
Major update. Support for 15 LLMs, World Flora Online taxonomy validation, geolocation, 2 OCR methods, significant UI changes, stability improvements, consistent JSON parsing
import itertools, wikipediaapi, requests, re, json | |
from import WikipediaQueryRun | |
from langchain_community.utilities import WikipediaAPIWrapper | |
# from import WikidataAPIWrapper, WikidataQueryRun | |
import cProfile | |
import pstats | |
class WikipediaLinks(): | |
def __init__(self, tool_wikipedia, json_file_path_wiki) -> None: | |
self.is_enabled = tool_wikipedia | |
self.json_file_path_wiki = json_file_path_wiki | |
self.wiki_wiki = wikipediaapi.Wikipedia( | |
user_agent='VoucherVision ([email protected])', | |
language='en' | |
) | |
self.property_to_rank = { | |
'P225': 'Species', | |
'P171': 'Family', | |
'P105': 'Taxon rank', | |
'P70': 'Genus', | |
'P75': 'Clade', | |
'P76': 'Subgenus', | |
'P67': 'Subfamily', | |
'P66': 'Tribe', | |
'P71': 'Subtribe', | |
'P61': 'Order', | |
'P72': 'Suborder', | |
'P73': 'Infraorder', | |
'P74': 'Superfamily', | |
'P142': 'Phylum', | |
'P75': 'Clade', | |
'P76': 'Subclass', | |
'P77': 'Infraclass', | |
'P78': 'Superorder', | |
'P81': 'Class', | |
'P82': 'Superclass', | |
'P84': 'Kingdom', | |
'P85': 'Superkingdom', | |
'P86': 'Subkingdom', | |
'P87': 'Infrakingdom', | |
'P88': 'Parvkingdom', | |
'P89': 'Domain', | |
'P1421': 'GRIN', | |
'P1070': 'KEW', | |
'P5037': 'POWOID', | |
} | |
def get_label_for_entity_id(self, entity_id): | |
url = "" | |
params = { | |
"action": "wbgetentities", | |
"format": "json", | |
"ids": entity_id, | |
"props": "labels", | |
"languages": "en" # Assuming you want the label in English | |
} | |
response = requests.get(url, params=params) | |
data = response.json() | |
return data['entities'][entity_id]['labels']['en']['value'] if 'en' in data['entities'][entity_id]['labels'] else None | |
def is_valid_url(self, url): | |
try: | |
response = requests.head(url, allow_redirects=True, timeout=5) | |
# If the response status code is 200, the URL is reachable | |
return response.status_code == 200 | |
except requests.RequestException as e: | |
# If there was some issue with the request, such as the domain does not exist | |
# print(f"URL {url} is not reachable. Error: {e}") | |
return False | |
# def get_infobar_data(self, wiki_page_title): | |
# # Step 1: Extract the Wikidata Item ID from the Wikipedia page | |
# wiki_api_url = "" | |
# wiki_params = { | |
# "action": "query", | |
# "format": "json", | |
# "titles": wiki_page_title, | |
# "prop": "revisions", | |
# "rvprop": "content", | |
# "rvslots": "*" | |
# } | |
# wiki_response = requests.get(wiki_api_url, params=wiki_params) | |
# wiki_data = wiki_response.json() | |
# page_key = next(iter(wiki_data['query']['pages'])) | |
# content = wiki_data['query']['pages'][page_key]['revisions'][0]['slots']['main']['*'] | |
# infobox_pattern = re.compile(r'\{\{Infobox.*?\|title\}\}', re.DOTALL) | |
# match = | |
# if match: | |
# wikidata_id = # Returns the full match including the 'Infobox' braces | |
# else: | |
# return "Infobox not found" | |
# # Step 2: Fetch Data from Wikidata Using the Extracted ID | |
# wikidata_api_url = "" | |
# wikidata_params = { | |
# "action": "wbgetentities", | |
# "format": "json", | |
# "ids": wikidata_id, | |
# "props": "claims" # Adjust as needed to fetch the desired data | |
# } | |
# wikidata_response = requests.get(wikidata_api_url, params=wikidata_params) | |
# wikidata_content = wikidata_response.json() | |
# classification_full = {} | |
# classification = {} | |
# label_cache = {} # Cache for labels | |
# # Turn this on to see the available properties to decode | |
# for prop_id, claims in wikidata_content['entities'][wikidata_id]['claims'].items(): | |
