steamlit_n7 /
patent's picture
955d43b verified
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import json
import time
import requests
import os
import glob
import re
#import smart_open
import as px
import random
#import difflib
import pdb
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, models, util
enable_summary_button = True
dump_pos_data_for_reporting = True
bucket_name = "paper_n1"
prefix_lst = [
"pgj_d_1024_layer_1" ]
# "my_gptj_6b_tpu_size_8",
model_names = {
prefix_lst[0]: 'PatentGPT-J-6B',
prefix_lst[1]: 'PatentGPT-J-1.6B',
# prefix_lst[2]: 'PatentGPT-J-279M',
# prefix_lst[3]: 'PatentGPT-J-191M',
# prefix_lst[4]: 'PatentGPT-J-128M',
# prefix_lst[5]: 'PatentGPT-J-115M',}
prefix_lst[2]: 'PatentGPT-J-456M',
prefix_lst[3]: 'PatentGPT-J-279M',
prefix_lst[4]: 'PatentGPT-J-191M',
prefix_lst[5]: 'PatentGPT-J-128M',
prefix_lst[6]: 'PatentGPT-J-115M',}
# prefix_lst[7]:'GPT-J-6B'
# experiment 3
# folder = os.path.join('experiments', 'non_patent')
# id_to_scroll = 1 # which of the above to scroll through
# first_claim_only = True
#experiment 2
# folder = os.path.join('experiments', 'ipg20220104_500')
# #folder = "device_serve_results"
# id_to_scroll = 1 # which of the above to scroll through
# first_claim_only = False
# prefix_lst = ["my_gptj_6b_tpu_size_8", "pgj_d_4096", "pgj_d_2048", "pgj_d_1024_layer_14", "pgj_d_1024_layer_7", "pgj_d_1024_layer_2", "pgj_d_1024_layer_1"]
# #, "pgj_large", "pgj_medium", "pgj_small", ]
# # "pgj_d_1024_layer_14"
# experiment 1
folder = os.path.join('experiments', 'ipg22_500')
# (previous) folder = "eval_ipg22_500"
id_to_scroll = 1 # which of the above to scroll through
first_claim_only = True
ignore_outscope = True # ignore pick > 10
# def show_diff(a, b):
# #print('{} => {}'.format(a,b))
# for i, s in enumerate(difflib.ndiff(a, b)):
# if s[0]==' ': continue
# elif s[0]=='-':
# print(u'Delete "{}" from position {}'.format(s[-1],i))
# elif s[0]=='+':
# print(u'Add "{}" to position {}'.format(s[-1],i))
def handle_char_return(text):
if text == '(none)': # unicorn text
text == ''
return text
#return ch.replace('\n', '\\n')
#if ch == '\n':
# ch = "'\\n'"
#return ch
def get_remaining(lst, pos):
s = ''
for i in range(pos, len(lst)):
text = lst[i]['actual_next_token_text']
if text.startswith(' ') == False:
s += text
return s
def calc_details(base_fn):
full_fn = os.path.join(folder, base_fn)
#gs_fn = "gs://%s/%s/%s" % (bucket_name, folder, base_fn)
#with as f:
if os.path.exists(full_fn) == False:
return None, -1, -1, None, None, None, None, None
with open(full_fn) as f:
result = json.loads(
print("Loaded: %s" % full_fn)
lst = result['output']
recv = result['recv']
sum_pick = 0
sum_prob = 0
sum_outscope_count = 0
sum_outscope_len = 0
sum_hit_1 = 0
sum_top_10_len = 0
full_text = ''
token_count = 0
#found_end = False
for i, tk in enumerate(lst[:-1]):
# if found_end:
# break
token_text = handle_char_return(tk['actual_next_token_text'])
