19.44915,spk_0,I would probably say like Cooper Net's agent +411,19.461816666666667,19.502666666666663,spk_0,is something that we've made a lot of investment in. +412,19.518833333333333,19.529166666666665,spk_0,Although +413,19.591316666666668,19.60565,spk_0,um I +414,19.613166666666668,19.628816666666665,spk_2,think the CIN +415,19.63315,19.694333333333333,spk_2,"agent and uh from an integration point of view," +416,19.72083333333333,19.821166666666667,spk_2,"uh perhaps the terra farm integration, I think we have a, a lot of customers actually" +417,19.823666666666668,19.84715,spk_2,using that already. +418,19.855166666666666,19.865166666666667,spk_2,So +419,19.873833333333334,19.87398333333333,spk_2,"I," +420,19.87815,19.878316666666667,spk_2,I +421,19.901816666666665,19.919666666666668,spk_0,I'm just gonna call those get +422,19.924816666666665,19.932,spk_0,ops +423,19.94915,19.994816666666665,spk_0,and I'm gonna put like KS agents +424,20.011166666666668,20.02533333333333,spk_0,plus +425,20.04233333333333,20.057,spk_0,has she +426,20.063,20.063333333333333,spk_0,for +427,20.081333333333333,20.10148333333333,spk_0,integrations? +428,20.11598333333333,20.182316666666665,spk_0,It's like a bucket of capabilities that is probably worth talking about. +429,20.1925,20.20198333333333,spk_0,Uh +430,20.226,20.22733333333333,spk_0,I +431,20.248,20.252166666666668,spk_0,"Yep," +432,20.35548333333333,20.37415,spk_0,"cool. Well, let's," +433,20.39281666666667,20.479166666666668,spk_0,"you know, let's try to uh this is due Tuesday. I think we wanna try to get this done." +434,20.494,20.50283333333333,spk_0,Um +435,20.51533333333333,20.568316666666668,spk_0,So maybe just uh review this kind of like +436,20.5715,20.60565,spk_0,let's just kind of pick top five +437,20.6085,20.65348333333333,spk_0,maybe something from plant something from C I CD. +438,20.66815,20.724316666666667,spk_0,"-- Uh pipeline +-- editor is definitely an option for C I CD." +439,20.732983333333333,20.742816666666663,spk_3,Um +440,20.76215,20.78065,spk_4,"Yeah, and there might be a" +441,20.801816666666667,20.8065,spk_3,"sorry," +442,20.8135,20.875,spk_4,"no, sorry. There, there might be a value stream analytics story in there too. Um" +443,20.884166666666665,20.90798333333333,spk_4,"If we aggregate it all, it's," +444,20.90815,20.966666666666665,spk_4,it's a bummer that customizable value stream analytics is 12 dot night. +445,20.98,20.988816666666665,spk_4,Um +446,20.991666666666667,21.006833333333333,spk_4,But uh +447,21.018316666666667,21.028816666666668,spk_4,"yeah, yeah," +448,21.04065,21.050666666666668,spk_4,there might be +449,21.1005,21.166833333333333,spk_0,"cool. I'm just gonna, I'm gonna ping you on this cormac to add, add" +450,21.171166666666668,21.171333333333333,spk_0,"a," +451,21.173166666666667,21.194166666666668,spk_0,a top five plan. +452,21.29383333333333,21.307166666666667,spk_0,Cool. +453,21.325,21.349316666666667,spk_0,Uh I think +454,21.376316666666668,21.4355,spk_3,"that's a pretty heavy, pretty heavy list just looking at it, you know," +455,21.435666666666663,21.449483333333333,spk_3,it's pretty cool. +456,21.45765,21.46815,spk_3,"Yeah, that's great." +457,21.49898333333333,21.565166666666663,spk_0,"Yeah, and this is something we don't do, which II I agree. Like we don't," +458,21.575333333333333,21.595316666666665,spk_0,we don't often +459,21.6175,21.671,spk_0,stop as a company and just kind of look at our wins. +460,21.67533333333333,21.687833333333334,spk_0,Uh +461,21.700166666666668,21.767,spk_0,"I was really, I don't, did y'all, did anybody miss uh" +462,21.771166666666662,21.78898333333333,spk_0,what do we call it +463,21.794816666666662,21.824483333333333,spk_0,"assembly, the assembly?" +464,21.86165,21.870483333333333,spk_0,Um +465,21.873166666666663,21.896833333333333,spk_0,"If you missed it, I recommend it." +466,21.89816666666667,21.97265,spk_0,I laughed because like what assembly reminds me of is like when I was in like +467,21.97733333333333,22.008666666666667,spk_0,"a young child in grade school," +468,22.01415,22.084,spk_0,"you, they'd have this big stack of like carpet, they were like squares of carpet" +469,22.08865,22.127333333333333,spk_0,"and you go, like you go into the gym" +470,22.132,22.186,spk_0,and you pull off a square of carpet and all the Children +471,22.188166666666667,22.247316666666663,spk_0,would sit on a square of carpet and that was like you'd have an assembly +472,22.257316666666668,22.26615,spk_0,so +473,22.284983333333333,22.365166666666667,spk_0,"-- that +-- to put everyone in the gym or like convert the half cafeteria gym," +474,22.367816666666663,22.3985,spk_3,"you know, take away the big barrier" +475,22.40083333333333,22.433333333333334,spk_3,between it so that we can have more room and then +476,22.4335,22.48065,spk_3,"take those carpets that have never been cleaned and just," +477,22.480816666666662,22.486816666666662,spk_3,"you know," +478,22.49148333333333,22.5275,spk_3,"sit on them and it'll be, it'll be great." +479,22.53383333333333,22.592,spk_0,"Aside, aside from the goofy name, I thought that, um," +480,22.592166666666667,22.6315,spk_0,and of course we can't talk about any of it on youtube. +481,22.636983333333333,22.64816666666667,spk_0,But +482,22.654666666666667,22.7025,spk_0,"man, that was like a really awesome look back at like" +483,22.70565,22.74683333333333,spk_0,here's some wins and here's some exciting things that we've done. +484,22.75433333333333,22.810666666666663,spk_0,Um And so I think we just need to get better at this as a company. +485,22.81083333333333,22.841316666666668,spk_0,I think this exercise is an opportunity that +486,22.847816666666667,22.90348333333333,spk_0,"um I think we do a little bit of that, but this is doing it more. So," +487,22.909816666666668,22.92383333333333,spk_0,"uh Sonia," +488,22.926,22.95315,spk_0,you have some questions here +489,22.991666666666667,23.00565,spk_0,for elitists. +490,23.04748333333333,23.063,spk_2,"So," +491,23.07333333333333,23.11165,spk_2,"in the competitive sheet, I was, I mean," +492,23.111816666666662,23.212316666666663,spk_2,I've already identified the features for CD configure as well as uh monitor. +493,23.212666666666667,23.251816666666667,spk_2,Uh getting it reviewed from PM. +494,23.25633333333333,23.281666666666663,spk_2,"My guess was," +495,23.28183333333333,23.32065,spk_2,or my understanding was that we wouldn't have the +496,23.320833333333333,23.35633333333333,spk_2,"same set of competitors that they gonna compare to," +497,23.3565,23.423,spk_2,"but the right competitors for that particular stage," +498,23.425833333333333,23.45,spk_2,"right? So for example," +499,23.452166666666667,23.52865,spk_2,"for uh for monitor, uh we may not have like a github" +500,23.53333333333333,23.585316666666667,spk_2,"or something like that, we would have monitor based competitors" +501,23.594,23.60165,spk_2,or +502,23.60633333333333,23.613816666666665,spk_2,was +503,23.61883333333333,23.682,spk_2,that the understanding because we identified that entire list +504,23.682166666666667,23.748,spk_2,of competitors and partners for every single stage? +505,23.766666666666666,23.84065,spk_2,I thought we were gonna be using those competitors to compare against. +506,23.843316666666663,23.92015,spk_2,"So I just wanted your, your input on what's because I saw uh" +507,23.92383333333333,23.99833333333333,spk_2,some of you have compared with the five competitors already listed over there. +508,24.00283333333333,24.05165,spk_2,"Um So they may not be relevant, for example," +509,24.051816666666667,24.10165,spk_2,Cloud be may not be relevant for monitor stage at all. +510,24.1125,24.150666666666663,spk_2,Um So that's what I wanted to check with you. +511,24.155,24.20115,spk_6,"Yeah, that's the case. I, I need to go back and look at the spreadsheet." +512,24.201316666666667,24.232166666666668,spk_6,"I mean, if the competitor" +513,24.23915,24.27015,spk_6,"does not apply to that particular stage," +514,24.270316666666663,24.3045,spk_6,they shouldn't be on that tab in the spreadsheet. +515,24.304666666666662,24.35,spk_6,So are you saying that you see competitors on +516,24.350166666666667,24.404666666666667,spk_6,that tab for a stage where they don't apply? +517,24.419166666666666,24.42083333333333,spk_6,"Yeah," +518,24.430316666666663,24.43048333333333,spk_6,I +519,24.4335,24.43665,spk_3,think it was +520,24.438333333333333,24.4425,spk_3,copy +521,24.44565,24.451816666666662,spk_2,pasted. Each +522,24.4605,24.465333333333334,spk_2,has the +523,24.4695,24.47215,spk_2,same. Yeah. +524,24.472316666666668,24.58298333333333,spk_2,"So each sheet has uh has uh ad O Atlassian Guitar Jenkins, J Frog and cloud piece," +525,24.58315,24.59,spk_2,right? +526,24.590166666666665,24.59633333333333,spk_2,So +527,24.60933333333333,24.662316666666666,spk_2,that may not be relevant for monitor for configure. +528,24.6625,24.71815,spk_2,"It would be a different set of comp competitors that we need to include," +529,24.718316666666663,24.750333333333334,spk_2,which I think we already identified +530,24.75208333333333,24.82958333333333,spk_2,a while back. I think we identified top three competitors for every stage. +531,24.839066666666668,24.845233333333333,spk_6,"We," +532,24.84875,24.89408333333333,spk_6,"that's when we tiered them, right? Tier one, tier two, tier three." +533,24.89425,24.96023333333333,spk_6,So this where we are right now is we're looking at just tier one competitors. +534,24.960416666666667,25.010416666666668,spk_6,That's probably why I cut and paste them because those are all tier ones. +535,25.020233333333334,25.051566666666663,spk_6,So we're just focusing on tier one right now. +536,25.0519,25.08758333333333,spk_6,"So if they don't apply to that stage, don't worry about it" +537,25.102166666666665,25.1135,spk_6,makes sense. +538,25.125333333333334,25.175166666666662,spk_3,"So, just pick the ones out of that list that apply to our stage." +539,25.183666666666667,25.1925,spk_2,Right. +540,25.209983333333334,25.243316666666665,spk_2,So we just use the tier one computers +541,25.24765,25.263166666666667,spk_2,"and if they're not," +542,25.27015,25.347316666666668,spk_2,"if they don't, are not applicable, then we don't have to fill out anything for that." +543,25.351,25.425833333333333,spk_2,"-- Yeah, +-- for now. But then we'll move to tier two and tier three, then we'll look at those" +544,25.43465,25.52415,spk_2,"and do we need to add a line item for get lab as well? Because I, I think that's" +545,25.528816666666668,25.534166666666668,spk_2,the thing +546,25.53665,25.5465,spk_2,over here. +547,25.553816666666663,25.613816666666665,spk_2,"-- Yeah, we +-- should add up. I think you asked me that" +548,25.615816666666667,25.632166666666667,spk_6,before. Right. +549,25.64698333333333,25.69115,spk_6,"-- Or someone asked me, +-- I'm just looking at it, Brian" +550,25.698666666666668,25.701816666666662,spk_1,asked +551,25.73583333333333,25.761983333333333,spk_1,because the way +552,25.77015,25.78698333333333,spk_1,"without it," +553,25.79683333333333,25.842166666666667,spk_1,you're basically putting all the things that we're better at. +554,25.850666666666665,25.852666666666668,spk_6,"Yeah," +555,25.859,25.88065,spk_6,"for sure, for sure." +556,25.89,25.892166666666668,spk_6,Yeah. +557,25.92933333333333,25.975166666666667,spk_0,"Ideally when we pick like the 10 to 15 features," +558,25.9905,26.04683333333333,spk_0,"those, some of those were like git lab only, some of those were like" +559,26.05615,26.07465,spk_0,"git lab didn't have," +560,26.097316666666668,26.14433333333333,spk_3,"well, I thought it was supposed to be not, none of them should be get level only." +561,26.1445,26.175833333333333,spk_3,Right. It should be all through the lens of. +562,26.187316666666668,26.23715,spk_0,"Exactly. Yeah, it should be like market lens. So" +563,26.23915,26.313166666666667,spk_0,"in an ideal world, most of them are like this is what I'm shopping for this solution." +564,26.319333333333333,26.36083333333333,spk_0,"Some, like some of them might be get level only." +565,26.361,26.405816666666663,spk_0,Some of them might be like competitor only +566,26.409816666666668,26.445833333333333,spk_0,"so that it's a, somebody would look at it and be like," +567,26.446,26.483833333333333,spk_0,this looks honest and trustworthy and like +568,26.48698333333333,26.521833333333333,spk_0,"a, a accurate assessment of the market." +569,26.56015,26.58098333333333,spk_0,"And then, yeah, I think Sonia" +570,26.584,26.62983333333333,spk_0,for this just to kind of reiterate for this one. +571,26.63,26.69515,spk_0,We're only doing these five competitors. So we'll do the other ones in a later stage. +572,26.702666666666666,26.725166666666667,spk_0,And then uh +573,26.733833333333333,26.7625,spk_0,"for if, if the" +574,26.76598333333333,26.82648333333333,spk_0,"vendor builds like bills themselves as a platform," +575,26.84,26.892333333333333,spk_0,then we should specifically call out that they have zero. +576,26.89633333333333,26.915166666666668,spk_0,So github +577,26.921983333333333,26.970316666666665,spk_0,"Bills itself as a platform, it sells itself that way." +578,26.98183333333333,27.011,spk_0,Um Same with as your Dev +579,27.01483333333333,27.040816666666668,spk_0,ops. Same with Jay Frog. +580,27.047816666666662,27.091666666666665,spk_6,"Well, they all do for tier one except Jenkins and Clovis" +581,27.11231666666667,27.121983333333333,spk_0,Jenkins. Cloys +582,27.125666666666667,27.135316666666668,spk_0,does not. +583,27.144,27.151316666666663,spk_0,But +584,27.15315,27.1755,spk_0,"what is it? You know, as your dep" +585,27.201316666666667,27.20965,spk_0,you have +586,27.22265,27.23281666666667,spk_0,uh +587,27.238,27.253,spk_0,Atlassian +588,27.2655,27.319333333333333,spk_0,"and although Atlassian, we still need to figure something out there." +589,27.324316666666668,27.351816666666668,spk_0,"-- As a +-- matter of fact, then I go back and add" +590,27.35365,27.364833333333333,spk_6,Atlassian because I +591,27.37065,27.4315,spk_6,"based on conversation, I think we have to do it. I don't think we can leave them off." +592,27.45083333333333,27.455816666666667,spk_6,"So then I," +593,27.45916666666667,27.468833333333333,spk_6,"I don't, I have" +594,27.471,27.4775,spk_6,to look at this. +595,27.48433333333333,27.497816666666665,spk_2,It is +596,27.502666666666663,27.505166666666668,spk_2,Atlassian +597,27.511983333333333,27.5355,spk_2,"-- is on that sheet. +-- Ok." +598,27.536483333333333,27.609166666666667,spk_6,"Yeah, I went back and added them because based on discussion like my, my," +599,27.61466666666667,27.670483333333333,spk_6,"I wanted to take them off completely and just leave them as a partner," +600,27.67065,27.69298333333333,spk_6,but we can't do that. +601,27.69315,27.697816666666668,spk_6,"So," +602,27.716316666666668,27.719816666666667,spk_0,"so," +603,27.72898333333333,27.772316666666665,spk_0,"so yeah, so for, for those platform," +604,27.77698333333333,27.828983333333333,spk_0,"you know, we should call out the fact that they don't have any monitoring." +605,27.829166666666666,27.85998333333333,spk_0,"If they have like zero out of 15," +606,27.868483333333334,27.88983333333333,spk_0,we should call that out. +607,27.89033333333333,27.963,spk_0,"Um Same with configure stuff for this, you know, any those kind of capabilities," +608,28.00565,28.042166666666667,spk_3,"it be, it be, I think if we took that a step further," +609,28.04233333333333,28.0885,spk_3,it'd be good to even describe it in a way that doesn't just say our product +610,28.08865,28.132,spk_3,stage and use like a value based description +611,28.132166666666667,28.175,spk_3,of what monitor and configure mean because otherwise +612,28.18065,28.230166666666666,spk_3,"we're just, no, that's not gonna do any good for us." +613,28.2385,28.27815,spk_6,Have you guys seen the new infographic that the uh +614,28.2835,28.303316666666667,spk_6,design team has come up with? +615,28.30565,28.31683333333333,spk_6,Not yet. +616,28.332316666666667,28.34515,spk_6,Oh You haven't. +617,28.34698333333333,28.35683333333333,spk_6,No. +618,28.36865,28.389666666666667,spk_6,Do we have a link to that +619,28.39281666666667,28.4105,spk_6,quickly? William? +620,28.410666666666668,28.483833333333333,spk_6,"-- I don't +-- know or we can throw it in the uh you can throw it in the um notes if you find it." +621,28.499316666666665,28.49948333333333,spk_0,Uh +622,28.516483333333333,28.552666666666667,spk_0,Let's see who can find it faster. +623,28.569983333333333,28.57015,spk_3,I +624,28.579666666666668,28.58383333333333,spk_3,guarantee +625,28.586166666666667,28.61815,spk_3,you not with the amount of tabs I have open. +626,28.631666666666668,28.678816666666663,spk_6,"Oh my God. That's why I'm like, it probably won't be me." +627,28.694333333333333,28.76483333333333,spk_6,So I this is why I send everything to uh Google +628,28.772483333333334,28.79148333333333,spk_0,uh gmail +629,28.79765,28.84948333333333,spk_0,because the search is so fast. So I literally +630,28.85965,28.90348333333333,spk_0,have a folder where all of my get lab pings go +631,28.919,28.95833333333333,spk_0,and I can just search for infographic +632,28.963816666666663,28.967166666666667,spk_0,and +633,28.96998333333333,28.97065,spk_0,I +634,28.973333333333333,28.9905,spk_6,found it. I found it. I +635,28.99365,28.996,spk_6,found it. +636,29.001483333333333,29.0255,spk_0,Who could look at first? +637,29.053,29.0755,spk_6,I found it. I found it. +638,29.08465,29.0885,spk_6,So +639,29.10115,29.117816666666663,spk_6,this is the one. +640,29.11798333333333,29.13298333333333,spk_6,"So this, there's two," +641,29.13315,29.20798333333333,spk_6,this is the one for the single to comparison but then for the um but it's gonna look +642,29.20815,29.28665,spk_6,the same but then here's the one for um I just put it in chat for you guys +643,29.303,29.368316666666665,spk_6,and here's the one for the platform players. +644,29.39033333333333,29.39816666666667,spk_0,"So," +645,29.407,29.421,spk_0,"so we made a," +646,29.432,29.498666666666665,spk_0,we made a couple of decisions along the way. So um +647,29.526,29.57198333333333,spk_0,one of the decisions was to just go with stages. +648,29.580816666666667,29.590166666666665,spk_0,Um +649,29.60083333333333,29.65348333333333,spk_0,"It, it, it would have been like a whole another layer of OK," +650,29.65365,29.73515,spk_0,"if we don't go with just the git lab stages, the 10 stages, what do, what do we use?" +651,29.744666666666667,29.803316666666667,spk_0,"um that has to be determined, reconciled all this kind of stuff" +652,29.805816666666665,29.81365,spk_0,like +653,29.830166666666667,29.848333333333333,spk_0,"the, you know," +654,29.85683333333333,29.870833333333334,spk_0,"we kinda," +655,29.87848333333333,29.93383333333333,spk_0,"I don't know how long it's been since we updated, those pages have like" +656,29.9385,29.959816666666665,spk_0,"not been updated," +657,29.965333333333334,30.02815,spk_0,but we kind of are just trying to move towards some sort towards some progress. So +658,30.032316666666667,30.0445,spk_0,uh +659,30.053816666666663,30.071166666666667,spk_0,I concur that maybe +660,30.07848333333333,30.138,spk_0,configure and monitor is not as descriptive as it could be +661,30.1405,30.2005,spk_0,"but the place where it will. So actually, I'll, I'll share one thing," +662,30.210833333333333,30.211166666666667,spk_3,it +663,30.215333333333334,30.25483333333333,spk_3,"-- just seems like the right time to do this, +-- right?" +664,30.257483333333333,30.3085,spk_4,"Manage is, is even less descriptive than that." +665,30.325,30.33248333333333,spk_0,"So," +666,30.338,30.35748333333333,spk_0,so um +667,30.371166666666667,30.448833333333333,spk_0,the way this is the way this is getting built is off of a data model. So um +668,30.45565,30.46598333333333,spk_0,"in theory," +669,30.46615,30.55115,spk_0,"these could change or be updated where the underlying data remains the same, right?" +670,30.554666666666662,30.586166666666667,spk_0,"Because like we're, we're separating" +671,30.59233333333333,30.63448333333333,spk_0,like like presentation layer from data layer. +672,30.65798333333333,30.6675,spk_0,Uh +673,30.679666666666662,30.6905,spk_0,"So that's," +674,30.69315,30.738983333333334,spk_0,it's not gonna be as hard to update in the future as it +675,30.73915,30.79065,spk_0,"currently is where it's a mess of spaghetti code and it's like really," +676,30.790816666666668,30.81083333333333,spk_0,really difficult to update. +677,30.819333333333333,30.862316666666665,spk_0,And then the other component is then +678,30.876,30.91565,spk_0,"not in this iteration, we need to get something live." +679,30.9195,30.97083333333333,spk_0,But in the next iteration you'll click on verify +680,30.97583333333333,31.024316666666667,spk_0,and it'll go down to the list of the 15 features +681,31.034166666666668,31.07848333333333,spk_0,and that's where you can describe what the heck of verify is +682,31.08833333333333,31.103816666666667,spk_0,"-- or what the heck I +-- manage." +683,31.11133333333333,31.13665,spk_3,So we will have an opportunity because I was +684,31.136816666666668,31.1605,spk_3,about to say you're gonna hate me for this. +685,31.160666666666668,31.173666666666666,spk_3,"But like we're," +686,31.180983333333334,31.19698333333333,spk_3,we're +687,31.200666666666667,31.2405,spk_3,being cyclical about the same problem we had +688,31.244333333333334,31.26998333333333,spk_3,there being the audience coming in and +689,31.27015,31.30998333333333,spk_3,not knowing anything about these specific stages. +690,31.31015,31.311816666666665,spk_3,That's +691,31.315166666666663,31.31533333333333,spk_3,a +692,31.319333333333333,31.327666666666666,spk_3,problem. +693,31.334816666666665,31.39765,spk_6,"That was one of the big things. It's like, OK, 1515 features." +694,31.397816666666667,31.448166666666665,spk_6,"What, what is, what are they? Why do I care? You know?" +695,31.457316666666667,31.464316666666665,spk_6,"Yeah," +696,31.469166666666663,31.4755,spk_6,that means +697,31.482,31.550166666666662,spk_6,"to say that means nothing to me looking at this, this page. Um But quick question." +698,31.59,31.64,spk_6,"No, we're on top of it actually, if you read the thread I brought that up," +699,31.640166666666666,31.694333333333333,spk_6,"but she said we can't do it like right now, which I understand" +700,31.69833333333333,31.73515,spk_6,"but small thing, what do you guys think about the colors?" +701,31.761816666666668,31.7675,spk_3,Uh +702,31.77465,31.7855,spk_3,I don't know. +703,31.79433333333333,31.838166666666663,spk_3,"I usually let the designers handle that stuff. They, they," +704,31.84315,31.87065,spk_4,"I, I like," +705,31.873166666666663,31.87333333333333,spk_4,"I," +706,31.897316666666665,31.934166666666663,spk_4,I like the fact that +707,31.9525,31.97465,spk_4,there's no red on there. +708,31.985666666666667,31.995833333333334,spk_6,Oh You like that? +709,31.997816666666665,32.00933333333333,spk_6,That's what I was going +710,32.01533333333333,32.02415,spk_6,"-- for you. +-- Like" +711,32.03081666666667,32.083333333333336,spk_4,"it's not, it's not obviously negative." +712,32.0835,32.14298333333333,spk_4,Uh So we're saying because it really does lend