Tai Truong
fix readme
from __future__ import annotations
from collections.abc import Callable, Sequence
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar
import yaml
from cachetools import TTLCache
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from pydantic import BaseModel
from langflow.custom.custom_component.base_component import BaseComponent
from langflow.helpers.flow import list_flows, load_flow, run_flow
from langflow.schema import Data
from langflow.services.deps import get_storage_service, get_variable_service, session_scope
from langflow.services.storage.service import StorageService
from langflow.template.utils import update_frontend_node_with_template_values
from langflow.type_extraction.type_extraction import post_process_type
from langflow.utils import validate
from langchain.callbacks.base import BaseCallbackHandler
from langflow.graph.graph.base import Graph
from langflow.graph.vertex.base import Vertex
from langflow.schema.dotdict import dotdict
from langflow.schema.schema import OutputValue
from langflow.services.storage.service import StorageService
from langflow.services.tracing.schema import Log
from langflow.services.tracing.service import TracingService
class CustomComponent(BaseComponent):
"""Represents a custom component in Langflow.
name (Optional[str]): This attribute helps the frontend apply styles to known components.
display_name (Optional[str]): The display name of the custom component.
description (Optional[str]): The description of the custom component.
code (Optional[str]): The code of the custom component.
field_config (dict): The field configuration of the custom component.
code_class_base_inheritance (ClassVar[str]): The base class name for the custom component.
function_entrypoint_name (ClassVar[str]): The name of the function entrypoint for the custom component.
function (Optional[Callable]): The function associated with the custom component.
repr_value (Optional[Any]): The representation value of the custom component.
user_id (Optional[Union[UUID, str]]): The user ID associated with the custom component.
status (Optional[Any]): The status of the custom component.
_tree (Optional[dict]): The code tree of the custom component.
name: str | None = None
"""The name of the component used to styles. Defaults to None."""
display_name: str | None = None
"""The display name of the component. Defaults to None."""
description: str | None = None
"""The description of the component. Defaults to None."""
icon: str | None = None
"""The icon of the component. It should be an emoji. Defaults to None."""
is_input: bool | None = None
"""The input state of the component. Defaults to None.
If True, the component must have a field named 'input_value'."""
add_tool_output: bool | None = False
"""Indicates whether the component will be treated as a tool. Defaults to False."""
is_output: bool | None = None
"""The output state of the component. Defaults to None.
If True, the component must have a field named 'input_value'."""
field_config: dict = {}
"""The field configuration of the component. Defaults to an empty dictionary."""
field_order: list[str] | None = None
"""The field order of the component. Defaults to an empty list."""
frozen: bool | None = False
"""The default frozen state of the component. Defaults to False."""
build_parameters: dict | None = None
"""The build parameters of the component. Defaults to None."""
_vertex: Vertex | None = None
"""The edge target parameter of the component. Defaults to None."""
_code_class_base_inheritance: ClassVar[str] = "CustomComponent"
function_entrypoint_name: ClassVar[str] = "build"
function: Callable | None = None
repr_value: Any | None = ""
status: Any | None = None
"""The status of the component. This is displayed on the frontend. Defaults to None."""
_flows_data: list[Data] | None = None
_outputs: list[OutputValue] = []
_logs: list[Log] = []
_output_logs: dict[str, list[Log] | Log] = {}
_tracing_service: TracingService | None = None
_tree: dict | None = None
def __init__(self, **data) -> None:
"""Initializes a new instance of the CustomComponent class.
**data: Additional keyword arguments to initialize the custom component.
self.cache: TTLCache = TTLCache(maxsize=1024, ttl=60)
self._logs: list[Log] = []
self._results: dict = {}
self._artifacts: dict = {}
def set_attributes(self, parameters: dict) -> None:
def set_parameters(self, parameters: dict) -> None:
self._parameters = parameters
def trace_name(self) -> str:
if hasattr(self, "_id") and self._id is None:
msg = "Component id is not set"
raise ValueError(msg)
if hasattr(self, "_id"):
return f"{self.display_name} ({self._id})"
return f"{self.display_name}"
def update_state(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None:
if not self._vertex:
msg = "Vertex is not set"
raise ValueError(msg)
self._vertex.graph.update_state(name=name, record=value, caller=self._vertex.id)
except Exception as e:
msg = f"Error updating state: {e}"
raise ValueError(msg) from e
def stop(self, output_name: str | None = None) -> None:
if not output_name and self._vertex and len(self._vertex.outputs) == 1:
output_name = self._vertex.outputs[0]["name"]
elif not output_name:
msg = "You must specify an output name to call stop"
raise ValueError(msg)
if not self._vertex:
msg = "Vertex is not set"
raise ValueError(msg)
self.graph.mark_branch(vertex_id=self._vertex.id, output_name=output_name, state="INACTIVE")
except Exception as e:
msg = f"Error stopping {self.display_name}: {e}"
raise ValueError(msg) from e
def append_state(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None:
if not self._vertex:
msg = "Vertex is not set"
raise ValueError(msg)
self._vertex.graph.append_state(name=name, record=value, caller=self._vertex.id)
except Exception as e:
msg = f"Error appending state: {e}"
raise ValueError(msg) from e
def get_state(self, name: str):
if not self._vertex:
msg = "Vertex is not set"
raise ValueError(msg)
return self._vertex.graph.get_state(name=name)
except Exception as e:
msg = f"Error getting state: {e}"
raise ValueError(msg) from e
def resolve_path(path: str) -> str:
"""Resolves the path to an absolute path."""