# Due to tokenizer difference, the following needs more work in the future.
# if base_fn.find('gptj') >= 0:
# # using the original gpt-j-6b model
# # need to skip special tokens
# if i <= 7:
# continue # skip |start of claim|>
# remaining_text = get_remaining(lst, i)
# if remaining_text.find('<|end_of_claim|>') >= 0:
# pos1 = remaining_text.find('<|end_of_claim|>')
# token_text = remaining_text[:pos1]
# found_end = True
# #pdb.set_trace()
# #break
# The following was for GPT-J-6B. Not needed for PatentGPT-J.
#if token_text.find('<|end_of_claim|>') == 0:
# #pdb.set_trace()
# break
next_top_seq = int(tk['actual_next_token_top_seq'])
next_top_prob = float(tk['actual_next_token_top_prob'])
full_text += token_text
if next_top_seq == 0:
sum_hit_1 += 1 # press "tab" for the top pick
if ignore_outscope and next_top_seq>=10:
sum_outscope_count += 1
sum_outscope_len += len(token_text) # use length as keystrokes
sum_pick += min(next_top_seq+1, len(token_text))
#sum_pick += (next_top_seq+1) # press "down" & "tab"
sum_prob += next_top_prob
sum_top_10_len += len(token_text)
token_count += 1
if ignore_outscope:
if token_count == 0: # unlikely
avg_pick = 0
avg_prob = 0
avg_pick = float(sum_pick) / token_count
avg_prob = float(sum_prob) / token_count
avg_pick = float(sum_pick) / token_count
avg_prob = float(sum_prob) / token_count
# if len(lst) < 2048: # for debugging
# s = '<|start_of_claim|>' + full_text
# if len(s) != len(recv['context']):
# print('length mismatch --> full_text: %s, recv: %s' % (len(s), len(recv['context'])))
# show_diff(s, recv['context'])
# pdb.set_trace()
return result, avg_pick, avg_prob, token_count, sum_pick, sum_prob, sum_outscope_count, sum_outscope_len, sum_hit_1, sum_top_10_len, full_text
def show_avg(base_fn, model_name, patent_claim_num, show_pick=False):
result, avg_pick, avg_prob, token_count, sum_pick, sum_prob, sum_outscope_count, sum_outscope_len, sum_hit_1, sum_top_10_len, full_text = calc_details(base_fn)
if token_count == 0:
print('debug 2')
if result is None:
return None
lst = result['output']
result = ''
sum_all = {}
for i, tk in enumerate(lst):
token_text = handle_char_return(tk['actual_next_token_text'])
if token_text == '<|end_of_claim|>':
if token_text == '(none)': # for unicorn text
# Skip GPT-J, due to different tokenization
# if base_fn.find('gptj') >= 0:
# # using the original gpt-j-6b model
# # need to skip special tokens
# if i <= 7:
# continue # skip |start of claim|>
# if token_text == '.<': # assuming .<|end of claim|>
# break
pick = int(tk['actual_next_token_top_seq'])
prob = float(tk['actual_next_token_top_prob'])
colors = [
['00ff00', '000000', '1'],
['008800', 'ffffff', '2-10'],
['ff0000', 'ffffff', 'out of top 10'],
#colors = [
# ['00ff00', '000000', '1'],
# ['008800', 'ffffff', '2-10'],
# ['aa0000', 'ffffff', '11-100'],
# ['ff0000', 'ffffff', '101~']
for j, item in enumerate(colors):
sum_all[item[2]] = 0
# skip follow-up subword
# if token_text.startswith(' ') == False:
# bg_color = ''
# fg_color = ''
# else:
if pick == 0:
bg_color = colors[0][0]
fg_color = colors[0][1]
tag = colors[0][2]
sum_all[tag] += 1
elif pick >= 1 and pick < 10:
bg_color = colors[1][0]
fg_color = colors[1][1]
tag = colors[1][2]
sum_all[tag] += 1
else: # pick >= 10
#elif pick >= 10 and pick < 100:
bg_color = colors[2][0]
fg_color = colors[2][1]
tag = colors[2][2]
sum_all[tag] += 1
#else: #pick >= 100:
# bg_color = colors[3][0]
# fg_color = colors[3][1]
# tag = colors[3][2]
# sum_all[tag] += 1
if show_pick:
pick = '[%s]' % pick
pick = ''
result += "<span style=background-color:#%s;color:#%s;border-radius:5px;>%s%s</span> " % (bg_color, fg_color, token_text, pick) #&nbsp;
