# Copyright (c) 2023 Microsoft # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] import bisect import copy import re import string from collections import defaultdict from typing import List import nltk import numpy as np import tiktoken import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.utils.data import DataLoader from transformers import ( AutoConfig, AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoModelForTokenClassification, AutoTokenizer, ) from core_utils_llmlingua2 import (TokenClfDataset, get_pure_token, is_begin_of_new_word, replace_added_token, seed_everything,) #from core_utils_llmlingua2_phobert import (TokenClfDataset, get_pure_token, is_begin_of_new_word, replace_added_token, seed_everything,) class PromptCompressor: """ PromptCompressor is designed for compressing prompts based on a given language model. This class initializes with the language model and its configuration, preparing it for prompt compression tasks. The PromptCompressor class is versatile and can be adapted for various models and specific requirements in prompt processing. Users can specify different model names and configurations as needed for their particular use case.The architecture is based on the paper "LLMLingua: Compressing Prompts for Accelerated Inference of Large Language Models". Jiang, Huiqiang, Qianhui Wu, Chin-Yew Lin, Yuqing Yang, and Lili Qiu. "Llmlingua: Compressing prompts for accelerated inference of large language models." arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.05736 (2023). Args: model_name (str, optional): The name of the language model to be loaded. Default is "NousResearch/Llama-2-7b-hf". device_map (str, optional): The device to load the model onto, e.g., "cuda" for GPU. Default is "cuda". model_config (dict, optional): A dictionary containing the configuration parameters for the model. Default is an empty dictionary. open_api_config (dict, optional): A dictionary containing configuration for openai APIs that may be used in conjunction with the model. Default is an empty dictionary. use_llmlingua2 (bool, optional): Whether to use llmlingua-2 compressor based on the paper "LLMLingua-2: Context-Aware Data Distillation for Efficient and Faithful Task-Agnostic Prompt Compression". Zhuoshi Pan, Qianhui Wu, Huiqiang Jiang, Menglin Xia, Xufang Luo, Jue Zhang, Qingwei Lin, Victor Ruhle, Yuqing Yang, Chin-Yew Lin, H. Vicky Zhao, Lili Qiu, Dongmei Zhang. "LLMLingua-2: Context-Aware Data Distillation for Efficient and Faithful Task-Agnostic Prompt Compression". arXiv preprint arXiv:, Default is True. llmlingua2_config (dict, optional): A dictionary containing the configuration parameters for llmlingua-2. Default is { "max_batch_size": 50, "max_force_token": 100, # max number of the tokens which will be forcely preserved } Example: >>> compress_method = PromptCompressor(model_name="microsoft/llmlingua-2-xlm-roberta-large-meetingbank", use_llmlingua2=True, ) >>> context = ["This is the first context sentence.", "Here is another context sentence."] >>> result = compress_method.compress_prompt(context, use_context_level_filter=True, target_token=5) >>> print(result["compressed_prompt"]) # This will print the compressed version of the context. Note: The `PromptCompressor` class requires the Hugging Face Transformers library and an appropriate environment to load and run the models. """ def __init__( self, model_name: str = "NousResearch/Llama-2-7b-hf", device_map: str = "cuda", model_config: dict = {}, open_api_config: dict = {}, use_llmlingua2: bool = False, llmlingua2_config: dict = {}, ): self.model_name = model_name self.use_llmlingua2 = use_llmlingua2 self.retrieval_model = None self.retrieval_model_name = None self.open_api_config = open_api_config self.cache_bos_num = 10 self.prefix_bos_num = 100 self.oai_tokenizer = tiktoken.encoding_for_model("gpt-3.5-turbo") self.load_model(model_name, device_map, model_config) if use_llmlingua2: self.init_llmlingua2(**llmlingua2_config) def init_llmlingua2( self, max_batch_size: int = 50, max_force_token: int = 100, ): seed_everything(42) self.max_batch_size = max_batch_size self.max_seq_len = 512 # 512 (xlm-roberta) 256 (phobert) self.max_force_token = max_force_token self.special_tokens = set( # trả ra special tokens [ v for k, v in self.tokenizer.special_tokens_map.items() if k != "additional_special_tokens" ] ) self.added_tokens = [f"[NEW{i}]" for i in range(max_force_token)] self.tokenizer.add_special_tokens( # Add special token in force token {"additional_special_tokens": self.added_tokens} ) self.model.resize_token_embeddings(len(self.tokenizer)) # Resize embedding dim def load_model( self, model_name: str, device_map: str = "cuda", model_config: dict = {} ): trust_remote_code = model_config.get("trust_remote_code", True) if "trust_remote_code" not in model_config: model_config["trust_remote_code"] = trust_remote_code config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_name, **model_config) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name, **model_config) if model_config.get("pad_to_left", True): tokenizer.padding_side = "left" tokenizer.pad_token_id = ( config.pad_token_id if config.pad_token_id else tokenizer.eos_token_id ) MODEL_CLASS = ( AutoModelForTokenClassification # Use llmlingua2 if any("ForTokenClassification" in ar for ar in config.architectures) else AutoModelForCausalLM ) self.device = ( device_map if any(key in device_map for key in ["cuda", "cpu", "mps"]) else "cuda" ) if "cuda" in device_map or "cpu" in device_map: model = MODEL_CLASS.from_pretrained( model_name, torch_dtype=model_config.get( "torch_dtype", "auto" if device_map == "cuda" else torch.float32 ), device_map=device_map, config=config, ignore_mismatched_sizes=True, **model_config, ) else: model = MODEL_CLASS.from_pretrained( model_name, device_map=device_map, torch_dtype=model_config.get("torch_dtype", "auto"), pad_token_id=tokenizer.pad_token_id, **model_config, ) self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.model = model self.context_idxs = [] self.max_position_embeddings = config.max_position_embeddings def get_ppl( self, text: str, granularity: str = "sentence", input_ids=None, attention_mask=None, past_key_values=None, return_kv=False, end=None, condition_mode: str = "none", condition_pos_id: int = 0, ): if input_ids is None: tokenized_text = self.tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt") input_ids = tokenized_text["input_ids"].to(self.device) attention_mask = tokenized_text["attention_mask"].to(self.device) if past_key_values is not None: past_length = past_key_values[0][0].shape[2] else: past_length = 0 if end is None: end = input_ids.shape[1] end = min(end, past_length + self.max_position_embeddings) with torch.no_grad(): response = self.model( input_ids[:, past_length:end], attention_mask=attention_mask[:, :end], past_key_values=past_key_values, use_cache=True, ) past_key_values = response.past_key_values shift_logits = response.logits[..., :-1, :].contiguous() shift_labels = input_ids[..., past_length + 1 : end].contiguous() # Flatten the tokens active = (attention_mask[:, past_length:end] == 1)[..., :-1].view(-1) active_logits = shift_logits.view(-1, shift_logits.size(-1))[active] active_labels = shift_labels.view(-1)[active] loss_fct = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction="none") loss = loss_fct(active_logits, active_labels) if condition_mode == "before": loss = loss[:condition_pos_id] elif condition_mode == "after": loss = loss[condition_pos_id:] res = loss.mean() if granularity == "sentence" else loss return (res, past_key_values) if return_kv else res def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.compress_prompt(*args, **kwargs) def structured_compress_prompt( self, context: List[str], instruction: str = "", question: str = "", rate: float = 0.5, target_token: float = -1, iterative_size: int = 200, force_context_ids: List[int] = None, force_context_number: int = None, use_sentence_level_filter: bool = False, use_context_level_filter: bool = True, use_token_level_filter: bool = True, keep_split: bool = False, keep_first_sentence: int = 0, keep_last_sentence: int = 0, keep_sentence_number: int = 0, high_priority_bonus: int = 100, context_budget: str = "+100", token_budget_ratio: float = 1.4, condition_in_question: str = "none", reorder_context: str = "original", dynamic_context_compression_ratio: float = 0.0, condition_compare: bool = False, add_instruction: bool = False, rank_method: str = "llmlingua", concate_question: bool = True, ): """ Compresses the given prompt context based on a specified structure. Each element of context should be segmented using one or more non-nested '<llmlingua></llmlingua>' tags. Each '<llmlingua>' tag can include optional parameters 'rate' and 'compress' (e.g., '<llmlingua, rate=0.3, compress=True>'), indicating the compression rate for that segment. Default values are 'rate=rate' and 'compress=True'. When 'compress' is set to False, it overrides the 'rate' parameter, resulting in no compression for that segment. Args: context (List[str]): List of context strings divided by '<llmlingua></llmlingua>' tags with optional compression settings. instruction (str, optional): Additional instruction text to be included in the prompt. Default is an empty string. question (str, optional): A specific question that the prompt is addressing. Default is an empty string. rate (float, optional): The compression rate is defined the same as in paper "Language Modeling Is Compression". Delétang, Grégoire, Anian Ruoss, Paul-Ambroise Duquenne, Elliot Catt, Tim Genewein, Christopher Mattern, Jordi Grau-Moya et al. "Language modeling is compression." arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.10668 (2023): .. math::\text{Compression Rate} = \frac{\text{Compressed Size}}{\text{Raw Size}} Default is 0.5. The actual compression rate is generally lower than the specified target, but there can be fluctuations due to differences in tokenizers. If specified, it should be a float less than or equal to 1.0, representing the target compression rate. ``rate``, is applicable only within the context-level filter and the sentence-level filter. In the token-level filter, the rate for each segment overrides the global rate. However, for segments where no specific rate is defined, the global rate serves as the default value. The final compression rate of the entire text is a composite result of multiple compression rates applied across different sections. target_token (float, optional): The