itself to being a +713,32.14315,32.203316666666666,spk_4,"comparison more than a competitive piece because of that because there's no," +714,32.20466666666667,32.25666666666667,spk_4,"you know, these folks at 37% are in the red and they're terrible." +715,32.25683333333333,32.300666666666665,spk_4,They just have less green or we would have less green. +716,32.304833333333335,32.39065,spk_4,"So it's, it's not, it's not being worse, it's being less good. And I think that," +717,32.39416666666666,32.432,spk_4,"I, I think that lends itself to" +718,32.44531666666666,32.519666666666666,spk_4,"working with, you know, all the co opet situations we're talking about," +719,32.526983333333334,32.529833333333336,spk_4,you know. +720,32.54898333333333,32.56015,spk_0,"Yeah, that's," +721,32.5625,32.63531666666667,spk_0,"that's the goal is we want, we want to generate a helpful asset for the industry." +722,32.64131666666667,32.698,spk_0,"This is not just like marketing chill, this should be like a helpful page." +723,32.70615,32.75066666666667,spk_0,"Uh So it's like, yeah, the goal is to have a comparison" +724,32.755,32.76781666666667,spk_0,comparing DEV +725,32.769983333333336,32.7875,spk_0,"ops tool is not a," +726,32.79416666666667,32.83465,spk_0,"you know, this is all of our competitors and why we're better." +727,32.842333333333336,32.844,spk_6,Yeah. +728,32.844166666666666,32.925666666666665,spk_6,"Um iiii I think from a competitive mindset and for me, I'm like, let's go hard," +729,32.926316666666665,32.95483333333333,spk_6,let's put some red on there and +730,32.9655,32.992,spk_6,"that's just the way I think, right." +731,32.99216666666667,33.040333333333336,spk_6,"So, but I brought it up and that for now we're gonna stick with the green." +732,33.0405,33.092666666666666,spk_6,They recommend that we stick with the green and uh see how it goes. +733,33.092816666666664,33.10381666666667,spk_6,"But I don't know," +734,33.10398333333333,33.19883333333333,spk_6,"-- I was feeling the red and yellow too +-- so it is easy on the eyes and um it's, you know," +735,33.19898333333333,33.222316666666664,spk_3,there's something to be said for that. +736,33.22248333333334,33.227333333333334,spk_3,"So," +737,33.242,33.24816666666667,spk_3,"yeah," +738,33.25866666666667,33.269333333333336,spk_0,uh +739,33.2775,33.3675,spk_0,"cool. Well, we're almost up on time but I did wanna share one thing that kind of came in" +740,33.37815,33.389833333333335,spk_0,like +741,33.39298333333333,33.415166666666664,spk_0,"basically Friday," +742,33.42183333333333,33.44948333333333,spk_0,it was like late Thursday for me. +743,33.461816666666664,33.4775,spk_0,So this +744,33.48231666666667,33.482483333333334,spk_0,uh +745,33.4855,33.52615,spk_0,"this is another thing, a lot, a lot of these things," +746,33.526316666666666,33.555816666666665,spk_0,I don't have like a ton of context on. +747,33.56283333333333,33.60883333333334,spk_0,Um I just know like we're just trying to up our game. +748,33.609,33.64548333333333,spk_0,"So like, hey, let's move fast and do the best we can do." +749,33.66466666666667,33.675,spk_0,Um +750,33.67766666666667,33.710316666666664,spk_0,So this is a little bit of a messaging +751,33.716483333333336,33.78633333333333,spk_0,"framework and then the assignment that was given to me was to," +752,33.78648333333334,33.81766666666667,spk_0,to fill in these boxes here. +753,33.8335,33.84481666666667,spk_0,"So," +754,33.85466666666667,33.8925,spk_0,uh and then this was the fodder +755,33.89633333333333,33.923,spk_0,that I got. +756,33.93898333333333,33.97366666666667,spk_0,So there was these ones that said like +757,33.975833333333334,34.02648333333333,spk_0,"from roadmap to company vision, we are transparent" +758,34.03498333333334,34.08265,spk_0,and a single source of truth. Countless possibilities. +759,34.08715,34.132,spk_0,"Honestly, I think this one's really like, really pithy and catchy." +760,34.136316666666666,34.17046666666667,spk_0,Uh I really like it. Um +761,34.17765,34.25,spk_0,I really liked uh what's the other one that I like? But not everyone does um +762,34.275333333333336,34.301,spk_0,all in one for everyone. +763,34.30833333333333,34.3725,spk_0,"So I just uh I don't know, I like, I just think so there's something catchy about that." +764,34.37865,34.390966666666664,spk_0,Um +765,34.39431666666667,34.416666666666664,spk_0,But I know that kind of +766,34.419466666666665,34.49415,spk_0,catchy is not everyone's cup of tea. All that to say is um +767,34.500166666666665,34.522333333333336,spk_0,the assignment here was +768,34.53366666666667,34.60883333333334,spk_0,"that I took, it was to write a pithy, few words like" +769,34.6118,34.635983333333336,spk_0,punchy statement +770,34.64233333333333,34.67133333333334,spk_0,for each of these three things. +771,34.6845,34.746833333333335,spk_0,Uh So I ended up with a single source of truth. Countless possibilities. +772,34.747,34.763666666666666,spk_0,I like that a lot. +773,34.770833333333336,34.8395,spk_0,"Um This one I went with end to end control over your software factory," +774,34.84446666666667,34.90215,spk_0,"not as pithy but or like not as catchy," +775,34.91081666666667,34.920833333333334,spk_0,but +776,34.92348333333333,34.93215,spk_0,um +777,34.952,34.96465,spk_0,I like it. +778,34.96965,35.01433333333333,spk_1,So what's the difference between that slide and the +779,35.0145,35.05883333333333,spk_1,"-- next one that doesn't have anything under +-- security?" +780,35.06033333333333,35.09898333333334,spk_0,"This, this was the um" +781,35.11998333333333,35.196333333333335,spk_0,"honestly, so that, so when I first got this, it didn't have this" +782,35.211483333333334,35.25265,spk_0,"and it didn't have anything under security. So this, this was" +783,35.25533333333333,35.25665,spk_0,what I +784,35.26081666666666,35.26115,spk_0,do +785,35.263,35.29115,spk_0,is just your iteration of it. +786,35.3085,35.33416666666667,spk_0,"Yeah, this is, this is mine." +787,35.33433333333333,35.397666666666666,spk_0,"This is I just put here so that I would have like the original statements like," +788,35.409,35.461483333333334,spk_0,"you know, automate nearly anything, collaborate on everything." +789,35.464983333333336,35.49583333333333,spk_0,"I kind of like that. But I," +790,35.50866666666667,35.51631666666667,spk_0,"you know," +791,35.53066666666667,35.54848333333333,spk_0,this one I hate +792,35.55381666666667,35.6005,spk_0,"scale up, speed up, test up. I don't think anybody tests up." +793,35.60066666666667,35.63,spk_0,I think that's really goofy. So +794,35.63248333333333,35.64216666666667,spk_0,you hate it. +795,35.648983333333334,35.668166666666664,spk_0,Uh This one I love +796,35.67415,35.71333333333333,spk_0,"that for me. It's I love it or I hate it, right?" +797,35.720483333333334,35.748983333333335,spk_0,"-- Um I +-- love, I love how you're just like" +798,35.76515,35.76531666666666,spk_0,uh +799,35.775166666666664,35.796,spk_0,"so anyway," +800,35.80583333333333,35.818333333333335,spk_0,the +801,35.83,35.867,spk_0,what I love is just in five minutes now and then +802,35.86716666666667,35.90566666666667,spk_0,we can just kind of end the call is kind of like +803,35.91231666666667,35.922333333333334,spk_0,um +804,35.94915,35.97481666666667,spk_0,"anything that you would change this out for," +805,35.975,36.003483333333335,spk_0,anything that you would change this out for. +806,36.00365,36.04515,spk_0,"And then actually, let's start here." +807,36.0505,36.09081666666667,spk_0,This one I couldn't pick +808,36.101333333333336,36.167,spk_0,"and I'll, I'll tell you why. It's because I, I like things to have parody" +809,36.18215,36.20665,spk_0,"in, in their tone," +810,36.21131666666667,36.25298333333333,spk_0,right? So this is maybe like super nuanced +811,36.25715,36.29633333333334,spk_0,elements of messaging but I hate it if it's like +812,36.29865,36.383833333333335,spk_0,"a single source of truth, that's like a noun phrase. End to end control." +813,36.38483333333333,36.41465,spk_0,That's like a noun +814,36.427483333333335,36.49498333333333,spk_0,"items. So you could say with Git Lab, you get a single source of truth." +815,36.49583333333333,36.53998333333333,spk_0,"With Git lab, you get end to end control." +816,36.54565,36.59048333333333,spk_0,"And you can't say with Git Lab, you get," +817,36.59398333333333,36.62048333333333,spk_0,move fast with confidence. +818,36.62481666666667,36.679833333333335,spk_0,"-- No, +-- but you can say more speed, less risk. I like that one the best." +819,36.68,36.69915,spk_1,I don't like the last one. +820,36.7125,36.71931666666666,spk_0,I agree. +821,36.72916666666666,36.78631666666666,spk_0,"That's, that's why I put this one at top was for that parody." +822,36.797,36.87448333333333,spk_0,"And then so it sounds like kind of y'all's thoughts or that's, that's good as well." +823,36.89333333333333,36.89965,spk_4,"Uh Yeah," +824,36.899816666666666,36.9265,spk_4,the only thing it might be missing but I +825,36.92666666666667,36.96683333333333,spk_4,don't know how we do it without over complicating. +826,36.967,36.976333333333336,spk_4,It is. +827,37.00066666666667,37.04915,spk_4,"Well, I guess less risk also implies higher quality." +828,37.059666666666665,37.115316666666665,spk_4,I guess that kind of bundles the quality and the security together. +829,37.11931666666667,37.18131666666667,spk_4,"So I, I've talked myself out of not liking that. So, yeah. Good." +830,37.20381666666667,37.28265,spk_5,Cindy's last blog post had a really good turn of phrase that I stole for for give +831,37.28565,37.28598333333333,spk_5,out +832,37.28866666666666,37.31081666666667,spk_5,"14 when she was out," +833,37.31098333333333,37.38131666666666,spk_5,it was like secure the software factory and all the stuff that you're making it. +834,37.3965,37.41833333333334,spk_5,"-- She said it really elegant +-- and" +835,37.42133333333334,37.42516666666667,spk_1,so I just +836,37.43248333333333,37.48965,spk_1,"deliverables, secure the software factory and its deliverables." +837,37.49583333333333,37.52633333333333,spk_1,"-- Yeah, +-- I thought it was good to emphasize both" +838,37.528983333333336,37.538,spk_5,because they mean +839,37.54915,37.549483333333335,spk_5,it +840,37.55416666666667,37.55681666666667,spk_5,was nice. +841,37.60833333333333,37.611983333333335,spk_1,Yeah. +842,37.61215,37.702,spk_1,So you could say um secure and control your software factory and its deliverables. +843,37.70215,37.76733333333333,spk_1,Maybe that would encompass both thoughts. +844,37.84583333333333,37.85315,spk_0,"I'm," +845,37.85681666666667,37.88281666666666,spk_0,"I'm not a big fan of the," +846,37.88933333333333,37.94283333333333,spk_0,"it's, it's deliverables. Is there, uh, can we say like" +847,37.958333333333336,38.0125,spk_4,"your software factory and your software or your, your" +848,38.01465,38.047983333333335,spk_4,software or in your product? +849,38.06316666666667,38.089,spk_1,Product? Sounds like +850,38.09865,38.11716666666667,spk_1,"-- car manufacturer. +-- I" +851,38.12381666666667,38.12448333333333,spk_3,say +852,38.126333333333335,38.16,spk_3,"IP, here, but it just doesn't sound right." +853,38.16016666666667,38.20033333333333,spk_3,"And that's always, it's always shorthand." +854,38.21165,38.21631666666666,spk_0,"Yeah," +855,38.22881666666667,38.2335,spk_0,I +856,38.23783333333333,38.26215,spk_0,like this one better. +857,38.317166666666665,38.3395,spk_1,"Yeah, I think I do too" +858,38.3505,38.35765,spk_1,"but," +859,38.361983333333335,38.39815,spk_1,"but I appreciate the thought, Brian." +860,38.42398333333333,38.43366666666667,spk_0,Uh +861,38.440983333333335,38.45166666666667,spk_0,And then +862,38.4625,38.51598333333333,spk_0,"the last thing I'll say is so this is, this is my attempt to," +863,38.51615,38.548316666666665,spk_0,to channel my inner Ash withers. +864,38.56048333333333,38.614983333333335,spk_0,Um I think Ash is like super good at +865,38.62015,38.630833333333335,spk_0,just +866,38.64233333333333,38.69981666666666,spk_0,"again, just like the the catchier like the turn of phrase element to it." +867,38.71465,38.72566666666667,spk_0,Um +868,38.73148333333334,38.77831666666667,spk_0,"And so like this kind of idea like single source of truth," +869,38.77848333333333,38.83833333333333,spk_0,countless possibilities or all in one for everyone. +870,38.84366666666666,38.89065,spk_0,"There's something catchy about this. So, so here I was trying to like" +871,38.8975,38.95,spk_0,envision what is it that we actually give you with this velocity? +872,38.95016666666667,39.01898333333333,spk_0,It's like it's velocity with confidence is what is what you get? +873,39.02633333333333,39.03816666666667,spk_0,Um +874,39.04431666666667,39.11833333333333,spk_0,"-- I +-- like your move fast with confidence better than increased speed and stay on track." +875,39.13066666666667,39.16866666666667,spk_0,"Yeah, so I was trying to, I was thinking of like," +876,39.17233333333333,39.18215,spk_0,"you know," +877,39.188,39.23016666666667,spk_0,"if you're like, if you're in a race car" +878,39.23615,39.2465,spk_0,and like +879,39.248983333333335,39.302,spk_0,"you go like super, super fast, like let's say you're in the bike race, right?" +880,39.304833333333335,39.34948333333333,spk_0,And you're going so fast and somebody holds out the sign +881,39.353316666666665,39.39031666666666,spk_0,"and then like half of the bike race collapses," +882,39.40983333333333,39.42166666666667,spk_0,right? +883,39.42715,39.4345,spk_0,Um +884,39.4435,39.46965,spk_0,"So it's almost kind of like you can," +885,39.46981666666667,39.51965,spk_0,you can keep going like faster and faster and faster. +886,39.521,39.58466666666666,spk_0,"And if somebody like jumps out with a sign in the middle of the racetrack," +887,39.58648333333333,39.61565,spk_0,you're not gonna get tripped up by it +888,39.61783333333333,39.6465,spk_0,"because get labs, you know," +889,39.64666666666667,39.68866666666667,spk_0,it's testing is gonna catch that and security is gonna catch that. +890,39.69465,39.72365,spk_0,"Um, all of those elements" +891,39.7295,39.75533333333333,spk_0,"that allow you to move faster," +892,39.7555,39.78766666666667,spk_0,but to do so with confidence because otherwise you're like +893,39.78783333333333,39.81881666666666,spk_0,the faster you go then it gets more dangerous. +894,39.835816666666666,39.8795,spk_0,"So trying to encapsulate that in this like that was kind of where I was like," +895,39.879666666666665,39.91816666666666,spk_0,"stay on track, but I, I didn't like it either." +896,39.92815,39.92881666666667,spk_0,You +897,39.93116666666667,39.9385,spk_0,"-- just +-- open" +898,39.94266666666667,39.943,spk_3,the +899,39.94766666666666,39.94865,spk_3,door +900,39.95133333333333,39.95166666666667,spk_3,for +901,39.95433333333333,39.95583333333333,spk_3,NASCAR +902,39.96383333333333,39.97748333333333,spk_3,Partnership. +903,39.99283333333333,40.059666666666665,spk_3,Hey NASCAR goes fast and turns left because it get loud. +904,40.11615,40.12048333333333,spk_4,"So," +905,40.13933333333333,40.143816666666666,spk_1,Ricky +906,40.15083333333333,40.16215,spk_1,demograph. +907,40.17633333333333,40.18181666666667,spk_0,So yeah. +908,40.181983333333335,40.234,spk_0,"So I don't think I like that one and then I think between these two," +909,40.23416666666667,40.28533333333333,spk_0,"I like move fast with confidence, but I don't like the," +910,40.29031666666667,40.327983333333336,spk_0,the verbiage of it because it doesn't have parody. +911,40.33016666666666,40.34931666666667,spk_0,So that's where I think. +912,40.35866666666666,40.37798333333333,spk_2,"Do you wanna add," +913,40.38198333333333,40.42533333333333,spk_2,maybe we can add high confidence or more +914,40.4255,40.464333333333336,spk_2,confidence at the end of your first statement. +915,40.4645,40.48866666666667,spk_2,So it kind of combines +916,40.50265,40.5385,spk_2,"all of it. So more speed, less risk," +917,40.55,40.55083333333333,spk_2,high +918,40.554833333333335,40.562666666666665,spk_2,"confidence," +919,40.57298333333333,40.575833333333335,spk_2,confidence +920,40.57781666666666,40.64398333333333,spk_2,"-- is kind +-- of overused. Anyway, like I see a lot of competitors and vendors using it." +921,40.64415,40.7125,spk_3,"I really like the first one just more speed, less risk. Bam no trade offs." +922,40.71266666666666,40.73598333333333,spk_3,"You know, just that how it is." +923,40.74848333333333,40.75516666666667,spk_3,Mm +924,40.766666666666666,40.78816666666667,spk_1,oh no trade offs. +925,40.81283333333333,40.847,spk_3,That's one of my go tos I love that one. +926,40.86283333333333,40.906983333333336,spk_3,"-- This, +-- this gets into the uh" +927,40.91565,40.93698333333333,spk_0,no trade offs. +928,40.94531666666666,40.94981666666666,spk_0,The en +929,40.95248333333333,41.013,spk_0,the engineering me says there's never no tradeoffs. +930,41.01833333333333,41.0685,spk_0,That's like saying like 100% secure. +931,41.07216666666667,41.11898333333333,spk_0,"Like this is why we always say mitigate, right? We always say like" +932,41.127,41.16766666666667,spk_0,risk or less risk. You never say no +933,41.181,41.2255,spk_0,"with messaging, right? I mean, not everything, you know," +934,41.23565,41.28766666666667,spk_3,"-- not +-- just more speed, less risk with confidence." +935,41.31581666666667,41.322833333333335,spk_4,Mm +936,41.367333333333335,41.37048333333333,spk_3,But +937,41.37233333333333,41.38016666666667,spk_3,"yeah," +938,41.41515,41.43066666666667,spk_4,more speed. +939,41.47283333333333,41.52633333333333,spk_4,The Ricky Bobby and me really did like the no trade offs there. Parker. +940,41.542,41.60016666666667,spk_0,"-- Oh, is that was that from? +-- Uh no, but it could have been." +941,41.60033333333333,41.656983333333336,spk_4,"It's something Ricky Bobby would have said if anyone hasn't seen Talladega Nights," +942,41.65715,41.693666666666665,spk_4,"-- they should, that's +-- the homework for this weekend" +943,41.707816666666666,41.7095,spk_3,to come back +944,41.71783333333333,41.721,spk_3,and +945,41.72348333333333,41.76433333333333,spk_3,we talk about it on Monday in our little social. +946,41.77425,41.79273333333333,spk_0,I often say +947,41.79825,41.85241666666667,spk_0,thank you little £8.05 ounce baby +948,41.857083333333335,41.87623333333333,spk_0,with the golden diapers. +949,41.88558333333334,41.929233333333336,spk_0,I say that so often that I just think everybody has seen +950,41.9294,41.98056666666667,spk_0,Talladega Nights but then I realize that people that haven't are like +951,41.982416666666666,42.00275,spk_0,is really weird. +952,42.0049,42.012566666666665,spk_0,"And then," +953,42.018233333333335,42.05791666666666,spk_4,and then next week we'll watch Step Brothers. +954,42.065583333333336,42.11591666666666,spk_4,"-- That's another great one. So much room for +-- activities." +955,42.1435,42.23198333333333,spk_0,"Ok. Um I'm gonna go with uh more speed, less risk and" +956,42.235166666666665,42.24831666666667,spk_0,um +957,42.25933333333333,42.32566666666666,spk_0,I think this is due at the end of the day. So any additional thoughts +958,42.3295,42.35215,spk_0,I'm actually gonna un tag. +959,42.37315,42.406983333333336,spk_3,"It's strong. All those are, you know," +960,42.41866666666667,42.42415,spk_3,cool. +961,42.426833333333335,42.441316666666665,spk_3,"-- Those +-- are good." +962,42.44898333333333,42.458666666666666,spk_0,Awesome. +963,42.45883333333333,42.53315,spk_0,"Well, uh, this was kind of fun to do a little bit of like working together session" +964,42.53516666666667,42.54881666666667,spk_0,"and, uh," +965,42.56548333333333,42.57315,spk_0,"keep it," +966,42.589333333333336,42.60248333333333,spk_0,keep it rocking. +967,42.64098333333333,42.67048333333334,spk_3,Good to see everybody. See you soon. diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/transcribe-job2024-mar-07-08-35-pm.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/transcribe-job2024-mar-07-08-35-pm.