color_msg = ''
for i, v in enumerate(colors):
color_msg += "<span style=background-color:#%s;color:#%s;border-radius:5px;>&nbsp;%s&nbsp;</span> " % (v[0], v[1], v[2])
#result, avg_pick, avg_prob, token_count, sum_pick, sum_prob, sum_outscope, sum_hit_1, sum_top_10_len, full_text = calc_details(base_fn)
# sum_pick as top 1~10
keys_with_auto = (sum_pick+sum_outscope_len)
keys_without_auto = len(full_text)
saved_ratio = float(keys_without_auto-keys_with_auto)/keys_without_auto * 100
s = 'model: %s\n' \
'Autocomplete Effectiveness: %.1f%% (keystrokes saved)\n' \
'Total keystrokes: %s (with autocomplete), %s (without autocomplete)\n' \
'Keystroke distribution: top 1~10: %s (top 1: %s), out of top 10: %s' % (model_name, saved_ratio, keys_with_auto, keys_without_auto, sum_pick, sum_hit_1, sum_outscope_len)
# s = 'file: %s, sum_pick: %s, sum_hit_1: %s, token_count: %s, sum_outscope: %s, avg_pick: %.2f, avg_prob: %.2f, sum_prob: %.2f, hit_1 ratio: %.2f &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' % (base_fn, sum_pick, sum_hit_1, token_count, sum_outscope, avg_pick, avg_prob, sum_prob, float(sum_hit_1)/token_count)
#s += color_msg
s = color_msg
st.markdown(s, unsafe_allow_html=True)
#st.text('file: %s, avg_pick: %5.2f, avg_prob: %.2f, hit count: %s/%s ' % (base_fn, avg_pick, avg_prob, hit_0_count, len(lst)))
# show histogram
st.markdown(result, unsafe_allow_html=True)
#st.text_area('context with top seq & prob:', result, height=400)
sum_lst = [sum_all['1'], sum_all['2-10'], sum_all['out of top 10']]
#sum_lst = [['1', sum_all['1']], ['2-10', sum_all['2-10']]]
#sum_lst = [sum_all['1'], sum_all['2-10'], sum_all['11-100'], sum_all['101~']]
return sum_lst
def show_overall_summary(prefix_lst, select_lst):
# accumulate all
# debug
# for i, num in enumerate(select_lst):
# pre_full_text = ''
# for prefix in prefix_lst:
# base_fn = '%s_%s_forward.json' % (prefix, num)
# result, avg_pick, avg_prob, token_count, sum_pick, sum_prob, sum_outscope, sum_hit_1, sum_top_10_len, full_text = calc_details(base_fn)
# if pre_full_text == '':
# pre_full_text = full_text
# else:
# if pre_full_text != full_text:
# print('debug')
# pdb.set_trace()
# #
# pdb.set_trace()
for prefix in prefix_lst:
acc_token_count = 0
acc_sum_pick = 0
acc_sum_prob = 0
acc_sum_outscope_count = 0
acc_sum_outscope_len = 0
acc_sum_hit_1 = 0
acc_sum_top_10_len = 0
acc_full_text_len = 0
pre_full_text = ''
for i, num in enumerate(select_lst):
base_fn = '%s_%s_forward.json' % (prefix, num)
result, avg_pick, avg_prob, token_count, sum_pick, sum_prob, sum_outscope_count, sum_outscope_len, sum_hit_1, sum_top_10_len, full_text = calc_details(base_fn)
acc_token_count += token_count
acc_sum_pick += sum_pick
acc_sum_prob += sum_prob
acc_sum_outscope_count += sum_outscope_count
acc_sum_outscope_len += sum_outscope_len
acc_sum_hit_1 += sum_hit_1
acc_sum_top_10_len += sum_top_10_len
acc_full_text_len += len(full_text)
if acc_token_count > 0:
# acc_sum_pick --> top 1~10
keys_with_auto = acc_sum_pick + acc_sum_outscope_len
keys_without_auto = acc_full_text_len
saved_ratio = float(keys_without_auto-keys_with_auto)/keys_without_auto * 100
st.text('[ %s ]\n' \
'Autocomplete Effectiveness: %.1f%% (ratio of saving keystroke)\n' \
'(sum) keys_with_auto: %s, top_10_keys: %s, out_of_scope: %s, sum_hit_1: %s\n' \
'keys_without_auto: %s, top_10_len: %s, prob: %.2f' % (
model_names[prefix], saved_ratio,
st.text('%s & %.1f\\%% & %s & %s & %s & %s & %s \\\\' % (model_names[prefix], saved_ratio, '{:,}'.format(keys_with_auto), '{:,}'.format(acc_sum_pick), '{:,}'.format(acc_sum_outscope_len), '{:,}'.format(acc_sum_hit_1), '{:,}'.format(keys_without_auto)))
