Tai Truong
fix readme
from __future__ import annotations
import json
from collections.abc import Generator
from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
from uuid import UUID
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from loguru import logger
from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic.v1 import BaseModel as V1BaseModel
from langflow.interface.utils import extract_input_variables_from_prompt
from langflow.schema.data import Data
from langflow.schema.message import Message
from langflow.services.database.models.transactions.crud import log_transaction as crud_log_transaction
from langflow.services.database.models.transactions.model import TransactionBase
from langflow.services.database.models.vertex_builds.crud import log_vertex_build as crud_log_vertex_build
from langflow.services.database.models.vertex_builds.model import VertexBuildBase
from langflow.services.database.utils import async_session_getter
from langflow.services.deps import get_db_service, get_settings_service
from langflow.api.v1.schemas import ResultDataResponse
from langflow.graph.vertex.base import Vertex
class UnbuiltObject:
class UnbuiltResult:
class ArtifactType(str, Enum):
TEXT = "text"
RECORD = "record"
OBJECT = "object"
ARRAY = "array"
STREAM = "stream"
UNKNOWN = "unknown"
MESSAGE = "message"
def validate_prompt(prompt: str):
"""Validate prompt."""
if extract_input_variables_from_prompt(prompt):
return prompt
return fix_prompt(prompt)
def fix_prompt(prompt: str):
"""Fix prompt."""
return prompt + " {input}"
def flatten_list(list_of_lists: list[list | Any]) -> list:
"""Flatten list of lists."""
new_list = []
for item in list_of_lists:
if isinstance(item, list):
return new_list
def serialize_field(value):
"""Serialize field.
Unified serialization function for handling both BaseModel and Document types,
including handling lists of these types.
if isinstance(value, list | tuple):
return [serialize_field(v) for v in value]
if isinstance(value, Document):
return value.to_json()
if isinstance(value, BaseModel):
return serialize_field(value.model_dump())
if isinstance(value, dict):
return {k: serialize_field(v) for k, v in value.items()}
if isinstance(value, V1BaseModel):
if hasattr(value, "to_json"):
return value.to_json()
return value.dict()
return str(value)
def get_artifact_type(value, build_result) -> str:
result = ArtifactType.UNKNOWN
match value:
case Data():
result = ArtifactType.RECORD
case str():
result = ArtifactType.TEXT
case dict():
result = ArtifactType.OBJECT
case list():
result = ArtifactType.ARRAY
case Message():
result = ArtifactType.MESSAGE
if result == ArtifactType.UNKNOWN and (
isinstance(build_result, Generator) or (isinstance(value, Message) and isinstance(value.text, Generator))
result = ArtifactType.STREAM
return result.value
def post_process_raw(raw, artifact_type: str):
if artifact_type == ArtifactType.STREAM.value:
raw = ""
return raw
def _vertex_to_primitive_dict(target: Vertex) -> dict:
"""Cleans the parameters of the target vertex."""
# Removes all keys that the values aren't python types like str, int, bool, etc.
params = {
key: value for key, value in target.params.items() if isinstance(value, str | int | bool | float | list | dict)
# if it is a list we need to check if the contents are python types
for key, value in params.items():
if isinstance(value, list):
params[key] = [item for item in value if isinstance(item, str | int | bool | float | list | dict)]
return params
async def log_transaction(
flow_id: str | UUID, source: Vertex, status, target: Vertex | None = None, error=None
) -> None:
if not get_settings_service().settings.transactions_storage_enabled:
if not flow_id:
if source.graph.flow_id:
flow_id = source.graph.flow_id
inputs = _vertex_to_primitive_dict(source)
transaction = TransactionBase(
target_id=target.id if target else None,
# ugly hack to get the model dump with weird datatypes
outputs=json.loads(source.result.model_dump_json()) if source.result else None,
flow_id=flow_id if isinstance(flow_id, UUID) else UUID(flow_id),
async with async_session_getter(get_db_service()) as session:
inserted = await crud_log_transaction(session, transaction)
logger.debug(f"Logged transaction: {inserted.id}")
except Exception: # noqa: BLE001
logger.exception("Error logging transaction")
async def log_vertex_build(
flow_id: str,
vertex_id: str,
valid: bool,
params: Any,
data: ResultDataResponse,
artifacts: dict | None = None,
) -> None:
if not get_settings_service().settings.vertex_builds_storage_enabled:
vertex_build = VertexBuildBase(
params=str(params) if params else None,
# ugly hack to get the model dump with weird datatypes
# ugly hack to get the model dump with weird datatypes
artifacts=json.loads(json.dumps(artifacts, default=str)),
async with async_session_getter(get_db_service()) as session:
inserted = await crud_log_vertex_build(session, vertex_build)
logger.debug(f"Logged vertex build: {inserted.build_id}")
except Exception: # noqa: BLE001
logger.exception("Error logging vertex build")
def rewrite_file_path(file_path: str):
file_path = file_path.replace("\\", "/")
if ":" in file_path:
file_path = file_path.split(":", 1)[-1]
file_path_split = [part for part in file_path.split("/") if part]
if len(file_path_split) > 1:
consistent_file_path = f"{file_path_split[-2]}/{file_path_split[-1]}"
consistent_file_path = "/".join(file_path_split)
return [consistent_file_path]