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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2021-2022 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-NvidiaProprietary
# NVIDIA CORPORATION, its affiliates and licensors retain all intellectual
# property and proprietary rights in and to this material, related
# documentation and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction,
# disclosure or distribution of this material and related documentation
# without an express license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION or
# its affiliates is strictly prohibited.
# Modified by Jiale Xu
# The modifications are subject to the same license as the original.
The renderer is a module that takes in rays, decides where to sample along each
ray, and computes pixel colors using the volume rendering equation.
from __future__ import annotations
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from . import math_utils
from .ray_marcher import MipRayMarcher2
def generate_planes():
Defines planes by the three vectors that form the "axes" of the
plane. Should work with arbitrary number of planes and planes of
arbitrary orientation.
Bugfix reference:
return torch.tensor([[[1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 1]],
[[1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1],
[0, 1, 0]],
[[0, 0, 1],
[0, 1, 0],
[1, 0, 0]]], dtype=torch.float32)
def project_onto_planes(planes, coordinates):
Does a projection of a 3D point onto a batch of 2D planes,
returning 2D plane coordinates.
Takes plane axes of shape n_planes, 3, 3
# Takes coordinates of shape N, M, 3
# returns projections of shape N*n_planes, M, 2
N, M, _C = coordinates.shape
n_planes, _, _ = planes.shape
coordinates = coordinates.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, n_planes, -1, -1).reshape(N*n_planes, M, 3)
inv_planes = torch.linalg.inv(planes).unsqueeze(0).expand(N, -1, -1, -1).reshape(N*n_planes, 3, 3)
projections = torch.bmm(coordinates, inv_planes)
return projections[..., :2]
def sample_from_planes(plane_axes, plane_features, coordinates, mode='bilinear', padding_mode='zeros', box_warp=None):
assert padding_mode == 'zeros'
N, n_planes, C, H, W = plane_features.shape
_, M, _ = coordinates.shape
plane_features = plane_features.view(N*n_planes, C, H, W)
dtype = plane_features.dtype
coordinates = (2/box_warp) * coordinates # add specific box bounds
projected_coordinates = project_onto_planes(plane_axes, coordinates).unsqueeze(1)
output_features = torch.nn.functional.grid_sample(
).permute(0, 3, 2, 1).reshape(N, n_planes, M, C)
return output_features
def sample_from_3dgrid(grid, coordinates):
Expects coordinates in shape (batch_size, num_points_per_batch, 3)
Expects grid in shape (1, channels, H, W, D)
(Also works if grid has batch size)
Returns sampled features of shape (batch_size, num_points_per_batch, feature_channels).
batch_size, _n_coords, n_dims = coordinates.shape
sampled_features = torch.nn.functional.grid_sample(
grid.expand(batch_size, -1, -1, -1, -1),
coordinates.reshape(batch_size, 1, 1, -1, n_dims),
N, C, H, W, D = sampled_features.shape
sampled_features = sampled_features.permute(0, 4, 3, 2, 1).reshape(N, H*W*D, C)
return sampled_features
class ImportanceRenderer(torch.nn.Module):
Modified original version to filter out-of-box samples as TensoRF does.
def __init__(self):
self.activation_factory = self._build_activation_factory()
self.ray_marcher = MipRayMarcher2(self.activation_factory)
self.plane_axes = generate_planes()
def _build_activation_factory(self):
def activation_factory(options: dict):
if options['clamp_mode'] == 'softplus':
return lambda x: F.softplus(x - 1) # activation bias of -1 makes things initialize better
assert False, "Renderer only supports `clamp_mode`=`softplus`!"
return activation_factory
def _forward_pass(self, depths: torch.Tensor, ray_directions: torch.Tensor, ray_origins: torch.Tensor,
planes: torch.Tensor, decoder: nn.Module, rendering_options: dict):
Additional filtering is applied to filter out-of-box samples.
Modifications made by Zexin He.
