import ast | |
import types | |
from pathlib import Path | |
from textwrap import dedent | |
import pytest | |
from langchain_core.documents import Document | |
from langflow.custom import Component, CustomComponent | |
from langflow.custom.code_parser.code_parser import CodeParser, CodeSyntaxError | |
from langflow.custom.custom_component.base_component import BaseComponent, ComponentCodeNullError | |
from langflow.custom.utils import build_custom_component_template | |
def code_component_with_multiple_outputs(): | |
code = Path("src/backend/tests/data/").read_text(encoding="utf-8") | |
return Component(_code=code) | |
code_default = """ | |
from langflow.custom import CustomComponent | |
from langflow.field_typing import BaseLanguageModel | |
from langchain.chains import LLMChain | |
from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate | |
from langchain_core.documents import Document | |
import requests | |
class YourComponent(CustomComponent): | |
display_name: str = "Your Component" | |
description: str = "Your description" | |
field_config = { "url": { "multiline": True, "required": True } } | |
def build(self, url: str, llm: BaseLanguageModel) -> Document: | |
return Document(page_content="Hello World") | |
""" | |
def test_code_parser_init(): | |
"""Test the initialization of the CodeParser class.""" | |
parser = CodeParser(code_default) | |
assert parser.code == code_default | |
def test_code_parser_get_tree(): | |
"""Test the __get_tree method of the CodeParser class.""" | |
parser = CodeParser(code_default) | |
tree = parser.get_tree() | |
assert isinstance(tree, ast.AST) | |
def test_code_parser_syntax_error(): | |
"""Test the __get_tree method raises the CodeSyntaxError when given incorrect syntax.""" | |
code_syntax_error = "zzz import os" | |
parser = CodeParser(code_syntax_error) | |
with pytest.raises(CodeSyntaxError): | |
parser.get_tree() | |
def test_component_init(): | |
"""Test the initialization of the Component class.""" | |
component = BaseComponent(_code=code_default, _function_entrypoint_name="build") | |
assert component._code == code_default | |
assert component._function_entrypoint_name == "build" | |
def test_component_get_code_tree(): | |
"""Test the get_code_tree method of the Component class.""" | |
component = BaseComponent(_code=code_default, _function_entrypoint_name="build") | |
tree = component.get_code_tree(component._code) | |
assert "imports" in tree | |
def test_component_code_null_error(): | |
"""Test the get_function method raises the ComponentCodeNullError when the code is empty.""" | |
component = BaseComponent(_code="", _function_entrypoint_name="") | |
with pytest.raises(ComponentCodeNullError): | |
component.get_function() | |
def test_custom_component_init(): | |
"""Test the initialization of the CustomComponent class.""" | |
function_entrypoint_name = "build" | |
custom_component = CustomComponent(_code=code_default, _function_entrypoint_name=function_entrypoint_name) | |
assert custom_component._code == code_default | |
assert custom_component._function_entrypoint_name == function_entrypoint_name | |
def test_custom_component_build_template_config(): | |
"""Test the build_template_config property of the CustomComponent class.""" | |
custom_component = CustomComponent(_code=code_default, _function_entrypoint_name="build") | |
config = custom_component.build_template_config() | |
assert isinstance(config, dict) | |
def test_custom_component_get_function(): | |
"""Test the get_function property of the CustomComponent class.""" | |
custom_component = CustomComponent(_code="def build(): pass", _function_entrypoint_name="build") | |
my_function = custom_component.get_function() | |
assert isinstance(my_function, types.FunctionType) | |
def test_code_parser_parse_imports_import(): | |
"""Test the parse_imports method of the CodeParser class with an import statement.""" | |
parser = CodeParser(code_default) | |
