import writer as wf import import pandas as pd from prompts import stock_prompts, income_prompts, earnings_prompt from stock_data import download_data, download_sp500, stock_news, _one_day_data, income_statement, earnings_calls from charts import update_scatter_chart # Update all data def updates(state): state["message"] = "% Refreshing stock data..." earnings_calls(state) download_sp500(state) stock_news(state) download_data(state) income_statement(state) update_scatter_chart(state) _one_day_data(state) _refresh_window(state) # Refresh the window def _refresh_window(state): state["show_income_metrics"]["visible"] = False state["show_bar_graph"]["visible"] = False state["show_analysis_text"]["visible"] = False state["show_analysis_text"]["language"] = False state["message"] = "Writer AI insights will be generated here" # Summarize earnings call using Palmyra-Fin model def summarize_earnings(state): _refresh_window(state) state["message"] = f"% {state['symbol']} earnings call will be summarized here" earnings_transcript = state["earnings_transcript"] prompt = earnings_prompt.format(earnings_transcript=earnings_transcript) submission =, config={"model": "palmyra-fin-32k", "temperature": 0.7, "max_tokens": 8192}) state["message"] = f"+ {state['symbol']} earnings call summary" state["analysis"] = submission.strip() state["show_analysis_text"]["visible"] = True def prompt_parameters_words(state,payload): state["prompt_parameters_words"] = payload _refresh_window(state) def prompt_parameters_lang(state,payload): state["prompt_parameters_lang"] = payload generate_stock_analysis(state) def generate_stock_analysis(state): _refresh_window(state) if(state["prompt_parameters_lang"] == ""): state["prompt_parameters_lang"] == "English" state["message"] = f"% {state['symbol']} trends will be analyzed here in {state['prompt_parameters_lang']}" stock_name = state["symbol"] stock_data = state["main_df"][:365] rounded_value = round(state["prompt_parameters_words"], 0) language = state["prompt_parameters_lang"] # Convert the rounded value to an integer integer_value = int(rounded_value) prompt = stock_prompts.format(language=language, stock_name=stock_name,words=integer_value,stock_data=stock_data) submission =, config={"model": "palmyra-fin-32k", "temperature": 0.7, "max_tokens": 8192}) state["analysis"] = submission.strip() state["message"] = f"+ {state['symbol']} trends analyzed" state["show_analysis_text"]["visible"] = True state["show_analysis_text"]["language"] = True return submission def generate_income_analysis(state): _refresh_window(state) state["message"] = f"% {state['symbol']} income statement will be visualized here" stock_name = state["symbol"] stock_data = state["main_df"][:365] income_statement_data = state["income_statement_df"][:365] prompt = income_prompts.format( income_statement_data=income_statement_data, stock_data=stock_data, stock_name=stock_name, ) submission =, config={"model": "palmyra-fin-32k", "temperature": 0.7, "max_tokens": 8192}) state["analysis"] = submission.strip() state["message"] = f"+ {state['symbol']} income statement visualized" state["show_income_metrics"]["visible"] = True state["show_analysis_text"]["visible"] = True state["show_bar_graph"]["visible"] = True return submission def stock_tags(state, payload): state["symbol"] = payload updates(state) def _get_main_df(filename): main_df = pd.read_csv(filename) return main_df initial_state = wf.init_state( { "last_24_hours_open": "168.76", "last_24_hours_high": "169.72", "last_24_hours_low": "167.50", "message": None, "main_df": _get_main_df("daily_IBM.csv"), "main_df_subset": _get_main_df("daily_IBM.csv"), "symbol": "AAPL", "articles": { "EU seeks views on Microsoft, OpenAI, Google and Samsung deals, EU's Vestager says": { "source": "Reuters", "published_at": "June 28, 2024 at 15:40", "url": "", }, "Forget the S&P 500 -- Buy This Magnificent ETF Instead": { "source": "Motley Fool", "published_at": "June 28, 2024 at 15:00", "url": "", }, "Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) is Attracting Investor Attention: Here is What You Should Know": { "source": "Zacks", "published_at": "June 28, 2024 at 14:00", "url": "", }, }, "show_analysis_text": { "visible": False, "language": False }, "show_income_metrics": { "visible": False, }, "tab_message": "- **Performance** tab highlights stock trends using an interactive graph where time filters can be selected.
  • **Stock data** tab shows the stock data from Yahoo Finance.
  • **Income data** tab shows the income statement from Yahoo Finance.
  • **View 10-K** tab shows the selected stock 10-K in a PDF viewer shown via an _API integration_.", "prompt_parameters_lang": "English", "prompt_parameters_words": 100, "message": "Writer AI insights will be generated here", "show_bar_graph": {"visible": False}, "output_language": { "English": "English", "Arabic": "Arabic", "Bengali": "Bengali", "Bulgarian": "Bulgarian", "Chinese simplified": "Chinese simplified", "Chinese traditional": "Chinese traditional", "Croatian": "Croatian", "Czech": "Czech", "Danish": "Danish", "Dutch": "Dutch", "Finnish": "Finnish", "French": "French", "German": "German", "Greek": "Greek", "Hebrew": "Hebrew", "Hindi": "Hindi", "Hungarian": "Hungarian", "Indonesian": "Indonesian", "Italian": "Italian", "Japanese": "Japanese", "Korean": "Korean", "Lithuanian": "Lithuanian", "Polish": "Polish", "Portuguese": "Portuguese", "Romanian": "Romanian", "Russian": "Russian", "Spanish": "Spanish", "Swahili": "Swahili", "Swedish": "Swedish", "Thai": "Thai", "Turkish": "Turkish", "Ukrainian": "Ukrainian", "Vietnamese": "Vietnamese", }, } ) updates(initial_state) initial_state.import_stylesheet("theme", "/static/custom.css?18")