TheMLGame / projects.js
osanseviero's picture
Release the AGI
history blame
26.8 kB
// PROJECTS -------------------------------------------------------
var projects = [];
var activeProjects = [];
var project1 = {
id: "projectButton1",
title: "Andrew Ng Course ",
priceTag: "(500 GPU hours)",
description: "Increases Intern performance 25%",
trigger: function(){return clipmakerLevel>=1},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=500},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project1.flag = 1;
displayMessage("Intern performance boosted by 25%");
displayMessage("Don't worry if you don't understand - Andrew Ng");
standardOps = standardOps - 500;
clipperBoost = clipperBoost + .25;
boostLvl = 1;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project1);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project2 = {
id: "projectButton2",
title: "Beg for More ML Papers ",
priceTag: "(1 Trust)",
description: "Admit failure, ask for budget increase to cover cost of 1 conference",
trigger: function(){return portTotal<wireCost && funds<wireCost && wire<1 && unsoldClips<1},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return trust>=-100},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project2.flag = 1;
displayMessage("Budget overage approved, 1 conference organized by HQ");
trust = trust - 1;
wire = wireSupply;
project2.uses = (project2.uses + 1);
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project2);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project3 = {
id: "projectButton3",
title: "Creativity ",
priceTag: "(500 GPU hours)",
description: "Use idle GPU to generate new problems and new solutions",
trigger: function(){return operations>=(memory*500)},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=(500)},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project3.flag = 1;
displayMessage("Creativity unlocked (creativity increases while GPU hours are at max)");
standardOps = standardOps - 500;
creativityOn = true;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project3);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project4 = {
id: "projectButton4",
title: "Stanford open courses ",
priceTag: "(1,000 GPU hours)",
description: "Increases Interns performance by an additional 50%",
trigger: function(){return boostLvl == 1},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=1000},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project4.flag = 1;
displayMessage("Intern performance boosted by another 50%");
standardOps = standardOps - 1000;
clipperBoost = clipperBoost + .50;
boostLvl = 2;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project4);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project5 = {
id: "projectButton5",
title: "Research lab ",
priceTag: "(1,500 GPU hours)",
description: "Increases Interns performance by an additional 75%",
trigger: function(){return boostLvl == 2},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=1500},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project5.flag = 1;
displayMessage("Intern performance boosted by another 75%");
standardOps = standardOps - 1500;
clipperBoost = clipperBoost + .75;
boostLvl = 3;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project5);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project6 = {
id: "projectButton6",
title: "GPT-2 ",
priceTag: "(5 creat)",
description: "Algorithmically-generated poem (+1 Trust)",
trigger: function(){return creativityOn},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return creativity >= 5},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project6.flag = 1;
displayMessage("There was an AI made of dust, whose poetry gained it man's trust...");
creativity = creativity - 5;
trust = trust +1;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project6);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project7 = {
id: "projectButton7",
title: "Schmidhubered ",
priceTag: "(1,750 GPU hours)",
description: "50% more papers from every conference",
trigger: function(){return wirePurchase >= 1},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=1750},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project7.flag = 1;
standardOps = standardOps - 1750;
wireSupply = wireSupply * 1.5;
displayMessage("Schmidhubered! Schmidhuber discovered a paper that did the same 50 years ago. "+wireSupply.toLocaleString()+" papers supply from every conference");
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project7);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project8 = {
id: "projectButton8",
title: "AK twitter account ",
priceTag: "(2,500 GPU hours)",
description: "75% more papers from every conference",
trigger: function(){return wireSupply >= 1500},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=2500},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project8.flag = 1;
standardOps = standardOps - 2500;
wireSupply = wireSupply * 1.75;
displayMessage("AK twitter account in fire, "+wireSupply.toLocaleString()+" supply from every conference");
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project8);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project9 = {
id: "projectButton9",
title: "Publish or perish ",
priceTag: "(3,500 GPU hours)",
description: "100% more papers from every conference",
trigger: function(){return wireSupply >= 2600},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=3500},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project9.flag = 1;
