isayahc's picture
imported re
08754e8 unverified
import hashlib
import datetime
import os
import uuid
from typing import Dict
import re
# from rag_app.utils import logger
# logger = logger.get_console_logger("utils")
def extract_urls(data_list):
Extracts URLs from a list of of dictionaries.
- formatted_list (list): A list of dictionaries, each containing 'Title:', 'link:', and 'summary:'.
- list: A list of URLs extracted from the dictionaries.
urls = []
for item in data_list:
# Find the start and end indices of the URL
lower_case = item.lower()
link_prefix = 'link: '
summary_prefix = ', summary:'
start_idx = lower_case.index(link_prefix) + len(link_prefix)
end_idx = lower_case.index(summary_prefix, start_idx)
# Extract the URL using the indices found
url = item[start_idx:end_idx]
except ValueError:
# Handles the case where 'link: ' or ', summary:' is not found in the string
print("Could not find a URL in the item:", item)
last_sources = urls[-3:]
return last_sources
def format_search_results(search_results):
Formats a list of dictionaries containing search results into a list of strings.
Each dictionary is expected to have the keys 'title', 'link', and 'snippet'.
- search_results (list): A list of dictionaries, each containing 'title', 'link', and 'snippet'.
- list: A list of formatted strings based on the search results.
if len(search_results)>1:
formatted_results = [
"Title: {title}, Link: {link}, Summary: {snippet}".format(**i)
for i in search_results
return formatted_results
def parse_list_to_dicts(items: list) -> list:
parsed_items = []
for item in items:
# Extract title, link, and summary from each string
title_start = item.find('Title: ') + len('Title: ')
link_start = item.find('Link: ') + len('Link: ')
summary_start = item.find('Summary: ') + len('Summary: ')
title_end = item.find(', Link: ')
link_end = item.find(', Summary: ')
summary_end = len(item)
title = item[title_start:title_end]
link = item[link_start:link_end]
summary = item[summary_start:summary_end]
# Use the hash_text function for the hash_id
hash_id = hash_text(link)
# Construct the dictionary for each item
parsed_item = {
"url": link,
"title": title,
"hash_id": hash_id,
"summary": summary
return parsed_items
def hash_text(text: str) -> str:
return hashlib.md5(text.encode()).hexdigest()
def convert_timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp: str) -> str:
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(timestamp)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
def create_folder_if_not_exists(folder_path: str) -> None:
Create a folder if it doesn't already exist.
- folder_path (str): The path of the folder to create.
if not os.path.exists(folder_path):
print(f"Folder '{folder_path}' created.")
print(f"Folder '{folder_path}' already exists.")
def generate_uuid() -> str:
Generate a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) and return it as a string.
str: A UUID string.
return str(uuid.uuid4())
def extract_responses(text: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
Extracts the user response and AI response from the provided text.
text (str): The input text containing user and AI responses.
Dict[str, str]: A dictionary with keys 'USER' and 'AI' containing the respective responses.
user_pattern = re.compile(r'USER: (.*?) \n', re.DOTALL)
ai_pattern = re.compile(r'AI: (.*?)$', re.DOTALL)
user_match =
ai_match =
responses = {
"USER": if user_match else "",
"AI": if ai_match else ""
return responses