import pandas as pd import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go from plotly.subplots import make_subplots def handle_click(state, context: dict, ui): # Resetting the classes for active button if state["active_button"]: active_button = ui.find(state["active_button"]) active_button.content["cssClasses"] = "" event_target = context["target"] button = ui.find(event_target) # Storing the clicked button ID in state state["active_button"] = event_target button_text = button.content["text"] _handle_time_period(state, button_text) button.content["cssClasses"] = "button-click" button_max = ui.find("e13teponreio9yyz") button_max.content["cssClasses"] = "" ui.component_tree.updated = True def _handle_time_period(state, period): state["main_df_subset"] = state["main_df"] if period == "5D": state["main_df_subset"] = state["main_df_subset"][:5] elif period == "1M": state["main_df_subset"] = state["main_df_subset"][:30] elif period == "3M": state["main_df_subset"] = state["main_df_subset"][:90] elif period == "1Y": state["main_df_subset"] = state["main_df_subset"][:360] elif period == "5Y": state["main_df_subset"] = state["main_df_subset"][:1800] elif period == "Max": # No need to slice, already has the full data pass update_scatter_chart(state) def update_scatter_chart(state): fig = px.line(state["main_df_subset"], x="Date", y="Open", height=400) df1 = state["main_df_subset"] df2 = state["another_df"] df2 = df2.head(len(df1)) # Add a new column to each dataframe to identify the source df1["Source"] = "Main_DF" df2["Source"] = "Another_DF" # Concatenate the dataframes combined_df = pd.concat([df1, df2]) state["main_df_subset"] = combined_df # Plot the lines fig = make_subplots(specs=[[{"secondary_y": True}]]) # Add traces for the primary y-axis (Main_DF) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=df1["Date"], y=df1["Open"], name=state["symbol"], mode='lines'), secondary_y=False, ) # Add traces for the secondary y-axis (Another_DF) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=df2["Date"], y=df2["Open"], name="S&P 500", mode='lines'), secondary_y=True, ) # Set axis titles fig.update_yaxes(title_text=f"{state['symbol']} Stock Price", secondary_y=False) fig.update_yaxes(title_text="S&P 500", secondary_y=True) # Update layout fig.update_layout(height=550, title_text=f"{state['symbol']} Stock vs the S&P 500", title_x = 0.5, title_y = 0.9, legend=dict( orientation='h', yanchor='top', y=-0.2, # Adjust this value as needed xanchor='center', x=0.5 )) state["scatter_chart"] = fig def update_bar_graph(state): fig = px.line(state["main_df_subset"], x="Date", y="Open", height=400) df = state["income_statement_df"] selected_metrics = ["Total Revenue", "Net Income", "Operating Income"] df_filtered = df.loc[selected_metrics] # Transpose the DataFrame for easier plotting df_transposed = df_filtered.transpose().reset_index() df_transposed = df_transposed.melt( id_vars=["index"], var_name="Metric", value_name="Value" ) # Create the bar graph using Plotly Express fig = df_transposed, x="index", y="Value", color="Metric", barmode="group", labels={"index": "", "Value": ""}, title="Summary of Quarterly Income Statement", ) fig.update_layout( legend=dict(orientation="h", yanchor="top", y=-0.2, xanchor="center", x=0.5) ) state["bar_graph"] = fig