# st.text('* acc_token_count =%s --> (avg) hits: %.2f, keys: %.2f, prob: %.2f, outscope: %.2f' % (
# acc_token_count,
# float(acc_sum_hit_1)/acc_token_count,
# float(acc_sum_pick)/acc_token_count,
# float(acc_sum_prob)/acc_token_count,
# float(acc_sum_outscope_count)/acc_token_count))
def calc_height(s):
return int(len(s) / 10 * 3) + 30
def remove_end_of_claim_text(gen_text):
tag = '<|end_of_claim|>'
pos = gen_text.find(tag)
if pos > 0:
gen_text = gen_text[:pos+len(tag)]
return gen_text
tag = '<|endoftext|>'
pos = gen_text.find(tag)
if pos > 0:
gen_text = gen_text[:pos+len(tag)]
return gen_text
def dump_pos_data(prefix_lst, select_lst):
#statistics = [[0]*3]*2048
statistics = []
for i in range(2048):
#results.append(['model', 'pos', 'key'])
#results.append(['model', 'patent_claim', 'pos', 'top-1', 'top-2~10', 'out of top 10'])
max_len = -1
for prefix in prefix_lst:
model_name = model_names[prefix].replace('PatentGPT-J-', '')
if model_name != '456M':
#total = {}
for i, num in enumerate(select_lst):
base_fn = '%s_%s_forward.json' % (prefix, num)
full_fn = os.path.join(folder, base_fn)
if os.path.exists(full_fn) == False:
with open(full_fn) as f:
result = json.loads(
print("Loaded: %s" % full_fn)
lst = result['output']
for j, tk in enumerate(lst[:-1]):
max_len = max(j, max_len)
next_top_seq = int(tk['actual_next_token_top_seq'])
#next_top_prob = float(tk['actual_next_token_top_prob'])
top_1 = top_2_to_10 = out_of_scope = 0
if next_top_seq == 0:
top_1 = 1
tag = 'top-1'
statistics[j][0] += 1
elif next_top_seq > 0 and next_top_seq < 10:
top_2_to_10 = 1
tag = 'top-2~10'
statistics[j][1] += 1
out_of_scope = 1
tag = 'out-of-scope'
statistics[j][2] += 1
#total[tag] = total.get(tag, 0) + 1
#results.append([model_name, str(i+1), tag])
#results.append([model_name, str(i+1), tag])
#results.append([model_name, num, str(i+1), tag])
#results.append([model_name, num, i+1, top_1, top_2_to_10, out_of_scope])
dump_file = 'dump4.txt'
with open(dump_file, 'w') as f:
for i in range(max_len+1):
f.write('%s, top-1, %s\n' % (i+1, statistics[i][0]))
f.write('%s, top-2~10, %s\n' % (i+1, statistics[i][1]))
f.write('%s, out_of_scope, %s\n' % (i+1, statistics[i][2]))
# f.write('%s\n' % ', '.join([str(i+1)] + [ str(v) for v in statistics[i] ] ))
print('saved: %s' % dump_file)
# dump_file = 'dump2.txt'
# with open(dump_file, 'w') as f:
# for line in results:
# f.write('%s\n' % ', '.join(line))
# print('saved: %s' % dump_file)
def calc_sentence_similarity(sent_model, sent1, sent2):
rewards = []
embedding1 = sent_model.encode(sent1, convert_to_tensor=True)
embedding2 = sent_model.encode(sent2, convert_to_tensor=True)
similarity = util.cos_sim(embedding1, embedding2)[0][0]
return similarity
sent_model = 'patent/st-aipd-nlp-g'
print('loading SentenceTransformer: %s' % sent_model)
sent_aipd = SentenceTransformer(sent_model)
def load_data(demo):
fn = ''
#fn = 'ppo_output/'
with open(fn, 'r') as f:
rows = json.load(f)
if demo == 'demo1':
new_rows = [ row for row in rows if row['instruction'].find('child') > 0 ]
elif demo == 'demo2':
new_rows = [ row for row in rows if row['instruction'].find('parent') > 0 ]
new_rows = []
return new_rows
container_style = """
.container1 {
border: 2px solid #3498db;
border-radius: 8px;
padding: 10px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
.container2 {
/* Add styles for Container 2 if needed */
def main():
st.set_page_config( # Alternate names: setup_page, page, layout
layout="wide", # Can be "centered" or "wide". In the future also "dashboard", etc.
