Tai Truong
fix readme
import difflib
import importlib
import inspect
import json
import re
from functools import wraps
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
from docstring_parser import parse
from langflow.logging.logger import logger
from langflow.schema import Data
from langflow.services.deps import get_settings_service
from langflow.template.frontend_node.constants import FORCE_SHOW_FIELDS
from langflow.utils import constants
def unescape_string(s: str):
# Replace escaped new line characters with actual new line characters
return s.replace("\\n", "\n")
def remove_ansi_escape_codes(text):
return re.sub(r"\x1b\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]", "", text)
def build_template_from_function(name: str, type_to_loader_dict: dict, *, add_function: bool = False):
classes = [item.__annotations__["return"].__name__ for item in type_to_loader_dict.values()]
# Raise error if name is not in chains
if name not in classes:
msg = f"{name} not found"
raise ValueError(msg)
for _type, v in type_to_loader_dict.items():
if v.__annotations__["return"].__name__ == name:
class_ = v.__annotations__["return"]
# Get the docstring
docs = parse(class_.__doc__)
variables = {"_type": _type}
for class_field_items, value in class_.model_fields.items():
if class_field_items == "callback_manager":
variables[class_field_items] = {}
for name_, value_ in value.__repr_args__():
if name_ == "default_factory":
variables[class_field_items]["default"] = get_default_factory(
module=class_.__base__.__module__, function=value_
except Exception: # noqa: BLE001
logger.opt(exception=True).debug(f"Error getting default factory for {value_}")
variables[class_field_items]["default"] = None
elif name_ != "name":
variables[class_field_items][name_] = value_
variables[class_field_items]["placeholder"] = docs.params.get(class_field_items, "")
# Adding function to base classes to allow
# the output to be a function
base_classes = get_base_classes(class_)
if add_function:
return {
"template": format_dict(variables, name),
"description": docs.short_description or "",
"base_classes": base_classes,
return None
def build_template_from_method(
class_name: str,
method_name: str,
type_to_cls_dict: dict,
add_function: bool = False,
classes = [item.__name__ for item in type_to_cls_dict.values()]
# Raise error if class_name is not in classes
if class_name not in classes:
msg = f"{class_name} not found."
raise ValueError(msg)
for _type, v in type_to_cls_dict.items():
if v.__name__ == class_name:
class_ = v
# Check if the method exists in this class
if not hasattr(class_, method_name):
msg = f"Method {method_name} not found in class {class_name}"
raise ValueError(msg)
# Get the method
method = getattr(class_, method_name)
# Get the docstring
docs = parse(method.__doc__)
# Get the signature of the method
sig = inspect.signature(method)
# Get the parameters of the method
params = sig.parameters
# Initialize the variables dictionary with method parameters
variables = {
"_type": _type,
name: {
"default": (param.default if param.default != param.empty else None),
"type": (param.annotation if param.annotation != param.empty else None),
"required": param.default == param.empty,
for name, param in params.items()
if name not in {"self", "kwargs", "args"}
base_classes = get_base_classes(class_)
# Adding function to base classes to allow the output to be a function
if add_function:
return {
"template": format_dict(variables, class_name),
"description": docs.short_description or "",
"base_classes": base_classes,
return None
def get_base_classes(cls):
"""Get the base classes of a class.
These are used to determine the output of the nodes.
if hasattr(cls, "__bases__") and cls.__bases__:
bases = cls.__bases__
result = []
for base in bases:
if any(_type in base.__module__ for _type in ["pydantic", "abc"]):
base_classes = get_base_classes(base)
# check if the base_classes are in the result
# if not, add them
for base_class in base_classes:
if base_class not in result:
result = [cls.__name__]
if not result:
result = [cls.__name__]
return list({*result, cls.__name__})
def get_default_factory(module: str, function: str):
pattern = r"<function (\w+)>"
if match := re.search(pattern, function):
imported_module = importlib.import_module(module)
return getattr(imported_module, match[1])()
return None
def update_verbose(d: dict, *, new_value: bool) -> dict:
"""Recursively updates the value of the 'verbose' key in a dictionary.
d: the dictionary to update
new_value: the new value to set
The updated dictionary.
for k, v in d.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
update_verbose(v, new_value=new_value)
elif k == "verbose":
d[k] = new_value
return d
def sync_to_async(func):
"""Decorator to convert a sync function to an async function."""
async def async_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return async_wrapper
def format_dict(dictionary: dict[str, Any], class_name: str | None = None) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Formats a dictionary by removing certain keys and modifying the values of other keys.
A new dictionary with the desired modifications applied.
for key, value in dictionary.items():
if key == "_type":
type_: str | type = get_type(value)
if "BaseModel" in str(type_):
type_ = remove_optional_wrapper(type_)
type_ = check_list_type(type_, value)
type_ = replace_mapping_with_dict(type_)
type_ = get_type_from_union_literal(type_)
value["type"] = get_formatted_type(key, type_)
value["show"] = should_show_field(value, key)
value["password"] = is_password_field(key)
value["multiline"] = is_multiline_field(key)
if key == "dict_":
if key == "headers":
add_options_to_field(value, class_name, key)
return dictionary
# "Union[Literal['f-string'], Literal['jinja2']]" -> "str"
def get_type_from_union_literal(union_literal: str) -> str:
# if types are literal strings
# the type is a string
if "Literal" in union_literal:
return "str"
return union_literal
def get_type(value: Any) -> str | type:
"""Retrieves the type value from the dictionary.
