import asyncio from uuid import UUID, uuid4 import pytest from fastapi import status from httpx import AsyncClient from langflow.custom.directory_reader.directory_reader import DirectoryReader from import get_settings_service async def run_post(client, flow_id, headers, post_data): response = await f"api/v1/process/{flow_id}", headers=headers, json=post_data, ) assert response.status_code == 200, response.json() return response.json() # Helper function to poll task status async def poll_task_status(client, headers, href, max_attempts=20, sleep_time=1): for _ in range(max_attempts): task_status_response = await client.get( href, headers=headers, ) if task_status_response.status_code == 200 and task_status_response.json()["status"] == "SUCCESS": return task_status_response.json() await asyncio.sleep(sleep_time) return None # Return None if task did not complete in time PROMPT_REQUEST = { "name": "string", "template": "string", "frontend_node": { "template": {}, "description": "string", "base_classes": ["string"], "name": "", "display_name": "", "documentation": "", "custom_fields": {}, "output_types": [], "field_formatters": { "formatters": {"openai_api_key": {}}, "base_formatters": { "kwargs": {}, "optional": {}, "list": {}, "dict": {}, "union": {}, "multiline": {}, "show": {}, "password": {}, "default": {}, "headers": {}, "dict_code_file": {}, "model_fields": { "MODEL_DICT": { "OpenAI": [ "text-davinci-003", "text-davinci-002", "text-curie-001", "text-babbage-001", "text-ada-001", ], "ChatOpenAI": [ "gpt-4-turbo-preview", "gpt-4-0125-preview", "gpt-4-1106-preview", "gpt-4-vision-preview", "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125", "gpt-3.5-turbo-1106", ], "Anthropic": [ "claude-v1", "claude-v1-100k", "claude-instant-v1", "claude-instant-v1-100k", "claude-v1.3", "claude-v1.3-100k", "claude-v1.2", "claude-v1.0", "claude-instant-v1.1", "claude-instant-v1.1-100k", "claude-instant-v1.0", ], "ChatAnthropic": [ "claude-v1", "claude-v1-100k", "claude-instant-v1", "claude-instant-v1-100k", "claude-v1.3", "claude-v1.3-100k", "claude-v1.2", "claude-v1.0", "claude-instant-v1.1", "claude-instant-v1.1-100k", "claude-instant-v1.0", ], } }, }, }, }, } @pytest.mark.benchmark async def test_get_all(client: AsyncClient, logged_in_headers): response = await client.get("api/v1/all", headers=logged_in_headers) assert response.status_code == 200 settings = get_settings_service().settings dir_reader = DirectoryReader(settings.components_path[0]) files = dir_reader.get_files() # json_response is a dict of dicts all_names = [component_name for _, components in response.json().items() for component_name in components] json_response = response.json() # We need to test the custom nodes assert len(all_names) <= len( files ) # Less or equal because we might have some files that don't have the dependencies installed assert "ChatInput" in json_response["inputs"] assert "Prompt" in json_response["prompts"] assert "ChatOutput" in json_response["outputs"] async def test_post_validate_code(client: AsyncClient): # Test case with a valid import and function code1 = """ import math def square(x): return x ** 2 """ response1 = await"api/v1/validate/code", json={"code": code1}) assert response1.status_code == 200 assert response1.json() == {"imports": {"errors": []}, "function": {"errors": []}} # Test case with an invalid import and valid function code2 = """ import non_existent_module def square(x): return x ** 2 """ response2 = await"api/v1/validate/code", json={"code": code2}) assert response2.status_code == 200 assert response2.json() == { "imports": {"errors": ["No module named 'non_existent_module'"]}, "function": {"errors": []}, } # Test case with a valid import and invalid function syntax code3 = """ import math def square(x) return x ** 2 """ response3 = await"api/v1/validate/code", json={"code": code3}) assert response3.status_code == 200 assert response3.json() == { "imports": {"errors": []}, "function": {"errors": ["expected ':' (, line 4)"]}, } # Test case with invalid JSON payload response4 = await"api/v1/validate/code", json={"invalid_key": code1}) assert response4.status_code == 422 # Test case with an empty code string response5 = await"api/v1/validate/code", json={"code": ""}) assert response5.status_code == 200 assert response5.json() == {"imports": {"errors": []}, "function": {"errors": []}} # Test case with a syntax error in the code code6 = """ import math def square(x) return x ** 2 """ response6 = await"api/v1/validate/code", json={"code": code6}) assert response6.status_code == 200 assert