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..13920c9a3ab0b9dc8b615635516c8c0fa9e3b47e --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/transcribe-job2024-mar-07-08-35-pm.csv @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +speaker_label,start_time,end_time,text +spk_0,0.00015,7.12625,"I am one of the directors in Wappingers Central School District. I love seeing so many cameras on. So as Im talking, I see um its, its like lights flickering and more faces are appearing and um so excited to have so many of our Wappingers Central School District students joining us today. So I am gonna be hopping back and forth between our screens, but I did want to um just share a little bit about what this presentation is. Were going to go ahead and we are going to record this session. So, um Im going to go ahead and ask Louise as Im talking to get that started, that will allow any of our students who werent able to log in or if you wanna go back at a later date, just to review some of the information our speaker shared. I will be posting this information on our website. We also are gonna be um this will be live streamed on our youtube website. So thats another place that you can go to view this, this information. So again, this is called Our Career Zoom Health Series and this is session one of of, well, lets see, I think we have all the way through June scheduled. So we um are looking forward to doing that. So I dont have access to go to the next slide. But if Louise you want to go to the next slide for me, I will um just explain this partnership that developed organically. So we have two systems from the education realm. So obviously myself from Wapping Central school district is here and also Dutchess Community College will is on the call and worked collaboratively to bring this together. And in addition, we have the workforce Investment board and the Workforce Development Institute from New York State that the four of us work together. And we will be bringing into as youll see today, local and regional employers to bring some insights to you about the health care field. So Ill introduce everyone to you if we go to the next slide. So again, myself, Amy Watkins and then um Mary Jane Bertram, if you want to wave on the screen, everyone can see who you are. She is coming to us as the regional director from the Workforce Development Institute through New York State. Lorraine Koutz is from workforce development uh liaison and shes coming to us from the Duchess Community College. So, hello, Lorraine and obviously um the mastermind that brought and invited us to take part in this is Doctor Louise mclaughlin. And um she is the executive Director for Duchess County Workforce Investment Board So we were really thrilled to have these ladies with us working on this together and then our speakers for today, uh Doctor mclaughlin is gonna be talking to you first about an overview of the employment opportunities in our region. So thats always important to know what is out there um Before you pursue and put a lot of money into a career. If there are no jobs coming in that area, we also have Lane Belmonte coming to us to provide the employer perspective and she is the director of Human Resources from Premier Medical Group. So, hello, Laney and Karen Ingham is uh gonna be talking about education planning. So she has many, many hats that she wears at Dutchess Community College. Shes the department chair and assistant professor. She um is it leads the Department of Allied Health and Biological Sciences and also program chair, clinical laboratory technician and phlebotomy. So that is a mouthful. So thank you for joining us, Karen. So just a little bit of how, how we got here through this zoom. Um What the purpose of this is and I I sort of touched on this, but this is an opportunity for you our students to ask questions, to learn more about the health care profession, to see if it is a good fit for you before you do invest money um into an expensive college uh decision. And from here, I just wanted to go over this the next slide and just to give you a background that I um worked with three of our science teachers in the district to help put together, we developed a survey. We had over 310 of our students respond, which is really exciting. Um And they gave us some questions that they would like answered from the health care profession. And weve designed these series to give you information, but also allow you time like the last 15 minutes. Um And maybe a little bit longer if you have more questions for you to ask some questions at the end for our speakers. So just a little bit of housekeeping information are actually 1 to 2 and um each month. So we have these scheduled each month, theyre gonna be the third Wednesday, as I mentioned. Um And theyre gonna begin from 1230 to 115. We chose Wednesday because those are our virtual days and your instruction has has let out. So um we wanted to, to make this accessible as possible. And as many of you have already started to do your um the housekeeping pieces on the next screen are going to be um everyone is on mute as you can tell unless youre the speaker and that just cuts down on the extra background noise. So that is why everyone will be on mute. Um We want your camera to be on, this is your chance to make a connection with professionals. So you do wanna be um showing us your face and, and letting us know and getting used to that. This is uh right now, this is how we are connecting with, with professionals in our area because its the safest way to, to do that. Um When we cant be in person, you will have access to and I will be monitoring the chat once we get going. Um So you can ask questions and we will um be starting with our first poll because we wanna know a little bit more about who is on this call today. How many from, um, you know what grade youre in? Maybe youre a parent. So youll see pop up on your screen. Its gonna ask you what grade youre in or if youre a guidance counselor or a teacher, um, just go ahead and you can see live as the results start to pop in. So were pretty excited to see this. Weve got, um, almost, we have 66% of everybody voted. Um, and it does seem like, um, which makes sense that the, the, the, the highest number is coming from our 11th and 12th graders. Um, if at any point during this, um, you do have questions or afterwards you get a question and youre, youre wondering about, please dont hesitate. You see my emails come in. If you havent seen my emails, theyre probably in your junk folder. So definitely look for my name and, and try to find them, but without further ado, we looks like we have a great group of individuals here today, um uh that have joined us the majority being 11th and 12th graders, which is absolutely perfect. So were gonna kick it off. I am going to turn it over to Doctor mclaughlin and shes gonna give you an overview of what those employment opportunities look like in our region. So, thank you, Doctor mclaughlin." +spk_1,7.320833333333334,12.733833333333333,"Sorry, I put my face off screen and then I couldnt find the mute button. Um All right. So Im gonna just give you a little overview of sort of like what the numbers are in terms of employment um in general, in our five county regions. So not just Dutchess County, but the counties that touch our borders which are Ulster County, Orange, Putnam. And then um we dont really want to forget Westchester County because its just below Putnam South of us and theres a lot of job opportunities there. Um Were seeing um consistent job growth in health care over the past um five years. And if you look at the top industries in the region, they, the number one industry is health care uh along with social assistance and then government and retail, um the largest um healthcare employer shouldnt surprise you is the hospitals, but theres a lot of other employers throughout the county. So were gonna look at two kind of clusters. We, we kind of look at occupations, we can look at them individually, but we can also look them in groups and we call them like clusters. So theres 15 health care support occupations that I pulled some data for and theyre listed on the side. They started with home health aids, personal care aides and so on. And when youre looking to see, you know about um like what job opportunities are there, you kind of look to the job postings. So um this job supply right now is at about 48,000 650. And compensation here is um about 30 1000 a year, almost 32,000. And a lot of these are your entry level jobs. Um You know, where you might want to start in, in health care. And then if you look down, I also included the um the average wage nationally just so that you would have that as sort of a point to, to look at. And then this data came from um Bureau of Labor Statistics and from um uh this organization called MC. Then when we look at um the skills that you need, the, we talk about hard skills and soft skills. So the hard skills are what you get from like a training provider from a school and you might end up with a certificate, um you know, with, with some of these. So their, their certificates in, you know, like home care. So when theres job postings, they all they list in the posting sort of what theyre looking for. So these are the things that these top jobs and the frequency that theyre looking for. So theyre looking for home care, caregiving people that can do meal planning and preparation of nutrition, stuff, personal care, um nursing, CPR uh medical assistance, um daily activities, life activities, rehabilitation, and phlebotomy. And then we look at um next we go to, we look at soft skills. So before I do this, I want to ask you a question. So Im gonna launch a pulp and this question is for students only. So please select the answer that that best fits you. So I am currently working. Dont click that until you read a little bit more. Um Ive had a job in the past. Ive had participated in an internship and then theres some combination. So I currently have a job and Ive done an internship, Ive had a job in the past and Ive done an internship, Ive not had a job, but Im interested in working. Ive not had an internship, internship, but Im interested in internship and Ive not had a job or internship but am interested in both or none of the above. If youre not sure what this is about, thats OK too because well explain more as we go through the series, Ill give it another 20 seconds or so. OK. Five more seconds. OK. OK. So just sharing the results. So people can kind of see where everybodys at. OK. All right. So the reason I asked the question is if you look at the, the top common skills, OK, there are skills like communication, um compassion, customer service is a big one. Scheduling, clerical work, management, cleanliness, computer literacy, detail oriented. These are all skills that you can acquire in an internship or in really almost any part time job because these are the, the just the general skills that you need just to be able to work, go to work, be part of a team. Um, you know, report well with a supervisor, work well with management and so on. And then youll notice too that theres a valid drivers license. A lot of these, you know, they like you to drive. So if you, you know, if youre inclined to drive and you can have an opportunity to learn, um, it would be good to get a license if you can. Um, so where, where are these folks working? Where are the people in these healthcare support occupations, working within the industry? So if you go to um, a hospital youll see 12% of the workers there are, are in the healthcare support occupations, in a nursing care facility. Its more like 40%. Home health care services is the same around 37%. And then in offices of physicians its 18%. And in dentist its 33% and someone raised their hands. Mm. Do you wanna unmute + and do you have" +spk_0,12.736500000000001,12.967316666666667,"something. Yeah, go ahead and ask your question. Im not sure who FBI is, but go ahead. They might wanna think about it or they hit it by accident. Ok. No + problem." +spk_1,12.975166666666667,14.981150000000001,"Ok. All right. So Im gonna do another quick call here. I hope. Sorry, Im not the best with, sorry. Oh my. What was that accurate? Sorry about that. All right. So wed like to know if you want more information on these healthcare support occupations. So Im gonna launch the poll and then we have the list on the side of uh which occupations these are. So were just curious to see if you want more information. If youre not sure its OK too. OK. Ill give you five more seconds just to share the results. Ok. So, you know, for the people that are, yes, well definitely be having people come in and talk about their experience working in these jobs. How they got trained with the day in the life is um and for people that arent sure you may just wanna like tune in to see um whats, whats what with that? Um And then the other cluster were gonna look at are the 56 health care practitioners and technical occupations. Were looking at the same five county region and it goes anywhere from, you know, acupuncturists to, you know, folks working um um like veteran veterinarians and vet techs. Um I think Amy, did you wanna Doctor Watkins? Did you want to speak to this a little. Absolutely. + So again, we dont expect that youre going to remember the list." +spk_0,14.981333333333334,16.513916666666667,"Um And they can get confusing between the difference of the health care practitioners and the technical occupations and the support um health care positions that were in the previous slide. So youll, youll, Ill be posting these, like I said on the web page. But whats important is in the next slide. Uh Doctor mclaughlin is going to be talking about the difference in the salaries. And I think what youre gonna be hearing from the different speakers that we have throughout the series is that there isnt just one path that you can take to get to any of these, some of these can be foundational or you can use them um to build up for other positions. So you dont always have to just say Im going to school to be a doctor and do all the schooling and then become a doctor. You could start in any one of those support professions, get some experience, get some money and be going to school at the same time. So its always good to understand how those two two fields and, and how those salaries are weighing out and just to point to the internships as well, and we can continue to talk about this is that through the, through the school district, we offer work based learning and internships will um earn you credit. Um So one, you can take work based learning as an 11th grader and as 12th grader. So youll, you would earn two individual credits if you did it both years. And part of that could be through either a part time job in any one of these fields to help you get experience, which is great. Um, for when youre applying to colleges, you can have practical talking points, but also you can" +spk_1,16.533066666666667,16.541083333333333,stop it. +spk_0,16.568316666666668,16.84665,"Sorry. Um But also um you would have to please make sure youre on mute. Ill take care of that. Um So you want to um make sure that you have access to work based learning just to learn a little bit more about the internships too. Ok, Ill turn it back over." +spk_1,16.86015,17.2683,"Ok, great. Thank you. So if we um if we look at the the job supply, theres plenty of jobs over 50,000. Um the compensation, the um the median is 84,900. So almost 85,000, you have to remember too. We saw that wide range went from. How much money do you guys make?" +spk_0,17.326483333333332,17.40716666666667,"Well, well let doctor mclaughlin continue and then well have time for questions afterwards." +spk_1,17.415000000000003,19.99816666666667,"Thank you. Um When were, when were looking at these numbers, we have to realize that um you know, the meeting is that number in the middle. If you look down at the bottom, youll see the averages, thats kind of everything added together and then averaged out. So it, theres a, probably a little bit of a bigger range here, but this gives you sort of an idea of what, what, you know, the salaries that, that could be made in these jobs. And then, you know, you may wanna know where, where you might work if you were a healthcare prac practitioner or you had one of those um tech jobs. So 50 in the hospital, 56% of the workers there will be um health care practice commissioners or like a tech person in a physicians office. Youre looking 43% of them nursing care facilities, skilled nursing facilities, thats 27%. Health and personal care stores is 37% and outpatient care centers is 40% and well, well look again here. Now youll see these hard skills are, you know, just so theres, theres a lot more involved in it. So theres more college in many of these, especially like nursing. Um you still have your basic life support, but now you get advanced life support. Um They like theyre looking for people that work in pediatrics with Children intensive care units, surgery, um emergency departments, acute care and medical surgical, nursing. So those are all um skills that theyre looking for. And then, but whats so interesting is if you look at those, the soft skills, the common skills, they havent changed too much. You know, youre still looking at communication, youre looking at management, compassion, customer service, leadership these are all things that you learn at, at any job or any internship that youre doing. You may see that like management has moved up from um the previous slides where it was much lower. But now it, its still important. These are all skills that we need to do. Like planning um uh teaching problem solving. This is all stuff that you, you can do in school with being organized and getting things in on time and, and all of that and what I wanna do a quick poll here to see whos interested. Lets see. So if you would like more information on um this 56 clusters youre gonna put. Um Yes, if you dont, its no. And if youre not sure, then you could, you not sure. Give me 10 seconds." +spk_0,20.080316666666665,20.119666666666667,Seems like it of interest. +spk_1,20.12815,20.304333333333332,"Yes. So thats great to see. Share the results. So yes, there is a lot of interest there. Thats terrific. Great. Ok." +spk_0,20.313983333333333,20.928483333333336,"Ok. So next, I would like to introduce you. Our, our speaker from Premier Medical Group. This is Laney Belmonte. She is going to provide you with the employer perspective. Um As I said, shes the director of Human Resources. So thinking through what would a potential employer be looking for. So go ahead, Laney. Oh, she might be on mute. Think you might be on mute. Laney, I can meet you. There you go." +spk_2,20.933333333333334,25.790983333333333,"Hows that? Ok. So hello everyone. Im glad to see so many of you interested in health care. Um I work in human resources at Premier Medical Group. And uh one of the things we do in human resources is we hire people. Um So in that premiere, we have many different uh types of health care positions from those support positions that we were talking about um through to many of the technical positions. And one of the questions we might ask someone, you know, in an interview when theyre interviewing for a job is what led you to the career of being in health care. So I wanna talk to you about reasons you might think you want to be in health care. So one reason is you like working with people um or youre very compassionate and you, you like caring for people. Uh or you like science, youve enjoyed your science classes, you like uh the research involved, youre very analytical. Um you like to solve problems. Uh That might be another reason why job stability, there is a lot of job stability in health care. Um People are gonna continue to have Children and babies. Um Unfortunately, illnesses um are inevitable. Uh So theres, theres always gonna be a need for that personal care. Uh and health care workers, our population is growing. So um with, with the growing population, uh the demand for health care workers is increasing. So many health care positions are well paid um as the demand increases for healthcare workers typically. So do the, the, the salaries, health care careers are really diverse. You can, uh go into just general medicine. Uh, you can choose to go into a specialty. Uh, you know, here at premiere, we have many specialties, uh, you know, on the slide here it says foot, mouth, heart lungs. So a podiatrist is someone who specializes with feet. A cardiologist would specialize with, um, with issues of the heart. Uh Then theres also the administrative and management side. So we have medical billing people that are, they, theyre not clinical people who are doing hands on uh patient care, but theyre still in health care and they do uh billing or marketing or human resources. So theres, theres other admin of options in health care as well. So the the good news is theres lots of choices, there are many choices in the field of health care. Uh Some that require 1 to 2 years of advanced study after high school. Uh Some that might require uh four years of study or, or more and typically your, your income will increase the more education you have. So what can you guys do now to prepare for a career in health care? One is to finish high school, get your diploma. So thats, thats the first thing that you need to do. Um start doing some research, Google stuff. Look online, talk to your guidance counselors, talk to your parents, um perhaps talk to a healthcare professional whos doing the job, find out what their day to day is like, what they like, what they dislike. Um Those are all things that you can do to sort of explore this, this um this field of study and try to gain some experience. There might be some internships out there. Uh Oftentimes you can shadow a health care professional. Um Weve done that here. Ive had a couple of people come through here and uh just come in for a day and shadow someone to see what its like to work uh in a particular uh position. Um We also have hired people just for summer jobs, you know, so you get a flavor of, you know, what its like to even be in the healthcare environment. Uh Theres some volunteer opportunities. Uh Sometimes the nursing homes in the hospitals have volunteer hos uh opportunities. So, um so the good news is, its, its very diverse. Um Healthcare can be a really rewarding career. Um I have a couple of resources here that uh I just want you to take a quick look at because this, this could be part of your research. Um Louise, if you can, you click on that first link" +spk_0,25.904166666666665,26.092666666666666,and Laney while were waiting for Louise to bring up that page. A question came in from Rebecca asking if theres um um uh a minimum age that you need to be in order to do shadowing. +spk_2,26.12933333333333,26.292983333333332,"So, uh we typically have uh I would say you know, 17, probably 17 and above." +spk_0,26.314316666666667,26.333333333333332,"Great, great." +spk_2,26.353483333333333,27.068316666666664,"Uh So this is uh US news and its best health care jobs. These are more of those technical jobs that we were looking at before. Uh th those that typically require more education. So you can see well just for, you know, demonstration purposes. Um You can see, uh Im sorry, Louise, the poll is still showing up on my screen. Is there a way to maybe I can just click it off. Thank you. I have it. I got it. So I think Louise is still putting up the, um, the link. I know sometimes its a little" +spk_1,27.0875,27.16365,"switch back and forth but were waiting for her to do that. Can you describe + shadowing a little bit?" +spk_0,27.163816666666666,27.2135,Um Some of our students arent familiar with that term. +spk_2,27.21848333333333,29.664483333333333,"Sure. So shadowing is where you, you might come in. Um, maybe youre gonna shadow another medical assistant for the day. Uh You might sit and talk with her and find out what shes doing whether shes doing something in the computer. Um, you know, in health care theres um, theres privacy issues with patients so there might be limited. Um, you know, it may be limited in terms of what you are able to know about a patient, but you can get a sense of, you know, follow them around, see what theyre doing, watch them take a blood pressure, um, you know, watch them, uh do vital signs, things of that nature. So the, uh, the resource thats there. There we go. So this is the one that has more technical jobs. Um, if we look down a little bit, you see the number one, these are, uh, the technical jobs that are ranked, you know, dentist is ranked number one, a physician assistant, number two. but what I wanna point out is one, itll describe a little bit about what that job is. If you click on the read more and then, uh, Louise, if you could just go down just a little bit and the o just up a little bit, there we go right there. Um, oh, I think it was on the first, the first page. Maybe go just that one. Ok. So you can see there on the right hand side, it will say the number of projected jobs in that field. So for example, physician assistant, it says theres 37,000 projected jobs. The median salary is 100 and 8000 and change. The education required is a masters degree. So this is a quick resource that you can use to look at different kinds of jobs. Get a sense of how much schooling youd have to do, how many jobs are out there in that field. And whats the salary. So, um, um, the second link and, and you, you can either pull that up or if its being difficult, Louise, I can just speak to it. Um, the other link thats on the first page." +spk_1,29.6855,29.842816666666668,"Can, can you see it? Did it change for you guys? If not, Ill stop sharing with you. You have to stop in the beach here. Let me of the three share." +spk_2,29.915333333333333,30.072816666666665,So uh this is another link from US news. Now this is more those the support positions uh that we were talking about. So these typical. diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/transcribe-job2024-mar-08-04-47-pm.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/transcribe-job2024-mar-08-04-47-pm.