# context related variables
batch_size, num_rays, samples_per_ray, _ = depths.shape
device = depths.device
# define sample points with depths
sample_directions = ray_directions.unsqueeze(-2).expand(-1, -1, samples_per_ray, -1).reshape(batch_size, -1, 3)
sample_coordinates = (ray_origins.unsqueeze(-2) + depths * ray_directions.unsqueeze(-2)).reshape(batch_size, -1, 3)
# filter out-of-box samples
mask_inbox = \
(rendering_options['sampler_bbox_min'] <= sample_coordinates) & \
(sample_coordinates <= rendering_options['sampler_bbox_max'])
mask_inbox = mask_inbox.all(-1)
# forward model according to all samples
_out = self.run_model(planes, decoder, sample_coordinates, sample_directions, rendering_options)
# set out-of-box samples to zeros(rgb) & -inf(sigma)
DATA_TYPE = _out['sigma'].dtype
colors_pass = torch.zeros(batch_size, num_rays * samples_per_ray, 3, device=device, dtype=DATA_TYPE)
densities_pass = torch.nan_to_num(torch.full((batch_size, num_rays * samples_per_ray, 1), -float('inf'), device=device, dtype=DATA_TYPE)) / SAFE_GUARD
colors_pass[mask_inbox], densities_pass[mask_inbox] = _out['rgb'][mask_inbox], _out['sigma'][mask_inbox]
# reshape back
colors_pass = colors_pass.reshape(batch_size, num_rays, samples_per_ray, colors_pass.shape[-1])
densities_pass = densities_pass.reshape(batch_size, num_rays, samples_per_ray, densities_pass.shape[-1])
return colors_pass, densities_pass
def forward(self, planes, decoder, ray_origins, ray_directions, rendering_options):
# self.plane_axes =
if rendering_options['ray_start'] == rendering_options['ray_end'] == 'auto':
ray_start, ray_end = math_utils.get_ray_limits_box(ray_origins, ray_directions, box_side_length=rendering_options['box_warp'])
is_ray_valid = ray_end > ray_start
if torch.any(is_ray_valid).item():
ray_start[~is_ray_valid] = ray_start[is_ray_valid].min()
ray_end[~is_ray_valid] = ray_start[is_ray_valid].max()
depths_coarse = self.sample_stratified(ray_origins, ray_start, ray_end, rendering_options['depth_resolution'], rendering_options['disparity_space_sampling'])
# Create stratified depth samples
depths_coarse = self.sample_stratified(ray_origins, rendering_options['ray_start'], rendering_options['ray_end'], rendering_options['depth_resolution'], rendering_options['disparity_space_sampling'])
# Coarse Pass
colors_coarse, densities_coarse = self._forward_pass(
depths=depths_coarse, ray_directions=ray_directions, ray_origins=ray_origins,
planes=planes, decoder=decoder, rendering_options=rendering_options)
# Fine Pass
N_importance = rendering_options['depth_resolution_importance']
if N_importance > 0:
_, _, weights = self.ray_marcher(colors_coarse, densities_coarse, depths_coarse, rendering_options)
depths_fine = self.sample_importance(depths_coarse, weights, N_importance)
colors_fine, densities_fine = self._forward_pass(
depths=depths_fine, ray_directions=ray_directions, ray_origins=ray_origins,
planes=planes, decoder=decoder, rendering_options=rendering_options)
all_depths, all_colors, all_densities = self.unify_samples(depths_coarse, colors_coarse, densities_coarse,
depths_fine, colors_fine, densities_fine)
rgb_final, depth_final, weights = self.ray_marcher(all_colors, all_densities, all_depths, rendering_options)
rgb_final, depth_final, weights = self.ray_marcher(colors_coarse, densities_coarse, depths_coarse, rendering_options)
return rgb_final, depth_final, weights.sum(2)
def run_model(self, planes, decoder, sample_coordinates, sample_directions, options):
plane_axes =
sampled_features = sample_from_planes(plane_axes, planes, sample_coordinates, padding_mode='zeros', box_warp=options['box_warp'])
out = decoder(sampled_features, sample_directions)
if options.get('density_noise', 0) > 0:
out['sigma'] += torch.randn_like(out['sigma']) * options['density_noise']
return out
def run_model_activated(self, planes, decoder, sample_coordinates, sample_directions, options):
out = self.run_model(planes, decoder, sample_coordinates, sample_directions, options)
out['sigma'] = self.activation_factory(options)(out['sigma'])
return out
def sort_samples(self, all_depths, all_colors, all_densities):
_, indices = torch.sort(all_depths, dim=-2)
all_depths = torch.gather(all_depths, -2, indices)
all_colors = torch.gather(all_colors, -2, indices.expand(-1, -1, -1, all_colors.shape[-1]))
all_densities = torch.gather(all_densities, -2, indices.expand(-1, -1, -1, 1))
return all_depths, all_colors, all_densities
def unify_samples(self, depths1, colors1, densities1, depths2, colors2, densities2, normals1=None, normals2=None):
all_depths =[depths1, depths2], dim = -2)
all_colors =[colors1, colors2], dim = -2)
all_densities =[densities1, densities2], dim = -2)
if normals1 is not None and normals2 is not None:
all_normals =[normals1, normals2], dim = -2)
all_normals = None
_, indices = torch.sort(all_depths, dim=-2)
all_depths = torch.gather(all_depths, -2, indices)
all_colors = torch.gather(all_colors, -2, indices.expand(-1, -1, -1, all_colors.shape[-1]))
all_densities = torch.gather(all_densities, -2, indices.expand(-1, -1, -1, 1))
if all_normals is not None:
all_normals = torch.gather(all_normals, -2, indices.expand(-1, -1, -1, all_normals.shape[-1]))
return all_depths, all_colors, all_normals, all_densities
return all_depths, all_colors, all_densities
def sample_stratified(self, ray_origins, ray_start, ray_end, depth_resolution, disparity_space_sampling=False):
"""Return depths of approximately uniformly spaced samples along rays."""