global maximum number of tokens to be achieved. Default is -1, indicating no specific target. The actual number of tokens after compression should generally be less than the specified target_token, but there can be fluctuations due to differences in tokenizers. If specified, compression will be based on the target_token as the sole criterion, overriding the ``rate``. ``target_token``, is applicable only within the context-level filter and the sentence-level filter. In the token-level filter, the rate for each segment overrides the global target token. However, for segments where no specific rate is defined, the global rate calculated from global target token serves as the default value. The final target token of the entire text is a composite result of multiple compression rates applied across different sections. iterative_size (int, optional): The number of tokens to consider in each iteration of compression. Default is 200. force_context_ids (List[int], optional): List of specific context IDs to always include in the compressed result. Default is None. force_context_number (int, optional): The number of context sections to forcibly include. Default is None. use_sentence_level_filter (bool, optional): Whether to apply sentence-level filtering in compression. Default is False. use_context_level_filter (bool, optional): Whether to apply context-level filtering in compression. Default is True. use_token_level_filter (bool, optional): Whether to apply token-level filtering in compression. Default is True. keep_split (bool, optional): Whether to preserve the original separators without compression. Default is False. keep_first_sentence (int, optional): Number of sentences to forcibly preserve from the start of the context. Default is 0. keep_last_sentence (int, optional): Number of sentences to forcibly preserve from the end of the context. Default is 0. keep_sentence_number (int, optional): Total number of sentences to forcibly preserve in the compression. Default is 0. high_priority_bonus (int, optional): Bonus score for high-priority sentences to influence their likelihood of being retained. Default is 100. context_budget (str, optional): Token budget for the context-level filtering, expressed as a string to indicate flexibility. Default is "+100". token_budget_ratio (float, optional): Ratio to adjust token budget during sentence-level filtering. Default is 1.4. condition_in_question (str, optional): Specific condition to apply to question in the context. Default is "none". reorder_context (str, optional): Strategy for reordering context in the compressed result. Default is "original". dynamic_context_compression_ratio (float, optional): Ratio for dynamically adjusting context compression. Default is 0.0. condition_compare (bool, optional): Whether to enable condition comparison during token-level compression. Default is False. add_instruction (bool, optional): Whether to add the instruction to the prompt prefix. Default is False. rank_method (str, optional): Method used for ranking elements during compression. Default is "llmlingua". concate_question (bool, optional): Whether to concatenate the question to the compressed prompt. Default is True. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing: - "compressed_prompt" (str): The resulting compressed prompt. - "origin_tokens" (int): The original number of tokens in the input. - "compressed_tokens" (int): The number of tokens in the compressed output. - "ratio" (str): The compression ratio achieved, calculated as the original token number divided by the token number after compression. - "rate" (str): The compression rate achieved, in a human-readable format. - "saving" (str): Estimated savings in GPT-4 token usage. """ if not context: context = [" "] if isinstance(context, str): context = [context] context = [ self.tokenizer.decode(self.tokenizer(c, add_special_tokens=False).input_ids) for c in context ] context_tokens_length = [self.get_token_length(c) for c in context] instruction_tokens_length, question_tokens_length = self.get_token_length( instruction ), self.get_token_length(question) if target_token == -1: target_token = ( ( instruction_tokens_length + question_tokens_length + sum(context_tokens_length) ) * rate - instruction_tokens_length - (question_tokens_length if concate_question else 0) ) else: rate = target_token / sum(context_tokens_length) ( context, context_segs, context_segs_rate, context_segs_compress, ) = self.segment_structured_context(context, rate) return self.compress_prompt( context, instruction, question, rate, target_token, iterative_size, force_context_ids, force_context_number, use_sentence_level_filter, use_context_level_filter, use_token_level_filter, keep_split, keep_first_sentence, keep_last_sentence, keep_sentence_number, high_priority_bonus, context_budget, token_budget_ratio, condition_in_question, reorder_context, dynamic_context_compression_ratio, condition_compare, add_instruction, rank_method, concate_question, context_segs=context_segs, context_segs_rate=context_segs_rate, context_segs_compress=context_segs_compress, ) def compress_prompt( self, context: List[str], instruction: str = "", question: str = "", # llmlingua1 rate: float = 0.5, target_token: float = -1, iterative_size: int = 200, force_context_ids: List[int] = None, force_context_number: int = None, use_sentence_level_filter: bool = False, # hầu như ko dùng use_context_level_filter: bool = True, use_token_level_filter: bool = True, keep_split: bool = False, keep_first_sentence: int = 0, keep_last_sentence: int = 0, keep_sentence_number: int = 0, high_priority_bonus: int = 100, context_budget: str = "+100", token_budget_ratio: float = 1.4, condition_in_question: str = "none", reorder_context: str = "original", dynamic_context_compression_ratio: float = 0.0, condition_compare: bool = False, add_instruction: bool = False, rank_method: str = "llmlingua", concate_question: bool = True, context_segs: List[str] = None, context_segs_rate: List[float] = None, context_segs_compress: List[bool] = None, # llmlingua2 target_context: int = -1, # config số lượng context trả về context_level_rate: float = 1.0, # config tỉ lệ nén nhỏ nhất khi sử dụng context-level context_level_target_token: int = -1, # config số token tối đa khi sử dụng context-level return_word_label: bool = False, # config liệu có trả về word trong label word_sep: str = "\t\t|\t\t", label_sep: str = " ", token_to_word: str = "mean", # Config phương pháp sử dụng chuyển từ xác suất token sang xác suất word force_tokens: List[str] = [], # Config các tokens luôn được giữ lại trong compressed prompt force_reserve_digit: bool = False, # Config liệu có bắt buộc giữ các token là chữ số drop_consecutive: bool = False, # Config liệu có loại bỏ các tokens trong force token khi mà các từ này xuất hiện trong compressed prompt chunk_end_tokens: List[str] = [".", "\n"], # Config các stop token để segment chunk ): """ Compresses the given context. Args: context (List[str]): List of context strings that form the basis of the prompt. instruction (str, optional): Additional instruction text to be included in the prompt. Default is an empty string. question (str, optional): A specific question that the prompt is addressing. Default is an empty string. rate (float, optional): The maximum compression rate target to be achieved. The compression rate is defined the same as in paper "Language Modeling Is Compression". Delétang, Grégoire, Anian Ruoss, Paul-Ambroise Duquenne, Elliot Catt, Tim Genewein, Christopher Mattern, Jordi Grau-Moya et al. "Language modeling is compression." arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.10668 (2023): .. math::\text{Compression Rate} = \frac{\text{Compressed Size}}{\text{Raw Size}} Default is 0.5. The actual compression rate is generally lower than the specified target, but there can be fluctuations due to differences in tokenizers. If specified, it should be a float less than or equal to 1.0, representing the target compression rate. target_token (float, optional): The maximum number of tokens to be achieved. Default is -1, indicating no specific target. The actual number of tokens after compression should generally be less than the specified target_token, but there can be fluctuations due to differences in tokenizers. If specified, compression will be based on the target_token as the sole criterion, overriding the ``rate``. iterative_size (int, optional): The number of tokens to consider in each iteration of compression. Default is 200. force_context_ids (List[int], optional): List of specific context IDs to always include in the compressed result. Default is None. force_context_number (int, optional): The number of context sections to forcibly include. Default is None. use_sentence_level_filter (bool, optional): Whether to apply sentence-level filtering in compression. Default is False. use_context_level_filter (bool, optional): Whether to apply context-level filtering in compression. Default is True. use_token_level_filter (bool, optional): Whether to apply token-level filtering in compression. Default is True. keep_split (bool, optional): Whether to preserve the original separators without compression. Default is False. keep_first_sentence (int, optional): Number of sentences to forcibly preserve from the start of the context. Default is 0. keep_last_sentence (int, optional): Number of sentences to forcibly preserve from the end of the context. Default is 0. keep_sentence_number (int, optional): Total number of sentences to forcibly preserve in the compression. Default is 0. high_priority_bonus (int, optional): Bonus score for high-priority sentences to influence their likelihood of being retained. Default is 100. context_budget (str, optional): Token budget for the context-level filtering, expressed as a string to indicate flexibility. Default is "+100". token_budget_ratio (float, optional): Ratio to adjust token budget during sentence-level filtering. Default is 1.4. condition_in_question (str, optional): Specific condition to apply to question in the context. Default is "none". reorder_context (str, optional): Strategy for reordering context in the compressed result. Default is "original". dynamic_context_compression_ratio (float, optional): Ratio for dynamically adjusting context compression. Default is 0.0. condition_compare (bool, optional): Whether to enable condition comparison during token-level compression. Default is False. add_instruction (bool, optional): Whether to add the instruction