response6.json() == { "imports": {"errors": []}, "function": {"errors": ["expected ':' (, line 4)"]}, } VALID_PROMPT = """ I want you to act as a naming consultant for new companies. Here are some examples of good company names: - search engine, Google - social media, Facebook - video sharing, YouTube The name should be short, catchy and easy to remember. What is a good name for a company that makes {product}? """ INVALID_PROMPT = "This is an invalid prompt without any input variable." async def test_valid_prompt(client: AsyncClient): PROMPT_REQUEST["template"] = VALID_PROMPT response = await"api/v1/validate/prompt", json=PROMPT_REQUEST) assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.json()["input_variables"] == ["product"] async def test_invalid_prompt(client: AsyncClient): PROMPT_REQUEST["template"] = INVALID_PROMPT response = await "api/v1/validate/prompt", json=PROMPT_REQUEST, ) assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.json()["input_variables"] == [] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("prompt", "expected_input_variables"), [ ("{color} is my favorite color.", ["color"]), ("The weather is {weather} today.", ["weather"]), ("This prompt has no variables.", []), ("{a}, {b}, and {c} are variables.", ["a", "b", "c"]), ], ) async def test_various_prompts(client, prompt, expected_input_variables): PROMPT_REQUEST["template"] = prompt response = await"api/v1/validate/prompt", json=PROMPT_REQUEST) assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.json()["input_variables"] == expected_input_variables async def test_get_vertices_flow_not_found(client, logged_in_headers): uuid = uuid4() response = await"/api/v1/build/{uuid}/vertices", headers=logged_in_headers) assert response.status_code == 500 async def test_get_vertices(client, added_flow_webhook_test, logged_in_headers): flow_id = added_flow_webhook_test["id"] response = await"/api/v1/build/{flow_id}/vertices", headers=logged_in_headers) assert response.status_code == 200 assert "ids" in response.json() # The response should contain the list in this order # ['ConversationBufferMemory-Lu2Nb', 'PromptTemplate-5Q0W8', 'ChatOpenAI-vy7fV', 'LLMChain-UjBh1'] # The important part is before the - (ConversationBufferMemory, PromptTemplate, ChatOpenAI, LLMChain) ids = [_id.split("-")[0] for _id in response.json()["ids"]] assert set(ids) == {"ChatInput"} async def test_build_vertex_invalid_flow_id(client, logged_in_headers): uuid = uuid4() response = await"/api/v1/build/{uuid}/vertices/vertex_id", headers=logged_in_headers) assert response.status_code == 500 async def test_build_vertex_invalid_vertex_id(client, added_flow_webhook_test, logged_in_headers): flow_id = added_flow_webhook_test["id"] response = await"/api/v1/build/{flow_id}/vertices/invalid_vertex_id", headers=logged_in_headers) assert response.status_code == 500 async def test_successful_run_no_payload(client, simple_api_test, created_api_key): headers = {"x-api-key": created_api_key.api_key} flow_id = simple_api_test["id"] response = await"/api/v1/run/{flow_id}", headers=headers) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK, response.text # Add more assertions here to validate the response content json_response = response.json() assert "session_id" in json_response assert "outputs" in json_response outer_outputs = json_response["outputs"] assert len(outer_outputs) == 1 outputs_dict = outer_outputs[0] assert len(outputs_dict) == 2 assert "inputs" in outputs_dict assert "outputs" in outputs_dict assert outputs_dict.get("inputs") == {"input_value": ""} assert isinstance(outputs_dict.get("outputs"), list) assert len(outputs_dict.get("outputs")) == 1 ids = [output.get("component_id") for output in outputs_dict.get("outputs")] assert all("ChatOutput" in _id for _id in ids) display_names = [output.get("component_display_name") for output in outputs_dict.get("outputs")] assert all(name in display_names for name in ["Chat Output"]) output_results_has_results = all("results" in output.get("results") for output in outputs_dict.get("outputs")) inner_results = [output.get("results") for output in outputs_dict.get("outputs")] assert all(result is not None for result in inner_results), (outputs_dict, output_results_has_results) async def test_successful_run_with_output_type_text(client, simple_api_test, created_api_key): headers = {"x-api-key": created_api_key.api_key} flow_id = simple_api_test["id"] payload = { "output_type": "text", } response = await"/api/v1/run/{flow_id}", headers=headers, json=payload) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK, response.text # Add more assertions here to validate the