# # Assuming the main snak value is what we want | |
# value = claims[0]['mainsnak']['datavalue']['value'] | |
# if isinstance(value, dict): # If the value is an entity ID | |
# # entity_id = value['id'] | |
# # entity_id = value['id'] | |
# if prop_id not in label_cache: | |
# label_cache[prop_id] = self.get_label_for_entity_id(prop_id) | |
# classification_full[prop_id] = label_cache[prop_id] | |
# else: | |
# classification_full[prop_id] = value | |
# print(classification_full) | |
# Map Wikidata properties to the corresponding taxonomic ranks | |
def convert_to_decimal(self, coord_parts): | |
lat_deg, lat_min, lat_dir, lon_deg, lon_min, lon_dir = coord_parts[:6] | |
lat = float(lat_deg) + float(lat_min) / 60 | |
lon = float(lon_deg) + float(lon_min) / 60 | |
if lat_dir == 'S': | |
lat = -lat | |
if lon_dir == 'W': | |
lon = -lon | |
return f"{lat},{lon}" | |
def extract_coordinates_and_region(self, coord_string): | |
# Extract the coordinate parts and region info | |
coord_parts = re.findall(r'(\d+|\w+)', coord_string) | |
region_info ='region:([^|]+)\|display', coord_string) | |
if coord_parts and len(coord_parts) >= 6: | |
# Convert to decimal coordinates | |
decimal_coords = self.convert_to_decimal(coord_parts) | |
else: | |
decimal_coords = "Invalid coordinates format" | |
region = if region_info else "Region not found" | |
return decimal_coords, region | |
def parse_infobox(self, infobox_string): | |
# Split the string into lines | |
lines = infobox_string.split('\n') | |
# Dictionary to store the extracted data | |
infobox_data = {} | |
# Iterate over each line | |
for line in lines: | |
# Split the line into key and value | |
parts = line.split('=', 1) | |
# If the line is properly formatted with a key and value | |
if len(parts) == 2: | |
key = parts[0].strip() | |
key = key.split(' ')[1] | |
value = parts[1].strip() | |
# Handling special cases like links or coordinates | |
if value.startswith('[[') and value.endswith(']]'): | |
# Extracting linked article titles | |
value = value[2:-2].split('|')[0] | |
elif value.startswith('{{coord') and value.endswith('}}'): | |
# Extracting coordinates | |
value = value[7:-2] | |
elif value.startswith('[') and value.endswith(']') and ('http' in value): | |
value = value[1:-1] | |
url_parts = value.split(" ") | |
infobox_data['url_location'] = next((part for part in url_parts if 'http' in part), None) | |
if key == 'coordinates': | |
decimal_coordinates, region = self.extract_coordinates_and_region(value) | |
infobox_data['region'] = region | |
infobox_data['decimal_coordinates'] = decimal_coordinates | |
key = self.sanitize(key) | |
value = self.sanitize(value) | |
value = self.remove_html_and_wiki_markup(value) | |
# Add to dictionary | |
infobox_data[key] = value | |
return infobox_data | |
def get_infobox_data(self, wiki_page_title, opt=None): | |
wiki_api_url = "" | |
wiki_params = { | |
"action": "query", | |
"format": "json", | |
"titles": wiki_page_title, | |
"prop": "revisions", | |
"rvprop": "content", | |
"rvslots": "*" | |
} | |
try: | |
wiki_response = requests.get(wiki_api_url, params=wiki_params) | |
wiki_response.raise_for_status() # Check for HTTP errors | |
except requests.RequestException as e: | |
return f"Error fetching data: {e}" | |
wiki_data = wiki_response.json() | |
page_key = next(iter(wiki_data['query']['pages']), None) | |
if page_key is None or "missing" in wiki_data['query']['pages'][page_key]: | |
return "Page not found" | |
content = wiki_data['query']['pages'][page_key]['revisions'][0]['slots']['main']['*'] | |
infobox_pattern = re.compile(r'\{\{Infobox.*?\}\}', re.DOTALL) | |
match = | |
if match: | |
infobox_content = | |
else: | |
self.infobox_data = {} | |
self.infobox_data_locality = {} | |
return "Infobox not found" | |