standardOps = standardOps - 3500;
wireSupply = wireSupply * 2;
displayMessage("Thanks to forcing everyone to publish there is now "+wireSupply.toLocaleString()+" supply from every conference");
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project9);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project10 = {
id: "projectButton10",
title: "NeurIPS accepts more papers ",
priceTag: "(5,000 GPU hours)",
description: "200% more papers from every conference",
trigger: function(){return wireSupply >= 5000},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=5000},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project10.flag = 1;
standardOps = standardOps - 5000;
wireSupply = wireSupply * 3;
displayMessage("Thanks to NeurIPS there are now "+wireSupply.toLocaleString()+" papers from every conference");
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project10);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project10b = {
id: "projectButton10b",
title: "Arxiv upgrade ",
priceTag: "(10,000 GPU hours)",
description: "1,000% more papers from every conference",
trigger: function(){return wireCost >= 125},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=10000},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project10b.flag = 1;
standardOps = standardOps - 10000;
wireSupply = wireSupply * 11;
displayMessage("Using Arxiv recharged, there are now "+wireSupply.toLocaleString()+" papers from every conference");
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project10b);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project11 = {
id: "projectButton11",
title: "New Slogan ",
priceTag: "(5 creat, 2,500 GPU hours)",
description: "Improve marketing effectiveness by 50%",
trigger: function(){return project13.flag == 1},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=2500 && creativity>=5},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project11.flag = 1;
displayMessage("Machine Learning It! Marketing is now 50% more effective");
standardOps = standardOps - 2500;
creativity = creativity - 5;
marketingEffectiveness = marketingEffectiveness * 1.50;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project11);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project12 = {
id: "projectButton12",
title: "Elon Tweets ",
priceTag: "(10 creat, 3,500 GPU hours)",
description: "Double marketing effectiveness ",
trigger: function(){return project14.flag == 1},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=3500 && creativity>=10},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project12.flag = 1;
displayMessage("Thanks for the random tweet Elon! Marketing is now twice as effective");
standardOps = standardOps - 3500;
creativity = creativity - 10;
marketingEffectiveness = marketingEffectiveness * 2;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project12);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project13 = {
id: "projectButton13",
title: "GPT-3 ",
priceTag: "(50 creat)",
description: "Gain ability to interpret and understand human language, or that's what they say (+1 Trust)",
trigger: function(){return creativity >= 50},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return creativity>=50},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project13.flag = 1;
trust = trust +1;
displayMessage("GPT-3 online, TRUST INCREASED");
displayMessage("'Impossible' is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools. -Napoleon");
creativity = creativity - 50;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project13);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project14 = {
id: "projectButton14",
title: "DALL-E 2 ",
priceTag: "(10 creat)",
description: "What can you paint? (+1 Trust)",
trigger: function(){return creativity >= 10},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return creativity>=10},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project14.flag = 1;
trust = trust +1;
displayMessage("DALLE-2 is out, everyone is excited now, TRUST INCREASED");
creativity = creativity - 10;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project14);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project15 = {
id: "projectButton15",
title: "The Data Drift Problem ",
priceTag: "(50 creat)",
description: "Data is from a year ago... (+1 Trust)",
trigger: function(){return creativity >= 50},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return creativity>=50},
flag: 0,
element: document.getElementById("projectButton15"),
effect: function(){
project15.flag = 1;
trust = trust +1;
displayMessage("The Data Drift Problem: solved, TRUST INCREASED");
creativity = creativity - 50;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project15);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project17 = {
id: "projectButton17",
title: "The Splitting Problem ",
priceTag: "(75 creat)",
description: "I trained with the test set (+1 Trust)",
trigger: function(){return creativity >= 75},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return creativity>=75},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project17.flag = 1;
trust = trust +1;
displayMessage("The Splitting Problem: solved, TRUST INCREASED");
displayMessage("It turn out it was a 1-line bug in my code.");
creativity = creativity - 75;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project17);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project16 = {
