[] | |
packages = ["langflow"] | |
[tool.pytest.ini_options] | |
minversion = "6.0" | |
#addopts = "-ra" | |
testpaths = ["tests", "integration"] | |
console_output_style = "progress" | |
filterwarnings = ["ignore::DeprecationWarning"] | |
log_cli = true | |
markers = ["async_test"] | |
asyncio_mode = "auto" | |
asyncio_default_fixture_loop_scope = "function" | |
[tool.mypy] | |
plugins = ["pydantic.mypy"] | |
follow_imports = "skip" | |
disable_error_code = ["type-var"] | |
namespace_packages = true | |
mypy_path = "langflow" | |
ignore_missing_imports = true | |
[tool.ruff] | |
target-version = "py310" | |
exclude = ["langflow/alembic"] | |
line-length = 120 | |
[tool.ruff.lint] | |
flake8-annotations.mypy-init-return = true | |
flake8-bugbear.extend-immutable-calls = [ | |
"fastapi.Depends", | |
"fastapi.File", | |
"fastapi.Query", | |
"typer.Option", | |
] | |
flake8-type-checking.runtime-evaluated-base-classes = [ | |
"pydantic.BaseModel", | |
"typing.TypedDict", # Needed by fastapi | |
"typing_extensions.TypedDict", # Needed by fastapi | |
] | |
pydocstyle.convention = "google" | |
select = ["ALL"] | |
ignore = [ | |
"C90", # McCabe complexity | |
"CPY", # Missing copyright | |
"COM812", # Messes with the formatter | |
"ERA", # Eradicate commented-out code | |
"FIX002", # Line contains TODO | |
"ISC001", # Messes with the formatter | |
"PERF203", # Rarely useful | |
"PLR09", # Too many something (arg, statements, etc) | |
"RUF012", # Pydantic models are currently not well detected. See | |
"TD002", # Missing author in TODO | |
"TD003", # Missing issue link in TODO | |
"TRY301", # A bit too harsh (Abstract `raise` to an inner function) | |
# Rules that are TODOs | |
"ANN", # Missing type annotations | |
"D1", # Missing docstrings | |
"SLF001", # Using private attributes outside of class | |
] | |
[tool.ruff.lint.per-file-ignores] | |
"langflow/api/v1/*" = [ | |
"TCH", # FastAPI needs to evaluate types at runtime | |
] | |
"langflow/{components/tools/,custom/code_parser/,utils/}" = [ | |
"S102", # Use of exec | |
] | |
"langflow/services/cache/*" = [ | |
"S301", # Use of pickle | |
] | |
[tool.uv] | |
dev-dependencies = [ | |
"asgi-lifespan>=2.1.0", | |
"pytest-codspeed>=3.0.0", | |
"pytest-github-actions-annotate-failures>=0.2.0", | |
"types-aiofiles>=", | |
] | |
[build-system] | |
requires = ["hatchling"] | |
build-backend = "" | |
[project] | |
name = "langflow-base" | |
version = "0.1.1" | |
description = "A Python package with a built-in web application" | |
requires-python = ">=3.10,<3.13" | |
license = "MIT" | |
keywords = ["nlp", "langchain", "openai", "gpt", "gui"] | |
readme = "" | |
maintainers = [ | |
{ name = "Carlos Coelho", email = "[email protected]" }, | |
{ name = "Cristhian Zanforlin", email = "[email protected]" }, | |
{ name = "Gabriel Almeida", email = "[email protected]" }, | |
{ name = "Igor Carvalho", email = "[email protected]" }, | |
{ name = "Lucas Eduoli", email = "[email protected]" }, | |
{ name = "Otávio Anovazzi", email = "[email protected]" }, | |
{ name = "Rodrigo Nader", email = "[email protected]" }, | |
{ name = "Italo dos Anjos", email = "[email protected]" }, | |
] | |
dependencies = [ | |
"fastapi>=0.115.2,<1.0.0", | |