tree = parser.get_tree() | |
for node in ast.walk(tree): | |
if isinstance(node, ast.Import): | |
parser.parse_imports(node) | |
assert "requests" in["imports"] | |
def test_code_parser_parse_imports_importfrom(): | |
"""Test the parse_imports method of the CodeParser class with an import from statement.""" | |
parser = CodeParser("from os import path") | |
tree = parser.get_tree() | |
for node in ast.walk(tree): | |
if isinstance(node, ast.ImportFrom): | |
parser.parse_imports(node) | |
assert ("os", "path") in["imports"] | |
def test_code_parser_parse_functions(): | |
"""Test the parse_functions method of the CodeParser class.""" | |
parser = CodeParser("def test(): pass") | |
tree = parser.get_tree() | |
for node in ast.walk(tree): | |
if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef): | |
parser.parse_functions(node) | |
assert len(["functions"]) == 1 | |
assert["functions"][0]["name"] == "test" | |
def test_code_parser_parse_classes(): | |
"""Test the parse_classes method of the CodeParser class.""" | |
parser = CodeParser("from langflow.custom import Component\n\nclass Test(Component): pass") | |
tree = parser.get_tree() | |
for node in ast.walk(tree): | |
if isinstance(node, ast.ClassDef): | |
parser.parse_classes(node) | |
assert len(["classes"]) == 1 | |
assert["classes"][0]["name"] == "Test" | |
def test_code_parser_parse_classes_raises(): | |
"""Test the parse_classes method of the CodeParser class.""" | |
parser = CodeParser("class Test: pass") | |
tree = parser.get_tree() | |
for node in ast.walk(tree): | |
if isinstance(node, ast.ClassDef): | |
with pytest.raises(TypeError): | |
parser.parse_classes(node) | |
def test_code_parser_parse_global_vars(): | |
"""Test the parse_global_vars method of the CodeParser class.""" | |
parser = CodeParser("x = 1") | |
tree = parser.get_tree() | |
for node in ast.walk(tree): | |
if isinstance(node, ast.Assign): | |
parser.parse_global_vars(node) | |
assert len(["global_vars"]) == 1 | |
assert["global_vars"][0]["targets"] == ["x"] | |
def test_component_get_function_valid(): | |
"""Test the get_function method of the Component class with valid code and function_entrypoint_name.""" | |
component = BaseComponent(_code="def build(): pass", _function_entrypoint_name="build") | |
my_function = component.get_function() | |
assert callable(my_function) | |
def test_custom_component_get_function_entrypoint_args(): | |
"""Test the get_function_entrypoint_args property of the CustomComponent class.""" | |
custom_component = CustomComponent(_code=code_default, _function_entrypoint_name="build") | |
args = custom_component.get_function_entrypoint_args | |
assert len(args) == 3 | |
assert args[0]["name"] == "self" | |
assert args[1]["name"] == "url" | |
assert args[2]["name"] == "llm" | |
def test_custom_component_get_function_entrypoint_return_type(): | |
"""Test the get_function_entrypoint_return_type property of the CustomComponent class.""" | |
custom_component = CustomComponent(_code=code_default, _function_entrypoint_name="build") | |
return_type = custom_component._get_function_entrypoint_return_type | |
assert return_type == [Document] | |
def test_custom_component_get_main_class_name(): | |
"""Test the get_main_class_name property of the CustomComponent class.""" | |
custom_component = CustomComponent(_code=code_default, _function_entrypoint_name="build") | |
class_name = custom_component.get_main_class_name | |
assert class_name == "YourComponent" | |
def test_custom_component_get_function_valid(): | |
"""Test the get_function property of the CustomComponent class with valid code and function_entrypoint_name.""" | |
custom_component = CustomComponent(_code="def build(): pass", _function_entrypoint_name="build") | |
my_function = custom_component.get_function | |
assert callable(my_function) | |
def test_code_parser_parse_arg_no_annotation(): | |
"""Test the parse_arg method of the CodeParser class without an annotation.""" | |