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..79c89c75de441846f5b207780e51c8f047f2b895 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/transcribe-job2024-mar-08-04-47-pm.csv @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +speaker_label,start_time,end_time,text +spk_0,0.021150000000000002,0.6453333333333333,"And were live. Welcome everybody yet another weekly call for the new DS architecture design workflow. Um We, we have a one entry for now in the agenda. Uh Patrick, he wants to thank Carry for creating that issue um to investigate alternative solutions for syntax highlighting. She started very good questions as threads and he has left initial thoughts on it that may help investigation. Please feel free to share yours as well. I havent, I havent caught up yet. Uh Does anybody here that has any thoughts on this uh" +spk_1,0.6513333333333333,0.9728166666666667,topic? I I left the answers as well. So uh I think we can continue the discussion as synchronously on this topic. Uh Thank you Patrick and Carry for the discussion there. +spk_0,1.0094833333333333,1.8626666666666667,"OK. I think its interesting to get to the bottom of, of these questions especially um as were considering other ways of um getting that um information and prioritizing using different priorities, especially once we are loading the initial prioritized files or changed paths. Um We could make uh those come highlighted already, but then the rest of them could come non highlighted and then we can defer that to a later point in time based on user interaction, it would be really good if that is in fact affecting the time that it would get us there. Um And if it turns out, oh, sorry, go ahead." +spk_2,1.8911666666666667,2.1651666666666665,"Even if it turns out like this is like, you know, a red herring or a blind alley. Um just take a few minutes to document our thoughts or, you know, the state of the state of the tech today. Um That can be important for uh where the process is an + artifact." +spk_0,2.190166666666667,3.827316666666667,"For sure. It will, it will indeed. Um There is an open question in my mind that Im not sure if weve already addressed and especially in what language or technologies offer a superior performance is that when were, when we were working with um code intelligence uh implementation, we were using a specific file format to give in to giving that information to the front end. Uh Or, or I think that uh the LSF files. Um So the question here is whether theres any way to get the highlighting information to the front end without having to parrot the content of the files. If theres any way to give, send an annotated, annotated version of the Sinta version, sorry Sinha information. You could have the front end highlight the con that it already knows. Um So um yeah, just something Ill, Ill have my thoughts there and I think thats the best way, make sure that we keep the discussion with the relevant information. So since we didnt have an agenda, I was brainstorming and I think we can have a better use of our time. Um Anything anything else on this point that anybody wants to raise? Right. So lets continue discussion of sequence. Um Apart from that, anything else um that people have on their minds, questions, thoughts, things we should look into." +spk_3,3.8578333333333332,4.687,"Ill just give a small update that Im still documenting all the features that we have. So Im basically splitting this and into two dimensions. One dimension is the type of uh d that we have. It can be a code D, image de file D or just like a change path de. Um And also another dimension is which technology we are using. So is it magic quest tips which are using view files or is it Hamel template? Because the feature sets are a little bit different there. For example, the Hamel version has a toggle where you can switch between highlighted and raw file, which we dont have in the DS. So" +spk_0,4.700483333333334,5.592650000000001,"doing that, can you have a link to the issue? Uh I know we have an issue for it. I just cant find it at the moment in the, its definitely worth worthwhile. So thanks for doing that. Um The other thing II, I think we still have several uh open issues to take care of stuff like the definition of done and everything. So uh I know this or at least for me as a manager. This is a busy week for um because of assessments and everything, but it would be nice to get some movement there um on getting those issues closed by committing those changes to the documentation. And remember, we can always iterate, can always add more information later if we need to. Ok. Uh Just to have a point." +spk_4,5.621316666666667,6.040983333333333,"Yeah, I just wanted to kind of give an update on our end. Um The GLY side, were gonna start moving forward with the changes we discussed uh last week for um supporting uh page nated DS. Um So its kind of a re architecture of our G service. So if anyone has any other feedback, um they can put it in that issue. Um But I think were gonna start moving forward and implementing and just kind of seeing what its gonna look like and iterating on that." +spk_0,6.08315,6.213166666666667,"Thanks just, and, and just for clarity, it will be in it. It wont change any existing R PC. It will create new ones, is that it?" +spk_4,6.224166666666666,6.828166666666666,"Yes. Correct. Yes. So were gonna leave everything as is and then were gonna um add in two new RP CS. One thats kind of that fetches information about what the diff is gonna shape of the diff. And then the other one to actually diff a diff blobs um that the client would call in succession and we are exploring. Um This was mentioned uh last week too about potentially batching a series of, of files like batches of files. Um We are exploring that, that will require upstream changes. So that might be an additional R PC in the future as an optimization we can make." +spk_0,6.891333333333334,7.148166666666667,"Thats definitely interesting. Just so uh Im clear as well um for this to have an impact in the product, the code base needs to get updated to use the new RP CS. Are we the only ones leveraging these or will other parts of the product leverage these as + well?" +spk_4,7.169333333333333,7.693333333333333,"Um There is a couple other small areas that are using the uh existing commit DIR PC uh if I remember correctly. Um But definitely, yeah, I believe yall are the main use case for this, this R PC. So and so uh ideally, wed want to convert over uh at some point and maybe potentially eventually move everyone over and phase out the old one. Well see. Uh just this, the existing one does not scale well um with the shape of the repository as it gets larger." +spk_0,7.71965,8.623816666666666,"OK. Um I think its important to discuss this a little bit here because the time frame for this effort, what we were anticipating is having the blueprint published in the quarter four and then having some sort of implementation kick off within quarter one, which does not preclude us from exploring integrating these improvements in the code base before that. Um If it definitely gets the benefits, this would be implementation between rails and, and galley. Um, but if we think that that time is better invested in building the new discs in quarter one, then well have a discussion at that moment. But, um, I think its important to keep us in, in the loop of whats happening. I dont know how long this will take. If its a milestone work or like you said, the upstream changes will take a little bit longer but keep us posted and then we will, well adjust and well talk about prioritizing any adjustments." +spk_4,8.643650000000001,8.662666666666667,OK. Sounds good. +spk_0,8.680983333333334,8.725333333333333,Awesome anymore. +spk_1,8.752983333333333,8.980666666666668,Just a quick question about the gli limitation. Yeah. Uh Do we have a region already? The idea of how we do we want to implement it or is it still being discussed? +spk_4,9.006499999999999,10.258333333333333,"We have a pretty good idea of, of how we want to implement it. Um There, theres already, I can remember what the name of the R PC thats kind of similar for the, the first part. Basically, youre gonna call the client would, would, would call Gidley and get a, a summary of all the, the changes that are going to happen. Like all the file paths with their associated blog before and after um for the D and then with that information, the client would sequentially uh call or just follow up with uh calls for um a diff blobs R PC and provide the before and after blob and then it would just return ad per per file basically, and that allows us to scale better. Um, not have to do a one because on, on, even though it kind of looks like its page commit dips is page today. Really? On the back end theres a single G process that gets spawned and computes the whole D and then just chunks it back to the client. And the problem is if that one G process takes too long or too expensive, if the whole thing times out, it just doesnt scale. And theres already example repositories that are causing time outs and were finding people have to increase their time outs to avoid this issue. Um So, yeah," +spk_1,10.26215,10.525166666666667,"I agree. I agree. And uh uh just for clarification, is it two RP CS or uh like the, the single or the first one you mentioned? Yeah. Its like metadata. Yeah, or something like this. Uh And, and then uh actual data. Yeah." +spk_4,10.534500000000001,10.7125,"Yes. Correct. It would be two separate RB CS. One thats um uh like I said, it kind of gives the summary and then the second one, it would be like D blobs would probably the name of it and just, just for each blob." +spk_1,10.7275,10.983833333333333,"Yeah. And the metadata R PC. Can it be pated as well? I mean, yeah, I can imagine that. Yeah, we can also have uh like a huge list of files. Yes. So we could, should apply PIN on PIN, right?" +spk_4,10.993316666666667,11.129166666666666,"Yeah, we could stream back a list of, of the actual uh metadata thats for the deaf. Yeah, we, we would pin that as well." +spk_1,11.145166666666666,11.198333333333332,Yeah. Makes sense. Thank you very much for information. +spk_0,11.248816666666666,12.961316666666667,"I think its, its pretty interesting. Uh because we, when you say metadata, initial metadata, we have encountered some edge cases when Im working in the Merger Quest stiffs. And one of them I Ill mention 21 of them was when oh gosh um with renames where the file path might not be as unique as we think. Because in the course of emerging quest, you can have multiple changes. They end up deleting a file, moving a different file to that path again. And I dont know how get resolves that. I, I know that there was an incident where an in an instance where we had a collision of file paths but different operations on those files, I cant remember exactly what the area was. So that was one and the other is that we already split the data into uh two requests to the back end on the merger quests. Uh One is for diffs metadata and that diffs metadata. I think its like interesting because I dont know if it will match what were getting from Gidley. But a lot of it we used to um compile like or just generate the statistics here on the top the counts of files and all that stuff. We use that depth gifs metadata to generate the file tree here on the left uh And this is the information that comes to the diffs metadata endpoint. Again, this is not a public api this is just an internal thing were using at the moment, but it does allow us to start rendering the, the U I for the, for the diff, right? It doesnt have the lines, just the information of each files. Is this something what youre looking to implement Justin similar?" +spk_4,12.972333333333333,13.81865,"Um Probably uh I think its uh its gonna be a variation of this R PC because theres the line numbers, the added line numbers and uh uh deleted line numbers. Thats another R PC. I think its like dip stats or something like that. And basically, but yes, we, we wanna do an extension of, of the R PC that presents this information. II, I cant remember the name right now. Um But I, I think this RP doesnt do rename detection right now and uh we need to extend it to do rename detection. Um Just to clarify one thing that you mentioned earlier. Are you did, did you say that you guys also um do additional like modification of the discs to determine rename detection on your end or? Um Thats a good + question." +spk_0,13.841483333333334,13.897483333333334,I dont know what we do because Igor +spk_1,13.910983333333332,14.12465,"I hope we dont. Yeah, because it would be like uh consume like memory, like uh resource consuming information. I think so, I hope we dont do it like this." +spk_0,14.136833333333334,14.312316666666668,"Yeah, I dont know, carry do you know if we do anything? But after we get the information from Gley for renaming what we need to talk to that." +spk_2,14.326816666666668,14.365666666666668,"I dont, Im sorry. Could you repeat the + question?" +spk_0,14.368,14.863,"Yes, Ill repeat. Do we do anything to the data we get from Gidley to detect renaming and uh like file clashes and stuff like that? Because we mentioned both before, I think Thomas worked on something about uh renamed files. The mode of operation that were being done to those files was slightly different. I cant remember exactly the scenario but the question then is, do we just get information from giddily and present it to the front end or do we do some operations to detect special cases? I + dont" +spk_2,14.865316666666667,14.912316666666667,"recall us doing anything on our side, on the real side." +spk_0,14.934666666666667,15.03815,"A look and then, yeah. OK. Yeah, thatd be great because then that + could be interesting." +spk_1,15.058833333333332,15.969483333333333,"Probably some additional additional like conditions were involved, something like binary data, something like this. Uh I also remember something uh like that Thomas investigated something like this. But uh yeah, also I dont remember the details, the details and regarding the des uh metadata, Ive noticed that uh we catch a lot. Yeah, when um when I see in the performance bar, um this metadata doesnt call any, doesnt perform any GLY calls and we probably like cash it and then uh like do it using SKR calls. And uh but at the same time when I compare with another version. Yeah, I see a git call but it d starts and as far as I remember D starts, uh, returns file names or something like this or, or maybe not. But" +spk_0,16.005333333333333,18.150333333333332,"yeah, and probably still makes sense to have a separate R PC for just the two stats for sure. Because you might want to get the blobs but not render that particular part of the U I. Yeah. So, yeah. Um cool. I just wanted to raise it just in case that wasnt known because its not a public api its just something that we internally use for the merger quest again. Doesnt mean that the new Ds will follow the same approach might be slightly different because it needs to account for other cases. All right. Um Thanks for looking into that. Uh Anything anything else you wanna talk about? Theres still the topic of the timing of the A P A call that it seems like it didnt happen last week as well. Um But I have some ideas. Um So my idea is to potentially oscillate between, I Ill add a point to the agenda, discussing timing of the way back go. Uh instead of oscillating between now and a very much uh later time come up with some al alternate time where its a bit closer for all of us to participate in Europe, but include Patrick, which would be a bit earlier, even if that excludes carry every other week. Um But I feel like were, we have a very highly engaged member that is not being able to make the same calls and, and that worries me a little bit. So I know that we are doing a good job keeping things as synchronously going. But uh and I thank everybody for the patience, but Ill uh Ill discuss it on slack again. Try to come up with a better timing uh to isolate between. Thanks for the thumbs up. Carry that. So now, cool. Any other thoughts, questions? If not, I can give you some time back. All right, thats a thumbs up. Um, thank you so much. Um, and, uh, see you around on another call." diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/transcribe-job2024-mar-08-10-59-am.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/transcribe-job2024-mar-08-10-59-am.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..13920c9a3ab0b9dc8b615635516c8c0fa9e3b47e --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/transcribe-job2024-mar-08-10-59-am.csv @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +speaker_label,start_time,end_time,text +spk_0,0.00015,7.12625,"I am one of the directors in Wappingers Central School District. I love seeing so many cameras on. So as Im talking, I see um its, its like lights flickering and more faces are appearing and um so excited to have so many of our Wappingers Central School District students joining us today. So I am gonna be hopping back and forth between our screens, but I did want to um just share a little bit about what this presentation is. Were going to go ahead and we are going to record this session. So, um Im going to go ahead and ask Louise as Im talking to get that started, that will allow any of our students who werent able to log in or if you wanna go back at a later date, just to review some of the information our speaker shared. I will be posting this information on our website. We also are gonna be um this will be live streamed on our youtube website. So thats another place that you can go to view this, this information. So again, this is called Our Career Zoom Health Series and this is session one of of, well, lets see, I think we have all the way through June scheduled. So we um are looking forward to doing that. So I dont have access to go to the next slide. But if Louise you want to go to the next slide for me, I will um just explain this partnership that developed organically. So we have two systems from the education realm. So obviously myself from Wapping Central school district is here and also Dutchess Community College will is on the call and worked collaboratively to bring this together. And in addition, we have the workforce Investment board and the Workforce Development Institute from New York State that the four of us work together. And we will be bringing into as youll see today, local and regional employers to bring some insights to you about the health care field. So Ill introduce everyone to you if we go to the next slide. So again, myself, Amy Watkins and then um Mary Jane Bertram, if you want to wave on the screen, everyone can see who you are. She is coming to us as the regional director from the Workforce Development Institute through New York State. Lorraine Koutz is from workforce development uh liaison and shes coming to us from the Duchess Community College. So, hello, Lorraine and obviously um the mastermind that brought and invited us to take part in this is Doctor Louise mclaughlin. And um she is the executive Director for Duchess County Workforce Investment Board So we were really thrilled to have these ladies with us working on this together and then our speakers for today, uh Doctor mclaughlin is gonna be talking to you first about an overview of the employment opportunities in our region. So thats always important to know what is out there um Before you pursue and put a lot of money into a career. If there are no jobs coming in that area, we also have Lane Belmonte coming to us to provide the employer perspective and she is the director of Human Resources from Premier Medical Group. So, hello, Laney and Karen Ingham is uh gonna be talking about education planning. So she has many, many hats that she wears at Dutchess Community College. Shes the department chair and assistant professor. She um is it leads the Department of Allied Health and Biological Sciences and also program chair, clinical laboratory technician and phlebotomy. So that is a mouthful. So thank you for joining us, Karen. So just a little bit of how, how we got here through this zoom. Um What the purpose of this is and I I sort of touched on this, but this is an opportunity for you our students to ask questions, to learn more about the health care profession, to see if it is a good fit for you before you do invest money um into an expensive college uh decision. And from here, I just wanted to go over this the next slide and just to give you a background that I um worked with three of our science teachers in the district to help put together, we developed a survey. We had over 310 of our students respond, which is really exciting. Um And they gave us some questions that they would like answered from the health care profession. And weve designed these series to give you information, but also allow you time like the last 15 minutes. Um And maybe a little bit longer if you have more questions for you to ask some questions at the end for our speakers. So just a little bit of housekeeping information are actually 1 to 2 and um each month. So we have these scheduled each month, theyre gonna be the third Wednesday, as I mentioned. Um And theyre gonna begin from 1230 to 115. We chose Wednesday because those are our virtual days and your instruction has has let out. So um we wanted to, to make this accessible as possible. And as many of you have already started to do your um the housekeeping pieces on the next screen are going to be um everyone is on mute as you can tell unless youre the speaker and that just cuts down on the extra background noise. So that is why everyone will be on mute. Um We want your camera to be on, this is your chance to make a connection with professionals. So you do wanna be um showing us your face and, and letting us know and getting used to that. This is uh right now, this is how we are connecting with, with professionals in our area because its the safest way to, to do that. Um When we cant be in person, you will have access to and I will be monitoring the chat once we get going. Um So you can ask questions and we will um be starting with our first poll because we wanna know a little bit more about who is on this call today. How many from, um, you know what grade youre in? Maybe youre a parent. So youll see pop up on your screen. Its gonna ask you what grade youre in or if youre a guidance counselor or a teacher, um, just go ahead and you can see live as the results start to pop in. So were pretty excited to see this. Weve got, um, almost, we have 66% of everybody voted. Um, and it does seem like, um, which makes sense that the, the, the, the highest number is coming from our 11th and 12th graders. Um, if at any point during this, um, you do have questions or afterwards you get a question and youre, youre wondering about, please dont hesitate. You see my emails come in. If you havent seen my emails, theyre probably in your junk folder. So definitely look for my name and, and try to find them, but without further ado, we looks like we have a great group of individuals here today, um uh that have joined us the majority being 11th and 12th graders, which is absolutely perfect. So were gonna kick it off. I am going to turn it over to Doctor mclaughlin and shes gonna give you an overview of what those employment opportunities look like in our region. So, thank you, Doctor mclaughlin." +spk_1,7.320833333333334,12.733833333333333,"Sorry, I put my face off screen and then I couldnt find the mute button. Um All right. So Im gonna just give you a little overview of sort of like what the numbers are in terms of employment um in general, in our five county regions. So not