if opt is None: | |
self.infobox_data = self.parse_infobox(infobox_content) | |
else: | |
self.infobox_data_locality = self.parse_infobox(infobox_content) | |
# Example usage | |
# for prop_id, claims in wikidata_content['entities'][wikidata_id]['claims'].items(): | |
# # Get the taxonomic rank from the mapping | |
# rank = self.property_to_rank.get(prop_id) | |
# if rank: | |
# value = claims[0]['mainsnak']['datavalue']['value'] | |
# if isinstance(value, dict): # If the value is an entity ID | |
# entity_id = value['id'] | |
# if entity_id not in label_cache: | |
# label_cache[entity_id] = self.get_label_for_entity_id(entity_id) | |
# classification[rank] = label_cache[entity_id] | |
# else: | |
# classification[rank] = value | |
# try: | |
# unknown_link = "" + classification['POWOID'] | |
# if self.is_valid_url(unknown_link): | |
# classification['POWOID'] = unknown_link | |
# classification['POWOID_syn'] = unknown_link + '#synonyms' | |
# except: | |
# pass | |
# return classification | |
def get_taxonbar_data(self, wiki_page_title): | |
# Step 1: Extract the Wikidata Item ID from the Wikipedia page | |
wiki_api_url = "" | |
wiki_params = { | |
"action": "query", | |
"format": "json", | |
"titles": wiki_page_title, | |
"prop": "revisions", | |
"rvprop": "content", | |
"rvslots": "*" | |
} | |
wiki_response = requests.get(wiki_api_url, params=wiki_params) | |
wiki_data = wiki_response.json() | |
page_key = next(iter(wiki_data['query']['pages'])) | |
content = wiki_data['query']['pages'][page_key]['revisions'][0]['slots']['main']['*'] | |
taxonbar_match ='\{\{Taxonbar\|from=(Q\d+)\}\}', content) | |
if not taxonbar_match: | |
return "Taxonbar not found" | |
wikidata_id = | |
# Step 2: Fetch Data from Wikidata Using the Extracted ID | |
wikidata_api_url = "" | |
wikidata_params = { | |
"action": "wbgetentities", | |
"format": "json", | |
"ids": wikidata_id, | |
"props": "claims" # Adjust as needed to fetch the desired data | |
} | |
wikidata_response = requests.get(wikidata_api_url, params=wikidata_params) | |
wikidata_content = wikidata_response.json() | |
classification_full = {} | |
classification = {} | |
label_cache = {} # Cache for labels | |
# Turn this on to see the available properties to decode | |
# for prop_id, claims in wikidata_content['entities'][wikidata_id]['claims'].items(): | |
# # Assuming the main snak value is what we want | |
# value = claims[0]['mainsnak']['datavalue']['value'] | |
# if isinstance(value, dict): # If the value is an entity ID | |
# # entity_id = value['id'] | |
# # entity_id = value['id'] | |
# if prop_id not in label_cache: | |
# label_cache[prop_id] = self.get_label_for_entity_id(prop_id) | |
# classification_full[prop_id] = label_cache[prop_id] | |
# else: | |
# classification_full[prop_id] = value | |
# print(classification_full) | |
# Map Wikidata properties to the corresponding taxonomic ranks | |
for prop_id, claims in wikidata_content['entities'][wikidata_id]['claims'].items(): | |
# Get the taxonomic rank from the mapping | |
rank = self.property_to_rank.get(prop_id) | |
if rank: | |
value = claims[0]['mainsnak']['datavalue']['value'] | |
if isinstance(value, dict): # If the value is an entity ID | |
entity_id = value['id'] | |
if entity_id not in label_cache: | |
label_cache[entity_id] = self.get_label_for_entity_id(entity_id) | |
classification[rank] = label_cache[entity_id] | |
else: | |
classification[rank] = value | |
try: | |
unknown_link = "" + classification['POWOID'] | |
if self.is_valid_url(unknown_link): | |
classification['POWOID'] = unknown_link | |
classification['POWOID_syn'] = unknown_link + '#synonyms' | |
except: | |
pass | |
return classification | |
def extract_page_title(self, result_string): | |