response content json_response = response.json() assert "session_id" in json_response assert "outputs" in json_response outer_outputs = json_response["outputs"] assert len(outer_outputs) == 1 outputs_dict = outer_outputs[0] assert len(outputs_dict) == 2 assert "inputs" in outputs_dict assert "outputs" in outputs_dict assert outputs_dict.get("inputs") == {"input_value": ""} assert isinstance(outputs_dict.get("outputs"), list) assert len(outputs_dict.get("outputs")) == 1 ids = [output.get("component_id") for output in outputs_dict.get("outputs")] assert all("ChatOutput" in _id for _id in ids), ids display_names = [output.get("component_display_name") for output in outputs_dict.get("outputs")] assert all(name in display_names for name in ["Chat Output"]), display_names inner_results = [output.get("results") for output in outputs_dict.get("outputs")] expected_keys = ["message"] assert all(key in result for result in inner_results for key in expected_keys), outputs_dict @pytest.mark.benchmark async def test_successful_run_with_output_type_any(client, simple_api_test, created_api_key): # This one should have both the ChatOutput and TextOutput components headers = {"x-api-key": created_api_key.api_key} flow_id = simple_api_test["id"] payload = { "output_type": "any", } response = await"/api/v1/run/{flow_id}", headers=headers, json=payload) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK, response.text # Add more assertions here to validate the response content json_response = response.json() assert "session_id" in json_response assert "outputs" in json_response outer_outputs = json_response["outputs"] assert len(outer_outputs) == 1 outputs_dict = outer_outputs[0] assert len(outputs_dict) == 2 assert "inputs" in outputs_dict assert "outputs" in outputs_dict assert outputs_dict.get("inputs") == {"input_value": ""} assert isinstance(outputs_dict.get("outputs"), list) assert len(outputs_dict.get("outputs")) == 1 ids = [output.get("component_id") for output in outputs_dict.get("outputs")] assert all("ChatOutput" in _id or "TextOutput" in _id for _id in ids), ids display_names = [output.get("component_display_name") for output in outputs_dict.get("outputs")] assert all(name in display_names for name in ["Chat Output"]), display_names inner_results = [output.get("results") for output in outputs_dict.get("outputs")] expected_keys = ["message"] assert all(key in result for result in inner_results for key in expected_keys), outputs_dict @pytest.mark.benchmark async def test_successful_run_with_output_type_debug(client, simple_api_test, created_api_key): # This one should return outputs for all components # Let's just check the amount of outputs(there should be 7) headers = {"x-api-key": created_api_key.api_key} flow_id = simple_api_test["id"] payload = { "output_type": "debug", } response = await"/api/v1/run/{flow_id}", headers=headers, json=payload) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK, response.text # Add more assertions here to validate the response content json_response = response.json() assert "session_id" in json_response assert "outputs" in json_response outer_outputs = json_response["outputs"] assert len(outer_outputs) == 1 outputs_dict = outer_outputs[0] assert len(outputs_dict) == 2 assert "inputs" in outputs_dict assert "outputs" in outputs_dict assert outputs_dict.get("inputs") == {"input_value": ""} assert isinstance(outputs_dict.get("outputs"), list) assert len(outputs_dict.get("outputs")) == 3 @pytest.mark.benchmark async def test_successful_run_with_input_type_text(client, simple_api_test, created_api_key): headers = {"x-api-key": created_api_key.api_key} flow_id = simple_api_test["id"] payload = { "input_type": "text", "output_type": "debug", "input_value": "value1", } response = await"/api/v1/run/{flow_id}", headers=headers, json=payload) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK, response.text # Add more assertions here to validate the response content json_response = response.json() assert "session_id" in json_response assert "outputs" in json_response outer_outputs = json_response["outputs"] assert len(outer_outputs) == 1 outputs_dict = outer_outputs[0] assert len(outputs_dict) == 2 assert "inputs" in outputs_dict assert "outputs" in outputs_dict assert outputs_dict.get("inputs") == {"input_value": "value1"} assert isinstance(outputs_dict.get("outputs"), list) assert len(outputs_dict.get("outputs")) == 3 # Now we get all components that contain TextInput in the component_id text_input_outputs = [output for output in outputs_dict.get("outputs") if "TextInput" in output.get("component_id")] assert