to the prompt prefix. Default is False. rank_method (str, optional): Method used for ranking elements during compression. Default is "llmlingua". concate_question (bool, optional): Whether to concatenate the question to the compressed prompt. Default is True. target_context (int, optional): The maximum number of contexts to be achieved. Default is -1, indicating no specific target. context_level_rate (float, optional): The minimum compression rate target to be achieved in context level. Default is 1.0. context_level_target_token (float, optional): The maximum number of tokens to be achieved in context level compression. Default is -1, indicating no specific target. Only used in the coarse-to-fine compression senario. force_context_ids (List[int], optional): List of specific context IDs to always include in the compressed result. Default is None. return_word_label (bool, optional): Whether to return word with corresponding label. Default is False. word_sep (str, optional): The sep token used in fn_labeled_original_prompt to partition words. Default is "\t\t|\t\t". label_sep (str, optional): The sep token used in fn_labeled_original_prompt to partition word and label. Default is " ". token_to_word (str, optional): How to convert token probability to word probability. Default is "mean". force_tokens (List[str], optional): List of specific tokens to always include in the compressed result. Default is []. force_reserve_digit (bool, optional): Whether to forcibly reserve tokens that containing digit (0,...,9). Default is False. drop_consecutive (bool, optinal): Whether to drop tokens which are in 'force_tokens' but appears consecutively in compressed prompt. Default is False. chunk_end_tokens (List[str], optinal): The early stop tokens for segmenting chunk. Default is [".", "\n"], Returns: dict: A dictionary containing: - "compressed_prompt" (str): The resulting compressed prompt. - "compressed_prompt_list" (List[str]): List of the resulting compressed prompt. Only used in llmlingua2. - "fn_labeled_original_prompt" (str): original words along with their labels indicating whether to reserve in compressed prompt, in the format (word label_sep label) Only used in llmlingua2 when return_word_label = True. - "origin_tokens" (int): The original number of tokens in the input. - "compressed_tokens" (int): The number of tokens in the compressed output. - "ratio" (str): The compression ratio achieved, calculated as the original token number divided by the token number after compression. - "rate" (str): The compression rate achieved, in a human-readable format. - "saving" (str): Estimated savings in GPT-4 token usage. """ if self.use_llmlingua2: # dùng cả llmlingua2 và llmlingua1 return self.compress_prompt_llmlingua2( context, rate=rate, target_token=target_token, use_context_level_filter=use_context_level_filter, # True use_token_level_filter=use_token_level_filter, target_context=target_context, context_level_rate=context_level_rate, context_level_target_token=context_level_target_token, force_context_ids=force_context_ids, return_word_label=return_word_label, word_sep=word_sep, label_sep=label_sep, token_to_word=token_to_word, force_tokens=force_tokens, force_reserve_digit=force_reserve_digit, drop_consecutive=drop_consecutive, chunk_end_tokens=chunk_end_tokens, ) # return luôn một hàm là ko chạy tiếp phần sau nữa assert ( rate <= 1.0 ), "Error: 'rate' must not exceed 1.0. The value of 'rate' indicates compression rate and must be within the range [0, 1]." if not context: context = [" "] if isinstance(context, str): context = [context] assert not ( rank_method == "longllmlingua" and not question ), "In the LongLLMLingua, it is necessary to set a question." if condition_compare and "_condition" not in condition_in_question: condition_in_question += "_condition" if rank_method == "longllmlingua": if condition_in_question == "none": condition_in_question = "after" elif rank_method == "llmlingua": condition_in_question = ( "none" if "_condition" not in condition_in_question else "none_condition" ) origin_tokens = len( self.oai_tokenizer.encode( "\n\n".join([instruction] + context + [question]).strip() ) ) context_tokens_length = [self.get_token_length(c) for c in context] instruction_tokens_length, question_tokens_length = self.get_token_length( instruction ), self.get_token_length(question) if target_token == -1: target_token = ( ( instruction_tokens_length + question_tokens_length + sum(context_tokens_length) ) * rate - instruction_tokens_length - (question_tokens_length if concate_question else 0) ) condition_flag = "_condition" in condition_in_question condition_in_question = condition_in_question.replace("_condition", "") if len(context) > 1 and use_context_level_filter: context, dynamic_ratio, context_used = self.control_context_budget( context, context_tokens_length, target_token, force_context_ids, force_context_number, question, condition_in_question, reorder_context=reorder_context, dynamic_context_compression_ratio=dynamic_context_compression_ratio, rank_method=rank_method, context_budget=context_budget, context_segs=context_segs, context_segs_rate=context_segs_rate, context_segs_compress=context_segs_compress, ) #print('Context used: ', context_used) if context_segs is not None: context_segs = [context_segs[idx] for idx in context_used] context_segs_rate = [context_segs_rate[idx] for idx in context_used] context_segs_compress = [ context_segs_compress[idx] for idx in context_used ] else: dynamic_ratio = [0.0] * len(context) segments_info = [] if use_sentence_level_filter: context, segments_info = self.control_sentence_budget( context, target_token, keep_first_sentence=keep_first_sentence, keep_last_sentence=keep_last_sentence, keep_sentence_number=keep_sentence_number, high_priority_bonus=high_priority_bonus, token_budget_ratio=token_budget_ratio, question=question, condition_in_question=condition_in_question, rank_method=rank_method, context_segs=context_segs, context_segs_rate=context_segs_rate, context_segs_compress=context_segs_compress, ) elif context_segs is not None: for context_idx in range(len(context)): segments_info.append( [ (len(seg_text), seg_rate, seg_compress) for seg_text, seg_rate, seg_compress in zip( context_segs[context_idx], context_segs_rate[context_idx], context_segs_compress[context_idx], ) ] ) segments_info = [ self.concate_segment_info(segment_info) for segment_info in segments_info ] if condition_flag: prefix = question + "\n\n" + instruction if add_instruction else question if ( self.get_token_length(prefix + "\n\n") + iterative_size * 2 > self.max_position_embeddings ): tokens = self.tokenizer(prefix, add_special_tokens=False).input_ids prefix = self.tokenizer.decode( tokens[: self.prefix_bos_num] + tokens[ len(tokens) - self.max_position_embeddings + 2 + self.prefix_bos_num + 2 * iterative_size : ] ) start = self.get_prefix_length(prefix + "\n\n", context[0]) context = [prefix] + context else: start = 0 #print('Context level: ', context) if use_token_level_filter: context = self.iterative_compress_prompt( context, target_token, iterative_size=iterative_size, keep_split=keep_split, start=start, dynamic_ratio=dynamic_ratio, condition_compare=condition_compare, segments_info=segments_info, ) compressed_prompt = ( self.tokenizer.batch_decode(context[0])[0] .replace("<s> ", "") .replace("<s>", "") ) else: if condition_flag: context = context[1:] compressed_prompt = "\n\n".join(context) #compressed_prompt = " ".join(context) compressed_prompt = "\n\n".join(context) # gồm cả context của 2 loại level #compressed_prompt = " ".join(context) res = [] if instruction: res.append(instruction) if compressed_prompt.strip(): res.append(compressed_prompt) if question and concate_question: res.append(question) compressed_prompt = "\n\n".join(res) #compressed_prompt = " ".join(res) compressed_tokens = len(self.oai_tokenizer.encode(compressed_prompt)) saving = (origin_tokens - compressed_tokens) * 0.06 / 1000 ratio = 1 if compressed_tokens == 0 else origin_tokens / compressed_tokens rate = 1 / ratio return { "compressed_prompt": compressed_prompt, "origin_tokens": origin_tokens, "compressed_tokens": compressed_tokens, "ratio": f"{ratio:.1f}x", "rate": f"{rate * 100:.1f}%", "saving": f", Saving ${saving:.1f} in GPT-4.", } def compress_prompt_llmlingua2( self, context: List[str], rate: float = 0.5, target_token: int = -1, use_context_level_filter: bool = False, # True use_token_level_filter: bool = True, target_context: int = -1, context_level_rate: float = 1.0, context_level_target_token: int = -1, force_context_ids: List[int] = [], return_word_label: bool = False, word_sep: str = "\t\t|\t\t", label_sep: str = " ", token_to_word: str = "mean", force_tokens: List[str] = [], force_reserve_digit: bool = False, drop_consecutive: bool = False, chunk_end_tokens: List[str] = [".", "\n"], ): """ Compresses the given context, instruction and question. Args: context (List[str]): List of context strings that form the basis of the prompt. rate (float, optional): The minimum compression rate target to be achieved. Default is 0.5. The actual compression rate generally exceeds the specified target, but there can be fluctuations due to differences in tokenizers. If specified, it should be a float greater than or equal to 1.0, representing the target compression rate. target_token (int, optional): The maximum number of tokens to be achieved. Default is -1, indicating no specific target. The actual number of tokens after compression should generally be less than the specified target_token, but there can be fluctuations due to differences in tokenizers. If specified, compression will be based on the target_token as the sole criterion, overriding the rate. target_context (int, optional): The maximum number of contexts to be achieved. Default is -1, indicating no specific target. Only used in the coarse-to-fine compression. context_level_rate (float, optional): The minimum compression rate target to be achieved in context level. Default is 1.0. Only used in the coarse-to-fine compression. context_level_target_token (float, optional): The maximum number of tokens to be achieved in context level compression. Default is -1, indicating no specific target. Only used in the coarse-to-fine compression senario. force_context_ids (List[int], optional): List of specific context IDs to always include in the compressed result. Default is None. return_word_label (bool, optional): Whether to return word with corresponding label. Default is False. word_sep (str, optional): The sep token used in fn_labeled_original_prompt to partition words. Default is "\t\t|\t\t". label_sep (str, optional): The sep token used in fn_labeled_original_prompt to partition word and label. Default is " ". token_to_word (str, optional): How to convert token probability to word probability. Default is "mean". force_tokens (List[str], optional): List of specific tokens to always include in the compressed result. Default is []. force_reserve_digit (bool, optional): Whether to forcibly reserve tokens that containing digit (0,...,9). Default is False. drop_consecutive (bool, optinal): Whether to drop tokens which are in 'force_tokens' but appears consecutively in compressed prompt. Default is False. chunk_end_tokens (List[str], optional): The early stop tokens for segmenting chunk. Default is [".", "\n"]. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing: - "compressed_prompt" (str): The resulting compressed prompt. - "compressed_prompt_list" (List[str]): List of the resulting compressed prompt. (compress cho từng chụnk) - "fn_labeled_original_prompt" (str): original words along with their labels (các từ được giữ lại) indicating whether to reserve in compressed prompt, in the format (word label_sep label) - "origin_tokens" (int): The original number of tokens in the input. - "compressed_tokens" (int): The number of tokens in the compressed output. - "ratio" (str): The compression ratio achieved, in a human-readable format. - "rate" (str): The compression rate achieved, in a human-readable format. - "saving" (str): Estimated savings in GPT-4 token usage. """ assert len(force_tokens) <= self.max_force_token # báo hiệu force token token_map = {} for i, t in enumerate(force_tokens): if len(self.tokenizer.tokenize(t)) != 1: token_map[t] = self.added_tokens[i] # add token (là các force token) + các kí tự [NEW] #print('token map:', token_map) chunk_end_tokens = copy.deepcopy(chunk_end_tokens) for c in chunk_end_tokens: if c in token_map: chunk_end_tokens.append(token_map[c]) # Thêm các force token chunk_end_tokens = set(chunk_end_tokens) #print('chunk_end_tokens: ', chunk_end_tokens) if type(context) == str: context = [context] context = copy.deepcopy(context) #print('original context: ', context) if len(context) == 1 and use_context_level_filter: # Sử dụng context-level # len context > 1 use_context_level_filter = False # Bắt buộc ko dùng context level n_original_token = 0 context_chunked = [] for i in range(len(context)): n_original_token += self.get_token_length( context[i], use_oai_tokenizer=True ) for ori_token, new_token in token_map.items(): context[i] = context[i].replace(ori_token, new_token) context_chunked.append( self.__chunk_context(context[i], chunk_end_tokens=chunk_end_tokens) # Hàm chia chunk trong llmlingua2 ) # list chunk #print('context chunked:', context_chunked) (vẫn còn 5 context ban đầu) #======================================================================================== # tinh chỉnh hyperparameter if use_context_level_filter: # mặc định là dùng context level trong llmlingua2 do trong hàm compress prompt ban đầu default True # want use_context_level_filter but do not specify any parameters in context level? # Sử dụng context-level nhưng không config cụ thể các tham số trong context-level # we will set context_level_rate = (rate + 1.0) / 2 if specify rate or target_token * 2 if specify target_token if ( target_context <= 0 and context_level_rate >= 1.0 and context_level_target_token <= 0 ): if target_token < 0 and rate < 1.0: context_level_rate = ( (rate + 1.0) / 2 if use_token_level_filter else rate ) if target_token >= 0: context_level_target_token = ( target_token * 2 if use_token_level_filter else target_token ) if target_context >= 0: # Config target_context context_level_rate = min(target_context / len(context), 1.0) if context_level_target_token >= 0: # Config target_token (context_level) context_level_rate = min( context_level_target_token / n_original_token, 1.0 ) #======================================================================================== context_probs, context_words = self.__get_context_prob( context_chunked, # list các context chunk token_to_word=token_to_word, force_tokens=force_tokens, token_map=token_map, force_reserve_digit=force_reserve_digit, ) #print('context_probs: ', context_probs) # prob của tưng context #print('context words: ', context_words) #print('context level rate: ', context_level_rate) threshold = np.percentile( # filtering theo probs context_probs, int(100 * (1 - context_level_rate)) # chỉnh context_level_rate cho threshold, lọc context-level ) #print('threshold: ', threshold) reserved_context = [] # các context được giữ lại theo threshold (từ 5 ban đầu có thể giảm đi (<5)) context_label = [False] * len(context_probs) for i, p in enumerate(context_probs): if p >= threshold or ( force_context_ids is not None and i in force_context_ids ): reserved_context.append(context_chunked[i]) context_label[i] = True #print('reserved_context: ', reserved_context) # các context được giữ lại theo threshold #print('context_label: ', context_label) n_reserved_token = 0 for chunks in reserved_context: for c in chunks: n_reserved_token += self.get_token_length(c, use_oai_tokenizer=True) # số lượng token được giữ lại if target_token >= 0: rate = min(target_token / n_reserved_token, 1.0) # có/ko sử dụng token-level vẫn trả về prompt compress if use_token_level_filter: # lọc theo context-level rồi lọc theo token-level () compressed_context, word_list, word_label_list = self.__compress( reserved_context, # compress từng context reserved được giữ lại reduce_rate=max(0, 1 - rate), token_to_word=token_to_word, force_tokens=force_tokens, token_map=token_map, force_reserve_digit=force_reserve_digit, drop_consecutive=drop_consecutive, ) else: compressed_context, word_list, word_label_list = self.__compress( reserved_context, reduce_rate=0, token_to_word=token_to_word, force_tokens=force_tokens, token_map=token_map, force_reserve_digit=force_reserve_digit, drop_consecutive=drop_consecutive, ) #print('compressed_context 1: ', compressed_context) # list # Final compressed #print('word_list: ', word_list) #print('word_label_list: ', word_label_list) # labels list của từng chunk n_compressed_token = 0 for c in compressed_context: n_compressed_token += self.get_token_length(c, use_oai_tokenizer=True) saving = (n_original_token - n_compressed_token) * 0.06 / 1000 ratio = ( 1 if n_compressed_token == 0 else n_original_token / n_compressed_token ) res = { "compressed_prompt": "\n\n".join(compressed_context), #"compressed_prompt": " ".join(compressed_context), #"compressed_prompt_list": compressed_context, "origin_tokens": n_original_token, "compressed_tokens": n_compressed_token, "ratio": f"{ratio:.1f}x", "rate": f"{1 / ratio * 100:.1f}%", "saving": f", Saving ${saving:.1f} in GPT-4.", } #print('res: ', res) if return_word_label: # Nếu trả về label word (default=False) words = [] labels = [] j = 0 for i in range(len(context)): if context_label[i]: words.extend(word_list[j]) labels.extend(word_label_list[j]) j += 1 else: words.extend(context_words[i]) labels.extend([0] * len(context_words[i])) word_label_lines = word_sep.join( # join theo word_sep [f"{word}{label_sep}{label}" for word, label in zip(words, labels)] ) res["fn_labeled_original_prompt"] = word_label_lines # đánh labels từng từ #print('res: ', res) return res # tinh chỉnh hyperparameter if target_token > 0: rate = min(target_token / n_original_token, 1.0) if use_token_level_filter: # Chỉ Sử dụng token-level trong llmlingua2 compressed_context, word_list, word_label_list = self.__compress( # compress theo llmlingua2 context_chunked, reduce_rate=max(0, 1 - rate), token_to_word=token_to_word, force_tokens=force_tokens, token_map=token_map, force_reserve_digit=force_reserve_digit, drop_consecutive=drop_consecutive, # Whether to drop tokens which are in 'force_tokens' but appears consecutively in compressed prompt. ) else: compressed_context, word_list, word_label_list = self.__compress( context_chunked, reduce_rate=0, token_to_word=token_to_word, force_tokens=force_tokens, token_map=token_map, force_reserve_digit=force_reserve_digit, drop_consecutive=drop_consecutive, ) # giống phần trên #print('compressed_context 2: ', compressed_context) # compress theo token-level n_compressed_token = 0 for c in compressed_context: n_compressed_token += self.get_token_length(c, use_oai_tokenizer=True) saving = (n_original_token - n_compressed_token) * 0.06 / 1000 ratio = 1 if n_compressed_token == 0 else n_original_token / n_compressed_token res = { "compressed_prompt": "\n\n".join(compressed_context), #"compressed_prompt": " ".join(compressed_context), # phân tách các context bằng "\n\n" #"compressed_prompt_list": compressed_context, "origin_tokens": n_original_token, "compressed_tokens": n_compressed_token, "ratio": f"{ratio:.1f}x", "rate": f"{1 / ratio * 100:.1f}%", "saving": f", Saving ${saving:.1f} in GPT-4.", } if return_word_label: words = [] labels = [] for w_list, l_list in zip(word_list, word_label_list): words.extend(w_list) labels.extend(l_list) word_label_lines = word_sep.join( [f"{word}{label_sep}{label}" for word, label in zip(words, labels)] ) res["fn_labeled_original_prompt"] = word_label_lines return res def get_token_length( self, text: str, add_special_tokens: bool = True, use_oai_tokenizer: bool = False, ): if use_oai_tokenizer: return len(self.oai_tokenizer.encode(text)) else: return len( self.tokenizer(text, add_special_tokens=add_special_tokens).input_ids ) def get_prefix_length(self, prefix: str, text: str): possible_prefix_token = max(self.get_token_length(prefix, False) - 3, 1) full_input_ids = self.tokenizer( prefix + text[:100], add_special_tokens=False ).input_ids for i in range(possible_prefix_token, len(full_input_ids)): cur_prefix = self.tokenizer.decode(full_input_ids[:i]) if cur_prefix == prefix: break assert self.tokenizer.decode(full_input_ids[i:]) == text[:100] return i def get_condition_ppl( self, text: str, question: str, condition_in_question: str = "none", granularity: str = "sentence", ): if condition_in_question == "none": return self.get_ppl(text, granularity=granularity) elif condition_in_question == "before": return self.get_ppl( question + text, granularity=granularity, condition_mode="after", condition_pos_id=self.get_token_length(question) - 1, ) elif condition_in_question == "after": return self.get_ppl( text + question, granularity=granularity, condition_mode="after", condition_pos_id=self.get_token_length(text) - 