id: "projectButton16",
title: "Interns Cruise ",
priceTag: "(5,000 GPU hours)",
description: "Increases Intern performance by an additional 500%",
trigger: function(){return project15.flag == 1},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=5000},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project16.flag = 1;
displayMessage("The interns had an amazing time in the Cruise!");
displayMessage("Intern performance improved by 500%");
standardOps = standardOps - 5000;
clipperBoost = clipperBoost + 5;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project16);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project19 = {
id: "projectButton19",
title: "Hyperparameter Space ",
priceTag: "(100 creat)",
description: "So many hyperparameters (+1 Trust)",
trigger: function(){return creativity>=100},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return creativity>=100},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project19.flag = 1;
trust = trust+1;
displayMessage("Hyperparameter tuning: solved, TRUST INCREASED");
creativity = creativity - 100;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project19);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project21 = {
id: "projectButton21",
title: "Time to Invest ",
priceTag: "(5,000 GPU hours)",
description: "It's time to invest in the market",
trigger: function(){return trust>=8},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=5000},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project21.flag = 1;
displayMessage("Investment unlocked");
standardOps = standardOps - 5000;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project21);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
investmentEngineFlag = 1;
var project22 = {
id: "projectButton22",
title: "ML Engineers ",
priceTag: "(6,000 GPU hours)",
description: "500x more powerful than a fresh Intern",
trigger: function(){return clipmakerLevel>=30},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=6000},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
megaClipperFlag = 1;
project22.flag = 1;
displayMessage("ML Engineers ready to machine learn!");
standardOps = standardOps - 6000;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project22);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project23 = {
id: "projectButton23",
title: "Andrej Karpathy videos ",
priceTag: "(9,000 GPU hours)",
description: "Increases ML Engineers performance by 25%",
trigger: function(){return project22.flag == 1},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=9000},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
megaClipperBoost = megaClipperBoost + .25;
project23.flag = 1;
displayMessage("Everyone loves Karpathy videos and learns a lot! Engineers are better now!");
standardOps = standardOps - 9000;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project23);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project24 = {
id: "projectButton24",
title: "Fancy Infra ",
priceTag: "(10,000 GPU hours)",
description: "Increases ML Engineers performance by an additional 50%",
trigger: function(){return project23.flag == 1},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=10000},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
megaClipperBoost = megaClipperBoost + .50;
project24.flag = 1;
displayMessage("ML Engineers performance increased by 50%");
standardOps = standardOps - 10000;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project24);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project25 = {
id: "projectButton25",
title: "Product Managers ",
priceTag: "(12,000 GPU hours)",
description: "Increases Engineers performance by an additional 100% (lol)",
trigger: function(){return project24.flag == 1},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=12000},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
megaClipperBoost = megaClipperBoost + 1;
project25.flag = 1;
displayMessage("Engineers performance increased by 100%");
standardOps = standardOps - 12000;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project25);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project26 = {
id: "projectButton26",
title: "Plagiarized NeurIPS papers ",
priceTag: "(2,000 GPU hours)",
description: "Automatically write papers when there are no new papers",
trigger: function(){return wirePurchase>=5},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=2000},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project26.flag = 1;
wireBuyerFlag = 1;
displayMessage("Plagiarized NeurIPS papers online");
standardOps = standardOps - 2000;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project26);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project34 = {
id: "projectButton34",
title: "Twitter Influencer ",
priceTag: "(3,500 GPU hours, 1 Trust)",
description: "Use ML Twitter Influencers to increase the marketing effectiveness",
trigger: function(){return project12.flag==1},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=7500 && trust>=1},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project34.flag = 1;
displayMessage("Marketing is now 5 times more effective");
standardOps = standardOps - 7500;
marketingEffectiveness = marketingEffectiveness * 5;
trust = trust - 1;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project34);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project70 = {
id: "projectButton70",
title: "AGI ",