parser = CodeParser("") | |
arg = ast.arg(arg="x", annotation=None) | |
result = parser.parse_arg(arg, None) | |
assert result["name"] == "x" | |
assert "type" not in result | |
def test_code_parser_parse_arg_with_annotation(): | |
"""Test the parse_arg method of the CodeParser class with an annotation.""" | |
parser = CodeParser("") | |
arg = ast.arg(arg="x", annotation=ast.Name(id="int", ctx=ast.Load())) | |
result = parser.parse_arg(arg, None) | |
assert result["name"] == "x" | |
assert result["type"] == "int" | |
def test_code_parser_parse_callable_details_no_args(): | |
"""Test the parse_callable_details method of the CodeParser class with a function with no arguments.""" | |
parser = CodeParser("") | |
node = ast.FunctionDef( | |
name="test", | |
args=ast.arguments(args=[], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[]), | |
body=[], | |
decorator_list=[], | |
returns=None, | |
) | |
result = parser.parse_callable_details(node) | |
assert result["name"] == "test" | |
assert len(result["args"]) == 0 | |
def test_code_parser_parse_assign(): | |
"""Test the parse_assign method of the CodeParser class.""" | |
parser = CodeParser("") | |
stmt = ast.Assign(targets=[ast.Name(id="x", ctx=ast.Store())], value=ast.Num(n=1)) | |
result = parser.parse_assign(stmt) | |
assert result["name"] == "x" | |
assert result["value"] == "1" | |
def test_code_parser_parse_ann_assign(): | |
"""Test the parse_ann_assign method of the CodeParser class.""" | |
parser = CodeParser("") | |
stmt = ast.AnnAssign( | |
target=ast.Name(id="x", ctx=ast.Store()), | |
annotation=ast.Name(id="int", ctx=ast.Load()), | |
value=ast.Num(n=1), | |
simple=1, | |
) | |
result = parser.parse_ann_assign(stmt) | |
assert result["name"] == "x" | |
assert result["value"] == "1" | |
assert result["annotation"] == "int" | |
def test_code_parser_parse_function_def_not_init(): | |
"""Test the parse_function_def method of the CodeParser class with a function that is not __init__.""" | |
parser = CodeParser("") | |
stmt = ast.FunctionDef( | |
name="test", | |
args=ast.arguments(args=[], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[]), | |
body=[], | |
decorator_list=[], | |
returns=None, | |
) | |
result, is_init = parser.parse_function_def(stmt) | |
assert result["name"] == "test" | |
assert not is_init | |
def test_code_parser_parse_function_def_init(): | |
"""Test the parse_function_def method of the CodeParser class with an __init__ function.""" | |
parser = CodeParser("") | |
stmt = ast.FunctionDef( | |
name="__init__", | |
args=ast.arguments(args=[], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kw_defaults=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[]), | |
body=[], | |
decorator_list=[], | |
returns=None, | |
) | |
result, is_init = parser.parse_function_def(stmt) | |
assert result["name"] == "__init__" | |
assert is_init | |
def test_component_get_code_tree_syntax_error(): | |
"""Test the get_code_tree method of the Component class raises the CodeSyntaxError when given incorrect syntax.""" | |
component = BaseComponent(_code="import os as", _function_entrypoint_name="build") | |
with pytest.raises(CodeSyntaxError): | |
component.get_code_tree(component._code) | |
def test_custom_component_class_template_validation_no_code(): | |
"""Test CustomComponent._class_template_validation raises the HTTPException when the code is None.""" | |
custom_component = CustomComponent(_code=None, _function_entrypoint_name="build") | |
with pytest.raises(TypeError): | |
custom_component.get_function() | |
def test_custom_component_get_code_tree_syntax_error(): | |
"""Test CustomComponent.get_code_tree raises the CodeSyntaxError when given incorrect syntax.""" | |
custom_component = CustomComponent(_code="import os as", _function_entrypoint_name="build") | |
with pytest.raises(CodeSyntaxError): | |
custom_component.get_code_tree(custom_component._code) | |