1, ) def get_dynamic_compression_ratio( self, context: list, target_token: float, iterative_size: int, dynamic_ratio: list, start: int, seg_info: List[List[tuple]] = None, ): def get_ratio(base: float, delta: float): return max(min(1, base + delta), 0) context_length = [self.get_token_length(ii, False) + 2 for ii in context] if start: context_length = context_length[1:] tau = target_token / (sum(context_length) + 1) res, idx, last, last_target = [], 0, 1, [] while idx < len(context_length): if last + context_length[idx] >= iterative_size: last_target.append( (iterative_size - last, get_ratio(tau, dynamic_ratio[idx])) ) res.append(last_target) last = last + context_length[idx] - iterative_size if last > iterative_size: k = last // iterative_size res.extend( [[(iterative_size, get_ratio(tau, dynamic_ratio[idx]))]] * k ) last -= k * iterative_size last_target = ( [(last, get_ratio(tau, dynamic_ratio[idx]))] if last else [] ) else: last += context_length[idx] last_target.append( (context_length[idx], get_ratio(tau, dynamic_ratio[idx])) ) idx += 1 if last_target: res.append(last_target) return res def get_structured_dynamic_compression_ratio( self, context: list, iterative_size: int, dynamic_ratio: list, start: int, seg_info: List[List[tuple]] = None, ): if start: pure_context = context[1:] else: pure_context = context global_dynamic_rate, global_dynamic_compress, segments = [], [], [] for context_idx, text in enumerate(pure_context): text_seen = 0 for seg_idx, (seg_len, seg_rate, seg_compress) in enumerate( seg_info[context_idx] ): seg_text = text[text_seen : text_seen + seg_len] if ( seg_idx == len(seg_info[context_idx]) - 1 and context_idx != len(pure_context) - 1 ): seg_text += "\n\n" segments.append(seg_text) if seg_compress: global_dynamic_rate.append(seg_rate) else: global_dynamic_rate.append(1.0) global_dynamic_compress.append(seg_compress) text_seen += seg_len origin_text = "\n\n".join(pure_context) assert len("".join(segments)) == len(origin_text) assert len(segments) == len(global_dynamic_rate) == len(global_dynamic_compress) text_input_ids = self.tokenizer( "\n\n".join(context), add_special_tokens=False ).input_ids[start:] assert self.tokenizer.decode(text_input_ids) == origin_text dynamic_compression_ratio = self.token_segment( text_input_ids, iterative_size, segments, global_dynamic_rate, global_dynamic_compress, ) return dynamic_compression_ratio def token_segment( self, text_input_ids: List[int], iterative_size: int, segments: List[str], global_dynamic_rate: List[float], global_dynamic_compress: List[bool], ): decode_window = 3 seg_idx, seg_seen, token_seen_num, last_rate = 0, 0, 0, -1 dynamic_compression_rate, local_compresssion_rate = [], [] for i in range(len(text_input_ids)): if i < decode_window: id_pre, id_cur = text_input_ids[:i], text_input_ids[: i + 1] else: id_pre, id_cur = ( text_input_ids[i - decode_window + 1 : i], text_input_ids[i - decode_window + 1 : i + 1], ) cur_word = self.tokenizer.decode(id_cur)[ len(self.tokenizer.decode(id_pre)) : ] cur_word_len = len(cur_word) if cur_word_len and cur_word_len >= len(segments[seg_idx]) - seg_seen: possible_rate, possible_compress = [], [] while ( cur_word_len and cur_word_len >= len(segments[seg_idx]) - seg_seen ): possible_rate.append(global_dynamic_rate[seg_idx]) possible_compress.append(global_dynamic_compress[seg_idx]) cur_word_len -= len(segments[seg_idx]) - seg_seen seg_idx += 1 seg_seen = 0 if cur_word_len: possible_rate.append(global_dynamic_rate[seg_idx]) possible_compress.append(global_dynamic_compress[seg_idx]) new_rate = 1.0 if False in possible_compress else min(possible_rate) else: new_rate = global_dynamic_rate[seg_idx] if new_rate != last_rate and i - token_seen_num: local_compresssion_rate.append((i - token_seen_num, last_rate)) token_seen_num = i last_rate = new_rate seg_seen += cur_word_len if (i + 1) % iterative_size == 0: if token_seen_num != i + 1: local_compresssion_rate.append((i + 1 - token_seen_num, last_rate)) token_seen_num = i + 1 dynamic_compression_rate.append(local_compresssion_rate[:]) local_compresssion_rate = [] if token_seen_num != len(text_input_ids): local_compresssion_rate.append( (len(text_input_ids) - token_seen_num, last_rate) ) if local_compresssion_rate != []: dynamic_compression_rate.append(local_compresssion_rate[:]) return dynamic_compression_rate def control_context_budget( self, context: List[str], context_tokens_length: List[int], target_token: float, force_context_ids: List[int] = None, force_context_number: int = None, question: str = "", condition_in_question: str = "none", reorder_context: str = "original", dynamic_context_compression_ratio: float = 0.0, rank_method: str = "longllmlingua", context_budget: str = "+100", context_segs: List[List[str]] = None, context_segs_rate: List[List[float]] = None, context_segs_compress: List[List[bool]] = None, ): demostrations_sort = self.get_rank_results( context, question, rank_method, condition_in_question, context_tokens_length, ) if target_token < 0: target_token = 100 target_token = eval("target_token" + context_budget) res = [] used = force_context_ids if force_context_ids is not None else [] if context_segs is not None: for idx, _ in enumerate(context): if False in context_segs_compress[idx]: used.append(idx) self.context_idxs.append([x for idx, (x, _) in enumerate(demostrations_sort)]) for idx, _ in demostrations_sort: if idx >= len(context_tokens_length): continue target_token -= context_tokens_length[idx] if idx not in used: used.append(idx) if target_token < 0 or ( force_context_number is not None and len(res) >= force_context_number ): break original_used = used if reorder_context == "original": used = sorted(used) elif reorder_context == "two_stage": l, r = [_ for idx, _ in enumerate(used) if idx % 2 == 0], [ _ for idx, _ in enumerate(used) if idx % 2 == 1 ] used = l + r[::-1] if dynamic_context_compression_ratio > 0: N = len(used) dynamic_ratio = [ i * (abs(dynamic_context_compression_ratio) / (N - 1)) if N > 1 else 0 for i in range(-(N - 1), N, 2) ][::-1] dynamic_ratio_map = {i: j for i, j in zip(original_used, dynamic_ratio)} dynamic_ratio = [dynamic_ratio_map[i] for i in used] else: dynamic_ratio = [0.0] * len(used) res = [context[idx] for idx in used if idx < len(context)] return res, dynamic_ratio, used def control_sentence_budget( self, context: List[str], target_token: float, keep_first_sentence: int = 0, keep_last_sentence: int = 0, keep_sentence_number: int = 0, high_priority_bonus: int = 100, token_budget_ratio: float = 1.4, question: str = "", condition_in_question: str = "none", rank_method: str = "longllmlingua", context_segs: List[List[str]] = None, context_segs_rate: List[List[float]] = None, context_segs_compress: List[List[bool]] = None, ): def keep_sentence(dem_idx: int, sent_keep: int): idxs = sorted(dem_g[dem_idx], key=lambda x: sentence_ppl[x])[:sent_keep] for idx in idxs: sentence_ppl[idx] += high_priority_bonus def sync_sentence(sentences, text): seen_text = 0 sentence_num = len(sentences) new_sentences = [] for i, s in enumerate(sentences): assert s == text[seen_text : seen_text + len(s)] if i == sentence_num - 1: new_sentences.append(text[seen_text:]) break next_sentence_start = text.find( sentences[i + 1][:5], seen_text + len(s) ) new_sentences.append(text[seen_text:next_sentence_start]) seen_text = next_sentence_start assert "".join(new_sentences) == text return new_sentences sentences = [nltk.sent_tokenize(c) for c in context] sentences = [sync_sentence(s, c) for s, c in zip(sentences, context)] dem_g, s2de, idx = defaultdict(set), defaultdict(int), 0 for idx_d, s in enumerate(sentences): for _ in s: dem_g[idx_d].add(idx) s2de[idx] = idx_d idx += 1 if context_segs is not None: sen2seg_ratio = {} idx = 0 for idx_d, sentences_each_context in enumerate(sentences): segments_length = [len(s) for s in context_segs[idx_d]] seg_idx, cur_seg_seen = 0, 0 for sentence in sentences_each_context: sentence_seg_ratio = [] remain = len(sentence) while remain: if segments_length[seg_idx] - cur_seg_seen <= remain: new_seg_len = segments_length[seg_idx] - cur_seg_seen sentence_seg_ratio.append( ( new_seg_len, context_segs_rate[idx_d][seg_idx], context_segs_compress[idx_d][seg_idx], ) ) seg_idx += 1 cur_seg_seen = 0 remain -= new_seg_len else: sentence_seg_ratio.append( ( remain, context_segs_rate[idx_d][seg_idx], context_segs_compress[idx_d][seg_idx], ) ) cur_seg_seen += remain remain = 0 sen2seg_ratio[idx] = sentence_seg_ratio idx += 1 context_sentences = [s for ii in sentences for s in ii] sentence_tokens_length = [ self.get_token_length(sentence) for sentence in context_sentences ] N = len(context_sentences) flags = list(range(len(context_sentences))) if len(sentence_tokens_length) == 1: segments_info = [] if context_segs is not None: segments_info.append(sen2seg_ratio[0]) return context, segments_info if rank_method == "longllmlingua": sentence_ppl = [ self.get_condition_ppl(sentence, question, condition_in_question) .cpu() .numpy() .item() for sentence in context_sentences ] if keep_first_sentence: sentence_ppl[:keep_first_sentence] = [ ii + high_priority_bonus for ii in sentence_ppl[:keep_first_sentence] ] if keep_last_sentence: sentence_ppl[-keep_last_sentence:] = [ ii + high_priority_bonus for ii in sentence_ppl[-keep_last_sentence:] ] if keep_sentence_number: for dem_idx in range(len(sentences)): keep_sentence(dem_idx, keep_sentence_number) sort_direct = -1 if condition_in_question == "none" else 1 sent_sort = sorted( enumerate(sentence_ppl), key=lambda x: sort_direct * x[1] ) else: sent_sort = self.get_rank_results( context_sentences, question, rank_method, condition_in_question, [0] * len(context_sentences), ) sentence_flags = [False] * N if target_token < 0: target_token = 100 target_token *= token_budget_ratio res = [] for idx, _ in sent_sort: idx = flags[idx] target_token -= sentence_tokens_length[idx] sentence_flags[idx] = True if target_token < 0: break if context_segs is not None: for idx in range(N): preserved = [sen_seg_info[2] for sen_seg_info in sen2seg_ratio[idx]] if False in preserved: sentence_flags[idx] = True idx = 0 res = [] new_segments_info = [] for s in sentences: tmp = [jj for ii, jj in enumerate(s) if sentence_flags[idx + ii]] res.append("".join(tmp)) if context_segs is not None: segment_ratio = [] for ii in range(len(s)): if sentence_flags[idx + ii]: segment_ratio.extend(sen2seg_ratio[idx + ii]) new_segments_info.append(segment_ratio) idx += len(s) return res, new_segments_info def