from io import BytesIO import gradio as gr from PIL import Image from requests_html import HTMLSession # Constants FACEBOOK_PROFILE_URL = "" # Cookies for Facebook login COOKIES = { "c_user": "100049138523091", "datr": "FiyJZqdR_6ItSvyrxxNPrkly", "dpr": "1.25", "fr": "1daVgVcuXZ5gTpMk4.AWUr0b7-6dKtlOykP85ln02V2uc.Bmoi8K..AAA.0.0.Bmoi8K.AWXPp734bXQ", "m_page_voice": "100049138523091", "m_pixel_ratio": "1.25", "presence": r"C%7B%22t3%22%3A%5B%5D%2C%22utc3%22%3A1721904913794%2C%22v%22%3A1%7D", "ps_l": "1", "ps_n": "1", "sb": "GyyJZrXIlxVPLZLGofrwrPYO", "wd": "1495x715", "x-referer": "eyJyIjoiL2hvbWUucGhwIiwiaCI6Ii9ob21lLnBocCIsInMiOiJtIn0%3D", "xs": "10%3AEGJu9zqGmTY_ug%3A2%3A1720265796%3A-1%3A12016%3A%3AAcUdSrluYLs6Yh9hjoEgKt1uLdU28tp0rjj6SiuL3A", } def fetch_img_url() -> str: """Fetch the image URL from Facebook.""" with HTMLSession() as session: response = session.get(FACEBOOK_PROFILE_URL, cookies=COOKIES, timeout=(100, 100)).text # Extract photo URL photo_url = extract_url(response, "", '"').replace("&", "&") print("Photo Url:", photo_url) # Fetch photo page and extract image URL photo_response = session.get(photo_url, cookies=COOKIES, timeout=(100, 100)).text # Full url img_url = extract_url(photo_response, "https://scontent.fbkk", '"') return img_url.replace("&", "&") def extract_url(text: str, start_str: str, end_str: str) -> str: """Extract URL from text between start_str and end_str.""" start = text.find(start_str) end = text.find(end_str, start) return text[start:end] def get_img(img_url: str) -> Image: """Get the image from the URL.""" with HTMLSession() as session: response = session.get(img_url, timeout=(100, 100)) return with gr.Blocks(css="footer {visibility: hidden}") as app: img = gr.Image( interactive=False, type="pil", show_download_button=False, show_label=False, container=False, ) def update_img(): img_url = fetch_img_url() print(f"Image URL: {img_url}") return get_img(img_url) app.load(update_img, inputs=None, outputs=img) if __name__ == "__main__": app.launch()