N, M, _ = ray_origins.shape
if disparity_space_sampling:
depths_coarse = torch.linspace(0,
device=ray_origins.device).reshape(1, 1, depth_resolution, 1).repeat(N, M, 1, 1)
depth_delta = 1/(depth_resolution - 1)
depths_coarse += torch.rand_like(depths_coarse) * depth_delta
depths_coarse = 1./(1./ray_start * (1. - depths_coarse) + 1./ray_end * depths_coarse)
if type(ray_start) == torch.Tensor:
depths_coarse = math_utils.linspace(ray_start, ray_end, depth_resolution).permute(1,2,0,3)
depth_delta = (ray_end - ray_start) / (depth_resolution - 1)
depths_coarse += torch.rand_like(depths_coarse) * depth_delta[..., None]
depths_coarse = torch.linspace(ray_start, ray_end, depth_resolution, device=ray_origins.device).reshape(1, 1, depth_resolution, 1).repeat(N, M, 1, 1)
depth_delta = (ray_end - ray_start)/(depth_resolution - 1)
depths_coarse += torch.rand_like(depths_coarse) * depth_delta
return depths_coarse
def sample_importance(self, z_vals, weights, N_importance):
"""Return depths of importance sampled points along rays. See NeRF importance sampling for more."""
with torch.no_grad():
batch_size, num_rays, samples_per_ray, _ = z_vals.shape
z_vals = z_vals.reshape(batch_size * num_rays, samples_per_ray)
weights = weights.reshape(batch_size * num_rays, -1) # -1 to account for loss of 1 sample in MipRayMarcher
# smooth weights
weights = torch.nn.functional.max_pool1d(weights.unsqueeze(1), 2, 1, padding=1)
weights = torch.nn.functional.avg_pool1d(weights, 2, 1).squeeze()
weights = weights + 0.01
z_vals_mid = 0.5 * (z_vals[: ,:-1] + z_vals[: ,1:])
importance_z_vals = self.sample_pdf(z_vals_mid, weights[:, 1:-1],
N_importance).detach().reshape(batch_size, num_rays, N_importance, 1)
return importance_z_vals
def sample_pdf(self, bins, weights, N_importance, det=False, eps=1e-5):
Sample @N_importance samples from @bins with distribution defined by @weights.
bins: (N_rays, N_samples_+1) where N_samples_ is "the number of coarse samples per ray - 2"
weights: (N_rays, N_samples_)
N_importance: the number of samples to draw from the distribution
det: deterministic or not
eps: a small number to prevent division by zero
samples: the sampled samples.
N_rays, N_samples_ = weights.shape
weights = weights + eps # prevent division by zero (don't do inplace op!)
pdf = weights / torch.sum(weights, -1, keepdim=True) # (N_rays, N_samples_)
cdf = torch.cumsum(pdf, -1) # (N_rays, N_samples), cumulative distribution function
cdf =[torch.zeros_like(cdf[: ,:1]), cdf], -1) # (N_rays, N_samples_+1)
# padded to 0~1 inclusive
if det:
u = torch.linspace(0, 1, N_importance, device=bins.device)
u = u.expand(N_rays, N_importance)
u = torch.rand(N_rays, N_importance, device=bins.device)
u = u.contiguous()
inds = torch.searchsorted(cdf, u, right=True)
below = torch.clamp_min(inds-1, 0)
above = torch.clamp_max(inds, N_samples_)
inds_sampled = torch.stack([below, above], -1).view(N_rays, 2*N_importance)
cdf_g = torch.gather(cdf, 1, inds_sampled).view(N_rays, N_importance, 2)
bins_g = torch.gather(bins, 1, inds_sampled).view(N_rays, N_importance, 2)
denom = cdf_g[...,1]-cdf_g[...,0]
denom[denom<eps] = 1 # denom equals 0 means a bin has weight 0, in which case it will not be sampled
# anyway, therefore any value for it is fine (set to 1 here)
samples = bins_g[...,0] + (u-cdf_g[...,0])/denom * (bins_g[...,1]-bins_g[...,0])
return samples