def test_custom_component_get_function_entrypoint_args_no_args(): | |
"""Test CustomComponent.get_function_entrypoint_args with a build method with no arguments.""" | |
my_code = """ | |
from langflow.custom import CustomComponent | |
class MyMainClass(CustomComponent): | |
def build(): | |
pass""" | |
custom_component = CustomComponent(_code=my_code, _function_entrypoint_name="build") | |
args = custom_component.get_function_entrypoint_args | |
assert len(args) == 0 | |
def test_custom_component_get_function_entrypoint_return_type_no_return_type(): | |
"""Test CustomComponent.get_function_entrypoint_return_type with a build method with no return type.""" | |
my_code = """ | |
from langflow.custom import CustomComponent | |
class MyClass(CustomComponent): | |
def build(): | |
pass""" | |
custom_component = CustomComponent(_code=my_code, _function_entrypoint_name="build") | |
return_type = custom_component._get_function_entrypoint_return_type | |
assert return_type == [] | |
def test_custom_component_get_main_class_name_no_main_class(): | |
"""Test the get_main_class_name property of the CustomComponent class when there is no main class.""" | |
my_code = """ | |
def build(): | |
pass""" | |
custom_component = CustomComponent(_code=my_code, _function_entrypoint_name="build") | |
class_name = custom_component.get_main_class_name | |
assert class_name == "" | |
def test_custom_component_build_not_implemented(): | |
"""Test the build method of the CustomComponent class raises the NotImplementedError.""" | |
custom_component = CustomComponent(_code="def build(): pass", _function_entrypoint_name="build") | |
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): | | | |
def test_build_config_no_code(): | |
component = CustomComponent(_code=None) | |
assert component.get_function_entrypoint_args == [] | |
assert component._get_function_entrypoint_return_type == [] | |
def component(): | |
return CustomComponent( | |
field_config={ | |
"fields": { | |
"llm": {"type": "str"}, | |
"url": {"type": "str"}, | |
"year": {"type": "int"}, | |
} | |
}, | |
) | |
def test_build_config_return_type(component): | |
config = component.build_config() | |
assert isinstance(config, dict) | |
def test_build_config_has_fields(component): | |
config = component.build_config() | |
assert "fields" in config | |
def test_build_config_fields_dict(component): | |
config = component.build_config() | |
assert isinstance(config["fields"], dict) | |
def test_build_config_field_keys(component): | |
config = component.build_config() | |
assert all(isinstance(key, str) for key in config["fields"]) | |
def test_build_config_field_values_dict(component): | |
config = component.build_config() | |
assert all(isinstance(value, dict) for value in config["fields"].values()) | |
def test_build_config_field_value_keys(component): | |
config = component.build_config() | |
field_values = config["fields"].values() | |
assert all("type" in value for value in field_values) | |
def test_custom_component_multiple_outputs(code_component_with_multiple_outputs): | |
frontnd_node_dict, _ = build_custom_component_template(code_component_with_multiple_outputs) | |
assert frontnd_node_dict["outputs"][0]["types"] == ["Text"] | |
def test_custom_component_subclass_from_lctoolcomponent(): | |
# Import LCToolComponent and create a subclass | |
code = dedent(""" | |
from langflow.base.langchain_utilities.model import LCToolComponent | |
from import Tool | |
class MyComponent(LCToolComponent): | |
name: str = "MyComponent" | |
description: str = "MyComponent" | |
def build_tool(self) -> Tool: | |
return Tool(name="MyTool", description="MyTool") | |
def run_model(self)-> Data: | |
return Data(data="Hello World") | |
""") | |
component = Component(_code=code) | |
frontend_node, _ = build_custom_component_template(component) | |
assert "outputs" in frontend_node | |
assert frontend_node["outputs"][0]["types"] != [] | |
assert frontend_node["outputs"][1]["types"] != [] | |