len(text_input_outputs) == 1 # Now we check if the input_value is correct # We get text key twice because the output is now a Message assert all( output.get("results").get("text").get("text") == "value1" for output in text_input_outputs ), text_input_outputs @pytest.mark.api_key_required @pytest.mark.benchmark async def test_successful_run_with_input_type_chat(client: AsyncClient, simple_api_test, created_api_key): headers = {"x-api-key": created_api_key.api_key} flow_id = simple_api_test["id"] payload = { "input_type": "chat", "output_type": "debug", "input_value": "value1", } response = await"/api/v1/run/{flow_id}", headers=headers, json=payload) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK, response.text # Add more assertions here to validate the response content json_response = response.json() assert "session_id" in json_response assert "outputs" in json_response outer_outputs = json_response["outputs"] assert len(outer_outputs) == 1 outputs_dict = outer_outputs[0] assert len(outputs_dict) == 2 assert "inputs" in outputs_dict assert "outputs" in outputs_dict assert outputs_dict.get("inputs") == {"input_value": "value1"} assert isinstance(outputs_dict.get("outputs"), list) assert len(outputs_dict.get("outputs")) == 3 # Now we get all components that contain TextInput in the component_id chat_input_outputs = [output for output in outputs_dict.get("outputs") if "ChatInput" in output.get("component_id")] assert len(chat_input_outputs) == 1 # Now we check if the input_value is correct assert all( output.get("results").get("message").get("text") == "value1" for output in chat_input_outputs ), chat_input_outputs @pytest.mark.benchmark async def test_invalid_run_with_input_type_chat(client, simple_api_test, created_api_key): headers = {"x-api-key": created_api_key.api_key} flow_id = simple_api_test["id"] payload = { "input_type": "chat", "output_type": "debug", "input_value": "value1", "tweaks": {"Chat Input": {"input_value": "value2"}}, } response = await"/api/v1/run/{flow_id}", headers=headers, json=payload) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, response.text assert "If you pass an input_value to the chat input, you cannot pass a tweak with the same name." in response.text @pytest.mark.benchmark async def test_successful_run_with_input_type_any(client, simple_api_test, created_api_key): headers = {"x-api-key": created_api_key.api_key} flow_id = simple_api_test["id"] payload = { "input_type": "any", "output_type": "debug", "input_value": "value1", } response = await"/api/v1/run/{flow_id}", headers=headers, json=payload) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK, response.text # Add more assertions here to validate the response content json_response = response.json() assert "session_id" in json_response assert "outputs" in json_response outer_outputs = json_response["outputs"] assert len(outer_outputs) == 1 outputs_dict = outer_outputs[0] assert len(outputs_dict) == 2 assert "inputs" in outputs_dict assert "outputs" in outputs_dict assert outputs_dict.get("inputs") == {"input_value": "value1"} assert isinstance(outputs_dict.get("outputs"), list) assert len(outputs_dict.get("outputs")) == 3 # Now we get all components that contain TextInput or ChatInput in the component_id any_input_outputs = [ output for output in outputs_dict.get("outputs") if "TextInput" in output.get("component_id") or "ChatInput" in output.get("component_id") ] assert len(any_input_outputs) == 2 # Now we check if the input_value is correct all_result_dicts = [output.get("results") for output in any_input_outputs] all_message_or_text_dicts = [ result_dict.get("message", result_dict.get("text")) for result_dict in all_result_dicts ] assert all( message_or_text_dict.get("text") == "value1" for message_or_text_dict in all_message_or_text_dicts ), any_input_outputs async def test_invalid_flow_id(client, created_api_key): headers = {"x-api-key": created_api_key.api_key} flow_id = "invalid-flow-id" response = await"/api/v1/run/{flow_id}", headers=headers) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, response.text headers = {"x-api-key": created_api_key.api_key} flow_id = UUID(int=0) response = await"/api/v1/run/{flow_id}", headers=headers) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, response.text # Check if the error detail is as expected @pytest.mark.benchmark async def test_starter_projects(client, created_api_key): headers = {"x-api-key": created_api_key.api_key} response = await client.get("api/v1/starter-projects/", headers=headers) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK, response.text