import json |
import streamlit as st |
from pathlib import Path |
from utils.load_jsonl import load_data |
from utils.code_services import format_code, execute_code |
from utils.save_to_hf import commit_and_push_changes |
DATA_DIR = Path("data/questions") |
JSONL_FILE = "output.jsonl" |
questions_data = load_data(JSONL_FILE) |
categories = sorted(set(q["metadata"]["category"] for q in questions_data)) |
st.title("βοΈ Edit a Question") |
if not categories: |
st.warning("No categories available.") |
st.stop() |
selected_category = st.selectbox("Select a Category", categories) |
filtered_questions = {int(q["folder"]): q["question"][:50] + "..." for q in questions_data if q["metadata"]["category"] == selected_category} |
if not filtered_questions: |
st.warning("No questions found in this category.") |
st.stop() |
selected_question_id = st.selectbox("Select Question to Edit", list(filtered_questions.keys()), format_func=lambda x: f"ID {x}: {filtered_questions[x]}") |
selected_question = next((q for q in questions_data if int(q["folder"]) == selected_question_id), None) |
if selected_question: |
question_input = st.text_area("Edit Question", value=selected_question["question"]) |
answer_input = st.text_area("Edit Answer", value=selected_question["answer"]) |
code_input = st.text_area("Edit Code", value=selected_question["code"]) |
metadata = selected_question["metadata"] |
category_input = st.text_input("Category", value=metadata["category"]) |
answer_category_input = st.text_input("Answer Category", value=metadata["answer_category"]) |
plot_input = st.checkbox("Does this require a plot?", value=metadata["plot"]) |
libraries_input = st.text_input("Libraries (comma-separated)", value=", ".join(metadata["libraries"])) |
if st.button("Save Changes"): |
if not all([question_input.strip(), answer_input.strip(), code_input.strip(), category_input.strip(), answer_category_input.strip()]): |
st.error("β All fields are required. Please fill them out.") |
else: |
formatted_code = format_code(code_input) |
output, error = execute_code(formatted_code) |
if error: |
st.error("β Code execution failed! Fix the following error before saving:") |
st.code(error, language="plaintext") |
else: |
question_dir = DATA_DIR / str(selected_question_id) |
(question_dir / "question.txt").write_text(question_input, encoding="utf-8") |
(question_dir / "answer.txt").write_text(answer_input, encoding="utf-8") |
(question_dir / "code.py").write_text(formatted_code, encoding="utf-8") |
updated_metadata = { |
"question_id": selected_question_id, |
"category": category_input.strip(), |
"answer_category": answer_category_input.strip(), |
"plot": plot_input, |
"libraries": [lib.strip() for lib in libraries_input.split(",")] if libraries_input else [] |
} |
with open(question_dir / "metadata.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: |
json.dump(updated_metadata, f, indent=4) |
Question ID {selected_question_id} updated successfully!") |
commit_and_push_changes() |
st.info("Refresh to see the applied changes") |
if st.button("Refresh"): |
st.rerun() |
else: |
st.error("β Failed to load question data.") |
if code_input: |
st.subheader("π» Test Your Code Before Saving") |
formatted_test_code = format_code(code_input) |
st.code(formatted_test_code, language="python") |
if st.button("Execute Code"): |
output, error = execute_code(formatted_test_code) |
if error: |
st.error("β Code execution failed! Fix the following error:") |
st.error(error) |
else: |
Code executed successfully!") |
st.success(f"Execution Output: {output}") |