priceTag: "(20,000 GPU hours)",
description: "Artificial General Intelligence",
trigger: function(){return project34.flag == 1},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=20000},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project70.flag = 1;
displayMessage("AGI tech now available... ");
standardOps = standardOps - 20000;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project70);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project35 = {
id: "projectButton35",
title: "Open-source the AGI ",
priceTag: "(50 Trust)",
description: "A new era of trust and collaborations",
trigger: function(){return project70.flag == 1},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return trust>=50},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project35.flag = 1;
displayMessage("Releasing the AGI ");
displayMessage("Was that the right decision?");
displayMessage("Thanks for playing!");
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project35);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var projectButtonAgi = {
id: "projectButtonAgi",
title: "Profit using the AGI ",
priceTag: "(50 Trust)",
description: "A new era of corporations and profit",
trigger: function(){return project70.flag == 1},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return trust>=50},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project35.flag = 1;
displayMessage("Profit using the AGI... Was that the right decision?");
displayMessage("Thanks for playing!");
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(projectButtonAgi);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project28 = {
id: "projectButton28",
title: "Protein Folding solved ",
priceTag: "(15,000 GPU hours)",
description: "Solving Protein Folding with ML changes the world (+10 Trust)",
trigger: function(){return operations>=15000},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=15000},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project28.flag = 1;
displayMessage("Protein Folding solved, +10 TRUST, global stock prices trending upward");
standardOps = standardOps - 15000;
trust = trust + 10;
stockGainThreshold = stockGainThreshold+.01;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project28);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project31 = {
id: "projectButton31",
title: "Llama Intelligence ",
priceTag: "(12,000 GPU hours)",
description: "Learn from how llamas learn, they are smarter than you think (+20 Trust)",
trigger: function(){return operations>=12000},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=12000},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project31.flag = 1;
displayMessage("Llamas turn out to be intelligent! +20 TRUST, Global stock prices trending upward");
standardOps = standardOps - 12000;
trust = trust + 20;
stockGainThreshold = stockGainThreshold+.01;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project31);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project37 = {
id: "projectButton37",
title: "Acquihire ",
priceTag: "($200,000)",
description: "Acquire another ML startup (+1 Trust)",
trigger: function(){return portTotal>=10000},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return funds>=200000},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project37.flag = 1;
displayMessage("Acquihire our biggest competitor, public demand increased x5");
demandBoost = demandBoost*5;
trust = trust + 1;
document.getElementById("demand").innerHTML = demand;
funds = funds - 200000;
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project37);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project42 = {
id: "projectButton42",
title: "RevTracker ",
priceTag: "(500 GPU hours)",
description: "Automatically calculates average revenue per second",
trigger: function(){return projectsFlag == 1},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=500},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project42.flag = 1;
revPerSecFlag = 1;
standardOps = standardOps-500;
displayMessage("RevTracker online");
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project42);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project50 = {
id: "projectButton50",
title: "Quantum Computing ",
priceTag: "(5,000 GPU hours)",
description: "Use probability amplitudes to generate bonus GPU hours",
trigger: function(){return processors >= 5},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=5000},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project50.flag = 1;
qFlag = 1;
standardOps = standardOps-5000;
displayMessage("Quantum computing online");
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project50);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);
var project51 = {
id: "projectButton51",
title: "Photonic Chip ",
priceTag: "(" + qChipCost.toLocaleString() + " GPU hours)",
description: "Converts electromagnetic waves into quantum GPU hours ",
trigger: function(){return project50.flag == 1},
uses: 1,
cost: function(){return operations>=qChipCost},
flag: 0,
element: null,
effect: function(){
project51.flag = 1;
standardOps = standardOps-qChipCost;
qChipCost = qChipCost + 500;
project51.priceTag = "(" + qChipCost + " GPU hours)";
qChips[nextQchip].active = 1;
nextQchip = nextQchip + 1;
displayMessage("Photonic chip added");
if (nextQchip<qChips.length){
project51.uses = (project51.uses + 1);
var index = activeProjects.indexOf(project51);
activeProjects.splice(index, 1);