if not path:
return path
path_object = Path(path)
if path_object.parts and path_object.parts[0] == "~":
path_object = path_object.expanduser()
elif path_object.is_relative_to("."):
path_object = path_object.resolve()
return str(path_object)
def get_full_path(self, path: str) -> str:
storage_svc: StorageService = get_storage_service()
flow_id, file_name = path.split("/", 1)
return storage_svc.build_full_path(flow_id, file_name)
def graph(self):
return self._vertex.graph
def user_id(self):
if hasattr(self, "_user_id") and self._user_id:
return self._user_id
return self.graph.user_id
def flow_id(self):
return self.graph.flow_id
def flow_name(self):
return self.graph.flow_name
def _get_field_order(self):
return self.field_order or list(self.field_config.keys())
def custom_repr(self):
"""Returns the custom representation of the custom component.
str: The custom representation of the custom component.
if self.repr_value == "":
self.repr_value = self.status
if isinstance(self.repr_value, dict):
return yaml.dump(self.repr_value)
if isinstance(self.repr_value, str):
return self.repr_value
if isinstance(self.repr_value, BaseModel) and not isinstance(self.repr_value, Data):
return str(self.repr_value)
return self.repr_value
def build_config(self):
"""Builds the configuration for the custom component.
dict: The configuration for the custom component.
return self.field_config
def update_build_config(
build_config: dotdict,
field_value: Any,
field_name: str | None = None,
build_config[field_name]["value"] = field_value
return build_config
def tree(self):
"""Gets the code tree of the custom component.
dict: The code tree of the custom component.
return self.get_code_tree(self._code or "")
def to_data(self, data: Any, *, keys: list[str] | None = None, silent_errors: bool = False) -> list[Data]:
"""Converts input data into a list of Data objects.
data (Any): The input data to be converted. It can be a single item or a sequence of items.
If the input data is a Langchain Document, text_key and data_key are ignored.
keys (List[str], optional): The keys to access the text and data values in each item.
It should be a list of strings where the first element is the text key and the second element
is the data key.
Defaults to None, in which case the default keys "text" and "data" are used.
silent_errors (bool, optional): Whether to suppress errors when the specified keys are not found
in the data.
List[Data]: A list of Data objects.
ValueError: If the input data is not of a valid type or if the specified keys are not found in the data.
if not keys:
keys = []
data_objects = []
if not isinstance(data, Sequence):
data = [data]
for item in data:
data_dict = {}
if isinstance(item, Document):
data_dict = item.metadata
data_dict["text"] = item.page_content
elif isinstance(item, BaseModel):
model_dump = item.model_dump()
for key in keys:
if silent_errors:
data_dict[key] = model_dump.get(key, "")
data_dict[key] = model_dump[key]
except KeyError as e:
msg = f"Key {key} not found in {item}"
raise ValueError(msg) from e
elif isinstance(item, str):
data_dict = {"text": item}
elif isinstance(item, dict):
data_dict = item.copy()
msg = f"Invalid data type: {type(item)}"
raise TypeError(msg)
return data_objects
def get_method_return_type(self, method_name: str):
build_method = self.get_method(method_name)
if not build_method or not build_method.get("has_return"):
return []
return_type = build_method["return_type"]
return self._extract_return_type(return_type)
def create_references_from_data(self, data: list[Data], *, include_data: bool = False) -> str:
"""Create references from a list of data.
data (List[dict]): A list of data, where each record is a dictionary.
include_data (bool, optional): Whether to include data in the references. Defaults to False.
str: A string containing the references in markdown format.