get_compressed_input( self, loss, input_ids, attention_mask, end=200, iterative_size=200, threshold=0.5, keep_flag=None, split_token_id: int = 13, start: int = 0, self_loss=None, self_input_ids=None, self_attention_mask=None, ): if self_loss is not None: need_idx = torch.concat( [ loss[:start] > 0, self_loss[: loss[start:].shape[0]] - loss[start:] > threshold, loss[:1] > 0, ] ) else: need_idx = torch.concat([loss > threshold, loss[:1] > 0]) need_idx[end:] = 1 need_idx[: end - iterative_size] = 1 loss = loss[need_idx[:-1]] if self_loss is not None: if need_idx.shape[0] < self_loss.shape[0] + start + 1: need_idx = torch.cat( [ need_idx, torch.ones( self_loss.shape[0] - need_idx.shape[0] + start + 1, dtype=torch.bool, ).to(need_idx.device), ] ) self_loss = self_loss[need_idx[start:-1]] if need_idx.shape[0] < input_ids.shape[1]: need_idx = torch.cat( [ need_idx, torch.ones( input_ids.shape[1] - need_idx.shape[0], dtype=torch.bool ).to(need_idx.device), ] ) elif need_idx.shape[0] > input_ids.shape[1]: need_idx = need_idx[: input_ids.shape[1]] if keep_flag is not None: need_idx[keep_flag == 1] = 1 last = -1 if keep_flag is not None: for ii in range(max(0, end - iterative_size), end): if need_idx[ii] != 1: continue now = input_ids[0][ii].detach().cpu().item() if ( now == split_token_id and last == split_token_id and keep_flag[ii].detach().cpu().item() == 0 ): need_idx[ii] = 0 else: last = now compressed_input_ids = input_ids[attention_mask == 1][need_idx].unsqueeze(0) compressed_attention_mask = attention_mask[attention_mask == 1][ need_idx ].unsqueeze(0) if self_loss is not None: self_compressed_input_ids = self_input_ids[self_attention_mask == 1][ need_idx[start:] ].unsqueeze(0) self_compressed_attention_mask = self_attention_mask[ self_attention_mask == 1 ][need_idx[start:]].unsqueeze(0) else: self_compressed_input_ids, self_compressed_attention_mask = None, None if keep_flag is not None: if len(keep_flag) > len(need_idx): keep_flag = torch.cat( [ keep_flag[:start], keep_flag[start : len(need_idx) + start][need_idx], keep_flag[start + len(need_idx) :], ] ) else: keep_flag = keep_flag[need_idx] end -= (need_idx[:end] == 0).sum() return ( compressed_input_ids, compressed_attention_mask, keep_flag, end, loss, self_loss, self_compressed_input_ids, self_compressed_attention_mask, ) def get_estimate_threshold_base_distribution( self, ppl, ratio: float, condition_flag: bool = False ): if ratio == 1.0: return float("-inf") ppl = ppl[ppl != 10000] target_token = max(0, min(len(ppl) - 1, int(len(ppl) * ratio) - 1)) return ( ppl.sort(descending=not condition_flag) .values[target_token] .detach() .cpu() .item() ) def iterative_compress_prompt( self, context: List[str], target_token: float, iterative_size: int = 200, keep_split: bool = False, split_token_id: int = 13, start: int = 0, dynamic_ratio: list = None, condition_compare: bool = False, segments_info: List[List[tuple]] = None, ): if segments_info is None or segments_info == []: iterative_ratios = self.get_dynamic_compression_ratio( # Các tỉ số nén khác nhau context, target_token, iterative_size, dynamic_ratio, start ) else: iterative_ratios = self.get_structured_dynamic_compression_ratio( context, iterative_size, dynamic_ratio, start, segments_info ) context = "\n\n".join(context) tokenized_text = self.tokenizer( context, return_tensors="pt", add_special_tokens=False ) input_ids = tokenized_text["input_ids"].to(self.device) attention_mask = tokenized_text["attention_mask"].to(self.device) N = (attention_mask == 1).sum() compressed_input_ids, compressed_attention_mask = input_ids, attention_mask if condition_compare: self_input_ids, self_attention_mask = ( input_ids[:, start:], attention_mask[:, start:], ) self_compressed_input_ids, self_compressed_attention_mask = ( self_input_ids, self_attention_mask, ) end = min(iterative_size + start, compressed_input_ids.shape[1]) threshold, keep_flag = None, None if keep_split: input_ids_numpy = input_ids.cpu().detach().numpy()[0] N = len(input_ids_numpy) keep_flag = [ int( ( ii > 0 and input_ids_numpy[ii] == split_token_id and input_ids_numpy[ii - 1] == split_token_id ) or ( ii < N - 1 and input_ids_numpy[ii] == split_token_id and input_ids_numpy[ii + 1] == split_token_id ) ) for ii in range(N) ] keep_flag = torch.tensor(keep_flag).to(self.device) past_key_values, past_loss, ready_end = None, None, 0 self_past_key_values, self_past_loss, self_ready_end = None, None, 0 pop_compressed_input_ids, pop_self_compressed_input_ids = None, None idx = 0 while end <= compressed_input_ids.shape[1]: if end > self.max_position_embeddings and past_key_values is not None: # KV-Cache Compression e, s = end - self.max_position_embeddings, min( self.cache_bos_num + start, self.max_position_embeddings ) if pop_compressed_input_ids is None: pop_compressed_input_ids = compressed_input_ids[:, :e] else: pop_compressed_input_ids = torch.cat( [pop_compressed_input_ids, compressed_input_ids[:, :e]], dim=-1 ) compressed_input_ids = compressed_input_ids[:, e:] compressed_attention_mask = compressed_attention_mask[:, e:] past_key_values = [ [ torch.cat([k[..., :s, :], k[..., s + e :, :]], dim=-2), torch.cat([v[..., :s, :], v[..., s + e :, :]], dim=-2), ] for k, v in past_key_values ] if keep_flag is not None: keep_flag = keep_flag[e:] end, ready_end = end - e, ready_end - e if condition_compare: s = min(s, self_past_key_values[0][0].shape[2] - e) self_ready_end -= e if pop_self_compressed_input_ids is None: pop_self_compressed_input_ids = self_compressed_input_ids[:, :e] else: pop_self_compressed_input_ids = torch.cat( [ pop_self_compressed_input_ids, self_compressed_input_ids[:, :e], ], dim=-1, ) self_compressed_input_ids = self_compressed_input_ids[:, e:] self_compressed_attention_mask = self_compressed_attention_mask[ :, e: ] self_past_key_values = [ [ torch.cat([k[..., :s, :], k[..., s + e :, :]], dim=-2), torch.cat([v[..., :s, :], v[..., s + e :, :]], dim=-2), ] for k, v in self_past_key_values ] loss, past_key_values = self.get_ppl( "", "token", compressed_input_ids, compressed_attention_mask, past_key_values=past_key_values, return_kv=True, end=end if idx else None, ) if loss.shape[0] == 0: break if past_loss is not None: if end - 1 > len(past_loss): past_loss = torch.cat( [past_loss, torch.zeros_like(loss)[: end - 1 - len(past_loss)]] ) past_loss[ready_end : end - 1] = loss loss = past_loss else: past_loss = loss if idx: past_key_values = [ [k[:, :, : end - iterative_size], v[:, :, : end - iterative_size]] for k, v in past_key_values ] else: past_key_values = None if condition_compare: self_loss, self_past_key_values = self.get_ppl( "", "token", self_compressed_input_ids, self_compressed_attention_mask, past_key_values=self_past_key_values, return_kv=True, end=end - start if idx else None, ) if self_past_loss is not None: if end - start - 1 > len(self_past_loss): self_past_loss = torch.cat( [ self_past_loss, torch.zeros_like(self_loss)[ : end - 1 - start - len(self_past_loss) ], ] ) self_past_loss[self_ready_end : end - start - 1] = self_loss self_loss = self_past_loss else: self_past_loss = self_loss if idx: self_past_key_values = [ [ k[:, :, : end - iterative_size - start], v[:, :, : end - iterative_size - start], ] for k, v in self_past_key_values ] else: self_past_key_values = None self_ready_end = ( end - start - iterative_size if not (start and idx == 0) else 0 ) ready_end = end - iterative_size if not (start and idx == 0) else 0 for delta_end, ratio in iterative_ratios[idx]: loss = past_loss if condition_compare: self_loss = self_past_loss threshold = self.get_estimate_threshold_base_distribution( self_loss[: loss[start:].shape[0]] - loss[start:], ratio, False ) else: threshold = self.get_estimate_threshold_base_distribution( loss, ratio, False ) ( compressed_input_ids, compressed_attention_mask, keep_flag, end, past_loss, self_past_loss, self_compressed_input_ids, self_compressed_attention_mask, ) = self.get_compressed_input( loss, compressed_input_ids, compressed_attention_mask, end - iterative_size + delta_end, iterative_size=delta_end, threshold=threshold, keep_flag=keep_flag, split_token_id=split_token_id, start=start, self_loss=self_loss if condition_compare else None, self_input_ids=( self_compressed_input_ids if condition_compare else None ), self_attention_mask=( self_compressed_attention_mask if condition_compare else None ), ) end += iterative_size idx += 1 if pop_compressed_input_ids is not None: compressed_input_ids = torch.cat( [pop_compressed_input_ids, compressed_input_ids], dim=-1 ) return compressed_input_ids[:, start:], compressed_attention_mask[:, start:] def recover( self, original_prompt: str, compressed_prompt: str, response: str, ): def match_from_compressed(response_word): response_input_ids = self.tokenizer( response_word, add_special_tokens=False )["input_ids"] # tokenize response compress # response_c là mảng các index tương ứng của response compress llm match với original prompt response_set, response_c = set(response_input_ids), defaultdict(list) # Loại bỏ các từ lặp lại nhiều lần for idx in range(M): # M = len word original prompt if original_input_ids[idx] in response_set: # Nếu word trong original prompt nằm trong response compress llm response_c[original_input_ids[idx]].append(idx) res, res_min, res_c = None, float("inf"), 1 n = len(response_input_ids) for l in response_c[response_input_ids[0]]: x, y, c = 0, l, 1 for x in range(1, n): idx = bisect.bisect_right(response_c[response_input_ids[x]], y) if ( idx >= len(response_c[response_input_ids[x]]) or response_c[response_input_ids[x]][idx] - y > 10 ): continue c += 1 y = response_c[response_input_ids[x]][idx] if c > res_c: res_c = c res_min = y - l + 1 res = (l, y + 1) elif c == res_c and y - l + 1 < res_min: res_min = y - l + 1 res = (l, y + 1) if res is None: return response_word # while l > 0 and not self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(original_input_ids[l]).startswith("_"): # l -= 1 # while r < M - 1 and not self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(original_input_ids[l]).startswith("_"): # l -= 1 return self.tokenizer.decode(original_input_ids[res[0] : res[1]]) # các word trong original prompt ko có trong compress prompt response_words = response.split(" ") # split word trong response compress original_input_ids = self.tokenizer(original_prompt, add_special_tokens=False)[ "input_ids" ] # tokenize original prompt thành input_ids N, M = len(response_words), len(original_input_ids) # len word response compress, len word original prompt recovered_response_words = [] l = 0 while l < N: if response_words[l] not in compressed_prompt: # Nếu word trong response compress ko có trong compressed_prompt thì thêm vào output recovered_response_words.append(response_words[l]) l += 1 continue r = l while ( r + 1 < N and " ".join(response_words[l : r + 2]) in compressed_prompt ): r += 1 match_words = match_from_compressed(" ".join(response_words[l : r + 1])) recovered_response_words.append(match_words) # Thêm các word được match tương ứng từ response llm compress và original prompt vào trong output l = r + 1 return " ".join(recovered_response_words) def get_rank_results( self, context: list, question: str, rank_method: str, condition_in_question: str, context_tokens_length: list, ): def get_distance_bm25(corpus, query): from rank_bm25 import BM25Okapi tokenized_corpus = [doc.split(" ") for doc in corpus] bm25 = BM25Okapi(tokenized_corpus) tokenized_query = query.split(" ") doc_scores = bm25.get_scores(tokenized_query) idx = [(ii, 0) for ii in (-doc_scores).argsort()] return idx def get_distance_gzip(corpus, query): def get_score(x, y): cx, cy = len(gzip.compress(x.encode())), len(gzip.compress(y.encode())) cxy = len(gzip.compress(f"{x} {y}".encode())) return (cxy - min(cx, cy)) / max(cx, cy) import gzip doc_scores = [get_score(doc, query) for doc in corpus] idx = [(ii, 0) for ii in np.argsort(doc_scores)] return idx def get_distance_sentbert(corpus, query): from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util if self.retrieval_model is None or self.retrieval_model_name != rank_method: self.retrieval_model = SentenceTransformer("multi-qa-mpnet-base-dot-v1") self.retrieval_model_name = rank_method doc_embeds = self.retrieval_model.encode(corpus) query = self.retrieval_model.encode(query) doc_scores = -util.dot_score(doc_embeds, query).cpu().numpy().reshape(-1) idx = [(ii, 0) for ii in np.argsort(doc_scores)] return idx def get_distance_openai(corpus, query): import openai from sentence_transformers import util openai.api_key = self.open_api_config.get("api_key", "") openai.api_base = self.open_api_config.get( "api_base", "https://api.openai.com/v1" ) openai.api_type = self.open_api_config.get("api_type", "open_ai") openai.api_version = self.open_api_config.get("api_version", "2023-05-15") engine = self.open_api_config.get("engine", "text-embedding-ada-002") def get_embed(text): return openai.Embedding.create( input=[text.replace("\n", " ")], engine=engine )["data"][0]["embedding"] doc_embeds = [get_embed(i) for i in corpus] query = get_embed(query) doc_scores = -util.dot_score(doc_embeds, query).cpu().numpy().reshape(-1) idx = [(ii, 0) for ii in np.argsort(doc_scores)] return idx def get_distance_sentbert_bge(corpus, query): from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util if self.retrieval_model is None or self.retrieval_model_name != rank_method: self.retrieval_model = SentenceTransformer("BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5") self.retrieval_model_name = rank_method doc_embeds = self.retrieval_model.encode( [i for i in corpus], normalize_embeddings=True ) query = self.retrieval_model.encode(query, normalize_embeddings=True) doc_scores = -util.dot_score(doc_embeds, query).cpu().numpy().reshape(-1) idx = [(ii, 0) for ii in np.argsort(doc_scores)] return idx def get_distance_bge_ranker(corpus, query): from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer pairs = [[i, query] for i in corpus] if self.retrieval_model is None or self.retrieval_model_name != rank_method: tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("BAAI/bge-reranker-large") model = ( AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained( "BAAI/bge-reranker-large" ) .eval() .to(self.device) ) self.retrieval_model = [tokenizer, model] self.retrieval_model_name = rank_method with torch.no_grad(): inputs = self.retrieval_model[0]( pairs, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt", max_length=512, ).to(self.device) scores = ( self.retrieval_model[1](**inputs, return_dict=True) .logits.view( -1, ) .float() ) idx = [(ii, 0) for ii in np.argsort(-scores.cpu())] return idx def get_distance_bge_llmembedder(corpus, query): from transformers import AutoModel, AutoTokenizer if self.retrieval_model is None or self.retrieval_model_name != rank_method: tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("BAAI/llm-embedder") model = ( AutoModel.from_pretrained("BAAI/llm-embedder") .eval() .to(self.device) ) self.retrieval_model = [tokenizer, model] self.retrieval_model_name = rank_method instruction_qa_query = ( "Represent this query for retrieving relevant documents: " ) instruction_qa_key = "Represent this document for retrieval: " queries = [instruction_qa_query + query for _ in corpus] keys = [instruction_qa_key + key for key in corpus] with torch.no_grad(): query_inputs = self.retrieval_model[0]( queries, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt", max_length=512, ).to(self.device) key_inputs = self.retrieval_model[0]( keys, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt", max_length=512, ).to(self.device) query_outputs = self.retrieval_model[1](**query_inputs) key_outputs = self.retrieval_model[1](**key_inputs) # CLS pooling query_embeddings = query_outputs.last_hidden_state[:, 0] key_embeddings = key_outputs.last_hidden_state[:, 0] # Normalize query_embeddings = torch.nn.functional.normalize( query_embeddings, p=2, dim=1 ) key_embeddings = torch.nn.functional.normalize( key_embeddings, p=2, dim=1 ) similarity = query_embeddings @ key_embeddings.T idx = [(ii, 0) for ii in np.argsort(-similarity[0].cpu())] return idx def get_distance_jinza(corpus, query): from numpy.linalg import norm from transformers import AutoModel def cos_sim(a, b): return (a @ b.T) / (norm(a) * norm(b)) if self.retrieval_model is None or self.retrieval_model_name != rank_method: model = ( AutoModel.from_pretrained( "jinaai/jina-embeddings-v2-base-en", trust_remote_code=True ) .eval() .to(self.device) ) self.retrieval_model = model self.retrieval_model_name = rank_method doc_embeds = self.retrieval_model.encode(corpus) query = self.retrieval_model.encode(query) doc_scores = cos_sim(doc_embeds, query) idx = [(ii, 0) for ii in np.argsort(-doc_scores)] return idx def get_distance_voyageai(corpus, query): import voyageai from sentence_transformers import util voyageai.api_key = self.open_api_config.get("voyageai_api_key", "") def get_embed(text): return voyageai.get_embedding(text, model="voyage-01") doc_embeds = [get_embed(i) for i in corpus] query = get_embed(query) doc_scores = -util.dot_score(doc_embeds, query).cpu().numpy().reshape(-1) idx = [(ii, 0) for ii in np.argsort(doc_scores)] return idx def get_distance_cohere(corpus, query): import cohere api_key = self.open_api_config.get("cohere_api_key", "") co = cohere.Client(api_key) results = co.rerank( model="rerank-english-v2.0", query=query, documents=corpus, top_n=20 ) c_map = {jj: ii for ii, jj in enumerate(corpus)} doc_rank = [c_map[ii.document["text"]] for ii in results] idx = [(ii, 0) for ii in doc_rank] return idx def get_distance_longllmlingua(corpus, query): context_ppl = [ self.get_condition_ppl( d, query + " We can get the answer to this question in the given documents.", condition_in_question, ) - dl * 2 / 250 * 0 for d, dl in zip(corpus, context_tokens_length) ] sort_direct = -1 if condition_in_question == "none" else 1 ys = sorted(enumerate(context_ppl), key=lambda x: sort_direct * x[1]) return ys method = None if rank_method == "bm25": method = get_distance_bm25 elif rank_method == "gzip": method = get_distance_gzip elif rank_method == "sentbert": method = get_distance_sentbert elif rank_method == "openai": method = get_distance_openai elif rank_method in ["longllmlingua", "llmlingua"]: method = get_distance_longllmlingua elif rank_method == "bge": method = get_distance_sentbert_bge elif rank_method == "bge_reranker": method = get_distance_bge_ranker elif rank_method == "bge_llmembedder": method = get_distance_bge_llmembedder elif rank_method == "jinza": method = get_distance_jinza elif rank_method == "voyageai": method = get_distance_voyageai elif rank_method == "cohere": method = get_distance_cohere return method(context, question) def segment_structured_context( self, context: List[str], global_rate: float, ): new_context, context_segs, context_segs_rate, context_segs_compress = ( [], [], [], [], ) for text in context: if not text.startswith("<llmlingua"): text = "<llmlingua>" + text if not text.endswith("</llmlingua>"): text = text + "</llmlingua>" # Regular expression to match <llmlingua, rate=x, compress=y>content</llmlingua>, allowing rate and compress in any order pattern = r"<llmlingua\s*(?:,\s*rate\s*=\s*([\d\.]+))?\s*(?:,\s*compress\s*=\s*(True|False))?\s*(?:,\s*rate\s*=\s*([\d\.]+))?\s*(?:,\s*compress\s*=\s*(True|False))?\s*>([^<]+)</llmlingua>" matches = re.findall(pattern, text) # Extracting segment contents segments = [match[4] for match in matches] # Extracting rate and compress, considering their possible positions segs_rate = [ float(match[0]) if match[0] else (float(match[2]) if match[2] else None) for match in matches ] segs_compress = [ ( match[1] == "True" if match[1] else (match[3] == "True" if match[3] else None) ) for match in matches ] segs_compress = [ compress if compress is not None else True for compress in segs_compress ] segs_rate = [ rate if rate else (global_rate if compress else 1.0) for rate, compress in zip(segs_rate, segs_compress) ] assert ( len(segments) == len(segs_rate) == len(segs_compress) ), "The number of segments, rates, and compress flags should be the same." assert all( seg_rate <= 1.0 for seg_rate in segs_rate ), "Error: 'rate' must not exceed 1.0. The value of 'rate' indicates compression rate and must be within the range [0, 1]." new_context.append("".join(segments)) context_segs.append(segments) context_segs_rate.append(segs_rate) context_segs_compress.append(segs_compress) return new_context, context_segs, context_segs_rate, context_segs_compress def concate_segment_info( self, segment_info: List[List[tuple]], ): new_segment_info = [] for i, (seg_len, seg_ratio, seg_compress) in enumerate(segment_info): if ( new_segment_info and new_segment_info[-1][1] == seg_ratio and new_segment_info[-1][2] == seg_compress ): new_segment_info[-1] = ( new_segment_info[-1][0] + seg_len, seg_ratio, seg_compress, ) else: new_segment_info.append((seg_len, seg_ratio, seg_compress)) return new_segment_info def __get_context_prob( # Sử dụng trong context-level self, context_list: list, token_to_word="mean", # mode to convert force_tokens: List[str] = [], token_map: dict = {}, force_reserve_digit: bool = False, ): chunk_list = [] for chunks in context_list: for c in chunks: chunk_list.append(c) # list chunk dataset = TokenClfDataset( chunk_list, tokenizer=self.tokenizer, max_len=self.max_seq_len ) dataloader = DataLoader( dataset, batch_size=self.max_batch_size, shuffle=False, drop_last=False ) chunk_probs = [] chunk_words = [] with torch.no_grad(): # inference for batch in dataloader: ids = batch["ids"].to(self.device, dtype=torch.long) mask = batch["mask"].to(self.device, dtype=torch.long) == 1 outputs = self.model(input_ids=ids, attention_mask=mask) loss, logits = outputs.loss, outputs.logits probs = F.softmax(logits, dim=-1) for j in range(ids.shape[0]): _probs = probs[j, :, 1] _ids = ids[j] _mask = mask[j] active_probs = torch.masked_select(_probs, _mask) #print('active_probs: ', active_probs) active_ids = torch.masked_select(_ids, _mask) #print('active_ids: ', active_ids) # lst ids tokens = self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens( # chuyển ids sang tokens active_ids.squeeze().tolist() ) #print('token: ', tokens) token_probs = [prob for prob in active_probs.cpu().numpy()] # lst prob ( words, valid_token_probs, valid_token_probs_no_force, ) = self.