initial_sidebar_state="auto", # Can be "auto", "expanded", "collapsed"
page_title="Demo 1", # String or None. Strings get appended with "• Streamlit".
page_icon=None, # String, anything supported by st.image, or None.
opt_1 = 'parent --> child'
opt_2 = 'child --> parent'
options = [opt_1, opt_2]
rows = None
pos = None
patent_num = ''
claim_num1 = ''
claim_num2 = ''
instruction= ''
input_text = ''
output_text = ''
response = ''
query = ''
score_lst_1 = 0
score_lst_2 = 0
rewards = ''
with st.container():
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([3, 5, 2])
with col1:
selected_option = st.selectbox('Select a demo:', options)
if selected_option == opt_1:
rows = load_data('demo1')
msg = 'novelty = sim1-sim2'
#msg = 'delta of similarities<br>(sim1-sim2)'
c1_tag = 'pc'
c2_tag = 'cc1'
c3_tag = 'cc2'
elif selected_option == opt_2:
rows = load_data('demo2')
msg = 'similarity of<br>(pc1) and (pc2)'
c1_tag = 'cc'
c2_tag = 'pc1'
c3_tag = 'pc2'
st.text('Unknown option')
#rows = rows[:5000] # for debugging
with col2:
pos = st.slider("", 1, len(rows))
#pos = st.slider("Degree of novelty (Generated v. Actual)", 1, len(rows))
for i in range(pos):
#prompt = '%s' % rows[i]
patent_num = rows[i]['patent_num']
claim_num1 = rows[i]['claim_num1']
claim_num2 = rows[i]['claim_num2']
instruction= rows[i]['instruction']
input_text = rows[i]['input']
output_text = rows[i]['output']
response = rows[i]['response']
query = rows[i]['query']
score_lst_1 = rows[i]['score_lst_1']
score_lst_2 = rows[i]['score_lst_2']
delta = rows[i]['delta']
rewards = rows[i]['rewards']
with col3:
#v = round(float(score_lst_1)-float(score_lst_2), 4)
#v = delta #round(delta,10)
st.markdown("<center><h7>%s<br>%s</h7></center>" % (msg, delta), unsafe_allow_html=True)
# style='text-align: center; color: black;'
# selectbox_placeholder = st.empty()
# selected_option = selectbox_placeholder.selectbox('Select a demo:', options)
# container1 = st.container()
# with st.container():
# col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
# with col1:
# st.write('Caption for first chart')
# with col2:
# st.line_chart((0,1), height=100)
# with st.container():
# col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
# with col1:
# st.write('Caption for second chart')
# with col2:
# st.line_chart((1,0), height=100)
#st.write('patent_num:', patent_num)
# st.write('claim_num1:', claim_num1)
# st.write('claim_num2:', claim_num2)
st.write('(instruction) ', instruction)
with st.container():
with st.container(border=True):
st.write('(%s) [ %s ]\n%s' % (c1_tag, patent_num, input_text))
#st.write('input:' % patent_num)
#st.write('input:\n', input_text)
#container1.markdown("<div class='container1'>", unsafe_allow_html=True)
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
with st.container(border=True):
st.write('(%s) (actual)' % c2_tag)
with col2:
with st.container(border=True):
st.write('(%s) (generated)' % c3_tag)
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
with st.container(border=True):
st.write('(sim1) similarity between %s and %s+%s: %s' % (c1_tag, c1_tag, c2_tag, str(score_lst_1)))
with col2:
with st.container(border=True):
st.write('(sim2) similarity between %s and %s+%s: %s' % (c1_tag, c1_tag, c3_tag, str(score_lst_2)))