"httpx[http2]>=0.27,<1.0.0", | |
"uvicorn>=0.30.0,<1.0.0", | |
"gunicorn>=22.0.0,<24.0.0", | |
"langchain~=0.3.3", | |
"langchain-core~=0.3.15", | |
"langchainhub~=0.1.15", | |
"sqlmodel==0.0.18", | |
"loguru>=0.7.1,<1.0.0", | |
"rich>=13.7.0,<14.0.0", | |
"langchain-experimental>=0.0.61,<1.0.0", | |
"pydantic~=2.7.0", | |
"pydantic-settings>=2.2.0,<3.0.0", | |
"typer>=0.13.0,<1.0.0", | |
"cachetools>=5.5.0,<6.0.0", | |
"platformdirs>=4.2.0,<5.0.0", | |
"python-multipart>=0.0.12,<1.0.0", | |
"orjson==3.10.0", | |
"alembic>=1.13.0,<2.0.0", | |
"passlib>=1.7.4,<2.0.0", | |
"bcrypt==4.0.1", | |
"pillow>=10.2.0,<11.0.0", | |
"docstring-parser>=0.16,<1.0.0", | |
"python-jose>=3.3.0,<4.0.0", | |
"pandas==2.2.2", | |
"multiprocess>=0.70.14,<1.0.0", | |
"duckdb>=1.0.0,<2.0.0", | |
"python-docx>=1.1.0,<2.0.0", | |
"jq>=1.7.0,<2.0.0; sys_platform != 'win32'", | |
"nest-asyncio>=1.6.0,<2.0.0", | |
"emoji>=2.12.0,<3.0.0", | |
"cryptography>=42.0.5,<44.0.0", | |
"asyncer>=0.0.5,<1.0.0", | |
"pyperclip>=1.8.2,<2.0.0", | |
"uncurl>=0.0.11,<1.0.0", | |
"sentry-sdk[fastapi,loguru]>=2.5.1,<3.0.0", | |
"chardet>=5.2.0,<6.0.0", | |
"firecrawl-py>=1.0.16,<2.0.0", | |
"opentelemetry-api>=1.25.0,<2.0.0", | |
"opentelemetry-sdk>=1.25.0,<2.0.0", | |
"opentelemetry-exporter-prometheus>=0.46b0,<1.0.0", | |
"opentelemetry-instrumentation-fastapi>=0.46b0,<1.0.0", | |
"prometheus-client>=0.20.0,<1.0.0", | |
"aiofiles>=24.1.0,<25.0.0", | |
"setuptools>=70,<76.0.0", | |
"nanoid>=2.0.0,<3.0.0", | |
"filelock>=3.15.4,<4.0.0", | |
"grandalf>=0.8.0,<1.0.0", | |
"crewai~=0.80.0", | |
"spider-client>=0.0.27,<1.0.0", | |
"diskcache>=5.6.3,<6.0.0", | |
"clickhouse-connect==0.7.19", | |
"assemblyai>=0.33.0,<1.0.0", | |
"fastapi-pagination>=0.12.29,<1.0.0", | |
"defusedxml>=0.7.1,<1.0.0", | |
"pypdf~=5.1.0", | |
"validators>=0.34.0", | |
] | |
[project.urls] | |
Repository = "" | |
Documentation = "" | |
# Optional dependencies for uv | |
[project.optional-dependencies] | |
deploy = [ | |
"celery>=5.3.1", | |
"redis>=4.6.0", | |
"flower>=1.0.0" | |
] | |
local = [ | |
"llama-cpp-python>=0.2.0", | |
"sentence-transformers>=2.0.0", | |
"ctransformers>=0.2" | |
] | |
all = [ | |
"celery>=5.3.1", | |
"redis>=4.6.0", | |
"flower>=1.0.0", | |
"llama-cpp-python>=0.2.0", | |
"sentence-transformers>=2.0.0", | |
"ctransformers>=0.2" | |
] | |
# Development dependencies | |
dev = [ | |
"types-redis>=", | |
"ipykernel>=6.29.0", | |
"mypy>=1.11.0", | |
"ruff>=0.6.2", | |
"httpx[http2]>=0.27", | |
"pytest>=8.2.0", | |
"types-requests>=2.32.0", | |
"requests>=2.32.0", | |
"pytest-cov>=5.0.0", | |
"pandas-stubs>=", | |
"types-pillow>=", | |
"types-pyyaml>=", | |
"types-python-jose>=", | |
"types-passlib>=", | |
"pytest-mock>=3.14.0", | |
"pytest-xdist>=3.6.0", | |
"types-pywin32>=306.0.0.4", | |
"types-google-cloud-ndb>=", | |
"pytest-sugar>=1.0.0", | |
"respx>=0.21.1", | |
"pytest-instafail>=0.5.0", | |
"pytest-asyncio>=0.23.0", | |
"pytest-profiling>=1.7.0", | |
"pre-commit>=3.7.0", | |
"vulture>=2.11", | |
"dictdiffer>=0.9.0", | |
"pytest-split>=0.9.0", | |
"devtools>=0.12.2", | |
"pytest-flakefinder>=1.1.0", | |
"types-markdown>=" | |
] | |
[project.scripts] | |
langflow-base = "langflow.__main__:main" | |