import json |
import os |
import pickle |
import random |
import sys |
from io import StringIO |
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict |
import torch |
import torch.utils.data.dataset |
from PIL import Image, ImageOps |
from pycocotools.coco import COCO |
from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval |
from torch import Tensor |
from torchvision.datasets import CocoDetection |
from tqdm import tqdm |
from bbox import BBox |
from dataset.base import Base |
from dataset.coco2017 import COCO2017 |
class COCO2017Car(Base): |
class Annotation(object): |
class Object(object): |
def __init__(self, bbox: BBox, label: int): |
super().__init__() |
self.bbox = bbox |
self.label = label |
def __repr__(self) -> str: |
return 'Object[label={:d}, bbox={!s}]'.format( |
self.label, self.bbox) |
def __init__(self, filename: str, objects: List[Object]): |
super().__init__() |
self.filename = filename |
self.objects = objects |
'background': 0, 'car': 1 |
} |
LABEL_TO_CATEGORY_DICT = {v: k for k, v in CATEGORY_TO_LABEL_DICT.items()} |
def __init__(self, path_to_data_dir: str, mode: Base.Mode, image_min_side: float, image_max_side: float): |
super().__init__(path_to_data_dir, mode, image_min_side, image_max_side) |
path_to_coco_dir = os.path.join(self._path_to_data_dir, 'COCO') |
path_to_annotations_dir = os.path.join(path_to_coco_dir, 'annotations') |
path_to_caches_dir = os.path.join('caches', 'coco2017-car', f'{self._mode.value}') |
path_to_image_ids_pickle = os.path.join(path_to_caches_dir, 'image-ids.pkl') |
path_to_image_id_dict_pickle = os.path.join(path_to_caches_dir, 'image-id-dict.pkl') |
path_to_image_ratios_pickle = os.path.join(path_to_caches_dir, 'image-ratios.pkl') |
if self._mode == COCO2017Car.Mode.TRAIN: |
path_to_jpeg_images_dir = os.path.join(path_to_coco_dir, 'train2017') |
path_to_annotation = os.path.join(path_to_annotations_dir, 'instances_train2017.json') |
elif self._mode == COCO2017Car.Mode.EVAL: |
path_to_jpeg_images_dir = os.path.join(path_to_coco_dir, 'val2017') |
path_to_annotation = os.path.join(path_to_annotations_dir, 'instances_val2017.json') |
else: |
raise ValueError('invalid mode') |
coco_dataset = CocoDetection(root=path_to_jpeg_images_dir, annFile=path_to_annotation) |
if os.path.exists(path_to_image_ids_pickle) and os.path.exists(path_to_image_id_dict_pickle): |
print('loading cache files...') |
with open(path_to_image_ids_pickle, 'rb') as f: |
self._image_ids = pickle.load(f) |
with open(path_to_image_id_dict_pickle, 'rb') as f: |
self._image_id_to_annotation_dict = pickle.load(f) |
with open(path_to_image_ratios_pickle, 'rb') as f: |
self._image_ratios = pickle.load(f) |
else: |
print('generating cache files...') |
os.makedirs(path_to_caches_dir, exist_ok=True) |
self._image_id_to_annotation_dict: Dict[str, COCO2017Car.Annotation] = {} |
self._image_ratios = [] |
for idx, (image, annotation) in enumerate(tqdm(coco_dataset)): |
if len(annotation) > 0: |
image_id = str(annotation[0]['image_id']) |
annotation = COCO2017Car.Annotation( |
filename=os.path.join(path_to_jpeg_images_dir, '{:012d}.jpg'.format(int(image_id))), |
objects=[COCO2017Car.Annotation.Object( |
bbox=BBox( |
left=ann['bbox'][0], |
top=ann['bbox'][1], |
right=ann['bbox'][0] + ann['bbox'][2], |
bottom=ann['bbox'][1] + ann['bbox'][3] |