#container1.markdown("</div>", unsafe_allow_html=True)
# st.write("In Container 1")
# table_name ="Please Select Table", list_of_tables)
# st.write('output:')
# st.write(output_text)
# st.write('response:')
# st.write(response)
#st.write('query:', query)
# st.write('score_lst_1:', score_lst_1)
# st.write('score_lst_2:', score_lst_2)
# st.write('rewards:', rewards)
# st.text('hello')
# dict_keys(['patent_num', 'claim_num1', 'claim_num2', 'instruction', 'input', 'output', 'query', 'response', 'score_lst_1', 'score_lst_2', 'rewards'])
# st.subheader("Inspecting PatentGPT-J Model Evaluation")
# num_set = set()
# fn_lst = glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, '*'))
# for i, fn in enumerate(fn_lst):
# for prefix in prefix_lst:
# v ='(.*?)%s\_(\d+\_\d+)\_(.*?)' % prefix, fn)
# if v is None:
# v ='(.*?)%s\_(\w+\_\d+)\_(.*?)' % prefix, fn)
# #pdb.set_trace()
# if v is None:
# #pdb.set_trace()
# continue
# v =
# if first_claim_only:
# if v.endswith('_1'):
# num_set.add(v)
# else:
# num_set.add(v)
# num_lst = list(num_set)
# num_lst.sort()
# select_lst = []
# for i, num in enumerate(num_lst):
# all_existed = True
# for prefix in prefix_lst:
# fn = os.path.join(folder, '%s_%s_forward.json' % (prefix, num))
# if os.path.exists(fn) == False:
# all_existed = False
# break
# if all_existed:
# select_lst.append(num)
# select_lst.sort()
# if len(select_lst) == 0:
# st.text('select_lst is empty')
# return
# if dump_pos_data_for_reporting:
# dump_pos_data(prefix_lst, select_lst)
# st.text('Dump data: done')
# return
# # debug
# #base_fn = 'my_gptj_6b_tpu_size_8_11212952_1_forward.json'
# #base_fn = 'pgj_small_text-1_1_forward.json'
# #_ = show_avg(base_fn)
# if enable_summary_button:
# if st.button('Show Summary'):
# st.text('len(select_lst) = %s' % len(select_lst))
# show_overall_summary(prefix_lst, select_lst)
# # if 'num' not in st.session_state:
# # num = random.choice(select_lst)
# # st.session_state['num'] = num
# # set_state('num', num)
# # def set_state(k, v):
# # if k not in st.session_state:
# # st.session_state[ k ] = v
# show_patent_lst = [ s.replace('_', ' (claim ') + ')' for s in select_lst]
# selected = st.selectbox("Choose a patent claim", show_patent_lst)
# num = selected.replace(')', '').replace(' (claim ', '_')
# if st.button('Random pick'):
# num = random.choice(select_lst)
# st.text('Selected: %s' % num)
# st.session_state['num'] = num
# avgs = []
# for prefix in prefix_lst:
# base_fn = '%s_%s_forward.json' % (prefix, num)
# one_avg = show_avg(base_fn, model_names[prefix], num)
# if one_avg is not None:
# avgs.append(one_avg)
# # debug
# #pdb.set_trace()
# #return
# #
# data_lst = []
# for i in range(len(avgs[0])):
# row = []
# for j, prefix in enumerate(prefix_lst):
# row.append(avgs[j][i])
# data_lst.append(row)
# df = pd.DataFrame(data_lst, index=['1','2-10','out of top 10'])
# #df = pd.DataFrame(data_lst, index=['1','2-10','11-100','101~'])
# # ], index=['(a) 1','(b) 2-10','(c) 11-100','(d) 101~'])
# # [avgs[0][0], avgs[1][0], avgs[2][0]],
# # [avgs[0][1], avgs[1][1], avgs[2][1]],
# # [avgs[0][2], avgs[1][2], avgs[2][2]],
# # [avgs[0][3], avgs[1][3], avgs[2][3]],
# #df = pd.DataFrame([[1,2],[3,1]], columns=['a', 'b'])
# #df = pd.DataFrame([
# # [sum1[0], sum1[1], sum1[2], sum1[3]],
