Tai Truong
fix readme
from typing import Any
import pytest
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
from tests.constants import SUPPORTED_VERSIONS
from tests.integration.utils import build_component_instance_for_tests
class VersionComponentMapping(TypedDict):
version: str
module: str
file_name: str
# Sentinel value to mark undefined test cases
DID_NOT_EXIST = object()
class ComponentTestBase:
def _validate_required_fixtures(
component_class: type[Any],
default_kwargs: dict[str, Any],
file_names_mapping: list[VersionComponentMapping],
) -> None:
"""Validate that all required fixtures are implemented."""
# If we get here, all fixtures exist
def component_class(self) -> type[Any]:
"""Return the component class to test."""
msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__} must implement the component_class fixture"
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
def default_kwargs(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Return the default kwargs for the component."""
return {}
def file_names_mapping(self) -> list[VersionComponentMapping]:
"""Return the file names mapping for different versions."""
msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__} must implement the file_names_mapping fixture"
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
def test_latest_version(self, component_class: type[Any], default_kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Test that the component works with the latest version."""
result = component_class(**default_kwargs)()
assert result is not None, "Component returned None for the latest version."
def test_all_versions_have_a_file_name_defined(self, file_names_mapping: list[VersionComponentMapping]) -> None:
"""Ensure all supported versions have a file name defined."""
if not file_names_mapping:
msg = (
f"file_names_mapping is empty for {self.__class__.__name__}. "
"Please define the version mappings for your component."
raise AssertionError(msg)
version_mappings = {mapping["version"]: mapping for mapping in file_names_mapping}
for version in SUPPORTED_VERSIONS:
if version not in version_mappings:
supported_versions = ", ".join(sorted(m["version"] for m in file_names_mapping))
msg = (
f"Version {version} not found in file_names_mapping for {self.__class__.__name__}.\n"
f"Currently defined versions: {supported_versions}\n"
"Please add this version to your component's file_names_mapping."
raise AssertionError(msg)
mapping = version_mappings[version]
if mapping["file_name"] is None:
msg = (
f"file_name is None for version {version} in {self.__class__.__name__}.\n"
"Please provide a valid file_name in file_names_mapping or set it to DID_NOT_EXIST."
raise AssertionError(msg)
if mapping["module"] is None:
msg = (
f"module is None for version {version} in {self.__class__.__name__}.\n"
"Please provide a valid module name in file_names_mapping or set it to DID_NOT_EXIST."
raise AssertionError(msg)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("version", SUPPORTED_VERSIONS)
def test_component_versions(
version: str,
default_kwargs: dict[str, Any],
file_names_mapping: list[VersionComponentMapping],
) -> None:
"""Test if the component works across different versions."""
version_mappings = {mapping["version"]: mapping for mapping in file_names_mapping}
mapping = version_mappings[version]
if mapping["file_name"] is DID_NOT_EXIST:
pytest.skip(f"Skipping version {version} as it does not have a file name defined.")
instance, component_code = build_component_instance_for_tests(
version, file_name=mapping["file_name"], module=mapping["module"], **default_kwargs
except Exception as e:
msg = (
f"Failed to build component instance for {self.__class__.__name__} "
f"version {version}:\n"
f"Module: {mapping['module']}\n"
f"File: {mapping['file_name']}\n"
f"Error: {e!s}"
raise AssertionError(msg) from e
result = instance()
except Exception as e:
msg = (
f"Failed to execute component {self.__class__.__name__} "
f"for version {version}:\n"
f"Module: {mapping['module']}\n"
f"File: {mapping['file_name']}\n"
f"Error: {e!s}\n"
f"Component Code: {component_code}"
raise AssertionError(msg) from e
if result is None:
msg = (
f"Component {self.__class__.__name__} returned None "
f"for version {version}.\n"
f"Module: {mapping['module']}\n"
f"File: {mapping['file_name']}"
raise AssertionError(msg)
class ComponentTestBaseWithClient(ComponentTestBase):
class ComponentTestBaseWithoutClient(ComponentTestBase):