Tai Truong
fix readme
from collections.abc import Callable
from enum import Enum
from typing import ( # type: ignore[attr-defined]
GenericAlias, # type: ignore[attr-defined]
_GenericAlias, # type: ignore[attr-defined]
_UnionGenericAlias, # type: ignore[attr-defined]
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, field_serializer, field_validator, model_serializer, model_validator
from langflow.field_typing import Text
from langflow.field_typing.range_spec import RangeSpec
from langflow.helpers.custom import format_type
from langflow.type_extraction.type_extraction import post_process_type
class UndefinedType(Enum):
undefined = "__UNDEFINED__"
UNDEFINED = UndefinedType.undefined
class Input(BaseModel):
model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)
field_type: str | type | None = Field(default=str, serialization_alias="type")
"""The type of field this is. Default is a string."""
required: bool = False
"""Specifies if the field is required. Defaults to False."""
placeholder: str = ""
"""A placeholder string for the field. Default is an empty string."""
is_list: bool = Field(default=False, serialization_alias="list")
"""Defines if the field is a list. Default is False."""
show: bool = True
"""Should the field be shown. Defaults to True."""
multiline: bool = False
"""Defines if the field will allow the user to open a text editor. Default is False."""
value: Any = None
"""The value of the field. Default is None."""
file_types: list[str] = Field(default=[], serialization_alias="fileTypes")
"""List of file types associated with the field . Default is an empty list."""
file_path: str | None = ""
"""The file path of the field if it is a file. Defaults to None."""
password: bool | None = None
"""Specifies if the field is a password. Defaults to None."""
options: list[str] | Callable | None = None
"""List of options for the field. Only used when is_list=True. Default is an empty list."""
name: str | None = None
"""Name of the field. Default is an empty string."""
display_name: str | None = None
"""Display name of the field. Defaults to None."""
advanced: bool = False
"""Specifies if the field will an advanced parameter (hidden). Defaults to False."""
input_types: list[str] | None = None
"""List of input types for the handle when the field has more than one type. Default is an empty list."""
dynamic: bool = False
"""Specifies if the field is dynamic. Defaults to False."""
info: str | None = ""
"""Additional information about the field to be shown in the tooltip. Defaults to an empty string."""
real_time_refresh: bool | None = None
"""Specifies if the field should have real time refresh. `refresh_button` must be False. Defaults to None."""
refresh_button: bool | None = None
"""Specifies if the field should have a refresh button. Defaults to False."""
refresh_button_text: str | None = None
"""Specifies the text for the refresh button. Defaults to None."""
range_spec: RangeSpec | None = Field(default=None, serialization_alias="rangeSpec")
"""Range specification for the field. Defaults to None."""
load_from_db: bool = False
"""Specifies if the field should be loaded from the database. Defaults to False."""
title_case: bool = False
"""Specifies if the field should be displayed in title case. Defaults to True."""
def to_dict(self):
return self.model_dump(by_alias=True, exclude_none=True)
def serialize_model(self, handler):
result = handler(self)
# If the field is str, we add the Text input type
if self.field_type in {"str", "Text"} and "input_types" not in result:
result["input_types"] = ["Text"]
if self.field_type == Text:
result["type"] = "str"
result["type"] = self.field_type
return result
def validate_model(self):
# if field_type is int, we need to set the range_spec
if self.field_type == "int" and self.range_spec is not None:
self.range_spec = RangeSpec.set_step_type("int", self.range_spec)
return self
def serialize_file_path(self, value):
return value if self.field_type == "file" else ""
def serialize_field_type(self, value, _info):
if value is float and self.range_spec is None:
self.range_spec = RangeSpec()
return value
def serialize_display_name(self, value, _info):
# If display_name is not set, use name and convert to title case
# if title_case is True
if value is None:
# name is probably a snake_case string
# Ex: "file_path" -> "File Path"
value = self.name.replace("_", " ")
if self.title_case:
value = value.title()
return value
def validate_file_types(cls, value):
if not isinstance(value, list):
msg = "file_types must be a list"
raise ValueError(msg) # noqa: TRY004
return [
(f".{file_type}" if isinstance(file_type, str) and not file_type.startswith(".") else file_type)
for file_type in value
@field_validator("field_type", mode="before")
def validate_type(cls, v):
# If the user passes CustomComponent as a type insteado of "CustomComponent" we need to convert it to a string
# this should be done for all types
# How to check if v is a type?
if isinstance(v, type | _GenericAlias | GenericAlias | _UnionGenericAlias):
v = post_process_type(v)[0]
v = format_type(v)
elif not isinstance(v, str):
msg = f"type must be a string or a type, not {type(v)}"
raise ValueError(msg) # noqa: TRY004
return v
class Output(BaseModel):
types: list[str] = Field(default=[])
"""List of output types for the field."""
selected: str | None = Field(default=None)
"""The selected output type for the field."""
name: str = Field(description="The name of the field.")
"""The name of the field."""
hidden: bool | None = Field(default=None)
"""Dictates if the field is hidden."""
display_name: str | None = Field(default=None)
"""The display name of the field."""
method: str | None = Field(default=None)
"""The method to use for the output."""
value: Any | None = Field(default=UNDEFINED)
"""The result of the Output. Dynamically updated as execution occurs."""
cache: bool = Field(default=True)
required_inputs: list[str] | None = Field(default=None)
"""List of required inputs for this output."""
def to_dict(self):
return self.model_dump(by_alias=True, exclude_none=True)
def add_types(self, type_: list[Any]) -> None:
if self.types is None:
self.types = []
self.types.extend([t for t in type_ if t not in self.types])
def set_selected(self) -> None:
if not self.selected and self.types:
self.selected = self.types[0]
def serialize_model(self, handler):
result = handler(self)
if self.value == UNDEFINED:
result["value"] = UNDEFINED.value
return result
def validate_model(self):
if self.value == UNDEFINED.value:
self.value = UNDEFINED
if self.name is None:
msg = "name must be set"
raise ValueError(msg)
if self.display_name is None:
self.display_name = self.name
return self