__merge_token_to_word( # chuyển tokens sang words (gộp các subword thành word hoàn chỉnh) tokens, token_probs, force_tokens=force_tokens, token_map=token_map, force_reserve_digit=force_reserve_digit, ) #print('words: ', words) word_probs_no_force = self.__token_prob_to_word_prob( valid_token_probs_no_force, convert_mode=token_to_word ) #print('word_probs_no_force: ', word_probs_no_force) # lst các prob #if "xlm-roberta-large" in self.model_name: if "xlm-roberta" in self.model_name: for i in range(len(words)): words[i] = words[i].lstrip("▁") elif "phobert" in self.model_name: #if "phobert" in self.model_name: for i in range(len(words)): words[i] = words[i].lstrip("▁") # Append words, probs theo chunk chunk_words.append(words) chunk_probs.append(word_probs_no_force) prev_idx = 0 # append words, probs theo context context_probs = [] context_words = [] for chunk_list in context_list: # list chunk context n_chunk = len(chunk_list) context_probs.append([]) context_words.append([]) for i in range(n_chunk): context_probs[-1].extend(chunk_probs[prev_idx + i]) context_words[-1].extend(chunk_words[prev_idx + i]) prev_idx = prev_idx + n_chunk context_probs = [sum(probs) / len(probs) for probs in context_probs] return context_probs, context_words # Hàm chia chunk trong llmlingua2 def __chunk_context(self, origin_text, chunk_end_tokens): origin_list = [] origin_tokens = self.tokenizer.tokenize(origin_text) n = len(origin_tokens) st = 0 while st < n: if st + self.max_seq_len > n - 1: chunk = self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_string(origin_tokens[st:n]) origin_list.append(chunk) break else: ed = st + self.max_seq_len for j in range(0, ed - st): if origin_tokens[ed - j] in chunk_end_tokens: ed = ed - j break chunk = self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_string( origin_tokens[st : ed + 1] ) origin_list.append(chunk) st = ed + 1 return origin_list def __merge_token_to_word( # Từ tokens chuyển thành từng word self, tokens, token_probs, force_tokens, token_map, force_reserve_digit ): words = [] #words = ['.'] word_probs = [] word_probs_no_force = [] for token, prob in zip(tokens, token_probs): # duyệt từng token trong một câu if token in self.special_tokens: continue # add a new word elif is_begin_of_new_word(token, self.model_name, force_tokens, token_map): # Nếu True thì mới thực hiện (trả về True) pure_token = get_pure_token(token, self.model_name) # thêm nguyên từ gốc vào list #print('pure token 1: ', pure_token) prob_no_force = prob if pure_token in force_tokens or pure_token in set(token_map.values()): prob = 1.0 token = replace_added_token(token, token_map) # xlm-roberta # thay thế token #token = get_pure_token(token, self.model_name) # phobert #print('words 1 before: ', words) words.append(token) #print('words 1 after: ', words) word_probs.append( [ 1.0 if force_reserve_digit and bool(re.search(r"\d", token)) else prob ] ) word_probs_no_force.append([prob_no_force]) # concatenate with previous token # False thì mới vào flow này else: # phải is_begin_of_new_word phải True trước # pure token thường là digit pure_token = get_pure_token(token, self.model_name) # hàm get pure token trả về token gốc (sau khi loại bỏ kí tự đặc biệt subword) #print('pure token 2: ', pure_token) #print('words 2 before: ', words) words[-1] += pure_token # thêm từ gốc vào đằng sau từ ở cuối list (thêm vào từ ko hoàn chỉnh vào cuối) #print('words 2 after: ', words) word_probs[-1].append( 1.0 if force_reserve_digit and bool(re.search(r"\d", token)) else prob ) word_probs_no_force[-1].append(prob_no_force) #break # #print("word: ", words) return words, word_probs, word_probs_no_force # trả về các từ (subword) dưới dạng list def __token_prob_to_word_prob(self, token_probs, convert_mode="mean"): # chuyển xác suất kí tự sang xác suất của từng từ if convert_mode == "mean": word_probs = [sum(p) / len(p) for p in token_probs] elif convert_mode == "first": word_probs = [p[0] for p in token_probs] else: raise NotImplementedError() return word_probs def __compress( # compress method llmlingua2 (token level) (xử lý cả filter context level) self, context_list: list, reduce_rate: float = 0.5, token_to_word: str = "mean", force_tokens: List[str] = [], token_map: dict = {}, force_reserve_digit: bool = False, drop_consecutive: bool = False, ): def split_string_to_words(input_string): pattern = r'\b\w+\b|[<>=/!@#$%^&*()?":{}|\\`~;_+-]' result = re.findall(pattern, input_string) return result if reduce_rate <= 0: # default luôn là 0.5 (>0) words, word_labels = [], [] for i in range(len(context_list)): chunk_list = context_list[i] # tách thành các chunk chunk_words = [] chunk_word_labels = [] for j in range(len(chunk_list)): # replace to original token for ori_token, new_token in token_map.items(): chunk_list[j] = chunk_list[j].replace(new_token, ori_token) ws = split_string_to_words(chunk_list[j]) chunk_words.extend(ws) chunk_word_labels.extend([1 for _ in range(len(ws))]) context_list[i] = "".join(chunk_list) words.append(chunk_words) word_labels.append(chunk_word_labels) return context_list, words, word_labels chunk_list = [] for chunks in context_list: for c in chunks: chunk_list.append(c) # tách thành các chunk dataset = TokenClfDataset( chunk_list, tokenizer=self.tokenizer, max_len=self.max_seq_len ) dataloader = DataLoader( dataset, batch_size=self.max_batch_size, shuffle=False, drop_last=False ) compressed_chunk_list = [] word_list = [] word_label_list = [] with torch.no_grad(): # giống phần trước for batch in dataloader: # phobert cần token_type_ids #print("batch 0: ", batch) #print("batch input_ids shape: ", batch["ids"].shape) #print("batch attention_mask shape: ", batch["mask"].shape) ids = batch["ids"].to(self.device, dtype=torch.long) mask = batch["mask"].to(self.device, dtype=torch.long) == 1 outputs = self.model(input_ids=ids, attention_mask=mask) loss, logits = outputs.loss, outputs.logits probs = F.softmax(logits, dim=-1) for j in range(ids.shape[0]): chunk_probs = probs[j, :, 1] chunk_ids = ids[j] chunk_mask = mask[j] active_probs = torch.masked_select(chunk_probs, chunk_mask) active_ids = torch.masked_select(chunk_ids, chunk_mask) tokens = self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens( # list các tokens active_ids.squeeze().tolist() ) token_probs = [prob for prob in active_probs.cpu().numpy()] words, valid_token_probs, _ = self.__merge_token_to_word( # chuyển tokens sang words tokens=tokens, token_probs=token_probs, force_tokens=force_tokens, token_map=token_map, force_reserve_digit=force_reserve_digit, ) word_probs = self.__token_prob_to_word_prob( valid_token_probs, convert_mode=token_to_word ) if drop_consecutive: # filtering (default = False) threshold = np.percentile(word_probs, int(100 * reduce_rate)) is_token_between = False prev = None for i, (word, word_prob) in enumerate(zip(words, word_probs)): if word in force_tokens: if is_token_between: is_token_between = False elif not is_token_between and word == prev: word_probs[i] = 0.0 prev = word else: is_token_between |= word_prob > threshold #print('is_token_between: ', is_token_between) new_token_probs = [] for word, word_prob in zip(words, word_probs): # duyệt từng từ và prob tương ứng num_token = len(self.oai_tokenizer.encode(word)) new_token_probs.extend([word_prob for _ in range(num_token)]) #print('new_token_probs: ', new_token_probs) threshold = np.percentile( new_token_probs, int(100 * reduce_rate + 1) ) keep_words = [] word_labels = [] assert len(words) == len(word_probs) for word, word_porb in zip(words, word_probs): if word_porb > threshold: if ( drop_consecutive and word in force_tokens and len(keep_words) > 0 and keep_words[-1] == word ): word_labels.append(0) else: keep_words.append(word) word_labels.append(1) else: word_labels.append(0) #print('keep_words: ', keep_words) # Các word được giữ lại #print('word_labels: ', word_labels) # các labels tương ứng keep_str = self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_string(keep_words) # chuyển các token thành các string #print('keep str: ', keep_str) # Từng string context được giữ lại #if "xlm-roberta-large" in self.model_name: if "xlm-roberta" in self.model_name: for i in range(len(words)): words[i] = words[i].lstrip("▁") elif "phobert" in self.model_name: #if "phobert" in self.model_name: for i in range(len(words)): words[i] = words[i].lstrip("▁") compressed_chunk_list.append(keep_str) # append các compress chunjk trong một context dài word_list.append(words[:]) word_label_list.append(word_labels[:]) #print('compressed_chunk_list: ', compressed_chunk_list) #print('word_list: ', word_list) #print('word_label_list: ', word_label_list) compressed_context_list = [] original_word_list = [] original_word_label_list = [] prev_idx = 0 # append các chunk vào context for chunk_list in context_list: n_chunk = len(chunk_list) compressed_context_list.append( "".join(compressed_chunk_list[prev_idx : prev_idx + n_chunk]) ) original_word_list.append([]) original_word_label_list.append([]) for i in range(n_chunk): original_word_list[-1].extend(word_list[prev_idx + i]) original_word_label_list[-1].extend(word_label_list[prev_idx + i]) prev_idx = prev_idx + n_chunk return compressed_context_list, original_word_list, original_word_label_list