LAMM / model /utils /
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# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
""" Utility functions for processing point clouds.
Author: Charles R. Qi and Or Litany
import os
import sys
import torch
# Point cloud IO
import numpy as np
from plyfile import PlyData, PlyElement
# Mesh IO
import trimesh
MEAN_COLOR_RGB = np.array([109.8, 97.2, 83.8])
# ----------------------------------------
# Point Cloud Sampling
# ----------------------------------------
def random_sampling(pc, num_sample, replace=None, return_choices=False):
"""Input is NxC, output is num_samplexC"""
if replace is None:
replace = pc.shape[0] < num_sample
choices = np.random.choice(pc.shape[0], num_sample, replace=replace)
if return_choices:
return pc[choices], choices
return pc[choices]
def check_aspect(crop_range, aspect_min):
xy_aspect = np.min(crop_range[:2]) / np.max(crop_range[:2])
xz_aspect = np.min(crop_range[[0, 2]]) / np.max(crop_range[[0, 2]])
yz_aspect = np.min(crop_range[1:]) / np.max(crop_range[1:])
return (
(xy_aspect >= aspect_min)
or (xz_aspect >= aspect_min)
or (yz_aspect >= aspect_min)
class RandomCuboid(object):
RandomCuboid augmentation from DepthContrast []
We slightly modify this operation to account for object detection.
This augmentation randomly crops a cuboid from the input and
ensures that the cropped cuboid contains at least one bounding box
def __init__(
self.aspect = aspect
self.min_crop = min_crop
self.max_crop = max_crop
self.min_points = min_points
self.box_filter_policy = box_filter_policy
def __call__(self, point_cloud, target_boxes, per_point_labels=None):
range_xyz = np.max(point_cloud[:, 0:3], axis=0) - np.min(
point_cloud[:, 0:3], axis=0
for _ in range(100):
crop_range = self.min_crop + np.random.rand(3) * (
self.max_crop - self.min_crop
if not check_aspect(crop_range, self.aspect):
sample_center = point_cloud[np.random.choice(len(point_cloud)), 0:3]
new_range = range_xyz * crop_range / 2.0
max_xyz = sample_center + new_range
min_xyz = sample_center - new_range
upper_idx = (
np.sum((point_cloud[:, 0:3] <= max_xyz).astype(np.int32), 1) == 3
lower_idx = (
np.sum((point_cloud[:, 0:3] >= min_xyz).astype(np.int32), 1) == 3
new_pointidx = (upper_idx) & (lower_idx)
if np.sum(new_pointidx) < self.min_points:
new_point_cloud = point_cloud[new_pointidx, :]
# filtering policy is the only modification from DepthContrast
if self.box_filter_policy == "center":
# remove boxes whose center does not lie within the new_point_cloud
new_boxes = target_boxes
if (
target_boxes.sum() > 0
): # ground truth contains no bounding boxes. Common in SUNRGBD.
box_centers = target_boxes[:, 0:3]
new_pc_min_max = np.min(new_point_cloud[:, 0:3], axis=0), np.max(
new_point_cloud[:, 0:3], axis=0
keep_boxes = np.logical_and(
np.all(box_centers >= new_pc_min_max[0], axis=1),
np.all(box_centers <= new_pc_min_max[1], axis=1),
if keep_boxes.sum() == 0:
# current data augmentation removes all boxes in the pointcloud. fail!
new_boxes = target_boxes[keep_boxes]
if per_point_labels is not None:
new_per_point_labels = [x[new_pointidx] for x in per_point_labels]
new_per_point_labels = None
# if we are here, all conditions are met. return boxes
return new_point_cloud, new_boxes, new_per_point_labels
# fallback
return point_cloud, target_boxes, per_point_labels