first_line = result_string.split('\n')[0] | |
page_title = first_line.replace('Page: ', '').strip() | |
return page_title | |
def get_wikipedia_url(self, page_title): | |
page = | |
if page.exists(): | |
return page.fullurl | |
else: | |
return None | |
def extract_info_taxa(self, page): | |
links = [] | |
self.info_packet['WIKI_TAXA']['LINKS'] = {} | |
self.info_packet['WIKI_TAXA']['DATA'] = {} | |
self.info_packet['WIKI_TAXA']['DATA'].update(self.get_taxonbar_data(page.title)) | |
# for back in page.backlinks: | |
# back = self.sanitize(back) | |
# if ':' not in back: | |
# link = self.sanitize(self.get_wikipedia_url(back)) | |
# if link not in links: | |
# links.append(link) | |
# self.info_packet['WIKI_TAXA']['LINKS'][back] = link | |
def extract_info_geo(self, page, opt=None): | |
links = [] | |
self.info_packet['WIKI_GEO']['LINKS'] = {} | |
if opt is None: | |
self.get_infobox_data(page.title) | |
else: | |
self.get_infobox_data(page.title,opt=opt) | |
for back in itertools.islice(page.backlinks, 10): | |
back = self.sanitize(back) | |
if ':' not in back: | |
link = self.sanitize(self.get_wikipedia_url(back)) | |
if link not in links: | |
links.append(link) | |
self.info_packet['WIKI_GEO']['LINKS'][back] = link | |
def gather_geo(self, query,opt=None): | |
if opt is None: | |
self.info_packet['WIKI_GEO']['DATA'] = {} | |
else: | |
self.info_packet['WIKI_LOCALITY']['DATA'] = {} | |
wikipedia = WikipediaQueryRun(api_wrapper=WikipediaAPIWrapper()) | |
result = | |
summary = result.split('Summary:')[1] | |
summary = self.sanitize(summary) | |
# print(result) | |
page_title = self.extract_page_title(result) | |
page = | |
# Do these first, they are less likely to fail | |
if opt is None: | |
self.info_packet['WIKI_GEO']['PAGE_LINK'] = self.get_wikipedia_url(page_title) | |
self.info_packet['WIKI_GEO']['PAGE_TITLE'] = page_title | |
self.info_packet['WIKI_GEO']['SUMMARY'] = summary | |
else: | |
self.info_packet['WIKI_LOCALITY']['PAGE_TITLE'] = page_title | |
self.info_packet['WIKI_LOCALITY']['PAGE_LINK'] = self.get_wikipedia_url(page_title) | |
self.info_packet['WIKI_LOCALITY']['SUMMARY'] = summary | |
# Check if the page exists, get the more complex data. Do it last in case of failure ########################## This might not be useful enough to justify the time | |
# if page.exists(): | |
# if opt is None: | |
# self.extract_info_geo(page) | |
# else: | |
# self.extract_info_geo(page, opt=opt) | |
if opt is None: | |
self.info_packet['WIKI_GEO']['DATA'].update(self.infobox_data) | |
else: | |
self.info_packet['WIKI_LOCALITY']['DATA'].update(self.infobox_data_locality) | |
def gather_taxonomy(self, query): | |
wikipedia = WikipediaQueryRun(api_wrapper=WikipediaAPIWrapper()) | |
# query = "Tracaulon sagittatum Tracaulon sagittatum" | |
result = | |
summary = result.split('Summary:')[1] | |
summary = self.sanitize(summary) | |
# print(result) | |
page_title = self.extract_page_title(result) | |
page = | |
# Check if the page exists | |
if page.exists(): | |
self.extract_info_taxa(page) | |
self.info_packet['WIKI_TAXA']['PAGE_TITLE'] = page_title | |
self.info_packet['WIKI_TAXA']['PAGE_LINK'] = self.get_wikipedia_url(page_title) | |
self.info_packet['WIKI_TAXA']['SUMMARY'] = summary | |
return self.info_packet | |
def gather_wikipedia_results(self, output): | |
self.info_packet = {} | |
self.info_packet['WIKI_TAXA'] = {} | |
self.info_packet['WIKI_GEO'] = {} | |
self.info_packet['WIKI_LOCALITY'] = {} | |
if self.is_enabled: | |
municipality = output.get('municipality','') | |
county = output.get('county','') | |
stateProvince = output.get('stateProvince','') | |
country = output.get('country','') | |
locality = output.get('locality','') | |
order = output.get('order','') | |
family = output.get('family','') | |