# # [sum2[0], sum2[1], sum2[2], sum2[3]],
# # [sum3[0], sum3[1], sum3[2], sum3[3]],
# # ]) #, index=['(a) 1','(b) 2-10','(c) 11-100','(d) 101~'])
# #df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(sum_all, orient='index')
# #st.line_chart(df)
# #data_canada ="country == 'Canada'")
# #fig =, x='year', y='pop')
# if st.button('Show chart'):
# fig =, barmode='group')
# st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)
# #st.area_chart(df)
# #st.bar_chart(df)
# #
# base_fn = '%s_%s_forward.json' % (prefix_lst[ id_to_scroll ], st.session_state['num'])
# result, avg_pick, avg_prob, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = calc_details(base_fn)
# recv = result['recv']
# lst = result['output']
# input_tokens = result['input']
# # (Pdb) print(token_pos_lst[0].keys())
# #dict_keys(['idx', 'gen_text', 'actual_next_token_text', 'actual_next_token_top_seq', 'actual_next_token_top_prob', 'top_n_lst'])
# height = calc_height(recv['context'])
# st.text_area('context:', recv['context'], height=height)
# pos = st.slider("Token position", 0, len(lst))
# prompt = ''
# for i in range(pos+1):
# prompt += input_tokens[i]['text']
# height = calc_height(prompt)
# st.text_area('prompt:', prompt, height=height)
# ch = handle_char_return(lst[pos]['actual_next_token_text'])
# st.text('actual_next_token_text: %s --> pick seq: %s (prob: %.2f)' % (ch, int(lst[pos]['actual_next_token_top_seq'])+1,
# float(lst[pos]['actual_next_token_top_prob'])))
# st.text('top 10 tokens:')
# for i, v in enumerate(lst[pos]['top_n_lst']):
# ch = handle_char_return(v['top_n_text'])
# st.text('[ %s ][ %s ]( %.2f )' % (i+1, ch, float(v['top_n_prob'])))
# gen_text = lst[pos]['gen_text']
# gen_text = remove_end_of_claim_text(gen_text)
# st.text('gen_text: %s' % gen_text)
# #st.text("done. ok.")
# #st.text('result:\n%s' % result)
if __name__ == "__main__":
#def load_data_pre(demo):
# fn = 'ppo_output/'
# with open(fn, 'r') as f:
# rows = json.load(f)
# new_rows = []
# for i, row in enumerate(rows):
# item1 = {}
# item2 = {}
# if demo == 'demo1':
# item1[ 'delta' ] = abs(row['score_lst_1'][0] - row['score_lst_2'][0])
# item2[ 'delta' ] = abs(row['score_lst_1'][1] - row['score_lst_2'][1])
# elif demo == 'demo2':
# #pdb.set_trace()
# item1[ 'delta' ] = calc_sentence_similarity(sent_aipd, row['output'][0], row['response'][0])
# item2[ 'delta' ] = calc_sentence_similarity(sent_aipd, row['output'][1], row['response'][1])
# print('[ %s ] detla = %s' % (i, item1[ 'delta' ]))
# for k in row.keys():
# item1[ k ] = row[ k ][0]
# item2[ k ] = row[ k ][1]
# if demo == 'demo1':
# if item1['instruction'].find('child') > 0:
# new_rows.append(item1)
# if item2['instruction'].find('child') > 0:
# new_rows.append(item2)
# elif demo == 'demo2':
# if item1['instruction'].find('parent') > 0:
# new_rows.append(item1)
# if item2['instruction'].find('parent') > 0:
# new_rows.append(item2)
# # Assuming new_rows is your list of dictionaries
# sorted_rows = sorted(new_rows, key=lambda x: x['delta'])
# # kv = {}
# # for i, row in enumerate(new_rows):
# # if diff > 0.0001:
# # kv[i] = round(diff, 4)
# # sorted_rows = []
# # sorted_kv = sorted(kv.items(), key=lambda x:x[1])
# # for k, v in sorted_kv:
# # sorted_rows.append(new_rows[k])
# #pdb.set_trace()
# return sorted_rows