), |
label=ann['category_id']) |
for ann in annotation] |
) |
annotation.objects = [obj for obj in annotation.objects |
if obj.label in [COCO2017.CATEGORY_TO_LABEL_DICT['car']]] |
if len(annotation.objects) > 0: |
self._image_id_to_annotation_dict[image_id] = annotation |
ratio = float(image.width / image.height) |
self._image_ratios.append(ratio) |
self._image_ids = list(self._image_id_to_annotation_dict.keys()) |
with open(path_to_image_ids_pickle, 'wb') as f: |
pickle.dump(self._image_ids, f) |
with open(path_to_image_id_dict_pickle, 'wb') as f: |
pickle.dump(self._image_id_to_annotation_dict, f) |
with open(path_to_image_ratios_pickle, 'wb') as f: |
pickle.dump(self.image_ratios, f) |
def __len__(self) -> int: |
return len(self._image_id_to_annotation_dict) |
def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Tuple[str, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: |
image_id = self._image_ids[index] |
annotation = self._image_id_to_annotation_dict[image_id] |
bboxes = [obj.bbox.tolist() for obj in annotation.objects] |
labels = [COCO2017Car.CATEGORY_TO_LABEL_DICT[COCO2017.LABEL_TO_CATEGORY_DICT[obj.label]] for obj in annotation.objects] |
bboxes = torch.tensor(bboxes, dtype=torch.float) |
labels = torch.tensor(labels, dtype=torch.long) |
image = Image.open(annotation.filename).convert('RGB') |
if self._mode == COCO2017Car.Mode.TRAIN and random.random() > 0.5: |
image = ImageOps.mirror(image) |
bboxes[:, [0, 2]] = image.width - bboxes[:, [2, 0]] |
image, scale = COCO2017Car.preprocess(image, self._image_min_side, self._image_max_side) |
scale = torch.tensor(scale, dtype=torch.float) |
bboxes *= scale |
return image_id, image, scale, bboxes, labels |
def evaluate(self, path_to_results_dir: str, image_ids: List[str], bboxes: List[List[float]], classes: List[int], probs: List[float]) -> Tuple[float, str]: |
self._write_results(path_to_results_dir, image_ids, bboxes, classes, probs) |
annType = 'bbox' |
path_to_coco_dir = os.path.join(self._path_to_data_dir, 'COCO') |
path_to_annotations_dir = os.path.join(path_to_coco_dir, 'annotations') |
path_to_annotation = os.path.join(path_to_annotations_dir, 'instances_val2017.json') |
cocoGt = COCO(path_to_annotation) |
cocoDt = cocoGt.loadRes(os.path.join(path_to_results_dir, 'results.json')) |
cocoEval = COCOeval(cocoGt, cocoDt, annType) |
cocoEval.params.catIds = COCO2017.CATEGORY_TO_LABEL_DICT['car'] |
cocoEval.evaluate() |
cocoEval.accumulate() |
original_stdout = sys.stdout |
string_stdout = StringIO() |
sys.stdout = string_stdout |
cocoEval.summarize() |
sys.stdout = original_stdout |
mean_ap = cocoEval.stats[0].item() |
detail = string_stdout.getvalue() |
return mean_ap, detail |
def _write_results(self, path_to_results_dir: str, image_ids: List[str], bboxes: List[List[float]], classes: List[int], probs: List[float]): |
results = [] |
for image_id, bbox, cls, prob in zip(image_ids, bboxes, classes, probs): |
results.append( |
{ |
'image_id': int(image_id), |
'bbox': [ |
bbox[0], |
bbox[1], |
bbox[2] - bbox[0], |
bbox[3] - bbox[1] |
], |
'score': prob |
} |
) |
with open(os.path.join(path_to_results_dir, 'results.json'), 'w') as f: |
json.dump(results, f) |
@property |
def image_ratios(self) -> List[float]: |
return self._image_ratios |
@staticmethod |
def num_classes() -> int: |
return 2 |