The type value.
# get "type" or "annotation" from the value
type_ = value.get("type") or value.get("annotation")
return type_ if isinstance(type_, str) else type_.__name__
def remove_optional_wrapper(type_: str | type) -> str:
"""Removes the 'Optional' wrapper from the type string.
The type string with the 'Optional' wrapper removed.
if isinstance(type_, type):
type_ = str(type_)
if "Optional" in type_:
type_ = type_.replace("Optional[", "")[:-1]
return type_
def check_list_type(type_: str, value: dict[str, Any]) -> str:
"""Checks if the type is a list type and modifies the value accordingly.
The modified type string.
if any(list_type in type_ for list_type in ["List", "Sequence", "Set"]):
type_ = type_.replace("List[", "").replace("Sequence[", "").replace("Set[", "")[:-1]
value["list"] = True
value["list"] = False
return type_
def replace_mapping_with_dict(type_: str) -> str:
"""Replaces 'Mapping' with 'dict' in the type string.
The modified type string.
if "Mapping" in type_:
type_ = type_.replace("Mapping", "dict")
return type_
def get_formatted_type(key: str, type_: str) -> str:
"""Formats the type value based on the given key.
The formatted type value.
if key == "allowed_tools":
return "Tool"
if key == "max_value_length":
return "int"
return type_
def should_show_field(value: dict[str, Any], key: str) -> bool:
"""Determines if the field should be shown or not.
True if the field should be shown, False otherwise.
return (
(value["required"] and key != "input_variables")
or any(text in key.lower() for text in ["password", "token", "api", "key"])
def is_password_field(key: str) -> bool:
"""Determines if the field is a password field.
True if the field is a password field, False otherwise.
return any(text in key.lower() for text in ["password", "token", "api", "key"])
def is_multiline_field(key: str) -> bool:
"""Determines if the field is a multiline field.
True if the field is a multiline field, False otherwise.
return key in {
def set_dict_file_attributes(value: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Sets the file attributes for the 'dict_' key."""
value["type"] = "file"
value["fileTypes"] = [".json", ".yaml", ".yml"]
def replace_default_value_with_actual(value: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Replaces the default value with the actual value."""
if "default" in value:
value["value"] = value["default"]
def set_headers_value(value: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Sets the value for the 'headers' key."""
value["value"] = """{"Authorization": "Bearer <token>"}"""
def add_options_to_field(value: dict[str, Any], class_name: str | None, key: str) -> None:
"""Adds options to the field based on the class name and key."""
options_map = {
"OpenAI": constants.OPENAI_MODELS,
"ChatOpenAI": constants.CHAT_OPENAI_MODELS,
"Anthropic": constants.ANTHROPIC_MODELS,
"ChatAnthropic": constants.ANTHROPIC_MODELS,
if class_name in options_map and key == "model_name":
value["options"] = options_map[class_name]
value["list"] = True
value["value"] = options_map[class_name][0]
def build_loader_repr_from_data(data: list[Data]) -> str:
"""Builds a string representation of the loader based on the given data.
data (List[Data]): A list of data.
str: A string representation of the loader.
if data:
avg_length = sum(len(doc.text) for doc in data) / len(data)
return f"""{len(data)} data
\nAvg. Data Length (characters): {int(avg_length)}
Data: {data[:3]}..."""
return "0 data"
def update_settings(
config: str | None = None,
cache: str | None = None,
dev: bool = False,
remove_api_keys: bool = False,
components_path: Path | None = None,
store: bool = True,
auto_saving: bool = True,
auto_saving_interval: int = 1000,
health_check_max_retries: int = 5,
max_file_size_upload: int = 100,
) -> None:
"""Update the settings from a config file."""
from langflow.services.utils import initialize_settings_service
# Check for database_url in the environment variables
settings_service = get_settings_service()
if config:
logger.debug(f"Loading settings from {config}")
settings_service.settings.update_from_yaml(config, dev=dev)
if remove_api_keys:
logger.debug(f"Setting remove_api_keys to {remove_api_keys}")
if cache:
logger.debug(f"Setting cache to {cache}")
if components_path:
logger.debug(f"Adding component path {components_path}")
if not store:
logger.debug("Setting store to False")
if not auto_saving:
logger.debug("Setting auto_saving to False")
if auto_saving_interval is not None:
logger.debug(f"Setting auto_saving_interval to {auto_saving_interval}")
if health_check_max_retries is not None:
logger.debug(f"Setting health_check_max_retries to {health_check_max_retries}")
if max_file_size_upload is not None:
logger.debug(f"Setting max_file_size_upload to {max_file_size_upload}")
def is_class_method(func, cls):
"""Check if a function is a class method."""
return inspect.ismethod(func) and func.__self__ is cls.__class__
def escape_json_dump(edge_dict):
return json.dumps(edge_dict).replace('"', "œ")
def find_closest_match(string: str, list_of_strings: list[str]) -> str | None:
"""Find the closest match in a list of strings."""
closest_match = difflib.get_close_matches(string, list_of_strings, n=1, cutoff=0.2)
if closest_match:
return closest_match[0]
return None