just Dutchess County, but the counties that touch our borders which are Ulster County, Orange, Putnam. And then um we dont really want to forget Westchester County because its just below Putnam South of us and theres a lot of job opportunities there. Um Were seeing um consistent job growth in health care over the past um five years. And if you look at the top industries in the region, they, the number one industry is health care uh along with social assistance and then government and retail, um the largest um healthcare employer shouldnt surprise you is the hospitals, but theres a lot of other employers throughout the county. So were gonna look at two kind of clusters. We, we kind of look at occupations, we can look at them individually, but we can also look them in groups and we call them like clusters. So theres 15 health care support occupations that I pulled some data for and theyre listed on the side. They started with home health aids, personal care aides and so on. And when youre looking to see, you know about um like what job opportunities are there, you kind of look to the job postings. So um this job supply right now is at about 48,000 650. And compensation here is um about 30 1000 a year, almost 32,000. And a lot of these are your entry level jobs. Um You know, where you might want to start in, in health care. And then if you look down, I also included the um the average wage nationally just so that you would have that as sort of a point to, to look at. And then this data came from um Bureau of Labor Statistics and from um uh this organization called MC. Then when we look at um the skills that you need, the, we talk about hard skills and soft skills. So the hard skills are what you get from like a training provider from a school and you might end up with a certificate, um you know, with, with some of these. So their, their certificates in, you know, like home care. So when theres job postings, they all they list in the posting sort of what theyre looking for. So these are the things that these top jobs and the frequency that theyre looking for. So theyre looking for home care, caregiving people that can do meal planning and preparation of nutrition, stuff, personal care, um nursing, CPR uh medical assistance, um daily activities, life activities, rehabilitation, and phlebotomy. And then we look at um next we go to, we look at soft skills. So before I do this, I want to ask you a question. So Im gonna launch a pulp and this question is for students only. So please select the answer that that best fits you. So I am currently working. Dont click that until you read a little bit more. Um Ive had a job in the past. Ive had participated in an internship and then theres some combination. So I currently have a job and Ive done an internship, Ive had a job in the past and Ive done an internship, Ive not had a job, but Im interested in working. Ive not had an internship, internship, but Im interested in internship and Ive not had a job or internship but am interested in both or none of the above. If youre not sure what this is about, thats OK too because well explain more as we go through the series, Ill give it another 20 seconds or so. OK. Five more seconds. OK. OK. So just sharing the results. So people can kind of see where everybodys at. OK. All right. So the reason I asked the question is if you look at the, the top common skills, OK, there are skills like communication, um compassion, customer service is a big one. Scheduling, clerical work, management, cleanliness, computer literacy, detail oriented. These are all skills that you can acquire in an internship or in really almost any part time job because these are the, the just the general skills that you need just to be able to work, go to work, be part of a team. Um, you know, report well with a supervisor, work well with management and so on. And then youll notice too that theres a valid drivers license. A lot of these, you know, they like you to drive. So if you, you know, if youre inclined to drive and you can have an opportunity to learn, um, it would be good to get a license if you can. Um, so where, where are these folks working? Where are the people in these healthcare support occupations, working within the industry? So if you go to um, a hospital youll see 12% of the workers there are, are in the healthcare support occupations, in a nursing care facility. Its more like 40%. Home health care services is the same around 37%. And then in offices of physicians its 18%. And in dentist its 33% and someone raised their hands. Mm. Do you wanna unmute + and do you have" +spk_0,12.736500000000001,12.967316666666667,"something. Yeah, go ahead and ask your question. Im not sure who FBI is, but go ahead. They might wanna think about it or they hit it by accident. Ok. No + problem." +spk_1,12.975166666666667,14.981150000000001,"Ok. All right. So Im gonna do another quick call here. I hope. Sorry, Im not the best with, sorry. Oh my. What was that accurate? Sorry about that. All right. So wed like to know if you want more information on these healthcare support occupations. So Im gonna launch the poll and then we have the list on the side of uh which occupations these are. So were just curious to see if you want more information. If youre not sure its OK too. OK. Ill give you five more seconds just to share the results. Ok. So, you know, for the people that are, yes, well definitely be having people come in and talk about their experience working in these jobs. How they got trained with the day in the life is um and for people that arent sure you may just wanna like tune in to see um whats, whats what with that? Um And then the other cluster were gonna look at are the 56 health care practitioners and technical occupations. Were looking at the same five county region and it goes anywhere from, you know, acupuncturists to, you know, folks working um um like veteran veterinarians and vet techs. Um I think Amy, did you wanna Doctor Watkins? Did you want to speak to this a little. Absolutely. + So again, we dont expect that youre going to remember the list." +spk_0,14.981333333333334,16.513916666666667,"Um And they can get confusing between the difference of the health care practitioners and the technical occupations and the support um health care positions that were in the previous slide. So youll, youll, Ill be posting these, like I said on the web page. But whats important is in the next slide. Uh Doctor mclaughlin is going to be talking about the difference in the salaries. And I think what youre gonna be hearing from the different speakers that we have throughout the series is that there isnt just one path that you can take to get to any of these, some of these can be foundational or you can use them um to build up for other positions. So you dont always have to just say Im going to school to be a doctor and do all the schooling and then become a doctor. You could start in any one of those support professions, get some experience, get some money and be going to school at the same time. So its always good to understand how those two two fields and, and how those salaries are weighing out and just to point to the internships as well, and we can continue to talk about this is that through the, through the school district, we offer work based learning and internships will um earn you credit. Um So one, you can take work based learning as an 11th grader and as 12th grader. So youll, you would earn two individual credits if you did it both years. And part of that could be through either a part time job in any one of these fields to help you get experience, which is great. Um, for when youre applying to colleges, you can have practical talking points, but also you can" +spk_1,16.533066666666667,16.541083333333333,stop it. +spk_0,16.568316666666668,16.84665,"Sorry. Um But also um you would have to please make sure youre on mute. Ill take care of that. Um So you want to um make sure that you have access to work based learning just to learn a little bit more about the internships too. Ok, Ill turn it back over." +spk_1,16.86015,17.2683,"Ok, great. Thank you. So if we um if we look at the the job supply, theres plenty of jobs over 50,000. Um the compensation, the um the median is 84,900. So almost 85,000, you have to remember too. We saw that wide range went from. How much money do you guys make?" +spk_0,17.326483333333332,17.40716666666667,"Well, well let doctor mclaughlin continue and then well have time for questions afterwards." +spk_1,17.415000000000003,19.99816666666667,"Thank you. Um When were, when were looking at these numbers, we have to realize that um you know, the meeting is that number in the middle. If you look down at the bottom, youll see the averages, thats kind of everything added together and then averaged out. So it, theres a, probably a little bit of a bigger range here, but this gives you sort of an idea of what, what, you know, the salaries that, that could be made in these jobs. And then, you know, you may wanna know where, where you might work if you were a healthcare prac practitioner or you had one of those um tech jobs. So 50 in the hospital, 56% of the workers there will be um health care practice commissioners or like a tech person in a physicians office. Youre looking 43% of them nursing care facilities, skilled nursing facilities, thats 27%. Health and personal care stores is 37% and outpatient care centers is 40% and well, well look again here. Now youll see these hard skills are, you know, just so theres, theres a lot more involved in it. So theres more college in many of these, especially like nursing. Um you still have your basic life support, but now you get advanced life support. Um They like theyre looking for people that work in pediatrics with Children intensive care units, surgery, um emergency departments, acute care and medical surgical, nursing. So those are all um skills that theyre looking for. And then, but whats so interesting is if you look at those, the soft skills, the common skills, they havent changed too much. You know, youre still looking at communication, youre looking at management, compassion, customer service, leadership these are all things that you learn at, at any job or any internship that youre doing. You may see that like management has moved up from um the previous slides where it was much lower. But now it, its still important. These are all skills that we need to do. Like planning um uh teaching problem solving. This is all stuff that you, you can do in school with being organized and getting things in on time and, and all of that and what I wanna do a quick poll here to see whos interested. Lets see. So if you would like more information on um this 56 clusters youre gonna put. Um Yes, if you dont, its no. And if youre not sure, then you could, you not sure. Give me 10 seconds." +spk_0,20.080316666666665,20.119666666666667,Seems like it of interest. +spk_1,20.12815,20.304333333333332,"Yes. So thats great to see. Share the results. So yes, there is a lot of interest there. Thats terrific. Great. Ok." +spk_0,20.313983333333333,20.928483333333336,"Ok. So next, I would like to introduce you. Our, our speaker from Premier Medical Group. This is Laney Belmonte. She is going to provide you with the employer perspective. Um As I said, shes the director of Human Resources. So thinking through what would a potential employer be looking for. So go ahead, Laney. Oh, she might be on mute. Think you might be on mute. Laney, I can meet you. There you go." +spk_2,20.933333333333334,25.790983333333333,"Hows that? Ok. So hello everyone. Im glad to see so many of you interested in health care. Um I work in human resources at Premier Medical Group. And uh one of the things we do in human resources is we hire people. Um So in that premiere, we have many different uh types of health care positions from those support positions that we were talking about um through to many of the technical positions. And one of the questions we might ask someone, you know, in an interview when theyre interviewing for a job is what led you to the career of being in health care. So I wanna talk to you about reasons you might think you want to be in health care. So one reason is you like working with people um or youre very compassionate and you, you like caring for people. Uh or you like science, youve enjoyed your science classes, you like uh the research involved, youre very analytical. Um you like to solve problems. Uh That might be another reason why job stability, there is a lot of job stability in health care. Um People are gonna continue to have Children and babies. Um Unfortunately, illnesses um are inevitable. Uh So theres, theres always gonna be a need for that personal care. Uh and health care workers, our population is growing. So um with, with the growing population, uh the demand for health care workers is increasing. So many health care positions are well paid um as the demand increases for healthcare workers typically. So do the, the, the salaries, health care careers are really diverse. You can, uh go into just general medicine. Uh, you can choose to go into a specialty. Uh, you know, here at premiere, we have many specialties, uh, you know, on the slide here it says foot, mouth, heart lungs. So a podiatrist is someone who specializes with feet. A cardiologist would specialize with, um, with issues of the heart. Uh Then theres also the administrative and management side. So we have medical billing people that are, they, theyre not clinical people who are doing hands on uh patient care, but theyre still in health care and they do uh billing or marketing or human resources. So theres, theres other admin of options in health care as well. So the the good news is theres lots of choices, there are many choices in the field of health care. Uh Some that require 1 to 2 years of advanced study after high school. Uh Some that might require uh four years of study or, or more and typically your, your income will increase the more education you have. So what can you guys do now to prepare for a career in health care? One is to finish high school, get your diploma. So thats, thats the first thing that you need to do. Um start doing some research, Google stuff. Look online, talk to your guidance counselors, talk to your parents, um perhaps talk to a healthcare professional whos doing the job, find out what their day to day is like, what they like, what they dislike. Um Those are all things that you can do to sort of explore this, this um this field of study and try to gain some experience. There might be some internships out there. Uh Oftentimes you can shadow a health care professional. Um Weve done that here. Ive had a couple of people come through here and uh just come in for a day and shadow someone to see what its like to work uh in a particular uh position. Um We also have hired people just for summer jobs, you know, so you get a flavor of, you know, what its like to even be in the healthcare environment. Uh Theres some volunteer opportunities. Uh Sometimes the nursing homes in the hospitals have volunteer hos uh opportunities. So, um so the good news is, its, its very diverse. Um Healthcare can be a really rewarding career. Um I have a couple of resources here that uh I just want you to take a quick look at because this, this could be part of your research. Um Louise, if you can, you click on that first link" +spk_0,25.904166666666665,26.092666666666666,and Laney while were waiting for Louise to bring up that page. A question came in from Rebecca asking if theres um um uh a minimum age that you need to be in order to do shadowing. +spk_2,26.12933333333333,26.292983333333332,"So, uh we typically have uh I would say you know, 17, probably 17 and above." +spk_0,26.314316666666667,26.333333333333332,"Great, great." +spk_2,26.353483333333333,27.068316666666664,"Uh So this is uh US news and its best health care jobs. These are more of those technical jobs that we were looking at before. Uh th those that typically require more education. So you can see well just for, you know, demonstration purposes. Um You can see, uh Im sorry, Louise, the poll is still showing up on my screen. Is there a way to maybe I can just click it off. Thank you. I have it. I got it. So I think Louise is still putting up the, um, the link. I know sometimes its a little" +spk_1,27.0875,27.16365,"switch back and forth but were waiting for her to do that. Can you describe + shadowing a little bit?" +spk_0,27.163816666666666,27.2135,Um Some of our students arent familiar with that term. +spk_2,27.21848333333333,29.664483333333333,"Sure. So shadowing is where you, you might come in. Um, maybe youre gonna shadow another medical assistant for the day. Uh You might sit and talk with her and find out what shes doing whether shes doing something in the computer. Um, you know, in health care theres um, theres privacy issues with patients so there might be limited. Um, you know, it may be limited in terms of what you are able to know about a patient, but you can get a sense of, you know, follow them around, see what theyre doing, watch them take a blood pressure, um, you know, watch them, uh do vital signs, things of that nature. So the, uh, the resource thats there. There we go. So this is the one that has more technical jobs. Um, if we look down a little bit, you see the number one, these are, uh, the technical jobs that are ranked, you know, dentist is ranked number one, a physician assistant, number two. but what I wanna point out is one, itll describe a little bit about what that job is. If you click on the read more and then, uh, Louise, if you could just go down just a little bit and the o just up a little bit, there we go right there. Um, oh, I think it was on the first, the first page. Maybe go just that one. Ok. So you can see there on the right hand side, it will say the number of projected jobs in that field. So for example, physician assistant, it says theres 37,000 projected jobs. The median salary is 100 and 8000 and change. The education required is a masters degree. So this is a quick resource that you can use to look at different kinds of jobs. Get a sense of how much schooling youd have to do, how many jobs are out there in that field. And whats the salary. So, um, um, the second link and, and you, you can either pull that up or if its being difficult, Louise, I can just speak to it. Um, the other link thats on the first page." +spk_1,29.6855,29.842816666666668,"Can, can you see it? Did it change for you guys? If not, Ill stop sharing with you. You have to stop in the beach here. Let me of the three share." +spk_2,29.915333333333333,30.072816666666665,So uh this is another link from US news. Now this is more those the support positions uh that we were talking about. So these typical. diff --git a/data/transcriptFiles/transcribe-job2024-mar-08-12-12-pm.csv b/data/transcriptFiles/transcribe-job2024-mar-08-12-12-pm.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..79c89c75de441846f5b207780e51c8f047f2b895 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/transcriptFiles/transcribe-job2024-mar-08-12-12-pm.csv @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +speaker_label,start_time,end_time,text +spk_0,0.021150000000000002,0.6453333333333333,"And were live. Welcome everybody yet another weekly call for the new DS architecture design workflow. Um We, we have a one entry for now in the agenda. Uh Patrick, he wants to thank Carry for creating that issue um to investigate alternative solutions for syntax highlighting. She started very good questions as threads and he has left initial thoughts on it that may help investigation. Please feel free to share yours as well. I havent, I havent caught up yet. Uh Does anybody here that has any thoughts on this uh" +spk_1,0.6513333333333333,0.9728166666666667,topic? I I left the answers as well. So uh I think we can continue the discussion as synchronously on this topic. Uh Thank you Patrick and Carry for the discussion there. +spk_0,1.0094833333333333,1.8626666666666667,"OK. I think its interesting to get to the bottom of, of these questions especially um as were considering other ways of um getting that um information and prioritizing using different priorities, especially once we are loading the initial prioritized files or changed paths. Um We could make uh those come highlighted already, but then the rest of them could come non highlighted and then we can defer that to a later point in time based on user interaction, it would be really good if that is in fact affecting the time that it would get us there. Um And if it turns out, oh, sorry, go ahead." +spk_2,1.8911666666666667,2.1651666666666665,"Even if it turns out like this is like, you know, a red herring or a blind alley. Um just take a few minutes to document our thoughts or, you know, the state of the state of the tech today. Um That can be important for uh where the process is an + artifact." +spk_0,2.190166666666667,3.827316666666667,"For sure. It will, it will indeed. Um There is an open question in my mind that Im not sure if weve already addressed and especially in what language or technologies offer a superior performance is that when were, when we were working with um code intelligence uh implementation, we were using a specific file format to give in to giving that information to the front end. Uh Or, or I think that uh the LSF files. Um So the question here is whether theres any way to get the highlighting information to the front end without having to parrot the content of the files. If theres any way to give, send an annotated, annotated version of the Sinta version, sorry Sinha information. You could have the front end highlight the con that it already knows. Um So um yeah, just something Ill, Ill have my thoughts there and I think thats the best way, make sure that we keep the discussion with the relevant information. So since we didnt have an agenda, I was brainstorming and I think we can have a better use of our time. Um Anything anything else on this point that anybody wants to raise? Right. So lets continue discussion of sequence. Um Apart from that, anything else um that people have on their minds, questions, thoughts, things we should look into." +spk_3,3.8578333333333332,4.687,"Ill just give a small update that Im still documenting all the features that we have. So Im basically splitting this and into two dimensions. One dimension is the type of uh d that we have. It can be a code D, image de file D or just like a change path de. Um And also another dimension is which technology we are using. So is it magic quest tips which are using view files or is it Hamel template? Because the feature sets are a little bit different there. For example, the Hamel version has a toggle where you can switch between highlighted and raw file, which we dont have in the DS. So" +spk_0,4.700483333333334,5.592650000000001,"doing that, can you have a link to the issue? Uh I know we have an issue for it. I just cant find it at the moment in the, its definitely worth worthwhile. So thanks for doing that. Um The other thing II, I think we still have several uh open issues to take care of stuff like the definition of done and everything. So uh I know this or at least for me as a manager. This is a busy week for um because of assessments and everything, but it would be nice to get