agent-flow / src /backend /tests /unit /
Tai Truong
fix readme
import pytest
from httpx import AsyncClient
from import ApiKeyCreate
async def api_key(
active_user, # noqa: ARG001
api_key = ApiKeyCreate(name="test-api-key")
response = await"api/v1/api_key/", data=api_key.model_dump_json(), headers=logged_in_headers)
assert response.status_code == 200, response.text
return response.json()
async def test_get_api_keys(client: AsyncClient, logged_in_headers):
response = await client.get("api/v1/api_key/", headers=logged_in_headers)
assert response.status_code == 200, response.text
data = response.json()
assert "total_count" in data
assert "user_id" in data
assert "api_keys" in data
assert any("test-api-key" in api_key["name"] for api_key in data["api_keys"])
assert all("**" in api_key["api_key"] for api_key in data["api_keys"])
async def test_create_api_key(client: AsyncClient, logged_in_headers):
api_key_name = "test-api-key"
response = await"api/v1/api_key/", json={"name": api_key_name}, headers=logged_in_headers)
assert response.status_code == 200
data = response.json()
assert "name" in data
assert data["name"] == api_key_name
assert "api_key" in data
assert "**" not in data["api_key"]
async def test_delete_api_key(client, logged_in_headers, api_key):
api_key_id = api_key["id"]
response = await client.delete(f"api/v1/api_key/{api_key_id}", headers=logged_in_headers)
assert response.status_code == 200
data = response.json()
assert data["detail"] == "API Key deleted"
# Optionally, add a follow-up check to ensure that the key is actually removed from the database