scientificName = output.get('scientificName','') | |
genus = output.get('genus','') | |
specificEpithet = output.get('specificEpithet','') | |
query_geo = ' '.join([municipality, county, stateProvince, country]).strip() | |
query_locality = locality.strip() | |
query_taxa_primary = scientificName.strip() | |
query_taxa_secondary = ' '.join([genus, specificEpithet]).strip() | |
query_taxa_tertiary = ' '.join([order, family, genus, specificEpithet]).strip() | |
# query_taxa = "Tracaulon sagittatum Tracaulon sagittatum" | |
# query_geo = "Indiana Porter Co." | |
# query_locality = "Mical Springs edge" | |
if query_geo: | |
try: | |
self.gather_geo(query_geo) | |
except: | |
pass | |
if query_locality: | |
try: | |
self.gather_geo(query_locality,'locality') | |
except: | |
pass | |
queries_taxa = [query_taxa_primary, query_taxa_secondary, query_taxa_tertiary] | |
for q in queries_taxa: | |
if q: | |
try: | |
self.gather_taxonomy(q) | |
break | |
except: | |
pass | |
# print(self.info_packet) | |
# return self.info_packet | |
# self.gather_geo(query_geo) | |
try: | |
with open(self.json_file_path_wiki, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: | |
json.dump(self.info_packet, file, indent=4) | |
except: | |
sanitized_data = self.sanitize(self.info_packet) | |
with open(self.json_file_path_wiki, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: | |
json.dump(sanitized_data, file, indent=4) | |
def sanitize(self, data): | |
if isinstance(data, dict): | |
return {self.sanitize(key): self.sanitize(value) for key, value in data.items()} | |
elif isinstance(data, list): | |
return [self.sanitize(element) for element in data] | |
elif isinstance(data, str): | |
return data.encode('utf-8', 'ignore').decode('utf-8') | |
else: | |
return data | |
def remove_html_and_wiki_markup(self, text): | |
# Remove HTML tags | |
clean_text = re.sub(r'<.*?>', '', text) | |
# Remove Wiki links but keep the text inside | |
# For example, '[[Greg Abbott]]' becomes 'Greg Abbott' | |
clean_text = re.sub(r'\[\[(?:[^\]|]*\|)?([^\]|]*)\]\]', r'\1', clean_text) | |
# Remove Wiki template markup, e.g., '{{nowrap|text}}' becomes 'text' | |
clean_text = re.sub(r'\{\{(?:[^\}|]*\|)?([^\}|]*)\}\}', r'\1', clean_text) | |
return clean_text | |
def validate_wikipedia(tool_wikipedia, json_file_path_wiki, output): | |
Wiki = WikipediaLinks(tool_wikipedia, json_file_path_wiki) | |
Wiki.gather_wikipedia_results(output) | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
test_output = { | |
"filename": "MICH_7375774_Polygonaceae_Persicaria_", | |
"catalogNumber": "1439649", | |
"order": "", | |
"family": "", | |
"scientificName": "Tracaulon sagittatum", | |
"scientificNameAuthorship": "", | |
"genus": "Tracaulon", | |
"subgenus": "", | |
"specificEpithet": "sagittatum", | |
"infraspecificEpithet": "", | |
"identifiedBy": "", | |
"recordedBy": "Marcus W. Lyon, Jr.", | |
"recordNumber": "TX 11", | |
"verbatimEventDate": "1927", | |
"eventDate": "1927-00-00", | |
"habitat": "wet subdunal woods", | |
"occurrenceRemarks": "Flowers pink", | |
"country": "Indiana", | |
"stateProvince": "Porter Co.", | |
"county": "", | |
"municipality": "", | |
"locality": "Mical Springs edge", | |
"degreeOfEstablishment": "", | |
"decimalLatitude": "", | |
"decimalLongitude": "", | |
"verbatimCoordinates": "", | |
"minimumElevationInMeters": "", | |
"maximumElevationInMeters": "" | |
} | |
do_print_profiler = True | |
if do_print_profiler: | |
profiler = cProfile.Profile() | |
profiler.enable() | |
Wiki = WikipediaLinks('D:/D_Desktop/usda_pdf/test.json') | |
info_packet= Wiki.gather_wikipedia_results(test_output) | |
if do_print_profiler: | |
profiler.disable() | |
stats = pstats.Stats(profiler).sort_stats('cumulative') | |
stats.print_stats(50) | |