some movement there um on getting those issues closed by committing those changes to the documentation. And remember, we can always iterate, can always add more information later if we need to. Ok. Uh Just to have a point." +spk_4,5.621316666666667,6.040983333333333,"Yeah, I just wanted to kind of give an update on our end. Um The GLY side, were gonna start moving forward with the changes we discussed uh last week for um supporting uh page nated DS. Um So its kind of a re architecture of our G service. So if anyone has any other feedback, um they can put it in that issue. Um But I think were gonna start moving forward and implementing and just kind of seeing what its gonna look like and iterating on that." +spk_0,6.08315,6.213166666666667,"Thanks just, and, and just for clarity, it will be in it. It wont change any existing R PC. It will create new ones, is that it?" +spk_4,6.224166666666666,6.828166666666666,"Yes. Correct. Yes. So were gonna leave everything as is and then were gonna um add in two new RP CS. One thats kind of that fetches information about what the diff is gonna shape of the diff. And then the other one to actually diff a diff blobs um that the client would call in succession and we are exploring. Um This was mentioned uh last week too about potentially batching a series of, of files like batches of files. Um We are exploring that, that will require upstream changes. So that might be an additional R PC in the future as an optimization we can make." +spk_0,6.891333333333334,7.148166666666667,"Thats definitely interesting. Just so uh Im clear as well um for this to have an impact in the product, the code base needs to get updated to use the new RP CS. Are we the only ones leveraging these or will other parts of the product leverage these as + well?" +spk_4,7.169333333333333,7.693333333333333,"Um There is a couple other small areas that are using the uh existing commit DIR PC uh if I remember correctly. Um But definitely, yeah, I believe yall are the main use case for this, this R PC. So and so uh ideally, wed want to convert over uh at some point and maybe potentially eventually move everyone over and phase out the old one. Well see. Uh just this, the existing one does not scale well um with the shape of the repository as it gets larger." +spk_0,7.71965,8.623816666666666,"OK. Um I think its important to discuss this a little bit here because the time frame for this effort, what we were anticipating is having the blueprint published in the quarter four and then having some sort of implementation kick off within quarter one, which does not preclude us from exploring integrating these improvements in the code base before that. Um If it definitely gets the benefits, this would be implementation between rails and, and galley. Um, but if we think that that time is better invested in building the new discs in quarter one, then well have a discussion at that moment. But, um, I think its important to keep us in, in the loop of whats happening. I dont know how long this will take. If its a milestone work or like you said, the upstream changes will take a little bit longer but keep us posted and then we will, well adjust and well talk about prioritizing any adjustments." +spk_4,8.643650000000001,8.662666666666667,OK. Sounds good. +spk_0,8.680983333333334,8.725333333333333,Awesome anymore. +spk_1,8.752983333333333,8.980666666666668,Just a quick question about the gli limitation. Yeah. Uh Do we have a region already? The idea of how we do we want to implement it or is it still being discussed? +spk_4,9.006499999999999,10.258333333333333,"We have a pretty good idea of, of how we want to implement it. Um There, theres already, I can remember what the name of the R PC thats kind of similar for the, the first part. Basically, youre gonna call the client would, would, would call Gidley and get a, a summary of all the, the changes that are going to happen. Like all the file paths with their associated blog before and after um for the D and then with that information, the client would sequentially uh call or just follow up with uh calls for um a diff blobs R PC and provide the before and after blob and then it would just return ad per per file basically, and that allows us to scale better. Um, not have to do a one because on, on, even though it kind of looks like its page commit dips is page today. Really? On the back end theres a single G process that gets spawned and computes the whole D and then just chunks it back to the client. And the problem is if that one G process takes too long or too expensive, if the whole thing times out, it just doesnt scale. And theres already example repositories that are causing time outs and were finding people have to increase their time outs to avoid this issue. Um So, yeah," +spk_1,10.26215,10.525166666666667,"I agree. I agree. And uh uh just for clarification, is it two RP CS or uh like the, the single or the first one you mentioned? Yeah. Its like metadata. Yeah, or something like this. Uh And, and then uh actual data. Yeah." +spk_4,10.534500000000001,10.7125,"Yes. Correct. It would be two separate RB CS. One thats um uh like I said, it kind of gives the summary and then the second one, it would be like D blobs would probably the name of it and just, just for each blob." +spk_1,10.7275,10.983833333333333,"Yeah. And the metadata R PC. Can it be pated as well? I mean, yeah, I can imagine that. Yeah, we can also have uh like a huge list of files. Yes. So we could, should apply PIN on PIN, right?" +spk_4,10.993316666666667,11.129166666666666,"Yeah, we could stream back a list of, of the actual uh metadata thats for the deaf. Yeah, we, we would pin that as well." +spk_1,11.145166666666666,11.198333333333332,Yeah. Makes sense. Thank you very much for information. +spk_0,11.248816666666666,12.961316666666667,"I think its, its pretty interesting. Uh because we, when you say metadata, initial metadata, we have encountered some edge cases when Im working in the Merger Quest stiffs. And one of them I Ill mention 21 of them was when oh gosh um with renames where the file path might not be as unique as we think. Because in the course of emerging quest, you can have multiple changes. They end up deleting a file, moving a different file to that path again. And I dont know how get resolves that. I, I know that there was an incident where an in an instance where we had a collision of file paths but different operations on those files, I cant remember exactly what the area was. So that was one and the other is that we already split the data into uh two requests to the back end on the merger quests. Uh One is for diffs metadata and that diffs metadata. I think its like interesting because I dont know if it will match what were getting from Gidley. But a lot of it we used to um compile like or just generate the statistics here on the top the counts of files and all that stuff. We use that depth gifs metadata to generate the file tree here on the left uh And this is the information that comes to the diffs metadata endpoint. Again, this is not a public api this is just an internal thing were using at the moment, but it does allow us to start rendering the, the U I for the, for the diff, right? It doesnt have the lines, just the information of each files. Is this something what youre looking to implement Justin similar?" +spk_4,12.972333333333333,13.81865,"Um Probably uh I think its uh its gonna be a variation of this R PC because theres the line numbers, the added line numbers and uh uh deleted line numbers. Thats another R PC. I think its like dip stats or something like that. And basically, but yes, we, we wanna do an extension of, of the R PC that presents this information. II, I cant remember the name right now. Um But I, I think this RP doesnt do rename detection right now and uh we need to extend it to do rename detection. Um Just to clarify one thing that you mentioned earlier. Are you did, did you say that you guys also um do additional like modification of the discs to determine rename detection on your end or? Um Thats a good + question." +spk_0,13.841483333333334,13.897483333333334,I dont know what we do because Igor +spk_1,13.910983333333332,14.12465,"I hope we dont. Yeah, because it would be like uh consume like memory, like uh resource consuming information. I think so, I hope we dont do it like this." +spk_0,14.136833333333334,14.312316666666668,"Yeah, I dont know, carry do you know if we do anything? But after we get the information from Gley for renaming what we need to talk to that." +spk_2,14.326816666666668,14.365666666666668,"I dont, Im sorry. Could you repeat the + question?" +spk_0,14.368,14.863,"Yes, Ill repeat. Do we do anything to the data we get from Gidley to detect renaming and uh like file clashes and stuff like that? Because we mentioned both before, I think Thomas worked on something about uh renamed files. The mode of operation that were being done to those files was slightly different. I cant remember exactly the scenario but the question then is, do we just get information from giddily and present it to the front end or do we do some operations to detect special cases? I + dont" +spk_2,14.865316666666667,14.912316666666667,"recall us doing anything on our side, on the real side." +spk_0,14.934666666666667,15.03815,"A look and then, yeah. OK. Yeah, thatd be great because then that + could be interesting." +spk_1,15.058833333333332,15.969483333333333,"Probably some additional additional like conditions were involved, something like binary data, something like this. Uh I also remember something uh like that Thomas investigated something like this. But uh yeah, also I dont remember the details, the details and regarding the des uh metadata, Ive noticed that uh we catch a lot. Yeah, when um when I see in the performance bar, um this metadata doesnt call any, doesnt perform any GLY calls and we probably like cash it and then uh like do it using SKR calls. And uh but at the same time when I compare with another version. Yeah, I see a git call but it d starts and as far as I remember D starts, uh, returns file names or something like this or, or maybe not. But" +spk_0,16.005333333333333,18.150333333333332,"yeah, and probably still makes sense to have a separate R PC for just the two stats for sure. Because you might want to get the blobs but not render that particular part of the U I. Yeah. So, yeah. Um cool. I just wanted to raise it just in case that wasnt known because its not a public api its just something that we internally use for the merger quest again. Doesnt mean that the new Ds will follow the same approach might be slightly different because it needs to account for other cases. All right. Um Thanks for looking into that. Uh Anything anything else you wanna talk about? Theres still the topic of the timing of the A P A call that it seems like it didnt happen last week as well. Um But I have some ideas. Um So my idea is to potentially oscillate between, I Ill add a point to the agenda, discussing timing of the way back go. Uh instead of oscillating between now and a very much uh later time come up with some al alternate time where its a bit closer for all of us to participate in Europe, but include Patrick, which would be a bit earlier, even if that excludes carry every other week. Um But I feel like were, we have a very highly engaged member that is not being able to make the same calls and, and that worries me a little bit. So I know that we are doing a good job keeping things as synchronously going. But uh and I thank everybody for the patience, but Ill uh Ill discuss it on slack again. Try to come up with a better timing uh to isolate between. Thanks for the thumbs up. Carry that. So now, cool. Any other thoughts, questions? If not, I can give you some time back. All right, thats a thumbs up. Um, thank you so much. Um, and, uh, see you around on another call." diff --git a/docs/LLM_Comparison.png b/docs/LLM_Comparison.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..481bd6d928cf491363a140d52d5438050a2cba2d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/LLM_Comparison.png differ diff --git a/docs/OLD_README.md b/docs/OLD_README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a212b4750975a68bce5d1b4980d60f924d9800c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/OLD_README.md @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +# Resonate + +#### Current Phase: Sprint 1 + +## Project Overview +Resonate is a Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) powered Large Language Model application that helps you chat with your meetings to answer questions and generate insights. + +## Objectives +- User should be able to upload an audio/video meeting file along with a meeting `Topic` +- There can be multiple meeting topics. With each topic having a series of meetings. +- Use would then be able to choose a `topic` and chat with the meeting just and ask any question + +## Initial Sketches + +RAG Inference +- The user would select the meeting `Topic` and ask a question. +- Pinecone would retrieve relevant information and would feed the LLm with custom prompt, context, and the user query. +- We also plan to add a `Semantic Router` to route queries according to the user input. +- The LLm would then generate the result and answer the question. + +![image](https://github.com/SartajBhuvaji/Resonate/assets/31826483/e4e01b5e-d29b-4591-af3a-f7594ac85a2c) + +Data Store +- The below diagram shows how we plan to store data using `Pinecone` which is a popular Vector DB. +- User would upload meetings in audio/video format. +- We would use `AWS Transcribe` to diarize and transcribe the audio file into `timestamp, speaker, text` (this is simplified) +- We would embed the text data into vectors that would be uploaded to Pinecone serverless. + +![image](https://github.com/SartajBhuvaji/Resonate/assets/31826483/a89fddc3-f020-4b9e-9904-ac2966f9b0e2) + +Research +- We would try multiple `Vector embeddings` and also fine-tune `LLM Models` using `Microsoft DeepSpeed` on the custom dataset and compare the performance of these models. +![image](https://github.com/SartajBhuvaji/Resonate/assets/31826483/bd4559b3-780f-428e-ae13-a885008e858f) + + +Proposed UI +- Below is the sketch of proposed UI. +![image](https://github.com/SartajBhuvaji/Resonate/assets/31826483/b60ae38f-b727-4bc6-b94b-491336833981) diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2e7c182889c4e9ca3d624e13318620890e65a396 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# DOC + +# Architecture Diagrams + +## Architecture +![alt text](architecture_diagram.png) + +## Data Store +![Data Store](image.png) + + +## Inference +![Inference](image-1.png) + + +## Clustering +![Clustering](image-2.png) + +## Models +![Models](image-3.png) + + +# Documentation + +- [AWS Transcribe Docs](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/transcribe/) +- [Pinecone Docs](https://docs.pinecone.io/docs/overview) +- [Open AI Docs](https://platform.openai.com/docs/introduction) +- [Langchain Docs](https://python.langchain.com/docs/get_started/introduction) +- [Gemini Docs](https://ai.google.dev/docs) +- [Mistral Docs](https://docs.mistral.ai/) +- [Anthropic AI Docs](https://docs.anthropic.com/claude/docs/intro-to-claude) +- [FAISS](https://deepnote.com/blog/semantic-search-using-faiss-and-mpnet) +- [Sentence Transformer](https://www.sbert.net/) diff --git a/docs/architecture_diagram.png b/docs/architecture_diagram.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d55e221531085ab9cc9b9b19c48c621925a5070c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/architecture_diagram.png differ diff --git a/docs/image-1.png b/docs/image-1.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d351dd871e9c4f80334922f68d1113d288c5bdde Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/image-1.png differ diff --git a/docs/image-2.png b/docs/image-2.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aaed73be82c82088ace391c2581c8db5171f7cf7 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/image-2.png differ diff --git a/docs/image-3.png b/docs/image-3.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..99a86a23612fac8591351d3e6874802bed2eca9f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/image-3.png differ diff --git a/docs/image.png b/docs/image.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05b429ac26e35e024c3c73493053f22471fc1c68 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/image.png differ diff --git a/docs/logo.png b/docs/logo.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..959e3fde6b6c992c8e2ccbbd1f47e9cb015f1763 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/logo.png differ diff --git a/init_one_time_utils/PREREQUISITE.md b/init_one_time_utils/PREREQUISITE.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d7a3caf27865d60db9a456e5829675e9616cab63 --- /dev/null +++ b/init_one_time_utils/PREREQUISITE.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# PRE-REQUISITE + +- Getting data into pinecone + +## Why? +- Resonate uses Meanshift algorithm to create clusters and creates relevant UUIDs which helps system to identify meeting transcripts stored in Pinecone Vector Database. So, if someone wants to use Resonate system, they will require summaries of atleast 10 meetings stored in abstract_summary.csv file and their relevant meetings transcripts to be stored in Pinecone with their UUIDs. But as this requirement might not be possible to achieve for everyone. We have provided pinecone_sample_data_loader.py file to do the same. If you want dont have the 10 meetings ready, you can go to `src\clustering\resonate_clustering.py` and change def graph_filter( .. nn= YOUR_VALUE). + +## How? +- Run `python .\init_one_time_utils\pinecone_sample_dataloader.py` \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/init_one_time_utils/pinecone_sample_dataloader.py b/init_one_time_utils/pinecone_sample_dataloader.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8cece3ae7477986147c0414f125005252bd18905 --- /dev/null +++ b/init_one_time_utils/pinecone_sample_dataloader.py @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +# Uploads data to pinecone +# Runner: python init_one_time_utils/pinecone_sample_dataloader.py +# Average Run Time: 35-40 min +import json +import time +import pandas as pd +import sys +import os + +# Ensuring the project's root directory is in the Python path for module importing +project_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) +if project_root not in sys.path: + sys.path.append(project_root) + +# Importing the PineconeServerless class from the project's module +from src.pinecone.resonate_pinecone_functions import PineconeServerless + + +class TranscriptProcessor: + """ + A class to process and upsert transcripts to Pinecone. + + Attributes: + uuid_to_filename_dict (dict): A mapping from UUIDs to their respective transcript file names. + pinecone (PineconeServerless): An instance of the PineconeServerless class for database operations. + """ + + def __init__(self): + """ + Initializes the TranscriptProcessor with a predefined UUID to filename mapping and a PineconeServerless instance. + """ + # Mapping UUIDs to their respective transcript file names + self.uuid_to_filename_dict = { + "52d105f8-1c80-4056-8253-732b9e2bec63": "office_relocation_1.csv", + "9ed1fefa-db53-41fc-a21b-479b67e30073": "office_relocation_2.csv", + "e993da88-0e17-4a35-ba9a-c03decca607b": "office_relocation_3.csv", + "61d453f1-2852-48d9-a25a-b6e04c3c4908": "office_relocation_4.csv", + "ba94585e-b0df-4633-bef2-a4f94f644c11": "Social_Media_-_Harmed_Teens.csv", + "906c7694-0e33-4c8e-8f51-0365155fbb81": "Social_Media_-_Ruins_your_life.csv", + "52d2dfe4-748b-4ecf-84fb-64be6ebcaeef": "ES2014a.Mix-Headset.csv", + "1be8e439-45b3-4c97-9e4a-5c78c1a15e78": "ES2014b.Mix-Headset_1.csv", + "a4b7b490-7b28-4744-85e5-d216f40ff52c": "ES2014b.Mix-Headset_2.csv", + "b3821662-03f1-4349-8781-ba5f64439693": "ES2014c.Mix-Headset.csv", + "95efa3c5-9770-4160-9f28-35350efb9f73": "Gitlab_Monthly_Release_Kickoff_1.csv", + "85430eae-d466-4d63-9015-5835bbe71b90": "product_marketing_meeting.csv", + "55d8afa8-a1bf-413c-a75c-b8c14da88d87": "Gitlab_Monthly_Release_Kickoff_2.csv", + "15b7549d-4b3f-43b5-9507-85de435f1b4a": "2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_1.csv", + "875564dc-9954-41da-9084-ccf04ebffdb0": "2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_2.csv", + "72858a28-248d-4bef-af03-c62a3c285fbb": "2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_3.csv", + "4cbd0d4e-6cf9-4db4-bf15-f4f4e4d3d8d8": "2023-10-03-New_diffs_Architecture_Workflow.csv", + "4badb5ba-ca92-4c3c-a7e9-0d49fc7a8137": "2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_1.csv", + "9c5aa3e4-b047-4f08-a838-9b665e251e4d": "2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_2.csv", + "d7c8e3b8-c6e0-4845-8669-f2f4ed1b8549": "2023-10-17_New_diffs_architecture_blueprint_1.csv", + "876e67fa-314d-40e4-b942-21ca63e81995": "2023-10-17_New_diffs_architecture_blueprint_2.csv", + } + # Initializing a PineconeServerless instance for database operations + self.pinecone = PineconeServerless() + + def load_json_config(self, json_file_path=".//config/config.json"): + """ + Loads a JSON configuration file. + + Parameters: + json_file_path (str): The path to the JSON configuration file. + + Returns: + dict: The data loaded from the JSON file. + """ + with open(json_file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: + data = json.load(file) + return data + + def pinecone_init_upsert( + self, df_transcript, meeting_title, meeting_summary, meeting_uuid + ): + """ + Initializes and performs an upsert operation to Pinecone with transcript data. + + Parameters: + df_transcript (DataFrame): The transcript data as a pandas DataFrame. + meeting_title (str): The title of the meeting. + meeting_summary (str): The summary of the meeting. + meeting_uuid (str): The UUID of the meeting. + + Exceptions: + Catches and prints any exceptions raised during the upsert operation. + """ + try: + self.pinecone.pinecone_upsert( + df_transcript, + meeting_uuid=meeting_uuid, + meeting_video_file=False, + meeting_title=meeting_title, + meeting_summary=meeting_summary, + ) + # Wait for a short period to ensure the upsert operation completes + time.sleep(5) + except Exception as e: + print("Error upserting transcript to Pinecone: ", e) + + def process_transcripts(self): + """ + Processes and upserts all transcripts to Pinecone based on the UUID to filename mapping and the summary data. + """ + summary_file = "./data/summaryFiles/abstract_summary_data.csv" + df_summary = pd.read_csv(summary_file) + # Creating a dictionary from the summaries DataFrame + df_summary_dict = df_summary.set_index("uuid")["text"].to_dict() + + transcript_folder = "./data/transcriptFiles/" + + for uuid, summary in df_summary_dict.items(): + if uuid in self.uuid_to_filename_dict: + + filename = self.uuid_to_filename_dict[uuid] + df_transcript = pd.read_csv(transcript_folder + filename) + meeting_title = filename.replace(".csv", "") + meeting_uuid = uuid + + self.pinecone_init_upsert( + df_transcript, meeting_title, summary, meeting_uuid + ) + time.sleep(20) # To prevent OPEN AI embedding limit error + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + processor = TranscriptProcessor() + processor.process_transcripts() \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4d7e21b17d74f0f39f2e137d487991580d3ba88b --- /dev/null +++ b/requirements.txt @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# Core +numpy +pandas +tqdm +ipykernel +boto3 +botocore +jupyter +ipywidgets +python-dotenv +scikit-learn +torch + +# Project Specific +openai +langchain-community +langchain-openai +langchain +pinecone-client +streamlit +tiktoken +webvtt-py +moviepy +transformers +streamlit_chat== +faiss-cpu + +# LLM Eval +# trulens \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/aws/__pycache__/resonate_aws_functions.cpython-310.pyc b/src/aws/__pycache__/resonate_aws_functions.