if not data:
return ""
markdown_string = "---\n"
for value in data:
markdown_string += f"- Text: {value.get_text()}"
if include_data:
markdown_string += f" Data: {value.data}"
markdown_string += "\n"
return markdown_string
def get_function_entrypoint_args(self) -> list:
"""Gets the arguments of the function entrypoint for the custom component.
list: The arguments of the function entrypoint.
build_method = self.get_method(self._function_entrypoint_name)
if not build_method:
return []
args = build_method["args"]
for arg in args:
if not arg.get("type") and arg.get("name") != "self":
# Set the type to Data
arg["type"] = "Data"
return args
def get_method(self, method_name: str):
"""Gets the build method for the custom component.
dict: The build method for the custom component.
if not self._code:
return {}
component_classes = [
cls for cls in self.tree["classes"] if "Component" in cls["bases"] or "CustomComponent" in cls["bases"]
if not component_classes:
return {}
# Assume the first Component class is the one we're interested in
component_class = component_classes[0]
build_methods = [method for method in component_class["methods"] if method["name"] == (method_name)]
return build_methods[0] if build_methods else {}
def _get_function_entrypoint_return_type(self) -> list[Any]:
"""Gets the return type of the function entrypoint for the custom component.
List[Any]: The return type of the function entrypoint.
return self.get_method_return_type(self._function_entrypoint_name)
def _extract_return_type(self, return_type: Any) -> list[Any]:
return post_process_type(return_type)
def get_main_class_name(self):
"""Gets the main class name of the custom component.
str: The main class name of the custom component.
if not self._code:
return ""
base_name = self._code_class_base_inheritance
method_name = self._function_entrypoint_name
classes = []
for item in self.tree.get("classes", []):
if base_name in item["bases"]:
method_names = [method["name"] for method in item["methods"]]
if method_name in method_names:
# Get just the first item
return next(iter(classes), "")
def template_config(self):
"""Gets the template configuration for the custom component.
dict: The template configuration for the custom component.
if not self._template_config:
self._template_config = self.build_template_config()
return self._template_config
def variables(self):
"""Returns the variable for the current user with the specified name.
ValueError: If the user id is not set.
The variable for the current user with the specified name.
def get_variable(name: str, field: str):
if hasattr(self, "_user_id") and not self.user_id:
msg = f"User id is not set for {self.__class__.__name__}"
raise ValueError(msg)
variable_service = get_variable_service() # Get service instance
# Retrieve and decrypt the variable by name for the current user
with session_scope() as session:
user_id = self.user_id or ""
return variable_service.get_variable(user_id=user_id, name=name, field=field, session=session)
return get_variable
def list_key_names(self):
"""Lists the names of the variables for the current user.
ValueError: If the user id is not set.
List[str]: The names of the variables for the current user.
if hasattr(self, "_user_id") and not self.user_id:
msg = f"User id is not set for {self.__class__.__name__}"
raise ValueError(msg)
variable_service = get_variable_service()
with session_scope() as session:
return variable_service.list_variables_sync(user_id=self.user_id, session=session)
def index(self, value: int = 0):
"""Returns a function that returns the value at the given index in the iterable.
value (int): The index value.
Callable: A function that returns the value at the given index.
def get_index(iterable: list[Any]):
return iterable[value] if iterable else iterable
return get_index
def get_function(self):
"""Gets the function associated with the custom component.
Callable: The function associated with the custom component.
return validate.create_function(self._code, self._function_entrypoint_name)
async def load_flow(self, flow_id: str, tweaks: dict | None = None) -> Graph:
if not self.user_id:
msg = "Session is invalid"
raise ValueError(msg)
return await load_flow(user_id=str(self.user_id), flow_id=flow_id, tweaks=tweaks)
async def run_flow(
inputs: dict | list[dict] | None = None,
flow_id: str | None = None,
flow_name: str | None = None,
output_type: str | None = "chat",
tweaks: dict | None = None,
) -> Any:
return await run_flow(
def list_flows(self) -> list[Data]:
if not self.user_id:
msg = "Session is invalid"
raise ValueError(msg)
return list_flows(user_id=str(self.user_id))
except Exception as e:
msg = f"Error listing flows: {e}"
raise ValueError(msg) from e
def build(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
"""Builds the custom component.
*args: The positional arguments.
**kwargs: The keyword arguments.
Any: The result of the build process.
raise NotImplementedError
def post_code_processing(self, new_frontend_node: dict, current_frontend_node: dict):
"""This function is called after the code validation is done."""
return update_frontend_node_with_template_values(
frontend_node=new_frontend_node, raw_frontend_node=current_frontend_node
def get_langchain_callbacks(self) -> list[BaseCallbackHandler]:
if self._tracing_service:
return self._tracing_service.get_langchain_callbacks()
return []