Tai Truong
fix readme
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, cast
from loguru import logger
from pydantic import BaseModel
from langflow.graph.vertex.base import Vertex
from langflow.processing.utils import validate_and_repair_json
from langflow.schema.graph import InputValue, Tweaks
from langflow.schema.schema import INPUT_FIELD_NAME
from langflow.services.deps import get_settings_service
from langflow.api.v1.schemas import InputValueRequest
from langflow.graph.graph.base import Graph
from langflow.graph.schema import RunOutputs
class Result(BaseModel):
result: Any
session_id: str
async def run_graph_internal(
graph: Graph,
flow_id: str,
stream: bool = False,
session_id: str | None = None,
inputs: list[InputValueRequest] | None = None,
outputs: list[str] | None = None,
) -> tuple[list[RunOutputs], str]:
"""Run the graph and generate the result."""
inputs = inputs or []
effective_session_id = session_id or flow_id
components = []
inputs_list = []
types = []
for input_value_request in inputs:
if input_value_request.input_value is None:
logger.warning("InputValueRequest input_value cannot be None, defaulting to an empty string.")
input_value_request.input_value = ""
components.append(input_value_request.components or [])
inputs_list.append({INPUT_FIELD_NAME: input_value_request.input_value})
fallback_to_env_vars = get_settings_service().settings.fallback_to_env_var
graph.session_id = effective_session_id
run_outputs = await graph.arun(
outputs=outputs or [],
session_id=effective_session_id or "",
return run_outputs, effective_session_id
async def run_graph(
graph: Graph,
input_value: str,
input_type: str,
output_type: str,
session_id: str | None = None,
fallback_to_env_vars: bool = False,
output_component: str | None = None,
) -> list[RunOutputs]:
"""Runs the given Langflow Graph with the specified input and returns the outputs.
graph (Graph): The graph to be executed.
input_value (str): The input value to be passed to the graph.
input_type (str): The type of the input value.
output_type (str): The type of the desired output.
session_id (str | None, optional): The session ID to be used for the flow. Defaults to None.
fallback_to_env_vars (bool, optional): Whether to fallback to environment variables.
Defaults to False.
output_component (Optional[str], optional): The specific output component to retrieve. Defaults to None.
List[RunOutputs]: A list of RunOutputs objects representing the outputs of the graph.
inputs = [InputValue(components=[], input_value=input_value, type=input_type)]
if output_component:
outputs = [output_component]
outputs = [
for vertex in graph.vertices
if output_type == "debug"
or (vertex.is_output and (output_type == "any" or output_type in vertex.id.lower()))
components = []
inputs_list = []
types = []
for input_value_request in inputs:
if input_value_request.input_value is None:
logger.warning("InputValueRequest input_value cannot be None, defaulting to an empty string.")
input_value_request.input_value = ""
components.append(input_value_request.components or [])
inputs_list.append({INPUT_FIELD_NAME: input_value_request.input_value})
return await graph.arun(
outputs=outputs or [],
def validate_input(
graph_data: dict[str, Any], tweaks: Tweaks | dict[str, str | dict[str, Any]]
) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
if not isinstance(graph_data, dict) or not isinstance(tweaks, dict):
msg = "graph_data and tweaks should be dictionaries"
raise TypeError(msg)
nodes = graph_data.get("data", {}).get("nodes") or graph_data.get("nodes")
if not isinstance(nodes, list):
msg = "graph_data should contain a list of nodes under 'data' key or directly under 'nodes' key"
raise TypeError(msg)
return nodes
def apply_tweaks(node: dict[str, Any], node_tweaks: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
template_data = node.get("data", {}).get("node", {}).get("template")
if not isinstance(template_data, dict):
logger.warning(f"Template data for node {node.get('id')} should be a dictionary")
for tweak_name, tweak_value in node_tweaks.items():
if tweak_name not in template_data:
if tweak_name in template_data:
if template_data[tweak_name]["type"] == "NestedDict":
value = validate_and_repair_json(tweak_value)
template_data[tweak_name]["value"] = value
elif isinstance(tweak_value, dict):
for k, v in tweak_value.items():
k_ = "file_path" if template_data[tweak_name]["type"] == "file" else k
template_data[tweak_name][k_] = v
key = "file_path" if template_data[tweak_name]["type"] == "file" else "value"
template_data[tweak_name][key] = tweak_value
def apply_tweaks_on_vertex(vertex: Vertex, node_tweaks: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
for tweak_name, tweak_value in node_tweaks.items():
if tweak_name and tweak_value and tweak_name in vertex.params:
vertex.params[tweak_name] = tweak_value
def process_tweaks(
graph_data: dict[str, Any], tweaks: Tweaks | dict[str, dict[str, Any]], *, stream: bool = False
) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""This function is used to tweak the graph data using the node id and the tweaks dict.
:param graph_data: The dictionary containing the graph data. It must contain a 'data' key with
'nodes' as its child or directly contain 'nodes' key. Each node should have an 'id' and 'data'.
:param tweaks: The dictionary containing the tweaks. The keys can be the node id or the name of the tweak.
The values can be a dictionary containing the tweaks for the node or the value of the tweak.
:param stream: A boolean flag indicating whether streaming should be deactivated across all components or not.
Default is False.
:return: The modified graph_data dictionary.
:raises ValueError: If the input is not in the expected format.
tweaks_dict = cast("dict[str, Any]", tweaks.model_dump()) if not isinstance(tweaks, dict) else tweaks
if "stream" not in tweaks_dict:
tweaks_dict |= {"stream": stream}
nodes = validate_input(graph_data, cast("dict[str, str | dict[str, Any]]", tweaks_dict))
nodes_map = {node.get("id"): node for node in nodes}
nodes_display_name_map = {node.get("data", {}).get("node", {}).get("display_name"): node for node in nodes}
all_nodes_tweaks = {}
for key, value in tweaks_dict.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
if (node := nodes_map.get(key)) or (node := nodes_display_name_map.get(key)):
apply_tweaks(node, value)
all_nodes_tweaks[key] = value
if all_nodes_tweaks:
for node in nodes:
apply_tweaks(node, all_nodes_tweaks)
return graph_data
def process_tweaks_on_graph(graph: Graph, tweaks: dict[str, dict[str, Any]]):
for vertex in graph.vertices:
if isinstance(vertex, Vertex) and isinstance(vertex.id, str):
node_id = vertex.id
if node_tweaks := tweaks.get(node_id):
apply_tweaks_on_vertex(vertex, node_tweaks)
logger.warning("Each node should be a Vertex with an 'id' attribute of type str")
return graph