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..30351826dbfc98c6b974e94ed17dfd21afde6250 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/aws/__pycache__/resonate_aws_functions.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/src/aws/resonate_aws_functions.py b/src/aws/resonate_aws_functions.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2c0fb536d02596be93978f81933213b329f30c68 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/aws/resonate_aws_functions.py @@ -0,0 +1,369 @@ +# Description: AWS utility functions for Resonate. This file contains the code to parse the AWS Transcribe output. +# Documentation: https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/transcribe/client/start_transcription_job.html + +import json +import os +import re +import time +import boto3 +import dotenv +import pandas as pd +import webvtt +from datetime import datetime +from IPython.display import HTML, display + +class resonate_aws_transcribe: + def create_client( + self, + aws_access_key: str, + aws_secret_access_key: str, + aws_region_name: str, + ) -> tuple[boto3.client, boto3.client]: + """ + Create and return AWS Transcribe and S3 clients with the specified AWS region. + """ + session = boto3.Session( + aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key, + aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key, + region_name=aws_region_name, + ) + return session.client("transcribe"), session.client("s3") + + def create_s3_bucket( + self, s3: boto3.client, bucket_name: str, aws_region_name: str + ) -> bool: + """ + Create an S3 bucket using the provided AWS S3 client if it doesn't exist. + """ + try: + s3.create_bucket( + Bucket=bucket_name, + CreateBucketConfiguration={"LocationConstraint": aws_region_name}, + ) + print(f"S3 bucket '{bucket_name}' created successfully.") + return True + except s3.exceptions.BucketAlreadyExists: + print(f"S3 bucket '{bucket_name}' already exists.") + return True + except Exception as e: + print(f"Error creating S3 bucket '{bucket_name}': {e}") + return False + + def upload_to_s3( + self, s3: boto3.client, file_path: str, bucket_name: str, object_name=None + ) -> str: + """ + Upload the audio file to S3 bucket using the provided AWS S3 client. + """ + if object_name is None: + object_name = file_path + + try: + s3.upload_file(file_path, bucket_name, object_name) + uri = f"s3://{bucket_name}/{object_name}" + print(f"File '{file_path}' uploaded successfully to '{uri}'") + return uri + + except Exception as e: + print( + f"Error uploading file '{file_path}' to '{bucket_name}/{object_name}': {e}" + ) + return "" + + def download_from_s3( + self, + s3: boto3.client, + object_name: str, + bucket_name: str, + local_directory: str, + ) -> bool: + """ + Download the .json and .vtt files from an S3 bucket to a local directory. + """ + local_file_json = f"{local_directory}/{object_name}.json" + local_file_vtt = f"{local_directory}/{object_name}.vtt" + + try: + s3.download_file(bucket_name, object_name + ".json", local_file_json) + print(f"File '{object_name}' (JSON) downloaded successfully to '{local_file_json}'") + + s3.download_file(bucket_name, object_name + ".vtt", local_file_vtt) + print(f"File '{object_name}' (VTT) downloaded successfully to '{local_file_vtt}'") + return True + except Exception as e: + print(f"Error downloading file '{object_name}' from '{bucket_name}': {e}") + return False + + def delete_from_s3( + self, s3: boto3.client, bucket_name: str, object_name: str + ) -> bool: + """ + Delete the file from an S3 bucket using the provided AWS S3 client. + """ + try: + s3.delete_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=object_name) + print(f"File '{object_name}' deleted successfully from '{bucket_name}'") + return True + except Exception as e: + print(f"Error deleting file '{object_name}' from '{bucket_name}': {e}") + return False + + def delete_s3_bucket(self, s3: boto3.client, bucket_name: str) -> bool: + """ + Delete a S3 bucket along with its contents using the provided AWS S3 client. + """ + try: + objects = s3.list_objects(Bucket=bucket_name).get("Contents", []) + for obj in objects: + s3.delete_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=obj["Key"]) + print( + f"Object '{obj['Key']}' deleted successfully from '{bucket_name}'" + ) + + s3.delete_bucket(Bucket=bucket_name) + print(f"S3 bucket '{bucket_name}' and its contents deleted successfully.") + return True + except Exception as e: + return e + + def transcribe_audio( + self, + transcribe_client: boto3.client, + uri: str, + output_bucket: str, + transcribe_job_name: str = "job", + ) -> dict: + """ + Start a transcription job for audio stored in an S3 bucket using the AWS Transcribe service. + """ + print("Calling AWS Transcribe Job...") + response = transcribe_client.start_transcription_job( + TranscriptionJobName=transcribe_job_name, + LanguageCode="en-US", + MediaFormat="wav", + Settings={ + "ShowSpeakerLabels": True, + "MaxSpeakerLabels": 10, + "ChannelIdentification": False, + }, + Media={"MediaFileUri": uri}, + Subtitles={"Formats": ["vtt"]}, + OutputBucketName=output_bucket, + ) + return response + + def combine_files(self, file_name: str, local_directory: str) -> pd.DataFrame: + """ + Combines information from a JSON file and a WebVTT file into a CSV file. + """ + json_file_path = f"{local_directory}/{file_name}.json" + with open(json_file_path, "r") as f: + data = json.load(f) + + segments = data["results"]["speaker_labels"]["segments"] + df = pd.DataFrame(segments) + df["start_time"] = df["start_time"].astype(float) / 60 + df["end_time"] = df["end_time"].astype(float) / 60 + df = df.rename( + columns={ + "start_time": "start_time", + "end_time": "end_time", + "speaker_label": "speaker_label", + } + ) + + vtt_file_path = f"{local_directory}/{file_name}.vtt" + subtitles = webvtt.read(vtt_file_path) + + data = [ + ( + subtitle.start_in_seconds / 60, + subtitle.end_in_seconds / 60, + subtitle.text.strip(), + ) + for subtitle in subtitles + ] + titles = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["start_time", "end_time", "text"]) + transcript = pd.merge_asof( + titles.sort_values("start_time"), + df.sort_values("start_time"), + on="start_time", + direction="backward", + ) + + transcript = transcript.dropna(subset=["speaker_label"]) + transcript = transcript[["start_time", "end_time_x", "speaker_label", "text"]] + transcript.columns = ["start_time", "end_time", "speaker_label", "text"] + + # Reset the index + transcript = transcript.reset_index(drop=True) + + print("Combined transcript successfully!") + return transcript + + def aws_transcribe_parser( + self, transcript_df: pd.DataFrame, output_filename: str + ) -> pd.DataFrame: + """ + Parses the AWS Transcribe output by cleaning duplicate texts and merging consecutive rows with + the same speaker. + """ + prev_text = None # Initialize prev_text + transcript_df["text"] = transcript_df["text"].apply( + lambda x: re.sub(r"[\"\'\--]+", "", x) + ) + + for index, row in transcript_df.iterrows(): + if row["text"] == prev_text and row["speaker_label"] == prev_speaker: + transcript_df.at[merge_start, "end_time"] = row["end_time"] + transcript_df.drop(index, inplace=True) + else: + merge_start = index + + prev_text = row["text"] + prev_speaker = row["speaker_label"] + + transcript_df["group"] = ( + transcript_df["speaker_label"] != transcript_df["speaker_label"].shift() + ).cumsum() + result_df = transcript_df.groupby( + ["group", "speaker_label"], as_index=False + ).agg({"start_time": "first", "end_time": "last", "text": " ".join}) + result_df = result_df.drop(columns=["group"]) + + result_df.to_csv( + "./data/transcriptFiles/" + output_filename + ".csv", index=False + ) + return result_df + + def delete_local_temp_file(self, tempFiles: str) -> bool: + """ + Delete a local temporary file specified by the file path. + """ + if os.path.exists("./data/tempFiles/" + tempFiles + ".json"): + os.remove("./data/tempFiles/" + tempFiles + ".json") + + if os.path.exists("./data/tempFiles/" + tempFiles + ".vtt"): + os.remove("./data/tempFiles/" + tempFiles + ".vtt") + + def runner( + self, + file_name: str, + input_bucket: str, + output_bucket: str, + transcribe_job_name: str, + aws_access_key: str, + aws_secret_access_key: str, + aws_region_name: str, + ) -> None: + """ + Run the transcription process for an audio file using AWS Transcribe. + """ + transcribe_client, s3_client = self.create_client( + aws_access_key=aws_access_key, + aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key, + aws_region_name=aws_region_name, + ) + + print("Transcribe_client created: ", transcribe_client) + print("s3_client created: ", s3_client) + + # Create S3 buckets + print( + f"Create S3 Bucket {input_bucket} : ", + self.create_s3_bucket(s3_client, input_bucket, aws_region_name), + ) + print( + f"Create S3 Bucket {output_bucket} : ", + self.create_s3_bucket(s3_client, output_bucket, aws_region_name), + ) + + URI = self.upload_to_s3( + s3_client, "./data/audioFiles/" + file_name, input_bucket + ) + print("Upload completed now will initiate transcription job.") + self.transcribe_audio( + transcribe_client, + URI, + output_bucket, + transcribe_job_name=transcribe_job_name, + ) + + # Check status of transcription job + while ( + transcribe_client.get_transcription_job( + TranscriptionJobName=transcribe_job_name + )["TranscriptionJob"]["TranscriptionJobStatus"] + != "COMPLETED" + ): + time.sleep(3) + + # Download transcription job output + print( + "Download from S3 : ", + self.download_from_s3( + s3_client, + transcribe_job_name, + output_bucket, + local_directory="./data/tempFiles/", + ), + ) + + print( + "Delete S3 Bucket Input Bucket : ", + self.delete_s3_bucket(s3_client, input_bucket), + ) + print( + "Delete S3 Bucket Output Bucket: ", + self.delete_s3_bucket(s3_client, output_bucket), + ) + + try: + transcribe_client.delete_transcription_job( + TranscriptionJobName=transcribe_job_name + ) + except: + print("Transcription Job does not exist.") + + # Close clients + transcribe_client.close() + s3_client.close() + + # combine the json and vtt results to create a transcript + df_transcript_combined = self.combine_files( + transcribe_job_name, local_directory="./data/tempFiles/" + ) + df_transcript_combined_parsed = self.aws_transcribe_parser( + transcript_df=df_transcript_combined, output_filename=transcribe_job_name + ) + print("Transcript parsed successfully") + + self.delete_local_temp_file(tempFiles=transcribe_job_name) + return df_transcript_combined_parsed + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + #dotenv.load_dotenv("./config/.env") + + current_timestamp = str.lower(datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%b-%d-%I-%M-%p")) + + aws_access_key = os.getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY") + aws_secret_access_key = os.getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY") + print(aws_access_key, aws_secret_access_key) + aws_region_name = "us-east-2" + file_name = "test.wav" + input_bucket = f"resonate-input-{str(current_timestamp)}" + output_bucket = f"resonate-output-{str(current_timestamp)}" + transcribe_job_name = f"resonate-job-{str(current_timestamp)}" + + rat = resonate_aws_transcribe() + df = rat.runner( + file_name=file_name, + input_bucket=input_bucket, + output_bucket=output_bucket, + transcribe_job_name=transcribe_job_name, + aws_access_key=aws_access_key, + aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key, + aws_region_name=aws_region_name, + ) + print(df) diff --git a/src/clustering/__pycache__/resonate_bert_summarizer.cpython-310.pyc b/src/clustering/__pycache__/resonate_bert_summarizer.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4d5e2fb6e70cdf7b0c37002155fc60400557f51c Binary files /dev/null and b/src/clustering/__pycache__/resonate_bert_summarizer.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/src/clustering/__pycache__/resonate_clustering.cpython-310.pyc b/src/clustering/__pycache__/resonate_clustering.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3eb8423b190ed325c892c357cd18c2a9d061427b Binary files /dev/null and b/src/clustering/__pycache__/resonate_clustering.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/src/clustering/__pycache__/resonate_semantic_search.cpython-310.pyc b/src/clustering/__pycache__/resonate_semantic_search.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3184efc941cea92dbf96f4953a1f50ac6650cfb4 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/clustering/__pycache__/resonate_semantic_search.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/src/clustering/resonate_bert_summarizer.py b/src/clustering/resonate_bert_summarizer.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..20616ff0b52e4d6594ff7c48c88a2e9e46d11e7b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/clustering/resonate_bert_summarizer.py @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +# Description: The code helps generate abstractive summary for the transcript data using BART model +# Reference: https://huggingface.co/vmarklynn/bart-large-cnn-samsum-acsi-ami-v2 +# Reference : https://github.com/vmarklynn/parrot/blob/main/notebooks/summarizer.ipynb + +import math +import pandas as pd +import os +import uuid +from transformers import pipeline + +# Initialization of summarizer based on Bart +MODEL = 'vmarklynn/bart-large-cnn-samsum-acsi-ami-v2' +summarizer = pipeline("summarization", MODEL, truncation=True) + +def format_text(text): + ''' + Format the transcript data into a readable format + ''' + try: + formatted_data = [ + f"{row['speaker_label']}: {row['text']}" for _, row in text.iterrows() + ] + formatted_text = "\n".join([f"{line}" for line in formatted_data]) + return formatted_text + except Exception as e: + print(f"Error formatting text: {e}") + return "" + + +def summarize_text(transcript): + ''' + Summarize the text using the BART model + ''' + try: + text = format_text(transcript) + + print("\n\nSummarizing Text...") + summary = summarizer(text)[0]["summary_text"] + response = {"transcription": format_text, "summary": summary} + return response + except Exception as e: + print(f"Error summarizing text: {e}") + return {} + + +def summarize_summary(summary_input): + ''' + Summarize the summarized text using the BART model + ''' + try: + word_count = 1024 + summary = summarizer( + summary_input, + min_length=math.ceil(int(word_count) * 0.1), + max_length=math.ceil(int(word_count) * 0.25), + )[0]["summary_text"] + response = {"summary": summary} + return response + except Exception as e: + print(f"Error summarizing summary: {e}") + return {} + + +def append_summary_to_csv(summary_text): + try: + csv_filename = "./data/summaryFiles/abstract_summary_data.csv" + meeting_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) + if os.path.exists(csv_filename): + df = pd.read_csv(csv_filename) + else: + df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["uuid", "text"]) + new_data = pd.DataFrame({"uuid": [meeting_uuid], "text": [summary_text]}) + df = pd.concat([df, new_data], ignore_index=True) + + df.to_csv(csv_filename, index=False) + return meeting_uuid + except Exception as e: + print(f"Error appending summary to CSV: {e}") + return False + + +def summarize_runner(transcript): + try: + transcript.drop(["end_time"], axis=1, inplace=True) + summary_transcript = summarize_text(transcript) + summarized_summary = summarize_summary(summary_transcript["summary"]) + final_summary = summarized_summary["summary"] + meeting_uuid = append_summary_to_csv(final_summary) + except Exception as e: + print(f"Error in summarize_runner: {e}") + return final_summary, meeting_uuid + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + df = pd.read_csv("./data/transcriptFiles/Social_Media_-_Ruins_your_life.csv") + summarize_runner(df) diff --git a/src/clustering/resonate_clustering.py b/src/clustering/resonate_clustering.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c7ec43f8493bb208fe8aaaef4a267bd5bb20ef5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/clustering/resonate_clustering.py @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +# Description:Creates clusters based on the uploaded transcripts and returns the uuid of the documents that are similar to the query. +# Reference Code: https://github.com/chakib401/smoothing_sentence_embeddings/blob/master/utils.py + +''' +Paper Citation for def normalize_adj(): +Fettal, Chakib, Lazhar Labiod, and Mohamed Nadif. +"More Discriminative Sentence Embeddings via Semantic Graph Smoothing." +arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.12890 (2024). +''' + +import json +import os +import joblib +import numpy as np +import pandas as pd +import scipy.sparse as sp +import src.clustering.resonate_semantic_search as SemanticSearch +from dotenv import load_dotenv +from langchain_openai import OpenAIEmbeddings +from scipy.io import loadmat, savemat +from sklearn.cluster import MeanShift, estimate_bandwidth +from sklearn.neighbors import kneighbors_graph + +def normalize_adj(adj, lmbda=1): + ''' + Normalize adjacency matrix of semantic graph + ''' + adj = adj + lmbda * sp.eye(adj.shape[0]) + rowsum = np.array(adj.sum(1)) + r_inv = np.power(rowsum, -1).flatten() + r_inv[np.isinf(r_inv)] = 0.0 + r_mat_inv = sp.diags(r_inv) + adj = r_mat_inv.dot(adj) + + adj = adj + lmbda * sp.eye(adj.shape[0]) + adj = sp.coo_matrix(adj) + row_sum = np.array(adj.sum(1)) + d_inv_sqrt = np.power(row_sum, -0.5).flatten() + d_inv_sqrt[np.isinf(d_inv_sqrt)] = 0.0 + d_mat_inv_sqrt = sp.diags(d_inv_sqrt) + return d_mat_inv_sqrt.dot(adj).dot(d_mat_inv_sqrt).tocoo() + + +def graph_filtering(features, degree=2, lmbda=1, nn=10, alpha=0.5, t=5, method="sgc"): + """ + This function will perform graph filtering based on four polynomial filters + We keep n=10, as per paper. And is used to calculate the graph (adjacency matrix) + between 10 vectors/features. + + **That is why we have 10 pre-existing transcripts placed in pinecone (through the ont_time_script) + **If you want to change the number of transcripts, you will have to change the number of neighbors + """ + adj = kneighbors_graph(features, n_neighbors=nn, metric="cosine") + adj = (adj + adj.T) / 2 + + S = normalize_adj(adj, lmbda) + xx = features + yy = features.copy() + if method in ["sgc", "s2gc"]: + for _ in range(degree): + xx = S @ xx + yy += xx + if method == "sgc": + return xx + elif method == "s2gc": + return yy + elif method == "appnp": + for _ in range(degree): + xx = (1 - alpha) * S @ xx + alpha * features + return xx + elif method == "dgc": + k = degree + 1 + for _ in range(1, degree + 1): + xx = (1 - t / k) * xx + (t / k) * (S @ xx) + return xx + else: + raise "unrecognized filter" + + +def load_json_config(json_file_path="./config/config.json"): + with open(json_file_path, "r") as file: + data = json.load(file) + return data + + +class Clustering: + def __init__(self): + self.api_key = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY") + self.method = "dgc" + + if not os.path.exists("./data/clusteringFiles/cluster_data.csv"): + self.create_Cluster() + + self.index = self.initialize_FAISS() + + def create_embedding(self): + '''This function will perform two task: + 1. embedding on entire data, abstract_data.csv + 2. save embeddings in cluster_data-embedding.mat in format uuid, text + ''' + data = pd.read_csv("./data/summaryFiles/abstract_summary_data.csv") + json_config = load_json_config() + + text, id = data["text"], data["uuid"] + # embedding model + embed = OpenAIEmbeddings( + model=json_config["EMBEDDING_MODEL_NAME"], openai_api_key=self.api_key + ) + embeddings = embed.embed_documents(text) + savemat( + "./data/embeddingFiles/cluster-embedding.mat", + {"uuid": id, "text": embeddings}, + ) + + + def create_Cluster(self): + ''' + This function will perform following tasks: + 1. call embedding function + 2. form clusters using cluste_data-embedding.mat file + 3. Save predicted labels in cluster_data.csv + ''' + self.create_embedding() + + data = loadmat("./data/embeddingFiles/cluster-embedding.mat") + features1 = data["text"] + + features = graph_filtering(features1, method=self.method) + ibandwidth = estimate_bandwidth(features, quantile=0.30, random_state=42) + msclustering = MeanShift(bandwidth=ibandwidth, max_iter=900) + msclustering.fit(features) + model_path = f"./data/clusteringFiles/{self.method}_model.joblib" + joblib.dump(msclustering, model_path) + + print("Model saved") + + df = pd.read_csv(f"./data/summaryFiles/abstract_summary_data.csv") + df["cluster"] = msclustering.predict(features) + df.to_csv("./data/clusteringFiles/cluster_data.csv") + print("Cluster data saved") + self.index = self.initialize_FAISS() + + + + def uuid_for_query(self, query): + ''' + Returns the uuids of the documents that are similar to the query, based on the clustering + ''' + query_cluster_label = self.index.search_query(query) + print(f"Predicted Label : {query_cluster_label[0]}") + df = pd.read_csv("./data/clusteringFiles/cluster_data.csv") + filtered_uuids = df[df["cluster"] == query_cluster_label[0]]["uuid"].tolist() + return filtered_uuids + + def initialize_FAISS(self): + model = SemanticSearch.SemanticEmbedding() + index = SemanticSearch.FaissForQuerySearch(model) + data = pd.read_csv("./data/clusteringFiles/cluster_data.csv") + features1 = data["text"] + uuids = data["uuid"] + labels = data["cluster"] + for text, uuid, label in zip(features1, uuids, labels): + index.add_summary(text, uuid, label) + return index + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + #load_dotenv("./config/.env") + Clustering_obj = Clustering() + print( + Clustering_obj.uuid_for_query( + "What is the goal of defining maintainability for the new diffs architecture?" + ) + ) + print( + Clustering_obj.uuid_for_query( + "What was the design component for remote control?" + ) + ) diff --git a/src/clustering/resonate_semantic_search.py b/src/clustering/resonate_semantic_search.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..82eccaaad0ae04249e9bc84f80b37a2ea474ce63 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/clustering/resonate_semantic_search.py @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +# Description: Using Facebook's Faiss library to perform semantic search according to the query +# Reference: https://deepnote.com/blog/semantic-search-using-faiss-and-mpnet + +from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel +import torch +import torch.nn.functional as F +import faiss + +class SemanticEmbedding: + + def __init__(self, model_name="sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2"): + self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) + self.model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_name) + + # Mean Pooling - Take attention mask into account for correct averaging + def mean_pooling(self, model_output, attention_mask): + token_embeddings = model_output[ + 0 + ] # First element of model_output contains all token embeddings + input_mask_expanded = ( + attention_mask.unsqueeze(-1).expand(token_embeddings.size()).float() + ) + return torch.sum(token_embeddings * input_mask_expanded, 1) / torch.clamp( + input_mask_expanded.sum(1), min=1e-9 + ) + + def get_embedding(self, sentences): + # Tokenize sentences + encoded_input = self.tokenizer( + sentences, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt" + ) + with torch.no_grad(): + model_output = self.model(**encoded_input) + # Perform pooling + sentence_embeddings = self.mean_pooling( + model_output, encoded_input["attention_mask"] + ) + + # Normalize embeddings + sentence_embeddings = F.normalize(sentence_embeddings, p=2, dim=1) + return sentence_embeddings.detach().numpy() + + +class FaissForQuerySearch: + + def __init__(self, model, dim=768): + self.index = faiss.IndexFlatIP(dim) + # Maintaining the document data + self.doc_map = dict() + self.model = model + self.ctr = 0 + self.uuid = [] + self.labels = [] + + def search_query(self, query, k=1): + D, I = self.index.search(self.model.get_embedding(query), k) + return [ + self.labels[idx] for idx, score in zip(I[0], D[0]) if idx in self.doc_map + ] + + def add_summary(self, document_text, id, predicted_label): + self.index.add((self.model.get_embedding(document_text))) # index + self.uuid.append(id) # appending the uuid + self.labels.append(predicted_label) # appending the predicted label + self.doc_map[self.ctr] = document_text # store the original document text + self.ctr += 1 diff --git a/src/langchain/__pycache__/resonate_langchain_functions.cpython-310.pyc b/src/langchain/__pycache__/resonate_langchain_functions.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4d65abf917a13177c229408ab108b6fd6e04ef0e Binary files /dev/null and b/src/langchain/__pycache__/resonate_langchain_functions.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/src/langchain/resonate_langchain_functions.py b/src/langchain/resonate_langchain_functions.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a56d9450718fe648b7e081427c71e6d331161d63 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/langchain/resonate_langchain_functions.py @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +#Description: This file contains the LangChain class which is used to query the pinecone and chatbot + +import os +import json +from src.pinecone.resonate_pinecone_functions import PineconeServerless +from langchain_community.callbacks import get_openai_callback +from dotenv import load_dotenv +from datetime import datetime +from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI +from langchain.chains import ConversationChain +from langchain.chains.conversation.memory import ( + ConversationSummaryBufferMemory, +) +from langchain.prompts.chat import ( + HumanMessagePromptTemplate, + ChatPromptTemplate, + SystemMessagePromptTemplate, +) + +def load_json_config(json_file_path="./config/config.json"): + with open(json_file_path, "r") as file: + data = json.load(file) + return data + + +class LangChain: + def __init__(self): + + json_config = load_json_config() + # check if the .env file exists using os + if os.path.exists("./config/.env"): + load_dotenv("./config/.env") + + self.PINECONE_API_KEY = os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY") + self.OPENAI_API_KEY = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY") + print("PINECONE_API_KEY: ", self.PINECONE_API_KEY) + if self.PINECONE_API_KEY and self.OPENAI_API_KEY : + self.pinecone = PineconeServerless() + print("INSIDE PINECONE") + self.llm_temperature = json_config["LC_LLM_TEMPERATURE"] + self.llm_model = json_config["LC_LLM_MODEL"] + self.llm_summary_max_token_limit = json_config[ + "LC_LLM_SUMMARY_MAX_TOKEN_LIMIT" + ] + self.llm_conv_buffer_memory_window = json_config[ + "LC_CONV_BUFFER_MEMORY_WINDOW" + ] + + self.llm = ChatOpenAI( + temperature=self.llm_temperature, + model_name=self.llm_model, + streaming=False, + ) + + self.conversation_bufw = ConversationChain( + llm=self.llm, + memory=ConversationSummaryBufferMemory( + llm=self.llm, max_token_limit=self.llm_summary_max_token_limit + ), + ) + + def prompt(self, query, context): + + system_template = SystemMessagePromptTemplate.from_template( + "As a helpful assistant, your task is to provide concise and relevant answers based on the given context, which consists of a transcript excerpt from a meeting. The format of the context is as follows:" + "\nConversations in meeting: , " + "\nStart Time - Speaker: Text" + "\nYou may receive multiple meeting transcripts, if you feel your response requires reference to multiple meetings, feel free to mention in your response." + "Your responses should strictly adhere to the provided context. If you cannot find an answer within the given context, you may ask the user for more information. Ensure clarity by referencing the meeting_title, meeting_date, and speaker as needed." + "Your responses should be succinct and directly address the user query using the context provided. Avoid discussing any information beyond the given context or using external sources." + "Skip unnecessary phrases like 'Based on the context provided' and focus solely on answering the users query. No need for greetings or farewells." + "\nContext:\n" + "{context}" + ) + + human_template = HumanMessagePromptTemplate.from_template("\nUser Query: {input}") + chat_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages( + [system_template, human_template] + ) + chat_prompt_value = chat_prompt.format_prompt(context=context, input=query) + return chat_prompt_value.to_messages() + + + def query_chatbot(self, query, context): + ''' + Query the chatbot with the given query and context + ''' + self.messages = self.prompt(query, context) + #print("Complete msg passed to LLM: \n"self.messages) + #print("CONTEXT: \n", self.messages) + resp = self.conversation_bufw(self.messages) + return resp + + def parse_conversations(self, conversations) -> str: + '''' + Parse the conversations and return the data in a readable format + ''' + ''' + Format: + Conversations in meeting: + Start Time - Speaker: Text + Start Time - Speaker: Text + . + . + \n\n + Conversations in meeting: + Start Time - Speaker: Text + Start Time - Speaker: Text + . + . + ''' + data = [] + for cluster_id, cluster_df in conversations.items(): + with open(f"./data/jsonMetaDataFiles/{cluster_id}.json") as f: + meeting_data = json.load(f) + meeting_title = meeting_data["meeting_title"] + meeting_date = datetime.strptime(meeting_data["meeting_date"], '%Y%m%d%H%M%S').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + data.append(f"Conversations in meeting: '{meeting_title}', meeting_date: {meeting_date} :") + for i, row in cluster_df.iterrows(): + data.append( + f"{row['start_time']} - {row['speaker']}: {row['text']}" + ) + data.append("\n\n") + data = "\n".join(data) + return data + + def chat(self, query, in_filter: list[str] = [], complete_db_flag: bool = False): + ''' + Primary chat function to query the pinecone and chatbot + If in_filter is provided, the query will be filtered based on the in_filter + If complete_db_flag is True, the query will be searched in the complete database + ''' + # if "summary" in query: + # pass # Future implementation, using semantic routing + + self.pinecone.query_pinecone(query, in_filter, complete_db_flag) + conversation = self.pinecone.query_delta_conversations() + # print("Conversation: ", conversation) + context = self.parse_conversations(conversation) + print("Context: ", context) + response = self.query_chatbot(query, context) + return response + + def count_tokens(self, chain, query): + with get_openai_callback() as callback: + response = chain(query) + print(f"Call Back: {callback}") + return response diff --git a/src/pinecone/__pycache__/resonate_pinecone_functions.cpython-310.pyc b/src/pinecone/__pycache__/resonate_pinecone_functions.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d34db4e71161614a3d20b75b5a092dcaa2775ab Binary files /dev/null and b/src/pinecone/__pycache__/resonate_pinecone_functions.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/src/pinecone/resonate_pinecone_functions.py b/src/pinecone/resonate_pinecone_functions.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f73860ce2addeeb80884748f84be762eed60902a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/pinecone/resonate_pinecone_functions.py @@ -0,0 +1,422 @@ +# Description: Pinecone Serverless Class for Resonate +# Reference: https://www.pinecone.io/docs/ + +import datetime +import uuid +import json +import os +import time +import pandas as pd +from dotenv import load_dotenv +from langchain_openai import OpenAIEmbeddings +from pinecone import Pinecone, ServerlessSpec + +def load_json_config(json_file_path="./config/config.json"): + with open(json_file_path, "r") as file: + data = json.load(file) + return data + + +class PineconeServerless: + def __init__(self) -> None: + print("Pinecone Serverless Initializing") + json_config = load_json_config() + #load_dotenv("./config/.env") + + self.PINECONE_API_KEY = os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY") + self.OPENAI_API_KEY = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY") + if self.PINECONE_API_KEY is not None: + self.pinecone = Pinecone(api_key=self.PINECONE_API_KEY) + self._init_config(json_config) + self.meeting_title = None + self.base_data_path = "./data/jsonMetaDataFiles/" + self.master_json_file = f"{self.base_data_path}{self.master_json_filename}.json" + self._create_master_json() + self._create_index() + self.response = None + print("Pinecone Serverless Initialized") + + def _init_config(self, json_config) -> None: + for key, value in json_config.items(): + setattr(self, key.lower(), value) + + def check_index_already_exists(self) -> bool: + return self.pinecone_index_name in self.pinecone.list_indexes() + + def _get_vector_embedder(self): + if self.embedding_provider == "OpenAI": + return OpenAIEmbeddings(model=self.embedding_model_name) + else: + raise ValueError("Invalid Embedding Model") + + def _get_index(self): + return self.pinecone.Index(self.pinecone_index_name) + + def _create_index(self) -> None: + ''' + Creates a new index in Pinecone if it does not exist + ''' + pinecone_indexes_list = [ + index.get("name") + for index in self.pinecone.list_indexes().get("indexes", [])] + + if self.pinecone_index_name not in pinecone_indexes_list: + try: + self.pinecone.create_index( + name=self.pinecone_index_name, + metric=self.pinecone_metric, + dimension=self.pinecone_vector_dimension, + spec=ServerlessSpec( + cloud=self.pinecone_cloud_provider, + region=self.pinecone_region, + # pod_type="p1.x1", # Future use + ), + ) + + while not self.pinecone.describe_index(self.pinecone_index_name).status["ready"]: + time.sleep(5) + + except Exception as e: + print("Index creation failed: ", e) + + def describe_index_stats(self) -> dict: + try: + index = self._get_index() + return index.describe_index_stats() + except Exception as e: + print("Index does not exist: ", e) + return {} + + def _delete_index(self) -> None: + try: + self.pinecone.delete_index(self.pinecone_index_name) + except Exception as e: + print("Index does not exist: ", e) + + def _create_master_json(self) -> None: + ''' + Check if the master json file exists, if not, create it + ''' + os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.base_data_path), exist_ok=True) + if not os.path.exists(self.master_json_file): + with open(self.master_json_file, "w") as file: + data = { + "index": self.pinecone_index_name, + "namespace": self.pinecone_namespace, + "last_conversation_no": 0, + "meeting_uuids": [], + "meetings": [], + } + + with open(self.master_json_file, "w") as f: + json.dump(data, f, indent=4) + + print(f"Created {self.master_json_file}") + + def _update_master_json( + self, + meeting_uuid: str, + meeting_title: str, + last_conversation_no: int, + meeting_video_file: bool, + time_stamp: str, + ) -> dict: + ''' + Updates the master json file with the new meeting details + ''' + with open(self.master_json_file, "r+") as f: + data = json.load(f) + data["meeting_uuids"] = list(set(data["meeting_uuids"] + [meeting_uuid])) + data["last_conversation_no"] = last_conversation_no + data["meetings"].append( + { + "meeting_uuid": meeting_uuid, + "meeting_title": meeting_title, + "meeting_date": time_stamp, + "meeting_video_file": meeting_video_file, + } + ) + return data + + def _get_meeting_members(self, transcript: pd.DataFrame) -> list[str]: + return list(transcript["speaker_label"].unique()) + + def _create_new_meeting_json( + self, + meeting_uuid: str, + meeting_title: str, + last_conversation_no: int, + meeting_members: list[str], + meeting_video_file: bool, + time_stamp: str, + meeting_summary: str, + ) -> dict: + ''' + Creates a new json file for the meeting details + ''' + data = { + "index": self.pinecone_index_name, + "namespace": self.pinecone_namespace, + "meeting_title": meeting_title, + "meeting_uuid": meeting_uuid, + "meeting_date": time_stamp, + "last_conversation_no": last_conversation_no, + "meeting_video_file": meeting_video_file, + "meeting_members": meeting_members, + "meeting_summary": meeting_summary, + } + + meeting_details_file = os.path.join(self.base_data_path, f"{meeting_uuid}.json") + with open(meeting_details_file, "w") as f: + json.dump(data, f, indent=4) + + def _get_last_conversation_no(self) -> list[str]: + + with open(self.master_json_file, "r") as f: + data = json.load(f) + + return data["last_conversation_no"] + + def _set_new_meeting_json( + self, + meeting_uuid: str, + meeting_title: str, + last_conversation_no: str, + meeting_members: list[str], + meeting_video_file: bool, + meeting_summary: str, + ) -> dict: + ''' + Updates the master json file with the new meeting details + ''' + time_stamp = str(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")) + self._create_new_meeting_json( + meeting_uuid, + meeting_title, + last_conversation_no, + meeting_members, + meeting_video_file, + time_stamp, + meeting_summary, + ) + data = self._update_master_json( + meeting_uuid, + meeting_title, + last_conversation_no, + meeting_video_file, + time_stamp, + ) + + with open(self.master_json_file, "w") as f: + json.dump(data, f, indent=4) + + def _convert_to_hr_min_sec(self, time_in_minutes) -> str: + # Hr:Min:Sec + hours = int(time_in_minutes // 60) + minutes = int(time_in_minutes % 60) + seconds = int((time_in_minutes - int(time_in_minutes)) * 60) + return f"{hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}" + + def pinecone_upsert( + self, + transcript: pd.DataFrame, + meeting_uuid: str = "", + meeting_video_file: bool = False, + meeting_title: str = "Unnamed", + meeting_summary: str = "", + ) -> None: + """ + Upserts the transcript into Pinecone + """ + print("Upserting transcript into Pinecone...") + texts = [] + metadatas = [] + + last_conversation_no = self._get_last_conversation_no() + last_conversation_no = int(last_conversation_no) + + embed = self._get_vector_embedder() + meeting_members = self._get_meeting_members(transcript) + index = self._get_index() + + for _, record in transcript.iterrows(): + start_time = self._convert_to_hr_min_sec(record["start_time"]) + + metadata = { + "speaker": record["speaker_label"], + "start_time": start_time, + "text": record["text"], + "meeting_uuid": meeting_uuid, + } + texts.append(record["text"]) + metadatas.append(metadata) + + if len(texts) >= self.pinecone_upsert_batch_limit: + ids = list( + map( + lambda i: str(i + 1), + range(last_conversation_no, last_conversation_no + len(texts)), + ) + ) + last_conversation_no += len(texts) + embeds = embed.embed_documents(texts) + + try: + index.upsert( + vectors=zip(ids, embeds, metadatas), + namespace=self.pinecone_namespace, + ) + except Exception as e: + print("Error upserting into Pinecone: ", e) + texts = [] + metadatas = [] + + # Upsert the remaining texts + if len(texts) > 0: + ids = list( + map( + lambda i: str(i + 1), + range(last_conversation_no, last_conversation_no + len(texts)), + ) + ) + last_conversation_no += len(texts) + embeds = embed.embed_documents(texts) + + try: + index.upsert( + vectors=zip(ids, embeds, metadatas), + namespace=self.pinecone_namespace, + ) + except Exception as e: + print("Error upserting into Pinecone: ", e) + + self._set_new_meeting_json( + meeting_uuid, + meeting_title, + last_conversation_no, + meeting_members, + meeting_video_file, + meeting_summary, + ) + + print("Upserted transcript into Pinecone") + + def _extract_id_from_response(self, response: list) -> list[int]: + if response: + return list(int(match["id"]) for match in response["matches"]) + return [] + + def query_pinecone( + self, query: str, in_filter: list[str] = [], complete_db_flag: bool = False + ) -> list: + """ + Queries Pinecone for the given query, where in_filter is the list of meeting_uuids to filter the query + and if complete_db_flag is True, the entire database is queried + """ + # for using without clustering, complete_db_flag to True + try: + index = self._get_index() + embed = self._get_vector_embedder() + + filter = None if complete_db_flag else {"meeting_uuid": {"$in": in_filter}} + + self.response = index.query( + vector=embed.embed_documents([query])[0], + namespace=self.pinecone_namespace, + top_k=self.pinecone_top_k_results, + include_metadata=True, + filter=filter, + ) + return self.response + except Exception as e: + print("Error querying Pinecone: ", e) + return [] + + + def query_delta_conversations(self) -> pd.DataFrame: + """ + Queries Pinecone for the given query and returns the delta conversations (conversation window around the query result) + """ + ids = self._extract_id_from_response(self.response) + last_conversation_no = self._get_last_conversation_no() + index = self._get_index() + conversation = {} + + for id in ids: + left = ( + id - self.pinecone_delta_window + if id - self.pinecone_delta_window > 0 + else 1 + ) + right = ( + id + self.pinecone_delta_window + if id + self.pinecone_delta_window <= last_conversation_no + else last_conversation_no + ) + window = [str(i) for i in range(left, right + 1)] + try: + # print("Fetch window: ", window) + print("Contextual Window Conversation IDs: ", window) + fetch_response = index.fetch( + ids=window, namespace=self.pinecone_namespace + ) + conversation[id] = fetch_response + except Exception as e: + print("Error fetching from Pinecone for id:", id, "Error:", e) + continue + # print('conversation length: ', len(conversation)) + return self._parse_fetch_conversations(conversation) + + + def _parse_fetch_conversations(self, conversation)-> dict: + ''' + Parses the conversation dictionary and returns a grouped_dfs + ''' + data_rows = [] + for primary_hit_id, primary_hit_data in conversation.items(): + for _, vector_data in primary_hit_data["vectors"].items(): + id = vector_data["id"] + meeting_uuid = vector_data["metadata"]["meeting_uuid"] + speaker = vector_data["metadata"]["speaker"] + start_time = vector_data["metadata"]["start_time"] + text = vector_data["metadata"]["text"] + + data_rows.append( + (primary_hit_id, id, meeting_uuid, speaker, start_time, text) + ) + + columns = ["primary_id", "id", "meeting_uuid", "speaker", "start_time", "text"] + delta_conversation_df = pd.DataFrame(data_rows, columns=columns) + delta_conversation_df = delta_conversation_df.sort_values(by=["id"]) + delta_conversation_df = delta_conversation_df.drop_duplicates(subset=["id"]) + + # creating separate df for rows with same meeting_cluster_id + grouped_dfs = { + group_name: group.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=False) + for group_name, group in delta_conversation_df.groupby("meeting_uuid") + } + # return delta_conversation_df + return grouped_dfs + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + pinecone = PineconeServerless() + print(pinecone.describe_index_stats()) + + for i in range(1, 3): + print(i) + transcript = pd.read_csv(f"./data/transcriptFiles/healthcare_{i}.csv") + transcript.dropna(inplace=True) + pinecone.pinecone_upsert( + transcript, + meeting_uuid=str(uuid.uuid4()), + meeting_video_file=False, + meeting_title=f"Healthcare Meeting {i}", + meeting_summary=f"Healthcare Meeting Summary Meeting {i}", + ) + time.sleep(5) + print(pinecone.describe_index_stats()) + + query = "I am one of the directors in Wappingers Central School District." + response1 = pinecone.query_pinecone(query, "", True) + print(response1) diff --git a/src/utils/__pycache__/resonate_streamlitUtils.cpython-310.pyc b/src/utils/__pycache__/resonate_streamlitUtils.cpython-310.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..228f7e814b6a82ca5488ea4a3344327193e0c1a2 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/utils/__pycache__/resonate_streamlitUtils.cpython-310.pyc differ diff --git a/src/utils/resonate_streamlitUtils.py b/src/utils/resonate_streamlitUtils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3d137a862121f1c26ca3da833b114b563da43f35 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/resonate_streamlitUtils.py @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +import moviepy.editor as mp +import json +from datetime import datetime, timedelta +from src.aws.resonate_aws_functions import resonate_aws_transcribe +import os + +from src.pinecone.resonate_pinecone_functions import PineconeServerless +import time +import uuid +import pandas as pd + + +def convert_video_to_audio(video_path, audio_path): + # Convert video file to audio file + audio_clip = mp.VideoFileClip(video_path).audio + audio_clip.write_audiofile(audio_path) + + +def transcript_text_editor_minutes_to_hhmmss(minutes): + time_delta = timedelta(minutes=minutes) + hhmmss_format = str(time_delta) + return hhmmss_format + + +def load_json_config(json_file_path="./config/config.json"): + # Use a context manager to ensure the file is properly closed after opening + with open(json_file_path, "r") as file: + # Load the JSON data + data = json.load(file) + return data + + +def aws_transcribe(file_name): + + json_config = load_json_config() + current_timestamp = str.lower(datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%b-%d-%I-%M-%p")) + + json_config["AWS_INPUT_BUCKET"] += f"{str(current_timestamp)}" + json_config["AWS_OUTPUT_BUCKET"] += f"{str(current_timestamp)}" + json_config["AWS_TRANSCRIBE_JOB_NAME"] += f"{str(current_timestamp)}" + + print(json_config) + + try: + rat = resonate_aws_transcribe() + df = rat.runner( + file_name=file_name, + input_bucket=json_config["AWS_INPUT_BUCKET"], + output_bucket=json_config["AWS_OUTPUT_BUCKET"], + transcribe_job_name=json_config["AWS_TRANSCRIBE_JOB_NAME"], + aws_access_key=os.getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY"), + aws_secret_access_key=os.getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"), + aws_region_name=json_config["AWS_REGION"], + ) + + return df + except Exception as e: + return e + + +def pinecone_init_upsert( + df_transcript: pd.DataFrame, + meeting_title: str, + meeting_summary: str, + meeting_uuid: str, +): + try: + + pinecone = PineconeServerless() + pinecone.pinecone_upsert( + df_transcript, + # meeting_uuid=NULL, + meeting_uuid=meeting_uuid, + meeting_video_file=False, + meeting_title=meeting_title, + meeting_summary=meeting_summary, + ) + time.sleep(5) + except Exception as e: + print("Error upserting transcript to Pinecone: ", e)